
I watched as Drucilla and Megan disappeared. There was a knock at the door and I ran to get it. I opened the door and was punched in the face. The blow knocked me to the ground causing me to break the wood table behind me. I spit the blood from my mouth on the floor. The punch hurt like hell but what came next hurt worst. A bolt of lightning hit me in the stomach. I cried out in pain while the bolt was still striking me. Everything started fading to black. The last thing I felt was the flying feeling of moving at a speed faster than the speed of light. The same feeling I got when Drucilla and I transported to Alexander. Then I was gone.

Chapter One

“No,” I heard a whimper behind me. I recognized the low voice easily but I couldn’t move at all. She sounded so sad and I wanted nothing more than to comfort her but there was just too much pain. “How could you?”
“It was necessary,” another voice said. It was a voice I knew all too well. Alexander’s husky voice was further behind.
“How could you do this Marcell?” she asked. I felt a hand touch my back and I loosened under her soft touch. I know its Drucilla because only her touch can make pain go away. “What did you do to him?”
“No hello for your father?” Marcell asked. He was standing in front of me. I could smell his leather shoes in front of me. Her hand was stroking my face and I felt her tears fall on my cheek. I hope this works I thought to myself. I thought really hard about how much I loved her hoping that she could see my memories of her. I focused really hard on when she told me she loved me too. I heard her gasp and sob.
“You’re not my father,” she growled. “And if you thought you were you are sadly mistaken.” I turned to look at her but what I saw wasn’t what I expected to see. Drucilla was there but she wasn’t herself. Her eyes were completely blue and they were glowing. Her whole body was glowing and she seemed to be rising from the ground. Alexander was behind her and he seemed to be as frightened as Megan looked. He tried to turn for the door but it closed before he made it. He grabbed the door knob but it shocked him.
“So you carry my gift?” Marcell asked.
“This isn’t a gift,” she said coldly. “It’s a curse and you are going to regret giving it to me.” She raised her hand to him and lifted it. Marcell rose off the ground holding his throat as if she was lifting him by his throat.
“Drucilla!” Megan yelled.
“Stay out of this,” she said coldly. I stood up weakly and put myself in between Drucilla and Marcell.
“What are you doing Ace?” I asked.
“He ruined my life. I am taking his."

“He isn’t worth it,” I said to her.
“My mother was raped by this monster. They locked her away because of him. He’s going to pay!” she screamed. I looked at Marcell who was turning blue in the face.
“Ace you have to stop,” I yelled.
“No!” she screamed. I tried to grab her but she moved to quickly.
“Ace, stop!” I yelled.
“Drucilla, please!” Megan said from behind her.
“Stay out of this!” Drucilla yelled. Megan fell to the ground weakly.
“Megan!” I yelled. I ran to her side. “What’s wrong?”
“Her soul. It’s gone,” she cried. I opened my eyes wide with shock and pain.
“What do you mean it’s gone?” I asked shaking.
“It started to fade and then it disappeared. I am soul reader and I tried to hold it but she blocked me out,” she cried.
“What is a person without a soul?” I asked. My hands were shaking and I didn’t know what to do. I heard Marcell gasping for air behind me. It was too late to save him though.
“They aren’t who they used to be anymore,” she sobbed. “Drucilla’s gone Damon.”
“She can’t be!” I screamed.
“She is,” Megan cried. I stood up and faced Drucilla. She had these blue markings on her face. They were like two flower vines going down her face like tears. Marcell was on the floor and he wasn’t breathing. She was almost touching the ceiling and she was heading for Alexander.
“Traitor!” she yelled at him. “I let you live and this is the thanks I get?”
“I didn’t do anything,” he said.
“But you did. You worked with that bastard and now he is dead. But don’t get Jealous so are you,” she said.
“We have to stop her,” Megan said.
“How?” I asked. She looked at me and I know what she wanted me to do.
“No!! I won’t!” I yelled.
“You have to. She is going to kill us all. It’s the only way to save her,” Megan cried.
“I can’t do it,” I said, my whole body shaking.
“Drucilla wouldn’t want this. You have to!” she yelled. I raised a shaking hand toward Drucilla and let the lightning escape my finger tips. She gasped and fell to the ground.
“No!!”I screamed. I ran toward her. She laid there motionless. I pulled her in my arms. “Drucilla! Wake up. Please wake up. I need you. Please wake up.”
Megan crawled to my side and took her sisters hand. I rocked Drucilla’s body back and forth. I felt tears fall down my face. It’s been so long since I have cried for real that I thought I forgot how. I kissed her lips over and over desperately hoping she’d kiss me back. When she didn’t respond I laid her on the floor. Stepping over her lifeless body, I charged at Alexander.
“Damon!” Megan yelled from behind me. I started punching and kicking at Alexander the way he did to me on that night. The night he killed my parents. The night he tried to kill me. I kicked at his ribs and watched him cough up his own blood.
“You took everything!” I screamed. I held my hand to his chest and let the lightning out of my finger tips once more. Megan screamed my name over and over again but I wasn’t listening. I watched his eyes roll in the back of his head before I stopped. I fell to my knees weak from using my lightning.
“Damon,” Megan whimpered.
“We have to get out of here Megan,” I told her.
“I can’t leave her,” she cried. I stood up and picked Drucilla up in my arms.
“Neither can I,” I said walking to the door.

