
Rainy Hill

Rainy Hill was standing in her blue bedroom, the bedroom filled with glass statues and dolls, looking outside of the window at a pretty lilac garden, when a strange tall woman appeared from the street corner.
Woman's eyes were dark and filled with acuteness and magic. Her hair was like fire and ice at the same time. She was looking for something in the near of the lilac garden and she was angry at the nearby tree.Rainy shook as she saw this strange woman and said to herself:-This woman must be a witch!-and fastly closes the window.
Rainy is a young teenager, a tall girl with long plane brown hair and blue wise eyes that wished only one thing, to pass history test on Friday. Well, that school subject is devastating for her. She hated it ever so long and cannot stand it because the history teacher was, mustn't say but I will say it, her old mum's friend David Tress. And as he knew every detail about her he expected that she knows history cause her mother runs a school library.
But Rainy didn't like books.She red only one book-her diary.In that diary Rainy wrote good news about Taketown, a place she called home.
Taketown was a small town with one store and post office. Everybody knew everybody here. And Rainy liked it that way.
She lived with her mother in Rose gard 56 Street near a big old cherry tree. Her neighbour was a boy named Buckley. A talk-talk friend only ten years old and with very intersting goal in his life-to see bird Fairt, a magic bird that was evidently kept in a school hall, away from pupils, in a cage. Rainy and Buckley knew each other for century. They were friends for life and they shared all their secrets. Rainy knew that Buckley had lost his father in a air plane crash some years ago and that his mum Olivia had trouble with that lost but Rainy was always for him there. Always. And Buckley cried on her shoulder. And Buckley saw in Rainy his old sister. Rainy was never alone. She had her dreams and hopes. She wanted to be an adventurer like her father Frederin.
Rainy's father was always travelling. She loved him. He send her postcards. Every week a new country! What a life and super stuff! Today it was from Egypt. Wonderful.

Rainy looked for hours on the flower starting to think she didn't sleep enough tonight and was hallucinating.
And the words were still there, what was that? A rain will make her tremble? Why? She likes rain, her name is Rainy Hill. Who was Gardenia? Are there witches in Taketown? No! Rainy didn't belive in witches but wasn't the flower the proof that there were really witches near her house?
But never the less she took the phone and rang Buckley because he was a good scientist that red books.
-Hello!-Rainy said with shook voice.
-Hello! Oh, it is you, Rainy I was just thinking about you.-said Buckley silently.-You're strange, what's up?
-Well, Buckley I found something. Listen, can I come over? Really!
-My mother makes a cake. You know what that means.-Buckley smiled and added.-She has guests. You know.
-Terrible -said Rainy.-I know that she is a terrible cook.You want to come over? I really need to talk with you.
-Yes so what do you need?
-Your opinion. On witches.-Rainy stared at the blue flower with words on it.
-Rainy? What have you done?
-Something is happening in Taketown, Buckley. Something magical. Something strange. Did you see a witch today? In our street? Near my garden. I tell you. It was a woman. I think her name is Gardenia and she was looking for a message on the flower that I have now.
-No.-Buckley smiled.-What a story!
-She was coming from the corner and then a flower came to me with a message. A message that it is connected with rain and moonlight.
-A flower with a message? What is that, Rainy? Your dream?-Buckley smiled loudly.-You're still reading local legends? It is strange ...
-Yes isn't it strange, Buckley? But you belive me?
- Of course. Come over. I need to see the flower and make some notes about it and please take care of Flavio when you come here, he is in no good mood today. That dog never sleeps. And Mom's cake make him nervous.
-I will be careful. Coming over in five minutes.-But as Rainy said that, blue magical flower flew through the open window.-Oh, no!
The flower was flying to someone on the straight line in the air like a air plane made of paper. Outside Rainy saw a young tall dark haired man dressed in a lilac coloured cloak that grab the flower and ran.
-Wait!-Rainy cried.-That is mine!-and Rainy sprang through the room door going down the stairs and ran to the garden to see where the man went. But as she stood in the garden she saw three strangly dressed man with big hats watching the young man, the flower thief. The fight was ready to begin.
-My name is Astrider and I am the Keeper of gates, Hatshadows, you can't touch me. I am Astrider. I am a magician of the G-star.-said the flower thief grabbing the flower to destroy it.-The Protector.
-What?-Rainy listened.-What did he say?
-Wait!-said the man with big hat touching Astrider.-That flower belongs to our Master! Give it back!
-You musn't touch me!-Astrider said loudly and a light poured out of his sleeves down the street like a halve and that light caught the others with cords. Strong.
