
Chapter 1


The lukewarm water felt amazing around all over my body, covering me like a blanket. The falling water going into the tub sounded like a waterfall to her ears, the steam filled the air and fogged up the bathroom so much that she didn’t see her best friend Shane come in. I yelped as I saw his figure coming in. “What the hell Shane!?” he laughed and asked. “You gonna stay in there all day?”

He seemed so amused by my embarrassment. “Maybe! Get out you freakin pervert!”
“Your funny. I have Claire remember? Besides I was just checking on you.”
“Well you checked now leave!”
He laughed and then walked out. I sighed in frustration then got out.

I looked in the mirror after getting dressed. I saw a small face with big blue eyes looking back at me. She had everything I had. Even the worse parts hidden under this make up. I shook my head and came out holding a towel to my head. Once in the living room I saw both the guys look at me.
“So how was the bath little mermaid?” Shawn asked. He was sprawled out on the couch beside Shane. I sat between them squeezing the water out of my long red- brownish hair of mine.
“It was okay. Where’s Merissa?”
“At school.” Shane responded. Shane and his sister Merissa lives here while their parents were in Africa studying the wild. Claire Shane’s girlfriend lives in an apartment below them. It was weird but great too. I guess.
“So is Dean picking you up?”
“No. im taking the bus.”
Shawn looked at me and said. “Wanna eat before you go?”
“No thanks.”
“No have some bacon Sammy.” Shane insisted. Shawn looked at me with pleading eyes.
“Thanks guys but I will eat when I get home. I promise.” I kissed both their cheeks and got up. Grabbed My bag and jacket and when I was at the door Shawn muttered something. I wanted to ask but didn’t need to. I knew he told me be safe or bye for now. Shawn was always so loving to me. “Im on a diet anyways.” I sputtered back to him. “See you at school.” With that I left.

After a mile of walking a car slowed down to the sidewalk and windows rolled down. “Hey I been texting you non stop damn it!” Dean shouted.
I looked over at him then started to walk faster. I kept my head down and walked, but heard the engine stop a car door slam and next thing I knew Dean was grabbing my arm so hard that I knew it was going to leave a mark. I yelped in pain and saw anger when I looked at his face.
“Im fucking talking to you!”
“I know! Im just ignoring you!” That costed me a slap to my face and he pushed me to his car door.
“Don’t talk to me like that you dumb bitch! Now be a good slut and get in the car!”
She stayed and flinched when he raised his hand. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled in sobs. “I’ll get in. Just please stop.”
Once I turned around I felt him pressing on me. “Hold on.” His hands slid to my thigh and went in between. I turned red just then.
“S-stop it Dean. What if somebody sees?”
“Its your fault. Your just so hot!” I started to cry when he started to rub and I pushed him off.
“Stop it I said!”
He got angry again and grabbed my arm. He shoved me in his car and got in himself. “Your giving me sex rather you like it or not! Or I can just beat the shit out of you.”
I gulped and shivered. “My mom wants me home. So does my dad.”
“Tell them your over at a friends! Do it now!”
I got out my phone and looked at it for a minute then looked outside. I could call Shane or Shawn, but then they will know. She looked over at Dean. I bit my lip and when he pulled in his drive way I leaned in to kiss him and then pulled away. “I-im sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Dean looked at her and then said. “You better be. You can really piss me off. Now get inside soon or I will come out here to get you.” Then he left slamming the car door, leaving me to think. I whiped my tears and told myself I did deserve this. I texted my mom telling her im at Claire’s and then went inside to face my punishment.

I sat there on the floor bloody and naked, where he left me to go to his buddys house. I pissed him off again so he got mad punished me and left. I looked out the window and saw it was dark. I put on my ripped clothes and limped out of his house. I limped to the corner of the street when I saw headlights of a car. Of Shawns car. My vision was a bit blurry and my head was spinning. I wanted to cry when I saw Shawn getting out. Shane and Merissa did to.
“What the hell are you doing out here!? And ripped clothes!?” Shane asked. He looked worried and relieved too.
“How? How did you find me.” I sobbed.
“Your mom called Shane and told him about You spending the night with Claire. When Shane called Claire asking how the girl sleepover was doing, Claire didn’t know about it and so we all got worried. Been looking everywhere, called you, texted you a million times. We thought you were dead.” Shawn explained.
“I suggested that boyfriend of yours. They knew where Dean lived so I just tagged along. Claire is at Shawn’s house in case you showed up when we were out. Now what happened.”
“Nothing. I wanna see Claire.” I sputtered and got in. They got into and so they were off.

“There you are!” Claire cried and hugged me. I couldn’t help but to whimper in pain and that made her let go.
“Sorry.” I apologized.
“Don’t be. Tell us what happen kiddo.” Claire sat her down, Shane sat by her and Shawn sat close to me. Merissa climbed in Claires lap.
“I…. its to complicated.” I said and looked down.
Claire frowned and said. “we can keep up.”
I shook my head. I held my head.
“Stop Claire. Let her get rest. She must of gotten into a fit with Dean.” Shawn said and handed me a sweater. I took off my ripped shirt and replaced it with Shawn’s sweater.
“Thank you.”
He nodded. Shane got up and sighed looking at me. “Is it dean?”
“What!?” I looked at him with wide eyes.
“Is he hurting you?”
I shook my head. “I just got jumped is all. You know New york.”
Shane didn’t seem convinced but kept quiet. “Merissa go to your room.”
“No way!” She hugged Claire’s neck.
“Merissa!” Shane bellowed in a mad voice making me jump up to stop him from god knows what he was about to do. “Shane! Chill out!” I yelled at him. He looked at me with black angry eyes, and it scared me that I remembered Deans face. I turned to Merissa and grabbed her arm then pulled her away.
“Hey! Stop it! Let go!!!”
I didn’t. I shoved her in her room. Before shutting the door I said sorry and then closed it. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard my breathing getting heavy. Getting fast. I was having my attacks. I slid down the door and on to the cold floor. I crawled to the toilet and began puking just randomly too. “Sam?” I didn’t hear the door open but I saw he was standing there with wide eyes. Shawn knelt down to me and moved my hair out of my face. “Are you okay?”
I whipped my mouth and nodded then shook it. I started breathing hard again and then puked in the toilet. I felt his hand on my back and rubbing me like a friend would.
“I hate to see you like this.” He said.
“Then leave.” I cried. My throat throbbed and my stomach felt so empty. Its been two days since I ate. Stupid Dean telling me I cant eat cause im a fat ass is sick. So what my ass is a little bigger and I have fat on me. I cant help that. I held my stomach and threw up again. It was like uncontrollable stuff just kept coming. It hurt so bad.
“Sammy stop your gonna puke to death. Come on breathe with me.” He coached me to breathe and it helped finally I was breathing.
“Thank you.”
“Have you ate at all today?” I shook my head. He held me in his arms. I couldn’t help but to lay on him letting me fall into him. God I wish I had someone like Shawn. He always been with me through the worst times of my life. Like when I got my period or my dad hit me. Which my dad regretted and later told me how sorry he was. Since then my dad never hit me again. But it was Shawn who has been there for me. I wanted to cry so much and I began to. I was lifted up and carried to his room. He sat me on his bed and covered me up. “Stay. Im going to tell Shane your taken care of and make you some soup.” He kissed her head and walked out closing the door.

After eating her favorite soup, red beans and rice with sasuage in it she cuddled up to Shawn.
“Tell me whats up. I promise I wont tell anyone else unless I have your permission.”
I looked at him. “Dean…. He has anger issues. He gets a short temper. Its fine really he just doenst know how to express his love really.”
I saw Shawn looking at me. “Has he been doing this a lot? Show me your injuries.”
I shook my head. “Don’t make me. Please I don’t want to get it again.”
“Get what.”
I didn’t answer. I just wanted to sleep. And he didn’t even push me to tell. He just held me as I fell into a deep sleep.

I got home to see my mom on the couch asleep. She must of waited for my call. I kneeled down to the couch and held her hand. That made her eyes pop and sat her up. “Sammy!?” She hugged me and I held the urge to scream. “I was so worried!”
“I was at Claire’s mama.”
“I know but I still worry!” She held me at arms length. I smiled. My mother has always been a worry wort but she still let me have my own life. She was never over protective. Just protective. My dad, now he was the kind of parent that bitches at you when you’re an hour late. He has a short temper but usually takes it out on the walls instead of me or mama.
“Your father has been worried too. Are you okay my lovely.”
I nodded. “Yes mama. Im fine.” I kissed her head and got out of her grip. “I need to go. You want breakfast?”
My mom pouted and shook her head. “You just got back.”
“Yes but im already late for school. I come home tonight.” I smiled and kissed her again then grabbed my back and headed out with a I love you and then closed the door to my house and ran my heart out to the hell school I was late to.

Chapter 2


I saw school was still not in session. Damn I hated when that happens. Stupid school never starting when it was supposed to. I sighed and walked.
“Hey Samantha!” I heard the voice I fear. I looked back and saw him coming. I tried to run but he grabbed my hair making me yelp I looked at him, well he made me look at him. “So I hear you cuddled up to you little pansy boy! I let you out of my sight for a bit and you go to some other guys bed!?” he pushed me to the wall and pinned me down. I shivered. “Answer me you fucking bitch!”
Tears formed in my eyes. “No! I never did. He was trying to be a friend! I swear!”
He pushed me down and got on top of me, he rose his hand that made a fist and it felt like a ball flew hard at my face. I screamed for help but I saw people just staring in bafflement and out right fear. It hurt as the punches came finally I clawed his face making him fall off of me. I took my chance and ran off. Only I didn’t get to far. I was pushed in a supply closet and saw his face in the dim light he turned on. He locked the door and his grin was massively scary. “You shouldn’t have done that. You tramp. You wanna die?” I saw a knife in his hand.
“No. please.” I cried. Backing in the wall and trying to find something to block his attack. Once the knife was coming I grabbed a broom and smacked him with it and banged on the door and leaned against it. Screaming as hard as I could. Begging in tears for someone to open the door before he could……

Just then I felt a stab in my side that made made scream and slide down the floor, leaning against the cold door.I felt blood running down my side. I held the wound to put pressure onto it. “Help me…. Somebody….” I whispered in sobs. Just when all hope is lost, I fell to the floor on my back. I saw someone looking at me. Shawn. I breathed heavy and I could hear blurs then it all went black.

She awoke to find herself looking up at three heads. Claire. Shane. And Shawn. “Sweetie?” Claire spoke.
“Are you okay.”
“What kind of question is that!? She been stabbed for god sake!” Shawn’s voice croaked. It sounded like he was crying.
I sat up and held my side. “Be careful your still hurt. We took you to get stitched up they wanted you to stay but we just took you here.” Shane said. He looked so scared and worried. Claire’s expression was no better.
Shawn had tear stains on his cheeks. He hugged my neck and held me. “God you scared me so much! Damn it….”
“You wasn’t breathing for awhile…. Shawn found you in time though. God what the hell were you thinking taking him on like that.”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell us. Dean almost killed you!”
My eyes filled with tears and I hugged Shawn and cried. “Im sorry. I thought I could handle it I never---- I---- im sorry.”
Shawn looked at her. “ Im gonna do whatever to keep you safe. I promise you Samantha…you wont get hurt by him ever.”
“I second that.” Claire said and held my hand.
“Count me in too. Oh Merissa would kill me if I didn’t let her join.” He kissed my head.
“But…. I don’t want you guys hurt to.”
“Please there’s 4 of us and one of him. If we all took him he would leave you alone. Know that’s for sure.”
I smiled and cried again but in happiness that I have friends like them to keep me safe. That night I called my mom told her I was staying with Claire but really I slept in Shawn’s arms again.

