
Chapter One

"You do realize if you take this," She began with her eyes staring at the blue leather heart lock diary that she held tightly by her fragile pale hand,"You and I are official settled."

Meaning all those memories in my mind from the first day I saw her classic fancy high heels to the day I saw her aboard the limo leaving for college meant nothing. All those times she caused hell to irrupt in my life I would have to forget it and push it down the dark hallow side of my mind. Even though I had no clue that she was in fact accepted in the same college. Here and now we stand before each other.


I eyed the blue leather diary, trying to think of a solution to take it or not. It seemed to be trifling if she had no hesitation at all to hand it over to me. If her so called 'diary' was the real answer my heart craved for then I had to have options. Either do or don't whatever is lingering throughout the thick smooth pages.

My mind kept yelling the same things.

Do, Do and Do!

I sighed in defeat and slowly reached my hand out to grab the diary. My hand touched the blue leather fabric and a sudden urge to back out popped in my head. What could possibly happen? What? Me pulling a few tricks up my sleeve and landing a guy.
I looked up to meet serious dark brown eyes and the way her eyebrows furrowed made me shiver. She gently handed me the diary and stepped back a few steps. Curiosity crossed my mind of what lingers in the very diary of an 'old friend'. I unlocked the small lock and slowly opened the diary to reveal what hidden secrets of no other than my enemy back in high school...

And this all started yesterday...

~ ~ ~

"Maeve!" A voice called my name for a billionth time. I turned over on my side and pushed my head further into my pillow. A slight annoyed huff left the person's mouth and a hand started shaking me but I groggily slapped it away.

Five seconds of peace. Maybe they finally have given up

, I thought but frowned when I felt my bed tip.

Landing on your face wasn't too fun. For all of you concerned, it hurts like hell.

My eyes shot open and I searched my room for the culprit. Finally landing my eyes on a pair of soft aqua blue eyes made me want to jump in joy. Wondering minds.

Boy best friend, no.

Guess again?

Boyfriend, nope.

Only one thing left.

Brother, yes.

My slender hot-headed idiot for a brother had left me two years into high school to go to stinking college. Leaving me with melodramatic parents and annoying neighbors. To top it off all the hell Carissa Johnson put me through. I knew from the first day I saw her classic fancy high heels step out of a limo that she'd be my personal murderer

. I shuddered of the thought of it and snapped out of my thoughts to focus on my now smiling idiotically brother.
I rushed to my feet and balanced myself out. I wrapped my arms around my brother, hugging him and squeezing hard for pay back for how he woke me up. Has he ever heard of a glass of cold water?! He let out a uh and slight smile appeared on his face.

"I know you miss me, Mae but can you ease off a little." He told me. I let him go and smiled at him.

He has no idea I'll be leaving him here while I go to college

, I thought.

"Anything you want to tell me?" He asked as his eyebrows raised. I brought my pointing finger to my chin and tapped repeatedly to make him anxious and impatient.

"Well, nah. Umm...Oh! Never mind. Oh I know! Wait...I forgot. Ah, I-" He cut me off with a chuckle. He ruffled my bed hair and made it worse.

Thanks. Now it will take an hour to brush my hair.

I scowled at him and said,"I'm going to college and leaving you here with our melodramatic parents." His chuckle was long gone and his smile never returned. HA! Serves him right! I smirked as I walked past him to my bedroom door and turned back around.

"Oh and the annoying neighbors to. Of course. You can't miss em." I added and then sprinted off down the hall to the staircase. Taking my time like an old woman walking down the stairs and then hopping off into the kitchen where the smell of breakfast made my stomach growl.

Blonde hair in a pony tail came into my sight and I smiled. My mother had always debated on which kid would be more like dad, which turned out to be me. The one who enjoys stuffing her face and never cared a fly about wearing Pj's in public. I dared not to ask mum or Jasper about wearing their Pj's in public for once. They would have killed me with their own bare HANDS.