Hatshadows watched Astrider.
He glowed.
-What is this?-cried Hatshadow. The tall dark dressed man with big hat. The faces of Hatshadows were like trees, like bark.
Rainy tried to move from the garden but there was a force that stopped her from moving.
-No! Rainy, stay away!-cried Astrider.-They musn't see you, run! Run! You are not ready for this!
But it is too late, Hatshadows saw Rainy and smiled.-She is the chosen one? Astrider, you are good! You give us her!
-No!-cried Astrider and his blue eyes fill with rain and clouds. Suddenly the rain pours on them. Heavily rain.
Rainy stood on the rain and waited for something to loose her from force. She couldn't move, something glowing was stopping her to scream for help.
Astrider took her hand and looked her in the eyes.-Are you all right?
-Yes. But who are you? Who are they? What is happening?-Rainy was rouge. Astrider was pretty.
-I am not the one who must explain all this. I am the Protector. I am here because my teacher was in trouble. You are the chosen one, Rainy. Run! Run. I will protect you. Forever!-he kissed her hand and she smiled feeling her heart beating heavily.
-My teacher will find you. Run! I can't stop them no longer!-Astrider cried.
-No!-Hatshadows took they hat and turn toward Astrider.-Now, you are ours! Girl! Come over here! You are one of us! Evil!
-No! What is happening?-the glow stopped. Rainy was scared. Hatshadows were like giant. Terrible creatures with only one passion to destroy.
Rainy cried. She didn't know where to go looking at blue haired young man Astrider that was trying to protect her from evil. She trembled, she was frighten. What is this? How was I in this?
-Find Tirafta! He will explain!-Astrider said as he made a circle around Hatshadows and had put his hands over the tree of cherry.
And then Astrider screamed with pain, Hatshadow had wounded him with a sword from their hat and Hatshadows disappeared with Astrider in a cherry tree.
-NO!!! Astrider!!!!-cried Rainy on the rain.-What is this? What is this?-and she covers her face with her hands crying.
Hours passed. In the garden came dark. The sun was gone, the day went somewhere. Rainy's mum was still working in the library. But nobody in this town knew what had happend to Rainy. How she saw magic. How she saw Astrider going down. Pale.
-There you are.-suddenly Rainy heard Buckley's voice behind her.-Rainy!
-I am being waiting for you for whole five hours where were you?-Buckley ran his hand trough his blue hair. He was dressed in a sport clothes with a baseball hat.
-Buckley! I forgot...Sorry but you will never belive what happend.
-What?-Buckley sat near Rainy and watched her eyes. Flavio was near him, a terrier.
-A magician was here right in front of me. Some other hat giants too and they fought then Astrider was wounded...Kidnnaped.They took him. Hatshadows. Terrible!-Rainy was very scared and shook her eyes in discredit.
-You watch too many series. Movies!
-No. It was real. Here. In our street. Garden...
-Rainy. Slow down.
-It was real, his name is Astrider, he knows me. He protect me. He kissed my hand. So sweet.-Rainy blushed.
-Knows you? Who is he?
-Yes Buckley. Astrider is a magician.
-Too many series.-Buckley doubted.
-No. It was real. Like that witch. A witch! Yes she must know about him. Please, go with me to visit her. She lives here.
-To the witch? So, we knock on the door and say: "So, you are a witch. Do you know Astrider? He is a magician. A warlock. And we need your help to find him."
-Yes that's it.-Rainy jumped with joy.
-No. Count me out, Rainy. I have better things to do. Like doing homework. Have you learned history? Tommorow you have an exam.
-No. I didn't learn. I have better things to do. Find Astrider. Save him and town maybe.
-So, tommorow is an exam about our town, you surely know something about the town you grew up in?-Buckley smiled and took his dog to the cherry tree but Flavio growled.
-No. There went through here...
-Rainy? Even I know something. Like town witches. They lived here in seventeeth century and they were bad. They called themselves Blackcats, Gordina, Gardinia i Garftina were the badest. They burned the town...
-Yes that I know. It was 21. April 1654. Saturday during the moonlight on the Rainy Hill. Gardinia? Oh. That was the name on the flower I lost!
- Gardenia? Oh! Rainy...Rainy Hill?-says Buckley.-Like you, Rainy. And tommorow is Saturday 21. April. Moonlight. I red it on mobile.
-WHAT?! Buckley, are you sure? Moonlight? We must see somebody! This is terrible! Look...We must stop them. Are you in?