A week passed and I havent seen Dean at all. I heard he was doing community service though. I was feeling almost happy until I saw him on Friday morning. He was waiting for me. He was smiling. I gulped and took out my phone and called Shawn. “Hello?”
“Come pick me up!” I ordered, seeing him coming to me I started to walk fast from him. “Now!”
“Where are you.” I looked back and saw him running, so I began to run.
“Never mind!” I screamed and dropped my phone in the process of hanging up. “Shit!” I knelt down and picked it up but I saw his feet and I stood up. I looked at him. “Leave me alone Dean.”
“Oh big and bad now are we?”
“You touch me and-----”
He circled around me like a bird and its prey. “And you what? Go cry to your pansy boy?” I followed his gaze as he circled me for the second time.
“Up yours at least he doesn’t rape”
“You little slut you know you like it.” he wrapped his arm around me and then touched my breast. I gasped and then I quivered.
“Don’t!” I pushed him off and looked at him. “Im not your slut or whore! Im done its over so leave me alone.”
He grabbed my throat and began to choke me. “Its not over until I say it is you bitch.”
I pressed my on button and knew I was calling Shawn. I hope he is hearing this. “Choke me. Kill me. Once im dead then my friends will find you.”
He squeezed harder. “Shut up” He then slammed her down to the ground and pinned her down by holding her throat. She gasped for air.
“Hey!” I saw he looked over and then BAM in his face too. He fell to the ground. I saw Shane and Claire.
“Damn he’s annoying me.” Shane glared at him then looked at me. I got up and rammed in to him. I felt Claire hug me too.
“Shawn will be here in a bit. Im glad you called him when you did or he would of killed you.”
“Im so glad you came----wait? How did you two know?” I looked at them.
“I got a text from Shawn, Shane saw it and we looked for you then saw you on the ground.” Claire said and got the leaves out of my hair. I smiled and hugged her. “I love you yeah know?”
“Yep knew it all along love.” She kissed my head.

Shawn came a few minutes after and got out to come to me. “What happened!?”
“Dean. Shane and Claire kept me safe though.”
Shawn looked relieved. He hugged my waist and put his head on my shoulder. “Thank god.”
I hugged his neck. “I dumped him so all I gotta do is avoid him.”
“Im glad” he looked at me and kissed my node then escorted me to his car then he looked back at Shane and Claire.
Claire was in Shane’s arms, safe and happy. I hope that someday I would be in that way. I looked at Shawn and thought maybe I would be happy with him as my boyfriend. I hugged his arm and laid my head on his arm. He looked down at me and then put me gently in the car. He kissed my nose again and closed the passenger door and went to thank Shane and Claire then got in and drove off. “Where do you wanna go?”
“On a date?”
“Oh…. With who?”
“You. Who else? Not Dean I know that’s for sure.” I smiled and held his hand.
“Wait you wanna go out with me?” He asked as if it was for real.
“I do. You treat me so kind. And im not saying this cause I just got out of a relationship. I say it cause I---- well finally noticed you been at my side since we were kids. I liked you since grade school. Even told you too but you know boys then they don’t know how to express their emotions unless its pulling on pigtails or poking a girl…..or snapping their bra in the middle of class.” I looked at him and saw him laughing.
“Sorry about that. Guess I was a little devil when it came to you. What can I say you always brought out my wild side.”
“That’s wonderful. Just don’t snap my bra again or I will give you a wedgie”
He laughed. “Well then I guess I would love to be you boyfriend.”
I blushed. “You really want me….after what he did?”
“I wanted you since I saw you. A girl crying on her porch steps cause she was locked out really does something to a boy.”
“That was along time ago.”
“So I still remember it like it was yesterday. Your hair in braided pigtails. You in a summer dress. And your weeping brought me to you wondering why a pretty girl was crying. You little voice told me you were locked out and your parents wouldn’t come home till late. So that was my chance. I brought you to my house and we played all day then you mom finally came to get you and since then I made sure to play with you everyday.”
“Hard to believe that one summer day can bring you a long time friend.”
“And a winters day can bring you a girlfriend.” He looked at me after he pulled over on the curb. He leaned in towards me. “I want you to be mine. I want to grow to love you. Hell that already happened.”
He took my hand. “Samantha Harris. I love you. I want you. Mind body and soul.”
I then held his hand and looked into his green eyes. I move his hair out of his face and kissed his lips. I pulled away. Shawn Owens….I never thought Id meet a guy like you until I saw how you took care of me after Dean. I want you even more now. Mind. Body and soul. I…love you as much as words can say.”
He smiled and kissed my lips again then he started the car and there we were off on our date.

Chapter 3


I was in my room when my mom came in along with my dad. I looked at them wondering. “Hey. Whats up?”
“We have to tell you something.”
“Well we are gonna have another member of the family” My dad smiled.
“Im sorry, what!?” I looked at them.
“Honey please be happy. Your gonna have a little sister and brother.”
I stood up. This was going way too fast. I pulled back my hair and grabbed my bag started shoving my crap of clothes in. My laptop and book to. I grabbed my ipod and cell phone.
“Where are you going.” My mom asked.
“To Claire’s.”
“Not this late.”
“You wanna try me? Look I need to leave. I cant be here right now.” I shoved past them and me dad grabbed me hard by my arm and slammed me to the wall. “Don’t you dare disrespect me like that.”
I pushed him off. “Don’t you touch me ever again! When I tell you I need to go its for a good goddamn reason!” My adrenaline was running so fast. When he lifted his fist I closed my eyes and I felt his fist go past me and he hit the wall inches from my face. I looked at him.
“Get the hell out of here you ungrateful brat. I don’t wanna see your face again.” He shoved me off and I stumbled to the ground. I got up and whipped my eyes and looked at them.
“Go!” He roared and I scurried down the stairs and out the house. I ran away far enough that I couldn’t see my house anymore. I started to cry. I knew my dad was still a jerk. I hated him more now. And now he’s having another child just to push around. After twenty minutes of crying I texted Shawn.
Hey you there?

five minutes passed then I received a text
Ya u ok?

No. I had a fight with my dad and now I wanna go to a safe environment and my dad kicked me out.

I sniffed and was sitting on the curb of a side walk abandoned street.
Where u at? Im getting ready to get dinner for the group im telling them im pickin u up first.

Im a block or two away from my house, you know by the old abandon store that closed down years ago. Im sitting on the curb by it. Plz hurry its scary and I wanna see you so bad.

On my way sweetie. <3 u!!!

She looked around and saw some big dudes walking the street and they saw her and approached her.
“Well look at what we found.” a dude in a black beanie said. I got up and backed away as they got closer. You gotta be kidding me!? I thought.
“Damn she is hot!”
“A juicy ass with nice boobs.” another guy who was more built then the other two closed her off from leaving and then grouped my butt. I yelped and pushed him away.
“Get away from me!” she backed in to the window of the old shop.
“Not until we have a little fun the fattest one said. I gulped and did the only thing I could do. I grabbed my bag of books-also got my book bag- and slammed them into the window, breaking the glass. It was all over me too. I grabbed a shard of glass and held it up. “You fags come near me and consider yourself dead.”
“I love them fiesty.” The beanie head man said.
“Come on baby don’t be like that.” The muscular man said.
“Have some fun” the fat man said. I felt pain in my arm and saw it bleeding, I didn’t wanna kill them really but if it means saving my ass then so be it. Although she was thinking of slitting their throats she didn’t have time to since a car pulled up and her hot, badass boyfriend came out. He then shot a gun to the sky which made the three guys run off like little girls.
That’s right fear my boyfriend you fucking perverts.

she watched them run and grabbed her bags and ran to him. “Thank god you came!”
“What am I gonna do with you? Always taking years off my life when you put me through this.” He smirks. He then saw her arm bleeding.
“Holy hell theres glass in your arm.”
“Its okay.” I said. He shook his head and lead me to the the passenger seat. He put my bags in the back and then went to me after slamming the door. He knelt down to me and started picking the shards out one by one I couldn’t help but to whimper.
“Im proud of you ya know.”
“Because you call me. And you fend them off till I get here. I bet you were brave as always.”
“Well Im not a bragger but yeah.”
He chuckled. “Done.” he grabbed a aid kit in the consol and cleaned the blood with and alcohol swab and then wrapped my arm in an ace bandage. He got me in and got in himself then drove off. “So what will you want for dinner?”
I shrugged. I know those guys are sleazes but god no wonder im being raped all my life. I slid down in my seat. I look at my assets and I cant help but feel self conscious now. A juicy ass with nice boobs? Is that all I am?
“What am I to you?”
“Am I just a juicy ass with huge assets?”
“Huge what?”
“Boobs Shawn… I just a big juicy ass with huge boobs to every male…” my voice cracked on the last part. I saw he was pulling over. He stopped the car completely and turned to look at me.
“What brought this on so sudden?”
“It hasn’t been sudden….I been asking myself this question since I went out with bobby bloomsdale. Even he wanted me for sex.” I hugged my legs and hid my face in my lap.
“Did those guys say that too you?” I nodded.
“Every guy does….Bobby…..Dean maybe even you.” I looked at him and saw his face with guilt. “Oh god!” I started for the door but he pulled me back to him.
“Im a guy Sam I have needs too but Im not like Bobby, Dean or even those hobos. Sure I may think sexually about you but I think of it as a loving way….not the way of ‘ oh I just wanna fuck!’ I could never do that. Your beautiful, gorgeous even. And your assets and butt is great too but even if you had a flat chest and not butt I still love you….and even if you were the fattest women I would still love you. I love you in a way that ya I wanna have sex with you but not until you are ready and even after I get sex from you….im still gonna need you like I do now.”
I looked at him with great shock. “You would wait?”
That made her smile and hug his neck. “I love you so much!”
He chuckled and kissed her lips. His hand on my face and his other on my waist. I looked at him.
“And plus your never were fat. You have a great body so you should treat it right. Like eating more.”
I sat back down and buckled back in as he started to drive again.
“I want subway then.”
“You got it dude.” He said in a cute Michelle Tanner impersonation. It made her laugh hard. And smile so big.
“So you think of us sexually?”
“Well yeah. I mean hell I can see why guys like you. And the guys I mean are the guys that you hang with at school. Like James and Skyler. They sure do like you a lot. They always told me how you were so generous and very thoughtful…..James told me you saved him from failing history and Sky said you taught him how to play pool.”
“Wow…never thought those guys cared. I thought they were like the ‘yeah whatever guys.’ guess I was wrong.”
“They are but you bring out the best in people. Like me. You saved me and I bet you don’t even know it.”
“I did?”
“In eighth grade I was gonna fail cause I didn’t wanna study for the exams and I was in a given up mood. Then you came to my house and yelled at me telling me I was always gonna be worthless if I don’t start shaping up and once you said you hated worthless guys….that’s when….I asked you for your help. You stayed up all night with me and helped me study so much that I passed the exam and went on to high school.”
“Oh yeah then your mom treated us to sundaes”
“Yep. So your special and don’t let fags tell you wrong.”
That gave me the confidence I needed. I scooted to him and hugged his arm forgetting how the seat belt was in her side and the console was separating them.