Chapter Two

“Where are we going?” Megan asked me. I looked in the rearview mirror at Megan. She was stroking Drucilla’s cheek with her fingers.
“I have a mansion not far from here. I hope you don’t mind living with me because I don’t want to put you in foster care,” I told her. She didn’t look up at me but she responded.
“You want to adopt me?” she asked.
“Yes, if that’s alright with you,” I answered turning my eyes back to the road.
“It’s fine. You were already like a father to me. And she was like a mother,” she said. I could tell by the way she spoke and repeatedly stroke her dead sisters head that she was completely numb inside.
“We’re almost there,” I told her. We drove in silence. I drove into the giant drive. Megan stepped out the car when I put in park. I got out of the car and scooped Drucilla into my arms. I walked to the large familiar door. It opened before we go there and a familiar tall figure stood waiting for us.
“Master,” Allistor greeted me.
“Is Neona here?” I asked, stepping past her.
“She’s in her chamber,” he answered.
“Neona!” I shouted. I ran to nearest couch and gently placed Drucilla on it.
“Damon, is that you?” I heard her before I saw her. She rushed to me and threw her arm around my waist. Neona is a year older than Megan.
“I don’t know what to do,” I said to her. She let me go and looked at the lifeless body. She took one look at her Megan and jabbed a finger at her.
“You’re a soul reader,” she accused.
“How do you know that?”Megan said carelessly.
“Because so am I and your vibe is extremely high. You are more powerful than I will ever be yet you haven’t connected to it yet,” she said.
“Whatever,” Megan said in the same careless tone.
“Megan, listen to Neona,” I demanded. She sighed and faced her.
“Have you ever called on a soul?” Neona asked.
“I didn’t know that was possible,” she answered.
“It is and I will show you,” Neona told her.
“What’s the point? I felt her soul disappear,” Megan said.
“A soul can’t disappear. It can only be destroyed. On some rare occasion if a soul feels threatened, it can leave its host,” Neona spoke.
“So you’re saying she is alive,” Megan said. I saw light in her eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat. But I saw Neona flinch.
“She doesn’t have a host,” Neona said.
“We can still try to found her soul, right?” Megan said.
“It’s not a good idea to summon a soul without a host,” she said. Megan looked down at the floor and then her eyes lit up even more.
“I can be her host. At least until Damon can give her a stable heart beat,” she said. I looked at Megan. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked exhausted.
“I don’t know Megan,” I told her. She began to tear up and I walked up to her.
“I can’t live without her. She was all I had. By the looks of it, you can either!” she yelled. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body and felt her relax in my arms.
“Be careful,” I whispered in her ear. She gave me a grateful look and nodded at Neona. I watched them rush up the grand staircase.
“Can I be of any assistance Master?” Allistor asked from behind me.
“I need a cold wet cloth,” I told him.
“Right away,” he said.
“I will be in my room,” I shouted behind him.
“Yes Master,” he replied. I lifted Drucilla of the coach and walked up the stairs to my room. My room was right across from the staircase so I didn’t have to walk far. I walked through my opened room door and laid Drucilla in the center of my king sized bed. Allistor came in the room with a small bowl with a cloth in it. “I will leave you alone Master.”
“Thanks Allistor,” I said. He nodded and walked out the room, closing the door behind him. I ripped at her shirt and grabbed the cloth. I placed the cloth on her left breast and I put my hand over the cloth. I flicked lightning evenly out of my hand like a heartbeat would beat. I started to feel her body get warm as if her blood was now circulating through her. Her lips were turning red and I could hear a low breath escaping them. I kept shooting the little shocks in her chest and listened as her breathing became heavier.
“Neona!” I shouted. I heard a knock at the door and then it flung opened. Neona was standing on the other side of the bed watching her breathing.
“You did it. Just in time too,” she said. “Come in now.” Megan walked in and stood next to Neona. I watched carefully at what I was doing.
“You just couldn’t wait to get the chance to feel on my chest,” Megan said.
“What are you talking about,” I said looking at Megan but Megan’s eyes weren’t blue. “Drucilla?”
“Focus Damon,” Neona reminded me. “Drucilla, all you have to do is place your hand on your stomach and the transfer will begin. Damon, don’t stop until she is fully in her body. I nodded at her and focused on what I was doing. She placed her hand on her breathing body and took a deep breath. Both her body’s mouth and Megan’s body mouth opened. There was a blue streak of light coming for out of Megan’s mouth and into Drucilla’s. I watched as I worked. I starred as it continued to flow from one sister to the other. Drucilla began breathing heavier as her soul entered her body completely. The last of the strand entered Drucilla’s body and I moved my hand. Drucilla opened her eyes and I heard a loud thud hit the floor.
“Megan!!” I called. I jumped over the bed to where she laid on the other side.
“She’s fine. She is just weak. She needs to rest,” Neona said, pulling Megan to her feet.
“How did I do?” Megan asked weakly.
“You did good kiddo. You did well,” I said smiling at her.
“Megan!!” Drucilla called. She tried to sit up but fell weakly back down against the pillows.
“She can’t move yet. Her body isn’t completely functional yet,” Neona told me.
“I have her,” I told her. “Take Megan to a spare room of her liking.”
“Welcome back,” she told me.
“Thanks,” I said. I watched as she carried Megan out the room. I turn to look at Drucilla who was still trying to sit up.
“I can’t move,” she whined.
“No you can’t,” I said sitting beside her.
“Why can’t I move?” she asked.
“Your body isn’t fully awake yet,” I answered.
“I’m freezing,” she said trying to move her hands over her opened chest. I reached into the nightstand for a spare shirt. I helped her put it on and laid her back on the pillows.
“You saved me,” she said.
“No, I killed you” I told her. I ran a hand through my black hair.
“That wasn’t me you killed. I was gone when you heard me gasp. That wasn’t me,” she said.
“I thought I lost you,” I said.
“I would have come back in some form,” she said to me. She lifted her arm weakly to my face. “I saw them.”
“Saw who?” I asked.
“Your parents,” she answered.
“Mom and Dad?” I asked. I held her hand to my face.
“They said that they have never seen their little boy so happy before but then they never saw him so sad either,” she said tiredly. “They begged me to return to you even though that was already my intention.”
“Sleep now Ace,” I told her. I pulled her hand from my face, kissed her palm and placed it beside her.
“Don’t leave me,” she whispered.
“I won’t,” I told her. She closed her eyes and I watched the even rise and fall of her chest. I sat in the chair across from her and watched her breath. So happy that she can breathe. I watched her breathe until I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Three

