
Chapter One


It was the color of blood.
It was the color of horror.
The color of my hair.

My Brownish-red hair blew in the wind as the footsteps grew closer. I clutched my arm tighter as I inhaled deeply. It had occurred once or twice that I had been followed but I shook it off. If I only listened to my instincts I would have been at the location I was assigned and I wouldn't be hiding from some vile vampire.

"Come on. Let's be mature about this." The vampire had said as he stopped just four feet away from me. He smirked at me as he started to pull up his long shirt sleeves and walked slowly toward me. I gulped down the fear building up and stepped back until my back was against the hard wall.

"Call me Avon. That is if you're still alive." Avon prompted. He shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. Leaning on the side of the brick wall and sneaking a glance at me with a twisted creepy smile. I laughed at him in disbelief.
"Who sent you?" I questioned him.
"Someone." He said as he pushed himself from the wall.
"Someone like who?" I asked him.
"You sure ask a lot of questions, youngster." He told me as he eyed me from up to down. Probably finding a weakness.

Weakness: (Physical) My left side shoulder. (Emotional) Mentioning anything that leads to my parents death.

"Yeah, I do. Now answer before I change my mind and just kill your ass right now." I spat at him. I was angry and I sure in hell don't need his haughty remarks. Avon laughed at my response and walked closer.
"Go ahead. I've had more than a century of being alive. Kill me. You'll just waste top secret information that I have but won't tell." He said as he walked closer.
"Then other wise. At least tell me who sent you?!" I asked him. Avon smiled wide, which gave a creepy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"A very," He began as he tried to think of the words to say and then he continued,"....old friend."
"Old friend?" I asked. No reply. I looked up and Avon was no where to be seen.
"COME ON!" I shouted as I stomped my way to the end of the alley. I searched the empty street.

Crumpled up paper scattered parts of the street and the light post's light shined on the sidewalks making it clear to see but no one was any where to be seen. I sighed. I had this one lucky chance to get my hands on some real info and the guy got away. My phone buzzed from my pocket and I grabbed it. I looked down at the screen and let out the breath I had been holding. It was the manager. I clicked the green talk button and pushed the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I said with my usual What-is-it-now voice.
"You have a mission, Stryker. I'd like to know if you will finish it this time" The manager said. Oh, yeah, like last time. It was just a simple mistake. I had a assignment to find a guy of the name of "Fierce Walker" but came up with nothing.
"I know, Manager. I will." I said while rolling my eyes.
"I can tell you're rolling your eyes, Stryker, and you made a promise. Now keep it." His voice tone made me shudder. He had never talked this way since his wife...died. Yes, the manger's wife died from a bad cancer but he really never told me what type.
"Stryker, just get on it before I change my mind." He told me.
"No! Haha....No changing minds. I'm on it. I promised you, right? I will keep it." My words rushed out of my mouth.
"You better." Was the last thing I heard and then a click. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and started to walk down the sidewalk.

It was just a few miles up the street. Two left turns and a right. I'll be at my assigned location and it was nothing special. I had to kill one of the Johnson's kids. No, not a kid, kid. I'm talking about Mark Johnson. A 20 year old vampire who had the enjoyment of stealing blood from the hospital, threatening little children, and killing drunk teenagers staggering home from a party.

What I see is: A felony, being an asshole(excuse my language), and first degree murder.



I was almost there. I had to turn right and the Johnson's house would appear.

After five minutes more of walking I had turned the right and the Johnson's house came into view. A few people were lingering around outside. My eyes searched the darkness and I caught a truck pull up the drive way. The ignition cut off and the head lights were now off.

"Mark, my man!" A deep guy voice shouted over by a Toyota Tacoma pre-runner dark blue truck. A guy with sandy blond hair walked up to the guy and shook his hand. Meaning that sandy blond was Mark and I had to kill him. Mark walked inside while chatting to the guy about something.

