
Chapter one-
I sat on my wooden floor in my room, and looked at the boxes with my life packed away. I brought my knees up to my chest, and turned my head to the right and left looking at my room. My room… the place where I had sleep overs, played dress up, slept, felt safe, where I danced to music, read, fell asleep to movies… all my memories. A flood of sadness over powered me, and I put my head down, and took a long sigh.
God I am going to be a sophomore, and im about to cry because im leaving my home. I tilted my head back up, and saw a picture frame on the window sill, and I strained my eyes to try and make out the picture better. I stumbled up, and looked down at the picture and I felt tears prickle my eyes. I reached out for the photo and held it close to me. it was when I was in the eight and my dad took me to Alaska. I missed him… this photo was taken a month before he died.
I felt anger build up in me. maybe… because of me he is dead, and I am leaving my cheese state Wisconsin, and moving to f*cking California, because my mom found a new boyfriend. They haven’t even known one another for a month, and we are moving for him. I took the picture frame, and chucked it into an open box and I heard a thud, and I sighed and looked out the window.
“ Mayella,” Mom screamed from downstairs. I continued to look out the window, and I saw all of the moving trucks, and the realization that I was leaving my family, friends, school, home, life, memories…. I couldn’t hold back the tears, and they streamed down my face. This is also the last month of summer, and mom won’t let me stay. She insists we move know so we can get situated or whatever bull she said.
“ Mayella Lin!” I heard her scream louder know. I sighed, and walked out of my room, and stopped at the door, and turned my head, and looked at it one more time, and sighed.
“ I’ll miss you,” I whispered, and walked down the stairs.
“ Hun go outside, because the packers are coming and I don’t want you in the way,” My mom smiled. I nodded my head, and sulked and walked out of the house with my head down in shame. The sun beamed on me, and I looked around the farm, and saw the horses being taken to new owner, and I looked around and saw the apple trees, horses, chicks, pigs, our farm house, and my good ole tire swing. I walked over to it, and took a seat, and closed my eyes. I am not just leaving a house. Im leaving a home… my home! this place keeps all the memories… it feels like I am leaving my father. I don’t want to forget the memories I had with him, and this place helps me with that… know without this place will I forget my dad? I heard someone clear his voice and I looked up, and saw my three ole buds standing there. I did a faint smile.
“ hey ya’ll,” I smiled.
“ hey May,” they all said in unison. Tom, Jim, and Bradley stood there. I have known these guys since kindergarten. Im on of the guys. I aint act like no girl in no hell of a way.
“ So Cali,” Bradley laughed. I sighed.
“ Don’t worry it aint gonna be that bad,” Tom interrupted.
“ yea,” Him said weakly.
“ Awe man you guys know I’mma die the first week,” I muffled kicking the dry dirt with my converse.
“ Naw,” Bradley said. I stood up and waved my hand over my body.
“ Know lookey me. I am wearing completely torn ripped up faded jeans with a Beatles shirt, and my hair all over. I aint wear makeup, I have a horrible temper, shy, and I act like a guy. Have you seen what Cali girls look like?” I asked but put my hand up. “ Lemma tell yeah! They all look like Barbie dolls. I’mma stick out like a sore thumb,” I mumbled. Then they all wrapped their arms around me, and I smiled, and hugged them back.
“ know stop thinking about the negative things,” Tom said.
“ yeah it’ll get better. You’ll see,” Jim said. We broke from the hug and I looked at them, and smiled.
“ I’mma miss you guys…” I sighed. “ I’mma really miss you guys…” I shut my eyes before I was going to cry, and I gave them all a hug, and walked over to the car, and jumped in and put in my i-pod, and brought my knees up and barred my face into my knees. I heard my mom get in the car, and I heard something tap on the window, and I saw they threw a pebble at the window, and they all were standing in the same place watching me leave. I did a horrible smile, my lips trembling, and waved goodbye. We drove for hours with the trucks behind us, and I kept my i-pod on full blasted, and then they were snatched out of my ears, and I looked up at mom, and back down again.
“ Oh Mayella,” She smiled. “ You’re going to love the place! The town! And Jack is a sweet heart,” she smiled. Jack… I hate him! Stupid… ugh.
“ I can’t believe this,” I whispered.
“ Believe what?”
“ Ma, you aint even know Jack for a month and we are going moving to Cali for him?” I yelled.
“ Hun… I love him…” She said.
“ You hardly even know him!”
“ Mayella Lin! You watch your mouth do you hear me?” She said sternly.
“ And why you talking like that?” I grumbled.
“ Know what are you talking about?”
I pointed my finger at her.
“ You talking like that. You use to talk like a country gal. Know you be talking like a Cali girl. Your changing already. You aint part of my kin,” I said.
“ Hun it’s not proper the way you talk. You need to stop talking like that. Do you hear me? And I will always be part of your family,” she said patting my shoulder.
“ yeah. Yeah. I hea’ you,” I grumbled. She sent me a glare, and I opened my mouth and nothing came out. I shrugged her hand off me. “ What?”
“ Mayella Lin….” She hissed.
“ Yeah mom I hear you,” I said snarky talking like a city chick. She sent me a glare, and rolled her eyes.
“ Can you gimme back my i-pod know dat we done be talking,” I sighed. She turned her towards me taking her eyes off the road.
“ Mayella,” she said evilly.
“ May you please give me back my i-pod know that we have finished speaking,” I said. She nodded her head and gave me my i-pod and I put it in my ears, and clenched my fist, and closed my eyes… if dad was here he wouldn’t make me change… this aint me. she making me change because of that damn jack. I hate him. I hate that mother f*cker with all my heart. I leaned back in my seat, and closed my eyes and remembered my friends, family, and life. Im leaving my cheese state for Cali…. What am I going to do?
The car came to a stop, and I opened my eyes and it was dark out, and I sat up and looked at the clock. Two in the morning. I sighed, and looked at mom and she looked exhausted. She got out of the car, and walked to the door, and rang the bell. I sat there and got out of the car and looked up at the house… no… this aint a house…. Its freaking huge! Like six of my farms put together. Even bigger. It was a mansion. I was gawking, and I stumbled next to my mom and shifted from one foot to the other, and then someone opened the door, and I looked up and saw a tall man, with black her, Italian, about the same age as my mom standing there. ITS JACK! I glared at him, and my mom hit my arm, and I pouted and rubbed my arm.
“ Come on in. you two ladies must be exhausted. Come and get some sleep,” he smiled opening the door for us. Mom walked in and I stood there looking at the man.
“ Hello Mayella, im Jack nice to meet you,” He smiled.
“ Ditto,” I said walking past him. He closed the door, and mom was leaning on the wall and he swept her off her feet and started to walk up the stairs.
“ Mayella your bedroom is down stairs,” he smiled. I nodded my head and watched him disappear. Gonna put me in the basement don’t yuh! I grumbled some curses underneath my breath, and walked around looking for the door to the basement. I stood their puzzled for a minute, and sighed. I walked past the kitchen, past some extra room, and all the way in the back of the house, by the door to the backyard was another wooden door. I looked at it and then opened it and saw stairs leading down to the basement. They were nice…. I walked down, and there was a living room, a kitchen area, and you walk down the hall and there was a door on the right, one on the left, and one all the way at the back. I stood on the stairs… know which room…. Then I heard voices coming from the kitchen… well basement kitchen… they have two kitchens in this house? I stood on the stairs, and took my last step, and stood there, and saw three head on the couch watching football… three guy heads! I leaned forward and peered into the kitchen and saw two more heads, and once again both guys. I stumbled forward, and the guys in the kitchen turned towards me.
I stood there, and they both looked at me confused and I stood there looking at them and felt my face heating up, and I turned on my heel to leave but ran into something rock hard. I stumbled back, and fell on my ass. I looked up and saw five guys standing around me. I jumped up.
“ I ugh… hmm… I think I have the wrong place,” I muttered. I went to walk past them to go upstairs, but one guy walked right in front of me stopping him. He had jet black hair, tan, tall, he was extremely hot. Looked like a football player. One of the jocks or something like that. I tilted my head up to look at him.
“ You’re a girl?” Was the first thing he said. His voice was deep and sexy. I stood their dumbfounded looking at him. Did he… he did…..
“ Wha- did you?” I muffled looking at him, and felt my cheeks going scarlet red.
“ So your my dad’s new girlfriends…. Daughter… son….?” He smirked. My jaw dropped, and I put my hand on his chest, and pushed him to the side, and walked up the stairs. I went to go open the door, and it was… locked. LOCKED? WHAT THE F*CK! I stood at the top of the stairs, and turned around and walked back down the stairs, and the guys were sitting on the couch watching football. I stood there, and walked forward standing next to the couch.
“ The…. Door.. its ugh locked,” I muttered. They looked up at me except that one dude. I stood there and put my hand on my hip and sighed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and turned on my heel, and sat on the stairs, and leaned forward placing my forehead on my knees.
“ Douche bag,” I muttered.
“ What?” He snarled. I looked up and saw him sitting on the couch his head turning looking at me.
“ You hear me,” I snarled losing my patience. He smirked and stood up, and walked towards me. I cowered back, and then also stood up and walked towards him.
“ Say it again,” He said our faces close.
He grabbed my hips and pushed me against the wall and I quivered and his body was against mine, and he glared down at me.
“ Apologize,” he said. I looked up at him like he was a mad man.
“ Wha- what! No way in hell am I saying sorry to yo flipping ass,” I gaged. He raised his fist, and hit the wall next to my head. “ who… who d- do you think you are!” I hissed.
“ This is my damn house. Who do you think you are!”
Oh my god I gotta live with this douche? Awe no! Come one! I gasped and sighed, and whimpered. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“ What?”
“ I gotta live with you!” I cried. I heard his friends laugh, and he shot a death glare at me, and put his hands on my hips, and pushed me into the wall hardly I bit my lip to hold in my cry. He is… he is freaking hurting me.
“ S- Stop,” I muttered.
“ Couldn’t hear you,” He said getting closer to me.
I closed my eyes and looked down.
“ Im sorry,” I whispered. He took one hand off my hip, and grabbed my face, and tilted it up, and looked me in the eyes. “ Im.. sorry…” I repeated. He let go of me, and I leaned against the wall completely frozen, and he returned back to the couch and I stood there and looked up and saw the four guys looking at me, and I felt tears in my eyes, and I looked away. I went to go walk, and I felt a huge rush of pain in my side, and I let out a whimper, and stopped and held onto my hip.
“ Man you hurt her Tristan,” One guy said looking at me. I went to go into the kitchen, but someone put their hand on my shoulder, and I forcefully pulled away, and saw Tristan standing there.
“ Pull up your shirt,” He ordered.
“ Screw you!”
He grabbed my arms, and pushed me to the ground and straddled over me, and raised my shirt a little, and looked at my hips, and he saw them starting to turn blue, and he looked at me, and leaned into me, and that’s when I smelled it… beer.
“ Did I hold onto you that hard?” he whispered into my ear.
“ Just leave me alone you drunk,” I said evilly pushing him off me. I walked away from him, and looked at the guys on the couch. “ Know his daddy told me that my room be down here, and I am exhausted and pissed. Know if my room is so down here than will one of you tell me, but if it aint that open that damn door so I can leave,” I sighed.
“ your room is on the right,” Tristan said. I looked behind me, and he was standing their leaning on the wall and I nodded my head, and walked down the hallways and opened the door to the right, but stopped and turned around and saw another door right across from it, and pointed to it.
“ Who room this be?” I asked.
“ That’s my room,” Tristan said, and then he pointed down the hall and I turned to the door.
“ That’s the bathroom. My bathroom. You got your own bathroom in your room, but the laundry room is also in my bathroom,” he said. I nodded my head, and opened the door and walked in. this must me a freaking biggest room I have ever seen. It was huge. Had a walk in closer, its own master bathroom too! It had a queen size bed which was black, a black and purple desk, black dresser, closet, shoe rack, book case. It was an amazing room. I walked over to the bed, and laid down. There is no way in hell I can live in the same house as Tristan. For that matter have his room right across from mine, and we share the downstairs. I can’t do it… I laid there, and looked up at the ceiling.
“ Goodbye Cheese state and hello Cali,” I sighed and closed my eyes.
Chapter two-
I lay in the bed with the sun shining in through the windows, but this wasn't cheese state sun this was Cali sun and it wasn't warm nor made me happy. I laid there and propped myself up on my shoulders and gazed around the room. This is my new room... I sighed and pulled the blankets off my body, and shifted my body so my legs where dangling off the side of the bed. My head shot up, and I watched the door shake when someone was hitting it. I arched an eyebrow and hesitantly got out of bed and opened the door. Tristan stood there with family guy boxers, his hair all over, and he looked like he was coming out of a horrible hangover. He looked up at me and our eyes met, and he scratched the back of his neck, and rubbed his eyes.
"Ugh hey," his voice was deep and scratchy. I glared at him, and leaned on the door frame.
"What do you want?" I sighed.
"Listen... About last night...." he stopped and looked at me and I was still glaring at him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can I come in?" he asked.
"Can you?"
"Please just hear me out...." he grumbled. I stood there looking at him and I opened my door more and he walked in and plopped down on my bed. I walked past him and sat down on my computer Chair, and leaned back and glared at him
“Enlighten me," I grumbled. He looked at me and then he took a deep breath.
"So when I woke up this morning I honestly couldn't remember sh*t. I had so
much beer last night it's all just a blur. I am not that heavy of a drinker but the guys came over and I drank more than I have ever drank before. So when I woke up my friends told me about what I did to you last night, and I am sorry," he finished and I sat their looking at him. Of course just find something like beer and blame the beer. He was the one that drank the beer.
"Whatever," I mumbled getting up and walking over to the door and opening it. "out." he smirked and nodded his head and got up off my bed, and started to walk past me but then he stopped and turned towards me.
“I'm Tristan by the way," he smirked
“I'm aware," I grumbled and pushed him out of the door and went to go close it but he put his foot there and I sighed and looked up at him. I took my own foot and kicked his out of the way.
" talk to you later may," he smiled. I stopped and opened the door again and grabbed his shirt. "Only my friends call me may. You call me Mayella yuh hear?" I growled. He chuckled and nodded his head, and he started to laugh. “Why da hell you be laughing? There aint be nothing funny, I said narrowing my eyes at him. He smiled and tool a step closer to me.
"Just thought you had a cute country accent," he whispered and then he.... He flicked my nose. What the hell. I swatted his hand away and slammed the door on his face and I stomped my foot.
"I am not cute!" I yelled. I heard him laugh and then heard his footsteps disappearing. I sighed and reached into my Jean pocket and pulled out my phone, and walked over to my bed, and called Tom. After five rings I heard the phone click open.
"Hello?" Tom asked.
"Hey Tommy boy," I sighed.
"Hey May! Are you in Cali?" he said.
"Unfortunately yes..." I whimpered.
"Awe come on how come you got to act so negative!"
"Tommy boy.... It's just that bad here...."
"Tell me."
"Well I arrived at my new house. Huge...Freaking huge. Well I live with my mom’s new boyfriend know, and oh get this.... He has a stupid, rude, arrogant son with a huge ass ego and I share the downstairs with him and his bedroom is right across from mine. His name is Tristan, and Tom I freaking hate him!" I cried.
"There is a guy living with you?" was all he could say.
"My mom’s boyfriend is a guy."
“How old is Tristan?" he asked hm.... I honestly don't know.
"I don’t know," I replied.
"F*ck," he mumbled through the phone. I sat their confused and leaned back on my bed.
"What wrong Tom?"
"Mayella.... You might be country and all but you are a gorgeous gal. I don't like the idea of a teen guy with hormones having his room right across from yours," he growled.. Awe Tom is such a sweaty.
"don't worry Tom he doesn't even know if I am a female or male...." i said remembering last night.
“Wh- what?"
"yesterday when I first came... He asked if I was a girl," I muttered.
"HE WHAT!?!?!?" Tom screamed into the phone.
"Tom it's fine i don't care."
"well I do and so do the guys.. You’re like our little sister and no one says crap like that to you. Hmmm this Tristan guy better WISH that he never meets me because I will f*king kill that b@stard," he yelled into the phone. I held the phone away from my ear a little, and listened to his thoughts towards Tristan. I must say he had a lot of thoughts about Tristan, and none of them where positive.
I’ll call you later tom," I said after a while.
"Alright may. If you need anything or need anyone to talk to give me a call," he said.
"Thanks tom," I smiled and hung up the phone, and i sat there for a little while and i decided to do something productive, so I’ll start unloading my crap from the car, and put it away in my new room.... I got up off the bed, and opened the door and it was… quiet… to quiet… I hesitantly walked down the hallway, and into the front room. I looked around and it was empty so I made my way up the stairs and opened the door. Once again it was empty.
“ Mom?” I yelled. My voice echoed through the house. Im home… alone? I walked around, and got into the kitchen and saw a bright orange note on the table. I walked up to it and held it in my hands.

Me and Jack are going out to go get some shopping done, and im going to meet some of his friends. I won’t be home till late, so don’t wait up for me, and get all your stuff moved into your room. I’ll cya tonight. :)
I hate my new life… I sighed, and walked to the front of the house, and opened the door, and stepped outside, and left the door open so I could bring in all my stuff. When I stepped outside heat penetrated me, and I already started to die of the sun. Alright I gotta change out of these pants… way… to… hot…. I walked to the loading car, and opened it and searched through the boxes, and found a pair of jean shorts, and a black tank top to wear. I walked back into the house, and after opening door after door I finally found a bathroom.
“ This place is a freaking maze,” I grumbled closing the bathroom door. I slipped off my clothes and put on the jean shorts, and looked at myself. Wow their like short shorts. I grabbed a hair band, and put my black hair up in a messy bun, and walked back outside. I started to grab the boxes, and putting them on the grass, and I heard all these noises across the street, so I stopped what I was doing and walked around the car and peered around the corner of it. I saw about two dozen guys playing football in their front yard, and then I saw Tristan. They were all shirtless and I felt my face flush. I turned on my heal and continued to unpack my stuff onto the grass. After like three dozen boxes and I sat on the grass, and looked at all the boxes all over the grass and sighed. An older man came and hopped into the car.
“ nice doing business with you ma’am,” he said and then started the car and drove off. When he did this I was exposed to all the guys, and they all looked at me and I kept my head down avoiding their gazes.
“ May,” A voice yelled. I jerked my head up, and saw Tristan standing there with no shirt, and a huge grin on his face. I glared at him. He is fully knowing I don’t want him calling me that. I stood up, and put a hand on my hip and tilted my head to look at him. He waved his hand, and it looked like he was doing some erotic dance.
“ What in god’s name are yuh doing?” I hollered.
“ Come here!” he yelled. I narrowed my eyes at him, and turned on my heel and picked up a box, and started to walk towards the stairs.
“ You go to hell Tristan!” I screamed over my shoulder, and I heard some of the guys laughter. I heard footsteps get louder, and I stopped and turned around and saw Tristan jogging towards me. I dropped the box, and freaking hauled ass to the door, and bam… it was closed.
“ Aghh come on!” I cried. I turned around and saw him walking up the stairs, and I hopped over the railing, and landed on the grass, and ran away from the house, and I heard him running after me.
“ Get over here!” he yelled.
“ Screw you! Your freaking crazy!” I yelled sprinting. The guys across the street where cracking up, and then I felt someone grab my waist and I was hauled over Tristan’s shoulder. I started to pound on his back.
“ You put me down!” I yelled and then he threw me on grass, and my ass hurt. I stood up and pointed my finger at him.
“ Not throw me down you little twat!” I yelled at him. I heard snickers, and I turned around and saw all the guys, and I felt my face go scarlet red.
“ So may-,” he started but I cut him off.
“ Don’t you be calling me May. Yuh hear? You call me Mayella,” I growled crossing my arms over my chest.
“ Who is this chick?” A deep voice asking. I was about to say something but Tristan put his arm around my shoulder, and had me close to him.
“ This girl is living with me. Her mom is with my dad,” he smirked looking down at me. I glared at him, and tried to pry his arm off me, but damn I was a weakling compared to him. I was struggling and he looked down at me and laughed.
“ oh get your arm off me,” I hissed. He shook his head, and I felt his other hand on my ass, and I flipped. I brought my knee up right to where the sun don’t shine, and he double over in pain, and I looked down at him.
“ Know you listen to me Tristan!” I hissed putting a hand on my hip. “ You may be able to treat all the girls here like sluts, but me!” I pointed to myself. “ If you ever try to do that to me… I will kick you where the sun don’t shine so hard, that you aint gonna be able to have little Tristan’s running around in the future!” I yelled, and stomped off. I walked across and looked at the boxes, and realized that.. awe the door is locked. How did it close? Gah… there is no way Tristan is going to open the door for me. I turned around, and saw Tristan glaring at me, and I rolled my eyes, and sat down on the stairs, and sighed. I felt all this sadness wash over me… I miss home. I got up, and sat down next to a box, and started to open it, and saw glass everywhere. What then? I moved things around, and saw the glass heart my dad bought for me the last Christmas he was alive. I gasped and I felt my eyes start to water. That was the last thing my dad got for me and it was broken… tears escaped my eyes, and I brought my knees up to my chest, and buried my head in my knees and sighed.
“ You alright?” A voice asked. I shut my eyes, and wiped the tears on my arm and looked up.
“ Im fine,” I looked into these green… overpowering eyes. A tall guy about six foot stood in front of me, and he was not pale but not tan, and he had black hair, with dark brown golden hair stripes. He was drop dead attractive. I stood there looking at him and he let out a chuckle, and I snapped my head back down.
“ Let me help you up,” he smiled. I looked at his hand and grabbed onto it, and he hauled me up. He stood in front of me, and he didn’t have a shirt on… hmm… I looked at his abs and I wanted to touch them so bad…. Ugh…..
“ Like what you see?” He smirked. I looked up at him, and my cheeks went scarlet red, and I rolled my eyes.
“ So you also have a big ego?” I muffled.
“ What do you mean?”
“ Do you relate anything to Tristan?” I asked.
“ Well… I Dunno,” He said.
“ Well if you do… you need to leave me be,” I sighed.
“ Im just trying to make friends,” He said backing away a little.
“ Im.. sorry im just having a horrid day,” I said. He looked over me at the glass in the box.
“ Did you break something?”
“ Yeah just some knick knacks,” I tried to smile but I felt my lips trembling.
“ Do you live here?” he asked pointing at the house. I nodded my head. “ Wow so you live with Tristan….”
“ D- Don’t remind me!” I groaned.
“ that… sucks…” he laughed. “ Im not friends with Tristan. I live a couple blocks down, and I was just walking back home when I saw you sitting here,” He smiled. I pointed to his abs.
“ You don’t wear a shirt?” I smiled.
“ shirts are so like over rated,” He said in a gay voice and I broke out into laughter’s. He smiled down at me.
“ As much as I would loveeee to stay and chit chat I gotta get home,” He frowned. I nodded my head, and he turned around and started to leave and I watched him walk down the street and he stopped and turned around to me.
“ Ryder!” he screamed out to me. I stood their confused.
“ What?”
“ My name is Ryder!” He laughed. I smiled.
“ Im Mayella!” I said back. I saw a huge grin crawl across his face, and he turned back around and started to walk. I watched him leave, and I didn’t feel so lonely anymore. I felt… happy…. Oh my god I feel happy in Cali. I smiled, and turned around and saw Tristan smirking at me, and my stomach churned and I sighed, and he started walking up to me.
“ Hey Mayella,” he said.
“ Awe come on!” I cried rubbing my temples and I sulked.
“ wait… what did I do this time?” He barked.
“ You came into my sight, and spoke!”
Chapter three-
I looked around my room, and felt proud. I had everything brought in and it was actually really nice. I stretched out my arms around walked into the front room and plopped down on the couch, and went to go switch on the TV when the remote was snatched from my hands. I looked up and saw Tristan and he jumped over the couch and sat down next to me almost sitting on me. I scooted over all the way to the edge and sighed, then I felt two more people jump over the couch and sit next to me and on the other side of the couch. I looked at a guy, and he wrapped his arm around me.
“ hey,” He winced. I rolled my eyes, and went to go stand up, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I ended up sitting on his lap.
“ Lemma go,” I snarled struggling in his grip. I looked over at Tristan who was smirking and I swiped my hand at him, and hit the side of his head. He looked at me and shook his head.
“ Shouldn’t of done that,” He smirked. I arched an eyebrow, and he got up.
“ Come on charley and matt,” Tristan said. Matt was holding me and he loosened his grip so he could stand up and I leaped up from his grasp and bolted for the door.
“ get back here!” Tristan laughed. I darted for the stairs when I felt someone grab me from behind and hall me over their shoulders. It was charley.
“ Lemma down! Yuh hear me!” I growled. Tristan made his way up the stairs, and then Charley started to walk up the stairs with me still on top of him, and matt trailed behind laughing his ass off. What are they up to? They walked outside, and I turned my body a little and saw their pool.
“ Oh my god no!” I cried trying to get out of charley grasp.
“ Go on Charley boy,” Tristan grinned. I widened my eyes, and then I was thrown in the air, and coldness erupted all over my body and I screamed, and it was hidden when my whole body went under water. I swam to the top panting with Goosebumps all over me. I looked up and saw all three of them laughing their assess off.
