

"Omigod, Connor, I still cant belive we're here." I said while we were sitting on the beach.
I smiled and Connor kissed my cheek. "Well, belive it, baby doll."
I felt like puking though. "Connor, I feel sick. Can we go back to the hotel?" I asked.
He nodded then got up and helped me up. About four weeks ago I caght Skylar cheating on me. With Natacha. So after Connor and I graduated Daniel and Connor decided it was time for Connnor and I to go on a vacation. I wasnt complaining. I was tired of Skylar begging for forgiveness. Daniel forgave him because Skylar is like a brother and Daniel doesnt have a brother.
I'm happy he forgave him. I want Danny to be happy. When we got into the hotel I ran to the bathroom and puked. Connor held my hair and rubbed my back. "I wanna go home, Connor. I miss Danny." I said.
I leaned against the toilet then he hugged me. He pulled my phone out of my bra and called Daniel. I didnt pay attention though. I just puked again. After he was done on the phone i brushed my teeth then went to lay down.
"Take a nap. We're leaving tonight." he said. So I fell asleep.
I was being shook awake sometime later.
"Honey, it's time to go. But I want you to pee on this stick then hand it to me when you're done."
I didnt ask, I was to tired. So I went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. My phone vibrated on the bathroom counter and I answered without looking at the collar ID. "Hello?" I asked groggily.
"Hey, Sweety." Natacha said.
I threw my phone on the floor and yelled, "Selfish, bitch. I hate you." I said then finished peeing on the stick. I handed it to Connor when I walked out.
"Who was on the phone?" he asked. "Natacha," I said and got dressed. He went into the bathroom and grabbed my phone and he talked to Natacha.
"Stop calling her. She clearly doesnt want to talk to you."
I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and Connor put my phone in my pocket and looked at the stick. His face dropped a few minutes later.
"I'm gonna kill him," he said to himself.
I raised my brow. "Who? What?" I asked.
"Skylar and you're pregnant."
I crossed my arms and he showed me the stick. "Son of a bitch," I muttered then went into the bathroom. I drank some water from my hands and tried to stay calm.
We left for the air port and I slept the whole way home. Daniel was waiting when we got to the airport. He wrapped his arms around me and I baried my face in his chest.
He rubed my back as I cried. "Shhh. It's ok. You're home."
I nodded then let hime carry me out to his saburban. Skylar was in the passenger seat. Daniel told him to get in back with Connor and Daniel put me in the passenger seat. I sighed with reliefe when Daniel turned the heat on. It was freezing outside. I put my hands on my abdoman and bent forward a little.
Daniel patted me back. "Hey, squirt. How was vaca?" he asked.
"Fun. Connor smacked my back when I got burnt."
He chuckled. "Shame shame, Connor."
"Hey. She was having a nightmare and I could let her sleep through it so I woke her up by smacking her back." Connor said.
I laughed halfheartedly. "Why did you wanna come home, squirt?" Danny asked.
"I love you, Danny. I need to talk to you later." He rubbed my back.
"Tell me why you're sitting like that. Skylar is staring at your thong."
I sat up and glared at Skylar.
"Do you have a stomch ach?" Daniel asked.
"N-no." I stuttered. Kind of, I thought to myself.
"Then what's wrong, honey? Are you hungry?"
I looked at him and nodded. "Starving," I said.
"If I get Taco Bell will you tell me what's wrong?" he asked.
"Connor oready knows, but Skylar can burn in hell." I said.
He smiled. "Skylar, will you burn in hell for about five minutes?"
"S-sure," Skylar stuttered. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
"I-I'm pregnant," I whispered.
He looked at me and kissed my forehead. "I kind of figured. Connor said you've been a little sick." he whispered.
I whimpered. "Now, get me food, slave."
He chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." he said then payed attention to the road. He got everyone food then he droped Connor off at home. Connor kissed my cheek. "Bye, baby doll. I'll se you in a few days."
I smiled and nodded. "Bye, bubba."
I bent forward and started to cry again. Someone put their hand on my back and rubbed my back. I groaned and Skylar chuckled softly. "Can I know the big secret?" he asked.
I loved him so much and I did belive in second chances. I sat up and looked him in the eyes. He was inches away from me. "Not unless you're truly sorry for what you did and you have to take care of me for the whole night."
"I am insainly sorry. It's driving me insain that I cant hold you. It felt good when you didnt snap at me for rubbing your back."
I sighed. "We'll see if you're truley sorry. One week of me." I said.
He smiled and nodded. "Anything."


Skylar has been taking care of me all week and I am slowly starting to trust him again. I had just woken up from a nap and Skylar came in with a movie and popcorn. "You wanna know my secret?" I asked.
He put the movie in then excitedly sat on my bed. I hugged him.
"This is Daniel's, mine, and your fault."
He nodded. "So what's the big secret, baby?" he asked.
I sucked in a breath. "I'm pregnant," I whispered.
He pulled back and looked at me with a smile on his face. "A baby?" he asked.
I nodded. "That's kind of what a pregancy is." I said.
He got up and ran out into the hall. "I'm gonna be a daddy," he yelled excitedly.
I smiled. I didnt think he would take it so well. Daniel and him came back in with a smile on their faces. "So what are we naming my neice?" Daniel asked.
"It's a boy," Skylar said.
"How do you know?"
"Because I came in her and it's a boy."
I smiled. "It's a girl." I said. "You will be held responsible if I dont get a girl." I joked.
They laughed. "If it's a girl you name her, Anna. If it's a boy you name him, Skylar." Daniel said.
"Amelia Rose," I said.
"Daniel Anthony," Skylar said.
"There we go." Daniel put his hand on my stomch and said, "Good night Amelia Rose."
Skylar glared daggers at him. I giggled. Danny kissed my forehead.
"Good night, honey." he said then went to his room.
"How did you sleep, mommy?" he asked me while closing the door and locking it.
"Nice," I whispered.
He kissed my forehead. "I decided we're going to watch Dont mess wwith the Zohan." he said.
"You thought I'd still be asleep and the guys are watching porn downstairs?" I asked.
He nodded. "At least I dont wanna watch girls and some guy fucking."
"Nah. You'd rather watch us fucking."
He nodded enthusiastically. "With you in it, I'd be in heaven. But the real thing is so amazing!"
I laughed softly.

Natacha's feelings for Skylar

Everyone in the house had to come with Skylar and I to the doctors. They had to wait outside though. I winced at the cold stuff on my belly. Skylar's older sister was my doctor. Skylar was happy about it but sad at the same time. He said it was because he was confused. We asked on what. And he said everything. "Well, daling, I'm positive she payed attention in class. Did you see her grades? Connor's and her's both. They were above and beyond expected." she said.
He laughed.
"I found the heartbeat. You are pregnant. Congradulations, sweeties." she said.
"Cici bear, will sex hurt the baby?" he blurted out.
She squinted at him. "You cheated on her, she found out she was pregnant, why should you get any?"
"I owe her a lot, Cici. She says she wants it better than what Natacha had."
She laughed then brushed my bangs out of my eyes. "No. It will not hurt the baby. Just be careful what you're doing to her. You are the only way I can get a neice or a nephew."
Skylar nodded then she told us when we had to come back. I whipped the stuff off of my belly button then Skylar and I went into the waiting room. The guys tackled Skylar. "Are ya preganant?" they all asked together.
Daniel hugged me. "They wanted to tackle you, I told them if they did, they would loose their dicks."
I giggled.
Later we were all in the living room watching New moon. I told them if I dont get what I want I'd murder them all. I was sitting on Skylar's lap and he had my stomch showing and he was rubbing my stomch.
He placed a small kiss on my neck. "I missed you," he whispered in my ear.
I nodded then rested my head on his shoulder. Austin leaned over and put his head on my shoulder. "Are you hungry? This movie is creepin me out."
I kissed his forehead. "Yah."
He got up. "I'm going to Pizza Hut. I need money."
Daniel squinted then handed him some money. Austin went upstairs to get his jacket before leaving. Or tried to leave. Natacha stormed into the living room and glared at me.
Austin and Daniel and the others glared daggers at her. I didnt want to glare, I was to tired. "You're a bitch. Connor hates me now."
"I didnt make him hate you, snobby rich bitch." I muttered.
She rolled her eyes. "Skylar and I had sex every day that you were gone."
Skylar scoffed. "Bitch, please. I learned my lesson. She left when I did that. You really think I'd do it again?" Skylar asked her. "Now be quiet and leave. I'm enjoying a night with my girlfriend and baby."
I giggled.
Natacha glared daggers at me. "This is your fault, Anna."
"If it's my fault then stop calling me that. Have you noticed that people that I hate call me Annastasha? Only special people get to call me by my nicknames."
"Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna."
"Anna, love, I think you matured when you grduated and when you were in Hawii." Danny said making me smile.
"Thank you, Love." I said.
"I love Skylar and I am gonna get what I want."
"No you aint bitch. I gotta baby and a girlfriend to take care of. Anna, will you marry me?" he asked.
I thought about it for a second. "Yes," I said.
"I have my fiancee and baby to take care of." Skylar yelled.
She flinched then stormed out. Austin laughed. "She loves Skylar. Ha, worst mistake ever."
"Why?" Skylar asked.
"Anna gets posseive over boyfriends when someone else loves them. And she's pregnant so Natacha is gonna die." Devon explained.
Skylar pressed a light kiss to my neck. "I'm ok with that."
I nodded then pecked his lips.
After the movie was over Skylar and I went up to my room and layed down. I kissed his lips lightly and he kissed mine lightly. He ran his toung along my bottom lip. I pulled away. "Can I trust you?" I asked.
He nodded. "I'm not a sex addict anymore, honey. I'm addicted to your sex and you." he said.
I smiled. "Then tell me that thing you never tell anyone." I said.
He grinned. "Ok. My step father ass raped me when I was thirteen." he said.
I frowned and put my hand on his cheek. I stroked his cheek with my thumb then kissed him. "I sorry, baby." I murmmered.
He smiled. "Eh," he said with a shrug. "My mom dummped his bitch ass for doin it."
I smiled then kissed him. He ran his toung along my bottom lip. I let him in. Suddenly he jumped up.
"You really wanna marry me?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Yes! I have to go see my grandmother."
"Baby, it's almost mid night and we wont get pregnant if we dont use a condom." I said.
He chuckled. "I guess you're right." he said then crawled back in bed. "The baby isn't gonna grab me is it?" he asked.
"No. Why would you think that?" I asked.
"Austin and I were watchhing 41 year old virgin who knocked up that chick and it scared me when the baby grabbed that guy's dick."
I rolled my eyes. "Ok. If you actually payed attention in that class, the baby isn't even mature yet. It's organs dont work."
"Then why does the heart work?"
"I dunno. If you're not gental then the baby will grab your dick." I lied.
He laughed. "I want rough sex when you aint pregnant anymore." he said.
I shrugged. "Ok, baby." I said.
He layed down then kissed me again. I let him in when he asked for entrance then we went from there.

