
the hybrid

My name is Annabelle thompson I’m eighteen years old American girl I live in san fransisco ca I live with my mom carol my dad died of cancer when i was 13 i never forgot him i was really close to him more than i ever been close to my mom my older brother matty joined the US army he quietly doesn’t come home he haven’t come home for over 2 years my cousin ELIJAH moved with us when his parents died in a car accident when he was 6 he’s a year older than me when i was 14 Annabelle discovered that i had air power i could control the air i kept it as a secret i only told my two bestfriends kyle and Brandon it’s August shool started boring as usual after a long boring day at shool I drove home I had a purple ford purple was my favorite color I was really exhausted I didn’t feel like eating anything I turned the tv on and watched my favorite tv show the vampire diaries and I straightly jumped on my bed and within 2 seconds I was sleeping I dreamed of me running in a woods I was wearing a black t-shirt and a black jeans and a running shoes I kept running and running I looked back to see if someone is following me I ran and suddenly I bumped into someone it was a guy he looked me surprisly I wasn’t scared he had a black hair and emerald eyes I couldn’t see what he was wearing because it was dark but probably he was wearing dark colors I kept staring at hisbeautiful emerald eyes then I said:”who are you? he laughed and said:”don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt you” he took my hand I looked at him my emotions were mixed then I felt the movement of the air making a circle and making me and the stranger in it he smiled and said while holding my hand :”see, your powers are telling that you can trust me ,my name is Scott I’m a warlock I came to warn you that the vampires and werewolfs are coming for you .i opened my mouth to speak he interrupted me and said:”listen,we don’t have a lot of time I’m going to cast a spell that will make you sense werewolfs and vampires a mile away . he took my hand in that moment I was speechless I didn’t what to do he closed and told me to close mine somehow a voice deep inside of me told me that I can trust him so I closed my eyes then I heard him saying a few words that I couldn’t quietly understand or figure out what language it was suddenly I felt an energy entering my body then he stopped I opened m eyes he was still in front of me we were still in the woods millions of ideas crossed my mind but a question that I’ve been asking myself for years he was still looking at me I looked at him and said:”what am i? he looked at me and smiled then said:”you are an elemental you have AIR power ,you are the KEEPER .i looked at him confused he smiled and said ::”a keeper is a person who keeps the balance of nature you were chosen to protect all those people sitting at home not knowing that this world exixt the vampires and werewolfs will want to destroy the balance you can’t let that happen .and you are not alone in this there is 4 elementals of the 4 elements AIR,FIRE,WATER,EARTH .i gotta go Annabelle becareful you cannot trust vampires and werewolfs suddenly he disappeared and I opened my eyes to find my alarm ringing I turned it off and went to the shower I took a shower and wrapped myself in a tower i opened my closet and took out a blue jeans and a shirt with the us flag on it I wore the clothes suddenly the memories of last night popped in my mind I remembered that guy scott and warning about vampires and werewolfs and importantly knowing what I am it wasr ainning I was driving to shool thinking about last night and that dream anyway I parked in the shool parking lot it was early so there wasn’t a lot of cars in the parking lot I got out of the car and started heading to the door when I heard someone calling me from the back I turned to see my 2 bestfriends kyle and Brandon I smiled they smiled back and kyle said:”hey Annabelle soo are you coming to charlie’s party tonight” Annabelle was too busy last week that she totally forgot about it she looked at kyle and said :”I don’t know ,I forgot about it.
Brandon smiled and said:”c’mon it’ll be fun,please Annabelle .i looked at Brandon and she was using her puppy face I couldn’t help but accept I smiled and said:fine,but if I get bored don’t expect me to stay .
Brandon smiled back and said:”fine” the bell ring so we all headed to the classroom I didn’t want to tell them about the dream and Idk why shool went slow as I always expect it to be I returned home I parked my car in the driveway and opened the door and I said:”I’m home I found my mom in the kitchen making some cake Elijah was out with his friends I kissed my mom on the cheek and headed up the staird to my room I heard my mom yelling from down the stairs I headed down and told her about the party she told to have fun I checked my cellphone


