
The Six

“Why hasn’t it happened yet?” one of the six hissed. She was the tallest of the six, and the most beautiful. She wore a gown, like the others but she couldn’t be compared.
“I don’t think it’s us this time. Wait. I know it’s not us this time,” said the second of the sixth. “Something has changed our path. Blocked it, somehow.”
“How could that be? Aren’t you suppose to know?” the beautiful one yelled.
“She doesn’t want me to know” was hissed in reply. Silent gasps held the others faces, including the beautiful one.
“How is that even possible? We took care of her centuries ago” said the beautiful one as she recovered quickly, the other four still frozen in shock.
“Whatever made you think she wouldn’t return?” said another of the six. All eyes were suddenly shooting toward her. She met all of them with the same powerful gaze. “We all said that wouldn’t hold her long. Just because she can’t come forth to us doesn’t mean she can’t…”
“Never!!!!” the beautiful one yelled. She looked extremely pale as she spoke her next words and realized the truth. “She has made a new child. A child that can bring us power and death”
“It is true. She let lives another child. A child of great power and destruction” said the second of the six. “What was The Six are now seven. There are seven daughters now” And then my alarm went off. I sat up slowly, my alarm still beeping away. The little black alarm clock read six thirty. I pushed the snooze button and threw my covers over my head. I was prepared to go back to sleep when the covers disappeared.
“Don’t even think about it, Lucinda” I heard his voice, before I saw his face. I was so glad that I wasn’t one of those skanks that slept naked because that would be the worst scene ever for my foster brother.
“Did I invite you in here?” I asked, highly annoyed that I was allowing myself to get more annoyed and less sleepy. He still had his PJ’s on and his light brown hair was all over the place.
“I’m not a vampire. I don’t need an invitation” he said, grinning stupidly. He looked at my not-so clean and not-so girly room. “Do you want a lawn mower for you room?”
“No but thanks. It would be nice for you to see yourself out though” I said, no longer as sleepy as I needed to be to easily fall back to sleep.
“So you can fall back to sleep and I get yelled at for not waking you. I don’t think so” he said, folding his arms across his chest.
“No, so I can get ready for school, Jesse” I said. I paused, putting on my best thinking face. “I sometimes find it hard to believe you’re older than me.”
“Whatever. Just hurry up” he said, walking out my room pulling the door closed behind him. I climbed off my queen sized bed and began my normal morning routines which included me taking forever in the bathroom just to annoy Jesse, burning toast to a crisp and waiting impatiently for my ride to show up.
Two honks of a car horn had me jumping off the kitchen stool and throwing away my burned breakfast. I snatched my bag off the floor and was surprised to meet Jesse standing at the door.
“Come on” he said, motioning for me to hurry out the door. He actually being ready for school meant he was riding with me and my best gay friend to school. This should be interesting.
“Decided to come to school on time, Jess?” I asked, sarcastically.
“What could it hurt?” he asked
“Do you even know who you have first period?” I asked.
“Nope” he said closing and locking the front door.
“My point exactly” I said, rushing toward the still honking black sedan. I slid in the passenger seat.
“Could you two have taken any longer?” Cameron asked, as Jesse hopped in the back. Cam failed to notice Jesse doesn’t usually ride with us but then again he looked like something else was on his mind.
“His fault” I said, pointing my index finger behind me. I thought he would deny but instead he said, “She’s right. It takes time to look this good.”
“Well, there is a possible chance we might be late” Cameron said, carefully pulling out of the drive way.
“Not if you stop driving like a grandmother” I said, looking in the glove compartment for a non-healthy treat. I sighed when the only thing I came across was a banana and a pack of trail mix. I closed the compartment and put my feet up on the dashboard.
“Why are you so mean to me?” he asked, sadly. I forgot Cameron just had a bad break up with this guy he really liked. I also forgot how emotionally fragile he can be during these times. Screw Derrick Henson for making my best friend an emotional wreck!
“Oh, honey! I’m so sorry” I said. We both knew I wasn’t mentioning my behavior and I saw the tears that filled his eyes. Cameron didn’t even need to look at me to know that his already pale skin was red from sadness and anger. I wasn’t worried about him driving and crying because this isn’t the first time this has happened. Jesse, on the other hand, freaked out.
“Is he going to be alright? Maybe I should drive” he said in a panicked rush.
“He’s fine” I snapped at Jesse. I watched Cameron try to pull his self together silently.
“I’m fine” Cameron said but his voice cracked when he said ‘fine.’ The rest of the drive to school was quiet. We pulled into our normal parking lot space. Jesse was the first one out the car. He spoke through my open window.
“Don’t bother waiting for me. I have baseball practice later” he said, giving Cameron a nervous smile before he turned back to me.
“Hand it over” I said, holding out my hand. He pulled out his wallet and counted five twenty dollar bills and slapped it in my hand. I grabbed his hand before he pulled away.
“You have Trig” I said. “Do you know where that is?”
“Nope” he said.
“Do you think you can figure it out?” I asked.
“Nope” he said, grinning stupidly.
“Ugh, move out of the way before I hit you with this door” I said, pushing my way out the car. I shoved the bills deep in my jeans pocket. I didn’t notice Cameron get out of the car because I was too busy cursing Jesse to every dark place I knew of.
“I’ll see you in class then” Cameron said, walking to the theater side of the building. His body slouched a little and it made me sad that I couldn’t cheer my cheery perky friend up. I stormed in the other direction toward the math section. I knew that Mr. Lopez, the drama teacher, will eat me a live for being late for his class yet again for the twelfth time this month.
“Ms. Wills would love to see you again. It’s only been three months.” I said, grinning to myself happily as I imagined the scenario. He grabbed my shoulder, spinning me to face him.
“I’m not going to Trig” he said seriously.
“Then why did you come so early. You usually show up around third period” I said. I started digging in my bag for my Blackberry. It wouldn’t hurt to see if Lopez might want to kill me or not.
“I needed to talk to you” he said. I peeked up from my search because he still sounded serious. I kept searching in my bag.
“Can we talk and walk. I really can’t afford to be late for drama” I told him, turning heading in the direction Cameron disappeared in.
“Sure” he said. I finally found my Blackberry which was buried in my U.S History text book. I guess that was a sign that I should have did the reading last night. I sent Cameron a quick text: ARE U THERE YET?
“So what do want to talk about?” I asked, picking up my pace.
“You” he said.
“Me? What did I do?” I asked, shocked.
“You were screaming last night. Did you know that?” he asked. He looked like he was telling the truth but he sounded off topic. My phone vibrated at an incoming text message from Cameron: YEA. LOPEZ IS PISSED!! GET OVER HERE NOW!!
“No I didn’t know that. Get to the point” I said. I stifled a groan at the message I received. Cameron was so right when he said we were going to be late but half way walking in the opposite direction made me later than him.
