
Dedicated to my family and to my best friend Antonia
and to my readers
Thank you all for reading this

"Put these words to music"


In the land of the fairies only the One who comes from the Living world knows the password to Mermaid land.

Letter from The magician, Sunday, 4. 9. 1234.

I was alone that night. The storm was terrible. And something happend. Strangly. I was just finishing my novel Vampire prince when I saw that storm was coming and I wanted to close the window in my room. Just as I did that I saw something there... In the garden of roses.
The lightnings were everywhere and it felt like the rain would never stop. But rain was never shaped as a person. As a person with wings.
I suddenly heard something outside. And I was scared. Was I seing a dangerous creature?
There was a tree near my house, an old tree. Beneath the tree I saw something. There. A girl. But not a girl... Rubin light.
A flying shadow.
A glowing light.
But who would stand near a tree in this hour, especially on the rain? With a light?
Darkstar, father's tale hero who slays dragons? A fairy?
A fairy Bee, blonde girl with wings, dressed in a black dress? Or another fairy? No! I didn't belive in fairies, reading old father's fairy tales earlier tonight made me thinking this. But still that glowing light started to take shape like a girl, a shape of a girl with wings. A fairy? No, no, no. No way. I sighed.
The music of my radio was playing loudly and I started to smile. A fairy? No, my father would be proud, though. I saw a fairy in the night through a closed window but because of the lightnings and the shadows of the leaves. Not that she is there. I was waiting my fiance Angelo. I wanted to read him my new story and I wanted to know what he was thinking about it. Angelo, where were you?, I asked the rain.
Nothing was there, nothing. But... A fairy! Not Angelo.
Great! Just Great!
As a fantasy writer, my father Arthur Clothes would have been proud to hear me saying this. A fairy, my life, I never thought I would say it, but was it true, that the world of fairies coexisted with our world? And still coexists?
I saw you are the one. Someone is watching you, Dione Clothes.
What was that?, I jumped from the glass of the window standing with fear in my room and I started to shake. What was that? As a girl, I knew my father was interested in researching about mythical creatures and I grew up on the stories he collected in his library. Darkstar, Gulstar. Well, mermaids and fairies were my old friends but on paper. What was that? My own inner voice or...
A strange little voice
. In the storm, through the wind. Through the tree.
I imagine you don't know me. But I know you.
I jumped again from the window cause I didnt see who was speaking and started to tremble with open eyes.
What was going to happen? I was alone, my Angelo who I knew two years, left for his work as a selling artist an hour ago. It wasn't him standing outside and making fun with me like he did during Halloween. I was very easy to scare. It wasn't Angelo. Angelo loves me, I love him. We would marry, soon. No, Angelo was my dear boyfriend fiance, a man I met in the library and he was a dream. He stood by me in every situation. Through tears, through smiles he understood what I felt. He would never frighten me. NO, like this. This was not good. A fairy?!
I pushed the window, to close it better, and I thought it will not come in. Not. No way.
Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I am here to say something, wait. To give you the letter, The one. I will read you it is on Halthars and you probably wouldn't understand it, the One.
I trembled. What to do? The phone didn't work all day because of the storm, we lived in a small village near the town and my car was with Angelo in the town. No cell phone, no people around. Just me and that strange voice and trembling lights of the summer storm.
This was my order. The one where are you?
When I finished school for a museum expert I didn't know that I would ever deal with with this, myth creatures. Was it really true? A fairy was in this room?, I thought but my mind was running, how to defend yourself from the little fairy? Little? Well, what would father do, I asked myself? He would stay and heard her.
I am here. Wiat. Wiat.
What is Wiat? Was it the name of my enemy? Wish my Angelo was here! Angelo liked mythical creatures, he belived in them. But I didn't. And I would defend myself now. Watch me.
I am here.
- Who is here? I will cry for hep! – I cried strongly but I was scared. That was my defense? Was I really in the room with an enemy? I was trying to see who is in the room but only dark and the smell of tinker was to feel and it made me jump to the left and as I put my hands on the shadow I saw it, the fairy. And I felt awful, I felt the burning air. I screamed like a bear would.
The glowing pretty blueeyed and bluehaired girl fairy was flying in front of me. And she smilled. She was tall and she was no enemy.