They came into the apartment laughing and holding bags.
“Hey kids! What took you so long!” Claire said
“Sorry had to make like five different stops.” Shawn grinned and kissed my lips and took the food from me. I went out to get the bags from the car and saw Claire coming out. “So.” She said hoping on the hood of Shawns car.
“Im pregnant by Shane.”
That made her stop and look at her. “W-what?”
“Pregnant and your ex-boyfriend is getting way to friendly with me. I wont tell Shane unless he tries to rape or hit me then I shall. But don’t say anything about the baby….im not sure what im gonna do. I mean he has his sister who is still young and need her brother. I cant take that away.”
“Wait my ex is getting friendly? How!?”
“He keeps looking at me, and eyeing me. Then he keeps following me down the halls trying to talk to me. He does but I ignore him.”
“Wow…..and your pregnant?”
She nods. “I want the baby but I don’t want Shane to leave his sister. And I cant tell my parents or they will kick me out of the place they bought for me.” shes talking about her apartment
“Join the club.” technically she was getting kicked out of her home.
“Mine kicked me out cause I freaked on them because my mother is pregnant. My dad yelled at me and told me to leave so I did and here I am”
“Wow that sucks.”
“Major suckage.”
They laughed and came back in each holding a bag. They sat the bags in Shawn’s room and came back out. When Claire saw the fish her face turned pale. She made a disgusted face.
“Whats wrong sweetie? You like fish.”
“Yeah but not-----” She got up and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door and they all heard the puking.
“What the hell is up with her?”
“Sick?” Merissa suggested and ate some of her subway.
I kept eating as if I was starving to keep my mouth shut. Shane looked at me suspiciously. “You. You’re a girl she must of told you. Whats wrong.”
I swallowed a bite and bit my lip. “I cant say really.”
Shane left his own fish to go to the door and came in and closed the door. They all heard muffled voices then shouting and a bang then Shane storming to his room and slamming the door. I got up and raced to the door and saw Claire holding her stomach. “You okay?”
“He’s mad at me. Now I don’t even wanna tell him.”
“Well your gonna have to.”
“No I just let him cool down.” She got up and walked out. “I see ya later.” she looked at Shanes door and knocked on it. “Honey im leaving okay?”
“Whatever!” Shane yelled through the door. “ I really don’t care anymore.” He added.
“Shane don’t be mad. Im fine really-----”
“Bullshit Claire! Tell me when you stop being such a fucking liar.”
I never saw Claire breakdown before, until now. She stood there. “I love you.”
No answer. She looked down and then grabbed her bag, being clumsy to, and she ran out slamming the door. I was so mad that Shane could do that. I grabbed his food and kicked his door open. “You are a total dick!” I threw the food at him having it make a mess. “She’s lying to you so you don’t have to be a fucking dad! Go to hell Shane!” She screamed and slammed the door on his words and then grabbed her own food and went into Shawn’s room. A few moments later after setting my food down, I came out to see Merissa on the couch and Shawn gone but Shane sitting on the couch and in shock, I saw Claire was being shoved in by Shawn. Shawn was ignoring her protests. Shawn sat her down by Shane. Claire looked down to hide her face.
“Now lets talk about this as adults.” Shawn sat on the now cleared coffee table. I went over and sat on his leg and he let me. Ready to listen.

Chapter 4


Shane looked off to the distance not even looking at Claire and Claire only looked at her shoes. “Can I please go home?” She asked.
“Not until we settle things. Both of you are my friends so I demand to have you talk.”
“Theres nothing to say. He already said it.” She choked. Trying to hold back tears obviously.
Shane looked at her like he never seen her cry before either. “Claire----”
“Don’t okay. Maybe its for the best to be dumped. I mean you have your sister and college and then a job. You can hardly handle a girlfriend….” She held her face.
Shane’s body moved to her as quick as he could. “Whats this about?”
Claire shook her head. I shook my head and said. “Tell him Claire or I will.” She wanted to say again but she didn’t wanna get in trouble.
Claire looked at her then sniffed. She looked at him. “Im pregnant. And its your baby. I don’t want you to feel obligated to so the right-----”
Shane kissed her lips to make her shut up. It was sexy and so adorable that I couldn’t help but to smile.
“You talk to much.” Shane said. “Don’t take away my choice cause you know I would choose you any day. And I can handle a job college my sister and parenting as well being with you. I will take on the world for you. And im sorry for being an ass whole to you. I love you a lot.”
Claire’s face was all bright red. “I love you too but next time tell me in private this is embarrassing.”
Merissa laughed and said. “Not for me.”
“Go to bed shorty you have school.”
“So do you.”
“Im wiser then you now go.” He smirks.
She gets up and glares. “Sleep with one eye open punk.” She winks then goes to her room and shuts her door.
Shane laughed and lifted Claire up in his arms and stood up. “Goodnight you two me and my lovely has to get some sleep.” They left to his room. Shawn and I were the only ones left.
“Don’t you just love family nights?” I asked and got up from Shawn. He laughed and got up too. We turned out the living room lights and went in our- that’s right im calling it mine now- room and I jumped on my bed and grabbing my sandwhich off the in table and began feasting.
“How long have you went with out eating?”
“Since I met Dean I went on and off for about 2 months. After he caught me cheating he banned me from food or he would punish me. Which was 5 weeks ago and so I haven’t eaten in about 3 weeks. I never wanted to become anorexic actually the more I tried not eating the more I wanted to eat. It was his idea not mine. I was the idiot who followed along with it. Although my self esteem was down, hell its still down. I know you call me sweet words but I don’t feel that way. I just feel oversized and a pig.” I threw the sandwich in its bag and then began to walk to the door until Shawn blocked me.
“Finish that sandwich.”
“Truth is I don’t like skeletons and I don’t like skinny ass girls. I like girls with meat on them. I love the way you look. I don’t want you to ruin your body. Your gorgeous body.
I turned red then nodded and took the sandwich out and finished it all. He smiled with pure joy. “See I bet you feel full and happy huh?”
“Actually I do.” I sat the bag down and sat on the bed. I took off my shoes and pulled down my hair. I caught him staring at me. “What?”
“Nothing I just still cant believer you’re here.”
“I always dreamed of you being my girlfriend but never knew it would come true.”
I smiled. “Really?”
“Yeah. Thought you would never like me in that way.”
“I loved you in a way that more then a friend sounded way to innocent.” That made him blush. I smiled and grabbed a towel from his desk.
“Im gonna shower.” He nodded.
I went in the bathroom of his and turned on the shower. Closed the door and stripped off her clothes and looked in his full length mirror. I cocked my head and sighed. I got in the shower and let the water take me away to a land of nothing but water, with big waterfalls. When I had the soap in my hands it slipped to the bottom of the tub, as I was trying to grab it I slipped and fell out of the tub and on to the tile floor. Hurt my head like hell that I had to get out a loud whimper and I held my head. I turned over on my stomach and still catching my breath I heard myself crying. I got my towel around me and held my head. The bathroom swung open and Shawn looked at me.
“What happened?” He must of seen me blubbering like a baby cause I know I sure was. “I hit my head on the floor, I was trying to get the soap. And I slipped out of the tub.”
He got me to my feet and checked me out.
“Okay don’t go to bed for a bit. Im gonna call the hospital and see what they can do.” He sat me on the bed. He grabbed his cell and dialed.
As he talked I got changed into my pj shirt which was Shawn’s AC/DC shirt. She loved it cause it smelled like him and she stole it once from his house.
When he turned around and off the phone he saw me in his shirt and grinned. “Well don’t we look cute.”
I blushed.
He sat next to me and he looked at my head. “im gonna get some ice okay. Don’t fall asleep. I wanna do some foreplay” He laughed and walked out.
Now foreplay sounds great. It wasn’t sex at all and im into foreplay. Well sort of. I wanna see where it goes. When he came back he hardly had a chance to sit cause I pinned him on his back on the bed. I gave him kisses and knew the door was closed so it was time for fun. I sat on his lap so he could sit up which he did and He looked at me like I was crazy. “Are you okay?”
“You wanted foreplay so come and get it.”
He looked surprised and taken a back. “I w-was joking honey.” Well I knew it. I got up and walked to my bag. I was crouched down and totally humiliated. I stared at my bag as if I was getting something out, but I wasn’t. I felt hands on my shoulders. “If you want we can do foreplay.”
I looked at him. I nodded. “I want it.”
He nodded and then laid me down on his bed. He touched me in places that’s only been touched by Dean, He explored my body as I explored his. We never did it but it sure felt good fooling around. I loved every second of it.

I was getting on my jeans when my mom called me I decided I wouldn’t answer her calls since im still pissed off that she never bothered to call me and begged for me to come back or even bother to look for me. Right now I kinda hate her. I came out of the room to see everyone up. Claire in skinny jeans and a tank top her hair was in a braid down to her back. Merissa in a jersey that looked like Shane’s and some baggy pants. Her hair was in a bun. Me well I was in a blue tight shirt and some jeans that showed my big ass. My hair was down and parted to my side of my face.
Shane was in a t-shirt and pants, he had his jacket on. His hair was in a mess, a side ways mess. Shawn was in a sweater and tight but not to tight of faded jeans. Had some holds in them but hell he looked hot. His hair brushed and it was sided to one side of his face. He looked amazing.
I looked at my phone. I saw Dean texting me. He sent like ten messages and some unknown people texted me too. I saw the text messages and god they were horrible. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag.
“So we going?”
“Well you and Merissa are going.”
Shawn hugged my neck and said. “I got stuff to do and Claire doesn’t feel up to going so Shanes not going.”
I looked away. “Fine.” I pulled away and grabbed my shoes then walked to the door.
“Wait we can give you a----”
“Thanks but no thanks.” I don’t know why but I felt mad. Now I have to face the school alone cause I know now…..
I walked out slamming the door on his words and reading the text from Dean.
U can count on being hurt, not only by me but my friends to. Bitch!

I sighed and walked off. Great now im gonna get hurt cause----- why am I blaming them. This is my problem not theirs. I shall endure it. Once I was at school I saw flyers all around. It was a picture of me and Shawn kissing in his car. The flyer was worse then its picture.

