
First day of school is over. Correction. First day at my new school is over. I am now sitting at the dinner table with my Aunt Jesse.
"Anything interesting happen one your first day?"
"Not much. The office lady gave me a slip that each of my teachers had to sign."
"Learn anything new?"
"No. I have gym next semester, and in math and science were studying the same things I did in Pheonix. So what about you, anything amazing happen?"
"Do you remember Isabella Swan?"
"She lived down the street from us with her mother, and that one summer when you were like six she taught you how to ride your bike,"
"Oh yea, why?"
"Well her father is chief of police,"
"How did you find that out?"
"He was at the supermarket with his friend, umm, Sue I think. I cant remember her last name."
"Cool," I stood my fork upright on the table but it quickly fell. I put one finger on the handle to keep it from falling down again. I smirked in success. "Did you hear me?"
"Oh. Oh no sorry,"
"I asked if you made any new friends,"
"Oh, yea. But these guys that sat behind me in trig were talking about some where on the beach in La Push. They said the first beach but I didnt know if that was the name or just the first beach, but they were talkin' about faries and I don't know the Collins or something. But one of the guys said one of the Collins were faires 'cause he saw them in the forest sparkling in the sun."
"This is a very weird town,"
"I agree," we sat and ate our steaks for a couple of minutes. "So did you get that job in the hospital?"
"No. But the reseptionest said she would call me if a spot opens up. But I did get to tour the hospital, some of the people there are very nice, I talked to some of the nurses and doctars. This nice nurse directed me to a really really pale doctar. He was nice though, he explained what he did. He was more of a main doctar, like one how could do anything, but then he had to go because he was needed in the ER," I just stared at her, "What?" she asked after a second.
"You talk alot,"
"Oh shut up and eat your steak," My aunt was very much like me, very outgoing, talkitive. She studied to be a doctar but quit because she said she didn't want to spend that much time out of the house. So she studied to be a nurse, she tried to get me into it but I never liked blood. Im very outgoing, very active, but when I see blood its clear out or pass out. A few years ago when I was two both my parents died in a car accident, I would have died too if my mom hadn't told the emergency people to focus on me. My family is scattered all over the world, France, Turkey, any where, you name it, there with be a person there with the last name Smith. Aunt Jesse's chair scratched the oak floors, "You want to wash the dishes or shall I?"
"I have homework, so I'll let you do it today, ill do it tomarrow,"
"Kay, need help?"
"Nah, its easy,"
"Is it science?"
"No its math," she frowned, she loved science and hated math, if you ask her what two plus two is she would turn the conversation to me, if I asked her, she would tell me to go do my homework. "Night,"
"Night hun," I went upstairs. First, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I did that quickly and brushed my hair. I hated when I woke up and it was a mess so I put it in a ponytail. I picked up the silver remote to my radio and turned it on. Country music flowed through the speakers, I sighed, "Aunt Jesse!" I yelled over the horrible music,
"Did you take my CDs?"
"Yea they are in my car," I grumbled as I walked down stairs again. I took her keys off the key holder and went outside, the air was damp and cold. I felt like screaming at the clouds that covered the sky. I hated cold weather, Aunt Jesse loves cold weather, I started to mumble about her being from Alaska. I unlocked her car and began to search through the mess. Finally I was able to get the the CD player. I pressed the 'open' button and out popped three of my CDs. I just grabbed them and shook my head. I flung the keys back on the holder and nearly missed by an inch. I sprinted up stairs, kicked off my shoes, and made sure I slide on the wooden floors with my socks. I almost fell when I hit the tan carpet of my bedroom, but I caught myself before I did. I put in the mixed CD Aunt Jesse made me for my birthday. She was like 'Hun, your finally eighteen, so here,' she also handed me car keys and multi-colored plaid shoes that went up to my knees. I jumped on my bed and hit play. I had to get up again to get my bag from the other side of the room. But after that I rocked along to the music and did my homework.
"Lizz! Lizzie!" Someone was shaking my shoulder, I hit the hand but it continued. I opened my eyes and Aunt Jesse stood beside me yelling my name. "What?"
"Get up, your late!" Crap! I was, the faded light outside gave proof, I jumped up and kissed her on the cheek, "Thanks," and ran to the bathroom. okay first I washed my hair, second I brushed my teeth, and third I put on the light green eyeliner that made my eyes more green. I quickly opened the door, grabbed my bag and my papers off my bed. I ran down stairs, she was there with a breakfast bar in her hand and my keys. "Have a good day at school," she muttered as I pasted and grabbed my keys. "Thanks," When I was in the drivers seat of my slick black Sonata, I could see all the lights in the house have been turned off and Aunt Jesse was nowhere to be found. I pulled out of the drive way and onto the road. The road wasn't iced yet, but its cold out here and its very cloudy. Great. I pulled into the school parking lot a couple minutes later. I stood by my car for a few minutes waiting for my little group that formed around me yestarday. Amber, Alex, and Callie. Across the lot a saw a girl like two years younger then me standing by kids my age. One of them was very tall and blonde, a guy standing beside her looked older then me, he was muscular and had dark hair. A small girl with ink black hair that looked to be spiked all around her head also stood with them. Another female who had long brown hair a little past her shoulders stood next to the one with ink black hair. All of them extremely white except for the girl I noticed first, she was slightly darker then them, but not by much. Her cheeks had a pink tone. All of there eyes oddly gold, besides her. She had brown eyes and red hair, it almost looks a bronze color. All of them were very beautiful. Before I could see more Alex jumped in front of me. "Whats up shorty?" I shook my head slightly and turned to find Callie and Amber behind him. Alex's black hair was all messed up. I went to fix it but he leaned away from me and pointed his finger at me, "Hey! No touching the hair," Callie came up behind him and ran her fingers through it. "Hey!" We laughed. "Whats up Lizz?"
"Who are they?"
"Oh thats the Cullens," The Cullens, not the Collins, opps. "How old are they?"
"Oh they like graduated like a couple of years ago."
"Cool, but the short one doesn't look very old,"
"Thats Alice she graduated a couple years ago too,"
"Which one is that?"
"The short one with black hair,"
"Oh no, I was talking about the one with red hair,"
"Oh thats Renesmee, shes like sixteen now, I think,"
"Who are the rest?"
"The tall blonde girl is Rosalie, The tall dark haired guy is Emmett, Alice, and the girl with brown hair is Isabella, or Bella," I gasped, and the Cullens turned to face me. Isabella's face was alarmed, but she turned back to Renesmee, gave her a hug and walked toward a jeep. Rosalie and Alice did the same while Emmett already was in the Jeep. Renesmee kept shooting glances at Alice and Isabella. "Whats wrong?"
"I know that girl- umm- Isabella, she live a couple houses down from me in Pheonix like a few years ago, before she moved away, I mean moved here. Wait her last name is Cullen?"
"Yea she married like right when she graduated or something."
"Not to interupt this interesting talk about the Cullens but I think we are late," Amber said as she turned towards the building. "I'll tell you more in biology,"
"Cool," We began walking towards the building.
"So nice of you two to join us," The teacher said as Amber and I walked in and took our seats. Trig was my only class with Amber. And the three guys sat behind us yestarday are still there. "Today class we will be studying for a test we have friday," the whole class moaned and the mood seemed to darken. The weather outside was not helping the way I liked it here, it was raining, and I hoped it wasn't cold enough for snow. I didnt listen to the teacher but somehow I still got stuck answering a question, "35 degrees," I said quietly. After he confired it to be correct I zoned out again. Callie told me some more about the Cullens and how Dr. and Mrs. Cullen adopted them. I was thinking about how pale they were and wondered if it was Dr. Cullen Aunt Jesse talked to yestarday. At lunch I was debating why Renesmee was sitting alone. Everyone said that no one really like the Cullens. I still wanted to go sit by her, but I decided not to. I told myself if no one sat by her tomarrow I would.
I got in my car and began to back out of the parking space. I looked at the road now covered with a thin layer of ice. I sighed and began speeding down the road, I didn't see the other car until it was too late. I hit the front bumper and my car began to spin, the impact crushed my arm, but I was too surprised to scream. I hit a tree because the indent in the passenger side door. The airbag came late and didn't stop my head from hitting the steering wheel. I could feel the gash but I couldn't even lift a finger before I blacked out.
Sirens were faint as if they were now getting farther away. I was to afraid to move, afraid that the pain will come flowing back. I dared to open my eyes, the room was white, and I was on a hospital cot. I started to panic, but when I started to sit up a tube was connected to my wrist and another one pushing air into my nose. I tried to rip them off but a nurse stopped my arm. "Wheres my aunt?" I needed to talk to her, she was probably worried sick by now. "Shes down in the waiting room dear, the doctar needs to check on you first." she whispered. And then she left the room. A couple minutes later, a doctar walked in. He had a clip board and was staring intently at it. He clipped my x-rays on a light board hanging from the wall. I didn't see it at first but as he turned back to me his eyes flashed gold. Another Cullen. "You are free to go, your arm should be heal in about eight weeks, come back in four weeks to get your stitches removed, and come back immediately if your experiencing major headaches or vision problems,"
"Thank you Dr.-"
"Dr. Cullen," He finished with a smile, yup. Cullen. But he looks older then any of the ones I saw, I sat up and went to the door. When I walked out he was still looking at my x-rays. I held my arm awkwardly at my side. I walked quietly out into the white waiting room. "Lizzie!" Aunt Jesse squealed as I walked in. She rushed over to hug me, but my arm got in the way. She had her hands cupped over her mouth as she looked at my arm and at my forehead. "Oh my gosh, Lizzie, I'm so sorry!"
"Aunt Jesse its not your fault,"
"I know. But still-"
"Lets just go home,"
"Dr. Cullen said you have to stay home tomarrow to be sure the stitches stay in right,"
"okay," I almost fell on the way in the front door of our house, she caught me though and helped me up the stairs. She laid me on my bed and put my books, t.v remote, and radio remote next to me, "Do you need anything?"
"No thanks, I just need to rest,"
"Okay, I'll be right down stairs if you need me, love you,"
"Love you too," she left and closed the door. So much for sitting with Renesmee tomarrow. I quickly fell asleep after Aunt Jesse gave me like a million different pills. I woke up and the sun was shining at a weird angle until I realize I slept a very long time. I checked the time and it was around two o'clock. I groaned as I sat up and realized weather I was at school today or not I still had a test friday. I went to get my textbook and began to study, but then I got bored and began to doodle. It was funny because I drew a fairy that sparkled in the sun. The idea that the Cullens were a group of faires was rediculous. The tiny girl with the spiked black hair could be a fairy, I shook my head, no. It would be like calling a tan person a vampire. I acually laughed out loud. Vampires. I began to plan a trip to La Push to go surfing. I was acually pretty good, but when I turned fourteen I stopped going. The two days past quickly. Soon I was back at school, people saying 'Get well' and 'Sorry' some of the guys wanted to see my stitches, I just shook my head and said 'Well they are not much,' I was going to go and sit with Renesmee but there were a couple of the Cullens with her. Alice, another tall guy with blonde hair, Isabella, and a guy with red hair. Isabella got up and walked out of the building, "One second Callie,"
"Kay," I quickly put up my tray and followed her, out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice tell the redhead something with a smile. I almost ran out the door. Callie said she liked to be called Bella."Isabella," I yelled as I ran after her. She was in the parking lot faster then I could have guessed. I pictured her with wings. I shook my head and half-smiled "Isabella!" She stopped and turned around, although a glass door was still between us. I opened the door and walked up to her, "Isabella, do you remember me?"
"Its Bella, and I don't think we met,"
"Umm, like a long time ago, you lived beside me and my aunt with your mom until you moved away a couple years ago."
"Elizabeth, you taught me how to ride my bike when I was six,"
"Oh. Oh! Lizzie!"
"Yea, so you moved to Forks?"
"Oh yea, I thought I might spend some time with my dad,"
"Yea, you remember?"
"You did go away every summer until you were like fourteen or something,"
"Yea, so you moved to Forks?"
"Well, my aunt wanted to, so I did too,"
"So... Your married," Her face was stunned, maybe she thought I didn't know. "Yea, but how- Never mind. Hey do you remember Jake?"
"Jacob, yea you talked about him every summer you came home,"
"Yea, do you surf still?"
"Not much but I'm going to a cool place, La Push to go surfing,"
"La Push! Cool, do you want to someone to go with you?"
"Sure you surf?"
"Oh no, not at all, but I have some of Jake's friends who do and they would love you,"
"Bella we got to go, lunch is over," Alice said from behind me and almost danced to Bella's side, "Oh Lizzie this is Alice, Alice this is Lizzie,"
"Yea I have seen Lizzie around," Alice said with a smirk as if there was an inside joke I didnt know, "Hey Alice,"
"Hi Lizzie,"
"Lizzie, why don't you sit with us tomarrow, we always come here,"
"Sure, why not,"
"See you then,"
"Bye guys," I had to literatly run to my next class. I was late but the teacher was in a good mood so I didn't get a detetion. Were still in a section I already studied so I of course thought about the Cullens until my arm began to irritate me, I ignored it but then it really started to bother me. I only had one more class after this so I was gonna skip because I don't have my medication. And they didn't even notice my arm its like they already knew- Oh Dr. Cullen probably told them. I walked out of the school when the bell rung. I was really careful going home. I walked in the front door and dropped my bag, and threw the keys in the holder. I decided to make dinner since Aunt Jesse took care of me for the last two days. It was harder then I thought, but I finally got the chicken and mashed potatos on the table, I heard her car pull on to the gravel drive way. I went to open the door for her. She looked surprised when I opened the door. She walked in "It smells good,"
"Thanks," We sat down for dinner. "So anything new?"
"okay you want to tell me something. What is it?"
"Well when ever my arm is healed I am going with some of Bella's friends to surf,"
"Oh, so you saw her today?"
"Yea she comes to the school to have lunch with her step sister,"
"Well thats nice,"
"Yea, but Dr. Cullen looks too young to have seven almost grown children,"
"He and his wife adopted them a while ago,"
"How do you know that?"
"Well I called and talked to Charlie today, did you know Bella is married?"
"Yea, she is now a Cullen,"
"Yea strange but Charlie said her and her husband have been together two years now. Quiet surprised at how young they were,"
"Well I guess so, so are you done?"
"Oh yea, I'll wash the dishes tonight. Oh here," She handed me a small peice of paper with a few numbers on it, it looks like she tore it off of another sheet of paper.
"What is this?"
"Oh its Isab- Bella's cell phone number,"
"Thanks," I stood up and stacked her plate on mine and began to walk to the sink. "Hey I said I'll do the dishes,"
"Kay night,"
"Night," I ran upstairs after I grabbed my bag from the door. I threw the bag back on the floor when I got to my room and went searching through my closet. I found my moving bag and began opening the pockets. I came up with a shiny blue and silver rectangle. I flipped open the cover. I searched the phone until I came up with a name. Isabella Swan. I hit the edit button and typed. Bella Cullen. And quickly looked at the number, I sighed and changed the number. A second later I hit the save button. The small phone went black and then it died. I threw it on my bed and began my homework. I only got up once in the night and that was to take more pain pills. My arm back at the hospital was still numb and now it burned. I woke up earlier then I wanted but it was to late to go back to sleep. I put toast in the toaster and fried an egg. I let it cool while I got dressed and brushed my hair. I couldn't acually find winter clothes in my dresser so I put on a jacket over a short sleeve shirt and long jeans on. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I left five minutes earlier then intended but I didnt have much to do at the house. The road didnt have a sheet of ice on it so I didnt have to worry. I leaned against my car and waited for Amber and them. The Cullens were leaning against a silver Volvo. Everyone of them were there except Rosalie, Dr. Cullen, and Mrs. Cullen. But there was one I didn't know, a tall tan kid with cropped brown hair. Bella waved me over there, I hesitated for a second and then walked over there. "Hey Bella," I said as I approached. "Hey Lizzie. okay so you met Alice. This is Renesmee, Jasper, Emmett, Edward, and this is Jake," She pointed to Renesmee, the tall guy with blonde hair, the redhead, and the tall dude with cropped hair. "Hey Guys"
"Hi Lizzie,"
"Sup Lizz,"
"Sup," After a long silents Bella broke in, "So do you know when your going surfing, Lizz?"
"As soon as my arm heals,"
"You surf?" Jake asked with a surprised look on his face, "Yea not much anymore but I guess I'm gonna get into it again,"
"So where are you going to surf?"
"Oh down at one of the La Push beaches,"
"Cool maybe some of my friends and I could come with you,"
"So how do you know Bella?" Emmett asked.
"We lived right next to each other for a long time,"
"Did she surf with you?" He was grinning and Bella was glaring at him.
"No she tried once,"
"Can I guess what happened?" His grin grew bigger, and Bella smacked him. He flinched and rubbed the spot. "Im still strong Emmett," It seemed like I missed a joke that wasn't funny. The bell for homeroom rung. "Bye Renesmee," Bella sighed as she hugged her, Alice hugged her too, and Jake kissed her on the cheek. Everyone said bye to me and they left.
"So your family is like all together,"
"So, Jake hangs out with your family alot?"
"Oh yea all the time, hes kinda my boyfriend,"
"Yea, I would love to see you surf. Emmett and Jasper are really good too, I am not very but I do,"
"Really thats so cool,"
"Yea, see ya,"
