

"Yo, Damen, heard you gettin a step sista. She hot?" Drew asked when him and I were playin vidio games.
I really didnt know what she was gun look like. All dad told me was she wears fake nerd glasses and had a great personality. "I dunno shit," I mumbled running a hand over my tan skin.
"Yeah, we know dat, nigga." D-shawn said smackin the back of my head.
"Fuck! What the fuck was dat for?" I snapped.
He laughed. "For ditchen my sista last night. She came home cryin. I thought she'd never go to sleep."
"Damen," my dad yelled. "tell your little friends to go home. Tatiana and Meghan will be here soon."
"Tatiana! Who's that?"
"Either my step mum or my step sista." I said.
"Awww, now you're goin all australian on us. I thought you were over that." Drew said.
"They aint leavin, Dad. They can put up wit my boys. And only two are here."
Dad poked his head in. "They better behave. I dont want them to hate it here and move back into Tatiana's ex's place. She may be in a bad mood when she gets here."
Dad left and we decided to watch a movie. "Tatiana...." Drew and D-shawn mused.
"Sexy name. Bet ya she's a slut." Drew said.
"Hello, my cousin's name is Tatiana and sha aint no slut." D-shawn said offended.
We fell asleep watching the movie only cause it was dark and the movie was boring us. Dad woke us up hours later. I yawned then we followed my dad downstairs. A sexy girl in fake nerd glasses was arging silently with an older women.
"I dont fucking care, mom, I'm tired of his shit. He made me loose the baby. So many stairs." she yelled.
The older women clamped a hand on her mouth. "Honey, it's fine. He killed your brother. You didnt. Stop beatin yourself up. Now be your daddy's prize and smile that gorgouse smile that won you all those beauty pagents."
The younger girl turned around and found my dad. "Daniel, I love you house. It's so amazing." she said.
Dad smiled. "Thanks, tater tot."
She giggled then came up to me. "Hi. I am Tatiana. I dont know you so you're a rapist until I know you." she said then giggled. Everyone except me laughed. "Aww, dude, I was joking. Get the stick outa yo ass and smile."
I smiled. "I'm Damen." I said holding out my hand.
She stared at it like it had a bug on it. "I dont shake people's hands. It's just not friendly." she said then wrapped her arms around my neck.
I was hella confused. I'd never met a girl like her. Maybe I could get use to this. She pulled away and introduced herself to the other two. I walked over to her mother and smiled.
She smiled. "Well, arnt you a tall one. Sorry about Tat. She likes meeting people." she said.
"Mom, it's not a reason to appologize." Tatiana yelled.
It made me jump.
Tatiana then walked out the door. D-shawn went after her like a gentalman. I looked at dad then at my new mom. "Why did she do that?" I asked.
"She likes being herself around people. She doesnt think people should appologize for other's behavior." she said then sighed.
I nodded. I heard a giggle and they came back inside. She had a really big smile like she just...
I eyed D-shawn and he backed up before I chased him through the house.

Later we were in the pool and Dad was cooking on the BBQ. Tatiana was still in her room and D-shawn had a smirk on his face. She came down with tears in her eyes. "Honey, what's wrong?" mom asked.
"I'm late. But I am one hundred percent a virgin." she said.
"Honey, it's fine. It use to happpen to me all the time. You're just tired. Stop thinking about him and sleep. Ok? If you dont I will beat you with a rusty goat."
I got out of the pool and hugged Tat. She smiled warmly then patted my head. "Thank you, brother. I needed that." she said happily. I think I'm in love with my step sister.
She smelt good and her eyes were just so gorgouse.
"Ay, Tatiana, wanna go to the movies wit me tomarrow?" D-shawn yelled.
She smiled. "Maybe, rapist." she said.
He laughed and shook his head.


Hmm. I'm in my new room and someone knocks on my door. It's D-shawn. The hottie with a body. He grinned at me then closed the door. I sat up and he sat in front of me. I put my hands on his cheeks and brushed a thumb across his bottom lip. His brown eyes look me up and down as he runs his dark hands down my body. I love him. I love him so much it hurts.

"Hello?" someone yelled from outside waking me up from my wonderful dream. D-shawn gets thrown through my door. He literally knocked it over. Sexy beast broke my door. I screamed because I only had a bra and my panties on
D-shawn looked at me and gasped. "I'm sorry, Tater tot." I'd only been here a day and these guys love me. I love it.
D-sawn is such a gental man. It makes me love him most. I cant help but curse then tell him to get out because I am half nude.
He nodded before leaving. When I showered and got dressed I walked downstairs to see a whole bunch of guys on the couch. D-shawn was looking at his hands avoiding me. Hurt, I walked into the kitchen and my phone vibrated in my pocket.
I pulled it out. "Hello?" I asked.
"Hey, sweetheart. You comin to see me next week?" my dad asked.
"Yah. I hate it here, dad. There is so many boys and my head hurts."
He chuckled.
"I'm glad you find this funny, old man." I said.
"Sorry, honey. You're just so adorable. I gotta go. I got company." he said then hung up.
I turned around and D-shawn is behind me. I jumped then smiled. "You scared me," I said softly.
He smiled. "I sowwy, Tatiana." he said.
I put my arms around his neck and rose to my tippy toes and kissed his chin. He was much taller than me. He leaned down a little bit and met my lips. He kissed me slowly and passionatly. When he pulled away he pressed his beautiful lips to my forehead. "You a great kissa ma." he said.
I raised my brow. "Thanks?"
He laughed. "Tatiana, I want you ta be mine." he said. "Will you be my girl?" he asked.
I couldnt help but smile and put my head in his neck. "Yes,"
He picked me up and spun in circles. "Damn, you make me da happiest man in the world." he whispered in my ear.
I giggled.
"D-shawn," someone yelled.
"Yo, in da kitchen, nigga."
My phone vibrated and I answered. D-shawn let go of me while I was on the phone. "Hiya," I said.
"Hey, babe." Natali said.
"Hey, naughty, fuck anyone good lately?"
"Yes. Your ex. But now I am gun settle with my baby." she said.
"Coooooooool," I sang.
"Shake dat ass for me, baby." she said.
I rolled my eyes. "You're not here to see my ass move." I said.
Natalie is my besti we do everything together. D-shawn snikered.
"I'll come see you. Tate, I misssss you. Come home." she yelled.
I rolled my eyes. "I cant. Me gotta live with mommy and her new husband. I want to marry Taylor Lautner. Mmmmm, he has a nice ass." I said.
She laughed. "Kyle wants to talk. Talk to you later, babe."
Kevin. Crap! I cant talk to my ex. "Hey, baby." he said softly.
I didnt say anything. I just stared at the wall terrified for my life.
"So umm, how is you?" he asked.
"Fine. I'm gettin married so stop callin me, shit face." I said.
"What have I told you about talkin to me like dat, women."
"Kyle, I'm not yours. You can kiss my tan ass." I said.
"I will," he said before I hung up.
"You ok?" Damem asked me coming into the kitchen.
I nodded. "I missed Lady Gaga's latest food outfit." I lied.
He looked at me weird.
"I'm leaving." I blurted out then went upstairs. I called my mom and my step dad picked up. "I have to go before he finds me." I said.
"Who finds you, honey?"
"Kyle," i said shakily.
"Honey, D-shawn, Drew, or Damen wouldnt let nothing happen to you. Did you tell me your boyfriend is living in the past and he thinks blacks should be seperated from whites?" he asked me as I grabbed a razor and cut a box opened.
"Yah. He is also afraid of them." I said.
"Well, I call D-shawn and explain the situation to him."
"No," I cried. "I want to leave before he gets hurt. I love him, dude."
"Tatiana, stay there." he said then hung up.
I changed my pants into black skinny jeans and relized D-shawn and Drew were watching me. "Hey, you broke my door and I need to get outa here." I said.
D-shawn snapped out of his trance and looked at me seariously. "Who wants you, ma?" he asked.
"My ex," I stammered throwing some of my stuff in my backpack.
He came over to me and shook his head. "Passports, plane ticket to Australia, boarding school? You gonna leave me, baby?" he asked.
I nodded. "It's for your own good. I shouldnt have said yes. I'm sorry, D-shawn. My ex is dangerous." I said.
He pulled me into his arms and I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder. I looked up to him and he was crying. I smiled and whiped his tears. "Dont tell me you fell for me," I said.
He smiled and nodded. "You know it, Tat." he whispered.
I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his chin. He was so damn tall.
"Wait, you two are dating?" Drew asked.
D-shawn hid his face in my neck. "Yes," I murmmered stroking his hair.
Drew smiled. "Good luck wit im, Tater tot. That boys gets in more trouble than the rest of us." Drew said smiling.
I rolled my eyes and comforted D-shawn.
"Though, I've never seen him cry. Why do you have passports and that shit?" he asked.
"My back up plan," I said.
"For?" D-shawn asked.
"Incase Kyle finds out where and who my mum fell in love with." I said.
"Dude, you got a fake accent too?"
"It's not fake. My dad is full australian and it just comes and goes when it wants to."
Drew smiled.
"Do you have to leave?" D-shawn asked kissing my neck.
I sighed and nodded but at the same time shook my head.
"What was that?" he asked confused.
"I dont want to but it's protecting my mom and you and the other two. My mum is happy and I want her to be. My dad works at a boarding school in Australia." I said taking my hand off D-shawn's neck to whip a tear away.
He smiled against my skin. "Tell me about this guy that hates blacks." he said.
I told him about Kyle and how I was supose to get married to him. My dad didnt want me to so he called it off. But Kyle wroks for a mob and he is adddicted to Patron and sex. He stayed faithful to me for a little while but couldnt take it any longer. So my mum and I took a plane to australia.
"So he is scared and he hates blacks?" Drew asked.
"Yes. He is just a big fat racist jerk." I said.
"Hmm! I wonder how he'll feel now that you're dating a black man." D-shawn said.
I shuddered then kissed him roughly. Suprise took him then he kissed me back. We were sitting on my bed so I pulled away. "Dont you dare find out. He owns almost every wepon in the world."
"And what wepons does he not have?" Drew asked.
"The ones from Australia and Africa. I have em." I said then got up. I went over to the box and pulled out a sweatshirt that I hit them in. I layed them out on my bed and they looked at them like they were the best thing in the world.
"And how did you get these?"
"I had an older brother too. He takes me everywhere. We stole these from a mob when I was thirteen." I said patting the Australian knives and guns. "We got these ones when I was eight. I got amazing scar from that trip."
"Me wanna see," D-shawn said.
I stood up and turned so he could see my side. I lifted my shirt and showed him a scar from a guy stabbing me.
"Tell me why the hell would an older brother let their eight year old sista fight with men ten times her size." he ordered.
"Daniel and my grandfather decided that I needed to learn the ways of our family. Our family goes way back to the beginning of time. A girl that looked like me and had my personality mated with a guy and they had a kid and when the kid was eight she taught her how you defend herself."
"Why dont you use your skills then?" Drew asked.
"Daniel told me big no no if I'm insainly inexpeirienced." I said.
D-shawn shook his head. "Ma, I wanna see you use these things." he said.
"Which ones?" I asked.
"Does it matter?" Drew asked.
"Do you want me dead?" I snapped.
"The ones that wont kill you." D-shawn said.
I grabbed the Australian ones and followed them to a fighting room. D-shawn's name was on one wall. "Hey, we havnt been down here in awhile. I memeber when you did that." Drew said.
He chuckled. "Yah. Told you bitches not to mess with me. Didnt listen." D-shawn and Drew sat on a bench and smiled at me.
"D-shawn, I need someone to help me. I promis I wont hit you." I said.
D-shawn smiled then got up. He came over to me. "Give me a kiss, babe." he said.
I smiled then kissed him lightly.
"Ok. What do you want me to do?" he asked.
"Back up five feet, please." I said.
He backed up five feet. I dont know why but when I am handling a wepon I think of Mozart and twiinkle twinkle little star. I grabbed blades and put a gun in my jeans then a knife in my boot. Drew watched me as if I were teaching him something.
I put one last knife in my bra then swung the blades around for a few then sucked in a breath. "Please be fast, D-shawn." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I am good with these. And I can get out of control when using them." I said.
He nodded then rolled up the sleevs on his shirt. Moving fastly I worked with the blades and D-shawn didnt expect it. It scared me when he didnt move. He moved last minute though. "That'll get you killed." I growled then lunged forward again.
When he got the blades out of my hands I pulled the gun out and shot at him. He ran and they hit the wall. They were blanks. When he got the gun out of my hand I worked with the dagger.
"Tatiana Mere," my brother snapped making me drop the dagger.
"Danny?" I asked.
"Who do you expect. Mom called me and told me you were tryin to leave her and I come here and find you showin off your skills. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I was raped," I lied.
He rolled his eyes. "You've gotten better. I wanna be your dummy though. You were looking really hesitant and we dont want that."
D-shawn kissed my forehead then went to sit with Drew.
"Daniel, I regret nothing. I dont care you're a manwhore, I dont care that you tried sleepin with my bestie, I hate your guts." I lied.
He nodded. "Have at it, my dear." he said.
I picked up my gun and stopped. "Wait, you have the vest?" I asked.
He patted his chest.
"Give it back. That's mine." I said.
He laughed. "Not with your aiming. Those guys you shot wouldnt be able to avoid your heart shot." He pulled his silver beauty out of the waist band of his jeans. "Here you go, squirt, have at it."
I set my gun down and squealed. "I love this thing." I said when I took it.
"It's my new one. Well, it's your new one. Grandfather gave it to me to give to you. He says you're ready to go to Alaska. What do you think? A little chilly fighting."
I gasped. "Te amo, brotha."
"He said you can go as long as you beat me up pretty good and dont get pregnant."
I rolled my eyes then shot him in the heart. He fell back with a gasp. He got up.
"Not fair, I wasnt ready. What have I told you about that?"
"Wait till your oppnint is ready. But that dont make any sense. You want your oppnint distracted when you fire the blow that can end their life."
"Sure. You can take the safe road. Give me you gun and get the vest on."
I went over to my hoodie and pulled the bullet proof vest out. I put it on and took a few breaths adjusting to it. Drew and D-shawn watched like they were being taught. "You ok there?" I asked them.
They nodded. "You look cute when you smile." D-shawn said. I blushed.
Daniel barked a laugh. "I thought I said no more boyfriends."
"And I said you're a racist jerk."
It wasnt true. I just didnt want him telling me who to date. "You got that thing adjusted yet?" he asked.
I nodded and put my gun up.
"Take ya glasses off. I dont want them gettin broken." he said.
"Not fuckin fair. You know I cant see without them. If you havnt forgotten, the guy that hit my head blinded me." I yelled.
"That hasnt cured yet?" he asked.
"Nopa. Let me keep them on."
"Only cause you're adorable and I missed ya." he said.
"Let's go, man. I need to get goin." I said.
He put up his gun and smiled. "Keep it in the vests, little girl." he said then shot. I dodged then shot him. He charged the bullet then ducked. the bullet hit the wall behind D-shawn.
"Sorry," I yelled then ran. Daniel shot and I jumped in the air twisting so I would miss it. I didnt miss it. A bullet hit my arm. I screamed and fell on the ground. Daniel ran over to me so did the other two.
"You," he said pointing at Drew. "Go find me some twezers and bandages."
Drew got up and ran.
"I'm sorry, sister." he whispered to me. Tears in his eyes he looked at my wound. He jumped in delight. "It grazed."
D-shawn looked at him like he was insain. "I dont understand," I muttered. "I was jerking the right way."
"I shot twice, honey." Daniel said.
"You son of a bitch, that hurt." I screamed.
Drew came back down and handed Daniel the stuff.