“I’m worried about you. You never screamed in your sleep before. Ever. Not one nightmare. And the fact that you didn’t wake up after all that screaming is weird” he said in a low voice. I slowed down but didn’t stop. That was weird because my throat wasn’t hurting at all. Screaming does tend to leave a sore throat.
“How long have I been screaming?” I asked.
“All night really” he said.
“Are you serious?” I asked. I then really looked at Jesse. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes were a little red. Probably from lack of sleep. He wore a black shirt that showed how muscular he really is. He barely looked like his normal annoying self. I don’t know why but I turned away quickly, fighting the urge to tell him how crappy he looked. I remembered that I didn’t reply to Cameron and I sent a quick little message: IM ON MY WAY. COVER FOR ME. I pressed send and shoved my cell in my bag.
“Yes” he said.
“That’s really weird because I didn’t have a nightmare last night” I said, remembering the strange dream because it was my first in years. “I dreamt of six girls that looked like they were a little over their twenties. I wouldn’t say that was a nightmare. I would say that’s kind of weird.”
“Were they hot?” he asked me in a full guy-stupidity mode tone. I screwed my face and gagged in disgust.
“Is that really the point? No, it’s not. And anyway, it was just a dream” I said.
“But you do admit that it was strange and not normal?” he asked. We finally reached the auditorium side stage door.
“You could say that” I said, shrugging off the fear the dream actually brought me. It only coated me with fear because of the thing they said. It felt like they were talking about me but I didn’t tell Jesse that.
“We’ll talk about it later” he said opening the door. “Ladies first."
“You have Trig” I told him again.
“What’s your point?” he asked, grinning down at me. I sighed and walked past him through the door. I threw my bag on the floor with the others and listened to Jesse’s footsteps go down the stage stairs. Counting each step he took, I approached the theater class circle. I took my place next to Cameron and a boy named Damon from my math class. Cameron winked at me and I sighed in relief when I realized that the drama teacher wasn’t glaring wholes into me.
“I decided which peace was the best and selected it for our next show. Congrats to Ms.Lucinda Price for writing such an amazing peace” the drama teacher in which we call Mr. Lopez said. I choked in surprise while the rest of the class clapped and cheered. I heard Jesse shouting from the audience.
“Are you serious?” I said, still trying to swallow right.
“Of course. I can’t judge you just based on your minor actions. But those minor actions will affect you in the future” he said, I then started realizing he was still mentioning my lateness although he didn’t make a big deal. I’m so glad Cameron pulled me out of another situation. “How about you show us some of the play we will be putting on?”
“Uh, sure. I need a female volunteer though” I said. I quickly saw Sara’s hand raised. She is quiet and really shy but the girl can put on a show. “Come on, Sara.”
I told Sara what part we would be playing as the class scattered and sat in the audience. We would be doing my favorite scene. It’s the mother daughter scene and the girl is telling her mother how much she loves a boy.
“We’re ready” I told Mr. Lopez.
“Begin when you’re ready” he said. When he said that, I slipped into character.
“You don’t know what you’re talking’ bout, child. You aren’t in love. You don’t know what love is” Sara said motherly.
“You’re wrong!” I yelled. I saw Sara flinch which was a nice addition to our scene. I made a mental note to tell her that later. “You go around and pretend to be the perfect little house wife. For what? And you expect me to play along? He is not my father and I’m starting to believe you’re not my mother.”
“Scene” Sara said, smiling in satisfaction. The class cheered and clapped again at my accomplishment until the bell ranged. I smiled at Sara and she glowed with happiness. I went to get my bag before Mr. Lopez was able to start a conversation with me on responsibility. I met Cameron and Jesse at the door.
“You were amazing!” Cameron gushed on.
“Thanks, Cam” I said, smiling up at him. “Thank you for pulling me out of the fire. Again.”
“See you at lunch” he said, giving me a ‘you’re welcome’ smile and walking in the west side of the building toward the library.
“You really are a drama queen” Jesse said. I rolled my eyes and walked toward my next class which happened to be Spanish.
“Do you have your iPod on you?” I asked. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the blue iPod.
“That was a compliment, you know?” he said, placing it gently in my hand.
“Thanks for the compliment. Thanks for the iPod” I said, waving it in the air sarcastically.
“Can we talk now?” he asked. I tried to weigh my options. Go to Spanish class taught by a non-Hispanic teacher or discuss a weird dream with my trust worthy brother. The dream option sounds better.
“Fine. Let’s go to Starbucks” I said. We walked off campus not worrying about being seen because we have the worst security system in the world. I plugged in the tangled headphones and put one bud in my ear. I flipped through the playlist and selected one of the Flyleaf songs. Starbucks wasn’t a far walk and it wasn’t as crowded as I thought it would be.
“Go get us a table” Jesse told me. I got a table by the window. He came back in two minutes with two giant foam cups. He placed one in front of me and sat in the chair across from me. I pulled the headphones from my ear and sipped at my coffee.
“So what happened in the dream?” he asked.
“It was confusing. There were six girls, like I said. They were talking about another sister they might have. They called that sister the seventh or something. They said something about power and destroying. It’s all jumbled up. It was just a dream though” I said, looking down, sipping more coffee. I suddenly felt young under his gaze. Talking about a dream I had felt stupid. Just as stupid as me saying there is a monster in my closet and I’m seventeen!
“No. I don’t think so. Mom lied to you” he said. He was starring down at his giant foam cup that he hasn’t yet sipped from.
“Jesse what are you talking about? Why are you making this a big deal? It was just a dream” I said, feeling my own age.
“You don’t understand” he said but it looked like he just solved a difficult math problem. “You weren’t two when we got you. You were seven. It was raining that day. A lady brought you to our house. You were asleep in her arms. She wore a cloak over her head and it covered her eyes. She asked mom could you stay for a while. It was really hard for mom to refuse. The lady started to walk past me but she stopped.”
“Did she say anything to you?” I asked, my tone sounding bored and unbelieving even though I tried to make it as normal as I possibly could. I saw hurt flash in his still-sleepy eyes.
“You don’t believe me, do you?” he asked. I bit my lip and tried to think of way to say ‘Jesse, you’re crazy! It was just a dream! What you just said is a load of crap!’ in the nicest way I could.
“All I’m saying is that it was just a dream. You really don’t have to make a big deal out of it” I said, putting up my hands in surrender. He just sighed.
“I don’t know how I can prove this to you” he said and then he straightened in his seat. “The pictures.”
“Ugh, what pictures?” I asked a little more than annoyed and frustrated.
“All of the pictures we have taken together since Mom ‘adopted’ you” he said, making air quotes around the word adopted. It almost felt like he didn’t want to be called my brother or I his sister. A jolt of pain stabbed through me at the thought.
“What are you trying to do Jesse?” I asked, hiding the pain and making my voice cold and hateful.
“What are you talking about Lucinda?” he asked me.
“Why are you doing this?” I asked, rephrasing my first question.
“I’m not doing anything. I’m trying to help you” he said, confused.
