
Only Their True Love Know

My name is Ally Rose Faversham and my life has been anything but happy and simple.
At the age of five my parents died in a car crash. A man had been trying to escape the police in a car he had stolen and as he flew around the corner he smashed headfirst into my parent’s car. They had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
With my parents dead I was sent to live with my closest living relative, my aunt Mary-Anne. To put it nicely she hates me and the fact that I have to live with her in California and the feeling is mutual.
At school I am called a witch, a freak due to these abilities I have had since I can remember. I can read someone’s thoughts just by looking at them and I can see their past, present and future just by touching them.
Let’s just say all of these things didn’t exactly make me happy. Okay that is an under exaggeration I was thoroughly depressed. The moment I got home I locked myself in my room and I started dressing in dark baggy clothes and dyed my hair. Like I said depressed.
Until that day on September 3rd when I first saw him. Jason Dean Shaws. That was the day my life changed forever.

Chapter 1

‘So Let Mercy Come,
And Wash Away,
What I’ve Done!....’
I rolled over and turned off the alarm on my phone. I turned onto my back, stared at the ceiling and sighed. It was September 3rd and the first day back of my senior year. Joy. I rolled out of my four poster bed and walked over to my wardrobe. I lifted out a Linkin Park t-shirt, black hoodie, black skinnies and my much abused pair of black converse and put them on. Let me tell you about myself, I’m 5 foot 9, lightly tanned, and I have copper brown eyes. I used to have waist length, chestnut brown, wavy hair but now I have deep brown almost black, shoulder length, straight hair. I finished getting dressed and grabbed my iPod touch and Simple Plan shoulder bag and headed downstairs putting on Simple Plan’s Perfect on my way. When I reached the living room I passed by the photos of me when I was younger and so much happier. I heard my Aunt in the kitchen so I passed it. It was too early in the morning to be dealing with her crap about how I should dress better and stop listening to my ‘emo crap.’ Urgh. I grabbed my house keys and started the ten minute walk from my Aunt’s house to the hell whole others call Summerville High. I reached the home room with 10 minutes to bell. I pulled up my hood and sat one table from the back row. Of course everyone else sat near the front in case my weirdness was contagious. I rolled my eyes and sat back. Exactly 10 minutes later Mr Timmins walked in followed by five students I had never seen before. The first was a girl with auburn, curly, waist length hair and Mediterranean blue eyes. She was lightly tanned and about the same height as me and she was holding hands with the guy next to her. He was roughly 6 foot 1, lightly muscled, lightly tanned, had short, brown, messy hair and the same coloured eyes as the girl. Behind them was another couple, this girl was my height and lightly tanned. She had waist length, straight, light brown hair and goldie coloured eyes. The guy with his arm around her shoulder in a clearly possessive way was like the first guy but with goldie eyes and messy, black, short hair. But behind them all was a guy who was the personification of the word handsome. He was 6 “1”, lightly muscled, lightly tanned and he has longish, messy, black hair and when he turned to look at me I quickly noticed my own copper brown eyes looking back at me before his thoughts invaded my mind.
“Wow! Look at her eyes they are the same colour as mine and she looks like ... Does that mean... Wait if she is she will have some kind of power... I hope she is....” I felt puzzled.
“What the Hell?” I thought, still looking into his eyes. He jumped, startled.
“Wait, can you hear me?” He asked curiously.
“Yes. It is one of these .... talents, I suppose you could say, I have.” I responded shocked. He however looked so happy I half expected him to start jumping up and down.
“Oh wow. Too cool. Oh this means...” At that moment the auburn girl elbowed him to get his attention and our connection was broke. The girl stepped forward.
“Hi! I’m Grace Ruby Laverty and I just moved here from South Carolina. This is my boyfriend.” She raised her hand to point at the boy she had walked in with and he stepped forward.
“Hello my name is Taylor Anthony Daniels. I also just moved here from South Carolina. The brunette girl stepped forward and the guy beside her followed suit.
“Hi! I’m Sophie Harmony Montgomery. I just moved here from Georgia and I’m with Danny.”
“Hey as Soph just said I’m Danny Justin Blake and I also just moved here from Georgia.” The final boy stepped forward and looked at me and my breath caught.
“Howdy y’all I’m Jason Dean Shaws. I moved here from Texas and as the others didn’t tell you our ages I will. We are all 18 but I will be 19 in 3 months time.” He finished.