- Auch! – I said. – Who are you? What? Who are you? – I jumped behind the bed and watched her in the dark. – Who send you? Who... What? Hey!
- My name is... lilWita.
- lilWita?
- I will tell you what and how I got here, listen to me. -She said to me. – I am the Water fairy of Halthar.
Just to check what was she doing and to listen what she had to say I made a move to the chair that was near the window. She spoke and I understood that she was flying fastly through the rain across the village hill and outside the village and very silently. lilWita said something that she broke her wings on the wind, that she needed to read me a message from the magician.
In the land of the fairies only the One who comes from the Living world knows the password to Mermaid land. Come to the gate, we need you, The one.
Letter from The magician, Sunday, 4. 9. 1234.
So what do you think? Are you going with me? Darkstar will be there... Handsome warrior.
I didnt answer I started to think about the story my father Arthur, the fable and fairytail wrriter told me once, it was a beatiful battle story that took place in a magic land of Palgea it was a story about beautiful and brave handsome prince Darkstar from Halthar who was deeply in love with an ocean princess Elia she was a forbidden mermaid and the fairy from Oceanlandfo. And that love was broken from the beginning.
The two lands were enemies of course for years, and their love was seen as a breaking of a good agreement between two lands, and naturaly all were against it, the love, except Darkstar and Elia who ran away. Suddenly, the story changed. The love from Elia broke Darkstar, and Darkstar changed into a new man...But his legend was kept a good tale for the ages to come and my father knew it. And it went like this.
The prince Darkstar was a brave warrior. Invincible. A prince from dark, they called him. He won through surprises.
But only during the night he was a warrior.
During the day his name was only Darkstar, the handsome prince and he was only a young man, tall and educated, with dark hair and blue eyes like the sky. He loved his kingdom Halthar. He would do anything for it. Often he rode through the valleys of Halthar and learned about kingdom's glory. It was an old and good kingdom where hills and towns flourished.
During the history the kingdom Halthar enduranced several crises and had rivals in every sort of beasts, but the most terrifing was the Ahtra the Vipoler, a legend among dragons who had killed more than thousands Haltharsars during one thousand years and destroyed every castle and house in kingdom.
Even Darkstar's uncle Peopite was killed by the Dragon King Ahtra. So, Darkstar's father, king Holthop tried to find the Dragon and to get rid of him. Even he sent armies to kill the dragon.
But that failed and the Dragon King vanished somewhere.
The wizards didn't find him with their witchcraft. He was made a legend.
Who could find him to destroy him? Only the bravest, only the smartest. Only prince of Halthar. Darkstar.
When Darkstar turned twenty years of age he decided to go on a quest to find the Dragon King Ahtra on his own and revenge his uncle to prove to his father, the king that he is worthy of the crown.
Darkstar's weapon was the sword of Blacness, a magic invincible sword with crystals from Maghtar, the Kingdom of Fog. When king heard about Darkstar ideas he was strongly against it all.
- You are not going and that is my word. – The olad grey king said.
Darkstar was his only child and to loose him would leave him broken.
Darkstar didin't agree with his father. He saw a chance to be brave.
So, he got out of his room one night, said silently goodbye to the castle and father and with his faithful magician horse, a huge flying horse alshtrani Gurt he flew from the tower of the castle to find his adventure.
But in his kingdom Halthar soon wasn't peace cause Galstar, a strong warrior from Oncerald, a cold kingdom on the North of Palgea where winter and ice was only to see, decided to attack Halthar and called himself the King of Palgea.
Darstar didn't know this, and he flew on his horse touching the houses through the clouds and the coldness of the winds and he felt the beauty of the rivers, lakes and trees as he passed them by and he saw a lake silver as a star above and the yellow light that captured his attention.
– We will go there and find there what we need! - Darkstar said to the horse.
But suddendly Darkstar saw a person in danger, the river was taking someone with her, a person so small only a flyer could see him.
- Grab my hand. MY hand! – said the small person. - My hand and I will be your servant, master. MY master.
Darkstar knew every creature in the land and he was suprised that a small person with small wings could be alive but not in the papers of his kingdom.
So Darkstar grab the hand of a little person fairy and he pulled the person out of the river. The small person was only a meter high but with beauty of Moon and with clothes of golden stars, and Darkstar knew that he was looking in the Fairy.