“If you didn’t want me as a sister, you could have said so. I would have been left” I said, getting to my feet and fixing by bag right on my shoulder.
“Lucinda, you’re getting this all wrong,” his voice sounding sad and pleading at the same time.
“You know, it took me a long time to finally feel accepted in your all-who-enter-is-welcomed- home but it seems that I made myself to comfortable,” I said, tears dwelling in my eyes. Jesse and Maria (my foster mom) are all I had left and I knew what was about to happen next. I would leave them because like I always knew, they didn’t want me and now I felt someone finally told me the truth.
“You’re dead wrong on this one, Lucinda” he was on his feet too. He didn’t yell but a few people turned to see what the tension was between us could be about. If I didn’t mention this before, I will now. Jesse is tall. I mean the boy is really tall. I am five foot-four and the boy looks like he nearly towers over me. Even though a table separated some space between us, it didn’t make me feel any taller.
“Tell your mother to not wait up. I’ll be at Cameron’s house if anyone cares.” I walked passed him and through the doors. I thought about heading back to school and thought better of it. The last thing I really needed was to see Cameron see how messed up I really was just yet. I knew that I would face him sooner or later. I decided then it would be later.
I took my Blackberry from my bag and was surprised to see two text messages. One from Maria saying: why aren’t you in class? Your Spanish teacher called and I’m highly concerned. I quickly erased the message and went to the second one. It was from Katelyn, my other best friend beside Cameron. It said: Something is wrong. Where are you? I laughed without humor because only Katelyn would know when something is wrong with me.
I smiled and replied: A few blocks from the school. By Starbucks. Well, in front of it actually. I waited a few moments before my phone vibrated with another message from Katelyn: I’m on my way. It was pretty cool for early October but that didn’t stop the wind from blowing my hair crazily around my face. Within the next few minutes, Katelyn’s little green bug pulled up in front of me.
I walked to the car and started to jump in, when Jesse finally came out of Starbucks. I knew he was still in there but I didn’t think he was actually watching my next move, if I decided to make one. He just stood there. I jumped in the car and we sped away.
“Jesse texted me, Lucinda. What’s up with you?” she asked. Katelyn has always been my best friend. One thing I loved about her was her honesty and her ability to get right to the point. Today was not the day for that ability.
“Why do you guys always assume it’s me?! It’s him! NO! IT’S THEM!” I corrected.
“Whatever. Something tells me that something is bothering you,” Katelyn told me. I heard her but I didn’t reply. Some of the things that Jesse said started to make sense. He said I was seven when I was brought to him. And I was asleep. It was when I was seven that I had my last dream. And when I remembered that Jesse mentioned pictures, all those pictures go back up until I was seven. Whoa, a serious headache was creeping up on me.
“Lucinda” Katelyn’s voice broke through my mental yammering.
“Can you take me to the house?” I asked her. “I need to get a few things first.”
“Sure but then were going back to school,” she said.
“What did Jesse say when he texted you?” I asked, not wanting to tell her that there was no possible way I was going back to school.
“He said that you were angry and needed a ride. He didn’t say where you were so I texted you and asked you myself,” she said smiling, proud of her decision making skills.
“Very nice” I said not really focusing on her anymore. I still had my phone in my hand so it easily accessible when it vibrated over and over. I looked at the screen and saw Maria’s number flashing. I hesitated, pressed the phone to my ear and spoke with no emotion.
“Hello?” I answered.
“I need you to come to the house. Now,” she said, not trying to hide the anger in my voice
“Good. I was just coming in to get my stuff,” I said mirroring her angry tone perfectly.
“You’re not going anywhere, Lucinda!” she screamed from the other end of the phone line. “You won’t be for a long time!”
“Why do you even bother?” I asked, not bothering to waste my time yelling. I was guaranteed to start yelling as soon as I walked through the door.
“I have no time for games. What are you talking about?” she asked, anger still painting her voice.
“You lied to me. You said I was two when I was adopted but I wasn’t. I was seven” I said, coldly. I waited for a respond from the other end but only heard Katelyn gasp a few times. One hand was covering her mouth and the other clutching the steering wheel so tight, her knuckles were turning white.
“We’ll discuss this when you get here,” Maria finally said.
“No, there is nothing to discuss. I’m getting my stuff and I am so out of there and nothing you can say will change that,” I said, holding the phone away from my face when it vibrated twice with a new message.
“You have to understand that-,” and then I hung up.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” she asked, finally finding her words again. “I had no idea!”
“I didn’t either,” was all I said before we pulled up in front of the house. “Wait here. I shouldn’t be gone long.” Katelyn nodded and turned the key in the ignition, shutting of the car. I hopped out and shoved the Blackberry into the pocket of my jeans. I opened the door, not surprised that it wasn’t locked. Maria came running toward me. It was hard to miss the giant slash that was across her left cheek that almost touched he jaw line. It wasn’t deep nor was it pretty.
“What happened to you?” I asked in a panicked rush.
“They’re coming. You must go. They only want you,” she said, out of breath and sounding more than a little scared. Just then Jesse burst through the doors. He took one look at Maria and then at me. The next thing I know, he was pinning me to the wall by my neck. He was squeezing the life out of me when Maria started pushing him aside. Something flashed in his eyes but I couldn’t tell what it was.
“Get off her! She didn’t do this!” she yelled. He looked confused but he released me. I was on my knee’s gasping for breath, when I felt it. It felt like something was slowly pulling me toward the back door of the house and to the wood behind our backyard. I had no idea how I was quickly on my feet. “Stop her! She must not go to them!”
“I don’t understand,” Jesse murmured confused.
“It’s The Six,” I heard Maria faintly. I was still trying to move forward to woods. Jesse arm were around me then, pulling me back.
“What are The Six?” Jesse yelled the question. I wanted to yell at Jesse and tell him to stop yelling at his mother but the only thing I could think was how inviting the woods is being right now.
“They’re six female women looking for their seventh sister. Can you guess who that might be?” she asked. She sounded kind of sarcastic but I couldn’t tell because the woods were luring me forward every second. Jesse was the only thing stopping me.
“What is she saying?” Jesse asked Maria. They both sounded distant and at the moment, not important.
“She is chanting whatever they are chanting to draw her to her toward them” Maria said. Was I speaking? I didn’t know I was speaking at all until I started paying attention to what I was saying but I couldn’t stop.
Six sisters!
We are us!
Rise again
With love and lust!
Six sisters!
We are here!
Rise again
With pain and fear!
Six sisters!
Rise once more!
Reveal the seventh
In which they store!
The next part of the chant, I felt and knew it was said by me and me alone.
Six sisters!
Fail to fear!
The pure on you seek
Stands right here!
A giant gust of wind blew open the back door and broke all the windows in the back of the house. I was still fighting against Jesse to get to the woods but he never budged. The wind kept blowing hard threw the open windows and door. I heard Maria just barely because her voice was trying to fight the still blowing wind.