"Kay bye," I walked to my class room and after that the day went in a blur. I sat with the Cullens and we planned a surfing trip, we decided not to go to La Push because they didnt have very good waves, but we were going after school tomarrow, Bella and Alice said they don't surf so they would stay with me on land. The next day past too. But at about four were headed to another beach. I was suppose to call Bella when I was ready to be picked up. I didn't know what to wear it was going to be unseasonably warm tomarrow but still no sun. I put on long pants and a sweat shirt and called her, I told her directions to my house and in like ten minutes she was there with a blue buggy, she told me it was Renesmee's and she and Jake would meet us there. It was wierd because I felt ackward Dr. and Mrs. Cullen were meeting us there. But as that feeling engulfed me a wave of peace followed quickly. We arrived and there was Renesmee and Jake just like they said. Right when we stepped out of the car Jasper and Emmett raced to the water in wetsuits, not bothering to get the expensive looking surf boards out of the back. They looked faster then anyone I ever saw. Alice and Bella walked to the edge of the water until Emmett tried to drag them in. A few minutes after we got there while Alice, Bella, and I were sitting on a beach blanket watching Emmett and Jasper surf, a couple of dudes as tall and as tan as Jake walked up to us. Renesmee and Jake took off and began a hike, Edward went to go see if Dr. and Mrs. Cullen were still coming. "Sup Bella," One of them said, Bella got up and hugged him, "Hey Seth," she hugged the two others behind them and called them Embry and Quil and all of them looked as young or even younger then Renesmee. "Whos this?" Emdry asked nodding towards me, "Im Lizzie,"
"Hey Lizzie,"
"Are you guys coming?" Emmett yelled from 5 yards into the water. And with that the three ran into the water. Alice gasped and her face was blank and her eyes stared into the distance. "Alice?" I asked. Her eyes focused and she recomposed her face. "Yea?"
"Are you okay?"
"Im fine," Right then another car pulled up to the small beach, Edward, Dr. Cullen, and who I guess was Mrs. Cullen got out. Mrs. Cullen couldnt even be more then two years older then Dr. Cullen. I wonder whos idea it was to adopt. At first it started funny because Emmett and Jasper tackled Edward and then they carried him into the water. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen told me to call them Carlisle and Esme. Everyones' name in this strange family had a very old fashion name. Jasper and them wanted to go up to a cliff so they could dive off of it, when Alice asked me if I wanted to come watch I said yes. My arm wasn't burning as bad because I wasn't paying attention to it. But now when I have to move it up and down to avoid having it get hit by a branch its starting to get fired up. "Opps!" I fell to the ground and felt the stiches rip open, Esme called for Carlisle who was only a few minutes away to help. She held my hand and it was strange because her skin was very hard and very cold. I could feel the warm blood begin to pool around my head. Carlisle arrived very fast and he appeared a blur, he told everyone to leave because there was alot of blood. I only saw bone white flashes and then I didnt hear anything else because I blacked out. But before I realized something was up with the Cullens. The ice cold and hard skin. The abnormaly pale skin. The old time names. The eyes I witness turn black to gold, the fast speeds, and just the thought of everything else. They were vampires. I woke up in the same shaped room, with the same pale white walls and the white cot. Dr. Cullen- Carlisle was out in the hallway and he was talking to someone. Aunt Jesse moved slightly and I could see her straight blonde hair. I could hear the muted voices, he didn't want her to go in yet. He wanted her to wait until I have woken up and he has checked me. She nodded and walked away quickly and then the door opened. His eyes full of concern, I don't know who it was for. He pressed his middle and pointer finger on my wrist "Are you feeling alright?"
"I saw what happened," I whispered. "Yes you were lucky nothing very seriouse happened," At first I thought he meant about him and his family of vampires. "No, I saw what happened," I whispered again, my mind flashing to Alice's blank face as she gasped, and then the white blurs as the blood thirsty vampires filed out, why didnt they kill me? How could they not, my blood was pouring from my head, and Carlsile he works in a hospital where there is blood all the time. I don't understand anything. "I was afraid of that," He whispered back, I was once again confused, was he going to kill me now? Or will he leave me alive since I was Bella's friend? "Well, you are free to go, Bella wants you to call her when your home,"
"Does Renesmee know?" I wonder, Renesmee's pink skin doesn't look hard or even cold for the fact, did she know her family are vampires? "Yes,"
"Jake and Seth and Embry and Quil?"
"Yes, we will explain later," He led me out of the room and Aunt Jesse again was sitting in the waiting room with tears running down her face. She took me home with out a word, only one hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Where are you going?" she said in a stirn voice. It took me off guard, "To go call Bella, and tell her I'm fine,"
"Elizabeth Marie Smith! I don't want you to scare me like that anymore!" She yelled just below the pitch of a scream. More tears were coming into her eyes. And she broke down, I dragged her to the living room and pushed her on the couch. The tears ran faster down her cheeks, "I'm sorry Lizzie, I was just so worried about you lately,"
"I know I'm really sorry, I wont do anything else if it makes you happy,"
"No hun, live you life. And go tell Bella your alright," I ran up stairs and found the stupid phone charger, plugged the phone in and called her, it didnt even have time to ring. "Are you alright?" Bella asked immediatly, I shook my head even though she couldnt see me and laughed, "I'm fine Bella, how about you?"
"What do you mean am I fine? You just basicly took a head dive in to the ground!"
"No Bella, are you okay," there was silents for a minute and I knew she got what I was saying. "I'm sorry we took you, your- your human we should have never put you in danger that way,"
"Bella I fell on the ground its not your fault,"
"Well Alice saw it and warned us but we said that if you were with us it wouldnt happen and then-"
"Alice saw it?"
"Listen I'll come pick you up, we have alot of explaining to do." The phone line went dead and I threw it back on my bed. I ran down stairs, "Where are you going?" Aunt Jesse asked, she was still on the couch but the tv was on and most of her tears were gone. "Oh Bella is coming to pick me up,"
"Oh don't stay out very late and tell her I said hi,"
"Kay love you,"
"Love ya," I sat outside on the porch swing until the silver Volvo rolled into the drive way, I ran to the back seat which had Alice in the middle and Jasper by the window. Both of there faces were blank. We drove quietly around twists and turns until we came to a three story white house. When we walked in the living room appeared to be empty but then all of the Cullens were there even Rosalie. Seth, Jake and another guy taller then Jake was there. His name was Sam I found out. We sat in the living room silents eating away at me. Everyone had a straight face, except me. It was tearing me in half, I wanted to know everything! Edward cleared his throat. "Lizzie, this is a very long and complicated story, with more twists and turns then you would even expect." I didnt say or do anything so he began, "We are vampires," he paused a moment, checking my reaction, which was better the I thought it would be, "But we are not the same as our kind, we only survive of animals," what like vegetarians? I would have laughed but I was sort of afraid in a strange way, not afraid directly of them but he said "not the same as our kind," so I suppose it makes some sence. I heard a buzzing sound and saw Bella's lips twitch and then Edward gave a slight shake of his head. I didn't question it. "We are special in some ways. One being our tolerance for human blood," I shuttered slightly, "And some of us have a six sense," I arched one eyebrow because that was rediculous, no way there is a 'six sense' anyone could have, even a vampire. "Yes I know it sounds ubsurd doesn't it?" His question caught me off guard, like he knew what I was thinking. "Your correct," I decided to test it. 'So you can read minds? Thats very- interesting,' I said to him in my mind, wondering if he would get it right. "Yes I know, strange how things work out,"
'Anything else? Can you fly or walk up walls?'
"Alice can see the future, Jasper can control emotions, Renesmee can put thoughts into your head, Bella is a shield, and I can read minds," I realized no one else could hear my questions becuase I didnt say them aloud and they all had on an annoyed expression on. "Well thats- different," Emmett chuckled, Bella and Alice seemed to let out a silent breath, and the rest seemed to relax. "So your not afraid?" Bella asked in a hopeful whisper. I smiled and shook my head. "Cool,"
"Oh Lizzie,"
"One more thing, don't tell anyone,"
"don't worry,"
"So since that secret is out," Jake began stepping forward, "Jake!" Bella almost hissed making me flinch. "What? I mean you got to tell her yours,"
"Jacob Black thats only because she saw! What gave you the idea to tell her yours?"
"Well I don't know, maybe the little speech that Edward gave,"
"Watch yourself," I was begining to back away, I havent really seen anything like this in my life. Esme was behind me "Don't worry, nothing will really happen hunny,"
"Do they always do this?" I whispered the question. "Once in a great while, it will pass," They were still spitting insults at each other. "Guys cool it!" Seth was inbetween them, blocking them from each other. Renesmee was pulling one of Jake's hands from behind trying to pry him away. Edward was holding one of Bella's hands and whispering something in her ear, but she wasn't paying attention. Carlsile was on the right side of the fight trying to calm things down. Emmett and Jasper almost crouched to the ground ready to spring. Rosalie was sitting up straight, both hands on the couch ready to stand up. Alice standing cross armed behind Jasper her eyes closed. Sam was also inbetween them, but he was facing Jake. "Enough Jacob," Jake stopped but his face was red under his dark skin with anger. Renesmee put the back of her hand on Jake's face, which made him turn to her. Her eyes pleading silently, he nodded and they took off out the door. "Bella, I am sorry for Jacob's behavior but he has a point," The feeling of calm flooded the room and everyone relaxed. "I know I'm sorry too, but I don't think its a very good idea right now,"
"okay we will explain later then. Seth you can take Lizzie home, we have things to explain here,"
"Bye Lizzie,"
"Bye Lizz,"
"See ya Lizzie," Everyone said good bye to me as Seth and I left. He walked me to a car I havent seen yet. When we got to my house the door was unlocked and he opened it. Not wanting to be rude I invited him in. "Do you wanna come in?"
"Sam and Jake really need me right now,"
"Oh come on,"
"okay," I led him to the kitchen, but he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "What?"
"Shh," he hushed me and ran up the stairs, I followed, "What are you doing,"
"Wait," he ran down the hall to Aunt Jesse's room, "She might be asleep," he opened the door. Blood. I smelled blood, "Seth!" I didn't black out because my aunt's body lay white and broken on the floor. I gasped and couldn't find a way to breathe, tears blurred my vision. "Seth!" I sobbed falling to my knees next to her. "Sam, tell the Cullens to get to Lizzie's house now," he waited a second to listen "There was an accident," he bent down beside me, "Lizzie its okay,"
"Shes gone Seth! Shes gone! She left me!" my cheeks were wet but I put my face in my hands anyway. When Carlisle told Alice to get me down to the living room, I didn't look up. I couldnt bare to see Aunt Jesse's eyes dead and dark. All the light and excitment drained from her face, the part of my brain that was conquered by self-preservation was happy that it wasn't me, but my heart wanted to trade her life for mine. Bella and Alice sat on either side of me on the couch, both of them giving rensurrences that everything in alright and that if I needed a place to stay I could live with them. I finally passed out, leaning on Bella's shoulder. I dreamed of Aunt Jesse and me on the beach in Pheonix, splashing each other with the salt water and building sand castles. I woke up and my eyes were puffy and dry. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs. There was a knock at my door. I knew I was being stupid but I hoped it was Aunt Jesse, alive and as happy as ever. "Come in," I mumbled, Bella stuck her head through the door. She opened it and slipped in closing it behind her. "Are you okay?"
"Is my aunt in the living room?" she deliberated and then shook her head. "Then no I'm not okay,"
"Seth wants to talk to you,"
"okay," She walked out and Seth walked in. He sat on the end of my bed. "Lizzie, I know how you feel,"
"My dad died of a heart attack a couple years ago,"
"I'm so sorry,"
"No its okay, I got through it, but I really didn't have anyone to help me,"
"don't you have a sister and a mom?"
"Yea but my sister is really- well she doesnt express feelings very well, and my mom, she spent so much time with Charlie she was hardly home,"
"Oh is your mom's name Sue?"
"Yea how did you know?"
"Well Aunt Jesse- I heard it somewhere," I turned my head to the side so he couldn't see the swell of tears on the rim of my eyes. I turned back to him when I thought they were gone but one betrayed me and fell. He wiped it away with his thumb, he was closer to my face then I thought, his brown eyes shined with understanding, my breath shuttered slightly and I leaned back a little and half laughed. "Here I am crying in front of you again,"
"Its okay,"
"No its really not, I'm not use to crying in front of people,"
"Well don't consider me a regular person consider me just a regular friend,"
"okay," he half smiled and stood up. He held out his hand, I took it and stood up. We walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the living room. Where Bella, Renesmee, Alice, Jake, Edward and Jasper sat. The too small room looked even smaller where the six of them sitting there. Alice's, Bella's, and Jake's eye flickered to Seth's and my hands. We pulled away at the same time and looked away. Bella's face lit with a small smile. "So Lizzie, are you going to stay here or do you want us to move your stuff to our house?" Alice asked.
"Umm, I don't really know I guess I'll try to keep the house as long as possible,"
"We'll help," Alice volentured.
"You don't have to really I can get a job,"
"Too late,"
"I'm not taking your money!"
"Like I said too late,"
"What did you do?"
"Well, I payed the bills already and put a couple a thousand dollars in your bank,"
"Kay," I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. "Do you guys want anything?" I yelled to them. I heard five sarcastic voices saying no, but two of them said yes. "Come here then," Jake walked in first followed by Seth. "What do you guys want? Food, a drink?"
"Doesn't matter,"
"Well then help yourselves," They began to rummage the kitchen while I just fixed a bowl of cereal. I went and sat at one of the avalible arm chairs in the living room and began to eat. "So anything new? You know besides me getting unwanted money," I asked between spoonfuls, "Lizzie since you want to keep the house then we are setting up a scedual to keep watch," Edward began.
"You guys don't have too, I mean you guys would be bored anyway,"
"Well its to keep you safe while we look for your guest," I shuttered at the last word. "Guys people die all the time is alright its not like he'll come back,"
"This isn't a regular- What I mean is it was no regular person," My mind tried to wrapped around the idea, until it came up with an answer. Aunt Jesse was killed by a vampire. "What if you guys get hurt?"
"Don't worry Lizz, I know, we will not get hurt," Bella said. "okay when does it start?"
"Around three in the afternoon, one of us will stay the rest will go and help,"
"okay." I whispered, kind of frightened. I put my bowl in the sink and went upstairs. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I blow dried my hair I put it into a simple ponytail and began to brush my teeth. I went to my bedroom and picked out a pair of long black jeans and a retro rock t-shirt. I didn't realize how much time had past, it was two forty-seven. When I went down stairs Bella and Seth were the only ones there. "They wanted to get an early start, Seth volentured to take the first watch." She had the same tiny smile on her face that she did this morning. After she left Seth and I were watching TV. "Do you think they will be okay?" I asked after a couple minutes. "Yea with Jake and Sam I think they will be alright,"
"I'm kind of hungry do you want anything?"
"Sure," The truth was I was sick to my stomach. He followed me back into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I asked as I turned my attention to the cabinets. Since he said he would basicly eat anything I decided to cook dinner. When we sat down in the living room the news was on. "Another murder unsolved, Chief Swan talks to us about it," The reporter said in one of the fake voices. I put my plate on the coffee table and got up, I ran back to the kitchen. I heard Seth set his plate down. I went to the window and looked out it, not knowing what else to do. "Its going to be alright," I spun around and came face to face with Seth. How can he move so quietly? "How is it going to be alright? Everything I love is gone!"
"You still have the Cullens and us, we will help you, no matter what happens,"
"Thanks Seth,"
"So what do you want to do?"
"I don't know," we went and sat in the living room again. We watched the TV in silents until light fast foot steps sounded up stairs. Seth jumped up quicker then I could and handed me a phone, "Call Bella," and then he was gone. I quickly dialed the number and ran after him. "Bella Seth said to call you! I don't know why but he did!"
"We'll be there," and then the phone went dead. Seth was in my room's doorway. "Do you like this room?" he asked suddenly, pushing me behind him. "Why?"
"Just stay back," he leaped forward and suddenly a giant wolf was in front of me. My mouth hung open. I heard a quickly chuckle behind me and then a cold hand was on my shoulder. I gasped and turned around. "don't worry, Alice will redo it," Bella said from behind me. Esme was behind her and led me down the stairs, out the door and into the shiny silver Volvo. Carlisle was behind the stirring wheel, talking to Emmett through an open window. "Track him as far as fifty miles, if you cant catch him by then come back,"
"Sure thing," And then he dissapeared. Alice was a few feet from the road talking to Rosalie. Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Edward made up the first hunting party, while Carlisle, Esme, Bella, Rosalie, and Renesmee. Seth and the werewolves were going to split in half, one to protect La Push- the werewolf base, you could call it- and then the other half is to help protect me. I was taken back to their house and was to stay there for a while. No school, no going anywhere with out one of them, nothing dangerous at all because of what happened at the beach. Callie called a few times, as did Amber and Alex. Im going to the movies with them, but I have to bring one of my 'protectors' I chose Renesmee, but because she is half human and half vampire- which would explain her pale red face and her being as warm as Jake or Seth- I had to bring one other person. But Jake was going seperatly with Renesmee, so I brought Seth. "Hey Lizzie," Callie greeted me. "Hey, so what movie are we going to see?"
"We are dead-locked, we're tied between two... Alex wants to see the new 'Death' movie and Amber and I want to see 'The Host'"
"'The Host' sounds cool,"
"Alex and I made a bet that you would either say 'The Host' or 'Death' and I won, he has to buy my ticket."
"Yea, yea," Alex bought her ticket and his, Amber went next, Seth and I, and last Renesmee and Jake. Callie had to go to the bathroom so I went with her. I rebrushed my hair. "So you have a boyfriend?" She asked while she washed her hands. "No, he's just my friend,"
"Oh please, you don't see the way he looks at you,"
"Callie hes like fifteen or something,"
"So, its cute, he has a crush on you!"
"Shut up, lets go the movies already started,"
"Fine," We took our seats. Callie sat next to me with Amber and Alex to her left. Then it was me, Seth, Renesmee, and Jake. Half way through the movie Seth put his hand on top of mine which made Callie's prediction seem more realistic. After the movie Jake took Renesmee to a diner. Seth walked me to my house. "Alice will be here in a couple of minutes," he mumbled. He yawned. "Knock, knock!" Alice thrilled behind me. I jumped. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "You are extremely unobservent." She muttered. "Well I'm no vampire," I reply. She laughed. "So what are we doing tomarrow?" I asked. "Baseball," she answered simply. "Cool," I replied.

