


Hi my name is Launa Elizabeth James. I am 19 years old and quite energetic kind of girl. I love being girly and being kind to everyone. It’s just my nature. I love making people happy and seeing their smiles on their faces. I love the rain and sunshine. Yes I am that type of girl. I love everything but being negative. If I see someone being unjust to someone I will be the first to point it out and stop it immediately. I love having fun and enjoying myself and bringing others together. I hate seeing people upset so I try my upmost best to cheer them up. Love you may ask? Well let’s just say I am hoping to find my Mr.Right soon, what girl doesn’t. I’m not looking for him but I am hoping that he will come to me when I least expect it. The kind of guy I want is are a loving caring sweet kind of guy who loves to make people smile, giving a helping hand to anyone who needs it, who will always keep me happy and try his best to not hurt me and give me all his love. I wonder when that day will come. Will I find a guy that like? Is there a guy like that in this world? Oh well I guess I will just have to wait and see. Right now I am not thinking about a guy but my sisters 16th birthday present. It’s going to be so good. I want to buy her a silver necklace with small diamonds on the sides. She has been hinting me this necklace for months and thinks I don’t care about it but actually I have been saving up for it for quite a long time now. It has taken me quite some time as I don’t have a job and I am using my saving allowance that my parents are giving me.
“Launa, you’re going to be late!”
“I’m here; I’ll just have some toast”. I had some orange juice and practically shoved it in my mouth and ran out.
“Bye mum”
“Be careful on the streets, bye”
I had to run to the jewellery shop. I am hoping no one has taken the necklace yet. The shop that the necklace is sold in is Unique Jewellers. It is one of the best jewellers in the city.
I stared at the shelf. There were so many beautiful necklaces shining in the light. I can see why this shop is so well known. There is the latest jewellery and they are indeed exquisite. I searched until I finally found it. The silver necklace sat in a red open box high on the shelf. I have to admit the necklace was indeed very beautiful.
The shop keeper women noticed me staring at the necklace,
“Can I help you madam?”
I was startled, “err yes. I would like to buy that silver necklace please. The one in the middle”
The women smiled and handed me the box, “this one?”
“Yes that’s the one”
After paying for the necklace she wrapped it gently and put it in its red box and then put it in a big bag. She then handed me the bag.
“Is that everything?”
I smiled to her politely, “yes thank you that’s be all, good bye”
I really hope I take care of it by the time I get home. I’m so clumsy, I’m sure to drop it. Plus it’s so light it could break easily. My sister will be heart broken. Oh I really hope she likes it. Just as I was about to turn around when I accidently bumped into a tall broad shouldered man and the bag fell to the floor. There was a crash. My worst fear had happened. It must have broken! What am I going to do now? My sister will be heart broken and I don’t have enough money to buy her a new one. She’s going to be so upset. I was about to pick up the bag when the man grabbed my hand tightly. People in the shop were watching. There was silence. All you could hear was the music in the store. No body moved, not even the staff. All eyes were on us. I stared at him carefully. He wore a black suit and had a black glasses coming out from his pocket. He also had a Bluetooth in this ear. He wore sleek black shoes and his face expression was indeed pretty scary. He was so furious he looked at me like he was going to kill me any second. I should say something quickly so I can pick up my necklace.
“Oh I’m so…”
I didn’t get to finish my sentence as he rudely interrupted me.
“What the hell’s wrong with you? Are you blind?
What on earth? Why is he being so rude? He should apologise too as he bumped into me. I tried to back off him and pull my hand away but it was no use. He was much too strong. You could tell he works out by his muscles on his arm.
“Excuse me. Please let go of my hand. It’s hurting me”
He stepped closer towards me. I was shocked and quite scared but I looked away from his eyes.
“I’m telling you again to leave my hand”
“I don’t give a damn if it hurts. I know kind of kind girls. You buy jewellery and bump into rich man and pretend it broke just so you can get money off of him. I am not a fool you get that?”
My eyes instantly moved towards his. I can’t believe he just said that.
“Stop right there. Who the hell do you think you are?”
He grinned, “Someone that’s a lot more important than you. Not your average middle class man that’s for sure. Get this clear into your thick head. You can fool the world but not me. I have come across such girls like you and I am not a fool. Next thing you’re gonna do is try to seduce the men and get them to your home by dressing innocent and pretending that you’re a good girl”
There were no words, but there was a loud slap right across his face. I used the hand which he wasn’t holding and furiously stared at his face. The echo of the slap bounced back from every corner of the shop while the costumers stared at in shock. The man stared at me even more angrily like no one had ever slapped him before. Good he bloody deserved it.
“What the hell?” he gripped my hand even more and it pained like hell.
“How dare you disgrace a woman like that? Don’t you have any shame whatsoever? You make out you’re a big businessman but you are ugly in the heart. No matter what talent you have if you are mean, no one will want to be with you. Just because you have all this money does not mean you can walk around and insult women! I hate people like that. You need to get some manners and learn to treat women right. If you cannot do it now how will you fall in love? No girl will ever want to be with you. You disgraced me in front of a lot of people and not only that you disgraced my character without even knowing the actual intentions. Not everyone thinks the way you think. Not girl is like that. If your mother was here today she will be so disgusted that you could treat women like this.
He slowly let go of my hand and facial expression changed to less angry way. he took out his wallet from his back pocket with his right hand and took out a lot of cash and threw it in my face. There was money everywhere flying in the air. The money was all over the floor.
“Here take your money and buy that necklace”
He then stormed out and everyone watched him leave. He got out of the shop and walked over to his white ford. The driver waited for him and opened the door for him to and the car drove off shortly after and he stormed out. Everyone stared at me and people came over to me.
“Are you okay? Is your hand hurting?”
I forgot all about my hand and I looked at it. It was extremely red and had lines on it, it pained a bit.
A lady came over to me, “what you said was absolutely right. He had no right to talk about women like that. There were so many women in the shop and he had the nerve to say that. You are an inspiration to us women and we are very proud of you.”
The women all agreed and smiled at me, I was happy but then I realised that the necklace was broken what was I going to do now? I will have to buy it again. Should I use this money? People helped me to pick up the money and handed it to me. Everything was then left the way it was before the incident happened. I will buy the necklace again with this money as he had to pay for it anyway and then I will earn money and get myself a job, then I will also throw money at his face too. He could have just handed me the money. No, I will definitely get a job now. I am determined.
On that very day when Launa got home she told her mother she wanted to get a job and her mother thought it was good for anyway, however she didn’t tell her mother the real reason why she wanted one. She called up many places and gave her resume to all the places she could think of.
The next day came and there was a call.
“Good morning is this Launa?”
“Yes that’s me”
“Your application has been accepted and you are suitable for JAI Company. Your job interview is tomorrow at 9. Sorry it’s is on short notice but the manager is leaving to go to a meeting in France”
I was so happy. I finally have a job! Now I can pay that idiot rich man back and throw money at his face like he did to me.
“Yes thank you I do want this job and okay I will definitely come tomorrow!”
“Okay then we’ll see you tomorrow and your interview will be with the director. Please be on time. Bye”
The women hanged up. I can’t believe it, I finally have an interview and I really hope I get this job. I don’t want this job just so I can pay back that rude rich guy but I also want to support my family and maybe buy something nice for myself. How am I supposed to act in an interview? I know. I’ll just be myself and be polite but straight forward. I will be a professional and try my best to do well.
The next day was my interview. I was so scare and nervous throughout the morning. I ate my breakfast quickly but made sure it was healthy as it is important to have a healthy meal to the star of a big day. I took my mother’s blessings and ran out of the house. I know the company is here somewhere but where? Should I ask someone? Okay I will do that, there is a man walking past anyway so I might as well ask him.
“Excuse me? Can you tell me where JAI Company is?”

