
Their was an old and lonely man named dave, to chilren arond the world, he was well kown as the story teller.Davewould come where ever it rained.One rainy day, he stoped at an island full of kids waiting for the day when he would see them. Whenit started to rain, they know the story teller was on his way. The kid's called for him and when they saw him, they all came running toward's him.With open ears they said "tell us a story please!" and so he did. he started with a pink horse and a couger not far behind.

They sat and watched as the horse fought back. Then a bright color of light apeard along the horision.It left them blind for a moment. Then the couger left wtih tears of fear in his eye's.A heard of brightly colored horses shined and they saw the horses coming to greet them.

Each horse chose a child to ride them. So, each kid climbed onto the horses. Then the horses ran storming off into jungle. Then there were plants like you wouldn't ever see in a jungle. Their were all kinds of animals, such as monkeys's and snakes. Then, they felt the rubbling of hoofs stomping. all the horses headed toward's the edge of the island. then the horses sunndenly grew wing's of gold.

At frist they were unsure, but truly wanted to ride them into the pure bright blue sky. Soon they were gliding swiftly towards the clouds. the horses flew up and in circle's. the kids giggled as the rode off into the clowd's. they each thought of the different shape's of white cloud's. they all started to call out many shap's as they went by. as the children looked down, the didin't see the beach and had forgoten abourt the animal's. The day was ending and the kids were tired.

They landed back at shore. Dave waved as he hoped onto the pink horse as he shot of into the bright blue sky.The kid's waved back as sadly said their goodbuy's, but then turned back yelling " when will you come back., but dave was already gone.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.09.2009

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