"Baseball!" Alice sang! I jumped out of bed. "Alice!" I hissed. "Yes?" she said innocently. "What time is it?"
"Twelve. I'm surprised you slept so long, well, I guess not because your human. Anyway we have to get you to my house! I already have an outfit for you!" right then there was a car beep down stairs. "Thank you for making my point!" Alice called out the window. "Ready?" Bella asked behind me. "Yea, but can you guys do me a favor?" Alice laughed, her eyes blank. "Sorry, we can't do that, you are always slow!" Alice laughed again. "We'll try," Edward said on the otherside of me. "Ah!" I jumped. They laughed. "You guys are mean. I'm not going." I sat back on my bed. "We'll drag you downstairs." Alice threatened. "Please try," I mocked. "okay," she grabbed my hand and pulled me off my bed. Oh right vampire strength. I sat back down on the floor. "Fine then," she pulled me along with her as she walked at a human pace. Once we got to the stairs she let go. "Get up or I'll carry you." She pointed to the stairs. "You can try." I shrugged. "Oh look we have another Bella," she mumbled. "I am not like that anymore!" Bella complained. "Emmett!" Alice called. Emmett laughed down stairs. "Good, make me carry her." He laughed behind me. I didn't jump this time. He picked me up and ran downstairs. "Emmett! Put her down!" Esme said surprised. He sighed and lowered me to the ground. "Lizzie, I'm sorry," She said, helping me up. "It's okay," I glared at Alice and then Emmett. They both smiled and waved. We drove to their house, where Alice gave each of us a baseball uniform with our names on them. "When did you start these?" Emmett asked eyeing his. All the girls got pink while all the guys got blue. But Alice made Emmett's with gemstones, glitter, and pink. "Say cheese." Jasper laughed. And just then a camera flashed. "Hey!" Emmett complained. "Give me the camera!" He hissed. Jasper smiled and dashed outside. Emmett followed him. "Oh no," Esme sighed. "Alice?" Bella asked. "Just be ready to catch it." Alice muttered. Just then Bella snatched something out of the air. "Edward." She said as she handed it to him. He smiled and dashed out the back door. "We are going to miss it!" Alice complained. Edward reappeared beside Bella. "Where did you put it?"
"Who cares? We need to go!"