“ You guys are so-,” I was cut off when Tristan jumped on top of me in the water bring me down. I struggled out his grasp, and swam to the edge and pulled myself out of the water and I was shaking. All three guys where in the water with the boxers.
“ Faggs!” I scolded them
“Swim with us,” Tristan yelled.
“ im not wearing a bathing suit,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
“ bra and panties,” he said looking me intently in the eyes. my jaw dropped and I shook my head.
“ no! no way!” I said stomping my foot.
“ You guys look she is too scared to show herself to us,” Tristan said.
“ I am not!” I growled.
“ Whatever!” he said and started to swim. I was fuming and without even thinking I pulled off my shorts, and top and dived into the pool. When I resurfaced they were all staring at me jaws dropped and then I looked at Tristan and his face went from shock, to…. Lust? He swam towards me, and I turned around to swim away but he grabbed my hips, and brought me close to him my back to his chest. I felt his erection against my inner thigh and I bit my lip and tried to get away from me. then he dunked us under water, and I felt something on my neck, and I pushed away from he and swan towards the edge and pulled myself out. All the guys were staring at me with lust, and I pulled a shirt over my head and ran inside. I ran into my room, and jumped in the shower. When I got out, I grabbed a pair of black yoga pants, a black tank top, and a gray hoodie. I brushed my hair out and put it into a messy bun. I laid back onto my bed, and let a deep sigh escape my lips.
My phone went off like crazy and I jumped out of bed and searched through my pockets and couldn’t find it, so I went through my dirty laundry all over the floor, and finally found my phone in a pair of jeans. I flipped it open.
“ Ello?” I asked.
“ Mayella, hello darling,” My mom said happily.
“ Oh hey mom,” I said sitting down on my bed.
“ Darling do you mind making spaghetti tonight?” She asked.
“ Whatdya mean?” I asked.
“ Make dinner for you, me, Jack, and Tristan tonight. Me and Jack will be coming home tonight and we are very excited to eat your dinner. Have it don’t in two hours!” she said and then hung up. I held the phone to my ear, and pulled it away and glared at the phone.
“ of course mother!” I yelled and shut the phone. I laid back in my bed, and let out a long deep breath. And I got out of bed, and walked upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and searched through everything until I found everything I needed. After an hour I had everything cooked and I started to mix the noodles with sauce, and I buttered some bread, and set up the table. I stood their leaning against the counter. It’s been two hours know. I stood there and let out a sigh, and flipped my phone open and searched my contact list and clicked on mom. After about eight she finally answered. I heard giggling.
“ Hello?” She asked.
“ Mom where are you?” I asked.
“ Oh Hun im sorry we can’t make it. just order some take out,” She giggled and then hung up the phone. I slammed the phone shut and threw it across the kitchen and it hit the wall and shattered. Damnit! I ran over and tried to put it back together again but it was broke. I sighed, and turned to the table, and started to put the dishes away and I heard someone walk in.
“ You made dinner?” Tristan asked.
“ My ma asked me to cuz she say she gonna be home tonight but she bailed last min,” I sighed started to put the silverware away.
“ We can still have dinner,” Tristan said grabbing my elbow. I turned to him and shook my head.
“ You can eat im going to sleep,” I said and went to go walk past him but he stopped me.
“ you made a great dinner, set it up, and everything. Don’t let it go to waste,” he said looking down at me. I sighed, and went back to the cabinet and pulled out two plates, and handed him one. He smiled, and we walked back over to the table, and I served myself, and then Tristan did the same. I don’t think dinner could of gotten anymore awkward. We ate dinner and silence and when I finished my plate I sat there and waited for him. I heard his fork being put on the plate, and I looked up at him.
“ The food was great. Did your mom teach you how to cook?” I shook my head.
“ Nope,” I said popping the p.
“ Who did?” He asked.
“ Meh dad,” I said. I smiled remembering how he taught me everything I knew. I have never been close to my mom in the first place, but know I just can’t stand her. I actually use to like her before my dad died.
“ Did your parents’ divorce?” he asked. I shook my head.
“ My dad he ugh died,” I said looking down at my plate.
“ oh,” was all that he said. I sat there and nodded my head, and then I got up, and took our plates. Tristan looked up at me.
“ Thank you,” He said smiling. I did a faint smile, and nodded my head, and I turned around and walked into the kitchen and started to clean off the dishes. I turned around and ran straight into Tristan and I yelped because I didn’t know he was so close to me.
“ Im sorry,” he said. I arched an eyebrow.
“ Sorry for what?” I asked.
“ For being such a jerk,” he did a faint smile and looked me in the eyes. I patted his shoulder, and then lightly hit his chest, and smiled.
“ Its fine,” I said then I walked past him. “ Im going to sleep goodnight,” I smiled.
“ get up early tomorrow it’s your first day of school!” He sung. I sighed.
“ Awe,” I groaned and made my way downstairs.
“ Goodnight Mayella,” I heard him say very faintly. I continued to walk down the stairs, and when I got down stairs I stopped by my door, and turned around and looked at Tristan’s door. I turned my body and put my hand on the door handle, and slowly opened it. when I stepped in I saw his bed, desk, and dresser. Average boys room, but oh god it was filthy. Clothes where everywhere, movies, games, and a whole bunch of junk. I walked in and sat down at his computer desk, and touched the mouse for the computer and the screen turned on and I slide show of pictures came up. There was this beautiful women in them with his father I believe. They looked so happy. There was pictures of the women with a little boy. somewhere at the beach, carnival, houses, vacations. So many pictures and they looked so happy. I wonder if this was Tristan’s mother. I touched the screen.
“ Why did you leave them?” I asked looking at the gorgeous girl. I sighed. My father wouldn’t of left us he died… but his mom didn’t die she left them. I got up from the computer, and decided to leave before he came down here. I walked out of his room, and quietly closed the door, and made my way into my room, and laid down on my bed and fell asleep to her face.
Chapter four-
I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was seven in the morning. I sighed, and crawled out of bed. I got to be leaving in forty minutes. I guess I should go wake up Tristan…. I walked out of my room, and knocked on his door and got nothing. I opened it and saw him passed out on his bed. I walked into his room, and stood at the end of his bed.
“ Tristan wake up!” I hissed. He just rolled over and continued to sleep. “ Tristan. Tristan!” I yelled. God it was like he was dead. I stood there, and pinched the bridge of my nose, and I walked around the bed and knelt on one knee and was face to face with Tristan. I poked his face.
“ Wake up!” I hissed and poked his face again. I got nodda! I sighed, and brought my face within centimeters of his.
“ TRISTAN WAKE UP!!” I screamed. His eyes flew open, and he flung his body back, and fell off the bed. I let out a laugh, and put my head on his bed to try and hide my fit of laughing. I saw him appear on the other side of the bed with a scowl on his face, and I laughed even harder, and I clutched my stomach, and felt tears in my eyes.
“ Why did you do that?” he hissed.
“ We have to go to school, and you wouldn’t for the love of god wake up,” I said trying to stand, and I wiped my eyes because I felt tears in them from laughing. He gave me an evil look then he jumped across his bed for me, and I spun on my heel, and then he grabbed me from the back, and pinned me to the bed, and he was hovering over me.
“ Your nuts!” I cried.
“ im not a morning person, so you really don’t want to get on my bad side,” he said glaring at me. I tried to get out of his grasp, but it was such a fail.
“ Where gonna be late for school…” I sighed.
“ Im not driving you,” he said.
“ Duh that’s why I said…. We! You’re gonna preoccupy yourself by pissing me off, and then I am going to have to sprint to school,” I said.
“ You don’t want me to drive you?”
“ Nope,” I said popping the p. he grinned evilly, and I gave him a questioning look.
“ I know you want me,” he smirked. I broke out into laughter’s.
“ You freaking wish buddy,” I said trying to get out of his grasp. He jumped up, and walked to his closet.
“ You’ll come to your senses sooner or lady Mayella,” he winced. I rolled my eyes, and got off the bed, and hit him in the back of the hard.
“ You’ve been dropped on yo head way too many times when you were a child,” I said walking past him, and he grabbed my hand.
“ Babe you hurt me,” he said trying to act hurt. I rolled my eyes, and swapped my hand away from him and walked out of his room and into mine. Great I have ten minutes to get ready, and then run to school. F*ck… I walked into my room, and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, and I pulled on a purple tank top, and a black hoodie over it. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and slipped on my converse. I looked at my makeup…. Should I? sure why not. I applied some black eyeliner on the top, and bottom, and then some mascara. I ran out of my room and it was seven thirty. I have fifteen minutes to get to school. I jogged up the stairs, and ran into the kitchen, and the house was already empty. I guess everyone already left. I sighed, and grabbed my book bag, and ran out the door.
“ How do I get to school?” I cried. I have no clue where to go…. I sighed, and looked up and down the block, and I saw a black Prius coming towards me, and it stopped and I saw Tristan in the car, so I guess this is his car. There was a dude in the passenger seat and two other guys in the back.
“ Need a ride?” he grinned.
“ Nope,” I said popping the p. “ But I do need directions.”
“ Just get in the car,” he sighed.
“ Just give me the directions,” I spat. He glared at me, and rolled his eyes and then sped off. I stood their completely dumbfounded, and I sprinted towards the car, and it came to a stop once again. I was panting and Tristan rolled down the window again smirking.
“ Get in,” He smiled. I growled and went to go grab the door handle to the back and he sped off, and I stomped my foot. The car stopped again, and it came back in reverse.
“ Come on Mayella get in the car! I was joking!” I heard Tristan yell. I turned around and walked back to the house, and I gave him the middle finger.
“ F*ck you Tristan!” I screamed. I felt someone put their hands around my waist and I got hauled over someone’s shoulders. “ What the hell?!” I yelled.
“ Shut up,” A deep voice said. I looked at him, and he threw me into the backseat of Tristan’s car, and next to another guy and then he got in next to me, and closed the door. I was in-between two jocks.
“ What the hell Tristan!” I growled.
“ Your so annoying,” he sighed.
“ Well then drop me off!” I hissed. The two guys sitting next to me where looking at me, and I pulled my hood up and slumped in the seat. “ Didn’t your parents Eva tell you it aint polite to be staring,” I said sheepishly.
“ this is your new sister?” One of them asked.
“ Hmm,” Tristan mumbled.
“ Man you couldn’t even get a fun one,” Another mumbled. Tristan laughed, and I shot my head to the side and glared at the guy which made that comment. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “ not even a hot one.” He added in. I gawked at him, and brought my hand up and punched him straight in the nose. He gasped and glared at me. “ You crazy b*tch!” He snapped.
“ You’re the one that pissed me off!” I hissed looking away from him. I felt his weight shift onto me, and he was holding onto my arms.
“ Leave her alone,” Tristan sighed. The guy looked at me and then let me go, and I scooted away from him, and looked the other way. The car came to a stop, and all the guys jumped out of the car, and I got out slowly, and stood their feeling uncomfortable. Tristan and his friends walked off and I stood their next to his car, and dozens of people where looking at me, and I looked down, and started to walk towards the school. I walked into something and I looked up and saw Tristan. I sighed.
“ Hey Mayella,” he smiled. I rolled my eyes, and tried to walk past him, but he stepped in front of me. “ You’re not going to say hi to me?” He asked trying to be hurt.
“ Hi, bye,” I said quickly, and tried to get past him but he continued to get in my way. I sighed, and took a step back, and put a hand on my hip and glared at him. I noticed all his friends where around us staring at me. I felt my face starting to turn red. “ Whatdya want Tristan?” I sighed.
“ you don’t sound very happy,” He smirked.
“ Im not very happy,” I snapped back raising my voice. He reached out his hand towards me and touched my shoulder, and I took a step back, and tripped on a crack, and fell back on my ass. I let out a ump. I heard a crack, and I flinched, and reached into my back pocket, and saw my broken i-pod. DAMNIT! I looked at my i-pod which was my life. All my music… the only thing that had kept me sane. I got up, and everyone was dying from laughter, and I looked up at Tristan and he had this huge grin on his face. He purposely wanted to trip-
My parents felt soaking wet, and I turned my head, and saw all this red stuff on my pants… what the hell is this?
“ She has her period!” One of the guys laughed. I turned around and saw all these ketchup wrappers. He had me trip so I would fall on those. I looked over at Tristan completely disgusted of him. I lunged at him, and my fist met his nose, and I heard a huge crack. I brought my knee up to where a guy really doesn’t want to be kicked. He doubled over in pain, and I stood there over him.
“ Your one hell of a bastard Tristan,” I said feeling tears in my eyes. I ran towards the school before they would of seen my cry. I ran until I found a bathroom, and I ran in there, and fell to the ground. I brought my knees up to my chest, and hid my face in my knees, and let out a sigh.
“ A- Are you okay?” I heard a faint voice. I looked up and saw a girl in baggy pants, and a Beatles shirt, frizzy brown hair, and she was wearing no makeup. I tried to smile, and I let out a laugh.
“ ugh im great,” I laughed and shook my head.
“ You’re the new girl right?” She asked. I nodded my head and looked up at her.
“ Im Mayella. You can call me May,” I smiled.
“ Beautiful name. I’m Zoe,” She said taking a step closer to me.
“ Is that your real name?”
She shook her head. “ nick name. my real name is Zophilla.”
“ Wow what a name. not in a bad way either. It’s a pretty sweet name,” I smiled.
“ Thank you. What are you doing in the bathroom?”
“ Tristan tripped me and I landed on ketchup, so it looks like I had my period,” I said feeling my face start to go red.
“ I hate Tristan,” she mumbled,
“ So do i… I live with him.”
“ What?”
“ His father and my mother are a thing,” I said shaking my head. “ Tristan is the biggest jerk I have ever met.”
“ Yeah he is. I have some extra clothes in my locker I could borrow you,” She smiled.
“ That… that would be great,” I smiled at her.
“ I’ll be right back,” She smiled, and turned on her heel, and walked out the door. I sat there, and got up, and walked into one of the stalls, and pulled off my jeans. I heard the door open, and a piece of black clothing was thrown over the stall. I looked at them and was gawking.
“ Their short shorts,” I gasped.
“ It’s all I got,” I heard her say. I slipped them on and looked down…. Ugh… I walked out of the stall and Zoe stopped me.
“ your sweater has ketchup all over it too,” she said biting her lip.
“ Aghh!” I cried. I pulled off my sweater, and I already looked like one of those little whores. I was looking at myself in the mirror.
“ You look fine,” Zoe said. “ not too sound weird, but you have an amazing body,” Zoe smiled.
“ it’s not that I just don’t like showing so much skin…. Looking like a tramp and all,” I sighed.
“ You look fine May,” she smiled.
“ Thank you Zoe,” I said looking at her.
“ Of course. When we are back out in classes and in the halls, and all that I will understand if you don’t say hi to me.”
“ What are you talking about?” I asked looking at her confused.
“ im one of the biggest losers in school,” She said looking away. I shook my head and put my hand on her shoulder.
“ I would rather be friends with someone real like you, rather than some fake Barbie doll anyway,” I smiled. She smiled back, and then I heard the bell ring.
“ Oh no we are late!” She cried. She ran out the door and I followed her.
“ I don’t know where to go….” I said.
“ let me see your schedule.” I handed Zoe my schedule, and she looked over it. “ We have every single class together,” she smiled. I jumped up and down.
“ Yes! I found my new best friend,” I smiled. Zoe’s face went pure happiness and she beamed with a huge grin.
“ come on let’s get to class,” She smiled. We started to run down the halls, and I ran next to her.
“ What is the first class?”
“ We have Algebra,” She said.
“ I hate that class,” I sighed. Zoe laughed, and we stopped in front of the classroom, and Zoe opened the door, and walked in and I followed behind her.
“Zophilla you better have a good reason why you are late,” A man asked.
“ Im sorry Mr. Martin. This is the new student she was lost so I showed her to class,” Zoe said stepping aside so everyone saw me. I hated when I was center of attention. Everyone looked at me, and I saw Tristan there with all his jocks. I sighed, and looked away from him.
“ Very well take your seat Zophilla,” Mr. Martin said. Zoe walked to the back of the class past Tristan and he said something, and put out his foot and Zoe tripped over him, and mumbled sorry and sat in her desk with her head down. Tristan was laughing and I was glaring at him “ Would you like to introduce yourself?” Mr. Martin asked looking at me. I worked up a smile.
“ I’m Mayella Lynch,” I smiled.
“ What a hick name!” someone shouted. I looked up and saw it was Tristan who said it.
“ A hick name for a hick person,” I smiled at him. He glared at me, and I smiled, and rolled my eyes.
“ That’s enough Tristan,” Mr. martin said. The phone rang, and Mr. martin went to answer it. “ class use this class for a study I need to go so BEHAVE! Oh and Mayella you can sit in the open desk next to Zophilla,” he smiled at me. I nodded my head and then he left. I looked up at Zoe and she had a worried look on her face. I walked past some people and went to go past Tristan and he put out his foot, and I kicked his leg hard, and he let out a yelp and grabbed his shin.
“ Don’t try to trip me!” I said glaring at him, and I went and sat down next to Zoe. She smiled at me.
“ Do you have a death wish?” She whispered.
“ no I just won’t put up with what Tristan does,” I said looking at her. She smiled, and looked down at her homework, and then she put her headphones in and zoned out. I went to get my i-pod and realized that Tristan broke it when I fell. I sighed and leaned back in my chair.
“ Mayella where did your clothes go?” I heard Tristan ask.
“ Don’t start with me,” I hissed.
“ Baby are you pms’ing or something?”
My face went scarlet red, and I was fuming. I shook my head, and slumped more in my seat, and crossed my legs, and looked away from him, and saw three other guys looking at me strangely. I looked down at my desk and sighed. Then I felt my desk being tipped back, and I let out a yelp, and fell out of my seat. Tristan stood there.
“ Y- Y- Your nuts!” I yelped. He laughed and rolled his eyes.
“ Chill out babe,” he smiled. I jumped up to my feet. And glared at him.
“ Don’t you call me that! I have myself a name,” I hissed poking his chest. He grabbed my arm, and I shoved him back. “ Don’t touch me freak,” I growled. I went to go grab my arm again, and then someone shoved him. I looked up and saw someone so familiar…. Ryder!
“ Keep your hands off her,” Ryder growled looking at Tristan.
“ I was just joking,” Tristan laughed smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, and he brought his hands up and walked away. I looked over at Ryder and smiled.
“ Hey you,” I smiled.
“ hey Mayella, or can I call you May?”
“ Of course,” I smiled. I looked over and saw Zoe looking at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. “ Im going to go talk to my friend,” I smiled up at Ryder. He nodded his head, and I walked over to Zoe. “ hey,” I smiled.
“ Wow, all the guys want you,” she laughed.
“ They do not!” I gasped.
“ Tristan is in the jocks, Ryder is in the bad boys group, and the three guys over there are my friends which are the losers and they are all gawking over you,” She laughed. I laughed.
“ Well it’s a good thing I don’t care about that stuff,” I smiled.
“ So how did you meet Ryder?”
“ he lives a couple blocks down from me,” I said looking at my nails.
“ You know because your hanging out with me you’re going to be the biggest loser ever,” she said looking away from me again.
“ I don’t care,” I said touching her hand. She looked up at me and smiled. “ So Ryder is part of the bad boy group,” I laughed. She nodded her head. I started to laugh even more, and then the bell rang.
“ What’s your second class?” Zoe asked.
“ I’ll tell you my whole schedule,” I smiled pulling it out. I cleared my throat and looked down at it. “ My classes are-.”
“ Mayella Lynch,” Mr. Martin said. I looked up at him.
“ yes sir?”
“ Here is your new schedule,” He smiled getting up and handing it to me. “ Sadly you will not have this period first but I still have you in one of my classes.”
“ Why did my classes get changed?” I asked.
“ I don’t know, but I bet you’ll love it,” And with that he walked back to his class. I looked at Zoe and she had disappointed all over her face. I looked at my schedule, and wondered if Zoe and I were going to have any classes together.
1- Art
2- Study
3- Biology
4- English
5- Algebra
6- Study
7- Lunch
8- History
9- Gym
10- Photography
“ Let me see,” Zoe sulking taking my schedule. “ We have English, lunch, and gym together” She smiled. “ We at least have three classes together. On your old schedule we only had math,” She smiled. I smiled back at her.
“ I guess this schedule is better than,” I smiled.
“ Well I need to go to history!” She said running out of the class room. “ Bye May!” She called out. I let out a laugh, and shook my head, and put my book bag around my shoulder and made my way to study. I walked into the study room with rows and rows of desks. I looked around, and bit down on my lip and sighed.
“ Okay everyone im sitting you by your last names!” A lady shouted. I looked up and I nearly fell back…. She was this old wrinkly… she could pass off as a witch! She looked at me and smiled and her yellow crooked teeth showed, and then it replaced with a scowl. I took a step back and avoided eye contact. Well someone is bipolar… she started to call of last name.
“ Lurz, Lake, Lynch,” I heard my name called, and I saw I was sitting between two guys and the guy in front of me had blonde hair that was everywhere and the guy behind me had brown shaggy hair. Lurz his last name… sat in front turned around in his desk talking to the guy behind me. I walked up and they both looked at me, and I did a faint smile, and slump into my seat. I put in my headphones and zoned out to music.
Show me how to lie
You’re getting better all the time
And turning all against the one
Is an art that’s hard to teach
Another clever word
Sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you get back into line
A mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, f**ker, dance
Man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives

Slowly out of line
And drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I’m wide awake
It’s a scene about me
There’s something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can’t get what you want
Well it’s all because of me

Now dance, f**ker, dance
Man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you’ll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid
Trust, deceived!

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes-
The music stopped and I looked up and saw the guy in front of me smiling holding MYYY i-pod in his hands. I glared at him.
“ Can I have my i-pod?” I whispered. He shook his head and smirked. I reached my arm forward to go take it but he held it back. I sat back in my chair, and crossed my arms over my chest.
“ Hey can I have your name?” He smirked. I scoffed.
“Why? Don’t you already have one?” I hissed. His smirk grew even wider, and he let out a chuckle.
“ yes I do want a name its rain,” he said holding out a hand.
“ I didn’t ask for your name.”
“ You asked if I had one.”
“ But I didn’t ask what is was.” He shook his head and looked at me, and then pulled a paper from my hands and was looking at my schedule.
“ Hey im a photographer, and I have been looking for a face like yours,” He smirked still looking at my schedule.
“ Yeah and I am a plastic surgeon, and I have been looking for a face like yours,” I shot back. His eyes flickered up to me.
“ Aren’t you a ball of joy?”
“ Hm complete.”
I went to go grab my i-pod from him and he once again held it away from me. I sighed, and slumped down in my seat.
“ keep it,” I scoffed. His smirk left his face and he sighed in frustration, and handed me my i-pod.
“ Stubborn little,” He started to say but I plugged my i-pod in and blasted it. he turned in his seat, and I felt my desk shaking, and I turned around and saw the guy behind me laughing his ass off. I raised an eyebrow, and then everyone was looking at me, so I took out my headphones, and the witch was glaring at me!
“ Ms. Lynch, Mr. Lurz, and Mr. lake!” She yelled. I slumped down more into my seat. Oh what did I do? We all stood up, and walked over to her desk. She handed both the boys a bright orange slip, and then handed one to me. I looked down at it and gasped. My FIRST detention.
“ ma’am,” I mumbled, “ Why did I get this?” I asked looking up at her appalled.
“ There will be NO talking in my class Ms. Lynch, and you and your buddies did plenty of it, so you have to stay after for an hour today, and help clean up the football field,” she stated. I stood their gawking at her, and nodded my head, and then the bell rang, and I sulked out of class. Those little mother-
“ Hey Lynch,” a way to familiar voice said. I turned my body around to face Rain and I gave him an evil look.
“ Whatdya want boy?” I asked irritated.
“ So I guess they were right about you being from the country?” He smirked. I shook my head and sighed.
“ Know Whatdya talking about?”
“ Oh nothing,” and with that he smirked and walked off. I stood their fuming, shooting daggers in his back. I heard someone laughing behind me, and I saw the guy that was laughing in study.
“ Whata be so damned funny!” I muffled.
“ you!” he laughed. I looked at him appalled, and rolled my eyes and turned on my heel and left. I heard him running after me, and he put his hand on my shoulder. “ I- I- Im sorry. I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just that rain has never been rejected before,” he laughed. I cooled off and nodded my head.
“ Oh,” I sighed shaking my head feeling a little flustered.
“ How old are you?” He asked.
“ Im turning sixteen in a month,” I said looking at him.
“ Sophomore?” He raised an eyebrow. I nodded my head. “ Damn! I thought you were a senior like the rest of us! You don’t look like no sophomore,” his smirk widened.
“ Um… thanks?” I asked confused.
“ it’s definitely a good thing,” he said taking a step closer and I took a step back.
“ You invading my person bubble,” I said making air quotes. He laughed.
“ Im Ti,” He smiled holding out a hand.
“ Mayella,” I said shaking his head.
“ Pleasure,” he said kissing my hand. I laughed, and rolled my eyes. he gave me a confused look.
“ Sorry buddy but im not all goo ga over you,” I smirked pulling my hand away.
“ Ah why not give it a try though right?” he laughed. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Ti’s eyes widened.
“ Duck!” he screamed. I stood their confused, and then I felt something collide with the back of my head, and I stumbled forward, and hit the ground, and everything became dizzy, and it all went black….