I strode up behind a couple holding hands as they walked up the hill towards the entrance. They stopped just in front of the door and I slid through. I searched around for Mark but of course, no luck. Mark had just been outside and now he was no where to be found. It's like I was his repel and he was doing his job, which was trying to

Minutes later Mark walked out of the kitchen and I knew what I had to do.

I stared at Mark as he slightly took a glance at me from the corner of his eyes. He smiled and instead of making his way for the tipsy blond, he turned toward me.

"Oh, What is a pretty young lady like you doing here?" He said as he smiled at me. Seeing his fangs made me cringed but I ignored them and focused on his pale face.
"Invited. Nice place. Feels like home." I lied as I looked around. Mark walked over beside me and stood.
"Thanks. Yeah, I guess it does feel like home. Even Better because it is my home." He said as he stared at me.
"Your welcome and makes sense." I spoke freely.
"Would you mind if I take a few minutes of your time?" He asked.

No, I don't mind if you take a few minutes but not the rest of it, I thought.

"No, I don't mind." I said. He took my arm and carefully lead me upstairs. We walked down the hallway and into the last room. He pushed me roughly in and shut the door behind. A click was heard and I knew he had locked it. Here we go.

"What are you-" Before I could finish a guy grabbed my arm forcing me sit down on the bed. I looked at the guy and scowled. Mark had some guest joining us. A vampire guest.
"I think you know exactly what I'm doing, Stryker." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. I looked up at him and pretended to be clueless of what he was talking about.
"Who the heck is Stryker? What are you doing?!" I questioned them. Acting isn't my best skill but sometimes it does come in handy.

Mark nodded to the guy and his grip around my arm tightened. I yelped in pain and stared up at Mark. "Stryker, I will ask you ONLY one more last time," He began as he held one finger up at me and continued,"Why are you here?"
"Like I said-" I felt the guy's finger nails dig into my arm and I screamed. Hopefully no one heard it.
"Fine. Have it the hard way. Kill her." He looked at the guy and gave him a nod.
"Well do, Sir." The guy spoke. Mark turned around, he unlocked the door and opened it up, locked it again, walked out, and slammed it behind.

I felt the air rush through me as I was threw crossed the room and slammed into the white wall. I fell on the ground and groaned. The guy walked up to me and grabbed me by my hair. He forced me to look at him and I scowled as best as I could through the pain.
"Any last words?" He asked me. My mouth opened but nothing came out. The guy smiled creepily at me and picked me up into the air. I closed my eyes and wished for something to happen.
"Do you?" A voice spoke behind the guy. My eyes shot open and I stared at a dark guy-like figure leaning on the wall. The guy turned around and looked at the figure. He was distracted and that's what I just needed. I swung my leg around and hit him in the side of the face. His grip on my hair loosened and I dropped to the floor. On the way, my head had hit the bed and everything began to spin. I tried to focus on the dark figure and the guy fighting but darkness over rode me. I closed my eyes and let it take me.

A/N: First Chapter!!!
Did you like it?
I might continue this story or I might not. I already know the whole thing I can do with this story. Everything but I might not keep it. IT DEPENDS.

Comment. Heart. :D

Thanks, guys.


Chapter Two

Waking up to a major headache and a sore body wasn't the best way to picture a good Saturday morning. Neither was failing an assigned task. Although this wasn't the first time I've failed one like I said before I had failed to find a guy named, Fierce Walker. Not an easy task either. The only things I got on the guy was 1) he was a vampire, 2)he had done something to piss off my people, and 3) he was hard to track down.
Shoving my thoughts aside I grabbed the remote that sat on the night stand and pushed the on button. The TV flashed on and the news popped up. My attention was on the words in bold at the bottom of the screen.

Mark Johnson found dead

My eyes widen a fraction as I slowly sat up and gave all my attention to the news.

Eve: "Twenty year old, Mark Johnson was found dead at seven O'clock in the morning. It is said that he was stabbed multiple times and his head had been cut off. Police are still investigating his death and they are hoping to find some evidence."

