
New home

My boyfriend James pulled out of me, spraying his sperm on my bare stomch and boobs. I rolled my eyes. "That was the worst yet. You've became a douch but you're still bad in bed." I said then got up.
"Why is it so hard to pleasure you?"
"Well, you're bad in bed. It's actually not that hard to pleasure me. You have a small dick, too. The only way I enjoy being with you is if I am on top." I snapped.
I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth. I got it wet and washed the sperm off. I giggled at how many times I've been in this situation. I dont have sex with a guy unless I know they wont hurt me. I always end up hurting them. I also sleep with guys so my mom knows I dont play by her rules. But she is a dumb bitch. She doesnt understand that I aint gun get pregnant.
She beats me also. It pisses my older brother off but I make sure he doesnt do anything to make me have no where to live. He said I could live with him but I am afraid of what my mother would do. She threatened to kill me if I told anyone about her beating me or that I saw her kill my father.
I got into the shower and washed myself with axe stuff. After I was done I got out and wrapped a towle around myself then called Daniel. I laughed when he picked up the phone because he answers when he is having sex with someone. "Hello?" he gasped.
"Hey. Mom hit me again and James is boring the fuck out of me. I'm scared, Danny." I said.
I could hear the bed stop hitting the wall. "I'm coming to get you, stay where you are."
"I cant. I told mom James and I were studying." I said.
He snorted. "Studying? More along the lines of sexing."
I rolled my eyes. "Tell the girl she's wasting her time." I said before hanging up.
As I got dressed I could hear James jerking off. Ha, my words turn him on. I laughed.
My name is Annastasha Ashly Luve. Weird name, I know. My dad named me. You can call me Anna, Ashly, or Ash. Whatever floats your boat.
I jumped into my 2012 mustang GT while James watched me from his bedroom window. He is still gripping himself. Gross. Not gloating but I'm sexy. Great curves, exilent C cup breasts. I have tan skin, amazing brown eyes, and black hair.
I sighed when I pulled into my driveway. Daniel pulled in behind me. He got out of his car and came to my door then opened it. He kissed my forhead. "Go home. I'll be right behind you." Daniel said.
I nodded then waited for him to pull out. I pulled out of the driveway and started driving to his house.
Daniel lives in a mansion with five of his best buds. Jacob, Gale, Austin, Skylar, and Devon. I havnt seen them in awhile. Jacob has brown hair and brown eyes. He is so sweet. He is mexican. He is 6'3 and he is eighteen.
Gale has firey red hair and emerald green eyes. He eye raped me the first time he saw me. I laughed my ass off. He is 5'5 and he is seventeen.
Austin has blond hair and blue eyes with green in them. It's really sexy. He is twenty one and he is 6'0.
Skylar has short black hair dark green eyes. Skylar is really sexy. The first time I layed eyes on him I fell in love. I love his personality and everything. He is 6'4 and he is ninteen. He is fucking smexy. I have a crush on him. Shhh, dont tell.
Devon is like another brother. He is 5'7. He has brunett hair and hazal eyes. He has a great personality. He likes to joke around a lot.
I pulled into their driveway and almost hit Devon's car. I giggled then got out of my car. Devon came out and hugged me. "Will you have sex with me?" he joked.
"Only in a relationship, baby." I joked.
We laughed then went inside. Asutin smiled and jumped off the couch. He hugged me. "Someone is gonna be happy to see you, sweetheart."
I smiled.
He led me up to my room and I plopped on my bed on my stomch. The bed was big. "It feels good to lay down without a guy on top of me," I joked.
He chuckled. "I'm gonna get McDonalds for dinner since it's your favorite."
I smiled.
"Get some rest."
I heard the door close before I slipped into my sub consiouse.

The love of my life

Knocking on the door woke me up. I opened my eyes to see the love of my life. Skylar Chase. He was shirtless and I was eye raping him. Mmm, I wanted to rub his six pack. He chuckled. "Stop eye rapin me, women."
I blushed then streched my muscles.
"Austin told me to tell you that he brought dinner home. Come on I'm starving."
"Eat me," I snapped.
"I will if you dont get up."
"But my stomch is sperm infested." I said.
He smiled. "Did you wash it off?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Can I touch your ass?" he asked.
"Why not?" I asked.
He came over to me and squeezed my ass once before flipping me over and lifting my shirt up. He slowly worked my belly button ring out. Then he licked my stomch. Almost all the time after I had sex with a guy and they put there sperm on me he would lick my stomch so I would be his until my next boyfriend. Not his girlfriend, just just his buddie. Actually I will always be his buddie.
He put his hand on my jeans button and I froze. "Dont you dare," I said dangerously low.
He chuckled then licked my cleavege. I glared then flicked his head.
"I know you want me. But you cant have me." I said then grabbed my belly button ring out of his hand. I put it back in then put my shirt down.
He got up and walked out. I glared then got up and walked downstairs. Skylar was kissing some chick in a buisness suit. What teen wears those? My hear literally felt like it fell out of my chest. Austin saw and came over to me. He hugged me and Daniel glared daggers at Skylar before ripping Skylar away from the girl and pinning him on the wall. "Is there something wrong with you? We eat in here."
"You had sex in here." Skylar yelled.
"Stop it. Anna doesnt need to see that. She is to little to see that."
"She's seventeen." Skylar yelled.
"She is my little girl, stupid." Daniel screamed in his face.
I sighed. Austin rubbed my back before Daneil came over to me. He took me out of Austin's arms and hugged me before he put his hand in my butt pocket. "Spend as much as you want. Mom wouldnt let me get your stuff."
I smiled then squealed. It totly took my mind off of Skylar. "I love you, Danny." I said.
We ate our food in the loiving room and watched Final Destination three. Gale and Jacob sat by me while Daniel sat at my feet and Skylar sat in a recliner with the chick on his lap and Austin layed on his stomch eating and reading his text book.
Daniel looked back and grinned. "You ok, sis?" he asked.
I nodded. "Yah. This is amazing." I murmmered trying to finish my chicken nuggets.