“Well welcome all of you. These are you seats, boys the three seats behind Ally. Ally please raise your hand.” Mr Timmins asked and I did. The boys walked down the aisles with looks of concentration on their faces but before I could look into their minds to find out why the classroom door banged open and a girl and a boy stood there panting for breath. The girl black, shoulder length, straight hair, with red streaks in it and midnight blue eyes. She was 5 “9” and lightly tanned and she was holding hands with the guy beside her . He was 6 “1”, lightly tanned, lightly muscled, had short, messy, brown hair and midnight blue eyes.
“Hello. I’m Connie Lee Macauly from L.A. He is Damon James Arlon also from L.A. We are together and both really out of breath.” Connie said before doubling over hands on knees taking deep breaths and Mr Timmins laughed.
“No problem. Nice to meet you both. Now Damon go sit with the other boys and girls could you all go sit beside Ally please.” The three girls smiled at me and came to sit beside me, Connie and Sophie on my right and Grace on my left. Mr Timmins clapped his hands and said,
“Why don’t we all introduce ourselves? Say your name and three facts about yourself. Ally why don’t you start.” I stood up and people snickered, whispered and hissed but Sophie glared at them and so did the other new students especially Jason. I, along with everyone else, was shocked. No one ever stood up for me.
“My name is Ally Rose Faversham. 1.) I am an orphan. 2.) I am 18 going on 19 in three months and 3.) I have the ability to see your thoughts if I look into your eyes. I can also see your past, present and future just by touching your skin. So if you decide not to talk to me because of this it’s cool.” I finished and sat down. Sophie smiled at me while Connie and Grace were smiling at Jason who looked over the moon. Sophie leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.
“Ally, we would love to be your friends! You see we all have certain ‘abilities’ as well okay?” I smiled teary eyed at her and the three girls gave me a hug. The funny thing was that I thought about not seeing anything about them and I didn’t. The class was staring at the four of us when Mr Timmins made them look to the front and introduce themselves; Grace made us all link arms. The bell rang and we all stood. The boys came to stand in front of us, each in front of their girlfriend and Jason in front of me. Jason opened his mouth,
“So Ally where are you at for first period?” I got out my timetable and the girls did the same and compared. Suddenly Grace squealed.
“Yay! We all have the same lessons together because the boy’s timetables match ours. We have double P.E. first.” Danny turned to me.
“Ally what are we doing in Phys. Ed?” He asked.
“Oh Athletics.” I said with a grin and Jason grinned back at me whilst everyone else groaned.
“What?” I asked curious while Jason laughed.
“We all went to a Private School together until we were 11so we can say with certainty Jason loves and is brilliant at athletics.” Connie told me exasperated and I chuckled with Jason at their expressions.
“Well athletics is my best subject. So bring it Shaws.” I said in a mocking challenging voice which mad us all crack up after we all calmed down and smiled at each other I felt something I couldn’t put a name to. But as we walked out the door in pairs I realised what it was. Acceptance.
We headed to the gym and split up to go to the separate changing rooms and get changed. We, the girls and I, entered our changing room and heard the ‘popular’ clique talking
“... and did you see those new guys? Damn! I thought my man Tommy was hot but I could just eat them all up with a side of chips. Especially Danny.” We heard Monica say in a contemplating voice and suddenly we were holding Sophie back.
“True but I like the look of Taylor. The boy describes gorgeous perfectly. You know what I mean?” We heard Michaela say. Suddenly Connie and I were holding back a struggling Sophie and Grace and then it happened. We heard Terrie start talking.
“I just want Damon.” She said evenly. I strong but I don’t think even Hercules could have held back three beyond furious girls by the names of Sophie, Grace and Connie. I ran after them as they ran up to the gossiping cheerleaders. The four cheerleaders are all roughly 5 “4” so the three girls all being roughly 5”9” towered over them especially in their emotional state.
“How dare you talk about our men like that?” Sophie spat out enraged.
“They belong to us. Trust me when I say that.” Grace added in furious.
“Understand?” Connie asked slowly, shaking with anger. And then those stupid girls laughed. Bid mistake. I quickly jumped in front of the three girls holding them back.
“Yeah right. We are gonna have those boys begging for us by the end of the week if not earlier.” Montana said smugly and froze and became overcome with a bottomless rage and I snapped. I pulled down my hood and turned to face her smug face and I have to say she looked shocked to see my face but she hid it quickly.
“Montana and you other sluts listen up. You. Have. Three. Hopes. In. Hades. Of. That. Happening.” I said slowly, “Those boys love my girls and, I swear on my dead parent’s graves, if you try to break them up you won’t be able to cheer for months.” I said my voice seething hate and anger. Then Lauren stepped in front of Montana.
