
GreenBay Academy was going to have masque, and the person in change? Me. I'm not in the student council nor am I in any committee, which makes this very unfair. I mean of all the members that volunteered for this, only about 5 are actually working. And i feel completely ridicules because I'm the only person thats not really supposed to be working in it!

"Fiana." i turned around to face the person that called me. It was Marie, a member of the student council. "Yeah." i said putting down my needle. "I was wondering if I can take the rest of the day off." she said playing with a strand of loose hair. I looked to the door and saw her boyfriend waiting impatiently. I smiled. "Sure. Go ahead." she thanked me and happily ran to her boyfriend. As the door shut i looked back to my work. I was making the costumes for the student council. There was supposed to be three of us doing it but i guess i was the only one who got the memo.
For the last three days, I stayed after school for additional two to three hours making sure i finished these. I looked at the clock and saw that i was ending my fourth hour. I finished the dress and packed up my stuff. By the time i was out the front doors it was 7:30 in the evening. Although the campus had lamp posts, I was still scared to walk to the dorms at night. Especially since we got reports about unexpected violence between the dorms and main building.
I hurried my pace. I was starting to feel really paranoid when i heard the sound of faint footsteps behind you. Then this cold shiver broke through my body. Someone was following me. Quickly glancing back, I saw no one. I tried to stay calm, but it wasn't working. I took off running and the footsteps followed me. Sprinting, i thought i got away, but when two figures walked out a few feet in front of me, i knew i was in deep trouble. There was no one around and the dorms were a bit to far for anyone to hear me yell. The guy that was behind me, jogged up and stopped to catch his breath. "Man she runs quick." i didn't know whether to feel accomplished that i could have outran them or devastated that i wasn't fast enough.

"Look. I don't know who you guys are and i don't wanna know. Just please let me go." i pleaded. They laughed. "But we don't want to let you go. Lets have some fun." the two that were in front of me advanced. On impulse, i swung my bag at them. It hit one, the second one i kicked right in the soft stop. Bolting toward the dorms i got away a few feet, but the third caught me. "That wasn't very nice." he said. I turned and his fist slammed into my cheek. I swung back and hit him hard enough to make him let me go. My bag clenched tightly in my hand, i sprinted to my dorm room, continuously looking back to make sure they weren't following me. When i was safe inside my room, I slumped to the floor and sat there. My roommate Laura started freaking out when she saw me. "Fia. Oh my goodness. Fia." she was kneeling in front of me, trying to get an answer, but all i saw was her worried expression.
A nock on the door gave me a jolt. I stood faster then i ever did and retreated to the small kitchen. Laura opened the door and revealed a pizza guy. She paid him and came over to me. "Fia. Sit." she said sternly. I sat down and rubbed my hands together. I couldn't stop shivering. "What happen?" she asked handing me a glass of water. I looked at the water and then at her. "Um…. I um…. Was walking back and um…:" I paused and looked down. "They came out of nowhere." i whispered. I was crying. "I hit one with my bag. Another, i kicked. Third i also hit." i wiped away my tears and looked at Laura. She looked like she saw a horror movie in that small explanation. Laura stood and paced the room. After a moment she stopped and looked at me. "Starting tomorrow, you will be leaving school with me." i was about to say something when she continued. "You have no say in it. As soon as last bell rings, you have 5 minutes to get to my locket. If your late…" she didn't finish the sentence. I knew that meant she'd go talk to the principle about the matter. I nodded and she exhaled. "Ok now, eat and we'll go to bed." She sat down with me and opened the box of pizza. We ate dinner and got ready for bed. "Laura?" i called as she walked into her room. She sat down on her bed and looked at me. "Just grab your own pillow. There was no way i was going to let you sleep alone." she said with a small smile. I relaxed a bit and got my pillow. We got into bed and got comfy. "Thank you Laura." i whispered in the dark. "Your welcome."she said just as i tried to sleep.

The sound of rustling woke me two hours before the alarm rang. My breath caught in my lungs. "Its just the trees." Laura said sleepily. I looked at her. "You jolted and it woke me. Its only the trees. We have two more hours to sleep." i lied down and closed my eyes. Laura took my hand and held it. I felt a little calm and closed my eyes.

