
Chapter one-
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“ What the hell man?” I groaned turning over in my bed. I hit my alarm which I didn’t even know I had on. Its Sunday for Christ sake!
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I threw the blankets off myself, and pulled my alarm clock out of the wall, and chucked it across the room, and fell back into my bed.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“ Oh what the fudge man!” I yelled sitting up.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I looked around my room for the source of this annoying freaking noise.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I raised an eyebrow and sat up from the bed, and tried to listen for the noise.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
It’s coming from downstairs? There isn’t an alarm down stairs-
“ Shiz!” I jumped out of my bed, and ran out of my room. That’s the freaking fire alarm! I ran down the hall, and my foot reached the first stair, and I tripped over my own feet, and I went tumbling down the stairs. I laid at the bottom of the stairs, and I groan escaped my lips.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I sat up, and limped into the kitchen, and saw their was eggs, flour, toast, butter, and every morning food you could think of on the floors, table, walls, and ceiling?!? Ceiling really? Smoke was coming out of the toaster, and my older brother and his friends where trying to get the fire to stop with a towel by hitting it over and over again. The six idiots!
“Clay, Troy, Mark, Gabe, Joe, and Art!” I screamed through clenched teeth. They all looked up at me. I was standing in the doorway with a big Beatles shirt on, a pair of boxers, and my hair was sticking up everywhere.
“ Little sis, hey,” Clay smiled. I glared at him, and had my hands clenched into fists.
“ Clayton! I am sick for one day… I sleep in for just one day, and you and the five other idiots trash our kitchen!” I shrieked throwing my hands up in the air.
“ Come on Ty! We were just trying to cook you breakfast since you were sick,” Clay said sheepishly. I stood their staring at them, and then looked at the kitchen again, and sighed, and rubbed my temples.
“ You all are going to be the death of me,” I grumbled walking back up the stairs. I walked into my room, and slammed the door shut with my foot, and fell onto my bed. “ stupid little…” I sighed, and laid on my back looking up at my ceiling. I heard someone knocking on my door, and my head shot up, and I stared at the door. “ What?” I yelled.
“ Its Gabe,” I heard him say from the other side of the door. I sighed.
“ Come in,” I groaned. I sat up on my bed, and sat cross legged on the bed. Gabe came in with an stupid smile on his face. “ What’s up with the stupid smile?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ You exited to be a freshman at high school?” he asked.
“ Why must you remind me!” I groaned. Gabe started to laugh. Tomorrow is the first day of high school, and I will be a freshman… whoopee! Clay and his friends are already in their junior year, and I have a feeling they are going to make fun of me every day.
“ What are you thinking about?” Gabe asked.
“ H. E. double hockey sticks,” I grumbled.
“ Ha what?” he asked.
“ High school,” I sighed.
“ it’s not going to be that bad,” he laughed.
“ Well your popular, so its fine for you,” I mumbled falling back into my pillow.
“ People like you though… I mean your such a… n- nice person,” his voice cracked. I sat up and threw a pillow at his face.
“ Yeah that’s why I don’t have one freaking friend.”
“ You have friends.”
“ besides you and the guys?” I asked touching my chin.
“ Well… ugh….” He stopped. “ what about that Megan girl?” Gabe asked.
“ She was my last female friend.. which was in sixth grade, and I ended up breaking her arm, because she wouldn’t shut up. I don’t get along with girls!....” I stopped. “ Or guys, besides my brother and you guys… but then again I want to rip all your throats out half the time,” I sighed.
“ You’re a very violent little girl,” he said getting up.
“ Little girl?” I scoffed.
“ Yes I mean I am older than you,” he said pointing his nose in the air.
“ Oh my god your two years older than me! But guess what buddy I could kick your ass any day!” I said getting up off the bed.
“ Oh yeah?” he laughed. I walked over to him, and shoved my hands against his chest, and he stumbled out of my room, and I hit him over the side of his head.
“ yeah!” I said shutting my door. I shook my head, and walked over to my computer desk, and sat down on my chair, and turned on my laptop. “ Any new messages for me?” I laughed. I opened up internet explorer and looked at my yahoo messenger…. “ Nope!” I said popping the p. I turned away from the computer and started to go around in circles in the chair. going around and around and around… and then a ding erupted my spinning. I stopped and looked at my computer screen.
One new Message:
Football4life: Hey
Ty1201- Um… -.- Who is this?
I sat their looking at the screen. Football4life? I have no clue who that is. No one ever even instant messages me on yahoo unless it’s my brother and his idiotic friends. The computer beeped, and I looked up at the screen.
FootBall4life: Guess
Ty1201: I really don’t like guessing.. Soooo.. how about you just tell me?
Football4life: What would be the fun in that?
Ty1201: Just tell me your damn name buddy. Stop pissing me off.
Football4life: Wow.. short temper?
Ty1201: you honestly don’t want to find out.
Football4life: is that a threat?
Ty1201: only if you make it one o.o
Football4life: You never did like me tho, so if I tell you my name I know for a fact you will stop talking to me.
Ty1201: So I know you? Are you one of my brothers idiotic friends?
Football4life: Well I know of your brother, but am not friends with him. I am the same age as you, and we went to the same middle school, and we will both be freshman’s this year. Just give my name a guess.
Ty1201: You on football team?
Football4life: Obviously..
Ty1201: STFU. >:I
Football4life: Its Ryan you stupid asz.
I starred at the screen, and my fist where clenched. I hated Ryan.. Ryan Bell… he was the most popular guy in my school, and he always messed with me and made fun of me, because I am like a tomb boy. I wear big shirts, ripped up jeans, converse, messy bun, no makeup, I pretty much look like shit everyday but do I care? Nope. He likes to make my life a living hell.
Ty1201: Whatdya want bell?
Football4life: Come on Crutz you don’t hate me that much do you?
Ty1201: What. Do. You. Want?!?
Football4life: Just wanted to talk to an old friend. ;)
Ty1201: Don’t you fckin piss me off you stupid mofo.
Football4life: so mean… you hurt me.
Ty1201: Screw you bell.
Football4life: at least I am not a little dike. You should really try being a girl sometime..
Ty1201: what like you?
Football4life: aren’t we just a little joker huh?
Ty1201: of course.
Football4life: You know you want me.
Ty1201: I know I want to kill you. Your just an idiotic boy that can’t get any and you’re a ugly piece of poop, and your stupid, and I feel bad for your parents because they have to see your face every day. No wonder they need to wear glasses. Im surprised I don’t buy know.
Football4life: Your gonna regret that Ty Crutz
Ty1201: never Ryan Bell.
I logged off, and slammed my computer shut and I felt fume coming out of my ears. I stood up from my computer seat, and ran my hand into the wall.
“ DAMNIT!” I cried gripping my hand. That hurt. That freaking hurt! I jumped around my room holding my hand and biting my lip. I tripped over a pair of shoes that where on the ground and went face first into the floor. “ Ow,” I groaned laying there. I heard laughing and I looked up and saw my brother and all his friends standing at my door looking at me and they were laughing their asses off. I got up and a growl came from the back of my throat.
“ So! Hilarious!” Clay laughed. He had one hand on the door frame, because he was laughing so hard. i walked over to my dresser, and pulled out a bears shirt, pair of black skinny jeans, and I walked past the guys to go into the shower. I walked in and shut the door, and jumped in the shower and took a quick shower. I jumped out of the shower, and slipped on my clothes, and ran a brush through my hair, and let it fall down my back. I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was light golden brown and it was curly, and fell down my back. They were not nice curls either. They were all over the place, and messy. It totally said BED HEAD! I picked up my pajamas and put them in the hamper. I opened the door, and went to go step out and my foot landed on something and I went tumbling forward. I fell face first into the wooden floors, and laid there for a few minutes.
“ Aghh,” I groaned sitting up. I stood up and rubbed my nose, and looked down at the ground, and saw my skateboard? What the hell? That thing was in my closet. I picked it up, and sighed, and walked down the stairs. “ Who used my skateboard?” I called out. I walked into the front room, and everyone was sitting on the couch watching TV, and I glared at them. “ Like I said… Who used my skateboard?” I asked a little louder. They all looked at one another, and pointed towards one another. I sighed, and shook my head, and walked out of there. I slipped on my converse at the front door, and before I closed it I called out, “ I’ll be back later!”
“ Where are you going?” Clay asked getting up and walked over to the front door. I walked down the stairs, and I saw him standing their looking at me. I put my skateboard on the ground, and turned towards him.
“ Just gonna skate around… it’s not like I have any friends to go hang out with,” I smirked. Clay shook his head and sighed.
“ Got your phone?” he asked. I patted my back pocket, and nodded my head, and I put one foot on my skateboard, and I was gone.
“ See you later!” I called out while I was skating down the street. I skated down the street, and it went down, and I went pretty fast while going down the slope. I was going fast down the slope, and my hair was whipping behind me. I looked up at the intersection and saw two cars coming. How do I stop? I tried to brake, but then my skateboard hit something, and I started to rock, and I went flying forward. I brought my hands in front of me, and tucked my head in, and felt the impact of the road on my body, and I groaned. I went rolling forward. I laid in the middle of the street, and I went to get up, but I felt a horrible pain on my head. I touched my head and looked at my head, and saw red blood. I groaned, and I heard a car door open, and someone ran over to my side.
I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders, and have me sit up a little, and I looked into a pair of green eyes.
“ You alright?” he asked. I nodded my head and sat up a little more, and I was known in a kneeling position. I took a deep breath, and touched my head, and flinched.
“ Damn,” I muttered.
“ What’s your name?” he asked again. I groaned, and tried to stand up but that was a major fail. I fell on my ass, and my head was pounding so bad.
“ Ugh, Ty,” I mumbled.
“ Do you need me to call someone to come and pick you up?” He asked. I shook my head, and pulled out my cell phone, and the screen was cracked. I flipped it open, and I tried turning it on, but the screen was black, and wouldn’t turn on.
“ Actually yeah I do,” I sighed closing my phone. “ But I don’t know their number,” I sighed again. Damn… I don’t even know my own brothers number… that’s just sad.
“ Maybe I know the person,” he said. I nodded my head.
“ his name is Clay Crutz, you know him?” I asked. He looked at me shocked and then nodded his head.
“ Actually I do know him… he and I are on the football team. Question is how does a girl like you know him?” he asked looking at me.
“ A girl like me?” I asked glaring at him.
“ Well yeah…” he said fading off. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he pointed to my clothes.
“ You look like a guy,” Someone said. I looked up and saw another guy standing their looking down at us.
“ Come on Roger,” The guy that was next to me said.
“ Tony you know it too,” Roger laughed. I growled, and pulled away from him, and stood up.
“ Well I am fine,” I said and walked towards my skateboard and picked it up. Tony walked over to me.
“ Come on… hang on im going to call Clay,” he said. He flipped open his phone and started to call him.
“ Maybe this is Clay’s dike,” Roger laughed. I looked at him and glared.
“ hey Clay? Yeah there is a girl here… she is hurt, and says she knows you… I don’t know her name here talk to her,” Tony said. He handed me the phone, and I put it up to my ear.
“ Clay,” I sighed.
“ Who is…? Ty? Ty what happened?!” he asked his voice raising.
“ I fell off my skateboard, and hit my head. Come pick me up over at the intersection,” I sighed.
“ How did you get so far?” he asked.
“ I was skating pretty fast,” I laughed.
“ I’ll be there in a few,” he said and then the phone went dead. I handed Tony his phone, and stood there, and Roger was staring at me.
“ What?” I spat.
“ Im serious… are you a girl?” He asked looking at me intently. I clenched my fists, and then I heard a car pulling up, and I turned around and saw clay getting out of his jeep. When he saw me his face dropped.
“ What did you do?” He asked walking over to me, and he touched my head. I flinched back and clenched my jaw.
“ Don’t touch it you idiot,” I said swatting his hand away. he looked down at me, and shook his head. I was looking at my brother, and I noticed we didn’t look much alike. I was short. About five foot three, golden brown curly hair, pale, and silver eyes. Clay had dark brown hair, tan, and bright green eyes and he was about six foot two.
“ Clay what is that?” Roger asked laughing. Clay looked up at Roger, and I saw a flicker of anger fill his eyes. clay put his arm around my shoulder, and started walking towards the car.
“ I’ll talk to you guys later… I got to get my sister home,” Clay said saying sister longest. I turned back and saw the shocked exspression on their faces, and I gave them a smug look and got in the car. He got in and we started to drive.
“ What did they say to you?” Clay asked.
“ Same old. Same old,” I said looking out the window.
“ I hate it when people treat you like that… just because you don’t look like every other slut in this world,” Clay said through clenched teeth.
“ It doesn’t bother me Clay. I could care more or less about what they think about me, because honestly I would rather look like this than a fake Barbie doll,” I sighed. I looked over at clay and he was smiling at me, and I did a faint smile back.
“ Mom called…” he said when we pulled up to the house. My hand clenched onto the door handle.
“ She is not my mom,” I whispered. clay was silent and he didn’t say anything. I opened the car door, and stepped out without another word. I took a couple of steps forward, and I felt all the blood rush to my head, and I stumbled forward, but I felt clay’s arms wrap around me.
“ Let me take you up to your room,” he whispered picking me up. I just nodded my head. Usually I would fight with him about it, but I feel like poop, and I just want to go to sleep. He opened the door with one hand, and when we stepped in I heard someone gasp.
“ What happened?” Art asked.
“ She fell off her skateboard and took a pretty hard fall,” Clay said.
“ Let me take her,” Art said. I felt myself being passed onto clay and I let out a growl.
“ put me down,” I mumbled. I heard clay laugh, and he walked into the kitchen, and Art started to walk me up the stairs. He walked into my bedroom, and he laid me gently down onto the bed, and pulled she sheets over me. I opened my eyes and glared at him.
“ What?” he asked throwing his hands up in the air.
“ Why couldn’t you just let Clay bring me up?” I asked.
“ Because I know Clay would of dropped you,” He laughed.
“ He wouldn’t!”
“ Yes he would!”
“ he is stronger than you Art!” I said shaking my head.
“ Well… he has been at practice all day yesterday, and is tired so he would of probably dropped you,” Art said.
“ Weren’t you at practice too?”
“ I skipped,” he laughed.
“ I hope you get fired,” I grumbled cuddling into my pillow and closing my eyes.
“Aren’t you so nice?” he asked walking out of my room.
“ The nicest,” I called back snuggling into my pillow.
Chapter two-
I rolled around in my bed with my blankets over me, and I turned around and looked at my clock… which was not there.. oh yeah I pulled it out of the wall yesterday. I sighed, and searched for my cell phone that was somewhere on my bed. I rolled to the right, and went tumbling off my bed with myself wrapped in my blankets. I fell onto the floor with a thud, and groaned. I felt something underneath me, and I reached behind myself, and pulled out my phone, and flipped it open. Seven fifteen! I have fifteen minutes to get ready for school, and EAT! I have to eat… there is no way I am going to school without eating.. that’s just wrong. I untangled myself from my blankets and picked up a pair of pants that where on the floor and slipped them on and then threw on a shirt, and brushed my hair out. With my eyes closed. What talent huh? I looked in the mirror, and saw myself wearing a pair of skinny jeans, and a shirt too big for me that said, All I hear you say is blah. Blah. Blah, so just shut up! I smiled and then looked at my pale complexion, and my silver eyes with my curly golden brown hair. I looked around for my favorite Alice In Wonderland sweater, but was unsuccessful. I sighed, and grabbed my Pokémon hoodie, and slipped it over my head, and picked up my book bag, and ran down the stairs, and the six idiots where already there.
“ Why didn’t someone wake me up?” I asked while walking into the kitchen.
“ I thought you would of waked up because you have a… let’s see what it called? A alarm clock,” Clay said.
“ It’s called I pulled it out of my wall yesterday and threw it across the room,” I restored. The six idiots looked at me, and started to laugh, and I rolled my eyes.
“ Your wearing that the first day of school?” Joe asked.
“ yes Joe I am,” I glared at him. “ is there something wrong with it?”
“ Its.. Pokémon…” he mumbled.
“ yeah and?” I asked raising my eyebrow. He shook his head and turned around and I rolled my eyes. I sat on the counter and started to eat a granola bar and looked at the six idiots.
First one is clay, my brother, he is nice, but he is also a player. He is a football player, well they all are, and they are all also popular.
Second guy is Troy… he loves to make fun of me. we have a hate thing going on. He is the one that pisses me off the most, and I want to rip his throat out half the time.
Mark, he is the quiet one, and doesn’t talk much, but when he does he is nice, and he is funny too, and when you piss Mark off.. First of all Mark does not get mad easily, but when he does he is in full rage and you don’t want to be around him.
Then there is Gabe, and he is one of my friends too. Me and him get along good, and he is a flirty one, but not too flirty, and he has a short temper, but it’s really funny when he is mad.
Joe… Don’t get me started he is the biggest player in the world, and is always making sex jokes. He ruined my brain, and he knows it. he has a different girl every week.
Last is Art… Oh Art… he is also nice, and I am somewhat friends with him, but he is a man whore, and likes to tease me from time to time. He plays jokes on me every single day, and he will do anything to embarrass me, but he is nice, and I have never seen Art serious in his whole entire life. Like once I stepped on his new ps3, and it broke, and you know what he did? He laughed. the crazy guy laughed. what up with that?
“ Earth to Ty!” Troy screamed. I looked up and Troy’s face was not even an inch away from mine. I jumped back from his closeness, and I fell back off the counter, and landed on my back. I laid there for a second, and took a deep breath.
“ What the hell Troy,” I said through clenched teeth while getting up. He walked over to me, and wrapped his arm around me.
“ awe you guys! Little Ty here is going to be a freshey!” Troy said in a baby voice. I elbowed him in the ribs, and he groaned and loosened his grip on me, and I walked around him and grabbed my skateboard and slipped on my converse and opened the door to leave, but then someone shut it form behind me.
“ What?” I asked turning around to see Clay.
“ You’re not riding that,” he said pointing to my skateboard.
“ I am riding this,” I said lifting it up to his face. I went to go turn around again, but he grabbed my skateboard from me. “ What are you doing?” I growled trying to get it from me, but it was out of my grasp since he was so tall. “ Clay cut it out!” I growled.
“ you’re not riding it Ty Crutz!” he said, and then… he didn’t… he broke my skateboard in half with his hand by hitting it to the ground with all his strength. I stood their baffled. He did!
“ CLAYTON!” I screamed.
“ You’re not riding this,” He repeated throwing the broke skateboard onto the ground..
“ Clay,” I whispered looking at my skateboard. I guess he forgot but that skateboard was given to me by my mom before she ugh...
“ Suck it up,” clay said walking past me. I felt tears come into my eyes, and I pushed them back, and swung the door open and started to walk towards the school. Clay grabbed onto my arm. “ Im driving you,” he said. I ripped my arm away, and continued to walk and raised my hand in the air flicking him off. I heard him call my name but I completely ignored him. That was the last thing my mom gave me before she…
“ Hey Ty!” Someone yelled. I looked up and saw a girl walking towards me. I stopped and looked at her curiously.
“ Yeah…?”
“ Oh Ty you look so nice today!” she said happily in a high pitch voice that made my skin crawl. I nodded my head and looked down at my Pokémon sweater.
“ Ugh yeah… Do I know you?” I asked. She started to laugh, and I took a step back from the mad women.
“ Of course you do silly! It’s me Brittany!” She sung. Aghh… its Ryan Bell’s girlfriend! I remember her… I “accidently” pushed her into the pool, and she just got her hair died, and she wasn’t supposed to swim, but I … accidently… pushed her, and her hair turned green. Long story short she had a hissy fit and I got suspended.
“ oh Brittany… hi,” I mumbled looking down because I was about to break out into laughter’s remembering her green hair.
“ What’s so funny Tyty?” She asked. Tyty? No way.
“ I was just remembering how good green looked on you,” I smirked. Her face turned cold, and she glared at me.
“ You know I was ugh trying to be friends with you! You rude little brat!” She yelled.
“ yeah sure.. you where… tryinggg… to be friends with me,” I said rolling my eyes. she squinted her eyes at me, and turned on her heel and walked away from me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I hate that girl. I continued to walk, and then H. E. double hockey sticks came into my view. I stopped at the edge of the road, and looked up at it and groaned. I am not scared of high school. I just hate the people not the school. I walked through the doors, and lingered down the halls. Everyone hovered over me, and some people stared at me like I was a monster. I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk. I stopped, and looked at my schedule.
1- cooking
2- History
3- Math
4- English
5- Lunch
6- Biology
7-8 study
9- gym
Cooking first? Awesome dude! I walked down the hall, and found the health room, and walked in. The room was already full, and I saw no one from my old school, and they were all guys. That’s good because I don’t get along with girls, but these guys better not piss me off, because there are knives close by. Everyone looked up at me when I opened the door, and the teacher stopped talking, and im late… wonderful. I looked at the teacher, and he smiled at me. great room full of dicks. Blah!
“ Hello, you must be the new freshman we have,” he said deeply. I nodded my head. “ Alright take a seat that’s open,” he finished. I looked around and there was only one seat open and all the way in the corner in the back of the room. I walked back there, and sat in the seat, and brought my legs up and sat cross legged. “ Alright let’s see when I call off your name say here,” the teacher said. “ by the way my name is Mr. Ore,” he smiled. Ore. Aha. Poor guy. He started to call off the names and I started to zone out, and then someone tapped on the table in front of me and I looked over and saw a guy pointing towards the teacher. I looked up and he was looking at me. “ Tereschia?” he asked.
“ ugh yeah,” I mumbled. “ but call me Ty,” I finished. He nodded his head and scribbled something down. Someone was laughing and I looked over at this guy. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“ Do you know how many time he said your name Tereschia?” he asked. I glared at him.
“ Its Ty,” I mumbled.
“ Okay Tereschia,” He smirked. I clenched my fist, and started to chew on my lip, and clenched my jaw. “ So do you know how many times?” He asked.
“ no,” I said through clenched teeth, and I looked up at him. “ tell me,” I growled.
“ Five,” he laughed.
“ Amazing,” I grumbled looking away from him.
“ Hey Mr. Ore! Tereschia here has a short temper!” The guy that was sitting next to me called out. everyone turned around to look at us, and I sat their shooting daggers into his head.
“ Mike, please,” Mr. ore said.
“ Yes Michael please,” I whispered looking at Mr. Ore. Mike grumbled something underneath his breath, and I scoffed leaning back into my seat.
“ Okay today we are making… sugar cookies!” Mr. Ore said happily. Hm whoopee. I sighed, and looked down at my hands, and thought about how chaotic this will become. “ First thing is first… no long sleeves so everyone take off their sweaters.” My head shot up, and I gripped onto the bottom of my hoodie, and groaned. I kept it on, and I looked up and Mr. Ore was looking at me. “ Are you going to take off your sweater?” he asked.
“ Ugh no,” I said.
“ You have to,” he said.
“ You said to take off your sweater.. but I am not wearing a sweater I am wearing a hoodie,” I replied. He sighed, and looked at me shaking his head, and then cleared his throat.
“ Ty take off your hoodie,” he laughed. I groaned and pulled it over my head, and leaned back into my chair, and I heard Mike laughing at my shirt. I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. “ And I though this year would be a little easier with a girl in this class,” Mr. Ore sighed. At that I let out a laugh. Their where five tables with four people at each table, but my table was just me and two other guys. Mike, and Mr. No name.
“ Tereschia this is Johnny,” Mike said pointing to Mr. No name. I looked at Johnny and nodded my head, and then they both got up and walked over to our little kitchen area. We started to cook, and I went over to the sink, and started to wash dishes, because I already burnt myself twice. “ Good job Tereschia,” Mike laughed putting a spoon into the sink. I stuck my hand in the water, and had a hand full of bubbles, and I smashed my hand into Mike’s face.
“ it’s Ty! Not fucking Tereschia! You call me that one more time I’ll kick your ass Michael!” I growled. He wiped his face off with a dish towel and looked down at me. he was towering over me, and I looked like a five year old compared to him.
“ You should only mess with someone your size,” he said taking a step closer to me. I felt my back press up against the counter. I brought my knee up and hit him in the place where the sun don’t shine. He doubled over in pain. I put my hand on top of his head and laughed.
“ You’re a good size know,” I scoffed.
“ You bitch,” he grumbled.
“ The one and only,” I smirked turning away from him, and walked back over to the table and sat down. Just as I sat down Mr. ore came walking back in the room, and Johnny and Mike came walking back to the table… well Mike was limping. I let out a laugh, and Mike sat down next to me and glared at me.
“ Stupid little freshman,” he whispered to me.
“ Awesome little freshman,” I restored.
“ kid,” He grumbled.
“ And how old are you mister?” I asked.
“ Im a senior,” he said happily.
“ Dork,” I laughed.
“ I hate you,” he growled. Then the bell rang, and I jumped out of my chair, and turned towards Mike before I left.
“ Oh I know,” I smiled before leaving. When I walked out of the class I walked towards history, and when I was about their I remembered I left my hoodie in the cooking room. I turned on my heel, and ran back to the class. I turned the corner, and ran into something hard, and I stumbled back letting go of my book bag, and everything that was in there fell everywhere.
“ Watch it freshey!” a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw a smirking Troy, and he was hanging out with five other guys which I did not know. I got up, and took a step closer to Troy, and brought my fist up and hit him in the stomach.
“ Shut up Junior,” I growled. I started to laugh, and he glared at me. I took a step back and everyone was gawking at me. “ Got a staring problem?” I asked. They all stared at me, and I turned around and started to pick up my things, but then someone took my book bag and I looked up and saw troy. I groaned, and he started to throw it to his friends and I was monkey in the middle. I sighed, and leaned on a wall. “ Really Troy?” I asked. Then he lunged at me, and I jumped back but I felt my back hit the wall, and he grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head.
“ Dude get her phone out of her front pocket,” Troy said. I turned my head and saw a guy walking next to me and he went into my jean pocket, and pulled out my cell phone.
“ Troy!” I growled. He let go of my arms and then they sprinted away. he took my phone! “ Troy!” I called out again. I stood there and sighed, and picked up my things, and stuffed them in my book bag and walked to my class. The day kind of just flew past and I couldn’t really concentrate on things. I was in English and the bell rang, and I looked at my schedule, and it was time for lunch! Yes! I got out of my seat, and walked towards the café. I have not one friend yet. It’s either they already know me, and don’t like me, or they just hear about me, and are too scared to talk to me. I walked into the café looking for Troy, so I could get my cell phone back. I never even got my sweater! I walked around and then spotted Clay and all the other guys, and started to walk towards them and I saw Troy, and I walked behind him, and hit him in the back of the head hardly. Everyone looked at me and I shot daggers at troy.
“ Troy give me my phone!” I glared. He shook his head and I turned towards clay. “ Clay man, tell troy to give me my phone! Know!” I grumbled.
“ you know Ty you only have guys in your phone, someone is a playa!” he said loudly. I felt my face go red, and I reached out trying to get my phone but he held it out of my grasp.
“ Damnit Troy,” I sighed. “ Keep it,” I growled, and I turned away and walked away from them, and stepped outside, and sat down on the grass leaning on a tree. I stretched my legs out in front of me and sighed. I let my skin soak up the sun, and I saw a shadow hovering over me, and I turned around and saw two guys standing their looking down at me. “ yeah?” I asked.
“ you’re sitting under our tree,” he said coldly. My skin jumped when I heard him speak to me. I got up and went to grab my book bag, and started to move out of the way.
“ Ugh sorry,” I mumbled turning and walking away. I was actually scared of him. I have never let anyone talk to me like that before.
“ hey wait,” The other guy said. I turned around and saw the two guys sitting underneath the tree, and another guy walking towards them and sitting down. I walked back over there, and stood there.
“ What?” I asked.
“ Im Gino,” He said. I nodded my head and then he pointed to the guy that scared me. “ This is Alan, and this is Eric,” he said pointing to the guy that just sat down. Well Gino seems nice, and Eric is quiet so far, but Alan scares the crap out of me, and I don’t even know why.
