
Meeting the guys

I was packing the last of my stuff when Jake appeared in my doorway. Well, I was sending a break up text to my abusive boyfriend. "Tsk tsk, Ame. Are you sending sexual texts to people?" he asked.
I laughed. "No. I'm breaking up with him. He gets mad eveytime I deny him sex."
"That's my girl,"
Jake is my older brother and the best brother in the world. To me anyway.
"I dont want to have sex, Jake. It's scary." I said.
He chuckled. "Virgins always tell me that, but they're to intimidated by my hot body."
I glared and smiled. "Gross, man. What is wrong with you?" I asked.
He chuckled. "A lot,"
"Well, I knew that. Are you ready?" he asked.
I nodded. "I'm exausted now."
He came over to me and kissed my forehead. "Go get in my car. Just so you know, Aaron is jerking off in the back."
I giggled. "Ok, bud." I said.
Aaron has been my brother's friend since they were kids. I got into the passenger seat and let out a tired breath. "Ame," Aaron moaned.
"What?" I asked quietly.
"Woah, you heard that?" he asked suddenly sober.
"Yah. You said my name so I said what."
"Oh. Hi."
"Dont let me ruin your time. I'm just tired." I said.
He just moaned my name. Ahhhh. What the fuck is wrong with him? "Ame? Can you do something for me?" he asked.
"Depends on what, Aaron." I said keeping my eyes closed.
"Dont listen to what I am gonna say?"
"You got it, stud." I said then put my ear buds in. But I didnt turn it on. I wanted to hear what he said.
"Mmmm" he moaned. "Ame, suck me."
Fighting hard not to gasp I fumbled with my iPod and turned it on. Then I texted Jake and told him to hurry up. I was absolutly appalled by this. I'm a virgin. I'd like to keep it that way. Jake got in his saburban and took an ear phone out of my ear. I heard Aaron moaning and groaning again.
"What's wrong, sis?"
"I got my period and my tampons are in one of the boxes at your house." I lied and glanced over my shoulder.
I winced at Aaron staring at my bra strap. Jake pushed my hair behind my ears. "Aaron, stop. You're creepin my sister out."
"But I aint gettin lucky anytime soon." Aaron said. "And you said you wouldnt listen." Aarond pointed at me.
"You didnt give me a chance to turn my iPod on, Aaron." I said quietly.
Jake laughed.
"I now hate my name even more." I whimpered.
Jake squinted. "Aaron, she is my sister. Get over yourself. She dont want sex."
I put my ear buds in and blasted the music.
My name is Ame Lynn French. My dad got remarried and I am still underage so my brother has custody of me now. I'm sixteen and my dad thinks I can not take care of myself. I've lived with maids and servents my whole life and I never once asked them to do anything for me. When I made a mess and they cleaned it up for me I would storm out of the room like a small child. I'm not snobby. Or a slut. I've never had sex. The farthest I've gotten with a guy was he sucked my pussy.
He didnt care that I didnt want to go further. He was set on me. When we got to his mansion I jumped out and shook my head. His mansion was the best mansion I've ever seen. "You do a lot of thinkin." Aaron said. "Do you ever think about me?"
I nodded. Aaron is a year older than me and a few years younger that Jake. Jake is twenty three.
"How do you think of me?"
"Right now, you make me want to barf and if you evey use me in your little sexy fantisys again without my permission, I will chop your dick off and feed it to you." I said.
Jake laughed. "Aaron, go get the guys. Then go help Ame unpack. So help me if you touch her, I'll do something much worse.
Nine guys were sitting on the couch. Aaron told me their names then pulled me upstairs. Andy, Zane, Josh, Jeff, Daniel, Jamie, Bob, Tanner, and Kyle. Then Aaron pulled me upstairs. "Get your dirty hands off of me, Aaron." I screamed.
He chuckled. "I have your arms," He stoped midstep and he was suddenly behind me. He put his hands around my waist and placed his hand on my crotch. "Damn your jeans are tight."
"Rape," I screamed.
Zane ran upstairs followed by the others. They ripped him off of me and Zane took me to my room. "Are you ok?" he asked.
I sat on the floor and grabbed the neckalace my mom gave me when she passed. I nodded my head. "I'm tired." I said.
"Come on. You can sleep in my bed since you dont have a bed yet. Zane had gorgouse blue eyes and black hair with blue tips. He was adorable.
He took me to his room and told me to lay down and got to sleep. He also told me that he would lock the door. I smiled my thanks before he left.


