
Chapter One

"Dakotah!" My mother yelled from downstairs. I groaned and covered my head with my pillow. My door opened and Anna came into my room. She grabbed my pillow and pulled it off my face. She threw it beside me.

"Get up, sleeping beauty. It's your first day of high school." Anna said.

After five minutes I finally got up and walked to my closet. I grabbed my usual clothes and headed into my bathroom. I laid them on the counter and started to strip my clothes. I turned on the shower and waited for a couple seconds. Then I got in and washed my hair with my shampoo and conditioner that Annabelle had bought me.
After I washed my hair I got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room. I heard a knock at the door and it opened. It was my sister Annabelle.

"Are you trying to be late?" my sister snapped at me.
"Yes, Anna. I am." I said sarcastically.
"Whatever...hurry up." She said as she walked out the door. I put on my usual clothes on.

"Anna!" I yelled.
"What, Dakotah?!" She yelled from the bottom stair.
"I'm coming!" I yelled as I grabbed my black bag and threw it onto my shoulder. I opened my door and walked down the stairs. I heard a familiar annoying male voice talking to Anna by the door. I turned around the corner and caught a pair of emerald green eyes. I Scowled at him and sigh. I look at Anna and give her death glares.

"Can I have a word, Anna?!" I asked her. She told Seth to go a head and go get in the car. Yep...that's his name. The guy I hate. My sister's best friend, Seth. The guy with the emerald green eyes and black hair. Seth walked out the door and Anna closed it behind. She walked over to me and sighed.

"What?" She asked.
"Why is he here?" I asked with a mad look.
"I'm giving him a ride. He's my best friend, Dakotah. Just be nice." She said and walked outside. I rolled my eyes and followed her. I hopped in the back and leaned my head on the window after I shut the door. Anna got in and started the engine. She began driving towards school.

The place that was my personal-, I thought but got cut off by the blasting of a radio in my ear. I rolled my eyes and realized it was it girl by Jason Derulo. Like the song just hate it blasted in my ear. I listened to it on the way to school while Anna sang along to it.

I've been looking under rocks and breaking locks
Just tryna find ya
I've been like a maniac insomniac,
5 steps behind ya
Tell them other girls, they can hit the exit
Check please...
Cause I finally found the girl of... my dreams
Much more than a Grammy award,
That's how much you mean to me

You could be my it girl
Baby you're the shit girl
Lovin' you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit girl,
This is it girl
Give me 25 to life
I just wanna rock all night long,
And put you in the middle of my spotlight
You could be my it girl
You're my biggest hit girl

Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud

You can't help but turn them heads
Knockin' them dead
Dropping like flies around you
If I get your body close not letting go
Hoping you're about to
Tell them other guys they can lose your number
You're done!
They don't get another shot cause you're... love drunk!
Like a TV show playing reruns
Every chance I get,
I'm a turn you on

You could be my it girl
Baby you're the shit girl
Lovin' you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit girl
This is it girl
Give me 25 to life
I just wanna rock all-night-long
And put you in the middle of my spotlight
You could be my it girl
You're my biggest hit girl

Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud

Can't seem to stop you from... running, running
Through my, through my mind, mind
Just keep it coming, coming
Til' I make you mine, mine
You've got that something, something
I wanna be with girl
You're my greatest hit girl
Just say this is it girl...
Hey baby...
Don't you know you're my it girl

You could be my it girl
Baby you're the shit girl
Lovin' you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit girl
This is it girl,
Give me 25 to life
I just wanna rock all night long
And put you in the middle of my spotlight
You could be my it girl
You're my biggest hit girl

Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Let me play it loud

Let me hear you singing like...
Oh oh oh oh [x2]
Everybody in the crowd
Let me hear you singing like
This is it girl.

When the song went off we arrived at school. Just a three minute drive away from our house. I sighed and ignored the glares when I got out. I walked beside Seth and he walked beside Anna. Anna said her goodbyes and left me alone with Seth. I stopped and put my hand into fist. A girl with blond hair and really revealing clothes walked up to Seth. I almost busted out laughing if she hadn't kissed him. I gagged and she pulled away from Seth.

