

The moon was gleaming through the dense bush, casting gloomy shadows that seemed to have a life of their own, the air was thick and humid. Condensation clung to the leaves on the trees but the large clearing below was devoid of any living thing. The trodden grass was dark and yellowing in colour. It looked relatively brittle and dry, as if all the moisture had been sucked from it. There were no flowers or shrubs to talk of. All was quiet apart from the long branches and the dead leaves rustling in the cool night breeze. On first appearance it would have seemed to be an empty space but it was not. On closer inspection there was something loitering in the bush and it was big. Two large eyes were sat, motionless, glaring intently at the clearing. The eyes were green, so bright they dazzled. Every now and then the creatures nose would lift and sniff the air, then settle back down to staring at the clearing. Whatever it was, it was there for a purpose, it was waiting for something.

Then there was another noise approaching the clearing. It sounded like something was being dragged through the bushes. Twigs were snapping under the weight of something and the rustle of the leaves was a constant cackle on the air and it was getting louder as it slowly converged on the dead void. On the edge of the clearing another set of eyes appeared. These eyes belonged to a beast petrified of this spot, the eyes were bloodshot and it looked like the animal had been crying, huge white tear marks stained it's bulky head. It stepped out into the bright moonlight and shuffled its way to the middle of the clearing. It was massive, standing at least seven feet tall on four trunk thick legs and about the same size round its middle. It was a fully grown Folip. Folip's were a native cattle in these parts and grazed in packs. They ate mainly grass, tree bark and whatever shrubbery they could find. They were extremely docile creatures. This Folip was hurt and it was bleeding badly. It had a long deep gash on its underbelly with several other minor injuries on both it's shoulders. The huge beast was in extreme pain and close to death, its yellow blood leaving a glowing trail in its wake. The green eyed beast in the opposite bush had still not moved an inch. The Folip dropped to the floor with an almighty thud, looked up to the heavens and whined in pain, defeated. The Folip knew what was waiting in the opposite bushes. Slowly, it lowered it's head and focused directly on the green eyes, after about a minute or so the green eyes started to move toward the Folip. The eyes belonged to a huge cat, it had a huge muscular, athletic body. The cat's coat was a reddish brown in colour and had a sleek almost wet look to it. It was menacing to look at, but the Folip looked totally at ease. The cat started to emanate a deep growl and in turn the Folip closed its eyes and bowed its head. The cat sat back on its haunches and spoke “ I am Kelvor, watcher of the forest and you have come to me for a safe and swift passing into the afterlife, know you this, you will not become a shadow but your spirit will live on, your blood will feed the earth and your ashes will become the air, to live on in this forest for eternity”. Then with a roar the huge cat attacked and with one strike the Folip was no more. It died instantly, no screams of surprise or shock, just gone like it never existed. “Take this offering” and the Folip's blood started to run unnaturally quick into the ground, even the remnants of blood on the cat's claws were being sucked into the undergrowth, leaving the red sparkling claws clean. What was once brittle and dry was now wet and full of life, the solid ground quenched its thirst. Insects swarmed over the earth looking to bathe in the blood bath. It was a ritual which all life knew of in the great forest. Kelvor started to back track to the edge of the opening then with a roar, the cats eyes turned from green to a deep red and the Folip's corpse was consumed in blue fire. The flames licked at the body and it started to erode until there was nothing left. The flames died away and all was quiet once more.. Kelvor had vanished, the corpse had gone and the ground was back to being a yellowing dirty dry stain in the middle of the southern plains.


Bockley was a quiet little settlement that sat on the edge of the southern plains. The settlement's back drop was a hundred foot cliff into the deep waters of the Myoma sea, and in front lay a mass of forest. The trees curved around the settlement enforcing a boundary that nobody ever crossed. It was the perfect little haven. The atmosphere was always pleasant, even if the weather was bad the tall trees acted as a breaker and kept them all relatively safe from the elements. They never had visitors and the only trouble they encountered was if somebody had had too much to drink.

Bockley as a whole was very industrious. It farmed its own cattle and grew its own crops. The church grew fruit and vegetables within its grounds and divided it fairly between the settlers. They did however have specific groups who took to specific tasks. They had fisherman who had a very strange piece of equipment they had to use to fish from the cliff top. They had the hunters who used to leave the settlement once a week and disappear into the forest for a couple of days in the hope of bringing back fresh meat and the Folip herders, they managed the cattle. These jobs were seen as the important jobs and without them the village would fail. Another thing about this little settlement was that there was no currency, there was no need to pay or barter. If somebody needed clothing then one of the women would make something to fit, the men's fat like sausage fingers were to clumsy to navigate a needle and thread. The food was always divided fairly and if someone was hungry then there was always some meats or breads available to feast on whatever the time of day. The place functioned perfectly as a society where one persons goal in life was to help the community thrive. The men would labour all day in the blazing heat not because it was there job but because they knew other people would benefit from their hard work. The women would look after the children whilst others helped out making breads and clothes or picking fresh fruit and vegetables. The children would attend the church school a couple of days a week where they would learn to read and write and also study the history of the southern plains, but on the days they were not in school they would have chores to occupy themselves with, along with archery and swordplay. Bockley had no natural predators but it was enforced to train and learn how to wield a weapon of choice...........just in case.

Anan was three weeks into his seventeenth year and could still not comprehend all that lay before him and his lot in life,
“there must be more to life than this Dago” as he scratched his huge wolfhound behind the ear, “what do you think, am I to settle down with a lass and work the little forge for the rest of my life or do you think I might get promoted to Folip herder?”
Dago just lay there enjoying the deep scratch whilst basking in the burning sun, his jowls drooling “you ain’t even listening are you, you daft dog” Anan said with a giggle and tickled the dog's tummy. Then Anan got to his feet, he had been sat resting in the sun on the side of the water hole with a cold mayberry juice, trying to gather himself for the afternoons work . He always spent his spare time sat somewhere with his dog away from prying eyes or the torment from some of the other boys in the village. It was a week before the annual festival and everyone was busy in preparation. No one minded him as they pottered around putting tables together for the great feast and match podiums for the village games. He was about six foot tall and had huge arms for a boy his age, with the daily manual labour his body had adapted quickly and grown accordingly. He had worked in the little forge in Bockley for as long as he could remember. Moulding and bending metals for a raft of different tools and weaponry that people used to ask him for. He was different to the other settlers, his skin was paler and hair colour extremely dark in comparison to the sun kissed look of the Bockley settlers. He also belonged to no-one. He had no parents. Anan was an orphan, his mother Clara had staggered through the forest some seventeen years ago, sick and heavily pregnant, answering no questions as to how or why she came to be there. She stayed long enough to give birth, regain her strength and then surprisingly kiss her new babe goodbye and then disappeared, Anan was told she was last seen at the cliffs edge overlooking the sea, and so it was assumed she had fallen or jumped. Anan was one year old at the time and obviously could not remember any of these events. He always asked about his mother, trying to find out anything new but no one could give him anymore information as no one knew her. Anan lived in a house in the centre of the village with Magora and her daughter Sofi . Magora was the herbalist and she made all the medicines and treatments to help aid the sick. Anan and Sofi were as close as brother and sister could be. Sofi was a small blonde girl of fifteen and the brightest blue eyes, Anan doted on her , whilst he worked in the forge making whatever items he had been asked for, Sofi was being taught her letters and history with Magora indoors, or at the church, which Anan found highly amusing. Anan was home schooled and taught to read and write at an early age and he took to it, writing poetry by his fifth birthday and as he didn't take to well to the combat lessons and the other boys of his age picked on him, Magora thought it best to play to his strengths and fuel him with work to occupy his brain. Magora had also taught him the more mythical history of the southern plains. He enjoyed these lessons because they were full of magic and monsters and he could let his imagination wander to a world without boundaries and marriage. Once you reached a certain age you were expected to marry which Anan was not too keen on at all. Magora also taught him how to use certain herbs to get the best out of it or how a Folip heart could be boiled and dried out to make an ointment to soothe burns. However Anan had very few friends. No-one he could confide in or talk to about anything really without being laughed at. Magora was always too busy and Sofi was too young to understand his musings over new ways to forge and shape metal or his lifetime goal to see more of the outside world.
So he spent his spare time with Dago, reading or developing new techniques to put to use in the forge and in secret he practised his sword and archery skills, away from the looks and sniggers of the other boys in the village. He didn’t want anyone to know he could use a blade in case they asked him to join the hunters on their outings; whilst he was good with a blade the thought of killing anything made him feel physically sick. He had always decided he didn't want to use weapons however after a severe beating from Hann and his cronies a couple of years earlier he had decided it wouldn't harm to look after himself if he ever needed to.

