
Chapter 1

He slowly lefts my head up and kisses me gentle on the lips. My eyes open and a warm grateful smile is appearing on my face. He helps me up and we get on his horse.

"Savannah Walton." Someone said repeatedly.
"No. My prince, I'm Snow White." I mumbled. Laughter woke me up from my dream. I open my eyes and saw all the guys in my room.
"Ugh! What!" I shouted at them as I sat up.
"Today's school. Get ready, Snow white." My brother said. I mumbled some curse words under my breath as I pushed all Seven guys out of my room and locked the door. I groaned and walked to my walk in closet.

I'm not even close to Snow white. She's a princess and I'm a normal person. She is a girly girl with short black hair. I'm a tomboy with long black hair. She lives with Seven dwarfs and I live with seven idiotic guys. The only thing in common are that we both have evil step mothers, we have black hair, and that we have the same initials, which happen to be S and W. Snow White. Savannah Walton. See were not the same at all.
I pulled out my pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my leather jacket with Drop dead on the left side of it, a white tang top, bra, panties, and my converse. I walked to the bathroom and laid them on the counter. I stripped my Pj's off and threw them in the hamper. I turned on the shower and got in.

I walked downstairs to something burning in the kitchen. I groaned and walked to the kitchen door. Food was every where and all seven idiots were in the kitchen.

"What are you idiots doing?" I asked as calm as I can.
"Making breakfast." My brother replied.
"Sure looks like it,"I said as I began to walk to the front door but stopped,"You guys are cleaning that."
I walked out the door just in time to run into no other than my stupid brother's Ex-girlfriend.

"Savannah." She muttered.
"Slut. Oh my bad, Leslie." I said.
"Very immature, Snow white." She stopped right in front of my face.
"Watch it, Leslie. My fist could easy slip and hit you right on that ugly face of yours." I threatened her.
"Oh really? Then bring it on." She said as she got all up in my face.
"I rather not." I said as I backed away a few steps.
"Aw...You scared." She said in a baby voice.
"Nah....Your just in my personal space. Anyway why are you here?"
"To see my....Boyfriend." She said.
"Oh please...Why are you really here?"
"I heard you have a new member. Who is he?!"
"None. Of. your. business." I said each word very slowly.
"Uh...Fine." She said as she stomped off. I looked at my watch and I had only five minutes before I was late.
"Oh no!" I yelled as I began to run.

I was late for class and that meant.....punishment. I sighed and walked myself inside school. Grr....If that slut, Leslie would've just kept her mouth shut I wouldn't have been late. I opened my class door and my teacher turned to me.

"Glad you can join us, Ms. Walton." Ms. Burks said.
"Sorry." I apologized.
"Just go take a seat." She said as she gave out a sigh.
"Sure thing." I said kinda loud. I walked back to my seat and sat down. She started teaching again and I looked down to find a piece of paper on the corner of my desk.
"Uh...what's this?" I whispered.
I looked at it and gave a quiet chuckle.

"It's a detention slip." I whispered.

"Ms. Walton, Do you have something to say to the class?" Ms. Burks said looking at me hardcore.

"No Ma'am." I said as I made a gesture to tell her to go on. She began teaching once more.
Detention, huh? Well that'll be great. I don't have to go home until 5, I thought.

I smiled of the thought of it. No boys. No mess. No Problem. That's my memo. Just like No shoes. No shirt. No service.

Chapter 2

I walked out of detention at Five and sighed. I have to go home to the guys' mess. I walked outside and sat down on the steps. A car pulled up and stopped in front of me. I stood up and got in the passenger side. I had texted my brother to come and pick me up.
I pushed my phone back in my pocket and sighed. I looked at my brother and smiled. He smiled and began to drive. I looked out the window and just remembered the new member of the house. I looked at my brother again.