The alarm blared loudly, but we didn't need much waking up. I turned it off and sat up. Laura sat up to. "How did you sleep?" she asked looking at me with half asleep eyes. I shrugged. "As well as i could." i replied and got out of bed. "Come on. We need to get ready." I walked to the bathroom with caution. I looked into the mirror and wasn't very surprised at what i saw. Pale face, scared black eyes, a badly busted lip, all surrounded by messy black shoulder length hair.
I washed my face, brushed my heath, combed my hair, and left the bathroom. Laura was already in her clothes when i walked into her room. "Bathroom is free." i said and went to my own room. Putting on the usual uniform, with a different color tang top under my blouse, i went into the kitchen. Waiting for Laura, I put on some coffee. I'm not really a coffee person, but Laura is addicted.
My mind kept reeling back to last night. "Your making coffee?" I came back to reality as Laura walked in. I nodded. "As thanks for last night." she nodded and poured herself a cup. She gave me a look over and frowned. "How long did you sleep?" i thought back and tried to count the hours i slept. In the end i just gave up. Shrugging i told her about 3 hours."I'm not missing school." i told her before she could get a word out. She nodded. "Stay close to me today." she said after she chugged her coffee and got her bag. I nodded and got my bag as well. When we left the room, i notice that we had bout 30 minutes before the first bell. "We'll be early." I told her. She just shrugged. "You need to get your stuff for the masque. Your not staying longer then the last bell." I nodded knowing that she was just worried, but i kinda thought she was over doing it.

The school seemed to be buzzing with excitement. As Laura and i walked to the prep room, we caught small parts of conversations. With the small amount of things we picked up, we found out we were having a new transfer student named Gabriel West. A cold shudder ran down my spine, and i shot a look behind me. Someone was watching me. I could feel it. "Whats wrong?" Laura asked looking back. I shook my head. "It was nothing." We got to class and sat down in our seats by the window. We still had about 15 minutes, so i pulled out my iPod and listened to music. Trying to calm down.
I didn't finish one song when someone stood in front of my desk. "Fiana?" i looked up and saw that it was Marie. I forced a smile and asked what i could do for her. "I was wondering how the costumes were coming along." she was playing with a strand of loose hair, and when she did that she usually need something. "Their almost done. I need to make two more, so i should be finished the day before the masque." i said thinking about the next two days. "Great. Since your that far ahead, i was wondering if you can work on them alone. I have to leave right after school." i sighed and thought about what Laura said. Before i answered Laura spoke. "Were will you be going after school?" she asked Marie. "It my friends birthday--" she started. "Well then your friend can deal without you. Fiana can't stay after. She's leave with me." Laura said looking at Marie with a poisonous expression. "I'll make it up to her tomorrow." she said sternly. Laura folder her arms across her chest and spoke slowly. "You don't seem to understand. I said Fia is leave right after school." I sat there and watched the two. It was interestingly scary. "Fiana." Marie said looking at me with piercing eyes. I looked out the window. "Sorry but i can't. I have things to do." without a word Marie left. "Good. I was really going to punch her if she kept insisting." Laura looked at me and waited till i looked at her. I finally looked at her. "I'm not in the state to defend myself. So thanks." i smiled as the bell rang. Mr. Craw walked in and following him a guy. "Settle down class. We have a new student." he said as the class got quiet. "Introduce yourself." said Mr. Craw sitting down in his chair at the front of the table. "My name is Gabriel West. Gabe for short." he simply said. The class waited for more, but he said nothing else. I looked back out the window and watched the wind brush the tree tops. "You can have the seat in front of Fiana Collins." Mr. Craw looked my way. I glanced at him and shrugged. Gabriel walked over and sat down. Mr. Craw started the lesson by handing out a pop quiz. But when it came my turn to get one he called me outside. I got up and walked out of the class.

"Everything ok?" he asked looking at me with suspicion. I nodded. "Yeah. Everything is fine." i said hoping we weren't having this talk. "Fia. I know you better then that. Plus your lip seems busted pretty bad." he said touching his own lip. I nodded. "Its nothing. Really." i was stubborn when it came to these things. Mr. Craw sighed. "So i do have to ask Laura." Last nights scenes flashed through my mind and a tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away and told him everything was fine. He nodded and let me go back to class. As i sat down, he called Laura out. I curled up into a ball in my seat and buried my face in my knees. Now i was regretting not staying home. "Who hit you?" i looked up and saw the new kid Gabe looking back at me. I didn't answer, just looked out my window and stared at nothing.