As soon as Tatiana's bro was done with her wound she got up and stomped upstairs. Damon came running downstairs and glared daggers at us. "What did you three do to her?" he snapped pulling out his gun.
"Yo, Damon, I wouldnt. That's her bro." I said pointing at Daniel.
He lowered his gun and sighed. "D, your sister is looking for you. Says yo niggas are lookin for yo."
I nodded then went upstairs to Tatiana's room. She was admiring the gun her brother had given her. She looked up and smiled. "Hey, baby." she said cheerfully.
I smiled. "Get yo white ass over here and kiss me. My niggas are lookin for me." I said.
She giggled then patted her arm. "My dad says I need to take a break from walking." she said.
I chuckled then walked over to her. I leaned down and looked into her gorgouse eyes. She grabbed my colllar and pulled me down. I laughed then pressed my lips to hers. "I love you, ma." I said.
She looked like she'd break into tears. "Do you mean that?" she asked.
I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply and passionatly. "Yes. I mean it wit all my heart, baby." I said.
"You're gonna make me cry, D-shawn." she said.
I smiled. "So cry. I'll stay with you until you all cried out. I promis you the world, baby." I said then kissed her forehead.
"No. Your 'niggers' are looking for you. I'll take a nap then go hang out with my mommy." she said.
I shook my head. "My niggas can wait awhile so I can kiss my girl."
She looked up from my chest and smiled.
"Damon said you wore fake nerd glasses." I said.
"They are not fake. I got knocked in the head with a gun and it blinded me. The doctors say it's temporary." she said. "But they're just fake nerd glasses with my lenses popped in them."
I chuckled. "You's smart, baby. Will you do my homework for me?" I asked.
She giggled and shook her head. "I dont do homework for anyone except me. What grade are you?"
"Seinor," I said. "You?"
"Junior," She smiled. "I'd fail you if I did you homework for you."
I laughed. "I'm oready failin, ma." I said.
We spent the next hour or so talking. She fell asleep after telling me that I have somewhere to be. I got up from her bed and walked down to the living room. I grabbed my phone and it started ringing.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Where da fuck are you, nigga?" Tyshawn asked.
"I'm at Damon's house."
"Ok. Meet us at da mall. I have someone for you." he said then hung up.
I turned to Damon. "Send me a picture of your sister when she wakes up. I'ma show her off before you can." I said.
They laughed and I walked outside. I got into my truck and drove to the mall. Tyshawn, Derek, and Pete, and some chick were eating at the food court. I sat next to Derek and stole a bunch of frys from his plate.
"Dont touch my food, nigga." he snapped as I stuffed the frys in my mouth.
"Why you so late?" Tyshawn asked.
"I told my girl I loved her and she had a bad boyfriend before me and she felt like crying. So I told her that you niggas could wait." I said stealing a drink of Derek's soda.
"Couldnt your girl feed you?" he yelled.
"No. He brother and her were playing with guns and she got shot and Damn it, go get me food, nigga." I snapped.
Derek got up and walked to a line. "Tell us about your girl." Tyshawn said.
"She's Damon's new step sista. She is hot and she is really adorable." I said.
"Yo gun let us meet her?" Pete asked.
I shook my head. "Na. She's going through a hard time with her ex right now. She's gun go ta school with us. And she'll be at footballl practice with me."
Yes. I am on the football team. So are my niggers.
"Cool. Cool. She's Damon's sister?"
I nodded. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out.
It was a picture text from Damon. It had a picture of Tatiana smiling in a tree. It said:

Her brother is fucking amazing. Did you know Tatiana loves to make out in trees?

I just rolled my eyes. "Here." I showed them a picture of Tatiana.
"Dude, thought you wanted a black girl." Deredk said drooling over the picture. Then he threw a pizza box at me.
"No judging. She is actually better than the others. She sont care if I call her 'Ma' or wife."
"Well, I want a peice of that." Tyshawn said.
"Mine," I said putting my blackberry in my pocket.
"Let me meet her." Pete begged when we walked into where my sister works.
"No." I snapped.
Tyshawn leaned over the counter and kissed my baby sis. She giggled when he licked her neck. "Big D, you cominng home tonight?" she asked.
I shook my head. "Na. I only came to hang out with my niggas then I'm going to hang with my women."
"Who is she?" she asked.
"Crystal, he wont let me meet her." Tyshawn said.
She laughed.
"He has a picture. A really adorable picture." Derek said snatching my blackberry out of my pocket. "Haha, her name is Tatiana." He showed my sister the picture and she shook her head.
"What have I told you about hanging out with white bitches?"
I grabbed my phone and pushed Derek on the ground before slapping my sister. "What have I told you bout telling me what to do? I'm older than you, bitch. I hate you." I said then walked out to my truck.