“ Ugh I’m Ty,” I said.
“ Wanna sit?” Eric asked.
“ ugh,” I started and looked at Alan, and he was shooting daggers at me. I took a step back and shook my head. “ No thanks,” I mumbled turning away, and walked away, and made my way down the field, and sat down on the bleachers, and laid down on them and sighed. Nope. Not one friend yet… well would Eric or Gino count? I don’t know anymore.
“ hey!” Someone shouted. I looked up and saw Gino and Eric running towards me and a unhappy Alan lingering behind them. I sat up, and they started to climb up the bleachers, and sat down in front of me. “ Why aren’t you sitting with your friends?” Gino asked.
“ I am,” I said. Gino and Eric looked confused, and Alan sat two steps down looking away from me. I pointed to both my side. “ Meet Bill and Bob my… Invisible friends,” I shrugged.
“ You don’t have one friend?” Eric asked. I shook my head.
“ Besides my brother, and his other five friends…?” I thought. “ Well no I don’t really have any friends,” I shrugged.
“ Why?” Gino asked.
“ I could come up with some reasons,” Alan mumbled.
“ And I bet they would all be right,” I said happily. Alan turned towards me.
“ one, you look like a guy, two you seem weird, three you speak your mind, do I need to go on?” He asked.
“ Wow!” I said clapping my hand. “ You got em right on the dot,” I said smiling. Alan glared at me, and I rolled my eyes.
“ Your different you know that?” Gino asked.
“ Your different too if you want to talk to me,” I laughed.
“ Have you seen us?” he laughed. I let out a laugh and looked at them. They were all tall, pale, black hair that covered their eyes, skinny jeans, big shirts, and converse. Pretty much screamed emo and loner. My people. I nodded my head and laughed.
“ Isn’t Ty a guy name?” Alan asked.
“ Ty is my name Alan buddy,” I grimaced.
“ Real name?” he asked.
“ Nope,” I said popping the p.
“ What’s your real name?” Eric asked.
“ Psh im not telling you, then you would call me by it,” I said shaking my head. Eric and Gino started to laugh.
“ You wanna hang with us after school?” Gino asked.
“ What grades are you guys?” I asked.
“ me, and Eric are sophomores, and Alan is a junior,” Gino said.
“ Do you know Clay Crutz?” I asked Alan. Alan’s face went sour, and he nodded his head.
“ Why?” They all asked at the same time.
“ Why do you guys all ask why like that?” I laughed.
“ because everyone knows Clay. He is the most popular guy at the school, and the biggest player,” Alan said.
“ he is not that big of a player!” I said shaking my head.
“ A girl like you wouldn’t know that,” Alan said.
“ Im his sister I think I would know,” I growled. They all gawked at me. “ What?” I asked throwing my hands up in the air.
“ Everyone talked about Clay’s freshman sister coming… but we didn’t think it would be you,” Eric said.
“ What?” I asked.
“ Well when everyone found out Clay’s little sister was going to be in High school they all expected her to be this hot piece of ass that they could have fun with,” Gino said. My mouth went into a O, and I nodded my head.
“ Stupid people,” I muttered.
“ Yeah,” Alan said. I looked at him, and sent him a evil eye. “ Your definitely not what they said you were going to be,” Alan finished.
“ Alright shut up you little ass,” I growled.
“ So it does get mad,” Alan laughed.
“ Yeah I do! I have a short temper buddy, and I put up with little fudges like you all the damn time, so I am not scared to beat your freaking butt!” I said standing up, and I walked down the bleachers.
“ Wait Ty do you want to hang?” Gino called out.
“ I’ll pass!” I said walking away.
“ bye Tereschia!” Alan called out. I turned around and looked at him, and I flicked him off mouthing fuck you, and walked away.
Chapter three-
I looked down the hall, and then down the other one. Where the hell is this biology class? I got lost from going from lunch to biology? Damnit… Im such a freshey! I stood in the middle of the hall, and then the bell rang, and I stomped my foot on the ground throwing a semi hissy fit. I need to find 310… it goes 309, and then it jumps to 311?!? What kind of crap is that. I leaned against a wall and let out a huff. Dude screw me!
“ Ecmm…” Someone cleared their throats from afar. I looked up and saw a student walking towards me. probably a senior. I looked at him, and raised my eyebrows. “ Skipping class are we?” He asked.
“ Does it matter to you?” I huffed.
“ Since I am a teacher then yes it does,” he grinned. I looked up at him.
“ You shitting me. you don’t look like a teacher!” I laughed. he let out a deep chuckle, and took a step closer to me.
“ Well I am a student teacher,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“ Well Mr. Student teacher no, I am not ditching,” I said sarcastically.
“ Then what are you doing?” he asked standing in front of me.
“ I am lost,” I grumbled.
“ Sure…” he sighed. My jaw dropped.
“ Listen buddy my class is 310, and I can’t find the class anywhere!” I hissed.
“ What grade are you in?”
“ Freshey,” I muttered. He nodded his head, and had this hint of humor in his eyes. “ What’s so damn funny?” I spat.
“ You shouldn’t speak to teachers like that,” he said taunting me. I clenched my fists, and held them to my sides. “ Someone has a anger problem,” he laughed. My jaw flinched, and I looked down and took a deep breath. I side stepped in and started to walk down the hall. “ Come back here young lady! Im not done talking to you!” he called out to me.
“ Well im done talking with you!” I screamed at him. I heard him laughing, and I growled and turned the corner, and saw 310! Yes! But why the hell is it all the way over here? So stupid.. I opened the door, and everyone looked up at me. I saw no one that I knew… scratch that Ryan Bell is in my class. I hate biology.
“ Hello,” The teacher said. I looked up and he was good looking and probably early twenties. Once again too young to look like a teacher. I did a faint smile. “ Are you… Ter..”
“ Ty,” I cut him off. He looked down at the board and nodding his head.
“ Well Ty… There has been a change in classes,” he began. I stood there and gave him a confused look. “ As well as you Mr. Ryan…” He started. Oh no… what…. “ You too are going to be put into… an highly advanced study,” he smiled. No.. No… “ Both of you two in a junior study right down the hall,” NO!!! I have biology with Ryan, and a bunch of juniors… I hate my life. I stood there and nodded my head, and Ryan jumped out of his seat, and ran over to me, and slung his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and growled.
“ if you want to keep that arm you better take it off me,” I whispered low enough so only he could here. He didn’t move it. I looked away from him and shrugged his should off, and took a step away from him.
“ Your class will be… 301, so you better get going Ms. Ty, and Mr. Ryan,” he smiled. I nodded my head, and walked out of the class, and Ryan lingered behind me.
“ Ty, this is so exiting we have a junior class together!” He smirked. I felt the steam coming off of me, and Ryan ran in front of me, and went towards the classroom door.
“ Idiot,” I mumbled underneath my breath. I was behind him walking and he went to go open the door, and stepped in and then just stopped, and I walked into his back and hit my nose on his back. I am a towers five foot three, and he is six foot two. OW! “ Why did you stop you moron!” I hissed. I heard laughing, and looked around him and saw everyone looking at us. That’s why.. we interrupted class. Ryan walked in a little more, and I lingered behind him, and stood a little afar from him. I looked down, because I don’t like when everyone is staring at me. I feel… weird.
“ you two must be the new freshman’s joining our class,” A man asked. I looked up and he was also good looking and looked young. What up with these biology teachers? I mean really.
“ yes sir, I am Ryan Bell, and this is my girlfriend Ty,” he smiled. I nodded my head, and then my head shot up towards Ryan.
“ Eh.. Wha? No!” I mumbled shaking my head. “ That thing is not my boyfriend,” I grumbled. Everyone was laughing, and then Ryan turned towards me, and he smirked and then got down on his knees.
“ So your telling me you don’t love me? Your breaking up with me know! BUT TY I LOVE YOU!” He screamed. I felt my face go a new shade of red, and I shook my head, and looked up and everyone was dying from laughter. The teacher cleared his throat and Ryan took up and smiled.
“ You two I have a feeling you’re gonna be trouble,” The teacher laughed. Ryan grinned, and I was just thinking about ripping Ryan’s throat out. “ Well my name is Mr. Marx, and Ryan you will sit next to Chad up front, and Ty, you will in the back next to Alec,” Mr. Marx smiled. I nodded my head, and started to walk to the back of the class, and I sat down not even looking at the guy I was sitting next to. Mr. Marx resumed teaching his lesson, and in the middle of it, Alec.. the guy I was sitting next to cleared his throat. I looked over at him, and I sucked in a breath, and choked on air. Mr. Marx looked over at me. “ Ty are you okay?” he asked. I leaned back in my seat, and gave him a thumbs up, and he gave me a unsure look and continued to teach class. I looked back at the guy. He is the guy in the hallway that said he was a teacher! Teacher my ass!
“ You!” I hissed. He smirked.
“ Me?” he asked pointing to himself. My eyes popped out of my head, and I looked away from him, and put my head on the table and breathed in and out. its taking everything out of me not to kill him right know. I kept my head on the table, and raised my hand in the air.
“ Yes TY?” Mr. Marx asked.
“ Cwan inv stwchvn mthy setae?” I muttered into the desk.
“ What?” he asked. I lifted my head.
“ Can I switch my seat?” I grumbled.
“ You can sit up here next to Troy and Joe,” he said motioning to them. I looked over and saw my brothers friends. I shook my head.
“ I’ll stay here actually,” I said and put my head back down and took a deep breath.
“ Alright..” Mr. Marx muttered turning back to the board.
“ Awe you didn’t want to leave me side,” Alec gushed. I growl came from the back of my throat.
“ Shut up you,” I hissed. Biology is an hour and a half long, and I thought I was going to shoot myself. When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag, and hauled ass out of there. I got to the hall, and leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. Alec didn’t shut up once… I am on the verge of hitting something. I felt someone touch my shoulder, and I whipped my head around and saw troy and Joe, and they threw their hands in the air, and took a step back.
“ Whoa don’t kill us,” Troy laughed. I glared him.
“ I can’t sit next to that thing all year! He is worse than you troy!” I sighed. Troy put his hand over his heart.
“ You hurt me Ty,” He sniffled. I shot him daggers and sent him the “ Don’t get me started” look, because I was already beyond pissed.
“ He is the new guy this year actually,” Joe said leaning against the wall next to me.
“ He is a smart ass. Today when I was late, he came down the hall all yelling at me and crap, and said he was a teacher,” I said shaking my head.
“ Did you fall for it?” Troy asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ Somewhat, but that’s not the point!” I sighed. “ This guy… he is going to put me into a juvinal place,” I grumbled getting up from the wall.
“ Don’t you have to go to class Ty?” Troy asked. I shook my head.
“ I have study until ninth,” I said walking down the hall.
“ Us too!” Joe laughed swinging his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, and then stopped in my tracks turned around and hit Troy right where the sun don’t shine. His face was priceless. Full of complete shock. He kneeled on the ground sucking in air, and his face was bright red.
“ Wh- what the f- fuck?” He grumbled.
“ That’s for the little stunt you pulled earlier! Know where is my phone!” I hissed at him. He reached into his pocket, and shakily handed me my phone. I smiled in triumph and took it and flipped it open. The screen turned on, and it was locked. I tried typing in a password I don’t even remember setting. “ You bastard! You locked my phone!” I hissed turning back around to look at Troy, but they were both gone. I threw a hissy fit in the middle of the haul stomping my feet, and swearing like a mad man, and I heard someone clear their throats and I turned around to see It… Alec… I stopped in the middle of the hall, and felt my face go three shades of red. He broke out into laughter’s, and I glared at him.
“ What do you want?!” I hissed.
“ Oh nothing… I was just walking down the hall, and saw your little… dance,” he laughed bending over, and his laughter’s got louder. I looked at him giving him the most evil eye in the world.
“ I was not dancing!” I yelped.
“ So then what where you doing?” he asked raising an eyebrow and leaning against the wall.
“ I was,” I stopped. Having a hissy fit? I can’t tell him that I’ll never hear the end of it! “ None of your business!” I growled, and started to walk past him, but he walked next to me.
“ you’re not like the other girls here,” he said.
“ No really?” I asked still walking. He grabbed my arm and spun me around, and I lost my balance, and fell on my ass.
“ Damn you!” I hissed. He smirked, and shrugged his shoulders.
“ Well since your down their…” He started to unzip his pants and my jaw dropped, and i jumped up backing away from him my eyes building.
“ You crazy mofo!” I screeched.
“ Well you’re a girl. Do the only thing girls know how to do,” he smirked pointing down to his pants. My jaw clenched, and I took a step forwards swinging my fist, and hit him right in the jaw. He stumbled back shocked, and I brought my other fist up and hit him in the cheek, and then I brought my knee up, and he tumbled backwards, and I lunged for him pinning him down, and I held my hand against his throat.
“ You better watch your mouth Alec, because if you ever try to play like that around me again. I WILL make sure that you will not be able to have kids when you get older? GOT IT!” I yelled at him. He nodded his head, and I got up and then kicked him in the side, and I heard him grumble, and I walked away from him fuming. I ran into someone and I looked up and saw Mr. Marx. He stood their looking down at me, and then looked at Alec.
“ Suspend me give me detention I don’t give a fuck, because if you were me you would of done the same thing,” I said looking Mr. Marx straight in the eyes.
“ What did he do?” Mr. Marx asked.
“ Mr. Marx? Do you believe girls are only good for giving head, and sexual pleasures?” I asked raising an eyebrow. I saw his eyes widened and I nodded my head. “ That’s why I kicked his ass,” I smirked. Mr. Marx waved me off, and I started to run down the halls, and I turned the corner, and stood against the wall, and looked down at my fists. One of them was bleeding. Damn I must of hit him real fucking hard. I groaned, and started to shake my hands, and I walked into the bathroom, and turned on the water, and slowly put my hands underneath the water, and groaned because it stung. I turned the water off, and looked at my knuckles. Im gonna have some bruising, and redness, and it’s going to hurt for a while. I walked out of the bathroom, and made my way to my last class. Gym. I walked into the girls changing rooms, and a teacher was their handing out the uniforms. She handed me mine, and I walked over to a locker, and examined them and my jaw dropped. I am not! I repeat not wearing this! They were black short shorts, and a black sports bra, with a white over shirt that was see threw! I looked at the little skanky outfit, and groaned. I heard a couple girls laughing and I looked up and they were all cheerleaders.
“ Sorry but you actually have to dress like a girl for once in your life,” One of them snickered.
“ Oh yeah dress like a whore like the rest of you,” I said glaring at them. I walked back out of the gym room, and saw all the guys already dressed and standing around, and the rest of the girls came out, and we all stood there and then the teacher finally came. The teacher started to talk, and he called off names, and I actually paid attention, to make sure he didn’t call me by my full name.
“ Ter…”
“ Ty!” I said cutting him off. He looked up at me and nodded his head, and wrote something down, and then he looked at me once again.
“ Ty, why aren’t you wearing your gym uniform?” He asked.
“ That’s not even clothing!” I cried pointing to the girl that was standing next to me.
“ That’s your uniform,” he said sternly. I looked around and pointed towards the guys.
“ Why can’t I wear a uniform like that then?” I asked.
“ If you wear the guy uniform then you will be with the guys for gym not girls. We split them so the guys do the sports separate from the girls,” he said.
“ Then I’ll have gym with the guys, because there is no way in H. E. Double hockey sticks I am wearing that!” I hissed pointing towards the girl next to me once again. He sighed, and walked away, and the guys where chuckling, and I stood their shifting from one foot to another, and then a pair of clothes were thrown at me. I looked at them, and the teacher threw them at me. I looked up at him, and smiled.
“ go get dressed!” he yelled. I nodded my head, and ran towards the changing rooms, and slipped on the clothes. They were black shorts that reached a little below my knees, and the shirt came to my thigh. They were both smalls, and huge! I sighed, and pulled the strings on the shorts, so they wouldn’t fall off, and ran back out towards the gym room. When I got their the girls where on one side, and the guys where on the other. I walked over to the guys side, and they all looked up at me, and smirked. I rolled my eyes, and I looked over at the girls, and saw they were doing dancing. Thank god im not over there.
“ Alright! So let’s get started!” The couch yelled. I whipped my head back around confused out of my mind. One guy ran past me, and he pushed me while running past, and I stumbled forward.
“ Watch it!” I growled. He turned around and I saw Alan.
“ You were in the way,” he said coldly.
“ No I wasn’t, you just had to go around me,” I growled walking behind him.
“ didn’t feel like it,” he shrugged. I looked up and him, and started to run, and put my hands on his lower back, and shoved him hard, and he tripped over his feet, because he was surprised, and fell to the ground.
“ Sorry! You were in my way, and I didn’t feel like going around!” I called out running over to the guys that where already on the field. I walked over next to a tall guy, and stood there like a stump next to him. “ What are we doing?” I asked.
“ Football, babe,” he smirked. I looked up at him and shook my head.
“ It’s Ty,” I grumbled.
“ I know I’ve heard about you,” He laughed.
“ Is that so?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, your one of the trouble makers. Heard you already got into a fight, don’t follow the rules, and your just a bunch of sass,” he laughed.
“ Sass?”
“ Yes sassy frassy,” he laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him, and then flicked him off. “ Hope you have fun in tackle football today,” he grinned and then ran off towards his friends. I stood there, and looked at every guy. They are all above five foot eight, and I am a towering fucking five foot three! I won’t even be able to get the ball. I could care more or less about getting dirty, and violent while playing football, but since im really tiny this football game isn’t my greatest sport… at all.
“ Alright guys get in position!” Coach called. I stood there looking around, and someone called out my name. I looked over and I a guy was pointing for me to stand by me. I stood there, and got in position.
“ Ready, set, hike!”
Everyone spread out, and me I stood there like an idiot. I started to run over to where my team members where going, and then I heard my name shouted and I looked up and then ball was coming to me. my eyes widened, and even before I caught the ball, someone rammed me from my lower half, by grabbing me by my hips, and throwing me to the ground. I laid there for a second, and took a deep breath, and sat up and saw a smirking Alan.
“ It’s on,” I mouthed. I sat up and dusted myself off.
“ You alright?” Someone asked. I nodded my head and waved them off.
“ Wait,” I said running over to him. He gave me a confused look. “ Can you throw really far?” I asked. He nodded his head. “ Im going to run down the field when it gets called. Throw me the ball,” I said. He looked at me unsure, and I took a step closer to him. “ You’re GOING to throw me the ball!” I hissed so no one else could hear. He nodded his head, and we got back into position.
“ Ready, set, hike!”
I sprinted off down the field, and I was by the goal, and I turned around, and I saw the ball coming towards me. I bent my knees, and put my hands out in front of me, and then ball rammed into my body. Damn why did he throw it so hard? I saw Alan coming towards me, and he was just about to get to me, but I took a step back, and…
“ GOAL!” Someone screamed. Alan stopped and glared at me and I smiled in victory. I walked past him and threw the ball at his chest.
“ Don’t underestimate me Alan,” I hissed. I walked past him, and I felt someone pick me up from behind, and swing me around. I looked around and saw… Clay? “ You’re in my gym?” I asked dumbfounded.
“ Aha I came late,” he said sheepishly, and he set me down. “ But I saw your goal, I didn’t know you liked football. That’s the only sport I have not seen you play,” he laughed. I shrugged my shoulders, and we walked over by the guys.
“ hey Clay man, you know Ty?” One of them asked. Clay went to open his mouth, but I felt someone shove my forward, and I stumbled forward, and a bunch of weight was on me. I looked around and saw Troy, Gabe, Joe, Art, and Mark all halfway on me.
“ Ah get off!” I screeched. They all sat up laughing and clay was chuckling shaking his head. I got up, and hit clay’s arm.
“ What?” he yelped.
“ Thanks for not helping me your douche!” I said shaking my head. then clay wrapped his arm around me shoulder.
“ Guys this is my little sister Ty,” he smirked. Everyone’s mouth went into a O and they nodded their heads. I looked over and saw Alan looking at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him, and he gave me an amused look, and I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. I shrugged Clay’s arm off me, and stood there, and felt sore... like Alan freaking body slammed me man. “ You alright Ty?” Clay asked. I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders.
“ Im fine I just played some football with some idiotic teenage boys,” I sighed shaking my head.
“ idiotic teenage boys huh?” Joe asked. I looked over at him, and the six idiots where looking at me with a grin. I raised an eyebrow, and took a step back.
“ Don’t come any closer,” I warned. They all took a step forward, and I turned on my heel and sprinted away from them. I started to sprint into the building, and I heard the behind me, and ran past one of the janitor closets, but then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in there. It was pitch black, and the only thing I could hear was myself breathing. “ H- Hello?” I gasped. The lights came on, and a guy stood away from me. he had a hoodie on that was covering his eyes, and his hair was brown and covered his eyes. “ Hello?” I asked.
“ Ugh, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he mumbled. I tilted my head to look at him, and he looked at me, and he had skinny jeans on, converse, and a hoodie. He was dressed in all black, and his face was covered with his face. “ I saw you were being chased by them, and thought you didn’t want to get caught,” he said interrupting my thoughts. My eyes went back to his face, and I gave him a smile.
“ im Ty,” I said stretching out my hand. He looked at my hand like it was from another world.
“ Im Evian,” He said not shaking my hand. I pulled my hand back and smiled.
“ Thanks though,” I grinned. I opened the door, and looked back at him. “ Are you coming?” I asked.
“ Ugh, Ty people are gonna tell you about me, and you’re not gonna wanna talk to me anymore, so how about we just stop talking know,” he said quietly.
“ Why would I?”
“ because I am a loner at this school, and a freak,” he said looking at me.
“ Like I care. Everyone is scared of me, or just doesn’t like me,” I laughed shrugging my shoulders. He gave me a smirk, and he had a perfect smile. I grinned. “ Come on Evian!” I laughed walking out of the closet. We walked down the hall, and I stopped at the girls room. “ Im just going to get dressed, and get my stuff,” I said.
“ I’ll wait for you,” he said. I nodded my head, and ran into the girls room. Everyone had already gone home, so I ran through the changing rooms, and got to my stuff. I slipped on my ripped jeans, and my funny shirt, and put on my converse, and grabbed my book bag, and ran back out. when I opened the door Evian looked up at me surprised. “ that was really fast,” he said sounding astounded.
“ I don’t take ten minutes to get dressed like other girls,” I said walking past him.
“ I thought you were a popular,” he said walking next to me. I looked at him baffled, and I put my hand over my heart.
“ Oh my god you thought I was a fake Barbie?! Im hurt Evian…” I said shaking my head. he let out a laugh, and I smiled.
“ I just mean when you just are… Ugh,” he stopped and his face flushed. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“ Evian where you gonna call little ole me perty?” I laughed trying to wrap my arm around his shoulder, but he is like six foot so that’s not going to work, and I wrapped is around his abdomen. He looked down at me, and smiled.
“ Pretty.. No,” he said. i laughed, and went to go removed my arm, but then he put his arm around my shoulder. “ I was going to say gorgeous,” he smiled. I looked up at him, and felt myself blushing. I rolled my eyes.
“ Yeah im real gorgeous dressed in this kind of clothes,” I laughed.
“ Well you are,” he said so low, I didn’t even think I was supposed to hear it. we walked out of the school, and then someone screamed my name and I looked up and saw clay. I let go of Evian and groaned. “ Is that your boyfriend?” he asked.
“ Ewe! That’s incest! That’s my older brother!” I said pretending to act disgusted. He looked at me, and started to laugh. Like freaking laugh. “ What?” I asked.
“ You should of seen your face,” he smiled. I smirked and rolled my eyes, and lightly hit his arm.
“ I’ll see you tomorrow Evian,” I laughed.
“ Bye Ty,” He said smiling. I started to walk away, but then I turned around.
“ Your my first friend since sixth grade Evian!” I called out.
“ Ditto!” he smirked walking away.
Ditto… aha funny word.
“ hey Ty, what’s up?” Clay asked.
“ Did you know that a ditto use to be a copy machine?” I asked.
“ Wait… Wh- what?” Clay asked looking at me like I was a freak.
“ Well you just learned something new,” I grinned.
Chapter four-
“ So how was your first day?” Clay asked while we were sitting on the couch watching Special Victims Unit.
“ It was eventful,” I mumbled eating my popcorn.
“ You ready for day two tomorrow?” he asked.
“ Hm yeah,” I grumbled stuffing my mouth.
“ Did you meet anyone new?”
“ Yes.”
“ Cool.”
“ Yep…”
“ Come on Ty!” He groaned.
“ What?” I asked quickly looking at him, and then back at the screen.
“ You’re not saying more than three words to me! Damn you haven’t said more than three words after you told me about that stuff about the ditto!” he said shaking his head at me.
“ not entirely true,” I stopped, and swallowed the popcorn. “ Don’t bother me while im watching SVU,” I said looking back at the TV.
“ your unbelievable,” he grumbled. I hushed him, and continued to look at the screen intensely. “Ty…” He started to say, but I picked up the pillow next to me, and threw it at him.
“ Shut up!” I hissed. I heard him grumble something underneath his breath, but I zoned him out watching my TV show. There was a girl named Maria that was locked in basement, and the cops are trying to find her before she dies. Dude this is freaking intense. The cops went to enter the basement, and opened the door to see if Maria was their… they opened the door… “ WHAT THE HELL!” I Screamed at the black screen. The room was pitch black, and all the lights went out. I jumped off the couch, and started stomping on the ground. “ CLAYTON CRUTZ!” I screamed.
“ You alright?!” I heard him call from upstairs.
“ What the hell happened?” I screamed.
“ The lights went out, because of the storm!” He said. I heard him walking down the stairs, but I still heard the rain pattering against the roof. I let out a cry, and I heard Clay gasp. “ What’s wrong?” he screeched.
“ I don’t know if Maria is dead or alive!” I cried throwing my hands in the air, and then my knee hit something, and I went tumbling forward, and fell face first onto the ground. I let out a groan, and I heard clay chuckle.
“ Your unbelievable Ty,” he laughed.
“ I hope Maria doesn’t die,” I sighed laying on the ground, and then something stepped on my hand, and I let out a cry, and got up. “ You stepped on me!” I yelled at Clay who I still could not see.
“ Well why are you laying on the ground?” He asked back.
“ I tripped,” I grumbled. I put my hands out in front of me, and started to maneuver my way out of the front room trying to get to my room. “ Im going to sleep since the lights are out,” I said walking up the stairs trying not to kill myself.
“ be careful. Goodnight Ty, love you,” I heard my brother say from the bottom of the stairs.
“ Love you to Clay,” I said reaching the top stair, and feeling my way down the hall, and I opened my door, and stepped in and my feet got caught in a piece of clothing that was on the floor, and I stubbed my toe. I mumbled a swear word, and felt my knees hit my bed, and I collapsed on top of it. I laid there, and took a deep sigh. “ Tomorrow clean room,” I mumbled before falling asleep.
“ Oh Ty time for your second day!” Someone sung. I opened my eyes, and looked up and saw Troy standing at my door grinning. I looked over at the clock and groaned. Its only six. We don’t leave until seven thirty. I pulled the blankets over me, and snuggled into my pillow.
“ Go away,” I muttered.
“ Get up sunshine!” He said. I heard his footsteps coming closer to me, and then my blankets where ripped off of me. I curled up into a ball, and tucked my neck down into my chest with my eyes still shut. “ Up,” he growled.
“ go away you menace,” I hissed. I felt his hand grip onto my ankles, and he pulled me off the bed, and I grabbed onto my headboard, and wouldn’t let go. He tugged me harder, and I held the headboard my knuckles turning white. I felt one of his hands let go of my ankle, and he poked my side, and I immieaditly let go of the headboard, and he flung me off the bed, and I landed with a thump. I curled up into a ball on the ground and closed my eyes. I heard him grumble something, and then he walked out of the room. I laid their happy, and I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
I felt something cold fall onto me, and I was drenched in water. I let out a scream, and my body was shivering. I shot up, and was sitting on the ground, and I looked up my eyes wide as saucers. I saw Ty standing there with a bucket, and water was all over the floor.