In the morning I was being woke up by my mom. I squeaked and it woke Skylar up. Skylar held me tightly in his arms. "Daniel," he yelled.
"Daniel is tied up in the basement." she said.
Then the cops burst in and grabbed my mom. After they left, I got dressed then rushed down to the basement. I untied Daniel and Skylar carried him out to his saburban. He was beat up pretty bad. Beat unconsiouse. Stupid, bitchy mom. I thought.
Daniel woke up while Skylar was driving to the hospital. I was sitting in the back and his head was on my lap and his blood was going on my pants and I couldnt stop the tears. I didnt like blood. I didnt like seeing blood. Especially Danny's. "Anna?" he asked.
I put my hand on his head and troked his hair. "Shh, go to sleep. She beat you unconsiouse." I said.
He reached up and patted my shoulder. "I'm fine. I just need some rest." he reasured me.
I smiled a fake smile. "Go to sleep then," I said.
He fell asleep and when we got to the hospital I was asleep too.
Skylar woke me up hours later. He climbed in the back seat and hugged me. "Daniel is fine. He has a broken knee, his wrist is broke, and he has stitches in a few places. Wanna go home and change? Your jeans are bloody."
I shook my head. "Daniel has clothes in here for me." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead then went to the trunk. He came back and handed me a purple and gray sweater and a pair of skinny jeans and some tennishoes. I changed then we went into the hospital. Daniel was glaring at the tv. "You suck to much pussy," he said to Skylar.
"I wasnt sucking her. She was sleeping and you bled all over her so she changed her clothes." Skylar said. "Your sister is slow when she is tired."
I layed down next to Daniel and snuggled into his side. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "How did the cops get there so fast?"
"I was on the phone with uncle James and I droped the phone and yah."
"Why were you talking to uncle James?" I asked.
"He was telling me that I have a great neice or nephew on the way." Uncle James's voice came from the doorway.
I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Are you mad?" I asked. Uncle James is kind of like a dad since he is from my father's side.
"No. You have your father in you. Your momma had Danny when he was sixteen. You both get a lot of things from your dad. Your looks, your skills. Guess you were the one to get pregnant unexpectidly." he said. Skylar had fallen asleep on the couch thingy.
"I'm special," I said like a little girl and smiling.
"Yes you are," Amber said.
"It's a girl and you're naming her Amber." she said nodding. She had a notebook and a pencil.
"Amber, she is gonna name it whatever she wants." James said.
"If it's a girl they're naming her Amelia Rose and if it's a boy Daniel Anthony." Daniel said with a smile on his face.
"Hmm!" James said nodding his head while sitting in the chair. Amber sat on his lap. "Anna always did look up to you."
"Skylar thought of that name. He really wants a boy."
"Why?" Amber asked me.
"He wants someone to teach everything to. Fishing, camping, football, fighting, treating women the right way." I said.
"Last time I saw him was on top of your ex best friend," Amber mumbled.
"Amber, stop." James snapped. She nodded then went back to drawing. "He didnt treat women right until you."
I nodded. "His dad never taught him that stuff." Daniel said. "I've been trying to but he said I'm to young to be his father."
I giggled. "You are."
"I can do that stuff with him," James offered.
My face lit up and I smiled.
James chuckled. "You would love for me to spend time with your fiancee?" he guessed.
I nodded.
He smiled. "I'd love to. Only if he is ok with it."
"I'm sure he would be." Natacha said.
I glared at her. She was staring at Skylar. James turned around and squinted. "No. Go away. No visitors." he said using his cop voice.
"I'm not here to see Daniel. Isn't it obviouse?" she asked her eyes snapping to him.
Amber jumped up and ran over to her and slapped her in the face. "Go away, dirty bitch." she cried. "You hurt my cousin. I hate you."
I jumped up and ran over to her. I pulled her into my arms before kicking Natacha out the door and closing it. I sat on the couch and held her while she cried. That woke Skylar up. He sat up and pulled her into his arms and she didnt hit him. She relaxed and eventually fell asleep.
"What did I miss?" Skylar whispered.
I was to busy watching him with Amber to notice her was talking to me until he nudged my shoulder with his hand.
"Hey. You ok?"
"OH. Yah. Natacha came and Amber snapped." I whispered.
"Oh. Why doesnt she hate me anymore?"
"I'm having your baby and she likes babies. And I think she has a crush on you." I said.
He chuckled. "I am pretty hot," he said.
I giggled. "Very, baby." I said. "Would you go on a date with my uncle?" I asked.
He raised his brow. "Sure but I wont kiss him or flirt with him." he said.
I giggled. "No, baby, I mean like go fishing and crap with him."
A smile came to his lips after a minute and he said, "Hell yes!"
Daniel and James chuckled. I smiled then kissed him. "Wonderful, baby." I said. "Wonderful."

A day with Anna's uncle.... Skylar's POV

Anna woke me up early the morning I was going to hang out with her uncle. Anna was smiling when she woke me up. "Did you get enough sleep?" she asked.
I nodded then pulled her on top of me. "I always get enough sleep when you sleep next to me. Can I have five more minutes?" I asked.
She shook her head. "Nope. James will be here in a few hours and I wanna spend time with you before you leave. Go take a shower." she said then kissed me.
I nodded then she got off of me so I could go shower. Man, I love that girl. She is so amazing. I remember when she died her hair blue. She looked so sexy and amazing. She gave me my first boner ever when I was twelve. She was still innocent and everything she did made Daniel want to protect her from everything. She is still cute and Daniel wants to protect her from everything. Daniel wanted to visit with her and I was home sick from school and she got suspended for starting a food fight and getting in a fight with her very first boyfriend, like fist fight, and her mom wouldnt pick her up so Daniel went and got her.
I was watching American Dad when they came in. She was listening to her iPod and he backpack was on one shoulder and she was smiling showing her braces. Her hair was short and wild. She had blue tips that went great with her black hair. I smiled at her and she giggled. She took the ear buds out and droped her backpack. She'd always been a bad girl. She then said something that made my dick harden. "Danny, how big do you think my boobs'll be?"
I didnt know why it turned me on. But it did.
I got out of the shower then went back into my room and got dressed. I put axe on then walked downstairs. Anna smiled when I came into the kitchen. "You smell gooood." she said.
I chuckled. "I would hope I smell good." I said then put my hand on her growing abdomen. "You're so fucking sexy." I whispered in her ear.
she giggled. "I'm gonna get fat." she said.
"You'll still be the sexiest women alive. I swear to god."
She crushed her lips against mine. "Omigod, I just relized how much I want a baby. It's gonna be a girl."
"Why?" I whined.
"You can still take a girl to do that stuff. And you can show her how to use a tampon." she said.
I laughed. "I dont know how to put a tampon in a vagina. I know how to put my dick in your vagina."
She rolled her eyes. "I made you breakfest. Tell me if it's terrible."
"I highly doubt it will be terrible." I said.
She smiled then went over toi the stove. She got a plate of pancakes and sausage and bacon and handed it to me. I sat at the table and she sat next to me texting Connor. I took a bite then kissed her.
"I was right. It's amazing."
She smiled. "Really?" she asked.
I nodded. "Dont forget to feed yourself and Amelia Rose/Daniel Anthony." I said.
"I ate when I got up this morning when I got up."
"What are you gonna do all day?"
"Connor and I are gonna hang out here and be lazy." she said.
I smiled. "Ok. I love you, baby."
"I love you more," she said then kissed me.
I sighed then finished eating. I went into the downstairs bathroom and brushed my teeth. She was sitting on the couch when I came out. We watched a movie and cuddled until it was time for me to go. James kissed Anna's forehead before we took off.
"You ever been fishing, son?" he asked me.
I looked at him and shook my head.
He grinned. "Good. Do you know how to fish?" he asked.
"No, sir." I said.
"You seem nervouse. Loosen up. Think of me as your father in law or your father. Danny and Ash are like my kids. They call me dad when people know why they do." he said.
I grinned lazily.
"That is a famouse grin in my house."
I squinted. "What do you mean, sir?" I asked.
"My twins are man whores. They always have a girl and they're always grinning like that. Did you get lucky this morning?" he asked.
"Nope. Anna wasnt feeling good. She wanted to but I didnt want to push her." I said.
He chuckled. "Pregnant women," he said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"She's gonna get a lot worse. You better watch yourself when she gets more pregnant. My wife threatened to leave me when she was pregnant with the twins. But if Anna is like Jake then you dont have to worry."
"I'm confused."
"Jake Luve. You know. Her dad. He was always layed back no matter what mood he was in. This one time him and I went hunting and he got in my way and my bullet glazed on his arm. He was in a hella a lot of pain but he just slapped a bandage on it and said, 'I reckon we go find that bear, brother, before we loose it,' He was a crazy man. Our father always said we had an insain ansestor and it skipped a bunch of generations and Jake got it. Daniel was about three at the time. He was napping in the car." he explained.
"Wow. I feel bad that I never found the time to meet my bestfriend's dad."
He chuckled. "You wouldnt want to meet him around that rotten women the kids call their bitchy mother. She drove Anna insain. One day Anna came to my house screaming Twinkle twinkle little star."
I laughed. "I would've killed her if I wasnt so damn tired that day. It broke my heart to see Anna and Daniel in the back seat. Her crying and him bleedin all over her."
He smiled a sad smile. "You better not cheat on her. I'll hae to murder you with my gun."
I laughed. "That wasnt completly my fault. Natacha came over and somehow she made herself look like Anna and I didnt relize it until I was in her."
"Why didnt you get out of her?"
"I'm twenty. And my dick has a mind of it's own." I said.
He smiled. "She only gives second chances. There is no third chance."
"Yah. I know."
"But hey. You got her pregnant maybe there'll be a third chance for you. She belives that the father of a child should see their child." he said.
I chuckled.
"So tell me about yourself, Skylar. Where were you born? What you plan on doing? Anything you feel like telling me." he said. "You can trust me completly."
I grinned. "I was born in Austrailia. And alligator scared the shit out of my mum and sixteen hours later she had a baby boy and a baby girl."
He looked away from the road. "You only have a brother."
"She got cancer when she was five months and my mom was to late on taking her to the hospital and she died right next to me while we were asleep."
"I'm so sorry, son. How did your mum die? If you dont mind me asking."
"Umm," I scratched my head. "She had cancer." I said.
His eyes widened. "Do you have cancer?"
"No. But if I didnt have Anna I'd wish I did. I want them back." I whispered and bent forward. He put his hand on my back and rubbed my back.
"It's alright, son. I know it hurts to loose someone. But you gained someone amazing. Two people who are amazing. They both love you."
I looked up and grinned. "I have three people. I will murder my kid if it dies before it can talk." I said.
He laughed. "I've never heard anyone except Anna say that about someone. She must be rubbing off on you." he said.
I nodded. "Very much." I said smiling.
"Her and I were talking about Natacha yesterday morning. I dont want to have to arrest my neice. Can you keep Natacha away from her?" he asked.
"Sure, man." I said.