Chapter five-
My eyes opened and I saw all these faces hovering over me. I shot up, and Ti was looking at me.
“ Mayella are you okay!?” He asked.
“ Wha- What the hell hit me?” I asked touching the back of my head. I heard someone clear their throats in back of me, and I turned around and saw Tristan standing there with a football in his hands. I looked at the football, and then Tristan’s eyes met with mine and he shrugged his shoulders, and did a half grin.
“ Sorry?” He mouthed. I rolled my eyes, and got up on my feet and shook my head.
“ Should of known it was you,” I sighed looking at him.
“ I didn’t mean to hit you Mayella,” He said.
“ Hm, yeah,” I muffled. I looked over at Ti and he was looking at me.
“ Are you sure you’re alright Mayella?” Ti asked touching my shoulder. I nodded my head.
“ Im just sore, but im okay,” I smiled.
“ Man that ball sure hit you hard though,” he said shaking his head. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ I should ugh get to class though,” I sighed.
“ Well you missed your third period so go to your fourth,” He smiled. I shook his hand.
“ Thank you,” I smiled. He nodded his head, and I turned around and made my way to my next class. The classes just kind of went by. I felt groggy, and I had a horrible headache. I kind of just blocked everything out. The bell rang, and I know had lunch. I got up from my desk, and stumbled to the lunch room. When I walked in I looked around, and I saw Zoe waving for me to come over. I smiled at her, and then walked over to the table she was sitting at. Their where three boys their too the ones that where in my first class, and then two other girls, and two more boys. I smiled, and sat down next to Zoe. They all looked at me, and I did a faint smile. My head hurt so bad.
“ I heard what happened with the football,” Zoe said looking at me.
“ Yep,” I sighed rubbing my head. The guy across from me shook his head and let out a laugh. I looked up at him, and he smiled, and held out his hand.
“ Hello, I’m Chris.” I reached out my hand.
“ Nice to meet you, I’m Mayella, but you can call me May,” I Smiled. He sent me a dashing smile, and I sat back and let out a sigh.
“ You alright?” A guy asked. I looked over and saw a pale guy looking at me. his brown hair was everywhere and he had bright green eyes. I smiled faintly.
“ Im fine, just… irritated,” I let out a laugh shaking my head.
“ Have you had to put up with Tristan?” he laughed. I shook my head resting my chin on the table. “ Well at least you can go home, and get a break.” I snorted.
“ I live with him,” I said. Everyone at the table looked at me, and I straightened up. “ Um- ugh…. Our parents are a- t- thing, and yeah,” I said looking away. Someone started to laugh, and I looked up and saw three guys laughing so hard tears where coming out of their eyes. two guys fell back off the bench and onto the ground laughing. I sat there and felt my face going red. They stood up trying to catch their breath, and they sat down taking deep breaths. I raised an eyebrow and when they made eye contact with me they started to laugh one again. “ I don’t…. I don’t see what is so funny,” I mumbled.
“ I FEEL SO BAD FOR YOU!” Chris cried. I shook my head and sighed. They stopped laughing and looked down at the table. They were all looking at something behind me, so I turned around and saw Tristan and all his jock friends sitting at their table looking at me. I turned back around, and looked at everyone at the table.
“ Ugh,” I sighed putting my head down on the table.
“ What’s wrong know?” Chris asked.
“ I don’t want to go home,” I muffled into the table.
“ You want to come by my place?” he asked. I looked up at him.
“ Ugh-,” I started.
“ Don’t worry! “He laughed. “ Everyone you see at the table right know is also going to be there,” He smiled.
“ I would but- I don’t have a ride,” I said sheepishly.
“ I’ll have my brother drop you off at your house later, and he is driving us to my house anyway,” he shrugged. I looked around the table and everyone was staring at me.
“ I- I guess,” I said. Everyone smiled, and I sat there and smiled back. Then a loud buzz came, and I jumped back falling off the bench. Everyone erupted into laughter, and I sat up and glared at them. “ T- That wasn’t funny!” I cried.
“ It was hilarious!” A boy cried. I rolled my eyes.
“ Does that mean we have to go to class?” I asked.
“ We still have another fifteen minutes,” Chris smiled. I nodded my head, and realized that I have to tell Tristan that I don’t need a ride home, and im going to a friends. I stood there, and turned around and looked at Tristan and looked back at Zoe.
“ Um I’ll be right back,” I mumbled. Zoe looked up at me.
“ Where are you going?” She asked.
“ I-,” I sighed and shook my head. “ I gotta tell Tristan that I won’t come home after school today, and I don’t a ride either,” I said pinching the bridge of my nose, and making my way towards Tristan.
“ Good luck!” Chris sung I stopped in my tracks, and turned around and looked at Chris dumbfounded. I wonder if he is gay…. He looked up at me. “ What?” He mouthed.
“ Are you gay?” I mouthed back. I swear to god is jaw hit the floor. He sat their gawking at me, and I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk towards Tristan. Guys started to look at me, and I tilted my head down, and stood behind Tristan.
“ Ugh- Tristan,” I mumbled. He turned around and a huge grin plastered onto his face.
“ Hey May,” he said grinning. I scowled at him, and he let out a little chuckle. “ So what’s up Hun?” He asked. I ignored that comment and sighed.
“ Don’t wait for me after school,” I said. I went to turn around to leave but he caught my wrist.
“ Why?”
“ Im going to my friends,” I said blushing from all the eyes on me.
“ Already made friends? Oh no…. they are not friends they are freaks,” he let out a laugh. He said it extremely loud, and pointed over at Zoe. I saw her face drop, and she looked at me, and did a faint smile. I saw her lips quivering. I turned my attention back to Tristan, and I brought my hand up, and slapped him across the face.
“ Yo better watch your mouth! You don’t speak like that about my friends, you little arrogant son of a-,” I was cut off when I was shoved to the left. Tristan stood their glaring at me. I took back my stand and tilted my head up and glared at him. “ You better watch what you do,” I said evilly. I turned on my heel, and walked away from him, and sat down next to Zoe. Everyone at the table was gawking at me. I looked at Zoe and she just sat there looking at me. I touched my cheek. “ Do I have something on my face?” I asked.
Chris started to laugh and he shook his head. I looked at the rest of the guys and they were all grinning and I looked at Zoë, and the look in her eyes brought all this happiness to me.
“ Your something,” Chris said looking at me. I smiled and shook my head.
“ She has a death wish,” Zoe laughed. I looked over at her and let out a laugh shaking my head. A second bell rang and everyone sprang out of their seats.
“ Lunch is over know?” I asked. Zoe nodded her head and I pouted, and someone pinched my cheek, and I looked over and saw Ryder standing their smirking at me.
“ Your cute when you pout,” He laughed. My face went bright red and I swatted his hand away from me. He started to laugh and I rolled my eyes.
“ Im. Not. Cute.” I said glaring at him.
“ Hmm,” He replied biting his lip. I rolled my eyes, and turned to leave and then stopped on my heel.
“ Chris!” I called out after him.
“ yeah?” he asked walking back to me.
“ I just remembered I have detention after school-,” I started to say but he broke out into laughter’s.
“ It’s your first day and you got a detention!” He croaked. I sighed.
“ Yes…. BUT! It wasn’t my fault!” I cried throwing my hands up in the air.
“ It’s cool… My brother actually has football practice, so he can just pick you up, and bring you back to my place,” He smiled.
“ But- I thought you said he was already driving us?”
“ He is but we gotta another ride,” he smiled.
“ oh… okay,” I smiled. Then he brought out his phone and took a picture of me, I looked at him confused. “ Chris? Why did you…?” I asked cocking my head.
“ So my bro knows who you are when he brings you home,” he smiled. He pressed a button on his phone that looked at me happily. “ Okay I sent your picture to him.”
“ I probably look like an idiot,” I sighed shaking my head.
“ You gotta phone?” He asked. I nodded my head and he handed me his phone, and I typed in my number and saved it. “ I’ll text you after you get out of detention!” HE smiled turning away. I waved goodbye and I turned around and saw Ryder looking at me.
“ You’re going to his house?” he asked. The way he said his was so….
“ yes, I am going to Chris’s house,” I said putting a hand on my hip. He smirked at me, and took a step closer to me, and I took a step back but he put his hand on the lower part of my back, and brought me closer to him, and brought his face down to mine, and I felt his lips touch my ear
“ Your mine,” he said simply and then let me go and turned around and left…. He… did…. What…. I stood their dumbfounded looking at him, and then I stomped my foot and felt my face go bright red. Me? I do not belong to anyone! I turned around and ran to history class fuming. Before I knew it I was in photography, and I walked in and saw Ti and Rain sitting at a table with two other guys laughing. I sighed, and when the door closed Rain and Ti looked up at me and stupid grins plastered on both their faces. I growled underneath my breath, and sat down at a table farthest away from them. I put my head down on my desk and closed my eyes.
“ Mayella,” I heard Ti say my name. I kept my head down when he continued to say my name, and then I felt to fingers jab into my sides, and my body jerked forward, and my chair slipped out from underneath me, and I fell on my ass. I sat on the ground growling and I looked up and saw a pleased Rain.
“ You mother-,” I was stopped when the ball rang, and I sighed, and went to stand up. When I looked up rain was gone, and I sat back down in my chair, and went to get something out of my…. Book bag? I looked around for it… I think my book bag grew legs and walked away. I looked around and saw it was at Rain’s table at the last empty seat there. I looked up and Rain’s eyes met with mine and got up and walked over to the bag. I went to go grab it and I felt someone push me forward and I fell into a chair. I sat their gazing at Ti astounded and he just gave me a small smile, and I growled. Then the bell rang, and the teacher came walking in. I went to go back to my seat, but every single seat was known… full…. Oh god DAMNIT! I sat back in the chair, and shot daggers at Rain. He looked at me and I gave him the middle finger and mouth fuck you. Ti, and the two other guys started to laugh, and they laughed so hard they went into a coughing fit.
“ Is everything okay back their?” A deep voice asked. I looked up and saw a teacher gazing at our table, and he looked awfully young to be a teacher, I looked around again, and noticed I am the only girl! What the hell….!
“ ITS GREAT!” Rain said loudly into my ear. I turned around and glared at him.
“ Shut up you,” I muffled.
“ Teacher she is being a bully!” Rain cried. I sat their gawking at him, and everyone turned towards us, and I felt my face heat up, and I turned my body away from him, and felt his fingers squeeze my sides, and a yelp escaped my lips, and I jumped out of my seat.
“ You as whole!” I growled.
“ You two!” The teacher yelled. I looked at him and did a sheepish smile, and he just shook his head at me. I sighed, and pointed to Rain.
“ Him!” I hissed glaring at him. Rain made a heart out of his hands and I snorted and rolled my eyes.
“ Jesus! You two act like a married couple!” The teacher said. I jerked my neck towards him, and winced in pain, and rubbed my neck. “ Sit down….” He sighed. I sat down but moved my chair forward trying to be farther away from Rain.
“ What do I smell?” Rain asked. I opened my mouth to say something but then I looked at the teacher and closed it clenching my jaw.
“ Im guessing your… Mayella?” he asked. I nodded my head. “ I thought since you’re the only girl.” He laughed. I did a sarcastic laugh and leaned back in my chair. I realized everyone was looking at me and I felt uncomfortable. The teacher started to call off names, and people said here, or hell, or some stupid comment, and I shook my head too. “ Well my name is Mr. Audi, and I will be your photography teacher this year,” He smiled. “ Well I can see everyone picked their tables so this will; be your seats,” he smiled. My hand instantly shot up. “ Yes Mayella?”
“ I can NOT sit with him,” I said pointing my finger at Rain.
“ ouch,” he mumbled. I rolled my eyes.
“ I believe your mature enough too,” Mr. Audi replied.
“ But Mr. Audi… He already got me a detention today, and I have no patience for the likes of him,” I growled.
“ Well you two will have to learn how to get along then?” he smirked. I sat their gawking at him, and nodded my head and rested back into my seat.
“ isn’t there a makeup hug?” A boy asked next to me. I looked over at him, and he looked at me, and I glared at him.
“ Well Jeremy, that’s not a bad idea,” Mr. Audi said. My head shot up, and my jaw opened and I looked at Mr. Audi in complete amazement.
“ Mr.… Mr. Audi,” I gasped.
“ Going you two hug and make up,” he smiled looking at the both of us. I heard a chair screech against the floor, and then Rain appeared in front of me. he held out his arms.
“ Fuc-,” I started to say but Mr. Audi cleared his throat, and I looked around Rain at him, and gave him a pleading look. He nodded his head towards Rain and I got up and looked at his arms. “ I hate this class,” I muttered wrapped my arms around Rain, and I thought I was going to die! I was having the life squeezed out of me. “ I…. C- CANT…. I CANT BREATH!” I cried. His grip tightened and I let out a gasp.
“ That’s enough Rain,” Mr. Audi said. Rain let me go and I stumbled backwards sucking in air. I stood their glaring at both rain and Mr. aud. Then the bell rang and everyone grabbed their bags and left. I stood there still shocked and I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom making my way to the football field. When I got there was things everywhere! I saw one of the gym teachers looking at me.
“ Your Mayella right?” She asked. I nodded my head. “ Get started cleaning then!” I nodded my head, and grabbed a pulley, and started to pick things up, and then I turned my head and saw Rain and Ti approaching. I stopped and groaned and threw my hands up in the air.
“ This… This is going to be a long…. Freaking…. Detention!” I cried.
Chapter six-
Detention was freaking hell. I cleaned everything. The guys just stood there and just annoyed me the whole time. I swear to god I almost strangled one of them. I walked away from the school with my head down. I looked around the parking lot, and then realized that Chris’s brother is going to be picking me up. I sat on the stairs, and started to daze off when a football was thrown by me. I jumped up in surprise, and looked up and saw three guys looking at me. I stumbled up and picked up the football, and tossed it back to the one standing in the middle.
“ Are you Mayella?” He asked. I nodded my head. “ I’m Troy, Chris’s older brother,” he said sounding bored. My mouth went into a O and I nodded my head. The two guys next to him where staring at me, and from my little spill today I was wearing very exposing clothing. I felt uncomfortable, and I shifted from one foot to another. Troy stood their looking at me, and I scratched the back of my neck, and he turned around and started to walk away. The two other guys laughed and followed him. I stood their dumbfounded not really knowing what to do. “ Come on Sophomore!” Troy yelled at me. my head snapped up and I walked behind them towards his black jeep. He got in the front with one guy and the other guy got in the back. I scrambled into the back, and I sat there in silence.
“ Where did you come from?” the guy that was sitting next to me asked.
“ Wisconsin,” I said looking out the window.
“ Wow….” Troy mumbled underneath his breath probably not expecting me to hear.
“ Wow what?” I asked tearing my gaze from the window and looking at the back of his head.
“ I can’t believe my bro is hanging out with a fucking hick,” He hissed. The tone of his voice made my body cringe. Ouch…. That kind of hurt for some reason. I just nodded my head and looked out the window. We slowed down in front of the house, and all the guys got out, and I trailed behind them. Troy suddenly stopped in front of me, and I tumbled into him, and lost my footing and fell backwards. I landed on my ass and bit my tongue because damn that hurt. Troy looked at me, and I looked up at him, and looked right back down.
“ S- Sorry,” I whispered trying to stand up. Troy continued to look at me, and I took a step back, and looked down. “ Um tell Chris I had to go,” I said turning around. Troy grabbed my arm and I turned around to look at him.
“ What do you mean?” he asked.
“ I have… T- To go,” I whispered pulling my arm away from him. I walked down the driveway, and felt tears prickling in my eyes. I brought my hand up to my face, and quickly wiped them away. I heard footsteps, and Troy spun me around. He looked at me and saw the tears, and I shook my head letting out a laugh. “ Yep the hick is crying,” I laughed stepping away from him, and running down the street. I ran until my feet where about to give out. I stopped at a corner, and wiped the tears away. I don’t even care about that guy, and he made me cry? Well he didn’t make me cry. Just what he said I guess… I’ve been called a hick all day. I have no friends… well I have friends but not ones that I can let myself go too…. I sighed, and looked around…. OH MY GOD IM LOST! I looked around, and went to get my phone out of my pocket…… and its gone. I stomped my foot like a two year old, and let out a sigh. I looked around trying to see if I remembered any of the street names or signs or anything. I sighed in defeat, and sat down on a curb taking a deep breath.
I bent over and put my head in my hands, and took a deep breath. I heard a car coming to a stop, and I looked up, and saw someone rolling down their window. Three guys sat their looking at me. one of them smirked.
“ Need a ride Hun?” the driver asked.
“ Nope,” I said popping the p.
“ You sure?” he asked again.
“ Im sure,” I said a little louder. He didn’t roll up his window nor drive off. I felt them all staring at me, and I stood up. “ Shoo!” I growled. He let out a laugh.
“ Im not just going to leave a little girl alone on the streets,” He laughed. I looked at him, and he looked so damn familiar! Their Tristan’s football player friends.
“ I aint no damned little girl! I go to the same high school as all you class a pricks,” I snorted. He looked at me for a little while, and then started to laugh.
“ W- Wait! You’re the hick that’s living with Tristan right?” he laughed. I felt a sharp stab in my heart, and I looked down.
“ Right down to the nub,” I mumbled. I looked at them and they saw the change in my personality. “ I don’t need a ride so just go,” I said very irritated. He looked at me for some more time, and then shrugged his shoulders, and left. Hick… hick…. Hick….. My name is Mayella not hick…. A patch of lightening covered the sky, and thunder filled my ears. I looked up, and water drenched me. I let out a scream.
“ OH F*CK ME!” I said throwing my hands up in the air. I started to walk down the street not knowing where the hell I was going and I don’t care anymore. I continued to walk, and I was shaking. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, and I was dying. My teeth where shivering, and I was in my own la la land, not paying attention to what I was doing, and I stumbled over my feet while crossing the street, and fell flat on my face. I muttered cusses under my breath trying to regain my balance, and I saw a flash of light in front of me. I stumbled back with a scream, and prepared myself to get hit…. Nothing…. I opened my eyes, and saw the car inches away from me. the door swung open, and I saw someone coming towards me. I let out the breath I was holding, and fell onto my back on the road.
“ A- Are you okay?!?” A familiar voice hovered over me. I opened my eyes and saw Ryder.
“ hey you,” I sighed. He picked me up bridal style and put me in the back seat, and drove off. I was moving around whenever he hit a bump. My head was pounding and I thought I was going to die! The car came to a stop, and Ryder opened the door, and picked me up again. I mumbled some words that I myself couldn’t even translate. Ryder let out a slight laugh, and he rang the doorbell. Tristan opened the door with a smile on his face, and it quickly dropped.
“ What the hell happened to her?” Tristan asked.
“ I found her outside in the middle of the road,” Ryder growled.
“ let me take her,” Tristan said.
“ No its fine. I’ll take her to her room,” Ryder muttered glaring at Tristan.
“ you’re not stepping into my house,” Tristan said raising his voice a little. I started to move around in Ryder’s grasp and he looked down at me.
“ Let me down,” I whispered. He gave me a worried look and sighed, and lightly placed me on my feet. At first I swayed a little, and then I regained my balance and smiled at him. “ Thanks,” I smiled. He just nodded his head, and I let out a sigh. Ryder stood their looking at me, and then he muttered something underneath his breath which I couldn’t catch. Tristan closed the door and turned around to look at me.
“ I thought you said you were going somewhere and had a ride home,” Tristan growled.
“ I was going somewhere and I did have a ride home, but then some things happened,” I said turning away to go to the basement. I stumbled forwards, and Tristan grabbed my arm to keep me up but I shrugged him off. “ D- Don’t touch me,” I slurred.
“ Are- Are you drunk?” he yelled.
“ No,” I whispered. I put my finger to my mouth. “ Sh I have a headache and don’t feel good....” I muttered making my way to the stairs. I started to go down the stairs, and I felt so dizzy, but I continued. I got to the bottom stair and I saw Ti, Rain, and Jeremy sitting on the couch. They turned around expecting Tristan but when they saw me their jaws dropped. I did a faint smile, and made my way towards my room.
“ You’re not even going to tell me what happened? Huh are you? HELLO?!?” Tristan yelled. My body cringed, and I pressed down on my temples.
“ I said I don’t feel good and have a headache…. So if you wouldn’t mind…. SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I screamed turning to look at him. At first he looked taken back. “ Fucking, stupid, ass,” I muttered underneath my breath walking towards my bedroom. I stepped in and collapsed to the floor. Tears flooded down my face. I heard the door open, and I looked up and saw Ti standing there. He knelt down next to me, and I looked up at him. “ Whatdya wan’?” I whispered.
“ What’s wrong?” He asked. I let out a laugh.
“ What looks wrong Ti?” I muttered.
“ Why are you sad stoop,” he said wrapping his arms around me.
“ it’s nothing,” I whispered.
“It’s obviously something to make you act like this,” He said. I looked up at him.
“ Everyone… all they see me as is this hick girl that moved from the cheese state, and don’ fit in,” I sighed.
“ Screw what everyone says,” he whispered.
“ It’s hard to when EVERYONE says it,” I muffled into his chest.
“ I didn’t….” he smiled. I rolled my eyes. “ Don’t worry Mayella. You’re a strong person,” He said getting up.
“ I was,” I whispered looking at the floor. He knelt back down and lifted my chin up.
“ Are.” He said sternly and then walked out of the room. I sat their staring at the door, and I mentally slapped myself. I can’t believe I just had a total breakdown of what others think of me…. I got up, and my body was so soar. I sighed, and fell onto my bed. I went into my pocket to call Tommy boy, and then I realized I lost it. I fell back into my bed biting my pillow. DAMNIT! I don’t know why I let troy get to me… I never realized how lonely I am here…. I don’t even have one person I can really trust. I’ve never felt so alone in my whole life. I felt like there was a huge hole in my heart. I scrambled out of bed, and walked into the front room, and saw Tristan sitting on the counter.
“ Tristan?” my voice sounded dead. He looked up at me giving me a questioning look. “ Can I use your phone?” I asked looking away from him.
“ Where is yours?”
“ I lost…. I lost it,” I sighed. He then threw me his phone, and I tried to catch it but it fell to the ground. I quickly picked it up. “ S- Sorry,” I muttered. I looked up at Tristan and he was looking at me like I was crazy. “ What?” I muttered. He shook his head.
“ ugh- it’s nothing,” He said. I nodded my head and turned around and went back into my room. I dialed Tommy’s number. I know it by heart. After five rings I heard him answer.
“ Hm hello?” he yawned into the phone.
“ Hey Tom,” I whispered.
“ May?” he asked sounding more awake.
“ Hmm.”
“ What’s wrong?”
“ Tommy… I’ve never felt so alone in my whole life….” I said tears spilling out of my eyes.
“ Your… are you crying?” He asked. I let out a laugh.
“ Im so pathetic,” I cried.
“ No sh…. Mayella….” He said smoothly.
“ I never realized how you, Jim, and Bradley where like my life. I feel so lost, and empty without you guys… I miss you guys so much,” I cried.
“ We miss you too Mayella,” he said quietly.
“ Tommy….” I groaned.
“ What?”
“ I don’t know what to do,” I whispered into the phone putting my head in my hands. “ I don’t know what to fucking do.”
“ Who did you let get to you May?”
“ Everyone…. I let everyone fucking get to me. I usually don’t give a damn what people think about me, but tommy boy… I stick out like a sore thumb here,” I sniffled.
“ Don’t you change Mayella Lynch,” he said sternly.
“ Never tommy boy,” I smiled. A laugh escaped my lips.
“ What’s so funny?” he laughed.
“ how you can always make me smile when im in the worst moods,” I sighed.
“ And I find it funny you only call me not Jim or Bradley.”
“ OH they never answer their damn phones… I honestly don’t know why someone doesn’t answer their phones if they own one,” I grumbled. Tom started to laugh, and I took a deep breath. “ I Dunno tom…. I Dunno….”
“ Yuh Dunno Wha?”
“ I Dunno how long I be able to last here….” I mumbled looking around my room. “ Im losing all my memories tommy…. It feels like im losing my father a second time,” I muffled into the phone trying to hold back tears.
“ he is always going to be in your heart Mayella. No matter what.”
“ I know…. But it’s still hard.”
“ life is hard….”
It was quiet for a few minutes.
“ well I’mma let you go. Thanks for being their tommy boy,” I smiled.
“ Always will be May. Call me tomorrow when you get the chance. Love you bye,” he said and then I heard a dead line. I took the phone away from me ear.
“ love you too tommy boy,” I whispered shutting the phone. I looked at the phone, an di felt tears forming in my eyes and I quickly shut them back. I aint gonna cry no more… I am who I am…. And I like who I am. I got up and walked out of my room, and saw the guys wrestling. I cleared my throat and Tristan looked up at me, and I tossed his phone to him. It hit his arm, and he glared at me.
“ What?” I scoffed.
“ You couldn’t hand it to me?” he said sticking his nose up.
“ Your lucky I didn’t chuck it at yuh,” I growled. A huge grin spread across his face, and I cocked an eyebrow at him. “ What’s with da creepy smile thingy going on?” he just continued to smile, and I rolled my eyes and walked away muttering creep under my breath. I walked into my room, and before I shut the door someone ran in and wrapped their arms around me. I was taken back, and saw Tristan’s hair. “ Tristan?” I muttered.