"Do you got a problem, trash?" She slung her words at me.
"Hmmm...Thanks." I said with a grin. I was about to walk off but she stepped in front of me. Seth was just smiling away because he probably was enjoying the view of you know.
"Do you mind?" I snapped.
"Actual no." She said. I rolled my eyes at her. The next thing I knew she had pushed me and I landed on the grass. Thank god for soft grass! I looked at Seth and he had that look of angry. He was about to tell his girl friend to stop but it was too late. She kicked me and that had only made me madder. I stood up and laughed.

"Hun, I don't play girly girl." I said and then I punched her in the face. She fell to the ground just as the principal came.
"You two! My office now!" She yelled at us.

Chapter Two

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I had got expelled from school for three days. Yay! No school for me. I yawned and smelled something good from downstairs. I hopped up still in yesterdays clothes.
I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. My mother was cooking breakfast and it smelt wonderful. She already knew about yesterday, so she really didn't care. I sat down on the stool and she put a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and toast. After I ate my breakfast I got up and went upstairs into my bedroom.
I walked to my stereo and I turned the knob. I stopped it when it was on stereo hearts by Gym Class Heroes. I smiled and started dancing to it. I got irrupted by my mother walking in. I walked over to my stereo and turned the knob to off.

"What's up?" I asked as I flopped down on my bed and patted the spot beside me.
"I'm going back to work." She said.
"Why?" I asked.
"It's an extra shift. I'll be making more money." She said as she sat down beside me.
"Mom? That's too much for you." I said, worried.
"No, honey. It's not that hard on me. I'll be home-" I cut her off.
"Home half the time." I said.
"Yeah. look..I'll be fine and your sister will be here." She said.
"So how long will it be?" I asked.
"Two weeks." She said.
"Oh....Where's it at?" I asked.
"In Ohio." She said. My eyes widen and I frown.
"Mum, that's a long way from here." I said. We live in California.
"I'll be back sooner than you think." She said as she stood up and kissed my forehead.
"I promised." She whispered. I sighed,laid back as soon as she left my room ,and shut the door.

I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. I sat there thinking about Mum. Then I thought of every little thing Anna would do when mums gone. I jumped out of my thoughts when I heard a crash in the kitchen. I got up off the couch and grabbed the nearest thing to me, which was my sister's favorite hair brush. I slowly walked around the corner and throw the hairbrush and it hits the ceiling.
It comes back down and hits me on the head. I looked up at the same time the brush hit my head. it was Annabelle. I groaned in pain and rubbed my head.

"What are you doing here?!" I snapped.
"I skipped school." She said as she shrugged.
"Why?" I asked as I walked over to the stool and sat down.
"I felt like it." She said as she opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. She untwisted the lid and drank a little bit of it. She closed it and sat it down on the table.
"Oh. Mum is going to be gone for two weeks." I blurted out. She looks at me and she runs over to me.
"You know what this means?!" She asked me.
"No." I said as I moved my face away from hers. She's so....creepy at times.
"It means! Parties with cute guys, desperate guys, lonely guys, dreamy guys-" She continued on but I cut her off.
"Your obsessed with guys." I pointed out to her.
"No, I'm not." She said, trying to defend herself.
"Yeah. Sure." I said as I stood up and walked into the living room.
I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. I hit the 'on' button and the TV came on. I turned it to Alien surf girls. Its not a bad show, I thought. Anna had sat beside me and she got interested in it.
She got so interested in it she wouldn't stop asking questions and screaming,"I want Amber with Luca!" or "Luca! Your an Idiot!' I swear sometimes she can be both creepy and annoying at the same time.

After the episode went off she went to the kitchen to make popcorn. She came back and sat the bowl between us. When she heard that another episode of Alien surf girls is now starting she flippin' screamed. I covered my ears and groaned.
I grabbed a handful of popcorn during the scene were Kiki and Luca are out in the Cane field. He wanted to show her something and it was the crop circle they had made. I finished the popcorn in my hand. I grabbed another handful but I threw it out of my hands everywhere when Anna had yelled,"NO! WHAT ABOUT AMBER?! I HATE KIKI! WELL NOT REALLY!" I sighed and looked at her.

