

You are my soul mate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come true, from now until the end of time I give my heart and soul to you.

Chapter One

Seventeen year old Ai leaned against the brick wall and looked down the alley for Akira. She flipped open her phone and checked the time. Akira was late again. Ai snapped her phone shut and shoved it in her pocket. She glanced up when she heard the clicking of sandals on the sidewalk. A huge grin spread across her face as she saw Akira running down the alley, her blond hair blowing out behind her. Ai swung her backpack over her shoulder and smiled at Akira.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!" said Akira sadly her breathing heavy.
"Don't worry!" said Ai smiling. "What matters is you're here." she said hugging her. Akira smiled and gave her a quick kiss and taking her hand. The two of the walked down the street, smiles on their faces.
"Do you wanna get a milkshake or no?" asked Akira.
"I guess. I just need to be home by four. My parents need to talk to me about something 'important'" said Ai. Akira sighed sadly.
"Don't frown! You look so much better when you smile." said Ai squeezing Akira's hand. Akira laughed her high tinkling laugh and kissed Ai. Ai and Akira walked down the street to the ice cream parlor on 35th Street. They walked through the door and smiled as the bell tinkled merrily as the door swung shut. Alice, the owner smiled at them as the two of them sat down.
"The usual?" asked Alice. Ai nodded and smiled. The ice cream parlor was empty which was usual. It was where Ai and Akira usually had their dates.
"Here you go! One chocolate mocha milkshake for Ai and a Reeses milkshake for Akira." said Alice smiling at the pair. Ai nodded and thanked Alice. Alice was Ai and Akira's best adult friend. She didn't mind if they were mushy in front of her and she could be counted on if you needed a shoulder to cry on.
"What do you think your parents want to talk to you about?" asked Akira, slurping her milkshake.
"I don't know. My dad has been on the phone on and off for a month now and all of the sudden our budget is cut." said Ai, wincing as she got a brain freeze.
"Maybe your mom is having another kid." said Akira shrugging. Ai choked.
"There is no way!" chuckled Ai. Akira smiled and took a huge sip of milkshake. She squealed and shivered as she got a brain freeze.
Ai glanced at the clock. Four fifteen. Ai jumped up.
"Akira, I'm late!" she cried.
"Oh no!" cried Akira. She jumped up and kissed Ai goodbye.
"Bye Akira. Love you!" said Ai. She slung her bag over her shoulder and raced out the door. Thunder crashed and the skies opened up, releasing torrential rain. Ai's school uniform stuck to her and she shivered from the freezing cold rain. She took a left turn into Chinatown, down five blocks, a left turn and down two more blocks and she was at her townhouse. She unlocked the door and jumped inside. She slammed the door and slid down to the floor.
"Ai, is that you?" called Ai's mother, Mizuki.
"Yeah!" yelled Ai.
"Could you please come here? Your father and I want to talk to you." came Mizuki's voice from the living room. Ai sighed and got up, throwing her sandals aside. She dragged herself into the living room and threw herself into an armchair. Her father, Ichirou was sitting beside Mizuki, his face grim, Mizuki's eyes were red and she clutched a hanky in her hand.
"Ai, sweetie, we have to talk to you." said Ichirou.
"What is it Dad?" asked Ai, looking calm on the outside but quaking inside.
"We swore never to tell you this." said Mizuki, bursting into tears, sobs wracking her body.
"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" asked Ai, her hands shaking. Ichirou rubbed Mizuki's shoulders, trying to comfort her.
"Mom, Dad, what is going on?" asked Ai again, her voice shaking.
"Sweetie, we're so sorry..." whispered Ichirou.
"Ai, you were adopted and your birth parents want you back." sobbed Mizuki.

Chapter Two

Ai stared blankly at them.
"What?" she whispered.
"You were adopted." said Ichirou sadly.
"What the hell?" screamed Ai. Mizuki cowered away from her as Ai towered over them.
"Ai, we're so, so sorry!" cried Ichirou.
"You adopted me and now my birth parents want me back? Where are they? Where have they been for the last seventeen years?" cried Ai, red hot tears welling up in her eyes.
"Ai, we love you like a daughter but we have to give you to your parents." said Mizuki wiping her eyes.
"Where do they even live?" said Ai, wiping her eyes as tears dripped down her cheeks.
"Toyohashi, Japan..." said Ichirou. Ai held up her hand.
"I did not just hear you say Japan." said Ai.
"I'm afraid you heard right." said Ichirou slowly.
"They can't just up and take me! I have a say in this!" yelled Ai.
"Ai, no. You don't. They're your parents. They're taking you." said Mizuki. Ai jumped up and ran towards the door.
"Ai, where are you going?" cried Mizuki.
"Out!" yelled Ai. She left her shoes and her coat and ran out the door. The rain was pouring down around her but she didn't care. She ran down the street, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt empty. She was leaving. She was leaving Akira. A gut wrenching sob escaped Ai at that thought. She took a turn and ran to Akira's house. She tossed pebbles at Akira's bedroom window until Akira pushed it open.
"Ai, what are you doing here?" she called smiling. Ai sniffled and wiped her eyes. Akira's smile faded.
"Come on up here." she said.