My phone vibrated. It was Tatiana texting me.
Tate: Hey, baby
Me: He, ma.
Tate: I'm bored and I stoll your number from Damon. Did you know he likes me?
Me: Haha. No I didnt. Who wouldnt like you? I love you more dan anything.
Her: :) I love you too.
Me: I'll be there in a bit. My sister just pissed me off. Tell Damon I'm stayin there for however long my sister wants to be a bitch. Love ya!
I put my phone in my pocket then started driving. For some reason I was in a rush to get back to her. I've never felt like that before. I turned music up loud and went over the speed limit. I always go over the speed limit a bit.
My dad called me when I pulled into the driveway. "Hello?" I asked.
"Did you slap your sister?"
"Yes. She called my girl a bitch and told me what to do. She is my baby sister not my mom." I said.
He laughed. "Ok, son, you will be home at four. You can leave after your mom and I see you."
I hung up and went inside. Tatiana was dancing with her brother like a father would. Damon and Drew were recording it.
When they were done she giggled then punched Daniel. She looked at me and smiled. I held my arms out for her and she blused then walked over to me. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I stayin wit you, ma." I whispered in her ear.
She smiled. "How you stayin?" she asked seductivly.
Damn that was hot. If Daniel and Damon wernt sitting there I would grope her hard. "Hmmm, I have to think about that."
She giggled when my manhood poked her leg. "I am going to have fun with you." she said then pecked my lips and took me outside. She sat on the porch and sighed. "You're not gonna leave me if I dont have sex with you, right?" she asked sadly.
I leaned down and kissed her. "I respect your virtue. Only if I can have it when you're ready."
She smiled an adorable smile. I licked her cheek and she looked at me and laughed. "A guy has never done that to me before. They's like to lick my pussy, but I smacked them then broke their dicks with a baseball bat." she said.
I laughed then licked her neck. "I will lick you all over except there. I swear. Only when you're ready."
She layed down on the porch and giggled. "Your toung is trouble."
"Let me guess, Damon and Drew told you about all the pussy I've had?" I asked.
She smiled then kissed my cheek with her gorgouse pink lips. I layed on my stomch and smiled. "Yah. But oh well. Your past is your past. And they didnt tell me I heard them comparing how much pussy they've had with you and each other." she said.
I laughed.
"Your voice is so sexy. It drives me insain." she whispered. I almost didnt catch it.
I put my arm over her stomch and tucked my hand under her back. "You think my voice is sexy?" I asked.
She blushed. "You wernt supose to hear that." she yelled playfully.
"You're sexy," I said in the sexiest voice I could do.
She blushed and put her hands on her face. I took her hands off of her face and kissed her finger tips. "Dont hide your face from me. I want to see it everyminute of everyday."
"I'm going to Alaska for a week."
I laughed. "You gun make big bad guys beg for you?" I asked.
"Oh yah," she said sarcastically.
She rolled me over and straddled me. She slipped her hands under my shirt and gasped. I smiled as she ran her hands over my abes lightly. It kind of tickled so I laughed a little.
She pushed up my shirt and gasped again. "These are a turn on," she said then smacked my abes. I laughed then sat up and kissed her.
"I'm gonna take you to school tomarrow." I said.
She smiled. "Ok."


When Tatiana and I arrived at school we got out of my truck and a bunch of girls came over to me. "Hey, D-shawn." the head cheerleader said. I dont bother learning their names.
I pushed through them and walked over to Tatiana. "You're famouse," she said then pecked my lips.
"I'm famouse cause I got a big dick." I said making her laugh.
God, that laugh is intoxicating. It makes me so horney and happy. She giggled. "Are you excited? Or are you wearing that thing football people wear during football?"
"Every guy here wears one because there is this guy that likes dicks. Especially big ones and I like to keep myself protected on mondays." I explained.
"So if I wanted to have sex with you on a monday, you'd be wearing that thing?" she asked.
"Yes. Just mondays." I said. "He'll leave me alone any other thing."
She laughed. "So lead me inside. I am freezing and your body heat wont protect me." she said making me smile and scoop her up in my arms.
"You sure, ma?" I asked.
She nuzzled my neck and rubbed my neck like she did when she told me she was gun leave me. She nodded. "I'm still cold. Maybe if it was colder out then your body heat would save me." she said.
"You're weird, ma." I said.
"Thank you," she said then pulled back and reached up on her tip toes and kissed my chin. She so short. I bent down a little and kissed her deeply.
After I helped her with her locker and getting her books I found my niggas. I loved Tatiana so much. She was tired of her heels so she was walking through the hall with barefeet. She had a little eye liner on andmascara. She told me it was all the make up she wore.
"And who is this?" Tyshawn asked.
"She's the girl in the picture, nigga. Smile for me, sweetheart." Derek said to Tyshawn then Tatiana.
Tataiana stuck her toung out. "Are you a rapist too?" she asked.
Derek looked at her like 'what the fuck?'
"I told you she was amazing. You're a rapist until she knows you enough to be yo friend."
Tatiana blushed. I love how I make her do that. She smiled. Derek clapped.
"There it is. Look at it. She's even prettier in person. Not pretty. Down right gorgouse." Derek said.
Tate rolled her eyes and droped her heels. She steped into them then kissed me. "I am almost eye level with you." she said happily.
I shrunk down a little bit and kissed her deeply. "I love you, Ma."
"I love you too." she said.
Someone tapped her shoulder and she screeched and hugged me tighter. "What were you doing last night after I went to bed?" I asked.
"I watched Supernatural." she said then looked at the person that taped her shoulder. Pete was smiling at her.
"You Tatiana?" he asked.
"And you are?" she asked.
"I'm a big cock as Derek and Big D put it." he said.
"Do you suck em too?" she asked. "My dad sucked a cock when he was thirteen."
"Why?" Pete asked.
"My dad was playin truth or dar and he got dared to suck a cock. Now answer my question."
"No. I dont suck cocks. I suck pussy. D gotten to yours yet?" he asked.
She popped him in the chest. "I'm not that kind of girl. I keep my pants on when a boy is in my room. The only clothes I would let D-shawn take off last night was his shirt becasue I like abes. Abes are sexy."
He lifted up his shirt and showed her his six pack. "You'd lick them, wouldnt you?"
"Nope. You look a little fat." she joked.
He laughed. "So you aint got a problem wit us 'colored guys?' " he asked.
She looked at him worriedly. "Why would I be? I like everyone. No matter what race."
"Damn, girl, I like you. You're my favoriet out of all dese chicks here." he said then opened his locker.
"Arn't you Daniel French's sister?" my other guy, Tom said.
"How you know my brother? Danny has been in France since I was thiteen."
"I was in France last year. I met this guy that told me about a girl that would save us all. He said his grandfather was insain. And he was white and he had your gorgouse eyes and lips." he said stabbing a comb into his afro.
We did the handshake.
"Where you been, man?" he asked.
"Hanging out at Damon's, you know. Eating and studying for the finals and shit." I said.
He chuckled. "Getting high?" he asked.
"Nope. I'm clean and sober. Never touched that in the first place." I said.
He laughed and I squinted at my ex coming down the hall. I had broken up with her a week ago. She is gun ruin everything for me. "Tatiana," Tom said looking in the direction I was looking. "come with me to my locker. I'll prove it was your bro." he said then took her hand. I glared daggers at him. "I wont hurt her." With that he walked down the hall with Tate trying to keep up with him.
Stacy came over to me and smiled. "I'm glad we had that break, baby."
"It wadnt a break," I said watching Tate.
"Why did that girl have her arms around you? Was she cold?"
"She is my girl and no. My body heat will only save her if we are in the freezing cold." I said.
Derek laughed. "You got a tough girl." he said.
Stacy glared at me. "You're cheating on me?" she asked/ yelled.
Everyone looked at me and her. "Aye, dont blame the black dude." a teammate said. "He dont like a slut, Stacy."
He looked up at me. 'Thank you!' I mouthed.
He nodded once. "Wow, thanks, D-shawn. You made my day, dummy. I hated our sex too." she said.
"I didnt have sex with you. You were to afraid of it. I would be too but not my point." I yelled.
"What about your new girl?" she asked.
"I've only been with her for a few days and she has two really mean brothers. One can kill from a mile away." I threatened. "And she looks really sexy handling a gun."
She whimpered then flushed beat red. She stomped off and I got a text from Tatiana.
Her: Damn! Tom is fast. My feet hurt.
Me: I sorry, baby. Tell Tommy to bring you back to me. My arms feel naked.
"Who dat?" Derek asked.
"Tate," I said.
"Who dat?" Derek asked.
"Tatiana," I snapped.
They laughed at my frustration. Tatiana and Tom came back talking about Titanic and how she loved the movie and he thought it was cool. Also a sappy whatever. She giggled then triped. I caught her and she put her arms around my neck.
I looked into her gray eyes and smiled. "What's your favoriet song?" I asked.
She shook her head. "You'll laugh," she said.
"I told you last night I wouldnt laugh, ma." I said.
"My heart will go on," she said.
I raised my brow. I honestly did not know that song. "Umm, sing for me?" I asked.
She blushed and shook her head.
I got down on my knees and begged. "Please, please, please, please. Please? I love you!"
"I'm not good at singing." she said.
"Yes you are. You sing in your sleep." I said.
She blushed harder. "But it's on my iPod. Cant you just listen to it?" she asked.
"Ma, I wanna hear you sing it." I said.
She crossed her arms and pouted.
"Fine. You're singing for me after practice." I stated.

During all of our periods I looked over at her. She caught me looking and she would blush and smile. During practice she was listening to her iPod and watching me. After practice the guys and I went up on the bleachers and sat by her.
She took an earphone out and handed it to me. I put it in my ear and smiled. "What's this?" I asked.
"I'ma sing for you like you want me too." she said.
"Ok, baby, song away."
"I'm not singing the whole thing.
"Kay," I said.
She put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you.
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You've com to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I belive that the heart does go on
Once more you have open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Her voice was amazing and my guys were staring at her like she was an angel. "I love that song. That is the song we will dance to on our wedding night." I said whiping a tear off of her cheek. She whiped something off of my cheek.
"You're crying," she said.
"Your voice is beautiful." I said.
She smiled. "You smell like sweat," she said like a child.
I laughed and pulled her onto my lap. She wraped her arms around my neck like a child. "Why'd you sit way up here?" Tyshawn asked.
"I wanna fly," she said smiling.
She pulled out her phone and answered it. He face fell. "I said leave me alone, Kyle." A pause. "Why? Oh I dont know! You helped my brother die and umm you slept with my best friend and umm I'm not a boy." she said then hung up. "I have to go now, D-shawn. He knows where I am. I told you she would tell him."
I rubbed her back and tightened my hold. "Shhh. I have more black friends where these ones came from. And you have that shiny new gun, babe."
She shook her head. "D-shawn, will you listen to me? His father is a fucking mob boss. To be more specific, the most famouse, deadliest mob boss in the world. I'd rather I die than you and your friends."
"Aye, Tatiana, we're here for you. We're more dangerouse than a fucking mob. We can protect you and everyone your huge heart loves." Tyshawn said.
"Can you protect yourselves?" I asked.
"Awww, she loves us." Derek said.
"Yes." Tom said.
"Can any of you dodge a bazuca bullet?" she asked.
Everyone stayed silent. She got a excited smile.
"Do you?" Tom asked.
She nodded. "My bro is a death machine. He almost killed me the other day." she said excitedly.
"I didnt find that exciting at all, ma." I said.
"I was under pressure. You have to let me teach you. I love teaching people." she said.
Tyshawn smiled. "Ok. Let's go to your place." he said.
"The rest of you gun be pussies or yo gun come?" Tom asked.
Pete and Derek smiled. Tatiana took off her heels. "I cant walk in these anymore." she said. I got up and let her jump on my back.
I ran down the bleanchers then took her heels from her. She smiled and rubbed my chest with one hand.