“Yeah sure, go down the road and take a right and you should see a tall building, bye”
“Thank you”
I found it at last. Why is my heart beating fast? I am so nervous I hope I do well. I bet they won’t even hire me.
I reached the building and the man was right. It was indeed huge. It was extremely tall and wide and just looking at it made me wish I could turn back. What am I getting myself into? Maybe I should just forget it and look for a job somewhere else. No, Launa you can do this. Don’t be a coward. I have to do this whether I like it or not.
There were guards standing straight outside of both doors and looked at me and then smiled. They opened the doors and I slowly walked in holding my breath hoping no one would notice me. Everywhere you looked there were men in suits and women neatly dressed in their skirts and suits and people with Bluetooth’s in their ears, people on the phone and making coffee? There was the sound of the constant ringing of phones. People ran around with their briefcases. It was all too much of a business place I don’t think I fit in at all. They all look really high class. In all my nervousness I hadn’t noticed a women coming up to me and when she talked I jumped out of fright.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
“Oh err I am here for a job interview with the director?”
The women smiled at me, “okay right this way. You’re actually right on time. He has just come in from a meeting so you can go on in and meet him now. Please follow me”
“Oh that’s great thank you”
She walked through the hallway to the office. It was all very office like I felt like I was out of place and a bit uncomfortable.
“He will be right with you. You will be questioned by the chief director who is leaving soon. He is looking for employees to replace him. That is the job you are going for so you have to go through the interview with him. If he agrees for you to join then the director will agree”
“Okay thank you”
The women left. She seemed nice. I forgot to ask her name. Well I can ask her if I work here. I opened the door and came in. he asked me to sit down and asked me numerous questions and I just answered them to what I would do if I was in that sort of situation and he seemed impressed. You could tell by his expressions. He finished his questions and then took out his phone and rang up someone. I patently waited.
“Hello boss. Yes. I like this one. I want this girl. She is very bright and smart. I like her. so do you want to check her out? Yeah okay then, bye sir”
He hung up the phone and the looked at me and smiled.
“Okay the boss is on his way now to have a look at you and check first to see if you are good enough and if you can have the job.
“Okay then. I will wait”
Oh no. what if he doesn’t like me> I have never seen him before. What if he is nasty and mean? I always hear that boss’s is never nice. I wonder what he will be like.
The door flung open and there stood a tall shouldered man with a black velvet suit and sleek shoes and had a Bluetooth in his ear. Who else could it be but HIM! It’s the mean guy who insulted me! Og my god!
I got up from my chair and stared at him, no words came out my mouth. That’s it I will get killed today. I am definitely going home.
He stared at me angrily and looked at me like he was going to strangle me. I can’t believe it’s him. Now what do I do? What’s going to hsppen?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2012

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