Anan didn't want to go back to the forge that afternoon the sun was out and the bellowing fumes from the forge on top of the suns sickly heat was not appealing. So he decided to take a stroll down to the paddock, and see if anyone needed help with the Folip. At least he would be outside he thought. He wandered passed the church where the younger children were having outdoor classes with Sister Felicity. He jogged a little to catch up to Ms Anna. Ms Anna was one of the oldest settlers of Bockley and she had hundreds of stories to tell and she acted like a grandmother to everyone. Anan loved the old ladies company. Ms Anna was struggling to drag a bag of apples home.
“Can I give you a hand Ms Anna” already reaching out to take the bag, she nodded in agreement,
“you are a gentleman Anan, thank you. This weather is too much for this old lady and I’m not as strong as I used to be” with that Anan threw the bag over his shoulder and followed the little old lady to her home.
“you may be old Ms Anna but your gonna out live us all” Ms Anna laughed and said “flattery young sir wont get you anywhere” and they both laughed all the way to her home. Her home was like every other, stone built, with a small thatched roof, the stone was mined from the cliff side and was extremely durable. The front room was fusty smelling with little collected piles of dog hair dotted over the floor, every dog in the village belonged to Ms Anna apart from Dago who she had given to Anan as a birthday present for his tenth year. There were about thirty dogs that roamed the village feeding on scraps but their presence kept the rats and other vermin away from the homes and Folip pens which kept everyone happy.
“Drop them in the corner for me sweetie” Anna motioned to Anan, as she carefully lowered herself onto her favourite seat, not covered in dog hair.
“would you like a glass of water Anan” shaping to get back out of her chair. Looking at the uncomfortable look on her face Anan replied
“er, no thanks Ms, I best be getting off I’m going to the pens to see if they need any help” as Anan spoke he was eyeing up the big bag of apples he had just brought in, Ms Anna must have caught him looking and gave him two apples for helping. As he turned to leave he suddenly felt dizzy, the room began to spin and he could see a pair of burning red eyes inside his head, his mouth went dry and then everything went black.

Anan woke with a violent start, kicking out and upturning a jug of cold water. “Easy lad, easy” it was Magora “just lie down”, Anan's head was throbbing and his body ached like he had fallen of the cliff onto the rocks below.
“ What happened to me? I...I.. don’t remember, how long have I been asleep, the festival, the preparations”? his foot started hurting now and it felt wet, probably the water he thought to himself.
“Anan, the festival has been and gone and you have been unconscious for the best part of two weeks” Angie looked pale white and withdrawn with big bags under her eyes, she obviously hadn’t slept properly in the last couple of weeks and it was starting to show. Anan was still trying to digest what had just been said and Magora or Mags as he called her had started to pick up the remains of the ceramic water jug that Anan had kicked over.
“I’ve been asleep for two weeks, but that cant be true, that’s not possible is it? I don't remember bumping my head and” Angie broke him off mid sentence
“ Anan you have been on deaths door for two weeks, running a high fever and mumbling strange names and screaming. You scared me and the rest of the villagers”. To Anan none of this made any sense how could he just collapse without any explanation. He began to think that the heat must have addled his brain a little.
“ Sofi has been praying for you hourly, the villagers have all been asking questions and poor Ms Anna nearly collapsed herself with you just dropping into a heap like you did on her bloody doorstep”. Well Anan couldn’t explain it, all he remembered was holding two apples then blackness. This was strange and if Mags didn’t know what was wrong with him then how was he going to know.


Anan decided it was about time he got himself back outside and working again. After being away for so long he felt extremely lethargic as he had done nothing but lie on his bunk for the last few days. He had a small room to himself, with a big window in the side wall which faced the forest. The walls were covered in books because Anan loved to read and learn anything he could about anything really. His entire wardrobe consisted of three shirts two long pairs of pants and a short pair for hot days. Throwing his legs over the side of his bunk and pulling a fresh shirt from his extremely small collection he exited his room. He threw some water over his face from the basin in the kitchen and pulled a huge piece of bread off the cob on the side. He finally noticed the house was empty and began to wander where Mags and Sofi were. He left the house with Dago at his heel. The dog was always with him. The only time Dago was not with him was when he was in bed. He started to pass several of the settlers who were deep in conversation when they noticed him approaching and began to break off into little groups and walk away from him. That was strange, why would they ignore him like that? He put it down to bad timing and continued his walk to the forge with Dago. Rounding the corner he bumped into Hann and his two brutish friends Broc and Fran. This was one of the things he hated about living in such a small area, he couldn’t get away from the people he didn’t like
“oh look boys its the rat and his ugly pet” Hann's every word was etched with venom and with that he gripped Anan by his shirt and threw him against the wall of the nearest building.
“Unfortunately Anan, we have been bored over these last few weeks as you have been.......what was it Ericou said boys, oh yeah unavailable!” Anan knew what was coming next, he was always the punch bag and this was just something he had gotten used to. Hann had never liked him and he didn’t know why. He must have upset him in an earlier life he thought. The other two just followed Hann around like Dago did him.
“so we have a bit of catching up to do” then there was a loud crack as Broc struck a large piece of wood against the wall inches from his head and it splintered “your head next rat” barked Hann and drove his knee into Anan's midriff, his breath escaped him sharply and he fell to his knees holding his stomach, he could feel his throat burning as he tried to stifle a cough, Fran by this time had Dago tied to a post and the dog was barking his head off “YOU NEVER FIGHT BACK.....COWARD” and another blow, this time to the ribs forcing another cough, whilst Anan was trying to think of a slick way out of this or a clever remark another voice could be heard calling his name. Not wanting to be caught in the act Hann, Broc and Fran left him there on the floor crying to himself.
“Anan......Anan” it was Sofi, Anan staggered to his feet and rounded the corner wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand
“I’m here, what’s the matter Sofi”
“why does there have to be anything wrong for me to come and see my big brother” grinning from ear to ear she had such a mischievous gleam in her eye.
“I just bought you some bread and jam for your lunch” Anan then realised she was only there to avoid her first lesson in church.
“you need to get to school, if Mags finds out you haven’t been she is going to make you work instead ” Anan knew Sofi hated the thought of work and really liked the fact she had brought him dinner, it meant there was no risk of him bumping into one of the thugs who would no doubt be looking to finish what they started so he was grateful. However he didn’t like the fact she was ditching lessons to do it and he told her as much. So Sofi left with a flea in her ear and rushed to the church. Anan watched her enter the door, smirked to himself and turned to see Dago finishing off a slab of meat Fran must have given him to try and keep him away whilst they ruffed him up. He took a deep breath called Dago to heel and entered the forge for the day ahead.

