
Finally Together Again

It was the weekend after graduation. I ran and gave him a huge hug. I haven’t seen him for two years. The last time I saw that legit smile was when we were waiting for Selena to get off work. We walked all the way to our old school and talked, and then we went to the lake. We had so much fun kicking our feet in the water making it splash the other. That was the last time I actually laughed, a laugh that neither of us has heard in a long time.
“Babe, I missed you so much!” I say as I ruffled my face into his shoulder as I embraced him.
“I know sweetie, I missed you too, so much!” He says this as he hugs me. Then he hugs me tightly then grabs my arms and pulled me away to look into my eyes. “God, I missed looking into those big brown eyes.”
As I blush, I lift up my hand to move a strand of hair that decided to try to make me go blind, but then Jonathon stops me and moved the strand of hair being my right ear. He then cups my face with his hand and rubs it gently with his thumb. “I can’t believe we finally graduated,” he says as he lets go of my face and brings me in for another hug.
“Yea,” I say as I laugh a little, “I can’t believe how huggable your being,” I say as I laugh a little more.
“Well I can’t kiss you so I have to deal with a ton of hugs,” he says pulling me away again.
Giving him a questioning look “you can’t? Why not? ” Saddened by the fact that I haven’t felt his lips on mine in two years, I start to put my head down.
He turns around about to give a smart butt comment and sees that I am sad. “Babe, it’s not because I don’t want to. Trust me it is killing me to make out with you, but I have something special planned. Sort of the whole reason I wanted you to come to Chicago with me, Serenity”
He gives me one last hug then grabs my bags from beside me and then throws them into his pick-up truck where so many memories were made.
“Are you seriously planning on taking your truck to Chicago? Will it even make it there?”
As he opens the door for me he laughs “Are you crazy? This thing hardly even made it here to come pick you up.” No, we’re getting on a plane,” as he closes my door he chips in “hope you’re not scared of heights.”
When he gets in the truck, I take out the remix he made for me our sophomore year. It was our six month anniversary when he gave it to me. It was only one of the surprises that he was able to actually keep from me.
He smiled, grabbed it out of my hand and put it into the stereo. After pushing playing he slid his hand off the steering wheel, trying to find my hand in my lap.
I look out the window, softly singing to the songs as they play through the speakers. I look at him and I squeeze his hand realizing that we’re finally together again.

The Clues

As we sat on the plane, I looked out the window as Jonathon knew I loved the bird’s eye view. It was a short plane ride, but I cherished every moment of it. I was finally with him again. I couldn’t believe that it’s been two years, and he still loved me as much as he did.
How could he love a girl like me? Someone whose been abused by family. Who has trouble letting people in? There has only been one other guy who has pushed his way into my heart and was able to stay. Christopher, he was the love of my life when I didn’t think Jonathon didn’t love me anymore. Even though people saw him as the weirdest kid in school, he was my best friend and I didn’t care what people said about him and me. I loved him. I would do anything for him.
As we got off the plane, Jonathon grabbed my hand and hailed one of the guys holding a sign with names on it.
“Hello is your name Jonathon Zalchuro?” says the man holding the sign.
“That’s me, are you our driver for the next two weeks?” he says squeezing my hand as if hinting me something is about to happen.
“Si, that’s me. Where would you guys like to go first?”
Jonathon looks at me and lifts his eye brow. Knowing what that meant I nodded my head. Grabbing my bags from my side I slouched over from all the heavy bags, “Ready to go.”
“We’ll like to go to the hotel first. To freshen up, and you know get ready for the rest of the day,” he says with a wink. Jonathon then grabs all the bags that I was carrying with one hand and carried them to the car.
He has strengthened up a lot since the last time we’ve seen each other. Last time we saw each other, we had a little fight and even I was able to tackle him to the ground and pin him. I don’t think I want to test the theory that I still can.
As we walked into the hotel, Jonathon walked in front of me to the front desk as I slowly walked in looking around at the beauty of the building.
I stopped right before I bumped into Jonathon. I looked up to Jonathon. Right before I open my mouth Jonathon says “We have the pent house on the fifty eighth floor, a perfect view of the city, and when the sun sets, and on the other side of the pent house a perfect view of the sun rise.”
“Wow, a whole pent house. I thought we only saved up $2000 each?” I say with a confused tone in my voice mixed with a little bit of shock still that we have a pent house.
“Yea you saved up for $2000, I saved up $9000. It was easy with the job I have,” Jonathon says as he turns away from me and heads for the elevator.
“Job,” I say I as I quickly try to catch up with in the heels that I put on so I wouldn’t seem so short compared to him “ I thought you didn’t have a job last time we talked you said you were just looking into tattoo drawing. You wanted to do that internship in Watertown.”
“Oh yea, I had a job since I moved to Clear Water, I just wanted to keep it a secret so you could be the proud one that had a job." He says this quickly then says “so our bedroom is in this room.” He leads me to a door that is sectioned off from the kitchen/living room area we were just in.
As he opens the door he stops and turns to face me. “What?” I say thinking something was inside that was too graphic for me to see. I try to push through the door, but Jonathon steps in my way and push me, leaving a bruise on my arm already turning blue and purple. “Ow!”
“I’m sorry, but you just like to spoil all my surprises so I’m trying to keep as many as I possibly can.” He says as he rubs my arm trying to make it feel better but not helping since it’s already pretty sensitive and hurts to touch it. “Close your eyes,” he says as he lifts his hand to cover up my eyes. “Now follow the sound of my voice,” I hear him say as the door behind him is pushed open. He grabs my hands, which are shaking for some odd reason; they weren’t before when he wasn’t holding my hand.
Shaking off the odd thoughts, I close my eyes tightly and right when I couldn’t take it anymore I hear his voice say “Open.” Right when I hear these words I open my eyes as fast as I can.


