
Chapter One

"Elora!" My step mother yelled. Unfortunately the witch is calling and If I don't go she will ground me for I don't know how long. I walked over to her and she looked at me with that stupid grin. You know that grin when someone is about to ruin your day kinda grin.

"Sooo?" I asked, annoyed.
"I heard from Lola that you were planing on going to the new opening of" She said.
"What about it?" I asked.
"You can't go." She told me.
"Why?!" I nearly shouted at her.
"You have to serve us dinner tonight for the Conrad family." She said as she stood up and faced me.
"Conrad family! Didn't they move to California about a year ago!" I snapped.
"Don't snap at me. Oh and yeah. They moved back. That's why you need to treat their son well." She snapped right back at me. She knew I hated their son ever since I first met the dude. He might be 'popular' and have all the girls begging on their knees to be with him but with me I'm nothing like those kind of girls.

I let out a harsh growl. Yep...forgot to mention I'm a werewolf and that woman is a vampire. Well she has three kids and you wouldn't even guess what they are would you. Triplets. Yeah and girls. Just imagine three girly girls having a rich mother. Don't forget to mention that they're vampires to. Oh and to top it off there all blonds. No offense to blond hair girls. Just these girls are really..I mean REALLY Annoying.

"Go." She said as she gestured me toward the kitchen.
"Ugh....You are a-" She cut me off by pushing me into the kitchen and locking the door behind me. Great! I'm suck in the kitchen until I make dinner, set the table, and put on that stupid maid outfit she makes me wear.
'That-' My inner wolf, Tundra began but I cut her off.
'That's not nice, Tundra. Even though I don't like her she isn't that. She's beyond that.' I told Tundra.
"You better hurry. you only got an hour, Mutt." My step mother said through the door. My inner wolf forced out a growl. After a few minutes of doing nothing I decided I better do it or I would face the punishment. Not just grounding but way worse. I sighed and grabbed all the things I needed to make dinner tonight.

An hour has passed and I'm now wearing the stupid maid outfit, which by the way does suit me. It sounds weird but it does. My curly dark brown hair and blues eyes shouted my mom all over. My mother has long brown hair with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I miss her so much. I wish she never died.
I wish I'd met my father he was only human after all but he could have took me in. It did cross my mind that he wasn't my mom's mate. I knew if a person's mate dies its like losing the other half of you. Soon after you kill yourself or just suffer over and over again. It's sad to think that about my mom's mate.
I heard voices entering the dinning room. I heard a bell ring and I knew it was my step mother. It's stupid that she even bought a bell to ring. More like pathetic. I chuckled at that and grabbed the tray of drinks.
I walked out of the kitchen and walked around the table placing each drink on the table by a person. I put the tray under my arm and ignored the glares the triples gave me. I walked back into the kitchen and put the tray on the table. I sat down and then the bell rang.

"You got to be kidding." I muttered. This is going to be a long night, I thought. Well let me describe what messed up people are in the dinning room.

One of the triplets, Lola Sandstone. She had the short blond hair with sky blue eyes. She's preppy at times, acts dumb but is really smart, and she's nice if you know her.

The second triplet,Sally Sandstone. Sally has long straight blond hair with blue eyes. She is the sassy one and known 'easy to get'.

The last triplet,Stacey Sandstone. She had the curly blond hair with the blue eyes that had a touch of evil. She was the leader and She hated me the most. I hated her the most. She wanted Zayn Conrad and I hated Zayn Conrad.

Last but not least their mother, Ladonna S. Sandstone. Her kids first initial is all her initials. It's weird, right? Anyway she has long blond hair and blue eyes. Yeah so that means I'm the on that sticks out in the house.

After serving them food, drinks, and etc. etc. They were done eating and man they do eat a lot. Talking about food I'm hungry. I sighed and put left overs on my plate. I walked out of the mansion and into my little but awesome room on the side.'s more like a huge shack but not really huge. I opened the door and shut it behind. I turned around and jumped. My food went all over the floor and some on me.

"What the heck are you doing in my room, Zayn!" I yelled at him. My inner wolf was mad and so was I. He just wasted my dinner.
"Oh this is your room. I thought it was a quest room for a guy." He said as he laid back on my bed. I growled through clenched teeth.
"Calm down, doggy." He said with a chuckle at the end.
"Oh shut up." My inner wolf snapped at him. I thought for a second and I finally realized he called me doggy. I lunged at him and knocked him to the floor. I was on top of him and it felt weird but some reason my inner wolf liked it.

"Isn't the boy supposed to be on top?" He smirked as he flipped us over and I was now trapped underneath this jerk. I growled and he just smiled away.
"Get off, Zayn." I demanded.
"Don't wanna." He pouted.
"If you don't get off in three seconds I will knee you some where the sun does not shine." I snapped at him. He didn't reply and so with that I counted to three in my head.
1......2.......3! I kneed him in the private and he gasped. He fell beside me and groaned in pain.
"Told you." I muttered as I sat on my bed and laid back. After a few seconds of hearing groans it suddenly got quiet. My eyes widen and I sat up. I looked at the floor where Zayne was but he's not there.
'oh man, Tundra. Where's Zayn?!' I asked.
'How should I know?" Tundra asked sleepy.
'Was you asleep!' I screamed.
'' She lied.
'Stop lying and sniff Zayn out.' I said. I started sniffing and a rush of scents hit my nose. I became dizzy for awhile until I organized it all. I smelt him. Haha...idiot thinks I can't find him in..........Stacey's room. "STACEY'S ROOM!!!" I yelled as I ran in the house and dash up the stairs. I got to Stacey's room and gladly she wasn't in her room. I opened the door and shut it behind. I saw Zayn laid out on her bed.

"What is wrong with you?" I snapped at him.
"What's wrong with you?" He snapped back.
"What do you mean?!" I almost yelled.
"You know what I mean.....Stop asking questions." He said.
"Why are you in Stacey's room?" I asked, ignoring what he said.
"I said stop asking questions. Leave, Mutt...." His eyes widen and then he looks at me.
'Did he call you Mutt?' Tundra asked, confused and a little bit curious.
'Yep. he did.' I told her. At that Zayn stood up and walked over to me.
"What are you waiting for? Go." He said. I growled at him and grabbed his neck. I slammed him to the wall and looked into his eyes. The eyes I can't unlock from.
"What are you really, Zayn?" I growled through clenched teeth. He laughed and slam me to the floor.
"Guess?" He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.
"Don't think so." I said as I grabbed his jacket and slammed him next to me. I still held onto his jacket and still locked with his eyes.
"Why?" He pouted.
"Because it's stupid. Just tell me." I muttered.
"But that won't be fun." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and let go off his jacket.
"I'm not playing your stupid game, Zayn." I snapped at him again as I turned to the door and it opened. It was Stacey. Of course. It's her room.
"Zayn!" She screeched as she ran to him and helped him up. I chuckled as Stacey let go of him and grabbed me by the shirt.
"What'd you do, Mutt?" She hissed at the end. What's up with people calling me Mutt? GOSH! I might be a freaking wolf but seriously.
"Nothing much. Just playing Zayn's little game." I pretty much smiled the whole time. She pushed me into the wall and her eyes turned red.
"Haha. Really? Do you honestly think I'm afraid of you," I said as I laughed and then continued whispering,"a low life blood sucker." She ran and smashed us through the wall into Sally's room. Sally screamed and then hissed.
"Guys! You ruined my room! Your so dead!" She shouted at us and then lunged at Stacey, who was still on top of me still trying to claw my face off. I admit it I hate girl fights.
'Time to go, Tundra.' I said.
'Girl fights? BORING!' Tundra shouted.
I stood up but then Sally attacked me and we went through the wall. Great! Lola's eyes widen and she looks at Sally.
"YOU!" She yelled as she was about to tackle Sally but Stacey tackled her. I tip toed out of Lola's door and made my way back into my room. I sighed as I shut the door and turned around to face a pair of golden brown eyes.