When Austin and I went shopping and we got a whole shit load of shit. "Talk about sexiness," he said when i came out of the dressing room. I was wearing a tight tanktop and a pair of tight jeans and gorgouse heels.
"I need a new boyfriend." I said.
He smiled. "You need to be single for a bit, baby girl." he said.
"Na." I smiled.
When we got home Skylar was the only one awake. I told Austin to go up to bed and I sat next to Skylar. He was watching Family Guy. He turned the tv down and turned to me. "Are you ok? You looked like you were gonna cry when Daniel and I were yelling at each other's faces."
"I'm fine. Skylar, I love you and it hurt me that you were kissing a smart broad who wears a buisness suit. Who wears that shit anyway?"
He laughed. "I broke up with her for calling you a slut. She didnt understand what you've been through. It made me so mad I almost hit her." he murmmered.
I smiled. "Skylar..."
I was cut off by his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but it felt really nice with his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. He deepened the kiss. He grabbed my theighs and made me straddle him as he squeezed my theighs. He pulled away and nuzzled my neck. "I love you, too, Ash." he murmmered breathless before he started kissing my neck. He started sucking on my collar bone. I let out a soft moan and I felt him smle.
"Skylar, will you please not suck face with my baby sister?" Devon asked.
"I'm sucking on her collar bone, not her face." Skylar said then kissed my lips again. I pulled back and giggled. Skylar smiled.
Devon smacked Skylar upside the head before kissing my cheek. "Good night, darling."
"Goodnight, sexy." I said.
Devon went upstairs and Skylar sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm jelouse, babe."
I pushed him down and straddled him. "You're sexier. You're the love of my life." I said then kissed him roughly.

My best friend and my boyfriend in the same room

I was sitting at the table waiting for Daniel to be done cooking me mashpotaos and Natacha came in. "James said you totally turned him on with your ass." she said then kissed my cheek.
I grinned. "Wrst sex ever. You can screw hims." I said.
She laughed.
"Yah right, sweety." she said.
Natacha has been my bestfriend since pre-school. I taught her everything Daniel taught me about sex. She giggles everytime I say the word 'Penis.' I rolled my eyes. "I'm searious. I know you like goodie-goodies. I have someone bigger and badder." I said happily.
"How do you know I am big?" Devon asked sarcastically coming into the kitchen.
I giggled. "Danny had us bathe together when we were younger." I lied.
We all laughed and Skylar came into the kitchen with his fists clenched.
I rolled my eyes then got up and walked over to him. I kissed his lips lightly. "I was joking, baby. Devon is like another bro. And he was my..."
He put his hand over my mouth. "Let's just say you are a virgin until we have sex."
Daniel glared. "You best not kill my sister. I've heard you and other girls. It sounds like you're hurting them."
"I wont hurt her. I can be gental."
"I'm going to kill both of you. I am not gonna act like I am a fucking virgin because you're jelouse and Daniel, if he is to rough I'll punch him in the stomch." I snapped. "Natacha, lets go. I need to get my morning coffee."
Skylar pulled me into his arm and kissed me. "I'm sorry, baby." he murmmered in my ear.
"Thank you. I feel better, baby." I said.
He kissed my lips gently.
"You are not gonna kill me with your animal sex are you?" I asked.
"Nope," he said popping the P.
I smiled. "Your food is ready, sweety." Daniel said.
I sat down and started eating. Natacha helped me eat since she loves mashed potatos. "So you and Skylar? When were you planning on telling me?" she asked.
"We got together last night. I was gonna tell you when you came over this morning." I said.
"Oh ok."
Skylar put his arms around me and kissed my neck
"Get your hands off of her," Natacha yelled.
Skylar drew back and put his hands above his head. "Shoot me now," he mumbled.
Oh shit, I thought to myself.
Natacha jumped up and yelled, "What did you say?"
She drew her fist back and puched him. He just chuckled and shook his head. "Anna can throw a better punch than you."
"Skylar, stop." I screamed then draged Natacha up to my room.
She went into my bathroom to calm down while I glared at my purple wall. It bugs the hell out of me when she fights with one of my boyfriends. She is just mad because I'm trouble and she is semi trouble. She gets in a little trouble. The only thing she gets in trouble for is staying out late with me and having sex with guys.
Her parents do not like me. They caught me sleeping with an old boyfriend in their bed. Her dad wanted to watch. Creeper! Natacha came out of the bathroom and smiled. "Ok. I am sorry. I am calm. Now, Jerry dumped Julia and now he wants me. We had sex last night and my parents wernt home." she said smiling.
I giggled. "That's amazing, baby." I said.
"I know. It was so amazing. He is so..."
"Big? Small? Weird? Stupid?"
She giggled. "Big and weird." she said.
We laughed then I got dressed. I got dressed in a black shirt and short shorts and a pair of blue heels that went with my shorts. I ran the flat iron through my hair then Natacha went home and I went to the doctors.
Just being safe.
After my appointment was over my doctor gave me more condoms and sent me on my way.
Skylar and Daniel were watching tv when I got home. Daniel looked at me and smiled. "Hey, sis." he said.
"Hey," I whispered.
"What's wrong?" Skylar asked.
"I dont like my doctor, He is old and a weirdo." I said sitting on his lap.
He pressed his lips to mine. Daniel kissed my forehead before getting up and walking out the front door.
"Where is he going?" I asked.
"To see your best friend."
"Connor? Or Natacha?" I asked.
"Connor. Why would he go see her?" he asked rudly.
I smacked his chest. "Dont talk about her like that. I dont care if you hate her." I said.
He smiled. "It turns me on when you get mad." he said.
I couldnt help but laugh. "You want me, but you still cant have me." I murmmered seductivly in his ear.
He smiled. "I have you right here. Mine all mine. I'll never let you go, baby." he whispered.
I rolled my eyes. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered. "Yo?"
"Hey hey, baby doll. I got somethin for ya." Connor said.
"Sorry, babe. I cant meet ya. I'm hanging with my boytoy." I said.
Skylar chuckled softly in my ear. "I'm your boytoy now?"
I rolled my eyes. "Ok, baby doll. I'll see you at school tomarrow. And you're telling me who your new toy is."
"Yes, sir." I said like a little girl.
"Adios," I said then hung up. I turned around and straddled Skylar. "Man whore," I said.
He smiled. "I'll give it up for you, baby." he said happily.
"I only sleep with guys I am in a relationship with. But I aint sleeping with you until you show me that you're grown up."
He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me lightly. "I swear to god from this day forth, I Skylar Anthony Chase will give up sex with a bunch of random girls for this girl on my lap. I will satisfy her needs inside and outside of the bed."
I giggled. "I didnt know your middle name was Anthony." I whispered.
He chuckled. "There is a lot you dont know about me. I have no STD'S though."
"Me neither. That was kind of the point of my doctor appointment today. And I needed more condoms." I said.
He kissed me lightly. "Wonderful, baby, wonderful."
I jumped off of his lap and laughed. He had a boner.
He glared then got up and went upstairs. I knew it wasnt right to laugh but hell. Skylar's never poked me before. "It's not funny, Annastasha." he yelled.
I rolled my eyes then skipped into the kitchen.