When I got up Aaron was sleeping on the floor and Zane had his arm tightly around me. His manhood poked me and I felt kind of horny. I felt my face flushed as I woke him up. He smiled. "Will you let me go?" I asked.
"Why?" he asked.
"I dont like sleeping in the same bed a someone." I said.
"But I like cuddling with you. Yous all soft and," He growled in my ear. "You turn me on."
I giggled then got up. I walked out of his room and into my room. Jake was painting my room black. He smiled then whipped the paint he had on his hands on his shirt. "Morning, Ame." he said.
"It's not morning." I said.
"It was seven when we got here and you wouldnt wake up so we just let you sleep." he said.
I yawned. "I wanna sleep more." I said.
He chuckled then kissed my forehead. "Go into my room and go back to sleep. And by the way, Aaron is pissed I kicked him out of the biggest bedroom in the house." he said.
I giggled then walked into his bedroom. His bedroom was huge along with his bathroom. I've slept in his room with him everytime I cam over. Since I was twelve. The maids were cleaning up the mess him and some chick probably made in the bathroom last night.
I groaned in pain and one of the maids poked her head out of the bathroom. She smiled. "You ok, honey?" she asked.
"Yes. I just dont feel good." I said.
She nodded. "I will get you something in a little bit."
"No. Please dont. I just want some rest." I said then layed on Jake's bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I am a light sleeper so I heard a couple guys talking. "She looks so peaceful in here. In Zane's room she didnt look peaceful until she got up." Aaron said.
Jake chuckled. "Probably because you were in there. She doesnt like people sleeping in the same bed with her. I'm and acception along with our dad and our dad's right handman."
"What?" Aaron asked confused.
"Christan Garcia is her best friend but he is twenty one. Make sense?" Jake asked.
"Yah." Aaron said. "Is she still having the nightmares?"
"No. The counsiler helped her cure that. The expensivest counsiler in the world. I would've strangled my father if that didnt work."
I opened my eyes and rolled over. "He lied to me. He said that she was the cheapest." I whispered.
Jake leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Shh. It's ok. We have money." he said.
I rolled my eyes.