it was 10 pm I took my keys and got out of the house closing the door after me I headed to my car which was parked in the driveway I opened it and drove to charlie’s I could see that there was a lot of people there were a lot of cars in the driveway I parked my car and headed to the front door I got in to the house there was a lot of drinks I saw a bunch of hot boys drinking and I turned to see kyle staring at me he smiled and said:”what’s up,AIR girl?you made it”I laughed and said:”shut up,dude”he smiled and said:”hear,drink this”handing me a cup I took the cup and started drinking it I saw an empty so I headed toward it and sat on it and I saw Brandon making out with some strange boy I laughed because it was soo her .”what’s soo funny?”a voice next to me said I didn’t realize that someone sat next to me because I was busy staring at Brandon I turned to see this totally hot boy sitting next to me he had this black hair and beautiful eyes he was wearing a black shirt and a black jeans and wearing black sunglasses but I felt something different about him I felt that he was different then I remembered what scott said about vampires and werewolfs ,I knew this guy isn’t human interrupting my discovery he said:”hello,are you there?”and smiled then I realize that I’ve been staring for 2 minutes without saying a word then he said:”are you okay?” I smiled and said:”I’m fine” he smiled back and said :”I’m Andy I just moved here” I looked at him and said:”I’m Annabelle it was nice meeting you andy I gotta go now bye” I smiled trying to escape from beautiful emerald eyes I stood up and I started heading to the door I was going to open the door when I felt a hand pulling me back I turned to see his face I knew it was andy because of my powers I opened my mouth to threat him when he interrupted me and said :”c’mon ,please stay why are you going now it’s still early ,rightnow you’re going to stay and you’re gonna want me soo badly .i laughed realizing what he was doing it’s a thing common among vampires they can compel humans he looked at me discovering that compulsion didn’t work I smiled and said:”are you that desperate trying to compel me.he got closer to my ear and whispered:”what are you?i smiled and said:”I can ask you the same question”I could smell that he was a werewolf but he tried to compel only vampires can do that he smiled and said:”you’re an elemental aren’t you? I nodded he smiled and said :”which element?”I looked at him and said:”you don’t get to know all the answers and not giving one.he smiled and said:”the answer to you is that I’m practicly half werewolf and half vampire well the right word is “HYBRID”.i smiled and said:”hybrids” for centuries were hunted down and killed by werewolfs that’s impossible.he laughed and said:”well,it is cause I’m right in front of you ,c’mon tell me which element are you?i smiled and said:”I’m something you can’t leave without” he looked at me and said:”water?”I looked at him and said:”nope”popping the” p” he smiled and said:”AIR” I nodded and smiled then I heard someone calling my name I turned to find kyle heading toward me and Andy he said:”hey I was looking for you”I smiled and said:”I was leaving” I turned to Andy and said:”well,andy this is kyle,kyle this is andy .they both said nice to meet you andy smiled and said:”I’m sorry about earlier you know I didn’t what you were I mean who you were”I smiled and said:”I’m sure you won’t do it again or you know the consequences right? He nodded I smiled and said bye to kyle and Brandon I drove home kyle texted me :”why did you leave early? I didn’t text him back I was exhausted Elijah was sleeping over at his bestfriends house my mom was already sleeping I went to my room and turned the light off and kept looking at the ceiling it was really dark then I remembered andy he had this beautiful emerald eyes he was really hot but he’s a hybrid I listened to music on my ipod and then I closes my eyes and within 3 seconds I opened my eyes I was in the woods and I heard calling me the voice was really familiar the voice told me to ran I ran and ran I could hear footsteps behind the trees I didn’t wait to see who I ran then I heard a buzz


