
Of course we all were going to die, an army was coming after us, but it’s not like we never handled this before. But this army has about fifty vs. the six of us, including the wolves, but I can still see the battlefield so they don’t come in at the beginning. Anyway we came at them they were ready, like the creator had experience doing this. I couldn’t see the creator, just like Victoria hiding behind her army and staying out of the line of fire. I saw two of us die and surly if two of us die, two more will also. The first two I saw were me and Jasper, but then it changed to Carlisle and Esme. I caught a glimpse of Emmett and Rosalie but then It disappeared all most instantly, the creator was probably scared to attack Emmett with good reason. Then the final targets are Bella and Edward, so I guessed if we protected them then nothing will happen. “Anything new?” Emmett said not looking away from the TV. “Nope they are hiding, just like Victoria,” I said staring at the ground “Haven’t heard that name in a long time,” Emmett replied, I grinned and then there was a flash, I concentrated harder. The battle was done with and then I saw black and gray cloaks, great the Volturi, just what the picture was missing. “Alice what's happening now?” Jasper asked, I held up my finger. The Volturi looked disappointed, especially little Jane, she looked mad. “The Volturi are there,” Rosalie looked up, she was brushing Renesmee’s curls “Does someone still die?” I nodded “They keep changing it, I don’t know who it will be,” Carlisle sighed “Alice do you think your visions could be a little off?” I knew Carlisle never underestimates my visions; he just didn’t want anyone to be killed. I shrugged “I’ve been wrong before,” Carlisle sighed and looked at Esme; her worried face turned to him and smiled a little. “So when it going to be?” Rosalie asked. I looked at one of the resent visions “Well all I can tell is that is dark and raining,” Rosalie nodded and continued to brush Renesmee’s curls. Bella and Edward came through the door “Everything is clear,” Edward said. Jasper smiled, I didn’t know why but oh well. He seemed like he didn’t mind Bella being around now. I'm glad he finally seems to be ok as having her being a part of the family. Edward nodded and smiled, but then he grimaced “We did find the werewolves scent,” Renesmee’s head snapped up “Jacob?” then she smiled “Jacob!” she ran and jumped into Bella’s arms “Mommy, can we go see Jacob?” Bella smiled “Of course,” Renesmee's smile widened, then she turned to Rosalie “Is that ok Aunt Rosie?” Rosalie grinned “Of course, we could finish your hair later,” then my eyes focused on something in the future. Bella, Edward, me, and Jasper were in the baseball clearing fighting the army alone. “I’ll come, too. I could see my old buddy,” I said looking at them “I’ll go, too,” Jasper said looking at me. “Hey Bella why don’t you, Renesmee, and Edward take the Volvo, me and Jasper will run the way,” Bella nodded but she looked confused, they headed for the car. Jasper and I took off “Since when did Jacob Black become your best friend?” Jasper asked when we hit the forest. I laughed “Well basically when Bella got pregnant with Renesmee, and he’s not my best friend just a friend,” Jasper looked ahead and suddenly stopped. I stopped too and ran back to him “Alice, what did you see?” Of course Jasper pays attention way too much, I sighed “It’s really nothing, Jasper,” He looked at me “Ok, ok, I saw you, Edward, Bella, and I in the clearing fighting the battle alone,” I said staring at the ground again. I looked at him “I can’t let that happen Jazz,” He nodded “And I won’t let it happen, Alice, no one will hurt you,” I smiled “I love you Jasper,” he smiled too “Alice I love you too,” He took my hand and started off again. We got to the border line, and saw Edward's Volvo right on the edge, then we saw Bella, Edward, Jacob, and Renesmee all standing together. We walked up “What's up?” I asked Jacob as we approached “What's going on Shorty?” I smiled the reason he called me that was because he was like a foot and a half taller than me. “Jacob,” Jasper said nodding, Jacob nodded back “So what do you guys want to do?” Jacob asked