"God, Zayn. Stop doing that." I said as I walked passed him.
"Doing what?" He asked trying to sound dumb.
"Wait...better yet....Why are you here?" I asked him.
"Oh....well....I was just about to ask you what happen just a minute ago.." He asked.
"It's none of your business." I spat at him.
"Really? What are you?" he asked.
"What am I? I'm me. If your going to ask questions your going to have to answer mine." I said as I looked at him. He opened his mouth to speak but Ladonna shouted my name.

Chapter Two

After a long lecture from Ladonna she finally demised us. I was sleepy and it was Ladonna's fault. She took four hours just for a stupid lecture I couldn't even pay attention to. I yawned as I stood up. I stretched and made my way to the front door. I was about to turn the knob when Stacey said my name. I turned around and she was right in front of me.

"Hmmm?" I said still sleepy.
"Why was Zayn in your room?" She asked, Jealous. My inner wolf was now laughing, which caused me to wake up completely.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked her. She started to think and then opened her mouth to get ready to speak but Ladonna irrupted.
"Why are you still here? Go." She asked, annoyed. I sighed and walked out the door. The first time I make small talk with Stacey and her mom irrupts.

'ELORA! Imma tireed...' My wolf whined.
'Oh now your tired.' I snapped.
'But-' I cut her off.
'But nothing. Let's go to bed.' I said as I opened my bedroom door and locked it behind. I fell on my bed face first and fell fast asleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I was woke up by my alarm clock beeping in my ear. I hit the snooze button but it just got louder. I hit it harder but it didn't turn off so the next thing I knew I slung it across the room. It shattered in twenty different pieces. I groaned and then there was a loud knock at the door. I didn't respond.

"ELORA! OPEN THE DOOR!" A stern voice shouted from the other side of the door. I stood up and walked to the door. I unlocked it and it flung open to revealed my three best friends. Aurora, Rylee, and Conner.

Aurora with her long black hair and hazel eyes.
Rylee with her dirty blond hair and green eyes.
Conner with his dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"What?" I asked with my eyes closed and my voice sounding annoyed.
"C'mon, Elora. Get dressed." Rylee said as she pulled on my top a lil to tell me now.
"Why?" I ask as I rubbed my head.
"Because we're going to have some fun on Conner's birthday." Aurora told me. My eyes open and I smiled.
"I forgot my own best friend's birthday." I told them. They nodded. I mouthed,'sorry' to Conner. He hugged me and whispered,"Let's just have fun." Aurora and Rylee push me inside and shut the door on Conner's face.
"Guys? What are you doing? Aurora? Rylee-" They cut me off by sticking a piece of duct tape over my mouth. They stuck me in a chair and Rylee held me down.

"Mmmmm.....mmmmmm....mmmmmmm!" I tried to say but the duct tape made it sound that way. What I just said if ya want to know was,'You guys are so dead when you let me go.' Aurora walked out of my closet with a outfit in her hand.
'No, they wouldn't. Would they?' I asked Tundra.
'Yes. Sadly, they would.' Tundra said with a sigh.
Aurora ripped my favorite T-shirt off and tugged a white shirt that said,Drop It like it's hot with one of those white angry birds on it. Then she pulled off my pants and somehow got black skinny jeans on me. She pushed on my converse and brushed my messy hair. I fell like a doll that can't do anything. Rylee let me go and I jumped into a ninja form.

"C'mon, Elora. Stop playing around." Aurora said.
"You dressed me like I was one of those dolls." I snapped.
"We're sorry but you just would of put on a plain T-shirt and jeans. We had to make today awesome not plain." Rylee said.
"I know. It's Conner's eighteenth birthday." I sighed and ran to the door. I flung it open and jumped onto Conner. We fell to the ground and started laughing.

"Maybe you could find your mate today." I said it so fast he looked confused until he processed it all.
"Just maybe. I dunno." He said. I know I have like a year to turn eighteen, find my mate but I sure know it's not Conner, and I'm glad it's not. He is my best friend and only that. Aurora helped Conner and I up.

"So what are ya waiting for?!" I shouted as I ran to Conner's car. Man do I love it! It's black color made me want it even more. Don't let me mention the inside. I would just keep going on and on about this car. I hugged it until Conner unlocked the doors. I jumped into the passenger side and rubbed the dash board.

"Are you filling up my car?" Conner smirked at me as he got in and closed the door behind him.
"YEAH! I Love this car!" I shouted. Everyone laughed at me. Conner turned the key and the engine roared. He started toward I think the mall. Not sure. I don't really go to the mall often. One reason why.....Ladonna.

Chapter Three

Conner pulled into a huge parking lot and parked near the mall entrance. He cut the engine and put his keys in his pocket. He looked at me, Aurora, and then Rylee.

"You guys ready?" He asked. Aurora and Rylee scream in excitement.
"I'm guessing that's a yes. Don't ask them again." I told Conner. He laughed and then nodded. We all got out and closed the doors behind us. Aurora and Rylee run off into the mall.
"Aren't they too excited?" I asked Conner.
"Yeah." he said.

After a long day of shopping, screaming at Aurora and Rylee to stop screaming, and guys trying to flirt with me (but gladly Conner helped me out) we sat down on the bench outside of the mall.

"You. Guys. scream. to. much." I said between breaths.
"Yeah." They both said.
"And we're doing it on your birthday to." Rylee pointed it out.
"Ugh....please don't." I said. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. I groaned and clicked answer call.

"Hello?" I said, annoyed.
"Hello?! hello! Get your butt here and clean the house!" Ladonna yelled making my cell phone sound fuzzy. I had to keep the phone about four inches away from my ear so where she didn't bust my ear drum.
"Ok-" I said but she hanged up on me. I growled and shoved my phone in my pocket.
"I gotta go home." I said as I stood up.
"We know." they said.
"Sorry, Conner." I told him as I gave him a hug.
"It's okay. I had fun." He said. I started walking down the street and looked back at them one more time. I smiled because Aurora had made Conner carry all her bags. Little did he know his gifts are in all those heavy bags. I turned back around and started singing a random song that popped in my head, which happen to be I'm not the one by 3oh!3.