The storm

That night I knocked on Skylar's door and he opened it and glared daggers at me. I flinched. "Baby, I'm sorry. It's just you never poked me like that before." I said. His look softened and he smiled faintly.
"No. I'm sorry. You mentioned condoms and I imagined you under me." he said.
I smiled. "Really? You're so perverted."
"At least it's you I'm thinking about." he said. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He abruptly pulled away. "Can I sleep in your room?" he asked.
"Why are you soaked?" he asked.
"Devon and I were just playing in the puddles. Daniel told us to come inside since there was gonna be a storm. I'm cold." I said.
He chuckled then picked me up and took me into my room. He took me into the bathroom and started the bath then set me on the toilet. He put bubbles in the bath then turned around while I undressed and got in. He sat on the toilet and propped his feet on the end of the bathtub. The bathtub was freaking big.
I felt like a small person. No offense to small people. He chuckled. "You having fun, baby?" he asked.
"Yes. It's so big. I feel like a little kid."
He chuckled.
"I'm really sorry for laughing at your boner." I said.
He smiled. "It's cool. I laughed a little too." he said. "I have to remember you're not like most girs. They glare then hit me."
I giggled. Then the power went out. I squealed and he jumped.
"Why is that a good thing, baby?" he asked.
"Cause we can play hide and seek in the dark. Duh." I said in a duh tone. "Will you get me some dry clothes. There is a flash light by the door."
About a minute later he shined the flashlight on me. I smiled before he went to get me clothes. He came back in with one of his shirts and a pair of pajama shorts. "What, no bra or panties?" I asked.
"Oh. Yah." He set the clothes down before going to get me bra and panties. He came back in clutching a thong in one hand and my bra in the other. "This is fucking sexy," he said huskily.
I rolled my eyes then told him to get out. He waited outside the door while I got dressed. After I was done getting dressed I braided my hair to the side before draging Skylar downstairs. The guys were freaking out. "What's happening?" I asked Daniel.
He was the only one who was calm and leaning against the counter. "I told them that we were gonna run out of food and water because the power went out. They havnt figured out yet that Pizza Hut still has power. I'm just enjoying the show." he said.
I laughed. "Guys stop it." They stopped to look at me. "We're going to play hide and seek since the power is out and I love scaring the shit out of you pansys."
Skylar put his arms around me and kissed my neck. "The power is out which means they wont be able to see what happens. Let's go do something more grownup." he whispered seductivly on my ear. He nibbled on my ear and I was tempted to moan.
"Sex if for old people." I lied
They laughed. "You have sex," Skylar said.
"Let her be a little girl. It onlly lasts for a little bit. I enjoy it when she acts like a little girl. It reminds me of when she was younger. We shall play hide and seek so the little girl in her is sattisfied." Daniel said.
I ssquealed. "Skylar's it." I said then everyone ran out of the kitchen. Austin pulled me into the laundry room and hugged me.
"All the guys are betting on when you're gonna have sex. Daniel and I say three years. The other guys are big ass holes." he said making me giggle.
"We should have shots while listening to Shots." I said excitedly.
He chuckled. "You think of a lot of fun things to do when the power is out."
I nodded. "Help me hide." I said.
"Are you afraid of dirty underwear?" he asked.
"Only Danny's and Devon's."
"They oready finished their laundry."
He took me over to a corner and made me lay down. Then he put a pile of clothes on me. I heard the door close and I got bored.

I was asleep when Skylar found me. He shook me lightly then picked me up in his arms. "You scared the shit out of me, babe." he said then crashed his mouth against mine. I was really tired so my kiss was lazy. It made him laugh then nuzzle my neck. "Austin told us you wondered drunk into the storm."
I rolled my eyes. "You're not gonna smother me are ya?" I asked.
"No. I was just scared you actually went outside. It's really bad outside and my brother texted me and told me that our dad got struk by lightning."
"Aww, pour daddy." I said groggily. "I was taking a nap. Let's go take a nap." I suggested He laughed then carried me up to my room. Everyone had a flashlight now.
I jumped out of his arms then made him lay down. I layed on him and kissed him lightly.
"I want a tattoo." I said.
"I got one earlier. You can see it in a week."
I pouted. "Ok. Fine. Take your shirt off."
He shook his head. "You can wait a week."
I sighed then layed next to him. He put his arms around me and pulled me close.
"I love you, Anna." he murmmered.
"I love you too, Skylar." I whispered.