“We have to get her out of here. Away from them!” she yelled against the wind. Jesse nodded sharply and pulled me to the front door. Maria was right behind me with a box that had my initial scribbled in the front. Still holding me tightly, Jesse pulled the door open and closed it loudly behind Maria. I was surprised to see Katelyn still in her car, waiting for me like I told her too.
“Katelyn, honey, get in the passenger seat, please?” Maria asked, sweetly. Katelyn took one look at me and her eyes widened in horror. Then she did what Maria asked. Jesse pulled me in the back of the cab, holding me tight in his arms. The car didn’t seem like it was in motion but I knew it was because the engine purred the way it usually does. Then I felt something shaking. Like the car was shaking. Was the car shaking?
“Why is the car shaking?” I asked barely above a whisper.
“The car is not shaking. You are,” Jesse whispered back to me. I then realized he was right. I also realized that they no longer sounded distant from me.
“Keep her awake,” Maria called from the driver seat. “At least until were not so close to here.”
“Katelyn,” Jesse said and Katelyn jumped at her own name. “Do you have a bottle of water or something?”
“Uh, sure, hold on a sec,” as she fingered in the glove department until she found a quarter size container of orange juice. “This is all I have.”
“That’s perfect,” he said, taking it from her, still shaking hands. I notice that she now held the box that Maria was carrying with my initial on it on her lap. He turned to me next. “You have to drink this,” he ordered me. All I could do was shake my head. Then something in my hand vibrated making me yelp out loud. It was my Blackberry that I put in my back pocket. I tried to slither free from Jesse’s arm but he wouldn’t let that happen. So I tried focusing myself to relax and felt the shaking starting to fade until it stopped completely.
“How did you do that?” Jesse asked me in a whisper.
“Self control,” I responded, looking down at his arms and hoped he got the message. He hesitated but released me from his grip.
“Lucinda, please, give me a minute or two to relax,” she said, before I even looked in her direction or even thought about what to say to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. As far as I’m concerned, I have nothing to say to you,” I replied, easily.
“This has to stop. Now,” Jesse said, sadly.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Katelyn whispered. Here’s Katelyn’s deal. We have been friends since, well, I was adopted. Her mom knew my mom (foster mother, cause I don’t really know my mom) and we hung out a lot when we were little. We would always joked about how terrible our mom’s were for not letting us keep our Halloween candy or for making us go to bed on time. So when she overheard what a giant lie my adoption had been, she probably saw Maria through all new eyes. That and Maria just technically car jacked her.
“Then that leaves us on the same page, Kate,” I said, annoying the glare Jesse gave me.
“With my guess,” Maria began. “You tried to explain but some of the words you said made her feel like she wasn’t OUR family?”
“I say that’s about right,” Jesse mumbled.
“Uh, yeah, where are we going cause I believe school is out and Katelyn is probably in deep hot water for skipping the last of her classes” I spoke, starring at the window, as if I didn’t care what was happening.
“Hand me your phone,” Maria said, holding her hand out and waiting. When I didn’t move, Jesse pinched my arm. I reached into my back pocket and handed her my phone. She punched in my phone code (which I never gave her!) and put it to her ear while it dialed Katelyn’s house phone. Then she began to lie her behind off. “Hi, no this is Mrs. Price……Yes, Lucinda’s mother………That’s exactly why I called………No your daughter is fine but she wasn’t feeling well and neither was Lucinda when I came to drop off some paper work……Right, right………Yeah, I figured that since I was there why not just get them……Yea, I didn’t want to get the other kids sick………Oh, it was no trouble at all………I was thinking that she could stay with us for a day or two. I don’t want to get the baby boy of your sick as well……Alright, I will call if anything changes. Bye.”
I was amazed that she lied so much to one of her closest friends in just one conversation. I have never heard her lie before because I thought everything she told me was true. That makes me wonder. I still didn’t know where we were going even though I asked the question and I still haven’t received a reply. She handed me my phone back and wondered how she could have possibly known my code. Most people used names or something but I used numbers for mine.
“I guess it’s time to start explaining,” Maria said. I fought the urge to yell no, duh!! at her as I clenched and unclenched my jaw. “You were brought to me when you were seven but I knew you longer before that. Actually, you weren’t seven. You, uh, just looked seven.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, finally speaking with no anger and hatred.
“Well, you were sleeping. For quite some time,” she spoke carefully, way too carefully.
“How long is quite some time?” Jesse asked the question before me.
“I don’t know. A hundred…,” she said, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.
“A hundred what?!” Jesse and I yelled together.
“Years,” she said. None of us spoke.
“But she’s…,” Jesse didn’t finished and I looked at him waiting for him to finish. I saw that Jesse didn’t believe anything Maria had just said. I, myself, didn’t know what to believe. I know that chant was something I never heard or said before. But then I thought about something else that Maria must have lied to me about.
“Where is Miraculous?” I asked, quickly. Maria said nothing. She just pointed up and I knew that meant to look out the window and up at the sky. There she was floating up over the millions of trees that we seemed to be passing. Miraculous was a dove. A dove I became a friend with since I have known Maria and Jesse. But she wasn’t a normal dove. Maria finally made a right and after a minute or two stopped the car. We were at a familiar place in different woods from the one that stretches from my backyard. At the cabin we sometimes vacationed at.
“You brought us to the cabin?” I asked, confused because just an hour and a half ago I was being pulled into the woods of our backyard.
“Yeah, they won’t find us here,” she said, getting out the car and breathing the fresh air. I rubbed my neck, still feeling sore after my brother non-hesitantly tried to choke the life out of me.
“Sorry” he murmured when he saw what I was doing. I sighed and climbed out after Maria. As I expected, Jesse followed me.
“Ah, were did she go?” I whined, looking up at the sky.
“Who is Miraculous?” Jesse asked. I opened my mouth to answer but Maria’s hand went up to silence me.
“You’ll see,” she said, smiling at me. I couldn’t help but smile back. “Call her.”
“Miraculous! I summon you!” I screamed. I heard the flapping of giant wings and then she dropped a few feet away from where we stood. Miraculous was not only a dove but she is a giant dove. She is nearly as big as a twelve story building. She was a graceful creature I used to think was created in my dreams when I was a child.
“Hello again, old friend,” Miraculous said, speaking directly to me.
“You returned to me. How is that possible?” I asked her.
“I am not a figment of your imagination,” she answered. I turned to Maria and when I spoke I didn’t move my eyes from her.
“That’s not what someone told me,” I said, blankly.
“Her intentions are good and pure, I assure you,” she said. “Come to me, child, let me see how you’ve grown.” I walked forward until Jesse’s voice made me freeze.
“Lucinda!!No!!” Jesse yelled, finally breaking through his shock, I guess.
“She is perfectly safe, boy. Do not fear,” Miraculous said. I turned to look at Jesse who looked strangely colored and shaking more than I was in the car. I held my hand out for him. He just starred at it.