Chapter Three

Akira walked out of the bathroom and into Akira's room, drying her hair and wrapped in a towel. She picked up a brush from the dresser and brushed her brown hair. Akira threw her magazine aside and walked over. She gently took the brush from Ai and sat her down on the bed. She climbed behind her and started to gently brush her hair, working the knots out. Akira handed Ai a glass of hot cocoa which Ai drank gratefully. The two sat in silence as Akira brushed Ai's hair and Ai drank hot cocoa. After Akira finished brushing her hair, she handed Ai a pair of flannel pajamas. Ai dropped the towel and quickly changed. Ai climbed into the bed and lay beside Akira. Akira pushed Ai's hair out of her face.
"What's wrong Ai?" whispered Akira. Ai sniffled and wiped her eyes.
"Akira, I was adopted." sobbed Ai. Akira gasped in horror and wrapped her arms around Ai and held her close.
"Oh Ai..." whispered Akira. "I'm so sorry."
"That's not the worst part." said Ai, drawing in a shaky breath. Ai pulled away from Akira and looked into her eyes.
"My birth parents want me back. They're taking me to Japan." she managed before her voice cracked and she burst into tears.
"Oh baby..." breathed Akira. Akira pulled her in close. Akira curled up and shook as silent sobs shook her body. Akira stroked Ai's hair and patted her back. Tears ran down Akira's cheeks but a sound didn't escape her lips.
"I love you." said Akira.

Chapter Four

Akira and Ai woke up slowly. Ai had clung to Akira all night, never letting go of her. Akira sat up and pried Ai off of her. Ai sat up sleepily and rubbed her eyes.
"Morning darling." said Akira kissing her hair.
"Aw crap. Mom and- Mizuki and Ichirou are probably freaking." said Ai.
"Probably? Knowing Mizuki, she's probably crying on the couch and Ichirou is probably calling every single one of your friends except for me because he always forgets and should be!" said Akira right as the phone rang. Akira jumped up and picked up the phone.
"Hello? Yes. Yes sir. She's been here all night. Yes sir. I'll tell her. You too sir." said Akira. She hung the phone up.
"Was that da- Ichirou?" asked Ai.
"Yeah. He's furious. He wants you home in forty minutes. You're leaving today." Akira said gravely. Tears trickled down Ai's cheeks as she curled up on Akira's bed. Akira set the phone down and climbed onto the bed.
"Don't cry Ai." said Akira helplessly. Ai wiped her eyes and sat up. Akira wrapped her arms around Ai hugged her.
"Even if you're nations away, I'll always be there for you." said Akira.
"Thanks." said Ai smiling. Akira gently kissed Ai. Ai smiled and kissed Akira. Akira smiled flirtatiously and turned off the light.

Chapter Five

Ai sat up and glanced at the clock. She had fifteen minutes to get back. She jumped up and pulled her clothes on.
"Akira, I have to leave!" cried Ai. Akira sat up wrapping herself in the blankets. Ai pulled her shirt over her head and ran over to Akira.
"Bye! I'll call you as soon as I can. I love you." said Ai hugging her tightly and kissing her.
"I love you too Ai." said Akira kissing Ai goodbye. Ai turned around and ran out, wiping the tears from her eyes. She ran down the street to her house and burst through the door. Suitcases full of her clothes and possessions. She dashed up the stairs before anyone could stop her. She ran into her room and locked the door. She opened her closet and felt around the top of the shelf. She found it. Ai pulled a picture that had been taped to the top off. It was a picture of Ai and Akira on their first anniversary. Akira had given Ai a gold chain necklace with a pearl cluster charm. Alice had taken a picture of Akira and Ai kissing as an anniversary present to the two. She smiled and stroked the picture.
"Ai, come on! Your flight is leaving!" called Mizuki. Ai sighed sadly. She got up and took a last look at her room.
"Ai, come on!" yelled Ichirou. She sighed and walked out of the room, the picture folded up and placed in her pocket.
"We're going to miss you." said Ichirou.
"I'm going to miss you both. I have to thank you for taking care of me all these years." said Ai.
"Oh, it was our pleasure Ai." said Mizuki. Ai hugged them both and kissed them quickly.
"Have a good flight. Call us any time!" Mizuki said smiling.
"I will." said Ai chuckling. She waved a final time and boarded the plane. Ai squeezed past a stewardess and sat down beside the plane window. She looked out the window and saw Ichirou and Mizuki. Mizuki was crying into Ichirou's shoulder. Ai decided then, she hated her parents. Her parents took her from everyone she loved. Mizuki and Ichirou never did that. They were more parents to Ai then Ai's real


