

“Roses are red. Violets are blue. Mortals think I'm sweet, but it aint true.” Damien joked as his captive awoke. He knocked her unconscious when she re-fused to follow him.
“Let me go you wicked, pain in the rump, or all hell will break loose!” Lilly spat at Damien as he walked to stand in front of her. She was bounded to a chair at her hands, feet, and waste. Lilly was scared but wouldn’t show it, if she did he would pray on it.
“And here I thought you were an Angel of Mercy. Don’t the Bible say we aint supposed ta judge one another? Yet, you judge me to be wicked.” Damien laughed cynically. His southern drawl was like liquid fire on a cold winter’s day.
“It’s kind of ironic aint it, an Angel of Mercy judging. How unholy, of you to do so. Though, you’re right. I am wicked, cruel, and unscrupulous.” Damon walked around his captive with his finger trailing along her body, as he rotat-ed around her like the earth rotates around the sun. Damien leaned in close to his captive angel and smelt of her hair.
“You’re beautiful, intellectual, and compellin, yet, I don’t believe you ta be all angel. Angels smell of honey sickles, not of roses, and freedom. They’re nor-mally nine to 10 feet tall, while you may be 5’6”. Not to mention, an Angel would have be torn into smithereens crossing the threshold of hell. Yet here you sit in Hell’s seventh layer.”
Lilly glared at Damien, for she took this as an insult, and despised being called short.
“Yeah, I see the resemblance; hard piercing ice blue eyes that can see through ones soul, pristinely arched eyebrows, long thick eyelashes, softly chis-eled nose that tilts up at the end, high cheekbones, sun streaked blond hair, and a shapely tanned body. I can’t place the smell of freedom though, I’ve smelt this before. It was a long time ago, but the smell is still the same.” Damien paste back and forth contemplating how he knew this aroma.
“How can you be so cruel? Why did you abduct me in front of all those chil-dren? You scum, do you realize how traumatized you have made them? You could've waited until after school let out. Dang it Damien, I would've followed you to your house, and listened to anything you had to say. Of course after-wards I would've imprisoned you. Oh, why such a long face? After all of the people and mythical beings that you have killed, shouldn’t you expect to be im-prisoned?” Lilly’s voice was a little rough from the struggle to get a way as a human would in her situation. She tried to bite Damien when he caressed her face.
“I was born a demon, it’s in my blood. Unlike angels, demons can’t control anything, except for their bodies. Every sin written in the Bible is demon. We are lust, greed, envy, anger, glutton, and sloth. What lets you be free of all these?”
“Just because I’m part angel it doesn’t mean I am free of sin, but more aware of it. HOLY WINGS, You are so typical! “I’m a demon. I have to sin, oh poor me.” If you can quote the Bible so well, then you should know that lying is a sin. Yet you told me what you believe to be true.” Lilly spat in Damien's face out of disappointment. Damien wiped the spit away and frowned.
“It looks like I found another typical, whiney, dependent demon. “I feel so bad I killed all those people because my body felt like it.” That is complete BA-LONEY. You my friend are PATHETIC!
“What do you mean by, “Believe to be true”?”
“Oh poor baby can’t put two and two together. Ha-ha this is rich. Fine I’ll tell you, all of your life you’ve been lied to. You have the free will to make your own choices, and to decide to be who you wish to be. So stop bellyaching and demon up! Do you wish to be cowering, little, and pathetic all of your life, or do you wish to be strong-willed, and do as you want. Think about it, all by yourself, Damien. Can you do that anymore, you know, think for yourself? The devil A.K.A. Michael is like Hitler, He used his knowledge and his voice to brain-wash all that would listen to bring them under his control. All because my king, Jesus, made a prophecy that one of his minions will defeat him with the power of love and bravery. Damien you may well be that demon, the one who is to rival the devil. You would be able to outwit, out maneuver, and out love him with God on your side. You already know that the meaner the demon the smaller the space there is for love and hope. With all the years that you have lived, have you ever noticed how love always conquers in the end?”
“Lilly, how can I even begin to contemplate the demise of my King Michael when I can't even control myself?” He walked away, and then turned back to look at her. He stood like a god staring at Lilly. “Heck I can’t even control these feelins. Whenever I see your luscious blonde curly waves of hair, I want to wrap my fingers in it, pull your face to mine, and kiss those angelic lips.” Damien acted on impulse, he stalked towards Lilly then trailed his fingers down and behind her neck, pulled her head close, let his lips hover over, and then ever so gently brushed them against hers, making Lilly gasp. Damien looked deeply into Lilly’s curious gaze, she was breathless.
“Damien, what the heavens are you doing? Stop touching me!” She yelled. “You must control yourself.” Lilly was irritated that Damien was able to punch through her emotional barriers with just one kiss. He was able to make her feel everything she wished to forget. He made her feel like she did before her mother died; wanted, safe, and warm.
“Shit! I don't believe it, you, why you? It can't be!" Damien looked at Lilly in astonishment, with his mouth agape, while Lilly looked at Damien like he had just lost his mind.
“Okay demon boy, what in the world do you mean, are you trying to insult me?!”
Damien just stared at Lilly, mouth still hanging open. Shaking his head as if he was completely dumbfounded about what just happened.
“I don't believe it. You kiss me, yet you're the one acting shocked. What did you think? That you wouldn't like it? You did, didn't you, men, ahhh, so infur-iating!” Lilly didn't know whether to be furious or to be just plain appalled. Tears welt up in her eyes.
Damien snapped out of his trance at the sound of her sobbing.
“Why are you cryin? Stop cryin dammit!” If there is one thing that Damien can’t handle it is a woman's tears.
“Wow, not only do I get insulted, but you weren’t even listening when I rant-ed about it.” She growled.
“Well, what the hell am I supposed to do, when I meet my life mate and she is a freeken angel?”
“What did you just say? Did you seriously just call me your life mate? That’s impossible. Demons don't have life mates.”
“Well, doll, sorry to bust your bubble, but I AIN'T a full-fledged demon. Be-lieve it or not demons do breed with other species. I happen to be demon, Wolf, fairy, and warlock. Now what would you have to say to that?”
“SHIT!! I can't be your life mate. There's no way, none at all!” Lilly hanged her head in defeat. She felt the pull to him so strong there was absolutely no disregarding it. “Yes. I did feel the spark and a connection that happened when we kissed; it’s just difficult to accept. What now Mr. All knowing, do you try to run off into the sunset with me?” Lilly said sarcastically.
“Whoa how do you know about the reaction between a wolf and his newly found mate?” Damien asked shock, backing away, and placed his hands on his temples to get rid of his throbbing migraine.
“Why don't you use that tiny brain of yours, and think for a second. Never mind, you’re a man, so I’ll just tell you what to do. Try using your nose, what do you smell?” Lilly was mentally shaking her head; she couldn't believe how slow witted Damien was.
“Look I’ve done told you already; roses, sweet honeysuckle, and freedom.”
“What else do you smell? I want to test that knows of yours.”
“Fine, I’ll do it, if only to appease your sensibilities.” Damien leaned close to her neck, and sniffed gently. “Freedom, roses, sweet honeysuckle,” He sniffed some more. “Pine Needles, water, and sweat. Wait, no, seawater. What are you?” Damien said more to himself than to Lilly.
“How about I cut you a deal, I tell you what I am, and you set me free.” Lilly says as she tries to free her bound hands from their ropes. She knows if she uses magic he would immediately know what she is, and would try to subdue her.
“No deal.” Damien contemplated all the smells he detected as he paced back and forth. A good 30 minutes past before he spoke. “Okay, honeysuckle is your Angel sent, roses, you are also part fairy. The Pine Needle is your Wolf sent? Yes, definitely your Wolf sent. I’ve heard legends about people who live underwater. I never disregard a legend; I believe seawater to be your mermaid sent. Free-dom and water, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know what they are.” Damien stopped pacing, turn to look at Lilly and received a left upper hook to his jaw.