“Come to me,” I said, in a surprisingly strong and controlling voice that I didn’t recognize as my own. I didn’t think he would but he took the few steps that I had taken, closing the space between us and grabbed my outstretched hand. We walked were Miraculous stood still, careful not to startle Jesse any further.
“My, oh, my! You have grown,” she said. I noticed that Jesse was squeezing my hand and Maria didn’t move an inch. She only smiled at us. I couldn’t see her but I knew Katelyn well enough to know she was watching with burning fear in her eyes.
“This, Jesse, is Miraculous” I spoke, still wondering about Katelyn.
“I know him well, child, since he is very close to your heart.”
“Miraculous, do you know everything about me?”
“Of course, as do you,” she responded.
“I know nothing of myself. I need your help,” I pleaded.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” she asked, curious. I thought about it and decided that I had to know in order to protect myself. I didn’t know from what yet. I walked closer, pulling Jesse along, I used my free hand to stroke her wing.
“I have to know. I have to remember,” I told her. She looked at me with her wise bird eyes that reminded me of someone I used to know and couldn’t remember.
“Do you wish for her to come with me?” she asked, turning toward Jesse.
“It’s not really my choice. It’s hers,” he answered, respectfully.
“You will find that it is your choice as well, Angel,” she said, in a questioning but truthful tone.
“Do you call me by my name or of what I am?” he asked, and I listened confused.
“Don’t you mean who you are?” she asked, sadly.
“No, the way I spoke it seems correct, my lady,” he said. I couldn’t believe that he was speaking so respectfully to her when he looked scared out of his wits just a moment ago.
“I don’t believe so but it’s not up to me to judge. Does my lady now?” she asked him
“No, she knows and remembers nothing,” he answered her. I’m going to be honest. I am completely confused here. Why is Jesse speaking so easily like he was born in a different century when he can’t even remember to put the seat down in the bathroom? He sounds so much smarter than his usual idiotic self? What am I missing?
“You seem confused? What is it you question, my lady?” Miraculous asked, now speaking to me.
“Right about now? Everything,” I answered.
“Would you show her what we are talking of?” she asked, turning her attention back to Jesse who still gripping my hand, shifted his weight from one foot to the next nervously.
“May I?” he asked, and I saw something spark in his eye. Was it happiness or a trick of the sunlight that shined brightly above us?
“You may,” she answered bowing a little at him. He nodded and with minor reluctance released my hand. He turned facing his mother and began walking. I watched his every move carefully. He stopped half way between where Maria and I stood, just staring at him. He dropped on his right knee and bowed his head. Something under his shirt seemed to move on his back and then his shirt was gone and there were only sparkling white wings. I heard myself gasp and then Jesse was on his feet, staring at me. I didn’t meet his eyes. I was hypnotized by the way the sunlight hit the wings just perfectly enough to make them sparkle. I wanted so badly to touch them.
“You have much to learn, child,” Miraculous voice broke through my haze and brought me back.
“Yes, I do,” I said, simply. I finally met Jesse’s eyes and was upset to find that they were sad. “What is wrong?”
“You see me differently now,” he answered.
“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.
“You tell me,” was his reply.
“Nope, I’m pretty sure it’s a good thing,” I said, smiling. Knowing me, I probably look like a fool. But I was glad to see his eyes glow happily again and knew that the last time they glowed, it was a trick of the sunlight.
“Want to go for a, well, fly?” he asked, now holding out his hand. I thought about Katelyn who probably fainted by now and Maria, who just stood there. I also thought about what Miraculous said about having a lot to learn. That just means I could use a little bit of freedom right now.
“Sure,” I said, running to take his hand. But then I stopped and turned back to Miraculous. “Does it still work?”
“Try and find out, child,” she said, in response. I was thinking about what message I would send to her mind when the first thing that I should have told her came to me. I have missed you, Miraculous. It didn’t really take long for her to respond. As I have missed you, bright child. I gave her one quick smile and joined Jesse where he stood.
“Is this safe?” I asked and that made him chuckle.
“Aren’t you always safe with me?” he answered my question with a rhetorical one.
“I really hope so,” I said, grabbing his still outstretched hand. He pulled me into a hug.
“I’m so glad you don’t think I’m a freak,” he said, swinging me from side to side.
“As you can see, I’m not so normal myself.”
“Not in the least bit. Ready?” he asked, still holding me in his arms. I nodded enthusiastically and then we were spiraling toward the sky. The flapping of wings filled my eardrums. The opened blue sky wrapped around us. The wise voice of Miraculous spoke in my mind. He see’s you as more than a foster sister, though that life is left behind. He feels for you more than anyone could ever feel for another. Try to see him, too.
The words surprised me as well as opened my eyes about Jesse. How he never got angry with me. I wondered what I really saw when he was choking the life out of me. I knew exactly what Miraculous was talking about but I had no idea how to approach it. I can see but how do I confront it? Again, it didn’t take her long for her to respond.
Let the sky guide your heart. It has always guided mine and I looked up at Jesse to see he was looking down at me while I smiled at the inspiring words of Miraculous.
“What?” he asked, smiling to?
“Oh, nothing,” I said, innocently. We lowered down to the lake that always seemed like such a long ride from the cabin but we seemed to get there in minutes. He gently set me on my feet but he didn’t let go. I finally took the chance to touch one of his wings. I softly pressed my finger tips to the feathery glistening texture. It was soft and warm and I wished then that I had always known about this part of him.
“Is that why you lock the door in your room every night before you go to bed?” I asked him, with curiosity.
“Yeah, to be honest, I didn’t like having to keep this a secret” he said, spreading his wings so I knew what he was talking about.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because that was the only thing I couldn’t tell you. Well one of those things rather,” he said, turning his head and hiding his face. I was surprised at what I did next but I did. I grabbed his face in my hand, making him look me in the eye. I kept my hand on his cheek and saw his eyes brighten in excitement.
“Can’t you tell me what the others are?” I asked in a small voice.
“There is only one,” he murmured, his face getting closer and closer to mine. And then he pushed me. I went flying across from him. The blow knocked the breath out of me. I rolled (unintentionally) until my body smacked really hard against a tree.
Hang on, child! I’m coming to you! Miraculous thought exploded in my head. My head hurt so badly and I could barely open my eyes. I tried to make out what I could see. There were three figures that surrounded Jesse. He looked like he was trying to fight them off.
“Jesse,” I moaned. I couldn’t tell what he was fighting but I could tell that he was hurt. I knew that I couldn’t just lay here in pain (like a really smart person would do) and watch him get hurt. I stood up, even though it caused me pain in several different places. I walked (actually limped) closer to where Jesse still fought for his life.
“Lucinda!! Stay back!!” Jesse yelled. I just kept walking when the creatures turned on me. They looked hideous. If they weren’t jet black and nearly transparent then I would have thought of them as werewolves (no offense to werewolves, if they exist).