Laura and Mr. Craw walked back in and he announced that pop quiz was over. Other students chatted happily as their papers were collected. Laura took her seat and sighed. "I didn't say anything." she whispered to me. I relaxed a bit and turned to look at her. "Thank you." she gave me a meaningful smile. I put my legs down and sat properly. Gabe turned around again and looked at me looking outside. "Your burning holes." i said not bothering to look at him. "But you don't burn." he said. I looked at him. He was either really weird or crazy. "You do know you said something really weird, right?" i stated. He nodded. "Yeah, but it got you to look at me, didn't it?" he smiled and turned to face front. I shook my head and tried to pay attention to the lesson.

It was the last class of the day when i got that feeling again. Some one was watching me. I looked behind me as i walked to my locker and noticed the new kid surrounded by girls. He looked irritatedly uncomfortable. Just as i was about to look away, he looked my way and our eyes met. I sighed and looked away. Taking out my next class books, i debated on whether to help him out of the pinch he was in. Being the nice person i was i shut my locker and walked to over to the crowd that surrounded him. Standing on the outside of the group, Gabe noticed me. His expression changed. The girls were being so loud around him i could barely hear myself think. "Move! Your blocking the way!" i said loudly. They got quiet and looked at me with annoyance. I walked in front of Gabe. "Come on. We have class" i walked passed him and he followed. The girls made a distasteful sound. "You owe me." i said as we turned into our class. "Ok. After school today?" he asked. "She's busy." Laura said walking in behind us. Gabe looked at her annoyed. "And you are?" Laura gave me a hug and link elbows. "Roommate and friend. Problem?" she said with a testing tone. He just shook his head. "Well thank for just now." he said as the teacher walked in. "Lets get started." he announced. Laura and i took our seats by the door and got comfortable for the last hour and a half of this difficultly dumb day.
"Class dismissed." said the teacher. We all filed out of the class. Some went to their lockers, other went to hang out with their friends, Laura and I went straight to the dorms. "Hows you lip?" Laura asked as we left walked through the school gates. "Its good. Hurts but its getting better." she nodded. "Did you get a glance at who it was?" she asked looking at me. I shook my head. "It was dark. But I think if i hear their voices, I'll figure it out." i said looking ahead. We were walking the same road i walked last night and it gave me the creeps. As we walked we noticed a few guys sitting on a bench just chatting. Passing by I listened and found what i was looking for. The three from last night.

We didn't go unnoticed. "Hey. I know you." one said getting up and walking to us. Fear flooded my, but i knew i shouldn't show them that. "I think you got the wrong person." i said, my palm sweating. We tried to quicken our pace, but the guy took my arm. "Your the chic from last night." he said looking at me with an expression i didn't want to understand. I tried to pull my arm away but he tightened his grip. I turned to Laura. "Get out of here." i mouthed. She shook her head, no. I looked at her desperately. "Let me go." i said still looking at her. She shook her head again. I wanted to scream at her to leave, but i didn't know what they planned. "Sorry but we can't. Lets go have a chat." he said pulling me away from Laura. I rooted my feet to the ground. "I'll go as long as you don't touch my friend." Laura looked at me bewildered. The guy looked her over and shrugged. "What do you say boys? Should we let her friend go?" he asked the other guys. They all nodded. "Ok. We won't touch her. Lets go." He jerked me from my place. Laura grabbed my other arm, but i pulled away. "Get out of here. Now!" i hissed at her. She shook her head again. "I'm not leaving without you." she said with a shaking voice. "Now!" I shouted. She flinched and ran toward the school again. The guys laughed at her. "What you did yesterday wasn't very nice." said one of the guys rubbing his cheek. "Your bag had something really hard." I didn't say a word. I looked at the ground and bit my lip. We walked off the road and into a tall bush maze.

"Sorry, we haven't properly met. I'm Mark. My buddies Ron, Kyle, Phil, John, and Tommy." he said pointing from left to right. I nodded. As we entered the maze, i got a feeling that i could run away, but i dared not. "So lets get this over with." said Phil. I looked up and met him palm. "Thats for the kick yesterday." i bit my lip again and stayed quiet. "My turn." said the guy i believe was John. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head so that i looked him in the eye. He pulled out what looked like a small pocket knife and put it to my cheek. "You have a really good punch for a girl. Lets see if this toughens you up." he brought the knife down just below my left breast, and pressed hard enough to cut. He pulled it down to my hip. Pained coursed through my body. The taste of blood was on my tongue. I had bitten into my lip. I could feel blood soaking my shirt. I looked up and glared at him. I pulled free from the one that geld me and kneed him in the stomach. Turning around i watched every one of them. Not one moved. I backed up and ran further into the maze as quickly as i could. "What are you standing there for? Go get her!" i heard one of them shout. I could hear them running and i ran faster. I could feel myself growing weaker by the second, but i wasn't going to stop.