I open my eyes, and I can’t believe what I see. I see a king-sized bed with red rose pedals sprinkled all over the white, silky sheets and along the white, soft floor. The walls are a beautiful dark blue giving the room some dimension.
“Wow,” was all I could say. I turned my head to look at Jonathon. “It’s beautiful.”
“Just like the girl that I’m going to make love to in it,” he says as he grabs my butt and picks me up in a bridal form. We started to laugh and right when he throws me on the bed someone knocks on the door.
He throws his head onto the bed. As I laugh I get up and fix my hair a little, and walk to the door. I open the door and there he stood, Christopher Broon, my ex-boyfriend, whom I thought dead for the past two years.
“Chris!” I jump onto him and hug him like crazy. “How, how is this possible? We buried you two years ago. We took your ashes and put them onto a dirt bike race track. You can’t be alive, it’s just not possible,” I say as I’m about to cry my eyes out.”
He lightly taps me on the back as if he gives me an awkward hug. “You guys must have cremated the wrong guy. I’ve been alive and well, travelling the world.”
Right when I hear this I smacked him in the face. “I gave you my heart, I gave you my body and you leave me thinking you were dead. Didn’t tell me you were leaving. I would have been perfectly fine if you left to travel the world, but to make me think you died is just horrible!”
Just then Jonathon walks behind me. “Honey bun, what’s wrong? Chris? Isn’t it nice to see you on Serenity and I’s romantic get away,” Jonathon says emphasizing the word romantic.
“Oh I know, I don’t plan on bothering you guys anymore, just wanted to tell Serenity that I was still alive, because I was apparently dead. I mean I don’t blame her when I was travelling someone did try killing me.” Right as Chris says this I see a glimmer in his eye. He narrows his eyes at Jonathon as if he is saying something telepathically.
“Well, I’m sorry that someone did that to you, but I’m sure Serenity is glad your back. Me not so much, I mean you did steal her from me for two years.” Jonathon says snidely.
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t steal her from you. You’re the one who moved to the middle of nowhere and made no time to talk to her when she needed you. I was there for her especially when she needed it.”
As this argument goes on, I slowly back away into the kitchen. This is so awkward, having the guy who you hope is the true love of your life, but leaves you for two years and the guy who was your true love but you thought died so you tried moving on, in the same room.
I open up a can of soup, it sounded really good since I got off the plane. I popped it open and threw it into the garbage. Then I pop open the microwave and put the can onto the plate. I put it on one minute and thirty seconds. I stood there waiting, hoping that Jonathon would come walking in cooling down from the argument, but right when I hear the beeper I hear a bang from the other room.