“Creatures! Release him!” I yelled, annoying the pain it caused me. They quickly (and surprisingly) let go of their hold on Jesse’s arms. “Creatures! Depart! And never return!” They scattered quickly away screeching like bats. The pain caught up to me and then my knees buckled and gave away. My eyes shut on their own free will. I was surprised that I didn’t hit the floor.
“Lucinda! I’m sorry! I saw them coming and couldn’t get you away fast enough!” he cried, his tears falling on my face. He must have caught me before I hit the ground.
“Don’t cry,” I said, weakly. “Angels don’t cry. My Angel doesn’t cry. Right?”
“You need to stay as far away from me as you possibly can! Do you hear me?” he said. His voice sounded cold and emotionless.
“You’re not getting away that easily, wing boy,” I said, hearing the smile in my voice.
“Lucinda. I’m serious,” he said, still sounding cold. I opened my eyes to see that his face matched to his voice and I closed them again.
“Then I have no reason to wait for help. I’ll just permanently sleep in your arms.”
“Lucinda!! Wake up!! Don’t you dear leave!!” he yelled. That's when I heard how Jesse is really feeling about me and how much he cares for me. I smiled.
“I wouldn’t leave you for the world,” I said, gently in a soft whisper. I felt his face in my hair.
“I don’t want to pretend to be your brother anymore. I love you in a completely different way. I just don’t know if you can accept that much for me” he mumbled against my hair.
“Just don’t leave me,” I said, above a whisper. Jesse screamed my name over and over again but the world just seemed to fade away.

Truth, Lies, and Dreams Despised

I woke up in my familiar room at the cabin, wrapped in what felt like thousands of blankets. Talk about overly compassionate. I tried un-layering myself but that took too much energy that I just didn’t have. I heard a ruffling sound in the far left corner of the humungous room. I tried to see from where I laid in the bed.
“Who’s there?” I asked; sounding braver then I felt. I had one heck of a day that I would probably never forget. I heard footsteps and he came into view. The light from the night stand bed lamp wasn’t bright but I saw him perfectly. I saw him in a whole new light.
“You look so hurt,” he whispered.
“I am fine,” I said, defensively.
“No, you’re not. This is all my fault,” he whined.
“That I’m a live? Yes, that is your fault. Should you bang yourself up about it? No, no you shouldn’t,” I said, sarcastically and grinning widely. It took me getting banged and bruised with advise from my magical bird friend (which that is still kind of weird to say) to realize that I never really actually thought of Jesse as my brother. Which is probably why were so closed and it was kind of (maybe kind of) easier to tell each other how we felt.
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” he whispered.
“Have you ever felt like we were lying to each other?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah, I feel that a lot,” he said, looking away.
“I mean, without us knowing it?” I added.
“What do you mean?” he asked, stepping closer to the bed.
“The whole foster brother and sister thing didn’t seem real at all. I’m just now realizing that. We were practically just friends living in the same house.”
“I see where you’re going with this. Yes, I have felt that. For a very long time,” he said, taking my hand in his. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what I really felt about the boy I have called an idiot for years.
“I hope you haven’t awakened her?” a familiar voice spoke from the opened door of the room and I wondered how that could possibly be. Could Miraculous really fit in the cabin? I really doubt it.
“No, my lady, I haven’t. She awakened on her own,” he told her, still staring at me. I tried to sit up to see her and gasped in pain. A beautiful lady was quickly at my side, just across from where Jesse stood. Her hair was long and silky. It went well past her slim waist. Her eyes were an ocean blue that seemed to glow in the not so bright room.
“Are you alright child?” she asked, sounding like Miraculous but looking nothing like her. Miraculous is a breath taking bird and this woman was a breath taking goddess.
“You look…” I started but let the sentence hang in the air.
“Human,” she finished for me.
“Amazing,” I corrected her, grinning. She smiled down at me, grasping my free hand.
“Is she alright?” Maria came running in the room, gracefully.
“Just fine,” I said, smiling at her. “How is Katelyn?”
“She practically doesn’t remember a thing,” Jesse said. I didn’t like the way that sounded.
“Uh, Miraculous?” I asked; the worry showing in my voice.
“She is fine. Worry not of her health but of yours,” she said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. “Come on, Agora, there is work to be done.” They left the room and closed the door behind them.
“She really scares me,” Jesse said when they were gone.
“She just likes you,” I said, pulling him down, closer to me.
“I hope you two don’t have the same taste in guys” he said, smiling at my intensity to close the space between us.
“No, we both just know what’s good for me,” I said, smiling. He almost pulled away gently but I wouldn’t allow it. “Now where were we before we were rudely interrupted?”
“Right about here,” he said and his lips met mine. In that moment nothing mattered. I slid one arm around his neck and the other on his bare chest (because he failed to put another shirt on). His wings that was tucked so neatly against his bare back, sputtered open and fell around me. The kiss was gentle but longing. It was normal but magical. It was practically indescribably amazing. He pulled away too soon.
“Hey, come back here,” I whined. I reached for him but he just grabbed my arms.
“So that’s what it’s like,” he said, smiling.
“It’s like to what?” I asked.
“To kiss you,” he answered. “I thought that I never would. That was amazing.”
“Then why did you pull away?” I asked, pouting. The look made him laugh a little and grab the chair that was close to where he stood.
“You’re still hurt,” he reminded me. I knew by the well known look that said I won so don’t even try that I wasn’t going to get what I want.
“What did Miraculous call Maria?” I asked picking the first question that was on my mental list of questions.
“Oh, she called her Agora,” he said simply.
“And that’s her name?” I asked.
“Yep,” he said, staring at me, watching my every move and facial expression. It was a little annoying but he did think he did this to me so it adds up.
“And your name is?” I asked, feeling strange, like I was speaking to a stranger.
“Angel or Kauis or Jesse,” he said, grinning. He sat down beside my bed. I was about to ask him another question but then a thought from Miraculous stopped me cold. Listen sharply as we speak. I instantly knew she was talking about her and Maria. I tried to refocus myself like I had in the car to calm myself but this time for a different purpose. I tried to extend my hearing enough to hear what was happening down the hall, in the kitchen.
“I’m worried Ancient One,” I heard Maria’s voice say. “We don’t know what we are up against.”
“What is there to fear? We have Angelice. Do you not trust her as well as you displayed?” Miraculous voice was sharp but nearly normal.
“Of course I trust her!” Maria gasped in shock.
“Then why do you fear?” Miraculous asked. I heard footsteps and liquid being poured in a glass.
“Kimora has not yet regained her strength. What will happen if things go wrong?” Maria sounded really tired and drained. It made me think about the scar on her face (and the Lion King 2).
“Nothing can go wrong if nothing has been planned,” said Miraculous, in her wise normal tone.
“And I fear nothing will be planned can also cause something to go very wrong,” Maria said, trying to be as wise but failing in her attempt.