Later Aaron and I were in my room unpacking my stuff. He tossed me a box. "I found them. Can I have a kiss?" he asked.
I threw the box at his head. "Give me the box," I said dangerously low. He slid the box he had over to me and I put it under my desk.
He took my tampons into the bathroom then came back out and sat down. "What's in the box?" he asked.
I rollled mye eyes. "Chains and whips," I lied.
"Oh, Ame, stop teasing me. You're gonna loose your virtue if you dont." he said.
"They're bras and panties." I yelled.
He groaned.
Daniel came into the room and glared. "Aaron, you were told to help her. Not seduce her. She looks pretty mad so shoo." he said.
Aaron shook his head.
"Josh wants to have a three way." Daniel teased.
Aaron jumped up and walked out the room.
Daniel sat in his place and took my hand. We laughed. "Are you ok?" he asked when we sobered.
I nodded.
Jake came in and glared. "What the fuck, Daniel. You aint claimen my sister." Jake yelled.
I was confused and shoked as Daniel was draged out of my room. Jake sat in front of me and smiled.
I smiled back.
"Time to play the secret game." he said. "You first,"
"I have a crush on Zane." I said. "Your turn."
He sucked in a breath before talking. "You're a vampire. Along with every guy in this house."
I raised my eye bro then grabbed a blanket and hid under it.
"I wont hurt you, Ame." he said.
"That's what every vampire in the movie says." I said.
He laughed. "I swae to the fucking gods I will not hurt you." he said.
I peeked out of the blanket. I was so frightened and yet I was amazed that I was a vampire.
His grin widened. "You arn't one yet. As soon as you get your mate he will change you and you will have sex with him."
I shuddered. "I aint haven sex with nobody. Sex sounded fun when I was twelve but now it's just...."
"You wanted to have sex when you were twelve?" he asked.
I nodded. "All of my friends did. It's called our hormones were really high and we're just... stop making me explain myself." I whined.
He chuckled. "If one of these fools claim you, tell me."
"What's that?" I asked confused.
"They look deep into your innocent little soul until something clicks. But it only clicks if both want it. No letting you and Zane alone. Big no no." he said.
"I dont want to have sex with anyone." I yelled.
He laughed. "Why were you so mad?" he asked.
"Aaron was trying to seduce me." I said.
He grew angry. I was frightened and hid under the blanket. I've never been this terrified of my brother. He sensed my discomfort and calmed down. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, Ame, I didnt mean to frighten you." he said. "Aaron, get yo ass in here."
Aaron poked his head in the door glaring at me. I flipped him off. "Suck dat, bitch." I spat.
Jake fell back laughing. I crawled off of his lap and sat on the floor. When Jake recovered he looked at Aaron. "If you screw my sister, you will loose not just your manhood."
Aaron nodded. "Can I help your sister still?" he asked with hope in his eyes. He looked like a puppy with his olive green eyes wide.
Jake chuckled. "I guess." Jake said then got up. Jake leaned against the door while Aaron sat in his place.
"Jakey, I'm hungry." I said.
"Ok, honey." Jake said then walked out.
Aaron sat down and smiled. "Hey, sexy girl." he said.
"Hey, horney fool." I said making him wince.
"Baby, why you gotta act like that?" he asked.
"Wanna play the secret game." I said after shrugging.
"You first,"
"I havnt screwed since you showed me your tits three months ago." he said.
"I didnt show you them. My boobs hurt so I took my bakini top off and you happened to be hiding behind a tree while Lola and I were swimng." I said.
He laughed. "You're up, champ." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "I broke up with Jevvy yesterday." I said. His name is Jev but I called him Jevvy because he wanted a personal nickname from me. We argued about it in the beginning but he came to think it was sexy the way I said it.
Aaron's eyes lit up. "Good. You're way to good for him." he said.
"He is part of my father's mob. Technacally he is to good for me."
I may have left out the part that I was the daughter of the most famouse mob boss in the world. Oops. I know how to handle a bunch of wepons. I giggled at the thought.
"Your turn, stud." I said.
Jake came in cutting him off. He handed me a plate with a peanut butter sandwich on it. I smiled.
"Thankumms, bubby." I said.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Dad is on the phone for you, honey." he said then helped me up.
I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. I sat at the table and said, "Hell, haha, o?" I asked.
Dad laughed. "It brightens my day everytime you do that, baby girl."
"I aint no baby, old man." I said.
He laughed. "Sorry, young women." he said.