Later I was attempting to fish in a boat. I understood none of it until he helped me. "I'm gonna teach you how to shoot a gun in a few weeks. Dont tell Anna, she'll crazy murder me." he said.
I chuckled.
After awhile I was falling asleep. He slapped my back and laughed. "You got lucky last night, didnt you?" he asked.
I chuckled. "Guilty," I said.
He chuckled then handed me a cup of coffee. "Tell me about your dad," he said.
"Umm. My dad remarried my perverted step mother six years ago and he hates me. My brother is still living with him but Danny took me away from the accusations. I dont see them much." I said.
"Danny is a few years older than you, right?" he asked.
"Four years older." I said.
He smiled.

By the time I got home from hanging out with James I was beat. He gave me a manly hug and said, "I'm here if you ever wanna hang with a man. If I'm working I'll call you back."
I smiled faintly. "Thank you, James." I said.
He nodded then ruffled my hair. I walked inside the mansion and Anna was laying on the couch watching South Park. She was also playing with her belly button ring. I smiled then walked over to her. I knelt by the couch and put my hand on her stomch.
She smiled and put her hands on mine. "Hey, baby, how was your day?" she asked.
"Fun. Your uncle is pretty cool." I said. "How was your day?" I asked her.
"Ugh. Lazy."
I chuckled. "It's mid night. You ready for bed?" I asked.
She nodded. "Did you fall in the water? You smell like fish."
"I'll take a shower in a few minutes. Come on, I wanna make sure you're in bed before I take one." I said.
She got up and almost fell. I caught her.
"Woah, baby. You ok?" I asked.
"Got up to fast," she explained.
I nodded then carried her bridal styal upstairs to her room. Since my stuff was in my bathroom I walked into my room and went into my bathroom and took a shower.

Sex of the baby... Annastasha's POV

I'm five months pregnant and Skylar was getting anxious to find out the sex of the baby. We were sitting on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants and he was rubbing my stomch. "You're beautiful." he said to me.
He pressed his lips to my abdomen. I put my hand in his hair. "You need a hair cut. You dont look good with long hair." I said.
He nodded. "We'll cut my hair after we find out the sex of my baby." he said.
I giggled. "I dont feel good, Sky." I said.
He sat up and kissed me. "You can feel good after you see my sister."
His sister is his half sister. He doesnt find it important to mention her as his sister. He loves her to death. "Get me food and I'll go easily." I said smiling.
"What are you in the mood for?" he asked.
"Mmm, french fries."
He chuckled then got up and pulled me up. "We're leaving, Daniel." Skylar yelled.
Daniel came out of the kitchen with his fiancee on his back. "I get to know right after you find out." Daniel said happily.
I nodded then put my hands on my stomch. "See ya," we said then walked out to his Tahoe.
When we got to the doctor's office his sister wasnt busy so she saw me early. She put the cold stuff on my belly and then the thing. Skylar stared at his sister and waited. She looked up at him and jumped. "Skylar, stop staring at me or we'll keep it a secret from you." she said.
We laughed.
"I have good news for you Skylar. It's a ..."
"Boy?" I asked.
She nodded.
I squealed and squeezed Skylar's hand. Skylar had a wide smile on his face.
When we left the doctor's we went and got his hair cut like it was when I first moved in with Danny and the guys. After he was done he got french fries then we went to see his buddies. I told him I didnt like his buddies but he wanted to show me off.
I had my hands protectivly on my stomch and glaring as we walked over to them. "Who's this sexy chick you got here, Skylar?" Zane asked.
"The mother of my child and my fiancee." Skylar said.
"You're having a baby?" Anthony asked.
Skylar nodded. "It wasnt planned. I swear to god. We had sex in a dressing room and we didnt have a condom then I cheated on her and she graduated and left then came back and treated me like shit until she told me she was pregnant." Sky explained.
They laughed. "Wait, you're settling down with the hottest chick known to man?" Stefan asked
"Yeah. We both have enimys now. Or more enimys."
"Why?" Zane asked.
"Well, I'm marrying her and she is marrying me. HEr ex bestfriend almost beat me with a crow bar the other day. Anna snapped her wrist." Skylar said proudly.
I rolled my eyes.
"You look hot in sweats." Anthony said to me.
I raised my brow. "Yah. My pants kind of dont fit so I have to wear Sky's sweats."
They chuckled. I rolled my eyes then Skylar warapped his arms around me from behind resting his hands on my stomch.
"Are you ready to go home?" he asked.
I nodded.
When we got home Daniel and his fiancee were naked on the couch. I went over to them and flicked their heads. "What the fuck, dummy?" I asked.
They both frowned. "What do you mean?" Daniel asked.
"You're naked on the couch and my kid is gonna be here in four months." Skylar said.
"Oh. Is it a boy or is it a girl?" Daniel asked.
I crossed my arms. "You dont get to know until you tell me why the fuck you are fucking on the couch."
"I am gonna put a baby in her stomch." Daniel said.
"Wow, dude. Steal my baby's spotlight will ya?" Skylar asked.
"Yah. Why? He isn't even born yet and you're trying to.... umm what's the word. Never mind. That's not fair, Daniel."
I put my hands on my face and fake cried. "Look at what you did. You made my fiancee cry." Skylar said putting his arms around me. "This stress isn't good for the baby. Now clean the couch so I can comfort her."
"What the fuck?" she asked.
"Quiet, women." Skylar snapped.
I grinned. "Sky, I'm tired. Let's go take a 'nap' " I said.
I looked up at him and he grinned.
"Ok. No baby. I'll wait until it's a few months old." Daniel said. "Dont you dare go up there, Skylar. I dont care if you're the father of that baby. I will kill you if you do."
I rolled my eyes. "This is your fault for taking my stuff away, Daniel." I yelled then walked upstairs and slammed my door. I locked it then threw a baseball at the closet wall.
A few seconds later someone knocked on my door. I put my hands on my abdomen then went to open my door. Austin was looking at me sleepily. "Did someone piss you off?" he asked.
I nodded. He came into my room and sat in a chair. "What happened?"
I sat on my bed. "Daniel is being a big meani." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"He is gonna take my baby's spotlight. And he was having sex on the couch. Now I have nothing to do when Sky goes to school." I said.
He grinned. "I'll clean it in a little bit. And I will shine the spotlight on your baby. You have nothing to worry about. So is it a boy? Or a girl?" he asked.
"Boy," I said with a smile.
He smiled. "Nice. Is Skylar happy?" he asked.
"Insainly," SKylar said coming into the room.
I smiled. A half naked Daniel came into my room. Though he had his shirt on, HE DIDNT HAVE ANY PANTS OR BOXERS ON.
And he was erected. I screamed when he grabbed on of my shirts to cover himself. The guys laughed and Austin took his sweats off and handed them to him. "Thow that out," I said.
I glared fucking daggers when he straightened the shirt out. It was my favorite shirt. It was black and see through and it hung off of my shoulders. It also said LOVE. My father gave it to me when I was thirteen and I kept it and cuddled with it when I had bad dreams. I immediatly started crying.
Skylar sat down and put his arms around me. "I hate you," I lied.
I didnt mean to say it. I was just insainly mad. It was the only thing I could get that my father gave me. Daniel's face droped and he relized what shirt it was.
"Get out of my room," I yelled.
"I-I'm sorry." he muttered then backed out of the room. Shirt in hand.
Austin and Skylar comforted me until I layed down and closed my eyes. Austin said goodnight and Skylar layed down behind me.