What to do when they cancled school

In the morning my phone woke me up. It was connor calling me. "Yo, baby doll, there aint no school and your mom told me she doesnt know where you are. Where are you?" he asked.
I smiled at my best guy friend's voice. "I'm living with my brother." I said groggily.
"Well, thanks for telling me, Annastasha. I'm fucking hurt over here. You tell me everything even your sex secrets. Natacha doesnt even know all of those." he said sounding mad.
"Mmm, my boytoy is Skylar." I said changing the subject.
"Seariously?" he asked and it sounded like he was smiling.
I giggled and Skylar groaned and I noticed his face was in my breasts. "Yah. He is enjoying my breasts at the moment." I said.
"Are you naked? Did you have sex with him?"
"No and no. It's only been a few days, Connor. I want him but I have self control."
He chuckled. "I'm comming over. I dont wanna see his face in ya boobs when I get there. He wont be pretty anymore."
I laughed quietly. "Bye,"
"Bye, baby doll." he said and I hung up.
Skylar's thing poked my leg and I tried to hold back a laugh. "Annastasha," he groaned.
I pinched my lips together to hole back my laugh. Oh, Skylar. What am I gonna do with you. I thought to myself.
I smiled to myself then 'accidently' brushed my knee against his manhood. He moaned quietly. I smiled then slowly ran my hand down his stomch then pressed my hand against his crotch. He lifte his head and his eyes fluttered opened and I smiled. "I didnt laugh," I said.
He sighed with reliefe. "Baby, I thought you were someone else." he said.
"And who were you dreaming about?" I asked slightly angry.
He nodded. "It's just my step mom did that to me once. I was having an erotic dream and she decided to play with me."
I calmed down then put my hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry, baby. I didnt mean to bring up a memory." I said.
He rolled his eyes. "I wish I could feel your soft hand on it for real." he murmmered husily in my ear.
I giggled. "I wasnt dreaming about you when I moved in. I was dreaming about.... Taylor Lautner."
"Lier. You were dreaming about my ten inched dick in you."
I shook my head. "No. Something sweeter. We went on a date then we went to the beach and then back here and we made out on the couch. I was saying your name because you were kissing my sweet spot."
"I know exactly where you like me to suck." he said.
"I'm tired. Bed time." I said making him smile then close his eyes. "Keep your face out of my boobs or Connor is gonna crazy murder you."
He grinned. "But they're amazing." he said then kissed my right breast. Connor thumped him on the head.
"Dont be touchin my stista like dat, man whore."
"Your friends hate me. I'm gonna go in my room."
"No, Skylar, stay. I just came by to check on Anna and I have something for her." Conner said sitting down at the end of my bed. He pulled my most expensive bra out of his coat pocket. "My sister had this. She said she was sorry."
I snatched my bra from him and looked for rips or anything. Skylar stared at it then undressed me with his eyes. I sat up and hugged Connor. "Thank you, thank you. I dont know what I would've done without it. This sucker helps me get laid on nights that guys are being a pussy."
He stood up and kissed my forehead. "I have a women to satisfy. I'll see you later, baby doll."
"I love ya, Conner."
"Ya too, Anna." he said. I smiled then layed down. I yawned then snuggled up to Skylar.
He kissed my forehead. "Sweet dreams, baby." he murmmered.
I looked up at him and kissed him. "You too, babe." I said smiling.