“ I was smiling because your back,” he said breaking apart the hug, and looking me in the eyes.
“ Whatdya mean?” I asked.
“ when you came home it seemed like you just gave up on life. You didn’t talk back to me, give me sass, or act like a little…” He stopped. “ Well you get the point,” He smiled. I smiled and hit his chest.
“ Im mad at you,” I said poking him.
“ Why??”
“ Because of what you did at school,” I whispered.
“ Im sorry Mayella,” he replied.
“ Your forgiven but I aint gonna forget it, and I am a hick, and I don’t care what you and all your Cali friends say,” I said the last part quieter.
“ Don’t lettem get to yuh Mayella,” he said lifting up my chin.
“ You where one of them,” I said shaking my head at him.
“ Once again I am sorry about that too,” he said.
“ Are you?” I asked looking him in the eyes. we stood their looking at one another for some time, and I took a step back. “ Goodnight Tristan,” I whispered.
“ You’re going to be my sister…. Im sorry. I care about you Mayella. I look at you like your my baby sister, and I have to tease you.”
“ Sister?” I hissed. I turned around. “ Our parents aren’t,” I stopped when Tristan was looking me dead in the eyes. “ SHE IS GETTING MARRIED AND DIDN’T FUDGING TELL ME!” I screamed. “THAT LITTLE SECRETIVE WITCH! THAT LITTLE MOFO!” i was going off on a rampage. Tristan wrapped his arms around me.
“ What you don’t want to be my sister?” he asked.
“ I don’t want a new father,” I said tears slipping out of my eyes. my body felt so weak and I was so tired I just let the world slip away and I passed out.
Chapter seven-
My eyes fluttered open, and I went to go sit up, but a pair of arms held me down. I looked down and saw someone had their arms wrapped around me right under my breast. I turned my head, and saw Tristan fast asleep. I let out a sigh, and looked around and realized we were in his room. I tried getting myself out of his grasp, but the more that I moved he tightened his grip onto me.
“ Come on Tristan,” I sighed.
“ grhf….” I heard him mumble into my back. I rolled my eyes, and turned around and he had is arms know wrapped around me waist, and I looked at his sleeping face. His eyes opened and he looked at me, and smiled, but then he had this look in his eyes. “ Morning,” he whispered. I let out a laugh shaking my head.
“ Hey Tristan you think you can do something for me?” I asked.
“ Sure,” he smiled. I lifted the sheets, and pointed to his arms that where around me. “ let. Me go!” I laughed. He let out a chuckle, and unwrapped his arms from me, and laid onto his back.
“ Ready for day two?” he asked.
“ Day two?” I muttered sitting up.
“ School! Duh…” He said throwing the blanket over himself.
“ Oh whoopee! School!” I said fist pumping my hand in their air. Tristan looked at me from under the blankets.
“ Your weird….”
“ I know,” I smiled walking out of his room. I opened my door, and walked into my room, and stripped out of my clothes, and walked over to my closet, and put on a pair of black ripped jeans, a slipknot shirt, and put my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my converse, and put on a little eyeliner and mascara, and opened my door, and ran into Tristan.
“ Don’t you look lovely,” he said shaking his head, and walking into the kitchen.
“ Model freakin’ materia’,” I said laughing.
“ You talk funny…”
“ And you be lookin’ funny,” I retorted. He rolled his eyes. “ you keep rolling your eyes like that they gonna get stuck up in yo head,” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“ And you’re gonna get your tongue cut off if you keep doing that!”
I looked at him, and flicked him off mouthing fuck you.
“ My pleasure,” he said walking up to me. I brought my hand up and pushed him away.
“ Your discussing,” I groaned.
“ You told me too!”
“ Shut up!” I said running up the stairs. I heard him laughing behind me, and I rolled my eyes. I walked upstairs, and had the sudden craving for an apple… I like really want an apple. Tristan was walking past me, and I ran up to him, and screamed, “ DO WE HAVE APPLES?!” He jumped back putting his hands over his ears, and mumbling a curse. He was looking at me and his eyes where budging.
“ What the hell Mayella…” He mumbled shaking his head at me. he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a apple, and left. I ran to the fridge but saw not even one apple.
“ Tristan where are the apples!!!!” I screamed.
“ I have the last one!” He sung closing the front door. I turned on my heel and grabbed my book bag and hauled ass after him. He was at the bottom of the stairs, when I jumped down wrapping my arms onto his shoulders. He stumbled forward tripping over his own feet and falling. I grabbed the apple out of his hands and took a big bite.
“ Are you! Nuts?” he yelled standing up. I shrugged my shoulder eating my apple, and started to walk off to school.
“ You don’t want a ride?” He asked.
“ I don’t trust you!” I said still walking. A car came driving past me and I saw it was Tristan’s.
“ Why?” he sobbed.
“ After what you did yesterday at school….” I growled. “ im not even going to come near you.”
“ I said I was sorry!” he waved him off with my hand, and I heard him sigh and then his car took off. I let out a laugh because I won. I continued to walk, and then I heard a car slowing down next to me. I looked over and saw Ryder.
“ hey,” he smiled rolling down the window.
“ Hi,” I said stopping.
“ need a ride?”
“ Im alright,” I said looking down the street. He let out a laugh shaking his head.
“ Just get in the car…..” He sighed eyeing me down. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms under my breast.
“ And if I don’t…” I said testing him.
“ Then ill drag you in!” He said back quickly.
“ You wouldn’t…”
“ Wanna bet?”
We eyes one another… Ryder has never seemed like the type to do something like that. He always gives me my space and is sweet- OH HELL NO! I was hauled over Ryder’s shoulders and he threw me into the car, and then shut the door. I sat their flabbergasted. He got into the car and started to drive off.
“ You… You just abducted me!” I gasped. He rolled his eyes…. I sat their gaping at him.
“ like what you see huh?” he laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“ You just like Tristan,” I grumbled.
“ I am not,” he said back flatly. I looked at him, and he was looking at the road, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened a little.
“ yeah I know,” I said looking out the window. I heard him chuckle and I looked over at him, and he was smiling at me. “ Creepy smile…” I muttered. He shook his head.
“ You hurt me Mayella Lynch… You hurt me,” he smirked. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, and I just shook my head. We pulled up to the school parking lot, and I got out of the car, and my eyes met with Tristan and his jaw was clenched and he just looked completely f*cking pissed….like he looked scary! I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he just looked at me, and then at the car, and towards Ryder and his eyes met mine again…. Was he… jealous? What the hell… of course not. Then I felt someone’s hand around my waist and I looked up and saw Ryder. I did a faint smile, and we walked towards the school.
“ Mayella…” Someone said. I stopped walking and saw Tristan looking at me intently.
“ Oh, hey,” I said.
“ Can I talk to you?” he asked through clenched teeth. I nodded my head, and turned to Ryder, and he smiled and then he did something not even I expected… he kissed my cheek and then left. I stood their shocked and I felt my face boiling up. I turned around and oh damn! I thought he was going to turn into the incredible hulk!!!!!
“ Ugh… Tristan…” I said losing my voice. “ A- Are you okay?”
“ Why are you with…” He pointed towards Ryder. “ That.” He spat out.
“ Well…. He saw me walking and drove me to school that’s all.”
“ I offered to drive you.”
“ And I declined….”
“ Mayella…” he sighed.
“ I don’t see what the big deal is?” I said cocking an eyebrow.
“ He had his arm around you, and kissed your… cheek,” he said I saw the veins popping out of his neck.
“ We are just friends,” I said shaking my head. Tristan looked at me, and then just shook his head and walked away. I stood their dumbfounded.
“ Guys are so… confusing,” I muttered turning to walk into the school, and ran into something… no rather someone. I looked up and saw the devil himself…. Rain… I glared at him, and he smirked at me.
“ Hola chicka,” he said putting his arm around my shoulder and we walked into he building…
“ What is today touch Mayella day or something?” I growled prying his off of me. he let out a laugh.
“ Ah ha I saw that today with Ryderrr… funny Shiz,” he laughed.
“ I don’t see what was funny?”
“ well the way Ryder had his arm around you and kissed your cheek…. It was just so darn cute, and especially when you blushed redder then a tomato!” he said pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.
“ Ah shut up why don’ yuh?” I said shaking my head. I looked at the clock on the wall and I had two minutes to get to class… damnit I forgot my books in my locker. “ I gotta go,” I said turning around and running towards my locker. I forgot my art book… GAH! I ran towards my locker and put in my combination… 4, 24, and 22… it opened. Wow the first try too… SUCCESS! I grabbed my arm book, and slammed my locker shot and ran towards class. I was about to turn the corner when I saw rain and Tristan standing in the halls talking to one another.
“ F*ck man,” Tristan groaned.
“ I saw…” Rain laughed.
“ That… Was not funny….” Tristan growled.
“ Your reaction was pricelessss buddddddy boyyyyyy!”
“ I hate you.”
“ Psh whatever….. so can I ask you something?” Rain asked.
“ What?” Tristan asked sounding annoyed.
“ You like someone don’t you…”
“ how do you know?”
“ Dude we have been friends forever… I can tell because of the look in your eyes.”
“ You can read me like a book and that is NOT a good thing…”
Tristan let out a laugh.
“ Who do you like?” Rain asked.
“ I like-,”
A sneeze escaped my lips, and I took a step back. My eyes widened and I mentally slapped myself. SHIT! I heard walking coming towards me and I turned on my heel, and ran towards the closest door, and flew in there, and shut it behind me breathing heavily. I stood there with my back up against the door and I kept my eyes shut. I heard the bell ring…. LATE FOR CLASS… WHOOPEY! I hit my head with my hand. Im so stupid… stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I was just about to find out who Tristan likes and then I! I go and sneeze… im an idiot. Stupid sneeze… I groaned, and turned around and opened the door, and peered out into the hall, and saw no one was there, and I bolted to art. My classes kind of just flew past and the next thing I knew it was time for lunch. I walked into the lunch room, and sat over by Zoe. She smiled at me, and I sat down next to her.
“ how has your day been?” she asked.
“ GGGreat,” I muttered. She let out a laugh. I put my head down onto the table, but felt something cold on my head. I shot back up and touched my forehead, and something… slimy and gooey. I looked at my hand and it was flipping Jell-O….
“ Um May, you got something on your forehead,” Chris said.
“ When did you get promoted from a first class A observer to president of the fucking obvious?” I snorted. Everyone at the table erupted into laughter’s, and Chris put his hands up in the air pretending to surrender.
“ Cranky butt!” he laughed. I rolled my eyes, and took Zoe’s napkin, and cleaned my forehead off. “ Why didn’t you come over yesterday?” Chris suddenly asked.
“ S- Sorry… something came up,” I said looking at the table. I was a terrible liar towards friends…. Horrid… it was actually pretty depressing.
“ Alrighty,” Chris said and he dug into his lunch. I let out a laugh shaking my head, and I looked up and saw Troy looking at me. I glared at him, and then straightened in my seat, and looked at Zoe and smiled.
“ How is your day going?”
“ it’s going good actually,” she smiled. I smiled, and looked back down at the table and let out a sigh. Today… Today can’t go by any slower can it? I sat there, and then remembered about what had happened last night… is my mom really going to be getting married to jack without even telling me…. I felt anger flow through my body, and I sat up from the table, and Zoe looked up at me confused.
“ Ugh… Im gonna go to the bathroom,” I smiled walking away. she nodded her head looking at me strangely. I gave her another smile, and she raised an eyebrow at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I looked up and swore under my breath… I have to pass Tristan’s table if I wanted to get out of the lunch room. I held my breath, and did a fast walk past his table…. Oh my god I made…
“ Hey Mayella!”
DAMNIT! I turned around and saw Ti looking at me.
“ Oh hey….” I muttered.
“ What’s up?”
“ Ugh… nothing,” I said trying to turn and to leave, but he grabbed my wrist.
“ Wait! What’s the rush? Sit down,” he smiled. I looked at Ti, and saw that Tristan, Jeremy, and Rain was also there. I sighed…. Ti has never really done anything to bad. He has only been nice to me. I sighed, and sat down next to Ti, and did a faint smile. “ Their we go! Not so bad, know is it?” he laughed.
“ it’s killing me….” I grumbled. Ti rolled his eyes at me and laughed.
“ How are you?” he asked.
“ Peachy,” I said. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. I looked around the lunchroom and everyone was watching us. “ Ti,” I whispered.
“ Hmmm?” he asked
“ Why the hell is everyone staring at us?”
“ because the only time you see girls sitting with us is if they are the school whores…” My head shot up and I glared at him.
“ I am not,” I growled.
“ That’s why they are all looking at you,” he laughed. I put my mouth into a O still confused…. I felt a little uncomfortable. “ Don’t worry Mayella,” he laughed.
“ You can call me May,” I smiled. He put his arm around my shoulder, and had me sit closer to him.
“ Your weird,” I grumbled trying to get his arm off me. I heard someone cleared their throats and me and Ti looked up and saw Tristan looking at us, and Rain had a smug face. I raised an eyebrow at him, because he obviously he knew something that I didn’t. Ti brought my closer to him, and then he put his other arm around my waist and he hauled me up onto his lap. “ Ti cut it out!” I hissed. I felt my face getting red because everyone was looking at us. I looked up and Tristan looked completely pissed. He was shooting daggers at Ti. What is up with Tristan? I was still sitting on Ti’s lap and every girl in the lunch room where glaring at me… like I felt scared. “ Ti,” I whispered.
“ Hm?”
“ Let me go!” I hissed. He let out a laugh.
“ you no fun…. Come on let me just try something….”
I turned in his lap, so I was looking at him. I raised an eyebrow.
“ What…?” I asked.
“ Just let me do it…”
“ Do… What?”
“ Put your arms around my neck, and lean into me,” he whispered into my ear. I let out a laugh and looked at him like he was crazy, but I did it, then I felt his lips on my neck, and he whispered into my ear. “ Don’t worry… im just testing my little theory… pretend to giggle,” He whispered.
“ I suck at pretending,” I said into his hair… and I wasn’t lying. I suck at acting. Then I felt his lips on me, and he breathed warm air underneath my ear, and shivers went down my spine, and I let out a little giggle… because I was freaking ticklish! I put my hand on his chest, and tried to push him away, and he continued to blow warm air on my neck. I let out more giggles and when I tried to push him away he would just hold me tighter. Then someone slammed their fist on the table, and me and Ti’s heads shot up, and we both looked at Tristan, and he looked like he was about to kill someone. He got up from the table, and walked away. I sat their gawking at him.
“ What the hell was that?” I mumbled.
“ Oh just my testing….” Ti said. I looked at him completely dumbfounded, and I looked around and noticed everyone was still looking at me, and I got up off his lap, and stood their feeling awqkward. Crap…. I am a freaking loser sophomore, and I was just sitting on a hot seniors lap…. Crap. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and Ti sent me a questioning look.
“ Im gonna go,” I muttered. I turned on my heel and walked out of the lunch room. Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around and saw Ti.
“ Can I get your number so we can chill?”
“ I broke my phone,” I laughed.
“ how?”
“ I threw it against the wall….” I said sheepishly.
“ Wow…”
“ Yeah wow…” I said rolling my eyes.
“ Alright when you get your new phone tell me, and I’ll give you my number.”
“ Alright bye, May,” he said and then he put his hand on my hair, and messed my hair up.
“ cut it out,” I hissed swatting his hand away. he let out a laugh and walked away. I let out a laugh, and made my way to the bathroom. I was looking down and spacing out when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw Tristan. “ Oh hey,” I smiled. He just looked at me, and then walked right past me without even replying to me. I turned around watching him leave. “ Tristan?” I called out to him. He continued to ignore me. I threw my hands up in the air in defeat. Man… I don’t understand him. I made my way into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. What the hell… what did Ti want to test? I shook my head, and let out a sigh. The bathroom door opened and a girl walked in. our eyes met and she sent me the dirtiest look. I did a faint smile, and she flicked me off. I stood the gawking at her.
“ Wha-?”
“ Oh shut up you little whore!” She spat. I turned around and stared at her.
“ Wha- Are you crazy?” I gawked.
“ Why the hell where you on MY boyfriend’s lap?” She hissed.
“ Ugh…. Wait Ti doesn’t have a…” Wait does he? “ Listen I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, but what happened was nothing. Me and Ti are just friends,” I said shaking my head.
“ no you’re not,” She said taking a step closer to me.
“ Excuse me?” I barked taking a step closer to her also.
“ Your just a stupid little sophomore…. You’re a loser, and a freak, and ugly… You’re not nothing, and will not be friends with Ti,” she said.
“ Wow,” I laughed shaking my head.
“ Your laughing at me?!” She squealed.
“ Yes I am,” I said quickly. The next thing I knew, my right side of my face was tingling. I touched my cheek, and looked at her. “ You’re a crazy b*tch!” I yelled pushing her away from me.
“ Don’t touch me!” She cried. I widened my eyes at her, and she brought her hand towards my face this time, but this time she brought her nails down on my cheek. I step back and touched my face, and saw blood on my hand. My jaw dropped and I stared at her.
“ What the hell…” I muttered.
“ you stay away from him!” She said and with that she turned on her heel and walked out of the bathroom. I stood there and turned around and looked at myself in the mirror and dropped my book bag.
“ That crazy witch!” I yelled. I had the nice long scratches across my cheek. They were puffy and red. I went into one of the stalls, and dabbed it onto my face. “ Fudging crazy crack head!” I muttered underneath my breath.
“ Oh my god Mayella!” I heard Zoe scream. I turned around and she ran over to my side and touched my jaw. “ Who did this?”
“ I don’t even know her name…. she just came in here telling me to stay away from Ti, and all of this crap. She hit me… TWICE! And then she walked out of here!” I said shaking my head.
“ Nella?” Zoe asked.
“ Nella? I don’t know…. She was a couple inches taller me, had bright blonde hair, and it looked all frizzy and fake because she straightened way too many times… she had a fake tan that made her look like a oompa loompa.. she was all freaking fake… probably made in china,” I muttered the last part.
“ yep that’s Nella…. She is the school whore. She has slept with half of the school, and when she wants a guy she will get that guy,” Zoe said shaking her head.
“ Is Nella dating Ti?”
“ Of course not,” Zoe laughed. I did a faint smile, and leaned onto the sink.
“ hey Zoe?” I asked.
“ Yeah?” She said looking at my face.
“ How do you know about all this stuff?”
“ Because of Chris’s older brother. Troy…. He might seem like a total jerk, but he does talk to me sometimes, and he can be nice… he just needs to open up to you that’s all…” Zoe said. I stood there and nodded my head, and took a deep breath. “ Mayella,” Zoe whispered. I looked up at her. “ Im here for you if you ever need anyone,” she smiled. I smiled back at her, and wrapped my arms around her.
“ Thank you Zoe…” I whispered. she smiled and wrapped her arms around me.
“ Of course.”
We broke apart from our hug, and I let out a laugh.
“ What’s so funny?” Zoe questioned.
“ I have never had a female friend before…” I said.
“ Really?”
“ Yep,” I said popping the P. “ I never really got along with girls before,” I said shrugging my arms. Zoe broke out into laughter’s, and I smiled at her. She put her arm around my shoulder, and smiled.
“ Come on you,” she laughed and we walked out of the bathroom. “ hey what was that thing going on with you and Ti today at the lunch room anyway?”
“ I honestly don’t know,” I said shaking my head. “ he said he wanted to test something out, but ugh I never found out what that was…” I shrugged. Zoe let out a laugh, and I looked at her from the corner of my eye, and smiled. Then Zoe suddenly stopped, and she walked away from me, and I looked up confused, and then the next thing I knew Zoe’s fist collided with Nella’s face, and Nella fell to the ground and was knocked out!
“ K.O!” I yelled fist pumping my hand in the air. Zoe turned around with a victory smile on her face, and everyone turned and looked at us, and stopped and ran towards Zoe, and grabbed her arm and we sprinted out of the school.
“ Ah ha! May where are we going?!” She laughed while we were running down the stairs.
“ MY PLACE!” I sung. We sprinted until we got to my place, and that was a LONG run. We walked into my house, and both Zoe, and I fell to our knees panting.
“ Aren’t….” Breath. “ Your.” Breath. “ Parents…” breath. “ Home?” Zoe panted.
“ Nope!” I said popping the P.
“ Where so badass,” She smiled.
“ Hell yeah!” I laughed jumping up and Zoe followed me downstairs to my room, and ran face first into someone I was NOT expecting…. Tristan.
Chapter eight-
“Ugh… Tristan… Hi…” I mumbled.
“ Why is that here?” He asked coldly looking at Zoe. Zoe’s face fell, and I felt anger surge through me.
“ ZOE! Is MY friend, and she is here to hang out with me in OUR house,” I growled glaring at him.
“ Shouldn’t you be at school?”
“ Shouldn’t you?!” I shot back. He looked up at me, and I heard a growl from him. I pushed him aside and grabbed Zoe’s hand and walked into my room, and slammed the door shut, and I looked up and saw Zoe sitting on my bed with her head down. I walked over, and sat down next to her.
“ Zoe,” I whispered. she looked up at me and a faint smile came to her lips. “ Zoe don’t pay attention to what he says,” I said wrapping my arms around her.
“ Thank you Mayella,” she smiled. I pulled back laughing at her.
“ how come yuh don’t call me May?” I laughed.
“ You’re a Mayella in my eyes,” she smiled. I let out a smile, and lightly punched her arm, and she let out a laugh. “ So your mom and his dad huh?” She laughed. I sighed and nodded my head. “ Do you miss your dad?” She asked. I nodded my head.
“ very much…”
“ I know how it feels,” she said very quietly.
“ you do…?” I asked shifting my body so I was sitting crossed legged on my bed looking at her. She nodded her head, and I saw a tear falling out of one of her eyes. I brought my hand up and wiped it away. “ You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to Zoe,” I smiled. She shook her head, and shut her eyes.
“ I- I want to t- though,” She muttered. I sat their looking at her, and she let out a deep breath.
“ About six years ago when I was ten years old… my mom and dad and me we were staying at this real nice hotel out in Florida. It was spring break, and my mom wanted to do something fun,” Zoe smiled, and I saw the pain in her eyes. I put my hand on hers, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “ We went out to the pool area, and it was an inside pool… we were there all day… best time of my life… well I was playing on this rope thing in the kids pool, and I heard these strange cracking noises….. I got out of the pool looking for my parents, and when I saw them… this huge crashing noise came, and the ceiling just collapsed… I tried to get to my parents, and I saw the medal chunk of the ceiling just crush them,” The last part was very hard to understand because Zoe was saying it through sobs. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. “ I- I take medicine b- because I d- d- don’t sleep… every time I close my eyes I relive it again…” She stopped and her cries became louder. “ And again… Mayella it never stops,” She cried into my shoulder. I held her close to me, and ran my hand up and down her back trying to sooth her.
“ Shhh Zoe… Don’t worry it’s going to be okay,” I whispered.
“ I- Im so scared Mayella…”
“ Scared of what?”
“ O- of,” She stopped for a second and her body began to shake. “ Im scared to love….”
“ Zoe…” I muttered.
“ Im so scared to let another person in my life, and love them… and then have them taken away from me… im scared to care Mayella…” She cried. I pulled her away from me, and had her look me dead in the eyes.
“ Zoe… I will ALWAYS be there for you…. You and me,” I pointed to herself, and then at me. “you’re stuck with me, and we will always be friends no matter what.” She tried looking down and I tilted her chin up, and had her look at me. “ Always Zoe…” She smiled and nodded her head.
“ Always…”
I smiled, and I hugged her once again.
“ Don’t you worry no more Zoe…” I whispered to her.
“ Whoa Lesbians!” Someone laughed. I looked up and saw Rain standing there. I growl came out of my lips, and I walked up and slammed the door in his face, and I heard him yelp from the other side of the door.
“ Get out of my house you menace!” I screamed. I heard laughing and I turned around and saw Zoe laying on my bed holding her stomach, and tears coming out of her eyes from laughing. I shook my head, and picked up a pillow and threw it at her. She caught it and threw it back at me. “ Its endless! They are always their!” I screamed.
“ AND ALWAYS WILL BE!” I heard Rain scream from afar. I sent daggers at the wall… maybe I can burn a hole in the wall, and then burn a hole through Rain.
“ I really don’t like that guy,” I muttered getting up.
“ You two are funny though,” Zoe smiled.
“ You want to meet him, and the rest?” I asked. She nodded her head, and followed me out of the room. When we got into the front room Tristan, Ti, Rain, and Jeremy sat on the couch playing video games. They looked up at us when we came in and Tristan seemed to be in a better mood once again… bipolar much?
“ Guys this is Zoe,” I smiled pointing towards her. “ And Zoe,” I pointed towards Tristan, “ This is Dumb,” I then pointed towards Ti, “ Dumber,” and then lastly Rain. “ And Dumbest… the three stooges… and this…” I stopped and pointed to Jeremy. “ He is unknown,” I shrugged. Jeremy gasped trying to pretend to act offended.
“ Me unknown? I am in your photography class!”
“ I know your name, but I don’t know you!” I said shaking my head. He shrugged his shoulders, and jumped up and went to hold out his hand to shake mine, but he tripped over Ti’s foot and stumbled forward, and face implanted into the ground.