Later Daniel cooked my favorie thing for dinner. French toast. I came down and whipped my tears away and a picture in my hand. Daniel smiled a sad smile at me then told me to sit down with everyone.
I sat by Skylar and Jacob. Daniel was across from me. I set the small picture on the table and leaned back.
Skylar looked at the picture. "Who's this?"
"My dad and I." I said quietly.
"Anna, I'm sorry. I didn..."
"I know. It's cool." I said quieter.
Skylar rubbed my back.
It was kind of quiet during dinner until Danny's chick blurted something I didnt want to hear. "I'm pregnant."
I looked up confused then my face felt hot and I got really mad. I got up and ran up to my room. I grabbed my purse and stuffed some clothes in it. I grabbed my shoes and went to SKylar's room. I grabed a couple pairs of his boxers and sweats then I put my shoes on and stormed down outside and to my car.
I drove to Connor's house. He was watching a movie when I got there. "Hey, preggers." he said then hugged me.
I sat next to him and threw my stuff on the floor. "Daniel is mean."
He smiled then put his hand on my abdomen. "Why, honey?" he asked.
"He got his fiancee pregnant and my baby isn't even born yet. And earlier today he didnt have pants on when he came into my room so he grabbed my shirt and covered his manhood with it." I said quietly.
"Oh. That is definantly not good. What shirt?"
"The one my dad gave me when I was thirteen." I whispered.
He rubbed my belly. "Sleep over time?" he asked.
I nodded.
He smiled. "Sweats and boxers?" he asked confused.
"My pants dont fit me anymore so I stole some of Skylar's. Boxers because I get to hot during the night so I sleep half naked." I said.
"What do you mean by half naked?"
"I only have boxers on." I said.
He chuckled. "You can have my bed since you're pregnant, preggers." he said smiling.
"Stay out, pervert." I teased.
He laughed. "Hungry?" he asked when he sobered up.
"Starving," I said.
He chuckled. "Whatya in the mood for?" he asked.
"Cheese burgers and french fries." I said smiling.
He kissed my forehead then went into the kitchen and cooked. My phone vibrated and it was Skylar. I answered. "Hey, baby." I said happily.
"You're at Connor's place. Are you ok?" he asked.
"No. Tell Daniel his nephew is gonna be a drug addict because of all this stress." I said.
He laughed. "My baby wont be a drug addict." he said.
"I know, baby. I love you. I'll be home tomarrow." I said.
"Ok, sexy mama. I love you too."
I hung up.
When the food was done we ate then I put my head on a pillow that was on his lap. We watched Immortals.

New roomate and trouble

In the morning when I got home my cheeks were puffy and my eyes were wet. Daniel and his chick were on the couch. By now I've lost all respect for her, if you havnt noticed. Skylar was playing with the remote. I sniffled while I put my keys in the bowl. His fiancee is changing everything. She even made Daniel re arrange the living room.
She even replaced the family pictures with pictures of her family. A silent tear fell down my cheek as I brought my fist back and punched a picture of her and her besties. My hand was bleeding but I didnt care. Skylar rushed over to me and looked at me like I was insain. He then looked at me like 'Way to go, baby' but his face went really seariouse and he carried me into the kitchen.
My blood soaked into his shirt as he carried me to the kitchen. Daniel rushed into the kitchen when Skylar was getting the glass out. "You're gonna be a really good dad, baby." I said.
He smiled then started cleaning my hand. "How good, babe?" he asked.
Daniel squinted at us.
"Really good. You're gonna be this kid's role model, baby." I said.
I felt kind of light headed so I leaned against the cabnits. "You ok, baby?" he asked when he was done.
I blew out a sigh. "Yah.I miss my dad." I said.
He rubbed my sides. "I know, sweetheart. I know. You wanna take a nap? You look like you're ready to pass out."
I shook my head. "I wanna hang out with you. I feel bad that I left and didnt help you." I said.
"It's ok. I actually got it. The answer was three."
I giggled. I was gonna help him with a math problem on his homework that he didnt get but I kind of left. I giggled. "Three. But I still wanna spend time with you."
"Me too. I was worried about you. I cant believe Daniel would do that. I always told him sister before bros and broads." he said.
I giggled. "I memeber you tellin him that."
"I first told him that when you started becoming a women and your mother wouldnt help you. Hey, I was thinkin, do you wanna move outa here?" he asked.
"Why?" I asked sweetly.
"Well, last night since you told me all this stress is gonna make the baby be on crack it's kind of worrying me."
"Baby, he isn't gonna use crack. The only thing that my son is gonna get in trouble for is sneaking out to meet the love of his life." I said.
He laughed. "Just so you know, I'm gonna smother you until you give birth."
"If you smother me while I am laying in that hospital bed, I will kill you."
He laughed but got really seariouse as he leaned up and crushed his mouth to mine. "You naughty girl," he growled in my ear.
"Oh yeah. I'm your naughty girl," I said seductivly.
He licked from my collar bone up to my jaw line. His hands went under my shirt as he sucked on my neck. He tightly grasped my breasts and groaned. "Mmm, baby, I love you so fucking much." he groaned.
I let out a small moan. "Skylar," I moaned.
"What the fuck?" Daniel screamed.
When Skylar started to pull away I brought him back to me. "Dont stop," I sighed.
"But Daniel is standing right there."
"Skylar, it's not like we'll do anything in here. I'm not that horney." I said.
He grinned. "I am,"
I rolled my eyes and relized a guy was standing behind Daniel. I whimpered as the baby kicked me hard.
His hands went to my stomch. "What is it?" he asked.
"The baby wants his momy to get some. Either that or he wants to kill me." I said then whimpered again.
He started to look really worried. "Danny, dont hate me now, please. My fiancee and baby might be in trouble." Skylar said then lifted me off of the counter.
He sat me on my feet and I held onto him so I wouldnt fall. Daniel looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Tanner will you go start my car?" he asked the guy and handed him the keys.
Daniel came over to me and I winced when he reached me.
"Put up with me until we get to the hospital." he said.
I nodded and let him pick me up. He carried me out to his car and slid me into the back with Skylar. Him and his chick got in the back too. I was practically sitting on Skylar because she was sitting by me.
"I think it's stress," Tanner said.
I looked at him in the reir view mirror. He was looking at me. "Why?" I asked.
"My friend is seven months and when she was five months she would get really stressed and the kid got stressed as well." he said.
"But I wasnt stressed. Now I am." I whispered.
Skylar put his arms around me and comforted me. "If Daniel does anything else like stressing you out, I'll stop him. I'll stop all of them. It'll be all calm up in dat house until my baby is out of you and in my arms."
I smiled then winced.
When we got to the hospital we only had to wait in the waitingroom for about five minutes. A nurse took me to a room and had me change into a hospital gown. "Ok, what is up, honey?" Skylar's sister came in and smiled.
"My stupid brother is trying to kill my baby." I said not caring that he was sitting in the room.
She laughed. "Ok. I want you to stay here for the night and I want you to get a good nights rest and we'll check up on the little guy in the morning. Sound good?" she asked.
"Yes," I said.
She laughed.
"Good night, girly." she said.
"Good night, sis." Skylar and I said together.
When she closed the door they started talking. I took slow soothing breaths and rubbed my stomch. The kicking got less painful but I got annoyed and shot the three of them a glare.
Daniel shushed them and Skylar held my hand and rubbed my stomch. "Danny," I said quietly.
He opened his eyes too look at me. "Yeah, honey?" he asked.
It was hours later and I was having trouble sleeping. The others wernt. But it looked like Danny was. "Who is Tanner and why is he here?" I asked.
He grinned. "Tanner is our half brother. He is moving in with us. Are you and Sky really gun move away?" he asked.
I shook my head. "If things get to stressful again then yes." I said.
"I'm sorry, honey. I didnt know you wanted the spotlight. You rarely want it so I just thought." he said.
I shook my head. "Of course I want some spotlight. I'm having a baby and if you have a baby and it's a girl, my son'll have a crush on her and not even relize she is his cousin."
He chuckled. "What goes on in your head, honey?"
I shrugged. "My son will be famouse in our house."
"You're having a boy?" he asked.
I sighed and smiled. "Yah. Little Danny doesnt like big Danny right now." I said.
He chuckled. "His mommy doesnt like me right now." he said.
I nodded. "I love you, Danny." I said.
He smiled. "I love you, too, Sweetheart." he said.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Everything is gonna be fine

Skylar's sister whipped the goey stuff off of my stomch and smiled. "Your baby is just fine. He was just stressed. No more stress and I'm sorry, but bed rest for rest of the pregnancy." she said.
I groaned. "But, but,"
"No buts. Thank your brother. That was to much stress for him, sweety." she said.
I pouted.
When we got home Skylar made me lay on the couch. He kissed my stomch before going to get me a blanket and a pair of sweats. I put the sweats on then layed back down and let him cover me up. "Skylar, you're not shopping without me." I said.
He grinned then sat under my theighs. "I know, baby. We'll go in a little bit." he said.
Daniel and Tanner came into the living room. I crossed my arms. "It is your fault I have to be on bed rest." I said to Daniel.
Tanner kissed my forehead. "You should be nice to each other, kids." he said.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"Twenty eight."