“Fine. Those new girls are welcome to them but that still leaves that fine piece of man Jason,” I stilled with shock and the three girls I had held back were suddenly holding me back and struggling I was that furious. Lauren smiled smugly and mockingly, “What? Do you think a gorgeous man like him would want to date a freak like you?” Suddenly all the rage left me and I started silently crying suddenly on one girl was holding me. Grace hugged me while Sophie and Connie went in front of me.
“Watch this.” Grace breathed into my ear. We both looked up just in time to see Connie slap Terrie and Sophie slap Monica. Grace let go of me and walked over to Michaela who she slapped. They all stood in front of the girl they had slapped and Connie pulled me to join them and I was in front of Lauren. By now humour had made me stop crying so I stared at Lauren with a steely gaze.
“Listen up you hateful hags. None of you have a hope in Hell of getting with any of the four boys. Also if Ally is a freak due to her truly amazing talents then so am I.” Sophie said and she pushed her hair of her face with a hair band and stepped back. She raised her arms and her eyes became completely gold. No white or black only gold. We heard a rumble and what we saw shocked the cheerleaders and me. There were clouds appearing and covering the sun, it started to rain and lightning flashed. I thought back to the weather forecast I heard last night, it was to be sunny all day which meant it was Sophie doing that. The same Sophie whose hair was going everywhere with a wind only around her. Sophie lifted her hands above her head and as if describing the shape of a rainbow brought them down. As she did the clouds cleared and it was sunny again and her eyes went back to normal.
“Both Damon and I can control the weather and read minds. Oh and Jason can do the same as Ally with the whole triple P and mind reading thing.” She said with a smile and stepped back. I was confused.
“Triple P?” I asked.
“Oh sorry Ally. It means Past, Present and Premonition.” Sophie explained and I nodded to show I understood. Grace giggled and took a step back.
“Guess I’m a freak too.” Connie rolled her eyes.
“You’re a freak without your powers and that’s an under exaggeration.” She mumbled under her breath. Grace glared at her and Connie smiled at her sweetly with an innocent look on her face.
“Stupid Connie,” she grumbled and smiled, “Ta da!” And with that Grace rose into the air and when she narrowed her eyes at a towel and then a bag they moved. She floated down gracefully and with a giggle.
“I am a telekinetic who can read minds and so is Taylor. Connie stepped back as Grace moved forward again.
“That’s nothing! Watch this bitches. If you can.” She said mockingly and disappeared. She reappeared on the other side of me and her hair was pale white with pink tips and violet eyes.
“Oh my God Connie! That is sooooo cool!” I gushed. She walked back to her place changing back to normal on her way.
“I can do that as well as well as read minds as can Damon. So I guess we are freaks to.” She said happily. Then the three of them nodded at me and walked round me till Connie was on my right and Grace and Sophie where on my left behind me. I took my hoodie off and raised my arms they all grabbed my outstretched arms. I focused on the future in a month and projected the vision into the room.
‘I was in the cinema and I was sitting beside Sophie who was on my left and the rest of the gang was on her left. I looked to the right and saw Jason and myself curled towards each other, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes hardly blinking. Every so often I would raise an eyebrow and he would smile and suddenly I giggled quietly and he laughed quietly and he kissed my hand and the vision ended’
“Why did you two suddenly start giggling and laughing when no one had said a thing?” A very shaken up Lauren asked when the girls had retaken their places.
“We were talking to each other in our heads I guess.” I said with a shrug as if that was normal. The girls from my vision looked at me shocked.
“How did you know you two could do that?” Sophie asked.
“Well you see we did it this morning until we were interrupted by Grace elbowing him.” I finished with a mock glare at Grace. She shrugged.
“Sorry,” She said sheepishly, “In my defence I thought he was just staring at you.” I smiled at her in a way that said ‘no problem’ and she beamed back at me. Then I walked back over to Lauren.
“My turn.” I snarled and with that I slapped her and the girls cheered for me. Connie closed her eyes and suddenly we were in our gym clothes and Grace moved us mentally so we were all lined up and linked by our arms. We headed for the door and just as we reached it Sophie turned us and addressed the still shocked, or crying in the four slapped girls cases, cheerleaders.
“In case that was too subtle for you bimbos. Stay away from or men or else.” Her eyes flashed gold and suddenly the girls were soaked through and when she clicked her fingers they rapidly dried making all of their hair incredibly frizzy. We all laughed and turned to leave and were about to when we heard Talia.
“That’s right get out of here. Or we’ll, we’ll...” Connie had heard enough.
“You’ll stutter us to death? How scary.” She said coolly. We all laughed and left all linked up like the sister like best friends we were already becoming.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2011

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