“ YOU!” I screamed standing up. He turned around, and ran down the hall. I chased after him, and heard my wet feet slapping against the wooden floors, and I chased him down the hall, and he started running down the stairs. He was at the bottom, and I jumped onto his back, and he stumbled forward falling onto the floor. “ Im gonna kill you!” I hissed. He struggled underneath me, and I brought my fist up and hit him right in the stomach. He let out a cry, and then I brought my knee up and kneed him where a guy doesn’t want to be hit. “ I’ll get up whenever I want to get up, and don’t you dare try waking me up again because I’ll kill you!” I hissed standing up. I turned around and saw Clay and the rest of the guys looking at me like I was a crazy person. My teeth where shivering, and I flicked them off and stalked up the stairs, and ran into my room. I pulled off my wet clothes that where sticking to me, and grabbed a pair of black leggings, and then searched through my closet, and pulled out a black shirt that had red splatter paint on it. it reached my elbows, and flowed at my sides. I grabbed my black knee high boots, and put my hair up into a bun. I sighed, and looked around for my book bag.
“ Come on Ty!” I heard Clay yell.
“ I still have like twenty minutes!” I shouted back.
“ Where leaving early!”
“ UGH!” I groaned. I ran out of my room, and my foot made contact with something, and I stumbled forward, and fell onto the floor. I stood up and turned around. “ Found my book bag!” I sung throwing it over my shoulder. I ran down the stairs, and out the front door. I jumped in the passenger seat, and everyone else was already in the car.
“ your hair is wet, did you take a shower?” Art asked.
“ Troy threw a bucket of water on me,” I growled looking out the window. Everyone started laughing, and I heard troy grumble something and I turned around to look at him, and he was sitting weirdly. “ Troy what’s wrong?” I asked sarcastically.
“ Nothing… Im just not going to be able to have kids in the future,” he said glaring at me.
“ You would of just killed them anyway,” I shrugged turning back in my seat. Clay started laughing, and he shook his head smiling.
“ So Ty what do you think about High School?” Art asked.
“ This is what I’ve got so far… If you have tattoos, then you’re a trouble maker. If you have curves, then your fat. If you wear makeup, then your fake. If you say what you think, then you’re a bitch. If you cry some times, then you’re a drama queen. If you have guy friends, then you’re a slut. If you stand up for yourself, then your mouthy. Seems like you can't do anything now a days without being labeled,” I said shaking my head.
“ Everyone is labeled,” Art said.
“ I don’t care. Those people can go ahead and label me, see if I give a crap,” I said while we were pulling up to the school.
“ Man we got a girl trouble maker in our school,” Clay said while getting of the car. I smirked, and hopped out of the car smiling. I started to walk away but then clay called my name. I turned around, and him and all the guys were looking at me.
“ What?” I asked walking back over to them.
“ not gonna say goodbye to us?” Troy laughed. I shook my head, and turned away.
“ See you guys later,” I said over my shoulder.
“ you’re so weird!” Art laughed. I gave them the middle finger, and made my way towards the school. I pushed the door open, and I heard it hit something. I looked around the door, and saw someone sitting on the ground holding their face. They looked up, and it was Evian.
“ Shit, Evian!” I said kneeling down next to him. I moved his hand away from his face, and looked at his nose. Blood was dripping down it. “ Im so sorry!” I gasped. He let out a low laugh.
“ its fine Ty,” he said standing up. I looked up at him, and then reached in my book bag and pulled out a cloth, and handed it to him. “ Why do you have a cloth with you?” He asked.
“ I have a medical kit with me Evian,” I said.
“ Seriously?” he asked dabbing his nose, and tilting his head up. I took a step closer, and pulled the cloth away from him.
“ Like this,” I said. he looked at me, and I held the cloth against his nose. “ I have had plenty of bloody noses. Don’t tilt your head back,” I said. I pulled the cloth away, and the blood stopped.
“ Do you really have a medical kit in your bag?” He asked. I nodded my head.
“ People don’t seem to like me very much,” I shrugged. He started laughing, and let out a laugh. “ What can you do about it?” I mumbled.
“ Hey… what class do you have first period?” he asked. I stood up, and threw the cloth into the garbage.
“ Cooking, why?”
“ Your fifteen minutes late.”
“ Awe poop,” I grumbled. I turned on my heel, and started to run down the hall. “ Cya Evian!” I screamed. I heard him laughing. I rounded the corner, and saw my cooking class. I opened the door and everyone looked up at me. my gaze met with Mike’s and I glared at him. He gave me a smug look, and I rolled my eyes, and looked at Mr. Ore.
“ nice for you to join us Ty,” he said raising an eyebrow.
“ I got lost… c’mon on im a freshey give me a break,” I said smiling at him. He let out a laugh and rolled his eyes.
“ Go sit down,” he sighed. I smirked, and walked over to my table, and sat down. Johnny and Mike looked up at me, and I slumped down into my seat. The door opened again, and I looked up, and saw… No….
“ hello Alec,” Mr. Ore smiled. My jaw dropped, and I looked around and saw the only open seat was at our table. Alec smiled. “ Class this is a student that will be joining us this year,” Mr. Ore smiled.
“ No!” I screamed throwing my head down onto the table. Mr. Ore looked over at me, and then Alec looked over at me and smiled like an idiot. “ dakjbv ksjbfswjf scfjkb,” I grumbled into the table.
“ Ty, is there something wrong?” Mr. Ore asked.
“ Ugh, no,” I said looking up and leaning back into my seat. Mike, looked at me giving me a curious look, and he sent me this look asking “ How do you know him?” Look. i heard a chair being pulled out, and I looked to my left, and saw Alec sitting down next to me. our eyes met, and he winced at me, and I clenched onto the table, and looked away from him. Im gonna kill him.
“ What’s wrong Ty?” mike chuckled.
“ Im sitting in-between the two people who I loathe the most,” I said with venom in my voice.
“ Awe im not that bad!” Mike and Alec both said at the same time. I flinched, and clenched my jaw.
“ You don’t even freaking know,” I grumbled. I looked up and saw Johnny trying to suppress a laugh. “ Do you want me to hate you too?” I asked. He shook his head, and tried to keep a straight face, but it was unsuccessful. A growl came from the back of my throat, and I leaned forward and put my head down onto the table, and took a deep breath. Alec, and Mike started to talk, and they wouldn’t shut up… I put my hands over my ears, and started to hum. I looked up and Mr. Ore was looking at me.
“ Ty, are you sure you’re okay?” Mr. Ore asked.
“ Im perfect,” I sighed rubbing my temples. Mr. Ore looked at me for a few more seconds, and then he said and went back to the board. I sat there, and started to space out, and then someone poked my side, and I jumped back, and glared at Alec. “ What?” I hissed.
“ Are you ticklish?” He smirked. I flicked him off, and mouthed fuck you. He let out a deep chuckle, and I glared at him. the bell went off, and I let out a deep breath, and walked out of the classroom with a dark cloud hovering over me. I started walking towards history, but I stopped, and turned back around and made my way towards the front doors.
“ Hey, Ty!” Someone called out after me. I turned around, and saw Evian running towards me. he stopped in front of me and smiled. “ Where are you going?” He asked.
“ Im leaving. Im gonna skip,” I said walking towards the door once again.
“ Why?” he asked.
“ I need to cool off, and get away for today,” I said.
“ I’ll come with you,” He smiled. I stopped, and turned around to look at him.
“ Really?” I asked. He nodded his head, and I smirked, and grabbed his arm and we raced out of the school. We ran for about two blocks, and then slowed down into a walk, and I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.
“ Where are we going to go?” He asked.
“ You know the woods a couple blocks up right?” I asked. He nodded his head. “ We are going to go there,” I smiled.
“ What’s their?” He asked.
“ You’ll see…” I said. we continued to walk, and we got to the edge of the woods. I started to weave my way through them. I haven’t been here in a long time. I remembered everything perfectly. We started to walk up the hill, and we kept going, and I heard Evian lingering behind me, walking over the broken tree branches. We were pretty high up. I stopped, and looked to my right, and saw a weeping willow tree. I walked up to it, and walked around it and knelt down next to a wall. It was like a wall of green leaves, and everything. I brought my hands up in front of me, and pushed on it, and it broke down a little. I turned around and saw Evian looking at me curiously. I crawled through the hole, and waited to see if Evian was going to follow. I then saw his body coming through the hole and I smiled. I stood up, and started to climb up the rocks, and Evian struggled behind me. I lifted myself up through two rocks, and light shined through. I stood up, and looked around and then I heard Evian gasp from behind me. we looked out into the sight before us. We were on top of one of the highest peaks in the forest, and saw everything. The sun was bright, and there was a gentle breeze. Evian stood next to me, and sat down on a rock, and I sat down next to him.
“ Why don’t you have any friends at school?” I asked. We looked at one another, and he took a deep breath looking out into the sky.
“ When I was in seventh grade… There was about a month left of school. My parents and I where at home, and we were eating dinner. There was a knock at the door, and my father went to go open the door…” he stopped, and I saw the coldness and sorrow within his eyes. I sat their looking at him. “ A gunshot went off, and my mouth jumped from where she was sitting, and grabbed me, and we tried running through the back, but the she stopped. She still had her arms around me, so I also stopped. She just froze,” his voice cracked.
“ Evian,” I whispered. he shook his head and cleared his throat.
“ All her weight started to come onto me, and she just fell on me. i heard footsteps and then they were… gone. Someone came into my house murdered my parents and then just… left,” he said shaking his head. “ I didn’t know what to do. I was in a state of shock. After about an hour I would say I pulled away from my mom, and I was drenched in blood. I was in this state… and when the police came they… they thought I killed my parents. I was in a medical center, and all these places. I got put into a foster home, and started eight grade at a new school, but some people heard about me, and they believe I am a crazy kid that actually killed his parents,” He whispered. I sat their looking at him. “ No one ever listened to me… they never wanted to hear my story,” he said softly looking at me. his eyes were red, and tearing.
“ Im the first person you’ve told about what really happened…” I gasped. He nodded his head, and I felt a tear falling down my cheek and I wiped it away. “ im sorry Evian,” I whispered. he didn’t say anything. I took a deep breath. “ I know you didn’t kill them. I believed every word you said,” I whispered. I looked up at him and he was staring at me, and he did a faint smile, and I smiled back.
“ Thank you Ty,” He whispered.
“ For what?”
“ For listening to me,” he muttered. I nodded my head, and looked out into the sky, and took a deep breath. We sat in silence for some time, but it wasn’t awkward silence. We were trying to take everything in, and process it all. I took a deep breath, and let it out still looking out at the sky.
“ I found this place about a year ago… I would come here every time my parents fought… at first I would just stumble through the woods, and then one day I found this place…” I whispered. “ I started coming here as soon as I heard my mom or dad scream, or when I felt upset, and when I got here…. I would look out and everything would just feel so right….” I whispered. I let out a laugh. “ You know something?” I asked. I turned my head to look at him. “ I came here every single day for about five months, but I haven’t been here for about two months, because… because my parents haven’t fought, because my mom left,” I whispered. I saw sorrow grow in his eyes. “ I don’t say goodbye anymore… because…” I stopped and closed my eyes and felt tears falling down my face….
“ You’re kidding me right?” My dad screamed.
“ No Im not fucking kidding you! You’re a miserable man!” My mom screamed back at him. I stood in my room pacing back and forward, and then I leaned against the wall, and fall to the ground with my face in my hands and I let out a deep breath. I heard something being thrown from downstairs, and I flinched. I got up and walked downstairs, and saw my mom in tears and my dad looked beyond pissed.
“ Fuck you, you crazy bitch!” He screamed at her, and then slammed the front door shut. I stood in the middle of the stairs, and I saw my mom walking past it and she stopped and looked up at me.
“ Hey Tereschia,” She smiled. I did a faint smile. Her smile broke, and she started to cry.
“ What was it this time?” I asked tired of the fighting. I made my way the rest of the way down the stairs.
“ Same old same old,” She said, but the tone in her voice was different. It didn’t sound as stressed, but more relived. “ Tereschia, do you want to go out today?” She asked. I looked up at her confused. I haven’t hung out with my mother alone for a long time. Me and her use to be best friends. A small broke out across my face and I nodded my head. I saw a pained expression on her face, but then she covered it up with a fake smile. “ Okay I’ll be right back im just going to run to the bank, and I’ll be back in ten minutes,” She said wrapped her arms around me. she held me tightly, and took a deep breath, and then kissed my forehead.
“ Goodbye mom, cya soon,” I smiled while I watched her car back out of the driveway, and then she was gone. I walked back into the house, and ran up the stairs to get changed. I ran to my room, and was about to close the door, but then I stopped, and took a step back out into the hall. My body froze, and I peered into my parents’ bedroom. I walked down the hall and lightly opened the door. The drawers where everywhere and empty. I stepped in and all my mom’s things where gone. I felt my heart break in half, and tears fall down my cheeks. I laid against the wall for house waiting for my mom to come home. I heard the front door open, and I heard someone coming up the stairs, and I looked up and saw my dad standing their looking down at me.
“ your mom is gone,” he said smiling, and then walked back down stairs. I sat there, and clenched my jaw, and a scream came from the back of my throat, and tears fell down my cheeks. Someone wrapped their arms around me, and I opened my eyes and saw Clay.
“ Clay…” I whispered.
“ I know Ty,” he whispered.
“ She just… left,” I whispered.
“ I know…” he repeated again his voice lower this time, and I wrapped my arms around him tighter, and closed my eyes.
Evian sat their looking at me.
“ Im so sorry… I mean my parents were taken away from me.. but your mom decided to leave you,” he whispered.
“ I know,” I nodded my head. “ I don’t say goodbye anymore, because the last time I said that my mother was gone, and I never heard of her since. Im too scared to say goodbye again, and have them out of my life forever,” I whispered. Evian wrapped his arms around me.
“ Never say goodbye to me,” He whispered.
“ I never will.”
Chapter five-
“ No,” I said sternly sitting on the couch upside with my feet on the top of it. I felt all the blood rushing to my brain, and a pair of feet in front of me.
“ Please?” Art pouted.
“ Do you not know what the word NO mean?” I hissed.
“ Pretty please?”
“ Art go away!” I screamed sitting up and turning myself around and sinking into the couch.
“ Why don’t you want to go with us?” He cried.
“ Art… The last time I went paint balling I broke my leg!” I said shaking my head.
“ Well then don’t climb up another tree!” He winced sitting down next to me. He started to nudge my arm and I looked away from him, and I felt a headache building up. I looked over at him, and he was giving me the puppy dog face. I let out a laugh shaking my head. “ Come on Ty… You, me, and the guys! It will be a blast!” He said putting his head on my shoulder and looking up at me. I sighed.
“ Alright,” I sighed. He jumped up quickly, and ran up the stairs.
“ SHE’S COMING!” I heard him scream up stairs. I let out a chuckle rolling my eyes. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“ How did Art convince you to go! We’ve been trying all night!” Clay gasped.
“ because we all know that Ty likes Art,” Joe laughed. I shot my head at Joe, and I felt my face go three shades of red, and I looked at Art and he was grinning like an idiot.
“ You all suck,” I grumbled darting up the stairs. I laid on my bed, and let out a deep sigh. What to do today what to do? We have a four day weekend, and its Thursday, and on Saturday im going paint balling with the guys… kill me know. What am I going to do till then? God I need a life. i walked back down stairs, and walked went towards the front door.
“ Where are you going?” Gabe asked.
“ What are you my father?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ Yes I am young lady,” he said pointing his nose up.
“ Oh yeah,” I scoffed shaking my head. “ Im going out. Be back later “Dad”,” I said emphasizing the dad part.
“ hmm no boys young lady, because Art is right here!” he laughed. I stopped and turned towards him.
“ You let Joe get to you? And I thought you were somewhat descent,” I sighed, and then I closed the door, and made my way down the driveway. I came to a stop at the street, and bit my lip. Well where do I go know? I started to walk towards town to walk around maybe get a ice-cream or something… Evian is busy today with something, im not so sure, but he is my only friend so im basically screwed. I heard some yelling, and I looked towards the park, and saw Brittany’s car parked. I guess her and her minions are here. I walked towards the park to see what the witches from H E double hockey sticks where doing. When I got close enough I saw one girl being held by two other girls, and she had a bloody lip, and was bent over breathing heavily. Their where three girls against one. Know that is not fair.
“ You have never been fare Brittany,” I called out. She was about to punch the girl but then she stopped and turned towards me. When I saw the girl they were holding I instantly recognized her. It was this girl named Kara. Her and Brittany where “ Best friends” The most popular girls in the school. I never liked either of them.
“ Go away you little dike!” She hissed. I took another step closer to her.
“ And you know what they say about dikes right?” I asked. She gave me a questioning look, and I brought my fist up and it collided with her face. She let out a cry staggering back, and was holding onto her know broken blood nose. “ They know how to fucking punch unlike you weak little witches!” I growled. The three girls ran off to their gay Beatle hot pink car… don’t get me wrong I love gay people. I looked up and saw Kara sitting on the ground with her face in her hands, and she was crying… wow. I took another step closer. “ Hey, Kara,” I muttered.
“ Thanks Ty,” She whispered. Oh my god she knows my name. well that’s a first. I can’t be mean to her right know… I’ll feel too bad. I sighed, and knelt down in front of her removing her hands to look at her face.
“ You’ll be fine just a busted lip. Those witches don’t know how to really hit, so I guess you were lucky,” I let out a laugh. She let out a laugh shaking her head. I let go of her hands, and sat down next to her, and just looked at her for some time. Unlike Brittany Kara was actually a pretty girl. She was a Latino. She had long black hair, tan skin, green eyes, and she was pretty tall. About five foot eight.
“ Im sorry for ever being mean to you. It was never right. I was just along with Brittany… I don’t know why I ever did it though. I hated acting like that, but im not going to anymore,” she whispered tears coming down her eyes. Alright Kara is nice? What is a girl like this doing with Brittany. Maybe I was all wrong about Kara.
“ It’s alright,” I smiled. She looked up at me shocked.
“ R- Really?”
I stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her up, and reached my hand out.
“ hello, im Ty,” I smiled. She shook my hand.
“ Hey Ty, I’m Kara,” She said beaming.
“ I think I just met my first female friend,” I laughed. She let go of my hand and started to laugh.
“ You’re a funny girl Ty,” She laughed shaking her head. I shrugged my shoulders. “ really though, thank you Ty…” She whispered.
“ Of course Kara,” I said.
“ On Monday when we get back to school is it okay if I hang out with you and Evian?” she asked.
“ You know Evian?
“ No, I don’t, but I’ve seen you two hanging out, and I know Brittany is going to turn everyone against me,” she sighed.
“ Kara, are you my friend?” I asked. She nodded my head. “ Then you can hang out with me, or talk to me whenever you want. You don’t have to ask, silly girl!” I laughed. She started laughing, and nodded her head.
“ I got to get going, but I’ll talk to you later?” she asked. I nodded my head she smiled and turned around and started to leave. “ Talk to you later Ty!” She called out.
“ Cya Kara!” I said waving her off. I walked over to the swings, and sat down. Oh yeah baby I got two friends know. I let out a laugh.
“ What’s so funny?” Someone asked from behind me. I jumped and turned around and saw Art standing there.
“ Are you stalking me?” I asked.
“ Me?” He pointed to himself and shook his head. “ I would never do such a thing,” he smirked, and went and sat down on the other swing. I rolled my eyes, and kind of just sat there and looked down at my feet. “ Dude!” he yelled. I jumped up glaring at him.
“ God your so…” I grumbled shaking my head.
“ Lovable?” he asked.
“ Killable,” I snorted.
“ You know you love me…” He stopped. “ Deep… Deep… Like really deep down,” he muttered. I started laughing, because the way he said it was pretty freaking funny. He gave me a huge smile, and I smiled back, and I was looking at him, and saw how amazing his green eyes where. I noticed I was staring at him, and looked away. I looked up at him, and he grinned and I felt my stomach flutter. I cleared my throat and started to push my legs, and go higher on the swing. “ Well im going home. That’s where I was headed but then I saw you sitting here, and thought I was just say hi,” he said getting up off the swing. I gave him a wave. I heard my phone ringing in my pocket, and I pulled it out and stopped swinging, and flipped it open.
“ Hello?” I asked.
“ Hey T,” I heard Evian’s voice.
“ hey, what’s up?” I asked.
“ I got great news!” I heard him sing. I let out a laugh, and smiled.
“ What’s that great news?” I grinned.
“ Well there is this girl…” he started. I smiled.
“ And?”
“ Im going on a date with her tomorrow,” he said. My smile disappeared, and I put my feet on the ground. “ she asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her tomorrow and I said yes. She seems really cool. Isn’t this great?” he asked. I nodded my head, and closed my eyes.
“ T- that’s great Evian,” I whispered. “ That’s really great!” I said trying to sound happier.
“ You alright Ty?” he asked.
“ yes I just fell… of the swing,” I grumbled.
“ Wow..” he laughed.
“ yeah I know,” I muttered. “ Im ugh gonna go talk to you later Evian,” I muttered and then closed the phone. I sat on the swing and took a deep breath. Evian is my best friend. I should be happy for him. He is going on a date, and he is happy, so should i. but im not. I sighed, and leaned forward rubbing my hands against my face. I don’t like the feeling of Evian going on a date with another girl, but im not his girlfriend, im his best friend. I got off the swing, and made my way back to my house, so I could go try and figure everything out. When I got home the sky was starting to turn black, and I stopped in front of the house, and decided to go in the backyard. I got back there, and went over to the tree and climbed up it, and went into our old abandon tree house. I haven’t been up here for years. I got up there, and looked out through the window peering at the moon and starts.
“ Ty, you up their?” I heard Clay. I looked over at the opening of the floor, and saw Clay climbing through. He looked at me, and smiled. “ Man I haven’t been up here for years!” he laughed sitting down next to me and looking around.
“ Ditto,” I whispered.
“ What are you doing up here anyways?” he asked.
“ I just felt like I needed to go somewhere where I needed to think, you know?” I asked looking over at him.
“ Im here Ty,” he whispered.
“ I know Clay…”
“ Then why don’t you ever talk to me?”
“ It’s not that I don’t want to its just… I don’t want to be so much of a bother…” I said sounding stupid.
“ Tereschia, you will never be a bother to me.”
“ Clay you’re a seventeen year old teen. You should be going out and having fun, not being home watching your baby sister,” I said shaking my head.
“ But I do go out, and bring my baby sister with me,” He smirked. I slapped his arm.
“ Im serious Clay! I feel like im taking away your teen years.”
“ You’re not Ty,” he said. We looked at one another, and I sighed. “ Ty if I didn’t have you I would be miserable.”
“ Hm..” I grumbled.
“ Your so stubborn Ty,” he laughed. I looked at him and smiled.
“ Oh I know,” I laughed. He rolled his eyes. “ Wanna shoot some hoops?” I asked. He nodded his head, and we jumped out of the tree, and raced for the ball. I ran underneath him and grabbed it and made a shot. “ Hell yeah baby!” I yelled. He started laughing, and we played basketball for about an hour, and I laid on the concrete, and wiped the sweat off my face.
“ You play like a guy!” Clay wined walking into the house.
“ Gawd your such a pansy!” I yelled at him.
“ blah. Blah.” I heard him grumble before he went into the house. I started laughing, and I shortly went into the house. When I walked in I saw everyone in the front room except for Art.
“ Do any of you have homes?” I asked walking into the kitchen.
“ Nope,” Gabe said.
“ Clay!” I yelled. He came from around the corner, and smiled. “ Clay we have four stray dogs on our couch,” I gasped pointing at them. I heard the guys gasp and tried to act insulted, and clay chuckled. “ Im going to sleep…” I said walking up the stairs.
“ The dogs are spending the night here!” Clay said.
“ Wonderful!” I replied.
“ Have you seen Art?” Clay asked.
“ he went home I guess,” I said walking into my room and then I shut the door. I got on my computer and saw someone instant message me.
FootBall4Life- Heyyy
Ty1201- What do you want?
FootBall4Life- Gawd your so hostile!
Ty1201- Ryan… You have made my life hell for so long. Why in the world would I be suddenly nice to you.
FootBall4life- Cant we start new?
Ty1201- What are you trying to do? What evil plan are you trying to come up with?
FootBall4Life- You hurt me.
Ty1201- And you pissss me off.
FootBall4life- What’s up with the Alec guy in our biology class?
Ty1201- Why do you ask?
FootBall4Life- It’s just… He acts like your his gf.
Ty1201- he does not!
FootBall4Llife- Does too.
Ty1201- How?
FootBall4Life- Have you seen the way he looks at you?
Ty1201- No, because I don’t like him, and I actually hate his guts.
FootBall4Life- Good.
Ty1201- … Good?
FootBall4Life- I don’t like the guy… AT ALL
Ty1201- Your weird.
Football4Life- I know, So you think we can try and start off clean?
Ty1201- Why?
Ty1201- I know you’re up to something and I am NOT going to be stupid enough to fall for it.
FootBall4Life- I guess you’re not as stupid as I thought you were.
Ty1201- I hate you.
FootBall4Life-I love you too Ty!
I signed off, and felt like I was about to kill something. I got up from me seat, and ran down the stairs, and saw Troy sitting on the couch closest to me. The four guys looked up at me, and I looked down at Troy, and brought my hand up and hit him so hard in his shoulder, he let out a cry.
“ Are you… CRAZY!?” He asked sitting up. I hit him again, and he grinned. “ Fine bring it on,” he laughed. He lunged for me, and we tackled to the ground, and I felt him hit my side, and I bit my lip, and I brought my knee up and hit him where the sun don’t shine, and I hit him in the stomach, and rolled onto of him, and brought my fist up and was about to hit his face but stopped, and I stood up.
“ I feel better,” I muttered. I looked over and saw troy on the ground with his eyes clothes.
“ Im in pain,” he whispered. I laughed.
“ I was in a bad mood and needed to hit something,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“ Something! Not someone!” He cried. I shrugged my shoulders, and walked up the stairs.
“ What was all that noise?” Clay asked walking out of the bathroom.
“ I need a punching bag.”
“ How bad is it?”
“ not as bad as last time,” I grinned. He started laughing and I heard him walking down the stairs. I got into my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing washed away ripped jeans, a nickleback shirt, and my hair was up in a messy bun. i acted like a total dude. I sighed, and sat down on my bed, and I felt my phone vibrating.
“ People just love talking to me today don’t they?” I muttered flipping my phone open. “ Hm Hello?” I asked.
“ Hey Ty,” Art said.
“ Oh Art, hi,” I muttered.
“ Are the guys spending the night?” I nodded my head. Why did I nod my head? He can’t see me… stupid. Stupid!
“ Um yeah they are,” I said laying down on my bed.
“ Ty open your window,” he said. I raised an eyebrow, and got off my bed, and opened my window, and reached their hands out towards me, and I jumped back tripping over my feet, and fell on the ground and groaned. I looked up and saw Art climbing through my window.
“ What the hell….” I stopped when I saw Art’s face. “ Art?” I whispered standing up. He looked at me, and I took another step closer to him, and lightly touched his bruise cheek. “ Who hit you?” I whispered.
“ I got in a fight with my dad,” he muttered.
“ What happened?”
“ Hemp… Him and my mom where fighting and he called my mom and idiot, and I got pissed and bad mouthed him, and he hit me in the face, and I just left. I didn’t want the guys to see me like this though,” he said the last part in a whisper. I didn’t know what to say.
“ I- Im sorry Art,” I muttered. I walked over to my bed, and grabbed a blanket and pillow and put it on the floor, and locked my door, and laid down on the floor. Art stood their looking down at me.
“ What are you?”
“ Sleep on the bed Art,” I said pulling the blanket over me.
“ Im not taking your bed away from you!” he muttered.