“ And this,” I pointed to Jeremy who was still on the ground. “ This is just an Idiot…” I muttered shaking my head. Zoe broke out into laughs, and I smiled, and all the guys were looking at me.
“ Wh- what?” I scoffed.
“ So that’s our names?” Rain smirked. I nodded my head.
“ You sure?” Tristan added in. I raised an eyebrow and they all got up at the same time, and I pulled my eyebrows up in confusion, and took a step back “ Zoe do you agree that’s our names?” Tristan asked.
“ yep,” Zoe said popping the p. all the guys had evil smirks on their faces.
“ ZOE RUN!” I screamed turning on my heel, and Zoe bolted off down the hall, and ran into my room, and bolted through my door and slammed it shut. “ HELP ME!” I screamed pressing myself against the door. Zoe came next to me, and we tried keeping the door shut, and then we were pushed aside, and fell to the ground. There in the door stood Tristan, Rain, Ti, and Jeremy. Tristan started walking towards me, and Jeremy started walking towards Rain. We walked back, and hit the wall. Zoe was thrown over Jeremy’s shoulders, and a scream escaped Zoe’s mouth, and she started kicking her legs, and punching his back trying to get him to let her down. Then I looked in front of me, and Tristan was standing their smirking at me.
“ Don’t yuh dare….!” I gasped. I was thrown over his shoulders, and I tried getting out of his grasp but it was no use… he has done this to me before. We started walking up the stairs, and then the light bulb went off.
“ NO! TRI…” I was cut off when I was thrown into the pool. The water consumed me and it was freezing. I screamed underneath the water, and came back of gasping. Zoe was next to me shivering, and she was muttering curses underneath her breath. “ Y- You g- g- g- guys are j- j- jerks!” I shook pulling myself out of the pool. Zoe followed and we stood before the guys and we were shaking. They were all laughing their heads off.
“ oh ha so funny!” I growled. I started walking towards the house, and Zoe followed behind me.
“ Cya later dork and beans!” Tristan called out. I stopped and turned around squinting my eyes at him and I let out a huff shaking my head and walked back into the house, and went into my rooms.
“ I’ll give you a pair of dry clothes… sorry about what they did,” I grumbled going through my closet.
“ its fine…” She smiled. “ Im having fun,” She finally admitted. I let out a laugh, and I threw her a pair of yoga pants, and a big t-shirt. She walked into the bathroom to get dressed, and I looked at myself in front of the mirror.
“ So am I,” I smiled. I took off my clothes, and put on a pair of leggings, combat boots, and a Skillet shirt. I brushed my hair, and put it up into a messy bun.
“S-exy,” Zoe laughed walking into the room. I let out a laugh shaking my head.
“ Where do you want to go?” I asked flopping down on my bed. Zoe started to brush out her brown hair, and she turned to me and smiled.
“ Want to come over to my place?” She asked looking nervous. I smiled and nodded my head. We headed out of my room, and ran up the stairs. I was about to open the door when to arms wrapped around my waist and spin me around. They set me down, and I looked over my shoulder and saw Tristan.
“ What are you doin’?” I muttered feeling dizzy.
“ Are you leaving because your mad at what we did?” he asked pouting his lip.
“ one… im not leaving because I am mad at what ya’ll did. I am leavin’ because I don’t wanna be stuck with the three stooges, and the idiot, but I am still mad at ya’ll,” I said turning on my heel and trying to walk out of the house again.
“ You know you love me!” Tristan called out when me and Zoe where walking down the driveway.
“ Oh I just love you so freakin’ much Tristan!” I yelled over my shoulder shaking my head. “ how we gonna get to yo house anyway?” I asked.
“ Jeremy is driving us,” she smiled.
“ really?”
“ Yep,” She said popping the p. just then Jeremy came running out of the house, and he jumped into his black hummer, and motioned us to follow.
“ You can sit in da front,” I smiled.
“ Why?”
“ Because I know your little secret,” I grinned. She opened the front door, and turned back to me giving me a questioning look. I walked up next to her, “ Ya’ll like Jeremy,” I whispered into her ear. I stepped back, and saw her face turn three shades of red in an instant. I laugh escaped my lips and Jeremy turned towards us.
“ What’s so funny?” He asked. I went to go open my mouth but Zoe jumped in the car.
“ Nothing come on let’s go!” She said looked everywhere but Jeremy. Jeremy raised an eyebrow but shrugged his shoulders. I let out another laugh, and got into the backseat.
“ AWAY WEH GOOO!” I yelled. Jeremy and Zoe both turned back to look at me like I was crazy and I just shrugged my shoulders smiling like a fool. Jeremy shook his head, and laughed, and started the car and we were off. I went into a trance in the back seat, and the next thing I knew Zoe was hoping out of the car. I looked up, and got out too, and turned towards Jeremy before closing the door.
“ Thanks for the ride idiot!” I grinned. He went to protest but I shut the door, and ran after Zoe who was already half way up the drive way. “ Well gee thanks for waiting for me,” I grumbled. She just looked at me and glared. “ WHAT?!” I asked throwing my hands up in the air.
“ I can’t believe you said that!” she wailed.
“ Said what?!”
“ That I liked him!”
“ Well you do,” I grumbled. Her face went red, and her eyes widened.
“ shut up,” She said turning away and walking up the stairs. I let out a laugh, and threw my arms around her shoulders.
“ My little girl is growin’ up and likin’ men already! What am I gonna do?” I laughed. She shook her head, and opened the door, and we walked in and I let go of her and looked around. I started to look around, and I smiled at her. “ this is a nice place,” I said looking at the pictures hanging on the wall.
“ Thanks,” she said sheepishly.
“ Zophilla are you home?” I heard a voice come from another room. Zoe motioned me to follow her, and I lingered behind her and we walked into the kitchen, and an old women sat at the table, and she looked up and smiled. “ Well hello, are you Zophilla’s friend?” She asked. I nodded my head and smiled.
“ I’m Mayella, its be nice to meetin’ you,” I smiled.
“ Oh my you have such a beautiful name! And a country girl it sounds like?”
“ Yes,” I smiled. She clapped her hands together and was beaming with happiness.
“ you always welcomed Mayella! My grand-daughter here is always talking about you! You must be a very good friend with her,” she smiled looking at Zoe. I nodded my head and smiled. “ Oh my graces! I didn’t even introduce myself! I am Zoë’s grand-mother Marry!” She said reaching her hand out to shake mine. I shook her hand and nodded my head and smiled.
“ Gramum, me and Mayella are just going to go up to my room and hang out,” Zoe smiled. Marry nodded her head, and I followed Zoe down the hall.
“ your grand-mother is a very sweet women,” I smiled. We walked into Zoe’s room and she nodded her head.
“ She and my friends at school where the only people in my life…..” Zoe smiled.
“ Was?”
“ yeah know I have you, and her, and some of my friends at school” she smiled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.
“ You got that right! And know you’re stuck with me!” I laughed hugging her tighter.
Chapter nine-
I sat in my room, and looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.
“ I need to buy a phone…” I sighed. I sat up, and walked over to my closet, looked at my clothes. I walked out of my room, and ran upstairs, and ran through the house, and went out the back door, and stepped outside. Its freaking hot outside! I ran back through the house, and ran down the stairs as I was passing the front room I heard my name being called. I stopped and looked at Tristan.
“ Hey, what’s up?” he asked.
“ Will you go to the mall with me?” I asked.
“ You want me to go with you?”
“ I need to buy a phone.. I don’t have a ride, and I don’t know how to get there. Will you take me?” I asked shifting one foot from another.
“ yeah I’ll go with you,” he smiled.
“ Thanks,” I smiled walking back into my room. I ran over to my closet, and threw a pair of dark jean shorts on, and t-shirt. I looked in the mirror and laughed at what my shirt said. “ I might be short, but I know how to make you my size,” I laughed, and then there was a picture of a short person kicking a tall person in the shin. I smiled, because I was really short, and Tristan was really tall. I smirked and put a brush through my hair, and walked out of my room. “ Tristan have you seen my converse?” I asked looked down the hall.
“ Their over here in the kitchen,” he called out.
“ The kitchen?” I mumbled walking into the kitchen and saw them by the fridge. “ in the kitchen.. by the fridge,” I grumbled slipping them on. “ Im still mad at you for dropping me and Zoe in the pool,” I glared at him. He started to laugh.
“ But it was so funny!”
“ no it wasn’t!” I growled.
“ Hm..” he laughed turning away and started walking up the stairs. I stood their glaring at him, and sighed and followed him up the stairs. “ Wow you wearing shorts” he laughed.
“ it’s freaking hot outside. Do you want me to go back inside and put a pair of skinny jeans on?” I asked stopping at his car. He shook his head and got in. I rolled my eyes, and got in and he started to drive.
“ So you have to buy a phone right?” he asked.
“ yeah I broke mine,” I sighed.
“ Didn’t you break your i-pod too?” He asked.
“ That was entirely your fault buddy,” I said looking at him.
“ how?”
“ Yo duh one that pushed meh,” I said shaking my head.
“ I said I was sorry about that,” he said looking at me. I nodded my head and looked out the window. I felt his hand touch mine, and I looked down and saw him holding my hand, and I looked up and he was looking at me intently. “ I truly am sorry though,” he whispered. I nodded my head and he smiled. We pulled up to the mall, and we walked in side by side. “ There is a phone store over there,” he said. I nodded my head, and we walked over to the phone store, and after much debating we finally found one. I ended up getting i-phone, and it seemed way too complex for me. we walked out of the store, and Tristan bumped my hip with his.
“ What?” I laughed.
“ nothing,” he grinned. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“ Why are you acting so weird?” I laughed. Then he grabbed my hand, and pulled me forward and I saw a small picture booth. “ no way,” I laughed shaking my head.
“ Come on…” he pouted. “ pwease Mayella?” he started to get down on one knee and everyone started to look at us and I felt my face go three shades of red, and I pulled him up.
“ Okay come on,” I whispered. he broke out into a full blown grin, and we stepped into the photo booth and I had no room! Tristan sat down and I sat down after him and half my body was on top of him. “ Alright let’s do this,” I laughed. Tristan put a dollar in and then a light came on. He pulled me back, and we both smiled and it went off.
“ Funny face,” Tristan laughed. I turned towards Tristan and stuck my tongue out at him, and he grabbed my tongue and the picture took and I broke out into laughter. Two more left. I was laughing hard, and another picture took. Then I got closer to him and looked at the camera and I felt his lips touch my cheek and the last picture took. I felt my face was flushed, and I looked at him, and smiled, and he let out a laugh, and we climbed out of the photo booth. The pictures printed and there was two strips for both of us. I was looking at them, and there was one of me laughing and Tristan was looking down at me smiling, and then the one of him kissing my cheek. I felt a smile creeping onto my face, and I looked up and saw Tristan smiling down at me. I smiled at him, and we started to walk back to the car but then I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Ryder walking towards me with a group of his friends.
“ You hang out with Ryder?” Tristan whispered into my ear. I looked up at him, and he was staring intently at Ryder.
“ Kind of, why?” I asked.
“ I don’t like him Mayella…” he was cut off when Ryder stood in front of us.
“ hey Tristan,” Ryder smiled but the smile didn’t seem to be real. “ hey May,” he said.
“ Hi Ryder,” I smiled. I felt Tristan tense up next to me. I looked at him, and his jaw was tightened. “ What’s up?” I asked Ryder.
“ nothing much, hey you think I can get your number since you got a phone?” he asked. I realized I was holding my phone and I looked down at it and nodded.
“ Sure I smiled,” I handed him my phone, and he typed in his phone number, and I heard another phone go off, and he reached in his pocket, and opened up his phone, and handed me mine back.
“ Their know I have your number and you have mine,” he smiled. I smiled, and took my phone back.
“ thanks, well me and Tristan need to get going. I guess I’ll see you later,” I smiled. Ryder looked at Tristan and then nodded his head, and I turned away and me and Tristan started to leave. I looked up at him. “ You okay Tristan?” I whispered. he didn’t say anything and we walked to the car, and he got in and then I got in after him. We sat there for a few minutes.
“ Im sorry Mayella… I just don’t like that guy,” Tristan sighed.
“ Why?” I asked.
“ It’s nothing really… just I guess you can say I have a weird feeling about him,” Tristan grumbled starting up the car. I nodded my head, and continued to look at Tristan. We pulled up in front of the house, and I got out of the car and went inside. I ran into my room, and flopped down onto my bed, and then I heard a buzz come from my phone. I looked at my phone and saw that I had one new message.
Ryder: Hey, wht r u doin Friday night?
Me: nothing, why?
Ryder: wnt to go to a partyyy w/ me??
Me: I Dunno.. .. im not really the partying type.. ..
Ryder: pleeeeeeeeeeeaseee?
Me: I’ll think about it. its only Wednesday.
Ryder: (: , so maybe tmrw yu want to go out to dinner w/ me then?
Me: as a.. date?
Ryder: Yeah, I like you May.
Me: Sure.
Ryder: Awesomeeee (:
Me: yep.. .. awesome.
Ryder: R u and Tristan a thing?
Me: if me and Tristan where a thing I wouldn’t go out on a date w/ you then.
Ryder: yeah.. .. good point. Alright, so where something nice tomorrow, & ill pick you up @ 7?
Me: Yeah seven is good. Where are we going?
Ryder: it’s a surprise
Me: I don’t like surprises.. ..
Ryder: too bad. Cya later may (:
Me: Bai
I turned off my phone and sighed. I hate surprises… so much.
I heard my alarm going off and I turned around in my bed and slammed my hand down on it and sighed. I tumbled out of the bed, and threw on a pair of yoga pants and a green day hoodie, and put my hair up in a messy bun, and walked out into the front room. Tristan was sitting on the counter yawning and he looked up at me when I came in. I waved at him and sat down on the couch.
“ Im going out tonight around seven,” I mumbled.
“ Where?”
“ Gonna go out to eat.”
“ With who?”
“ Ryder,” I mumbled laying down on the couch.
“ Why are you telling me this?”
“ Ugh so you know that I am not going to be home,” I said raising an eyebrow and sitting up from the couch. Tristan was leaning against the counter glaring at me. “ What?” I scoffed.
“ I don’t like him Mayella,” He growled.
“ Tristan you don’t even know him,” I said walking into the kitchen.
“ I don’t need to know him, to know what he is like,” Tristan said raising his voice.
“ Enlighten me.”
“ The way he looks at you Mayella…” Tristan said giving me pleading eyes. I was looking at Tristan when my phone went off and I pulled it out of my pocket.
“ hello?” I asked.
“ morning beautiful,” I heard Ryder say.
“ oh hey,” I said looking at Tristan and then turning around and started to walk up the stairs.
“ Come outside. Im here to give you a ride to school.”
“ you didn’t have to do that,” I smiled grabbing my book bag and hauling it over my shoulder.
“ Just come on pretty lady,” he said and then the phone went down.
“ I’ll see you at school Tristan,” I called out. he didn’t reply and I sighed, and walked outside, and saw Ryder sitting in his car waiting for me. I smiled, and walked towards it and opened the door. “ Hey,” I smiled.
“ Hey,” he said and he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I looked at him shocked and he snickered and started the car and drove off. I stared out the window too scared to make eye contact with him. When we got to the school we both got out of the car, and Ryder came up next to me and wrapped his arm around me.
“ Touchy much?” I asked looking up at him. He just laughed and kissed my forehead. “ Ryder..” I grumbled.
“ Don’t worry May just chill,” he laughed. I shook my head and walked next to him, and we passed by Jeremy, Rain, and Ti, and they were all staring at us.
“ Hey Mayella!” Ti called out. I stopped walking but Ryder was still pulling me along with him.
“ Ryder I’ll talk to you later,” I smiled. He nodded his head and reluctantly let go of me, and he kissed my temple and left. I turned around and walked towards Ty. “ What’s up?” I asked. He stopped in front of me.
“ You and Ryder?” he asked.
“ Well we are just friends right know,” I muttered.
“ Yeah you two sure looked like friends,” He scoffed.
“ Well… I mean we are going out tonight on a date, but he never really asked me to be his girlfriend..”
“ yet,” Ty interrupted. I looked at him and shook my head and he shrugged his shoulders. “When Ryder wants something he’ll get it,” Ty said.
“ What is that supposed to mean?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ Just saying Mayella,” he said. “ Just be careful,” he said giving me a side hug and then he ran off towards his friends. I sighed and shook my head, and made my way into the school. They day pretty much felt blah. The only thing I could think about is why everyone seemed to hate Ryder. I mean he didn’t seem like a bad person. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up at Chris.
“ What’s wrong Mayella, you’re not eating,” He asked.
“ Im fine,” I smiled, and I poked at my mac and cheese.
“ I heard you’re going out with Ryder?” Zoe asked.
“ Where did you hear that from?” I asked looking at her.
“ Everyone is talking about it,” she smiled poking my sides. I let out a laugh.
“ Shut up,” I groaned. “ And we are just friends…”
“ For now,” Chris grinned. I looked up at him and glared.
“ All you people suck!” I groaned hitting my head on the table. They started to laugh, and I looked up and rolled my eyes. “ Hey Zoe…” I muttered.
“ Hm?” she asked. I turned towards her and leaned in to whisper in her ear.
“ you have much more style than me, and you are much more girly, and I was wondering if you could help me, because I have a date tonight,” I whispered into her ear. I pulled away and she was beaming and she nodded her head. I smiled. “ Thanks,” I grinned.
“ Oooh I can’t wait,” she said jumping up and down. I let out a laugh, and Chris cleared his throat. We both looked up and he was looking at us with an eyebrow raised.
“ what are you two talking about?” he asked propping his elbows up on the table.
“ Wouldn’t you want to know,” I laughed.
“ I do,” He laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“ Well im not telling you,” I sung. He shook his head at me.
“ Your evil,” he mumbled. I laughed and nodded my head, and then I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, and I jumped up in surprise. i felt someone rest their chin on my shoulder, and I looked over and saw Tristan.
“ What are you doing?” I laughed.
“ Nothing,” he whispered into my ear. Shivers went down my spine, and I let out a laugh.
“ D- Don’t do that,” I grumbled trying to get his arms off me.
“ Someone is ticklish!” Tristan said loudly, and then he started to tickle my sides, and I flung my body back, and fell off the bench, and Tristan ran away, and everyone was staring at me. Zoe and Chris where dying from laughter, and I felt my face was bright red. I stumbled up, and turned around to look at Tristan and he was laughing along with Ti, Rain, and Jeremy. I glared at him, and turned around back to my friends.
“ Ugh,” I groaned. “ Im gonna get going I’ll see you guys later,” I laughed. They nodded their heads, and I made my way out of the lunch room. While I was walking past Tristan I hit him over the head, and he looked up.
“ What was that for?” he laughed.
“ Wasn’t even the start,” I grumbled walking past him, and out of the lunch room. I ran into someone and I looked up and saw Ryder. “ hey,” I smiled. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
“ Hello beautiful,” he grinned.
“ Hey Ryder,” I said taking a step back.
“ Hm?” he asked.
“ you know where not…”
“ Yeah I know, but since you already know that I like you I can freely flirt with you,” he smiled wrapped his arms around me. I let out a laugh.
“ So you do like me?” I laughed. He hugged me closer to him and nodded his head. i let out a laugh, and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“ The question is… do you like me?” He asked looking down at me.
“ Maybe..”
“ Maybe?” he asked.
“ HmmmHmmmm,” I laughed, and I broke apart from the hug, and stepped back. He smiled at me, and then kissed me on my forehead, and turned around to leave.
“ I’ll pick you up at seven!” he called out.
“ I’ll be waiting at seven,” I yelled back. I laughed and made my way back to my classes. The rest of the day just kind of flew past and the bell rang for the end of the day. I walked outside and looked around for Tristan. I saw him getting into his car with Ti, Rain, and Jeremy. I ran forward trying to catch up with them but they already started to drive off. I broke out into a blown out spring.
“ Tristan wait!” I screamed. Then his car stopped, and I didn’t stop quick enough, and I ran face first into the back of his car. I touched my nose, and flinched. “ Ow,” I groaned. I walked around the car, and tapped on his window, and he rolled down the window.
“ Hey Mayella,” he grinned.
“ I need a ride home,” I mumbled. He nodded his head, and I got in the back and sat next to rain, and I glared at him.
“ Nice nose,” he laughed. I flicked him off and buried myself into the seat, and sighed. When we pulled up in front of the house I saw Zoe sitting on our stairs.
“ how did she get here so fast?” Jeremy asked.
“ I don’t know,” I said getting out of the car. “ how did you get here before I did?” I laughed.
“ Because I am that awesome,” she laughed sitting up. We walked inside, and went downstairs into my room. “ So what girly clothes do you own?” I walked over to my closet, and opened it up, and went to the back of it, and pulled out a load of clothes and threw them on my bed. Zoe stood their gawking over the clothing.
“ My mom bought me loads and loads of girly crap a long time ago, but I don’t really wear them,” I said looking at the clothes. Zoe stood next to the bed, and looked through the clothes.
“ What are you doing tonight?” She asked.
“ I don’t know. he said it was a surprise, and told me just to dress nice,” I shrugged. Zoe started to sort through the clothes, and I sat down on my computer chair, and watched her. I leaned back, and took a deep breath. God kill me know. Zoe cleared her throat and I looked up, and she told me to come next to her. I stood up and she threw me a pair of clothes at me. I held them in my hands, and she told me to get dressed. I walked into the bathroom, and put on the leggings, and then a white shirt that fell off the shoulders.
“ I look too girly!” I yelled through the door.
“ open the door Mayella!” Zoe screamed at me. I slowly opened the door, and she gasped when she saw me. “ Mayella…” she whispered. I felt my face go red. “ You look great in like girly clothes!” She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her, and threw a pillow at her, and then she threw a pair of shoes at me and I looked down, and saw they were white boots. I slipped them on and looked at myself in the mirror.
“ Time for the hair!!!” She sung.
“ Hair…?” I groaned.
“ yep!” She said popping the p. She had me sit down and she stared to straighten my hair. I sat there for an hour, and I was bored out of my mind. Then she sat in front of me, and went to put something on my face but I pulled back.
“ What are you doing?” I asked.
“ makeup..”
“ No,” I said sternly.
“ Yes!” She growled. I sighed, and leaned back in my seat, and she started to put the makeup on. After another half an hour she pulled back and I looked in the mirror.
“ Who is that?” I asked pointing at the girl in the mirror.
“ that’s you stupid,” she smiled.
“ Wow..” My hair was straightened, and pulled into a side bun, and my makeup was a Smokey eye, and I had red lipstick on. “ Thanks Zoe,” I smiled standing up. “ im not too dressed up am i?” I asked.
“ if you go to a nice restaurant it will be great, and if you go to lets same somewhere more chill and sporty the outfit will still be great,” she smiled. I nodded my head, and turned around and sighed. I looked at the clock and it was six thirty.
“ he’s going to be here in thirty minutes,” I mumbled.
“ Don’t worry you look great,” she smiled.
“ I could care more or less about that… How do I put this… This is my first date…” I said.
“ Wow… How?” Zoe asked.
“ What do you mean how?”
“ like yeah you’re a tomb boy, and all but you’re really pretty Mayella,” She smiled. I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her.
“ Thanks Zoe,” I whispered.
“ Hm no prob,” she replied. “ Well im gonna get going. I’ll see you later,” She smiled. I nodded my head, and we walked out of my room, and walked into the front room, and noticed that no one was in the front room.
“ I wonder where the guys are?” I mumbled. We walked up the stairs, and Zoë walked out of the house, and I turned around and saw everyone was staring at me. Jeremy, Ti, Rain, and Tristan where all gawking at me. “ What?!” I hissed.
“ Wow…” Rain said. I rolled my eyes, and sat down on the edge of the couch.
“ Your hot,” Ti laughed. I looked at him, and glared.
“ Ti… your one of my best friends, so don’t change that,” I growled. He threw his hands up in the air and nodded his head.
“ Well im not going to say anything, because I already like another girl,” Jeremy said.
“ Yeah I know,” I said.
“ Yeah you know… Wha? Wait what?!” Jeremy coughed looking at me.
“ I know who you like,” I grinned. We were staring at one another, and he looked away and mumbled something underneath his breath that I couldn’t catch. I looked up and saw Tristan looking at me. I smiled and he blushed! Oh my god! He looked away, and I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and I heard someone trailing behind me. I sat on the counter, and Tristan walked in. he stopped and leaned against the fridge and looked at me.
“ You look really nice,” he said quietly.
“ Gee… I decided to wear something besides guy clothes, and I get so much attention,” I laughed.
“ You’ve always had attention, but no one really exasperated it,” he said.
“ No I didn’t,” I laughed.
“ Mayella, your one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Of course you do,” he said looking at me.
“ Tristan..” I whispered. then the doorbell rang and I jumped off the counter, and walked towards the door, and opened it and saw Ryder standing there. He looked down at me and smiled.
“ you look nice,” he said and lent down and kissed my cheek. I smiled.
“ Should we get going?” I asked. He nodded his head, and I stepped out of the house.
“ Bye guys I’ll be back later!” I called out while closing the door. I walked down the stairs, and Ryder was looking down at me smiling like a fool. “ hey smiley,” I laughed. he let out a laugh, and opened the car door for me, and closed it when I got in. he went around and got in the car, and started it. “ So where we going?” I asked looking at him. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and smirked.