“Man he scared me.” He was so close to figuring out exactly what she was, if he were to find out, he would be forced to kill her.
Lilly paced back and forth trying to figure out her next move. He said that she was in the seventh layer of hell. The Bible says nothing about the seven lay-ers, but she remembered reading “Dante's Inferno”.
Lilly looked around and saw fire raining down, the centaurs watching over the river that contained the dead souls who were trying to escape, and there was the tree that held the convicted sinful souls for all eternity. So Dante had told the truth. In a way all 12 layers were just an elaborate labyrinth. In order to get out Lilly would have to use magic, and magic is the one thing she hated using most of all.
“Okay, let’s get this over with.” Lilly walked over to Damien, picked him up and positioned him in the chair that she just vacated. She opened his eyes with her fingers and began to chant.
“You will do what I say as I say, from day to day. You are my slave and if you behave. Once I’m done with you, your life I will save. Your first order I will tell is that you must get me out of hell.” Once Lilly said this three times, and snapped her fingers, Damien came to and said, “Yes my master.”
Lilly smiled at the irony, and almost passed out from the amount of magic used.
“Damien, I need you to act like the devil is still your king and like I’m not your master. Now carry me out of this labyrinth of hell.”
Damien did as he was ordered. He picked up his master, and began the long journey out of hell. Lilly pretended to be dead so that getting out would not produce any extra problems.
She was conscious of every breath that Damien took. His sent was driving her crazy, spices, roses, forest, and winter wind. Dang it his scents are so divine. Lilly snuggled in closer to his chest. Damien’s arms felt so right. They felt strong, warm, and as if they were made especially for her.
“Dang it, I think that I’m falling in love with my mate, well, at least in love with his body and odor.” Lilly thought to herself.
Damien slowed as he approached the centaurs, she froze.
“Oh no, he's stopping why is he stopping? Oh please Lord, please, please, let my chant have worked. Okay if it didn't work what do I do? Do I still have my knives? Yes, I think I do if I could just move my legs I would be able to tell, but if I do they will know that I am alive.” Lilly thought to herself.
Damien stopped a foot away from the centaurs and ordered them to open the gates of hell. At first the centaurs were doubtful that Lilly was dead, but once Damien shook her like a ragdoll they believed him.
“Honor amongst thieves huh. I can't believe it they just let him through barely any questions asked.” Lily mentally kicked Damon in the shin, then cussed herself for it her lapse in judgment.
Once the gates of hell closed behind them Damien sat Lilly gently on her feet. He then proceeded to stare into her eyes and said, “What the hell was that? Did you mentally kick me; you know what don't answer that. Why did you kick me in the shin, I know you did, don't deny it. I felt it, you actually kicked me.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking it was a lapse in judgment.” Lilly cringed a little when she realized he didn’t miss what she said. Or well not said.
“Look I can do things with my mind. It is hard to control at times since it’s connected to my emotions. Let’s just say I’m a lot of things that I will never tell to someone I don’t trust.” Lilly said shocked at what she had reviled.
“Let’s just say that around me the truth seems to be pulled out.” Damien had a confused look on his face.
“Apparently you have the same effect. Well that sucks.”
Lilly laughed while she looked around, and was shocked that Hell’s Gates were located at such a cliché place.
“Yeah, I know cliché right?”
Lilly turned to look at Damien. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Why the Hollywood sign?” Lilly asked.
She was shocked, this was the first time that she was able to really see what he looked like. Tall, at least 6’, Brown hair, blue eyes, thinish eyebrows, chiseled nose that looked as if it belonged to royalty, thin soft looking lips, chiseled chin, extremely muscular but soft looking body, large capable hands, and he was a naturally tan person. In short he was HOT.
“I’m fairly certain Michael has figured out that I’m not dead, and will send his hell hound out for us soon so we better vamoose. Here hold my hand I’ll take you to a place where they can’t follow us.”
“Before we take off I have somethin to say. Never try to enchant me again, No it didn’t work. It didn’t work because I am your mate.”