I felt incomplete. If I hadn't killed Mark, who had?

"Scarlet." My name echoed throughout the room and hit me pretty hard. No one has ever called me by Scarlet since I first came here. I lifted my head and my eyes wondered to the door. "Leander?" My heart raced as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. His dark brown hair that grew over a year covered one of his eyes making me tremble.

"Long time no see." He said as he sat at the end of my bed. I wanted to hug him and tell him,"I've missed you" or "Why haven't you contacted me?" The questions that yield abundantly in my mind subsided deeper and soon disappeared. All that's important is that Leander was sitting right in front of me and that's all that mattered.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I smiled slightly at Leander as he stared at me with his alluring emerald green eyes.
"Yeah." I blurted. A year. It's been a year without Leander and now he's back. Why wouldn't I be kinda ticked off? He hadn't contacted me when he said he would. If he came here to apologize, it better be one heck of a good one.
"Scarlet, I don't know how to say this." Leander said as he rubbed his head. "Just come out with it." I said as I flung my legs over the side of my bed and my feet touched the cold hard floor. Leander held a thick tan folder in his hand. "What's that?" I asked as I pointed to the folder. Leander looked at me and said,"Remember Fierce Walker?"

"Of course I do," I said as I stood up and continued,"why?" The folder that Leander was holding was thrown to the side and landed exactly where I was sitting. "Information." Leander said as he stood up and walked over to me. I looked down at the folder with a name in bold.

Fierce Walker

I picked the folder up and flipped it open. Information filled the page.

When he was born?
Who his parents were?
What he looked like?

"Everything but a picture." I said as I closed the folder and laid it back down on the bed. "At least there is a description." Leander pointed out. I nodded and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pull it out and slid my finger across the screen to unlock it. A red box that sat in the corner of my text messages. I click the envelope and clicked on the new text message.

Scarlet Stryker, next task. Find Fierce Walker.

I sighed and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Where do I begin?" I asked.


     I narrowed my eyes at Leander as he pushed me toward an abandon building. It was probably 70 years or so old and of the looks of it it was on the verge to collapse. I crossed my arms over my chest as Leander stopped pushing me and flung his arm over my shoulder. I snickered and bumped my shoulder up to knock his arm off. His arm fell back down to his side and he sighed.

"What does an abandon old building have to do with Fierce?" I asked.

"It was the last place we saw him." Leander stated.

"Last place?! Last place, My ass. When was it? 1940's." I joked. Leader stared at me for a few seconds and glanced back at the building.

Oh, god.

"Seriously? 1940?" I muttered still shocked that it's been seventy-three years since Fierce was last seen.

Leader ignored me once again and walked off toward the building. I groaned as he disappeared inside and left me all alone outside. I wait for a few seconds and decided to follow after him. Stepping over dead trees and rotten wood, I walked over to a hole that lead into the building. It was either I stand out here like an idiot or go inside.

So I stepped inside and looked around.

By the looks of it, the place use to be expensive. A ruined violet red carpet laid on the broken floor and the walls had a old, dull gold color, which must have once been a shiny gold. I craned my neck to look up the spiral stairs. Must have been like a thousand or more stairs. I felt sorry for the people who had to walk up them.

Ignoring the voice telling me not to EVEN dare to walk up the stairs, I started to walk up them anyway.

HEY! It's not my fault. I have a very...curious...brain.

I flinched at every creek that echoed as I stepped onto each one of the steps. I grabbed the wobbly railing hoping to use it for comfort but nope. The darn thing nearly broke and fell to the floor. I dropped my hand back down to my side and continued up the stairs.

I'd say half but I would be lying right through my teeth. I wasn't even close to the top stair. Maybe about a hundred to go.

Oh, god. Who builds friggin' houses like this?! I mean, come on!

"Lazy, much?" An unfamiliar voice muttered around the top step and my head shot toward it. My eyes landed on a pair of mesmerizing Zircon blue eyes.

"No, wait....Who the heck are you?!" I blurted as I reached the top stair and stood right in front of a tall black haired guy.