Sadly, it's not a joke.

"Hi, Hun." My mother said as she sat a plate filled with deliciously hot food on the table. I nearly forgot to answer her from me drooling over the food.

"H-Hi." I finally said as I sat down and started to stuff my face.

A laugh came from my mother's mouth and I rolled my eyes at her. The usual hyena laugh like Jasper's. It was weird how much they were alike. I thought it was suppose to be the daughter that took after her mother but I guess god wanted something different for a change. A daughter who took after her dad's habits, looks, talents and attitude.
While my brother, Jasper took the hyena laugh, the blonde luscious hair, the soft aqua blue eyes, popularity and seriousness. No, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I love my dark brown wavy hair, green eyes, tallness and etc. It's just weird.
I snapped out of my thoughts to notice I had finished my breakfast. I stood up and walked to the sink. Laying the plate down in the sink and turning around toward the staircase my mother watched me. I knew she was on the verge to cry her eyes out.

Probably mumbling 'Oh! How my baby girl has grown up?' or 'My baby girl is all big and adultive.' Okay.....I made adultive up. So what? She still looked like she was. I rolled my eyes and walked up stairs. I walked down the hall and into my room. Finding my suit cases and laying them on the floor, I started to pack.

* * *
Some ride that was. I was pushed into a limo, hauled off with some rich strangers and now I was harshly left alone on the side of the road by my college. Nice people, right? I sighed and started to walk along the sidewalk.
The place was beautiful. A white fountain stood right in front of it, tennis courts, basketball courts, a football field and etc. Just a question filled my mind at the moment. Why did I even get accepted here? I don't play any sports, I don't do track or cheer leading. I was always the hard working nerd back in high school. A report card of straight A's and full scholar ship for college.
Plus this college was obvious for rich snobs. Just saying. Some girls that passed me wearing thin five inched heels while I'm wearing beat down sneakers that was on the verge of falling apart. I never really cared of what first expression of some barbie doll had of me. At least I wasn't fake or trying to steal some guy away from my best friend.
They stared me down like they heard what I was thinking and gave me the your-pathetic look as they passed me. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the front entrance. I stared at the white stairs as my eyes made their way up to the revolving doors. A strawberry blond hair girl stood on the very top step that very girl was...

Chapter Two

"Carissa Johnson?" It came out more like a question. she turned around towards me and stared at me.

"Yeah." was all she said. I walked up the stairs to the top one and stood in front of Carissa.

She looked clueless of who I was. I chuckled at her fail of realization and took my huge rim glasses out of my bag. I put them on and Carissa's eyes widen a fraction.

"Maeve?!" She blurted it out like a question but I ignored it. I nodded and took off the huge rim glasses.

"You look," She stared me up to down and then continued,"...Nice." I knew she was lying.

"Liar." I crossed my arms and glared at Carissa.

"Do you know lying isn't good for your health?" A voice said behind Carissa. Carissa moves a little and smiles.

A tall slim guy with curly brown hair, brown eyes and a cute smile walked up to Carissa. He wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at me, Carissa smiled at him but not a fake smile, a real one.

"Who's this beautiful young lady?" He asked Carissa as his eyebrows raised. Carissa smiled nervously and I could tell she was freaking out.

"Maeve." I said shooting Carissa a smile that told her it was okay. She seemed to notice and relaxed a bit but she still was on edge.

"Maeve. What a beautiful name right, Carissa?" He asked her smiling.

"Y-yeah. A very" She stuttered at first and forced a smile. The guy didn't seem to notice because he still smiled at me.

"So....Do you guys know each other?" The guy asked. Carissa froze and for the first time I saw a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Of course. We use to go to the same high school." I told the guy. It was true.

"Really? That's great. A friend of Carissa's is a friend of mine. My name is Darren by the way." He reached out his free hand and I shake it.