A fairy so simply shy that Darkstar smilled to him and made a movement to see what the fairy would do.
– Yes of course...I will. I would...-said the small, shy person. His brown eyes were filled with trouble. - I am looking for my sister Aspunee. I was tied up there on that tree and a villan looked at me with a knife. I was self guilty, master. I belived a villan would help me find my sister Apunee but he tricked me to lead him to the river. Give me the money and the gold you have, Colrado! Then I will let you go. Said the villain. As like every fairy caries gold! No, sir. I am not that kind of fairy, master. I am just a guide. Master. Thank you, for saving me. – A fairy sat on the cold river bank and he was trying to find his slippers, when he didin't find them he took flowers and put them on his feet as slippers and he started to say silently. - The knife was sharp. And I said I don't know what you are talking about, Zatho, I have no money. And he said to me you know I am going to find mermaids, and sell them the dear poition you made called Fastgert. The magic poison. Fastgert? Zatho, that's for barking. You don't want marmaids to bark or?, I lied. Master. I lied. But the villain was terrible and he said Shut. Shut. Give me the money I am losing patients...- Fairy Colrado that was the fairy's name Darkstar understood stopped there and whatched the river for stones and lilies. He picked them up and started to count them fast. Then he looked in Darkstar who was sitting on his horse only a meter beyond the river bank.
And he was listining what Colrado said because he didn't like what he was hearing, the magic poison made him ill. How was that villains always find the way to destroy small creatures? And mermaids he Halthars prince never saw.
Mermaids are beatiful ocean people.
Darkstar waited for Colrado to count the stones and lilies and bowed his shoulders to Colrado.
-Don't take them, master. This is my treasure. My.
- Treasure. The stones and lilies are... I don't understand, Colrado? How can this be your treasure, that are only stones and lilies.
- To you, Colrado wants it. – Said Colrado with golden eyes. – It is mine. But sometimes I share it with you you like music? I enjoy in it. Listen...- Colrado put the stones and lilies and a strange music made a river flow go faster to the forest.
- Great, magic. Say, and then what happend? How did you get in the water? – Darkstar watched him. – Where did that Zatho go? We must stop him.
- Well, you see, I had something with me. A stone with turning colours. You, know magic stone. A present from Karoline. You surely have heard of her, master Darkstar. She is a magician, a power source of my kind. Well, you know when I showed it to Zatho something changed. – Colrado was closer and his eyes were darker. His clothes were dry. He took the stones and lilies and the music stopped.
- Suddenly Zatho stopped as he was frozen in place. The knife stood in the air and it waited for me. Colrado heard a voice in the magic coloured stone and he knew the stone must have belong to his hero, he knew that that man can use magic cause in this wind and dark forest only the magic is so fast. So Colrado ran from Zatho to the river with the stone and the stone told him to jump in the river cause the hero will flew beyond him and save him. - You! I saw you in the stone. So I jumped. – Then he smilled and his clothes made him smaller. He said to Darkstar. -
Colrado saw a tall man dressed in a hard clothes, coat and a cape with a sign of Halthar on it, a yellow blue lionfalcon with a rose in his claws. His eyes were dark, his dark hair flew havily on the cold wind. He was a warrior. Darkstar...
Darkstar felt like someone was with them near the river and was watching them but it was only the rain that slowly started to pour on the water. Or not?
Darkstar smilled and his face turned pale suddenly.
–Stop!-said Darkstar.-What have you done that this man attacked you, are you a bad person? You did say...
Colrado smilled inside himself.
- In the Tower Hill. I was a businessman. Till yesterday it was a very good job. I would buy magic stones and sell them to magicians. But Zatho made me his servant. I stole for him, master. Everything I stole to be with him and not to be punished. And...I am a shamed. Dear sir, I don't know what to say. I am confused. The magic stone tells me to stay with you, so I will stay. But do not judge me. I am what I am. A fairy.
–You don't know what the magic stone wants from you Colrado I would need a guide cause I travel to kingdom of Alisen. I am going to find the Athra Dragon.
Darkstar put his horse down on the river bank and the flying horse started to drink the water and the water turned pitch black. The magic was alarming Darkstar that enemy is near.
Darkstar took his sword out and he put it in front of Colrado.