I opened my eyes it was the same dream I’ve been having for over a week I turned to see that my phone that woke me up it was a text from kyle it said:”hey ,remember that guy you met yesterday ANDY he joined our shool I just thought that you should know” I saw the text and I freaked out the last thing I need is “hybrid “ In shool my life is getting better an better i started texting him back saying:”how did you know that?” I erased it it doesn’t matter how he knew now I’m going to have to see the hybrid every single day I got up and took a shower and I opened the closet and wore this white blouse and a blue jeans I headed downstairs I saw my mom she was getting ready to go to work she is a lawyer she’s pretty good at it I ate some cookies I’ve never been a breakfast fan I took my keys and drove to shool it was raining It was windy because a little worried about having to meet andy anyway I parked my car in the school parking lot and headed to the door I went to my locker and took out my books and I felt andy he was really close i tried to get away from where the smell is coming I felt getting closer and closer I was looking back to see where he was because the smell was really close I knew he was really close I felt that I bumped into someone guess who?andy big time he said:”hey,what’s up? “ the bell rang I looked at him and said:”hey,do you mind?” he was blocking my way he looked at me and said:”oh,I’m sorry well see you around.i forced my self to smile and I headed to the class I sat and started writing in my notebook mrs Robert entered and said:”goodmorning class. When andy entered and the teacher introduced hin to the class he sat on the back I could feel him staring at him thank god the bell rang I went the cafeteria and sat with kyle and Brandon we ate and laughed suddenly everyone turned and looked at the door I turned to see andy I guess all the girls liked him well they should be even though he’s a hybrid but the guy is hot really probably the hottest guy in the shool he went to this bunch of boys and asked them to sit with him in another table they didn’t answer him so he compelled them to accept and sat with him I couldn’t watch and not do anything I’m an elemental I can’t let him just do that so I stood up and headed toward him and he didn’t have to turn to know that I was heading toward I stood in front of him he looked at me I didn’t say anything I turned to the guys and said:”you’re free to go” and they all stood up and they went to another table only an elemental who can break a vampire’s compulsion he opened his mouth to say something not giving the chance to talk I grabbed his hand and headed to the door not realizing that the whole shool was looking at me i got him out of the cafeteria he looked at me :”what the hell?”I looked at him and said:”oh sorry I ruined your plan which is compelling the whole school,I can’t let you do that I can’t just walk around and control everyone” he looked at me and said:”ok ,I won’t do it again I got it” I used my power to push to the lockers and said:”no,it’s not ok it’s anacdeptable this is the first and last warning next time I will take you down I don’t care how old you are or how strong you are to me “ I turned and headed to the cafeteria not giving him a chance to talk
She pushed me to the lockers but I gotta admit that she looked gorgeous when she was mad god I can’t start having feelings for her jesus Christ she’s an elemental I can’t fall for her I never felt feeling for anyone like I’m starting to have for her I spent hundreds of years not caring for anyone but myself god .
The bell rang the other periods were boring as usual ansy wasn’t there thank god but I kinda regret treating him like that I just really regret it fine I’ll apologize tomorrow shook was over went home I couldn’t get my mind to think of something else but andy just him

the werewolfs

i listenned to music on my ipod i listenned to britney spears till the world ends i'm not britney's fan but i liked that song "till the world ends"
i drove to my house i parked my camero zl1 in the driveway i openned the door i find it already open i remember locking it before going to shool i smelt a werewolf smell i went to the living room i found wes and his brother jamie and the other member of the pack sitting on the couch they looked at me and wes said:"why do you look at me like i killed somebody?"i laughed:"it's just that i thought you were in florida ".jamie laughed and said:"we were" i looked at them an said:"then why did you come?"wes said:"well,we heard about that there is an elemental here,did you meet it?"Wes asked about annabelle like if she's a thing i looked at him and said:"no,there is no elemental you come from florida for nothing "wes is an alpha i met him 10 years ago i saved his life and i haven't seen for 3 years now he's here looking for Annabelle damn it wes interrupted my flashback and said:"well we need to check it out" i knew that when wes decide something no one can stop him now i have t warn Annabelle asap
i woke up and took a shower but i smelt a weird smell i ignored it and wore a black jeans a high heels black shoes and a black shirt i drank an orange juice and drove to shool i kept smelling that smell it wasn't andy's it's another werewolf i felt that i was watched someone definitely was watching me i parked in the school parking lot i got out of the car i felt ring it was a text it said:"ANNABELLE it’s Andy don’t ask me how did I get your number anyway just be careful there is a whole pack looking for you xoxo " i saw the text and laughed and i texted him back it said:"i know and i'm not afraid of werewolfs xoxo" i headed to the door thinking that andy does really care enough to warn me about the werewolfs or maybe it's a trap no andy wouldn't do that i mean god know what he is capable of i smelt the werewolfs really close to me 2 of them were talking they wore in the woods next to the school i could hear their conversation one of them said:"let's just kill the bitch" the other answered him angrily:"you can't just kill an elemental they are really powerful we just need to talk to her don't do anything stupid" i knew they were talking about me i wanted to kill the one that called me bitch but the bell ring andy didn't come to shool that day shool was over i was driving home when i smelt they were right in front of me 5 of them i stopped the car i wasn't scared of them i can easily kill them i knew that i have a lot of powers i can feel it inside of me i got out of the car they looked at me i saw the one that called me bitch the alpha openned his mouth to speak they were all in human forms because it wasn't a full moon i interrupted him by pushing the guy that called me bitch to a tree he flew in the air then he hit a tree the others got ready to attack i stopped them and said:"personnal between him and me " i got closer to the guy who called me bitch and said:"if you ever call me bitch again i will rip you apart " he nodded without turning i knew andy was behind me because he was running with an inhuman speed i turned and said:"last time i checked the hybrid was out"i said it then i regret saying it anyway he looked at the werewolf who was on the floor and said:"what the hell is happenning? Wes looked at me and said:"we want to make a deal with you we don't wanna fight you" i looked at him and said:"go on"