-Yes I am in, Rainy. Let's go to the witch. What ever happens I am with you.
-You know what that means, hello?-said Rainy when they didn't find the witch in Rose gard street.-It will be magic! Magic! The witches will wake up! On the hill, tommorow and we must stop them! Surely this witch is preparing for that, but there is one person that knows more about witches then we do. Only he is certainly at home.
-Who? World wide web?
-No, Buckley. Teacher David Tress, Mom's friend. History teacher, you know!
-Yes but he is still a techer. Rainy, this a tale. A tale, nothing is true. Nothing. We can't go to the teacher.
-You do not belive in witches but belive me they belive in you, Buckley, look! That is her! Gardenia!
Rainy pointed at a woman in feathers that walked quite quickly towards them suddenly stopped and her blue eyes turned grey and shadowy. She was speaking in the strange language.
Buckley turned pale and Rainy almost screamed as woman put her hand over the cherry tree like Astrider did and a tree trembled opening its leaves to her.
-What has happened Gardenia darling? Where is the magic feather?
-I do not no.-Said the tall witch Gardenia.
-What? There is a little time. We must be successful. Astrider find the note. It is danger ahead. Only we three are Fighters. Tiraft is here, he the Traitor. And the girl?
-Why? The girl is stupid, she is no danger to us. She doesn't no how to play the game!
-What game?-said Rainy and listened.-Buckley? What is in the town legends about witches? How can we fight back what can destroy them?
Rainy and Buckley were standing behind a street lamp so that Gardenia didn't see them no hear them.
But Buckley was already busy with searching on his mobile phone for informations about town legends, he gave Rainy the mobile and said.-Read!
-The girl who broke the witches spell –Adriana.
-Who is that?
-Look at the picture, Rainy!
And Rainy looked at the woman on the cell phone that looked just like she. Tall, brown haired woman with blue eyes, only this woman had a mark on her face, a small spot in a rose shape.
Then somebody came to Rainy and grab her hand widely. -That is your grandmother Tiza. Must run!-said a small oldman.-I am Tiraft. Come with me. Must run!
-There are hereee!-screamed a tall witch looking at Buckley. And magic fire went over the street burning around.
-I am not guilty!-said Tiraft loudly to the witch who was running behind them.-It was a bird. Bird that lies. She told about the witches to Astrider and he destroyed them on 21. April. The bird is guilty. I must find the bird. Broke the bottle. Explain the witches what has happend that night. But...-then fire burned the Tiraft's coat and Buckley turned to the witch.
-Eripta Erittza!-Buckley held his hand together and blew the dust to grey haired witch that made the fire.
-What... you know magic?-Rainy asked.
-No. I just used mum's cake. Breadcrumbs...In the eyes. And the words to be better like a magic.
Rainy smiled leaning on Buckley.-You are a good friend indeed. But the words were great...Eripta Eritza, I will use them too...

-You must help me find that bird!-said Rainy looking at Tiraft who wanted to go to search for Gardenia.-If you want to save Astrider! He is your pupil. You can't just leave him. Leave us!
-Teacher! Astrider never needed a teacher, he is a talent. A good natural magician. You know. But I am here to clear my name. Tommorow is my only chance on the Rainy Hill. But I must find the Rain Master before, did Astrider say something about him? He told me he found him in Taketown.
-Tress! He will know where you can find your master, Tiraft.-said Rainy smilling.-Come!
Tiraft ran his hand trough his old suit and smiled with terror.-I do not like people!
Rainy knocked at the door of David's house. The house was old but fresh and colored in orange tone. Nice and diffrent from other houses in the neighborhood.
David was in the house, reading as opening the door. Rainy ran to his door, crying.-Help us, teacher!
-What?-David looked at Rainy opening the door to others.
-We need the bird! Fairt!-said Buckley making notes on the paper pulling Tiraft inside teacher's house. They heard magic words behind them.
Small witch stopped in front of the dog Flavio and ran away. Then they explained everything. David was in an excellent mood and he gave them the key of the room where the bird is kept in.
-On the moonlight the bird is looking like fire. I will go with you, Rainy. Buckley. Tiraft. It will be dangerously. Prepare!
But as David said that the door on the house broke and the flame came in like a wind storm, a tornado and the magical fire took the furniture in the prison. The three witches looked at Rainy and turned David's room in the schoolroom. They all were suddendly in the school.
-You belong to us!- cried the witches and they took Fairt with them.
Rainy couldn't move again even if she wanted to.
David and Tiraft were standing near the table and they weer waiting for the witches to come.