Once we got home she went to change and we went down to the practice room. Daniel was down there with us. "D-shawn, dont hold the gun like that." Daniel said studying us as he set up wepons.
"Dis is always how I hold a gun." I said.
He laughed then came over to me. "Your gun could get knocked up while you are shooting and you will get hurt. Not second thoughts. Never hold it as lazy as you were. A little lazy is good. If you're tense you will loose your grip on the gun and you will most likely die."
He went back to the wepons and Tatiana came down in combat boots and black tight pants and a black tight tank. She grabbed a bullet proof vest and warmed up with Daniel motivating her.
"Ready?" he asked her quietly.
She shook her head. "No shooting twice this time."
"Swear to the fucking gods, honey. Now how do you hold a shot gun?"
She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. "Here is to all the heart breakers," she sung then kissed me.
I smiled. "I'm not one of those now."
She nodded and sung while Daniel helped the others.


"Lalalalalalalala," Tatiana sung.
I smiled as she dodged ever wepon I threw at her. It hurt me with every wepon I threw at her. I dont like doing this but I have to. She stoped and a dagger stabbed her bullet proof jacket. She giggled then took it out. She tossed it at me and it stabbed deep into my bullet proof jacket. She grabbed a machine gun and started shooting like she was part of a mob.
I moved a table and hid behind it. Sometimes this felt like childrens play. "Stop hiding. I will win this." she yelled.
"We're not playing russion roulett, honey, we're teaching your friends how to use wepons and stuff."
She stoped and smiled evily. "D-shawn, Tom, my team, the rest of you on dummy's team."
"Wait what are we doing?" D-shawn asked.
"Playing russion roulet." she said excitedly.
"Ooh, fun." Tyshawn muttered crouching down behind the table. Derek and Pete crouched down and Tate smiled.
After we were done Tatiana won because I let her. Then we got on with teaching them about right stances and how holding the gun is good an bad. After we were done D-shawn and Tatiana made out on the floor. I fought the urge to break them up.


D-shawn started sucking on my neck and I pushed him away. "I dont want a hicky until summer." I said.
"I have to go to football camp for two weeks during the summer. Will you take a shower with me? We can wear bathing suits insted of being naked."
I giggled. "Ok, babe." I said.
Five minutes later we were in the shower in our bathing suits. I was in a purple bakini and he was in trunks. He stared at me as he washed his body. I stared at him as well. He handed me the washcloth. "Wash my back for me please?" he asked.
I took it and smiled. "Turn around."
"As you wish, Ma." He turned around and I washed his back slowly for him. He laughed and turned backa round when I was done. "Thank you,"
I nodded. "When is school over?" I asked.
He kissed my shoulder. "Ummm," He looked at my bare stomch. "It's hard to think with you like this. The eighteenth of this month."
I pouted. "You're leaving me to foot ball camp. Boo."
He kissed me passionatly. "There aint no girls that football camp. I'll call you every day and I'll talk to ya on the vidio chat thing." he said.
I smiled. "Ok, baby." I said and rubbed his wet ribs.

School passed by fast and now I was hanging out with D-shawn and his guys before they left for camp. "Why, why, why?" I said in between kisses.
"Cause it'll make us tougher and better."
"But you are tough and great at it." I pulled away from him.
He smiled and sucked on my collar bone. "It's summer. I'm gun give you a hicky, ma." he said then resumed sucking. I didnt want him to leave. I felt like a child begging for him to keep the monstors away.
Tyshawn laughed. "I swore he was gun give you a hicky in the locker room when he draged you outa pe." he said.
I giggled.
After a minute or so D-shawn pulled back and kissed the hicky on my collar bone. "There. Much better. We still got a half hour before we leave. Are you ready to go behind a building and fuck?" he asked.
"I am ready to fuck. But my first time will not be behind a building."
He paused and looked right into my eyes. "Say that again." he ordered.
"I am ready to fuck. But my first time will not be behind a building."
He smiled like a little kid with candy. "Well, let us rush home then."
"No. You'll miss the bus because I'm a whimp and it will take a long time for me to cooraperate." I said.
He laughed. "Ok. Your first time will be in your bed and..."
"No one will be home but all the doors will be unlocked." I helped him out.
"The thrill of getting caught. I like it, Ma," he said.
The guys laughed. "You talkin about sex oready?" Derek asked. "Only a little less than a month."
I sucked in a breath and held it. "I'm scared again." I whispered then pulled out of D-shawn's embrace.
I put my hand on my stomch and felt like I'd hurl. D-shawn rubbed my back. "Jerk! You made her hypervenalate before I even left. I wasnt gun force her in bed with me. I enjoy what we have now." He was yelling at Derek. I liked what he was saying.
I stood up and breathed carefully. D-shawn smiled at me.
"You all good, Baby?" he asked.
I nodded. "I think so."
"Derek, stay outa it until I tell ya to talk." he snapped at Derek.
"You got it, nigga." Derek said.
D-shawn pressed his lips to mine softly and passionatly. "I'ma miss you, Ma." he said. "You changed me. I love you and only you. Cry on me. I want you all over me before I leave."
I giggled as he pushed me against the bus.
"Dont watch Supernatural while I'm gone. Damon dont like cuddlin unless he gets sex and I know Daniel is followin Kyle at the moment. And you're a big girl. You dont need to sleep with your mom and step dad. I'm the only daddy you'll be sleepin with." he said.
I bit my lip. I knew it turned him on beyond levels so I said it. "Yes, daddy." I said.
He groaned then pressed his body against mine and kissed me. "God I love it when you do that." he growled in my ear.
I smiled and bit my lip. I put my hand in his pockets and pulled out whatever he had in his pockets. A picture of me and him my step dad gave to both of us. A few dollars. His phone and his keys.
"Mmm, that reminds me." He took his keys and took his car key off ot the ring. He pulled my keys out of my sweatshirt and twisted the key onto my ring. "You can drive my truck."
I squealed then looked at him like an innocent girl. He groaned and kissed me again. This time lightly and passionatly. "I love you so much, Tatiana." he said and put my keys in my sweatshirt pocket.
I put his stuff back in his pockets and kept my hands in his pockets. "I'm cold." I whimpered.
"Will my body heat save you now?" he asked.
I nodded as he scooped me up in his arms. I shivered until his body heat warmed me. The guys were all spending time with their girls. I felt really weird being the only cocasion girl.
The guys's girls and the guys love me. I love them to but I feel like a bunny umungst wolves. "You do a lot of thinkin. Whatya thinkin about?" D-shawn asked.
"Bunnies and wolves." I said.
He laughed and rubbed my back. "I have white friends. Your step bro is one and Drew is another. And some guys on the football team."
I dont hide my feelings from D-shawn and visa versa. "D, what you talkin bout?" Vanessa asked. "She goin against us oready?"
D-shawn shook his head. "She just thinks a lot and look around us. She da only white one here. And she considers herself ugly when she is around you girls." D-shawn explained.
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "You're not ugly. If anything you're more gorgouse than the rest of us. You're like a model that dont starve herself." she said taking my hand. "Have you ever had a black boyfriend before?"
"Not unless you count second grade." I said.
"Who'd you date in second grade?" she asked.
"A kid named Ezekiel." I said.
She smiled. "And everyone else was white?" she asked.
"No. Kyle is the only boyfriend I've ever had." I said. D-shawn kissed my neck lightly. "D-shawn, I'm freezing." I whined.
He smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he walked over to his truck. We got in and he turned it on and the heater. I crawled over the consol and kissed him.
"You gun be ok?" he asked when I pulled away for breath.
I nodded. "Why wouldnt I be?" I asked.
"You look tired and you look a little sick." He put his hand on my forehead and laughed. "You're burnin up too and you said you were freezing."
"I'm fine, D-shawn. I promis." I said like a little girl.
"Gawh you're so adorable."
I smiled. "I know. But I promis I am not sick. I'll go to bed when I get home."
He smiled and kissed me slowly. "Ok." Someone taped pn his window and he rolled it down. "Aye, whatya doin here so early, nigga?"
"Mom kicked me out for being obnoxiouse." Jefry said.
"I'll see ya on da bus." D-shawn said.
After he closed the window he kissed my forehead.
"You sure you aint sick, baby?" he asked.
I shook my head and sat on his lap. He rested his hands on my belly button. He patted my belly button then lifted up my shirt a little bit. "When did you get your belly button peirced?"
"Before I moved here. Dont tell my mommy." I said.
"Are you sure you got this before you came here? I didnt see it when we went swimming."
"I took it out to my mum wouldnt see." I said sleepily.
"Mmm," He kissed my neck lightly and trailed kisses down and up my neck.
I hugged him tight when it was time for him to go. He pressed his lips to mine and we kissed deeply for a few minutes. After they left the girls and I got into his truck. "So what are we doin, nigga?" Kelsy asked from the back.
"I told D-shawn I'd go home and go back to bed."
"But he's not present at the moment." Vanessa said.
I looked at her. "That's not a good thing and I have to practice with my bro. He get's cranky when I am late."
"What are you practicing for?"
"Alaska," I muttered.
"What's in Alaska?" she asked.
"Guns and adrenilan." I said.
They laughed. "Let my see your shiny gun." Kelsy said.
"It's in the glove box."
"What is it doing in here?" Vanessa asked.
I smiled. "D-shawn and I were making out in here last night and it was hurting me." I said.
Once we got to my house, Kelsy put my gun in the waist band of my jeans and she went inside. Vanessa and I climbed into the bed of the truck and she braided my hair. "You're gorgouse, you know." she said.
"Yah. You're beautiful and great. And you have a great personality. I would hate it if you wernt with D." she said. "That boy wants to marry you. He's never felt that way about a girl before."
I smiled then jumped. My phone was vibrating. It was a text from Daniel.
Danny: He found you. Grab Damon and Drew and go to the safe room.
"Shit. Come on." I said.
We got out and ran into the house. Kyle was standing in the living room with a gun.
"Vanessa, get outa here." I yelled.
She obeyed and ran out the door. Kyle started shooting at me. I dodged until I got a machine gun. Shit I had no bullet proof vest. I was terrified. I shot at him and hit him numerouse times. But he was guarded. Finally I shot him in the leg. He fell down and I ran over to him.
Natali came down the stairs and glared at me. I shot her in the theigh. She screamed and fell down the remaining stairs. I knocked them out then took them down to the basement. I tied them up and Daniel came down. He had a really big gash on his leg.
Suddenly I felt like fainting. So I did.
I hit the ground and my head hit the ground really hard.