Don’t fall for this bitch! She will hurt you like she did me! She slept with a fag and left me on the ground bleeding. That’s a slut for you.
- Dean-
I ripped the flyers one by one and she saw Deans face. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Well getting my revenge my sweet.” he snapped his fingers and all the students it seemed came at his beck and call. shit! I thought
“You’re a liar you know. You wasn’t bleeding on the ground and you know your just mad that you cant get to me now.”
“Oh really? Wheres your boyfriend? Skipping school like always?”
“He had stuff to do.”
“Like smoke weed. Get high. Drunk and bang a chick.”
“No that’s just you.”
A girl close to me grabbed my hair and yelled. “Shut up you whore!”
I pushed her back and glared. “Kinda sad when you need the school against me.”
He shrugged. “I just have lots of friends. Unlike you.”
I just glared.
“Well guys have fun. I see you later sexy.” He winked and walked off.

All day I was hiding. Running and actually in a fight although I lost. I keep getting text messages telling me I need to die or how im a fat loser. I know its words but it still hurts. I came home to an empty apartment. Good now I can cry in peace. I walked to the bathroom of Shawns I stripped down and sat in the now filled tub. I hugged my legs and just cried. I can never leave him. He will follow me till I die. I hate that I met him.
“Samantha? You home?” A voice came. I sat my legs down and washed my face to hide the tears.
“In the bathroom.”
I saw Shawn come in all smiling. “So your birthday is soon….. What do you want?”
I shrugged. “Anything would be ok I guess…” I held my legs tight to my chest. Remembering those text messages. Those punches from people who don’t even know me makes me cry and I didn’t mean to but I did. I hid my face forgetting Shawn was still there. “Whats wrong?”
“Just a bad day…..”

It got worse. I got shoved in the lockers and I got beaten in the bathrooms. Behind the gym anywhere a teacher cant see. I hid my abuse from my friends for as much as I could. I felt happier with them but when I came to school I was alone. I was in the bathroom stalls when I heard girls laughing.
“So what should we do about that train wreck?”
“Don’t know but she just needs to die and I mean soon.”
“We can always run her over or----” They stopped and then laughter came about then they were gone. This pain in my chest can never go away. My parents havent spoken to me in weeks and now my friends don’t come to school to even be here. No one really cares if I die right? No Shawn cares. It was true all this time he’s been cheering her up. I walked out of the restroom and on to class. Once school was over I just walked hands shoved in her jacket and walked until a car came at me, I tried to move but it was to fast. I was on my stomach and I looked up at three mean girls looking at me from their car. “oops sorry didn’t see trash there” Then they threw their cold drinks on me and sped off. I got to her feet. I cried all the way home and didn’t go home at all. Once I got to the apartment I didn’t feel like facing them so I left my bag and ran away. I ran to the park and sat on the bench. I hugged my legs. I was soaked and sticky. My face had marks on it and my body hurt like hell but I don’t wanna go home and tell my friends my problem……
Its gonna be okay…. Right?

Weeks dragged on and she hid all day in the stalls. Scared to face them all. She cried so much that she couldn’t take it anymore. Even Shawn was distant to her. She sat on the bed that was Shawns, still is. It wont be hers for long. She grabbed a stool and stepped on it and put her head through the rope and was about to kick the stool but then Claire came in.
“Sam?” Her voice shook.
“I cant do this. He follows me…..I give up I love you all of you….Goodbye….”tears filled my eyes as I kicked the stool, I heard Clair’s scream and her yelling for help and that’s where it all went dark.

Chapter 5


I heard voices from afar then a boy crying. I felt a hand holding mine. I heard Claires crying. Shane cursing even he was crying. And the boy who was crying and holding my hand was Shawn. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a hospital. I sat up slowly and all my friends then looked at me.

“Your alive!” Shawn cried. Tears streamed his cheeks.
“What the hell were you thinking! Leaving us!” Claire was an emotional wreck.
“We saw that suicide note. Be glad Claire told us before you really died.”
I looked down.
“Whats going on baby.”
I looked at him. “Dean got the whole school against me. I get texts….I get hit….I got ran over by a car……its not just Dean its everybody….. And they are after me cause I left him for a real man. And they hate that I angered him.” I let it all out. I held my face. Then I went on. “I couldn’t take it. You guys were too busy…..I had noone to face. My parents don’t bother to call me……and I just gave up……cause people wanted me gone so I was gonna give them what they wanted.”
“You coward!” Shane spited.
“Shane don’t. Sam is sensitive and she couldn’t handle it.”
“Why didn’t you tell us baby?”
“Because you guys helped me with Dean and I didn’t want to burden you so I thought I could take it then…..I I don’t know…….I guess I am a coward.”
“You try that crap again and im not gonna like you. This crap you pull is a burden to us------”
“but if you would of told us we would of went to school and fixed it! Not let it go so far into suicide!”
I looked at Shane. Of course hes right. I sucked it up and nodded at him. “Your right. Im sorry.”
“Just be glad your alive so you can watch me kick Deans ass.”
Shawn winked. For the first time in forever I smiled a real smile and felt good again.

It was my birthday and my parents still havent contacted me. What asses. I came into the apartment and saw noone was home. I sighed. I got another text. I just sat my phone on the counter and went for the shower. Its been a week since my suicide attempt. What was I thinking. Leaving Shawn to suffer. No way. Before I went in the shower I did exercises in the bedroom. Naked. And of course Shaw walks in on my while I was touching my toes.
“That’s a wonderful site.” He said behind me and then grabbed my butt I snapped up and pulled away.
“Back off perv im doing exercises.”
“Your gross.”
“Your sexy.”
“I love gross.”
“I love sexy.”
“Then we have a deal your gross and im sexy.”
We kissed on it and it got really hot. He lifted me up to have me around his waist and I let him lift me. He laid me down and kissed my neck then my breasts and my tummy and he went in between. I moaned and I was hot red.
“M-Maybe we could have you know.” He stood on his knees on the bed and kissed my breasts once more and looked at me.
“You mean sex?”
I nodded.
“If you want.” He stripped, locked the door, then put me on top of him. He laid on the bed and I sat on him. I was red. He grasped my breasts and squeezed them. I moaned.
I bent down and kissed his neck, found his turn on spot. He flipped me on my back and went in between my legs. He thrusted in me with his fingers. Making me moan a lot.
“Wait I wanna do a position.” He looked at me as he was getting ready to stick it in.
“okay.” He already knew what position- we told each other everything. And I mean everything!-. He flipped me on my tummy and thrust inside me as he leaned over holding my waist. I moaned and it hurt so bad but felt so good.
After the thrusting was done and they were on the bed side by side together panting they looked at each other. “You were amazing.”
He hugged her closer to him. “You were cute making moaning noises. Makes me wanna do it again just to hear it.”
“Secousse.” I sputtered.
“Its French. I just called you a jerk in French.”
“Sweet got insulted in French!”
She laughed. “je t'aime!” I spoke in her sexy French accent.
“Ooooh hot! What does that mean?”
“I love you.”
“Speak more French its hot.”
I sighed. “Shall I call you pig or gross.”
“Hey Shane can be the pig I am gross remember.”
I giggled and hugged him. “ Vous voulez prendre une douche avec moi?”
“Want to shower with me?”
“You just said that in French?”
He hopped out of bed and lifted me over his shoulder and ran to the bathroom. Who knew French could do this to a man. But I liked it. We ended up taking a 3 hour shower cause I kept turning him on by talking French finally we got out and dressed. I came out in a dress shirt. I saw food out and looks like it was home cooked.

“Cela ressemble tellement incroyable!” I smiled as they all looked at me like I was speaking tongues. “I said 'This looks amazing'.”
“In French! Can your girl do that?” Shawn smirked.Shane glared and rolled his eyes.
I rolled my eyes as well and sat at the coffee table. They joined me and as I looked around I couldn’t help but to smile. “I cant believe how amazing you guys are.”
“How amazing are we!?” Merissa asked.
“So amazing that if you guys weren’t here I’d be dead by now.”
“Then im so glad we are here!” Shawn said and hugs my neck and kissed my head. They all laughed and gave cheers to the night that was drama free.

The next day they all went to school. Shawn held my hand as I walked in the school building.
“Well look at you. Having your body guard back! Oh and I see the sluts got a hoe of herself.” Dean put his face in Shawns.
“Back off Dean!” I hissed and then got in front of Shawn.
Dean looked at me now and said. “What are you gonna do slut? I have the whole school out for you so watch what you say bitch.”
I bit my lip and looked up at him. “you’re a coward and pathetic. Get on with your life already. Its sad to see you this obsessed.”
The punch I didn’t see come neither did any of her friends but Shawn was the first to hit him it the nose. I was held by Shane as I saw Shawn getting slammed to the ground and then getting hit. I screamed and jumped on Deans back and trying hard to choke him instead he rammed me in the lockers and it felt like the breath got knocked out of me but I still held on and made myself to bite his neck as hard as I could and I seem to have bite so hard to make him fall on his knees and I got down and kicked him in the side making him fall to the other side. I felt breathless and I collapsed to my knees. Dean sat up and held his neck. “You little bitch. Run.”
“Now!” He got up and so did I, I turned around and ran through the halls running my heart out and I got outside to the November cool air. I hide behind the library. I watched them as the students went looking in the wrong direction. I sighed in relief.
“You really think you could be safe here?” A voice spoke behind me. I turned to see a tall slender girl. It was one of those girl who were in the car. “Your never gonna be safe anymore.” I gulped and ran back to the doors and not paying attention I rammed into somebody, they grabbed me by the shoulders and thinking it was Dean I started screaming and squirming until I heard his voice.
“Chill out baby. Your okay I got you.”
I looked at him and melted in his arms. “God you scared me.”
“I noticed.” I was calm for the moment until we both heard a scream. We looked around. I saw Claire getting thrown down and then they were kicking her, the were two guys. I ran up to them and covered Claire and they were really enjoying my back. I looked at Claire.
“My b-baby…. Is it ok.”
“You----blocked you tummy didn’t you?” She nodded. “Then your baby should be fine. Now run.” I lifted my body and stood her up and shoved her off. I felt Shawns body behind me and his arms around me.
“We need to get out of here.”
“But Shawn----”I didn’t have time to have my say since he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front of the school and sat me on the steps. I hugged my knees. “Their never going to stop….”
“They will…..”
“You bet they will.” Shane came up to the steps. I looked at him and notice Claire is gone.She was right beside me a bit ago...
“Wheres Claire?” A scream answered that. It was the loudest scream I ever heard that. We all ran to the scream and we saw Claire up against the wall and Dean holding a gun to her. He was kissing her neck and I saw her eyes closed and her breathing coming out in sobs.
“Now look what you done baby. You brought your pack.” Dean smirked and pulled a chunk of Claire’s hair to bring her face to his. “Now what will do?”
I started to step but I heard the gun start up and him saying. “Come closer and your friend will die along with her baby.”
When he put the gun to where the baby whom would be that brought Claire in tears. “Please don’t hurt my baby” She sobbed, her face was wet and scared. She looked so weak and like a scared child herself.
Dean held her head by her hair and then kissed her head. “Now now little baby you will die with it so you get your baby with you. Now arent I nice?”
He was about to pull the trigger just when I saw he stopped himself. “Unless….I get some from you…..we can even make your boyfriend watch.”
Claire looked mortified and she looked like she wanted to say fuck no but he didn’t give her that chance. He slammed her up against the wall,I could tell it hurt her. “It looks like your boyfriend doesn’t give a shit about you Claire.” I followed Claires gaze and I saw Shane walking off. Its not like him to leave. He was up to something I could feel it. I looked back at Claire and it looked like she gave in and just let him kiss her like a piece of her died once Shane left. I gritted my teeth and wanted to go to her but Shawn had me and it seemed he was telling me it was gonna be okay. I looked at Claire and saw from behind Dean, Shane was creeping up so swiftly with out a sound. Shane pulled out a gun of his own and then put it to deans head and started it up, but didn’t pull the trigger. “I give you five seconds to drop your gun and get you filthy hands off my girlfriend.”
Dean let go of Claire and put his hands up then turned to Shane. I saw the smile of what couldn’t be good if it was coming from Dean. Shane was still holding his gun when he looked at Claire. “Go to Sam.”
Claire did and I wrapped my arms around her. Shane was looking at me now. “Take her and leave. I am right behind you.”
I nodded and took Claire, Shawn was right beside us. I heard Shane’s foot steps behind me until they stopped. Claire turned around to scream. “Shane!” it was too late and the gun shot. Shane was a foot away from Clair when he stopped. His eyes widen and he collapsed to his knees and fell on his stomach.
Claire rushed to him and saw his back was shot, I saw it too and I almost fainted but Shawn was holding me up thank god.
“Shane wake up!” Claire shook Shane and looked at her hand to see blood on it. “Call the ambulance!”
Shawn took out his phone and dialed. Claire stripped her jacket and was already pressing it to Shane’s bare back. I knelt down beside her and helped her as we waited for sirens to come.