All three witches were huge like a legendary birds and they danced on the wind which came in the room colored like rubin gem.
Witches grabbed Buckley and noone could stop them because they used stone magic wich turned people to slow to act against them.
Witches smiled like evil and flew through the window. But Tiraft took out the cherry tree branch and put it right in the cloud direction where the witches were just a spot. Rainy felt pain and she was on her knees, she felt like she will never see her mother or father, or Buckley again. She was crying and her tears were black.
Rainy looked at her tears. They were changing in the letters on the room floor. It said:-We have your mother, Rainy Hill! If you don't give up from tommorow we will take her in the Downworld.
Fairt pulled himself out of the witches and started to make noise like thunder going back in the school room.
Tiraft was pulling Buckley from the witches in the sky. They fought but Rainy couldn't do anything. She was astonished with the fact that her mother was taken prisoner by the local witches. What was going to happen to her mother? Where is she now?, Rainy was trying to get up. But couldn't, magic was still here, stronger than her, stronger than David who was catching Fairt in the cage and locking it.
Buckley reappeared weak and stupored, David ran for medicine but even David was feeling surely stupefaction from seeing witches here in the school.
Rainy cried knowing not were to go.
Tiraft held her.-The world is sometimes a cruel place, your choice is, Rainy, but if you don't fight tommorow all will be lost... You are the Rain Master now I am sure.
-Your grandmother Tiza had the same doubt and the sign on the hand...Rain.
Then they left school fast in the David's car that was always parked here and David drove them back to his house. Rainy saw the sign of the rain, rain drop mark on the hand and the rose spot on the mouth. She cried on Tiraft's shoulder.-Oh, teach me to call on the rain and get rid of the witches! Teach me how to be brave!
Tiraft nodded.-So little time...But, alright...I will teach you, Rainy! I will teach you how to be The Rain Master. The only one, who can defeat the Blackcats. Attention...This is basic...This is easy stuff.-and Tiraft gave her the branch of the cherry tree and showed her how to attack and defend from the witches.
Buckley watched her and even made some changes in the magic positions. Rainy was glad he was feeling better. Rainy studied for couple of hours, fast and with skills moving the cherry tree branch from one hand to another saying magic words of protection. Rainy felt like she was a dancer and she was dancing in the night.
Then morning came. Rainy didn't rest, she learned magic all night thinking about mother and Astrider. She was now Adriana, the Rain Master and she had several hours to final battle.
Around four o'clock in the afternoon Rainy took a little rest on Tiraft's request but only had nightmares about witches who were smilling and winning.
David was talking with Tiraft about his relation with witches. Tiraft said that all of it started as the love fight.
-I was Gardenia's fiance, but her sister Gordina called me a small and terror magician warlock. Angry as I was I got myself the bird Fairt who knew superior magic than me but the bird betrayed me to Gordina and Garftina and they turned the bird against me and I made the fire magic that burned the town. Gardenia heard that I worked for G-star and she gave me to the Protector of magic, Astrider. I lost my better powers, and my love Gardenia is willing to destroy me because she thinks still I betrayed her. That I was not a warlock. I am.
The feather from the bird Fairt calls on the rain. But with that rain comes a Hatshadow that will destroy the Taketown in minute. Only the Rain Master can stopped everything if she calls the real rain herself and melts down the Hatshadows.
-Let's go!-said Rainy.-Then there is nothing to say but we must win!
Night. Tiraft took his cherry tree branch and took a look in the school room to see the Fairt in the glass that he was holding in his hand while David was driving the car to Rainy Hill. The bird was sleeping. In the closed cage. Then Tiraft makes magic: -Hut tak jak. Blue sky over the shy guy and a ray on the bay new glass on slippery ice make this bird jump around. And say the truth to me. Did you give the feather to a witch? No!
And the bird went in invisibility. Fire, water, land and air. All this was felt in the empty room. The bird spread her wings to Rainy and looked her straight in the eyes from the strange black glass. -Shiver, shiver my girly, you will be mine to the end of the night. Your magic is nothing. You are a slippery friend of night.
-No. You're wrong. I am strong. But not a witch.-cried Rainy to the glass as Buckley jumped on his seat looking at her like she is a witch.
-You speak parrotish?
-What?-said David.-What are you two doing? Oh, never mind! Somebody can come. What have I thought driving here and searching for witches in the night?
-You are making history.-Said Tiraft searching for a witch with a handset in his hands. Handset was made out of silver and was shining through the walls and glass. –Witches show yourself!