"My names Walker. Fierce Walker." He said as he pushed his hand through his black hair making it messy, which only made him even more hot. Wait....Fierce? Walker? Fierce? Fierce Walker?

The name. Oh, fudge nutter! Fierce Walker! I mentally slapped myself.

"Oh, so now you're stealing James Bond's lines." That came out more calm then I expected. I mean I was suppose to be beating this guy senseless right now or handcuffing him.

He rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets.


Out of no where I was thrown in the air and over a shoulder. I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust my vision but my eyes stared at a black T-shirt and that's when I realized I was hanging over Fierce's shoulder. I started kicking and punching.

"Oh, feisty. You're just making this even more fun, Sweetheart." He told me as I felt him begin to walk. I could tell he was smirking.

"Perv." I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"P-e-r-v-e-r-t." I spelled it out for him and huffed. He chuckled and his hand touched just under my freaking ass.

Heck. No.

"Move it or lose it." I spat even though I knew it came out hoarse because everything was rushing to my head.

"Oh, I'll be happy to." He said and his hand moved down my leg sending shots of electricity all over my body. I scrunched my nose and sighed.

I sucked in a deep breath and yelled,"Leader!" Fierce stopped and his body tensed. He dropped me back down on my feet and smirked.

"You shouldn't of did that, Sweetheart." He whispered and then before I could take his words in everything went pitch black.

A/N: I KNOW, I KNOW. Short chapter. ._. Don't blame me. Okay. BLAME ME.

I have a great EXCUSE!


A ninja appeared in my room wearing a pink ninja outfit (YES! PINK!). He kidnapped me and I ended up at some weird Unicorn land with rainbows. I escaped but found myself lost in a forest with fairies. After a long time of walking...I made it to a strange waffle boat. I got on and somehow I finally got home. :D


Lol. Okay....I've been busy with School. No kidding......I have like a two page report. Not ONE PIECE OF PAPER BUT TWO. Grrr.....Not to mention the huge test I have to take tomorrow(plus it will take two days to take the friggin test).

BUT I don't care. I will update anyway xD




Chapter Three



I groaned as I realized I've fallen off what seemed to be a bed. Well, that is what humans sleep on. I slowly push myself up from the floor and looked around. I was in a bedroom.

A plain white bedroom. It was simple like all other rooms in a house. A night stand sat next to the bed, a dresser off to the right, a twin sized bed that my body laid upon, a bathroom just near the bedroom door, and a desk far off from it. 

     I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair. Strands fell back down in front of my face and I pushed them behind my ear. I slung my legs over the bed and brought my feet to the cold hard floor that sent a shiver up my spine. Slowly getting off of the bed, I started to tip-toe towards the bedroom door making sure to not making any noise.

     When my hand was in arm length of the knob, I reached out and opened the door.  Popping my head out the side to check down the hallway making sure no one was in sight, I flung the door open and ran down the hallway to a set of stairs. I walked down the stairs into the random open door to my left, which led me into the kitchen. I scanned the area for any sign of the Zircon blue eyes and Black hair boy.     

 I stopped and walked up to the object that had caught my eye. Grabbing it from the holder and taking one of my pale slender fingers on the cold, flat surface, moving my finger along the side to the sharp point and back down again. Knives had also fascinated me.      

     A jolt of electric flowed through my shoulder where someone's hand had touched. My eyes grew wide and I spun around with the knife. Without thinking, I had extended my arm out towards the person and ended up almost cutting their face. I blinked a couple times to process what happened and then scowled. In front of me stood the Zircon blue eyed pervert himself. I scoffed and gave him a death glare.

"Put the knife down." Fierce had told me with a serious expression.

"I don't know," I began as I came closer to him and continued to speak,"It's a pretty damn knife. I don't think I want to put it down."

Fierce sighed and stared down at me. His Zircon blue eyes burning my soul piece by piece. Then something strange happened. I had put the knife down on the island behind Fierce. I would never do such a thing and definitely not in front of a vampire too or even for a vampire. 