"You're way too young to be broken. You're way too young to fall apart. You're way too young to play these games, But you better start, But you better start." I sang and took in a breath.
"This is when it starts, from the beating of your heart till the streetlamps talk to you. jumping off of the edge,oversleeping your head,everything's turning dark to you." I sang but stopped and sang in my head because some guy was staring at me.

I went to pick up the parts,
The doctor's hiding the charts,
He won't let me see this side of you.

It's on the tip of my tongue,
You know you're way too young
To have someone lie to you.

I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.

You're way too young to be broken.
You're way too young to fall apart.
You're way too young to play these games,
But you'd better start,
But you'd better start.

It was the second I lit
Your first cigarette,
I forget who you used to be.

And I bit my lip
The second you sipped
The poison that was mixed for me.

I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.

I started singing again after I passed the guy.
"Drink the poison lightly,'Cause there are deeper and darker things than you. I know 'cause I've been there too. I know it might seem frightening to have the world fall apart right under your shoes. Trust me, You'll make it through. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. I'm not the one, I'm not-" A clap stopped me from singing. I stopped from walking and turned around to face those stupid golden brown eyes once again.

Chapter Four

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him, ending it with a smirk.
"Nah..actually your loud mouth got me interested on who was singing but it ended up being you." He said with his cute accent.
"Is that an insult or comment?" I asked him.
"What if it was both?" He asked as got closer to me.
"Then I would more likely be offended or thankful." I smiled at him. He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. Ok. I get it. You guys are probably freaking out because you think this is Zayn. Well if you do then YOUR just crazy. The guy is my best friend, Nathaniel, but we call him 'Nate' or 'Nathan'. He has shaggy blond hair and golden brown eyes just like Zayn.(I know weird, right?) He had moved back to his home town for a year but I guess he came back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Moved back." He said as he looked around while he shoved his hands in his pocket.
"Hmmm? Have you found your mate?" I asked and he turned his attention back to me.
"Well...I don't know...that depends." He said.
"Depends on what?" I asked him.
"Depends on if you found yours?" He asked.
"I didn't" I blurted out.
"Then I guess...I will never tell you until you do." He teased me.
"Nate!" A girl voice shouted over by the fountain that stood by the mall. Nate's eyes twitched and he sighed.
"Nate? Oh....I see. You have found her. Please, let me met her." I said.
"Elora. She's a hard one." he whispered.
"Maybe I should tease her and find out." I said but Nate had shaken his head no. I grabbed Nate's hand and began walking up to the fountain.
"I love you, Natyboo." I said loud enough for her to hear and her nose scrunched in disgusted.
"I love you-" Nate began to say but the girl had pushed me to the ground. I started laughing and she gave me the confused expression. I got back up and put my hand out for her to shake it but instead she slapped it away.
"Calm down. I'm Elora. Your mate's best friend. I was testing you. AND I APPROVE!" I said to her.
"OH. I'm so sorry. I'm Joslyn. Nice to meet you." She said as she shook my hand. I nodded and smiled.
"It's okay. Nice to meet you to." I replied back. She was nice, smart, pretty, fun, and great for Nate. She had light brown hair with dark brown highlights and green eyes.
"Oh crap!" I shouted.
"What?" She asked.
"My step mom! That's what!" I yelled.
"Oh god. Do you need a ride?" Nate asked. I nodded and we started running even though Joslyn still had a confused look. We got to his car and got in. He turned the key and the engine roared. He pushed down on the gas petal and the car took off.

The car came to a halt and my head went forward but I had jerked back before I had hit my head off the dash board. I thanked Nate as I opened the door and ran inside. I ran into the living room just in time to because Ladonna just woke up.

"What are you doing?" She snapped at me.
"Getting to work." I said. I walked over to the closet and opened the door to reveal cleaning products such as mops, brooms, and sprays. Etc.

I grabbed a cart and filled it with various of cleaning tools. I closed the door and started down stairs, which is ten rooms plus the kitchen, living room, dinning room, guest room, and office. Then there's upstairs with twelve rooms and two bathrooms. The third floor with eleven rooms and three bathrooms. Oh and one closet in the hallway. I sighed.

This is going to be another looong night, I thought

I flopped down on the couch and sighed. I had cleaned the whole mansion in just four hours. It would of took two hours but I took two hours to clean Ladonna's room. Most of the rooms were already clean and just a little messy. I pulled the rubber gloves off of my hands and threw them in the trash can.
I stood up and pushed he cart back into the closet and closed it behind. I huffed when the triplets came downstairs. I silent laughed when I saw what they were wearing.

Lola was the only well dressed one. She was wearing her glasses with a black beret, Double breasted plaid coat(red & black) with a bow that keeps it together, black skinny jeans, and her red n black vans.

Sally was wearing her low cut white blouse, a black skirt, and black heels. Not even a coat.

Stacey is wearing a flowery dress with pink and purple flowers, her Burberry belted flap white coat, white knee boots, and her hair was curled as always.

"Girls! Are you ready?!" Ladonna yelled. She came into the room and gaped at me.
"Why aren't you dressed?! You might be the maid but get dressed in something nice so where people don't think were poor." She snapped at me. I rolled my eyes and walked outside and it was snowing. I smiled and walked into my room. I closed the door and went to my small but stuffed closet filled with clothes.

I searched through the mess and found some clothes. My white furry wedge winter knee boots, white quilted convertible natural coat, snow washed skinny jeans, and my long black sleeve shirt that had 'Snow patrol' on it.
I got dressed and slid my boots on. I grabbed my pone and put it in my pocket. I walked outside and the snow was now falling heavy. I smiled and swirled until someone grabbed my arm. I looked at the person and growled. It was Ladonna. She pushed me into the back of limo and closed the door. She got in in the front. I really hate that woman.

I forgot to mention that we're on a thanksgiving break and that means I have to go back to school. I really did forget about school and who goes there. Lola, Sally, Stacey, Zayn, Nate, Joslyn, Conner, Aurora, and Rylee go to my school. Well not my school.....Alston's school.
I shrugged that off my mind and laid my head on the window. I closed my eyes and was about to go to sleep until give your heart a break by Demi Lovato blasted in my ear. I jumped and hit my head off the roof of the limo. I let out a groan and then I growled through clenched teeth.

"How'd ya like that!" I heard Sally yell through the tented window that keep the seats separate.
"I like the song but not blasted in my ear!" I yelled. I heard laughter and then a evil giggle. I laid my head back on the window when they turned it down a little. I just sat there listen to it as we passed building and homes. Etc.