"Alice is pitching!" Esme called. "Lizzie can go first!" Emmett mocked. "I will." I picked up the bat and went to the plate. "Strike three your out!" Emmett pretended to catch a ball. "Shut up Emmett."
"Batter up." Esme stated. Alice pitched the ball at normal speed. I hit it and started to run. I looked ahead and saw Emmett already on first base. He moved in mocking slow motion. His foot almost touching the base. I got there basicly a millisecond before his foot touched the base. "Safe!" Esme called. "Got be a little faster." I touched the sparkly pink 'Emmett' on his uniform. "Ha ha. I let you get there, just remember that."
"Anything you say." He shook his head and threw the ball back to Alice. Bella was up next. Thunder stuck just as she hit the ball. I felt cold hands on my shoulders and I felt my foot touch home. Bella smiled and stood on third. "Esme! And you call me out for cheating!" Emmett pointed at Bella. "I saw nothing." Esme shrugged. We won by one point.

"So who's turn is it today?" I asked. "Esme's,"
"Yea, she likes you."
"She's so nice, I love your family. Except when Emmett is wearing pink."
"They really like you too. But of course they worry, and by worry, I mean Carlisle and Esme. And their worry increased when your aunt- passed." I turned my head away. "Sorry,"
"It's okay. So what are you guys going to do?"
"Ah animals. So you are like human hunters except you use them for a different purpose."
"Esme should go, I'll be fine for a couple of hours."
"Everyone told her that, but she insists. I think she has to talk to you."
"I wonder about what."
"We'll it could have to do with that your new to this family, or about your aunt. Edward told us he promised not to tell us. She always has words of advice. I guess we have everything now in out family. The weird big brother, the loving mother, the wise father, the annoying little sister, The family pets, the silent but deadly brother, the beautiful older sister, the spoiled one, and then the new addition, you, the one who competes with the older brother."
"Let me guess. Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, Alice, Jacob and Seth, Jasper, Rosalie, Renesmee, and me. Where do you and Edward fit?"
"The normal ones." I laughed. "Oh yes a shield and a mind-reader, so normal." She laughed with me. "Not to mentions vampires."
"Oh so you turned vampire on me! I see how it is." She laughed again. "I'm sorry, I had no choice." Her face became serious. "That's not entirly true." She whispered. "Is your life bad? I mean do you like it?"
"I love my life, I love Edward and Renesmee and Jake. I love them all. It's just- I don't know how to say it- confusing."
"When did you change?"
"A year ago, about a year or less after I married Edward."
"Why did you wait?"
"I was pregnet with Renesmee," I gasped. "Renesmee is suppose to be your sister." She shook her head. "I had Renesmee when I was human, with Edward." I shook my head too. "Oh, Esme's coming down the road now. Have fun." She kissed my cheek. "Have fun drinking blood." I called, my nose wrinkling. "It's not as bad as you think!" She called back. A car pulled in the drive way. "Hey Esme," Bella greeted. "How are you?" Esme asked her back. "Pretty good, what's that?"
"I'll tell you when I'm finished explaining it o Lizzie."
"Okay, love you, have fun." Esme knocked at the door. "Esme, you don't have to knock!" I called to her. She appeared in the hallway. "Hello Lizzie."
"Hi," She smiled. She carried a book with her. "What's that?"
"May I talk to you?"
"Of course." She sat at the end of the couch. "Are you okay, Esme?" I asked. "Yes, why do you ask?"
"Your sitting at the very end of the couch and you look like your about to fall off," I patted the cushion next to me. She smiled and scooted over. "I wanted to ask you something." She said, her face serious. "What is it?"
"Are you okay with all of this?" I looked at her expression. It wasn't serious, it was- concern. "Yes, I knew something was strange about the Cullen family." She grinned. "I'm glad you are okay," She flipped open the book. Sketches of people lay behind the cover. People on a beach, a woman laying on the ground, a person on an airplane, three people in front of a school, the pictures went on and on. I studied them harder. I feel like I saw these before. "Esme where did you get these?" I asked. "Alice drew them."
"I feel like I saw them before."
"You have."
"But these have details even I can't see." I reconized the people that instant. Bella and Alice in front of the school that day. Emmett and Jasper on the beach. And me. In every picture. There I am on the plane coming to Forks with my aunt, and the woman on the ground is me when I fell. I'm on a beach towel behind Emmett and Jasper. I'm talking to Alice and Bella at the school. I gasped. "These are of me." She nodded. "Alice knew you were coming, we all did, except Bella. We wanted to surprise her. But Alice drew all of these. They are her visions."
"Can I see it?" I asked. She handed the book to me. I turned the page and it was blank. I turned the next three pages and it said in bold letters "FUTURE" I flipped the page. This one took up the whole page. And it was colored. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair was standing in a forest. Her eyes brillient red. I gasped. She was so beautifuly frightening I had to look away. It was me. "Here Esme," I whispered, handing it back to her. She took it but set it aside. "Is that me?" I asked. "Only a possiblity, it's not your future yet."
"What do you mean yet?"
"Only three of us know about it. Alice, Carlisle and myself, well of course Edward too. We disussed what should be done. You are in danger now. When Alice first saw you, Edward said they should avoid you, but Alice said you have already heard of us and would meet us anyway."
"So either way, I'm going to die."
"No. Not at all, we won't let that happen. You are part of this family now. And we protect our family. You just have to make a desicion. Many of us suggest staying human as long as possible. But we put you in danger so we will make it your choice." She looked at me as if she was looking at her child.

Alice's POV

One vision after another kept popping into my head. I have a headache. Human or vampire. She just has to make that desicion, it's not that hard. Esme is of course trying to make Lizzie feel better. Maybe I shouldn't have added that one picture. "Alice?" Jasper said. "Yes?"
"What did you see?"
"I'm just thinking, Jazzy, it's okay." He chuckled. I took his hand and began to walk. "Where are we going?" He asked. "I don't know." I shrugged. "I think you should duck." I suggested. The pinecone flew over his head. He was about to take off and chase Emmett when I stopped him. "Don't let him ruin it!" I complained. "Ruin what?" I eyed his shoes. Five thousand dollars had to be spent on the last custom made shoes I bought him. And they were for our anniversary. Those ones he had on were made of the most softest white leapord fur money could buy. "He wouldn't get them." He said following my eyes. "Oh Mr. Whitlock, I belive you can't see the future, now can you?" He chuckled again. "No Miss Brandon, I cannot, but I can see you. And I belive you are my future." I giggled like a little girl. "Now belive me when I tell you he will not get them." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. "Fine, but if they get ruined you have to come with me to buy shoes."
"You look perfect in any shoes." I zoned out. A vision, "They should be home soon. Lizzie would you like to talk to Carlisle, Alice, and Edward?"
"Yes, thank you." I blinked. I shook my head. "Esme is bringing Lizzie to our house. Are you okay?" I asked him. A wave of ease washed over me. "Okay then, let us go."

"Are you sure?" I asked. Lizzie nodded. "As soon as possible. I can help you guys with anything. And I want revenge." I gave a small nod. The vision was locked in now. It's happening again. But I have a feeling she will be like any other newborn. "Just tell me when you are ready." Carlisle whispered.
"Give me two days,"
"As long as you need dear, no rush." Esme whispered. "Anything to add, Edward?" I asked. He nodded "We should tell the others now. I mean I think Bella should know."
"Of course-"
"I should tell her." Lizzie said. "Lizzie she may-"
"No Edward I agree, she should be the one to tell Bella," I said.
My eyes focused on a vision. "I'm becoming a vampire Bella." I saw Lizzie say. Bella's face became shocked. The vision ended. "Well that went well," I muttered. I could almost feel Edward scan my mind. "Well she is at her house right now." Edward said as he got to his feet. "I'll take you there. Alice, take Carlisle and Esme home and tell the others the desition."
"Okay," I mumbled. How am I suppose to know the outcome? Whatever.