looking at Renesmee; she put her hand on his face “Really Nessie, already?” Jacob said grinning, Edward chuckled “Well it has been a while,” I guess we could go,” Renesmee clapped her hands together, and did a back flip out of Bella’s arms. “What does she want?” Bella asked looking at Edward “She wants to hunt,” He told her, my throat was beginning to burn too, I could see Jasper felt the same “Well ok lets go,” Bella said, she loved to watch Renesmee hunt. Jacob changed into his wolf form and took off in a flat out sprint, Renesmee right behind him. Jasper looked at me and we both bolted after them, Bella and Edward right behind us. Jasper took down two large bucks while I took on a grizzly bear. Then I saw it, the army’s leader was Maria, I knew it was someone who had experience, but she wasn’t near her army she looked like she was yelling at someone, and that someone was Jasper. I gasped his eyes were black with thirst and he was looked in a cellar with blood on the walls. “Jasper!” I cried out loud, even though I could feel him holding me in his arms, leading me somewhere. “Alice, Alice I'm right here, what's wrong?” he said worry leaking into his voice. My eyes focused on him and I came back “Jasper, its Maria,” that’s all I said and then we were running back toward home Jacob, Edward, Bella, and Renesmee right behind us, before we got to our house about three more wolves joined us. They were Sam, Paul, and Jared I remember them from where we fought Victoria’s army. Everyone was in the house, everyone unaware that we all were in terrible danger even Jasper, Jasper. Edward ran close to Bella toward the house, we all came in fast “Guys we all need to talk now!” I called to them and I headed straight for the dining room, Carlisle and Esme already in their chairs. Bella, Edward, and Renesmee took their seats, and then Rosalie and Emmett came in and sat down, then Jasper and I walked in the four giant wolves behind us. “So Alice is this about the battle?” Carlisle asked I nodded “Yea, it is. I know who created the,” I whisper, everyone in the room went quiet, “Tell us Alice,” Rosalie said, I shook my head “I-I can’t, what were we talking about?” I asked, I didn’t know who we were talking about, I just completely forgot. “They are close,” Edward said standing up and heading to the window, then Sam and the others headed out the door howling like crazy “Jacob, it’s the same clearing that we fought Victoria at,” Edward called to Jacob. “So how did Alice forget?” Emmett asked “Maria has a power to put lies into your head; you know it’s a lie but you believe it no matter what, and she has the power to erase thoughts,” Emmett cussed under his breath but still Esme heard it “Emmett, don’t do that it’s not good,” Esme said and then walked after Carlisle who left and walked back into the living room. “Alice she will let you go, Maria is trying to make you forget us all, you need to break it, you need to break her hold on your mind,” Jasper said to me, trying to restore my memory. I already knew what Maria was doing, but then it all faded and I remembered everything. “Bella quick put your shield around all of us!” I said in a hurry to get everyone save. Bella nodded “Ok it’s done,” she said, and then went to sit by Renesmee and Edward. “Jasper what do we do?” I asked “Alice, I know what she wants,” He said staring into my eyes, I knew what she wanted too but I didn’t want her to have it. “She wants me,” Jasper said, Emmett looked up “Over my dead body,” then he laughed. “Aunt Rosie what's going to happen?” Renesmee asked Rosalie, “Nothing will happen Hun, I promise,” Jasper sighed “We have to leave,” I nodded, “Then we need to start packing,” I heard Esme walk up the stairs and open the closet and pull something out. “I’ll go pack,” Jasper said, and walked up stairs. “Alice I'm going to talk with the Wolf Pack,” Edward said, and walked out the door, Bella and Renesmee behind him, I nodded “Hurry back,” I said and stared at the ground, where would we go? Would Maria ever stop? I don’t know, but if I have so little time to be with Jasper then I plan to spend it well. I walked up stairs, and in to mine and Jasper’s room. When I entered I found a note on the bed.