The day I first met you
You told me you'd never fall in love
But now that I get you
I know fear is what it really was

Now here we are
So close yet so far
Haven't I passed the test
When will you realize
Baby, I'm not like the rest

Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break
Oh yeah, yeah

On Sunday you went home alone
There were tears in your eyes
I called your cell phone, my love
But you did not reply

The world is ours if we want it
We can take it if you just take my hand
There's no turning back now
Baby, try to understand

Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break

There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break
Oh yeah, yeah

When your lips are on my lips
And our hearts beat as one
But you slip out of my fingertips
Every time you run, whoa-oh-whoa-oh-oh

Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong

Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break
(Let me give your heart a break)

'Cause you've been hurt before
I can see it in your eyes
You try to smile it away, some things you can't disguise
Don't wanna break your heart
Maybe, I can ease the ache, the ache
So let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break

There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break (your heart), your heart a break (a break)
Oh yeah, yeah

The day I first met you
You told me you'd never fall in love

When the song was over the limo came to a halt and doors opened. I was about to left my head up but Ladonna opened the car and I felled out. Lucky someone caught me because there was a concrete sidewalk just waiting to take me out with a blow. The person gently helped me back to my feet and let me go. I sighed and looked up into those stupid golden brown eyes I adore.

OK GUYZZZZZ I will update soon or later WHICH IS TODAY or TOMORROW XD Anyhow I'm going to do a little update on Chapter Five (claps) YAY! not really. :) ENJOY!!!

-Amber M.

Chapter Five

"Thanks." I said breaking the silence.
"Your welcome." Zayn said. I walked around him and tripped over his foot.
'Great! MOVE! ELORA!' Tundra yelled between laughs.
'OH SHUT your harry trap!' I yelled at her and she stopped laughing. Zayn stuck his hand out for me to grab. I thought of something mean to do. I smiled and took his hand. When he pulled me up I pulled him my way. We fell into a pile of snow.
'Snow!' Tundra yelled.
'I know!' I yelled but I think I yelled it out loud.
"You know what?" Zayn asked while he brushed the snow off of him. He didn't even get mad!
"Nothing." I blurted out.
"So your dumb?" He asked with a smirk.
"NO, You dumbo. I was talking to Tundra." I snapped.
"Who?" He asked.
"Tundra." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.
"Do you talk to imaginary people in your head?" He asked with another stupid smirk.
"No." I snapped.
"Really? Elora? Tell me. Do you?" He pushed the question further.
"No. It's just" I said but couldn't find a right excuse to say to get me outta this mess.
"Elora!" I heard Ladonna shout. I put my fingers on my temples and tapped repeatedly. She yelled my name again.
"Oh I'mma Comin!" I yelled and stood up. I brushed the snow off of me and ran to Ladonna.
"Yes?" I asked her like I was innocent.
"Come. We are buying gifts for the Conrad family." She said. She started walking and talking to her daughters.
"Did you know they had a daughter?" Lola joined in as she put her book back in her purse.
"Really?" Sally said with a surprised look.
"Yeah. Us girls. Meaning not Elora should buy her a gift." Stacey suggested. I rolled my eyes when she said my name. They had all agreed to it and ran off into some girly store.
"Elora?" Ladonna stopped walking and looked at me.
"Yes?" I asked as I tried not to seem annoyed.
"Since you look like a boy, talk like a boy, and act like a boy.....go buy Zayn a present." She said. I rolled my eyes but then they became wide. A present for Zayn. No.
"Fine..." I blurted out.
"Good. When you do meet us at the Conrad family mansion." She said and walked off.
"Good. When you do meet us at the Conrad family mansion." I said in a weird voice as I mocked her. I sprinted into a guy store.

"Helloo???" A guy at the front desk asked, making it sound like a regular hello. He glared at me for a second and then raised an eyebrow.
"Hey. Anyway can you help me?" I asked.
"With what?" He asked coming over to me.
"I have to get a stupid present for this guy-" I said but the guy cut me off.
"Oh.....A crush I see." He said.
"Ya-wait No! My stupid step mother made me buy it for him." I said.
"Okay. What's he like?" He asked me.
"Ummm......he's annoying, popular, ignorant-" I said but he cut me off again.
"Tell me somethings good about him." He said. I put my finger on my chin and tilted my head a little. What is good about him?
"He can be nice and he is sometimes sensitive." I said.
"Sounds like him." He says.
"What?" I asked him.
"To tell you the truth I was his best friend but even though I was one grade higher than him." He said.
"Oh....Then can you help me?!" I asked him.
"Yeah. Sure. His favorite sport is football. Maybe you should get him a football." He said.
"No. That would be to...regular and my step mother doesn't like regular." I said.
"Well just look around and find anything that suits what your mom would approve." He said to me and walked back to the desk. I needed to hurry. I walked to a display case in the back. It was a football but with someone's name signed on it.

"Ain't it a beauty?" A guy asked me.
"Y-ya. Umm....How much does it cost?" I asked.
"It's not for sale." He said.
"If it was." I said.
"Then it would be a lot." He told me.
"Well can I buy it or not?" I asked.

I walked to the main gate of Conrad's family mansion. My eyes bolted everywhere. It was HUGE. I pushed a red button and it buzzed. I lifted my finger and Mr. Conrad appeared on the screen beside the button.

"Hello, Mr. Conrad." I said.
"Hello, Dear." He replied. The screen went black and the gate opened. I walked up to the door and was about to knock on the door but it opened. I had punched someone in the face. My mouth dropped and I turned around to see........
Hope ya guys like the chapter. Sorry it was short. :)

-Amber M.

Chapter Six

My eyes are wide and my mouth is open. I took in the scene and finally snapped out of it. I closed my eyes and mouth. I open my eyes and helped her up.

"I'm so sorry, Joslyn." I said.
"It's okay." She said as she regain her balance. She grabbed my arm and pulled me in. She closed the door and let my arm go. Nate walked in and kissed her. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"Elora...hi." He said with a apologetic smile.

I rolled my eyes and walked off from them. I can't believe Nate didn't tell me she was a Conrad. I huffed and cursed under my breath as I made my way to the huge living room. I flopped down on the huge couch with my arm crossed. (Practically everything in this house is huge.) I heard voices coming my way and I groaned.
I stood up and uncrossed my arms from my chest. Ladonna, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, Nate, Joslyn, Sally, Lola, and last but not least Stacey. Stacey had walked in with Zayn's arm around her. It made me kinda mad. I growled and sat in a chair over by the corner of the room. There's five reasons why I sat in this chair. One reason is to ignore whatever they're talking about, Second reason is to ignore the triplets, Third reason is I'm still mad at Nate, Fourth reason is Ladonna would of gave me a lecture about sitting around the Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, and the fifth reason is because of Zayn.
I yawned and blinked a couple times to keep myself awake but it didn't work. My eyes began closing and darkness was surrounding me. I was about to go to sleep when someone shouted,"Get out of my house!" My eyes shoot open to see Ladonna and Ms. Conrad face to face. Ms. Conrad growling and Ladonna hissing like a cat.
I sat up and rubbed my head. I closed my eyes for about ten seconds and then it hit me. the sound of the glass table being shattered.