"Anna?" I said as nice as I can. She turned to me and raised her eyes brows.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Will you just watch it without screaming?" I asked.
"Uh sure." She said and looked back at the TV.
"Besides I think Kiki and Luca are cute together" I said. She looked at me wide-eyed and mouth open. Just then her face was in mine.

"No. Amber. Luca. Amber and Luca. No, Kiki and Luca. Got me?" She said. I nod and she sits back down. I roll my eyes and stuff my mouth with pop corn.

After about two or three episodes went off the show was over. I walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and flopped down on my bed for a short nap. When I woke up I heard a noise downstairs. I Stood up and walked downstairs.My sister Anna was in the kitchen doing something.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked her as I leaned on the door way.
"Making something to eat." Anna told me.
"like what?" I asked as my stomach growled.
"Just a sandwich. Want one?" She asked.
"Sure." I said as she handed me a sandwich.
"Thanks. If ya need me I'll be in my room." I said.

I went back upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my laptop and sat down on my bed. I stretched my legs and put my laptop on my legs. I pushed the on button and waited for it to turn on. The blue screen popped on and the icons to.
I clicked the Google chrome icon and it popped up. I typed in and clicked log in. I logged in and checked everything. Nothing really important was on Facebook, so I turned my laptop off and sat it on my dresser. I laid in my bed and thought of ways to ignore Seth and his girl friend.

I go back to school the day after tomorrow...

Chapter Three

A loud beeping filled my ear and made me wake up from the best night sleep I ever had. I hit the snooze button but it didn't work. I hit it harder but it just beeped louder, so I got mad and threw it at my door. It busted in several pieces. I heard footsteps coming closer to my door.
The door swung open to reveal Seth. I groaned and threw the cover over me to hide my whole body including my face and hair. He sighed and flipped the bed. I fell on my face and let out a faint ow. I slowly pushed myself up and got onto my feet. I rubbed my cheek and looked at Seth. I dropped my hand down to my side.

"What is your problem?!" I snapped at him.
"Anna told me to wake you up. Considering you was already awake. I thought you needed some help." He said as he rolled his eyes.
"Thanks for helping." I said sarcastically. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
Anna was eating a bowl of cereal and drinking orange juice. Seth had poured him a bowl and started gulping it down like a pig. I sat down on a stool and poured some cocoa puffs into a bowl. I sat the box down when my bowl was filled and poured milk into it. I grabbed Seth's spoon while he was still eating and shoved it in my bowl.
I scooped up a pile of cocoa puffs and shoved them in my mouth. Seth looked at me weird and then smirked at me. I turned to him and smiled.

"Got a prob?" I asked as I put the spoon back in my bowl.

"Yep. You took my spoon." he pointed out.

"Yeah. Sure did. What about it?" I said as I picked another spoon full and shoved it in my mouth.

"You just gave me a directed kiss." He said as he stood up and put his bowl in the sink. I pull the spoon out and throw it at his chest. The spoon had hit him successful on the chest and bounced off the floor making a clank noise. He held his chest and fake gasped.

"That hurt." He pretended to act like it hurt. I rolled my eyes at him.

I seem to roll my eyes a lot lately, I thought.

After Anna and Seth had left I had the whole house alone. I laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels over and over until I got bored. I stopped on something random and started watching it. I threw a cover that had laid on the back of the couch on me.
I got comfortable and watched TV. A little bit after my eyes keep shutting, so I gave in. I closed my eyes and cleared my head. I guess a nap would be fine,I thought.

My eyes slowly open and I set up. I stretch and look around. The TV was still on the same thing I left it on, which was Syfy. I turned off the TV and stood up. I looked at the time on my phone and it flashed 3:12 p.m. My eyes widen and I sigh.

"I've been asleep that long." I said. It had been seven something in the morning when I fell asleep. I heard laughs and giggles coming form the door. I wished in my head that it was just my imagination doing it but the door open. Anna and Seth step in laughing about something that probably wasn't even funny. I pushed my phone in my pocket and walked passed them to the stair case.

"Dakotah?" Anna said.
"Yeah?" I asked as I twirled around to look at her.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Going to my room to be in lazy world." I told her.
" but don't you rather go do other things." She said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"partying." She said with excitement building up. I can see it in her eyes.
"Anna, I know where this is going and no." I said and turned my attention back to the stairs. I put my foot on the first stair when arms went around me and picked me up bridal style. I didn't fight or complain. If I did I would just make myself look stupid. I just sat there in Seth's arms being dragged to god knows where.

