

The bottle had more curves than his wife
Curves more sinuous than the young girl
Walking down the street
Swishing her hips to the rhythm of her feet
The contents were cold
But they burned
Made him flush a deep red
Deeper than the red he flushed
When he kissed his first girlfriend
That’s what his bottle held
A sweet cool opening
That he could press his lips to
And sip
Drink in a love so strong
So pure
That it intoxicated his senses
Made him forget
And make him not care
About anything
But the beauty
That could only come from
The curves of his bottle


Texte: Angely Mercado
Bildmaterialien: Angely Mercado
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my father Angel Mercado. You love wine, but I know for a fact that you love me more.

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