The Truth

As I run into the room, I see the boys on the floor rolling around trying to punch each other, but the room around them was completely destroyed. The ceiling was bent in many places and the curtains were ripped and torn to shreds.
“What the heck happened here?”
As the boys get up, I look around some more. The pictures are knocked off the wall and there is glass all over the floor. I look up to see that the ceiling window is broken. The door is shut, thank god, but seeing the damage I won’t be surprised if someone comes knocking on our door.
“Well? What happened here,” I say screaming again.
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” Chris says to Jonathon.
“Of course not, we just saw each other again today. I wasn’t going to just blurt it out.”
“Tell me what?” I say again yelling even louder.
Chris lets out a sigh and sits on the couch patting the side beside him probably hoping I would sit beside him, but all I do is stand there and cross my arms, popping my hip out, standing my ground.
Jonathon sits on the same couch but farther away. Knowing I wouldn’t sit down like they wanted me to, they began to talk.
“Babe, the past two years we’ve spent texting and talking on the phone. You always got mad at me saying that nothing has been going on. Well there was a lot of stuff happening to me. I wasn’t actually on the football team. When I said I was on a bus I was actually out hunting.”
“Hunting,” I say with concern in my voice, “you hate hunting.”
“I’m not really myself anymore. Remember my ex-girlfriend, Lexi. Well she wasn’t human. She was actually a vampire. One day when we were having se…”
“You had what with her!? You told me you hadn’t done anything with anyone since me.”
“Babe not the point, any way when we were doing it I felt this sharp pain in my neck then she got up and had blood all over her lips. I panicked thought that she was bleeding but then I felt my neck and there was blood dripping down my neck. Just then she grabbed my neck and twisted it and I died for a split second. I came back and my body was cold and my skin was pale, but I felt strong, stronger than I’ve ever felt,”“What happened after,” I say after trying a spot to hold myself up not wanting to lose my ground and not wanting to faint at the same time.
“She was gone, and all I was left to do was figure this stuff out on my own. When I told you she broke up with me, the day I told you I would break up with her for you. That was the day it happened. I was walking around Clearwater trying so hard to not kill someone for their blood. I went to the forest, I was about to end it all and leave you everything I had, but then I saw a deer and I ran as fast as I could and attacked it. I drank it till it was bone dry.”
“Ok that’s enough; I get it you’re a vampire. But what about you Chris how do you explain this?” I say finally sitting down preparing myself for what he was about to say.
“I also am a vampire; you know when I was sick in the hospital. When we met then I miraculously became better and I said it was all because of you. Well that was only half true. The real half is because my friend, Alexis, my ex-girlfriend that you didn’t know about until now, turned me. That’s how she and I got so close.”
I knew I needed to sit down. I’m glad I prepared myself , but I don’t think I prepared myself well enough because I was speechless.
“Babe,” Jonathon says standing up and coming to my side about to rub my arm right when I smack him.
“Don’t touch me,” after yelling that then I run into the bedroom and lock the door. I then lean against the door and start crying. Everything I’ve ever known was all a lie. Jonathon actually did stuff Lexi, but not just that she changed him into a vampire. And Chris I thought he got better because I came into his life, but no because his ex-girlfriend also turned him into a vampire.“Good job, bro you pissed her off.”
“Don’t call me bro. We are nowhere close to being brothers.”
“Oh shut up, you know your Lexi and my Alexis are the same girl. We were both turned by the same girl which makes us brothers.”
“That girl in there is my whole world and now she may hate me because I told her I was a vampire. She was perfectly fine without knowing that.“That girl in there, needs to know the truth. Maybe right now she is crying, but if you give her time to think she will come around and maybe just accept it or..” Chris says then looks down.
“Or what,” Jonathon says with a worried look on his as he walks to the door to the bedroom, then knowing that its hopeless to open the door he just slumps his back onto it and leans against it.
“Or we both lose her. You are not the only one that loves her, you know. I was in her life way before you were. I may not have been there in person but I was still there talking to her and comforting her through everything she went through.”
“I would have been there, if I had moved here earlier. She was my best friend the first day I moved here. She was willing to talk to me when no one else would. She literally is my whole world.”
“Whatever, we could sit here fight for years or we could try and find a way for Serenity to cope with this.”
Just as I hear this I get up off the door and head to the bathroom. I grab my swimsuit, which is a small, black two piece with silver rings holding the bottom and holding the pieces of fabric that hold my chest up. I come out of the bathroom wiping the tears from my eyes and fix my hair to have its natural wave. I make sure that my curves are popping out, because they are my best feature.
I walk out almost making Jonathon fall onto his back. I walk past the two boys without even looking at them. They both stood there with astonishment. Neither of them have never seen me in a bikini, mainly because when I was younger my parents didn’t like that I was skinny.
I walk past them to grab my sunglasses off the kitchen counter then I walk out to go to the pool.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2012

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