
You think I would feel different. When I saw him as only a friend in the beggining and through about a hundred years now. I can see he loves me, he even said it, I told him he was my best friend. Nothing else. It made me feel guilty, but he didn't look sad, not even hurt. He laughed and said I was his best friend too. I could always hear him muttering to himself, mostly about things he saw that day or me. When he first started to do it I thought he was crazy but after a while I understood it because even if you were alone you would always have yourself there for entertainment.
"You ready?" He asked as he walked through my door. I jumped off the bed,(mostly just for confort) put my book in my bag and nodded. We were moving 'cause we were having trouble in our area with a little wolf problem. Nothing we couldn't handle but we didn't want to get involved very much. A few minutes into our run and we heard a scream, "What is that?" I asked listening harder. We were a few feet into the woods, next to a giant clearing. A girl no more the twelve ran through it screaming, the speed she was running was not very fast, but it blew the wind right in my face. My throat ached for her blood, but my mind always wins these fights. A brown wolf chased after her, wildness in his eyes. I started to run after them, and quickly caught up, I jumped on the wolf to let the gril have enough time to run away. The wolf howled and bite into my arm, something not simply done. I gasped suprised. The wolf suddenly flew off and smashed into a tree, "Silver!" I found myself staring at the unexpected hero crouching over me. He turned and half smiled before launching himself at the wolf and tearing it apart. Once he was done he rushed over to me and ripped a strip from his shirt and wrapped it around my now bleeding wolf bites. "Violet are you alright?" He asked eyeing my bleeding wounds and staring at my face with a very worried expression. "I'm fine. Thanks," he stood up and held his hand out, I took it and he pulled me from the ground. Beleive it or not this isn't the only time Silver saved my life. Thats kind of how he found me.
I was young, didn't know where I was or even how I came to be there. But I faced a bigger clan of three, I was young with venom running in my veins so I was stronger, but they out numbered me. I was stupid and very young so I faced them, my undeveloped mind told me I could win. Boy was I wrong. I lost very badly, about to get my throat ripped from my body, I laid there on the ground. Franticly trying to plan my way out of it, but I only injured one of them. Silver showed up and talk me out of it, he was very good with words, once they were gone he told me I could go on my own or stay with him while he traveled. He soon fell into the role as my brother, but he didn't like being that. He said I was beautiful and he loved me alot. Like I said. Very good with words, but he was never good enough with them to phrase me. But after all the years went by I started to like him a little every year. Everytime he saved me I had a pained feeling in my heart because I knew I didn't love him the way he loved me. "Violet. Are you sure?" his voice brought me out of thought and back to the present. "Yea," I mumbled.
"Are you sure, you don't sound well?"
"I'm sure. You worry to much."
"I know," he smiled. I looked away from his face and to the ground. He sighed, but very low. We walked this time in silents. I gasped as Silver flew into a large oak tree and crumpled to the ground. "Silver!" I screamed, he began to rise but a larger wolf then rased by as a black blur. "No!" Tears already ran down my face as I watched the wolf maul Silver. Anger built up inside me and I dashed toward the wolf and grapped it's tale. I brought it over my head and smashed it on the ground and flung it back into the forest. "Silver!" I whispered as I raced to him and kneeled down. He had a cut by his right eye and a black lip, but other then that he was still whole. I started to sob and hugged him. "Are you ok?" I asked through the tears. He nodded a smiled twisting the corners of his mouth. I didn't know the emotions that were inside me, the sudden anger at the wolf, the tears, my stomach feeling warm and fuzzy. I didn't understand it. The thought of almost losing him hurt alot. My friend for years, my brother when I needed him, I couldn't lose that. I looked up into his eyes, the deep of the blue was hard to deny. "I love you Silver," I whispered looking down. I tried to recognize the feelings. "I know." He whispered, I could almost hear the joy in his voice. When I looked back up the cut was gone as was the back lip, but the blood still remain. I unwrapped my now not bleeding arm and wipped the blood from his face with the clean side. My cut was still there, but it was smaller and the rest was a thin white line. We both stood at the same time, I waited for him to start walking but he stood there and stared at my face. He was smiling a huge smile that lit his eyes. I never saw how much he meant his words before. And tears came into my eyes as I smiled too. One fell but he wiped it away with his thumb. It made me sad to keep him waiting for all these years. And then I realized it doesn't matter, because I found out and we have another hundred