Later I woke up and Skylar was gone. I sighed then got out of bed. I took my braid out then brushed through my hair before running the curling iron through it. Then I put some eyeliner on and mascara. I didnt feel like going anywhere so I stayed in Skylar's shirt and my shorts. I walked downstairs and Skylar and Daniel were being yelled at by a cheerleader. I rolled my eyes then kissed Skylar's cheek. He smiled then kissed my forehead. I hugged Daniel then kissed his cheek. "I'm so very confused." I whispered in his ear.
"I slept with her last night and she hates Skylar."
I rolled my eyes then walked into the living room. Devon and Austin were watching something bad. I turned it off then sat in between them. I snuggled up against Austin and smiled. "That is gross. Why dont you go find a girl that'll strip for you?" I asked.
"We have a bet. We're seeing how long it takes for me to crack and bang a chick hard." he said.
I giggled. "I dont like school. Did you know I lost my virginity in the closet thingy?" I asked.
Devon laughed. "I member that. You were good for a virgin."
"Why thank you." I said.
He laughed. "Your welcome, sweety. The only bad thing about that was I turned you into this and I got you suspended."
"You didnt turn her into this. The cheerleaders did. Fucking bitches turned a sweet innocent Anna into a animal. At least they dont mess with you anymore."
"If they do I have a bunch of bad boys to protect me. And I'll ram my shoe into their face." I said.
"Bitch," Stacia muttered when she walked by.
I jumped up and threw the remote at the back of her head. She screamed then turned around and marched over to me. I stood up a bit more. "What are you gonna do?" I asked smiling dangerously.
Skylar and Daniel were gaping at me. "You're a bitch," she yelled.
"Reallly now?" I grabbed some of her hair and pulled hard. "Still think I'm a bitch?"
"Yes," she yelled in pain.
I rolled my eyes and jumped over the couch then draged her to the door. I pushed her out of it and she fell hard on her knees. "I aint no bitch, bitch." I spit on her then slammed the door.
"Did that turn anyone else on?" Devon asked.
Skylar and Austin nodded. I glared then walked upstairs. I slammed my bedroom door and locked it. A few seconds later someone knocked on my door. "Ashly, it's Danny. Open the door, please?" he asked.
"No." I said tears in my eyes. "This is your fault."
He sighed. "I have french fries from McDonalds."
I smiled the got up and opened the door. He smiled then handed me a McDonalds bag. I sat on my bed and whipped the tears off of my cheeks. He closed the door then sat on my bed.
"By the way, in about an hour a bunch of jocks'll be here to beat my ass."
He squinted and shook his head. "Skylar'll kill them with a fucking hand gun before I can get to them if they hurt you."
"No more fucky with cheerleaders, stupid."
He nodded. "No more fucky with cheerleaders. I'm sorry, Anna." he said.
I shook my head. "It's ok."
"What were you and the other two talking about?" he asked.
"Me loosing my virtue in a closet."
He laughed then kissed my forehead. After he left Skylar came in. "Are you mad at me?" he asked.
"Nope." I said popping the P. I put a french fry in his mouth and smiled. "You're a horny fool."
He smiled and nodded. "I didnt screw her. Danny did."
"I know." I said.
He smiled. "Ok. Good."
Ater we were done eating french fries I pushed him back and straddled him. I kissed him roughly and passionatly. He flipped us over and kissed my neck then my collarbone. I moaned quietly as he sucked on my sweetspot. The door slammed opened and the quarter back and Natacha were in the doorway.
I glared and Skylar looked up to see who it was. "Did we interupt your happy three hours?" she asked.
"Not at all," I said sarcastically and Skylar flipped us over so I was on top.
"What's your favorite song, baby?" Natacha asked me.
"Bohemian Rhapsody. I told you that when we listened to it a few weeks ago. I dont know why it just reminds me of sex."
"You're a weird."
"Thank you. Now, is there something you need? Skylar and I were trying to get lucky." I said.
Skylar chuckled.
"Yah. My parents are home and I need somewhere to..... mate." she said.
I giggled. "You can use the bathroom. I want my first time with Skylar on a bed." I said.
"Your first time was in a closet and you swore up and down it'd be in a hot tub. You two might end up on the floor with how wild you are."
Skylar raised his brow. "And you know how?"
"We had a threesome with Connor. Well, technacally they were having sex and she wanted to act weird and then we had a threesome." she said.
Skylar fisted his hands in his shirt. "Well, thanks, Natacha."
She laughed. "You gotta condom?"
"Yah. They're in my bag." I said.
Skylar laughed the flipped us over and sucked on my collarbone again. I held in my moans until Natacha closed the door. I let out a small moan before he took my shirt off. The quarterback gaped before Natacha draged him to the bathroom. He kissed down but I stoped him.
"Skylar," I said paniking. I've never panicked this close to sex before. What the fuck is wrong with me?
He smiled then rested his head on my stomch. "What's wrong?"
"I'm scared,"
He chuckled. "You're scared? Of what, baby?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I'm scared I wont make you happy and you'll be done with me."
He squinted then came up to my lips. "Devon said you were the best he's ever had. That only makes me want you more. Devon only says that when he means it."
"Ugh, that was the worst expeirience of my life. Does my brother always hang out with guys with big dicks?" I asked. "But it was amazing."
He chuckled. "Are you still scared?" he asked.
I kissed him lightly. "No. But be gental."

Stupid jocks

Skylar got off of me panting and he smiled. "That's never happened," he gasped.
I looked at him and smiled. "What?" I gasped.
"Me being gental. It's always rough." he said catching his breath.
"French fries turn me on now."
He chuckled then kissed my forehead.
"You fucked my brains out. It was like my first time all over again but the pain only lasted a second.
He chuckled. "Is that a good thing?"
I nodded. Natacha came out with a towle wrapped around herself. I rolled my eyes. "Enjoy yourself?" I asked.
She nodded. "We should have a party and I relized how much I hate you."
I glared. "Why?" I asked.
She grinned at Skylar. I glared then stood up. She giggled. "You have a body like that. And I have this." she said motioning twords her body. I rolled my eyes and got dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a tight shirt.
"I like it, baby." Skylar said.
"Why? She isn't wearing a bra or panties."
"That's why I like it." Skylar said in a duh tone.
I laughed and she went into the bathroom.
"Next time I wont be so gental." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not use to rough so if I tell you to stop promis you'll stop." I turned around and looked at him.
He nodded. "You've had sex with a lot of guys, why arn't you use to it."
"Because, I tell them that being gental is much better than being rough and I didnt want it rough."
"If you wern't use to it then why'd you sleep with Devon?" he asked.
"He was very gental. Did Devon ever tell you I was his only virgin?" I asked.
"No. I didnt even know you two had sex until he drove you here and you stayed that week during spring break your junior year. I'm jelouse."
I rolled my eyes. "You're in charge next time. Dont leave me, baby." I said.
He shook his head. "I'm gonna take a nap. That made me a little tired."
I went over to him and kissed him. "I love you, Skylar." I said.
"I love you too, sweety." he said then kissed me again. I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I took a drink from the mountain dew bottle before going into the living room. A bunch of jocks were in there.
Devon smiled at me. "Hey, sexy. How was sex with Skylar?"
"I'll tell you when there isn't so many jocks around. Why are they here?"
"Waiting for you, darling." he said.
I slapped my forehead. "If you didnt recall our convo and then me hurting the slut..."
Suddenly I was struck on the back of the head with a bat. "What the fuck?" I heard Devon scream as I fell unconsiouse.