It was a long wait in the waiting room, Claire couldn’t stop crying and she was thinking the worst things possible. “Its going to be ok.”
“No its not! He got shot! All because I couldn’t----” She held her head and laid on Shawn’s shoulder. Shawn was holding her and kissing her head like a big brother would do. He spoke in calmness. “Its going to be okay.” Shawn held my hand and we spent hours in silent just hoping that Shane would see another day.

Chapter 6


The doctor finally came to us. Merissa was the first to be up, she got there about an hour ago. “Is my brother okay!?”
The doctor looked at us and then said. “He should be fine. He is out of surgery and in recovery. You may see him now.”
With that we ran to his room he gave us and came in to see him awake and looking at the tv.
Claire ran to him and hugged his head before he could say one word to us. She was crying again. Poor Clare. Shane sighed understanding why she’s crying and he held her side. “Im okay baby.” He assured her when she let him go. Claire whipped her eyes but the tears kept coming.
“Claire calm down honey your gonna hurt the baby if you keep stressing and dwelling.” He said as he took her hand. She nodded and hid her face in the crane of his neck. Shane held her so tenderly and lovingly like she was gonna disappear from him forever.
“Do you hurt?” Merissa asked.
“A bit. I have to stay over night but they said I could leave tomorrow.”
“That soon?” I asked.
“Yep seems like I had a flesh wound.” That was a relief to me cause god if anything happened to him. I shivered at the thoughts that fogged my mind.
I looked at them. “Im so glad your okay….god if you would of…..” I couldn’t even finish the words. “Your not going near him……any of you….this is gonna be me and his fight im not having anyone else hurt.”
“No way that’s our choice Sam” Shawn protested, I looked at him.
“If you love me at all you guys would just back off alright.” I couldn’t stand Shane like this, he got lucky this time but what if next time he dies and he will leave his family. “I have to go.” I ran out of the room and down the hall.
“Wait!” Shawn yelled down the hall and caught up to me, he put his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t do this baby.”
I shook my head. “He’s gonna get killed again! He cant do this! He has a family now!” I felt the tears running down my cheeks, knowing im crying. “And if you get hurt……if Claire….I cant do this anymore.” I pushed him off and ran out of the hospital and got the gun out of Shawn’s car. I put it in my jacket and ran off when Shawn was coming out. I looked over my shoulder and knew he saw me. I crossed the road, texted Dean and ran to Central park.
I saw Dean looking at me as he stood at the bench where I told him to be when I got there. “So what did you want bitch.”
“To end this.” I pulled out the gun and held it up to him, not really steady as I hoped to be. He smirked and smacked the gun out of my hand.
“You are one stupid slut. Since your hear I guess I can have some fun.”
I gritted my teeth and kicked him in his manhood and I was stunned that I did. I watched him as he was curled up in pain. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, I felt pain welling up for Shane and that just made me shake more.
He started to get up. “So what your gonna shoot? Go ahead….” He smirked. “I see you in hell.”
I cried and just collapsed to my knees and drowning in my own tears, I dropped the gun, watched it slide away from me. Whats the use? If I kill him then I would die to. I saw him pick up the gun and then pointed it to my head. I looked down waiting for the death that came for me cause of my own stupidity. He pulled me up by my messy bun and held me to a position that made me look at him. “I don’t want my time wasted so either you or me will die and if its not me…..well sluts don’t deserve to live.”
We both looked to our sides and saw Shawn standing there. “Get the fuck away from my girlfriend!” He had a bat in his hand. “I wont hesitate to beat the living fuck out of you!”
Dean smirked and then shoved me toward Shawn, Shawn dropped the bat and wrapped his arms around me. I watched Dean as he shoved the gun in his pocket. “I will be nice….but next time tame that bitch or she will get shot.” and with that he was walking off.
I looked at Shawn and saw he was angry. He looked down at me and then calmly said. “You okay?”
I nodded.
“Don’t run off like that again. I made you a promise and im keeping it. So stop making it difficult. I love you and damn it im having you alive!”
I looked up at him and then slid my arms in his jacket.
“I don’t want to see you die though.”
“I wont unless you run off on me again, Samantha…..I cant keep you safe if you don’t stay with me.”
I nodded. “Im sorry Shawn.” He kissed my head and held my hand all the way back to his car.

“Happy birthday!!!” My mom yelled with excitement.
“Weeks to late mom.” I finally gave in and answered when she called.
“Yeah I know. A lots been happening is all.” She said.
“Like what?”
“Since you left-------”
“I was thrown out” I interrupted in anger.
“--- your father’s been on edge lately. I just hope he gets better when the baby comes.”
“Your still bringing a child into the world knowing your husband is an abuser?”
“Samantha he hasn’t laid a finger on you since the incident!”
“He pushed me! He threw me out!!”
“He is sorry about that Sammy. He wants you to come home”
“Hell no! I’m not coming home to be his fucking punching bag and you cant make me!”
“Your seventeen we can get cops over!” My mom yelled.
“Don’t try that bullshit with me. I tell them everything dad has done even the shit you don’t know!” I hung up and clutched the phone to my chest. I held my face with my other hand and the tears escaped my eyes. How I wish I was eighteen and an orphan or my father was gone! He controls everything. Hell he has my mom so brain washed that she is defending the bastard…..
I laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Nobody was home right now but I know Shawn would come in soon, see her crying like the baby I am. I sighed and whipped off the tears and dropped my phone. I went to take a shower and got in some shorts and a sweater that’s Shawn’s of course. I laid back on the bed. I laid on my stomach and my chin laid over my folded arms. My hair was soaked and all over the place, it seemed like it to me. After a bit of thinking I finally put my ear buds in and started to play music on my ipod. With that I fell asleep.

A hand skimmed my back and then stroked my hair. Then my cheek. Lips met mine and brought me awake to see Shawn looking at me. “Hey baby.”
“Hi.” I said still half asleep. I saw it was dark in the room, the only light that filled the room was the light coming from the living room.
“Dinners ready if you wanted it. I didn’t want to wake you, cause you look so cute when you sleep.”
I smiled and sat up slowly. I saw how close he was, close enough to make my way into his lap. I sat in his lap and snuggled my head in the crane of his neck. “Okay im ready to go.”
He chuckled and I felt myself being lifted. I was close to asleep when I heard voices of my other friends. “Awwe is she sleeping?” I heard Claire asked.
“I guess so.” Shawn spoke and I felt I was sitting on something now but I was still leaning against Shawn so I guess I am sitting on someone and that would be Shawn.
“She looks so cute.” Merissa said.
“Until she bitches at you for not cleaning the dishes.” Shane added amusement. Oh when I wake up he is gonna hear a lot of bitching.
“Shut up Shane. I think shes cute even when she yells or is upset.” Shawn laughed and kissed my head. “Honey.”
“Huh…..” I made a lazy huh noise. I curled in a ball and cuddeled more against his chest. I felt his hands rubbing my arm.
“Its dinner time.”
“So when its batman time then wake me.”
“Batman?” Shane asked.
“Her favorite cartoon.” Shawn explained. “Baby come on you need to eat. I made your favorite and after you eat you can go back to bed.”
My favorite? God I love this dude! I opened my eyes and rubbed them then I stretched with a yawn and looked up at him. “Well put it that way, I can totally go for tacos.” I got up and sat down. Shawn joined me at my side and started to dig in on his own.
“So my parents want me back home.” I finally said to end the agony silence.
“What? Your not going to are you.”
“No, I don’t want to but my mom threatened to call the cops, so I don’t have much choice but to go back.”
“That’s just fucked up.” Shane said.
“They cant do that! Can they?” Merissa asked.
“Well by law they can.”
“No im going to tell them what that mans done to me.” Even the things I left untold from my mother and friends….even Shawn.
“Has he done anything more? Like worse then hit or push you.” Claire asked. I looked at her then at everyone else and I looked back at her. “No…. I need a shower.” I got up and excused myself from the table and took my shower. My mind was spinning hard. I should go back but only to keep my friends out of danger. I got out and started packing after getting clothed. After I was done packing my crap Shawn came in.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Going to my parents.”
“Your going back?”
“Yes. For a while. See if they changed at all if not then im out.”
“What if they wont let you leave?” He glided to me but we just stood a foot apart. I looked at him then shrugged.
“I guess I endure it till im eighteen. Plus I need to look after my mom and sibling….”
“Don’t Shawn. Please.”
He looked heart broken but he didn’t argue. I looked away so I wouldn’t shed tears. “Can you give me a ride?”
I nodded. I heard a sad sigh from him. “Fine.”
He grabbed his keys and dropped me off. I looked back at him and saw his facial expression was angry and sad. I leaned in the car window and said. “I love you.”
“Love you to” He muttered back, not even looking my way. I looked at him then sighed. “Im sorry.” and with that I left to go into the house that I once loved to be in but now its hell to me.