He had been working the forge all morning, making a new war hammer for Ericou the Battle Master, his existing one was extremely worn down. This was something else that baffled Anan, Bockley had a Battle Master; yet they never ever came across another living soul apart from its current occupants, to even think about war or fighting was just ridiculous and pointless. He had nearly finished the hammer, he had moulded the head and shaft and now just needed to fit the wooden handle. The wood was baked in Glofire, a magical heat source that infused the wood with unbreakable strength and unnaturally light to wield. Obviously this helped as the hammer head and shaft were very heavy. It was a two handed weapon and with Ericou wielding it, it was doubtful he could ever be beaten, with his inhumane strength and lightning speed, he was more than formidable. Anan had worked the forge since he could remember, he was very adept at moulding the shapes needed and working the bellows to get the desired effect from the metals he used. When you reached seventeen you had to take various tests to ensure your capacity as a man. He had passed his literature studies with flying colours, gaining many plaudits from the church. He had however failed his combat training. Ericou had claimed him to be a less than an average combatant, someone who could hold a blade but his skill was lacking and would be dead within seconds of entering a fight. Anan felt that was fine as he didn’t think this type of trait was required for a life of farming and home making. When he voiced this argument, Ericou's answer was always “you always have to be ready and a quill wont scare a blood thirsty beast from tearing you to pieces”. On approaching the forge he was met by Sister Felicity the Church teacher, who looked like she was really struggling with the heat
“by the gods its hot today Anan, have you finished Ericou's hammer yet, he asked me to call over and check your progress”. Anan studied her for a moment, for a women old enough to be his grandmother she looked great. She had no wrinkles on her face or hands and the sun sparkled off her long golden hair, she was a stern teacher who took no messing around from her students but Anan had always been one of her favourites, so he liked the Sister.
“ erm, not quite, I have just got to attach the handle then it will be ready, tell the moaning old man I will bring it around in about an hour” Anan replied half laughing.
“ don’t mock Anan, it does not become you. That old man as you put it is very aware of his age and has earnt more respect than that. He sets high expectations for his students and feels like he has failed them if they under achieve. He gets more angry at himself than anyone else, so will you get it finished today?” with that Anan nodded and the Sister turned on her heel and left leaving Anan confused and irritated at what she had just said. Upsetting the Sister was not what he had wanted to do, he was trying to be funny, and it had not worked out too well.
An hour passed and Anan emerged from the forge with the gleaming hammer in hand. It looked stunning. The iron head gleamed in the sunlight showing off the eagle decoration Anan had spent the last thirty minutes inscribing into the metal. He thought it was a nice touch as Eagles were a symbol of grace and power in Bockley and no one fit that description better than Ericou. Picking the hammer up and lumping it onto his shoulder Anan made his way to the arena. The arena was just a flat piece of ground situated next to the forest, still within the tree boundary but far enough away from the rest of the settlement as to not scare the cattle or the elderly for that matter. It had at least seven practice dummies and several target boards for archery. On arriving Anan stood and watched Ericou as he manipulated a long wooden staff in a series of over complicated moves and thrusts into mid air. Anan coughed under his breath and Ericou looked up a smile spreading over his face.
“ You have finished my hammer young man.” Anan approached holding the hammer out in front of him. It was very overweighted at one end but that’s how Ericou wanted it. Ericou reached forward to claim what was his. But instead of handing back the hammer Anan knelt quickly and lifted the hammer above is head.
“ I offer this as a thank you for all you have taught me, and hopefully you will honour me by treating it true”. Completely nonplussed Ericou reached forward put one hand on Anan's shoulder and took the hammer
“thank you, young man, I will endeavour to use this true. I am also thankful for your respect and creativity” he said this whilst looking at the ornate carving of the eagle.
“I cannot believe you went to such trouble, thank you again”. Blushing slightly Anan stood, his only intention was to impress the Master with his etiquette but this was a little overkill.
“Its no trouble Ericou, you spent years trying to teach someone as clumsy as I, in an art you have perfected. The least I could do to repay you was to show my skill and use my own time to recompense you”. Ericou gave a curt nod and took several steps back. He began to swing the hammer in huge loops at first over his head then spinning it in his hands, it was moving so fast you could just see the sun sparkle off the eagle. At some points the hammer seemed to be floating in mid air, then with an almighty cry Ericou recovered his full grip on the handle and drove it down on top of a practice dummy. The dummy shattered into pieces, wood and leather were scattered everywhere and the dummy was no more.
“ It is perfect” and with that Anan left feeling very good about himself and he also knew that Ericou would tell the Sister what he had done and by tomorrow he would be back in her good books.
After finishing off the new shovels he had made for the church he decided it was time to clean up and finish for the day, but he didn’t go home. Anan decided a cool ale after the day he had had was a much better idea. With that he made his way to the Tavern to see his friends Smyt and Cain. Smyt was a couple of years older than Anan but his brother Cain was the same age, and the three got along as well as boys that age could. Anan had just reached the cattle pen where the Folip were grazing for the night and something caught his eye. He spun quickly but couldn’t see anything. It was getting dark and the only light was the full moon above him. He was looking out over the pen when he noticed the Folip herd were all congregated in one corner.
“What are you all doing over there” he mumbled to himself. He opened the gate fully but that just seemed to agitate the cattle, so he quickly backed off and closed the gate. Then he noticed it. A Folip was dead on the ground and it looked like something was feasting on it. A pair of red eyes looked up at him, Anan fell backwards in shock taking his eyes away for a split second. When he looked back the unknown creature had disappeared. Not wanting to stick around Anan ran to the Tavern. He burst through the doors and everyone went quite.
“Come quick there's something in the pen, its killed one of the cattle quick” Anan panted. In the corner a huge man got up
“dead you say, I will take a look, Fi pour this young man a drink I will be back shortly.” Ericou left with the bright new hammer strapped to his back. Anan sat down at a table near the door, his hands shaking uncontrollably and Cain came over to sit with him.
“ you look like you seen a ghost, what was in the pen?” Cain looked sceptical like his friend had gone mad or the sun had cooked his brain.
“ I just saw two eyes glaring at me, then I got freaked and came here” Anan was completely exhausted. What he had saw was scaring him. Those red burning eyes were floating around his head.
“So you didn’t see anything then really, it could just have been a bird or something” before he could answer Ericou came striding back in.
“ Anan are you sure you saw something or is this some form of joke because there is nothing there, no creature and no dead Folip. The cattle do seem a little skittish though but nothing untoward”. Anan couldn’t believe it, there was nothing there but he knew what he had seen and now it felt like everyone was laughing at him,
“I know what I saw Ericou, that Folip was dead and those eyes were definitely real” Anan was speaking through gritted teeth. Where did this anger come from. He had no reason to feel hard done to. Ericou had checked it out for him. Maybe the moon and the shadows were just playing tricks with his eyes.
“ I apologise for startling you all, maybe my eyes have deceived me, I need a cold drink and a bed and I will feel better in the morning”. Everyone in the Tavern went back to their conversations with nods of approval and a few tuts. Fi the bar maid brought over four cold mugs of ale for Anan's table as Ericou had now decided to join them. Ericou was talking about his new hammer, how it glided through the air effortlessly and was the easiest weapon he had ever had the pleasure of wielding, Anan was not really paying attention however, his eyes had wandered to the doorway where a man stood dripping wet, his clothes ripped apart in places and blood, lots of blood, dripping from a wound to his head and left leg. Anan had never seen this man before, ever, and it shocked him. The man staggered through the door and clattered into a couple of stools, this got the attention of the others in the Tavern and everyone turned including Ericou. There were a couple of gasps and the man collapsed, overturning a table and its contents. Ericou raced over, shaking the man
“Vandai, Vandai what happened” the man made no response.
“You boy” pointing at Anan
“go and fetch Mags now” without hesitation Anan burst out of the Tavern, sprinting down the road, when he reached his home Mags was waiting for him at the door.
“Come quick.....” and that was a far as he got. Mags clasped her hand over his mouth pulled him into the house and closed the door, she then pressed a finger to her lips.
“Anan, I know there is a man in the Tavern who needs my help, I also know what you saw in the pen earlier, but you need to be quiet, do as I say and ask me no questions I will explain later” perplexed Anan nodded in recognition.
“Carry this please and follow me” Anan picked up the satchel she presented and followed her. They went into Anan's room and Mags moved his bed. Then with a couple of mumbled incoherent words her hand glowed and the floor where his bed had been transformed into steps that went down, down to where Anan didn’t know, but right now was not the time to ask. He followed Mags down the steps at an incredible pace, he was a fit young man but he was struggling to keep up as they sprinted down a well lit tunnel that seemed to be running underneath the town. Mags raised her hand to stop and again her hand glowed and the ceiling descended into a set of new steps that went back up. Climbing the steps Anan realised he was back in the Tavern, but the scene he had left was now completely different. The Tavern was now full and all the attendees seemed to be armed to the teeth with huge swords or axes with shields and armour, Ericou met them
“he has been bitten Mags, can you help him” concern flooded his chiselled features,
“I will try Ericou, I have the rags but I will need fresh water and towels” with that Mags pushed past Ericou and went straight to the injured Vandai. What was happening, Anan's head was spinning he could not process what was going on. Where did all this weaponry come from? How did the steps appear? Was it magic? Who was this stranger? There was no time to ask any of these questions or to listen to the answers. People were running back and forth gathering towels and fresh water and more people were arriving. It was utter chaos and Anan felt completely lost and alone. Looking up Mags called over to Anan for help. Vandai had regained consciousness but he looked dreadful. His skin had turned a pasty white and his head was soaked in his own sweat. Vandai's full beard was covering the majority of his face and it was difficult to make out the rest of his features, there seemed to be sores around his lips that were visibly spreading across his face.
“ wipe his forehead with this Anan” Mags passed him a soaked cloth
“ try and clean up that cut on his head” . Anan watched as Mags started to pull apart his trouser leg to show three horrific slashes to his leg. They had already started to ooze and Anan started to feel a little queasy. She then opened a tin and took out some small cut up rags. She then began to force the rags deep into the cuts and Vandai began to scream and kick.
“Ericou, hold him” and the battle master obliged, pinning Vandai down to the table they had him lay on. Was that a trick of the light or was that a tear in Ericou's eyes Anan thought to himself. With the rags packed inside the incisions Mags asked everyone to stand back. She hovered her hand over the man’s leg and again her hand began to glow, within seconds the rags had ignited and burned a fierce red. This was too much for Anan the smell of burning flesh turned his stomach and made him retch just before he was sick on the floor
“what are you doing to him?” Anan asked, wiping his mouth clean, the most awful taste of bile lingering in his mouth, turning him away from the whimpering man Mags put her hands on Anan's shoulders
“Vandai has been bitten by a shadow hound, the toxins from the bite infest the skin and surrounding tissue and cause the wound to heal extremely quickly sealing the poison inside the body. The rags burn out the poison and keep the wounds open to allow the body to heal. If the poison is not excavated the body will die or worse will turn the bitten into a shadow slave” Vandai's groans of pain had started to subside and Mags and Ericou started to issue orders to the others present
“Cain, are we locked down?”
“have we found the hound?”
“yes Ericou we have it did it find us?”
ignoring the young man’s question Ericou turned to Anan
“I am sure there are lots of things you want to ask, but I need you to be strong for a moment longer and come with me, can you do that” Anan nodded. He was not sure what was going on and what was being asked of him, but he wanted to know everything and if that meant he had to wait a little longer he would wait.
“Then follow me”. Ericou marched outside with Cain and Anan at his heels and walked down the main street towards a gathering of people.
“ what you are about to see is a part of something we have tried to avoid for the last seventeen years, but I fear we have no choice now but to face it” the crowd was twenty strong, all natives of Bockley but to Anan they could have been strangers. They had swapped there shovels and pitchforks, or knitting needles and soup spoons for highly polished armour and swords, axes and even bow's. From the centre of the crowd there was a bright burning light and Anan wanted to look, he wanted to see what had made everyone change this much, he pushed past people to get to the front . There was a wooden pole staked into the ground with an unnatural light hanging at its top. There was what looked like a huge black dog made of smoke tethered to the pole, Anan stopped dead, those bright red eyes glaring back at him,
“ it cannot harm you now Anan”. This didn’t comfort Anan at all, this beast looked very capable of tearing a strip off him at any moment.
“you see these hounds are scouts, they are not designed for much use. They come out at dusk and night time, they are made from captured shadows or souls of the dead and their power is more evident when there is little light. They can almost float around allowing them to cover great distances in a short time and in darkness you cannot see them at all and they become the air you breath. The only thing that gives them away is the eyes their eyes burn with the tortured souls inside”. with that Ericou shot the hound a filthy look and spat
“now this filth is in pure light its body becomes whole, solid, and can be killed.” with that Ericou passed Anan a sword
“I know you feel you are not battle ready, ready to kill but this is needed and you have to do it” Anan refused the sword
“there are many questions I have and I have not even thought about how I can piece all this together but I will not kill on your say so” he was adamant and Ericou knew this was the only answer he was likely to hear.
“then boy you will learn the hard way” and he sliced at the hound with the sword and nothing happened. Anan was dumbstruck,
“why did the sword pass through?”
“ as I said boy they are made from shadow and although there body is more formed, light is still needed to destroy these creatures” and with that Ericou unleashed the shiny new hammer Anan had made for him earlier that day. He brought the metal to his lips and kissed it and the metal was engulfed in flame. The hound cowered back and began to yelp, struggling with its bindings, but it could not get free.
“I always told you boy that you would never know when your skills would be called upon” he hefted the hammer above his head and cried out
“may your souls be free, never to be used for evil again” and down the hammer fell, crushing the dog dead. Anan's head was spinning, there was too much information, too much to take in and he collapsed, everything went quiet and there was only darkness.