I woke up on my bed with something lying on my bare chest. I looked down and I saw a pair of familiar blue eyes staring up at me. She looked so beautiful and she is breathing! She smiled at me and kissed my shoulder.
“How did I get in the bed?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her waist. She shrugged and fixed herself in my arms. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now,” she said. She placed a hand over my heart and smiled. “The worst part of being a wandering soul is not holding the ones we love.”
I sat up with her still in my arms. She sat in my lap and her head in the nape of my neck. I rocked her back and forth just like when I held her the first time.
“The worst thing about losing someone you love is that you never know if they can or will come back,” I said in her hair.
“I saw everything Damon,” she said. “The gift killed him. It choked the life out of him. I thought that was me doing it but I couldn’t have because I saw my body do it.”
“I know,” I said. I kissed her hair and placed her on the bed next to me. I got of the bed and held my hand her. She was only wearing the long t-shirt that I put on her yesterday.
“Where are we going?” she asked, taking my hand. I pulled her gently off the bed and led her in the hall. I walked down the hall and peeked in the room that had the door wide open.
“Are we interrupting something?” I asked. Neona and Megan were sitting in the middle of the floor looking through old books from my parents’ library.
“Drucilla,” Megan said hopping off the floor and running to her sister. She threw her hands around and squeeze tightly.
“Can’t…breathe….” Drucilla said.
“Dear god, let the poor child breathe,” Neona chipped in. Megan rolled her eyes but loosened her grip. Neona gracefully rose to her feet and gave me a small squeeze around my waist. “It’s nice to properly meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” she said sweetly. “Oh, and thanks for bringing me back.”
“It was mostly Megan. I was just guiding her,” Neona said shaking her head.
“Thank you both,” Drucilla said hugging Megan and Neona. I smiled at the scene and felt a light tap on my shoulder. Allistor was standing there.
“May I have a word with you?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I said. I followed him down the long hallway and into my parents’ library.
“There is something I need to show you,” he said. He led me to a specific book shelf against the wall. The library itself had books all over the place. They looked like someone was looking for something.
“What happened in here?” I asked Allistor.
“Alexander was here a week ago looking for something. He seemed to be disappointed that he could not find it,” Allistor said.
“Do you know what he was looking for?” I asked still looking around.
“I have a pretty good idea,” he said pulling a book off the shelf. The shelf rumbled and slid over. There was a stair case leading up behind it.
“What the hell?”I asked confused.
“Follow me,” he said taking the lead. I followed him up the dark stairwell and was surprised at what I saw at the top.


Texte: This is my book and my ideas. Do not steal.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2011

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To Verbayne for the cover and great advice.To my best friend Tashe!

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