– Kingdom of Alisen, sir? But there are dragons! You can't go there, sir. We must go to the Tower Hill. The magic stone told me to go there and I must guide you till there, sir. You saved me. Listen. I do not like dragons. I will not go there, Kingdom of Alisen... Aich.
Darkstar smilled and he put his sword down, Colrado was not the enemy he hoped he would find. But he shook his hand and they were partners.
Suddenly someone jumped on the back of the flying horse and he had a big knife. It was a tall thin man with golden hair but eyes like a spider. Darkstar made a move, he knew a little magic, the protection.
He put his hand on the river and the blackness came to him.
He shined. And the dark glow was around him. It covered him all over.
- Agathaeha! – said Colrado. – You returned? Why? Where is Zatho? I know he knows where is my sister...Agathaeha, tell me. Tell me, where is she?
- Stop the magic! – said the thief with a knife in his hand slowly coming down from the horse. – What are you doing? Here the magic turns a good man in the animal or in the stone. Stop before Gulstar sees you. I returned because Colrado took the magic stone. I need it. NoW! Something is happening to me. Your poison ruined me, Colrado. Look I am a little by little a stone statue...- the thief's eyes were grey and small.
Darkstar watched him through magic protection and he saw that the man was really turning in the stone and he was in great pain.
Darkstar put his hand down and the magic from his hand stopped. But the yellow glow was around him with black stripes stayed.
- Stop, give me the knife. We need the stone. – Darkstar said.
The trees and the river were like waves when Darkstar moved and the yellow glow made him like a Moon under a star. The trees were trembling and the night was dark as him. It glowed.
The man smilled like a dragon.
- Never. Give me the stone. Do not move. I am not scared of you.
But Colrado did the same thing as Darkstar and the river colour made him glow too. He said the magic. hopped
The man opened his eyes widely.
–What happend? Colrado you used your magic on me, I'll...Who's this? I thought that we would hunt dragons alone us two. -said the man turning his knife in the hand. Darkstar looked carefully and he jumped and kicked the knife out of his hand.
–Stop! I said stop! Sadly, my magic is short to use.-Darkstar opened his hand and saw that the yellow circle aroud him vanished.-You know about the Dragons? Where is your master going to give the poison? Talk!
But the man trembled and his face turned to stone when he looked straight in the river. His eyes were yellow. – NOOOO! – he screamed.
He was turning in the animal. But not the real animal, the stone animal.
Animal made of stone. A stone bear, the cold animal. He was vanishing.
-I know. I know. – Said Colrado. – Zatho... Where is Karoline? Aspunneee.....
- Karoline? Colrado what is happening to me? Colrado?!!! – but the man didn't say anything. He was gone, turned to stone. Forever.
–Sadly...-said Colrado watching the man turning into a statue.- He didn't say were is Karoline! I can go with you, master. I am trying to find my sister. And I am afraid of dragons... But Zatho knew where they taken her, now I don't know where she is, never I find her.- Colrado sounded hurt..
– I need you. I saved you.- Darkstar said. – We will find her... Come with me, nothing is over, let's go.
– I didin't ask you!-Colrado took the mans knife and he put it in his bag which was near the statue.-Well...There are treasures there...The dragons are big and strange, I don't like them but Aspunee waits for me.
–In mermaidland. Are there? IS she there, tell me you?- Colrado started to clap around stone statue. – Where is she Zatho? Is she in mermaid land? You know...Zatho knew the treasures. I was his confident. Till he tried to get rid of me because I stold the map to Mathars from him... That's the truth why he turned back to find... Me.
– Mathars doesn't exist. It is the legend. My sword is the only treasure from Mathars.
– Yes it exists.-Colrado said strangely with a deep voice.-There is a poison. It could destroy the Dragon King and all of us. I know Gulstar is searching for it...I'll help you, master, if you promise to give me half of the Mountain.
–The Mountain is the treasure in Mathars.
–Of course. Half of...the Treasure... But you said Zatho had the poison.