Its been a week since I moved back. Dad’s been more violent and Shawn is being distant. It feels like im always doing something wrong. Im the one who always says sorry or oops. Why cant they say that to me. I was sitting in my bed looking at my phone. I sent him so many text messages its not funny. I think he is really upset about my decision.
“Sam!” My dad yelled. Great. I came to see what he wanted and he looked pissed off. “I told you to clean the dishes!”
“Im sorry. I do them now.”
“No don’t even bother! You useless shit!” When I tried to do them he pushed me away and I landed back on my butt. I sat up and looked down. My eyes filled with tears as I scrambled to my feet and ran off to my room I slammed my door and slid to the floor. I cried for a bit then decided to text Shawn. No reply. I called him then.
“Hello?” He didn’t sound so happy.
“Hey honey.”
“Oh. Hey.”
“Why haven’t you been answering my texts or my calls?”
“Been busy.” What happened to the boy that she fell in love with? This sounds like a guy that she doesn’t like at all.
“Doing what?”
“Nothing. Do you want something?” He asked in a tone that made her froze and shake.
“No forget it. Its nothing.”
“What is it Samantha?” No he sounds annoyed. Why is he being like this?
“What’s wrong? Your usually happy.”
“Well your not the only one with problems. I need my space okay.”
“Wait what’s the matter? Maybe I can help.”
“You’ve done enough okay, look if you don’t need anything then just leave me alone. And stop texting me so damn much. A guy needs his space.” He grumbled and hung up. I stood there looking at my phone, speechless. I cant take this anymore. I clutched my phone in my hand and then dialed him again. He picked up and before he could snap at me I got to it first. “Fine you want to be alone then your alone! To think you were different! Shows how blind I was by love. No love fucks me over every fucking time. Go to hell and take your stupid memories with you. You jackass liar!” I screamed and then throw my phone at the mirror. I watched it clash and pieces flew out and I heard his voice calling my name, his tone was now worried. I collapsed to the ground and curled in a ball. Crying and hyperventilating over this. I couldn’t stop the tears. The only person who never pushed me away, just did and it killed me inside. He’s just like my father and my ex. I don’t know what happened next, it was blurry and unclear. I heard someone open my door.
“Honey?” I saw women’s shoes come into my view and then it just all went black.

I woke up in a bed. A hospital bed. Not again! I sat up and saw Shane passed out on the couch holding sleeping Claire. Shawn right beside me and holding my hand, memories flooded and I snatched my hand away from the man who hurt me. I saw him wake up and see me up.
“Your okay!”
“I am but you wont be if you don’t leave.” I snapped and saw Shane and Claire waking up and seeing me up. Claire jumped up and came at my side.
“Honey! Its good to see your awake!”
“So you wanna tell us why I had to pick you up from your floor last night and there were cuts all over you, your phone was in the mess of glass too.”
“Ask the guy who did that to me. Im sure he would love to tell you.” I glared at Shawn and then got up.
“Look I didn’t mean what I said Sam.”
“Sure like my dad doesn’t mean to hurt me. Or Dean didn’t mean to abuse me. You know you haven’t hit me but you abused me to. Emotionally. You’re the one person I could talk to but your just a disappointment to me like all the people who hurt me. Save yourself the begging. You screwed up and im done saying sorry!” I choked on the last part, I looked down to hid my pain.
“Guys a moment.” I guess Claire and Shane agreed silently cause after a minute or two the door shut.
“Just go away Shawn. You done enough okay. You had your part of me so just go like all the others.” I got on the bed and held my head.
“Sammy….” I felt his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head.
“I know this……I will forgive you and then you will do it all over. that’s how Dean started and my dad.” I sobbed and held my hands over my face. He removed my hands and whipped my tears.
“Don’t forgive me right away. I was a jackass liar.”
I sniffed. “You heard that? I was hoping you were to pissed off or I don’t know something that didn’t make you hear me.”
“Heard every word and the crash too. Heard your sobbing and hyperventilating that’s why I sent Claire and Shane to check on you. Well I came to but I was in the car. When I saw you passed out in Shane’s arms…..god it killed me…..I hate myself for making you hurt. Of all people I did that. You don’t deserve that. Not again and not ever. Im not expecting forgiveness or you wanting me back……im just so sorry that I did that to you.”
I looked at him and whipped my eyes. “If I forgive you…..will you stay this way? The Shawn that holds me when im upset and comforts me…..that got me this far in my life.” He held my hands and kissed them. He looked at me and said. “I made a promise and this is a promise I shall keep. No matter how mad I get or upset……I shall never take it out on you. I will be that Shawn that I know I am. The Shawn that loves you too much to let you go….”
I sobbed and hugged his neck. “Sorry I said what I did. I don’t want you to go to hell. Its too hot.”
He kissed my hair and said. “I burn in flames over and over just for you. I will walk all the million miles just to get to you. Sam I mean it when I say these things and last night was hell for me. Watching you cry. And squirm in my arms. It was scary for me.”
“I just don’t get why you didn’t answer me….or talk to me for the past week.”
“It was too hard….with you gone I realized I needed you more then ever and to let you go…..hurt me and seeing you wanting to leave killed me too.”
“I only left cause my mom was gonna call the cops. I don’t want you to go to jail.”
“Why would I go to jail?”
“Your eighteen. Im seventeen. We had sex. Which is against the law right?”
“No. if I was older then 21 then yeah I’d be in jail, you shouldn’t worry about me though.”
“I cant help it. I love you and I just I don’t know. I wanna be there for you like you’ve been there for me.”
“And you are.”
“If I was we wouldn’t be here since you would of talked to me and we wouldn’t have had that fight.”
He nods. “Your right. Im truly sorry baby”
“Your forgiven but do this again and its really over.”
“I wont I swear.”
“Promise baby.”
I smiled and kissed his lips. His lips felt so amazing since the last I kissed them.

“You know you forgot my birthday.” I looked up at him as I was walking around the complex apartments with him. He looked down at me and then smirked. “Lots been going on sweetie. But I do got a present.”
“Y-you do” I asked and turned to him slightly, walking sideways
“Shawn I was just kidding. You didn’t need to give me anything.”
“Too bad. I did. You’re my girlfriend and I love spoiling my baby when I can.”
He turned to me and stopped walking, that made me stop and stand beside him and turn to him. I saw he dug in his big pants pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.
“No Shawn really-----” I gasped when he opened it and saw it was a golden ring with a diamond heart in the middle.
“Im not proposing, I mean if your thinking that. Its my mothers ring. She gave it to me just the other day since I wouldn’t shut up about what to give you so she gave me that. She said that my father gave it to her on her birthday. I tried that but we were too busy and…..well I know its not our anniversary or your birthday but----”
“This doesn’t have to be my birthday or an anniversary to be special. Just being with you anytime makes every time special. I love it.” I said and put it on my third finger on my left hand. “im going to still think of it as an engagement ring ya know.”
He thought about it then took the ring off my finger. Before I even had the chance to protest he silenced my lips with his then got down on one knee and held my hand. He looked in my eyes and said. “Samantha James Harris….I know we are young and people may say we are young foold but im not a fool when I say…I want you as mine and not anyone else. Will you be my wife in a near future. Will you be the women who wakes up every morning with me and goes to sleep every night….will you be the women who will have my children?”
I stood there so shocked that I was tongue tied. I stood there for so long that Shawn was awkward. “S-Sam?”

Chapter 7


I looked down at the man I love who just proposed to me shocked but happy although scared too.
“Yes!” I sputtered out finally.
“You will?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times yes!” I pulled him up, jumped on him. My arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. I kissed his lips and put the ring back on my left hand third finger. “Your serious too?”
“Of course baby. I meant every word.”
I hugged him more and squealed in excitement then slid down. “I need to go tell Claire! The whole world!” I was literally jumping up and down. I skipped off towards Shawn’s apartment, almost busted the door trying to get in. luckily my fiancée helped me get it opened, laughing as well. I came in and yelled. “Everyone! Everyone!” I looked at my friends. Shane and Claire cuddled on the couch and Merissa on her laptop. They were looking at me.
“What is it miss bouncy?” Shane asked he found my excitement amusing too.
“Girl jump any higher and you will go through the old granny’s floor.” Claire joked as she smirked and laughing too.
“Why are you happy? Your usually depressed.” Merissa added and sipped her drink that laid by her laptop.
“He…He proposed to me! Shawn proposed! Im engaged!!!”
Claire looked stunned her mouth dropped, Shane looked more surprised then Claire. Merissa almost choked on her drink and she started hacking.
“That’s right. We are to be married.” Shawn said as he put his arms around my waist from behind.
“Our Shawn? The Shawn that cant commit to anything unless you beat him up?” Shane asked, looking at me.
“I know. I was shocked too.”
“For god sake I am pregnant and Shane still hasn’t asked that question.” She glared at Shane her arms folded across her chest.
“Whoa baby we talked about it. I don’t want to get married just cause your pregnant.” That wasn’t helping Shane at all. Claire sighed and got up. She came to squeeze me and hugged Shawn. “Congrats you two. Now all you need to do is get Shane to propose to me.”
“Baby!” Shane warned
Claire sighed and looked back made a face at Shane then walked out.
“Shane I say this with love…..Shawn has more game then you. You just suck at this game.” Merissa came to us and hugged me then squeezed Shawn. She made him bend down to her level, she was a short little sixteen year old. She kissed his cheek then smiled. “Im happy for you two. Always knew you guys would make awesomeness together!” She laughed and then said. “I should check on Claire since her boy made her left again. Bye.” She added and walked out ignoring Shane’s protests.
Shane sighed and held his head.
“Shane are you going to ask her to marry?” I asked.
“Not now. I mean later when we get our act together I mean we just made a kid. Now she wants marriage too?”
“Well believe it or not she would want to settle down….I mean she wanted to be married or at least engaged before having kids.”
Shane looked at us then put on his poker face then asked. “Can you guys help me? Its December 1st tomorrow and I think I wanna propose to her on Christmas eve.”
“Are you serious?”
“My Claire deserves the best. So I shall be the best. If she wants to marry then I say lets do it.”
“Christmas eve is not that far away!”
“Yeah its like 23 days away?”
“So we have 23 days to find a gorgeous ring!” I squealed.
“23 days to make sure she has the perfect Christmas.”
“Then its settled.” Shawn nodded and with that it was agreed.

Time passed on and when I was at home it never felt like Christmas was around the corner. My parents have been arguing nonstop, and they still wanna bring an innocent child into then fucked house. I was coming downstairs for some food when I saw my dad yelling at my mom. She looked so fragile standing with her arms blocking from a future attack. And that’s what he just did. He lunged for her and pushed her into the wall so hard that she didn’t awake or move. I dropped my cell phone that I was holding and then rushed over to her. “What did you do you crazy man!” I shouted. I lifted her head and put it on a pillow then saw my hand covered in blood. I gasped and rushed to my phone and was about to dial 911 when my father slammed me in the wall and shouted. “Don’t you call them!”
“My mother is hurt you bastard your baby is gonna die!”
“It doesn’t matter im not going to jail for her faults!” that made me so mad that I punched his face-broke my hand in the process but still got him on the ground-
“Go to hell.” I dialed 911 and told them the whole situation then went to my mom. I took off my jacket and pressed it against her head, that made her moan in pain.
“Its okay mommy…..just stay with me okay.” I bent over her and kissed her head. I suddenly felt a hard thing hit me and I turned to see my dad just hit me with a lamp. I stood up and blocked the next attack. “The hell is your problem!”
“I didn’t want kids! I never did. But I wanted your mom….and she had to get pregnant with you!” I saw him looking- glaring- at my mom who had her eyes half shut.
“Mom keep your eyes opened damn it! Think of your baby! Think of my baby sister or brother! You wanted another child and now your given that chance so keep awake!”
I just then got rammed into the wall, the lamp going in my chest. I grunted and glared at my dad. “You sick bastard! Get away from me.”
“Sammy…..” My mom voiced in a whisper. She looked weak and tired.
“Don’t let dad do this! don’t let him kill our family! don’t let him kill my baby sibling! You hear me!” The pressure left my chest and then hit my head, I was slammed on the ground. I yelped and propped my elbows up and saw my phone just inches away. I reached for it and grabbed it before he could pull me away. I flipped on my back, lifted my leg and kicked him over to have him fall on his butt. I got up and started to drag my mother into our downstairs bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it. I called Shawn and told him what is happening when a large bang came from the locked door, making me scream and jump. I heard Shawn’s voice and I was to shaky to talk, so I just hung up, not meaning to though.