Chapter 3


“Welcome to Cloud Nine my own little oasis. Now close your mouth wolfy, you’ll get drool all over my freshly fluffed cloud.”
Lilly looked like a goddess up here. My wolf is chomping at the bit just to hold her. She looks as if she is glowing. Wait she is glowing. OH MY BADDNESS, I know what she is. Okay I think that tonight I will tell her everything. Man I’m getting excited just thinking about it. YAY!
I’ve been staring at Lilly for a long time now maybe I should look elsewhere so she won’t think I’m some sort of stalker. So this is the infamous Cloud Nine, it’s amazing. Everywhere I look there is something made out of white marble or clouds? There is a regenerating cloud water fall with a connecting pond which has a marble bottom. Behind the waterfall is a rainforest, I’m sure it has all kinds of wild life. To the right of the waterfall is a white marble swing-set with ivy vines climbing up its sides. There on the other side of the cloud is a big white marble wishing well, with a matching pic-nick/ barbeque pit area. Then in the back yard is a white marble swimming pool which overlooks a large flowerbed outlined in marble tiles. Finally in the center of all of this beauty is a three story white marble mansion, with a wraparound covered porch. Leading up to this amazing home is four marble path ways. The sight alone has already taken my breath away.
Then I looked at Lilly and was mesmerized even more by the prideful look in her eyes.
“What do you think? Do you think I over did it, I over did it didn’t I? Lilly asked meekly. I shook my head with shock and disbelief.
“There is no way you put this masterpiece together. It’s grand and if you did all this by yourself then you my princess are in possession of another servant. For this is as, no almost as perfect as…” I trailed off realizing what I was about to give away. I looked away blushing, and hopping that she would drop it.
“As what”, Lilly asked not wanting to drop it. Of course she wouldn’t she’s a woman after all. “Oh come on tell me please. Damien wills you please tell me, you can’t just leave me hanging like that?” She shocked me when she laid her head on my shoulder, and gave me the puppy dog eyes. I caved like a house with an elephant sitting on its top.