– Yes but I do not know to whom he sold the bottle. Now, let's run. Zatho's friends will be very mad when they see what happend to him... They will hunt us, they will find us.-Colrado took everything that he could find from the mans stuff and Darkstar took Colrado to his flying horse who was eating the lilies. Colrado didnt like flying but Darkstar told him it would be nice. Then they flew. During the flight Colrado spoke of master Thozaro, the magician who saw Dragons years ago, that he lives in a town called Darft near the downside of the river and he did visit marmaids. It would be of great thing to visit that mafician. Darkstar was very pleased with Colrado now. The light he saw in Colrado's eyes was bright. That meant Colrado was honest, Colrado was the right person to follow to the goal. Darkstar was glad but still worried that Colrado would stop him in the search so he didn't belive everything Colrado said to him. But to the town they did go and then something happend.
- What the town where mygician lives vanished?
The storm didin't stop through the night. I fell a sleep in the little chair near the window, and my dreams were filled with colours of a strange, fantasy world. I didn't need to say that Darkstar was in my dreams. But strangly I had a feeling something in my bedroom was diffrent. I got up. I saw a light in my wardrobe closet. A small light I saw in the storm yesterday. I opened the closet's door and I saw a small girl tremblling. She had blue long hair that captured her smaragd eyes. She was wearing a small silvering dress. Suddenly I knew her name.
-Asja. Lilwita.
–Yes my name is Asja Lilwita. You must come, The One...
–No my name is Dione...-I smiled with fear.-Who are you and what are you doing there! Where is Angelo.
–I am waiting. The One. I don't know that Angelo.
–Dione.- I said while I was trying to be prepared to scream. Is this for real? Am I seing things? I have my life. I was scared.
–The one.- Said the fairy with ceptor in her hand, like she was a guard. She flew like a bee. Around me.
–Dione.- I said loudly. – Who are you? Are you real? I am still asleep?
–Mathers.- Said the fairy Asja pretty good. – Soon the time will come so you must go with me. The magician Thozaro is waiting for you.
–What?- I said while I was trying to put all my clothes back in the closet and was trying to breathe. I didn't stop to look in the fairy. I was ignoring her like she will disappear if I don't look at her, but she flew right in front of me. And she was talking to me like anybody would. Where is Angelo? I must tell him this.
I didn't finish my story! And I must give it on Monday. Tommorow, man.
–Mathers. You must save the Mathers. Colrado is coming with the prince. Do you know who is Darkstar?
I smilled. Is this for real? AM I Going crazy?
Asja started to talk. She said that everything changed in the mermaid land and that the Gulstar warriors want to take the princess in the Ice. I noticed that Ice was an enemy for mermaids. Asja cried. I didn't know then that the princess was important so much to the fairies. But Asja took my hand and I felt the warmth. I said I go with her when I finish my story. She smilled.
- The story is here. You must save the world. Not write stories, Dione.
The place turned around me, flowers came from everywhere and my scream was heard loudly because I got lost in the trees that lighted like lamps. I was in Panglea. A fairy forest. I knew it. I was crossing the bridge.
- You tricked me, Asja.
- Everything is allowed in war and love, The one. Dione. We are waited.
An old house with tall wooden chairs belonged to a beard magican Thozaro who was nearly five houndred years old. In front of him there were twelve young elfs. Big yellow beings with wings attached on their back. Not so nice creatures.
– Where am I...What are they waiting?- I screamed.
Asja was looking at me and she made a little move to the beard man in black mantle.
- We are waiting for a signal... – said the magician.
– For a signal, master. Watch.-Colrado took out some kind of firestick and lit it. It burned in blue colour. Then a bee flew from the blue flame of the magic stick and said.-Colrado, no time for talking. The elfs are there. And Dione. The one.
– Bee, please. I have a guest. Magician Thozaro wants him.- Said Colrado to the bee. – What? Why? He isn't any diffrent from others. What skills and powers does he have?
–Nothing but his sword, fairy.- said the bee.
And the bee flew to Darkstar and made a move.
–I am not a fairy, I am a bee, servant of the Oceangoes.
–Who?-said Darkstar.
–You never heard about us? Where are you from? Do you know the secrets of Gulstar?
–I want to fight against him. He is my enemy. He wants dragons to be free. To destroy the land of Halthar.
–Well...-said the bee. – The truth is. Gulstar is our enemy.
–We have guests. Dione came.
–Dione?-said Colrado.-And? Did she say where is the stone of Gahtraz?
–No. She still doesn't know. Well, come in, Darkstar and Colrado. I think magician Thozaro has something for you. A favour.