Chapter Six

"Welcome to Japan. Please have a good time." said the cool and calm female voice. Ai stretched as she walked away from the plane. She was suffering from jet lag as she stumbled through the airport. She glanced around the airport yawning. She saw a tall girl with black hair and brown eyes standing there with a paper sign with Ai's name written in fancy cursive. The girl's thick black hair was braided and pulled into a bun and she was wearing thin black glasses. She was wearing a gray suit top and loose jeans, unsmiling as she looked around the airport. Ai approached her nervously.
"Hey. I'm Ai." she said.
"Good. I'm Mieko." she said. Her voice was light and airy with a thick Japanese accent. Mieko turned around on her heel and walked away. Ai stumbled after her dragging her bags. The two walked through the parking lot until they reached a car. It was a fiery red color and the hubcaps were shiny silver.
"Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous!" cried Ai.
"Thanks. It's a Bugatti Veyron Super Sports. Mom and Dad bought it for me. It was one hundred and ninety million yen." she said.
"One hundred, and ninety, million?" gasped Ai.
"Yeah. I got it for my fifteenth birthday. I liked the Aston Martin One-77 better but, this will do." she sighed. Mieko threw Ai's bags into the trunk and climbed into the front seat. Ai climbed into the front seat and looked at her surroundings. The seats were made of smooth black leather with tan threads. The dash board was glossy cherry oak wood. Everything seemed to be made with the finest materials. Mieko started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. She clicked the radio button. A bouncy pop song started playing on the radio and a girl with a sweet honey voice started singing in Japanese. Mieko softly whispered the words along with it.
"What's this?" asked Ai. Mieko chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Being an American you wouldn't know. She sighed.
"What do you mean?" asked Ai offended.
"It's Usotsuki To Salvador by Yasuha Kominami." sighed Mieko.
"No, about the, being an American part." said Ai scowling.
"Well, you're American. How many Americans do you know who listen to Japanese pop?" she asked sarcastically.
"I'm not American! I'm Japanese!" cried Ai.
"I don't hear a Japanese accent on you." said Mieko smirking triumphantly. Ai scowled and looked away from Mieko. Mieko pulled up to a gate and rolled the window down. She quickly put a code into a keypad and the gate opened.
"Welcome to Aihara Estates."