“When shall we tell him?” Mags asked, Ericou looked sombre in his reply
“We will have to tell him soon Mags, we can't put it off any longer, besides he knows where Anan is, we can't hide him from Jangaar any more, this was only the beginning, you know as well as I that he has much worse to send”. Mags began to cry, she hugged Ericou and sobbed into his great chest, “that poor boy, how do we tell him, the most powerful, demonic and evil creature to ever walk this earth wants him dead”.

The morning came too bright and too early for Anan and his head was pounding with questions, information he felt he was owed. He quickly got out of bed splashed cold water on his dry face and dashed out the house. He was looking for Ericou, if any one was going to give him the truth it was the old battle master. Ericou was outside the Church with Sister Felicity and Mags. He strode over to the small group determined to get the answers he craved.
“I see your awake, have you come to fight or to talk” Ericou boomed and Anan had not realised he had picked up a bread knife on his way out of the house. Dropping the blade to the floor and holding up his palms in submission he addressed the huge man
“I need to know everything”
“Okay Anan , we will tell you everything but not here. Follow us to the tavern where we can sit and talk”. Anan followed unsure of his first question and what was to come next. On arrival at the tavern Sister Felicity started to make them all some leaf tea.
Taking a small sip of his steaming cup of tea Anan said
“so what exactly was that thing last night” Mags, Ericou and the Sister all looked at one another, not knowing who would answer. With an audible sigh Ericou gathered himself
“ it was one of Jangaar's pet's. An abomination”.
Mags cut across him
“As Ericou so gracefully put it the shadows are scouts, sent out by Jangaar to search for something he wants, most desperately” her gaze scanned over Anan with a frown and considered him for a moment, before continuing
“I never told you Anan, but when your mother left she left you in our care. We were called Battatu, it means The Lost. We lost many of our warriors on the way to a new life. We finally escaped from Jangaar's clutches with your mother to make a new beginning here and using the magic we have we disappeared from sight and have stayed hidden for the last eighteen years. As the chief Magi of our clan I felt it best that I be on the one to watch over you, to keep you safe, but I fear I have failed as he has found you”. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she tried to continue
“ your mother was of pure soul a women of grace and beauty and she was a very dear friend” Anan nearly fell off his stool
“ I was always told my mother was known by nobody, why have you never told me this......why?”
“We felt it best to keep the truth hidden, to keep you safe, we never imagined he would find you”.
Anan felt sick, felt his life, his existence was being pushed over the cliff with the memory of his mother.
“Why would this Jangaar want to find me?” he could feel his temper rising, his palms were becoming sweaty and he was starting to feel uncomfortable in his seat.

“Thirty years ago there was peace in the world, the kingdom of Vengor was strong until a young man named Jangaar changed that and wreaked chaos over the Southern Plains. Jangaar was an assassin for hire from the City of Enas. He was very adept at carrying out and completing the contracts he took. He was a pawn. Someone to create conflict and disrupt kingdoms for the rich and powerful. That was until he decided his lot was not enough and sought out the Nami spirits to grant him the power to control this land”.