“As you, ok, this place is almost as perfect as you.”
I was shocked, but I would not hesitate, because this may be a game. I placed my hand on his cheek, thinking that I would only have him look me in the eyes. When he turned and I saw him blushing scarlet red everything went out the window, and I kissed him with everything that I’m worth.
When I let go he was dazed and he looked so adorable. I can no longer deny him as my mate. Tonight after dinner I shall expose to him everything that I am, and everything that will make our love complicated. Tell him the reasons why I can’t have him even though I want him to be mine in every since of the word.


I was walking by to my own assigned room when I heard mumbling coming from Lilly’s room. So naturally I ease-dropped on her conversation, I felt wrong doing this, but for now it’s the only way she will tell me anything. Sounds like Ashley and Jacquelyn are in there to.

Ashley: Baby girl I know this is a new situation for you, but you will find a way to fix it. I know you will.

Jacquelyn: Yeah listen to ash she knows what she is talking about you know since she’s been in this situation before……… many times. (Jacquelyn laughs)

Ashley: That was for the insult. Now do you feel lucky punk do ya? (Ashley giggled. That girl can never stay mad at her friends it hilarious.)

Lilly: Ash, Jacks, please I’m serious. What do I do?

Ashley/ Jacquelyn: We were serious.

Jacquelyn: Well you can always call Lacklenn he always knows what to do.

Lilly: I’m not calling my fiancée to see if he will allow me to trade up for a better model!

I burst through the door.
What do you mean fiancée? I will be the only man in your life. I will not share you. I’m particular like that. No call him up and dump him or all hell will break loose!”
“Okay um girls do you mind giving us a moment. It’s time for him to know everything. Sorry I’ll tell ya’ll about it later.”
“Yeah, it is about time I know everything and I want to know absolutely every detail to.” I say angrily.
“First, don’t ever barge in like that! You will get seriously injured. Second, I will not give you every single detail. Now last of all third, whip that scowl off your face and sit the heavens down now!” I sobered up real fast. Wow she is really angry.
“Look I’m sorry I kind of lost control of my wolf. It happened so fast. Sorry for ease dropping in on your conversation. Now, will you please let me hear your explanation? As I said before I'm sorry, I love you, and your hairs pretty.” I said the last hoping it would put a smile on her face. Nope, just a shocked expression, I guess I can live with that.
“You, you love me? Really you love me.” She said eyes watering up. Oh shit what did I do?
“I thought you would be happy hearing me say that, but since the hells cat is out of the bag. Yes Lilly Lee Rose Fantierna I love you, and I want to be in your life, in your arms, and in your heart, all because I love you.” I grabbed her in a hug and held on. When she started to speak again I scooped her up in my arms and sat down in the chair that is stationed at the computer desk.
“I, I, I love you to, But I c, c, c, can’t…”Lilly stated. I cut her off with a soft kiss.
“You know what; I’ll start since you are still a bit tongue tied.” I laughed when she punched me.
“I will tell you everything that I have been holding back first okay? My name is Damien Loren Lane Winters, I know, it sounds human. I am an undercover agent for S.N.A.D. (Super Naturals Against the Devil). Those creatures that you accused me of killing aren’t dead. Magic and a little make-up can do wonders. Close your mouth you’re beautiful, but it makes you look like a catfish. Ouch, I deserved that. There is more so stop hitting me. This is tough, but I’m sure you’ll keep my secret. I’m a Lorendawatha, a creature who can steal the powers of any creature by using my senses and can possess the body of another being. Weird I know. I was born wizard, pixie, wolf, fire demon, and a dragon. A king of a dragon tribe actually, The Margardaya is my tribe. We control the Antarctic region of Earth and all of Pluto. If you are wondering what creatures that I have taken they are; water, land, and wind, demons, merman, lion, jaguar, tiger, shark, dolphin, owl, falcon, eagle, brown bear, grizzly bear, well the list is too long. I know exactly what you are. I put it together when I saw you start glowing up here.” I smiled when she stopped crying and started laughing, hugging, and kissing me.
“Did that really make you that happy? Okay not that I aint happy for it, but why?” I asked confused.
“I’m being forced to marry a wicked man, whom my parents believe to be the last of the male dragons. THEY’RE WRONG! Oh yeah, now I’ve two handsome dragons to choose from. I know who to choosing.” She had a cute evil laugh, so cute it didn’t matter that she couldn’t pull it off. It’s the first that I have ever seen a true smile on her face. Her dimples are just the right size. I never imagined that love would be like this, like eternal bliss had an orgasm.


Texte: This tell has florished from my imagination, so please don't become a gloomy thief.
Lektorat: To my loving friends and fiancee, for making me who I am to day.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2012

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