Dear Alice,
I can’t let anything happen to you, and if Maria wants me then she will get it. Never forget I love you, tell everyone else I love them too. Esme will probably worry so tell not to as soon as everything is done; I will come back to you and will never leave again. I love you Alice,

I didn’t think I ran after Jasper, he went out the window, but I went down the stairs and dropped the note on the table next to Esme. She read it and gasped, and ran after me “Alice!” she yelled for me still running. We went past the Volvo and Edward told Bella something and Bella opened the car door and jumped out. Bella was still young and faster than me, but my sorrow and anger made me faster. I could see wolves coming and gaining up on me, “Leave me alone, I have to find him!” I yelled on the verge of sobbing. Then I feel to the ground suddenly and broke out in tearless cries for Jasper, Bella caught up to me and put her arms around me. Jasper wasn’t here to calm me down with his powerful gift and now I didn’t want to think about him. Bella picked me up and carried me back to the car; Edward had a hard mask on and turned around to drive back to the house. When we were there Bella again carried me inside and put me on the couch, “Alice!” Esme cried from the kitchen and ran over to me; she put her arms around me. “Alice, I'm so sorry,” Edward said, “If I didn’t leave we could have stopped him,” he told me “Alice, you should let Jasper-” I cut him off by holding up my hand “Please don’t say his name,” I asked my voice breaking, I got up and went to my room. “Don’t, she wants to be alone,” Edward said to someone. I felt hollow like everything I knew about my life was gone, I remembered the first time I saw Jasper, when we were in that diner, when I saw the Cullen’s house and how they lived their lives. I told Jasper he didn’t have to suffer anymore, but then I rejected that memory. I lay on the bed thinking about nothing, doing nothing. My throat burned but I didn’t care, I wanted to suffer what Jasper did. “Aunt Alice?” Renesmee asked peeking through the door, “Yes?” She walked up to me, “Your eyes are so dark, why won’t you go hunting?” I shrugged, I didn’t want to speak “Ok, I love you,” she said and walked out, and closed the door, “Renesmee what were you doing in there?” Bella asked from the hall, “I was trying to get her to talk, she still won’t,” Bella sighed, and opened my door and just walked right in, “Alice, you need to hunt,” I shook my head “Alice, please, you need to,” I just shook my head again “Why won’t you Alice?” I sat up “Bella, Jasper is going through this too, I'm not going to let him go through it alone,” Bella sighed “Alice, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” I laid back down, “Fine then. Emmett!” Bella called, and Emmett came in with a huge grin on his face, and picked me up “Sorry Alice, it’s for the best,” Bella called after us. Emmett went down the stairs with the same grin on his face, “Oh my,” Esme said as she saw us, Carlisle sighed and opened the door for us. “Sorry Alice,” Carlisle said when we past. Emmett put me into the back seat, Bella was already there. Then I saw a flash of course it was of Jasper, his eyes were red and there was a girl in her twenties lying dead on the ground, blood smeared his lips. Maria was smiling, and looking at Jasper, Jasper had his face in his hands, and then Maria got mad, ‘You don’t love her, you never did!’ she screamed at him ‘Yes I did!’ he screamed back. I sobbed again at the thought of Maria trying to erase me from Jasper’s memory completely and how I couldn’t stop her. “It’s ok Alice,” Bella said rubbing my hair. No it wasn’t I wanted to say, I wanted to scream it, but I didn’t, I kept my mouth shut. Once we pulled over, I could smell and hear the heart beats “No!” I screamed “No, no, no!” I screamed again, Emmett laughed and pulled me out of the car. I kicked and thrashed trying to break his hold “Sorry little sis, you picked the hard way.” He laughed again “Emmett, be careful, she’s weak,” Carlisle said. I rolled my eyes “Let me go,” I said and punched Emmett’s arm as hard as I could, “Good try,” he said and then he dropped me in front of a cave, where I could hear deep heart beats, bears. It smelled so good, I was ashamed because I let Jasper down and I killed all three bears and drank all of their blood, and it soothed the burn in my throat, I climbed back into the car “Now get me out of here,” Carlisle pushed the gas pedal, when we got home I went into the kitchen and sat on one of the bar stools, but then I remembered the first time Jasper and I met and I hopped down off the seat and headed to my room, again I lay on my bed and think of nothing. Until the future once again called for my attention, of course it was for Jasper, Maria wasn’t in the picture so I guessed she was out, Jasper wrote the words ‘India for six days’ and then ‘I love you Alice, I will never forget!’ that made me happy and gave me hope, until Maria came in and saw what Jasper was doing. She ripped the paper out of his hand and she wrote ‘Yea Alice he loves you, but not for much longer!’ that ripped my heart out; she was planning to erase his memory completely. I started to pack grabbing whatever would fit in the two bags I had, one was for Jasper and the other was for me. I had a purse with ten thousand dollars in it and both our passports. I’m coming to get you Jasper, not much longer. I opened the door and walked out into the hall and down the stairs, “You’re not going alone,” Edward said from behind me he had three bags with him, Bella had Renesmee in her arms and she was following Edward. Carlisle had two bags in one of his hands and Esme’s hand in his other “No she is not,” Esme said as she followed Carlisle. I heard Emmett saying something like “Yea a road trip,” to Rosalie, and then they came out with both of their bags. “Let’s go save our brother!” Emmett yelled as he ran down the stairs. Rosalie rolled her eyes but smiled “Yea lets go find out brother,” she turned to me “Shall we take my car?” I nodded her car was the fastest and she just tuned it so it’s in its best shape. “Great,” she said as she threw he stuff in the back seat, I threw mine back there too. The whole way to the airport I kept getting visions of Maria trying to get Jasper to kill humans and trying to make him forget me. Maria kept writing notes like ‘He will soon forget you,’ and ‘you should be ashamed of him, all the work you put in, just ruined in mere days.’ I won’t forget she said that, and she will pay for making Jasper suffer when he didn’t need to, she will pay. When we got on the plane I could see that Maria was trying to make Jasper forget me, so far it wasn’t working, and I was happy about that. “So what do we do when we get there?” Emmett asked when we got in our seats “We get Jasper out of there and kill Maria,” I said the last name through my teeth, Emmett smiled “Cool, some real action since Victoria,” he said looking excited “Yes more life threatening fights,” Rosalie said, Esme looked happy too, maybe because I was talking, or because we were going to Jasper, “A little bit of both,” Edward said looking at me, you didn’t have to have Jasper’s talent to feel the excitement, happiness, and sheer terror that surrounded us. “Would any of you want a pillow?” a flight attendant asked us “No thank you,” Esme answered, the flight attendant nodded and walked off. “I wonder how Renesmee is doing,” Bella said “I'm sure she is doing fine,” Edward said to her. “Two hours until we arrive at our destination, please fasten your seatbelts,” the captain instructed over the intercom, everyone did as they were asked; including my family, then I got a vision. Jasper was sitting on the floor, his eyes black with thirst again and Maria was packing “Were getting off at the next port and going home,” I told my family “Why? We are so close,” Emmett said all the excitement leaking out of his voice with each word he said, “They are gone, they left,” I hissed through my teeth, and then all hope was lost once more. When we were home I went to my room and laid on the bed like I did the first time I knew he was gone. “Alice?” Edward called from out in the hall “He will come back,” he said, I just put a pillow over my head. “What did she say?” Emmett asked “Nothing, as usual, just leave her alone Emmett,” Edward said and I could hear him going down the stairs, “Fine,” Emmett muttered as he too went down the stairs. That’s the twentieth time this week that happened I was getting sick of it. I could hear two pairs of feet coming up the stairs, “Alice, can I come in?” It was Esme’s voice, I didn’t want to talk, but she hadn’t spoken to me since the first time Jasper left, I mean it wasn’t like she didn’t want to she thought I should be alone, and I was thankful for it. “Of course Esme,” I said, she opened the door, Esme and Bella walked in. the both sat on the bed next to me, “We know it’s hard for you Alice,” Esme began, I nodded “It is, really hard,” Esme put her hand on my head, “Alice I really know how you feel,” Bella said, and then looked at the floor “I know Bella I remember,” Esme looked at me and then Bella “We should leave you alone Alice,” I nodded and they left, “Renesmee, don’t go in there your Aunt needs to be alone,” Renesmee sighed “Ok,” then I heard the front door open and someone gasped, “Don’t tell her,” Edward said. And then the door closed. My window opened “Please leave me alone, I know Jasper will come back, one day,” I said to the person, I didn’t mean to sound like that but I needed time by myself. The person sat on my bed and that ticked me off, I sat up and turned around. “Jasper,” I said falling backward, and then I started to smile “Jasper! Oh my god Jasper!” I said, he looked the same, but his eyes were still black, well not black, dark red. He was smiling too “Should I leave you alone? You looked like you need sometime,” My face went blank “Don’t even joke about that, next time you start to run off ill tackle you and drag you back here, whether you want me to or not,” He was still smiling “I'm not going anywhere,” I smiled, “Good, you won’t get very far,” he chuckled and stood up. He walked over to me and picked me up, and ran down stairs, everyone was smiling, “Yea don’t tell Alice,” I said when Edward could see us, he chuckled “It would be no good if it wasn’t a surprise,” he said, then I remembered something “Jasper, how come I couldn’t see you come back?” I asked, he smiled “Well I never really decided anything, I just did what I thought of first, and then Maria was dead and I was here,” I smiled “Good and your staying,” he nodded “Yes Alice I am,” I laughed “That wasn’t really a question,” everyone around us started to laugh, and then everything was fine. Everyone was fine. Everyone.


Texte: All charaters in this book are property of Stephanie Meyer
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2010

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To Stephanie Meyer for creating the Twiligh Saga and imsiring me to write this

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