“Angelice has just awakened to this world and she needs time. I failed to help her the last time. That is a mistake I will not let happen again!” Miraculous hissed. And then, I shook my head and my normal hearing returned.
“What just happened to you?” Jesse asked; his forehead crinkled in worry. The boy worried too much.
“Nothing that I really can explain,” I told him. “Could you excuse me a minute?”
“I was told to keep an eye on you,” he said, as an excuse, I could tell.
“I will only be a minute,” I said pleading. He hesitated and stood up. He walked out the door and I quickly struggled out the blankets. I was starting to think about how stupid things in my life sounded. For example, the boy I was told and believed was my brother is my un-official boyfriend who happened to come with a package (I am talking about his wings!) that was abnormal. My imagined friend from my child hood dreams is actually real and speaking to me verbally (and mentally!), not to mention, she’s a giant dove.
I finally broke free from the blanket barrier and I carefully (and painfully) got out the bed. I pressed my lips together so I wouldn’t scream as I tried to stand up straight. I walked, well, limped to the giant wood dressers that held some emergency clothes I left here at the cabin. I changed out of the clothes from yesterday and put on the new ones I found in the draws.
“God, Lucinda, you look awful,” I told myself as I paused by the full body mirror on my way back to the bed. The clothes looked fine but I was barely standing straight and a few scratches were bright red against my naturally pale skin. I pulled my eyes from the mirror and walked back to the bed.
I played what happened to me yesterday over in my mind. Those hideous creature thingy things that Jesse fought off seemed familiar somehow. Like I have seen them before but through someone else eyes. Is that even possible? How did I make them scatter away so easily with only my voice? Was it the same way I controlled myself in the car? What else can I do? I mean I know I’m not a normal seventeen year old.
“You have so much to learn but you haven’t even healed yourself,” Miraculous voice came from the now opened door way.
“I can do that?” I asked.
“You did it before,” she told me.
“That’s what happened?” I asked.
“You really do have a lot to learn,” she said, shaking her head. “Lesson one. Your mind is your power. If you command something, that person you tell – whether it’s yourself or another- they have to obey.”
“That’s really cruel,” I said, thinking about it.
“Not if you use it positively well,” she said, stepping in the room and closing the door.
“Why did you want me to listen to the conversation you and Maria was having?” I asked her, while she plopped beside me gracefully on the bed.
“Because of what I just told you,” she began. “Like you said, your power can be cruel. It also can be dangerous. You were just discovered as another daughter of Kimora. That means you hold a lot of power. By now, many people have heard of you. So they misjudge you, like Maria has. I don’t know how far her faith in you has grown but she definitely has her doubts.”
“Have I really been sleeping for hundreds of years?” I asked.
“Only four, I believe. The only reason was because Kimora didn’t want anyone to know you existed. Especially your vile sisters,” she said, in disgust. She shook whatever thought wrapped around her mind and continued. “They were the ones calling you. They were also the one that sent that beast to get you.”
“This is too much,” I said, letting my head fall in my hands. Then I remembered something Jesse had said about a woman carrying me to their house. I suddenly knew who it was. “It was you.”
“Me that what, child?” she said confused.
“That brought me to Maria’s house,” I said, not sounding angry but still founding highly confused and questioning.
“I had no choice. It was Kimora’s orders,” she said, sadly.
“Who is Kimora?” I asked, annoyed that this name kept getting repeated.
“Kimora is a goddess in which my people serve. Kauis or as you call him, Jesse, is the soon to be leader of my people. Maria is simply his trusted servant, whose opinion always matters. She is also an angel. Kimora, your mother, has asked of me to bring you to him and hope that he watches over you.
“He does not know his importance in the world he belongs to but that is about to change. Maria wanted you to be in each other’s lives but not as close as I have allowed recently. So she treated you like siblings. What she did is forbidden. You two are soul mates and she had no right.”
“But you said Maria’s intentions were good,” I reminded her.
“Maybe I have been misguided,” she said, questionably.
“Well, that solves one of my problems,” I said, utterly annoyed that Maria was such a heartless person. I know now how to handle Jesse.”
“I must remind you to heal yourself. Also remember your power could also be dark so be very careful of what you focus on.” At that, she was on her feet. She walked to the door. Before she left she looked at me over her shoulder. “This human thing works better for you than for me.”
“That’s because I make it look easy,” I said, grinning at her while she smiled and left the room. I heard the door closed and sighed. I rubbed my sore ribs and my right leg because that’s where the pain was the most. Focus, I told myself, you just have to focus. With that, my super tense body loosened up as I focused on healing. As the focus traveled to the places that carried the most pain. I cried out in pain as a burning feeling touched those places.
“Lucinda? Are you alright in there?” Jesse voice asked from the other side of the closed the door. I couldn’t answer him. The burning was too intense but I knew that I shouldn’t allow myself to stop the healing process. The burning feeling was spreading through my entire body. It was burning and it possessed me. The heat was extremely painful but I kept focusing on my healing while I screamed and cried in agonizing pain. I heard the door knob twisting but the door didn’t seem to want to open for who ever tried to enter. I felt like something pushed me and knocked the air out of me and then the burning was gone. I found myself on my hands and knees gasping for air. The pain was gone. I just stayed there, on my hand and knees, trying to pull myself together. It only took me a minute or two before I started breathing normally and rushing to my feet.
There was still knocking at my door and my name being called. I opened the door and watched as Jesse, Miraculous and Maria came running in to see what could possibly have made me scream the way I did. I ignored their multiple questions and went to the mirror. I was glad to see the scratches were gone and I looked like my normal self again.
“She is fine,” Miraculous spoke for me. “The healing process sucks, doesn’t it?”
“Without a doubt, the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” I answered not recognizing my voice at all. It sounded so weak and exhausted.
“You’ve done well, old friend,” Miraculous said. I walked up to her, completely avoiding Maria’s gaze.
“It is time to learn,” I said, finding my strength in my voice.
“Well said,” she said, simply. She walked out the door and I followed behind her. We didn’t stop until we were outside the cabin. “I need to change first.” I made a gestured for her to continue. She walked ahead of me and stood in the clear empty space. She held her arms up in the air.
“Ancient ones! Hear my voice! Change me back, as is my choice!” she shouted with a strong powerful voice I knew so well. I watched as she manifested to the glorious dove that I have ever seen. I watched her arm grow in to giant bright wings and her full lips turning into a beak. Her eyes became wiser and brighter as they glistened in the moonlight. She changed before my eyes and it was the most amazing thing that I ever seen.
“Shall we fly, child?” Her voice breaking through my shock. I walked up to her. I thought about how in the world I was getting on her back when she sighed at me. “Trust in your instincts. Believe me, they will speak to you.”
I sprinted toward Miraculous and made a giant into the empty air. I was surprised at how high I jumped and with no effort I landed on Miraculous back.
“Well done, Child. Well done,” Miraculous said. She began to flap her wings and we headed toward the sky.