years a head of us. "You finally feel what I have felt since I first saw you." He murmured to me. We walked outside of the forest to keep from being attacked again. Before we started to walk he took my hand. We were headed to a calmer village in the valley of water, where we already had a house set. As all living things we needed nutrients, which of course for us comes from blood. We didn't like killing things, and we hardly drank all of there blood, so we drane it and store it in metal tins. Which first doesn't waste blood, two doesn't waste human life, and three its very convenient. Silver has been practicing how to make herd medicines that heal, not only human but also other animals, including vampires. He took a clear vile with a think green sap inside and smerred some onto a bandage and wrapped that on my cut. I winced as it began to burn, but then the cooling effect began. I helped me up again and we began walking, down a stone path. A little way down the path we spied a woman and maybe her child coming towards us. They walked fast for humans, almost as fast as us. We slowed our speed down, but the woman and child were almost running toward us. "Don't go that way!" the woman shouted as she led her child right past us. I shrugged and tugged Silver's hand to make him follow me. We followed the path to a village, where grey smoke came up in pillars inside almost every home. A six year old girl was huddled by on of the house's doors, but also shying away from the flame that licked at her arms. I ran over to her and bent down, "Are you ok?" I asked my voice kind and gentle, she shot a glance at the burning hut she sat next to and shook her head. I gathered her into my arms and carried her away from the burning building. Silver was right next to me the whole time. The girl couched, I hurried and ran out of the village, as I didn't think about my speed because I couldn't feel her heart beat. Silver quickly set his backpack down and grabbed a blanket and a strange purple liquid out. He set the blanket under a tree and began running stics together. I sat her on the blanket and helped her lean against the tree. I felt the heat behind me and Silver threw small leaves and twigs on the small flame that swirled from the two sticks. He pulled out a small iron grill and set it over the now hot fire. He pulled a metal tin form his bag and a smaller medal cup from his bag. He set the cup n the grill and poured red blood into it. He also grabbed another metal cup but he poured the purple liquid into that one. The girl continued to cough. He stirred both liquids with a spoon and with out looking reached in to his bag and pull out a white piece of cloth. He handed it to the little girl. "What's your name?"
"Stella," she said her voice weak. Silver began to put the purple medicine into the blood one spoonfull at a time. Once he had five he pulled the medal tin away and gave it to Stella. She thanked him and drank it. Since she was a very young child and even a younger vampire she needed sleep. Silver took two more blankets out, he set the second next to the first and put the third onto Stella's already sleeping body. He also poured us some blood and we drank it slowly. "It's like you know what to do," I whispered looking at the little girl sleeping. "So do you, you saved her," I chuckled silently and began to slide down on the blanket. I wasn't ever tired, but it doesn't mean I don't sleep. I could sleep if I wanted to, but I don't have to. Silver's cinnamon colored hair fell over his eyes as he began to snore softly. I chuckled and sat up, I walked over to some small twigs and picked them up. I gathered some more leaves and twigs to feed the fire. I found a small stream I washed my feet in. The cool water felt nice against the humid air. The air was very heavy with moistness that I was surprised it didn't start to rain. At dawn I left the stream and went back to our little camp where the fire was just burnt dust. I put the leaves on first, hoping the fire was still warm enough to catch them. It worked and soon we had a small fire and I was out of twigs and leaves. Silver woke up and put some more blood on the fire for breakfast. Stella woke up in a coughing fit. He added more medicine to her cup and poured some blood into it. She said she wasnt hungry but Silver said she had to take the medicine anyway. She did, but then she complained that she was having trouble breathing. We asked her what happened to her village and she told us a huge pack of wolves showed up killed everyone and set fire to the tiny village. We packed up after that and continued walking. At dawn we left her at another small tree so Silver and I could go find wood to start a fire. Before we began to pick up wood we sat at a broad river. "The sun before twilight is perfect, it always sets so you can see it." He murmured as we stared at the sky. "Yea it is. I wonder-" I started but then faded out. "You wonder what?"
"Nothing never mind,"
"Tell me,"
"Nah you won't want to hear it."
"Yes, I do." I sighed and turned to him. "I wonder why it took me all this time,"
"Well, I don't know."
"No I mean, why didn't I fall for you before? I mean you always told me you loved me, I was just wondering why that didn't work. Or why I never fell for your words?"