“ Go!” I hissed. He sighed, and laid on my bed, and I turned around and closed my eyes.
“ Thank you Ty,” I heard him whisper before I fell asleep. The next morning Art left before the guys new anything, and came through the front door like nothing happened, and so did i. I just stayed up in my room the whole day because I felt tired, and I didn’t feel like doing anything, so I just slept all day and watched Bleach, and Death Note all day. I was not looking forward to Saturday. Im not going to climb up a tree this time.. I only did it though, because they all made a plan to ambush me, and to get hit by six people at one time hurts like a witch…. Oh god I better write my will tonight before I die tomorrow.
When I die, make sure that Clay continues to feed our five stray dogs, and that they all stay out of my room, and not touch my crap, because if they do I will come back and haunt all their stupid asses.
Love always,
Ty ;)

Chapter six-
“ Oh god,” I muttered rolling around in my bed. I laid their taking a deep sigh. Today is going to be disastrous. I can feel it in my bones! I should of never agreed to going paint balling. I looked at the clock. It was eleven. We are leaving at one. I groaned, and crawled out of bed. I like seriously crawled. I crawled into my bathroom, and then reluctantly stood up and turned the shower on, and stripped off my clothes, and stepped into the shower. I stood underneath the warm water, and washed my face trying to become awake. I put shampoo in my hair, and then stood there for a couple of minutes, and put more shampoo in my hair. I stopped and shook my head.
“ I already did that,” I muttered putting the shampoo back and grabbing the conditioner. After I finished washing my hair I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around myself, and walked into my room, and sat on my bed yawning. I cannot wake up this morning. I slouched over, and staggered to my closet, and pulled out a pair of dark skinny jeans, and a black tank top. It was going to be hot out today. I slipped on black cow boy boots, and brushed my hair out. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair actually looked nice. The curls where not too out of place for once. I let out a laugh, and stretched out my arms. I looked at my makeup and I didn’t feel like putting any on today. I grabbed my black think north face before I walked out of my room. All black today. Im happy with that. I started walking downstairs, and I heard all this ruckus, and I walked into the front room, and stopped dead in my tracks. I stared at our fifty two inch flat screen TV with a freaking crack in the center of it. I slowly turned my head and saw a the six idiots standing their looking at me.
“ Who…” I stopped, and saw the Wii remote on the ground next to the TV. “ Who did it?” I hissed. They all pointed to one another. I clenched my jaw, and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I went to open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I closed my mouth again and rubbed my temples. I opened my eyes, and went to speak again but I closed my eyes and shook my head at them. “I can’t even come up with words to describe you idiots!” I yelled stalking off into the kitchen. I heard someone walking in the kitchen and I turned around and saw Clay standing their giving me a sheepish smile.
“ Sorry?” he asked.
“ Sorry!” I hissed glaring at me. “ Clayton!” I growled. “ You… You and your friends… I could kill you all,” I growled.
“ it just slipped out of his hands though…”
“ who’s hands?”
“ Im not telling.”
A growl came from the back of my throat.
“ how man? Your supposed to tie that little strap thing around your wrist when you play!”
“ Well he didn’t…” Clay mumbled.
“ Of course he didn’t… all of you are too stupid enough too!” I sighed shaking my head. “ Well tomorrow im going to best buy where we bought it and thank god I took that warranty on it! Oh my! You all are going to be the death of me!” I cried throwing my hands up in the air. I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, and I jumped up, and turned around and saw Gabe. I scolded him, and he grinned. “ You all suck,” I grumbled tearing his arms off of me, and sitting on the counter.
“ We limit what we suck,” Joe laughed walking into the room. I rolled my eyes, and then troy came walking in, and then mark and art came lingering behind. We all stood in the kitchen, and I sat their looking at each one of them seeing who was the guilty one. My eyes met with Troy and we stared at one another, and it became a staring contest. He took a couple more steps closer to me, and stood in-between my legs, and his face was so close to mine. I felt very uncomfortable. EXTREMELY! We stared at one another, and then I felt his hand go on my thigh, and I immieaditly broke eye contact, and he took a step back laughing. “ You dirty little cheater!” I growled. He smirked.
“ There are no rules,” he shrugged. I sat their glaring at him, and I looked over at Clay who was dying from laughter. I grabbed the faucet hose next to me, and turned the water on and squirted clay. He let out a scream, and then I got the rest of the guys and they all started jumping up and down screaming like girls because the water was so cold. I was laughing so hard, and then someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulders. It was art.
“ Art put me down!” I screamed. He continued to walk, and I went to go hit him, but then I realized if I would of done that I would of hit his ass. My face went beat red, and I put my hand down and started kicking my legs. “ Put me down!” I screamed, and he did so. NO! He didn’t put me down! He freaking threw me down. I landed outside the front door, and I groaned because I fell on my ass. Art slammed the door in my face, and I sat their gawking at the door. He… oh he just locked me out of my OWN house. ITS ON! I jumped up, and saw them all through the windows laughing their asses off. I flicked them off, and walked down the stairs, and saw all their cars parked in the driveway. I looked around and my eyes locked with our garden. A evil grin came across my face, and I made way towards it…………
“ She… Guys!” Troy screamed on the top of his lungs. The six idiots came running out of the house, and I stood at the end of the driveway with my sleeves rolled up, and I patted my hands out getting the mud off. I had a huge smirk on my face, and I looked at the guys new… Wait stop… Filthy mud covered cars. They all stood their gawking at their ruined cars, and then their eyes locked with mine. I gave them a cheesy smile, and their faces went bright red. Dude even Clay looked scary. Okay maybe I went a little overboard.
“ Ah shit,” I swore taking a step back.
“ You!” Gabe hissed pointing at me.
“ Me?” I asked pointing to myself.
“ That’s it!” Clay screamed running towards me. My eyes bulged, and I turned on my heel, but I felt Clay’s arms wrap around me, and then Gabe took my legs, and they turned on the hose. My eyes widened and I watched them put the water in the garden. Oh god…
“ Come on guys…” I muttered. “ You all know you don’t want to do this!” I screamed when they threw me in the air. i landed in the garden, and mud was everywhere. A high pitched scream escaped my lips, damn! I should of opened my mouth, know I got mud in it. EWE! I went to stand, and I slipped and landed flat on my ass. All the guys where pissing themselves, and I finally just gave up on trying to stand up, and I sat their glaring at them. They ruined my awesome outfit, and my hair looked great today. “You guys suck,” I hissed sitting in the mud glaring at them. I saw clay biting his lip trying to supress a laugh, and I flicked him off, and tried standing up again, but fell face first into the mud. I groaned, and wiped it off my face and I had some in my eyes. I did the only thing I thought was left… I crawled out of the mud pit. I got on the grass, and laid on my bag taking a deep breath. A flash went over me, and I opened my eyes and saw them all taking pictures. I clenched my jaw. “ Im going to get all you back SO bad,” I said through clenched teeth.
“ You should go get ready Ty,” Troy smirked. “ You’re going to make us late.” My eyes flamed, and I jumped up, and went to go attack troy, but they all ran away, and I growl came from the back of my throat.
“ I be back!” Clay said and then he drove down the driveway. And where is he going?!? I went to open the front door, and I stopped. I can’t walk in the house like this… aw shit. I turned around and saw the guys looking at me.
“ What? “I hissed.
“ You gonna strip before you walk in the house like that?” Joe asked wiggling his eyebrows. I glared, at them and turned back around, and walked right into the house mud and all. I heard them all laughing, and I let out a evil laugh. “ Suck it!” I screamed walking up the stairs. I ran upstairs, and into my shower, and I quickly washed the mud off, and ran over to my closet with my towel wrapped around me. I grabbed a pair of black shorts, another pair of black cowboy boots, and a black checkered shirt over it. I brushed my hair, and let it fall down my back, and ran down the stairs. Clay looked up and saw me, and tried to suppress a laugh.
“ You all suck, you know that right?” I asked walking into the kitchen. Clay shrugged his shoulders, and everyone laughed. I walked over to the fridge, and grabbed an apple, and sat down on top of the counter. I went to take a bite out of my apple, but it was swiped out of my hands. I shot my head up, and saw Art with my apple with a smug look on his face.
“ That,” I said pointing to the apple. “ is mine,” I finished with pointing to myself. I reached over to go take my apple back, but he held it out of my grasp, and I leaned in more, and he took his hand and pushed against my shoulder to hold me back. A growl came from the back of my throat. “ Cut it out! You’re gonna make me hate you too!” I hissed pushing his hand away from me. He started to laugh.
“ You can never hate me,” He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“ Try me,” I hissed. He smirked, and took another huge bite out of my apple. “ Fine you can eat it… I dropped it anyway,” I shrugged jumping off the counter, and went to grab a pare, and I turned around and Art was looking at the apple. I let out a laugh, and he looked up at me. “ You’re an idiot,” I muttered walking into the front room.
“ We are leaving!” I heard Clay yell from the front door.
“ I call shot gun!” I screamed, and I bolted towards the front door, but someone grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me back. I turned my head and saw Art. “ Stop being such a menace today!” I screamed at him trying to pry his arms off of me, but he was too strong. He threw me back, and ran out the door. I started to stomp my feet on the ground, and I walked outside, and saw Art in the passenger seat, and everyone was piled into the back of the truck. I groaned, and closed the door behind me, and walked towards the back of the truck, and started to climb in. I sat down next to Mark, and Joe.
“ Fighting over shotgun?” mark laughed. I turned towards him and nodded my head, and he started laughing and I rolled my eyes. “ hmm today is going to be fun…” He muttered. This is the most that Mark has ever talked to me. He is so quiet, and keeps to himself. “ So you hang out with Evian?” He suddenly asked. I turned towards him snapping out of my thoughts.
“ Yeah I do,” I said.
“ Hm…”
“ What?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ that dude got no friends…” he chuckled.
“ Im his friend,” I muttered.
“ You don’t count.”
“ Wha- What?” I hissed narrowing my eyes at him.
“ No one would be willing friends with you,” He shrugged. I gawked at him, and went to go open my mouth, but then I closed it again… I opened my mouth again, and only air came out.
“ You’re an ass,” I grumbled looking away from him.
“ I am not!” He cried.
“ The first time you decide to have a real conversation with me, you insult me! That’s called an ass,” I said mimicking his cry voice. He rolled his eyes at me.
“ You two shut up!” Troy said rubbing his temples.
“ Thank god they never talk,” Joe cut in.
“ We talk,” mark said.
“ no you don’t,” everyone said at the same time. I started laughing, and I looked at Art through the mirror, and our eyes met, and he had a smug face, and I felt my face turn red, and I looked away clenching my jaw. Gr.
“ You all, please shut your mouth!” I hissed leaning against the metal of the truck, and looking up into the sky closing my eyes.
“ Someone is in a bad mood, Joe said nudging my side.
“ Oh god, do you guys always need to bother me?” I groaned.
“ Dude this is gonna be awesome!” Troy said fist pumping the air.
“ Your such a dork,” I muttered underneath my breath. The whole time we were driving they all were talking, and would not shut their mouths. I was so close to killing one of them. When we came to a stop, I didn’t even wait for Clay to pull down the hatch, I hopped over the side of the truck, and stretched out my arms, and when I saw the people standing in front of me my mouth dropped. There was Mike, Alec, and Johnny where standing there. Crap. I am going to murder someone today. “ What are they doing here!” I cried. Johnny looked offended and I sighed. “ Not you Johnny but them,” I stopped and pointed to Mike and Alec. “ They are a different story,” I finished.
“ Come on Ty, it’s going to be fun,” Clay said patting my back. I hit his arm, and stood their glaring at him. They all started to get their paint bull guns ready, and I stood their glaring at them. There is no way in hell. I walked back over to the car, and pulled out my gun, and loaded it. I stood there looking at each one of them. I looked at Gabe, and he quickly looked away. These fuckers are up to something, and I do not trust them.
“ Alright, we are going to split up, and see who wins,” Clay said grinning. I stood there, and took a step back, and then clay blew the whistle, and I took off into a full blown out sprint. I know they are up to something and I am not going to stay and find out. I ran through the forest, and though the tree’s. I heard the birds in the air, and I heard the guys laughing, and screaming at one another. I slowed down, and slowly lowered myself down next to a river bank, and hid between two tree’s. I knelt down, and peered through the tree’s and I heard someone walking towards me. The way we play is that you need to be shot once by each player for you to become dead. We would all pick our colors, and then we would shoot! Troy is blue, mark is green, Gabe is gray, Joe is yellow, art is white, clay is hot pink, and I am purple. The other three idiots that has joined us, one of them is brown, orange, and black. At first clay had purple, and he gave me hot pink, but I went crazy and told him to give me purple because I refused to have hot pink. He eventually gave in. I heard someone near me, and I looked around holding my breath. I slowly started to move to my right trying to see who was there, and I felt my foot touch something wet, and I started to slide down the slope going towards the river. I put my gun over my shoulder, and reached my hands up to grab one of the tree’s but I couldn’t reach it.
“ Damnit,” I muttered underneath my breath. I looked behind me, and stopped myself by putting one of my feet on a stump that was on the ground. I laid there, and I was full of mud. I got on my knees, and started to crawl…. Tried to crawl up the slope. My knee went into a branch, and I immieaditly grabbed my knee letting go of the branches. I went down the hill once again, but when I stopped myself with the tree stump, it moved, and I went flying towards the water. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the cold water, but then I felt someone grab my arm. I looked over and saw Art. He grinned, and I glared at him.
“ need help?” He asked.
“ No,” I spat. He is just mocking me. I know it.
“ You sure?” He asked loosening his grip on my arm.
“ I do not need your help Art,” I glared at him. He smirked, and let go of my arm, and I went sliding towards the water. I rolled to my left, and wrapped my arms around it, and clung on to it. I let out a deep breath, and I tilted my head back, and saw art watching me in astonishment. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he rolled his eyes. A growl came from the back of my throat, and I pulled myself up, and I felt something go into my knee, and I bit my lip because it hurt like a witch. A shadow came over me, and then someone grabbed both my arms, and pulled me up. I stumbled forward, and fell on top of Art. I opened my eyes and he grinned at me.
“ Hey there,” he whispered.
“ I said I didn’t need your help,” I muttered. I went to go sit up, but I started to fall back, and I leaned forward back onto Art. Damn him.
“ hold onto my waist,” he said.
“ Wha- No!” I hissed. I was quiet because I did NOT want the other guys to find us like this. They would never let me hear the end of it. They would tease me… and just.. no….
“ Hold onto me, im going to pull us up,” he said. I groaned, and wrapped my arms around him. “So I guess im making you groan?” He asked. I pinched his back, and I heard him gasp. “ Did you just pinch me?” He asked amused. I pinched him again but this time harder.
“ What do you think?” I hissed. I felt him laughing underneath me. I rolled my eyes, and then we started to move up, and we laid know on flat grass, and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, and he…. “ You bastard!” I hissed pushing off of him, and sitting their looking at him appalled. He sat up looking at me. “ You pinched my ass!” I hissed. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders.
“ You pinched my back,” he shrugged.
“ yes your back not your ass,” I growled.
“ Your lucky I only did it once,” he smirked
“ You’re not,” I hissed. I went to get up, but my foot slipped on the same spot of mud and I went to fall back, but art wrapped his arms around my waist, and brought me closer to him. I looked up at him and our eyes met and he grinned.
“ Should I let go of you?” he asked.
“ No,” I muttered. Damnit! Don’t say that. He grinned and pulled me forward, and we walked away from the river bank. I stood there, in his arms, and he looked down at me and grinned, and then he pinched my ass a second time, but this time really freaking hard. I gasped, and hit his chest taking a step back. He grinned. “ I could kill you,” I hissed. He shrugged and turned around and started to walk away and a light bulb went off in my head. I grinned, and brought out my paintball gun, and aimed it at him, and then pulled the trigger. I heard him gasp, and I turned on my heel and bolted the opposite way of him.
“ You shot my ass!” I heard him scream at me. I started laughing, and ran through the tree’s trying to find a place to hide, but also have a good view to shoot. I heard someone walking toward me, and I stopped, and looked around, and slowly side stepped hiding behind a big tree. I felt a throbbing pain in my leg, and I looked down and saw my newest cut. I sighed, and looked back up pressing myself against the tree aiming my gun and looking around. I looked through my pointer, and saw troy slowly walking and looking. A huge evil grin came across my face, and I settled my gun, and pulled the trigger. I hit him right where the hear would be, and I leaned back again the tree hiding, and the look on his face was priceless. He looked down at the paintball splatter, and when he saw it was my color, pure anger spreads across his face. I push myself against the tree biting my lip to hold back my laughter’s. i heard him muttering some curses, and I put my hand over my mouth and close my eyes. I stand there for a couple of minutes, and I turn around and he was gone. I smirked, and started to weave my way through the trees. Two down seven to go. I smirked. I’ve gotten art and troy now I just need to get the rest. This is so my game… I hope…. As I was walking I stopped and saw a baby deer. I smiled and knelt down watching it. It looks so peaceful. I smiled, and then its head shot up, and crawl back hiding myself in a bush, and the deer looks around and then go running away. I kneel their peering through the bushes, and I saw three sets of shoes. I held my breath, and I sat up a little and saw it was Mike, Alec, and Johnny. I guess they have an alliance. I smirked, and crawled back, and felt my back hit a tree, and I stopped and raised my gun. They all had their backs to me. I let out three quick shots, and then hit the ground, and laid there in the bushes.
“ Damnit, this is Ty’s color! Crap,” I heard Alec fuss. I smiled, and looked down at the ground holding my breath.
“ how in the seven hells did she get all three of us, without us seeing her?” Mike asked.
“ She is good,” Johnny laughed.
“ We gotta get her man,” I heard Alec whine, and I heard them start to walk, and their footsteps started to fade. Five down…. Four to go…. This is so my game. I crawled my way out of the bushes, and stood up brushing myself off, and looked around. I whipped the sweat off of my forehead. It’s getting hot out here. I sighed looking around. I continued to walk for about thirty minutes, and I saw not a person, or heard anyone. I sighed, and looked up and saw a mountain of rocks. I looked at them, and saw an opening in them about five feet up. I tilted my head, and made way towards it, and started to climb up the rocks. I climbed though the opening, and when I got in it was like a cave. It was beautiful. I walked in, and sat down on the ground, and looked around. I set down the gun, and stood up and turned in a full circle gawking at what was in front of me. I stood their awestruck. I’ve been to these woods so many time, and I have never in my life ever seen this place. I guess I found a new hiding place. MH. I started to walk across the stones, and there was a little pond of water, and some of the stones where wet and slippery. I reached my right leg out, and stepped on a small stone, and I saw someone from the corner of my eye, and my heart stopped, and I whipped my head towards the figure. Startled I lost my balance, and stumbled to the side. I reached my hands out trying to find something to steady myself. But there was nothing. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the fall, but I felt someone’s hand wrap around my wrist, and they pulled me towards them. I opened my eyes, and I was on two rocks, and I looked at the hand holding onto me, and I tilted my head up and saw Art. I groaned and he laughed.
“ Damsel in distress,” he chuckled.
“ Um no,” I hissed. “ I was fine before I saw you, you scared me!” I said pulling my hand away from him, and walked back onto the ground, and I sat down on a rock. “ What the hell are you doing here anyways? I mean you could of at least spoke, I didn’t even know anyone else was here. You creep where you just standing there watching me?” I said.
“ You talk too much,” He said rubbing his head.
“ And you, are a creep,” I said pointing at him.
“ MH, but the question is… how did you find my secret cave?”
“ your secret cave,” I muttered. “ I just stumbled across it, and it aint your no more,” I smirked. Art raised an eyebrow at me.
“ Is that so?” He asked taking a step closer. I nodded my head. “ Then who’s is it?”
“ Mine,” I said proudly.
“ No.”
“ Yes!”
“ Nun huh.”
“Yuh huh.”
“ Nooo!”
“ Yesssss!”
He stood their staring at me, and I sat their staring right back at him. I pointed to myself and mouthed mine. He shook his head, and walked closer to me, so he was known standing directly in front of me. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me.
“ Wanna bet?” he asked. I raised my eyebrows, and he lent down so our faces where close our eyes connected. He opened his mouth, but then I felt his hands on my side, and he started tickling me. I bit my lip, and kicked my legs trying to get away from him.
“ N-NO!” I laughed struggling to get away from him. My biggest enemy in the world…. Ticklish. Damn it. “ A- Art!” I screamed out laughing, and I felt my eyes tearing up.
“ Say this is MY cave,” he said still tickling me.
“ THIS IS MY CAVE!” I cracked. He gave me a dumb look and I contined to laugh while he was tickling me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked my right leg out really hard, and felt it hit his leg, and he stumbled forward landing ontop of me. Thump. Ow…..
“ Ow,” he groaned laying ontop of me.
“ OW?! Why the hell would you being say ow? I just got crushed!” I groaned.
“ You kicked me!” He said looking at me. I nodded my head.
“ And your point is…”
“ You kicked me hard!!!” he gasped.
“ Still your point is….” I asked. He had a amused look on his face.
“ I think you wanted me ontop of you,” he smirked. My eyes widened, and I felt my face go three shades of read in a split of a second. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I wanted to say oh hell no! but I couldn’t say anything. SPEAK TY SPEAK! I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I didn’t want him ontop of me…. Right…. Oh god…. Art laid their looking at me, and his face went into shock and he raised one of his eyebrows, and brought his face closer to me. “ Whats wrong Ty?” he whispered. I opened my mouth but still nothing came out.
“ Y- your invading my personal space bubble,” I said but it barely came out as a whisper. His smirk grew wider.
“ Do you feel nervous with me this close?” he asked bringing his face even closer to me. I shook my head, and then he got even closer, and our noses touched. I bit my lip, and I felt my face going deep red, and I held my breath. “ Are you nervous yet?” he asked but it came out only as a whisper. I laid their completely still as if I was paralized, and so did he. We laid their just looking at one another. “ Ty..” He mumbled. I felt his warm breath touch my skin, and it sent shivers down my spine, and I felt my stomach errupt in butterflies.
“ W- what?” I muttered. He laid their looking down at me, and then he stood up, and I laid their shocked. I sat up, and sat on the rock, and he sat next to me. I was loooking the oppisite way of him millions of things going through my head. i opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it again. I let out the breath I was holding, and opened my mouth again, but all I did was breath in air. i looked over at Art, and he looked at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but then he leaned forward, and pressed his lips against mine. I sat their startled at first, but then I lent into him, and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and wrapped his arm around my waist, and he leaned me back laying ontop of me, and I felt his tongue touch my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, and his tongue went into my mouth, and I wrapped my hands in his hair, and I heard him groan. I felt his hand on my lower back, and he was inbetween my legs, and then it was cold. My body was cold, my lips, and everything. I opened my eyes, and saw him sitting their, and he stood up and started shaking his head.
“ I cant,” He mumbled.
“ A- Art,” I said, but it didn’t sound like my voice, but it was my voice it just sounded so distant.
“ Your…. Your Clay’s little sister,” he said, and he started to walk towards the opening of the cave. I stood their and shook my head.
“ Whatever,” I mumbled sitting back down. I heard his footsteps stop, and I looked up and saw him just staring at me.
“ Your just another one of the guys Ty,” he said coldly. I sat their, and took a deep breath in, and let out a dry laugh.
“ Im aware,” I said just as coldly.
“ next time you wanna get with a guy don’t try and get with your brothers friends,” he said looking me right in the eyes. I tightened my hands into fists. I stood up, and felt my body filled with anger.
“ your kidding me right! Please tell me your freaking kidding me! Next time! Next time! You’re the one that freaking kissed me dude!” I yelled at him.
“ You kissed me back,” he said smirking. I walked up towards him, and brought my fist up but stopped. I took a step back, and let out a deep breath.
“ Screw you,” I whispered. I turned around and picked up my gun, and walked out of the opening, and made my way down the rocks. I made my way towards the tree’s and I turned around and saw Art staring at me, and I brought my hand up and flicked him off. I turned back around, and I felt my forehead hit contact with something extremely hard. I stumbled back, and fell on my ass. I heard someone scream my name, and I went to go stand up again, but I wasn’t aware of how close to the river bank I was and I stumbled down the little hill. Everything was spinning, and I felt myself being consumed into cold water. I opened my mouth, and tried to suck in a breath but water filled my mouth, and went down my throat. I came up above the water and was choking on water. My head was pounding, and I opened my eyes a little, and saw blood in the water. I stopped kicking my legs, and I felt myself being consumed by the water once again. I heard my name being screamed, and footsteps becoming louder coming towards me, but then I was underneath the water and everything went black.
Chapter Seven-
My body felt cold. I slowly opened my eyes, and bright lights flashed around me, and I closed my eyes once again, and put my hands over my face wiping my eyes. I tried once again to open my eyes, and at first everything was a blur. I squinted my eyes and everything was white. I closed my eyes, and reopened them, and I took a deep breath, and I started coughing. My chest hurt. I leaned forward, because it felt like I was going to choke to death. I heard a door opening, and I foccused my eyes on a bunch of black figures walking into the room, and I heard my name being said by each one of them. I continued to cough, and I fell onto the bed trying to catch my breath, and I grabbed a pillow and put it over my face trying to block out their voices, but I still hear them
“ Shut up!” I screamed but my voice was raspy, and not very loud. immieaditly everyone became quiet, and I sat up and my vision was still a blur but I saw the six idiots plus three. I leaned forward taking a deep breath, and I realized I was in a hospital bed. I closed my eyes trying to remember what had happened…
Paint balling…. Woods…. Cave…. Guys…. Art…. Kiss…. Art mad…. Me left…. Ran into something hard….. river….. and then I woke up in here. I held my breath remembering everything that had happened and when I reopened my eyes everyone was staring at me. I met eyes with Art, and he was giving me a pleading look, and I immmiaditly looked away.
“ W- Where is the n- note?” I asked my voice dull.
“ Note?” I heard Clay ask.
“ I wrote…” I stopped because I started coughing. “ I wrote my will knowing something was going to happen, damn though I wasn’t serious,” I said shaking my head and I leant forward coughing out my lungs. “ I told-..” coughs escaped my lips. “ I shouldn’t of gone,” I finished out of breath. I leaned back and everyone was still staring at me. I pointed towards the door, and mouthed out. no one moved at first and I sat back and hit my hand on the bed, and tried to scream, “ OUT!” I said my voice cracking. Everyone turned on their heels stumbling over one another trying to get to the door, and I leaned back rolling my eyes, and I heard the door shut, but when I turned my head Art was standing there. “ D- Did you not understand me?” I croaked.
“ Ty, we need to talk…” Art said taking a step towards the bed.
“ Talk about what?” I muttered looking away from him out the window.
“ Ty…”
“ Honestly Art, I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I shrugged looking him dead in th eyes. he gave me a hard look, and I gave him a hard look right back. He mumbled something under his breath, and walked out of the room. I laid their and leaned my head back looking up. “ Im just Clay’s little sister anyways,” I muttered feeling my eyes watering. I can’t believe I had feelings for that… Gr. I laid their, and I felt weak. I felt weak and I wanted to give up. Im tired and im sick of it. im sick of being called the guy. The dude. Clay’s little sister. One of the guys, but in reality that’s who im always going to be. I heard the door opening and I was looking out the window, and I clenched my jaw.
“ I told you guys to leave,” I said my voice horse.
“ That’s not very nice,” I heard a deep voice. I whipped my head around and saw Evian. He smirked and huge grin broke out across my face.
“ Evian!” I smiled. He smiled, and walked over to the bed, and wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. It hurt, but the body warmth felt amazing.
“ God I thought you died,” he muttered into my hair.
“ Not yet,” I laughed pulling back and leaning against a pillow. Evian laughed shaking his head.
“ Yet?” He said looking at me. I nodded my head. he leaned forward taking my hand. “ You mean never,” he said looking me dead in the eyes. I felt my stomach do a mini flip, and my face started to become hot. “ Your my best friend Ty,” he said leaning back. Every bit of happiness just flew out the window, and I took a deep breath nodding my head and smiled at Evian.