"Hey?" I said.
"Hmmm?" He said as he still watched the road.
"Who's the new guy?" I asked.
"Some show off." My brother snapped.
"Does this show off have a name?" I asked him.
"Dustin E. Wright." My brother said.
"Ah, What makes him a 'show' off?" I asked him.
"EVERYTHING." My brother stated.
"Are you jelly, bro?" I chuckled at his face. He huffed and keep his mouth shut the whole ride home. To think about it. Home means mess and Mess is done by guys. Seven guys was plenty and now Eight. I have a feeling I'm going to either pull out all of my hair or try to kill one of them in their sleep.
There names are Fabian, Miles, Shawn, Kendall, Nicholas, Trent, Dustin, and my brother, Braydon Walton. They all had there nicknames...from me.
Fabio, Miley, Shay, Ken, Nikki, Trout, for Dusitn...Dusty, and Bro. Since I'm talking about the guys I'll describe them for ya.

Fabian has dark brown hair with hazel eyes. He plays football and basketball. He's Six foot one and he is Seventeen. He doesn't have a girlfriend.

Miles is Seventeen to and he plays basketball. He has a girl friend and he stands at six foot two. He has shaggy blond hair with brown eyes. He can sing but he doesn't like to in front of people.

Shawn has short light brown hair with blue eyes. He plays Baseball and he is six foot five. He is Eighteen and has a girl friend as well. I don't really get along with him.

Kendall is Sixteen and he plays Basketball. He is six foot three and has a six pack. I know because he usually runs around the house without a shirt. He doesn't have a girlfriend and he is like a second brother to me. He has dirty blond hair and blue eyes.

Nicholas is Eighteen and he has a girl friend. He has blond hair and sky blue eyes. He has the look of a model and rich person. I like Nicholas when he acts normal and when I mean Normal I mean staring at his abs normal. The other normal is when he sobs about how he looks pathetic and blah blah blah. He plays football most of the time.

Trent has dark brown hair that looks kinda reddish brown in the sun. He has green eyes and he is six foot six. He has a girl friend but I don't think their relationship is going to last. He plays soccer and he is sixteen.

Last but not least my brother, Braydon. He has brown hair with blond highlights and blue eyes. He plays football and he stands at six foot four. He is Nineteen and has a girl friend that I like.

When I was done describing the guys my brother parked the car and turned the key. He pulled it out once the engine died and got out. I got out and followed him inside. I heard yelling and crashing in the living room. Typical teen guys watching football or basketball.....or baseball.
My brother walked into the living room and told the guys to calm down or he'll take he's shot gun and shoot their heads off. Well....that's my brother for ya. I walked up the stairs and looked at the floor. Man is this floor so shiny. I mean it's usually dirty and piled with boy clothes.
I bumped into someone making me jump out of my thoughts. My head flew up and I banged it off somebody's head.

"Ow." We both said. I rubbed my head and looked up into green eyes that any girl would be lucky to get lost in.

"Y-you must be Justin." I said. He laughed and showed his pure white teeth.

"It's Dustin and next time watch where your going." He snapped at me. Gosh! Well that moment is ruined, I thought.

"Who do you think you are?!" I snapped back.
"I just told you, Idiot. Dustin E. Wright." He said in a duh tone.
"I know that-" I said but my bro cut me off.
"Dustin?" He said it in a question.
"You know it." Dustin replied like he was cool or something.
"Man I thought you were some show off but your just old best friend, Dustin." My bro said with a huge smile. Wait...Dustin. Oh god. Dustin is my bro's old best friend but he had moved away about four, three years ago. I knew that name sound familiar.

"Dustin???" I said.
"Yeah. Don't you remember him?" My bro asked.
"Nope." I lied. I crossed my arms and sighed.
"Are you sure?" Dustin asked me.
"Yep. Don't know who the heck you are." I lied again. I was great at lying and I think I can use it against Dustin.
"Dustin. Dustin E. Wright. The boy that use to throw mud at you when we were really little." Dustin said. I made a fake thinking face and shrugged.
"No, I don't remember." I lied.