"What words?" His expression made me wonder if he even knew.
"You always tried to convince me I loved you,"
"I never even tried, I left that for you to decide yourself." Well then, that answers that question.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked after a second.
"Can you just be open for a second, I have waited very very long," I got caught up in my breathing, "Sure," I breathed. He leaned in slowly, probably making sure I meant it. He held my face in his hands and pressed his lips slowly to mine. His breath was the scent of pine. It made me dizzy, he caught me before I fell into the river. He tried to hide his smile but he tried even harder to hide his laughter. I crossed my arms, "Stop laughing at me!" I sniffed irritated. "I'm not, sorry," after that while we picked up dry sticks and leaves he smiled the whole time. I picked up a pine cone and chucked it at him, it hit him in his back, I quickly turned around. "Violet!" he complained. "What?" I asked innocently. He picked the pinecone off the ground and held it up. "Looks like the trees don't like smiling," I shrugged and turned around again. A force hit my side and I went flying into a pile of leaves. I saw Silver, but he turned me around so he wouldn't land on me. We both landed in the pile with an explotion of leaves. "Silver!"
"What? I motioned my hands to indicate the leaves around me. "Looks like the wind doesn't like throwing things," he shrugged and laughed. I tried to take the smile off my faceand pretend to be mad. He got up, "Arn't you coming?"I just sat there, my arms crossed. "Oh come on don't be mad at me," I just kept my place. "Please." He asked, his voice low. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "I can talk you out of being mad at me, or do you want me to knock you out?" He asked leaning in. I sat up quickly. He chuckled "Thats what I thought." He was right in the place where I dropped my twigs and he picked them up. "Its your fault." I stated. "For what?"
"For making me faint,"
"I told you to have an opened mind, but no you overloaded yourself,"
"You are such a liar,"
"Oh so if I do it again you wouldn't faint?"
"Of course not!"
"We will see," he continued to pick up sticks and walk toward our camp. When we got there Stella was a sleep on the blanket. A few minutes later when we got the fire started again we relaxed. I noticed two things, one Silver was planning on making me faint again and two Stella wasn't breathing. "Silver! Stella." I said panicked. He immediatly picked her up and began to run. I followed behind him. A few minutes later we were in a town. We asked if there was a doctar or a nurse or something, a lady pointed to a grey building with a chainlink fence around it. We rushed in and set Stella on a bed and begged a doctar to see her. He asked what happened we told him her story and how we found her not breathing. We stood outside against the wall of the building. The doctar came out and said if we would have arrived sooner she would have been able to live, he took us he was sorry, but she was not longer alive. Once he left I leaned my head on Silver's chest. Tears started to flow and stain his shirt with salt water. He stoked my golden hair in rythm. We left, a few people said they were sorry, Silver never left myside. He didn't say much. We made it back to our camp, we promised we would stop by later to have a ceremony for her.
"We are here today to witness the death of Violet Trien's sister. Stella Trien died today at noon for cancer in her trechea and lungs. Miss Violet's husband is a medicin man, but didn't have the right medicines to care for her properly. The three have been traveling since there reuniting in Janie Village where Violet was reunited with her sister on last time. But Violet doesn't feel bad for hersister being alone, for Stella and Violet's parents are now with there youngest daughter. Would anyone want to say a few words?"
"I would minister." Silver spoke. I quickly looked up to see his face, because I haven't since her death. His eyes were purple with sadness.
"I have only known Stella for a very short time, but in that time Violet and I cared for her, I could see Violet cared for her very much and with that much care being shown I could not help but care for her also."
"I would also like to say a few words." I whispered when he was done. "Stella, was very important since the minute I found her. I was very thankful that Silver could care for her, even if she didn't survive. No one knew her better then Silver and I."
"Thank you both. Lower the casket." The minister said with sad human eyes. He was lucky because his eyes didn't change color with his mood. We left right after they had piled the dirt onto her. We headed back to the camp. We picked up the two blankets she used, the cup she used and the medicine she used. We couldn't decide wether to send it down the river or burn it. But we went with the river because medal didn't burn. We walked to the river we were at last night and tied her things up in the blankets. Silver smashed the glass vial and let the purple run into the water. We wrapped the rest of the broken glass into the blankets as well and sent it floating down the river. "Can I ask you something?" Silver asked after we have been sitting in the same place for an hour. "Sure,"
"Don't get sick and don't ever die,"
"That's not a question."