“ Your my be-,” I started coughing, and I couldn’t stop. My eyes started to water, and Evian sat up and I held my hand out shaking my head. “ Im fine, just go,” I muttered. He gave me a sad look, but he left. I sat their coughing, and tears came down my cheeks, but they weren’t from coughing. They were from crying. i touched my cheek and laughed. “ Why am I crying?” I sobbed shaking my head. I continued to cry, and I laid back, and wrapped up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
I felt someone giving my shoulder a light squeeze. I turned over and opened my eyes and saw Clay kneeling down next to the bed. I groaned and closed my eyes again.
“ C’mon Ty, were gonna get you home,” he said shaking my shoulder lightly. I groaned, and sat up. My body felt soar, and I felt drained. I kicked my legs over the edge and they dangled their, and I looked at Clay giving him a blank stare. He handed my clothes and walked out. I stood up and wobbled to the side, and then regained my balance and slipped off my gown, and put on a pair of sweats, and a rock n’ roll t-shirt. I still felt cold. I grabbed a hoodie, and put it on, and put the hood up and stumbled out of the room. Clay was lent up against the wall, and he looks up at me, and the next thing I knew I was wrapped in warmth. Clay had his arms around me, and was hugging me to him.
“ Eh clay,” I muttered my voice still sounding horse.
“ I was so worried about you Tereschia,” he muttered into my hair. I pulled away from him lightly hitting his arm and I gave him a hard look.
“ Ty, not Tereschia Ty,” I said sternly pointing my finger at him. he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me again, and I let out a laugh shaking my head, and I hugged him back.
“ Lets head home,” he said breaking apart. I nodded my head and I followed him out of the hospital and into the car. When we got into the car I felt soar from that little walking. I took a deep breath, and slumped into the seat closing my eyes. I felt the car coming to a stop and I opened my eyes and saw our house. I yawned and opened the car door, and when I got out, and stumbled to the side because I felt horribly dizzy. I gripped onto the car for balance, and clay ran around and wrapped his arm around me waist to steady me. I stood there for a minute, and then took his arm off of me giving him a smile.
“ Im alright dude,” I muttered walking towards the stairs.
“ damn stubborn is what you are,” he muttered behind me. I let out a dry laugh and walked up the stairs. I opened the door, and when I walked in I heard the music going in the kitchen, and I looked around and the house was a complete disaster! I stood there for a second trying to consume what was in front of me.
“ How long was I gone?” I muttered.
“ Four days,” Clay shrugged walking past me. I took a deep breath, and walked into the front room and saw our broken TV, food everywhere, and clothing. Clothing!? I bit my lip and walked into the kitchen and almost had a stroke. The dishes where piled up, cabinets open, spilled liquids, food, and it was just…. Bad….. I took another deep breath and lent against the door frame closing my eyes. I heard footsteps… several… coming down the stairs. I slowly turned around and saw the six idiots standing there. My eyes bulged and I glared at clay.
“ I hate you all,” I whispered, and I started to walk up the stairs, but someone grabbed me from around the waist, and walked into the front room with me. they fell onto the couch and I fell onto the lap. I turned my head and saw Gabe. He grinned and glared at him. I was sitting on his lap right know and he had his arms around my waist. I felt weird. “ get off,” I groaned. He hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek. I whipped my head at him and looked at him flabbergasted.
“ I missed you!” he gushed hugging me tighter.
“ NUH-HUH,” I yelped escaping from his grasp. I jumped up, and stood their gawking at him, and I turned around and all the guys stood in a line. I took a step back watching them like a hawk. “ What are you fa-,” I stopped when Gabe came from behind me, and held my hands behind my back, so I faced the guys. “ What the devil!” I yelped. Clay stood in front of me first and he gave me a hug.
“ I missed you,” he smiled, and sat on the couch. Next was Mark, and he stepped forward, and kissed my forehead, and messed my hair up.
“ Happy you’re a lot,” he muttered sitting on the couch. Next was troy. He smirked and made a bunch of spit on his lips, and I struggled in Gabe’s grasp and he planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek.
“ Ewe,” I screeched trying to turn my face away.
“ Missed messing with you,” he laughed. a growl came from the back of my throat, and then Joe stood in front of me, and I gave him a hard look, and he brought his nose to mine and did this weird rubby thing. What the hell!
“ Eskimo kiss!” He laughed, and then he gave me a pat on my shoulder, “ Missed you dude,” He said. I glared at him, and then I looked and saw Art, and I felt my heart melt. I don’t want him touching me. he stepped forward, and pressed his lips against my forehead, but he left them their a little longer than needed and he looked down at me, and our eyes met and then he went and sat down. Gabe finally let go of me, and I took a step back and brought my sleeves up to my face and wiped it off disgusted.
“ What the flying fuck was that!” I screeched appalled. Everyone sat on the couch looking smug and I threw my hands up in the air throwing a mini hissy fit. “ Yeah just ignore me then!” I yelled but my voice cracked and I started coughing hard. my eyes started watering and clay looked at me, and I flicked him off. “ Im,” Cough… “ Going to…” Cough… “ SHOWER!” I said still coughing. I walked up the stairs, and when I walked into my room, I realized my bathroom shower was broken, so I had to use the one down the hall. I grabbed a towel from my closet, and walked out my door, and ran into someone. I stumbled back, and Art grabbed my arm pulling me forward. I stood their looking at him, and he looked down at me.
“ hey,” he whispered. I took my arm away from him, and walked right past him not saying a word. “ Ty,” He said grabbing my arm again. I turned around looking at him.
“ What do you want,” I whispered looking at the ground.
“ Im glad you’re okay,” he said.
“ Fuck you Art,” I growled. I went to turn around but he grabbed my shoulders, and pushed me against the wall.
“ Why are you acting like this Ty?” he asked sounding annoyed.
“ What do you mean Art? Im just being like I always am. One of the guys,” I said shaking his hands off of me. I walked towards the bathroom, and before he could say another word I shut the door in his face, and lent against it and locked it. I stood there, and stepped in the shower and took my shower. I turned off the water, and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself, and I walked down towards my room, and put on my panties, and threw on a big shirt, and fell into my bed and immieaditly passed out. I heard shuffling coming from downstairs, and I opened my eyes, and looked around yawning. I got out of bed, and walked downstairs, and when I turned into the front room the first thing to catch my eye was our broken TV. I sighed, and then stopped and stood their listening. Oh my god no one else is home…. I jumped up and did a happy dance.
“ Oh yeah, oh yeah,” I sung. A huge smile spread across my face, and I walked up the stairs and opened my window to see what the weather was like today. I opened my window, and heat flowed in. I automatically shut the window taking a deep breath. “ very hot,” I muttered walking over to my closet. I pulled out a pair of black shorts, and a Cage The Elephant T-shirt, and put on a pair of sandals, and grabbed my cell phone, and walked out of the house. I started walking down the sidewalk, and I missed my skateboard. I missed it a lot. I stopped and made my way towards a house I haven’t been to in a long time. I stopped and knocked on the door, and Ryan appeared. His face went into shock when he saw me. I gave him a small wave.
“ I think you’re at the wrong house,” He said. I rolled my eyes.
“ You still got that zero gravity skateboard?” I asked. He gave me a curious look and nodded his head. “ Can I borrow it?”
“ Nuh-huh.”
“ Wha-? Why?” I growled.
“ because its mine!” He said like a little kid. I huffed and let out a sigh.
“ You don’t even use it Ryan, please?” I said.
“ You just said please?”
I looked up at him and gave him a flat look, and turned on my heel, and started to walk away from him, but he called out my name, and I stopped and turned back around and he ran into his house, and he came back out a couple minutes later with his zero gravity skateboard. He got it a couple of years ago and it looked brand new. I only know this because I saw him riding at the skateboard once with this beauty. I smiled and took it.
“ Thanks man,” I said.
“ Whatever,” he said rolling his eyes. I grinned and put it down and was about to go, but he stopped me. “ I’m, ugh…. Im glad you’re alright Ty,” he said sheepishly.
“ thanks dude,” I laughed and I was off. I skated down the street, and I came towards the intersection where I got into an accident before. I bent my knees and picked up my speed, and I was going fast down the hill. A car was riding next to me, and they rolled down the window, and I turned my head a little and saw a whole bunch of punk ass seventeen year olds. i looked straight again.
“ You better be careful little girl!” One of them laughed. I brought my hand up and flicked them off. I looked in front of me again, and saw the light was changing to red, and I pressed back stopping myself, and I came to a stop, with that damn car. I stood close to the sidewalk, and I looked over at those guys.
“ I can’t believe that’s a girl,” one of them laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him, and they all started laughing. Their car roared to life, and they started to drive away. I knelt down and picked up a rock, and chucked it at their back window. CLUNK! CRACK!
My cue to run! I picked up the skateboard and sprinted across the park field. I heard them screaming at me, and I got towards the football field and I dropped the skateboard and walked over to the bleachers. Their where a bunch of little sluts there. I groaned and climbed my way up, and they all turned around to look at me, and I gave them a cold stare. They all paid attention back to the field. I rolled my eyes, and brought out my phone. I heard someone making dog whistles and I looked up and saw those girls giving some dude playing football free shows of their bodies. I rolled my eyes, and looked back at my phone. The girls stood up and walked over to the guys and I watched them flirt with them. I sat there and realized I’ve never even had a guy look at me twice. I’ve always been one of the dudes. The tomboy nobody fucks with. Im not a girl to anyone. I sighed and looked down at my phone again. I went through my contacts and I had not even one girl in my phone. What the hell…. I went past Evian’s name and I smiled, and then I went past Art’s number and I felt my stomach flutter. I closed my phone in frustration, and looked up and wished I never did. I saw Evian across the park sitting with some girl at a bench and they were making out. I bit my lip, and looked down and made my way down the bleachers. Not even Evian looked at me more than a dude. I made my way to the bottom bleacher, and someone called out my name, and I looked up and recognized one of the guys. The group of girls where gone and all the dudes where staring at me. The one dude that called my name was one of my brothers friends… maybe… not so sure. But they knew one another.
“ What?” I asked with one foot on the bleacher.
“ come here!” he called out. I raised an eyebrow.
“ Why?” I asked.
“ Ty, get your ass over here!” He said again. i glared at him and walked around the fence and stood in front of him. I looked to my right and their where four dudes and they looked so familiar…. Oh my god…
“ I gotta go,” I said sheepishly turning on my heel.
“ YOU!” One of the four guys said grabbing my arm. Shit… “ You’re the one that cracked my back window,” he spat holding my arms and having me stand in front of him.
“ Well… eh yes I am,” I said smirking.
“ You little-..” he was interrupted because all the guys were laughing really hard. I growled, and brought my knee up and hit him where the sun don’t shine. He glared at me, and grabbed his water bottle squirting water all over me. I was wearing a white shirt so it became see threw and you saw my black lace bra. I felt my face go three shades of red in an instant.
“ Well I guess she is a girl,” he said smirking. I brought my right fist up and hit him square in the jaw.
“ Fuck you!” I hissed, and I turned on my heel and made my way back home. When I got home I busted through the doors, and ran upstairs into my room, and walked back out and went to the closet in the hallway I never dared to go in, and brought out all the clothes someone bought me. it had skirts, tank tops, mini shirts, and everything to make you look like a prep. I stood in front of the closet and took a deep breath.
“ Time for a change.”
Chapter eight-
“ OW!” I screamed throwing the eyeliner on my vanity. I touched my watering eye that I had just poked with this god for sicken makeup. Makeup was the worst invention in the world. I looked at myself in the mirror, and then grabbed the eyeliner again and eyed it. “ I will win,” I muttered, and I tried applying it again, and it… somewhat worked out. I grabbed the massacre and let out a sigh. “ End of world war I, the beginning of world war II,”I said shaking my head. I put the massacre on, and only stabbed my eyes twice. I finished doing my makeup, and I wanted to rub my eyes so badly…. Oh god! I let out little whimpering noises and know it was time for world war III, war of the clothes. I groaned.
“ Ty be ready in twenty minutes!” I heard Clay scream from downstairs. I let out a sigh nodding my head, and I walked over to my closet, and slid it open and examined my new wardrobe. I looked out the window, and it looked like a sunny day. I reached in and grabbed a dark jean skirt, and a purple tank top, and a black shirt that had a whole bunch of rips in it, and threw it on my bed. I put the outfit on and realized it was showing a lot of leg, and some cleavage. I slipped on a pair of black gladiator shoes, and then looked at myself in the mirror. I guess I am a girl…. My curly hair looked nice today because I took a shower and took the time to dry it into neat curls. I had on purple eye shadow with the eyeliner and mascara. I turned around and looked at myself.
“ Lot of skin,” I mumbled. I looked at the clock and realized it took me twenty minutes to get dressed. That’s crazy! I threw my book bag over my shoulder, and ran out of my room walking down the stairs. I looked around and realized they were already outside I opened the front door, and shut it behind me and looked up and saw the six idiots already packed in the car. Can’t they carpool with someone else? All the guys turned to look at me, and complete shock was written all over their faces. Clay rolled down the window and looked at me.
“ Where are your pants?” He yelled at me. I brought my hand up and flicked him off, and opened the back of the truck, and threw my book bag in, and pulled myself up, and sat on the ground. Gabe, Joe, Mark, and Art where all staring at me.
“ What?” I hissed
“ Ty,” Joe muttered.
“ What?” I asked.
“ You’re a girl,” He smirked. I glared at him.
“ Oh fuck you Joe!” I said looking away from him.
“ I mean look at you, you have hips, breasts, and the whole body!” he said gawking at me. I felt my face going red.
“ Shut up!” I muttered. He went quiet and we all where the rest of the ride. We pulled up, and I opened the hatch, and leaned over jumping down, and the damn skirt kept riding up! I growled, and pushed it back down and turned around to get my bag, and all the guys were staring at me except clay who had already left and went into school. He wasn’t in a very good mood today. “ Will you all stop looking at me?” I said throwing my book bag over my shoulder.
“ Hard not to,” Troy smirked wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
“ Nuh-huh,” I said stepping away from him. He gave me a pouting face and I rolled my eyes and set off to go find Evian. Everyone… and I mean everyone was staring at me. Did I feel weird? YUP! I walked towards the field, and saw two people sitting on the bleachers, and I made my way over to them and saw Evian and his… Girlfriend maybe….
“ Evian,” the girl said. Evian looked up and saw me, and he looked at my outfit, and then back at me confused.
“ Hey Ty,” he said smiling. I smiled and nodded my head, and sat at the bottom bleachers below them.
“ Um Liz, this is my friend Ty, Ty this is Liz,” Evian said introducing us.
“ Hey Liz,” I said holding out my hand.
“ Girlfriend,” she said and she just looked at my hand. I pulled my hand away nodding my head.
“ I’ve heard,” I smiled, but I was fuming on the inside. She was a total witch! “ Im gonna get going ill cya around,” I muttered sitting up, and I left my book bag there, and I turned to go back and get it, but I stopped behind a tree because they were talking about me.
“ Evian you told me she was like a dude, and ugly…. She is like a total slut!” Liz cried.
“ Babe,” Evian said.
“ No Evian, you cannot be friends with that girl,” Liz said angrily.
“ Okay,” Evian agreed. I felt my heart being torn in half. I sucked in a deep breath, and walked forward. I was quiet and I went to go grab my bag.
“ Oh hey Ty,” Evian said. I looked up while swinging my book bag over my shoulder.
“ hey,” I muttered.
“ Um…”
“ Suck it Evian,” I said turning on my heel, and I made my way towards the school. I felt tears in my eyes but I quickly shut my eyes holding them back. I won’t cry. Im not going to cry over him. He was only… he wasn’t even my best friend. Just another guy that causes problems. I walked towards cooking class, and I stopped outside the door, and leaned against the wall looking down. Skirt so short. I need to change.
“ Damnit,” I muttered leaning against the wall. I have Alec, Mike, and Johnny in this class. I really don’t want to face any of them…. Damnit and they are probably going to ask my about when we went paintballing and blah. Blah. Blah. Gr. The bell rang, and I brought my hand up hitting my forehead, and I sucked in a deep breath, and opened the door. Mr. Ore looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“ Your late again,” he sighed.
“ MH,” I muttered walking over to my table. I sat down and I felt three sets of eyes on me. I slowly looked up and Alec, Mike, and Johnny where all staring at me. “ What?” I hissed. I felt someone’s hand touch my bare knee, and I jumped looking at Mike.
“ What happened to you?” He smirked. I glared at him, and pushed his hand away leaning back into my seat, and crossing one leg over the other.
“ I swear to god, im going to scratch your eyes out if you don’t stop looking at me,” I hissed.
“ It going to be really hard to stop,” Mike said wiggling his eyebrows. I turned my head to glare at him, and he was tilting back in his chair, and I gave him devious smile. He raised an eyebrow, and l lunged my leg forward kicking his chair. His arms sprung in the air, and his chair tipped back. He tried grabbing onto something but there was nothing to grab onto. THUMP! I put my head down on the table biting the inside of my cheek trying to hold back my laughter. I turned my head to the side, and saw Mike laying on the ground with the chair next to him. Our eyes met, and I bit my lip.
“ My leg kind of spazed,” I shrugged. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. The look on his face was priceless. I broke out laughing, and held my sides because I was laughing so hard. My eyes where watering, and I heard a chair scratch against the floor, and Mike sat down next to me again. I kept my head down.
“ Mike and Ty,” Mr. Ore said. Mike and I both looked up, and I was wiping my eyes. “ Do I need you two, to take a trip the principles?” He asked.
“ No Mr. Ore,” mike said. Mr. Ore then looked at me, and I cleared my throat nodding my head.
“ Nope,” I muffled. He nodded his head, and I rested my head back down on the table bit my lip, because I wanted to laugh so hard. Mike looked at me and he shook his head mouthing bitch. i put my head back down closing my eyes because oh god all I wanted to do was laugh. I took a deep breath, and exhaled, and sat straight looking around. Johnny and Alec had an amused look on their face and I smirked looking over at Mike. Oh boy did he look pissed.
“ Well today since its Monday we are not going to really cook anything. I have a meeting to go to, so there will be a sub, so today this class can be a free period,” Mr. Ore stopped and looked at our table. “ Don’t make me regret this,” he said narrowing his eyes at us. My jaw dropped a little, and I put my hands up in the air as if I was surrounding. He had an amused look on his face and he shook his head. Just then I guess our sub walked in. He looked like a student though! I think he is a freaking student. “Class this is your Sub. His name is Mr. Riccadi, and he is a freshman in college and he is starting here for practice, for the next couple months for his schooling he will be subbing here, so make him feel welcomed,” He stopped and looked at our table once again. “ And BEHAVE,” he said glaring at us. I nodded my head leaning back into my seat, and I heard Johnny trying to suppress a laugh. I rolled my eyes. Mr. ore walked out of the room, and Mr. Riccadi stood there and gave us a weak smile.
“ Ugh, hello,” he started. I snorted out a laugh, because god it looked like he was about to shit himself. He stopped to look at me, and he looked so familiar… where have i?
“Oh shit,” I muttered underneath my breath. I tilted my head down trying to hide my face. My brother knows him. They are friends. Yeah my brother is friends with everyone. A couple years ago we went to one of his house parties and even though I was only in seventh grade I still tagged along. We were by the pool, and he was pissing me off, so I pushed him in the pool, and his so expensive i-phone was in his pocket and it got ruined and he also got embarrassed in front of all his friends. He hates me. I hope he doesn’t remember me though. I mean this new look maybe he won’t. He is only five years older than me.
“ well I’m just going to over the attendance list,” he said sitting at the desk. OH CRAP! He is going to see my name. oh lord shoot me know. He started going down the list reading the names, and then he stopped. I slowly tilted my head, and our eyes met. “ Ty,” he said but it sounded more like a question. I raised my hand, and he cleared his throat nodding his head, and he continued to read the rest of the names. I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath, and I tilted my head back closing my eyes. I felt myself falling back, and my stomach dropped. My eyes flew open and my hand searched for something to grab onto, and my feet flew in the air, and I went tumbling back. I landed on my the air knocking out of me. A moan escaped my lips, and then I remembered I was wearing a skirt. I felt my face heat up and I quickly sat up pulling my skirt down. I shot my head towards mike who was looking the other way. He looked at me smug.
“ Payback,” he whispered. I felt something go loose in my head, and I lunged for him. He fell out of his chair, and we both went tumbling onto the ground him falling on top of me. I need him in the groin and he rolled to the side gasping.
“ That’s enough!” Mr. Riccadi said. I stood up pulling my skirt down and I pointed at mike.
“ He fucking started it,” I hissed.
“ Ty, that’s enough!” Mr. Riccadi growled. I threw my hands up in the air defeating, and I picked up my chair sitting down. “ Mike are you okay?” Mr. Riccadi asked.
“ The little fu-.”
“ Mouth!” Mr. Riccadi said glaring at me. I huffed and sat in my chair shaking my head. I looked at Johnny and Alec and it looked like they were crying because of how hard they were laughing.
“ It’s not that damn funny,” I said loudly at them. Alec’s laughter got even louder.
“ Nice hot pink lace thongs Ty,” He said so loud the whole class heard. I felt my face go into a whole new shade of red in a split second. My mouth hung open, and I looked at Mr. Riccadi, and he even looked like he was going to laugh. I just stared at Alec, because I didn’t know what the hell to say. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just shook my head, and leaned back glaring at him. The rest of the class was quiet, and everyone just did their own thing. I just sat there watching Alec. Im going to freaking kill him. Like…. I am. Alec looked up, and he saw the rage in my eyes, and he looked scared.
“ Dead,” I whispered. He cleared his throat looking away from me, and I continued to glare at him. The bell rang, and I put my book bag over my shoulder, and Alec bolted out of the class and so did Mike. I will kill them both. I was just about to walk out the door when my name was called. I stopped and turned around to see Mr. Riccadi sitting at the desk looking at me.
“ Close the door Ty,” he said. I glared at him, and shut it with my foot.
“ What the fuck do you want Corey?” I said angrily. He had an amused look
“ Its Mr. Riccadi young lady.”
“ Shove it dude,” I hissed.
“ So what the hell happened to you?” he said looking me up and down.
“ Oh what do you mean?” I asked sounding stupid. He let out a chuckle. He sat their looking at me. I shifted from foot to foot. “ When did you come back?” I finally said sitting at one of the tables.
“ shouldn’t you be heading to your next class?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“ It history, I don’t care. You can write me a pass or something,” I shrugged. He let out another chuckle. I looked at him and smirked. “ Why did you come back?” I asked.
“ What do you mean?” He muttered.
“ Last time I saw you was at that… party,” I finished remembering what had happened. I started laughing.
“ You were a real bitch for doing that, you know that right?” He asked. I nodded my head laughing.
“ how old are you anyways dude?” I asked.
“ Nineteen,” he shrugged.
“ how the hell are you a sub?!” I gasped. He shrugged.
“ So how high school?” He asked.
“ How do you think?” I laughed shaking my head. I looked up and he was staring at me. I stared back at him. I cleared my throat looking away.
“ How’s clay and the guys?” he asked after a while.
“ Clays good, and the guys are,” I stopped remembering Art. “ They are fine,” I finished.
“ Which one do you like?” he asked. I snapped my head at him.
“ What the hell are you talking about?” I gaped.
“ You obviously like one of them,” he said raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.
“ Well your wrong,” I whispered. It was quiet once again.
“ I guess we’ll see about that then,” he said quietly.
“ What is that supposed to mean?” I snapped.
“ I’m back Ty. You don’t think Im not going to hang out with my buds?” He asked. Oh no… Oh no….it used to be the seven idiots, but then Corey left and it was only the six idiots and know it’s back to the seven idiots. Corey is two years older than my brother and the rest of the guys but he doesn’t even act like he is older than me.
“ Please don’t tell me your going to be back at my house every single day,” I cried.
“ Ding. Ding. ding!” he sang.
“ Clay didn’t tell me about this,” I growled. He looked a little shocked.
“ Well I wonder why?” he asked himself. I stood up.
“ Write me a pass I’mma get to class talking to you is wasting my time,” I said standing in front of him. He wrote out the pass and held it out to me. I went to go take it but he wouldn’t hand me the damn thing. I grabbed his arm and ripped it out of his hands. “ You’re an ass,” I hissed, and I started walking away.
“ By the way your ass looked good in those things,” he said. I stopped at the door taking a deep breath, and I just continued to walk not looking back. I’ll get him later… just he wait…. I’m not going to even go to history today. Math and English sucked. Everyone looked at me, the guys messed with me, and I ended up hurting them. Lunch finally came, and I let out a deep breath. I’m going to be sitting alone once again. I walked into the lunchroom, and as I was walking past Clay’s table someone wrapped their hands around my waist and pulled me. I stumbled at first and looked over and saw Gabe.
“ Cut it out,” I growled. He laughed.
“ hands off the sister,” Clay said walking up to my, and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
“ Stop touching me,” I growled walking around him.
“ Where are you going to sit?” Clay called out to me.
“ That is for me to know and you not to,” I said walking outside. I looked around, and walked towards the pond, and sat down on the grass pulling my skirt down. I let out a deep breath, and heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned around and saw Gino, Eric, and a not so happy Alan. What’s new right?
“ Hey Ty,” Gino said sitting down next to me. Eric then sat down next to Gino kind of facing me, and Alan leaned up against a tree looking away from me.
“ Ugh, hey guys,” I muttered.
“ New look?” Eric asked tapping my knee. I shrugged.
“ I suppose you could say that,” I laughed.
“ You going to be a whore to know?” Alan said. I looked up at him, and we glared at one another.
“ Ignore him,” Gino said. I put my hand up.
“ No I want to hear what he has to say. I mean Alan you act like you know so much about me,” I said tilting my head up. I nodded his head. I stood up pulling my skirt up and I walked up to Alan standing in front of him. “ Enlighten me Alan, tell me about myself. Tell me something I don’t fucking know,” I said getting in his face.
“ You’ve never had guys get in your pants or like you because your just Clay’s younger tomboy sister. You want to be noticed for a change as actual girl, and you want to have some fun. You want to start partying and fucking guys,” He stopped.
“ Your wrong,” I spat.
“ how wrong?” He smirked.
“ Half wrong,” I glared at him.
“ Which half was wrong then?”
“ The ending.”
We stood in front of one another until I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder, and I turned around and saw Gino. I let out a breath and stepped away from Alan.
“ Ty just ignore him,” Gino said. I let out a deep breath nodding my head.
“ Yeah he is just a fucking ass anyways,” Eric said
“ Yeah I know,” I muttered turning to look back at the pond. Eric and Gino started laughing, and I let out a little laugh too.
“ Evian was smart,” Alan said. I stopped laughing and I turned around to look at Alan. “ You know, I heard you and him aren’t friends anymore, I wonder why,” he said drily. “ wait I think I might know!” He started to laugh. I continued to stare at him. “ let’s see… is it because he realized how much of a whore you are? Maybe that’s the-.” I interrupted him when my hand smashed against his jaw. He fell back, and I brought my other fist up smashing it against his face, and I brought my hand up again smashing his nose. Eric wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me away from Alan. I pushed myself away from him, and looked at my aching hands. They had blood on them. I looked at Alan and he had a bloody lip, and a bloody nose.
“ You listen to me Alan, I don’t put up with shit from anyone. Do you hear me?” I screamed at him. He looked at me, and I have never seen such rage in someone’s eyes in my whole life. “ Do you hear me?” I said louder. He nodded his head smirking. I flicked him off, and turned around and made my way to biology. When I walked in I was one of the first people to get there.
“ Hello Ty,” Mr. Marx said.
“ Hey,” I muttered. Mr. Marx looked up at me.
“ You look different,” he said. I nodded my head, and made my way to my seat, and sat down. I put my head down, and I heard some people coming into the room, but I didn’t bother looking up. I put in my I-Pod and listened to Cage The Elephant. I had my eyes closed, and then I felt someone’s hand wrap around the top of my head. I sat up and saw Troy and Joe. Joe let go of my head.