Later Skylar and I went shopping. He was enjoying looking at the girl clothes. "Sky, you wanted a boy. You got a boy. Now get over here and help me choose baby clothes for our son before Tanner and Daniel are done getting a crib." I said.
Daniel's fiancee came up to me and smiled. "You're going to love it, Sweety."
Tanner had his hand on his head and Daniel looked annoyed. They were arguing too. Daniel must be annoyed with Tanner. "What did you do?"
"I helped the boys. They seem to think you're having a boy. Why you in the boy section?" she asked then walked over to the girl section.
I took a deep breath and Skylar put his arms around me. "I wanna go home." I whispered.
Tanner held out his hand and I took it. I held Skylar's and Tanner's hands and we walked out while Daniel waited. Tanner had Daniel's keys so Tanner turned around and smiled at me.
"You wannna see how much your oldest brother loves you?" he asked.
I shook my head. Skylar laughed. "Baby, this sounds promising. Listen to him."
I nodded. "Ok, Tanner." I said.
He smiled and then when they got in the car we left. When we got to the most expensive baby store there is Tanner and Skylar told Daniel to keep his bitch in the car and they took me inside. I felt like a total crub. One of my shirts and sweatshirst, Skylar's sweats and his hightops.
When we were done I was insainly happy. I kissed Tanner's cheek and hugged him. "I feel kind of bad that I was forced to ignore you all these years."
I kissed his cheek again. "Thanks, brother." I said happily.
"Yep, sista. Want some McDonalds?" he asked.
"You know it. Will you make sure they arn't having sex?" I asked and suddenly felt depressed. I felt happy again when Skylar kissed my neck.
"I wanna have sex with you. Can I?" he asked.
"Tonight, love." I said.
He smiled against my neck. "It turns me on when you call me that."
"Love," I teased.
He growled and Tanner came back. He said it was clear and then Daniel helped them while I got into the passenger seat.

Fuck! Dat shit hurts

I woke up screaming one night. Skylar sat up and rubbed my belly. "What's the matter?" he asked.
I got up. "Get me some sweats. We need to go before I give labor." I said.
He excidely got up and got me a pair of his sweats. I whimpered when he helped me into his seats then my sweatshirt. He put his hightops on me then went into the baby's room and grabbed everything we need. He went to tell Tanner that we were leaving and Tanner said he was coming with us since Skylar had his hands full.
Tannner helped me into Skylar's new car. He still has his old car. But his car wasnt safe enough for the baby. We both got a new car. I got a jeep commander and he got a Jeep 4x4. They were safe enough. I wasnt mad at Daniel anymore. But it pissed me off when I saw HER.
Once we got to the hospital they put me in a wheel chair and Skylar rode on the back of it. It scared me for dear life.
He helped me into the bed and Cicealia came into check on things and give me an epidural. Tanner stared at her like she was a queen. Skylar jumped like a child and clapped his hands. I rolled my eyes. When Cici left Tanner asked, "Where is the pretty doctor going?"
Skylar stopped. "She went to do whatever a doctor does when the paitent isn't giving birth." SKylar said.
Tanner laced his fingers behind his head and closed his eyes.

Later Connor came in and smiled. Skylar was sleeping in the bed with me but I couldnt sleep. To much pain. Connor kissed my forehead and tosssed me a movie. "I found yo favorite movie, baby doll." he said.
It was Men In Black. I smiled and told him to put it in. About five minutes into the movie Skylar squeezed my butt. I rolled my eyes.
"I'ma be a daddy," Connor said.
I looked at him and smiled. "Who's the mom. DOnt say Natacha. So help me if you say that I will never talk to you again."
"Your nerd Cicealia." he said.
"Awww. WHy didnt you bring her to see me?" I asked.
"It's three in the mornin. She said she'd be here when she wakes up. Did you know she hates her family?" he asked.
I nodded. "She doesnt necisarily hate them she is just really scared of them." I whispered.
He looked at me and smiled. "She lives with me now." he said happily.
"Very amazing, bubba." I said.
He nodded.

Ten hours later Daniel, Skylar, Tanner, and Connor were telling me to push. It's not weird that I had a bunch of boys in the room while I gave birth. I needed them to make me laugh while I gave birth. "Push, push, push."
I tried to block them out but I couldnt. Finally I heard crying. Skylar rushed to his sister's side and gaped. "He looks like us. And damn."
"Pervert," Cici yelled at him as she got the baby cleaned up.
Cic handed me the baby and smiled. Skylar sat on the bed and hugged me. "I've messed up oready." I whispered.
He chuckled. "Na. I did for not pounden you hard nough." he joked.
Daniel hit him upside the head.
"Danny, dont hit. They're married. Married couples have sex. If they didnt then we'd have a whole bunch of crack head babies." Tanner said.
"Nu uh. People dont have to get married then the babies would be considered bastards." My nerd Ciciealia came in.
Connor kissed her then her abdomen. I yawned as Sky's sis helped me breast feed my son.
Later that night Daniel was in the room and holding his nephew. "He's perfect. I was kind of picturing an ugly baby."
"Thanx, Daniel." I said sarcstically.
He looked up and appologized. I rolled my eyes.
"Since I'm not fat anymore, well kind of, I am changing the pictures back. I cant stand to look at those pictures." I said.
He looked up again with panik in his eyes.
"Dont fight her,"
I nodded with my fingers crossed behind my back.

Home! Thank goodness!

When we got home, Skylar and I took Daniel Anthony to his room and put him to bed. Then I started taking her pictures down. Daniel told me he'd keep her busy. I just nodded and he went to his room. When I was done taking them down my baby started to cry. I was downstairs and so was Skylar. "I got it, babe." he yelled then ran upstairs.
I giggled.
Later that night the guys were holding little Daniel while Skylar helped me hand pictures of dad and me and Skylar and Daniel. "You were sexy when you were thirteen." he said looking at a picture of me.
My hair was wild and I had braces and amazing skin. "Perv," I said.
He laughed. "Only to you,"
I rolled my eyes then sat down next to Austin. Little Daniel was staring at Austin and Austin was staring right back. I laughed and they looked at me. I took my baby. "Dont bne a creeper, Austin." I said.
"That kid looks like you and Skylar. I cant figure what Skylar's so proud about."
"I have a baby and a wife. I'm very proud of myself. I let a girl change me."
I smiled.

Five years later.

"Mommy," Daniel and Daniel came into Skylar's and my room. Skylar opened his eyes and stopped kissing my neck passioatly. "Daddy,"
Daniel helped my son onto my bed, kissed my forehead then walked out. Daniel whiped his tears away and smiled.
"I'm a big boy. Uncle Danny got me ice cream for being a big boy." he said.
I smiled.
"Why are you in bed? It's lunch time. Mommy, I'm hungry."
I laughed then got up and put my clothes on. Daniel decided to spend time with his nephew and let Skylar and I have time to ourselves. Skylar's been getting a little cranky lately. I fed Daniel French frys and a cheese burger for lunch. Skylar came down and kissed Daniel's little head.
Skylar stole a bite of Daniel's cheeseburger when he wasnt lookin then stole a few french frys.
"Daddy, what happened?" Daniel yelled.
Skylar looked nothing but guilty. "What? I dont know what you're talking about." Skylar said.
"Mommy, daddy stole my food." Daniel said as I ran my fingers through my hair and laughing.
"So go beat daddy up, angel." I said.
Daniel raised his hands and hit Skylar's stomch. I giggled and Austin came in and raised his eye brow. "Whatya doin, little man?" he asked Daniel.
"Daddy at my food and now I dont like him." Daniel yelled.
I love my family so much. I dont know what I'd do withou them. Watching Skylar pick our son up and kiss his cheek and then putting hi arms around Skylar's neck. I smiled then followed them up to Daniel's room.
Skylar sat in the rocking chair that Danny had for his little girl and sighed. He rubbed the stubble on his chin and jumped as Daniel accidently kicked him in the crotch. "You'd better watch it boy. Your mommy wouldnt like it so much if you hurt that general area." he said then kissed his forehead. I got a little pair of sweats out and a pair of little boxers. No son of mine will wear tidy whitys.
"Come on, baby boy, nap time." I said.
Skylar looked up at me and grinned. "Shh. He's sleeping, mommy."
"Well, then help me, you lazy cow." I whispered.
He chuckled then stood up. He helped me change Daniel and we put him to bed.

You cheated on your wife?