"Ok, she's comin around. Should be a minute or two more." someone said.
"Annastasha Ashly Luve, wake your ass up right now." Daniel yelled. Followed by Skylar yelling the same thing only putting a 'yah' in front of it.
I slowly opened my eyes and it was blurry at first before everyone came into view. The very handsome doctor and his sexy trainee and Skylar and Daniel. I whimpered at the massive head ach I had. "Try not to move around so much. You have a concussion." the trainee said.
"Had," the doctor said.
I whimpered again. "Could you be any louder?" I asked Skylar and Daniel.
They nodded.
"They were trying to wake up the entire hospital," Connor said coming into the room then yawned. "It's about time you woke up, baby doll. It's two in the morning and I'm exausted." he said then lightly kissed my forehead.
"Why the hell am I in a hospital?" I asked.
"You had a concussion. I'm sorry I left, baby girl. I didnt want to listen to you moan." Daniel said.
The doctors were doing work around the room. The stopped then chuckled. "Ok, so what happened?" Connor asked.
"Didnt Devon tell you?" I asked.
They shook their heads. "Skylar called 911 when he found you and him like that. Devon woke up a few hours ago and he wanted us to come and wake yo ass up." Daniel said. "Though, I'm suprised he remembered the number since you were bleeding and unconsiouse."
I smiled then took Skylar's hand. "Thanks for savin my life, baby." I said.
He smiled. "Give me a kiss and I'll save your life for the rest of your life."
I puckered my lips and he leaned in and pecked my lips. I giggled but winced when pain hit hard. The doctors gave me some painkillers and said, "No sudden movements. And, boys, no yelling. Mr. Ross'll be in here in a few."
They left and the boys stared at me blankly. "What?"
"We're waiting for you to say you're hungry." Daniel said.
"I'm not. I wanna cuddle with my bestie. He looks exausted." I said.
"What about me?" Daniel and Skylar yelled.
I glared daggers at them. "You two yelled at me. And you dont look exausted at all. Connor cant sta up all night. He will kill something if he doesnt sleep."
"Oh," they said together. "Fine. We'll cuddle then." they yelled together.
I whimpered. "Danny, we cuddled when we were kids. Why do you want to cuddle now?"
"I was scared, Anna." he said.
I smiled. "I fought hard. I beat it."
"You did. Thank you, Anna's head."
I rolled my eyes. "Skylar, we can cuddle later."
He smiled. "I love you,"
"I love you too." I said. Connor layed down and I put my arms around his neck. He chuckled.
"This reminds me of when we were dating." he whispered. "You holding me in your arms when I couldnt sleep."
"Taking a hot bath with you when you felt like killing yourself."
He grinned. "Having sex in the bathtub so I would forget about my parents dying."
I giggled. "Yah. You were amazing. I love how you open up to girls." I said.
He smiled. "I love how we're still friends."
I kissed his forhead. "Goodnight, bubba." I whispered.
"Night, baby doll."
He put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Skylar and Daniel were cuddling on a little couch. I sighed then smiled. They've been bestfriends for awhile. Dont judge.
After they were asleep and I was half asleep Devon came in and sat in the chair. He had stitches in his forhead and he had a cast on his right hand and a black eye and stitches in his chin. "They got you bad,"
"They got you worse. A cuncussion and stitches in the back of the head."
"How is that worse?" I asked.
He smiled. "They got you with a bat. I got hit with a phone and fists and some chick decided to break my wrist. You're very lucky, darling. They could've cracked your skull in half or something. The doctors were worried more about you than me. I didnt care though. It made me cry too see you strapped, unconsiouse to a girnee while Skylar screamed for you to wake up."
I rolled my eyes. "You boys are so dramatic. Who hit me?" I asked.
"Figures. Time to plan revenge." I said sleepily.
"Time for bed, honey. Go to sleep. Danny wants you to sleep all day today then it's your choice if you want to go to school tomaarrow."
I nodded then let my eyes close. "Night, Devon."
"Night, sweety."