I found a spot to sit down where they wouldn't find me even if they stopped and looked at me directly. Panting i thought about how i was going to get out of here. I looked down at my side and held in tears of pain and fear. Just then the group ran by and slowed down right in front of where i was hidden. "Where did she go?" i didn't want to know who was talking. "I don't care, but when i get my hands on her… " he didn't finish. "She probably ran out the other end. Although this is a maze, its also part of the school, which means there is more then two exits." said another. "Even if she didn't get out, its going to be dark in an hour or so. She isn't our problem anymore." they all agreed to leave, and they did. I stayed were i was until i was certain they left.
I crawled out and winced at the pain. Once on my feet i pulled out my cell phone and dialed Laura's number. She picked up on the first ring. "Fia! Where are you?!" she questioned. I inhaled and sighed. "I'm in the maze behind the music building. Are you ok?" i asked. "I'm not important right now. Do you know where you are in the maze?" she asked and it sounded like she was walking quickly. "I don't know. It all looks the same." i walked on deeper into the maze i believe. "Did you memorize who the guys were?" i asked her hoping she did. "Yeah. I already today the principle. He's going to call them in as soon as they get to the dorms." i sighed with relief knowing they wouldn't hurt anyone else. I cleared my throat. "You wouldn't happen to know where that new kid Gabe is would you?" i asked thinking he could help my at this moment. "He's actually walking with me now." i smiled. "Perfect hand him the phone." i heard her say that i wanted to speak with him. "Hello?" he asked. His deep voice rang in my ear. "Newbie. Time to own up. Its going to be dark in about an hour, i need you to walk my friend Laura to our dorm." i said feeling breathless. "What about you?" he asked. "I'll be fine. I'm bound to find a way out soon. Get her home for me. Do that and we're even." he was silent, but he agreed. "Thanks. Hand Laura the phone." he handed it back and Laura asked again if i was ok. "Yeah, just a little breathless. My phone is going to die soon. I need it just incase i don't find a way out within an hour. I'll see you at home." i said hanging up without waiting for a response. I shut my phone and looked at the sky. It was growing darker.

It wasn't long before it was dark. To add to my suffering, the wind got really chilly. I clenched my phone in my hand and walked on. Its been about an hour and a half and i haven't found a way out yet. I was about to open the phone and call Laura when i got an unknown caller. "Hello?" i answered quietly. "Its Gabe. Where are you?" he asked breathless. "I told you to walk Laura." i said feeling irritated with him. "She's fine. I walked her to her dorm and told her to lock up. Where are you?" he said sounding just as irritated as i was. "In a maze" i said and stopped walking. I sat down and tried to catch my breath. "You don't sound so good." he said making conversation. "I've been running, half walking for a while." i said. "I need you to call out." he said. I rolled my eyes and thought about how that would help. "What am i supposed to call out?" i asked feeling to tired to do anything. "I don't really care. Anything." i put the phone away from my ear and called his name as loud as i could. I called it again and again. My phone beeped dead. Angrily i threw it to the side and tears streamed down my cheeks. I was in pain, scared, cold, but most of all angry. If i hadn't stayed so late yesterday, none of this would have happened. "Fiana!" i heard. I looked around, my heart racing with relief. "Gabe!"i shouted. He called out my name again, and it sounded closer. "Gabe!" i called out again. I turned to my right and saw a flashlight beam. Fresh tear flowed down my cheeks. I stood up through the pain and walked toward it. "Gabe!" i called out. I hadn't walked far before he ran from behind the corner. My legs gave out, but he caught me before i fell to the ground. "Hey. Hey. Its ok. I'm here." i looked at him and smiled. "Thanks newbie." I covered my side from him, feeling it was unnecessary for him to see it. He picked me up and carried me. "I can walk." i said quietly, feeling weaker then before. "No you can't." i was going to protest, but he stopped me. "I told Laura I'd bring you back and thats what i'm going to do. How i'm going to do it, you can't argue. Besides. I know a shortcut to the exit now." He didn't walk to far when we walked through a small passage in the tall bush. "Its not visible when your not paying attention. And its right by your dorm to." i just nodded not bothering to say anything. I clung to him for warmth. "We're here." he said and kicked the door lightly enough to tell Laura we were back. The door swung open and there stood a horribly worried Laura. "Oh my!" she sighed with relief. She ushered Gabe into the room and had him put me on the couch. I didn't want to let him go. He was so warm.