"Nice meeting you, Maeve. I would hang around but I have football practice." He said. Darren quickly kissed Carissa's cheek and jogged off.

I was amused that Carissa was actually with someone and he was a nice someone. After along time of silence Carissa sighed. She raised her hand and ran it through her hair.

"Thanks." She said finally.

"For what?" I asked. There was no reason she had to thank me.

"For not mentioning the whole high school thing." She admitted.

I laughed and said,"I'm not that type of person."

"I know. do you know where the old park is?"


"Yeah." I said.

"Well, be there at 6 o'clock sharp. I owe you." She said and then walked off.

Carissa Johnson saying those very words I was unlikely going to hear ever and they just came hitting me in the face. I can't believe she had said it. I owe you

echoed through my mind and I groaned.

Had she changed just in a few months? or was it my anxiety getting the better of me?

I stepped into the revolving doors and pushed forward. It was beautiful outside but I was knocked to my feet on the inside. No, literally some person(A-S-S-H-O-L-E) knocked into me and I fell to the hard marble floor(or at least I think it's marble). I pushed the strand of hair in my face behind my ear and looked up at the person. The equation to this problem was that there was no equation. Meaning the person left without apologizing. I stood up and wiped my clothes off.
I continued toward the elevator and stepped inside. I should have mentioned I got my door key and Schedule awhile back. Apparently, I had two roommates and one of them wasn't even human. No, it wasn't batman or spider-man. DARN! I wish it was but instead it has to be a cat named Gelato. I know, right? Who names a cat that?!

I pushed my dorm floor and waited for the elevator to close. Just when the elevator's doors were five inches apart a guy slid through. Not to MENTION him colliding into me and causing us to stumbled back.

Me, being pushed against the elevator's metal wall and him pushing into me. His messy brownish-black hair tickling my neck. Yeah, his face was smothering my poor(lucky) neck. After a minute of an awkward position he still kept, I lightly fake coughed.

"Uh, Sorry." He muttered as he stepped back. My eyes met a pair of blue iris eyes. A blush wanted to creep up my neck but I back slapped it and pushed it back down. Plus It would look absolutely stupid if I blushed by just looking at his eyes. I mean come ON. What kind of girl blushes over that?! Moving on...

He broke his eyes from my gaze and turned around. He pushed a floor number and backed to the wall. Resting his foot on the wall and leaning his head on it to, he sighed. I wanted to gawk at his weird appearance. Not to like ruin the moment of his perfectly comfortable position or anything. The poor dude's sweater was inside out, his pants were on backwards, and not to hard to notice but he had lip stick on his neck.
I laughed at him. His eyes shifted from the wall to me and his eyes furrowed in confusion. I clamped my hand over my mouth and calmed down a bit. Removing my hand he raised his eyebrows and said,"What?"

"Not to like totally ruin your mood," I had a little bit of laughter ready to come out but I continued as I pointed at his clothes,"Your sweater is inside out, pants is on backwards, and you got a little something on your neck." He looked down and groaned.

Out of no where he pulled down his pants and I yelped. I turned insistingly and covered my mouth. I could hear him pull his pants back up and then he must have fixed his sweater. A snap(probably from his finger) got my attention but I didn't want to turn around.

Well, not just yet.

"Hey., Girl." He said.

"The names Maeve." I said on instinct and annoyed I had done so. I turned around and dropped my hand to my side. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me.

"Yeah. Okay, Maeve." He sounded like I was lying about my own name.

I wanted to flip him off right there but the elevator stopped to let a blond girl get on. The guy smirked and I could tell by the look on his face he wanted her. I'd puke if it wasn't for a blond chick just waiting to spread the news about some nerdy weirdo puking on her on the first day of college and knowing in about a week my name would be figured out.

Ugh! Just watching him makes me want to.....never mind. Back to reality.

He flung his arm around her shoulders and she giggled. Scratch that. She made a high pitch noise that probably was suppose to be a giggle. I couldn't help but laugh and wish I hadn't. The blond chick turned toward me and scowled. Oh, no. Here it comes.