the deal

the werewolf looked at me and said:"my name is Wes i'm the alpha of this pack the one that insulted is my brother jamie he's such a moron i'm sure he won't do it again i gave you my word,we don't wanna fight you we waant peace you want attack us we want attack u" andy was still standing next to me i looked at wes and said:"it sounds fair and about jamie he doesn't keep his mouth shut i'm sure he'll get you all killed" wes looked at me and said :"i will shut it for him don't worry" and within 2 seconds they all disapeared with an inhuman speed i was surprised even in a human form they could ran like that then i realize that andy is right in front of me i looked at him and said:"hhmmm,listen thanks for warning me you know i can take care of myself i was expecting him to say something there was a silence moment i broke it by saying:"why did you come here?he got closer and whispered in my ear:"because i care about you more than anything." i was speechless i want it to say that i care about him too then i felt something warm touching my lips it was his lips that touched mine i could stay in that position forever it felt really good i felt like i was flying then he broke the kiss to see my reaction i smiled and whispered in his ear:"i care about you too" he smiled and i said:"i gotta go brandon is waiting she's probably freaking out rightnow see you " he kissed me and whispered in my ear sit you tomorrow i smiled and got in my car and drove i turned to see that he disapeared with an inhumnan speed i went to the mall to see brandon and i heard a voice the same voice in my dreams whisper in my ear "annabelle" i knew who exactly it was "lance" an old friend of mine i turned to look around and found no one i knew he was casting some spell to do that i laughed and said:"keep it up lance" then i saw brandon waiting for me she was mad i could tell the way she was looking at me i smiled and said:"hey sorry i'm late" she said:"why were you late?" i smiled and said:"traffic" we went to the mall it was not crowded as always there were only few people i bought saw this beautiful sundress and sunglasses unexpectedly brandon said:"soo that guy andy is pretty hot isn't he?" i looked at her and said:"why are we talking about him?" i wanted to change the subject but she kept talking about and that the school thinks we're a couple after me grabbing his hand and getting him out of the cafeteria then she said:"imagine if that guy was supernatural that'll be pretty cool right? i laughed and said:"he is.brandon looked at me shocked and then said:"i knew there was something after that hottness what is he? i looked at her and said:"you don't wanna know" she kept begging me to tell her but i didn't tell her we bought a lot of stuff and i drove home i was tired i checked my fb and went to bed