'AW! They ruined my beauty sleep!' Tundra yelled in a cranky tone.
'Me to!' I whined. I woke up completely and took in the scene. Ms. Conrad and Ladonna was fighting. Why? I dunno....

I stretched and looked around the room. It kinda was a funny scene. Ladonna hissing like a cat, Mr. Conrad gasping like a girl, Lola reading a book while her mother is on the floor in front of her, Sally putting make up on while holding a mini mirror, Stacey flirting with Zayn, and me trying to hold back laughter. didn't work. I busted out laughing and everyone stopped and looked at me. I finally took a deep breath in and let it out.

"What?" I asked them.

Mr. Conrad had kicked Ladonna and the triplets out. I had be requested to stay and that means I HAD to stay. I banged my head off the wall from the guest room over and over until someone put a pillow on the wall. I groaned and turned around. Zayn was about two inches from my face. I scowled at him and sighed. He closed his eyes and leaned in closer to me every second. I gulped and my heart raced. He stopped beside my ear and I could tell he was smirking.

"Joslyn wants to see you." he whispered and then stood straight again. I growled at him and stomped off toward Joslyn's room. I heard him chuckle at me. I stopped at double doors and knocked on them. I got inpatient and bored, so I pushed the doors. I looked around and my mouth dropped. It was beautiful. I turned to my right and almost gagged. Joslyn and Nate was making out. I flopped down on her bed and sigh loud so they can hear me.

"Whatcha want?" I asked Joslyn. She apart from Nate and wiped her mouth. Ew.
"Well I was going to go the theaters with my bro tomorrow but I can't, so this is where you come in, Can you go for me?" She asked. I shook my head and jumped up.

"No." I said.
"Please?" She begged.
"No way." I said.
"Pleaseeee???" She begged.
"Nope." I said popping the p as I turned my head to the side.
"Come on, Elora. Just once. I promise." She begged even further.
"Fine." I said finally giving up.
"Thanks!" She shouted and turned back to Nate. I rolled my eyes and walked out of her room.

I walked down the stairs and it does take a while. I mean there's about Two thousand stairs. I stop and look over the railing. I see Zayn and Stacey. I thought of something evil to do. I smiled and took out the bottle of cold water I had bought when I was out.
I untwisted the cap and threw it on the stairs. It bounced off a stair and started down all of them. I shrugged and tilted the bottle. I did a few tiny drops first. It hit Stacey on the head and I saw her about to look up just in time as I ducked. I giggled and I stand back up.
I aimed for the greatest place to get both Stacey and Zayn. I don't know even know why she's still here. I thought she had got kicked out with the others. I found the greatest spot and poured the whole bottle of water. I dropped the bottle to. The water had splashed all over their heads and some parts of there clothes.
I couldn't help but laugh. Stacey looked up and saw me laughing. She hissed and started running in vampire speed up the stairs. I stopped laughing and the only thing I thought of was to jump. I swung my legs over the railing and I started falling.

'Your an idiot!' Tundra had shouted at me.
"I know! Don't rub it in!' I yelled back. I closed my eyes and wondered what if would fell like to hit a hard floor. The last thing I did was open my eyes but I wasn't even falling anymore. I was facing golden brown eyes and a cute face. I mentally slapped myself. He let me down and I started running as Stacey chased me out the door.

I hate to admit it I wasn't scared of Stacey but when she's angry or mad she can kill. That's why I'm running from her.

'I'm too young to die!' Tundra yelled.
'Oh shut up!' I yelled at her as I climbed the gate. I jumped over and ran again. I was out of breath when I made it home. I had walked into my room and locked the door behind. I dropped down on my bed and fell asleep from all the running it made me tired.

Chapter Seven

Before I could even move my whole body I flew off my bed and I landed on my face. Wtf! I didn't even no what was happening since I was in a good wonderful deep sleep. I pushed myself up and rubbed my whole face. I opened my eyes and Stacey was in front of me with her fangs showing. I rolled my eyes and looked at my bed. It was flopped over and messed up.

Great. Another mess to clean, I thought. I looked back at Stacey and scowled.

"What'd you want?" I snapped at her.
"Today. is. School." She said every word at a time.
"Oh. so. is. it. necessary. to. talk. like. this." I said words at a time. She hissed and stomped out of my room. I closed the door but it ended up swinging back open and hit me in the face. I put my hand on my face and let out a slight groan. I got dragged to my closet. I removed my hand and my friends were standing around me. I looked at Aurora and Rylee.

We agreed on what I should wear the first day back at school. Short shorts, a black long sleeve shirt that says ,'I bite' on it, leather jacket, and my vans.

(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. A storm knocked all the power in WV.)

We had got to school and Conner had parked his car. We all stumbled out like children and made our ways into the crowd halls. I ran into several people as I made my way to my locker. I opened it up and coughed. My locker was filled with dust and man it only has been like two weeks since I opened my locker.
I finally got all the books I needed for class. I closed my locker and Nate was leaning on the locker beside me. He looked at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Stop it." I demanded.
"Stop what?" he smirked.
"You know what I mean." I said as I walked off toward class but Nate followed me. I stopped walking and turned around.

"What'd you want?" I asked.
"I'm soooo sorry, Elora. Please, forgive me. I'm your favorite friend." He said with his puppy dog eyes.
"Stop that." I snapped at him.
"C'mon. Forgive me. I was going to tell you." He told me with his serious face.
"Fine...I forgive you for now but you mess up one more time. It'll last for months." I said and walked into class.

When school was over I sighed. I had to go to the movie theaters with Zayn freaking Conrad. I stomped all the way to Conner's car. I repeatedly pulled on the door handle even knowing it was locked still. After ten minutes of pulling on the door handle Conner, Aurora, and Rylee walked over to me.

"What are you doing?" Conner asked.
"Dying." I said.
"you look alive to me." Aurora said.
"Dying inside and outside." I said.
"Why are you 'dying'?" Rylee asked me as Conner unlocked the doors.
"I have to go baby sit Zayn at the movie theaters." I pouted as I got in the passenger side and closed my door. Rylee and Aurora hoped in the back. Conner got into the driver side and started up the car.
"Oh.....I see. You have a date with Zayn." Rylee teased. I groaned and put my head on the window and stared out of it. Just thinking about it being a date was even worse.

Conner dropped me off at my house and I waved good bye to him. I walked inside and walk over to my closet. I pull out a red double breasted coat, my ripped skinny jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, and red n black vans. I buttoned my coat up and grabbed my red braided baggy beanie. I put it on my head and grabbed my cell phone and pushed it in my pocket.

I walked outside and sighed. I forgot that I had no car and no one to to take me to the movie theaters.

'There's only one way.' Tundra said.
'What way?' I asked Tundra.
'Wolf way.' Tundra said.
'No.' I told her.
'yes! It's the only way!' She yelled at me.
'Fine.' I said.