"I knew this would happen." Jasper paced. "We all knew this was going to happen." Emmett agreed. "Not so soon though. Carlisle you should have tried to talk her out of it. She's wasting her life!" Rosalie said. "I agree Rose, but it was her desision. Not mine." Edward commented.
"It's already final! We can't change it now!" I almost yelled. "I can't believe you put that picture in there Alice! You knew it would change her mind!" Rosalie yelled. "It would have happened anyway! She's stronger then Bella ever was! And even more stubborn! She would have asked soon enough!" Calm spread through the room. "Thanks Jasper."
"Thanks Jazzy," We both whispered to him. "Sorry Alice, you know how I feel about it." She looked down. "Yea, you are right, I shouldn't have put that picture in there." a vision. "Are you okay Bella?" Lizzie asked. Bella looked angry. It ended. "We have to go!" I cried. "Why? What's wrong?"
"Just come on!" Edward was beside me as we ran to his house. I ran into his house. "Jasper!" Calm invaded the air. "Lizzie are you okay?" I asked, out of breath from stress. "Yea, I'm- fine-" She was pale faced. "Bella?" I asked looking to her. Happiness replaced the calm. "Peachy!" she smiled. I was going to get it later. "Great! Let's get back home to talk!" I thrilled. This happiness is sort of annoying in this tough situation. "Now you know how I feel about you." Edward joked. I laughed. At the house Renesmee and Jake were waiting. "So-" Jake began.
"Yes." Edward answered. "When?"
"Two days."
"Then we have to perpare right? I have to tell Sam. Are you going to bite her?"
"If that's okay with you and Sam. If we have to we can just inject the venom into her." Carlisle interjected. "It's only okay with me if you do it Carlisle. No offence to any of you but-"
"It's okay Jacob, we understand." Esme murmured. "Cool, I'm going to go tell Sam." He basicly ran out the door and into the forest. "Alice, can I speak to you for a second?" Bella said. Here it comes. "Sure." Jasper began to follow me. "No Jazzy, I deserve this."
"It's not your fault!" I looked at him. "It's fine." I followed her as she walked out of the house. She led me though the forest. We stopped about a mile away. When she turned her expression was blank, and no visions came to my mind. "Your mad at me aren't you?" I asked. "Alice. What do you think I would be? Happy? Yes I'm mad! It's bad enough we already told her! I will not let her be transformed into what we are!" I sighed. "Oh boy, you sound like Edward now. Look, I already had the vision, she just had to decide on a time."
"What, so she has two days to live!" She paced. "Bella, calm down! Anyways it would be good! In a week Tanya and them are coming anyway. And plus the Amazons are coming too, you know for Renesmee's fifth birthday." She still paced but it became slower. "Yes Alice I remember. But then in two weeks we are moving to Denali, I haven't even figured out if Renesmee is coming with us or staying with Jake."
"Jacob can come with us." I shrug. "Yes but the rest of the pack! They need him, what happens if another rabid vampire strolls into Forks?"
"Rabid? Really Bella? We have eternity! We have to enjoy it. Tell you what, I'm taking Rosalie to Paris this weekend, you and Renesmee should come."
"Esme's not coming?" She asked surprised. "No, she said she can't because she and Carlisle are going to Denali to plan the house out."
"Oh, yea Alice, I'll go with you. Boy this month we have been doing an awful lot."
"I know, we are trying to enjoy the clouds." She laughed and I joined her. "Two days, how do you think she will be?"
"Not like you. You were perpared for like two years. She had five days." She sighed. "Well then maybe we should take her somewhere, like away from here."
"Your probably right. La Push?"
"No, too many people there. Plus Paul is there. And he is sort of... easy to tick off."
"True, maybe we should send her to Denali with Carlisle and Esme. I mean, with Tanya and all of them, it would be the safest place for her. Plus not a lot of humans live there."
"Okay, I'll ask them."
"Okay. let's go back." We ran back to the house. When we arrived Emmett was laughing way too loud. "What's going on?" I asked as we walked through the door. "I'm kinda dissapointed. No fangs?" Lizzie said with mock dissapointed. "We could always buy you some." I suggested with a laugh. "That could work." Bella dissapeared up stairs. Probably to ask Carlisle and Esme. "So... What are we going to do today?" I asked. "I don't know. Any thunderstorms?" I smiled and held up a finger. I didn't think so. I flipped through the visions quickly. "No, it's next week." Lizzie made a dissapointed face. "Well, I guess we don't have anything to do." I could hear Bella discussing the matter up stairs. "That would be best for her. It would give her time to settle down and get use to this life." Esme agreed quickly. "Yes, but we would have to leave today to get there. I believe Tanya wouldn't mind. Bella, do you want to take Lizzie back to her house to get her things?"
"Yes, we'll be right back. Alice?" I appeared next to her. "We should ask if she want's to keep the house for realistate or sell it." Bella nodded and we went don stairs. "Lizzie we need to go to your house." Bella said as she came into view. "Sure." Lizzie began getting up. Once we were there and the situation was explained we helped Lizzie pack up her clothes. "Isn't it going to be cold in Denali?" She asked eyeing her t-shirt and shorts clothes selection. "Well, only until we turn up the heat." I teased. Bella glared at me. "Sorry." I said quickly. Lizzie had a total of three bags and her make-up case- which I'm very proud of by the way. But for a human Lizzie was very pretty, even prettier then Bella. "I disagree." Edward said as he came out the front door to get one of the bags. "Of course you do." I muttered sarcastily. He chuckled and set the bag down by the couch. "Emmett." I sighed. He was planning to basicly ruin every piece of clotheing Lizzie had. I wouldn't mind buying her new things but I didn't knw what stuff she acually liked. "Well if you hadn't noticed. Shorts and t-shirts." Edward commetted again. "Mind your own thoughts nosy." I stuck my tounge out at him. Here it goes. "Hey Lizzie, I kind of like this shirt-" Chuckle "Can I try it on?" Rip. "Emmett!" Lizzie whined. "Man, I liked that one. Oh! I like these ones even more!" Rip, rip, rip, rip. "What is that sound?" Esme asked appearing at the top of the stairs. Her mouth opened in an 'O' formation when she saw the ripped cloth. "Emmett! That's so rude! Say sorry!" Carlisle appeared behind her. He appearently heard it and was trying to hide a smile. And Jasper seemed to be holding back a fit of laughing, even Lizzie was trying not to laugh. Esme turned around and saw Carlisle. When she turned back around she had a smile on her face too. "I'm sorry, Lizzie." Emmett muttered. Then everyone burst out laughing. He was muttering something under his breath as he stalked out he back door. "I found the camera!" He shouted a second later. "When did you make the copies?" I asked Jasper. "When you were making the photo album."
"Copies?" Emmett asked storming back in. "Where are they?"
"Every where."
"You put them on the internet?"
"No, there just every where." Emmett huffed. Carlisle was telling Lizzie what to expect in Denali. "Bye Lizz," Bella said as she gave Lizzie a hug. "See you in five days." Lizzie whispered back. I went over to them. "Alice, you are the most annoying, best-pitcher-I-know, vampire sister, I have ever had." Lizzie said as she looked at me sarcasticly. "And you are the most stuborn, human with awesome hair I have ever known." She smiled and laughed. "Have fun." I said and I hugged her. "Am I suppose to say thanks?" She asked looking supisious. I laughed. Everyone said goodbye to Carlisle, Esme, and Lizzie and then they drove off. "Okay, so what should we do about Jacob and Renesmee?" I asked as they became out of sight.

Lizzie's POV

The forest went past in a blur of colors. Time to look over my life. My best friend Bella moved to Forks, and got married. Then I moved here and met an awesome vampire family. My Aunt dies. One of Jacob's friends, Seth, began to have a crush on me. I found out that the annoying big brother- Emmett- is very mocking and over confident and likes my clothes. Now I am driving to Alaska to meet more vampires and be turned into one of them. I wonder how things would have been if Aunt Jesse lived. They would be better and worse at the same time. Better because of course she would be alive now and I would have blood family but bad because this vampire family- my vampire family- that I know and love wouldn't know me as well, and I wouldn't know them as well. At all. "Lizzie, dear, are you alright?" Esme asked looking back at me with concerned eyes. "I'm fine," My voice was thick and then I realized I was crying. Stupid tears. "Are you sure?" She asked, her motherly concern very deep and touching. "Yes, Esme, I'm fine." I said after I cleared my throat.

The freezing air burned as it went down my lungs. I pulled the feather jacket Rosalie- surprisingly- lended me and slipped my arms through it. We pulled up to a fair sized house, where a beautiful woman waited for us. "Carlisle! Esme!" She squeaked as she ran and hugged them. She turned to me "You must be Lizzie, nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand and when I shook it, even with her gloves on, it was as freezing as the air. "It's great to see you again Tanya, where is your sister?" Tanya lowered her eyes to the ground. "She went away for a while,"
"I'm sorry," She looked at the sky now, "It's about to snow. Lizzie you must be freezing, come in." She led us through the house. It was all bright, with many rooms. Cream colored walls and soft off-white carpets. She opened a door at the end of the west hallway and walked in. There was a bed- like the rest of the bedrooms- a dresser and a night stand with a tiny clock on it that read 3:00 on it in red letters. There was a bathroom off to the right. "Lizzie, I hope you like it. I didn't know anything about you, so I just matched it to the rest of the house." The walls were like chocolate cream and the carpet was a bit lighter, but not as light as the rest. The bed had soft golden sheets and brown feather pillows. "It's perfect." I murmured as I looked around. All the furniture in the house had a modern but family look. Not like the flashy couches and leather sofas that are way unconfortable and only for looks, but this was a very homey place. It reminded me of the Cullens' house. "I'm so glad you like it. Do you need help unpacking? If not I can leave you alone now, this must be very different."
"I'm fine thank you. Really this room is extrodinary. I'll be perfectly fine." She smiled and closed the door beind her. My three bags were all over the room, two on the bed, my make-up case sat on the floor next to them. Way different. I began to unpack everything, shoving clothes into various drawers and stuffing tooth-paste and other things into the bathroom cabinet. Once I was done I sat on my bed with Muffy- a stuffed pink elephant I got on my tenth birthday. A few minutes later there was a light knock at my door. I quickly looked at the clock. 3:17. "Come in." I said quietly, knowing all well they would hear me. Esme stepped in with a little white box in her hand and two envelopes. I cocked my head slightly to the left. She gave a small smile. And without a word she sat the things beside me and left. I picked up the box first. The movement made metal hit more metal, making a jangle sound. My movement seemed clumsy after I watched Esme carry it in and set it on the bed with no noise. I lifted the cover and placed it next to me. It was a charm bracelet. I lifted it up and all the charms were different and almost none of them made any sence together. Under the bracelet was a folded peice of paper. I lifted it up curiously. Unfolding it and holding it up, it seemed to say who all the charms were from. A flower from Esme, the Protection symble from Carlisle, a ruby heart from Alice, a little wolf charm from Jacob and Seth, little vampire teeth from Emmett and Jasper, a small volleyball from Edward- of course he knew my favorite sport, nosy- a clover leaf from Renesmee, a little thing that read 'Hope' from Rosalie, and finally a little vial of water that had sparkles in it from Bella. I laughed as I remember the little experiment we did when we were little. We took a cup of water and dumped all the sparkles we ever had into it. We thought if we put it into the moon-light that a fairy would appear and we would get three magic wishes. I rolled my eyes as I remember my dissapointment, I was so mad that I threw a fit. Our moms wouldn't buy us anymore glitter so we could try again. I reached for one of the envelopes. My name was written on both but I went for one that had the elegant writing on it. I tore open the flap and slid the letter out. A picture of Emmett and his sparkly clothes fell on my lap. I picked it up and laughed at his surprised look. I opened the letter, expecting it to be from either Emmett or Jasper. It wasn't. It was from Rosalie.

Dear Lizzie,

I have been very rude to you. I'm sorry, it's just that I don't like thinking people acually want this life. I guess I understand your wish for revenge, trust me I really do. I just hope you can forgive me. This is the hardest for me, believe it or not. But everyone loves you anyway. Your bubbly personality, the way you dealed with the passing of your Aunt better then we did, and you are very pretty- not that looks are everything, because they can get you into trouble quickly. So again, I am so very sorry, please find it in your heart to try to forgive me.


I stared at the letter in shock. I was still stuck at the ninth word. She's sorry? Wow, I really did not expect that. I'm more surprised at that then finding out the Cullens were vampires. I didn't even want to look at the second letter. A sorry was the last thing I expected today. I reached for the second letter anyway. The writing on this one was even more rough then my own. And I sucked at hand-writting.

Lizzie, I know what's happening to you know is very weird. Ha, trust me I know everything about weird. But this is completely normal for a Cullen. So I guess you're okay with this. The point is, if you can get through this then everything is possible. The Cullens and the pack are by your side.

'Completely normal for a Cullen. So I guess you're okay with this.' Well, that makes it final. I'm a Cullen. I glanced at the clock. 5:02. Wow, an hour past. I got up and realized my leg is asleep. I took the oportunity. I sat back back and pressed really hard on a spot on my leg. Okay I have to check back later to see if a bruise forms. I think, no blood flow+pressure= no bruise. A slight knock at my door made me jump. "Come in," I called. Tanya came in. "Are you hungry?" She asked. The smell of baked chicken made my stomach rumble. She laughed. "I guess that's a yes. I made chicken and baked potatos." I followed her into the hallway and she led me to the kitchen. A make-your-own-potato stand was set out. Sour cream, onions, chives, bacon, cheeses. Everything. And there was a plater of chicken next to it. "Help yourself," She said as she walked out. I saw her wrinkle her nose before she left. I guess vampires don't like human food. I grabbed one of the glass plates and began filling it. I was starving. I began eating as I made my way to the living room. But I thought about the carpets and headed to the dinning room. Soon Carlisle and Esme joined me. They sat down beside me. "Lizzie, are you sure about this decision?" Carlisle asked. "Yes. Unless it's a complication to you guys."
"You are never a complication." Esme reassured me. "Thank you Esme, but I meant because-" I had to think of how to phrase this. "The blood." Carlisle chuckled. "That is no problem at all. Another question is, are you ready for this?" He raised an eyebrow as he spoke. "Yes." I nodded.