This had Anan's attention but he still was not sure what he was listening to and how this had impacted on his life.
“ The Nami are the guardian's of souls and Jangaar had to seek their permission before carrying out his contracts. This used to frustrate him. You see Anan the Nami spirits keep the life balance of this world and breaking these terms would lead to punishment” Anan was starting to lose patience with this women, she wasn't answering his question. She was trying to palm him off with a mythical story. He just glared at Mags and stood up raising his voice,
“ I don't need a history lesson Mags, I want an answer” for some reason Mags recoiled from his gaze and was starting to look scared and backed away from him.
“You be careful Anan, you have no idea what Mags has gone through to keep you safe and if you interrupt a second time I will make sure you cant open your mouth again” Ericou had stood up and unsheathed his hammer glaring at Anan
“do NOT test me boy”
this had the desired effect and Anan sat back down and apologised to Mags for the interruption and she continued

“Before Jangaar was granted his power he fell in love. He turned away from his life of deceit and murder and tried to make a home with Clara, your mother. The Nami were angry and greedy and said he had deceived them and as recompense they took Jangaar's soul. They left him broken, to serve them for eternity, to become their reaper. They locked away his soul in their chamber and they placed the key inside Clara”.

Mags was now visibly crying, Anan could still not, for all his learning, work out what she was trying to say

“ Losing his soul made Jangaar what he is today a murderous sorcerer who's aim is to cause as much death and suffering in his quest for his key. The Nami themselves became satisfied as times began to change and with Jangaar under their control, they had more power over everything. They became greedy and death is now not enough for them. They have grown to appreciate the torture Jangaar is inflicting on the everyday man. He knew where the key to his soul lay and with the Nami behind him he hunted your mother like a man possessed. What he didn't know at the time was that his Clara was pregnant. His key was not inside Clara but lay deep inside his unborn child”

At this she looked at Anan and Anan knew exactly what was next and fear gripped him.

“You are Jangaar's key and now he knows where you are, he has a hundred lifetimes to hunt you and he will never give up. I don't believe he cares that you are his son. He cares only for himself and releasing his soul which will give him his freedom”. Turning an extremely pale colour and without uttering a single syllable Anan exited the room into the bar area, his mouth was dry and he felt sick to his stomach. He wanted a drink, a strong drink, this might wash away the lies and the truth. Reaching behind the bar he pulled up a bottle of spirit, uncapped the top and took a large mouthful. He gasped, the burning sensation shot through his whole body and made him shudder; inside his head screamed in protest as he put the bottle to his lips again,
“ just one more” he thought; only this time he didn't get a drop as the bottle smashed in his hands, startled he turned round to see Sofi in wet clothes looking furious. Without saying a word Anan walked over to where she stood and hugged her. He didn't want these stories to be true, he didn't want to lose the family he had come to know and love and he hugged her harder. He felt safe there and it was a strange feeling. Consoling Anan was making Sofi's temper cool and she forced him to go home and to take his time trying to absorb all he had just been told. So Anan headed back to his home. It had been a shorter trip than he had thought and still he didn't know all he wanted to.
His head was buzzing and he wasn't paying any attention at all and when he looked up he bumped straight into Hann knocking them both backwards. Anan began apologizing almost immediately until he looked up to the see who it was and the big cheesy grin that had appeared on Hann's face. “I didn't think you would have had the brass to come looking for me”
“not now Hann, I ain't in the mood for this crap as well” and Anan tried to pass but Hann crossed his path
“what you mean you ain't got time.........there is always time for a little pain” and Hann swung his right hand at Anan's head. The blow missed the intended target as Anan had rolled his shoulders to avoid the punch. Hann threw a second punch and missed also.
“why are you moving are you feeling brave ratty” Hann kicked out and again struck mid air.
“like I said I ain't got time for this so go away” teeth gritted and fists clenched Anan stared down Hann. He had had enough of the beatings and Hann was going to get his if he carried on. Hann's eyes widened and he took a step back, something akin to fear emerged on his face and he looked lost. Anan had never acted like this before but the way he was feeling he could have taken on an army and still wondered if that would have satisfied his anger. Hann made no reply so Anan just continued his march back to the house leaving a dumbstruck thug in his wake. He entered the house kicking of his boots in temper before flinging himself onto his bunk and his head began to spin. So his real father is the harbinger of death and wants a mystical key that he Anan holds inside himself. The lady who has raised and watched over him for the last sixteen years is actually some type of Magi and the so called farmers of his village are a hidden army of warriors who can perform magic. This was going to take a long time to digest and with that last thought Anan closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Anan was running and running and getting nowhere fast a pair of burning red eyes were closing in around him, then he was riding a beast through a forest and the eyes began to dissipate.

Anan smirked in his sleep and his heart beat settled but in the dream the beast had left and he was alone with his thoughts and with what he had recently learnt it was a scary place to be and he opened his eyes.