I grabbed a back scratchier that hung above the toilet and held it up. “Mama?”
“Don’t leave me with him….please god don’t.”
My mom made an effort to sit up against the wall. She looked shaking but determined. “After this….I make sure that ass is in jail….”
The bang came again and again until finally the door bashed open and there he was standing there. I charged at him knowing I wouldn’t miss but didn’t see the knife he held which went all the way into my stomach then he slashed it out and I hit the floor. I heard my mother scream then police men scream “Hands up.”
I felt hands on me and Shawn yelling my name. I saw Shane helping my crying mother up to her feet and put her in the ambulance’s hands.
“Baby…..come on stay up okay hear my voice!” Shawn turned me to face him and I made myself look at how bad it was….I saw my hand filled in blood and my shirt covered with blood. I looked up at Shawn. His eyes looked watery and tears were streaming my face. I lifted my clean hand and touched his cheek and said. “ I…love….you. I promised.” he knew what I was talking about to…and just then my eyes shut closed to sink into the dark pit of misery.

“Baby. Wake up.” My mom sniffed.
“Sammy….wake up please don’t do this….” Claire cried.
“I swear to god……you leave….” Shane sobbed.
My eyes popped open to look at the wet face that seemed familiar to me. I sat up and grunted in pain, forgetting about my wound.
“Thank heavens.” Claire sniffed.
“That’s my girl.” My mom smiled at me
Shane said nothing but looked at me like he couldn’t believe that I lived.
Merissa was there with tears running down her cheek and was holding my moms hand. Shawn kissed my hand then whipped his face.
“Damn it. Your erasing my manhood like that ya know.” Shawn joked. I smiled. I tried to talk but I couldn’t.
“The doc said that you probably cant speak cause of the shock. Im so sorry I put you through that Sam. I never intended that. I----god----im horrible.”
I gathered my strength up and spoke finally. “ Don’t say that. You did what you could. I did what I could to save you now all we can do is keep each other safe from him.”
My mom whipped her eyes and nodded. “I go see what the docters are up to.” I nodded and watch her go.
Claire wipes her eyes and says. “We can go get food then come back I think we cant get you anything though.”
“Why not?” I frowned.
“Your stomach.”
“Oh. Yeah. Damn dad.”
Shane chuckled but it was hollow. “Shawn will stay here while we pick up food. I think all u can eat is light crap and drink is water.”
“Lovely.” I muttered as they kissed my head and left.
I looked at Shawn and saw he was holding my hand and playing with my ring. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“I should be asking you that.” he looked painful.
“Im sorry, I didn’t mean to get stabbed I just----I needed to protect her or---I’d be stuck with him and then he would kill me too…..u should of heard him Shawn…..he said he never wanted me…”
I looked down and remembered when I was little he was kind I mean when I got in trouble he spanked me but he was never like this to me. The thoughts made me start to sob.
“Hey don’t cry baby girl.”
“I cant help it… seems like nobody wants me…..”
“Only Dean and your ass of a dad. But look at the people who want you that actually matters. Your mom. Claire. Shane. Merissa and me……your fiancée”
That thought made me smile and hug him. “I love you so much.”
“And I do to. Love you that is.” He laughed and kissed my lips. I smiled even wider. We were staring so intensely that we didn’t hear my mom come in, her clearing her throat brought us back. I looked at her.
“Sorry mama we didn’t hear you.”
“No its okay. So you and Shawn are….a thing now?”
“Actually we’re-----”
“Romantically involved!” Shawn chimed in. I wonder why he did that, just didn’t tell her that we are engaged.
“I just came in to tell you that your stomach is going to hurt over time… cant lift on heavy things or be all well normal. You can leave in four days but for now rest.”
I nodded. I saw Claire come in with food and she eyed me and came close to me. “Dean’s here.” She whispered in my ear then looked at me. I Must have had terror plastered all over my face cause my mom was looking at me with concern. Before I could wrap my head around the fact that my crazy ex was here, there he was at the doorway standing there. My mother turned to him and was kindly greeting him when Shawn stood up. Shane was coming around him and then stopped when he got a better look at him. Shane snarled and pulled my mother away from him and over to Claire.
“What are you doing here?” Shane asked.
“I heard that Sam was in the hospital.” He spoke and came to me. I saw that Shawn wanted to jump him but my hand was keeping him from doing so.
“Well then I leave you kids to it… I have to lie down anyways.” She looked at Dean. “Your Dean right?”
Just remembering my mother meeting him the first month we went out made my skin crawl. My mother smiled and said. “Well it was nice to see you again” She kissed my head and then walked out, closing the door.
“Okay well she’s gone. What do you want.”

Chapter 8


“Well I heard you were in the hospital. Wanted to check on my pray.” Shawn glared at Dean, looked like he wanted to kill him. Which I wouldn’t be surprised. I made a scowl at my ex boyfriend and edged closer to Shawn.
“Can you leave. Rules say no animals allowed.”
Dean looks around then looks at Shawn. “You heard the lady out you donkey. Take your dog and cow with you. I need to talk to my lady.”
I saw Shane’s face turn and his eyes dark and cold. Claire’s face was sad but pissed off to, she was hugging Shane’s arm so she wont be near Dean. Shawn was gripping my hand tight and I held on. “Shut up Dean. I found a man that’s all man unlike your sorry ass.” I snapped. Dean was about to grab my hospital gown when Claire pulled on him, making him stagger backwards. That didn’t help Claire cause when he fell back he took Claire with him. She landed on him. When she opened her eyes she saw where she was and she stood up so fast not giving him a chance to do what he would do when a girl is so close. She bumped into Shane’s arms and he held her in a protective manner. “You stay away from Sammy!”
Dean got to his feet and glared at her. “Wanna make me little whore?”
Shane stepped in and put his arm up to block Dean. “Alright enough damn it! Now you got nothing better to do then mess with us then leave now or I will make the docters take you out. If you have important shit to give out talk and leave.”

“Just wanted to say that the teachers are very worried about you….so are you friends at school.” His sly smile said it all that the whole thing was a lie.
“Wipe that smile off your face Dean I am not buying it!”
His smiled disappeared and was replaced with anger. “Well now look who’s growing a pair. I see we really don’t need to go easy on you then.”
Suddenly I really wanna punch my ex in his stupid face. I clenched the sheets and felt sharp pains in my stomach. I looked at him. “The next time you or one of your pawns come near me you really wont know whats coming.”
That made him laughed. “Sammy hitting? Please you couldn’t even shoot me… will you hurt me? Shane? Shawn you gonna use them? And your pregnant friend is useless so its likely you will cry then run away and hide like a baby that you are.”
“You need to go. Leave or I will have the docters escort you sorry butt out.”
Dean smirked and then got in my face. “Lets end this….come back to me and I make it worth your while.”
I stared at his blue eyes. How could someone have such lovely eyes and have a heat made out of coal. Its sad really. He was actually nice when we were going out. On the third to fourth month he changed. I realized that I couldn’t go back to a man that I never really love. Although it did hurt me to think this. I had to look away from those eyes I fell for. His hand was on my cheek and he was coming closer, I was stunned he was about to kiss me. I dodged his kiss and pushed him off. “Go. Now. Shawn is my boyfriend not you.”
Dean made a face that looked scary, it was the faces of hardness and very cold. “You will regret this. Shawn has nothing compared to me.”
“He has something you could never have.”
“That is?”
“A heart.” I held Shawn’s hand. “Leave.”
He growled and then stormed out nearly knocking over a nurse who was coming in.
“What’s his issue?” She asked.
“He got rejected.” Shawn smirked. He has the face of victory. I rolled my eyes then looked at my friends who was now sitting, Claire in Shane’s lap and they are sharing some fries. They smiled at me. I smiled back.
“Well it sounds like you can leave in a few days.” The nurse spoke. She smiled a white smile. She had blond hair and green, bluish eyes. Wow she was pretty. “ Seems like you’ll be out of here in no time flat. im Hannah so if you need anything at all then you call.” She smiled then nodded to my friends and walked out, shutting the door.
“First your father now your ex boyfriend……seems like your on a roll baby.” Shawn sat down. I giggled and grunted cause it hurt like a motherfucker when laughing.
“Yeah well what can I say.”
“When you go back to school, you need to be careful.” Shane stressed to me.
“Please you’re talking to the women who is always careful.” that earned me some eye rolls and laughs.
I laughed. Even though it hurt to laugh. It was worth the pain.

After a few weeks of staying home and being homebound I was feeling so much better. I really didn’t want to go back to school, knowing the school and drama bull shit I would have to put up with. Ugh! Besides school my home life has been on edge, not so bad that I wanna literally die but its just that Claire’s hormones are kicking in and damn she can be a bitch! I love her but she gets so snappy and very bossy. Shane has been on edge and doesn’t spend time so much at home, I mean he has work plus he goes to the jewelry store with Shawn like every night. I would love to help but I know that wont be happening for a while. Its just been crazy and it seems like something will go bad, I mean it always does at least with me and my shitty luck. With the shit that went down with Dean and my father this year kinda sucks. Speaking of my father I heard that he is on probation which when Shawn found out he got pissed off and said that he should pay with a way worse punishment then just probation. My mother went to her sisters which she hated since she would have to leave me but I told her that I would live with Claire for now. It seemed like a good thing. My mother needed her own time to herself just like I do.