“ What do you want?” I hissed. They just stood in front of me.
“ I didn’t believe you wore hot pink thongs,” Troy finally said. My eyes went into golf balls, and I sat their gawking at him.
“ What?” I croaked.
“ Someone told me about how you fell in your seat, and you were wearing hot pink lace thongs. Did I believe them? Nope… until,” he stopped and he had the biggest grin on his face. I clenched my fist, and stood out of my seat and put my hands on the table leaning closer to him.

“ Until…” I said quietly.
“ Until I saw the picture,” he grinned. Without even processing it my hands flung forward grabbing onto Troy’s shirt.
“ What fucking picture!” I hissed.
“ Someone took a picture of your ass in full view,” he smirked. My jaw dropped and I jumped back my chair falling.
“ Where is it!” I yelled. They both took a step back. “ Where is this damn photo!” I hissed hitting my fists on the table. Joe went into his pocket, and pulled out his phone, and then did some crap and put it away. “ SO?” I nearly screamed. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I reached into my pocket, and slid the arrow to turn it on. I nearly dropped my phone. I held my breath and looked the photo of my ass and thongs. My face was like an apple. I slowly lowered my phone and looked at Troy and Joe. “ t- this,” I stopped and sat down putting my head down. I heard someone whisliing when they walked in and I looked up and saw a way to happy Alec…. He took the picture! I nearly jumped out of my seat, and I walked up to alec.
“ Well hey Ty,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
“ Did you take that picture!” I hissed standing in front of Alec getting in his face. I saw his face go from smug to scared. “ You did!” I growled. I felt someone grab me from behind and drag me away from Alec. “ Lemme go! I’mma kill that mother fudger!” I growled. I seriously growled. “ You won’t be able to stop me during class because he sits next to me,” I said evilly.
“ Do you want to get expelled?” Joe asked.
“ That’s a trick question right?” I muttered.
“ Ty!” Joe shook his head.
“ Fine, but when the bell rings today there is nothing that is going to stop me,” I said shrugging him off, and sitting down in my seat tapping my fingers on the table. As Joe and Troy walked to the front to go to their seats they patted Alec on his back. I saw Alec’s Adams apple go up and down and he caustically sat down in his seat next to me.
“ Ugh Ty…”
I put my hand up.
“ Don’t say a single word,” I said deeply. He cleared his throat and nodded his head leaning back in his seat. The class went by with Alec sitting their shitting his pants and looking over at me every five minutes. When the bell rang he bolted out of their like his pants were on fire. “ Boy was smart to run,” I mumbled getting out of my seat. I walked out of the hall, and stood there. Troy came out and then Joe followed behind him.
“ What’s up Ty?” Joe asked walking next to me.
“ Im going to ditch study and Gym okay? So tell Clay he doesn’t have to give me a ride after school,” I said.
“ where are you going?” Troy asked walking on my other side.
“ Nowhere special,” I shrugged.
“ Well what if we need to get ahold of you?” Troy asked.
“ I do have something called a phone,” I said rolling my eyes.
“ But still,” Troy and Joe both said at the same time. I stopped in the middle of the hall putting my hand over my heart.
“ Ya’ll two boys are worried about me aren’t you? Awh that’s real sweet and all but im a big girl. I can take care of myself,” I said very sarcastically. They both rolled their eyes and I stuck my tongue out walking towards the school exit. “ See you guys at home!” I called out.
“ M’kay thong girl!” I heard Troy say.
“ I’mma get you for that!” I hissed. I walked out of the school, and made my way towards the woods. I followed the path and ended up in my hidden place. I sat on the ground taking a deep breath. I remember when we and Evian came here and I felt my heart break a little. I started to remember the past a little.
Both my parents have left… well not really. Mom left, and then shortly after that dad got married to this rich bitch and they are travelling all over the world because of their jobs. That lady took my dad away from me. Clay is now stuck with me. I seem like such a bother to everyone’s lives. I felt my throat start to go dry and I let out a deep breath, and looked up at the sky.
“ Why did you leave ma?” I whispered.
Chapter nine-
The sky started to change into vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges. I stared up into the sky in a complete daze. It was like a symphany, all the colors had their own feelings. I sat on the ground with my knees up to my chest, and I had my arms wrapped around my legs, and I just sat there for hours staring up into the sky. I heard rustling in the leaves, and I turned around and saw Evian. I turned my back to him again looking up into the sky.
“ I heard you ditched your last two classes, and your brother has been freaking out because you haven’t been answering your phone for the past three hours,” Evian said sitting down next to me. I turned away from him one for the fact I was still mad at him, and two I was wearing a skirt… I gave him the silent treatment, so he also sat there in the silence. I didn’t know if he was looking at me, or the sky. “Listen Ty,” he said clearing his throat. It went quiet again, as though he was waiting for me to say something. “ I-…” He stopped again. “ Im sorry Ty,” He said very quietly. I closed my eyes, and tilted my head down looking at my knees.
“ Evian,” I whispered. “ Your girlfriend is a real bitch,” I hissed. To my surprise he started laughing.
“ You have to get to know her, she isn’t that bad of a person though,” he sighed.
“ First impressions buddy,” I muttered.
“ Im sorry Ty, I know you heard what she and I both said, and I feel bad. Like really bad,” He said sounding sorrowful.
“ Its fine dude,” I muttered.
“ It’s obviously not fine,” He said sharply. “ Your mad at me, I can tell.”
“ Damn right im mad at you,” I said turning my head to look at him. “ but I forgive you,” I said shaking my head. I turned back around looking at the sky. “ Im still mad but I forgive you. I’m also disappointed,” I shrugged.
“ Disappointed?” He asked.
“ yeah, disappointed. When I meet people I automatically have respect for them, until they do something that loses my respect, and out of all the people I never imagined you losing my respect but you did, and you have to gain my trust again, and rebuild my respect for you,” I whispered.
“ I feel like an idiot,” he muttered.
“ You are,” I smirked. I felt his arms wrap around me, and at first I was froze. Finally I relaxed in his grip.
“ I told Liz that you are my best friend, and that we are close, and if she can’t handle that then obviously we shouldn’t be together,” he whispered. I leant back into his chest with my legs out in front of me.
“ What did she say?” I asked.
“ She was not happy about it, but she agreed to it,” he laughed. A smirk played across my face. “so, can I ask what’s with the sudden change?” I let out a sigh.
“ I… I wanted to change. I feel like I needed a change, but I don’t know who I changed for….” I muttered shaking my head.
“ Maybe you changed for yourself?” he questioned.
“ I don’t know… I never had a problem for who I am, but it just started to get irritating… everyone seeing me as a dude,” I laughed.
“ Did you change for someone you like?” he asked another question.
“ I don’t even know who I like anymore,” I sighed.
“ Everything will eventually figure itself out,” he said.
“ Eventually,” I laughed. He nodded his head, and we sat in silence for some time, but it wasn’t weird silence. It was nice. Relaxing. I closed my eyes, and then I held my breath jumping out and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “ OH MY GOD!” I cried. Evian jumped up in shock.
“ W-What?” He gasped.
“ I have…. One hundred and two missed calls and seventy text messages!” I screamed gawking at my phone.
“ All in the past four hours,” He mumbled. I nodded my head, and went through the missed calls. They were all from Clay, Troy, Joe, Art, Gabe, Mark, and damn even Corey. I went through some of the texts too. The first three said things such as why aren’t you picking up your phone? Are you okay? She we call the cops…
“ WHAT!” I cried. “ I need to get home,” I muttered weaving my way out of our hiding place, and I jogged through the woods with these very uncomfortable gladiator shoes.
“ Wait Ty,” Evian muttered running behind me.
“ I’ll text you later Evian!” I called out, sand when I exited the woods I bolted down the street. After, running for about twenty minutes straight I got to my front door, and I stopped gasping for air. “ Oh god,” I muttered. “ Too much work,” I gasped. I went to go open the door, but it swung open and I was collected into someone’s arms. I opened my eyes and saw Clay.
“ Oh god Ty,” He said hugging me very tightly. I felt my air being cut off. I tried sucking in a deep breath, but I was being killed.
“ C-Clay can’t breathe!” I cried. He let go a little and looked at me.
“ Where have you been?” He yelled.
“ Clay im fine, geez” I muttered walking around him. When I was in I was surrounded by the seven idiots… yes it is known seven no longer six. I sighed, and went to try to walk upstairs, but Corey grabbed my waist pulling me back. “ Ah cut it out!” I hissed trying to get out of his grasp.
“ Ty, im going to ask one last time where the hell have you been?” Clay growled.
“ And im going to say this every time you ask, nowhere special!” I said.
“ Tereschia!”
“ Clayton!”
“ You inconsiderate bitch!”
“ You annoying little bastard!”
“ CUT IT OUT!” Corey yelled at us pushing both of us away from one another.
“ STAY OUT OF IT!” Clay and I both screamed in unison turning towards Corey. Corey put his hands in the air surrendering in defeat, and stepped back.
“ And you’re not even wearing any clothes!” Clay yelled at me.
“ Ah shut up why don’t yuh!” I hissed. Clay rubbed his temples and walked upstairs into his room. I turned around to look at Corey.
“ And what the hell are you doing in my damn house!” I yelled at him.
“ our house…” he muttered. My eyes flared.
“My teacher really shouldn’t be in MY house!” I hissed.
“ Teacher?” Joe asked. The guys looked back between Corey and I.
“ Oh he didn’t tell you? Well hey guys listen to this, this little mofo was my damn teacher today,” I hissed.
“ Yeah and I got to see your hot pink thongs,” he wiggled his eyebrows. My jaw dropped and all the guys looked over at me.
“ It is NOT like that!” I yelled throwing my hands in the air. “ I fell out of my chair!” I cried. They still didn’t look convinced. “ Oh whatever!” I cried walking into the kitchen. I heard someone following me, and I opened up the fridge and pulled out a coke opening it, and turned around and saw Art. He let out a sigh leaning against the counter.
“ Ty we need to talk,” He muttered. I closed the fridge, and leaned on the counter across from him looking at him.
“ About what Art,” I asked.
“ The kiss,” he said very quietly.
“ The what?” I asked putting my hand up to my ear. I saw his face go a little red.
“ The kiss,” He said louder.
“ Oh, what about it?” I asked looking at my nails.
“ I… I don’t regret it,” he whispered.
“ Why are you saying that know?” I said looking up at him.
“ Because…” I stopped him by putting my hand over his mouth.
“ Because I don’t look like one of the guys anymore,” I hissed. He pushed my hand away.
“ it’s not about that,” He said shaking his head.
“ it’s not?”
“ I don’t care what you look like Ty,” he said stepping closer to me.
“ I believe that’s a loud of bull,” I said shaking my head and turning away from him. He grabbed my arm, and I turned back to look at him.
“ Trust me,” he whispered.
“ I don’t know who to trust anymore,” I whispered back pulling my hand away and walking towards the stairs. I made my way into my room, and closed my door taking a deep breath. I turned around and jumped back. “ Corey! What are you doing in my room!” I cried. I putting my hand over my heart. “ You scared the living hell out of me,” I muttered.
“ I know who you like,” He smirked. I raised an eyebrow. “ Its Art…” He smirked again. My throat felt dry and I shook my head. “ Yes it is, I see the way you look at him, and also the way he looks at you,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
“ I might of liked him before but im not sure anymore,” I shrugged walking over to my desk, and sitting in my chair.
“ Who do you like then?” Corey asked.
“ I honestly don’t know anymore,” I whispered rubbing for temples. I heard my bed squeak, and I looked up and Corey knelt down in front of me, and took my face in his hands.
“ Why you changing Ty?” He asked.
“ What do you mean?” I asked. He shook his head and brought his face closer to mine, and pressed his lips against my forehead, and then pulled away standing up, and walked out of my room. I sat their looking at the wall, and then I heard the door open again, and I looked over at Corey. He wasn’t looking at me but at the wall too.
“ You where beautiful before you wore those clothes,” he whispered and then turned around and left. I sat there, and moaned.
“ This makes nothing easier Corey,” I whispered. “ it just made things ten times for difficult!” I cried.
Chapter ten-
Beep! Beep! Beep! I threw the blankets over me smashing my fist down onto my alarm clock groaning.
“ School…. It is the worst thing ever invented…” I muttered rolling around in my bed. I looked at the clock and I had a hour to get ready. I dreadfully got out of bed, and walked over to my closet, and pulled out some black leggings, purple tank top, and a black sparkly cardigan. I put on some purple flats, and then walked over to my dresser letting out a sigh. I brushed my hair out, and out on purple eye shadow, and eye liner with mascara. I looked at myself letting out another sigh. “ I wanna go to sleep,” I cried. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I still had that girlish look, but I didn’t look so much like a slut. I went into my closet and went through my shoes. I pulled out a pair of purple heeled boots and slipped them on, and stumbled to the side at first. “ Damn things,” I muttered. I made my way down stairs, and when I walked into the kitchen the seven idiots where there.
“ Hey girl,” Gabe said. I looked over at him, and he was eating a apple sitting at the kitchen table.
“ Hey boy,” I said sarcastically walking over to the fridge. My shoes clicked against the floor each time I took a step.
“ Well at least I’ll know when you’re coming,” he laughed. I opened the fridge looking for something to eat.
“ Whatever,” I muttered. “ Did you take the last apple?” I cried.
“ Maybe…”
“ Dude this isn’t even your house! Go eat your own damn food,” I said shaking my head.
“ Watch your language child,” I heard Corey said. I turned around and saw Corey.
“ Oh shut up!” I hissed. I grabbed a banana, and sat down on top of the counter, and peeled the banana.
“ Oh eat that thing whole,” troy said walking into the room. I lowered the banana from my mouth, and head my head hanging down low.
“ I hate you all,” I hissed. The rest of the guys came walking into the room, and someone lightly punched my shoulder. I looked up and saw Clay. I brought my fist up hitting his shoulder. He gave me a weak smile, and wrapped his arms around me holding me tight to him.
“ You pull another stunt like what you did yesterday you’ll be dead,” He hissed. I let out a sigh, and he unwrapped his arms from around me, and walked over to the fridge opening it, and I heard him mumble something that I couldn’t understand.
“ What you say?” I asked taking a bite out of my banana.
“ There is like no food!” Clay whined.
“ Well duh, you have to go shopping for food in order for it to be in the fridge, I mean it doesn’t just magically appear,” I said shaking my head.
“ I can’t go shopping,” Clay groaned.
“ Why?”
“ because me and all of the guys have practice after school until like eight, and I don’t want you going alone,” clay closed the fridge, and turned to look at me, and then he turned his head somewhere and stared at someone behind me. I turned around and saw Corey standing there.
“ Nuh-huh, I’m not going shopping with him!” I hissed pointing at Corey. He put a hand over his heart pretending to act hurt.
“ You hurt me Ty,” he mumbled.
“ Oh im going to hurt you alright,” I growled. He started laughing, and brought his fist up.
“ C’mon lets fight then,” he said jumping around like an idiot. I threw my hands up in the air.
“ Honestly is everyone I know idiots?” I hissed walking past him and towards the front door, and when I walked out the front door I stopped in my tracks holding in a breath. Alec was in front of my house standing next to his car, and he looked up at me and smiled. I raised an eyebrow. “ You’re at the wrong house buddy.”
“ No im not,” he said leaning back stretching his arms. “ I came to give you a ride to school,” He shrugged. I closed the door behind me, and made my way down the stairs my shoes clicking against the concrete.
“ Oh you are, and why would that be?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
“ What ? I can’t display nice actions?”
“ no you can’t,” I said walking closer to him. “ So how about telling me why you are really here,” I said sounding tired.
“ To give you a ride to school,” he said once again. I sighed.
“ Why would you do that?” I said shaking my head.
“ Just trying to be nice,” He smirked.
“ Mhm,” I said walking around him, and opening the car door, and he leaned in smiling.
“ Their we go,” he said.
“ Just don’t be too nice,” I said glaring at him. He let out a chuckle, and closed my door walking around the car, and sat down in his seat shutting the door, and starting up the car. I looked out the window, and saw Corey watching me at the front door with his arms crossed over his chest. I looked away from him looking at the rode, and the car drove off to school. The ride was quiet. I didn’t want to talk to him. I don’t get along with Alec. We drove up to the school, and he pulled into his parking spot, and turned off the car. I sat there for a couple of seconds, and I looked over at him scratching the back of my neck.
“ Eh, thanks then,” I muttered and I went to go open the door, but then I felt his hand on my knee. I looked over at him raising an eyebrow.
“ Listen, Ty,” He said clearing his voice. I let out a sigh, and opened the door stepping out of the car and I leaned down to look at Alec.
“ Listen, Alec, your just like what im wearing not who I am,” I sighed closing the door, and I turned around and made my way towards cooking which I had Alec in… I just don’t want to talk. All the guys are suddenly paying attention to me, because I’m dressing differently. I don’t want to be liked for how I look, but for who I am, and they are really starting to piss me off. School went by in a blur, and I pretty much slept in every class…
The sun was baking me alive. I stood in the middle of the field with my eyes closed looking down at my outfit. I was still wearing the guys gym uniform, so I have to participate with the guys. The sun was killing me today though it’s so freaking hot outside.
“ heads up Ty!” I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw the football coming towards me. My eyebrows shot up, and I took a step back bending my knees, and put my hands out, and the ball shot into my arms. I let out a breath, and growled.
“ Damn Ty stop day dreaming about me,” Troy said. I rolled my eyes.
“ I’m not daydreaming dude, im frying from the sun,” I muttered throwing the ball to him.
“ Well you gotta get your head in the game!” He said hitting my shoulder. I stumbled to the side and glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders.
“ I don’t wanna get my head in the game, because I feel like im about to pass out from the heat, it’s never been this hot outside,” I said shaking my head.
“ your such a babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” Gabe said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
“ Ewe, get off,” I said shrugging his arm off of me. He gasped. “ your all sweaty and nasty boy,” I said shaking my head. he started laughing, and the teacher blew his whistle. My body cringed, and I looked up and saw him looking at us all.
“ hot day huh?” he asked.
“ Hell yeah,” I muttered.
“ Is Ty the only one that thinks it hot outside?” He asked. No one else said it was hot outside. I let out a dry laugh wiping my forehead.
“ one I have to wear a shirt,” I said.
“ You don’t have to,” Joe said nudging my arm. I rolled my eyes.
“ Hey coach, during practice you better put these pansies to work, and then ask them if it’s hot outside,” I said looking at them.
“ Thanks Ty for the input, I’ll have them run around the football field….” He stopped and laughed. “ how many times should they run it?” he asked me. I smirked and looked over at the six idiots. And they were all glaring at me.
“ they gotta run around the football field three times,” I said with my head held high.
“ That’s going to be a great workout! Right boys?” Coach said. I was looking down laughing, and I put my hand over my mouth, and turned around and the majority of the guys in my gym class are on the football team, and they were all shooting daggers at me. I gave them an evil smirk, and looked at the couch. He blew his whistle signaling the end of class, and I started to walk towards the building. I turned around and saw all the football players walking towards me. My eyes shot open, and I bolted forward towards the doors. I got to them and started pounding on them.
“ OPEN THE DOORS!” I cried pounding on the doors. Some girl came to the doors, and opened one for me, and bolted in slamming the door shut. The guys stood on the other side of the doors hitting them and yelling at me. “ Let’s see if you guys get hot,” I smirked. I turned on my heel and made my way towards the girls changing room. I quickly got dressed, and as I made my way out of the changing rooms I ran smack right into someone. I stumbled back, and looked up and saw Corey.
“ Hey there,” he said smirking.
“ Jesus, just stand right outside the girls locker rooms, you creeper,” I hissed bending down to pick up my book bag.
“ blah. Blah. Blah, I was waiting for you, remember I have to take you shopping,” he said leaning against the wall. I stood up and stood in front of him pointing my finger at him.
“ ONE! You could of waited at your car, TWO you are not taking me shopping you are tagging along so you can help me with the stuff,” I said.
“ Mhm, whatever you say,” he said walking past me. I clenched my jaw, and glared at his back. I eventually dragged my feet following after him, but I stopped at the doors, and slowly opened the looking out. I didn’t see any of the football players… If I run to Corey’s car maybe none of them will see me, and I won’t…. Yes I sha’ll break a run for it. I stepped outside of the door, and slowly advanced my way forward, but each time I took a step forward my shoes clicked against the concrete. I stopped, and looked straight, and saw Corey sitting in his car, and he was looking at my funny.
“ TERESCHIA!” I heard my name being shouted. I turned my head and saw all the guys. I broke out into a run my shoes clicking against the concrete, and I grabbed the door handle trying to push it open.
“ C-Corey open the door!” I yelled.
“ Nope,” He mouthed. My jaw dropped.
“ C-Corey! Please! I’ll do anything, just open the door!” I said hitting the window.
“ Anything?” He asked raising an eyebrow. I turned around and saw them running towards the car.
“ Yeah, yeah just open the door!” I said loudly. The door clicked, and I pulled it open jumping in, and slammed the door, and locked it. “ DRIVE BOY!” I shouted. Corey started the car, and we were off. I turned around in my seat, and saw the guys standing their glaring at us. I let out a deep breath sitting back in my seat, and looked over at Corey who was smiling like a complete idiot. I raised an eyebrow.
“ What’s up with you smiley?” I asked.
“ Oh nothing,” He said stopping at a stop light. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“ Mhm,” I said looking in front of me, and I leaned forward to turn on the radio, and the car blasted with rap. I jumped back at first startled, and turned down the radio, and looked over at Corey in shocked.
“ What?” He asked. I lightly hit the side of his head.
“ I’ve been wondering why the hell you haven’t been able to hear me, but now I know why,” I said shaking my head, and flipping the stations.
“ You did not just change my rap,” he said sounding appalled.
“ Oh yes I did just change that crap,” I said rolling my eyes.
“ Rap is amazing,” he said. I changed the radio, and heard Dot Dot Curve playing on the radio, and I stopped leaning back into the seat. “ Now this is bad music,” he said going to lean in. I did too and slapped his hand away.
“ Don’t you change my music boy!” I hissed. He put his hand back on the steering wheel, and we pulled up to the super market, and he turned the car off getting out. I got out too and we walked side by side into the store.
“ Alright, so how much we going to spend?” He asked as we walked into the store. I grabbed a basket, and started to walk towards the fruits.
“ Well I have to buy enough food for seven boys,” I said looking at the apples.
“ Seven?” He asked.
“ C’mon Corey you all practically live at my house,” I sighed. I grabbed two plastic bags, and put five apples in each bag, and put them in the cart. Corey, and I walked around the whole store putting anything that looked good in the cart and some more crap. I was walking past the sports section when something hit me in the back of the head. I turned around and saw Corey with a big grin on his face.
“ Gotchya!” He laughed and through another bouncy ball at me. I caught it and laughed.
“ Your such a kid,” I said turning back around. I stopped and was looking at the movies, and I felt something wet on my neck. I turned around, and saw Corey with a thing of bubbles. “ You didn’t!” I yelled at him punching his shoulder.
“ Oh I just did,” he smirked. I grabbed the bottle of bubbles, and poured them over his head. His face went into pure shock.
“ Oh I just did,” I said turning around and grabbed the cart walking towards the lines, and paid for my things. As I was walking out I realized I just had spent three hundred dollars. That is crazy! I walked up to the car, and saw Corey slowly coming. He unlocked the car, and popped the trunk.
“ I’ll get you for what you did,” he said walking past me and getting into the car. I started laughing, and put the bags away in the car. We drove back home, and I got out of the car, and Corey and I got the grociers and brought them in the house. When we got home it was already getting dark. As I was putting the crap away I noticed that Corey was gone. I was putting something away in the cabinets and I stopped and looked around the kitchen.
“ Corey?” I called out. I was holding a can of soup in my hand when all the lights in the house shut off. I dropped the can, and it smashed sown onto my foot. A scream escaped my mouth, and I stumbled forward falling onto the floor. “ OW! OW! WHAT THE HELL, COREY!” I screamed. I stumbled up feeling my way around in the dark, and I fumbled around bumping into everything and I stopped and tried to listen to this stranger noise. Someone was walking closer to me. I slowly backed away and felt my back hit a wall, and I bit my lip. The sound stopped, and I tilted my head around trying to peer through the darkness, but all I saw was pitch black.
“ You forgot to lock your doors,” a deep voice said. I bolted to my right not knowing where the hell I was going but I freaking hauled ass away from that voice.
“ Corey!” I screamed, and I felt my knees hit something and I fell forward onto the ground. i grumbled some words, and I felt pressure on my knees. Someone sat on top of me pinning my hands over my head. a high pitched scream escaped my lips, and I heard laughing. “ DAMN YOU COREY!” I cried and pushed him off of me. His laughs where loud, and I bit my lip. “ You’re an ass,” I whispered, and I made my way through the dark, and then the lights switched on and blinded me. I heard the back door open and turned around and saw Corey. I made my way up stairs towards my room ignoring him.
“ Oh come on! It was payback!” He called after me. I continued to my room, and I was about to close my door, and Corey stepped in. “ Im sorry! C’mon!” He said. I continued to ignore him, and then I turned around and hit him in the chest.
“ what you did was NOT funny,” I said and I continued to hit his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, and then I felt his foot go behind mine and he tripped me and I fell on my bed, and he fell on top of me pinning my hands above my head, and his body was pressed up against mine. I looked at him.
“ Im sorry,” he whispered again and I felt his warm breath on my lips. “ Im sorry,” He said again bringing his lips closer to mine. I closed my eyes, and then I felt his lips very lightly touch mine. I felt my stomach flip, and I pressed my lips back against his, and I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip, and I smirked slowly opening my mouth, and I felt his tongue slip in my mouth. I continued to kiss him back, and then he pulled away his breathing hard and he looked down at me. I opened my eyes and felt my heart break. He saw the change in my face. “ What’s wrong?” he whispered.
“ You don’t regret kissing your friends little sister do you?” I whispered. He looked at me shocked, and then he pressed his lips back against mine.
“ never,” he said, and pressed his lips back against mine again, and I smiled.
“ Corey your my teacher,” I said trying to get my breath back.
“ Im a substitute,” he said.
“ Teacher.”
“ I’ll quit,” He shrugged. “ I’ve already filled out for another job anyways,” he said.
“ Where?” I asked raising an eyebrow. He rolled off of my closing his eyes. “ Where,” I said again, and I turned on my side looking at him.
“ you’re gonna laugh,” he muttered turning on his side so we were face to face.
“ Tell meeeeeee,” I laughed.
“ Daewoo,” he said quietly.
“ Wait… the kid day care place?” I asked. He nodded his head. “ YOU! Watching kids? Yeah right,” I laughed.
“ I got the job,” he shrugged.
“ how?” I asked shocked.
“ What do you mean how?”
“ Your so irresponsible, and a kid yourself!” I said shaking my head. and he started laughing, and brought his face close to mine, and pressed his lips against mine.
“ Why did you ask me if I regretted the kiss?” He said continuously pressing his lips against mine.
“ Because Art did,” I whispered.
“ He’s a crazy ass mofo,” he said pressing his lips back against mine, and a smile crept onto my face.
“ Corey, I think you’re the crazy ass mofo.”
Chapter eleven-
“ Cut it out why don’t you?” I growled, and through a box of cereal at his head. he yelped and rubbed the back of his head.
“ Why are you so mean to me?” He grumbled.
“ Hey, just because you kissed me-.”
“ And you kissed me back,” he put in. I let out a deep breath narrowing my eyes at him.