"Hello?" I asked when Daniel called me.
"Hey," he said a little out of breath. "Tate had to be taken to the hospital. She is in a coma."
"What?" I yelled. The football team looked at me weirdly then worridly.
"She'll live, D-shawn. Kyle was waiting for her when she got home and she didnt have any protection. She didnt relize a bullet hit her and she fell and hit her head on the concret." he said.
MY breath caught in my throat. "Call me when she wakes up." I said quietly.
"Ok. D-shawn, I swear she will be fine."
"I gotta go. She might wake up soon."
He hung up and I froze. Why the hell did I let my guard down? Tyshawn snapped me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong?"
"Tate is in a coma."
He looked even mor worried. "As in our Tate?" he asked.
"I dont hang out with any more Tatiana's because Tate doesnt like girls who have the same name as her." I snapped.
He took my phone. "Is Vanessa ok?"
"Of coarse she is. Tate wouldnt let her in on the fight." I whispered.
That night I was to worried to sleep. Coach was still awake because he was planning what days we would practice. He got up and came to sit by me. "What's botherin you, son?" he asked.
"Nothin," I muttered tiredly.
"Now, son, what have I told you about me?"
"You'll keep everything I tell you confidential." I whispered.
He nodded. "And we're famly, son. Now tell me what's wrong." he ordered.
"My girlfriend is in a coma." I said.
He patted my back. "She'll be alright. She is tough." he said.
I nodded and my phone vibrated. Tatiana's name and picture popped up. Coach smiled.
"Told ya she'd be fine." He went back to sit by his daughter.
"D-shawn, my head hurts." Tate said softly.
"Oh, Tate, you had me scared for dear life." I said
"I sowwy," she whispered. "Be quiet. My head hurts."
"Ok." I whisperred.
"I miss you," she said.
"I miss you to. Tate, I love you. I want you so damn much."
"You too. I need to go to sleep before I faint again. I love you, baby. Dont think about me to much."
"I love you too. No promises."

Football camp passed by really slow. I was sleeping on the bus da whole way home cause Coach worked us to hard. When I got off the bus I said by to my holmies and found Tate leaning agains my truck in short shorts, a tank that is to small for her, and heels. Derek smiled at her then hugged her. He threw our stuff in the bed of my truck and I kissed Tate passionatly.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeper. "How was camp?" she asked.
"Tiring." I whispered.
"He slept all the way home." Derek said sitting on the ground.
She rubbed my her cold hands over my arms. "Sexy," she murmmered. "I missed you." She kissed my chest.
"You're freezing. Come on, let's get you home."
She shook her head. "I have to get pizza for Damon and his boyfriend's." she said. "And you two."
I laughed. "Why dont they go get it?" I asked.
"Well, they're lazy bastards and dont understand how much pain I am in." she said.
"Why did you come pick me up, baby? I told you to have Damon come."
"Damon is a lazy bastard too." she said.
I smiled and picked her up. I put her in the passenger seat and kissed her again. "I love you," I said before going to get in the drivers side. Derek leaned between us and poked where Tate has stitches. She tensed then turned in her seat.
"Do not eat the pastachio ice cream, it has turned." she said like Larry the cable guy.
"Where did that come from?" Derek asked.
"My nephew was staying in the hospital with me and we watched Cars 2." she said smiling.
I chuckled and concentrated on driving. "When did you get out of the hospital?" Derek asked.
"Almost two weeks? Damn, that musta been some searious damage." Derek said.
"I kept slipping and I died once."
I slammed down on the breaks. "What?" I asked.
She looked at me worriedly. "I fell asleep when the doctor told me not to. And I kind of died." she said holding her chest. "If you ever do that again, I will lock you in the base ment with Kyle and Nat."
"Sorry," I said before I started driving again.
Once we got to pizza hut she was asleep.
I woke her up softly. "What name, ma?" I asked.
"French," she mumbled.
Derek got out and helped me. When we got back in my truck she woke up and smiled at me.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
I smiled and nodded. "Just tired."
"Do you want me to drive?" she asked.
"Nah. Go head and sleep, baby." I said.
She took my hand and twined our fingers.
When we got home a little boy that looked like Daniel came crying to Tate. "What's wrong, squirt?" she asked.
"Daddy yelled at me. I didnt mean to fall asleep I was really tired." he cried as she picked him up. He put his little arms around her neck and cried on her shoulder.
"Shh. He you wanna meet someone, squirt?" she asked softly.
"Mater?" he asked.
She looked at me. "No. But he is better than Mater."
He looked up at her and smiled. "Mommy?"
She sadly shook her head. "No. Look at the big guy behind me." she said.
He looked at me and his eyes widened. "Wow!" he yelled. "You're huge."
I laughed.
She turned around and handed him to me. "I'll be right back." she said then walked upstairs.
"Are you D-shawn?" he asked.
I grinned. "You know it, little man. Whats your name?" I asked.
"I'm Jacoby Tate French." he said in a way that reminded me of when Tate acted like a child.
"Are you Daniel's son?" I asked softly.
He sadly nodded. "Mommy says that she is sick of me so I'm stuck with the monstor. He is mean. I dont like my daddy. Will you be my daddy? You seem nice."
"I guess, just dont call me daddy around your dad." I said.
He put his arms around my neck and hugged me. The gang looked at me and gaped. Tate came downstairs and took Jacoby. "Daddy says he is sorry, love. Go up to my room and take a nap. Gramma'll be home in a little bit to take you to the fair." she said.
He ran upstairs and Tatiana took me into the kicthen.
"I'm taking Tamy to a party tonight. Will you come with me?" she asked.
"Why yo hanging out with the nerd?"
"Cause, I like her and she was there with me in the hospital while Daniel was earning custody and Damon was getting laid." she said. "And dont call her a nerd. She is my friend."
"Why didnt the other girls come to see you?"
"Kelsy came to see me. Vanessa found out she was pregnant and her mom wouldnt let her leave and Sheri didnt know about me and Katrina was busy with her kid." she snapped at me.
I pulled her into my arms. "I'm sorry, baby, the.... Tamy put a racist note on my desk when we were thirteen."
"I didnt do that." Tamy said coming into the kitchen. "My brother did it. He wanted to be cool."
"Oh. I'm sorry then." I appologized.
"Did you know my step brother likes her." Tatiana said.
"Yah. He tried to kiss her yesterday while I was watching a movie with her. She totally just told him she was a lez."
I laughed. "You blew off the man whore?"
"You're a man whore too. I bet you'd have sex with her then leave her." Tamy said.
I shook my head. "Nope. If you talk shit about me again I will do something that will make her afraid of me to you." I threatened.
She only smiled. I glared daggers at her. Tatiana put her hands on my cheeks and forced me to look back at her beautiful face. She pressed her lips to mine and kissed me lazily and yet I still loved it. I kissed her back until it wasnt lazy no more. I ran my toung along her bottom lips and she let me in.
I opened my eyes and hers were closed enjoying my lips. I closed mine again and kissed her harder. She pulled back and groaned in pain. She smiled. "You tryin to kill me?"
I shook my head. "Na."
Rufus came in. "Yo, chica, where's the pizza?" he asked.
"It's in D-shawn's truck." she said not looking away from me.
He walked out of th kitchen and I kissed her again. She rubbe my neck with her thumb and my cheek with her other hand. It felt good.
Someone cleared their throat. We didnt pull away. "Oh, hey, Mr. French. That's your daughter's boyfriend. I wouldnt interupt."
We pulled away from each other and looked at the man in the doorway. He was tan and really built. He looked like Tatiana and Daniel. "Ello, darlings." he said in a australian accent.
"Hey, dad." she said in an australian accent.
"I got a little worried when my baby didnt come to see me." he said looking right at Tatiana. She griped my tighter.
"I was busy with school and Kyle found me, dad." she said formally.
"What? No daddy anymore? Or are you to grown up for that?"
"I faintly remember you making me watch as you abused mom. So what do you want, old man?" she asked.
Maghan came in and smiled. "D-shawn, how was camp?"
"Tireing." I said.
She laughed. "Tater tot has been bored without you here. She learned how to play her favorite song on the french horn yesterday." She looked at her ex husband. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged.
"Kids, will you go in the living room or something?" she asked. Tatiana went up to her mom and hugged her from behind. I saw her put something silver in her mom's jeans. Then she draged me out to the living room with Tamy behind us.
"Damon, can I watch a movie?" she asked him as he ate pizza.
"Yah. Go ahead, sweetheart."
"What are we watching?" Darron asked.
"Titanic," Damon said.
The guys groaned and she crossed her arms. "Hey! Shut up!" Damon yelled. "She fucking lives here too and she is my little sister and she needs to be happy." he yelled at the top of his lungs.
She smiled and made a heart with her hands. "Thank you," she said then went to put the movie in. I layed on my side on the floor and patted my belly for her to lay down.
She smiled then layed down. I grabed a blanket that Jerimiah was using to keep his girl warm and put it on her. She giggled then clutched my arm.
"Is this the original or the new one?" Jerimiah asked.
"Original," Damon said and handed her and I pizza. "She hates the newer one."
"Damon, you're scary." she whispered.
He laughed and nodded. "Thanks for the pizza, sis."


D-shawn rubbed Tatiana's stomch. Never touching her boobs. There must be something wrong with him. He is always wanting to touch a girl like that. I looked over at Tamy and grinned a little bit. She was watching the movie closely.
I pushed Kevin off of the couch and whistled. "Tammy, come sit by me. The floor is really uncomfortable."
She looked at me and got up. She sat down by me and smiled. "Thank you. My ass was going numb."
Kevin glared at me then went to sit in the recliner. I took her hand and kissed it. She shuddered then looked at me.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I dont know." I said. "I like you, Tamy. Like in the way D-shawn likes Tate."
"D-shawn loves Tatiana." she stated.
"Then I love you." I whispered and kissed her hand again. I kissed up her arm until I got to the corner of her mouth. "Let me kiss you?" I asked.
She stoped breathing. "Umm, ok." she said shakily. She was actling like it was her first kiss. I highly doubt it was though. She is really pretty and she has a great personality.
"You sure?" I asked seductivly.
She turned to me and kissed me. I was suprised. Her lips were soft. She pulled back. "What was that?" she asked.
"I was suprised that's all. You were acting like you'd never kissed anyone before."
"I havnt."
I leaned in and kissed her softly and passionatly. When I nibbled on her bottom lips asking for entrance she hesitated then let me in. Our toungs danced with each other's until she pulled away. Tatiana pushed D onto his back and looked at us.
"I'm a very close to snapping. Shut up and dont suck face with my nerd." she yelled.
Everyone looked at her then at Tamy and I. D-shawn moved her hair out of her eyes. D-shawn rollled onto his side again and resumed rubbing Tate's stomch. I grinned and put my head on Tamy's shoulder. She twined our fingers and rubbed my hand with her thumb. My step mom came out and kissed Tamy's head then went to wrap her arms around my father's neck.He smiled and told my mom something that made her giggle.
After the movie D-shawn carried a sleeping Tate up to her room. Tamy was sleeping on my shoulder but I didnt know where she lived. Othe wise I'd take her home. D-shawn came downstairs in a pair of my sweats and went into the kitchen.
Tamy woke up and smiled. "Hey, sleepy." I said then kissed her.
"Hey," she mubled.
"You want me to take you home?"
She shook her head. "My parents are fighting over money." she said. Her family is rich like mine. Everyone in between five miles and here is filthy rich.
I smiled. "You wanna have a sleep over with me?" I asked.
She smiled lazily and nodded. Jerimiah took a condom out of his wallet and handed it to me.
I shook my head. "You're out, man, and she's gun be in your room."
I put it in my pocket and took Tamy upstairs to my room. We made out for a little bit them went to bed.

