
A faint far cry arose on the still evening air. It soared upward with a swift rush, till it reached its topmost note, where it persisted, palpitant and tense, and then slowly died away into the distance. It might have been a lost soul wailing, had it not been invested with a certain forlorn heartache and carnal hunger. Heavy silence now fell over the land, blanketing over the inhabitants conversations with an eery air. Despite the number of dwellers clustered in the glade and their regard of it as familiar, they really knew nothing of it. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless and without movement. No creature could even begin to was the land so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness. Yet there was a hint of mocking laughter in it- a laughter meant to taunt, possessed of sardonic hate. A moment flows by...A second cry claws the air, piercing the settled silence with needle-like shirllness. Borne of such desperation! Rays of sunlight filtering down from a bundle of thin clouds did their best to cast light into the shadows, to try and reveal the agonized creature within, but alas- they were too thick and besides, the cryer did not wish to be exposed; with every wail did the walls of darkness deepen. Once again, the silence fell, but this time with the heaviness of steel. Birdsong teasing the evening breeze was choked as swiftly as the cut of an engine, and predators hunting game were cast away to slink elsewhere. Except for one, a careful observer might note.Meanwhile the blanket of silence began to take influence; inhabitants would notice a certain fear creeping into their veins. Yes, fear. Fear so strong and deep it's impossible not to be rid of once it infected you. Fear of the unknown- what you do not know and can't possibly bring yourself to understand. A fear everyone must live with in hopes of one day conquering it. But alas, none has yet done the impossible and so the next generation will carry on the curse in teir veins, unable to be rid of it completely. Thus, they are afraid of the fear; it grows until it is almost as ominous as the silence layering the land now, pressing in upon the inhabitants with a tangible presence. Affecting their minds as the many atmospheres of deep waters affect the diver it crushes them with the weight of its forever vastness and un alterable decree- the mother of fear, silence is therefore great - unfathomable and enticing all the same, to be respected and feared as well as despised and frowned upon. Underneath such vast weight, beins succumb to self hate and begin to consider themselves expendable and weak, little flecks crawling amidst the great play and interplay of the blind elements and forces. A long wailing cry similiar to others shatters this reverie of life, fiercely sad, calling from amid the walls of vast darkness. Scattering the crystaline shards of broken silence, animal cries borne of heartache take to the air, altering the once-silent air into total bedlam. From every side they arose; now the walls of darkness had thinned a bit, alowing one to see into their midst: a swarming mass of large, lupine shapes writhing in the shadows. A circle of gleaming eyes had drawn around the clearing, each pair a differant color but they all glowed with the same eery energy - one that reminded a rejected lover of what he'd lost instead of what might have been. Funny that among the multitude of lovers here tonight, there was a particularly rejected one in their midst.The ring of shadows thrown around the clearing gave a shift in movement; a single wolf stepped out of their solace. Silk flowed down it's back in the form of black fur, thick and soft to the touch. Deep mahogany eyes glittered with moisture, glowing with what could only be described as a leader's pain. Corded muscles worked underneath the finely groomed pelt, as you could see the creature struggle to compose itself, casting away the pain it took to speak. Raising his head and turning to face the solemn-eyed lupine shadows, Paranormal the Paramour addressed them. "Tonight we gather to remember Silence the Shameless, for she was a devoted member of Shadow Outcasts and we shalln't let the mark she made upon us fade. Mothering 4 children on her own and enduring a painful on-and-off relationship with the man she thought loved her, her life wasn't easy," The alpha shot a pointed glare at his son, claws kneeding the dirt. Mahogany eyes strayed to the neko beside him, narrowing into glowering slits. Salena, He hissed to her, calling up a mental commication link. Since they were imprinted more or less, it was simple.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2010

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