"Do you have a problem?!" She snapped and I chuckled.

"Of course. Uh....Oh! My problem is-" The elevator door opened and I stopped talking. I could tell the blond was already mad but I ignored her. Walking to the door of the elevator I stopped and laughed as I turned toward them.

"Well, I would stay but as we all know," I looked at the blond girl to the guy and continued,"You guys obviously really need some privacy. I mean the poor girl's cleavage is almost showing. You might as well be her mother and fix it." I shrugged and stepped out just as the elevator door was closing a loud gasp from the girl left me laughing.

No, it wasn't my nervous breakdown getting to me and besides a better word for it would be anxiety. Yes, I enjoyed being mean. Not because I'm some bully or anything like that. I just have an issue with 'people' like her.

Jumping out of my thoughts just on time, I dodged the running guy and his fellow companion. Immature Idiots. Sadly, I couldn't complain about it. I'm indeed a immature girl myself and not mention that I'm eighteen. I'd say I'm more of a childish type but still not complaining or anything. I finally stopped at my dorm room, which was 31B and happened to be at the end of the hall. I pushed the key into the key hole and turned until I heard a Click.

I pushed the door open and took in the scenery. It was not that bad from were I could see. Plain white walls with pictures or weird paintings made by whom I'd probably couldn't pronounce filled the wall in various different places. If I actually focused on the furniture instead of the weird paintings then I would have noticed the black sofa with a red head, brown eyed girl munching on a bag of chocolate Hershey kisses. Her eyes never left the bag and I was kinda afraid to awaken her from her trance that the Hershey kisses had her in.

There's always rules with a psycho girl with a bag of chocolate.
1) If she was psycho, never talk bad about chocolate because she will and I MEAN she will go all nut meets the case. NUTCASE.
2)Never ask for a piece of chocolate because the answer will always be 'No'.
3) If you sneak a piece, she would probably or most likely bite your hand off.

I walked in and closed the door behind. The girl still munched on her chocolate as she minded her own business. I sat my suit cases down and looked at her. The girl had freckles, red hair and brown eyes as you already know, she obviously loved chocolate, and she seemed to not give a care about her new dorm roommate. This girl seemed rather okay.

On second thought, she seemed way too okay. Wasn't she supposed to be all Oh, I'm too good for you and I rather have a bag of garage as a roommate attitude? Well, it usually was supposed to be that way or maybe it wasn't.

A voice with an accent made me jump out of my thoughts,"It's not really nice to stare." I instantly knew the red head had finished her chocolate and was now staring at me. Her green eyes burned through me and I felt uncomfortable.

"Uh, yeah." Was all I said.

"Exactly." She sang as she moved the empty bag of chocolate on the coffee table and stood up. She grabbed her black coat and pushed her arms into the sleeves.

"I'm Annelisa Adams," She started as she slid her vans on and continued,"I got to go out to buy more chocolate and some cat food." I nodded and moved out of the way as she step around me and grabbed the doorknob.

"Okay. Oh, I'm Maeve Anderson." I said and she nodded while opening the door. She turned her head towards me and said."Your room is down that hall to the left." I turned my head to look at the hallway and nodded. Annelisa closed the door leaving me alone in our dorm with a her cat.

Just Gelato and I. Well, just me since I have no clue where Gelato would be.