"I know its more of a demand." I smiled, "That's an easy command,"
"Can I demand something?"
"Kiss me."
"That is a demand." He leaned in. His pine smelling breath floated through my veins, replacing the blood. His arms wrapped around me, my hands in his hair. I fought the dizzyness. He pulled away and chuckled, "Don't faint,"
"Shush, I'm trying,"
"So am I,"
"I'm not that strong,"
"Good maybe you will faint this time,"
"Maybe," I kissed him on the cheek and tried to stand up, "No you don't," Silver laughed as he pulled me back down by my hand. "Opps," he muttered as we fell into the water. "Silver!" I complained, the water in this river was very warm. "Sorry," he sighed "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he stood up and held his hand out to me, he helped me up and out of the river. "I guess we better hurry to get to the Valley of Water."
"We should fit in." we gathered the rest of our things and continued to walk, Silver was in a hurry cause he was afraid of me getting sick. So we ran the rest of the way. We burst into the brick red house and immediatly went to change. He said he was going out to get more blankets and other eccentials, so I enjoyed the time to think.

Silver's POV

I walked the fimiliar roads in search of the thing I really came out to get. I forgot after all of these years where I had hiden it. I lived here way before Violet joined me and my mother had given me, there it is. I walked over to a little crooked stone with its sides chipped away. I picked up the stone and crushed it my hands. I smiled as I saw the beautiful diamond that lay in my hand. The golden band didn't even have one speck of dirt or dust on it. 'What do you have there?' A voice murmured, I froze and my hand atomaticly made a fist around the ring. 'Come to our river so I can see it,' the suducive voice murmured. I unwillingly turned and began walking. I made it to a hauntingly fimiliar river, and there on a giant boulder she sat. The wind blowing her flame colored hair, she stood and appeared next to me. She kissed me with force, but I couldn't denie it. "You finally are going to propose, hold on." She fixed her hand and pushed me to the gound on one knee. "Go head I'm ready," I stood up and put the delicate ring into my pocket, "I'm not proposing to you Sinthia,"
"Don't worry, you will, by the way come back tomarrow." She kissed me again and dissapeared. I hate her! 'Oh one more thing. I forbide you to propose to her,' My hands clenched in fists. I loved Violet. I arrived back at the house, Violet was still sitting on the couch. "Silver? Whats wrong?" She asked as worry layered her speech. "I'm sorry Violet, I need to be alone," I went to our bedroom and sat on the bed. I let my head fall into my hands. Two hundred years I have been free from her, and now I went to the place that was the safest place in the world to me. 'Welcome home,' the door opened a crack and I prepared myself to kill Sinthia. But Violet stuck her head through. "Can I come in?" I uncrossed my arms and nodded. "Are you ok?" she sat on my lap, like she did when ever I felt mad. "No,"
"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, "Is it about Stella?"
'Say yes,'
"Yea it is,"
"It's ok, she is with her parents now,"
"I know."
'Tell her you don't feel well and your going to take a walk,' I guickly thought about a way that can get me out of the spot I was in. "Violet. I dont feel very well, I'm going to take a walk, but I hope you I I love you more then anymore else in the entire world. No matter what I say further or what anyone else says."
"I love you too," I sat up and walked out of the house. 'I'm too impatient, forget tomarrow, come see me now.' her voice rattled around in my brain. I tried to disobey but her power was too strong. Again I found myself at the dreaded river. She stood on the bank, "I have been think, Silver. I can see you really love this Violet, so I'm thinking I should take you away. Too much affection is bad for your mind if you are only playing a game,"
"No games!" I snarled.
"Tiss tiss, you do really love her, too bad I have to kill her."
"You belong to me!"
"Never!" I darted the way I came, "There is no escaping me, my love," she whispered into my ear and a force hit me in my back, making me fly into a tree. She walked over and pulled my face up by my hair so she was looking into my eyes. "Darling, there's no sence in running, you know I will find you."