It was a Thursday night and I was studying like mad since I had a test the next day which is my first day back to school since the incident. Yay. I was on Shawn’s- and mine- bed when I heard shouting through the walls. I sighed knowing Claire and Shane are at it again. I got up to see what was the fuss about. When I came into the living room I saw Shane standing at the front door, his face was red and so pissed off. I saw Claire at the table which was near the front door. Her hands on her hips and her face was the same as Shane’s. “What’s going on?” I asked.
“Why not ask the sleeze who got me knocked up!” Claire shouted not looking in my way at all, no her eyes were glued to Shane.
“Don’t say knocked up, it sounds like I had a one night stand with you or I did it on purpose.” Shane growled. He didn’t sound to happy, he sounded like Claire but only worse.
Claire put her arms across her chest. “Kinda seems like it’s a one night stand….since your hardly here.”
“I got shit to do Claire.”
“Of course, does it happen to be with another girl?”
“Of course not! Damn Claire chill out already!” Shane shouted. “You know I wouldn’t!”
“How can I know when you don’t tell me anything Shane! For all I know you could be getting another girl pregnant.”
“Shut up Claire! Just shut up you know good as well I don’t do that shit so don’t even!”
“Guys change Shane. I mean your always gone, always making up lame excuses when I want to make love I mean we hardly love each other! Its like we are not in a relationship.”
“Like I said Claire I have shit to do! I got work. After work I got school crap to do. Then I have to see that your taken care of as well!”
“Its not like you’ve been taking care of me!”
“That’s bull shit!”
“Its true….”Claire shook her head and looked away. “You make it sound like im another problem in your life…..” Her voice got quieter.
“Yeah well maybe the way your bit---” He stopped in mid sentence as he saw her face. I went beside her and got a better look at her. Her face was in shock like she couldn’t believe what she just heard. She looked down and her arms hung at her sides now.
“Claire I didn’t---”
“You did.” Claire looked at him. “If im another problem then screw you…..” She strutted to the door and pushed him out of the way and left with a slam of the door.

“Well go after her.” I said after a bit of silence.
“Forget it…..” He shook his head. “ I cant….she already hates me.”
“She will hate you more if you don’t go after her.”
Shane frowned and looked so sad now then mad. “Im so stupid…..I cant believe I said that.”
“You were mad now go after her. Before I kick your ass.” I started to shove him out. When he resisted I grabbed his hand and dragged him all the way to her apartment. I knocked and grabbed a hold of his sleeve of his shirt before he could make a run for it. Claire opened the door and saw me then him. “Don’t disturb me again.” She slammed the door in my face. At the moment I wont beat her up for it since I know shes already stressed and angry as it is. I sighed. “Claire come on let us talk about this.”
“Just go away.” It sounds like she is crying.
“Claire sweetheart please just----”
“I said go Shane. Just leave me alone!”
Shane looked so wounded and hurt along with confused at the time when he was going to leave and so was I we saw Shawn walking up to us.
“Whats up? I got off work now you wanna go to the Jewelry place before we get dinner.”
“Forget it….. I lost her.” His face looked hard and his eyes sad. “I screwed it up again…..” I see him thinking hard for a moment or two then he said. “You two go ahead.” He sat next to her door and hugged his legs, and put his head in his lap.
“You going to stay here all night?” I asked.
He didn’t answer and we tried everything to come home since it was cold but he refused. Finally we went upstairs and left him to it. I hope they can make peace. That night I went to bed hoping that Claire could be in the arms of her love just like I am now……


Im such an idiot. I said that to Claire and when I realized what I said she just left. I hate that I did that. She’s the only girl I loved since junior high. I saw Sam and Shawn watching me when I was so confused I mean I know Claire and I want to give her some space but then again I don’t. Finally I just sat beside Claire’s door and hugged my legs and lay my head in my lap. I heard Sam ask if I was going to stay here all night. I didn’t answer her but I knew that she knows I would. They tried to stay and talk me after it but after a while they gave up and left me where I was which was a good thing too cause I broke down after they made their exit. I knew I couldn’t loose my Claire. No matter who mean she can get I still love her. Guys say that women will be the death of them but for me its different. Claire makes me live again. Makes me want to live. And her having my baby is the greatest thing. It hurt that she accused me of cheating but I wouldn’t blame her. I admit that I have been a dick to her which I wont be anymore. After a lot of thinking I got up and drove to the store with my wallet ready I went to the Jewelry center in Walmart and bought Claire a ring not official one though but im doing my best till Christmas eve.

I got back to Claire’s apartment and sat back down where I was before. I stuffed the box in my jacket pocket and layed my head against the wall and closed my eyes to sleep. I dreamed about Claire and how our baby will be the cutest since its Claire’s if it was a girl she would be gorgeous like her mother. My daughter would be a heartbreaker I know that’s for sure. Or shes gonna make a guy work hard to get her.

“Shane?” a voice and a shake woke me up. When I awoke I saw it was daylight out. I looked to see who was shaking me and saw it was my beautiful girl I love.
“Claire.” I got to my feet and hugged her not caring that she tried to pull away. Finally she gave up and patted me on the back. “Claire baby.” I held her at arms length and then got down on my knees and hugged her waist, laid my head on her tummy. “ Im so sorry I never meant what I said please baby don’t yell at me….no on second thought yell at me…hit me…I deserve it.” I felt her fingers go through my hair and she kneeling down to me. I looked at her face as she stood on her knees and combed my hair with her slender long fingers.
“God you look like hell honey. Have you been out here all night?” She asked as she scanned me over. I saw she had tear stains on her cheeks, her eyes all red, her hair messy and she looked like a mess.
“W-well umm…” I really didn’t want to make her feel guilty cause knowing her she would…but I don’t know what else to say except something that she deserves to know. “You will never be a problem in my life.”
“What?” She stopped combing my hair and her hands slid to my chest. I took my chance and wrapped my arms around her.
“I was stupid last night……I have been a dick to you…I have been busy with something that I don’t want to say yet. Its nothing bad and I----”
She pressed a finger on my lips then spoke. “No. I know you wouldn’t cheat and I was out of line last night…..stop rambling like an idiot and just give me a morning kiss.” Which she didn’t let me say anything since she took action as she placed her lips to mine and hugged my neck making her get closer to me. Her chest to mine. Our bodies connected with each other. When we pulled away she placed her hands in my jacket pockets and smiled at me then her face turned into a confusion as she brought out the black velvet box. “What’s this.”
I bit my lip. I grabbed the box and took her hand. “Claire….I wanted to do this on Christmas eve and be all perfect but I don’t wanna keep secrets so I will just do it now…..” I opened the box and took a breath. “Claire Summers would you take a guy like me as a husband…er.. I mean would you make me the luckiest man alive if you be my wife as well as the mother of my child.”
I saw her face stunned as she saw the ring, she had to cover her mouth and started to tear up. “Baby? Are you ok?”
She nodded and then breathed the word I hoped for. “Yes….Yes Shane Davis I will be yours. A wife and a mother.” She put on the ring then jumped me which made me loose my balance and I fell with her on top of me, kissing me. Which hitting the ground on concrete is worth it when you have your girl all over you.

It was a bit after our fight when I got a knock on the door. I sucked up my tears and opened the door. I saw Samantha who looked so worried like a scared child who is in the middle of this. It hurt me to see her like that. I took my eyes off her and saw Shane then felt the emotions come up. I looked back at Sam and said. “Don’t disturb me again.” and slammed the door in her face which I knew it was mean but hey im in pain and I don’t feel like talking to them. As I thought more about the words he said I started to cry more.
“Claire let us talk about this.” Sam said through the door.
“Just go away!” I cried. My voice sounded like it was sobbing. Great.
“Claire sweetheart please just----” Shane started to say through the door.
“I said go Shane!” I cried again and walked to my kitchen. I got some food in me and sat on the couch. I don’t know how much I cried but I did. I decided to go outside for a bit I was hoping that Shane would be here but of course he wasn’t. I took a stroll to a near by park and looked at the stars till I was tired and finally I headed home, seeing no Shane what so ever which I wasn’t expecting. I closed and locked my door and went to my bed room. I plopped on my bed and finally cried myself asleep knowing that tomorrow I would have to face him since I am having his child. I always wanted a child. And Shane being the baby’s daddy was like a sign for me. I always loved him since grade school, although in grade school it wasn’t cool to have girls as friends so he resisted me until eighth grade and when he saw me then he was all over me. It was cute actually. We went out at the beginning of freshmen year and we been with each other since. I know im young to say this but I want to be with him for the rest of my life. Maybe he was right and I shouldn’t have been like that towards him. If I want him as mine then I gotta apologize. that’s what I will do. I dreamed of Shane that night oh and about our baby. I hope it’s a little boy so he will look like his daddy although if it’s a girl I know Shane would get very protective of her. I bet she will have a hell of a time finding a date to her first dance. I giggled at the thought when I was sleeping, at least I think I did.

I was awoken by the light shining in my window and knew it was morning. I got up and got a robe on not really caring how I look since I wasn’t going to school. I slid across my wooden floor to my kitchen as I got some food and started to eat. I did my morning puking and brushed my teeth afterwards and then headed out to go check to see if my morning paper came, that’s when I saw Shane sitting there shivering as he had his head against the wall and his legs sprawled out. I held his shoulder and shook him softly. “Shane?”
I saw him awake and looked around as if he was surprised to see it was daylight out then when he saw me he shot to his feet.
“Claire.” he said and hugged me, I started to resist him but I finally gave in and stopped. “Claire baby.” he held me at arms length. He then got down on his knees and laid his head on my tummy and said. “I’m so sorry I never meant what I said please baby don’t yell at me….no on second thought yell at me…hit me…I deserve it.” My fingers went through his hair and kneeled down to him. I still combed his hair with my fingers as I looked in his eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes that make me melt into him.

“God you look like hell honey. Have you been out here all night?” I scanned him over and his eyes were red and nose was pink. His face was white which made me know that he was out here all night. I saw him watching me to as he said. “Well…umm” which he usually says that when he is lost with words. I was about to tell him forget it when he blurted out. “You will never be a problem in my life.”
“What?” I stopped combing his hair and slid my hands on his hard chest. He took his chance and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
“I was stupid last night……I have been a dick to you…I have been busy with something that I don’t want to say yet. Its nothing bad and I----” I pressed my finger to his lips since I really didn’t want to hear it, I didn’t want to talk about that night. I knew I was being mean last night and I don’t want him to feel like that. We both said hurtful things and I don’t want him to say sorry cause he was right.
“No. I know you wouldn’t cheat and I was out of line last night…..stop rambling like an idiot and just give me a morning kiss.” Which I didn’t let him say anything since I took action as I placed my lips to his and hugged his neck making me get closer to him. his chest to mine. Our bodies connected with each other. When we pulled away I placed my hands in his jacket pockets and smiled at him then I felt my face turn into a confusion as I brought out the black velvet box. “What’s this.”

He bit his lip. He then grabbed the box and took my hand. “Claire….I wanted to do this on Christmas eve and be all perfect but I don’t wanna keep secrets so I will just do it now…..” He opened the box and took a breath. “Claire Summers would you take a guy like me as a husband…er.. I mean would you make me the luckiest man alive if you be my wife as well as the mother of my child”
I guess he saw my face stunned as I saw the ring, I actually had to cover my mouth and started to tear up. “Baby? Are you ok?” he asked in a worried tone.
I nodded and then breathed the words I was born to say. “Yes….Yes Shane Davis I will be yours. A wife and a mother.” I put on the ring then jumped him which made him loose his balance and fall with me on top of him, kissing him. I don’t even think he cared that he hit his head on the concrete he just kept kissing me like we didn’t just fall. It was a prefect ending to a horrible fight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2012

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