“ You don’t know the meaning of surprise do you?” he asked.
“ Nope,” I said popping the P.
“ Go find a dictionary,” he said looking at the road once again.
“ Hm ha so funny,” I said rolling my eyes.
“ Completely,” he smiled. I looked at him again and laughed and then looked out the window. He was not going to tell me where we were going. I hate surprises! I groaned and he laughed at me and shook his head. after about twenty minutes of driving we pulled up to a restaurant that said Larona’s? I have never seen this place for that matter heard about it. he stopped the car, and I sat their gazing out the window, and I went to go open my door, but he opened it and held a hand out for me.
“ I can open doors myself,” I smirked. He shrugged his shoulders, and I let out a laugh getting out of the car. He held my hand, and we walked into the restaurant, and I must say it was beautiful. The lighting was a bit dim, and they had glass chandeliers everywhere. When you first walk in your walking on a red carpet, and you go down this hall, and walk up dozens of stairs… Ugh stairs. Ryder looked at me weirdly.
“ What’s wrong?” He laughed.
“ It’s my worst enemy… Stairs!” I groaned. He started to laugh, and when we finally got to the end of the infinite stair case their where double doors, and they opened and we walked out onto this balcony, and it had a gorgeous view. Cheesy right? But still breath taking, and I am a sight for this kind of stuff. We sat down at the table and I gazed out into the sky. “ Its beautiful Ryder,” I whispered.
“ Im happy you like it… it was hard trying to find something that you might like,” He laughed.
“ Whatdya mean?” I laughed.
“ Well you’re not like all those other girls you know? You got this… how do I put it… not so feminine side of you, and I wasn’t sure if you would like stuff like this,” he said waving his hand around.
“ it is true that I am a tomboy, but man… this is real nice and I actually really do love it. thank yuh for bringing me here,” I smiled. He broke out into a full blown grin, and I let out a laugh. We ordered our food, and talked about everything you could talk about and some extra. Knowing me I brought up some stupid subjects, but let’s just skip over that and save myself from the embarrassment huh? We walked out of the restaurant, and Ryder drove me home. I sat in his car looking out the window at my house, and I turned back to him and smiled. “ I had fun,” I smiled.
“ I did too. Hey may?” he asked.
“ Hm?”
“ Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. My mouth went into a O and I sat their shocked. I have never had a boyfriend, nor ever been asked before. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head. he smiled and jumped out of the car, and walked over to my side and opened the door, and we walked to my front porch, and he stopped and looked down at me. “ Do I get a kiss goodnight?” he laughed.
“ You a kiss goodnight huh?” I laughed. I got on my tippy toes, and went to go kiss his cheek, but he turned his head, and pulled me towards him, and landed his lips onto mine. At first I stood their stunned, because this was my first kiss, and then he pulled away and smiled.
“ Goodnight girlfriend,” he smiled and walked away. I stood there, and watched his car drive away.
“ Goodnight boyfriend,” I whispered quietly, but I didn’t feel like it was true. When I said he was my boyfriend I didn’t feel happy, or butterflies fill my stomach. I just felt blah, and the kiss wasn’t like bam like how everyone says it is. It was just a kiss. Just a kiss with a guy.
Chapter ten PART ONE-
I stood in the fridge debating if I should warm up pizza, or hamburger… I got back from my date like an hour again, and I have just been walking around the house for the past hour. No one is home, nor answering their phones. I closed the fridge with a sigh, and plopped myself down onto the counter. I heard the front door opening, and my head snapped up and I watched the door way waiting to see who had come home. My mother’s figure appeared, and when she saw me she ran over to me, and tugged me off the counter bringing my into a tight embrace.
“ ma?” I choked. She tightened her arms around me and pulled back, and pulled the hair away from my face, and kissed my forehead.
“ im so sorry Mayella,” she whispered. it looked like she was on the verge on crying.
“ ma what’s wrong?” I whispered. as soon as I said that tears fell down her cheeks, and she started to cry. “ Ma…” I mumbled.
“ I don’t know what happened Mayella… When we moved here I just… work. Work. Work. I am never home, and I don’t even talk to you anymore, im so sorry Mayella!” She said hysterically.
“ ugh..”
“ I was in work today and I was just sitting there and I realized I haven’t talked to you since we moved here to Cali, and I am never home. You must be so lonely, and I know you don’t make friends good because your kind of a loser, and oh Mayella!” She wailed.
“ Ma… I have friends,” I said baffled.
“ I know honey… But you sure have one hell of a personality,” She smiled. I stood their gawking at her. “ I love you Mayella!” She cried.
“ I…”
“ Oh Mayella I need to go back to work for a night shift, but I love you darling! You already lost your father, and I don’t want you to have to lose your mother too!” She said and then turned on her heel and ran out the door. I walked up to the window, and looked out and watched her car go down the driveway.
“ I never had both my parents in the first place… Never had…” I whispered. I took a step back from the window, and sighed. I walked downstairs into my room, and walked over to my closet, and searched for my bathing suit. Yes I know this sounds crazy, but I need to go swimming to clear my mind. Im so… Ugh…. I slipped on my bathing suit, and walked back upstairs, and grabbed a towel, and walked outside. It was about eleven at night…I sighed. I wonder where Tristan is. I stood at the edge of the pool, and dropped the towel out of my hands, and dived into the pool. I resurfaced and floated on my back, and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes, and memories of Wisconsin started to flood into my mind of my mom and dad…….
One Year ago.. ..
“ Dad?” I muttered walking into the house. All the lights where out, and at first I thought no one was home, but I saw my dad’s car in the garage. I walked into the front room, and I saw the TV on. I slowly walked into the front room, and saw him laying down on the couch watching TV. “ hey dad..” I whispered.
“ Hey La, I thought you were spending the night at Julia’s?” He asked sitting up from the couch, and when he turned around he saw me standing in the door way with a black eye forming, and my lip was busted. My shirt was ripped at the bottom, and I had bags underneath my eyes. my hair was a mess, and I leaned against the wall.
“ D- Dad..” I whispered.
“ Mayella..” he whispered standing up, and he started to walk towards me, and he stopped in front of me.
“Is she here?” I mumbled looking down. He touched my chin, and tilted my head up.
“ Baby girl.. No she isn’t here.. after you two got into a fight earlier she went to hang with some friends.. Mayella who did this to you?” He asked looking down at me. I felt tears build up in my eyes, and I sucked in a breath.
“ T- T- They..” I stopped because I was choking on my own cries. My knees started to shake, and I fell forward, and my dad wrapped his arms around me, and held me close to him.
“ It’s okay now Mayella. Im here, and I am always going to keep you safe.. forever and always..” he whispered into my ear.
“ D- Dad I shouldn’t of left after the fight.. I was stupid, and I, I ..” I stopped and closed my eyes, and remembered everything that happened and I felt a lump in my throat, and a scream escaped my lips, and I clutched onto him. “ Dad.. They..”
“ Tell me Mayella!” He cried holding me.
“ They..”
The back door slammed shut, and I moved my head, and water came onto my face, and I stood in the pool, and looked over at Tristan.
“ What are you doing out here?” he asked looking down at me.
“ Im, ugh,” My voice was hoarse, and I cleared it, and swallowed the lump in my throat from my memories. “ J- just thinking,” My voice faded.
“ Did everything go alright with Ryder?” he asked kneeling down at the edge of the pool.
“ Yeah,” My voice only came out above a whisper. I swam over by him, and he had his legs in the pool, and I brought myself out, and sat down next to him putting my legs beside him.
“ You sure?” He asked.
“ Um,” I stopped. Should I tell him Ryder is my boyfriend?
“ Just tell me Mayella,” he said sounding irritated.
“ You can call me May.”
“ I don’t want to call you May.”
“ Why?”
“ because you’re a Mayella in my eyes not a- OH! Stop getting off topic!” He hissed throwing his hands up in the air. I scrunched my face and sighed.
“ he my wubfriend,” I grumbled having my face in my hands.
“ Huh?”
“ He my brugfriend,” I said quickly.
“ What?”
“ BOYFRIEND!” I cried. He was quiet this time. I looked at him between my fingers, and he was looking away from me, and I could only see the side of his face, and his jaw was clenched. He nodded his head. “ Tristan,” I whispered, but he got up and left me their alone. I let out a sigh, and I wanted to scream. I jumped into the pool, and went underneath the water, and started to scream. Still under the water I sucked in a breath, and I started to cough. I came up chocking on water gasping for air, and I let out another yell hitting the water. “ Ugh, I want gills,” I wined falling back into the water. I looked over and I saw the neighbor looking at me from his yard like I was a crazy person. I groaned, and got out of the pool, and walked downstairs into my room. I looked around, and the front room was empty, and I walked past Tristan’s room and his door was shut. I sighed and went into my room, and stripped out of my clothes, and pulled on a random shirt that was on the floor, and some pj shorts. I laid in my bed, and I brought the shirt I was wearing up to my shirt, and it smelled like Tristan. I sat up, and looked my… this isn’t my shirt! Its Tristan’s. How the devil did I get it? I looked at the clock and it was one in the morning. God im going to be dead tomorrow during school. I groaned, and fell onto the bed, and laid on my side looking at the clock. I brought out my phone, and didn’t feel like talking, but I guess I could text someone. I opened my phone, and scrolled through my phone, and then the screen went… black. Wonderful. I sighed, and got out of bed, and walked over to my computer and turned it on, and signed onto yahoo chat. I looked around, and was about to close my computer but then it beeped. I looked at it and I had one new message.
ABoy- Hello.
My eyes glued to the screen, and my breath caught, and I felt tears, and I clenched my jaw. I unwilling brought my hands to the key pad and started to type.
CountryMay- What do you want?
ABoy- what you don’t want to talk to me? >;)
CountryMay- Screw you.
ABoy- Why so mean La?
I clenched my fist, and banged it against my computer desk my eyes never leaving the screen.
CountryMay- Don’t you call me that.
CountryMay- Aaron, why should I be nice to the person, that basically was the reason for the death of my father?
Chapter ten PART TWO-
I sat in my chair glaring at the screen, and I bit the inside of my lip studying the screen waiting for his reply. My fists where clenched, and I was on the edge of me chair. I let out a deep breath and looked down at my shaking hands. My hands were shaking from the anger that has boiled inside me. The computer beeped, and I kept my head down, but my eyes traveled up to see what he had said.
ABoy- La, you and I both know that is NOT true.
CountryMay- Stop f*cking calling me that!
ABoy- What can you do about it?
CountryMay- Sign off.
ABoy- Your just gonna run off again… I find that reasonable though, because you always seem to run away from life.
CountryMay- I’ve never run away before.
ABoy- Then why are you in Cali?
CountryMay- You think I came here by choice? I have never run away from anything. Not from my father’s death nor what you did to me.
ABoy- I don’t know what you’re talking about La…
CountryMay- Don’t you fucking dare Aaron. Don’t you even say crap like that because you KNOW exactly what you did. I can see right past your fake little charade you have, but everyone else is stupid enough not to.
ABoy- Your father believed you.
I sat their looking at the screen, and tears where falling down my cheeks, and I bit my lip trying to hold in my cries.
ABoy- Have nothing to say, do you?
CountryMay- YOU. RUINED. MY. LIFE.
I laid in my room, and reluctantly got out of bed, and dragged my feet down the hallway, and stalked down the stairs. I looked in the kitchen and saw my dad sitting at the table reading the paper.
“ Morning La,” he smiled.
“ Hm, morning,” I grumbled walking over to the fridge.
“ What are you doing today?” He asked happily. I took a swig from the orange juice and turned to look at him.
“ Dad, how in the world are you a morning person?” I muttered putting the orange juice back.
“ Because I know I wake up every morning to the greatest daughter in the world!”
“ Your so cheese,” I laughed shaking my head. I sat down next to me dad, and peered over to look at the paper. “ How could you read that? It’s so… boring….” He started to laugh, and looked at me rolling his eyes. “ What?” I scoffed.
“ My daughter…” he sighed folding up the newspaper.
“ What?!” I laughed.
“ I love you La,” he smiled.
“ Doesn’t everyone?” I smiled. He started laughing, and then I looked up and saw my mom stumbling into the kitchen.
“ morning dear,” My dad said.
“ Hmm…” She said going over to the coffee cup. “ Morning….” She muffled underneath her breath. I sat their looking at her, and she turned to me and gave me a weak smile, and I looked away from her giving her the cold shoulder. The past couple of weeks she has never been home, and when she is she doesn’t speak to me, and is always starting up a fight with my dad. I know she is my mother, and I love her and all but I can’t stand her. “ Im going to get my nails done in town, I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” She muttered and then walked out of the kitchen. She hasn’t been home lately, and I think there is something going on.
“ Give your mom a break,” My dad sighed when she left the room.
“ What are you talking about?” I asked.
“ I See how you’re giving her the cold shoulder,” he said.
“ At least im not ignoring her,” I spat.
“ La,” he said shaking his head.
“ Sorry,” I muttered. “ Im gonna go to the library,” I said walking towards the stairs.
“ Make sure you have your phone on you!” He called out after me. I walked upstairs, and slipped on my black skinny jeans, and a white tank top with cowboy boots, and brushed my hair out. I walked out the house, and made my way towards town. My phone started ringing, and I answered it.
“ Hello?” I asked.
“ Hey Mayella darling!” I heard my best friend Julia sing on the other line.
“ hey J,” I said while I was walking.
“ Dude! Steve is having a HUGE party at his house tonight, and everyone is going to be their! You gonna go with me?” She asked.
“ I don’t know…” I muttered.
“ Come on Mayella!” She screeched.
“ It’s not really my thing Julia,” I sighed.
“ Whatever. If you change your mind, then call me ASAP!” She sung.
“ Alright Julia, bye,” I said closing the phone. I let out a sigh, and shook my head. she is always trying to get me to go to these stupid parties with all these preps, and jocks, and all those people, and I honestly do not understand why. I got at the library, and went over to the books, and spent about three hours looking at books, because I honestly didn’t know what to do. I really didn’t want to go to that part, because I don’t know anyone their… well I know them, but I just don’t get along with them. When I walked out, it was still light out, but it was going to start getting dark soon. I started to walk past Country Bail, which is this cool restaurant. I’ve been their once or twice, but I stopped when I saw my mom’s car in the parking lot. I raised an eyebrow, and walked towards the resturant, and peered through the window, and saw my mom sitting at a table with another man. They were smiling, and talking. I stood there watching them, and then I saw her lean over and kiss him. oh and not on the freaking cheek. I took a step back closing my eyes, and I felt anger boil through me. I went over towards my mom’s car, and I was so pissed. I grabbed a stone from the ground, and chucked it at her window. People around me stopped and gasped at what I did. I heard the door to the resturant open, and I heard my mom gasp. I turned to her.
“ You cheater,” I spat. She stood there, and looked at me, and then her car, and then back at me.
“ That was wrong Mayella Lynch!” She yelled.
“ Your wrong! You cheated on my father, YOUR husband who freaking loves you! You stupid little witch!” I screamed, and I bolted towards the house with tears falling down my face. When I got their my mom was already there, and I ran into the house, and I heard them talking in the kitchen, and I stopped to listen.
“ Oh hunny some teen busted my window!” She sighed.
“ That’s horrible,” My father said. I looked around and I saw him hugging her. My body jerked, and I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away from her. “ La, what’s wrong?” He asked.
“ She is lying to you!” I screamed glaring at her. She stood their looking at me, and taunting me. she gave me this look like you wouldn’t tell, but she doesn’t know me. “ I broke her window,” I growled.
“ La!” My dad gasped. I put my hand up.
“ ONLY! AND ONLY! Because I was walking past the Country Bail, and I saw YOUR wife, MY mother, sucking some guys face off!” I yelled. The look on my dad’s face was full of shock, and then it turned to hurt, and then pissed. He slowly turned to my mom and they looked at one another.
“ Is that true?” he asked. It barely came out as a whisper.
“ Vic,” She whispered.
“ Is it true!” He asked again, but it came out as a scream.
“ Yes.”
“ Why?” he asked shaking his head.
“ im sorry Vic, please im so sorry,” She cried looking up at him. my eyes widened, and I clenched my fist.
“ She isn’t sorry. She is just a cheating little Wh-.”
“ La, don’t,” My father said.
“ I hate her!” I spat. Me and my mom looked at one another and I saw hurt cross her face, but I didn’t care. I hated her.
“ You’re an ungrateful daughter!” She said, and she took a step closer to me, and slapped me across the face.
“ Stop!” My dad said grabbed her arm and pulling her back.
“ Im ungrateful!” I screamed. “ You have a husband that freaking loves you so much, and you go find another fuck buddy! Yeah right im so damn ungrateful! If I am ungrateful then what does that make you?” I hissed. She just looked at me, and I rolled my eyes, and walked right out the front door in tears, and brought out my phone and scrolled down to Julia, and sent her a text.
Me- Hey I’ll be at your house soon. Im going to the party & I need something to wear.
Julia- YES, and okay I’ll let you borrow something of mine :D CYA SOON!
I walked in the rain towards Julia’s house, and when I got there and I rang the doorbell, and I heard someone running down the stairs and the door swung open, and Julia grabbed my arm pulling me inside. I stumbled at first, but regained my balance and she dragged me upstairs.
“ take a shower,” She said. I nodded my head, and went into the shower, and stood underneath the hot water and took a deep breath, and then all the tears just came falling down. I put my forehead against the tile wall, and continued to cry. After about twenty minutes I turned off the water and stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself, and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes where all red and puffy. I turned on the cold water and splashed my face a couple of times. I stepped out, and Julia was running around her room getting different things. I saw an outfit on the bed, and she stopped.
“ Is that my outfit?” I whispered.
“ yeah go put it on!” She smiled. I nodded my head and grabbed it and went into the bathroom to put it on. I slipped on this black mini dress. It was tight and clung to my side showing off my curves, and made my breast look two times bigger than they really were. It reached a little more above my mid-thigh. It felt like I wasn’t wearing any bottoms. It was so short. I stepped out and she grinned and ordered me to sit down in the chair, and I did so. After about two hours, she had me look and had my hair straightened and a lot of freaking makeup. The Smokey eye look. I looked at myself, and then she threw me a pair of four inch black heels, and I slipped them on and examined myself. Yep I officially look like a whore. “ You look great!” She smiled. I looked at her and she was wearing a mini skirt, halter top, and high heels like me. We looked like class A prostitutes. Great. I followed her downstairs, and by the time we left for the part it was going on ten. When we got their the party was a full blast, and you could hear the music from down the street. I sat there in the car dreading going in.
“ Im not so sure Julia,” I whispered.
“ have some fun for once, okay?” she said grabbed my arm. I walked next to her slowly, because I didn’t trust myself in the shoes that I was wearing. We got to the front door, and two guys stopped us.
“ Hey Julia,” One of them said. “ Who is this?” He asked looking at me. I looked up at him, and it was Brad. He was from my school. A year older than me, and a football player. “ May?” He asked. I nodded my head. “ Damn, hey Cluv, its Mayella,” he said to Cluv. Cluv looked at me, and then my body and I took a step closer to Julia. They both smiled, and let us though. I stood next to Julia, and then where she was standing felt empty. I looked over and she already ditched me! What a great friend right? I groaned and looked around. I knew these people, but I got along with NONE of them. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I looked over and saw Aaron. He smirked, and I gave him a weak smile.
“ hey May,” he said.
“ Hi, Aaron,” I muttered.
“ You look different,” He stopped and took another step closer to me, and put his mouth by my ear. “ You look hot,” He said lightly sucking on my ear. Shivers went down my spine, and I took a step away from him. I was a sophomore, and he was a junior. Did I feel uncomfortable? Yes I did. Very. “You want a drink?” he asked.
“ I don’t think…”
“ Come on! Lighten up!” he smiled. I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulders.
“ Why not,” I muttered. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. he handed me a mikes hard lemonade and I took a sip. I’ve had one of these before and they have never felt this strong, and it tastes weird. “ What’s wrong with this drink?” I asked.
“ Nothing,” He grinned. “ Drink up,” he said downing his drink. I took another sip, and soon enough it was gone. I sat on the counter, and took a deep breath, and I felt really hot. I touched my forehead and I was sweating. My stomach felt funny, and I leaned forward closing my eyes. I felt someone touch my bare eyes, and looked up and saw Aaron. “ You alright?” he asked. I nodded my head.
“ Where is the bathroom?” My voice sounded horse. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the counter and I followed him upstairs, and we went into one of the room, and I walked into the bathroom, and slowly closed the door behind me. I went over to the sink, and looked up and the whole room swerved and started to spin. I clutched onto the sink so I wouldn’t fall. What’s wrong with me… he spiked my drink… I fell onto my knees and I kept closing my eyes and reopening them so I wouldn’t pass out. I went over to the door, and locked it and leaned back against the wall taking a deep breath. The door handle turned but it stopped because the door was locked.
“ Mayella open the door,” Aaron said.
“ G. G… Go away!” I screamed.
“ Open the damn door!”
“ You! You spiked my drink!” I screamed. He started to kick and hit the door, and I put my head down and started to shake, and then the door bolted open, and I stumbled up, and he took another step closer to me, and I brought my knee up and hit him so hard he doubled over. I took off my shoes, and bolted for the door, but I started to swerve and trip over my feet. I put my hands out in front of me so I wouldn’t fall over. I got to the door, and went to open it… it was locked. Panicked filled my body and I pulled at the door started to kick it and cry, and I felt Aaron wrap his arms from behind me, and pull me back. I started to kick and scream tears falling down my cheeks, and he threw me onto the bed, and slapped me hard across the face. It stung, and he got on top of me, and brought his lips down to mine. I bit his lip, and he pulled back, and brought his fist up, and it collided with my jaw. My body went limp and I laid their crying. He raised my dress up, and I heard his zipper going down. I shut my eyes refusing to open them, and he grabbed my jaw.
“ Open your eyes,” he growled. I shook my head and he tightened his grip on my jaw. “ OPEN YOUR EYES,” He hissed. I opened them and he held my face between his hands, and was inches away from my face, and made me look right into his eyes, and then a sharp pain went through my body and I cried out and tears fell down my face. I tried looking away, but he made me continue to look at him. I lasted for about half an hour, and he made me look at him the whole time. He got off me, and I laid their still and not moving, and he just left. I rolled over and brought my knees up to my chest, and cried. I slowly got up, and fell forward because it hurt so bad to walk. It took me an hour and a half to get home
. “ Dad?” I muttered walking into the house. All the lights where out, and at first I thought no one was home, but I saw my dad’s car in the garage. I walked into the front room, and I saw the TV on. I slowly walked into the front room, and saw him laying down on the couch watching TV. “ hey dad..” I whispered.
“ Hey La, I thought you were spending the night at Julia’s?” He asked sitting up from the couch, and when he turned around he saw me standing in the door way with a black eye forming, and my lip was busted. My shirt was ripped at the bottom, and I had bags underneath my eyes. my hair was a mess, and I leaned against the wall.
“ D- Dad..” I whispered.
“ Mayella..” he whispered standing up, and he started to walk towards me, and he stopped in front of me.
“Is she here?” I mumbled looking down. He touched my chin, and tilted my head up.
“ Baby girl.. No she isn’t here.. after you two got into a fight earlier she went to hang with some friends.. Mayella who did this to you?” He asked looking down at me. I felt tears build up in my eyes, and I sucked in a breath.
“ T- T- They..” I stopped because I was choking on my own cries. My knees started to shake, and I fell forward, and my dad wrapped his arms around me, and held me close to him.
“ It’s okay now Mayella. Im here, and I am always going to keep you safe.. forever and always..” he whispered into my ear.
“ D- Dad I shouldn’t of left after the fight.. I was stupid, and I, I ..” I stopped and closed my eyes, and remembered everything that happened and I felt a lump in my throat, and a scream escaped my lips, and I clutched onto him. “ Dad.. They..”
“ Tell me Mayella!” He cried holding me.
“ He.. He rapped me,” I whispered. my dad tightened his grip on me, and I looked up and saw tears falling down his face. I held onto him, and cried myself asleep in his arms, and I felt him pick my limp body up, and carry me up to my bed.
“ Im going to kill them,” He said and I heard him walking out of my room. I want to tell him to stay with me, and forget them but I couldn’t even open my eyes….
Red blinking lights came through my windows, and I opened my eyes, and my head was pounding. I went to go sit up and I felt pain strike me. I remembered what had happened last night, and my body started to shake. The doorbell rang, and I got up and staggered down the stairs, and when I opened the door a police officer stood their looking down at me. the look in his eyes said it all.
“ What happened?” I whispered.
“ Your father was in a car accident…” he said. my body started to shake, and I felt to my knees, and cried my heart out. the police officer wrapped his arms around me, and I cried into his shoulder. “he was speeding down the highway, and a truck didn’t see him, and he just went off the road. By the time we got him to the hospital he had lost too much blood… im sorry.” He said. my body stopped shaking, and I felt light headed, and I just gave up on life.
I sat at my computer desk tears falling down my face, and my body was shaking.
ABoy- Mayella.
CountryMay- You ruined my life Aaron.
ABoy- He didn’t die because of me Mayella. If u hadn’t told him he would of still been alive.
CountryMay- and if you haven’t of rapped me my father would of still been alive, and so would i.