Anna had made me come to a party that looked like it's been going on since seven. I just stood there with my eyes glued to the ground. I was thinking of a way to escape but with Seth here I knew I'd never succeed at it. I just fumbled with my hands a bit and gave death stares to Anna and Seth.
Anna bounced and sprinted into the house with loud music booming. I gulped as I took one step at a time until Seth had pushed me into the door. I punched his shoulder and crossed my arms like a kid.

"Dakotah, Stop acting so childish. Loosen up and have fun." He told me. He gave me a slight smile and walked off. I sighed and turned behind me. Guys stared me up to down. I was disgusted and terrified of what they was thinking of doing to me or any girl at this party. I hurried away from them and bumped into someone. I looked up to see.......

Who did Dakotah see?
Hoped you like the chapters so far.
Next chapter is coming soon! :) Thanks for reading.
-Toni N. & Amber M.

Chapter Four

Kaleb Wyatt Anderson. The guy I use to hate but man does he look....cute. Kaleb and I weren't the best of friends back in Middle School. Everyday it was the same. Insult each other, argue, get yelled at by a teacher, go to the office, get a detention, and then go home.

"Kaleb?" I said at the same time he said,"Dakotah?' We laughed and smiled at each other.

"What is Kaleb Anderson doing here on a Tuesday?" I said as I raised an eye brow.
"What is Dakotah White doing here when I know she hates parties?" He shot back at me.

"Hey! No dodging my questions!" I yelled over the music. He grinned and sighed. He raised his hands in the air and shrugged.

"You caught me." He said. We walked outside and I pulled out my phone. I text Anna and Seth that I'm going for a walk. I pushed my phone back in my pocket and started walking down the sidewalk with Kaleb.

"No, really. What are you doing here? I thought you moved away back in 8th grade."I asked.
"Came for a visit." He said.
"Ah, How long?" I asked.
"That's a question I'm wanting to know." He said.
"Mum and dad never told, eh?" It sounded more as a question than anything.
"Yeah. So why is Ms. trouble at a party?" He asked.
"Sister. She ordered Seth to drag(carry) me here." I said.
"Oh. That's like your sister. Outgoing, yet, demanding." He said.
"Yep." I said popping the p.
"How's your mum?" Kaleb asked me.
"uh, She's in Ohio." I told him.
"Work. She'll be gone for two weeks." I said.

I looked up and saw that we had walked to the park. The last time I was at this park my Ex boy friend broke up with phone. He called me, said those Twelve words, and hung up on me. Those Twelve words were It's not working out, Dakota. I'm Sorry. It's not you. It's me.
After about two days he got together with Janette but She moved away about a month after they got together. My ex had transferred schools about a week after she left. I sat down on a bench and Kaleb sat beside me.

"Man I love this park. Even though your Ex boy friend dumped you on the phone here." Kaleb said.
"Yeah. still remember that?" I asked. I had cried on his chest the day he was leaving. I looked stupid but he helped me out. He had told me,'If he had broke my heart over the phone he wasn't a real guy. He was just a pansy who lost something special.'

"Surprising but yeah." He told me. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked at me and smiled.
"When you told me he was just a pansy who lost something special...What did you mean?" I said. he rubs his head, which meant he was nervous.

"" He blurted out. I chuckled at him. He just stared at me confused. I turned to him and sighed.

"I knew it!" I yelled as I pointed in his face. His blushed and I laughed. He is so cute when he blushes. He stood up and I ran from him. He had chased me around the park. He was hot on my tail and I had no where to go. I was trapped in the corner and he slowly walked up to me.

"No fair." I pouted. He wrapped his arms around my waist and stared down at me. He had leaned in close and was about to kiss me. I was about to jerk away but he had kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gladly accepted him into my mouth and he explored it. We finally broke apart and gasp for air. He removed his arms from around my waist and I walked around him.

"I...have to..go." I whispered. I ran before he could say anything. I was too shocked to even go back to the party, so I text Anna. I told her I was not felling to bright and that I'm going home to sleep it off.