That's when Fierce leaned in close to my ear making me get chills down my back and whispered something that might have changed my life.

"Someone is trying to kill you..." He whispered.


Wooo. >w< Finally making an update after all this time. I've been so busy so for the people who read this, thank my cousin for saying write more and update your story now. It's all because of her. ^~^ I'm glad she did. I missed writing and such. x3 Next Chapter will be up soon.

Chapter Four

Fierce's breath had made goosebumps appear on my arms but that wasn't my concern at that moment. The words that came out of his mouth made me shudder. Although, it didn't surprise me. I am Styrker. I hunt vampires and I kill them. 

The conversation we had had repeated in my head as I stared down at Fierce's gray carpet in the living room.

"Someone is trying to kill you," He whispered and continued,"but I can't let that happen now, Could I?"

I hesitated as I spoke,"Y-you...don't even know me, Fierce. Why would you care? You're a vampire and I kill your kind."

He chuckled and laid both his hands on both of my shoulders sending electric shocks down both my arms. "I do know you. You're Styrker, you kill my kind, your parents were murdered by vampires, and you hate people like me ." He told me as he looked deep into my eyes.

"No, you don't. No one does." I looked at him for a moment but then turned my attention to the kitchen floor.

"I could. Tell me, Don't you feel it?" He asked.

"Feel what?" I responded.

"The feelings when I touch you. All the eletric shocks and tingles." He looked into my eyes when I looked at him. His eyes searched mine hoping to find an answer or something.

"I don't," I stopped looking for the right words to say,"I don't understand what they mean, Fierce. I do feel them." 

     He removed his hands from my shoulders and nodded. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked off away from me. I watched him walk to the door and how his messy black hair shined a bit from the kitchen light. "Just wait in the living room. Don't move. Don't wonder. Just stay in there and watch Tv or whatever you humans do." He said.

     Flopping back into the couch, I grabbed the remote and pushed the on button. My boredom had consumed me and I had to do something before I pulled every last hair out of my head. If so, I'd just leave it on Fierce's expensive ugly couch because I've been waiting for three damn hours.  In those three hours, I did absolutely nothing. 


"News. Bleh. Don't care." 


"SpongeBob Squarepants! OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Who lives under-"


"WOOOOO. HELLA YEAH. Adventure time!" I yelled as I jumped off the couch with my arms pumping fists into the air just as Fierce entered the living room.

     We stared at each other for a whole thirty seconds until I finally dropped my hands to my sides and laughed. Swaying my hands back and forth in front of my face, I said,"You didn't see anything." 

"Right. Anyway sorry for the wait." He said as he walked over to me and sat down on the couch.

"The wait? It has been three damn hours, Fierce. Where have you been?!" I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

"I've been out." Was his response. I stomped my foot and huffed. I pointed my finger at him and said,"You've been out! I had to sit here and die of boredom when you have been out. Oh, wow. Great excuse, Betty White." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you done now, Mom?" He asked me.

"....Yes." I said as I flopped down on the couch beside him and sobbed like a little child.

"Good because I got to explain somethings to you." He told me as he stood up off of the couch. He extended his hand out to me and I took it. He guided me through the house, upstairs, down the hallway into a room, and let go of my hand. He walked to the window and unlached the lock. 

Pushing up the window and turning back to me, he said,"Well, hope you're not afraid of heights." 


Short chapters are better than none. XD When am I going to start makign them longer? I will be doing that soon. *o* I willlll. 


Texte: Copyright Amber M. :)) ALL MINE. PLEASE DON'T STEAL.
Bildmaterialien: :))
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

:))) I dedicate this to my friends and of course who is ever reading this. My newest book. YAY! I've been wanting to do a Vampire one for awhile since I have a lot of Werewolf ones. And if I made another werewolf book I WILL go crazy. I already have like 4 werewolf stories. SO here ya go. ENJOY :)

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