“ Beside the point,” I continued. “ I’m not going to be all nice to you, and practically fall at your feet, im still going to be the bitchy ass Ty you love dearly,” I said pointing my finger at him. he rolled his eyes and I continued to put away the crap we bought. “ They guys are going to be home soon, and Im going to lock myself in my room,” I said biting my lip. Corey started laughing, and I heard the front door open. My head shot around. “ What are they doing here! They are fifteen minutes early!” I whispered. I looked at the stairs… I wouldn’t make it. I opened a cabinet, and shoved everything to the side, and slid in their slowly shutting it, and Corey was watching me like I was nuts. The cabinet was dark, and I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“ Corey, where is Ty?” Clay asked. I sat in the cabinet with my knees up to my chest trying to keep my breathing low, and quiet.
“ WHERE IS SHE?” I heard Joe’s voice echo through the house, and I heard people running into the kitchen.
“ Eh, I don’t know,” I heard Corey say, and then I heard footsteps going up the stairs.
“ Corey you haven’t seen her?” Mark asked.
“ Nope,” I heard Corey say. I heard people running around looking for me, and they did not sound happy either. “ actually,” Corey began. “ I might have an idea where she is…” I bit my lip and closed my eyes… I swear to god I’ll kill him… “ Before you guys came in she ran out the back… She was probably trying to find somewhere to hide,” he finished. Then I heard all the guys bolting towards the back door. I sat there for a few seconds, and then someone started to open the cabinet, and I peered out and saw Corey. I gave him a sheepish grin, and he had an amused expression. I slowly crawled out of the cabinet.
“ You owe me,” he said.
“ Blah. Blah. Blah,” I said and I slowly made my way out the front door.
“ Where are you going? Its late,” Corey called after me. I waved my hand at him, and started to walk down the street to the pizza shop, and I ordered three large pizza’s. I was sitting in a chair waiting for them to be finished and then I realized… I have to freaking carry them all home…
“ This wasn’t your smartest plan,” I muttered to myself.
“ have you ever had a smart plan before?” a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Evian. I grinned and got up punching his shoulder.
“ how did you get here?” I asked.
“ My mom drove me, she needs to pick up the pizza she ordered,” he shrugged.
“ Hey,” I said nudging his shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at me. “ wanna drive me home, maybe?” I asked. He started laughing. “ Boy don’t make me walk three blocks with three large pizza’s.” I said pointing a finger at him. He started laughing.
“ Get your pizza’s and come on,” He said patting my shoulder. I smirked, and grabbed my pizza’s, and he grabbed his and we walked out. I’ve never met his mom before and when we walked out and I saw her my jaw dropped.
“ Evian your mom is beautiful,” I whispered before getting in the car. Her skin looked like silk, and she had jet black straight silk hair, and radiant green eyes.
“ Hello, you must be Ty,” She smiled.
“ yes ma’am,” I said putting the pizza’s in the car.
“ Where do you live Hun?” She asked as I got into the back seat. Evian got in the front and she started the car.
“ Just three blocks down,” I said pointing towards where I live. She nodded her head, and we made our way towards my place. The car rolled up to the front of my house, and I got out. “ Thanks for the drive, and cya around Evian,” I said grabbing the pizza’s.
“ Cya dude,” he said.
“ Cya duddet,” I smirked. He rolled his eyes, and I made my way towards my front door. I stopped at the front door taking a deep breath, and I knocked. When the door opened Clay stood there.
“ Pizza?” he asked.
“ Truce?” I said raising an eyebrow. He narrowed his eyes at me and nodded his head, and I walked in, and saw all the guys practically passed out in the front room. “ PIZZA, YOU BUMS!” I yelled walking into the kitchen. As I set down the pizza’s everyone came into the kitchen. “ Damn ya’ll look tired,” I said shrugging my shoulders. Troy stood next to me, and shoved my hip lightly.
“ Don’t push your luck,” he said, and I bit my lip trying to suppress my laughter, and nodded my head, and stepped back and the guys started to scarf down the food. I made my way towards the stairs, but then I turned around and looked at Corey and then at Art. I like Art, but he doesn’t like me like that, and I never did like Corey like that but he like me like that… Blah… Art is only two years older than me, and Corey is like four and a half years older than me… I sighed, and made my way up to my room, and closed the door behind me letting out a deep breath. I fell onto my bed, and closed my eyes. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my phone, and dialed in a number I knew by heart. The phone rang about 6 times before someone answered.
“ Hello?” Evian said.
“ Hey man,” I said.
“ Ty, what’s up?” he asked.
“ So, ugh you know Corey right?” I asked. The line was quiet…
“ yeah, yeah. He is… the sub right?”
“ was…” I put in.
“ Was? What did he quite or something?”
“ yeah he quite… okay so you know him… well he is a friend of the family… and um yeah he practically lives here like the other six idiots…” I stopped.
“ What happened?” he asked.
“ Do you think Corey is too… Old for me?” I finished. I felt my face start to get run.
“ Awh, you have a crush?” he asked. I could hear the humor in his face.
“ boy, don’t make me come through this phone and pound your face in,” I hissed.
“ Okay! Okay!” He said quickly. I let out a deep breath.
“ I don’t think I like him… I don’t really know. He kissed me today though,” I said biting my lip.
“ Oooh, so someone has a crush on Ty,” He said sounding understanding.
“ Um sure,” I said shaking my head.
“ Age is just a number in my eyes.”
“ Mhm in your eyes…” I trailed off… We were quite on the phone, and then he cleared his throat.
“ Did you kiss him back?” he asked. I bit my lip, and closed my eyes.
“ yeah.”
“ Then you must have some type of feelings for him,” he said. I started laughing. “ What’s so funny?” He asked.
“ I always thought girls were supposed to give this kind of advice… not guys,” I shrugged.’
“ You aint got no girlfriends, so im the closest thing you got,” he said.
“ You’re the closest thing I got to a girl friend?” I questioned. I heard him say something but I couldn’t understand him.
“ Shut up Ty,” He finally said. I started to laugh. “ Are you dating him?” He asked. I raised an eyebrow.
“ nope..” I stopped. “ Oh my god… I’m a whore!” I nearly whispered. Evian started cracking up, and I clenched my teeth. “ blah,” I mumbled. I brought my hand up to my nose and pinched the bridge of my nose taking a deep breath.
“ You’re not a whore,” he said between laughter’s. I let out a sigh. “ You make me laugh Ty,” He said taking a deep breath.
“ Mhm, thanks,” I muttered.
“ I gotta go, text me” he said.
“ I don’t text,” I muttered.
“ learn how to, im out,” he said and then the line went dead. I rolled my eyes, and turned off my phone, and threw it on the bed, and got out of bed, and walked over to my closet, and pulled a big black shirt, and put some boxers on, and made my way downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, my foot stepped on top of something. I felt a sharp tingle, and I yelped, and went face first down the stairs. I brought my hands out in front of me, and went tumbling. I laid at the bottom of the stairs, and looked down at my foot, and saw blood. I sat up, and felt a sharp pain in my wrist but I ignored it, and looked at my foot, and pulled out a…
“ Glass?” I muttered.
“ What was that noise?” Clay asked. I looked up when he came walking out of the kitchen. “ Ty! What happened?” he asked kneeling down next to me.
“ A piece of glass was on the stairs… WHY WAS A PIECE OF GLASS ON THE STAIRS?” I growled hitting him upside the head.
“ how should I know?” he hissed.
“ Because this is your house dumb. Dumb,” I said shaking my head.
“ You should of known too then, because this is also your house dumb, dumb,” he said hitting the side of my head. I narrowed my eyes at him, and looked back at my foot, and slowly gripped onto the glass and pulled it out. It was about four inches long, and I tilted my head back biting my lip. “ BAH! Don’t do that!” he hissed and he jumped up and came back with a towel pressing it against my foot. “You might need stitches,” he said looking at it.
“ Its deep… not wide… I’ll be fine,” I muttered.
“ Come on, let’s get you up,” he said. I grabbed his hand, and went to go stand up and when I put weight on my foot it stung. I hissed. “ We should take you to the doctors…” he muttered. I shook my head.
“ No… Just… ARGH! I’m going to kill one of you guys one of these days,” I said shaking my head. I was standing on one foot holding the towel to my foot. Clay wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off of the ground. “ hey,” I muttered.
“ Oh, shut up!” He grumbled. I let out a huff crossing my arms over my chest, and he had my sit down on the counter, and then just walked out. I threw my hands up in the air.
“ Oh my lord,” I muttered leaning down putting my head in my hands. I heard someone else walking in and I looked up and saw Corey.
“ Your always getting hurt,” he laughed. He stood next to me, and started to clean my cut.
“ this time it was totally not my fault,” I shrugged. He started laughing.
“ Mhm,” he mumbled.
“ Whatever,” I muttered. He finished wrapping my foot, and I went to go get down but he stepped closer to me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “ Corey,” I muttered. He stood closer again standing in-between my legs, and had both of his hands on the sides of my thighs. “ Your like four and a half years older than me,” I muttered.
“ so?” he asked leaning in closer to me.
“ eh,” I started to lose my train of thought, and then he pressed his lips back against mine again, and I kissed him back. I felt his hands linger on my thighs, and he wrapped one of his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He stopped kissing me, and wrested his forehead against mine looking me in the eyes, and he looked amused. “ What?” I muttered.
“ nothing,” he said and pressed his lips back against mine again. “ Im going to go take a shower,” he said and kissed me again, and made his way upstairs. I sat there, and then hear someone clear their throats and I looked over and saw Art staring at me. I got off of the counter, and started to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.
“ So your choosing Corey?” he said sounding mad.
“ What do you mean choosing Corey?” I hissed. “ You regretted the kiss right after we did it, Corey didn’t… You only tried to give me a chance once I started dressing differently… Corey thought I was beautiful before I changed,” I said shaking my head.
“ And you’re gonna believe that?” he said.
“ I don’t know what to ever believe,” I said turning to him. Art took a step closer to me, but I put my hand on his chest pushing him back. “ I don’t like you like that anymore,” I whispered.
“ You sure about that?” He asked. We stood their looking at one another, and I let out a deep breath nodding my head. He stepped closer to me, and I stepped back and felt my back hit the wall, and he brought his hand up to my face, and stroked my cheek with his thumb, and was awfully close to me looking down at me. I looked up at him, and he lent down and pressed his lips against my forehead.
“ Art…”
“ You like me… I know it… You’re going to know it too,” he whispered and then turned around and walked into the front room. I stood their gawking after him, and I brought my hand up to my forehead and growled.
“ Stupid… stupid… boys….” I hissed.
Chapter 12-
I laid in my bed, and my foot was sore from stepping on that piece of glass. I laid in bed, and took out my phone dialing in Evian’s number. After a few rings I heard someone pick up the line.
“ Hello?” A groggy voice answered.
“ Evian, my man!” I said happily.
“ Ty… What… What time is it?” He asked. I rolled onto my side and looked at the clock.
“ Oh it’s like…. 2am…” I muttered. He was silent on the other line.
“ Why…. I…. just…” He stopped talking.
“ I can’t sleep though!” I wined.
“ GO TO SLEEP!” he yelled and then he hung up. I growled and got out of bed kind of limping, and threw on a hoodie, and my converse, and slowly made my way down the stairs trying to be quiet… I slowly went down the stairs, and I was on the third stair from the bottom, and of course someone was up.
“ Ty, where are you going?” Corey asked. I came to a halt, and turned around smiling.
“ Just um… going for a walk,” I muttered, and slowly walked down the stairs, and he followed behind me.
“ I’ll go with you,” He smiled.
“ no… That’s ok,” I said reaching for the door handle. He wrapped his arm around my waist smirking.
“ I wasn’t asking,” he shrugged. I rolled my eyes, and we walked outside the house, and he quietly shut the door behind him. We started walking, and he had his arm wrapped around me, and I stepped away removing his arm from around me, and he gave me a irritated look.
“ What?” I hissed.
“ Well, I should be able to wrap my arm around my-.” I stopped cutting him off.
“ You? Your what? We aint boyfriend or girlfriend or anything like that,” I said shaking my head.
“ Well, you never know,” he shrugged. I rolled my eyes, and saw the park, and I broke out into a run towards the swings, ignoring the pain in my foot. I heard Corey calling out towards me, and he started running towards me. I stopped at the swings, and Corey ran up behind me wrapping his arms around me, and I felt his lips the my neck. I tried pushing him off.
“ Cut it out!” I hissed, and his hands started moving up my hips. “ I’m KEEL you!” I said turning around and pushing him away.
“ C’mon you liked it earlier,” he said smirking.
“ oh shut up,” I said, and he wrapped his arms around me, and looked down at me smiling.
“ Your gorgeous,” He said pressing his lips against my forehead.
“ Your crazy,” I said shaking my head.
“ I am not crazy, im in love and its complicated,” He said bringing his lips closer to mine.
“ In love with your right hand,” I muttered turning my head to the side so his lips pressed against my cheek.
“ Im a lefty,” He smirked.
“ That’s exactly why it’s complicated,” I said stepping away from him. He let out a laugh, and I sat on a swing. I looked across the park at the ice scream shop.
“ you want ice scream?” He asked.
“ Um… I don’t know…” I said looking down. I felt his hand traveling up my thigh, and I watched his hand.
“ I think me and you should go have some fun,” he smirked.
“ Go get me some ice scream,” I muttered. He nodded his head, and walked away heading towards the ice scream shop. I sat on the swings letting out a deep breath, and I looked around. I hate how he is so damn touchy! Im not into that crap! I got up and started walking away from the ice scream shop, and I heard Corey call out my name, and I broke out into a run, and then I felt his hand wrap around my arm, and he lifted me over his shoulders, and slapped my ass.
“ you’re a fast runner,” He laughed, and he laid me on the ground crawling on top of me, and pressed his lips against mine. “ I like you Ty, and you’re gonna be mine,” he said sounding cocky.
“ I aint ever going to be anyone’s,” I said harshly. He pressed his lips against mine again, and I tried pushing him off of me, but he was too strong.
“ C’mon don’t you like me, or do you want Art?” He asked looking down at me. I laid there looking at him, and I shook my head.
“ None of your business ,” I growled.
“ Hunny, its totally my business,” and he tried to kiss me again, but I turned my head away.
“ Corey cut it out,” I said rolling my eyes.
“ I really like you Ty, just be my girlfriend,” He said kissing down my neck. “ You and Art, he only see’s you as Clay’s baby sister. I see you as a mature gorgeous sexy woman,” he said sucking on my neck.
“ C-Corey,” I muttered but I felt like I couldn’t talk.
“ I know im acting like a horny ass, but I want you to be my girlfriend, before anyone else gets their hands on you,” he smirked, and he looked at me in the eyes again. I laid there looking at him, and leaned my head up pressing my lips against his and he pressed his lips back against mine, and I felt him slip his tongue in my mouth, and I wanted to pull back, but I didn’t. we stopped kissing and he got up pulling me up with him, and he wrapped his arm around my waist and we made our way back to my house. When we walked through the door everyone was in the front room playing video games… at three in the morning… Really… ugh.
“ Whoa, what’s this?” Clay stammered. Everyone looked up, and Corey still had his arm around my waist, and my eyes connected with Art’s and I quickly look away.
“ Guys, Ty is my girlfriend,” Corey smirked bringing me in front of him, and he kissed the side of my neck.
“ Dude, no,” Clay said looking between the two of us.
“ Yeah, there is no way he would date Ty,” Art said harshly. I looked at Art sternly, and turned around pressing my lips against Corey’s and then walked away from him going up the stairs.
“ Actually Art if you really must now, I lost it to him, so yeah we are together,” I said harshly. The room become completely quiet and I walked into my room and fell down to the ground… Why the fuck did I say that… That didn’t even happen! What am I like freaking doing… I laid back in my bed, and attempted to go to sleep. Did I? Hell no. I heard someone walk into my room, and they shut the door behind them, but I pretended like I was sleeping until the blankets where ripped off of me, and I had someone sitting on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Art.
“ You didn’t have sex with him,” Art said looking down at me.
“ I… yes … Yes I did,” I said glaring at him. He shook his head.
“ No you fucking didn’t!” He said loudly, but not loud enough for someone else to hear us.
“ Why the hell do you care?” I said quietly. He laid on top of me, but he didn’t say a word.
“ I don’t care, just don’t get pregnant, I was expecting you to lose it soon anyway,” he shrugged and got up. I felt my blood boil and I jumped out of bed, and attacked him. We fell onto the ground rolling on top of one another, and I got on top of him, and hit him in the face as hard as I could, and he grunted and I rolled off of him, and he laid on his side holding his face. I stood up and felt tears in my eyes, but I turned around.
“ Just get out,” I muttered.
“ Im not leaving,” He said.
“ Yes you are, I don’t care. You… I don’t need someone like you in my life. Im just clay’s little sister to you… and that’s how it’s going to stay.”
“ That’s not true.
“ That’s what you fucking said, but then you take it back when I start dressing like a fucking fake as whore!”
“ I…. That…”
“ Im not a fucking whore, get out of my room,” I said dryly. I heard him shuffling around and I heard my door opening.
“ You haven’t had sex with him, and all I ask of you is not to, he’ll win the bet,” And then my door shut and I stood there looking at my door.
“ The bet?” I whispered.
Chapter 13-
“ Earth to Ty, Hello?” Evian said waving his hand in front of my face. I swapped his hand away from my face looking back out at the sky. Evian and I were in the woods at our hiding place. It only use to be mine… but I call it ours know, since he’s always with me now. “ TY!” He screamed. I jumped and hit his arm.
“ What was that for? Scared the living hell out of me!” I said startled. He started laughing and I glared at him. “ Im not amused,” I said shaking my head.
“ I mean, you were like totally in another world,” he said looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders. “ So, you and Corey?” He asked.
“ What about us…” I mumbled.
“ What’s going on with you two? There is obviously something wrong, because you look like your about to shoot someone dead,” He said raising an eyebrow. I small smirk came across my face and I looked down shaking my head.
“ There is something about a bet,” I said looking at Evian.
“ A.. A bet?” he said looking a little shocked. I nodded my head letting out a dry laugh.
“ Oh yeah, a bet. About? I have no clue…”
“ Well I did see Corey talking to a bunch of guys from the football team the other day.. Other than your brother and his friends… not them… but the rest of the guys,” he said shrugging.
“ You think they are trying to get back at me for making their practices hell?” I asked. We both sat there thinking.
“ I don’t know… Maybe…” He shrugged. I stood up and started to laugh.
“ Well if Corey did so make a bet with the football players… It’s not going to affect me, because he is the one that is going to end up dead,” I said evilly. Evian started laughing and I looked at him raising an eyebrow.
“ They must all have a death wish if they are trying to mess with you,” he said shaking his head. “You might be my best friend, but even I know not to fuck with you, because you can be petrifying…” I started cracking up, and he looked at me and shook his head laughing.
“ Damn straight boy!” I laughed. He started laughing harder rolling his eyes. “ Awe, you know I could never hurt you!” I said wrapping my arms around him.
“ I beg to differ,” He said. I hit his arm and stood up smiling.
“ Whatever,” I said giving him the hand. He laughed and I helped him up.
“ So how are you going to investigate?” He asked. I put my hands on my hips, and got lost in my thought…
“ You’ll see,” I whispered.
“ YOU GOTTA TELL ME!” He cried.
“ Just wait and see,” I smirked and I started to weave my way out of the woods, and Evian followed behind me.
“ Oh c’mon Ty!” He cried.
“ Oh shut up!” I hissed.
“ Your so mean,” he cried.
“ Mhm.”
“ Well your obviously going to do something with the football team, but they wouldn’t make a bet with your brother knowing, so you’re going to try to hear or watch them when your brother and your brothers friends are not around… but I just don’t know how…” he muttered. I stopped turning around smiling.
“ You’re a pretty smart boy Evian, pretty smart boy,” I said and continued to walk.
“ So, how are you going to do it?” He asked.
“ No more questions!!!” I hissed. He groaned and I ignored him. He continued to ask me what I was going to do, and I continued to ignore that question.
“ You’re not going to tell me, are you?” He asked.
“ Nope,” I said happily. I heard him do a heavy sigh and I bit my lip trying to suppress my laughter.
“ Wait! Wait! Where are you going?” Evian asked putting his arm over my shoulders.
“ Im going to get my skate board and go… skate around,” I said.
“ Sounds like you’re up to something,” He said raising an eyebrow.
“ Exactly,” I laughed, and we went separate ways and I made my way towards my house so I could get my skate board. I ran through the front room, and went barrowing up the stairs in search for my skateboard. No one seemed to be home, and when I opened my door I ran smack into someone. I was in Corey’s arm and he looked down at me with a smirk, and he picked me off of the ground, and laid me on my bed.
“ Hey babe,” He smirked kissing my neck.
“ Corey cut it out, I gotta go,” I hissed pushing him off of me. He put my hands above my head, and continued to kiss my neck.
“ I wanna make some loving to you,” he whispered in my ear.
“ Corey, I swear to the seven hells im going to kill you!” I yelled and pushed him off of me, and I went over to my closet pulling out my skate board. Corey sat up on my bed watching me.
“ Where are you going?” He asked.
“ I have to go do something. Tell Clay that I’ll be home later,” I muttered and I started walking out of my room, but Corey grabbed my arm spinning me around and went to go plant a kiss on my lips but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek.
“ Why are you being so stubborn,” He whispered in my ear.
“ Don’t you love it?” I asked and I ran down the stairs and went through the front door throwing my skate board onto the ground, and I made my way to our school. I got there, and I slowly entered the building. Its Saturday and on one should be here except for the football players. I saw the boys changing room, and I turned around making my way to my locker. I put my skateboard inside, and grabbed a rubber band putting my hair up and slipped on a baseball hat. I looked down at my ripped skinny jeans, and I was wearing a baggy green day shirt. This should do. I made my way towards the boys locker rooms with my head down so no one would recognize me. I saw Clay, and the guys coming out of the boys locker room, and I stopped leaning against the wall and looked down waiting for them to pass. The last person to pass me was Art, and I continued to look down waiting for them to disappear. I continued towards the guys locker room, and I slowly walked inside, and heard the rest of the guys in the back.
“ Is Corey coming?” Someone asked. I slowed down, and stood next to one of the lockers so I could hear them talking.
“ I don’t know, I think he said today he was going to get it in,” another guy said.
“ Man, if he does we all owe him fifty bucks, because I honestly didn’t think Ty would ever fuck him,” the first guy asked.
“ We shouldn’t of ever made that bet, we are going to end up paying him almost two hundred bucks for getting in Ty’s pants,” He said angered. I clenched my fist and teeth. So that’s the bet eh? I turned around, and ran into someone, and they put their hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream. I looked into Art’s eyes.
“ Shit,” I whispered. Art grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the guys bathroom. “ Let go of my hand!” I hissed, but he continued to drag me along with him. Was that the smartest plan I’ve had? No… did I think it through? No…. But did I find out what I needed to find out? Yes. So it’s all worth it. The next thing I knew is Ty dragged me into an extra closet with him shutting the door.
“ So you know about the bet now?” He asked.
“ The question is, how long did YOU know about the bet?” I asked raising an eyebrow. He looked away rubbing the back of his neck. I stepped away from him appalled. “ Art! Where you in the bet!” I almost screamed.
“I… Yes… BUT! But only because I knew I wouldn’t have to pay up, and I knew you wouldn’t sleep with him, but… but then I saw you two were getting close…. And I didn’t want you to become a bet or a joke… its wrong,” He said shaking his head.
“ You were in the bet!” I growled and I brought my fist up hitting him right in the jaw.
“ Only because I knew he was going to lose, and if he lost he had to pass us in 2 of our classes, I knew he wouldn’t get in your pants, and I would get two straight A’s.”
“ That’s pity,” I said shaking my head.
“ Im sorry…” He whispered. I rolled my eyes, and I started towards the door to the closet. “where are you going?” He asked.
“ Gonna go see Corey,” I shrugged.
“ Are you going to break up with him?” Art asked.
“ No, im going to get the boy in bed with me,” I said harshly and I walked out of the closet leaving Art in there alone. I pulled the hat off of my head letting my hair fall down my back, and I went to my locker grabbing my skateboard and I started making my way home, and I felt my blood boiling the whole time. When I got home I closed the door.
“ Anyone home!” I yelled out.
“ Im the only one here,” I heard Corey say from upstairs. I dropped my skateboard, and made my way up the stairs, and walked into my room and saw Corey laying on my bed. “ Hey,” I smiled.
“ Hey babe,” He grinned. He was laying on my bed with his head rested on my pillows, and I slowly crawled onto the bed and straddled him kissing his neck. I felt his hands roam around my body, and I sat up removing my shirt and he laid there looking at me, and I took off his shirt, and leaned down and pressed my lips against his. He rolled on top of me, and he took of his pants and then took off mine. Through this boxers I saw his hard on and I smirked, and I leaned forward.
“ Give it to me hard,” I whispered. He took of his pants, and he looked exited. I rolled over on top of him, and smirked. “ Ready to be completely shocked?” I asked. He nodded his head, and I got up and picked up my pants off of the ground and put them on along with my shirt.
“W-What are… What are you doing?!” He gasped.
“ I aint no bet hunny,” I said smirking. He looked completely pissed, and I saw the rage in his eyes.
“ That was wrong,” He said getting up.
“ Who ever said I did things right,” I shrugged and with that I turned around and walked out of my room leaving him sitting on my bed completely naked, and I must say very unsatisfied.
Chapter fourteen-
I sat on the couch flipping through the channels. Corey was upstairs in my room, probably still on my bed in total shock. I heard the front door open, and all the guys came piling in. I continued to look at the T.V.
“ Hey Ty,” Clay said plopping down on the couch next to me.
“ Mhm,” I muttered. All the guys decided to try to sit on the same couch. My couch! “ Idiots, there is another couch right there,” I said pointing to it. Art sat on that couch alone. Our eyes met and I looked away from him. I heard Corey coming down the stairs and all the guys turned to look at him.
“ Hey guys,” he muttered not making eye contact with me. I stood up and started laughing.
“ Hey guys!” I grinned. “ Who wants to … hmmm make a bet?” I asked looking at Corey and slowly at Art. Neither of them would look at me.
“ What kind of bet?” Clay asked.
“ If Corey is going to be found dead tomorrow morning,” I said harshly. The room was quiet. They could tell I wasn’t joking. I was still fucking pissed.
“ What happened?” Clay asked.
“ Ask Corey and Art,” I said glaring at Corey. He looked at me, and I knew he didn’t want me to tell them. Clay looked at Corey.
“ I don’t know what she’s talking about dude,” Corey muttered. Clay then look at Art, but it was obvious Art wasn’t going to say a damn word.
“ It’s pretty funny actually,” I said loudly. “ Corey here,” I walked over to Corey lightly punching his shoulder. “ he had a bet, which Art was also in,” I said gesturing over at Art. “ Well the bet was…” I laughed rubbing the back of my neck. “ Corey was going to get a lot of money, if he succeeded in getting into my pants, and if he didn’t, then he would have to give the whole football team, excluding, you,” I pointed to Clay, Troy, mark, Gabe, and Joe. They all looked at Art.
“ Art was in the bet?” Gabe said looking appalled.
“ Mhm,” I said still looking at Corey. I really didn’t give a damn about Art being in the best, I wanted Corey to pay. I heard someone standing up, and then I saw a body fling at Corey and I heard a cracking sound. My jaw dropped and I saw Clay pounding Corey’s face in. All the guys stood up, but Art stayed right where he was. Joe pulled Clay off of him.
“ Clay stop, you’ll kill him,” Joe said trying to get him off, and then Troy helped Joe.
“ Good, I want to kill the bastard,” Clay snarled.
“ I think you have done enough damage,” Mark said looking at Corey who was bent over blood tricking from his mouth and nose. “ He got pretty beat up,” mark laughed. I stood there looking at Corey, and I stepped forward swinging my leg back and then swinging it up hard hitting him directly between the legs. Corey grunted stumbling forward grabbing his crouch.
“ He’s good now,” I shrugged and turned around and sat on the couch across from Art. We sat there looking at one another.
“ Get out of my house,” I heard Clay say. I looked up and he was standing in front of Corey. Corey looked up, and damn Clay sure did get a number on him. Corey limped to the front door, but before he left me he turned to me and mouthed bitch and I made a heart with my hands. Then he was gone. “I want you out of my house too,” Clay said. I looked up and Clay and he was looking at Art. Art looked shocked.