Well, after Carlisle explained what it will be like, I admit that it freaked me out a little. But here I am. Being led to my room by Carlisle, with Esme clutching my hand reassuringly. I laid down on the bed. Esme smiled encouragingly.


It's still exhilarating. The smells, the sight, the everything! But the thirst and the madness. I almost attacked Emmett once. They decided that they should come to Denali to help me. So the Cullen house in Forks was empty, Renesmee and Jacob came with us. The first time I hunted was scary. Already my count of human murders reached two. Their blood was so sweet though! I don't really know how the Cullens can stand it! I was faster then the others so I got to them faster. I had already spilled their blood, so Jasper wasn't much help. Later after that horrible experience I got my sence back. I had said sorry about three hundred times. Dissapointment set in as I became the Cullen with the fourth most kills. But it was different with Jasper. I knew this life first and he didn't so it doesn't count for him. And Edward only killed criminals. And Rosalie, well, I can understand her case the most. Those filthy men almost killed her! They deserved to die! I was deciding who to ask for help to get my revenge. Maybe Rosalie can help me. I was already thirsty again, but I was too afraid to hunt. Carlisle was teaching a medical class at a local collage and Esme was taking up a job of redoing a house for a newly wedded couple. I decided I was going to take a few collage courses. How can it hurt? Today, only Nessie- I found out it was Renesmee's nickname- Jacob, Rosalie, Alice, Tanya, and I were the only ones at the house. Jasper and Emmett were doing who knows what, Carlisle had his classes, Edward and Bella were out somewhere, and Esme was already started on that house. I found it strange how they all seemed to have to move around or sit down. I shrugged the thought off and listened to the news that was on T.V with no one watching it. A disease has spread through Italy, which when that news came on, everyones' eyes shot to the screen. "What's wrong?" I asked as I looked at each face contorted in fear. "Shh!" Alice hissed as she moved closer to the screen. "The Romanians?" Tanya breathed. "No. It has to be something bigger, they could never take the Volturi out with only two of them. It would be impossible." Alice said quickly. Rosalie looked... Happy? "Don't any of you see the possiblities? If the Volturi are gone, then we would not have to worry about them coming after Renesmee, or any of us! I don't know about you guys, but this, to me, is the best news ever!" She thrilled. It seemed suddenly, all the fear and pain in their faces was wiped away and replaced with happiness and joy. "Whoa!" Alice said suddenly. Her face was blank, her eyes far away. "Rose, call everyone home. Now." Alice said, still in her trance. Rosalie nodded and took out her phone and began dialing numbers. Alice hissed. "I can't see in here, I'll be right back."
"Lizzie, can you go with her?" Rosalie asked in a soft voice. Taken by surprise, I nodded and followed Alice out the door. My phone began to ring. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. I let out a strangled cry. How? "Hello?" I asked in a shaken voice. A cold voice answered "I am Vladimir, now listen. We know who you are Elizabeth. We know you better then you know yourself. You have great powers. Greater then anything else alive in our supernatural world. You don't know how to use your gift yet, but we can teach you. I will offer you a deal, join us in destroying the Volturi and the rest of your mortal friends will live." The phone hung up. Fury coursed through me at the threat. Before I threw the phone against the outside of the house, I crushed it into dust. Alice had her wide eyes on me, waiting for my next move. My eyes became slits as I stared at her. "Do you know him?" I asked, my voice splintering ice. She shook her head in a quick no. Everyone was crowded around me now. "Vladimir?" Edward asked looking at me. "Yes!" I hissed back. Everyone was frozen, just staring at me. I snarled at them, making everyone of them flinch. Unwelcome calm flouded the air. I glared at Jasper, only to realize that he had his hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to be calm! I fought against the calm and it retracted a little. Jasper's face turned from unreadable to disturbed. "How are you doing that?" He asked in a whisper, overly surprised. "What is she doing?" Alice asked. Surprised at Jasper's change in expression. "She's acually fighting against my gift. And winning." He whispered in disbelief. "Yes. As all of you just witnessed. I just lost my family. And now my friends are suffering." I whispered back harshly. "We know, Lizzie but you need to calm down. Vladimir is just-" I didn't want anyone picking through my head right now! I just wish I could have Bella's gift so he couldn't read my thoughts anymore! "How-" Edward began but then cut himself off. "Great power indeed. She's stealing our abilities." He announced. No! I wanted to scream at them. But I was froze in amazment as I let Jasper and Bella have their full gifts back. "No!" Fear replaced most of the hatred I felt towards Vladimir. The fear turned to excitment as I realized I had a gift! Powerful enough to make Alice's gift seem silly and Edward's gift common! But the excitment quickly turned darker and more pertrifying as it was being shadowed by fear. What if I couldn't control it? "Amazing," Carlisle spoke with intense fascination. "Can you also take multiple gifts at once?" He asked quickly after. "I don't know." I mumbled. "But how would Vladimir know she has such a gift?" Edward questioned his self. "Do you think someone told him? Perhaps someone already knew?" Carlisle joined in. Everyone in the circle with a gift suddenly looked unsure of themselves. Alice hesitated before shaking her head. She looked unsure as she answered "I don't think so. I- guess I would have seen it. It doesn't add up correctly." She said slowly, still unsure. "What-" She began to ask as she began to- faint? "Alice! What's wrong?" Jasper caught her, his eyes wide and confused. "What is happening to her?" He yelled at no one. "Lizzie." Edward spoke anxiously. I looked away from Alice and then looked at him. "What?" I hissed nervously. "You are taking her power, she's too weak."
"No I'm not! I can't be!"
"Lizzie, just take a deep breath and calm down." He instructed. "Hurry!" Jasper yelled at us again. I breathed in and out a few times, letting the wintery air cool me. Letting out the fifth breath I sighed. Alice gasped and jumped up. Her eyes went blank for a second and then refocused. She looked disoriented. "Alice? Are you alright?" Jasper's anxious whisper was the only other sound then breathing. Her eyes stared at me in shock and fear. "Lizzie, please never do that again." She begged in a whisper. I nodded quickly and stared back at her. In the moment I gave back her power, I had one of her visions. "Did you see that Alice?" I asked in a pertrified whisper. "Yes." She whispered back. Jasper looked back at her quickly, "What did you see Alice?" he asked. "Lizzie?" He looked at me when she didn't answer. I opened my mouth but it would not repeat the horrible scene. "Edward?" He asked. Looking annoyed at the silents. "They both had the same vision. It seems when ever Lizzie gives back a gift, it increases in power for the first few moments, and they both get the affect. It was like this vision is dead set, like it wouldn't change. One word. Romanians." He forgot the rest of it. My mortal friends dying, black-cloaked vampires rushing into Forks, and it seems we can't kill Vladimir... Because I will fall in love with him. I can't, he threatened me. He threatened my family and friends. Possibly even killed Aunt Jesse. "I'll see you when you come back, Lizzie." Alice said as she looked up at me. "Your leaving?" Bella asked. I nodded. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I have put your family in danger. Esme, Carlisle, you both are so kind, but I have done nothing but put your family in danger." I murmured to them, hoping I didn't cry. But I wasn't crying. My eyes felt unconfortably dry acually. No one moved except Esme. She stood infront of me, the same mothering look in her eyes as she had whenever she asked if I was alright. She threw her arms around me. "Lizzie, I think of you as my daughter, you are part of this family. But if you must leave, then, please, come back as soon as possible. I love you." I wanted to cry then. To show her I felt the same about her, and everyone around me. The void that was created when my parents and brother died, it wasn't completely filled with just Aunt Jesse. But with this family. This vampire family. My family, I felt like I was home. Finally home, again. After all these years. Carlisle's face was pained as he came to stand behind Emse. "You are our daughter Lizzie. There is always a place in this family for you, anything you need, we will help you." I hugged him. Thanking God for their kindness and understanding. After everyone said good bye to me, I was off. I didn't take a car, I was running. It felt very nice to use my strength then to control it. I thought of the vision. Where was I going? I didn't know the answer. I then decided to get some detective work done. After researching some people I found I should go to LA. A very sunny place. Better at night. I had a number to call. I dialed the number on the new private cell phone I got that cannot be traced anywhere. "Yes. This is Tommy Bender. May I help you?"
"Yes you may. I have heard that you do private investigations. Can you tell me more information on that subject please?" He cleared his throat and I could hear a meeting going on in the backround. "Of course, would you like to meet in person, or should I give you this information over the phone?"
"A meeting would be nice. My name is Eliza Smith." I decided to keep it like my real name, but if he trys to look it up, I will not be there. "It is very nice to have a conversatio with you Ms. Smith. May I ask what time is more convenient for you?"
"I would like to see you as soon as possible. But I need it to be at night, I am very busy."
"Of course. How about six tonight, do you need directions on how to get the my LA office?"
"No thank you, Mr. Bender, I will see you then." I hung up the phone. All I have is one fact, and that is the phone number.

I strut into the office building. A pretty redhead recetionist sits behind a desk. "Excuse me?" I say as I walk over to her. She looks up from the open file in front of her. "Yes, may I help you?"
"I have an appointment with Mr. Bender at six." She looks at the clock on her desk and then at a note pad that had a scedual of five appointments scedualed from today. I was the last one. "Of course, Ms. Smith, third floor, the first door on your right, please go right in." I nodded and followed her instructions. I was wearing dark sunglasses, so my eyes wouldn't be scary. I had a plain black dress on, a matching briefcase, and shoes on. The elevator made a bell sound and the door open. I went to his office door and knock twice. He opened it. He was tall and slight. Thin, about twenty-five. With think brown hair and hazel eyes. He was good-looking. "I assume you are Ms. Smith. Please come in." He sat behind an oak desk and gesturded for me to take a set in the armchair. I sat down. "So Ms. Smith, you look very well, did you have any trouble getting here?" I smiled at him. "Not at all. So, I need you to look up some information on a- person I know only a little about." He nodded and began to pull out papers from a file folder. "May I ask who this person is?" He said conversationaly as he continued. "No, you may not." I muttered quickly. "Ex-husband or something of that sort? Pretty woman like you, has to be something interesting." He spoke and looked up quicklyto smile at me. "No, I was never married. Can I have a guess about how much this is going to cost?"
"It all depends on the proccess, Ms. Smith."

The call made by Vladimir to my phone had been a cellphone call. Located in Forks. Acually, around Forks. I made my way there. The phone has only been active for a day before the call to me. I decide to call Vladimir back. "Hello, Elizabeth. I'm glad you had a nice trip back. So what do you say about our deal?"
"Vladimir. You know everything about me, but I don't know anything about you."
"Your clever, dear Elizabeth. I am from Romania, another powerful group of vampires overthrew us. They killed many of my companians, including a brother of mine. You must know how I fell. You want to kill the vampire that murdered your aunt. Don't you?"
"How do you know about that Vladimir?" I hissed at him. He chucked on the end of the line. "Ah, don't worry how I know these facts. But let me tell you something that might interest you. I have killed that certain vampire for you. But it happened to be one of my guards. Pity when someone you trust disobeys you like that." Killed? The murderer is dead? Feirce joy coursed through me. "What exactly do you want Vladimir?" I asked, trying to hide the joy. "See you are happy. One of the things I want is that. Happiness. Particualy your happiness." I felt strange. That was sweet. No, I can't fall for that. "And the other thing Vladimir." I pressed. "To get that revenge. Elizabeth, I am asking you for your help."
"You are threatening me! If I do not help you, my friends will die!" He sighed. "I decided this town has had enough casualties. So now I will ask. Dearest Elizabeth, I need your help." Strange. I had the impression he does not normally act this way from the reactions of the Cullens. "I would not be able to help, I would just give the enemy a chance to destroy us easier."
"Like I said before. You have a gift. I will teach you how to use it."
"And what do I get?"
"friendship, power, wealth, anything you can imagine, it will be yours."
"Power?" He chuckled. "Yes, once we defeat the Voltrui, then we will control the vampire world." I could have power if we win. But what would I do with it? "I accept. Where do I meet you?"
"Everyone who will be joining us in this battle will be meeting in Seattle in two days. You might want that time to prepare yourself."
"What do you mean?" I asked. What sould be so dad that I might have to prepare? "Many of the soldiers we have recruited are newborns, like yourself. You have felt the anger and the fear of this life. They feel it too, it makes everyone irritable. So prepare you're self. Goodbye." The phone hung up and I just stood there. How would I prepare? I mean it wan't humans but other vampires. With my strength and speed, maybe they even have a gift that they could use against me. What had Carlisle said about animal blood? It keep you strong enough to resist human blood, but not as strong as a vampire that drinks human blood. A though dawns on me. If I switch to human blood, then I would be the strongest. No. I won't do that to my family, I will not destroy the process I have not even started for a battle. Prepare.