I turned around and walked down the stairs. I heard a frustrated sigh and then a laugh. I walked into the living room and sat down on Ken. As I told you before Kendall is like a second brother to me, so he really doesn't care unless he has a girlfriend. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
My bro and Dustine(new nick name for him) came into the living room and sat down. It was really loud since the guys was watching Football. You know how guys are while watching it. I sighed in frustration and jumped off of Ken.

"You guys are the loudest freaking idiots I know!" I yelled and stomped my way up stairs to my room. I heard all the guys laugh and then begin to yell 'Yes'. I flopped down on my bed and covered my head with my pillow. I threw the pillow on the floor and sat up. I groaned when Dustine came into my room.

"What do you want?" I asked him as I stood up and walked to my closet.
"Ah....The guys left to get Pizza." He said.
"Oh, Cool. Bye." I said as I grabbed my favorite shirt my brother had bought me for my birthday three or four years ago. It still fit me to. I walked to my bathroom and slipped my shirt I had on off. I threw it down on the floor and put the other shirt on. I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Dustin was still there. He smiled and rubbed his head.

"What?" I snapped at him.
"That's the shirt that your brother and I picked out." He said. I remember that day.


I woke up by falling off of my bed. I had landed on my face when two familiar voices entered my room laughing. I stood up to face my brother and Dustin. Today was my birthday and I was now fourteen. I groaned when my brother hugged me and kissed my cheek.
He gave me a huge smile and Dustin had handed me bag. I opened the bag to reveal a long shirt that had 'I love you" on the front and 'Forever <3' on the back. It was a simple present for my birthday but I just loved it. I smiled big and ran to my bathroom. I put the shirt on and came out.
The guys clapped and cheered like idiots. I sighed and flopped down on my bed. My brother smiled at me once more.

"I'll be back." He said and then walked out of the room. He left me alone with Dustin. Dustin sat beside me and sighed.
"Thanks." I said as I turned my head to him. He turned to me and our eyes connected. He leaned in and kissed me. I was shock at first and than I responded to his kiss.

"Savannah? Savannah?! Savannah!" Someone yelled repeatedly.

I snapped out of the flash back and I noticed I had been smiling like a idiot. Dustin was now in front of me with his hands on my shoulders and he stared into my eyes. My heart raced for no reason and I found myself frozen like a cube of ice. Dustin had been my first kiss and I know. What fourteen year old has never been kissed? Well...I haven't, so suck it up.

I wasn't quite paying attention to Dustin all I was doing was staring at his lips. Before I knew it my eyes widen in surprise and I went limp. Dustin had smashed his lips to mine and my legs turned like Jello. As I shock as I was I didn't respond for awhile until I heard my name being yelled.

"What?!" I yelled as my eyes opened and all seven idiots. Wait..all eight idiots are surrounding me. I was dreaming the whole time.
"We heard you mumbling stuff in your sleep." Fabian told me.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Well....kissing noises." Trent said.
"And?!" I shouted.
"And....other stuff." My bro said feeling awkward.
"Just tell me." I muttered.
"Moans." Shawn blurted out and then laughed at my reaction.
"STF! You guys are so freaking annoying!" I yelled. I must have fell asleep when I put the pillow over my head. It felt so real though. I stood up and walked to my closet. I'm glad I used to play soft ball. I grabbed my baseball bat and all the guys gulped even Dustin.

"So who's first?!" I shouted with a big grin appearing on my face when I swung the bat and it smashed the lamp that sat by my closet.

It broke into twenty different pieces. The lamp was ugly anyway. They all screamed like girls and ran out of my room. I threw the bat back in my closet and flopped back down on my bed. I huffed and followed the lines on my ceiling. I finally got bored and pulled out my phone. I text my Best Friend, Casey.


I had told her to come over because all the guys are annoying and I was bored. She would be over in about ten minutes. I sighed as I made my down the stairs and into the living room. The guys were playing their video games and talking about guy stuff. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote controller from Trent and pushed him off the couch. He gasped and shoot me death glares.

"My turn with my bro, Trent." I said.
"Oh. Your on." My brother had told me as he pushed 'play'.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2012

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