“ What the hell? “Art said.
“ I want you out of my damn house, you in a bet like that,” Clay said shaking his head. All the guys looked like they were agreeing with Clay. Art looked at all of them, and shook his head standing up.
“ Whatever dude,” he growled, and I kept my head down. I couldn’t look at him. I wasn’t expecting this. I heard his footsteps and then the door open, and I heard it slam shut hard. it was quiet. I sat there and closed my eyes for a second. Sadness washed over me, and I felt so damn depressed. I didn’t want Art to leave.
“ Clay,” I murmured.
“ What?” He said sounding still pissed.
“ You shouldn’t have done that to Art,” I said looking at Clay.
“ Shouldn’t have? Are you crazy! He was in a bet they you were going to sleep with someone, he was basically implying that you were a whore,” He said shaking his head.
“ No, no that’s now how it was,” I whispered looking down at my hands.
“ You feel sorry for the guy?” Clay laughed.
“ Clay he’s been your friend for years! You can’t just get rid of him like that, he has always been there for the both of us. He’s been here for all of us,” I said looking at all the guys.
“ Yeah and look what he did,” Clay said coldly. I stood up shaking my head and walked past him but he grabbed my arm. “ Where are you going,” He said.
“ Not here,” I muttered and yanked my arm away from him opening the front door and I slammed it shut, and ran down the drive way towards the woods. By the time I got to the woods I was out of breath, and started weaving around the tree’s to the hiding spot. I reached in my pocket so I could call Evian but then I realized I left my phone at the house. I sighed, and got to the hiding spot, and saw someone sitting on the grass. I stopped.
“ Evian?” I muttered out of breath. He turned around started.
“ Whoa, hey Ty. Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” He smiled. I got up sitting next to him.
“ I found out the bet,” I muttered. Evian studied me and saw that something happened. Something bad.
“ Ty…” He whispered. I looked at him and poured my heart out, telling him everything that had happened. While doing that he looked at me, and listened. He really listened, nodding his head. by the time I was done telling him the story I was out of breath. We sat there for a few minutes.
“ Damn,” He finally said.
“ You got that right,” I muttered shaking my head.
“ You forgive Art though, you didn’t want Clay to act like that towards him?” he asked.
“ of course I forgive Art, I talked to him about the bet. Even though he gave me a dumbass reason as to why he stupidly agreed to it… I forgive him,” I whispered. “ Clay was such an ass,” I muttered.
“ You can’t blame him.”
“ What do you mean?”
“ You’re his baby sister. He loves you, all he is trying to do is protect you,” He shrugged. I let out a sigh thinking about it.
“ Damnit, why are you always right!” I groaned falling back laying in the grass.
“ I’m just good like that,” Evian said sounding pleased with himself. I snorted smiling, and Evian laid down next to me. I turned my head looking at him and he smiled at me.
“ Why were you here?” I asked. Evian sighed turning his head to the sky. I continued to look at him.
“ Me and Liz got into a fight. I was upset, and didn’t know where to go, so I came here. I hope it’s okay with you,” He whispered.
“ Evian, this is our play. Yours and mine, you can always come here,” I said. he looked over at me and rolled on his side wrapping his arms around me and held me close to him.
“ Thanks Ty,” he smiled. I hugged him back.
“ Of course bud, so what the little…” I stopped myself. “ Witch say?” I finished. He started laughing and rolled onto his back again.
“ She accused me of cheating,” He muttered shaking his head. I creased my forehead.
“ With who?”
“ You,” I laughed. I broke out into laughter’s.
“ Evian,” I gasped. “ Your girlfriend is a real piece of work,” And I continued to laugh.
“ Shut up Ty, shut up,” he smiled.

Chapter fifteen:
I sat outside for lunch, I didn’t feel like being in the lunch rooms. I sat next to a tree half way falling asleep, I hardly got any sleep last night. I laid there, thinking. I don’t even remember what I was thinking of. Me and Clay haven’t talked. We are not getting along too great at the moment. It’s been two days since everything happened, and I haven’t really talked to anyone, except Evian who has been stressed out because of his girlfriend.
“ Uh Ty,” Someone said interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and saw Liz standing in front of me with a hand on her hip. I raised an eyebrow.
“ Hey Liz,” I muttered.
“ So, Ty, we need to talk,” She said with these damn attitude.
“ What is it?” I asked. She continued to stand, and I looked up at her.
“ You need to stop talking to Evian,” She said glaring at me.
“ Excuse me?” I laughed. I literally laughed. Please tell me she isn’t doing this.
“ You heard me.”
“ Listen, Liz, I don’t know what goes on in that pretty little head of yours, but you’re not going to tell me who I am going to talk to and who I am not going to talk to. That’s so immature,” I said rolling my eyes.
“ Ty, I don’t want you talking to my boyfriend,” she said louder. I gritted my teeth standing up in front of her.
“ Listen, Liz,” I started off smiling, but I was pissed. “ Me and your boyfriend, Evian, we are friends, and we are going to continue to hang out and talk. If you got a problem with that,” I stopped poking her shoulder. “ Then you can,” And I poked her shoulder harder, and winked at her. “ You can just fuck off,” I smirked. The look on her face was priceless! Then the next thing I knew, the crazy girl punched me in my face! Well she attempted… I stepped back gawking at her. Her face went from confident to scared shitless after she realized what she did. I brought my fist up, smashing it into her face, and a cry came from her lips and she stumbled back. “ If you’re going to attempt to punch me, learn how to do it right,” I hissed. She sat on the ground holding her face, and she looked up at me her nose bleeding. I shook my head walking past her, and I felt her hand wrap around my ankle, and I stumbled forward, then she jumped up and jumped on my back pulling at my hair. I fell forward, and she landed on top of me.
“ You dumb bitch!” She screamed, scratching the shit out of my head. I started cussing at her, and tried to get her off of me, before she scratched my eyes out. What a freaking cat fight! I don’t do this shit. I rolled out from underneath her, and got on top of her, kneeling on her arms, and she cried out in pain. I caught my breath, and my face stung. She took those nails and scratched all the way across my face. I sat on top of her glaring.
“ Listen Hun, if you’re going to try to fight, then fucking fight, don’t do this hair pulling slapping shit,” I growled. She spit on me…. My eyes widened, and I punched her in her face again, and she muttered a cuss word. I rolled off of her and she grabbed her face.
“ You broke my nose!” She cried.
“ Ah, I bet it’s just a scratch, and if anything I fixed it for you. It was crooked anyways,” I shrugged. I turned around, and saw Evian standing there looking at both of us wide eyed. “ I didn’t start it this time, you’re crazy ass girlfriend did,” I said walking past him. He grabbed my arm, spinning my around.
“ Are you okay?” He asked touching my face. Kind of stung.
“ Aghh, I’m fine, just a scratch for your girlfriend,” I shrugged. He shook his head.
“ Ex-girlfriend,” he corrected me. I raised an eyebrow, and I heard the gasp come out of Liz’s mouth.
“ Excuse me!” She screeched.
“ This is my best friend, what the fuck it wrong with you?” he said looking at her like she was crazy.
“ Your best friend? She is a pyscho path!” She screamed pointing to me. I rolled my eyes. Sadly this was amusing. Evian turned away from her, and he grabbed my hand, and pulled me along with him. I heard the hissy fit I heard Liz having behind us, and I bit my lip trying to suppress a laugh. Me and Evian got to the side of the school building, and I leaned against the wall smirking. Evian was looking at me.
“ What?” I muttered.
“ Your face looks fucked up..” He said brushing his hand across my cheek. I raised an eyebrow.
“ That bad? She didn’t even get a hit on me though,” I shrugged.
“ No, it looks like you got scratched by a tiger,” He said avoiding my eyes. I creased my forehead, shaking my head.
“ Chick wants to put a fight up with me, and she has to do that pathetic scratching and hair pulling,” I hissed. Evian started laughing, and I looked up at him. “ What’s so damn funny?” I asked.
“ I’m remembering Liz’s face… You fucked her up,” He said, and he bent down laughing hard. I smirked looking up.
“ Yeah, yeah I know. She is just… I never liked her at all,” I smirked.
“ Yeah I know.”
We both started laughing hard, and I leaned forward and hit his arm, and he grabbed my wrist pulling me forward. I was shocked by this, and tripped over my feet, and he brought me down to the ground, pinning me down.
“ You ass, I wasn’t expecting that,” I growled, trying to get out from beneath him, and man he was strong. “ I’m going to kill you! Get off!” I hissed. He was laughing.
“ And you call yourself strong,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes, and saw his hand was close to my face, and I bit his hand. He jumped back, and held his hand. “ You! You bit me!” He gasped. I jumped up fast.
“ yes, Yes I did indeed!” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“ That’s so mature.”
“ Shove it up your…” He cut me off placing his hand over my mouth. I licked his hand, and he removed it wiping it on his shirt.
“ Your gross,” he said shaking his head. I smirked.
“ Well, I’m gonna get going, can’t wait for school to be over. I want to go home and sleep,” I sighed.
“ All you do is sleep lately,” he said looking at me closely. I shrugged, and made my way back into the school. The rest of the day, I just slept in my classes. I was in my own little bubble. Gym was my last class, and I decided to ditch it and just walk home early. As I was leaving the building, and I started making my way down the street, and I heard a car pull up next to me. I looked over and saw Gabe.
“ Are you ditching young lady?” He asked raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.
“ You gonna give me a ride home, or do I have to walk,” I said making my way over to the car.
“ Hop in,” he laughed. I got in, and brought my feet up, my legs to my chest, and I rested my chin on my knees.
“ Your ditching class too you know,” I said looking at the road.
“ Don’t feel like doing anything, so how’s things with Clay?”
“ How do you think? Your always around, you should know. I don’t talk to him.”
“ Everyone should just kiss and make up,” he said.
“ Oh, so you are gay,” I said looking over at him.
“ Stop being a smart ass!” I started laughing. It is true though. They should all just get along. Doesn’t feel the same not having Art there, not as fun, and it’s pretty depressing actually.
“ You think Clay and Art will be friends again?” I whispered.
“ Eventually.” I sighed, turning my head to look out the window. “ You like Art, don’t you?” Gabe randomly asked.
“ What are you talking about?” I scoffed looking over at him.
“ I can tell you like him, and it seems like he likes you, but what’s going? Fill me in Ty.”
“ We kissed yes, but then he said it was a mistake, and that I was just Clay’s little sister, and when I started dressing like a freaking hooker, then he noticed me,” I grumped looking down.
“ I think he regrets what he said, I mean, all these years he has known you, he kind of see’s you as his own sister. He still thinks you’re a kid, and what he did with you, he probably couldn’t process it at the moment. Everything just came to him too fast so he said something stupid,” Gabe said. I sat there and thought about it for a couple minutes. The rest of the ride home was quiet, and we pulled up to the house, we both got out of the car.
“ You’re not going home?” I asked.
“ when do I ever go to my house? I do live here,” He laughed.
“ Yeah, true,” I said rolling my eyes. Gabe went in the house, but I decided to sit outside on the front porch. Maybe Gabe was right about what he thought about Art. I sat there, and put my face in my hands sighing.
“ Ty?” I heard Art’s voice ask. I looked up, not expecting to see him. I haven’t seen Art for about a week.
“ Uh.. Hey Art,” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.
“ We need to talk,” he said walking over to me.
Ah shit…

Chapter sixteen:
“ What do we need to talk about?” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck. He looked at me like I was dumb.
“ Really Ty, really,” He said standing in the same place. I diverted my eyes away from him biting my lip.
“ Well, I don’t think we should talk here..” I muttered.
“ Why is that?” He asked.
“ Because, Clay still hates you,” I shrugged. I looked up at him, and he wasn’t looking at me. He looked damn sad.
“ Where do you want to go,” he asked. I’ve never gone to his house before. All the years I have known him, never gone to his place. He was looking at me, and I swear to god he read my mind. “ I don’t think you would want to go to my house,” He muttered.
“ Let’s just go there,” I said standing up. He nodded his head, and I got in his car, and we drove to his house. We didn’t say a damn word in the car, and I felt awkward. Made me sad, I felt so damn far away from him, almost like we were two complete strangers. We pulled up in front of his house. I’ve seen it plenty of times, but to think of it, me or any of the guys never really went inside. I don’t think I ever really even met his parents. I looked over at Art who was sitting there, his hands where kind of shaking. He saw me looking at him, and he got out of the car. I opened my door stepping out, and he walked next to me.
“ Art?” I questioned.
“ Don’t be surprised by what you see,” He whispered. I raised an eyebrow, and we walked up his stairs, and he opened the door slowly walking in. The scent of liquor overwhelmed me, and I my eyes kind of burned. He grabbed my hand, and tried to hurry up the stairs, but someone’s voice stopped us.
“ A-Art your… Baby your home,” a lady said. I looked over into the front room, and saw an older woman with a robe wrapped around her, sitting on the couch, with liquor bottles surrounded around her. “ Baby, hi,” she giggled. Sadness washed over me, that’s Art’s mother. She stood up, and started to fall but grabbed onto the wall catching herself. She walked over to me, looking at me. “ Oh.. who… who is this pretty..” She started laugh. “ girl,” she finished. I gave her a weak smile.
“ Hello,” I said quietly. She started laughing like a mad man. I looked at Art, who looked completely ashamed. He had let go of my hand by now, and then I heard glass shatter, and Art froze.
“ Ma, he’s here?” He asked his face looking completely petrified. She nodded her head, and walked back over to the couch falling on top of it.
“ What’s going on Art,” A man said. His voice, it sounded so pure of evil, I turned around and saw a tall man standing in the kitchen doorway, looking between Art and I.
“ nothing Jeremy,” Art said coldly.
“ Boy, you aint gonna be talking to me like that!” he said raising his voice. Art started walking up the stairs ignoring him, and he grabbed my hand so I would follow him. It’s his father. He seemed like such a evil man. We got to Art’s room, and he closed and locked the door. He stood by the door, and I stood next to him. I slowly extended my hand, resting it on his shoulder.
“ Art?” I whispered. He turned around, and wrapped his arms around me, his face falling into the crook of my neck, and he was crying. I felt his tears drip through the clothing on my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him. “ Sh, sh,” I said rubbing his back. We stood there holding one another, I felt my walls coming down, and I just felt so damn bad for him. All the hatred, and even how mad I was at him, it was gone in a split second. He pulled away, and looked down at me, and brought his hand up to my face lightly stroking my cheek.
“ I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“ For what?”
“ For what I have done, said,” He shrugged. He walked over to his bed and sat down looking down at the ground. “ after we kissed… and after what I realized what I said… I felt so bad, and it wasn’t the truth. I don’t even know why I said that shit, Ty I wish I could take it all back, not my actions, but my words…” he stopped, and I walked closer standing in front of him, and he started laughing. I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t understand what was so damn funny. “ This… You might not believe me, you might think this is a complete load of shit, but…” He stopped, and grabbed my hand, and flipped it over, tracing my palm with his index finger. “ but I love you… I knew I always loved you, but I thought it was only in a sister way, but when I kissed you, who did I feel those sparks fly!” he laughed. He went quiet again.
“ Art..” I muttered.
“ Wait, let me finish,” He said. I stayed quiet. “ You might think im only saying this, because of how your appearance changed, but that’s not it. I mean, when you changed your appearance, yes it did help me realize more that you’re not a little girl anymore, your becoming a beautiful woman, you have always been a damn pretty girl… your gorgeous Ty,” He said. I stood there, I didn’t know what the hell to do. “ I’m not asking you to give me a second chance, ha im not even expecting that. I’m just asking you, don’t cut me out of your life, because you and Clay, and the guys, your all part of my life, I can’t lose all of you…” the last part turned into a whisper. I don’t want to just say Art oh, I love you too, have us kiss and something like from one of those lame ass romantic novels and movies, but all I want to do is tell him it’s ok. Tell him I love him, and I need him in my life. I don’t want him in it, I freaking need him. I felt a tear in my eye.
“ You’re not gonna lose any of us,” I finally said. He nodded his head looking up at me, and I gave him a weak smile.
“ Is that a promise?” he asked.
“ Definitely.”
He let out a heavy breath, and I sat next to him on the bed.
“ I really fucked up,” he mumbled.
“ Not too badly,” I said laying back, and he laid down next to me.
“ Yeah, yeah I did. Well, with the bet, that was a jerk ass move, but I really fucked up with you,” He said and I felt him looking at me. I want to say no! I still have those feelings for you! You didn’t fuck up, but hey, im not one of those lovey dovey fucking girls. My mind might be yes, but when it comes down to the point, no.
“ Uh,” that’s all that came out of my mouth. Uh. Is that the best my brain can come up with? Really! Art sat up, and he buried his face in his hands. I sat up looking at him. “ Everyone makes mistakes, it’s what we do, and we all learn from our mistakes,” I said my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything, so I didn’t say anything more either. We sat there for a few minutes, and I cleared my throat. “ I’m going to talk to Clay, I know he misses you, all the guys miss you too, I’ll get things back to normal, don’t you worry,” I said trying to smile. He looked at me giving me a weak and fake smile. I could tell it took everything out of him to put a smile on that damn ass sad face.
“ Yeah…” he muttered. I let out a sigh. “ I think I should get you home,” He said standing up off of the bed. I slowly stood up, and we walked out of his room, and right out of the house. The ride back to the house was … it wasn’t right. I feel even more distant from him now. I hope things get back to normal, but… not so sure it is. We pulled up to the front of the house, and I opened the car door, but peered in before shutting it.
“ You know, everyone makes mistakes, and a lot of us are in denial about making mistakes. We all want to be perfect, mistakes can fuck up our pasts, but don’t let those mistakes fuck up your future,” I said and then closed the door. I walked towards my house, and when I get inside I looked out the window, and saw Art still sitting in his car, just looking out at the road, and then he finally drove off. I felt tears in my eyes, and I bit my lip to attempt to suppress the tears.
“ You love him, why are you gonna bite your tongue and not tell him?” I heard Gabe’s voice from behind me. I kept my back towards him. “ When you finally decide to say something, it’s going to be too late, then you’ll be saying what if for the rest of your life…”
That night, I went to bed, with the words what if in my mind.
What if I was different, then would my mom have left?
What if I was a better person, then would my dad be there for me…
What if I told Art how I really felt, then would we be together…
What if I just do the same thing I’m doing, keeping my mouth shut, then will my world continue to fall apart…

Chapter seventeen:
I heard my alarm clock go off, and I leaned over shutting it off, and I curled up into a ball on my bed, facing my wall. I heard my door open.
“ Ty, c’mon get up,” Clay said.
“ I’m not going to school,” I said deadly laying there with the blanket wrapped around my body.
“ Are you sick?” He was over and put his hand on my forehead. “ You feel fine, turn around so I can take a look at you.” I rolled around and faced him. I had dark circles under my eyes, because I didn’t get not even one straight hour of sleep. “ Ty…” he muttered. I closed my eyes letting out a deep breath.
“ It’s killing me Clay,” I mumbled into the blanket.
“ What is?”
“ This, you hating Art, you and the guys, we are a family, the best one I have ever had, and I’m dying over here dude,” I said looking at him. He sat down on the bed next to me nodding his head.
“ I want to talk to Art, but…” He stopped.
“ but nothing, we have all known one another for years! You and Art have been so damn close, don’t let something stupid ruin you two’s friendship. That would be such a damn waste… Such a waste..” I said the last part in a whisper not looking at him anymore.
“ Is that why you don’t wanna get up? Your sad about what’s going on?”
“ it’s killing me,” I muttered rubbing my face.
“ You can stay home,” He muttered standing up and started walking towards the door.
“ Wait, Clay, what’s going to happen with Art?” I asked propping myself up on my elbows.
“ Don’t worry about it.”
“ I am going to worry about it, because your my brother and I love you, and he my..” I stopped. “friend,” I stopped again. Saying he was only a friend made my heart ache. “ and I love him too…” I whispered, but oh Clay, if you only knew the way I loved Art. If you only knew, this would be so much damn easier! He didn’t say anything, and he just made his way out of my room, I fell back into my bed, and laid there closing my eyes. I heard the front door close, and I laid there bored. I brought out my phone, and decided to text Evian.
Me- Hey Evian, it’s me, decided to try this texting thing.............. Stayed home from school, already boreddd out of my mindd!!! :P message me back.
I sent it and put my phone down, and within a second I got a text. Damn this guy is a speedy texter.
Ev- Hey Ty, y did u stay home??? HA! Yu’ve never txed me b4 XD Yr getting bttr (:
Me-Must you text like that? Not completing your text messages, it makes it difficult to read.
Ev- Oh cry my a river, build a bridge, and get the fck over it!
I glared at my phone for a minute, and then smirked.
Me- stop acting like a smartass… so how are thing with you and the ex?
Ev- you broke her nose, and fcked up her face pretty bad.
Me- I like… didn’t even hit her that hard.
Ev- well, it’s not like it’s a bad thing
Me- HA!!! Oh Evian, your so kind!
Ev- yeah ikr xD ……. Btw how r things with the guys (art)
Me- Uh… I don’t even know anymore.
Ev- Well… Dnt worry everything will wrks itself out… eventually……………………
I looked at my phone, and laughed out loud, “ Eventually!” I scoffed.
Ev- Yu knw, yu shld txt more often.
Me- Uh, no, I really shouldn’t. I find texting sooo… Sooo irrelevant.
Ev- HOW?!?!?!
Me- I’d rather chit chat on the phone, or go meet them in person. I really dislike texting.
Ev- Idk wht is wrong with yu… well I gtta go, b4 a batty teach takes away my phone. ttyl.
I nodded my head, closing my phone, and putting it on the table side next to me, and I curled back into a ball laying in my bed letting out a side. I hate texting, not into it at all! I heard the doorbell ring, and I sat up in bed creasing my forehead. I wonder who could be here. I got up, and looked down at my oh so fabulous outfit. Holey pj pants, and a Beatles short. Oh yes. I walked down the stairs, and the person kept ringing that damn doorbell!
“ I’m coming!” I yelled out halfway down the stairs. I opened the door, and saw Art’s mom standing there. I was alarmed. She stood there awkwardly looking at me.
“ H-Hello,” she said just above a whisper. “ I… I didn’t know if you were going to be home… I thought you had school,” she said giving a weak smile.
“ Oh, I wasn’t feeling well, so I stayed home,” I stopped opening the door some more, “ Would you like to come in?” I asked. She slowly stepped inside my house, and I closed the door. She stood there awkwardly, and I gestured her to come sit in the front room. She sat on the couch, and I sat across from her.
“ You… You came to my house last night with Art, the way we first met, I am not proud of it. I know I have a problem, I am an alcohol, and it kills me, I just can’t control myself,” She muttered. I looked at her, and her eyes started to water.
“ Oh no, it’s fine. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Everyone has their own problems, no one is perfect,” I said giving her a small smile. Then she broke down in tears bending down, putting her face in her hands and she sobbed loud. I got up and sat down next to her on the couch, and placed my hand on her back. “ Oh no, no. please don’t cry, it’s ok,” I said rubbing her back.
“ I know Art is disappointed in me, I know he wish I was different, and it pains me. It really does,” she sobbed. She looked up at me, and her eyes looked so warm. “ The days I was halfway sober, he would talk about you. You and Clay, and the guys, but it always revolved around you. He is very fond of you,” she smiled, and then she shrugged. “ I’m not surprised either, you a gorgeous kind hearted young lady, and I can tell you know how to stand up for yourself, and you can be a tough cookie,” She laughed. I let out a little laugh. She sat there staring off into space, and she choked out a sob, tears pouring down her face again. “ I’m such a disappointment in my son,” She cried loudly, leaning into me. I wrapped my arms around her.
“ No you’re not, he loves you. You’re his mother, and he’s your son. Not every family is perfect, at least your there for him.”
“ I’m not there for him at all!” She cried.
“ Well at least your there physically there for him, and your trying to be there emotionally too, I wish I at least had my mother here physically for me,” I whispered. She laid in my arms, and was silent. She was probably thinking.
“ You don’t have a mother?” She finally asked. I bit my lip.
“ Of course I have a mother, but she left couple months ago. I don’t know where she went, she probably ran off to be with another man, trying to fulfill some dream she once had. I’m not entirely sure, but I haven’t heard from her since she left, which was about three or four months ago. Not a phone call, message, letter… Nothing,” I stopped. I was starting to feel real damn crappy dude.
“ I’m sorry,” She whispered.
“ No, it’s fine. I have Clay, and the guys. They are my family.”
“ What about your father?”
“ he’s a miserable man, never around,” I whispered looking at the fabric on the couch. She sat up and hugged me.
“ Thank you for letting me in, I just wanted to apologize for how me met, my name is Laurin,” She smiled letting go of me.
“ It’s very nice to meet you Laurin, I am Ty,” I smiled.
“ Is that your full name?”
“ No, it’s Tereschia, but it’s too much,” I laughed.
“ What a beautifully unique name,” She smiled. I nodded my head, and she stood up. “ well it was very nice talking with you, I’ll have to stop by again, but I should really get going,” She said. I stood up and walked her to the door.
“ Thank you for coming, I enjoyed talking to, once again it was very nice to meet you,” I smiled. She gave me a loving warm smile, and made her way down the driveway. I closed the front door, and I felt happy, but at the same time I was overloaded with sadness. So much sadness, I felt tears falling down my eyes. I don’t know if it was because of Art, my mother completely gone, my father a jerk, or the face I felt bad for Laurin. I felt real bad for her. She’s a kind woman, but she has a problem. She wants to get better, but I don’t think she wants to try.
I spent the rest of the day in my bed, feeling depressed. I didn’t really feel like doing anything, im still happy I stayed home from school, because I did enjoy having that conversation with Laurin. I soon fell back asleep, and I heard the guys downstairs. They were pretty damn loud. I turned around in my bed, and saw that it was around five. I got out of bed, and walked down stairs into the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of orange juice, and drank it while making my way in the front room. I looked at the guys, and I choked on my orange juice, and everyone looked at me, I caught my breath, looking at the six idiots. YES ALL SIX OF MY IDIOTS!
“ Art?” I muttered still out of breath. All the guys were sitting around the couches messing around, art and clay sat next to one another and they looked so damn happy, like nothing ever happened. “ Where the hell have I been?”
“ In your bed,” Art laughed. I glared at him.
“ really though, what happened?” I asked.
“ We had a chit chat, resolved things,” Clay said hitting Art’s shoulder, and Art grabbed his arm pulling him into a head lock, and they started wrestling, and all the guys dog piled onto one another. I stood there and smiled. It actually feels like old times! This is great! It’s just great, I freaking love it! I felt someone grab my waist, and bring me down to the ground. Gabe sat on top of me, and I heard my orange juice his the ground and spill everywhere.
“ Oh you dumb ass!” I cried. He started laughing.
“ Aghh, don’t worry about it,” clay laughed.
“ Don’t worry about it! I’m the one that’s gonna have to clean it, because I live with a bunch of lazy ass’s,” I scoffed. All the guys started laughing. “ Gabe, get off of me, why don’t you?” I muttered feeling my body being squashed.
“ Say, that I am so much smarter, cooler, and better looking than you, and I’ll get up,” He said sounding pleased. I let out a sigh.
“ Gabe, you are so much dumber, stupider, and completely hideous!” I yelled and struggled beneath him, and grabbed his arm pulling him off of me, and we wrestled, and I crawled away from him, running to the other side of the front room. “ Gee guys, thank for the help!” I yelled at them.
“ Anytime!” Clay said. I flicked him off, and he laughed. I looked at Art who was smiling, and when he looked at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I smiled back at him, but then I looked away, because I realized that even though I wanted to be with him I can’t be with him like that… He saw the look on my face, and he looked down, and he looked so damn sad, I think he thinks that I don’t like him like that and only as a friend. BUT if he only knew… If he only knew.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2011

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