A week later:
I walked into my brother's room and he was suckin on Natacha. My jaw droped and they looked at me. Danny's eyes went wide. "What are you doing?" I yelled. "You have a wife!"
"She cheated on me first. Like twenty times. I told her to pack her shit and leave. And I told her to leave my baby. Lilly is the only thing I want. Besides sex."
I rolled my eyes then walked out. I walked into Tanner's room and grinned. "Hey, baby sister." he said looking up from his book.
I love my smart brother. Never reads a porn magazein like Danny. He literally reads books. "Hey, big bro." I said laying down next to him.
He put his arm around my neck and turned his tv on and handed me the remote. I put it on the dvd thingy and pressed play. He had The Hunger Games in it because I locked myself in here yesterday for some peace and quiet from the guys. "What's up?" he asked.
"I am tired and Skylar isn't here to cuddle with me." I said.
"Where is Daniel. And most importantly, where is your husband?" he asked.
"Sky took our son to the fair," I said. "with his buddies and their girlfriend's."
"Why didnt you go, honey?"
I sighed. "I dont like Sky's Buddies. They hate that him and I are married and have a family." I said.
He chuckled then kissed my forehead. He chuckled. "Well, I know you're tired but why not Danny?" he asked.
"Danny is having a make out session with my ex best friend." I said getting up.
"I didnt say you have to leave. I'll tell Cici she cant cuddle with me today." he said hooking his hand on the back of my pants and pulling me back. He kissed my forehead before pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I never wanna hear you scream Sky's name again. That was loud last night."
I giggled. "I sowy. And you not my dad. You my bro."
"I'm your older bro." he said.
"I have two older bro's." I said.
He glared at his phone. "Dont sass me, girl. I am you're oldest brother."
"I sowy, Tan, he was stressed yesterday. He wants to be like other dad's and the only thing that is keeping him from that is a job."
"Where is all this stuff comin from?" he asked.
"Day care. I still have to finish school and Sky needs his leasure time. But he went to pick him up a few weeks ago and he got stoped by the other dad's and they started talking. I told him that they were old but he didnt listen to me."
"Slow down! You're making no sense."
"Skylar went to pick Daniel up from day care a few weeks ago and he talked to the other dad's." I said.
"He should work for the cunstruction stuff's. That boy is strong. Or he can be a fire fighter, or a cop."
"I dont like guns. And he knows anything with guns is out of the question. Fire, maybe. Cunstruction, that would be a major turn on." I said.
He chuckled. "Doesnt it hurt to have sex with him? You're my baby sister."
I shook my head. "It feels like a rollor coaster ride. Only rollor coaster rides dont make me moan." I said.
He groaned and I laughed.
"I didnt need to hear that!" he yelled.
"I thought you did." I giggled.
He rolled his eyes. Daniel came in with his little arms crossed and I heard Skylar laughing with his buddies. I picked Daniel up and kissed his cheek. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked.
"Daddy is being mean. His friends are saying mean things about you and they just laughed at me when I told them to piss off." he said pouting.
I groaned.
"Sometimes I swear he is gonna loose his dick." I said.
Daniel put his head on my shoulder and yawned.
I walked into my room and Skylar and his friends were in there. "Get out! Daniel needs to take a nap." I snapped.
"Why not put him in his room?" Skylar asked him.
"If I have to put my baby in his room all alone with these pervs here, I will leave you. Now out!"
Tanner came in and glared daggers at them. "You heard her. Get out of her room."
Daniel came in and pulled Skylar out by the ear and started to yell at him. I layed down on my bed and held little Daniel close. Tanner covered us up after I took Daniel's jacket off and his jeans. Tanner kissed my forehead.
"Night, little buddy." he said tickling his cheek.
Daniel tiredly waved both of his hands at Tanner. "Bye bye, Train."

"What do you mean I cant sleep in our room tonight?" Skylar asked as I blocked him from our room.
"You let them bully our son." I whispered.
He kissed me lightly. "Let me appologize to him." he said.
"Nooooo. I hate you!" Daniel yelled.
"Ooh. That hurts." he whispered. "I'll sleep in Danny's room. I love you!" He kissed me lightly and hugged me.
I hugged him back and bit his lip. He chuckled then kissed me again.
"I'll see you in the morning."
"No. It's going to get cold in here tonight." I said.
He laughed. "Make up your mind. Do you want me here or there?" he whispered pointing in the direction of Danny's room.
I grinned and Daniel crawled through my legs. "That's up to him." I said picking him up.
Skylar looked at our son. "What do you say, little man? You want daddy to keep you and mommy warm tonight? Or do you want me to listen to your uncle talk about killing me in his sleep?"
Daniel shook his head meaning he wasnt gonna talk to Skylar.
"Ok. He wants me to decide. I wanna stay wit my family."
He grinned.
"Uh uh." I whispered.
"What now?" he whispered.
I shrugged. "Oh I dont know. Our son is incredibaly pissed at you and I dont want a war going on in my bed." I whispered.
"Bubba, pwease forgive daddy." Skylar begged.
"You can sleep in here. But you're not my daddy anymore."
Skylar frowned and grabbed Daniel. He ran downstaris with Daniel squealing.
I walked downstairs and glared. "Ok. Dont tell mommy I am feeding you candy this late." he said as he handed Daniel chocolate.
I rolled my eyes. "You're gonna deal with him when he is up all night." I whispered. It was like mid night." I whispered then grabbed a bottle of water.
I kissed Skylar and sat on his lap. He kissed me. "It is mid night." he said. "Why is he up so late?"
"He couldnt sleep." I said taking a drink of water.
"Mommy, I like him again." Daniel said.
"Ok. Honey." I said.
When we went to bed Daniel was asleep. I kissed Skylar and he pulled Daniel and I into his arms. "Is this ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "I love you!" I whispered.
"I love you too." he whispered.

Hey! Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning with Daniel drooling on my chest and Anna clutching my arm and mubling 'Fuck you, bitch!' in her sleep. I groaned cause my right arm was asleep and my chest had drool on it.
Daniel opened his eyes and started crying. I sat up and comforted my son. When he was done crying I asked, "What happened, bubba?"
"T-the monstor ate me and you and mommy then it killed the puppy." he said and cried some more.
"Shh! Mommy is still sleeping, bubba." I whispered.
He stoped crying and looked at his mommy. He grinned, got off my lap and crawled over to her. She instinctivly put her arms around him and held him close. I kissed both their foreheads then got up and went to take a shower.
When I got out of the shower Anna was half awake. "You ok?" I asked her and knelt by the bed.
She nodded. "Daniel had a bad dream." she whispered.
I looked at our son. He looked terrorized in his sleep. "That's how many times we've woke up and our baby has had a bad dream."
She shrugged. "It's been happening for a month." she whispered.
"Do you think we need to take him to a doctor or something?" I asked.
"Yeah." She yawned. "I'll call after I wake up." she said then rolled over to protect our son. His face softened when she kissed his forehead and stroked his neck.
I got up and put boxers on before walking downstairs. Tanner and my sister and my neice were sitting on the couch. "Why was Daniel screaming last night?" Cici asked me.
"I made him mad yesterday." I said grabbing my ten year old neice from her mom and step dad. She is small for a ten year old so I carried her to the kitchen.
I made her breakfest and a few minutes later Daniel came down rubbing his eyes. "Daddy, I scared." he said hugging my leg.
I picked him up and put him in his chair. I kissed his forehead. "Of what, honey?" I asked.
"The monstor," he said.
"Do you want ice cream for break fest?" I asked.
He put his head down on the table and shook his head. Ciara walked over to sit by him and she pulled him onto her lap. "Do you wanna be big a strong like your daddy?" she asked him.
Daniel nodded.
She handed him her orange juice. "Well, you gotta eat, silly. My moma tells me when I have bad dreams and I dont eat my step dad will sit on me until I give in. She wasn't kidding." she told him as he drank the juice.
"Uncle Tanner doesnt sit on little girls." Tanner said coming into the kitchen. "He sits on your mommy every night."
Cici hit him in the head and I pushed him against the wall. "Dont fucking touch my sister." I yelled.
"Not what I mean, dude."
Anna came in and almost fell back. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. "Hey, baby." I said.
"Hey, babe." she said hugging me. "Why did you attack my bro?"
"He is screwing my sister." I said.
"And you're screwing his. Tanner, dont provoke Skylar." she said tiredly.
"Why are you so tired?" Tanner asked.
She grabbed the phone. "Daniel was up and down all night last night." she said.
Someone knocked on the front door. I put my arms around my wife's waist and pressed my erection into her back.
She grinned and looked back. "Hello there." she whispered then started talking to the phone.
Tanner came back into the kitchen and one of the girl I lost my virginty came in. She glared at Anna since I had my dick pressed on her back.
I looked at Ciara and she brought my son to me. I held him close and she glared harder. Anna hung up the phone and turned around. "Someone is glaring." she said.
Daniel looked at the girl and glared. "Dont glare at my mommy, bitch." he yelled.
"Well, Annastahsa was always a slut. Knew she was gonna get pregnant sooner or later."
I held Daniel tighter to keep from freakin out on this chick.
Tanner flicked Cindy's head. "Dont call my sister a slut. She likes sex but she actually loves them and misses them when they're gone."
"And who's kid is this? Connor's? James'?"
"Mine," I said smiling.
She snorted. "Skylar, that.... thing doesnt look anything like you." she said.
I handed Daniel to Anna and walked over to Cindy. "Fuck off, bitch!" I yelled and pushed her over.
She looked up at me and grinned. "Well? What are you waiting for? You have me down."
I kicked her in the side as hard as I could. It knocked her out.
"Yay!" Daniel yelled. I walked over to Anna and took her hand.
"Come on, buddy, time to get ready to go."
"Mommy and daddy have a studdy session at school." I told him.
Anna rolled her eyes as I took Daniel into his room. I got him ready to go then took him into our room. Anna just got out of the shower when I walked in. My buldge grew and she giggled. To distract myself, I set Daniel on the bed and got dressed.
The bathroom door was cracked so I decided to be a perv or as she puts it 'annoying ass hole!'
I walked in and closed the door. I walked behind her and groped her breasts. "Hey, baby." I whispered seductivly in her ear.
"Hey, Perv." she said as she buttoned her jeans. She turned around and I leaned down and sucked on her right boob. She pushed me away. "Cant you wait like two hours?" she asked.
"No. Real quick? Please?" I asked.
"No. Our son is on our bed and the door isn't locked." she said. "No. No. And no."
I kissed her then sighed. I picked her bra up off the ground and put it on her. "I helped. How about now?"
She turned around and bent down. She unbutton my pants and unziped them then pulled my boxers and pants down.