Chapter Three

  I opened my suit case and searched through it. I grabbed a dark red coat and slipped my arms through the sleeves. The coat was giving to me by my grandma for my birthday last year. I buttoned it up and pulled my hair into a pony tail. Using a piece of sticky note paper I wrote a message on it saying: I'll be back. Had something to do. ~Maeve



     I placed the paper on the table and walked out the door. I closed it behind and began to walk to the elevator. I pushed the down button and waited. The elevator doors opened and I stepped onto the elevator. The doors began to close and someone slid through just in time to collide into me. Just like last time. Me being pushed against the elevator wall and a guy pushing onto me. Déjà Vu all over again. I noticed something though. The guy's hair was the same as last time. "Seriously?!" I blurted. The guy stepped back and scowled. "You," He started as he pointed at me and continued,"You're that girl from last time." I rolled my eyes and huffed. "No, I'm a rainbow dancing unicorn," I sarcastically said and sighed as I continued,"Yes, you idiot." His scowl deepened and he shoved his hands into his pants pockets.  "Ah, you attend to be on the elevator every time I am. Stalker much?" He said. "It's not like I choose to be. Why would I be stalking you? I would rather stalk the old lady in the check out office because her life seems way more legit than yours." I crossed my arms and pushed the lobby floor button.  "Push three." He told me.  I pushed three and stepped back. The elevator was silent until it stopped on the floor three. The guy walked off the elevator and out of my sight. The elevators doors closed and I sighed. 


It's going to be a long night, I thought.



I opened the diary slowly and turned to the first page. 

I read,"If you're going to be black, you have to be black all the way."

"Black?" I asked Carissa.

"Dirty. If you're going to play dirty, you got to be dirty all the way." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh." I muttered.

"There's a party Friday night." Carissa moved her finger to her chin and tapped.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, leaning on my left leg.

"Guys will be there. Plus on the bright side you get to where a dress, but I might have to help you with that." She told me as she looked me from up to down in disgust. 

"Offensive. I have feelings, y'know right?" I wanted to say to her but stopped myself from doing so. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.

"I don't think I would like your style." I looked at Carissa's outfit. She was wearing pink skinny jeans, a white shirt, and heels. 

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Carissa snapped at me. I pointed to her pink skinny jeans and heels.

"I hate pink and I don't wear heels." I answered, honestly. 

"Floral pattern?" Carissa asked.

"Never." I answered.

"Denim shorts?"


"Skirts?"  "I would rather die than wear 'em."

"Dresses? I mean, I seen you wear them before, so you got to like dresses." Carissa raised her eye brows and stared at me.

"My mother foreced me." I responded. 

"Such a liar." Carissa muttered.

"Am not." I snapped.

"Are." She said.

"Are not." 




"Are." I said.

"Not." Carissa said and I laughed at her. 

"Ha! I got you to agree with me." I chuckled and stuck my tongue out at her. 

I got an eye roll and huff as a response. 

After a few minutes of silence and shivers from the cold, Carissa spoke.

"How about we go shopping?" Carissa suggested.

"That depends." I told her. "On what?" She asked as she shoved her hands into her pockets. "I get to pick what I like." I said.

Carissa nodded and took out her phone. She stared down at the screen and handed it to me.

"Put your number into my phone, so I can text you." Carissa told me. I nodded and put in my number and gave Carissa her phone back. She added a few more things and then shoved her phone back into her pocket. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I muttered.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She said as she turned around and began to walk away.      

I spun on my heel and began to walk back to the my dorm. Thinking about it, I'd said I would walk in to find Annelisa eating chocolate and watching Television. The girl was simple and I give her credit for it. Still though, I don't understand why she called her cat Gelato. I'm going to have to make a mental note to ask her later.


I'm sorry for the short chapter. I will make Chapter four longer. 

How is it so far?

Why did Annelisa call her cat 'Gelato'? Heh. Heh. 

I'm probably going to make a cast because I already have some I can use for this. 

Heart. Comment. Like. Share. Have a party. Suggest stuff to me. Do anything you want. Just don't copy or....yeah. Thanks for reading.



Texte: copyright Amber M.
Bildmaterialien: ;)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2013

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I dedicate this to you. Y-O-U. :) ANYRAINBOW... I'm giving this book a try. :O It's one of the many books on me only so If it reaches a good amount of hearts I will continue on with it. :) Thanks.

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