Chapter Seven

Mieko's car wound through the long path to the house. There were cherry trees and orchards everywhere Ai looked. Ai looked around shocked. She had never been somewhere this beautiful. Nearing them was a huge house. It had white siding and a red slate roof. They finally arrived at the house. Mieko stopped the car and got Ai's bags out. She handed them to her and then sprinted up to the front door. She opened the door and waltzed in. The floor was made of dark glossy wood and there was beautiful crown molding surrounding the ceiling. There was a magnificent staircase in the center of the room. A middle aged woman dressed in a silk kimono walked down the stairs. The kimono was deep red with gold trim and a large red bow tied in the back. She had brown eyes, pale skin and black hair. Her pitch black hair was pulled into a bow with chopsticks in it. She smiled at Ai and cordially shook her hand.
"Hello Ai. Welcome to Aihara Estates. I see you met your cousin Mieko." she said smiling.
"Mieko's my cousin?" asked Ai shocked.
"Yes. She's my sister's child." she said.
"So, you're my mom?" asked Ai slowly. The woman nodded. Ai scowled.
"Yes. I'm Ren. Your father is at work. Your sister is waiting for you." said Ren.
"My sister?" asked Ai shocked.
"Yes. Your sister is in the garden. She can't wait to meet you." Ren said smiling.
"So, you put me up for adoption but you keep my sister?" Ai asked, trying to keep the rage from her voice.
"Ai, when you were born we weren't ready for two children!" said Ren desperately.
"Wait, my sister's older then me?" asked Ai confused.
"No...She's your twin." said Ren slowly. Ai clenched her fists and looked down.
"You had twins and you gave me away?" she asked, her voice shaking.
"We thought your sister would be the better choice..."
"The better choice? The better choice? You thought my sister would be the better choice so you gave me away?! How could you?! Why do you even want me back now? I was perfectly happy with Mizuki and Ichirou! The people I loved were there!" sobbed Ai.
"Your father and I started to feel guilty about it." mumbled Ren.
"Guilty? You started to feel guilty sixteen years later?! You're a horrible woman! You'll never be my mother!" screamed Ai, tears streaming down her face.
"Ai darling please calm yourself!" cried Ren angrily.
"No!" sobbed Ai. She pushed past Ren and ran up the stairs. She wandered around, crying until she reached a bedroom. The door was slightly cracked open and Ai could see an open window. She opened the door and stepped inside. The room was a pink cream color and the walls were covered in pictures of teenage pop stars and models. There was a bed in the center of the room. It was a four poster bed surrounded by white sheer curtains. One of the large French windows was open and the curtains were blowing in the wind. Ai walked over to the window and saw a large cherry tree a few feet away from the window. There was a girl with blue hair hanging down to her shoulders was leaning against the tree trunk, her eyes closed and headphones on. She was wearing tight blue jeans and her legs were wrapped around the tree limb she was sitting on. She opened her eyes. They were a beautiful bright green color instead of the normal brown.
“Hey! What are you doing in my room?” she cried, jumping up. Ai scurried backwards. The girl, in her hurry had lost her balance and slipped off the tree limb. In a split second, she draped her arms around the tree limb and she swung herself back on.
“Wow! How did you do that?” asked Ai impressed.
“I’m a gymnast. Who are you?” asked the girl.
“I’m Ai Endo. I’m Ren’s daughter.” Said Ai bitterly.
“I’m Usagi. I’m Ren’s maid’s daughter. You hate her too?” asked Usagi.
“I guess. She put me up for adoption and kept my twin sister.” Said Ai.
“Aika’s your sister?” said Usagi, jumping onto the windowsill. Ai nodded.
“So, what happened to my dad?” asked Ai cautiously, scared of what answer she might get.
“Your mom divorced him and is now engaged to some artist.” Usagi said angrily.
“Why don’t you live with your dad?” asked Ai. Usagi looked down.
“My dad killed himself.” Said Usagi tonelessly. Ai looked down.
“Sorry…” whispered Ai.
“Naw it’s okay. What about you? What’s your story?” asked Usagi, quickly changing the subject.
“Ren kept my twin and put me up for adoption. Two wonderful people named Ichirou and Mizuki adopted me when I was a baby. I lived seventeen happy years before Ren decided to start feeling guilty and pull me away from everyone I loved.” Said Ai rancorously.
“Does my real dad know I’m in Japan?”
“No. Ren is a crafty little weasel. I heard her phone call. She called your adopted parents and gave them a sob story of how she hadn’t been ready when you were born and how you were an accident and she had felt guilty all those years. When I heard her real motives away from the phone it made me sick!” Usagi said savagely.
“What do you mean her, ‘real motives’?” grilled Ai.
“I thought she told you.” Said Usagi looking bewildered.
“Told me what?” Said Ai frustrated.
“You’re engaged.”