David stopped the car, clouds were gathering in the sky.But some giggles were heard outside of the forest on Rainy Hill and the cold wind flew near Rainy.Some hair was felt on the wind. And Rainy knew. They were not alone, the witches Blackcats were also here. Gardenia, Garftina and Gordina.
Buckley said.-Look up. It is a blackbird...
Rainy looked up and saw a bird with golden orange feathers but it was in chains.
The three witches smiled flying around.-We got you!
Gardenia looked at Tiraft:-Traitor! be destroyed!
And she pushed Tiraft to the wall she made with magic.Rainy jumped on the stone that magical appeard and with her branch in the hand said:-Listen, make some noise!And the stones and Gardenia's wall turned into storm and started to make thunders. Gardenia screamed as her older sister Gordina flew to the wall as she lost her balance.
-Stop, Gordina! Stop! The wall will pull you in! I said stopppp!
It was too late for Gordina, the wall held her tight in his chains. Gordina fell into darkness.
-No!-Garftina said crying.
Suddenly Garftina used an old magic, Rainy somehow knew. The storm from the wall made noise. A loud impossible noise. And they all flew on the storm clouds straight to Rainy Hill...Rainy saw Buckley holding on the dark cloud, Tiraft and David were on the lighting and Tiraft was driving the lighting like a skateboard. Fantastic! Rainy listened to her heart, the adventure was here. The battle also. Is she ready to save everybody? Is she ready to be a Rain Master like her grandmother Tiza was? Is she? Rainy didn't know the answer. She felt strong. She felt perfect. She felt ready. And that was enough.
Tommorow is here. It came with clouds. With fear.
The witches were dancing on Rainy Hill, the hill covered with dark flowers and destroyed trees. Silent was here and terror. Many witches were here too like on Halloween. Pumpinks were put on the trees and they were glowing on the faces. Moon was here showing the bridge to farewell. Moonlight. They all smiled as they saw Rainy.
-The girl Rainy is here. The night and Tiraft, Astrider are in the cage. Broken. Looking down. Rainy has lost all her strenght.-the witches on the hill whispered.
-Astrider!-cried Rainy.-Astrider! Where are you? Mother?!
-Rainy!-Astrider said silently.-All is lost! I saw the fire in the town. Witches won. They will destroy the Taketown. All is lost! You are Rain Master but it is too late run for your life. Only you could call the Purge if you belive in your power! Belive! If it is too late...Go! Left us!
Rainy saw Astrider and her mother in a silver cage under a big grey tree with chains.
-SHUT UP!-said the witch Gardenia.-My sister and I are ladies here. Hatshadows fly and bring fire to the town! Destroy!!!! All!!!! GO!!!
Rainy nodded to Buckley.
Buckley used his cell phone and put the music very loud and shone the light on the tall witch. The witches put strong resist.
The cold wind blew Buckleya down the hill, but he grabbed the brach of the grey tree and saved himself. He took out the spare key from his father's house gate that opened everything and went to the cage with Astrider and Rainy's mother.
Tiraft told his story to the witches but they didn't belive him.-Traitor, we know that you wanted to destroy us. Revenge is ours! You blame the bird, shame!
Witches called for rain but the storm didin't come. The Hatshadow was just a shadow and they jelled.-Traitor is guilty! Get rid of him he is the Rain Master!
Hundreds of witches came to Tiraft but he was standing strong.-Rainy, do it! You must do it! Call for rain!!!!
Astrider was far away to help her but the look on him helped her to concentrate, and Tiraft was held chained like David.
Rainy had put her hands together. -Rainy is my name! Rain will be. Purge the evil!!! Rain. Rain. Rain. I call rain in the name of the Rain Master! Me!
Nothing happened.
-Nothing!-Gardenia smiled.-Punish her!
Tiraft put his branch in Gardena crying.-Sorry, but you are wrong, my love. I can't do this by myself! You will go with me to Downworld...Goodbye Astrider, Rainy...Goodbye...
Light shone. Rain came...
And the witches disappeared.

Two weeks later...
Astrider was free and Mr. Tress didn't give history test on that Friday.
Astrider became her new magic teacher and he said Buckley had some powers in him, but Buckley and his dog Flavio just watched Rainy as she was becoming the biggest competitor the Rain Master on the coming Rain Festival in the spring...She was still practising when she get the new postcard from father from Egypt:-Coming to see you, darling daughter, love you!
And Rainy knew the magic. The best magic, magic to love and dream. She was lost in that and she was gladness and magic powers on the autumn rain...She was the Rain Master...Surely.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2009

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