kelsey is dead me next omg

i woke up today feeling really good i don't know why it's just that the whole week i couldn't sleep well something was making me feel bad i don't feel that feeling anymore i really wanna see andy i miss him but a part of me the elemental part makes me feel that this is wrong having feeling for a hybrid this is soo not me i don't know what to do i need lance asap yesterday i dreamed of scott and i met someone like me a guy he's "fire" his name is jason he looked pretty hot but he was a little... i can't find words to describe him he's 2 years older than me he have a beautifu blue eyes and a blonde hair i guess i'll see him soon i thought if i met someone like me i'll be the happiest girl in the world even though i 'm happy but it's not like the feelings i feel when i'm around andy my phone rang it was a text:"hey AIR it's jason or fire whatever i need to talk to you asap be careful take care" how the hell did he get my number i took a shower i texted him back:"meet me at the grill after the shool ps:"don't be late" i wore a pink t-shirt and a white skirt i took my cars and drove to shool i couldn't wait to see andy but i remembered jason's text why did he tell me to be careful i can't tell andy about jason he told me not to i don't know probably because he doesn't trust him
yesterday i went home to see wes and his brother they looked pretty angry wes looked at me and said:"you knew it didn't you?why didn't you tell us that about the girl she's powerful man you almost got us killed if you told us..." i interrupted him and said:"and if i told what would you have done? her powers are stronger than anything i've ever saw she can't be killed but now you made the deal with her let it go man" wes smiled and said:"did you really believed that i'm going to let a little girl like her control me breaking news elementals can be killed the vampires have a weapon a dagger an old one they already killed one of them earth it's a girl she's dead and your little girlfriend is next " i looked at him and said:"what?"wes smiled and left the room i need to tell annabelle tomorrow i went to the bed thinking about her i woke up and took a shower and drove to shool
i headed to the door when someone whispered in my ear:"annabelle be careful" it was lance he's a really powerful warlock he's probably trying to warn me i couldn't take it anymore lance have been doing this for over a week i turned and said:"what's going on lance? i didn't get a reply just a movement of the air i turned to see andy right in front of me he looked me omg he saw talking to myself i openned my mouth to speak he leaned closer and kissed i felt my mind relaxing from everyone jason lance werewolf everything he whispered in my ear:"are you ok? i turned to see almost the whole school looking at us i looked at him and said:"i'm fine" i lied i remembered lance's voice and jason's text he smiled and said:"i need to talk to you..." my first rang it was a text i looked at andy and said:"sorry" it was jason:"you need to get the hell out of san fransisco"i looked at the text and said:"what the hell?" andy looked at me i could see that he was worried about me and said:"what happenned?"before i could think of a lie my phone rang it was jason he was calling me i picked up stepping away from andy even though i knew he could hear and said:"what the hell jason?what do you mean? he said:"you are the target now kelsey is dead i mean earth" i dropped the phone and looked around using my power scanning the area i feel someone watching me i walked away from the shool door andy followed me i grabbed my phone and said:"meet me woods now" andy looked at me and said:"why are you going to the woods ?and who's jason? i looked at him and said:"i gotta go "i headed to my car i openned the driver door when i felt a hand grabbing my wrists without turning i said:"i gotta go,let go of me" he said:"i'm coming with you"i looked at him and said:"i'm sorry i love you"he looked at me confused:"sorry for what? i looked at him and said:"for this" i used my power to make him pass out he fell to the floor i drove to the woods i stopped the car i found jason waiting for me i headed toward him and said:"last time i checked elementals keep the balance and control the nature and can't be killed"he looked at me and said:"well,vampires discovered a dagger driving it straight to our heart it's not about that there is a device remember we're connected the 4 elemets that device breaks the connection it starts as a normal headache it turns to an unbearable pain then they make their move and drive a stake through your heart "i looked at him and said:"how do you know this? he looked at me sadness in his eyes:"that's what they did to kelsey now you're the target they're already here next week it 'll be a holiday you're not staying here we're going to new york"i looked at him and said:"what?you don't get to say what i'm gonna do or what i'm not going to do" he looked at me and said:"this is life and death annabelle and now you cannot trust anyone not even that hybrid."i looked at him and said:"why new york?"he looked at me and said:"water lives there soo we're going " we kept talking for over 3 hours i got bored my phone rang it was andy it was a text:"annabelle where are you? i turned my phone off i decided to go to the grill with jason we got in we sat and ordered 2 sandwiches we ate them and he left i sat in the grill eating alone i felt someone right in front of me it was andy i looked at him and said:"hey" he said:"why did you do that? i looked at him and said:"do what?" he looked at me and said:"that unbearable headache" i looked at him and said:"oh that's just a little trick i know" i felt someone familiar enter the grill i stood up and looked at the person and said:"oh my god lance ?" lance smiled i ran toward him and hugged him he smiled and said:"you got my messages? i laughed and said:"yeah you didn't have to do that." he kissed me on the cheek and said:"i was dying to see you"i smiled and said:"me too you don't know how much i missed you player " he looked at me and said:"you still remember that name .i smiled then he said:"i know what happened to kelsey i'm here to make sure you're ok i mean you're the target babe" i laughed and said:"that's not funny"he smiled i looked at him and said:"i want you to meet someone " i headed back to the table i turned to make sure that lance was following me i looked at andy who probably listenned to the whole conversation i smiled and said:"andy this is lance ,lance this is andy" lance smiled and said:"hhmmmm,hybrid" andy looked at him shocked i smiled and said:"well lance is probably the most powerful warlock you ever met" andy smiled and said:"that's a long story" andy laughed and said:"c'mon tell me" i smiled and looked at lance who was laughing and said:"well 1 year ago i was in LA i was with my friends josh eric and charlie and we were laughing i had my powers suddendly i felt something inside of me like some power inside of me i looked up to see this hot boy entering the cafe i knew that power was coming from him he looked at me and went to the restroom i followed him and he said that he's a warlock and his mission was to show elementals the inside power he was the reason why my powers grow stronger day after day "lance interrupted me and said:"well that's not the whole story i accomplished my mission and i was driving to the hotel to pack my things when a pack of werewolfs attacked me and annabelle came and saved my life we figured that we're connected she can feel when i'm danger and the same thing happens to me from that night we became best friends " i smiled andy smiled too we went to play the billard and andy went to the bathroom i was playing when lance said:"what's with the hybrid"i looked at him and said:"you realize that he can hear you rightnow"he looked ar me ignoring what said and said:"he really seems to care about you "i looked at him and said:"whatever lance i'm not having this conversation with you" i looked up to see scott i looked at him and said:"oh my god scott"i turned around and said:"lance can you see him?he nodded and scott said:"hello keeper ,hello warlock i'm here to talk to you"


Texte: annabelle
Bildmaterialien: air
Lektorat: o my bestfriend savannah and to my all my friends mckenzie and to all who think that the supernatural world exixt i hope you like it i really worked hard for it
Übersetzung: annabelle rose
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2012

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