Bee flew in the wind. They were with magician Thozaro suddenly.
–Darkstar and Colrado? Together...- said the tall magician Thozaro whose wish in life was only the freedom. – What are you doing here?
–Magicians! What to do you send for us, Thozaro.- Said Colrado and he saw his sister Apunee wasn't here and he looked worried and sad. – Zatho has taken my sister?
– Yes it is so, Colrado. We tried to see where are they, but fairies didn't find anything, would you like something to drink? Thanks. Yellowstar Blue was here, a fairy from Ice. She said she had seen your sister. Gulstar took her. She is in Tower Ice Hill.
Thozaro was making them a drink out of berries, and he looked worried.
–Tower Ice Hill?- Colrado said with sadness and coldness like everything has lost it's meaning.
–Terrible place. Dragons.-Said magician and he poured some yellow drink in a glass, and he looked at Darkstar like a good person would. – Nice you are here, why are you... With...
- I saved Colrado. I had never been there in Tower Ice Hill but I heard stories. Story about dragons. Dragons that live near the Mountain. Treasure, everyone wants the dragons. Everyone wants Mountain for money. And Gulstar wants to find it to destroy the land.
- What? – magician turned yellow and the glass with drink broke. – You know that tommorow the Gulstar will attack Halthar and you are here?
- He didnt know. Sorry, master, I just heard, bee told me in the cloud.
-My kingdom is destroyed with Gulstar. I must stay and fight, then I will stop the war. – Darkstar said with pride. – My father is the king.
- Brave, Darkstar, the king is old and Gulstar is old vampire. - The magician said quietly and he opened a leafe shelf to discover me to Darkstar.
Darkstar looked at me and smilled. – Who is she? She isn't an elf?
–Shelfs?-Said the magician. – They are rare but we have found one in the Living World. You know, beyond the border of Lights. Asja found her through algous. Colrado you have one with you, the magic stone. Algous. It shows the creatures and enemies in our land to the person that looks in the mirror. We saw Dione. She knows the spell that will open the door to Tower Ice Hill. And you will save Aspunee and Karoline, they are in that land trapped. We need to find Aspunee because she is the only one who knows where Zatho has taken Karoline, Colrado. You know.
–A heart of the dragon is in the hands of ice core. –said the bee.
–Monkeys.- Said Colrado while drinking the yellow drink and knocked his hand on the tall tree. – I must find monkeys. Then. I know where is Aspunee.
–What?- said the magician Thozaro.
–Nothing.-said confusingly the other magician named Saj who stepped in the room. He was tall and with green hair. -You two must protect the Dargt, and must kill the Dragon King.- he pushed Darkstar and shook his hand strongly. – Protection. I see. You are the prince. Dione, tell him the code we have only two hours till the Gulstars attack on us, see.
– Of course. If we find him...- Said Colrado. – Zatho. What must we do with Rubin heart?
–Yes when you find him.- said the magician. – Then the rubin heart will be safe with us.
–Here is it.- the other magician Saj put the finger on the chart that covered his rope. - On the Ice of Gultarf. The Hill.
Everyone saw a map covered with blood lines and towns points.
–In chest of stone. A rubin heart.-Said Colrado watching the chest in the ice with the rubin heart. – But what is the code? How do we open the door to mermaid land? You know. We must win or Gulstar will destroy us all.
–Thanks Colrado. - Said the magician. – It is on Dione now. She must say it. Only she. We must wait. Shelfs... Say. Say it.
- But my Apunee. She is in danger. I can't wait. No. It is not my...
And I watched Colrado waiting in front of me with anger, but I didn't know what to say. A code, I never heard a code. For mermaid land. My father never said this place exisits. This place and beautiful Darkstar, he is so beautiful.
Am I draming? No. Magicians are real. I was in the fairyland and they wanted a code from me. The only thing I could say was.
- I do not say what I cannot say. But The sun and the moon are close to see. That is what my father said to me. I think it is the code. Put the words in the music... I don't know... Music.
Suddenly a jump of a horse was heard and Darkstar took my hand. I looked in his dark eyes. There was the light of a brave man. I felt free and like I could do anything now. Is it o.k. if I said to him that he is beautiful?
No. It is not the time for love. You have Angelo, say. Are you in love in Darkstar?
I blushed. I was in love with Darkstar and when the sun went down I kissed him.
