

- What is that, Sirios near the window? –says an old woman Chatarina Gres, a greyhaired Sirios mother while sitting on a chair in her room.
Sirios Gres, his son, a young man, tall, redhaired and blueeyed with passion in his eyes sits beside the window and on a light reads a letter from his mentor.
"Dear Sirios, once again you are not accepted. Like to hear how your next music will be are you creating something in Croatia or just taking a holiday. Still I think you haven't practice ... yours Enes."
- Oh! - says Sirios while destroying the letter in his hand - How terrible! Mother, what are you doing?
His mother takes the violoncello from the window.-This is yours Sirios? I thought ...
Sirios jumps from his chair and lifts his violoncello.
- It is mine. Mother I wanted to tell you.
Chatarina looks lower.-What?
- I am a musician like my father was, mother, I hope you'll support me in that.
Chatarina sits again on a chair and she is silent. She cannot belive what she hears. Her son a musician like Gari, that stupid man who left her twenty years ago.
- As you wish, Sirios. -Chatarina says.-But you must write something good for me in a week then I will support it. You live in your apartment now in ¦ibenik. So work now I want to listen to your music, son!
Sirios smiles. He holds his mother's hand and kisses the hand with affection. - For you – he says –I would do anything!

So I must do it!, says Sirios to himself when he got to his apartment, for mother. Sirios is not a hard worker he always waited to be pushed. But this time he felt like he must show his mother that he can make music on his violoncello a music as good as his father's or better. Even Enes, his mentor will be impressed with his new song, he thoughts. Sirios got the feeling of creation when someone knocks on the door.
Sirios opens. -Hello!
It is Kalto, his angry singer neighbour, but a friend, a thin man with curl hair.-Hello, Sirios. Back already from the spider? How is she?-
- My mother is fine do not call her spider.
-I will.-says Kalto while coming in.-She captured seven spiders when she was here visiting.
Suddenly someone screams in the hall.
Sirios and Kalto look over the hall to the appartment of number nine.
-They are a new couple. Always disagreeing about something. You were at your mother's house so you haven't met them. They are horrible! But ...-Kalto takes a cake out of his coat and starts to eat while Sirios closes the door and goes to the kitchen to find something to offer Kalto.
-How was in Dubrovnik?-Kalto asks.
-Nice?-Kalto smiles.-And did you meet any girl?
Sirios finds a cold meal in a fridge and eats, Kalto sits on a couch and looks worried.Like he has forgotten something.
Sirios looks out of the window and sees red tulips. A man just watered them.
The wind gives a small wave on the leaf. Sirios smiles. And music is here. In the wave of the leaf.
Kalto jumps from the couch.-It is two o'clock. Mari, my wife will be angry. I forgot to buy food for dinner, are you coming there. That is the reason I came, really.-Kalto watches the watch.-To tell you that we have made a dinner for you.
-I do not know. I must make some music. Tonight.
-Yes tonight Kalto. Say good day for me to Mari.
-I will. He must play his violoncello tonight...

When Kalto went home Sirios tried to make his music, he took out the paper and pen, and he leaned the violoncello on his body. The violoncello is strong but good and lovely. When Sirios was younger he thought violoncello was just a big guitar. Father said to him: " Remember to play it right".
He now takes the fiddler and begins to play.
A crazy noise of disco music louder than storm pounds in his room. He closes his eyers but the music is too strong. And that new couple is shouting: "Stop that! Stop that! I do not like disco!
"You do not like disco because I like it, Mary?"
"Well, disco is not the best! Asra!"
The door in the hall hard slams.
-Silence. Silence.-says Sirios. Takes fiddler and just as he started to play a singer sings an opera.
-No.-Sirios gives up.-No way, I cannot play like this. This is too...-then he sees a flower in the dark. A glow. –I must go outside!
Sirios puts his coat on and goes to a walk, but the street cars, busses, people just annoyed him. He was nervous. He felt pushed and pressured. A week. A week. Music cannot be make in a pressure.
-Hello.-says a girl who sits on a wall near Sirios building. She had golden hair and blue eyes.-Are you from this building? I live here. And I think you play violoncello.
-Oh, I am Sirios from the fourth flour.
-I am Mary. Number nine apartmant.
Mary, the new girl with trouble.
-Please, sit next to me.
-Well...-Sirios smiles.
- I see you heard us. Asra is angry cause I do not have his passion for modern music.
-My mother also does not understands modern music.
-I lived in Spain. There is music. Beautiful music. I met Asra there and we married. So, what is with you?
-I cannot write music in a week and I call myself musician. Music must be in me. Always.
-The diffrence is love. I heard something: "When you touch music you become music and the music will be like we are then but to feel ourselves...From the inside you must play it outside. To be heard."
- That is good. Well Asra loves disco, so he is disco. How do you feel about that, Mary?
-Yes well I must accept that I love him. Him and his music.
-He loves you too. You love flowers and I saw today he waters it well.
-Yes he does. He does not love flowers but he does that for me. I like disco but not like he does.
-Say it. Say to him everything that you feel and he will love you.
- You think, Sirios? Thank you. So I will go. Asra is there alone. Write that music.
-I would ...
Sirios runs. He goes to his apartment and Takes the violoncello that stringed giant and goes to he window, hold it upright, opens the windows widely and plays violoncello wildly. Very wild. Sirios is music... to feel ourselves...From the inside you must play it outside. To be heard.

Then in the evening he takes his violoncello to Kalto and invites his mother and mentor to Kalto's house. They sit around him in a room and he plays.
The music goes like a summer wind on the waves.
Piano, slowly.
And everybody in here congratulates Sirios when he stops on this music piece he calls: Adventure.
-You never played better...-says mentor.
-You are your father son. A great violoncello player, I love you my son.-Chaterina smiles.
And Sirios bows thinking what an adventure to write a music when you are music for a night, thank you, Mary...And he looks to the window of Mary's room and sees her in the loving Asra's hands.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2009

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