Candice's POV

"What did I say?" Justin screamed at us. I snarled in defence, along with a few others. "If Master Vladimir was here, he would be harsher on you then I am. We have only a simple two days to train well enough to get to Seattle. Then we have to have the patients to be able to get accepted. If we do not do that! Then we may as well all not have been created." He contiued his rant. "He's talking to you, May." Alora snickered. I hissed at her, and looked pitifully at May. She lowered her head and her dark hair fell over her eyes. I saw her shake her head slightly. "Get over yourself Candice." Alora hissed at me. "This is what I mean! You don't understand the importance of this!" Justin screamed. We all became quiet. "Are you guys ready for this?" He asked, his voice more controlled. "Yes." We all agreed together. "Are we going to be gods?"
"Yes!" We all said with more enthusiasm. He smiled then. "Good. Get ready, we leave tonight. If you get left behind, you will be rejected if you come alone." He walked out the door, into the cloud-filled sky. I went over to May, who had moved to the corner of the room. "Don't worry, Alora is just a jerk. You'll get use to her." May is the youngest of us all, in real age and in vampire age. She just turned fourteen and ran away from her home. She was getting abused by her parents. She wondered in to the warehouse we were staying at and she had four bites. She's one of those vampires that has a gift. But she doesn't use it. At all. She can force people to the ground or against a wall or something. Like a weight is on you and you fell like your about to explode. She doesn't speak much either. "What ever," She mutters and slids down to sit on the floor. "Oh poor May! I have a knife, you can cut yourself with it." Alora sneers. She's pushed up against the wall with so much force she breaks all the way through. She snarls and stomps back in here. "Your a little bi-" She begins, but she hurtled through the wall again. Well I guess she uses her power more then I thought. Alora returns to her 'group' and begins snarling about us. "Back at 'cha," May mumbles. "What should we do?" I asked, she shrugged. "Hunting?" She shakes her head. Just then, her eyes fly to the opening door. n comes through. He makes his way towards us, casting a warning glance at the 'group' staring at him. May smiled- she only smiles around Dylan, no one else. Just him- and stood up next to him. Justin comes through the door, a terrified expression on his face, ramming the door off it's hinges. "Get ready." He stutters and flys back out the door. We all follow him. Standing in front of the abandoned house, is a beautiful blonde woman.

Lizzie's POV

So many vampires. But only five of them have gifts. The strongest of them comes from a black haired girl behind everyone else. A guy three years older then me comes to stand infront of everyone. Why did I follow that scent? "Lady Elizabeth. You have come?" His question threw me off guard. Lady Elizabeth? He knew my name, and obviously what I looked like. Vladimir. "Yes. Who are you?" I sounded more confident then I felt, which surprised me further. "I am Justin Mandice, I am the leader of this squad of soldiers." Yup. Definaly Vladimir. "They look unorginized." I stated, sounding professional. His face became sullen. "I have been trying hard to work on their strengths more then the way I present them." He looks over the ten vampires in a messy line. "I suppose you are presenting them to Master Vladimir?" Master. Please, I could rule this whole thing. "Yes, and Master Stefan, if I might add."
"Master Stefan? Why have I not heard of him? What role does he play in this?"
"Master Stefan has been working with Master Vladimir for thousands of years. You might nothave heard about him because Master Vladimir doesn't mention him much. Congradulations, by the way." Congradulations? Am I going on a vacation? Ha! "Congradulations on what?"
"Master Vladimir mentioned that you two are- close partners." Oh boy. Does Vladimir really already know that? Like I said before. I will not fall for it. "Not that close. You mentioned strengths, who is your strongest soldier?" He looks back over his group and his eyes land on the black-haired girl and a strong brown haired boy, about seventeen. "I have two. The phycally strongest is Jaden Maarkets, but the one with the strongest gift is May Beniss."
"Yes, but who is the strongest?" I saw the boy named Jaden glare at the girl and then Justin. "May is." I nod as if I care and then stare at her. Jaden glared at the girl again and then at me. I smiled at him. "So you think you are the strongest? Jaden?" He snarles at me and nods. "Strong enough to beat May?" He nods again. But then I hear another snarl. A boy with the same crow-black hair as May was pushing her behind him. "Cafeful. I won't let anything happen to the girl." I promised. May murmured something to him so quietly I couldn't hear. He nodded once but opened his mouth to say something. She shook her head and stepped from behind him. "He will not win." She spoke only above a mumble. Jaden snarled and stepped forward. They faced off. Jaden crouched, while May just stood still. Jaden began to charge at her, but five feet away, he suddenly smashed into the ground. You could hear the air exit his lungs. He struggled against the girl's gift. May was staring at me, even though the boy on the ground still remained motionless. "You failed, Jaden, this little girl could beat you so easily. Do you think you could face me, young one?" I felt powerful when I knew I could beat her. I was speaking like I was from the olden days. She nodded. "I know I can." She stated. "Very well," I stepped in front of her. When I didn't crouch, she looked at me confused. I shrugged. "Do you think you could take over the world with that gift if you tried?" She nodded. "Do you like to use your gift?"
"No," She answered simply. "But you seem to enjoy the results it brings." She shrugs, "I like to fell power."
"Your gift is greatly powerful. You should use it more often." I fell the crushing force of it now. It forces me to the ground. I fell like I'm being crushed by a bus. I focus on the girl and her gift. Taking only half of it, I am able to get up on my knees. She's smiling, but as I rise, her smile falls and turns into a frown. "Gifts come at a price, if you abuse it, someone is always there to show you how it feels on the other end." I take it all, and she drops to her knees. I stand. The boy with the black hair snarls and rushes at me. I use her gift on him and he falls to the ground. Everyone gasps as I walk over to the girl and pick her up. Another girl that is close to seventeen is just staring at me, confused. I walk up to her, "Is this your sister?" I ask her. She shakes her head and her light red curls bounce around her face. "She's a close friend." I hand May of to the girl. I give her back her gift and the boy jumps off the ground at the same time May sucks in a breath. "You may want to organize yourselves better, Master Vladimir will only be choosing a very few of all of the small groups. Goodbye." I nodded and left, wondering if everything I said was correct. So little time until I get to Seattle. I had one concern. What would the wolves think? I was doing well in hunting acually. But if someone offered me a golden wine glass full of human blood, it would be hard to decline. Never know what 'Master' Vladimir will say or do next. Maybe we'll be married next? Oh boy, I may acually enjoy that idea. Scary. But the vision, it is so... real. I search the nearby houses and streets for vampires with gifts. But I come up with only dim burning lights for humans with vampire gifts. I wonder if I bring a vampire who is trained and has a gift is Vladimir would be put out with me? You only know if you try. I wonder if Bella is worried, or if Alice is searching for my future. Or if Esme is sad because I left. Or if Emmett is getting on everyones' nerves. If I create another vampire, would Carlisle be dissapointed with me? I didn't know the answer. They told me they loved me, was that love unconditional? I knew that answer. No, they loved me for me. I picked out the brightest dim light. A girl who was fifteen, she was coming home from a place. She didn't look like the popular type. I followed her home and felt like a stalker. Just as she walked in her door, a woman began to scream at her. "Where have you been?" The woman screamed at her. "Out!" The girl screamed back. Wow. I was never like that with Aunt Jesse. "With that jock? You know he already gotten a girl knocked-up! And I swear if you try anything like that I'll send you to Alaska!" Where she can met a vampire family. "I'll run away before you could! And I already broke up with that jerk!" She screamed and another door slammed shut. I heard something open. A sliding glass door maybe? A window? I don't know but the smell of achohol made me want to vomit. "Don't you slam this door!" The intoxicated woman screamed, and I heard slamming sound against wood. An almost silent snapping sound came from the second floor. Human contact was heard. A sharp smack on skin rang out. I'm surprised the cops haven't shown up yet. "Ouch!" Another slappng sound echoed after. I pictured the girl getting beaten and it made me sick. I hated child abusers. I went to the side of the house and spied a window. Out of the right corner of the window, I saw figures moving. The house was paneled with pretty white. I didn't realize until I found myself at the window, I could just jump to it. I tried to gently pull the window up but it was locked. I slammed my hand against the glass and it shattered. The fighting pair looked at the window in totally surprise. When the woman saw me, her expression turned to a sneer. "What? You call one of your friends over here to help you? Don't worry, I'll deal with her too." Just then a glass of water flew of the bed-side table and landed on the ground. The woman staggered at me, and I was surprised the girl couldn't have held her off. The girl went over to the corner, her face frightened. "Why are you afraid of her?" I asked out loud. I grab the woman's wrist as she tries to smack me without looking. The girl gaspes. "Do you want to leave this place? Have a better life?" She noddes franticaly. I hesitate to ask the question but it's her desision. "Do you want this woman kept alive?" I asked, hoping for a yes and a no. "No! I hate her so much!" She pleads. "Then you might want to close your eyes or go outside." She nods and leaves. The woman stares at me in terror. "You can't kill me! They will find you!" I shake my head. "No, I don't think they will." I say in mock dissapointment. I jerk her head sharply to the left and feel her go lifeless. "You didn't deserve to live anyway." I mutter. Should I drink her blood? Why was the girl grateful to a monster with blood-red eyes? I stuff the woman in the closet. The girl doesn't need clothes, I can buy her some. I go down stares tof find her waiting. "Can you drive?" She asks as she throws me a set of keys. "Yes," We go out the door, she doesn't ask about clothes.

Alishia's POV

This strange woman saved my life. I owed her big time. "So, what's your name?" She asks after we have driven a little bit. "Alishia. What's your's?"
"Lizzie, who was that?" She doesn't look away from the road as she speaks. "That was my step-mother."
"Of course, in every fairytale, there is an evil step-mother. Even if it's mine." She mutters so low, I have a problem catching it all. "I don't have a fairytale life. I'm not rich or perfect or even know anyone like that. Well I guess I know you." She laughs once. "But you will be perfect soon enough, just wait." Soon. My mood shifts and I am depending highly on that one statement. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Seattle. Do you mind meeting some of my friends?"
"Do they look like you?"
"I don't really know, but yes, they are good-looking." I would be the outcast, the one person in her group that is not perfect. I notice something and gasp. "Your eyes!"
"I wondered how long it would take you." she mused. "They're red!" A brillient red, a scary red, a red that brought back horrifing memories. She nodded and turned her head to look at me. "Your a vampire!" I almost scream. She looks frightened that I know. "How do you know that?"
"Because I lived a small town in Washington, not far from here. It's called Forks. I lived on a reserve and I heard legands, my father told me that it was all bull crap so we moved."
"Your a Quileute?" I shake my head. "A Uley." I corrected her. Her face became surprised. "Your related to Sam Uley?" I nodded and remembered my cousin. "Yes, he's a cousin." She nodded and looked out the windshield. After we got on the highway, a few minutes later traffic started to back up. "So. You are a vampire?" I asked slowly. "Yes." She said boredly. "When were you- transformed?"
"More then a week ago." She responded just as boredly. A week? No wonder her eyes were so bright.