Once she was done she finished getting dressed then left me in the bathroom half naked. About five minutes later I heard laughing. Daniel and Anna were standing in the doorway looking at me. Daniel was giggling and Anna was smiling.
"So very funny." I said and pulled up my pants.
I grabbed my sweatshirt and we walked downstairs. "What's so funny ,little man?" Danny asked Daniel.
"Mommy pulled daddy's pants down for being a perv and daddy had a red mark on his butt." Daniel said.
Danny chuckled.
We left and took Daniel to daycare. Then we went to my brother's house. Him and his boyfriend were making out on the couch. Anna sat on them.
I flicked my brother's head. "I am going to use your room and fuck my wife's brains out. Do not disturb until she screams my name at the top of her lungs or I get to aggresive."
"How am I supose to know if you get to aggresive?" he asked.
"You'll hear things like 'Roll the fuck over' 'Get on your hands and knees'..."
"Ok. I got it. Now go fuck your wife so my dick isn't getting squished anymore." he said.
I rolled my eyes and took Anna into his bedroom. "Well, why the fuck not?" she asked taking her jacket off and tossing it to me. I caught it and droped it on the floor.
"You dont want me doggy style? Or my ass?"
"I do. But I have a interview today with cunstruction people." I said.
She squealed. "You better get that job. I want you to come home from work every day really dirty so I can clean you." she said.
I grinned. "OK, baby." I said then kissed her.
Her lips are so freaking amazing. After a few minutes I pulled away and started kissing her collar bone. She moaned quietly and I slid my hands up her shirt. I squeezed her nipples. She moaned again.
Ok. I couldnt wait anymore. I got our clothes off and made love to my wife.

Counsiler... Anna's POV

Daniel giggled as Skylar bounced him on his knee. Skylar looked at me smiling. "Babe, stop worrying. This counsiler isn't gonna turn our five year old son into a sex crazed lunitic." he said.
I rolled my eyes. I turned my head and pecked his lips.
"Me too, mommy." Daniel said.
I laughed then kissed his forehead.
He pouted. "You gave daddy a kiss on the lips." I giggled and kissed his lips real quick. He smiled and shook his cup.
"What did you give him?" I asked Skylar.
"Apple juice, I think." He grabbed the cup and popped the top off. He took a sip. "Mountain dew,"
I grabbed the cup and got up and walked to the bathroom. I dumped the pop out and washed it out then put water in it. I walked out and grabbed the cap from Skylar. "I swear, if I didnt love you to death, you would've been dead when you shoved cake in his face on his first birthday."
"He wouldnt stop crying." he said. I rolled my eyes.
"Babe, he had a fever and you insisted on a party." I said.
"Stop being a bitch," he snapped quietly.
I glared at him. "Whatever," I said and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Daniel grabbed my hand.
"Mommy, I'm sorry." he said.
I looked at him. "Why, baby?" I asked.
"Daddy is being a meanie."
The lady called him in and I picked Daniel up and left Skylar out there. "Daddy needs to be sorry, not you."
"Ok, fine, I'm sorry." Skylar said tugging on my hair. I followed the lady into the room.
Once we sit and Daniel is relaxed Skylar asked, "You ok, bubba?"
Daniel yawned. "Nap time," he chirpped.
I kissed his little head. "You can take a nap in a little bit." I said. "You gotta tell the lady your dream."
"Ok, mommy." he said.

After he told the lady and she told him stuff to try at bed time so he doesnt have the dreams, we went home and I took Daniel up to his room. I walked downstairs and into the living room. I turned the tv off and sat on Skylar's lap. "I really am sorry for calling you a bitch." he said.
I rolled my eyes and kissed him lightly. "You're. An. Ass."
He shook his head then layed me down on the couch. He pressed his lips to mine lightly. "I know. Forgive me. I know you get paranoid with counsilers."
I wrapped my legs around his waist and looked in his eyes. "If you two are gonna fuck let us know. We wanna know whats so great about Skylar." Devon said.
I looked over Skylar's shoulder to see Devon, Austin, Jacob, Daniel, and Tanner. "I dont want to see. That's my little sister." Tanner and Daniel snapped at the same time.
I laughed. "Skylar, I wanna right something on a dick."
He jumped up and fell on Daniel's lap. He put his hands on his dick to protect himself. I giggled.
"Sorry, you were squishing me." I said.
Daniel hugged him. "Dont ruin my bestfriend." Daniel said.
I pouted. "Ugh! No fun!" I got up and went into the kitchen. I jumped on the counter and grabbed a bowl then I crawled over to the othr cubords and grabbed the lucky Charms. I jumpped off of the counter and poured lucky charms in the bowl. I grabbed the milk out of the frige and poured milk in the bowl. I grabbed a spoon then walked out of the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Tanner asked.
"Check on Daniel then go eat lucky charms on Skylar's side of my bed." I said.
"Why my side?" Skylar asked.
"Cause it's my bed, penis licker." I said. I knew that was uncalled for, but I didnt care. I was mad and I felt like ripping his throat out of his neck.
"What did you do?" Devon asked.
"I dunno. I'm scared to find out." he said.
I walked into Daniel's room. He is awake. I smiled and sat on his bed and offered him some of my lucky charms. He smiled and took the spoon. "I'm a big boy, mommy." he said.
I chuckle softly. "I know. But I dont have to like it." I said.
He ate the bite then got up and went to get a rubber ducky. "I love you, mommy. I love you forever. You're amazing."
I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Aww! You wanna come watch tv with mommy?" I asked.
He nodded happily. I took his hand and he followed me to my room.

Poor baby...... Skylar

Later I walked into Ash's room and smiled. Daniel was sleeping peacefully while Ash was in the shower. I went to Daniel's room and grabbed Spongebob PJ's and walked back to Ash's room. Ash was out of the shower now. I kissed her lips lightly. She smiled. "I'm sorry for making you mad." I whispered.
She tugged on my hair. "I love you," she whispered.
"Not as much as I love you." I said.
"You dont know how much I love you so how would you know?" she asked.
I was confused. I dunno why. But I love her so much. "Cause I'm an idiot and you're amazing." I said hoping she approved of my answer.
She smiled and kissed my lips softy. "Wake him up and give him a bath for me?" she asked.
"Why? You always give him one in the morning." he said.
"Skylar, I wanna see if he'll sleep through the night so we dont have him crying every night or Daniel brings him in here while we're doing stuff." she snapped softly.
I kissed her. "Ok, babe." I said. "But if it doesnt work, I'm gonna jump out your window." I said.
She smiled a thousand dollar smile. "I aint taking you to the hospital." she said.
I rolled my eyes. "I'll take you to the hospital." I said as she pulled away and went to her dresser.
"I know you will. You can carry me. You're to fat for me to carry."
I rolled my eyes and patted my perfectly sculptered abes. "Oh you know you love my body."
"And I love you," she whispered and hugged me.
"I love you too." I whispered staring deeply into her eyes.
She giggled and rubbed my chest. "I really like moments like these, babe." she said brushing my hair out of my eyes. I really need to get it cut.
As if reading my mind, "Get it cut so I dont have to look at the messy hobo side of my husband."
"I'm not clean in the first place,"
"Yah, but..." she trailed off and crashed her lips against mine. She often did that when she couldnt think of anything else to say.
I pulled away and gave her one last peck before going over to Daniel. He was breathing evenly, which was uncommon for him and his hand wasnt twitching. I gently took his clothes off and I picked him up. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Daddy," he cried.
"What's wrong, bubba?" I asked.
He continued his blubbers until Ash gave him a hug and a kiss. "Shh, baby, it's ok, daddy is just gonna give you a bath then you can go back to sleep."
He fussed a little bit before he nodded. I walked into the bathroom and set him down. I started the bathtub, but didnt fill it to high and put him in the tub. He rubbed his eyes as I washed his black hair and when I was done with that, he put his arms up, desprate to get out.
I picked him up and wrapped a towle around him. "You ok, lil man?" I asked him swaing side to side softly.
He shook his head.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My tummy hurts, daddy."
I put my lips to his forehead and slightly freaked. He was burning up. "Annastasha, come in here." I said.
She was at the door in two seconds. "You dont call me that unless somethings wrong. What's wrong?"
"Daniel is burning up."
"Are you sure it's not from the bath?" she asked putting her hand on his forehead.
"He said his tummy hurts. I doubt it."
"Shit," she muttered then kissed his forehead. "Go put his pj's on and get him his baby soft blanket. Then put a shirt on."
She left the bathroom before I could respond. Daniel started crying again so I put him in his pj's then went to find his blanket. It was on his bed. I grabbed it then went back to Ash's room. She was putting shoes on Daniel.
Daniel was still crying. Why? I dont know. I sat on her bed and wrapped him in his blanket. He crawled on my lap and hugged me. I picked him up and followed Ash's. She shut the door behind me and went to climb into the driver's side of my truck. I put Daniel in his car seat in the back. He was falling asleep again.
I got into the passenger seat and she looked back at our son. "Baby, stay awake. You can go to sleep in a little bit."
He started kicking my seat and crying.
"Baby, I know. But you gotta stay awake. I fear you dying in your sleep or waking up dying." she explained.
I heard him sigh in defet and he calmed down. She put a diper bag in my lap before digging my keys out of my pants. Not in in my pants. In my pocket. She buckled the belt and I did to. Knowing she is terribal about my truck.