I smiled. "Hi, daddy." I said.
"Hi, baby girl. How are you?" he asked.
"I am tired. I have so much shit." I said.
"I know, honey. Will you do me a favor?"
"I knew you called for one of those." I said with quiet rage.
He didnt answer.
"Old man, what do you want?" I snapped.
"Christan is making it hard to leave. He wants you."
I hung up and grabbed Jake's car keys. "Jakey, I'm going out for a little bit." I said running out the door. I jumped into Jake's suburban and drove to the warehouse where my dad keeps his privet jet.
Christan was sitting on a bench where I had my first kiss. Christan was my first kiss. I was thriteen and he was sixteen when he kissed me.
I turned the music down and turned the car off. Christan stood up when Iw as standing in front of him. I smiled before hugging him. "Hey, stud, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I dont wanna leave you, Ame. I'd miss you soooo much." he said. "And I cant think about you without getting a boner." he said nuzzling my neck. "And I enjoyed sucking you the other night. I woked really hard on not sticking my dick in your pussy."
I giggled. "Come on, let's go see jerk off." I said.
He chuckled then I twined our fingers and lead him to my father. My father looked up from cleaning his gun. His new wife was half naked on his desk.
Christan was staring down my shirt. She didnt like that none so she tattled on him. "Willliam, your right hand man is staring down our daughter's shirt."
Dad kissed his gun. "So? I would rather he loose her virtue to him than any other sore looser around." he said.
I rolled my eyes.
"What is it you need, princess?" dad asked.
"Christan," I said.
He stopped what he was doing. "What?"
"I want Christan to stay. I want my bestie to wake me up when I have a bad dream or hold me when I cant sleep."
Dad thought about it for a moment. "Ok, daughter. If it'll make you two happy. I expect to see you monthly, Christan."
It made me insainly mad that he didnt want to see me monthly. I glared then pulled a knife out of my boot. Our family knife. Everyone in the family had one. "I'm out, man." I said.
Dad looked at me with panick in his eyes. "You dont mean that, Amelia." he said.
"Yes. I do. I hate how you want to see your men more that Jake and I. Not that Jake cares but I do, dummy." I yelled.
My dad's brother Owen came over to me and hugged me. He pulled me into the plane and comforted me. "Honey, I know how you feel. My dad did the same to us. You can not do this to him. He'll brake down and kill himself if you give up on him. I know it's hard and I'll be here for you. Call me every day and anytime you need me I will come see you." he said.
I whiped my eyes. "Thank you, uncle Owen." I said.
He nodded. "Did Jake tell you about us being monstors?" he asked. I nodded.
He laughed.
"I know who your mate is, sweety." he said.
I raised my brow. "Ooh, tell me. Tell me, mr." I said.
He chuckled. "Playful pup," he teased.
I bit his finger and he jumped then laughed. "You have some sharp teeth. Calm down." He kissed my forehead. "I think your father is ready to appologize."
I shook my head. "He isn't sorry. You and I both know that. He just says that so he doesnt loose his mob." I said.
He chuckled. "Sweetheart, dont insult your father." Owen said.
I giggled then got up. We were sitting on the bed in the bedroom of Dad's plane. I went to the closet and looked for the iPod I usually kept in there. It wasnt there.
My eyes widened as I pulled my gun out of my pants. I walked out and pointed the gun at his bitch. "Where the fuck is it?" I yelled.
She looked at me scared. Good. Christan and Dad didnt move a muscle. I smiled a sad smile. "The last thing i have of my fucking mother." I screamed.
"I gave it to my daughter. I didnt know why it was in there. I'm so.."
"Dont even," I said dangerously low.
I lowered my gun and grabbed my knife. I grabbed her wrist and cut it.
"I curse you to hell, bitch." I said still low.
Dad and Christan's eyes popped out of their heads. "Ame, how did you learn that?" Christan whispered.
"I saw mom do it a few months ago. Jake said it would ban them to hell and they would get raped by the devil. I like it." I said smiling.
"Holey hell, she has sharp teeth, William." Christan said to dad.
Dad nodded. "Darling, go see Owen and have him clean that up." Dad said to her.
Once she left dad darted around his desk with inhuman speed. He hugged me but I pushed him off of me. "How th hell did you do that? You're not even full vampire yet." Dad growled at me.
"I dont know. Stop yelling at me, dad." I screamed.
"Have you had sex yet?"
"No." I yelled.
"Then why are you acting like this?" he asked.
Dad tapped his chin. I rolled my eyes.
"Christan had anyone pleasured her in anyway?" dad asked.
Christan shrugged. "I dont know." he snapped.