Chapter eleven-
Beep. Beep. Beep.
A groan escaped my lips, and I looked at my clock from underneath my blanket. I slowly brought my hand out, and pulled my alarm clock out of the wall, and went back underneath the blankets sighing. Im so tired… I got absolutely no sleep last night. I dreamt of… what had happened to me over and over, and I continuously woke up, and I finally gave up around five in the morning and laid there. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I just wanted to lay here all day. I heard a knock at my door, and I ignored it, and continued to lay in bed. Another knock came, and then someone was pounding on the door. I closed my eyes, and brought my hands over my ears. The door swung open, and the covers where pulled off of me.
“ Mayella get up,” Tristan said sounding exhausted.
“ leave me alone im not going to school today,” I said curling up into a ball.
“ Yes you are,” he growled.
“ No. Im. Not.” I said sternly. I felt two hands wrap around my ankle, and I got violently pulled off my bed. I landed on the floor, and curled back up into a ball.
“ Damnit get up,” he said sounding irritated.
“ Why the devil do you care?” I mumbled into the floor.
“ Stop being difficult Mayella,” he groaned. I stood up, and looked at him, and I actually hissed, and pretended to claw him with my fake nails. He had an amused expression across his face, and he let out a chuckle walking out of my room, but then he stopped and turned back to me. “ BTW! We need to leave in five minutes,” He said walking out of the room.
“ Five minutes?!” I screeched. I jumped around my room, and looked for a pair of skinny jeans. The party is tonight… I’ll get dressed for that later. I found a pair of white skinny jeans, and slipped on a black T-shirt, that said, “ That’s what she said.” yes immature I know, but I always get a laugh from dozens of people when they see it. I smirked, and threw on a pair of van shoes, and brushed my hair out, and threw my book bag over my shoulder. I walked out of my room, and into the kitchen, and Tristan wasn’t there. I walked up the stairs, and bolted outside, and saw him sitting in his car. I sighed, and made my way towards it. I saw Rain in the passenger seat, and Jeremy in the back. I got in the back with Jeremy and he gave me a smile, and looked away. it looked like he was trying to suppress a laugh.
“ What?” I barked.
“ Your shit,” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, and leaned back into my seat crossing my right leg over my left. “ You’re an idiot,” I mumbled. I heard him gasp, and he put faked being hurt. I looked away from him rolling my eyes once again, and looked out the window.
“ You look like crap,” Rain spoke up.
“ Gee, thanks,” I said sarcastically.
“ You got bags underneath your eyes. look like you got no sleep,” Rain said. I went to go reply, but Tristan did.
“ She was busy with her boyfriend, Ryder,” Tristan said coldly. Our eyes connected in his mirror, and he sent me this look.
“ What the hell?” I mouthed glaring at him.
“ Well everyone is happy this morning,” Jeremy said.
“ Tristan is being a total ass,” I said glaring at him.
“ And Mayella is being a whore,” Tristan said raising his voice.
“ Oh yeah im such a whore, because I have a boyfriend!” I said raising my voice, with as much venom as I could get in there.
“ Alright I think we should play the quiet game,” rain spoke up. “ Know everyone shut up,” he said looking at Tristan, and then turned around to look at me. I pointed to Tristan appalled.
“ he started it,” I mouthed.
“ Sh!” rain growled. I let out a sigh, and looked away from Tristan my hands abled up into fists. We pulled up to the school, and I stormed out of the car slamming the door as hard as I could. Tristan yelped, and grabbed my arm spinning me around.
“ Your crazy!” He said glaring at me.
“ Yeah im one crazy little whore,” I said glaring at him. “ I mean look at me, im wearing a mini skirt, with a tiny tube top, and six inch heels,” I said spinning around. He rolled his eyes. “ And you know what they say about whores right?” I asked taking a step closer to him. he raised an eyebrow, and I brought my hand up, and slapped him right across the face. The sound was loud, and my hand stung like a witch. “ They can give one hell of a bitch slap,” I said turning on my heel, and walking away from him fuming. I walked into the school, and ran into a hard chest. I looked up and saw Ryder looking down at me.
“ hey,” he said smiling.
“ Oh hi,” I muttered. He wrapped his arms around me, and tugged at the hoops on my jeans, and pulled me closer to him, and he crashed his lips onto mine. I was taken back, and then he pulled away grinning.
“ how are you?” he said still holding me close to him.
“F- Fine,” I said looking at the buttons on his shirt. He tilted my head up, and kissed me again.
“ I’ll pick you up at nine for the party, and then he turned around and left. I was not alright, and he couldn’t even notice it. I bet he didn’t even care. He just said it too sound nice. I let out a sigh, and made my way towards my classes. The day just passed. I pretty much slept through all my classes, and I was known in the lunchroom with my head down on the table, and I felt someone poking my head. I tiled my head up, and Chris gave me the cheesiest smile ever.
“ May I ask why you are poking my head rapidity?” I said raising my head off of the table, and crossing my hands over my chest, raising an eyebrow.
“ You look like crap!” He gasped.
“ Gee, thanks! Im just getting the best compliments today! I’ve got called a whore, and been called crap twice,” I groaned hitting my head on the table.
“ You alright?” Zoe asked sitting down nudging my side. I turned my head sideways to look at her, and I tried to smile but she didn’t buy it.
“ I didn’t get much sleep last night,” I shrugged.
“ What’s wrong?” She asked looking at me with concerned eyes. I let out a sigh.
“ I just talked to this kid last night over chat, and we never got along, and I was up last night feeling kind of upset,” I shrugged. Chris and Zoë stood up and brought their fists up.
“ Who is he? We gonna kick his ass Chris, and Zoe style,” Chris said pretending to throw a right hook. I started laughing because they looked like idiots. Zoe smirked, and sat down next to me, and wrapped her arms tightly around me.
“ Yay, she is happy again,” Zoe said. I started laughing, and wrapped my arms around her too.
“ So movie night?” Chris asked. Zoe nodded her head, but I bit my lip.
“ What time are you guys going to have it?” I asked.
“ Well like everyone comes over around nine, and they all spend the night, because my mom is going to be there,” Chris said.
“ I have to go somewhere at nine, but I could come over later?” I asked.
“ OF COURSE!” Chris said in a wannabe gay guy voice. I tried to suppress my laughter, but it didn’t work. Chris sat their smiling, and a light bulb went off, and I pointed my finger at him wiggling it.
“ Look at you and your smiling, smirking grin,” I said in a sing song voice. The whole table broke out into laughter’s, and I let out a laugh. “ What you don’t like my singing? Or that little ling I just came up with?” I asked looking hurt. They all stopped and looked at me, and started laughing again. I shrugged my shoulders. “ I thought it was quite good, if I may say,” I said pointing my nose up in the air.
“ I freaking love you,” Chris and Zoe said gasping for air. Tears where coming out of their eyes.
“ It wasn’t that funny,” I muttered. Everyone started laughing even harder, and I rolled my eyes, and I felt someone chin on my shoulder, and I looked over and saw Ryder. I smiled, and then Zoe looked at him, and she had this look in her eyes.
“ What’s so funny over here?” Ryder smirked.
“ her singing,” Chris chocked. I glared at him, and Ryder started to laugh.
“ Hey Mayella want to leave early so we can talk?” Ryder asked. I nodded my head, and stood up and lightly nudged Zoe, and she looked up at me.
“ I’ll talk to you later,” I said. she smiled, and I turned towards Chris. “ And my singing is not that bad!” I said shaking my head.
“ Its ear breaking!” He called out after me. I rolled my eyes, and walked next to Ryder, and he wrapped his arm around me. We walked past Tristan’s table, and our eyes met, and he just looked away from me. what is he shunning me? You know what… I don’t care. If he wants to ignore me, than ill ignore him. we walked out of the lunchroom, and we walked down the halls. Everyone was still in classes, so the halls where quiet and empty.
“ What did you want to talk about?” I asked. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and held me a little tighter. “ Ryder?” I muttered.
“ So you and Chris?” he asked, we were still walking, and Ryder continued to tighten his grip onto my waist. I tried to pull away, but he dug his nails into my side. I bit my lip, and looked up at him.
“ What do you mean me and Chris? We are just friends,” I said glaring at him.
“ You two look more than friends,” he spat.
“ But we aren’t!” I said raising my voice.
“ Good, because your mine,” he said into my ear. He let go of me, and walked down the hall towards his class, and I stood there, and I walked into the girls bathroom, and lifted my shirt, and saw a blue bruises forming around my hip. I put my shirt down, and leaned against the sink taking a deep breath.
“ Good, because your mine,” his voice repeated in my mind over and over. I bit my lip, and closed my eyes. the bell rang for our next class, and I went through the rest of my day in a daze. The last bell rang ending school, and I walked outside, and sat in the grass. I didn’t want to talk with Tristan, and I didn’t really want to see Ryder right know. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I heard a car pulling up, and I tilted my head up, and saw Ryder in his car. He rolled down his window, and smiled at me.
“ Get in!” he called out to me.
“ Its fine, I have a ride,” I said.
“ Mayella,” he said. his voice sounded threating. I sucked in a breath, and stood up, and made my way towards his car. From the corner of my eye I saw someone watching me. I turned my head and saw Tristan watching me like a hawk. I opened the car door, and got in, and Ryder drove away from the school. “ Why didn’t you get into the car the first time I told you too?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders looking out the window. “ Earth to May!” His voice became louder.
“ What?” I hissed.
“ Someone is in a bad mood,” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, and we pulled up to the front of my house. “ Im picking you up at nine, okay?” He said.
“ Yeah,” I said. I reached for the door handle, but he grabbed my arm. I turned back to look at him.
“ Don’t I get a goodbye kiss?” He asked. I sat their looking at him, and he raised an eyebrow, and I let out a breath, and leaned over to kiss his cheek, but he moved his face, and his lips crashed onto mine. He pulled me closer to him, and I felt him bite my bottom lip, and I pulled away. “ Come on May,” he said.
“ I’ll see you later,” I muttered getting out of the car. He sped off down the road, and I looked down and noticed my hands where balled up into fists. I let out a sigh, and walked towards the house. No one was home yet, so I went downstairs, and laid on the couch, and flipped on the TV. MADE was on, and a geek, wanted to be transformed into a beauty queen. I heard someone walking down the stairs, and I kept my eyes on the TV, and i heard Rain’s voice.
“ Hey Mayella,” he said walking into the front room.
“ Hey,” I mumbled. I sat up, and he sat down at the other end of the couch, and I took a deep breath sinking in the couch.
“ Ruff day?” he asked. I nodded my head looking at the TV, and then I looked around and noticed Tristan wasn’t here.
“ How the devil did you get into my house?” I asked looking over at him.
“ Learn to lock your doors,” he smirked.
“ God Rain,” I scolded. He started laughing, and then I heard someone else walking down the stairs, and it was Tristan. I looked back at the TV ignoring him. Gr. That’s what I feel. GR!
“ So what are your plans for tonight?” Rain asked. I heard Tristan opening the fridge in the kitchen.
“ Just gonna chill with some friends,” I said sighing. “ What about you?”
“ Jeremy, Tristan, and some of the other guys, we are going to go out of town for the weekend. Go visit my lake house, and chill,” He said laying on the couch with his feet in my lap. I looked down at his feet and raised an eyebrow.
“ Do I look like a footrest?” I asked. He nodded his head. I rolled my eyes, and pried his feet off of me, and stood up. I walked into the kitchen, and poured myself some orange juice. I looked over, and Tristan was eyeing me. he sat on the counter just looking at me. “ What is your problem?!” I finally spat out.’
“ That’s my que to leave,” Rain said walking towards Tristan’s room. I watched him leave, and I turned back to Tristan. He continued to stare at me.
“ Why are you being such a…. JERK?” I cried throwing my hands up in the air.
“ Because of you,” he said simply.
“ Wha- I didn’t even do anything,” I said shaking my head.
“ Your with him,” He said coldly.
“ Ryder?” I asked. He nodded his head. “ Why in the seven hells do you care?” I wailed.
“ Because…” He stopped and I stood there looking at him. he just shook his head, and jumped off of the counter walking towards his room. I ran towards him, and grabbed his arm, and he turned back to me, and we stood in front of one another having a stare off. I had to look up at him because he was so tall.
“ Damnit, Tristan,” I sighed. “ What is wrong with you?”
“ Your too blind to realize anything,” He said using a dry laugh.
“ Tristan, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I said grabbing his arm. He grabbed my shoulders, and shook them lightly.
“ That’s because your completely blind,” He said. he lent down next to me our faces inches apart. “ Open your eyes Mayella,” He whispered. “ Please..” and then he turned around and left me their standing there. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.
“ You’re not helping me Tristan!” I screamed. I groaned, and started walking towards my room, and I stopped, and turned towards his door, and kicked it as hard as I could, and stormed into my room slamming the door. “ Stupid FREAKING!” I started screaming, and I fell onto my bed barring my face into my pillow. What the hell does he mean I am blind? Me and Tristan… we can’t be like that. He doesn’t like me like that. We don’t even get along, and if he liked me he would of asked me out before Ryder did. I groaned, and kicked my legs on my bed. I looked at the clock, and it was four. I guess I could do my homework. I brought out my algebra and started to work on quadratic formulas… boring…. About an hour has gone by, and I have one more question left, and then my phone went off. I flipped it open, and saw I had a new text message from Zoe.
Zoe- I hope you come tonight, because if you don’t I’ll be the only girl…. e_o
Me- LMFAo, you’re so funny. I’ll be their but prob later. Maybe around eleven or twelve. Im going to some party w/ Ryder, so it depends how long we stay there, and I’ll have him drop me off at Chris’s after.
I pressed sent, and looked at my phone. I wonder if he would drop me off at Chris’s. I mean he didn’t even like that I was talking to him. he is too… protective. I don’t like it. maybe saying yes to be his girlfriend wasn’t a smart idea.
Zoe- Omg you better come sooner or later…. Or I swear to godddd! Ill…. Tickle you to death ;)
Me- Oh Zoë………. Aha don’t worry I’ll be there. <3
Zoe- better be or else ill hunt you down ;D
Me- lol you silly girl….. your distracting me from my algebra homework =/
Zoe- oh im Soooo badddd. Totally BA man. Okay text me when you’re on your way love.
Me- Alrighty Zoe. <3
I put my phone away, and looked at my math homework.
“ Well that blows,” I muttered pushing my math homework off of the bed. I didn’t feel like doing that anymore. I sighed, and laid on my bed taking a deep breath. Tonight will go to the party, and see how it’s like to be with Ryder, and if I think we should just stay friends I’ll tell him, but if I see him as more of a friend, then I’ll stay in the relashinship. I flipped my phone open, and the time read six. Well that went by fast. I sat up, and turned on my curling iron, and went into the shower. I stayed in their for about twenty minutes, and I stepped out wrapping a towel around myself. I walked into my room, and pulled on my robe, and turned on my dryer. It took me about thirty minutes to dry my hair, because I had so much of it, and then I had loose curls, and straightened my bangs. The curls fell down my back, and then I pulled out my makeup, and made the Smokey eye look, and put on red lipstick. I looked at the clock and it read eight thirty. Wow that took forever. Thank god I don’t get all nice upped every day. I walked over to my closet, and searched through my things, and pulled out a black mini dress. I put it on, and it clinged to my curves making myself look like my breasts, and ass where five times the size they actually where. It was a V-shape and went off of the shoulder on went side. The back was open. I had to much showing. I went back to my closet, and slipped on a pair of black lace leggings, and pulled on some high heel ankle boots. The heels where only about three inches. I grabbed my black shoulder bag, and put my phone, I-Pod, keys, wallet, and my backup emergency mini phone. You can never be too safe. I walked out of my room, and heard a bunch of people in the front room. I groaned. I thought they already left. My heels clicked against the wooden floor and everyone looked up when I was towards the kitchen. Jeremy, Rain, and Tristan where there, and four other guys where there, but I didn’t know them.
“ Damn Mayella,” Rain smirked. I poured myself a glass of water, and sat on the counter facing the guys. I rolled my eyes.
“ You actually know how to look like a girl,” Jeremy said looking me up and down.
“ I’ve been observing you,” I smirked flicking him off.
“ Wanna fight?” he asked standing up, and walking towards me. I raised an eyebrow.
“ Don’t piss me off Jeremy,” I said glaring at him.
“ Oh yeah? Oh yeah?” He said getting up in my face. I pushed him away by putting my hands on his chest.
“ You’re an idiot,” I muttered. He continued to get close to me, and I jumped off of the counter, and brought my fist up and hit him right in the stomach. He gasped and fell to the ground.
“ There is no way a girl can hit like that!” He cried laying on the ground.
“ Hm,” I muttered leaning against the counter. I looked up and saw Rain was laughing so hard along with the other guys, but Tristan just stood their staring at me. the doorbell rang, and I looked towards the stairs. “ Are you guys leaving tonight?” I asked.
“ Yeah we will be back on Sunday,” Rain said.
“ Alright cya Sunday,” I said walking up the stairs. I made my way upstairs, and when I opened the door I saw Ryder standing there in a pair of dark jeans, and a black button up shirt. He looked me up and down and smirked, and he grabbed my arm pulling me out of the house, and wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my neck, and my jaw. “ Well hello,” I said pushing myself away from him.
“ You look hot,” He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. “ C’mon lets go,” He said wrapping his arm around me and leading me towards his car. He walked around, and I got in the car, and I didn’t have to worry about my dress riding up, because I wore my leggings. Smart move. We pulled out of my driveway, and made our way towards this party. Ryder had the music up extremely loud, and had his hand placed on my upper thigh. “ You shouldn’t of worn those tights,” he said giving my thigh a light squeeze. I pushed his hand off of me and crossed my left leg over my right.
“ And why is that?” I asked sarcastically.
“ It makes it harder for me to have access,” he smirked. I gave him a hard look, and he put his hand up in the air. “ Kidding,” he said. I rolled my eyes. sure you where kidding… We were about a block away from the party, and it took a good twenty thirty minutes to get there. Their where cars parked everywhere, and I could hear the music blasting. We pulled up to the side, and he parked the car, and I stepped out.
“ Im not so sure about this,” I muttered.
“ Chill,” he said wrapped his arm around me waist, and pulling me into him. we walked side by side, and made our way towards the house. We stopped a couple of time, so Ryder could talk to his friends, but I just kept in the shadows. This honestly was not my thing. We walked into the house, and the smell of smoke and alcohol hit me so hard, I held my breath at first. Nasty. “ Let’s get a drink,” Ryder said pulling me towards the kitchen. He left my side for a minute, and then came back with two shots.
“ What’s in their?” I asked pointing to the glass.
“ Just try it,” he smirked. I raised an eyebrow, and took the glass. I have never smoke a day in my life, or have ever drank. I brought the glass to my lips, and tipped it back. It burned when it went down my throat, and it was the strongest thing I have ever had in my life.
“ That’s disgusting,” I mumbled. I felt my stomach churn. “ Horrible,” I spat.
“ Have another one,” He said handing me a larger shot glass. I shook my head. he took a step closer to me pulling me towards him and put the drink near my lips. “ Drink it,” he said quietly. We stood their looking at one another, and I took the glass from his hand, and downed it. I closed my eyes, and let the liquid go down my throat, and it burned the whole way down. I sucked in a deep breath, and shook my head. Ryder was looking at me with a smirk on his face. I took a step back leaning against a wall. Ryder walked away to go hang with his friends, and I stood their completely lost. I pushed myself off of the wall, and started to walk around. People where everywhere. Dancing, talking, making out, smoking, drinking, and doing stupid crap. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and I expected it to be Ryder, but when I turned around it was one of his friends from school.
“ Excuse me,” I said taking his arms off of me.
“ Your rider’s right?”
“ I have a name,” I said glaring at him.
“ His whore?” He asked. My eyes bulged. “ Im Pete,” he smirked. It took everything in me not to raise my hand and slap him across the face. I turned on my heel walking away from him. “ That’s not very nice!” Pete called after me. I continued to walk, and then someone stood in front of me.
“ Why you ignoring Pete?” he asked. I looked up and he was towering over me, and I felt petrified standing next to him. I took a step back, and felt my back press up against someone.
“ I don’t thinks he likes us Alan,” I heard Pete say. I stepped to the side away from Alan and Pete, and made my way towards upstairs. I walked up the stairs, and went into one of the empty bedroom, and I sat on the bed. I felt my stomach churn, and I put my hand over my mouth, and ran towards the bathroom in there, and shut the door behind me, and knelt down next to the toilet. Ewe… I leaned back wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I laid against the wall taking a deep breath, and I felt horrible. Alcohol, and me… that’s a no. no. Aghh… I laid there, and closed my eyes, but then I heard voices coming from the room. Three male voices, and a females. I turned my head towards the door, and I heard a girl start to scream. My heart started to beet faster, and I crawled towards the door, and slowly opened it, and I peeked through, and saw Nella on the ground holding her face, and my eyes traveled up, and I saw Pete, and then I saw Alan. My eyes traveled to the last guy, and my breath caught in my throat. Pete and Alan grabbed Nella, and pushed her onto the bed. She was awake but not knowing what was going on. I bit my lip, and then they pulled her clothes off. I put my hand over my mouth, and then the last guy got on top of her and pulled his pants off.
“ Ryder,” I whispered. he can’t… he… he is going to rape Nella…. My body started to shake, and I then… he did it… Nella started to cry, and tried to get him off, but Pete and Alan held her down. I slowly back up, but then my foot hit something, and it fell. All the guys eyes beamed at the door. I quickly shut it, and locked it, and crawled back tears coming down my face. Someone started to pound on the door.
“ Who’s in their!” I heard Pete and Alan scream. Sobs started to come from my mouth, and then they stopped pounding on the door, and then I heard a click, and the door handle started to turn. A scream escaped my lips, and my eyes met with Ryder. His eyes where full of fury. I stood up, and grabbed the first thing in my reach was a bottle of shampoo, and I chucked it at him. he flew at me, and I took a step back, and ran around him, and ran out to the room, but then someone grabbed me from the side, and threw me to the side. I laid their crying, and then I heard someone walking towards me. they grabbed the back of my hair, and pulled my head up, so I looked them in the face.
“ What where you doing in their?” Ryder said evilly.
“ I-,” I couldn’t catch my breath. Everything that had happened to me a year ago flooded in my memory, and I started to cry harder. “ You all rapped Nella!” I screamed hitting Ryder. Ryder picked me up, and pushed me against the wall.
“ And no one is going to find out, do you hear me!” he screamed in my face. I flinched, and nodded my head. he smirked, and lent forward to kiss me, but I moved my face, and his lips touched my neck. He let out a chuckle. “ Your still my girlfriend,” He said.
“ Fuck you, you crazy jerk!” I cried pushing against his chest. He grabbed my shoulders, and shoved me against the wall our bodies touching.
“ You’re going to stay my girlfriend, and keep your mouth shut about this, and you’re going to do everything I tell you to do,” he spat in my face.
“ You can’t do that!” I hissed. He turned around to look at Pete and Alan. They stepped forward, and they both grabbed my arms, and held me in front of Ryder. He brought his hand up and hit me across the face. I bit my lip, and held back my cry.
“ You listen to me, if you tell anyone about what had happened, we will all deny it, and so will Nella, and then we will come after you, and fuck with you so bad, you wished you were dead,” he said pressing his hand against my neck. Tears slid down my cheeks.
“ Nella… shell tell,” I muttered.
“ Trust us… she won’t,” He said showing me an evil smirk. My lips started quivering, and I bit my lip.
“ Why do I need to be your girlfriend then?” I cried.
“ because Mayella, your one of the hottest girls in the school, and you’re going to be mine. You’re going to wear what I tell you to wear, do what I tell you to do, talk to who I want you to talk to, and hang with who I want you to hang with.”
“ And what if I don’t?” I spat. The guys tightened their grips onto my wrists, and then I felt a huge punch in my stomach. I leant forward coughing, and sobs escaped my lips.
“ That’s what’s going to happen,” he smirked. The guys let go of my hands, and I fell forward, and Ryder wrapped his arms around me, and crashed his lips onto mine. My stomach churned and I have never felt so vile in my whole life. He took a step away from me smiling. “ Let’s get going,” he said wrapping his arm around my hip. I slowly walked next to him.
“ Cya later May,” Pete and Alan said. I looked down at my feet, and I walked out of the house next to Ryder biting my lip to hold back my cries. We got into his car, and I sat their trying to be as far from him as possible. I felt his hand on thigh near my knee, and then he slowly raised it higher. I touched his hand.
“ Stop,” I muttered. He started to tighten his grip on my thigh, and I removed my hand, and bit my lip letting out quiet sobs. “ Im supposed to go- go to a friends,” I mumbled.
“ You’re going home,” he said.
“ but-,” he stopped me, by tightening his grip again and pinching my thigh. I let out a cry because it hurt.
“ you’re going home,” he said his voice lowered. I nodded my head, and we pulled up to the front of my house. I went to go open the door but he stopped me. I turned towards him. “ Give me a goodnight kiss,” He smirked. I regretfully leaned forward, and he kissed me, and licked my bottom lick sticking his tongue in my mouth, and then he pulled back with a smirk across his face. I turned away, and walked to my house in a daze. I opened the front door, and stepped inside and slowly closed the door. I stood their staring into space, and I leaned against the door, and fell to the floor tears running down my cheeks, and my sobs filled the house.