We got to the hospital and she looked back and smiled. She got out and I did too. She took Daniel out of his seat and he sighed in defeat. "Mommy, no." he whispered. I took my keys from her and locked my truck before handing the little stuffed dog to Daniel. We walked into the E.R and she handed Daniel to me.
"Watch out baby, I'm gonna go talk to the people."
I nodded.
I sat down and watched him play with my arm hair. Ash sat down next to me two minutes later glaring. I nudged her. "You ok?" I asked.
She looked at me and smiled. She nodded. "I'm just worried."
I nodded. "He isn't gonna die." I reassured her.
"We dont know that. I mean, everyone could drop dead tomarrow and we'd be fine."
I chuckled. "That didnt make sense, but if we were the only ones here, I'll help you repopulate the earth." I whispered.
She smiled and kissed Daniel's head. "I love you two," she said.
Daniel looked at her and smiled. "We love you, mommy." we said.
She smiled and they called Daniel's name. "That was quick." I muttered and followd Ash. They led us into a room and I layed Daniel down.
"What's wrong, Daniel?" Cici asked.
He pouted. "My tummy hurts reawy bad." he said.
She smiled and took his tempurature. "He probably just has the stomch flu." she said.
"I told you he wasnt gonna die." I told Ash.
She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

When we got home, Daniel was fast asleep and so was Ash. Well, arn't I special. I got out and grabbed Daniel out of the back. Ash got out too. Hmm. The door must have woke her up. She yawned. "I love you." she told me, grabbing Daniel's diperbag.
"I love you too, honey." I said, then kissed her forehead. I followed her up to Daniel's room and we put him to bed. She kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair before turning his nightlight on and turning the light off. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room. She took my shirt off and then walked into the bathroom.
"Come with me," she called.
I raised my brow and took my shoes off then my pants. Then my boxers. She was in the bath when I got in there. She had her hair pulled into a messy bun and she looked really sexy. As usual. I got in the bath with her and kissed her lips softly.
She smiled against my lip and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you." I said.
"I love you too." she whispered in my ear.

Happy Aniversary.......Annastasha

"Wanna watch Dirty Dancing then?" Skyler asked me, kissing my cheeks.
"I told you. Whatever you want."
"Baby, and I told you! I love you and I dont want you ro be mad at me anymore." he said hugging me.
"I'm not mad at you anymore. We're up at four in the morning, after making amazing love and you think I'm mad at you. It's our Aniversary."
He smiled and kissed me.
"And Daniel and Tanner are taking little Daniel to Tanner's summerhouse and the guys are going with them so we have the house to ourself."
He smirked. "When are they leaving?" he asked.
"Daniel and Tanner are in the kitchen." I said.
His face paled and he bit his lip nervously.
"Skylar, we're married. They've accepted that we do it all the time a long time ago."
He smiled. "You're sexy." he said. "When we were ten and I was hitting that age you were really sexy."
I giggled. "Watch your mouth out there, Sky!" Daniel yelled.
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! You're gonna wake my boy up!" Skylar yelled back. I got up and went upstairs to Little Daniel's room.
He was crying. Oh my poor baby. I walked over to his bed and kissed his forehead. "Mommy." he latched his arms around my neck and I picked him up, rubbing his back softly.
"Shh, baby, it's ok. How's your tummy?" I asked.
He relaxed into me. "It hurt, mommy." he cried.
I kissed his forehead. "Shh, baby. Mommy is here."
Skylar came in and kissed Daniel's head. "Hey, buddy. Do you think it's best to send him to the lake house?" Skyler asked. Daniel shivered against my chest. Skylar grabbbed his blanket and covered him.
"Baby, do you wanna stay with mommy and daddy or have big boy time with the uncles and the guys?" I asked.
"Mommy, I wanna..." Then he puked all over me. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Skylar chuckled and took him from me.
"Oh, Daniel. You're lucky your my son and you're cute." I said softly.
I walked to my room and took my clothes off and took a shower.

At seven thirty, I yawned and hugged my brother's. "So is my mini Me coming?" Daniel asked bouncing him softly on his knee.
"No. As much as he wants to go, he cant."
"Why not, mommy?" he asked.
I smiled. "Cause you're really pale and daddy says you have a really high fever." I said.
"Where is Daddy?" Tanner asked me.
"Sleeping with someone in their bed."
They looked mad.
"One of the guys, stupids. After I got out of the shower he gave Daniel a bath then said he was gonna make Daniel soup, then I found him asleep on the counter. Devon carried him upstairs so he wasnt sleeping on the counter." I said.
"And what about you?" Tanner asked.
"I'm fine. I've stayed up for three days at a time."
"Yah. But you're a mom now, and you're not having..." Daniel looked at Daniel then finished his sentance. "It all the time. And Sky isn't use to saying up all night to have it."
I rolled my eyes. "And I dont care. Sleep scares me when someone isn't holding me or I dont have Daniel in my arms." I said.
"Mommy, can I have some cearial now?" Daniel asked.
Tanner got up and grabbed kix out of the cupboard.
Skylar trudged in and kissed my temple. His hair dangling in my eyes. "Sorry, honey."
My brothers coughed to cover their laughs. "Hey, dont laugh at my husband. He is faithful, un like you two."
"I'm faithful to Cece. She hasnt been very faithful to me." Tanner said.
"And my child's mother is a word. Right, Danny?"
My son put his head on Daniels stomch. "Right, Uncle Danny."
"Hi, baby. How'd you sleep?" I asked.
He kissed my neck. "Fine. But I woke up next to Devon. And Austin has a picture of me holding Devon."
I kissed his cheek. "I'll tell him to erase it if you want."
Austin came in. "You guys wanna see what I have?"
"I do!" little Daniel said.
"Oh, hey, lil buddy. Your daddy was hugging a man."
I laughed softly. "Erase it, shit face!" Skylar snapped.
I hit him in the stomch. "Watch your mouth! Austin, quit being a douch! Daniel, if you ever use those words, I'll make you eat soap!" I snapped.
Everyone was quiet. Until Austin opened his mouth again. "Listen, Sky, I'm sorry."
Skylar yawned. "Whatever. I dont care. Just erase it."
"Baby, go back to bed." I told Skylar.
He kissed my neck. "Come with me."
"I would, but you need to sleep and Bubba is staying here with us." I said.
He let out a groan. I smiled. "I love you." he whispered.
I pecked his lips. "I love you, too." I whispered.
"Our sister got married before us, and she's fucking happy."
My son gasped. "Mommy! Danny needs soap."
Skylar smiled evily. "Well, come on, bubba, let's go get the soap!" Skyler said and walked over to grab our son.
"Skylar, careful. To much movement will make him puke." I called after him.
"Ahhh! Daniel!" Skylar yelled.
I sighed and the guys busted up in laughter.

"Anna, baby, go to bed." Skylar kissed my lips. "You're exausted and it's worrying me."
"I'm not exausted. I've done this before."
"Not in five years."
"I'm just not tired."
"Is Daniel asleep?" I asked.
He nodded. I smiled and kissed his lips roughly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me down on the couch and kissed me back. "Really? Here?" he breathed.
I nodded, keeping my eyes closed. "Yeah."
He chuckled and took his shirt off. He kissed me again and I ran my hands through his hair. "Maybe it's not so bad." I said.
"So do I have to cut it?"
"Only if you want to. But I have an advantage. Happy aniversary, honey."

It's a Wall, dumbass!

I smiled at my little Daniel. "Did you fall, baby?" I picked him up and kissed his forehead. He sniffled and nodded. "Oh, poor baby. Let's go call daddy."
"Where is daddy?"
I took him inside. "He is at work, sweety. And you start pretty school tomarrow." I said.
"Pre- school!" Austin said.
"Whatever!" I snapped.
"Mommy! I wanna talk to daddy!"
I grabbed the phone. "He should be on lunch." I dialed his cell and smiled when he answered.
"Hey, baby. How is my favorite wife?"
"I'm your only wife." I said.
"Favorite girl."
"Amazing. Bubba fell down and he wanted to talk to you." I said.
"Oh. Poor baby. Let me talk to him."
I handed Daniel the phone. "Hi, daddy! Yes. I fell."
"Ooh, Yay! Here, mommy!" Daniel handed me the phone then squirmed out of my arms I set him down and he ran to sit with Austin on the couch.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, oh so sexy wife of mine." he said. "Are you ok?" he asked.
"No, daddy, I fell." I said seductivly after I walked into the kitchen.
He groaned.
"Have you ate?" I asked.
"I'll bring you some food."
"Please." he said. "And bring Daniel. They dont believe I'm married and I have a kid."
"Yes, daddy." I said seductivly then hung up the phone.

I got Daniel in the car and drove to McDonalds and got Skylar food then drove to the cunstruction sight. Daniel took the bag from me and grabbed my hand. I smiled as he pulled me to Skylar. "Daddy!" he yelled.
Skylar jumped and looked at us. He smiled. "Hi, bubba. How's it goin?"
Daniel let go of my hand and walked over to Skylar. "Here, daddy! I'm strong!"
"Heck yah, you are, Danny." he said.
I smiled and put my hands on my stomch. It felt fat. Hmm. Makes me wonder.
Skylar looked at me. "Hey, what;s wrong, honey?" he asked me, picked up Daniel and walked over to me. He placed his hand on my stomch. "You preggo?"
I shrugged. "Either that or I'm getting fat."
"Ouch!" someone yelled, and there was a thump.
Skylar turned around and growled. "Look at the ground in front of you insted of my wife, dumbass!" he yelled.
I laughed. "What did you tell our son? He's been jumping up and down since he got off the phone with you." I told Skylar.
"Oh, I told him I'd take him to Disney Land some day."
I looked at our son and put my hand on his adorable rosey cheeks. He was half asleep on Skylar's shoulder.
"HOw's he feeling?" Skylar asked.
"Better. Back to Skylar's evil ways of life."
He stuck his toung out at me. "I'm not evil."
I nodded and kissed his lips lightly. "I have to go see Connor. I havnt seen him in three months." I said.
He kissed my lips softly. "Ok. I love you. Can I keep this?"
I shook my head and grabbed our son. "I love you too. And you can have him later."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2012

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