Chapter Eight

Ai burst out of the room and thundered down the stairs. She burst into one of the rooms and saw Mieko sitting on a plush couch reading a book in Japanese. She glanced up at Ai’s loud entrance.
“What’s wrong Ai?” asked Mieko.
“Where the hell is Ren?” yelled Ai.
“Calm down! She’s in the garden with her friends.” Mieko said rolling her eyes. Ai spun around but quickly stopped.
“Where’s the garden?” asked Ai.
“Through that door.” Said Mieko absentmindedly, pointing towards a large French door covered by curtains. Ai burst through the door into the garden. There were gardenia, rose, lilac and lavender and many other plants in the garden along with cherry trees and cherry wood trees. Ai ran through the brick paths until she saw Ren. Ren was wearing a tight light yellow dress and her hair was done. She looked so much younger. There were many men and women there. There was classical music playing and the soft hum of conversation and many vases of single roses and an assortment of ribbons. Ai took a deep breath and stormed up to Ren.
“What the fucking hell is wrong with you?” screamed Ai. At once, all conversation ceased. Ren flushed bright red.
“What are you talking about darling?” she asked, a fake smile plastered on her face.
“Don’t act innocent! Usagi told me I was engaged!” yelled Ai clenching her fists on the edge of hitting Ren.
“Darling please! Can we talk about this later?” asked Ren, red slowly appearing on her cheeks.
“No! Stop calling me darling! I’ve been here for barely an hour and already you have covered things up from me! You divorced my dad, I have a sister, I’m engaged. What else are you hiding from me?” Ai cried.
“Look, can we please talk about this alone?” asked Ren looking embarrassed.
“Fine!” Ai grabbed Ren’s arm and dragged her back into the house. Mieko saw them and quickly got up, leaving the room. Usagi was leaning against the door way watching.
“Tell me Ren! Tell me what the hell is going on!” said Ai slamming her fist onto the side table.
“Look, after I divorced your father, I lost all my money. I needed money to continue living like this soooo.”
“Soooo what?” snapped Ai.
“I had you get engaged to the richest families son in Toyohashi.” She said in one single breath. Ai stared at her.
“What, the fuck?!” she screamed. Ren looked down and blushed bright red.
“Ai, please understand…” whispered Ren.
“No! I will not understand! You knew I was out there and you used me! Me! Your own daughter to get money! You kept my sister because she was better than me!” said Ai, her voice shaking the house like an earthquake. Usagi frowned at Ren.
“You’re not better than your sister! Your sister was horrible! All she wanted to do was be an artist and wouldn’t get married to the man I chose for her! So I disowned her and threw her out of the house. She was okay. She was fourteen.” Said Ren.
“Fourteen? You threw your own daughter because she didn’t want to get married at fourteen and waste her life?” yelled Ai.
“She wouldn’t listen to me! I’m not keeping a daughter who doesn’t listen to my wishes.” Said Ren as if it was fair. Ai glanced around and saw Mieko’s keys laying on the table. She stormed over and picked them up.
“Ai where are you going?” yelled Ren.
“Going to find my sister!” said Ai as she opened the front door.
“Usagi, you wanna come?” asked Ai.
“Hey Mieko, Ai and I are taking your car!” yelled Usagi running to join Ai.
“What? Neither of you are eighteen!” said Mieko running into the room.
“Mieko, I don’t think she cares…” Usagi said sarcastically. Ai ran down the stairs and unlocked Mieko’s car. She climbed in and buckled herself in and started the car. Usagi climbed in smiling widely.
“What?” barked Ai.
“Nothing! You’re just a lot cooler than I thought! You just stole a car!” exclaimed Usagi laughing.
“I’m not stealing it! I’m borrowing it. Without her permission.” Said Ai as she pulled out of the driveway. Usagi sighed and buckled herself in.
“Go the speed limit or we could get pulled over and neither of us have a license so we could get in huge trouble!” Usagi said glancing out the window.
“Do you know where my sister lives?” asked Ai, making sure to go the speed limit on the busy streets.
“Yeah. We were best friends before she left. She’s a little eccentric though.” Said Usagi chuckling. Ai smiled.
“I can’t believe I never knew I had a sister.” Sighed Ai.
“Take a left turn here.” Usagi said quickly. Ai took the turn smoothly. The neighborhood was dark and dirty with alcohol stores at every few corners.
“Here we are.” said Usagi. They had arrived at a rundown apartment building. The brick was falling apart and the stairs rotting.
“Aika lives here?” asked Ai shocked.
“Uh huh! Well, not her house. It’s her studio but she practically lives here.” Usagi said while climbing out of the car. Ai climbed out of the car and ascended into the building.
Usagi sighed and pounded on the door for the third time. Loud music was playing from inside the room. Just as Usagi was about to pound on the door again, the door opened. A teenage girl stood there smiling at them. She had bright pink hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing overalls with a tub top, the sleeves of her overalls were tied around her waist. Her hands, pants, stomach and shoes were stained with all sorts of colored paints.
“Hey Usagi!” she said happily. She hugged Usagi tightly and welcomed them in.
“So who’s this you’ve brought me Usagia? A customer?” she said jokingly, nudging Usagi with her elbow while chuckling.
“Well Aika. This is Ai.” Said Usagi hesitantly.
“Neat! What do you need Usagi?” asked Aika still smiling.
“Well, turns out you have a sister.” Usagi said slowly.
“Oh my gosh! Ren had another baby? Jesus. That poor baby.” Aika said frowning.
“No. You have a twin sister.” Said Usagi.
“What?” Usagi sighed and pointed at Ai. Aika frowned as she thought. She snapped her fingers.
“Ai’s my sister?!” she cried. Ai nodded blushing.
“Nice to meet you.” Said Ai smiling.
“Ren you fucking bitch.” Said Aika shaking her head. Usagi laughed loudly.
“C’mere sister!” said Aika smiling. Ai hugged Aika warmly. It felt so natural!
“So what do ya’ll need?” asked Aika putting her hands on her hips. Usagi stepped aside to let Ai talk.
“So I just found out that I was adopted yesterday. I flew down here today to meet my real parents. So I get here and find out Ren divorced my dad, I have a sister and I’m engaged.” Said Ai quickly.
“Aw hell no! That BITCH!” yelled Aika. She stormed over to a desk and picked up some keys.
“Aika, where are you going?” yelled Usagi.
“To go see Ren!” yelled Aika as she slammed the door.