When Christan and I got to Jake's mansion I yawned before pressing my lips to his. He didnt hesitate he pushed me against on of my walls and kissed me. He unbuttoned my pants and put his hand in them and fingered me. I let out a soft moan against his lips. "Christan," I moaned quietly.
He kissed my neck before putting me on my bed. He jumped up and closed the door and locked it before pulling my pants down.
"Baby, you ready for this?" he asked.
I shook my head. He layed down next to me and kissed me slow and sweet.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm a little girl." I said.
He smiled. "No. You're a sexy young women." he said. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, dude." I said.
He laughed then kissed me again. "Wanna go to a party tonight?" he asked.
I shook my head. "You can go. I have to unppack." I said.
"Why arnt the guys doing it?" he asked.
"I told them wait until I found out where my girl stuff was." I said.
He chuckled then kissed my neck. "I love you, Ame." he whispered.
"I love you, too, Christan." I said.
Someone knocked on my door and Christan let me put my pants on. I opened my door and Josh handed me a gun. My gun. "I found this in the driveway. What are you doing?" he asked.
"Talking," I said
I put my gun in the waistband of my jeans.
"Ok, Ame." he said then walked away.
I closed the door then went over to my bed. I straddled Christan and pecked his lips. "Ame, why you so afraid of sex?" he asked.
"Because. And I walked in on you having sex and you're an animal." I said.
He laughed. "I'll be gental, baby." he said.
I smiled. "And you're huge." I said.
"Mmmhmm. I cant chop it in half for you. That would hurt... ALOT. I love you but I wont do that. I swear I'll be gental."
I pushed him down. "Dummy, I love you." I said then kissed him.
His hands slid down to my but and he flipped us over. "I love you too. Did you change your mind?" he asked.
I nodded.
He stared in my eyes for what seemed like forever before he kissed me passionatly. He took all of our clothes off and looked to me. I nodded for him to continue. He kissed my theigh until he came to my crotch.