I changed in my Pj's and slid under the covers. I hate myself right now. Why you ask? I had ran away from my problems again. I ran away from Kaleb.
I left my sister and Seth at a party with a bunch of drunk teens. I sighed and closed my eyes. I just need some sleep and maybe I can sort everything in the morning.


Sorry :/ That it is a short chapter.
I'll make the next chapter bigger.
Comment. Heart. Rate.
Thanks :)
-Toni N. & Amber M.

Chapter Five

---------Two Days later...------------

My new alarm clock my mother had sent me yesterday from Ohio beeped repeatedly. I raised my hand into a fist and was about to hit the button but I missed and fell off my bed. I ended up landing on my face.

"Ow." I mumbled.

I stood up and rubbed my nose and walked to my closet. I grabbed my black skinny jeans with rips, my long black sleeve shirt that said,'I bite' on it, my leather jacket, and my black vans. Black is my favorite color as you can see and to top it off I'm depressed. I haven't talked or looked at Kaleb since two days ago.
He goes to my school and today I have to go back to school. It sucks that I haven't even called him and told him how I felt about him. I have to go to school today and that means looking at Kaleb. He might have some of my classes and that made me jittery. I heard my name being called from downstairs. I took in a huge breath and walked downstairs.

"Dakotah!" My sister yelled from the front door.
"What!" I yelled as I walked to the front door.
"Come on." She said. I huffed as she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house. Seth opened the passenger side door and she sat me down. Seth moved my legs and shut the door. Seth got in the back as Anna got in the driver side. She started the car and drove toward school. Anna turned on the radio and Grenade by Bruno Mars. Anna started singing and she looked at me.

"Come on. Sing." She said. I shook my head 'no' but her eyes begged me to. I sighed and started singing with her.

"Easy come." Anna sang.
"Easy go." I sang back.

"That's just how you live, oh Take take take it all But you never give. Should have known you was trouble from the first kiss had your eyes wide open. Why were they open?" Anna sang.

"Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash. You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked Cause what you don't understand." I said.

"Is I'd catch a grenade for ya." Anna sang.
"yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth sang.
"Throw my hand on the blade for ya." I sang.
"yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth sang.
"I'd jump in front of a train for ya." Anna sang.
"yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth sang.
"You know I'd do anything for ya." I said.
"yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth said.

We stopped singing and looked out the window the rest of the way to school. I can't believe Anna can sing nor Seth.

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same
No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue
Beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said
hey when you get back to where you're from
Bad woman, bad woman
That's just what you are
Yeah, you smile in my face
then rip the breaks out my car

Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand
Is I'd catch a grenade for ya
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya
(yeah, yeah, yeah)

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire
You would watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
Cause you never ever ever did, baby

But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for ya baby
But you won't do the same
No, you won't do the same
Oh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no

The song ended as Anna parked her car and killed the engine. We all got out and walked into school. The principal had sent me my schedule yesterday. She had also called my house and we talked for awhile. She was a nice lady and by the sounds of it, she likes me. I sighed when I heard girls whispering to each other and giggle.
I heard a couple 'the new boy is cute' and 'he's hot' as I walked down the hall to my locker. It bothered me. I liked Kaleb and now he thinks I dislike him. I unlocked my locker and grabbed the books I need for class. I slammed it shut and locked it back.
I turned around and started walking up the hall when I looked up my heart raced, my eyes narrowed, and I began to shake. It was Kaleb. The fact that he was here wasn't the reason why I was hurt. It was the fact that a girl had her arm wrapped around his and he smiled at her like he was in deep love with her. I kept walking my legs were shaking and I felt a little pain in my chest.
He never even made eye contact with me nor did he give me a simple hey or hello. I walked passed him not giving him a glance. I finally made it to my first period and sat down in my sit. The teacher was running late, so everyone got up and started talking to their friends. I was the only one writing down stuff in my notebook.

Chapter Six


Texte: Copyright Toni N. & Amber M. Thanks to Amber. She wrote this with me. NO STEALING OR COPYING MY BOOK PLZ :) Thank you! :)
Bildmaterialien: Editing by: Amber M.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2012

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I dedicate this to emmachan17 and YOU. I said it didn't I. Y-O-U! :D

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