Anan felt something wet pressing against his face and pulled his head back to see Dago sat there licking his chops looking very satisfied with himself. Anan chuckled to himself wiping the drool off his face and trying to focus, he had been asleep for hours and then the daunting feeling of seeing everyone who was involved the day before struck him. He started to feel sick, he had never been any good at confrontation and he had a feeling this morning was going to be full of it. Dragging his body out of his cot he staggered through to the kitchen to find it empty. There was a cold bowl of porridge on the table which really did not look very appealing and a glass of mayberry juice with a note that just said “come to the waterhole” he shoved the paper into his pocket and picked up the juice. He didn’t feel like eating but he seemed to have a nagging thirst he just couldn’t quench. Finishing his juice he decided to get washed up and make the dreaded walk to the waterhole and try to piece together yesterdays events and what was to come next. He stumbled around the house trying to find a clean shirt with Dago at his heels the large dog just ambling next to him. He found a shirt on the floor and picked it up and put it to his nose, it smelt of smoke with a little hint of sweat. Well this was all he could find so it would have to do. He left the house Dago at his heels and headed for the truth. On arrival at the waterhole he noticed how quiet the whole village seemed he pushed the doors open and found out why the village was so quiet. They had all packed themselves into the small pub. A slight murmur of conversation broke out on his arrival. “its about bloody time” he heard and he lowered his head and walked straight to Mags who was sat on the bar itself.
“good morning Anan, how did you sleep?” he smirked to himself, only Mags could be so blasé about the whole situation
“I slept fine thanks Mags, I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted yesterday I was childish and disrespectful I”
“stop now Anan before you say anymore, it was your right yesterday. Now as you are here I assume you wish to know more about who we are and what we are going to be doing next” Anan hadn't thought about what came next he had been so caught up in the past the future had gotten lost somewhere
“yeah I suppose I have Mags”
“good” and Ericou slapped a huge paw on his shoulder
“I told you he would be fine Mags, the boy is made of sterner stuff” and Ericou positioned himself at the front of the room and cleared his throat loudly.
“the outcome we have dreaded the most has happened and Jangaar has found our little haven and the boy we have tried to hide” he paused and that moment the audience was captivated and at the same time unsure as to the correct course of action “now this is an open meeting so any ideas would be grateful” there was silence in the room so Ericou continued “I see us having only one of two options..... option one we stay, we will certainly fight and probably die, but we die our way in trying to protect this lands only saviour” and he gestured to Anan who suddenly felt a hundred pair of eyes settle on him and his cheeks began to redden “or option two.......Anan leaves this place in secret and makes his way to Vangoor. We hold off the enemy here and fight and probably die but again we die warriors deaths knowing we did our part to save this land” most participants in the room almost looked pleased at the last part
“I would die a happy man with my sword in hand taking some demons along the way so I don't mind which option you choose for me”
“I second that Smyt” and Smyt and Cain had stood to show there willingness and Ericou smiled and nodded his head in acknowledgement. Several of the others began to rise slowly from their seats with mumbles of “kill the demons” and “protect the saviour” the mutterings grew and in no time the entire room was stood apart from one table and everyone turned to see Hann, Broc and Fran sat at a table sitting down defiantly “we shouldn't be fighting anyone Ericou” some mumbling started and Ericou raised his hands to quite the noise
“its an open meeting, everyone must have their say” Hann rose from his chair and began to point at Anan “why must we all die for him, he is not one of us he has no family here, why are we showing him any loyalty at all” again whispers began in the room.
“why can't we just kick him out and let him fend for himself, Jangaar does not want us he wants HIM” he wouldn't take his eyes off Anan and Anan could almost see the cogs turning in some of the villagers heads and a couple began to sit back down “we have all had to give something up to accommodate him and what have we got in return. Nothing. He cant fight and he has no courage” he sneered at Anan almost looking pleased with himself “why should we fight for a coward who may not even have it in him to do what is needed” now over half of the room were seated and sat waiting for a counter argument. “Why are you so bitter Hann, this boy has not harmed you in anyway why do you resent him”
“it's okay Ericou” and Anan stood holding Mags hand and addressed the room “I only found out about my heritage a few days ago and I still have lots to learn about myself. If I must leave then I will. You are the only family I have ever known and to know that you would risk yourselves for me is the most unselfish and brave gift you could ever give me. However I would not want anyone to spill or shed a drop of blood on my count so I will leave” tears fell from his cheeks as in his mind he was saying goodbye to his entire family “please give me until tomorrow so I can prepare for my journey and then I will leave, I will enter the forest and face whatever demons are waiting with no regrets” Mags pulled him into a huge embrace and they quietly cried into each others arms. The room was silent and Mags kissed his forehead; he looked up into her eyes but she wasn't looking at him and he turned to face the room to see the whole village stood. Vandai took a hobbled step forward and clasped Anan on the shoulder
“we will fight to protect you Anan not because our oath binds us because you have showed a courage we did not know you possessed and that alone is worth dying for” and with that the room all raised a glass and toasted a successful journey and Anan's heart filled with excitement not dread as he started to except that he was about to enter the next chapter of his life. He was starting to understand that he was made for more than a farmers life and that his future lay beyond the boundaries which had kept him hidden from the rest of the world for so long and he was going to leave and live as much of that life as he could.
The tavern started to filter out and Ericou had pulled Hann and his cronies into a corner of the room and seemed to be giving them a stern once over. Mags looked very distressed so Anan sat her down and poured her a glass of water from the jug on the bar. She took the glass from Anan and beamed at him “I am so very proud of you Anan for taking this on” she sipped her water
“but I have to be honest, how are you going to cope in the wild on your own” Anan felt deflated, he hadn't really thought about it yet. How was he going to cope on his own. Yes he could fight and hunt but he had no idea where he was heading for and how to traverse the land quickly and effectively.
“you need a companion.......someone to aid you.......someone like him” she pointed right at Hann just as he turned around
“you have got to be joking Mags, Hann would try and slit my throat on the first night” and Anan watched Hann spit on the tavern floor and leave, Mags touched his arm “let me talk with him” Anan was not convinced by this at all.
“if my estimations are correct you need to leave in the next five days. Which means I have got four days to turn you into a fighting machine. That way you should get to Vangoor relatively unscathed” the old battle master stood there laughing leaning on the handle of his mighty hammer.
“training” the look on Anan's face must have said it all, as Mags gave him a gentle push out of the door. Anan followed Ericou silently down to the training field, to Anan's horror Hann, Broc and Fran were there as well and all three were sparring each other. Hann caught sight of Ericou and Anan and gestured to the other boys, they all stopped and lowered there swords.
“you gonna teach him how to die bravely Ericou” Fran spat
“if you are we would love to watch”
Hann seemed to have lost interest by this point and had starting practising some manoeuvres on his own whilst Broc and Fran sat up against the nearest fence to watch and mock. Ericou didn't reply to the boys and threw Anan one of the practice swords
“look sharp” Ericou lunged in with an attack, Anan dodged out of the way but looked clumsy on his feet and he couldn't hold the weight of the sword with one hand
“chop his head off Ericou” the bullies began to taunt him
“your not going to last a day Anan” Anan was not sure what to do he knew he could handle the sword better than but nobody else did and he was not sure this was the right moment to show them. Ericou began to taunt him as well “fight back Anan, try and cut me” but Anan just continued to out manoeuvre the larger man. This had gotten the interest of a few more settlers now as they sparred together, Ericou swinging and slicing through the air and Anan dancing around the blade but not offering any sort of retaliation. “Anan you need to strike back”
“I told you before I wont fight on your say so” this seemed to anger Ericou and he yelled “then you will die” he lunged forward and Anan was left with no choice and using all his strength he struck the blow away to his right which forced Ericou to lose his balance who then fell face down in the dirt “why must I fight” he shouted and Anan threw the blade to the ground and ran
“run home to your mummy Anan” Fran and Broc just stood there laughing. Ericou had gotten to his feet and picked up Anan's discarded sword. He looked up and was face to face with Hann “how can you ask me to help protect someone who isn't willing to protect himself Ericou, he is not what you hoped he was and he will die a painful death when the shadows catch him” shaking his head and calling to the other boys Hann walked off and Ericou examined Anan's sword there was a hair line crack running straight across the base of the blade and with very little effort Ericou snapped it in two. Shocked he searched for the sword he used and there is was in the grass and dirt already in two pieces, he picked it up and smiled to himself “I knew it” he waited for the other boys to leave the field and muttered to himself “he is exactly what I had hoped for and he wont be dying any-time soon”

. Anan was just finishing up for the night and he felt exhausted. It had been an extremely long, hot day, so much so the sun had burnt itself out. As the evening began to draw in his skin felt clammy and dirty and what he needed more than anything else was a bath. Unfortunately that had to wait because he had to tidy the little forge room. Mags had always told him “dirty tools, dirty work” and this was something he had always adhered to. After his last training session with Ericou, Anan had been frustrated with himself for not fighting back and had promised himself next time he would show them all what he was capable of. No one needed any farming tools or anything at the minute as everyone was too busy deciding on the best form of defence for the settlement., so he had the time to work on a little project of his own. If he was going to be thrown to the wolves he was not going to enter the fray lightly or risk his life by using old and disused weapons. So he had started to make himself a short sword, something easy enough to conceal and manoeuvre at pace but also light and comfortable. Then he had an epiphany and decided that actually if he was only using a short one handed weapon he should make two. So he decided he would make a tomahawk, like Ericou's. The old battle master had only ever shown his skills with his large hammer or the more conventional two handed broad swords, but Anan knew Ericou had two tomahawks strapped to his back at all times, ideal for throwing or if feeling weary from battle they were easier and lighter to wield but just as deadly. Apparently these were the weapons of choice for the hunters because of these reasons. It had taken him most of the day to decide on the ideal weight and what type of grip he would be personally more comfortable with. He got so caught up in the design of his new axe he hadn’t eaten and was starving. He also had not finished his original short sword but felt he could rectify this the following day. He was sweeping the last of the debris when Dago got up ears pricked and started to sniff the air. “what is it Dago” Anan asked puzzled, Dago started forward slowly, teeth on show and his lips drawn back in a snarl. Dago had never reacted like this before, not even when Hann was around so it started to make Anan feel extremely nervous. They left the little forge to investigate with Dago out in front his nose their guide. The sun had started to set and the light was dimming, but Anan continued to blindly follow Dago not knowing where they were going or what it was they were looking for. Unfortunately Anan hadn't realised how close they were to Ms Anna's home. This meant they were almost at the Folip pens and Anan did not like this part of Bockley anymore. After the run in with the shadow hound Anan had stuck to working in his little forge and didn’t offer at the pens anymore. Those red eyes had burned themselves on to the inside of his eyes and were the last thing he saw before he went to sleep, he didn’t want to relive that moment again any time soon. He lost Dago round a corner and hurried to catch up. As Anan rounded the corner he nearly fell over as Dago had come to a complete standstill. Dago had stopped growling and was now just stood there staring his jowls drooling all over the floor in front of him and was not taking his eyes off the pens. Something was out there and it was scaring his friend. Anan began to feel nervous and his stomach began to twist. Reaching to his belt Anan groped for his dagger to find an empty sheath, he remembered taking the blade out earlier to run over the whetstone, he cursed under his breath, he had left it on his workbench. He couldn’t go back for it, whatever was in the pens was probably stalking the cattle and needed to be stopped however he was not brave enough to step foot into the pens unarmed. Whilst he stood there debating his next move something rustled to his right and he turned to see Ericou. He looked straight at Anan and put his finger to his lips and waved him back. Anan didn't need telling twice and ever so slowly he crept away from the pen. Ericou leapt the fence and somehow landed silently, how a man of his size was so light on his feet was surprising. Ericou silently manoeuvred forward towards the cattle with his hammer held high above his head. He was hard to see from this distance now with the light from the sun virtually distinguished. Then came a roar and it wasn't Ericou. Without thinking Anan and Dago shot forward and hurdled the fence, they pelted forward and couldn't believe what they saw. Ericou was flat on his back and a huge cat was snarling over his body it turned to face them and in the instant of catching Anan's gaze the cat's eyes drooped and it lowered it's head, turned and bounded off into the dark.
“Ericou” and Anan shook the big man, nothing. “Ericou” again nothing and Anan rocked back on his heels. This couldn't be true, Ericou couldn't be dead, not now. Then the big man began to laugh and the tears in Anan's eyes dried up immediately “your not......”
“no I am not dead Anan, I was caught off balance and fell, Kelvor was actually trying to help me up”
“Kelvor” Anan was puzzled and his initial shock at the man's apparent death was subsiding slightly
“Kelvor is an old friend Anan, he watches the forest for us and helps with the animals” Ericou was getting back to his feet and slapping the dust off his pants
“I heard a roar and thought” Ericou laughed again “Kelvor was laughing at me falling over Anan, he was in here looking after her” he pointed to the corner where an adult Folip was lay and she was nuzzling a baby.
“she went into labour and Kelvor helped deliver her, but you scared him off”
“how could a cat help deliver a baby Folip Ericou? you must have banged your head if you think that I could have scared something its size away” Anan had to stifle a grin, the old man had surely lost his mind “there are a lot of things you don't understand yet Anan and even more that you will never understand, anyone can help anything with the aid of magic”
“are you trying to tell me that was a magic cat Ericou” Ericou just sighed
“I am telling you that anything is possible with the aid of magic Anan. Start to appreciate that and you may last longer than your first day when you leave Bockley”