Chapter Nine

Ai and Usagi parked the car in the driveway and ran up to the house. They could see Aika standing on the front porch pounding on the great oak door. They ran up the stairs but Ai stepped aside and let Usagi go ahead of her.
“OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR REN!” yelled Aika pounding on the door.
“Aika stop!” cried Usagi. Ai smiled. Usagi was more responsible then Ai had thought.
“I have a key.” Usagi said smiling. There went that thought…Usagi unlocked the door and let everyone in. Aika stepped inside and looked around.
“Hasn’t changed a bit since I left.” Said Aika bitterly. Ren walked out of the kitchen and put her hands on her hips. She looked frazzled and angry as she stared at the trio.
“Usagi, Ai! What the hell is going on here?” she asked angrily. Usagi stepped aside. Aika walked up to Ren and stared at her, eyes blazing. She was a good two inches taller than Ren.
“Ai, who’s your friend?” she asked, her voice quivering for a few seconds before she made it hard as steel.
“Mom, this is my sister Aika. You know her.” Said Ai.
“Aika.” Said Ren clicking her tongue.
“Ren.” Said Aika, her voice colder than ice.
“Well you sure are a mess. I wouldn’t have expected you to get anywhere in your life without me.” Said Ren haughtily.
“Really?” asked Aika enraged. Usagi had disappeared as soon as we had gotten inside but now she returned with two bowls of popcorn. She stood beside Ai and leaned against the wall.
“I made you a bowl.” She whispered.
“No thanks.” Whispered Ai. Usagi nodded. Ai shook her head and looked back at Aika and Ren.
“With you I would be married to some rich pretty boy! Without you, I have a wonderful girlfriend, I live nicely and I have a career doing what I love! You would be the same except richer off me!” yelled Aika, looking terrifying even with her bright pink hair.
“I found a lovely young man for you!” cried Ren.
“Ren, I told you this in high school! I don’t like boys!” cried Aika. Aika’s last words rang the house, freezing Ren.
“You’re, you’re gay?” she whispered.
“I told you that like seven times in high school but you wouldn’t listen!” cried Aika.
“How could you?” whispered Ren.
“What?” asked Aika.
“You’re…that!” said Ren gesticulating wildly.
“Gay? Did you mean to say gay? Well I’m leaving! Ren, it was horrible to see you! I hope not to see you soon! Please go fuck yourself.” Said Aika smiling falsely as she stormed over to the door.
“Wait Aika!” cried Ai. Aika stopped at the door and looked at me.
“You uh, wanna get lunch?” asked Ai timidly. Aika smiled warmly at her.
“I would love to.”

Chapter Ten

The two girls went to a small café on the corner of a busy street. Aika was drinking a caramel Frappuccino and Ai was drinking an iced coffee. There was a comfortable silence as they sat there. Aika looked into Ai’s eyes for a few minutes.
“So. Who’s the girl?” asked Aika, right as Ai took a sip of coffee. Ai choked horribly and started to cough. She finally stopped after she took another drink.
“What girl?” asked Ai calmly.
“Don’t lie to me. That picture in your pocket and your demeanor.” Said Aika chuckling. Ai sighed and pulled out the picture from her pocket. She unfolded the picture and handed it to Aika. Aika examined the picture.
“She’s beautiful.” Said Aika.
“Thanks. She’s the love of my life.” Said Ai smiling.
“I can see why. So what’re you going to about Ren?” asked Aika taking a sip of her coffee.
“Well, she’s my legal guardian so I don’t know what I can do.” Said Ai sighing.
“Why don’t you move in with me and Haru chan?” asked Aika.
“Who’s Haru Chan?” asked Ai.
“A. for you it would be Haru san, B. she’s my girlfriend.” Said Aika smiling.
“How old is she?”
“Eighteen. We’ve been going out since I was fifteen.” She said smiling nostalgically.
“You seem so much older than me even though we’re the same age.” Remarked Ai.
“Being thrown out to live on your own when you’re fourteen can mature you pretty quickly…” said Aika softly.
“Ren is such a bitch. What’s wrong with her?” asked Ai taking a gulp of her coffee.
“Well, it’s kind of a long story.” Said Aika setting down her mug.
“Can you give me the abridged edition?”
“When Ren was fourteen, her mother, our grandmother placed her in an arranged marriage with a rich young man. She rebelled and tried to resist it. Grandma was soooo angry. She beat Ren and told her over and over again that she was going to get married to him. Eventually, Ren broke and became the way she is now.” Said Aika sadly.
“Was the rich man dad?”
“Yeah. He lost all of his money in the divorce. He started drinking and I haven’t seen him in a year.” She said sadly.
“I can’t believe I missed all of this…” said Ai shocked.
“Darling, you don’t know how much you’ve missed..."