I walked over behind a tree and stripped my clothes off. I put them in a bag and I transformed into a golden brown wolf. I grabbed the bag with my mouth and ran through the woods. I finally made it to the movie theaters and transformed back to normal. I put my clothes back on and left the bag laying on the ground.
I walked over to a waiting Zayn. He looked cute but annoyed. He looked at me with a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.
"Your sister." I told him.
"Where is my sister?" He asked.
"She ditched you for Nate." I said.
"Oh...I see. I guess she isn't cool enough to hang with me." He said and then grabbed my arm. He pulled me inside the movie theaters and took me to a random movie. Zayn and his sister probably picked it out. He sat down and I sat down beside him.

After the movie was off we had went outside. The snow gently fell down from the sky. I love snow. I smiled and took in the cold air. I closed my eyes and sat there relaxed. Just then a snow ball hit me in the head. My eyes shot open and I turned to a smirking Zayn.

"You." I muttered.
"Me?" He asked, clueless.

He turned around and started walking away. I picked up snow and made a ball. I threw it at him and it hit his head. He stopped and turned to me. He laughed and smirked.

"Nice but-" He began and picked up a bucket,"I can do better." He filled the bucket with snow and my eyes widen.
"You wouldn't." I said.
"Oh, Yeah. I would." he said and then ran at me. I started running from him and he chased me with the bucket.
"I can run all day!" I yelled at him.
"Me to." He told me.
"Ugh! My legs are so numb!" I yelled.
" could stop." He suggested.
"No! You'll dump the bucket of snow on me." I said.
"No, I won't. I swear." He said. I stopped running and put my hands on my knees. My legs are so freaking cold. Just then something cold went down my shirt and on my head.

"AW REALLY!" I screamed.

I jumped up and down trying to get the snow out of my shirt. Zayn laughed at me until he was laughing to hard. I finally got all the snow out of my shirt. I walked toward Zayn but I slid on ice and ended up falling down on top of Zayn. Our faces was only four inches apart and it felt weird but my wolf didn't seem annoyed by it. Someone cleared their throat and I got back up.
I helped Zayn up and the girl who had cleared her throat smiled. She jumped on Zayn and wrapped her legs around his waist. They kissed each other and then Zayn had a surprised look. Was I the only one confused here?

"Natalie, What are you doing here?" Zayn asked her.
"I came to visit. Since you know I'm your girlfriend." She said and smiled wide at him. The word girlfriend sunk into my head and my chest started to hurt.
"Aw...You didn't have to." Zayn said.
"But I did." She said. She jumped down from Zayn and walked over to me.
"I'm Natalie parks. I'm Zayn's girlfriend." She said as she reached her hand out. I shook it and smiled.
"I'm Elora Novak. Not Zayn's friend. Just baby sitting him at the movie theaters cause his sister ditched him for my friend." I said with a huge smile as I gave a few glances at Zayn. Natalie chuckled and turned to look at Zayn.
"She's funny." She said.
"I was being serious but anyway I gotta go kill someone." I said.
"Oh. Nice meeting you, Elora." Natalie said as I turned and walked off.
"Yeah. It sure is!" I yelled as I made my way down the street. I wasn't mad that Zayn didn't mention Natalie before, Right? I wasn't falling in love. No, not at all. It was all the cold rushing to my head. I really convinced myself out of this one but hopefully I really don't like....him.

Chapter Eight

(A/N: Finally, I got back on. WOHO! I had a bit of a Writers' block but It's over and I'm in the process of finishing this book and making a lot more. Probably better. I'll try not to rush in it like my old books. Thanks for reading.)

I already hated the fact that I knew I had a crush on Za-Mr.Conrad's son. I hated it. I just wanted it to be fake but it surely was all real. The bad part is......I also found out something else. It was way worse than finding out you have a crush on the boy you hate and also the boy who has a girl friend.

He was not just a crush.
Not just a person I hate.
Not just a person I liked but also disliked.
He was something more.
He was.....My mate.

'AGWAH! I hate it, Tundra. Why does it have to be him?' I say just a bit angry.
'Well, you can't pick what you want all the time. It just happens. Live with it. He's your mate. Your his mate. Just accept it because rejection sucks.' Tundra told me.
I sighed as I sat up in my bed and slid my feet over to let them touch the floor. Natalie is way prettier than me. She has that long beautiful hair and sparkling eyes. She is Zayn's everything. I hate to admit it but she should be Zayn's mate.
'SHUT UP! Do you hear yourself, Elora?! She should be his mate! Are you freaking kidding me?! Stop being a depressed whiner and get over it. They won't be together forever!' Tundra yelled and I sighed. She was right. I stood up and shoved my vans on. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I had to find Zayn and tell him how I feel.

^ ^ ^
I went every where to find Zayn but he was no where to be found. I hated that I couldn't find him. Then it hit me. He was probably at Natalie's house. I stopped completely and sighed. Let him be happy for the mean while.

'And let yourself be depressed and hurt?' Tundra asked.
'Yep.' I said as I continued to walk back home.
'Elora! Seriously? He's your mate. He'll be happy with you a whole lot better.' Tundra convinced me.
'Tundra, just drop it. Zayn has his own mind. He'll probably figure out some time soon. Let him be the one to come run for me. Not me running to him.' I said.
'But-' Tundra started and I cut her off.
'Drop it.' I demanded.
'Okay....' Tundra said as a sigh of fail could be heard in her voice.

I was in town now and walking around for no reason. I had no reason now. I was looking for Zayn but that didn't go good. I shoved my cold hands into my jacket and huffed. I'd sit back for a couple months and watch Zayn be happy with Natalie. If I can't stand it then I'll do something....anything to get my mind off of him.

Not to mention that my step sisters likes him, I thought. I stared at ground covered in snow as I continued to walk. I lost track of walking and I had ended up at Zayn's house. 'Now that's something you don't see everyday.' I told myself.
'Yeah....' Tundra replied.
'....Tundra! You....' I yelled but Mrs. Conrad appeared beside me and saw me covered with snow. She gasped and opened the gates. Then ran to me and started wiping the snow off of me.

"Uh...Thanks, Mrs. Conrad." I thanked her as she grabbed my wrist.
"No, It's my pleasure." She said and smiled at me. I shrugged the weird feeling in the atmosphere as she pulled me off into the mansion. She let go of my wrist as she slipped her high heels off and put on house slippers. I slid my converse off and slipped on house slippers also. She smiled as she pulled me into the kitchen and started clapping like crazy when she saw a huge wedding like cake.

(A/N: A lil cliff hanger there. :D I'm going a head to write a little of Chapter nine. Hoped you liked this chapter. :) Thanks for reading.)

Chapter Nine

Soon to be newly weds: Zayn Conrad and Natalie Conrad.

Mrs. Conrad's words started to slur.

