
Pale clouds blushed fitfully as the morning sun greeted them at dawn. The scene would have reminded any other newly engaged man of his courting days, but for Jamie, it held memories of what he felt had been his worst summer job yet.

Jamie was born with the name of James Jean Aber on 6th March 1987. The day is still remembered in the little town of Capermend - which was Jamie’s birthpace - but for reasons far less celebratory. A few hours before he was born a tornado, larger than the town had ever seen, had lain to waste Capermend’s only port in a matter of minutes. A few lives were lost but more than forty percent of the townsfolk lost their means of living. Since then, the townsfolk considered the fishing profession as risky financial waters, no pun intended.

When Jamie was ten his grandfather, who had been one of the unfortunate people to face bankruptcy in 1987, told him enticing tales of the sea and of the adventurous life he’d lived as a fisherman. He’d told Jamie that the Sea was bountiful but moodier than most. It was neither your friend nor your foe, but it demanded and earned respect. Jamie was enthralled by his grandfather’s stories. From that moment on he was spellbound by the Sea. He’d sit on the shore for hours looking out into the expansive blue and would visit the new port (the only one he’d ever seen) as often as he could.

In the summers with no school, he’d spend his days working in his father’s tailor shop or at his Uncle’s bakery and the evenings he would devote to staring reverently at the sea.

Jamie desperately wanted to traverse the seas as his grandfather once had before him. However, the idea of becoming a fisherman like his ancestor to achieve this


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: The contents of this book are the sole property of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.07.2010
ISBN: 978-3-7309-0892-1

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