Lizzie's POV

Holding my breath was not very easy. It annoyed me. Not having my sense of smell. My phone began to ring. I looked at he number and reconized Bella. I flipped it open "Hello?" I heard everyone in the backround. "Lizzie, oh my gosh! Please don't do this!" Bella begged. Alice. I rolled my eyes, "Bella, you know I have to."
"No! At least let us help you. Alice wants to talk to you." I heard the phone being passed off. "Lizzie. Do you not understand that we are worried sick about you?" The venom in her voice made me jump. "Alice, you saw the vision. I have to."
"Yea, well then, we will just come to Seattle and stop you then." The threat was real. I didn't need her gift to see the image of Emmett carrying me off to Forks again. "Don't. Alice you have to swear you won't. You'll just get into trouble, with me this will be quick and I'll come home." She sighed. "Fine, whatever, yea I swear, but you better be right, because if you die, I don't think there will be anything to stop us from getting to whoever killed you. Good luck, and please come home!"
"Tell everyone I love them." I said as I hung up the phone. "Who was that?" I forgot that Alishia was here and as I took a breath to speak, flames scoarched my throat. I rolled down all the windows and breathed. "That was my sister, she want's me to come home."
"You ran away?" She asked. I shook my head "No, but they miss me, I'm on a work trip." She nodded and looked out her window. Every few minutes I found myself scanning for vampires. We reached the outskirts of Seattle, and I was dumbstruck when I scanned and about fifteen bright dots appeared. How many vampires were in Seattle? I could smell several scents and followed them. Suddenly the track I was following took a detour off the road. I stopped the car and got out. Alishia followed me. I turned to face her. "Do you mind if I carry you? You're so slow." She smiled quickly. And then hesitated. "Sure." She said slowly. I scooped her up and was surprised she weighed next to nothing. I left the car there and started to follow the trail, running at full speed. Alishia had her eyes closed tightly. We went past a few small mountains and in the distance, I saw a large log cabin. It looked like a mansion. I set Alishia down and stood infront of her. Many of the vampires were guarding the door, but others relaxed. Some were training. I smelled humans and wondered if it was their food, or getting ready to be transformed. Alishia had opened her eyes and was looking around. "Where are we?" She whispered. Every eye flew to her. Many hissed and snarled at us. I put my arm around her and led her forward. Once we came closer many of the vampires seemed to relaxe again, but others seemed to tense up. One with a strange shade of brown hair went inside. I heard a laugh from inside the mansion. "Wonderful!" The voice thrilled. Vladimir. I stiffened and prepared myself to finally meet a future husband. Wonderful, I repeated in my heat stiffly. The door flew open. Vladimir had simple black clothing on that was modern was hinted at a timey style. "Ah, Elizabeth, it's wonderful to finally meet you!" He spoke and appeared in front of me. Many gasped when he spoke my name but he hushed them with a wave of his hand. "Vladimir," I nodded to him. "Why so hostile? We've been waiting for you! Isn't that right?" Some agreed in a quiet yes, while the rest seemed speechless. "Waiting, why have you been waiting?"
"Many of us decided that you should be the one to train the new recruits."
"And why is that?"
"Because of your gift of course." I thought this over for a second. "Exactly how many vampires are there Vladimir?"
"Twenty new ones. There are only five that have already been trained, and of course there will be others arriving for the next two days."
"Yes, I met up with a group. Justin, I believe, was the leader." Vladimir nodded. "Of course, Did you do a training session with them?"
"No, but I fought the strongest, a girl named May, she had the strongest gift."
"Yes, yes, I believe you beat her?" I nodded. "She's as powerful as they come, besides myself of course." He chuckles, "Of course, but do you think she is worthy of this battle?" Thinking, her power can come in handy. "Yes, very much."
"Very well, who is she?" He asked, finally looking at Alishia. "This is a friend, I believe she wants to join."
"Well, then you both may come in."

_ The_Next _Day

After we arrived at Vladimir's- fort, Alishia got settled in a room. Vladimir had many other vampire servants. There were maids and cooks and waiters and three butlers. All of them were not as new as I was. I sat on a decoritive chair in the sitting area. The vampires that were meant to serve had very tight self control. 'Master' Vladimir and Master Stefan were also sitting in the room. A servant was now going to them with glasses of blood. I remember my comment. It wasn't a golden glass though. She came to me and offered me glass. I took it and breathed in the smell. It was so sweet. After about three kiloseconds it was gone. "So, Elizabeth, we have been recieving many vampires. Too many to keep all of them. We would like you to decide who is strong enough to keep." I raised my eyebrows. "You want me to decide who to keep and who to kill?" The both nodded. I got up. "Can I ask a question quickly?"
"Of course." Stefan said. He was much more frightening then Vladimir. But I scenced Vladimir was really trying to be kind. "Why do so many of them call you both 'Master'?" Vladimir laughed. "Many wish to serve us, they see us as their masters. They do also call you Lady Elizabeth." I nodded and left the room. Going out the back door to the giant shed that was hidden by tree, I can hear many vampires training. I open the door and instantly smell smoke. I reply the words Vladimir told me. "They need to know that we are in charge, if they do something you don't like, punish them." gathering strength in my throat. "Who is this?!" I yelled at them. Everyone froze. Some stood straighter. "Who did this?" I asked, my voice instantly gathering all the attention. I went to the fire and sniffed around it. "Rico!"I yelled. A boy only fifteen came to the front of the group. He was five inches taller then me. "Who is this, Rico?" I yelled in his face, I felt three vampires behind me. "None of your problem." He states, I instantly wanted to correct him. "Who is it?" I asked again, my voice raising. He shrugged and went to fix his hair. I grabbed his arm and tore it from his body. He screamed in fury and pain. He launched himself towards me, I didn't bother moving, or taking a gift from the ones that carried them. The three that stood behind me instantly formed a line in front of me. One of them grabbed Rico's right arm and the second grabbed his head, while the third pushed him to his knees. The same one went to stand behind him and gripped his hair. Rico snarled at them. "You do not attempt anything against Lady Elizabeth, you will beg for forgiveness," He whispered in Rico's ear. "If you do not, you will die here." Rico tried to turn his head to glare at the threatener but he couldn't move his head at all. "Do it!" The voice snarled now, making many of the vampires flinch. "I won't beg for anything from a girl." He spit on my shoes. I raised an eyebrow at him and nodded towards the three. Together they ripped the limbs from his body. Rico's death scream filled the room and echoed off the walls. I looked up from the torn body and stared at the vampires surronding me. "Who was this?" I pointed to the fire. "It was the new one." A girl replied. "I don't know his name, he just got here." Another spoke. Many began to describe his features. "Shut up!" I shouted at them. Silents instantly filled the room. "I need everyone with a gift on the right side of the room and everyone else go to the left side. Instructors need to meet with me now! Go!" Everyone shifted towards their side, while five came towards me. "Bring me ten others. Oh and Master Vladimir and Master Stefan." The one I spoke to nodded and left. A second later the two groups were talking in a low hum, the instructors were silently waiting for me to speak. "They're here, Lady Elizabeth." Said the man as he returned, ten following him, two gliding over the ground by their selves. "Yes, Elizabeth? Is there a problem?" Vladimir asked as he stopped right behind me. "You asked me to do a favor, I'm telling you what I'm doing so we will not have an upset." Stefan looked at the groups. "I see you divided them. By gifts and non?" I nodded once. I lowered my voice "I'm only taking two out of the group with the non-gifts, they will fight to the death, the ones who did not get picked, die." Vladimir chuckled, as Stefan did as well. "Clever, I am guessing it would be the two physicaly strongest?"
"Of course, but I also have an idea, there is a stratigist among them. She's good, she knows how to move out of the way and where to attack." They both nodded. "Listen up!" I yelled over the growing noise. Everyone was at attention. "Diana Monroe and David Chestar step from your group. Everyone with a gift can leave or stay to watch. The rest of you with no gift besides Diana and David, don't run or try to fight. You are going to die." I heard terrified gasps. Diana and David glared at each other. I noticed the girl, May, glare at me. She stared at the friend that I handed her to when we fought. I took a gift and found the girl's name was Candice. "Candice." I called above the screams. She looked over at me. I motioned her to come over to me. She hesitated and then began to walk. She stopped in front of me. "Join your friend, you will live."
"Thank you, Lady Elizabeth, but what about May's boyfriend?" I notice May hugging a boy. "What's his name?"
"Dylan." Three saved. No big deal. "Tell him to come over here." She ran to them and then reappeared with the boy behind her. "You may live, don't dissapoint us." He nodded and smiled. "Lady Elizabeth, you are the best." I shrugged. "Merciful. Sometimes it works best." I heard behind me. One of the ten had spoken. I turned to them. "You heard me, go! Kill them, I don't want a single one kept alive except the ones I have called out. Go! And as for the rest of you, get out of this room. If you see any of the vampires in this room who are suppose to be dead, I want them killed or brought to me. Understand?" The ones who live nod. "Good." I look at Vladimir and Stefan and then I leave. As soon as I walk through the door to the outside, I hear screams. Suddenly I was depressed. I stopped in the living area and sat at one of the many chairs. Alishia was coming down the stairs now, talking to one of the servant girls. "They are all cute though." Alishia said convincingly. "Yes, but most of them only care about this war, I have only talked to four of them and all but one tried to convince me to train with them." The girl spoke, her voice the sound of bells. "I bet when I'm a vampire, I could cnvince them otherwise." They giggled then and reached the bottom of the stairs. The girl's eyes went wide as she saw me sitting there. "Hello Lady Elizabeth, would you like something? I have been making perfumes and the roses just blossomed, I can set a vase of them out," I smiled at her, she was so sweet, she had served me many time since yestarday and was kind to everyone. She had a tolerance to blood and I had a feeling that I should introduce her to the Cullens one day. I sighed as I remember them. "Yes, acually can you get me a phone?" She nodded and zipped upstairs. She reappeared next to Alishia and handed me my cell phone. "Thank you," She nodded and took that as a cue to leave. I looked at it and began to decide what number to call. I dialed Bella's number quickly. It rung once "Hello?" She greeted me."Bella!" I squeaked. "Lizzie, it's so great to hear you again. I was going to call you soon."
"I miss you guys so much!"
"One sec. Alice wants to talk to you." Again I hear the phone being passed off. I hear wind pass the reciever as Alice ran somewhere. "Lizzie." I jumped at the acid in her voice. "Alice, what's-"
"Don't ask what's wrong. How could you do that?" She asked in disbelief. "Do what? Alice I haven't been doing anything, except sitting in a chair."
"Don't lie, I have been seeing all the desisions you have been making. Thirteen kids are dead Lizzie! And you don't care! You gave the order. But when you saved those two kids I hoped you would keep going. But you didn't!" Shit. I forgot she had that. "Alice, I am trying to keep you guy safe. I don't know what they are planning! You have to understand. Does Carlisle and Esme know this? Please, please tell me you didn't tell them! Ah, they are going to be so dissapointed! Ah!"
"Calm down. I would never tell them anything like that. Just hurry and be done with this."
"I will, tell them I love and miss them. Even Jake and if Jake can get in touch with Seth then make sure he tells Seth I love him too. As a brother you know." She laughed then. "Someone's future just dissapeared." I gasped. "Seriously? Really?"
"I wish! I mean yea it makes it hard to see but hes like is in love with you. I have to go, Bella says she loves you and if anyone hurts you, she's going to murder them." I laughed. "Love ya Bells! Bye Alice," I pushed the end button and let the phone drop onto the side table beside me. Yea, if I had a choice between staying here and being Lady Elizabeth and running away with a wolf kid that liked me, then yes, Seth would be the answer I pick. The only memories I have of him are dull human memories, I haven't even seen him in this life yet. I didn't know what to do at this point. As Alice had reminded me, thirteen vampires were dead. I had five desisions to make. First, Alishsia wants t become a vampire, second, decide if I should run away, third, should I take Alishia to meet the Cullens, fourthly, if I do really like Seth, and fifthly, do I really want to kill anymore people? It past several hours after I began to move again. I walked back into the training shed, many were training again. A lot of them were either on the ground, being contained with their partner's gift. They all stopped as I walked in. "Contiue, I'm here to observe." They all begin to train harder, to show off. Diana- the girl with physical strength I picked- came up to me and bowed. "Lady Elizabeth, what about the fight?" I waved my hand. "You both get to live." I said boredly. She smiled and bowed again, running off to join a fight.


Texte: Everything in this book belongs to the writer of the Twilight Saga. If added on to or replicated, give credit to her and Sydney Parker
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2011

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I would like to thank my computer. If you wouldn't have broken, then this would have never happened

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