- But, open your eyes, the One!
- Dione! – I said. – My name... Darkstar? What are you doing here? Did I kiss you? I am sorry. That is ... I like you. What are you doing? Are we flying.... What are you...
- Saving you. Go!
–Enemies! Everywhere!!!-screamed Darkstar weaving his sword in the thin air. We were on the horse that flew.
Syrene stood there slowly breathing as her eyes turned black. She opened her hands and when Darkstar turned his sword to the small man in black rope she sended clear dark water on the opponent.
Darkstar jumped.
She smilled. The bad mermaid. She hold a neckless and hold Darkstar just before she felt pain in his hand.
–Darkstar, watch...Here! – I said.
But it was too late.
He was taken. And then I stood looking in his familiar eyes.
- Angelo! You are Angelo?- I said, but I must have been mistaken. I was confused. I was away from home and alone. I saw the stars. And was on the flying horse.
- Grab one to take you home. – Said the horse.
- What you speak? I was scared.
Then I grab one. Oh, I said. Ah am I flying? And did I just grab horse hair... Darkstar what was happining?
The night was with stars, the Moon and the boats of Lion breathe. The black water.... The black water was here. It pushed it hard. Poison. What I do what do I do not know. Suddenly. The code was here, it springled in me like a moonlove.
Tower Ice Hill was near me. The little town souranded with thick forest. The buildings were old and black. And a dragon was watching me.
–Where am I? What happened?
–You are here. I saved you from her.-he said slowly.
–No, you, who are you.- Said I.
–Don' t be affraid. I think I have to give you this.
–What? The stone.- I looked to him.
–No that's the rubin.- the dragon said and listened. – I don't need it any more.
Suddenly someone crashed inside. Galstar with his army. He smilled with evilness in his face and with Syrene in his hands. Moon the moon was the answer. The code was to capture the light. On the water. The Mountain. The music.
–The rubin or her.-he said to the dragon.
–No no no –I said, looking at Darkstar who was near me coming out of the forest.-You must kill Dragon King. Darkstar... Fight.
–Noway.- said Darkstar to me. – Galstar is my master.
–The rubin is my heart...-said Syrene.-I am the Dragon King...My father is the Dragon..-
–NO!- I screamed while Darkstar pulled me up and I was down given to Galstar.
I cried. Pain was in my eyes. I didn't want to see tears in enyone eyes but well what to do?
Darkstar took his sword and took the rubin to give to Syrene. I knew I had to stop him too. But how? I loved him. He was Angelo, I was sure now. He was under magic all the time. He was my hero and I told him to stop. -She is Darkfar now. She will be turned into Dragon in Night of Lovely. Save Syrene. Save her.
–Night of lovely. I don't know was it the code? But the ball was nice. The masks were nice, everything was nice. – Darkstar said strangly. – Galstar gave me the word he would not attack Halthar, Dione.
- You sound like you didn't enjoy it. And that makes me sad, Dione. Very sad. What do you need to love me. – Galstar made a move and his big hand took me from Darkstar, Galstar was so big and an evil warrior. – Put her in the same room with dragon...
- Darkstar, save her... Find Colrado.... The stone... The stone....
- Shut up, Dione. I know Colrado. Oh, I am Zatho – Galstar smilled with evil. – I put him in the Ice... He is with magician broken by me.
- NOOOOOO. – I cried. – Darkstar... Angelo... Noone will save us. And my home? My story. Tommorow is... gone? Tommorow isn't another day.... Darkstar, put the words in the music... Put the....
- You cannot push me to love you, Soutra. My love is pure. – I said to the Dragon who was in the room with me and was playing with sun. – So?
- Pure, what does it mean to love pure? I do not know. But you know, Dione. Tell me, are you sad that I brought you here? The sea is nice. – The Dragon made a smile and he danced in front of me. – Look at me I am a fairy.
- I love the sea. But how you... Brought me here? You are Asja?
- Soutra?
- I was thinking. Would you like that the sea is near? I am not Asja... Never...
- No. Leave the sea. Dragons don't like the sea, my father said to me. – I smilled and the foxlike dragon smilled with me. Nice dragon like a dog. During a hour we became friends.
- I would leave the sea. But you must stop saying things that hurt me.
- Like what? – I looked at him.