"Hold still, baby, this is gonna hurt a little." Christan said panting. He sunk his teeth into my neck making me scream in pain. Finally he took his teeth out of my neck and I glared at him as the pain went away. "Told ya, baby." he said then licked up the left over blood. "You taste amazing, baby."
I rolled my eyes. "That hurt, meanie." I yelled.
"What hurt?" Aaron said banging on the door.
"Shit. Get off of me, Christan." I said paniking.
He got off of me and I got dressed. He rolled over and closed his eyes. I opened my door and Aaron stared wide eyed at me.
"What?" I snapped.
"You look more amazing than you did three hours ago, babe." he said. His eyes travled down and stopped at my neck.
"Jake, your sister found her mate and I hate him." he yelled.
Jake laughed and came into my room. He looked at the half asleep Christan. "Wow, you wore him out, sister." he said.
I raised my brow.
"So tell me what's wrong. Dad called me crying."
"I slammed my knife on his desk because I was mad that he wants to see his men more than he wants to see me. Ha ha. That makes him sound gay." I said.
Jake laughed. Aaron stared at me like he was in pain. Then suddenly with inhuman speed he ran away and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and he was dry humping me on his bed. I screamed and fought with him. Jake grabbed him by the neck and Christan lunged for his neck.
I reached out and grabbed him. "He touched my mate," Christan yelled baring sharp fangs.
"I dont care what the fuck he touched. It was a rush of what he couldnt have, Christan Garcia." I yelled.
He winced at my tone. Jake stood there grinning approvingly at my tone and Aaron whimpered.
Christan grabbed my arm and pulled me into his warm embrace. "I'm sorry, princess. I'm a little possesive when it comes to my mate. And you're mine."
"Jake, let me go. I didnt mean to. I swear. The little voice in my head screamed that I screwed up when I saw her open her door." Aaron said as Jake choked him
"I dont know. I am a mob bosses son. I shouldnt just let you go. But since you're my friend. You have to promis you will stay away from her no no square and stop looking down that way." Jake said like a fther talking to a five year old.
Aaron looked me over and grinned. "Ok. I'm sorry, Ame."
I nodded then draged Christan, who was still naked, out of Aaron's room. When we got back to my room he layed down and fell asleep while I vidio chated with my step sister. "I would so hug you right now." she said
"Why?" I asked quietly fiddling with my phone
"Cause your family is vampires and... yah. I just love it." she said. "Why are you so down tonight, A?" she asked.
"I'm just tired of it, you know." I said.
She smiled sadly. "Your mother's iPod is in one of Christan's bags. I told my mother that it wasnt right to just give someone's stuff away and Owen told me your mum gave it to you."
"Thanks," I mumbled.
She smiled but frowned when Christan put his arms around me. "Chris, whatya doing there?" she asked.
"Getting ready to have sex with my mate again." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "No, Christan, I wanna watch tv." I said. She clicked off but she looked really pissed.
Now I was really pissed.
I growled then got up. "Did you screw her?" I snapped.
He shook his head. "She tried to me."
I walked out of my room and he followed me.
"Baby, I swear I didnt." he said as I went into my brother's room. I turned around and kissed him.
"Go back to bed, baby, I'ma talk to my bro." I said.
He kissed my forehead then went to my room. Jake was kissing someone but they stopped. The slut glared fucking daggers at me.
"Loose it, chick." I said dangerously low.
She flinched.
"What do you need, Ame?" Jake asked.
"Christan might be lying to me."
He got up and kicked the girl out. "Mates cant lie to their mates, honey." he said. "Why do you say?"
"Our step sister likes him." I said.
"Everyone likes him except Aaron." he said.
I giggled. "I'm gonna go to bed. Love you, bro." I said.
"You too, sis." he said before I left.
I walked into my room and Christan pulled me into his arms. "I wannna play," he said.
I raised my brow. "We just 'played' about an hour ago."
"Not what I mean, Ame, I meant lets go hunting and play around." he said.
I giggled. "Dont know how. And I'm exausted. Let's play tomarrow." I said.
He kissed my cheek lightly then closed my door. "Ok, baby."