Laura gasped. "Gabe." she pointed at his shirt and he looked down. He looked at her in confusion but then sat down on the couch and pulled my arm away from my side. I tried to hold it firmly so that he wouldn't pull it away, but i was to weak. "You little…" said Gabe angrily. "Get me scissors, cotton balls, and peroxide." Laura nodded and went to get everything he said. "Why didn't you say anything?" he said running his fingers through his hair. "Its nothing serious." i said in half a whisper. "Nothing serous? You lost a lot of blood. And you say its nothing serious?" he hissed. I didn't want to reply. My mind was going all fuzzy and blank. Laura came back with everything he asked for. He took the scissors and cut my shirt. I was barely listening, but i heard a few curse words. Their voices were fading out. Finally, everything was quiet

"You should get some rest. I'll sit with her" i heard. I winced at sound of annoying beeping. "Laura?" i whispered. "Fia? Thank goodness." i opened y eyes and looked around. Light were dimmed, that annoying song wouldn't stop, Laura looked exhausted, and Gabe was there. "Where am i?" i asked trying to sit up. "No don't move. Your in the hospital." i slumped into the pillow and tried to think back to what happened. "You passed out due to blood lost. Thinking it wasn't to big a problem, thought i could patch it up. Turned out it was worse then i thought. Laura called an ambulance and you'v been out for almost two days." Gabe informed me. I looked under the covers and saw my bandaged side. "How long am i in here for?" i asked hoping it wasn't very long. "At most a week. If your recovery goes very well, in a few days. Four tops." i nodded and relaxed. I looked at Laura and frowned. "You ma'am, are to go home and sleep." i said sternly. "I'm not leaving." she said stubbornly. "I know, then at least go sleep on the couch over there." i said pointing to a small couch by the wall. She smiled tiredly and went over there. The moment she laid her head down, she was asleep.

"How long was she up?" i asked watching Laura sleep. "Just as long as you were here. I was telling her to get some sleep when you woke up." said Gabe sitting down. I smiled. "Thanks." i said looking at him. He looked tired to. "For walking Laura home, for finding me, for helping me. I don't know how i'll be able to repay you for everything." he smiled softly and took my hand. "You can go on a date with me once your out of here." he proposed. I laughed and regretted it. He hovered over me. "I'm fine." i said taking in deep breaths. "I'd like that." i said taking in his features. Messy hair, dark blue eyes, long thick lashes, and a soft expression. He traced circles on my palm and to that calming gesture, i fell asleep.

"It feels good to be back in school." i said stretching as Laura and i walked to the school. "You sure your feeling good enough to go to school?" she asked eyeing me. "Yes." i laughed. "Ok. Just don't over do it. I have to go meet up with the principle so you'll have to walk to class on your own." she said. I nodded. "Ok see you in class." i gave her a hug and she jogged off to the principle as i walked into the building. To my amazement, the halls were decorated and things seemed festive. I spotted Marie and walked up to her. "Hey Marie. Whats going on? Everything looks festive." i asked. "Fiana. Its good to see you. Laura told us you were in the hospital. Are you ok?" she sounded worried. I nodded and told her everything was fine then asked again what was going on. "Oh the masque is today." I gasped. "Oh no. I forgot. And i didn't finished the two dresses." i was starting to freak out. "Everything was done. When we heard you were in the hospital, a few girl volunteered to finish them. Their all ready. Everything is ready." I sighed with relief. "School is cut short today. So when you get to homeroom you pick your costume. change and head to the ballroom." She excused herself and went to talk to someone. I shrugged and went to homeroom. She was right. Girls were changed into dresses, guys in their suits. I walked over to were the dresses hung and looked through the ones remaining. Picking a burgundy red and white one, i went to change

When i got back the class was empty. Almost. Gabe stood by the window."Hey." i said walking up to him. "Hey. You look nice." he said. We stood at the window together and silently watched the outside. "Are you feeling better?" he asked not looking at me. I nodded. "A lot better." I took his hand into mine and held it. He broke out a smile and looked at me. "Lets go?" i look up into his eyes and nodded. We put on our masks and walked out to the ballroom. Things were looking brighter.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2013

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