In the morning Tamy wasnt by me anymore. I stumbled downstairs. Tatiana and Tamy were the only ones awake and they were singing and dancing to Here's to the heart breakers. I smiled then layed on the couch. After the song was over Tamy kissed my forehead. Tatiana sat on my stomch and shivered. I grabbed a blanket and handed it to her.
She smiled her thanks then put it over her. "Tamy, I want you to be mine." I said.
She kissed me. "I'm draging you to prom then." she said.
I smiled. "Good. I'm pretty sure Tatiana is gunna drag D-shawn to prom too." I said.
Tatiana shook her head. "I'm not a controling girlfriend. He can come if he wants if we're still together."
"You'll be together until the end." I said patting Tatiana's leg.
D-shawn came downstairs and came over to Tatiana. He kissed her then took her into the kitchen. Tamy crawled on me and straddled me. I smiled and griped her hips. "I like this position. Take your clothes off." I said.
She giggled and rolled her eyes.


"Whatya doin up so early, baby?" D-shawn asked.
"I was checking on Nat and Kyle. They're horny." I said making him laugh. He was cooking breakfest while we were talking. His sweats fell down a little bit and I saw his boxers. I got a dirty thought and I giggled.
He looked at me. "What's funny?" he asked.
"I got a dirty thought." I told him.
He sat down. "Tell me," he said like it was big news.
I smiled and shook my head. "Nah."
"Were you thinking about sex?" he asked.
"Yes. You're pants fell down a bit and I couldnt help it. I have a dirty mind sometimes." I said.
He chuckled then stood up and took the sweats off. "This turns you on," he said nodding.
I giggled and nodded. He chuckled and pulled me up. He kissed me then went into the living room.
"That's attractive, Damon." I heard him say.
I walked into the living room and gagged. Tamy and Damon wernt wearing pants and she was on top of him. "You trator," I yelled then went upstairs.
Fifteen minutes later D-shawn came up and handed me a plate of food. I took it and started eating. He sat down next to me and kissed me. "Why did you call her a trator?" he asked.
"Friends arn't spose to sleep with their friend's bro." I said in a matter of fact tone.
He chuckled. "Your brother is my best friend and your his sis." he said.
I smiled. "It doesnt work that way with you and I. Girls arn't supose to sleep with their friends family. I've never made a rule for guys."
He smiled and kissed me. "I called my dad when I was cookin. He said I could move in and I black mailed Damon."
I fed him a bite of eggs. "Yay!" I squealed and he laughed.
"Will you go to prom with me next year?" I asked.
He nodded. "I wasnt gun let my baby go alone or wit another guy. You wan go hang out with the guy and the girls with me today?" he asked.
I hugged him and nodded.

Later I was in the passenger seat of his truck and we were having a makeout session while waiting for the others. I had my pet salamander in my shirt. He said it was weird and sexy at the same time. "What's its name?"
"Her name is Mandie." I said.
"Let me see her," he said pulling away from me.
I reached into my shirt and took my Salamander out. I handed her to him. Vanessa opened the passenger side door and smiled. "Hey, girl." she said.
"Hey, hey," I said.
D-shawn looked at my salamander carefully before putting it in my shirt. I smiled then got out. "Why yo got a lizard in yo shirt?" Derek asked.
I crossed my arms and glared. "She's not a lizard. She's a salamander and because I love her."
"She's in your shirt though."
"She is to warm." I said.
"Are you a vampire?" Tyshawn asked.
I smiled and nodded. D-shawn laughed. "You aint pale though." he said.
I giggled then took his hand. Tom kissed Vanessa before we went inside. "Why aint yo wearin somethin sexy like Tatiana?" Tom asked her.
"Cause I'm fat," she said.
I was wearing a red and black corset and tight skinny jeans and heels. "Why yp makin it so hard for me to wanna fuck you?" he asked her.
D-shawn laughed. "Man, maybe you should sit her down and have a talk with her."
Vanessa grabbed my arm. "Did you tell im?" she snapped at me.
"Yes. He was mad that I was hanging out with Tamy." I said.
"Damn girl."
"I feel left out here. Tell me, Vanessa. Or I'll have D or Tate tell me." Tom said. The four of us sat down at a table and the rest went shopping.
I reached over to Vanessa and whiped her tears off of her face. "You'll be fine. If he is a jerk I'll help you." I said.
"Yah. Me too, girl." D-shawn said.
"Thank you, you two." She then turned to her boyfriend and kissed him. "Tommy, I-I'm,"
"Come on, baby, spit it out. I love you."
She smiled and drew in a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant." she said.
He stoped and a million emotions passed over his face. He was more suprised and happy though. "I'ma be a dad?" he asked shakily.
She nodded.
He got up and jumped on the table. He took his jacket off then his shirt. He grabbed her hand and picked her up and brought her on the table. "I love you so much, Vanessa." He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box. He opened it. "Will you marry me?" he asked.
She started crying again and nodded. He smiled a smile that went ear to ear.
He put the ring on her finger then they sat back down. "Tate, will you be the godmom?" she asked me.
I smiled and nodded.
"What about you, D? You be the goddad?" Tom asked.
"D-shawn smiled. "You know it, man."
"Let me see your lizard," Tom said.
"She isn't a lizard." I yelled.
He laughed. "What is it?" he asked.
"SHE is a talking salamander." I yelled.
"She talks?" D-shawn asked.
"Yah. She started talking when I was fifteen." I said. "She's like my diary. She sits there and listens."
"Ohhhhhhhhhh," D-shawn said.
I handed my salamander to Tom and it bit his finger. "Oww. What the fuck. I'm gun kill it." He snatched Mandie out of my hand and threw her on the ground.
I gaped then started crying. Tom steped on her then turned back to me.
I got up and ran out of the mall. "What the fuck?" I heard D-shawn yell before he ran after me. Before I got out of the parking lot Tom grabbed me. D-shawn was a few feet behind him.
"Let go of me." I screamed in his face. He whimpered then let go. I ran into D-shawn's arms and cried my eyes out. I've had that salamander since I was twelve. She doesnt like being hot and Tom was to hot for her liking.
The others came out and looked at Tom sitting on the ground and then D-shawn calming me. They looked really confused.
"I want to go home," I stuttered.
He nodded then led me to his truck.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked when we got home.
"Tom killed my baby," I cried and sat on his lap. He shook his head then hugged me tight.
"Kyle would like to have a word with you when you want to."
"D, can I barrow your shirt?" I asked.
D-shawn nodded and took his shirt off. I put it on then kissed him. He brushed his thumb across my cheek before I went down to the basement. Kyle smiled then came over to me. "Why were you cryin?" he asked.
"Nunya." I snapped.


"Tom, I cant belive you." Vanessa yelled at me as she got ready.
"I didnt mean to. But the damn thing bit me."
"Mandie was old. She cant stand the warm. Tate is probably the only warmth she could stand. D-shawn called me and told me that she was in a ball crying in the basement. Daniel told me that Salamander was her whole world until D-shawn. Then she split her world in half. I cant belive you would hurt an animal like that. What are you gun do when our kid comes?" she asked.
"I dont know." I got up and walked out the door. I got in my truck and drove over to Damon's place. I knocked on the door and Derek opened the door.
Derek could always make Tate feel better. He was hugging her and rocking back and forth while she cried on his chest. She turned around and glared. "I want to talk to you, jerk." she said then took my hand and draged me into the kitchen. She's never been this rough with one of us.
"I kind of wanted to talk to you." I said.
She sat down and took her glasses off. She whiped her tears away and told me to sit then. "You first," she said coldly and put her glasses on.
"Vanessa was chewing me out and I got this weird feeling. I also got it when you were running away and you screamed in my face and you were cryin on D." I started. "I was hurt that you were hurt. I'm really, truly sorry. I understand if you never forgive me. But I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. I will see a smile on your face and I will cause that smile when I am on my death bed. I'm insainly sorry, Tatiana. I really am." I finished.
She started crying hard. I hooked my fingers under her chair and brought it closer to me. She hugged me and said hurtful things to me. I didnt care, as long as she got it out. She pulled away from me. "You're mean and I forgive you. Mandie will haunt you for the rest of your life." she said then smiled.
"Do you want me to get you a new lizard?" I asked.
"She was a Salamander and no." She smiled.
"Ok. So let's atlk about D." I said.
She squinted. "Ok?"
"I know you aint ready but I'm tired of hearing him complain about being horny."
"Why doesnt he just jerk off?" she asked grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.
"I dunno. Cause he feels like he is cheatin. I told him to but he came out of his room and punched me. He feels like he is cheating whe he does."
She looked at me like I was insain. "Damon jerks off and so does Daniel. They think it's great but wish they had a girl to do it."
"You're his girl, Tate. His manhood aint gun hurt your hand."
She sighed then flicked my head. "My head is raccin, dude." she said it like it was a bad thing.
Hell, it probably was.


I walked into the living room and sat on D-shawn's lap. He smiled. "Feelin better?"
I shrugged. "I was but Tom started talking about you and how turned on you are." I said.
He frowned. I put my arms around his neck and straddled him. "And?"
"Carry me upstairs and go take a shower." I ordered.
He laughed. "Not till you tell me what you plannin, Ma." he said.
"Ugh, D-shawn, upstairs. I wanna spend time with just you. I dont wanna see no one else right now." I said.
He kissed my cheek. "Ok, baby." he said then stood up.
He took me up to my room and began stripping before going into the bathroom. I layed on my bed reading a book until he came out with a towle around his waist. I put the book down and made him lay down.
"Ok. What do you wanna do?" he asked.
I shushed him by kissing him. I had my right hand on his chest so I let it slide down his chest. I rubbed his abes for a minute before sliding the rest of the way. I took the towle off and he pulled away.
"No, baby, you aint ready. I can see it in yo eyes."
"We're not going that far. But I want to make you happy." I said.
He smiled. "Only if you want to, baby. No one is forcing you."
I shrugged then began stroking his dick. He moaned in pleasure until he came. When he did Tom walked in. I glared at him. "This is my room. What the fuck?" I yelled.
He grinned and walked in. D-shawn covered himself and rolled over hiding his face in the pillow. "What's wrong with him?" he asked.
"I'm controling myself." he said but it was muffled by the pillow.
"Great. Can you get out of my room now, Tom? I want to go to sleep." I said.
Tom shook his head. "If you aint mad at me anymore I want to go play football with the team and we kind of need him." he said.
"I'm still mad at you. But he doesnt need my permission. I dont need a man to hold me when I'm sad. It's nice to have one there but I'll live." I snapped at him.
D-shawn grabed my hand and kissed it. "I wont leave," he said. "Never."
Tom smiled weirdly then walked out. I layed down and he flipped over and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me lightly before we went to sleep.