My eyes wondered up and down the cake. It was quite a cake. The brown roses were the first thing that caught my eye and how the lines on the cake made your eyes wonder everywhere. Mrs. Conrad smiled and handed me an envelope. I looked at it for a couple seconds and looked up at a smiling Mrs.Conrad.

"What's..this?" I said like nothing was wrong but everything was wrong. I wanted to run away and cry to past the time of hurting.
"The invitation, dear. I wanted you have the first invitation to my son's wedding." She smiled with so much cheer. Although I wanted to frown, pout, yell, and cry at the very moment I endured it. I endured the pain.
"..Thanks....I'm hap...happy you did." I said, trying not to cry.
"Your welcome." She said as her smile grew at the sound of the word 'happy'. I had to get out of there. There and now. Before I did something I wish I wouldn't do like cry my heart out, yell at Mrs. Conrad, smash the cake, rip up the invitation, or do all the above. I took the right choice and cleared my throat.
"Well, Mrs.Conrad. I better get home to do my chores." I said. I began to walk out of the kitchen but Mrs. Conrad stopped me and smiled.
"I'll drive you home." She said.
"No! Uh....I'm going walk. I'll be fine." I said.

She nodded and said her goodbye. I rushed walked to the door and pushed the house slippers off of my feet. I slid my converse on and opened the door. I closed the door slightly and a tear feel down my cheek. I wiped it quickly and started walking to the gate. It opened and I sprint off down the side walk to make sure Zayn and Natalie happen to come home.
Tears ran down my face as I slowed down and started walking slowly. The wind was calm and the snow fell gently. It was cold but I wasn't worried. Memories of Zayn hit me and I breathed in the cold air. It was of the first time he came to our house and he was in my room. I had wasted my dinner because he scared me. When he caught me from falling in the snow and asked me some weird questions.
Can't forget the day he threw a snowball at my head and then I ran from him. He ended up dumping a whole bucket of snow on me. I started to cry harder from the memories. I dropped to my knees and covered my face with my palms.

Thank god no one was out this late

,`I thought as the tears still feel down my cheeks and hit the cold side walk covered with snow. My warm tears melted the snow. I shivered when the wind started to blow and the snow picked up. I stood up and wiped the falling tears from my face. I sniffed and started to walk again. Just then I saw Zayn's car go past me but I only caught a glimpse. My eyes are wide and my mouthed formed an 'O'.

He was smiling. The only thing that made my heart skip and then it started to hurt when I remembered that he was getting married. Not to mention I still had the invitation in my hand the whole time.

^ ^ ^

I waved my hand and turned on my other side. I snuggled with my pillow as the person sighed and I could tell they were rolling their eyes at me. They walked around the bed and pulled on my pillow. I swatted at the person and they groaned.
"Elora!" The person shouted at me as they still pulled on my pillow.
"Go....away..." I pouted.
"Get up!" They whined. My eyes opened and I focused on who it was. My eyes narrowed as I saw my three best friends. Aurora, Rylee, and Conner. I groaned and pulled the covers over me.

"Did she really just go there?" I heard Rylee say.
"Mhmmm." Aurora answered back. Some one grabbed my both of my legs and pulled. I flew out of bed and landed on my butt. I rubbed my head and pouted.
"You guys could have been gentle." Conner told them. I looked up at them with an annoyed look.
"I agree. You could have." I said as I stood up.
"Okay. We should have. Yotta, Yotta. We get it. We hear some rumors about a certain guy." Rylee said. I looked at her confused and then the memory from yesterday came to me.
"What guy?" I asked.
"Z-A-Y-N." Aurora sang while she pointed her finger back and forth. My face became hot and felt dizzy a little.
"W-wah....What about him?" I finally got out.
"We heard his girl friend came to visit and out of no where he proposed to her." Conner said with a I-could-care-less smile. My heart had became broken once again but I held my feelings.
"Oh, Yeah. Mrs. Conrad gave me an invitation." I said as I stood up and pulled out a crumpled envelope. Rylee grabbed it out of my hand and gasped at it.
"El! You have to go to the reception." Rylee said.
"I can't-I just can't go." I choked out.
"Why?" Aurora asked.
"I-" I started but Conner cut me off.
"Let me talk to Elora alone." He told Aurora and Rylee. They nodded and left my room, shutting the door behind them.
"You found him?" Conner asked as he sat beside me on my bed. I processed his words and started to tear up a bit.
"Yes." I said as tears ran down my face. Conner started to pat my back and he laid my head on his shoulder. I had so much I had to say but couldn't. I just cried into my best friend's chest as he continued to pat my back and told me repeatedly the same words.

It's okay.

* ^*^ *
Conner, Rylee, and Aurora left about an hour ago. Aurora and Rylee had left confused as they kept asking Conner questions. He just kept telling them the same things. I stood up and sighed. I grabbed my coat and phone as I left my room to go outside. The cold breeze hit me and I shivered. I threw my coat on and shoved my phone into my pocket.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell at me. I turned my head to see Nate standing by his car with Joslyn in the passenger side. I smiled in relief as I walked up to the car.
"Hey." I said back but it came out low and weak.
"You need a ride?" I heard Joslyn ask me.
"Yeah. If you guys don't mind." I said.

They both chuckled and looked at me with a are-you-serious? smile. I tilted my head and looked at Nate.
"That's why were here, dumbie." He said with a chuckle at the end.

My mouth formed an 'O' and I hopped into the back of the car. Nate got in and started to drive. It wasn't uncomfortable or weird ride to the Conrad's house. Nate and Joslyn didn't say a word, which made it a bit awkward but besides that it was okay. The car came to a stop and I opened the door. I closed it behind and rushed off over to the open gate, trying to give them their personal space.
I wondered inside and closed the door. I slid my shoes off and smelled something sweet lingering through the air. The cake

, I thought as I frowned. I heard laughter come from up stairs and I knew 'She' was here. I sighed and breathed in a deep breath.
I walked up the stairs and made my way down the hall toward Zayn's room but something was off. I stopped about a foot away from the door and `listened carefully. A giggle from Natalie and a deep manly voice whispered into Natalie's ear. I was shocked. She was in fact, cheating on Zayn and even though they are getting married. I was going to be sick.

"When are you going to call the wed off, Babe?" The manly guy's voice asked, concerned. He sounded to be in his mid 20's but I can't really tell.
"Soon." She spoke in a weird girly voice that made me even more sick. Just then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and heading to toward Zayn's room.
"Someone is coming." I heard Natalie whisper.
"Here." The guy said as I heard a shirt hit Natalie.

The footsteps were getting closer and I panicked. The first thing I could think of was to run but where would that get me. I went for the second thing. Hide in the closet. I open the closet door in the hallway and close it behind just in time.