Chapter Eleven

“No, freaking, way!” yelled Ren as Ai dragged her suitcase down the stairs.
“Mom, I don’t care. I’m not going to stay here!” said Ai furiously.
“Where are you going to stay?” Ren bellowed.
“At Aika and her girlfriend’s house.” said Ai moaning, annoyed by Ren.
“I’m not allowing this! I…I forbid you!” said Ren stomping her foot.
“You forbid me? You forbid me? Hah!” shouted Ai. She burst through the front door and down to Aika’s car.
“Aika, don’t you dare take your sister!” cried Ren as Ai got into the car.
“Ren, fuck you.” Said Aika as she climbed into the car. Ai chuckled and leaned against the seat. The car was old and the paint was scratched, it was a sickly dark green, the seats were scratched and covered in paint and the heat was broken. Aika started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
“So where do you live?” asked Ai curiously.
“Downtown. Haru chan and I live apartment 62B. We’re on the sixth floor.” She said.
“I couldn’t have guessed.” Mumbled Ai. Aika chuckled as she took a sharp turn into a quieter side street. She stopped at a neat brick building with stone steps.
“Here we are. Home sweet home.” Said Aika smiling.
“This is much better than your studio’s neighborhood.” Ai commented as she unbuckled and got out of the car.
“Yeah. Haru chan liked this much better then renting a house.” Said Aika handing Ai her suitcase. They walked inside and to the stairs. The stairs were almost straight up.
“Aika, is there an elevator?” asked Ai slowly.
“Yeah but it’s broken.” Said Aika starting to climb the stairs. Ai sighed and started to climb up after her. After the fourth landing, Ai started to lose her breath while Aika still had plenty of energy.
“How long has the elevator been broken?” gasped Ai.
“Two years. I’m happy because they keep me fit.” Said Aika cheerfully.
“Yay!” puffed Ai sarcastically. Finally they reached the sixth floor. Aika walked to the second door on the left and unlocked the door.
“Welcome home.” Said Aika smiling.

Chapter Twelve

Ai walked out of school and sighed, embracing the sunlight. She’d been in Japan for four months now. Akira and Ai had been communicating over the phone but they were growing distant. Ai had cut her hair into a short ear length bob. Ai smoothed down her short blue sailor skirt and white polo shirt with a red tie. She pulled up her knee high white socks grumbling as she did. Ai flipped her phone open and dialed Aika’s number. Ai tapped her foot as it rang. Voicemail.
“Blarg! Aika! Hurry up and pick me up!” I moaned. Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder. Ai spun around shocked.
“Oh! Hanako san. You scared me!” cried Ai placing her hand over her heart.
“I’m so sorry Aihara sama!” cried Hanako bowing, blushing bright red.
“Oh it’s no problem!” said Ai blushing slightly. Hanako had long blond hair to the middle of her back and brown eyes.
“I heard you talking to your sister. I thought maybe you could use a ride.” Stuttered Hanako.
“Oh thank you! I just need a ride to Fujoshima Bakery. I’m starting there today!” said Ai smiling.
“I’m starting there too! I can’t wait!” said Hanako smiling.
“Neat! Wanna carpool?” asked Ai.
“R-really? You really want m-me to carpool with you?” asked Hanako.
“Yeah!” said Ai smiling widely. Hanako blushed bright red and ducked her head. Ai chuckled.
“Let’s go!” said Ai. Hanako smiled and led Ai to her car.
“So, how old are you Hanako san?” asked Ai perplexed.
“I’m seventeen and a half. I passed the test!” said Hanako smiling proudly.
“Neat!” said Ai climbing into the car. Hanako started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

Chapter Thirteen

Hanako took a swig of water and sighed. She was on break after two hours of waiting tables.
“Hanako san! Come with me!” yelled her boss, an older heavy set man.
“Right away sir!” said Hanako bowing. Hanako raced after her boss into the big freezer. As she stepped in, her boss locked the door behind them.
“What’s going on?” asked Hanako shaking. Her boss turned around and smiled maliciously. He grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the wall.
“Hey! What’re you doing?” cried Hanako.