When Tate was all healed she started doing ballet and now I was waiting for her first recidal to start. My guys were with me patting their stomchs. We'd just eaten a whole bunch of stuff Tatiana cooked. She is really good at cooking. Tom and Vanessa had to go to the doctors cause Tom thinks tehre is somthing wrong with his kid.
Tatiana said there wasnt but he doesnt listen to her because she still hates him. "What kind of ballet is this?" I asked Daniel.
"I dont know. She just told me it has to do with the holocaust. She is an innocent jewish girl." he said.
I smiled and texted her.
Her: Hey, babe. This dress is gonna be hard to dance in.
Me: Haha. Daniel told me you was a innocent jewish girl.
Her: Yes I am. This was all my idea. Just not the moves. They're difficult.
Me :) I bet. Hurry up. I wanna see you dance.
Her: Ok, baby. I love you!
Me: I love you too. Good luck.

The ballet was like the holocaust but they turned it into dancing. Tatiana was really good. She fell asleep on me on the way home. When we got home she woke up and took me inside and up to her bed room. Then we took a bath together. No clothes. She's gotten use to me being naked. She sat on my bare lap and let me run my hands all over her body. I was proud of myself because I wasnt trying to have sex with her.
Then she said something unexpected. "D-shawn, I want to." she said.
I looked deep into her eyes and I got tingles all over my body. "Seariously?" I asked.
She nodded. "Just not in a bathtub." she said giggling.
Shivers went through my body and I stood up. Her legs were still wrapped around me as I carried her out to her bed. I set her down and she reached over to grab something out of her side table. She handed it to me and I chuckled. "Kind of figured I wouldnt get away without this." I said.
"Hurry up before I change my mind.


It's been two weeks since D-shawn and I had sex. He swore he only told Tyshawn and Tyshawn swore to me that he wouldnt tell no one. D-shawn let me meet his parents and the rest of his friends. I forgave Tom and now he hangs out with me when Vanessa and D-shawn have stuff to do. Not with each other though. "Hey, baby." D-shawn said coming into the kitchen.
I handed him a plate and took my shirt off. It was insainly hott. He sat down. "Hey, babe. It's hot."
He chuckled. "I know. Daniel doesnt seem to think so." he said. I leaned down and kissed him "Cute bra." he said then kissed my clevege.
I blused and he pulled me onto his lap. "You gun be famouse, baby." he said and kissed me.
I giggled. "How do you know?" I asked.
"Cause you just outstanding." he said. "And I hear you sing in the shower." he said. "And you can move. None of the girls can move like you, baby."
I giggled again then kissed him. "Eat. I wanna go swimming."
He smiled then kissed me roughly. "Ok, baby, I love you!"
"I love you too." I said then kissed him.
"Mmmm, you taste like cherries." he said then kissed me again.
I pulled away and giggled. I got up and kissed his forehead.
Tom came in and stretched his muscles. "What's for lunch?" he asked me.
"Umm, french frys." I said.
"Feeling lazy today?" he asked.
"No. It's hot."
"I can tell. You have you shirt off." he said.
"So do you." I protested.
He laughed then went over to the counter and ate some frys. D-shawn pulled me onto his lap again and kissed me. "You taste so fucking good." he said against my lips.
I giggled then straddled him. He had an erection. "Mmmm," he groaned. He pulled away from me and looked at Tom. He was sitting on the counter reading my book.
Tom looked up and grinned. "Sorry. Am I interupting something here?" he asked.
"Yes," D-shawn growled.
Tom just smirked. "My wife is being mean today so I have to hang out with you two. I dont think she'd mind if we had a three way."
"If I didnt have Tatiana on my lap, you'd be so dead." D-shawn said dangerously low. "Why dont you go bud Damon?"
"Damon is screwing Tamy."
I got up and stalked out of the kitchen. I walked upstairs and slammed Damon's door open. They wern't in there so I looked in Tamy's room. They jumped at my appearence. I screamed and my mom appeared behind me. She draged me out of the room and into her's and dad's room. David was playing with my nephew.
"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked me.
"They're breaking my rules. Friends arn't supose to sleep with my brother. They can date but ewwwwwwwww." I yelled.
My nephew walked over to me and hugged my leg. "It's ok, aunty. I be yo best friend." he said.
I picked him up. "Ugh!" I kissed his cheek then put him down and walked out.
I grabbed my car keys and jacket and walked out to my new baby. Dad got it for me since he lived only an hour away. I drove to my dad's and he was suprised to see me.
"Hey, baby girl." he said.
"Hi, daddy." I said as cheerfully as I could.
"I'm playin poker with my buds. There is food in the kitchen."
"Well, thats normally where food goes. Can I help?" I asked.


 Tate got home around seven and she brought pizza and jojos. She handed it to her step dad and then came to sit by me. I pulled her onto my lap. "Hey, ma. I missd you." I whispered in her ear.

She smiled and nuzzled her face in my neck. "I missed you too."

"You ok, baby."

She nodded. "I helped my dad play poker. And I got two hundred dollars."

I rubbed her back and she looked at me. "That's awesom, ma."

She nodded and kissed me roughly. "We should have a party!" she said excitedly.

Damen laughed. "Yo, dad! Take ma out for the night!" he yelled into the kitchen.

"Oh. No. I have to much to do!" Tate's mom pushed three fingers to her temples.

"Aww. Come on, mommy! Go have fun with your hubby. You guys haven't even had a real honeymoon!" Tatiana said. "If you don't, I'm gonna play bleach and Leauge of Angels all freakin summer long." 

"Yeah. Come on, babe. Let the kids have their fun. We'll go do soemthing relaxing. You get to clean up.."

"I'm not cleaning up, crap!" Tatiana put her hands up in the air.

I chuckled and rubbed her back. "We'll clean up," I said.

"Alright. Have fun, kids." They leave a half hour later. Tatiana jumped up and grabbd both of my hands. She smirked at me and tried to fall backwards. I pulled her back up and hugged her to my chest.

"So, who's getting alcohol, food, and caution tape?" Damen said.

"I'll get alcohol," Tom sayid

"And I got caution tape in my truck." I said.

"D-shawn and I will go get food." Tate said.

I smiled at her and she pulled me out the front door. "I love you, ma." I said and opened the door of my truck for her.

"I love you, too, sexy!" she said, cutely and kissed my cheek.

I closed the door and then ran over to the drivers side and jumped in. I started my truck. "Where to, baby?" I asked.

"Wal-mart," she said and went to poke my cheek. I grabbed her hand and put her finger between my teeth and gave her a seductive look.

She blushed and looked down. I let her hand fall then pushed her head up with my finger. "Don't do that, ma." I whispered.

She leaned over and kissed my lips softly. 

"You're beautiful. Don't ever put your head down like that around me ever again, okay?" I told her.

She giggled. "Well, eat me!" 

I playfully bit her nose and she pulled back giggling. "Don't say that." I said and smirked at her. "Or you and I will forget about this party and jump in the back seat there."

She laughed. "You're silly, D-shawn."

I smiled at her and leaned back into my seat then put my seat belt on. 

"Why do we even need alcohol? We can have a tea party instead." she said.

I looked at her for a second. "You don't like to drink, do you?"

"I do. I just bleh."

I took her hand and kissed it. "You don't have to drink. I won't drink if you don't."

"Aww! You're so sweet!" she said and leaned over and kissed my neck.




 I found D-Shawn in the kitchen a little bit after the party started. I hugged him from behind and squeezed him. "Hey, sexy." he said and turned around.

"Hi," I murmmured into his chest. I took his cup from him and took a few drinks.

"Gonna get drunky!" he yelled and picked me up. 

I dropped his cup and squealed as he threw me over his shoulder and ran into the living room. I laughed so hard until he put me down on the stairs. He kissed my lips then started dancing. I laughed again and take his face in my hands and kiss him again. He put his hands on my butt and squeezed.

"What took you so long to get down here, ma?" he said then nibbled on my lip.

"Mmm. I had a headache." I whispered.

"Are you okay now?"

I nodded and smiled at him. "Lets go take shots," I giggled.

He smirked. "Let me lick it up off your body," he said.

"No." I said, smiling.

He pouted. "Why not?"

"Cause, I'll get all sticky."

"Mhm. Mhm. Lets do it."

I shook my head and let him drag me back into the kitchen. He lifted me onto the counter and grabbed a bottle of gin from the table. He took a long drink then handed the bottle to me. I took a long drink then handed it back to him.

"Mmm." He pushed his lips to mine softly at frist then rough. He pulled back and drank some more.

"Hey," I pouted.

"Sowy, ma." He smirked and handed me the bottle. He put his hands on my sides and pulled me closer to him. He just hugged me.

I took a small drink then made him look at me. "Whats wrong, babe?"

"I'm happy." he whispered in my ear then nibbled on my ear lobe. "You make me happy."

I smiled and dumped gin on his chest.

"My turn! And I get to lick it off of you!"

I smirked and then give him a seductive look. "I suppose. But.." He stepped back and I jumped off the counter. "You have to catch me first!" i yelled and ran into the living room.

I heard him laugh behind me. 

I ran up to my room and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. "Hey. Children. Where's Tamy?" Damen asked.

D-Shawn looked at him. "Uhm. What?"

I laughed. "Don't worry about her, brother. Come. Drink this so he has nothing to pour on me." i said and d-Shawn snatched it out of my hand.

"D-Shawn, behave yourself!" Tom yelled from the stairs.

"I am." he said.

"And what are you going to do with this?" Damen asked taking the gin.

"I'm gonna make love to my freakin girlfriend with it!"

Damen looked at me. "Is he being to horny?" he asked me.

I smiled. "Nope. I'm having fun."

"Okay. If he is, make him take a shower. He'll pass out." Tom said.

I giggled. "Okay."

Damen gave D-Shawn the bottle back. Then him and Tom go downstairs. "I love you, ma. Am I going to far?"

I shook my head. "No. You're fine, baby." 

He unbuttoned my shirt and opened my bedroom door. He kicked my door closed and he layed me on the floor. He straddled my legs. He took another drink then finished unbuttoning my shirt then he moved it out of the way and pushed my bra up and poured the liquid on my skin.

He met my eyes and smirked. "You okay?"

I nodded. He pecked my lips then scooted down and started licking my skin.