Two months later Christan and I were playing tag in the woods. Vampire tag is so much funner than human tag. He put his arms around me and jumped over a clif. My first instinct was to scream but insted I did what he did. Put my arms out and smile as he looses his grip on me.
"Ame, you scare me sometimes," he said when I landed on my feet.
I giggled. "Come on; let's go home." I said.
"You have to let me carry you or I'll have the animals listen to you scream my name." he said like he was talking to a child.
I smiled then jumped on his back.
Once we got home Jake tackled us to the ground. "Where the hell did you go?" he asked.
"Ame sunk her teeth into my arm last night and she has sharp teeth so I took her hunting then we went and played tag in the woods." Christan said.
"Yah. Chillaxe, bro." I said.
"Dad is on the phone for you." he said to me and handed me the phone.
"What?" I snapped into the phone.
"Well, hello to you too. I want to see my baby girl."
"Whatever," I said then hung up. "Come on, Chris, we gotta go to England." I said.
He kissed me then we went up to pack.

When we got to my father's new mansion, he had slutty girls all over the place. Christan wasnt looking at any of them. He was admiring the mansion. "Your brother's mansion is better." he said.
I agreed. We went inside and my step sister came over to Christan. She rubbed her body against his. It made me jelouse but her pushed her off of him. I smiled. You're turning me on, I said into his mind.
He grinned then kissed me. "Good," he said aloud. We went up to my dad's study. Dad was reading a book about his favoriet composer. Mozart. He looked at us and smiled.
I didnt smile back. Chris did. Dad put the book on his shelf and sat down. "Hey. I am making it fair. I do want to see you, Ame."
"Well, you can call me Amelia. You lost every ounce of respect and trust I had for you." I said.
He nodded. "Understandable." he said.
"Good. Where is my room?"
"Choose whatever one you want, honey. Feel free to kick anyone you want out."
"Even you?" I asked.
He nodded. "Ok. I want your room." I said.
"Very well, darling. I shall see you at dinner. I want to have a word with Christan."
I walked out and down the hall to big double doors. They had my father's initals and his wifes. I grabbed a sharpie out of my purse and wrote the first letter of my mother's name on it. I walked in and glared at my step mother. She was screwing Jacob.
"Tsk tsk. Get out this is my room while I am here." I said.
"No it is not." she yelled.
"Ma am, you dare yell at the princess?" Jacob said.
I was about ready to knock some sense into her. "I said out," I screamed.
Jacob jumped out of bed and got dressed. She remained. I let out a really loud scream. Jacob ran out and Dad and Christan came. "Please listen to her. She isn't in control of her powers yet." Christan said.
Being a child I jumped on the bed and started writing 'I caught you. I fucking caught you.'
I didnt know why but I was holding back my anger. "Darla, out." my father yelled.
Five minutes later she was dressed and gone. The maids washed everything and about a few hours later I was sleeping.

Christan's POV

"Is she happy with you?" Master asked.
"Yes, master." I said.
"That's good."
Cici came in looking mad. "Who is M. French?" she yelled at him.
"My diseased wife." he yelled back. "Why do you ask?"
"Your door now says E and M French."
"My daughter and Christan will be staying in my room and she doesn not want me married to you mother." he said. "Christan, you are excused. I walked into the music room and found my mate playing a french horn. I smiled.
I sat in front of her and watched her. She watched me back. When she was done I clapped. "Wonderful, darling, wonderful."
Owen came in and smiled. "Hey, love birds. Come give me a hug, Ame." he said.
She handed me the french horn and walked over to her uncle.

Elliot's POV

Sitting in the home theater I watch my baby growing up. I didnt relize I stoped paying attention to her when she was seven. Jake came to her rescue and showed her the way. I replayed. Someone came in and sat in the back. I didnt bother looking to see who it was. Probably one of my lackeys telling me. I felt dead inside. I kind of wish I was dead. Once the one when she was thirteen was over Amelia sat next to me.
She had tears in her eyes. "Dont cry, baby, what's wrong?" I asked.
Then she did something unexpected. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. She put her head on my shoulder and cried. I pulled her onto my lap and comforted her.
"Shhh, Dadd's here and he isn't gonna leave you."
She baried her face in my chest and shook her head. "You lie. You've lied to me my whole life."
"I know. I know, baby. I am sorry. I'll move back home and take care of you and Jake."
She shook her head. "Jake hates your guts. He could careless if he had a father." she cried.
I rubbed her back. "I love you, baby." I whispered.
She nodded.

That night at dinner she was sitting on Christan's lap and they were flirting. My step daughter was glaring at them. Owen stood up and grinned. "I have something to say." he said. "My brother is going to get a new son as soon as they figure out a date." His words were slurred from the beer he was drinking. "My darling neice has a little Christan or Ame on the way and theys gettin married." Then he passed out.
The bbody guards picked him up and took him to bed. I looked at Ame. "Amelia, is that true?"
She got up and stomped out of the room. Christan excused himself then went to calm her. "Husband, why do you spooil that child?" my wife asked me.
"Because I totally abandoned her when she was younger." I said.
A few minutes late Ame and Christan came back out. She had tears in her eyes as she sat on his lap. "Yes, dad. I am pregnant and I am marrying Christan." she said as Christan rubbed her stomch.
"Why isn't you make up smearing?" my step daughter yelled.
"I am not wearing make up. I dont need it." Ame said quietly.
My wife rolled her eyes.
"Ame, come here, dear." I said.
She got up and came over to me. I took her hand and kissed it. "I love you, sweethart. Your mum would be proud. Whereever she is." I said.
She looked at me like I was insain. "Mum is dead."
I shook my head.
She glared at me. "What do you mean?"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2012

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