"Natalie." Zayn called out. His voice made my heart skip a beat even when he wasn't saying my name.
"Zayn. Where have you been?" Natalie asked like she actually cared. What a liar?
"Just came back from some ball with my friends." He said. I tried not t o laugh at this. Ball with his friends? Haha. Why would he play in this weather? I smiled at the fact that he was a bad lair as Natalie was. I slightly cracked the closet door and peeked through the crack. Zayn's door wasn't open fully. I quickly open the closet door and step out. I slowly shut it and knock gentle on Zayn's door. The door opens and he looks down at me as he raised a eye brow.
"H..H..HI." I finally got the word out.
"Hey." He said calmly but I knew from the look in his eyes he already knew I was in the closet and that Mr. Manly voice guy was in his. When poor Natalie without knowing nothing for what was going to happen.
"Well..." I started and turned to walk away,"I better go then."
I had started walking but Zayn's intense stare made my back shiver. I turned around and sighed. I mouthed fine as I walked up to him. He smiled at me and it just made my heart race even more. He opened the door and I walked in.
Natalie smiled at me in a I-wish-you-never-came attitude and I smiled back. I walked over to the closet and leaned on it. Natalie's shaky hands clung to her mini skirt and sweat formed on her forehead. I watched as she breathed in and out several times knowing she would freak out if I touched the closet doorknob.

"So Elora you was saying?" Zayn asked me
"Oh yeah. That I left my favorite green blouse here. Uh...I think it's in your closet." I tapped my chin repeatedly. I grabbed the closet doorknob and Natalie jumped.
"I think I saw that favorite green blouse of yours in the washer down stairs." She spoke out lying through her teeth.
"Huh? That's odd. Zayn's mom said she had put it in Zayn's closet and that she told him not to touch it." I said still holding onto the doorknob tightly. I could hear the guy's heart beat faster as if he was in some kind of trouble, which he was.
"Oh. I was sure it was." She said. I started to twist the knob and she gulped. I slowly opened the door and........
SORRY. Cliffhanger!!! XD Seems to be a lot of those but I'm doing the next chapter so Don't panic. [: I will never keep you guys hanging like that :)))) Anyway hoped you liked this chapter. ;) AND THANKS for hearting my books. It means a lot. A WHOLE lot. Kay. READ.
-Amber M.

Chapter Ten


I opened the door and the guy's gone. I heard him breathing(obviously). But where is he now? I couldn't believe it but I did for a little while. He was right there. Hiding. I smiled at him and then made a freaked out face.
"What the?!" I shouted and jumped back. Zayn rushed over to me and looked in the closet. He saw the guy and scowled. The guy stood up and walked out of the closet with his hands up.
"Who the hell is he?!" Zayn snapped. He wasn't acting no more. He was truly mad and that made me jealous.
"He...a...He's uh....My boyfriend." Natalie's voice cracked and she seemed very nervous. Zayn's breathing picked up and his heart raced. He was about to do something he never wanted to do. I laid my hand on his shoulder and sparks shot up my arm. My cheeks became warm and I knew I had just done something I had wished not to do but I did. Zayn calmed down and I could feel his confusion.
"Zayn-" Natalie began but he cut her off.
"Just go." He whispered as he looked down at the floor. She just nodded and left quickly with her other guy.

Left alone in a room with Zayn.

Zayn's eyes were still glued to the floor and he never moved an inch. I, on the other hand had been awkwardly trying not to move. He finally looked up at me. His eyes stared into mine, his breathing as normal as ever, and he wasn't confused no more. He came closer and wrapped his arms around me. Sparks shot through me once again and I felt whole.
My hairs on my neck tingled from Zayn breathing on me. I shivered and inhaled Zayn's scent. He smelt of strawberries and a faint scent of his cologne. I melted even more in his arms as Zayn buries his face into my neck, making me chuckle.

"Why?" I heard Zayn whisper with a hint of sadness in his tone.
"Why what?" I asked.
"Hide this. Us. We're mates, Elora." Zayn snapped. He had released his arms and stepped back a couple steps. I wanted to tell him everything.

That I didn't know until yesterday.
That I wanted to but he was getting married.
That I loved him...
I loved him? Not even knowing him and it was wrong. He was my mate and I had hidden that away from him (Well, only a day but still you get the point).

"I never wanted to. I only knew for a day and I couldn't even find you. I come here thinking, Hey, Maybe if I just tell him straight out, he'll understand and we can live happy ever after

. I come to find out you were getting married to Natalie. I was heart broke, Zayn." I said as I tried to fight back tears that just hoped to be set free.
Zayn's eyes darken and he sighs. He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks at me.
"I'm sorry, Elora." He said with sadness filling him. His wolf wanted to be in my arms again as much as my wolf wanted to be in Zayn's. I inhaled air and looked Zayn in the eyes.
"What now?" I asked. The question that had many answers. I wanted to know what happens next.
"I'll have to tell my mother. She'll cancel the wedding and send messages to everyone stating that the wedding is off." He said with a smile. A real one at that. I was still jealous that he had wanted to get married to a girl that wasn't even his mate. Zayn's eye brow raised and smirk showed on his face. "Are you-" But before he could finish his sentence Josyln opened the door, smiling like god gave her everything. "Hey, You." She said looking toward Zayn.
"You need to accept that-" She got cut off by Nate.
"Leave the love birds alone, Baby." He said as he dragged her away. Zayn and I chuckled and then smiled at each other.

Chapter Eleven

My wolf was beyond happy and I was the one who was miserable. I had to clean the whole mansion again. The only excuse that was giving was that some old friends had moved back into town and that a dinner was going to happen tonight. Worse part of it all...they were vampires. I had to live with four vampires.
Do I really need to have a full house of seven vampires and just little old me? I mean one werewolf surrounded by seven vampires that seemed quite I don't know...AWKWARD. I sighed in annoyance as I finished stacking the last of the dishes and putting them in the cabinet. My ears rung of the sound of car doors opening and closing outside. I huffed and threw the silly maid outfit on.

This is going to be the longest terrible night of my life

, I thought.

* * *

I couldn't help but stare. I mean he Even if he was a vampire. His luscious blond locks covered one side of his face, hiding on of his beautiful aquamarine eyes. Pale skin and the way his arms were I'd say he had abs. I mentally slapped myself.

'I shouldn't be saying such things.' I said to myself.
'and You have a mate!' Tundra added.
'I know.' I told Tundra.

I know

echoed through my head as I sat down cups of...well I think you know. I scrunched my nose in disgust. How in the heck do they drink that stuff?! I mean it's like taking and eating a turkey whole. Not like I actually tried to do that though. Okay...Tundra has problems, I admitted.
'HEY! I'm right here Y'know!' Tundra yelled at me and I could tell she was scowling at me.
'Sorry....' I whispered, not knowing why.


Texte: Copyright Amber M. No copying or stealing my book but DO ENJOY :)
Bildmaterialien: favim
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to emmachan17. Her book paper plane is AMAZING :) Check her book out. I ALSO DEDICATE THIS TO MY BEST FRIEND TONI. She has a rough life to. Her mother died and she never met her dad. :/ ENJOY

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