Skylar was driving me to school while I drew a picture for him. It was a rose. He didnt want me to go to school because of my head. In the middle of a sentence sometimes I would pause and it would worry him. The sexy trainee said it was temorarry but Skylar doesnt want me to go to school. And he is scared I took the wrong medicine this morning.
I literally locked myself in Daniel's room this morning. Daniel just chuckled then hugged me. He was getting ready for work when I walked in. I dont know why I found it funny that he was in his boxers. Skylar looked at me and smiled. "I'm gonna get that as a tat." he said looking at the rose I was drawing.
I smiled. I didnt relize he had oready pulled into the school parking lot. Cheerleaders glared at me when they saw me in Skylar's car. Skylar was oready graduated but he was the quarterback for the football team during his seinor year. I was a seinor now. I'm only a grade behind him. "Really?" I asked suddenly feeling cold.
He nodded. "It's really good. Are you sure you want to be here? These girls are giving you the look." he mused.
"The look?" I asked.
He nodded. "They wanna kill you for being in my car."
"Well, let's give them a show, shall we." I said smiling seductivly.
He chuckled then leaned over the consol and kissed me gently. I didnt kiss back for a second then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed him back into his seat. I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed over the consol and straddled him. I kissed him again and he chuckled before kissing my neck.
My phone vibrated and I answered. It was my aunt Jilly. She lives in Hoquiam and only calls me when she wants me to come visit. "Hell um o?" I asked.
She laughed. "Well, it's good you didnt loose your memory."
"It's called amneisa and a little weak chick hit me." I said.
I could hear her smile. "Amber is having a band concert and she cants her cousin to come see her play. And why arn't you in school?"
"I'm having sex," I said in a duh tone.
She laughed. "Hun, please. Skylar and Daniel would ban sex from you. Danny said he took your condoms and pills and stuff."
"It aint gonna stop me. The only thing stopping me right now is Skylar." I said. "And tell Amber I'll see her in a week."
"OK. Get to class. Love you, hun."
"You too," I said then hung up.
Skylar smiled then kissed my forehead. "It's going to be boring without you there." he whispered. "Are you sure you want to go?" he asked.
I nodded. "Why dont you go home and watch porn?" I asked.
"You'd let me do that?" he asked.
"Ugh. I hate it when boys think I'm going to control what they watch." I said.
He smiled. "I would've killed them if they killed you. There would literally be nothing left for Danny."
I smiled then kissed his nose. "I have to go. I'll see you later. I love you."
"Love you more, baby."
I grinned then crawled back over to the passenger side before getting out. I walked into the building and walked to my locker. I was grabbing some over due homework when Connor slammed his girlfriend into the locker and crushed his lips to hers. His girlfriend is a bitch. I sighed then flicked his ear. His locker was right next to mine so I tortchered him everyday.
She pulled away from him and glared at me. "Do you need something, whore?"
That set Connor off. He slapped her hard before pushing her to the ground. "Dont talk about her like that. She doesnt sleep around like you. I cant believe I gave you another chance." he yelled then pulled out his pocket knife. He turned around and I grabbed his knife before he could do anything.
"Connor, no. Stop it, honey. You need to find someone better than whores like her. I swear if you hurt yourself I will kill you." I said.
He took a minute to calm down before hugging me. "Thanks, baby doll."
After Connor and I broke up he decided to call me baby doll because he liked calling me baby. "You're welcome, sweety. Do you know if you're graduating this year?" I asked.
"Yah. I checked yesterday while you were taking the day to rest. I'm graduating and so are you. We get to wear the hat thingys this year. Damn I cant wait to get out of this hell hole."
I grinned. "Me too."
The late bell rang and we grabbed our books and went to math. The math teacher is insainly sexy and he hit on me once when he was helping me after school with homework. Connor and I were the second ones there. Davon was in the back drawing boobs on his cast. "Good morning, mr.Simmons." Connor said angrily.
Mr.Simmons snapped out of his daydreams about something and looked at us. He got a boner at the sight of me. He nodded before we went to sit down. I sat by Devon and took the sharpie. I signed my name above the boobs he just drew. "You're obsessed with my boobs." I said.
He nodded. "They're amazing. Connor'll agree with me when you're not around."
I smiled and the classroom started to fill. I sighed and thought of something to get me out of this class. I have good grades but I am still trouble. I will not deny that.
When he asked a mth question I raised my hand and said, "Did you know that if I tell on a teacher that hit on me, he'd get fired?" I asked.
Mr. Simmons's eyes went wide but returned. "Yes. I know that."
"I'm bored. The answer to that is 5.4 forever."
"Very well, Miss. Luve, how are you so sure?" he asked.
"Well, it's not that hard. You multiply that then divide by sixteen and you get 5.4 forever." I said with an additude.
"Wel, you're correct."
"Great, not I'm leaving." I said then got up and walked to the door.
"You cant just get up and walk out." he said.
"I wasnt even supose to come today. I just came because I didnt want to miss anything in math." I walked out and called Skylar.
When he answered he moaned in my ear. I could hear the bed hitting the wall too. That jerk better be jerking off and Daniel jumping on the bed, I thought to myself.
Daniel chuckled in the background and grabbed the phone. Hello?" he asked laughing.
I held my hand to my heart. "That wasnt funny." I snapped.
"Yah it was. He was thinking about you washing his car and he got a hard on when he came through his bedroom door. I was playing vidio games and he doesnt care if I see him play with himself."
I rolled my eyes. "Come get me," I whispered.
"Awww, honey, I didnt mean...."
I hung up and waited outside. When Daniel pulled up in his black saburban I climbed in the back while him and Skylar looked at me with worry in their eyes. "What?" I snapped.
"You hung up on me," Daniel said with a smile on his face.
"I dont care. That wasnt funny." I said.
I crossed my arms and stared out the window. Skylar got out of the front seat and climbed in back with me. He buckled his seat belt then Danny started driving. "Did you think I was cheating on you?" he asked with real worry in his voice.
"Yes." I mumbled and tears started falling. i'd only been cheated on once and it sucked.
He turned my head to look at him. He smiled and whipped my tears away. He kissed my lips lightly and whipped more tears away. He pulled back and kissed my hand. "I was jerking off. Your ass turned me on." he said innocently.
I giggled. "I want to sleep." I said.
He smiled and unbuckled my seatbelt. He had me lean against him while he held me and go to sleep.

I woke up while they were talking. Daniel was still driving. Where? I have no idea. I faintly heard Green Day in the speakers. Skylar was rubbing my stomch. "No party's, Skylar. When you get drunk you wanna fuck and she cant fuck yet. If you havnt noticed she is kind of wounded. Maybe in a few months when the doctors say it's safe."
"Wait, back up, I',m not gonna get lucky for months?"
"You'll live. I told her that I wouldnt play fuckey with sluts anymore and settle for a real girlfriend." He sai it like it was a bad thing.
Skylar fisted his hands in my shirt.
"And she's probably try and you need to tell her no."
He loosened his hands. "Ok, Daniel." he said.
I grinned faintly then opened my eyes. He jumped when I sat on his lap and straddled him.
"When did you wake up?" he asked.
"A few seconds ago." I said.
He nodded understanding.
I rolled my eyes then kissed him. He groaned when my fingers unbuttoned his pants. I unzipped them then took his dick out of his boxers. I stroked it until he told me Daniel was watching. I shrugged then went back to kissing him. He grined into me and it made want to moan.