I giggled and he kissed my lips roughly. Then he layed down next to me on the floor. "I love you, ma. Wanna go somewhere tomorrow?" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Mmm." he kissed my nose. "I dunno. We could go to the fair, or go see a movie, or have sex on the beach." he said and I rested my hand on his chest.

"I don't care. Just no sex on the beach." He chuckles. 

"I'll be right back. Put something sexy on for me."

I stuck my toungue out at him.

"Please. Please! Please, baby!" he begged.

"Ah. Fine." I giggled.

He pressed a kiss to my lips then jumped up and ran out of my room. I got up and took my shoes and jeans off then shucked my shirt off. I went to my closet and took out a see through night gown and put it on over my bra and panties. I layed on my bed. 

D-Shawn walked in my room with a bottle of rum and a bottle of coke and some cake. I smiled at him. "So we're getting drunk and fat?"

He laughed and kicked the door closed then walked over to my bed. He set the stuff on the floor then got on top of me. "After I make love to you. I don't want to be completely shit faced when we do it." he whispered.

I kissed him softly. "I love you, D-Shawn."

"I love you too, baby." he said and kissed me again, rougher.


 In the morning, D-Shawn walked downstairs in sweats holding his head. "Rough night?" I asked and pulled the blanket higher on my torso.

"I hit my head fuckin your step sista last night. And we got shit faced and ate cake. So I don't think it was to rough."

I chuckled. 

"Summers goin by so fast."

I nodded. "We're gonna be seniors this year." I said.

"No more football." he muttered sadly.

"Hey, make your last year your best. You got Tate. She'll be your lucky charm!" I said.

"Yeah. I don't think she knows how it works." He chuckled. 

"Do you understand her thing? Which is?"

"Weapons." he said. "And I do kinda understand." 

Tatiana walked down the stairs with sunglasses over her eyes. "I feel like shit. I can't even sleep. Its like Boten Anna is on repeat in my brain. Which isn't so bad but still."

"What the hell is that?" D-Shawn asked her.

"A song. Basshunter." She walked over to him and layed down by his side. I threw a blanket over to them and he put it over them then wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her head. 

Dad and Tate's mom walked through the door and smiled at us. "Hey, guys."

Tatiana whined and D-Shawn pulled the blanket up higher on her. "You guys didn't get drunk, did you?" Mom asked.

"Nope. Tate just ate to much cake and brownies and she's kinda sick." D-Shawn said and I smirked.

"Good. Tater Tot went to a party with Nat this one time and Nat made her drive her car while she was drunk. She got in the worst accident ever. She was in a coma for two weeks. I never want my baby to drink ever again."

"What? Why was I never told this?" D-Shawn said.

"It was never brought up." Tate muttered.

"How the hell was someone ever gonna bring that up?"

"Oh I don't know." Tate giggled.

"Well, its nice and clean in here." Dad said and hun up his and mom's coat.

"You, my beautiful, are so complicated." D-shawn said.

"Aww! How cute!" mom cooed and walked over to them and kissed D-Shawn's cheek. "You take care of my baby or else I'll cut off your balls then rip your dick off."

"Ooh." D said and winced.

I laughed and D shot me a look. Mom and Dad walked upstairs.

"Tate, want some coffee? And some pain killers?" I asked.

she didn't answer. But small cute snores were coming from her direction. "Aww."

"Cute, I know." D said.


 School started a couple weeks ago. And its starting to get colder outside. D-shawn was at football practice and I was sitting on the bleachers eating a jar of chocolate spread because I didn't eat lunch. D-Shawn and I were dancing in the gym. The girls walked up and sat with me.

"Damn. Gettin ready to pop there, Vanessa." I said and she playfully smacked my arm. I offered her some of my chocolate stuff and she took some.

 "So what are we doing after practice?" Vanessa asked.

"Going to get food. I'm starving!" I said.

"I bet. You and D-Shawn looked cute dancing in the gym today!" Kelsy said.

I smiled. "He wants to go to prom." I said.

"Aww!" they said together.

D-Shawn ran up the bleachers and kissed me. 

I pulled back and wiped my mouth. "Ewww! You're all sweaty."

He smirked. "I love you, ma."

I smiled and pecked his lips. "I love you too. are you done?"

He shook his head and Tom and Derek ran up the bleachers. "Just taking a break."

I pouted and he sat on the bleacher in front of me. "But. But.."

He kissed me again. "I know. You bored?"

"She's hungry." Vanessa said.

"Fuck. I forgot. I'm sorry, baby. Go get my keys out of my coat pocket and go get subway or something."

I pouted again.

"What, baby?" he asked and kissed me again.

"No bueno."

"What?" He laughed.

"No good." I said.

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm not a big girl."

He chuckled and hugged me. "You feel like a big girl, ma."

I bit my lip. "But.. I love you!" I sung.

He kissed my cheek. "I love you too. Okay, after practice we'll go to the mall and get tacos." he said.

I glared at him. "Gonna faten me up and eat me for thanksgiving?" I snapped.

He frowned. "Of coarse not, baby. What's wrong?" 

I patted my abdomen then took both of his hands.

"Ohh. Gotcha. So whatcha want?" he asked and kissed my hands.

I took my left hand back and grabbed my chocolate spread. "More of this and comfort food."

"Okay. Can I have tacos?" he asked.

I giggled and nodded. He kissed me again and their coach blew his whistle. He kissed me roughly before him and Tom and Derek ran back to the feild.

Vanessa nudged me. "What's goin on?"

"Damen is such a fucking ass. I went to ask my mom if I could barrow her sweatshirt this morning cause I felt bloated and shit and he told me that I can't go in there because its his dads room. And then I was eating and he spilt milk on my head so I had to go take another fucking shower. Like how the hell can someone be that dumb?" I said.

"D said there was something goin on with you. Are you on your period? Or do you just have something against your step brother?" Kelsy asked.

"Yes. I have eveything against Damen. He's an ass hole fucker." I said.

Vanessa laughed. "And you're on your monthly, right?"

I nodded.

"Aww, poor baby." she said and hugged me. Kelsy hugged me next.


D-Shawn leaned over the consol and kissed me. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

He wiped the tears off my cheeks. "I wish you'd tell me what's wrong, baby."

"I don't wanna go home." I told him.

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked and hugged me.

I shrugged. 

"We could.." He looked in his glove box. ".. go rent a hotel room for a couple nights? Its Friday. Hot tubs, spa treatments, pools. Beach view." He pressed a kiss to my neck. "D-Shawn's dick in Tate's no no square."

I giggled and looked at him. "How much money do you have? I have none."

"Don't worry about that, ma. You just relax and enjoy yourself, k? Cause if you don't, I'm gonna tickle you and not talk to you for a week or month.. Or year!"

I giggled again. "Noo! I love you! Don't ignore me!"

He laughed and pressed his lips to mine. "Relax! Don't worry bout nofin! Promise."

I nodded. "I promise."

He smiled at me. "Good. Can we go home for like a half hour? Please? Well, you don't have to. I can drop you off with Tom and Vanessa until I get the stuff we need."

"I told you, no home." I said.

"Okay, ma." He smiled at me. "Are you still bleeding?"

I put my hands over my face. "No, D-Shawn!" I snapped and he laughed.

He pulled my hands off my face. "I was just wondering! I'm sorry. Don't hide your beauty from me! I can't handle it! I need to see that gorgeous face of yours!"

I pouted and kinda smiled then put my hands down.

"There she is," He kissed my lips softly.

He drove me to Vanessa's and Tom's place and told me he'd be back in thirty minutes. Not a minute later. I walked into their house and they smiled at me. "Happy friday, Tate!" Tom said.

I sit in their recliner.

"Where's your beau?" Vanessa asked smiling.

"Going to my house."

"Why aren't you with him?"

"She doesn't want to be there. Damen is being a dick to her. She stayed at her daddy's house the past few nights. Did D-Shawn finally get the money to take you somewhere special?" Vanessa said.

"He did. He told us in the lockerroom today." Tom said.

"So you both knew. And didn't tell me?" I asked.

They smiled at me. "He told us not to." Tom said. "Hey, we got you a birthday present! Since your birthday is this weekend and we won't see you til monday we're gonna give it to you now!"

"What?" I said confused.

"She's soo cute!" Vanessa cooed. 

"You guys really shouldnt have wasted precious money on me!" I said.

Tom walked out of the room. "Don't talk nonsense." she said. "You got Tom something and lots of stuff for the baby. And since its getting cold and rainy outside, you need it."

I smiled.

"And Tom got you a CD also. He said that you are obsessed with this band."

"Shut up, women. How's it spose to be a suprise if she already knows?!"

I smiled. "I love you guys." I said and Tom handed me to wrapped presents. D-shawn walked through the door.

"There he is!" Tom hugged him and kissed his head. D-Shawn looked at me.

"Did he do this to you?" he asked and I shook my head. 

Tom took his spot next to his girlfriend again and D-shawn sat on me. "Ugh! Get off me, fat ass!" I cried.

He chuckled and stood up. 

"Where you two going?" Vanessa asked.

"Its a suprise!" D-Shawn said and helped me up. "But only the best for my baby. I'll send you guys pictures later."

"Have fun!" Tom said.

"We love you!" Vanessa said.

I blew them a kiss and D-Shawn grabbed my presents and we walked out to his truck. He helped me into the passenger side even though I told him that I could get up on my own. "Quiet, ma. I wanna help you." he told me then kissed me.

He drove to one of the finest hotels in town and I looked at him. "Happy early birthday, baby." he said.

"What?!" I said and leaned over and put my chin on his shoulder as he parked. 

"What did I tell ya?"

"Holy fuck," I said.

He laughed. "You're cute."

"How can you even afford this? Its like three thousand a night."

"I have my ways. But, remeber what I told you like a half hour ago. If you don't relax and have fun.."

I shut him up with a kiss. "I know."

"Let me treat you like a queen, ok? You don't have to do anything. I'll even do your hair for you!" 

I giggled. "I love you, D." I whispered.

"I love you, too, ma. Now lets go." he said.

I jumped out of his truck and he came around and hugged me then grabbed three suitcases out of the bed of his truck and two bags.

We walked into the hotel and up to the front desk. "Last name?" the lady asked smiling at D-Shawn.

"Whane," he said.

"The honeymoon suit."

I looked at D-Shawn, eyes wide.

"I'm searious, baby. Chill. Everything is okay."

I crossed my arms and the lady handed him a key. A dude took the stuff from D-Shawn and then D-Shawn took my hand and walked me to the elevator. We stepped into the elevator and he pushed the button that took us up to the top.



 Tatiana jumps on the bed and I snap a pic of her on snapchat and send it to Tom. 'This is also what a bed is used for' I typed and sent it. She jumped once more then sat down. "I love you!" she sung cutely.

I walked over to her and kissed her. "I love you too, baby." I whispered.

"Forever?" she asked.

I nodded. There was no doubt, I wanted to be with her forever.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2012

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