'Remember you deserve this, for devistating Violet and your master!' she throw me onto my back and slapped me across my face. I knew I had broken Violet's heart, well not yet, I new I didn't deserve this. She laid beside me on her stomach, her hand on my chest, forcing me to stay on the ground. She began to kiss me, but when I didn't kiss her back she hit me again. 'You can do better then that.' SHe began to kiss me again. This time her voice brought me to corrperate. I heard her laugh, as footsteps fell behind us. 'Don't worry, just another worried father looking for his daughter,' I believed her, until...
"Silver!" My heart sank as the voice broke through Sinthia's words and made my subconsious realize they were lies. Once I gathered strength, I pushed her off of me, "Violet!" tears were running down her face. "Silver I-" she ran off, faster then anyone I ever known. "Well now I don't have to kill her, she hates you now anyway. So where were we?"
"You were sending yourself to the devil! I am now going to tell my one and only love I'm sorry and I'm a moron!" I ran after her, hoping she went back to the house. She did, but when I caught her she was throwing her things back into a small bag. I caught her wrist. "Violet, please listen!" she glared through the tears at me and pulled her wrist away. "No you listen to me! Finally I found I loved you, but then you go and- and! I'm leaving!"
"Violet, please just wait!"
"No," she continued packing. I grabbed her wrist again and prided open her fingers, gentle I placed the ring into her hand and ran out of the house. 'Finally she is gone, ill she you at the river.' I laughed out loud, and even though my mind wanted me to turn around and obey her command I kept running, using every muscle I had to keep away from the person who sent me to my personal hell.

Violet's POV

I stared at the beautiful ring in my hand, I dropped it and put my foot on it. I began to crush it into the ground. I didn't care about packing anymore, I took my bag from his house, but before I left I took a picture frame of me and him sometime ago. I threw it at the wall, it made me happy when I heard the glass break. I ran over to where I saw Silver and that stupid... ahh! But before I could do anything I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around slowly dreading having to see Silver again. But it was her, I dropped my bag instantly and ran at her. I grabbed her neck in a death strangle. "If you ever go near him again! For any reason but to have him kill you, I will kill you myself! Understand?" She began to smile but I could see the life fading from her eyes. "Silly girl, he loves me. Only me! You were his puppet, someone easily controlled. He fell too deep in love with you, so I had to tak care of that. Can't let my workers underestimate my power."
I snarled and tightened my grip. "I sent those killers on you! They wouldn't have dared kill you unless I told them to, you were merely someone who feel to emotions way too quickly." I tightened my grip even more. "Do it! I dare you! See how Silver loves you after you kill is wife! Do it!" I gasped. Wife. Silver had a wife, I was a con, a puppet. I quickly felt the fire running through my viens and ripped her head off. I threw it to the forest floor in descust. I picked it up again and hit it. "I would do it would I? You cold hearted demond!" I quickly caught the scent of Silver, I was going to make his life hell. First by telling him I killed his wife, second by telling him I grounded his ring into the ground, and third I'm going to beat the living crap outta him! I raced to find him. When I did, I approached slowly. He was sitting on a rock by a small creak, his face in his hands, and his shirt was ripped to shreds. He turned around and he smiled. He ran up and hugged me, mutting how sorry he was. I pushed him off of me and narrowed my eyes."How could you?"
"Violet I-"
"Shut it. You had a wife! You played me! Oh by the way your wife is now being tourchered by her own kind now, shes dead, I killed her. Second your ring is now fertilizing flowers!" I slapped him. He hand tears in his eyes. "Thank you Violet, well for the first thing anyways!" He kissed me and hugged me. I pushed him off of me! "She is dead! Your wife is dead! Why are you happy?"
"VIolet, she was not my wife! I want the girl standing in front of me to be my wife. I'm kind of hurt you crushed my ring though, well I guess I deserved that, and the slap." he rubbed his face. "I dont understand."
"She was tricking you, so you would get mad at me. I guess that worked, but you killed her! Violet I love you! I said that before I left! Did you even listen to me?" his words confused me further. I remember his words 'Violet. I dont feel very well, I'm going to take a walk, but I love you more then anymore else in the entire world. No matter what I say further or what anyone else says.' I started to cry. "I love you Silver!" He smiled in releaf. And began to kiss me.


Texte: Some words in here of an Evanescence's awsome song 'Surrender' very awsome song and band by the way...
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my mom and dad, and sister for surrporting my writing dreams this far. And to my writing teacher for teaching me new writing styles. Oh thanks to Callie for her support(not for this book but every other one) and ideas.

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