Three months later

Daniel was driving to the mall while I sat in the passenger seat and Skylar sat in the back seat. I was all healed and now I was messing with Daniel's radio until Alejandro came on the radio. I giggled then turned it up. Daniel smiled then sung it making me laugh. Skylar plugged his ears and went back to being in a cranky mood.
I guess he wanted to fuck me, and he was being paitent. Daniel actually had a girlfriend and she has been stealing me away from Skylar a lot. Daniel was taking him and I to the mall so him and his girlfriend could study for their final. Skylar is gonna take me into a dressing room where his gay brother works and fuck me in the dressing room as he put it. Daniel wasnt happy about it but he didnt want Skylar to cheat on me. After the song Daniel turned the radio down and said, "I'm the male version of Gaga."
I giggled. "No you're not. You dont look like her and she wears meat bathingsuits. You wear trunks." I said making him chuckle.
"Oh, baby, I'm your bugest fan, fuck me, fuck me." he joked to Skylar.
I giggled and Skylar cracked a smile. "You're the weirdest guy I've ever met."
"But ya love me," he said.
"Yep. Ya ma bro." Skylar said.
I grinned then blared the music. The laughed and Skylar leaned forward and rested his hands on my shoulders. He kissed my cheek before sitting back. I turned the radio down. "You should be saying that to your girlfriend, dummy. That makes me not want to fuck my boyfriend ever again."
"Thanks, Daniel." Skylar snapped.
I giggled then Daniel parked his car. "No fuckey for you then." Daniel said with a smile.
Skylar jumped out and opened my door. He unbuckled me and carried me over his shoulder to the mall. "Wait, Danny never gave me my stuff back, baby." I said.
He paused. "So you havnt taken your pill?" he asked.
"Nope," I said popping the P.
"I'll come on your stomch and boobs then lick it up when you clean it off." he said.
I shrugged before he started jogging again. His brother was flirting with a guy when we got there. Skylar set me down.
"Skylar's here," he announced. "Now close up so me can fuck my girlfriend."
Jerimy rolled his eyes. "You have to wait, dummy. Girls are in the dressing rooms. I'm pretty sure they'd let you in if you had a threeway with her."
Skylar shook his head. "No. Mine." I growled.
They laughed. "So she's healed." Came an annoying voice.
I whirled around and glared at Stacia. "Jelouse, bitch."
"Why am I jelouse?" she asked.
"I'm graduating and I have Skylar." I snapped.
She rolled her eyes but she slipped. I saw a tear roll down her cheek. She whipped it away quickly before walking twords Jerimy. Skylar draged me to the dressing room and locked it behind him. "You want me to be gental?" he asked.
"For the first five minutes." I said.
He nodded then took my shirt off. He smiled then took his shirt off. My name and a rose was tattooed on his left breast. I almost broke into tears as he pulled me into his arms. "Are you ok? Does your head hurt?"
I shook my head and smacked his left breast playfully. "No. When did you do this?" I asked.
"I got your name tattooed on my chest when you were fourteen. I told you I was gonna get the rose tattoed on my skin. Now it's on my chest and on my wall next to your picture."
I smiled and he whipped a tear away from my cheek.
"Dont cry, beautiful."
I smiled. "I'm not trying to. The only guy that would do this for me in the past was Connor and he still doesnt regret it."
He grinned. "I love you, Love." he whispered before crushing his lips against mine.
He pulled away after awhile and gasped before kissing my neck and my collarbone. I let out a small moan and he smiled against my skin. He took my bra off and grinned.

"Well, it's about time." Daniel said.
"We were only there for an hour, Danny." Skylar said.
"She's glowing. What did you do to her?" Daniel asked weirdly.
"I made her feel amazing." Skylar said.
"Nap time," I reached for Daniel and he picked me up and hung me over his shoulder. "Why does everyone carry me like this?" I mumbled.
He laughed then carried me outside. It was raining so he carried me bridal styal to his car. He put me in the back seat and I gaped. "What?" he asked.
"I'm your littel sister. You're supose to let me in front."
"But what about Ally?" he asked.
I pushed him out of my way and jumped out of his car. "Whatever. I'm gonna call Connor and take a ride on his death machine."
"That sounds a little wrong," Skylar said taking my hand. "Let's walk home. I know a short cut that'll take us home."
"Will you give me a piggy back ride?" I asked.
He nodded. I put my hood up and jumped on his back. I nuzzled his neck and he walked away from Daniel. Daniel should know better than that when I'm in child mode. I love him, but his girlfriend is getting to his head. Skylar chuckled when I started to slip. "Damn, you really are tired." he said then carried me bridal style.
"I sowy," I mumbled.
He laughed. "Shh, bed time. We'll be home before you wake up, baby."
I nodded the closed my eyes.
When I woke up my thirteen year old cousin was standing over me. Skylar was playing with her trumpit. She squealed when I opened my eyes. "Momma said that she was emotional so Danny said I had to come stay here. Devon was hitting on me." she said.
I smiled. "Hang on. I need a shower. Skylar is a naughty boy." I said then got up and went to take a shower. When I got out I wrapped a towle around myself and walked into my room. Skylar was playing on my laptop while Amber was playing her trumpit.
"Baby, do you think we'd get married?" he asked.
I stopped in my tracks. I'd never thought about getting married. "Stop rushing." I said.
"Sorry, just asking."
"I dont know, baby. Marrage scares me." I said.
He nodded then I got dressed.

That night Amber and I were laying in my bed watching LMFAO music vidios while talking about how amazing it would be to live forever. Somehow our conversation led to sex because someone was moaning a few rooms over.
"Sex is really amazing for me. Jocks get clingy, skater boys get to horney, man whores are horney all the time but when they're around me, they control it." I said while stroking her hair.
"Moma says it hurts."
"It does like a mother fucker. But once it goes away you start to feel good and you want nothing but whats on top of you or under you."
"Why does it hurt?" she asked.
"Have you done the Family Life And Sexual Health yet?" I asked.
"I'm a grade behind so no."
"Ok. The vagina is a small hole. Have you ever heard your mom say that your dad would screw anything with a hole?"
She nodded.
"Kay. We have a hole and it's small and when a guy puts a penis in your vagina it hurts. But then it starts to feel good. Make sense?"
"Kind of. You're a horrible teacher." she said.
I giggled.
"I know."
I head a moan I didnt particularaly liked. Someone was moaning Skylar's name. My heart dropped and I got up and ran to Skylar's room. Sure enough he was cheating on me. He jumped off the girl when I walked in. It was Natacha. I screamed and Amber was next to me in seconds. Followed by Daniel and the rest of the house. Daniel walked into his room and started yelling at him.
Amber put her arm around me and took me back to my room. I layed down and started crying.

I have decided to end this one here. Check out book two. Hoped you liked it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I am dedicating this book to my neighbor Tanner and my sister Natacha. Tanner because he is my best freind Natacha because she is my sister.

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