Striding through the bar door he noticed Hann sat in the corner alone, smoking a small pipe both of the young men’s eyes met. Hann’s sneer seemed to have left his face recently and he gave Anan a curt nod of acknowledgement. Since Anan had fought back, not once had these bullies come after him and he loved it. He went behind the bar and started to pour himself a drink. Then from across the bar, Ericou shouted “you taking orders squire? If so…. then could you ….maybe…pour me another pleases ms” Ericou was drunk and Anan found it highly amusing. The older man was wobbling on his stool which he had fallen off a couple of times already. Anan decided he was going to have a little fun with the old man “Ericou, what are you drinking?”
“w…w…wwhissskey boy”
One thing Anan hated was manners, or in this case the lack of them, he didn’t care Ericou was drunk, there was never an excuse for poor manners. Anan took a short stubby looking glass from behind and instead of whiskey Anan poured neat vinegar into his glass and offered it to the burly man. He coughed, spluttered, swore and stamped his feet in temper and everyone laughed. In a blind rage he upturned a table and searched for something else to clear the taste of that awful vinegar, drinking anything he laid eyes on. Hann was positively beaming in the corner, and there were roars of laughter from the rest of the tavern. This was how Bockley was supposed to be, not fighting between themselves and preparing for battle it seemed like a dog’s age since they had all laughed and joked and now; at this moment; everyone saw the funny side, well everyone except for Ericou. Tears were running down his cheeks and his eyes had gone bloodshot and his face had gone red, he told everyone he was going home and then left the tavern for the evening. Anan poured himself his ale for a second time as he had spilt it when he was laughing. He stood at the bar and took a large mouthful of his own chaser and it warmed his throat and belly instantly, then just held his ale with thoughts racing through his mind of travelling away from Bockley, fighting unknown beasts and magic….magic something he had never really believed was real and now his whole life depended on it. Then there was a short tap on his shoulder and he turned to see a toothy grin staring at him
“Anan, can I have a word” Hann looked wary of his reply “I don’t want no trouble Hann, I just want to finish my drink, take a bath and go to bed” Anan had squared his shoulders, this boy didn’t scare him anymore and Hann knew it “no trouble Anan, I just want to talk” so Anan followed him to the nearest table and sat down, you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife and people must have realised this as well as the laughter had died away and several people got up to leave. Hann was biting his lip and looked nervous and Anan found it very strange as this boy had bullied him for the last ten years or so. “when you leave………..I want to go with you” Anan nearly choked on his ale and tried to regain his composure, Hann sensed the opportunity to continue, and spoke fast “ I know you don’t trust me and I have never been anything like a friend to you, but I am sorry and I want to help you” these last few words seemed to instantly register with Anan and his initial reaction was a lot calmer than it was going to be “why do you want to help me, if that is your plan” Anan was not going to make this easy for him, if he wanted to help he was going to have to work at it “Mags is my mother Anan and I had to give up living in my own home, to live with my family just for her to be able to look after you…….I hated you” that stood to reason as Anan had been beaten most days for just being alive “ I wanted you dead Anan, then I look at how upset my mother and Sofi have been and I realise that my anger towards you was wrong ………its Jangaar I should be fighting, so I want to help you” Hann looked sincere but Anan was still cautious “why didn’t you kill me Hann?” this puzzled Hann “you could have killed me and got your family back” this really threw him off guard “I couldn’t Anan, yes I could get away with the other stuff but people would have noticed if you had died, you know what we are now and how easy it would have been for them to work things out, that has kept you alive for seventeen years, now it is my job to keep you alive long enough to destroy Jangaar to repay my mother’s faith in you” determination etched on Hann’s face, this boy had never had a purpose before and he was putting his all into this idea. Why when people gave him information did Anan think his head was going to explode “okay Hann, well you keep me alive that long and I promise I will destroy that bastard” they touched their glasses  and drank their drinks in one “do you want another” Hann said getting up and shaking his glass at him “aye” replied Anan. Whilst Hann was pouring more drinks Anan just sat contemplating his next move, did he really have Hann on side, and was he really an ally? Would Mags going to let them travel together after finding out Hann’s plan? He was unsure of all of this and who was actually going to travel with him. Smyt and Cain had both been told they couldn’t go as their skills in combat were needed, however Hann and his two friends had been left, forgotten about. After the village found out about there behaviour they had been disgraced, Bockley may insist on all three of them accompanying Anan to his destination with a view of proving their worth before the end. “Anan, close your mouth your starting to drool” Hann laughed at his own joke “you look like a fish with your mouth open” the he began to chuckle, but then something clicked “fishing” Hann looked up confused “no, I said you look like a fish, how many have you had” Anan was not listening he was processing his thoughts formulating something other than what he was going to be drinking next. “I mean fishing boats” Hann was not following his trail of thought and made a “eh” sort of reply. “I have to leave and everyone assumes I am going to leave through the forest, even Jangaar. But we can get down the mountain far enough to fish so why cant we leave by the sea and take our chances that way” Hann looked sceptical “how are you going to get a boat big enough to carry me and you and supplies but be light enough for us to somehow get it to the water and have it sturdy enough to stand up to the sea?” Anan didn’t know the answer to that, but in his eyes it was definitely worth a shot. “don’t bother with the other drink Hann I am going to need to be fresh tomorrow……..I’ve got a boat to build” Hann smirked to himself and shook his head in disbelief then poured both mugs away and said “we Anan…….we’ve got a boat to build” Anan nodded his agreement and then unexpectedly Hann put out his hand, Anan was a little taken aback but he took Hann’s hand and shook it, Anan pondered over the gesture and smirked. This was life changing in itself. His life's tormentor was conceding to him and he could not believe it, then quietly they left the tavern together.
            The morning couldn’t come quick enough for Anan, the ideas seemed to be buzzing around his already crammed mind. He knew this was something that no one would be expecting and certain this was going to work and he wanted to get started straight away. When the sun started to rise Anan was already throwing his shirt on to leave. He patted his leg and Dago followed him out of his room but as soon as he opened his door Dago shot past his leg and started growling, Anan burst into the kitchen quickly “you decided on having a lie in did ya” Hann was sat at the kitchen table with his mother, Mags was stroking Dago which seemed to have calmed him down almost instantly. He was smiling and he looked completely different for it, gone was the constant sneer and the evil looks Anan had grown accustomed to. In front of him sat a new man and it was going to take Anan a while to get used to it. “I’ve been thinking…….” Started Anan but was cut short by Mags “before you start I want to make a few things perfectly clear” staring both boys down, so Anan took a seat “Hann you are my son and I love you, Anan you are my nephew and I love you like a son” both the young men were smiling but neither was sure where to look “but if I find out that either of you have been fighting again, with each other,or any of the other boys, I swear, as god as my witness I will knock you BOTH black and blue” her temper seemed to flare for a moment and both the boys flinched at her tone and sat back in their chairs “you are men and I am a lady so what is the chance in that you may ask”
“I know where you sleep and I would sit on your shoulders whilst you slept and make you both extremely sorry you crossed me” this threat had the desired effect as both of them were horrified. They both knew that look enough to know that Mags was not lying or exaggerating, that if they messed up again there was going to be trouble.