Chapter Fourteen

“Ai san! Go get some of the tuna out of the freezer!” yelled Mahiko, the co-manager. Ai nodded and ran into the back. She pulled on the door but it wouldn’t open. odd. Usually it’s unlocked.

thought Ai. Suddenly a high pitched scream came from the freezer. Ai gasped and kicked down the door. Ai burst in and saw Hanako curled up in the corner, her clothes beside her and their boss standing over.
“What the hell are you doing?!” screamed Ai, grabbing her boss and pushing him against the wall, punching him in the face over and over. Ai ignored as blood poured down his face.
“How dare you touch Hanako chan?! You disgusting man!” shrieked Ai. A few of the waiters ran into the room and tried to pull Ai off.
“Call the cops and have him arrested!” yelled Ai. The two nodded after realizing what happened. Ai found a blanket in one of the lockers and wrapped Hanako in it.
“Are you alright Hanako?” asked Ai fearfully. Hanako sobbed and shook.
“I was so scared!” cried Hanako. Ai stroked Hanako’s hair.
“I know you were.” Said Ai softly, helping Hanako up.
“I need to go home.” Said Hanako shaking.
“I’ll take you.” said Ai walking her to her car, keeping the towel wrapped tightly around her. Ai quickly drove her to Aika’s house.
“Here. You can use some of my clothes.” Said Ai handing Hanako a shirt and jeans.
“Thank you…” said Hanako. She walked into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later. Ai was sitting on the couch cross legged.
“You look good!” said Ai smiling.
“Thank you.” Said Hanako blushing. Ai patted the seat beside her. Hanako sat beside her still looking a little fearful.
“Hanako, I know that what you’re going through is tough. It happened to my best friend. I think I wanna be your friend and help you.” Said Ai smiling.
“You, you wanna be my friend? Ai Aihara wants to be my friend?” asked Hanako wide eyed. Ai chuckled and hugged Hanako.
“This’ll be a great friendship!” said Ai smiling.

Chapter Fifteen

Ai sighed. Today was her birthday. One year in Japan. Eighteen years old. Ai had been saving up for months to get an apartment and she had one! She was sitting in her new apartment on the couch cross legged as she always did. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Ai jumped up and opened the door.
“Hanako chan!” cried Ai smiling.
“Happy birthday Ai chan!” said Hanako smiling widely. The two sat down on the couch together on the couch.
“So, what’d you get me?” asked Ai chuckling. Hanako laughed nervously. Hanako timidly brought a letter out of her pocket and handed it to her. Ai unfolded it and read it.
Dear Ai,
I’ve known you for six months and I’ve gotten to know you very well. I must say I must have grown to love you. And more than a sister or best friend. I don’t know if you’re gay or not but I am. I’m sorry if this isn’t a nice birthday present but I spent a lot of time on this.
Hanako chan.
Ai’s eyes opened wide as she read the note.
“So, you like me?” asked Ai slowly.
“I’m so sorry.” Mumbled Hanako blushing bright red.
“No! It’s okay! I’m gay too.” Said Ai smiling.
“R-really?” asked Hanako smiling widely. Ai nodded smiling brightly.
“Tell you what, treat me to dinner and a movie.” Said Ai smiling.

Chapter Sixteen

“Hanako chan!” cried Ai smiling. Hanako brightened as she saw Ai waiting for her. Ai had been in Japan for five years now. Hanako was graduating in a week and Ai had already graduated from culinary school a few months ago and was now working in a high end restaurant. Ai and Hanako had been dating for four and a half years. Ai had never told Akira and had simply stopped calling her. Hanako ran down the stairs and hugged Ai.
“I missed you!” said Ai as the two walked down the street hand in hand.
“Ai chan you’re so silly! I’ve only been gone a few hours!” said Hanako chuckling.
“It felt like forever!” said Ai laughing. Hanako chuckled and ruffled Ai’s hair. The couple arrived at their shared apartment.
“Aiiiiiiiii!” came a loud voice across the street. Ai glanced around and saw a blond haired girl running across the street.
“Careful!” yelled Ai. The girl ran to Ai breathless and wrapped her arms around her.
“I missed you Ai!” she cried.
“A-Akira?” gasped Ai.


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Bildmaterialien: Property of Bookrix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2012

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