
Chapter 1

"Your one of us," the voice whispered darkly through the air. "Find us and join the life you were born into.
The voice faded into the darkness of the room and was replaced by a chilling breeze through the hole in the wall. My mind was so sbudued with fear that I almost missed what was right in front of me. The room I was confined in was too dark for human eyes to see but my vampire eyes never missed a thing. Well, until almost now. Somewhere in that little clear space of my mind some rationality seemed to plant itself there, letting me see there was a hole and a little light seemed to escape through it and vaguely brighten up the room. The little light's revealment meant there was a possibility the wall around it was a little weaker than the stronger areas and I could probably break out of my confinement. The strength, brought along with the vampiric immortality I was born with, was strong and it seemed like I could take it down in less than a second. (Literally.)
The only thing standing between me and freedom was that wall. (Haha, it was literally standing in place because it's a wall.) I broke the chains that clasped my hands and feet to the chair and then stood up. A snarl rose up my throat and I leaned into a defensive crouch. I could see the tinge of red clouding up my vision as I focused on letting the monster inside me rise to the surface. A smirk played along my lips, curving them upward and I flew at the wall with great force. The collision was faster than a normal human's speed and the wall crumbled down below my feet. Unfortuantely, I didn't think of the consequences of my actions until a second after I decided my move. My breath came out for deep gasps of air from the energy it took out of me. The one thing that sucked about being deprived of blood is your lack of energy.
As soon as my breath caught, I stood up straight and was facing a crowd of scarlet-eyed vampires. No emotions were set on their pale faces and I cringed back until I saw who they held in their grasp. A fierce snarl rose up my throat and I leaned into another crouch. They had Rosalie. I was about to attack her captors but the same voice stunned me into place.
"My darling Nathaniel, when will you finally join where you belong?" The voice whispered through the breeze and my head whipped around crazily, trying to look past the bodies of emotionless vampires.
"Nathaniel," a voice called faintly and my head whipped around, trying to spot my human mother. I couldn't find her. "Nathaniel, you need...."
Her voice faded as I woke with a start. It was just a dream. A scary, vivid dream. One dream I wouldn't forget.
"Nathaniel, are you listening to me?" My mother's voice sounded impatient but excited. I yawned heavily and blinked the sleep away from my eyes and looked at my mother.
Her complexion was a light tan. In the sun you could definitely notice the white side of her jeans but the dark, original hair color told you she was Mexican as well.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.01.2012

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