Chapter twelve-
When Saturday came around I laid in bed all day. Didn’t even move. Next was Sunday and I still didn’t leave my bed except to go to the bathroom but I didn’t eat or drink anything. I tried but I couldn’t keep anything down. I laid in my bed, and I heard the front door open from upstairs, and I curled into a tight ball shutting my eyes tightly. I heard Rain, Jeremy, and Tristan’s voices coming from the kitchen, and I felt like someone had their hands wrapped around my neck cutting off my air. I sat up, and held my head in my hands trying to catch my breath. Someone knocked on my door, and I looked up and saw the door slowly opening. Tristan came in laughing and smirking.
“ Best weekend ever,” He said loudly, and he went to go speak again, but he looked up and when he saw me his expression went blank. “ Are you OK?” He muttered stopping. I nodded my head. “Liar,” He said stepping closer. I scooted back.
“ J-,” I stopped because my breathing was so shortened I couldn’t even speak, and sucked in a deep breath shaking my head. “ Im fine,” I croaked.
“ That’s a loud of bullshit, look at you!” he said. I sat on the bed not looking at him, and then I felt him wrap his arms around me and pulled me out of bed.
“ Cut it out,” I said struggling. He carried me across the room, and had me stand in front of the mirror and he stood behind me.
“ Look at you Mayella,” He hissed. I looked down with my eyes shut refusing to look up. I felt his hand touch my chin, and he tilted my head up. I kept my eyes shut. “ Damnit Mayella, Look at yourself!” He said lightly shaking my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes, and my breath caught when I saw myself. I didn’t even recognize the person standing in the mirror. I didn’t realize someone can change so much in two days. All the color in my skin was lost, and my cheeks didn’t even have my natural blush. I had bags underneath my eyes, and my lips also lost color. My eyes looked hollow, and black. My hair was a mess, and looked dead, and I looked weak. “ What happened to you?” Tristans voice rang through my head. I snapped back into reality. I didn’t even realize he was standing next to me. I side stepped him, and leaned against my wall.
“ go,” I whispered.
“ Mayella!”
“ Get the hell out!” I screamd at him. He took a step back looking at me. “ Tristan,” I hissed looking away from him. I heard my door slam shut, and I looked up and I was alone. I fell onto the floor, and leaned against the wall bringing my knees up to my chest, and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I gave up….
Tap. Tap. Tap.
I tilted my head up, and looked around my dark room.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
I slowly stood up, and swayed to the right and then the left, and put my hand on the wall trying to regain my balance. I let out a deep breath, and walked over to my door and opened it. My breath caught and I took a step back.
“ How did you get in here?” I whispered.
“ You shouldn’t leave the doors unlocked,” Ryder smirked. He stepped into my room pushing me back, and I stumbled back and stood their gawking at him.
“ Didn’t… didn’t Tristan see you?” I muttered shaking my head.
“ babe no one is home,” he said dryly. I felt the world just fall apart. I looked up and Ryder was right in front of me. he brought his hand out touching my face. I flinched at first and he let out a laugh. “You look like crap, you better not look like this tomorrow,” he said his grip becoming tighter on my cheek. I nodded my head. He then kissed my forehead, and I flinched and he kept his lips there. “ So wanna lay down together and just chill,” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards me bed. I held back, and he grabbed my arm harder pulling me. I stumbled forward, and he sat down next to him on the bed. I felt his lips touch my neck, and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. “ Babe,” He said sounding mad.
“ W-what,” I whispered.
“ If you keep acting like this you’re really going to piss me off,” He said evilly in my ear. It sent chills down my spine. I turned my head to look at him, and he pressed his lips hard against mine. At first I didn’t responded but then I felt his hand tighten onto my arm harder and harder each second I just stood still. I finally kissed him back, and his grip started to loosen. He pushed me back, so I was laying and I felt his body weight press against me. I felt like I was about to be sick. Then it stopped. He laid their onto of me, and I heard footsteps above us.
“ T-Tristan’s… h-home,” I muttered. Ryder got off of me and sat up, and stood in front of me. I felt his hand touch my chin, and he tilted my head up, and he pressed his lips against my forehead.
“ Love you,” he said. I kept my mouth shut, and he looked me in the eyes and I felt terrified.
“ Love you too,” I said quickly. He smiled, and then turned around and walked out of my room. I sat there for a few minutes, and I looked down at my hands and I was shaking. I sucked in a deep breath, and I sat up, and went to go take a shower because I felt disgusting. I stepped in the shower, and I stood under the hot water. I felt my knees start to shake, and I knelt down wrapping my arms around my knees and tilted my chin down into my chest. “ I hate you,” I whispered over and over. I eventually shut off the water and stepped out of the shower in a daze, and I threw on a pair of pants and a shirt, and brushed out my hair, and walked out of my room, and into the kitchen. As I passed the front room I saw Tristan sitting on the couch watching TV.
“ Hey Mayella,” He said. I walked into the kitchen and put my hands on the counter taking a deep breath.
“ Hey,” I muttered.
“ Why was Ryder in my home?” He asked coldly. I stood next to the counter and let out a deep breath.
“ It’s my home too,” I said turning around to get something to drink out of the fridge. The fridge slammed shut and I turned around and Tristan stood behind me looking furious.
“ Why the hell was he in my home?” he screamed. He raised his hand, and I put my hands in front of my face. Tristan stood back, and I put my hands down to look at him. he just stood there looking at me. “ I wasn’t going to hit you Mayella,” he whispered. “ I would never….” He leaned against the counter. “ Why would you even think I would ever hurt you,” he whispered. I opened my mouth, and felt tears in my eyes.
“ I-I’m sorry,” I muttered and I walked past him to go to my room, but he grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at him, and he brought his hand out towards me touching my neck.
“ You have a hickey,” he said quietly. I brought my hands up to my neck brushing his away, and I turned away and went into my room shutting the door behind me. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw a black and blue hickey forming on my neck. I brought my fist up and hit the counter hard. A cry escaped my lips, and I gripped my hand jumping up and down. “ Mayella are you okay?” I heard Tristan yell out.
“ I-,” I stopped and looked down at my hand. It was shaking and my wrist was limp. I bit my lip, and I was in some real pain right know. I tilted my head back closing my eyes. “ I think I broke my wrist,” I cried. The bathroom door opened and Tristan stepped in and took my hand. I flinched and screamed. “Don’t touch it!” I cried.
“ Sh,” he whispered. I bit my lip looking down at my hand. “ let’s get you to the hospital,” he said. I nodded my head and we took his car to the hospital. We sat in the waiting room for like 2 hours, and when I finally got called in it all kind of seemed like a blur.
“ Well you broke your wrist,” the doctor said. I nodded my head. “ We are going to put a cast and everything and you should be out of here in about two to three hours,” He sighed. I nodded my head. he walked out of the room and I looked over at Tristan.
“ You can go home,” I whispered.
“ I’ll stay here,” he replied quickly.
“ You don’t have to,” I said shaking my head.
“ It’s not that I have to, it’s because I want to,” He said looking me dead in the eyes. I let out a deep breath.
“ Thank you,” I whispered.
“ I’ll be in the waiting room, and im going to be the first person to sign your cast,” He smirked. I smiled and nodded my head. “ Hey your back,” he laughed. I raised an eyebrow. “ I haven’t seen your smile for days, and I’ve missed it,” He said quietly, and then walked out of the room. I sat there and looked around. How did I get myself into this? What Ryder is doing to me is not right…. But… im scared. Yeah im fucking scared of a guy. What the hell is that? Im never scared of people they are usually scared of me. what am I going to do? What the hell am I going to do? I leaned forward tilting my head down and taking a deep breath.
“ Thank you Tristan,” I whispered underneath my breath. I felt tears in my eyes. “ Thank you Tristan for being here for me, but please…. Please try to figure out what’s happening…. I need you to know what is happening but I can’t tell you… Please…. Please try to figure it out,” I cried.

Chapter fourteen:
I finally convinced Tristan to go to school, and that I would be fine staying home. I wasn’t in the mood for school. I was exhausted. I haven’t slept for almost three nights, and I believe the only way I’ll even get an hour of sleep, is if I get prescribed sleeping pills or something. I laid in my bed looking at my arm, and I felt tears falling down my face again. How did I become this weak? I use to be such a strong person, what the hell happened to me. The tears started to come faster, and I reached for my phone, and scrolled through my contacts so I could talk to Tom. I searched through my numbers, and his number was gone. I looked for Jim and Bradley’s numbers, and there numbers where gone too. The only numbers I had in my phone, was my mom’s, Tristan’s, and jack’s. I creased my forehead shaking my head… Ryder must of deleted my phone numbers. I chucked my phone across the room, and brought my knees up to my chest, a scream escaping my lips. The room was dark, and I sat there crying. The next thing I remember, is I heard the front door opening. It was already three thirty. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I guess I did.
“ Mayella, im home!” Tristan’s voice lingered through the house. I sat up, and had tear stains on my face, and my pillow was wet. I wiped my face with my good hand, and got out of bed, walking out of my room. Tristan was in the kitchen making a sandwich. “ Hey!” he said his head in the fridge.
“ Hi,” I croaked. He looked up at me.
“ May, you look absolutely horrible,” He said.
“ Thanks,” I muttered sitting down on a stool. I heard his footsteps come to me, and I was looking down and saw his shoes in front of me.
“ May, look at me,” He whispered. I kept my head down. His hand wrapped around my chin, and he tilted my head up, and my eyes came into contact with his. “ What’s going on May, c’mon. What happened to you? I miss that cocky annoying Mayella,” he smiled. I tried to smile, but I thought I would cry, so I just looked at him, and turned my head away. I wanted to tell him, tell him every damn detail, but what would Ryder do to me…
“ Nothing is wrong. Just tired,” I shrugged. He stepped away from me, and sat down on a stool too.
“ Ryder asked why you were not at school today,” He said.
“ what did you say?” I replied within a second.
“ I told him how you broke your hand, and you were in the hospital almost all night.” I sat there nodding my head. good. Good. “ He said he was going to stop by later.. As much as I hate him, I guess he seems to care about you.” That’s it. My heart broke. I felt the world falling apart. I opened my mouth to say something, but air came out. My throat was dry, and it felt like a snake was wrapped around my neck, suffocating me. “ I told him he could stop by,” He added in. Just shut up! Shut up! I screamed in my head. I sat there staring at the ground. I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t breathe. “ He should be here soon,” then I heard the front doorbell ring. “ that should be him.” I sat there. I still couldn’t breathe. I felt my hands shaking, so I moved them behind my body. No air. I’m going to suffocate. “ Mayella?” Tristan said waving his hand in front of my face. I blank blinked my eyes, and stood up walking up the stairs.
“ I got the door,” I said deadly. Each step I took, my feet felt heavy. I didn’t want to see him, but if I ignore him, he’ll get even madder. I have never been scared of anyone in my life, but Ryder, I am completely petrified of him. My hand held the front door handle, and I tried to take a deep breath. It hurt my chest. I slowly opened the door and Ryder stood there looking down at me.
“ You look like a piece of shit,” he said walking into my house, pushing my aside. I stumbled a little, and closed the door. I was still facing the door, and I felt his hand fall onto my shoulder. “ you should have come to school,” he whispered in my ear.
“ I hurt myself,” I whispered.
“ So what, you still should have come to school, you do what I say. You hear me?” He asked. I stood there, and he grabbed upper arm hard, I flinched, clenching my teeth. “ Did you hear me?” he growled his grip tightening. I thought my arm was going to fall off.
“ I hear you,” I finally muttered. He let go of my arm, and I let out a sigh of relief. I feel the black and blue bruise coming. I’ll have to wear long sleeve shirts.
“ Come on,” He said. I turned on my heel, following him. He was walking to the backyard. Oh, Tristan, come. Come hang with us, don’t make me be with this evil man alone. He walked into the backyard and I followed him. He sat down on the steps, and I reluctantly sat down next to him. No one could see us, only if you actually came into the backyard yourself. “ You really need to clean yourself up, wear something nice tomorrow.”
“ I have to wear something with long sleeves,” I muttered.
“ Why?”
“ Because of the damn bruises you left on my arm,” I hissed. My face stung. I held my cheek. He slapped me.
“ Watch how you talk with me you fucking whore,” He said his face not even an inch away from mine. I held his stare biting my lip. “ You need to learn how to have respect,” He hissed in my face. I tried to lean away, and he grabbed my shoulders, holding me close to him. “ You need to start replying, are you an idiot! Do you not know how to speak?” He growled.
“ I heard you,” I said coldly. He let go of me, and I sat there staring off into space. I want to die. I want to commit suicide. It would be better than this.
“ tomorrow, you’re going to wear a short skirt, and a long sleeve turtle neck. Wear a pair of ankle boots, and straighten your hair with some makeup. Make yourself at least look good, you look like such slop,” he hissed. I nodded my head. He hit my arm hard. “ Do I get a reply?!”
“ Okay,” I muttered.
“ Good. I’ll be there to pick you up, and I will also drive you home.”
“ Did you go through my phone,” I asked suddenly.
“ Excuse me?” He said.
“ You heard me, did you go through my phone,” I said looking at him.
“ My phone, yes. You belong to me, so the phone does too.”
“ You deleted all my contacts!” I almost yelled. He grabbed my thigh, and pinched me. I grabbed his hand letting out a little gasp. It hurt! It really hurt.
“ You can’t talk to anyone. Only me, and your family, and unfortunately, Tristan is your family,” he said glaring. I sat there, I wanted to attack him. rip his throat out. I wanted to cry and scream, but I will never let him see me cry again. Never. “ I should get going, it was nice seeing you baby,” he said kissing my neck. I wanted to vomit. I hated his touch, his voice, his face! I hated him. He got up and left. I sat there for a few minutes, until I heard his car start up and slowly heard it leave. I sat there, and then my shoulders fell forward, and I slumped my back leaning forward. I let out a deep breath, and then I broke down crying. I couldn’t stop. My body was shaking. I couldn’t stop shaking. I slowly got up, but I sat right back down. I couldn’t stand, by legs where shaking so badly. I couldn’t move. I just sat there. I don’t even know how long I sat there. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped.
“ Chill,” Tristan laughed. I looked around and it was dark. How long have I been out here?
“ What time is it?” I whispered.
“ Around seven thirty.” He said sitting down next to me. I have sat out here for over three hours. Just sat here… not even thinking. “ What have you been doing out here for so long?”
“ I don’t know.”
“ What do you mean, you don’t know?” I shrugged my shoulders. I really don’t know. “ Mayella,” He said. I continued to look down. I didn’t feel like talking. I just wanted to go lay down. “Are you going to school tomorrow?” I nodded my head. “ Okay…” We sat there.
“ What do you think it’s like to die,” my voice said. I didn’t even realize what I said, until even I, processed it. Tristan was a little caught off guard by this question.
“ Well… Uhh…” He stopped rubbing the back of his neck. “ Why would you even wonder that?”
“ Why wouldn’t you.”
“ Well… I guess I don’t really think about what it would be like to die, because I want to live. I don’t want to think about dyeing, because even if some people don’t want to accept it, we have such a short amount of time, and I don’t really want to waste it thinking about something so… depressing.”
“ So, if someone thinks about dying, then do you believe they don’t want to live?” I asked.
“ Not necessarily.”
“ You think they want to die?”
“ No. No one wants to die, but sometimes people thinks it’s the easiest way to solve a problem, but in reality it is probably the worst thing to do, because it can cause so many more problems.”
“ but what if they are miserable, what if the only thing that can really help them is dying.” He was silent. I slowly looked at him, and he sat there thinking.
“ I don’t know.” he finally said. I looked away from him nodding my head. we sat there, and the thought of death, it almost… made me happy.

Chapter fifteen:
I stood in front of the mirror, wearing the outfit that he told me to wear. Tuesday morning, I don’t want to go to school. Maybe I can stay home again, I know I could, but if I did what would he do… Ryder. My thighs had bruises all over them. I walked over to my dresser, and got some liquid cover up, putting it all over my thighs. I put some on my neck too, because I had some visible bruises there too. I had a lot of bruises, I was good at covering them though.
“ hurry up Mayella!” I heard Tristan call out. I looked over at my door.
“ I uh, I got a ride,” I yelled back.
“ Okay! See you at school!” He called out, and I heard his footsteps go up the stairs. I looked back in the mirror. I looked so girly, like such a whore. I hated it. I let out a sigh, looking at myself. I really don’t know what has become of me. I am a different person. How could I have ever let someone do this to me, to have this control over me. I heard my phone go off, and I walked around my room looking for my phone, and found it under a bed sheet.
“ Hello?” I said answering the phone.
“ get outside, I’m here,” Ryder’s voice drifted through the phone.
“ Okay,” I said and I hung up. I grabbed my book bag, throwing it over my shoulder, and I flinched feeling my book bag lay on my shoulder, which had a bruise on it. I sighed, and walked out of my room closing the door, and made my way out of the house. When I got outside, I let out a deep breath.
“ Here we go,” I whispered to myself making way over to the car. I opened the car door and sat down, and when I closed the car door, we both just sat there for a few minutes. I slowly looked over at him, and he was looking out at the road, his hands clenched onto the steering wheel. The car was off. I sat there. Why weren’t we moving? He finally looked over at me, looking from my legs up, and he nodded his head. His put his hand on my knee, slowly moving it up and down my thigh. I felt like I was going to throw up.
“ You hung up on me,” he hissed, his hand traveling farther up my thigh. I was looking down but I had my eyes closed.
“ I- I’m sorry,” I whispered. He lifted his hand grabbing my cheek.
“ It’s fine, don’t do it again,” he smiled. I nodded my head, and he put his hands back on the steering wheel, and started up the car, and we headed off. I sat there, and I felt disgusted. He is nuts, I swear to god, there is something wrong with him. I know there is. We pulled up to the school, and I sat there for a few minutes, and I felt my heart stop. I was going to see Pete and Allan, and I was going to see Nella. And Zoe, I haven’t talked to her… I don’t remember the last time I talked to her. Guilt washed over me, and I felt sad, and I felt scared. I didn’t want to see anyone. We pulled up in front of the door, and Ryder, slapped my leg hard. I jumped.
“ did you hear me?” He hissed. No.
“ yeah.”
He nodded his head and got out of the car, and I got out too, and he came around walking next to me, and wrapped his arm around my waist, so that I was close next to him.
“ Hey Mayella!” I heard a voice say. “ Mayella!” it was louder. It was Zoe. Hearing her made me so damn happy, but then I was sad. I felt her hand on my shoulder, and Ryder stopped, still his arm around me. She stood in front of us. “ Hey,” She smiled. She looked at me, my outfit, the look on my face. She knew I wasn’t the same. She knew there was something wrong. Oh please, please! Please realize what’s going on! Her smiled faded. She looked over at Ryder, eyeing him. “ Hey May, can I talk to you for a minute?” She asked. I felt his hand grab my side, and he held me hard. really hard.
“ I uh, I actually have to do something,” I mumbled. She stood there looking between the two of us. She side stepped us, and Ryder pulled me along with him, and I looked over my shoulder at her, and she stood there watching us. She looked hurt. Like I was choosing him over her. I would never…
“ I don’t want you talking to that girl anymore,” he hissed in my ear. I shivered.
“ She is one of my best friend,” I whispered.
“ I don’t give a damn.” He growled. I didn’t say another word after that. I didn’t dare to say another word. I knew better. We stopped in front of my first class, and he leaned me against the wall looking down at me. “ I’ll see you at lunch, ok babe,” he whispered against my neck.
“ okay,” I said dryly.
“ love you,” he said. His hand went to the back of my neck, to anyone else, we just looked like a lovey dovey couple in the hall, but in reality, he had a death grip on the back of my neck. I felt like I was going to pass out.
“ love you too,” I quickly blurted out. He smiled, and walked away. I let out a sigh, and walked into art. Every class, I sat there. It felt amazing, that I wasn’t around Ryder. I didn’t want to be around him. I dreaded lunch. When I would walk into the lunch room, Ryder wouldn’t let me sit with Zoe and Chris, is he going to make me sit with him, Pete, and Allan… Oh god, I cant. I can’t sit with those three. That night would replay in my head, and I would puke. I know it. Before I knew it, the bell rang for lunch. I walked out of my class, and Ryder was right there waiting for me. He smiled, and I just walked next to him, and we made our way to the lunch room. When we walked in, I looked over at Chris and zoe’s table, and I felt my heart breaking. Chris looked up at me and smiled, and waved at me. I didn’t dare wave back. I just followed Ryder, and ignoring Chris, it made him look so sad. I felt so bad, I could win an award the worst person in the world right now. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. We walked to a back table, and I looked up and saw Pete and Allan. I couldn’t look at them, I would NOT look at them. Ryder sat down, and I sat next to him across from Pete. I kept my head down, and they were all laughing.
“ So May, how are you?” Allan said, sounding happy.
“ Mayella,” I muttered.
“ What?” he laughed.
“ Don’t call me May,” I said shaking my head. he laughed, and I felt Ryder’s hand on my thigh, and he was squeezing it. I bit my lip. The three talked about things, and I just wanted to drop dead. I can’t be free at home, I can’t be free at school. I don’t have friends, I don’t have anyone to talk to. I have no one. I’m too scared to have anyone. The thought of suicide, I always thought was horrible. I never ever thought it was right, but I never tried to see it through someone’s eyes. it’s like, when everything is bad, and you don’t think it can get worse it does. Imagine having no one, being alone, in a scary place, and every move you make, you have to be careful, because you never know when you’re going to get punished. The bell rang, and I jumped. I was completely zoned out. They all stood up, and Ryder looked down at me.
“ I’ll see you later,” he said. I nodded my head, and continued to sit there. I didn’t want to go to my next class. I’ll skip it, I honestly don’t care. I can’t go to my next class. I will flip. Someone sat down next to me, and I flinched. It was Chris. What if Ryder sees me talking to him, what will he do.
“ You completely ignored me!” He said shaking his head and looking at me. I continued to look down at my lap.
“ Sorry.” I muttered.
“ May, look at me,” he said. I didn’t respond, but I slowly tilted my head towards him. “ What’s happening to you?” he asked.
“ I don’t know,” I mumbled. He put his hand on my shoulder, and I scooted back. He pulled his hand away looking kind of offended.
“ Gee, what did I do?” he said.
“ it’s not what you did, it’s what you’re going to cause,” I said shaking my head.
“ What do you mean?”
“ If he sees me talking to you…” I stopped shit. Why did I even say anything at all! Im screwed. I felt tears in my eyes.
“ What?” Chris said sounding so serious. “ Ryder? What’s happening.”
“ nothing… Please…” I said and tears where falling down my cheek, but I was looking down at my lap so he couldn’t see my tears.
“ Mayella..”
“ Just go! Okay! Please just go!” I kind of yelled, and some people turned to look at us. Chris didn’t say anything else. He wasn’t fond of all of the attention that was brought over here. He stood up, but he didn’t leave yet.
“ Even though you don’t want me help, or want talk to me, when you do want to talk to me, and when you do decide you want my help, I’ll be waiting. So will Zoe. We love you Mayella,” he whispered. just keep breaking my heart. More tears came down my cheeks, and I was sitting there crying. My body started to shake, and I let out a sigh, standing up, throwing my book bag over my shoulder and I quickly made my way out of the lunch room. I ran into the girls bathroom, and I ran right into Nella. I stood back looking at her. She looked almost as bad as me.
“ Why!” I screamed. She looked caught off guard. “ Why won’t you talk! Send those three bastards to jail. I was there, I saw what happened. Im sorry what happened to you, but your killing me,” I cried. I cried so hard. she stood there.
“ I’m too scared,” She whispered. I fell to my knees, and cried harder.
“ I can’t live the way im living,” I cried. Isn’t this messed up. Out of all the damn people, she is the only one that knows what’s happening, and we hated each other.
“ I’m sorry,” She cried. I sat there on the ground shaking my head.
“ They deserve to get punished, it’s not right,” I continued to cry. She didn’t say anything, she walked out of the house, and I continued to cry. I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. I eventually went to my next class, after I stopped crying, and I kind of put myself back together. Last class, photography. I sat there pretty much to myself. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. Didn’t want to. I dropped my pen, and I bent down to get it. when I sat back up, Rain was looking at me, with complete horror in his face. I creased my forehead.
“ your neck…” He whispered. I flinched. He sat the back of my bruised neck. “ Who did that to you,” He said shaking his head. I was getting hot, I rolled up my sleeves, and he looked at my bruised arms. I quickly rolled the sleeves down, and I wouldn’t look at him. I refused. “ Mayella,” he whispered. I ignored him, and he touched my knee, and I flew back. He put his hand up. “ it’s okay,” he said kindly. I looked at him, and I felt tears in my eyes, and I got up grabbing my book bag throwing it over my shoulder, and I just walked out of class. So what if I tell someone what’s happening, they are just going to say stop seeing him, and tell him to leave me he alone. He won’t. He will only hurt me worse. That’s why I am not saying anything. I walked out of the school, and walked over to a tree sitting down, the sun on my face. I felt relaxed sitting there. It was… nice. Kind of. I let out a sigh. I miss Wisconsin… Maybe… I sat there thinking, thinking hard.
“ I’m coming back to my cheese state,” I whispered.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2011

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