- Like you love the sea.
- Why?
- The sea is water. I am a dragon.
- So?
- You do not understand, do you? Dione, I am the treasure you are looking for, I have the Spotra. Spottra... Dione. The one. I have the secret stone to call fairies and to destroy them.
- What, Soutra? Still, but the stone you gave Galstar... you are Athra... Dragon...- I was scared and I pulled my hands along my hair.
- I have it, Dione. But I am alone. Aspunee left me. Everyone hates me. I am alone.
- Everyone hurts. Aspunee didnt leave you... Aspunee... Where is she?
- With Galstar, crying for her brother Colrado. Like me. I have no hope.
- NO hope?
- I am alone.
- So? I am alone also.
- Really, give me a chance and I will tell you a story, my father told me when I was alone. It helped me. I wrote it yesterday. And nobody heard it. Would you like to hear it, dragon?
- A story? I hate them. I have story for all. My heart. Broken.
- You cry on yourself.
- What?! I dont cry. – Dragon was crying like storm.
- You cry because you do not understand, everyone is alone.
- Everyone.
- Of course.
- Alone? I hate that word.
- Do not hate words. Love them and they will love you back. Soutra, I will tell you the story and you will give me the stone.
- Why?
- I ask you to give it to...
- To you? But you are no fairy. Are you in love with a fairy? I saw you with Colrado that thief. Or Darkstar? He is handsome. Nice snack.
- I do not love ... I have my love somewhere. – I was confused.
- Angelo.
- You know him?
- No. I looked in your eyes. It is wrriten there. Angelo. Nice name.
- Nice. That word is strange. Nice mice.
- Nice mice?
- Nice Mice.
- Strange. – Soutra stopped and made a move to the mountain. The mountain was his heart, I saw it, big rubin heart stone.
- I am a Ritzan, a dragon. Why you speak with me?
- Like it.
- Like it.
- Woman.
- Like to spear me?
- You are so sad.
- Sad? Me? I am a dragon!
- So prove me.
- I listen to your story and when it is good or not I will say. Then I give the stone to you.
- You speak strange.
- The stones are here, the voice is interrupted.
- Well, listen... Once upon ago in a land of Rihgtasa, I made a promise that I will marry a prince. But the prince was against it. And he told me that I must run away the same night we marry because he had some bussines in the village. I said yes cause I never liked the prince anyway. And so we married. That night I opened the door and the prince was standing in my room covered with blood, his eyes filled with moon. He was a vampire.
- A vampire? That is a terrible story! It is terrible.
- It is not terrible! Listen the Vampire prince story, well I won a contest with it, dragon. So did my father, we are horror fantasy writers. Listen the prince stood there and he said to me.
- Help me. Help me, darling The one.
- No. The prince said I was in the village and the village is filled with stonewolfes, you cannot go. You must stay and be my princess.
- Oh! How scary!
- Lost in the castle, I heard strange noises like scratches on the walls and suddendly a fire came. And in the fire green creature stood.
- His name... The princess?
- You make silly interruptions, dragon. You do not like my story? Well, you will not...What?
- What?
- A prince had a magic sword that green fire creatures wanted. They took me in the fireplace and I crossed over to the Dragon forest, Dragon.
- Dragonforest? But that is an... That is no, true.
- It is true. My father had the code.
- The dragon forest. Every creature has the right to live in that forest.
- I take you there.
- Why?
- No. MY life is over. – The dragon sounded scared, and silly.
- So? You stay. But you know...
–I know. We stop it.
–Somehow we will. We will. Of course...I have a ship now. And my sister Aspunee is with me, Bee.-said Colrado and smilled coming trough the window in the room.
- Darkstar is waiting for you.
Watching the stars I knew new adventure is yet to come and free us from the true enemy, Gulstar...Only time will tell so. I and the dragon were on the Colrados ship where I met Aspunee the young vampire girl with dark hair.
She told us about Karoline. We must save her to save Darkstar and the ship went on the dark river down to the magician land....From Tower Ice Hill where I told my story to a dragon and met strange beings. I was not scared anymore. I was ready to meet my adventure, like Angelo Darkstar, my prince... Now and tommorow only freedom counts forever is it.
The end of first part out of five short tales
Thanks for reading the first short story, dear readers


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.03.2010

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