“Aren’t you scared of being seen?” I yelled over the flap of her wings.
“Not at all,” she said.
“What is with Maria?” I asked.
“Maria was banished from my world so she came here. In order to return to the land from which I’m from she must do right by my people. She accepted the task to watch over you and the angel in which you call Jesse.”
“Why was she banished?” I asked.
“She once walked the road of your vile sisters,” she answered. I could hear the pain in her voice. “This is why I have my doubt about this one.”
“What did they do?” I asked.
“They killed many of my people, including my daughter,” she spoke coldly and I felt a shiver go down my spine. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“Don’t feel that way child,” Miraculous spoke. “Sympathy is not what I ask of you. I only ask that you do not follow the path of your sisters.”
“You have my word,” I replied. She chuckled and we began lowering back to the floor. I jumped off before she touched the ground.
“I’ll see you soon,” she said.
“I’ll be waiting,” was me reply. I ran in the cabin. I found Jesse and Maria in the kitchen. They both stop speaking when I walked in the room.
“That was fast,” Maria spoke first.
“Whatever,” I replied.
“Did you learn something new?” she asked.
“I sure did,” I grumbled.
“Well what did you learn?” She asked.
“That you’re a murderer,” I answered. I leaned on the counter and waited for her respond. But it was Jesse who spoke first.
“What are you talking about?”Jesse asked.
“She knows,” I said. I folded my arms over my chest.
“That was a long time ago,” Maria yelled.
“But you can’t bring those people back,” I yelled back.
“Are you kidding me? Maria killed someone?” Jesse asked.
“Maria, do you care to explain?” I asked, sweetly.
“I used to work with the sisters of Lucinda. They were wretched females but I owed them my life. They granted me my life again in return of my service. I was dying. I had no choice.”
“Whatever,” I said, turning down the hall to my room. I slammed the door behind me. I paced back and forth. Why so much anger, child? I heard Miraculous say through my thoughts.
I can’t stay here Miraculous. It’s going to drive me insane, I replied. I slumped on my bed, pulling a throw pillow to my face.
Do you wish to return home? Miraculous asked.
How can I do that? I asked. Then I realized what home she was talking about. I felt my stomach knot up.
Do you think I am ready? I asked.
You were born ready, child Miraculous answered. I walked out my room and tip toed to the front door.
“Where do you think you’re headed?” Jesse asked, creeping up behind me.
“Uh, I was just going to get some fresh air,” I said, stepping closer to the door.
“You’re a terrible liar,” he said, jumping in between me and the door.
“Move or I’ll make you,” I said, sadly. He folded his arms over his chest. “Jesse, don’t make me do this.” He didn’t move. I thought really hard about Jesse being pulled away from the door the way I focused on my healing. After a few second Jesse’s body began shifting to the right, further from the door as I focused.
“I’m sorry,” I said running out the door. Miraculous was waiting for me in human form outside.
“You didn’t want to bring him along?” She asked when I reached her.
“I think we need some space.”
“If that is what you wish,” she replied. There was a black sports car in the trees. I opened the back door and climbed in the backseat. I laid there as she drove. The next thing I know, I am fast asleep.

In my dream, I was dead. I laid there on a cave floor, a sword sticking out my chest. Jesse sat a few feet away from where my body was, his head in his hands.
“What have you done Agora?!” he cried out.
“I did what you couldn’t,” her voice came from the dark end of the cave.
“I loved her and you killed her. I loved her!” he said, lifting his face. I could see the tears that ran down his face.
“You didn’t see what she was becoming,” she replied.
“She isn’t like you. She knew what she was doing,” he screamed. “You were one of them. She was our only hope of stopping them and you’ve killed her!!!”
“Stop this now. The giant bird has already tracked us or at least sensed the absence of her soul,” she said, pointing her finger at my limb body. Jesse crawled to where my body laid. He cradled my body in his arms and began to cry more.

I woke up breathing heavily. The car wasn’t moving and Miraculous was in the driver’s seat. I opened my door and climbed out. I stumbled out before falling to my knees. My stomach felt weird and without a warning I hurled. I began crying and I couldn’t stop.
“Are you alright?” I heard a man’s voice that I didn’t recognize. He ran up to me and kneeled by my side. I tried to pull myself together but I ended throwing up more. I felt a hand rub my back.
“Is she ok?” I heard Miraculous call from a few feet away from where I was.
“I don’t know,” the man said. “She looks a little wrong in color.”
“What’s wrong?” Miraculous asked me. She kneeled on my other side.
“Maria is going to do it,” I sobbed.
“Do what, Lucinda?” she asked.
“Kill me,” I said, putting my arms around my stomach.
“Is that what you dreamt?” she asked, in a panic rush. I nodded and cried more.
“We have to do something,” the man said. “We can’t let that happen.”
“I need to go back for him,” I said, wiping my face on my shirt. I tried to stand but I wobbled a bit and fell. Before I hit the ground, two strong hands caught me and brought me right on my feet.
“Thank you,” I said. The man was tall, taller than anyone I know. He wore a plaid and faded blue jeans. His face looked serious and hard. He stared at me for a few seconds and shook his head as if trying to clear.
“You look like your mother and you’re the only one that does,” he said, tilting his head to the side. I looked at Miraculous confused.
“This is James. He’s a friend of mine and he is the one who can help us the most.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said. I held my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand in his and then I was reliving the dream again. When he let my hand go again, I was gasping for air.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, taking a few steps back.
“So it’s true,” Miraculous asked him, while I still gasped for air.
“Yes, the time from the vision and now is a week and six hours.” He gave me an apologetic look.
“It’s ok. It wasn’t his fault,” Miraculous said grabbing my arm and bringing me to the car. “We have to go.”
“I’ll stay here. Now that I know her essence, I can see every vision she sees,” James said.
Miraculous put me in the passenger seat and slid behind the wheel.
“You might want to consider using the seat belt,” Miraculous nodded at me.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” I said. I pulled my seatbelt on and we sped back in what I think is the direction we came from.
“This is my fault. I should have argued with Kimora about leaving you with her. I’m surprised you lived this long,” Miraculous spoke more to herself than to me.
“Have you seen my cell phone?” I asked her. She gave me a funny look and then reached into the dashboard. She handed me my phone.
“I knew you would ask for it.” I gave her a weak smile. I looked at my phone and I wasn’t surprised that I had twenty messages from Cameron. I scanned through the messages. The most important one said:
“I think they enrolled in my school,” I said, sighing.
“Don’t worry. They can’t do anything until they have you by their side. When it was just the six of them that existed and worked together, they could do anything because they are only powerful together. You aren’t like them in heart so you are able to work magic without them.”
“How long will it take us to get there?” I asked.
“By car, it’s six hours. But if we were to fly, an hour in a half tops,” she answered.
“Want to fly?” I asked her.
“You know I do,” she said, stomping on the brakes.
“Let’s go save my life,” I said, climbing out the car.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2011

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