After they had both shovelled down some bread and fruit they left the house and headed down to the forge. Anan talked frantically of his design for the make shift craft and what they would both be doing that day. As they rounded the corner was dragging another bag of apples through the street. Anan felt sick, he had helped before and the thought of the spiders made his skin crawl. Hann could see the look on his face “Anan, you go on, I will take these back for and I will meet you there can brew though” and with a smile and a wink he ran over and hauled the bag of apples onto his shoulder and carried them away to house. Relief washed over him. It was such a medial task however the thought of what had happened the last time shuddered through him, he knew he was to face much worse than a spider bite but the thought of little legs crawling over his hands almost tickled his skin. When he arrived at the forge he was shocked to find Brock & Fran , Hann's henchman stood by the door. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and more aware of his surroundings made his way forward. Both the other boys were quite larger than Anan but they didn't scare him anymore. Mags words were ringing in his ears and he unclenched his fists and tried to calm down. “morning” he said as he drew level with the lads “bit early for ya innit Anan, you wet the bed” Anan just ignored them and picked up some wood he had left outside from the night before, the both began to chuckle and stepped in front of the door and pushed Anan backwards “I said did you wet the bed” still nothing Anan was not going to give them the satisfaction
“I think he's gone deaf as well as mute” again they began to laugh and pushed him again and Anan stepped back a few feet and stumbled to his knees but refrained from retaliating.
“Morning lads you having fun?” Hann appeared behind them both, he had a big smirk on his face and Anan's heart sank. So it was all a set up. He felt stupid for being taking in by Hann, he thought he had made a friend when really all he had done was let his guard down and now he was going to pay for it. Hann moved between both the boys and stepped up to Anan. “smash him Hann” and Hann's eyes just gleamed, the hatred was back and all Anan could do was wait for the first blow he was grounded and defenceless, but unexpectedly the blow never came and Hann reached out his arm and let Anan up. “what you doing Hann you........” the sentence was never finished Hann spun on his heel and grabbed both lads by the throat and pinned them to the forge door.
“From now on Anan does not get touched by you pair or anyone else” the lads were trying to prise his fingers from their throats but to no avail, “I said he doesn't get touched anymore” and they both nodded. Hann let them go and they both fell to their knees coughing and spluttering. Hann pushed open the door and gestured to Anan who quickly entered not quite believing what he had just seen. They worked in silence for a while, Hann seemed to be angry with everything he touched. He slammed wood to the floor, threw the metal braces across the room when they wouldn't fasten and swore a lot when he hit himself with the hammer.
“Thanks Hann” it was all he could think of saying to his new friend. “ they shouldn't be doing that to you Anan...........I should never have done that to you. I will change Anan and so will they. I cant imagine how you lived your life the way you have, buts its my job now to make sure it changes” that was all he said, it had a finality about it and they both just carried on working. As midday approached they had moulded all the braces they would need and the logs had been prepared for tying together. The idea was to tie the logs together using the metal braces to form a raft then coat the entire base with a special glue made from various oils and tree sap to hopefully make it waterproof. They would then use old Folip's stomachs filled with air as bags to reduce the impact when the craft hit the water and to give it buoyancy in the water. They were going to have to drop the small ship from about thirty feet up, which if not connected correctly would fall apart on impact. They had also concluded the sail for the ship would have to be made and lowered to the craft separately as this would be damaged if it was dropped off the side of the cliff and with the amount of Folip hide they were using they only had one shot at this. Whining that he was hungry Hann went to get them both some lunch. Anan decided it was a good time for a break as well so when Hann left he sat outside in the sun took a huge mouthful of water and lay back with his hands behind his head and began to doze.
He was a beast roaming the forest, he could feel the solid beat of his heart through his chest. His large padded feet making no sound as they pounded the leafy forest floor. He was chasing something. This dream seemed to real and his body began to stir, then a women appeared in front of him “I am sorry” was all she said and Anan or was it the beast that bellowed and leapt forward, the shock of it woke Anan immediately. Was that a dream? Was it a memory? He couldn't decide. It was

a dream like but felt too familiar. He knew the women's face but had no idea where he could have possibly seen her before. Yet he felt saddened by it, why would that beast attack her, it was his dream and he couldn't understand it and that concerned him.
Suddenly he felt wet and he shot up, Ericou was stood over him laughing he had just upturned an entire jug of water over him “your supposed to be working, you can sleep when your dead” feeling a bit hard done too Anan stood up and wiped the excess water from his face “what you do that for, that water was freezing” Ericou was still laughing “well you aint got time to rest lad, you got a day maybe two at best to get ready and get gone” Anan must have looked confused so Ericou continued “ the shadows have started to congregate on the other side and with the weather the way it is the orange sun will be on us sooner than we first thought, when the sun breaks you need to be long gone” Anan gulped, he hadn't realised it would come around that quickly. He started to show Ericou the progress he and Hann had made but Ericou looked sceptical “so let me get this straight your planning on sailing this around this earth with Hann, bringing it to land and going by foot to the Evergreens, with little food, no battle experience and no Dago” Anan nodded, when the older man put it like that it did seem rather far fetched. “I know this will work Ericou, you have always told me to go gut first and that is what I am doing. The raft works better than a small ship, its faster and easier to manoeuvre. It will be easier to fish from so the food we take will be for the long walk. Dago has no way of getting to the craft once its in the water and who needs battle experience, I got Hann plus.....” Anan picked up his tomahawk from the bench spun a hundred and eighty degrees and launched the small axe, it flew through the air impaling itself in a water butt on the other side of the room
“ impressive Anan but you could hardly of missed a stationary target of that size” Anan grinned to himself
“ I was not aiming at the barrel”, Ericou looked confused and went over to collect the blade, he couldn't believe his eyes the blade had hit a fly in mid air and impaled it against the barrel. As he drew the blade out the fly fell into two pieces. “ I see you have been practising” Ericou seemed impressed and was smiling “everyday for the last ten years” Ericou just nodded and seemed very pleased with himself. He handed the axe back to Anan who then sheathed it in his belt and went to leave as he reached the doorway he looked over his shoulder and said “ you are obviously very accomplished with that axe Anan have you thought about taking two” Anan gestured to the table where two more axes were lay, both as magnificent as the other “then there is no more I can teach you, you make me proud Anan” and he left and Anan swore he could see a tear in his teachers eyes. Having that type of compliment from a man as heroic in stature as Ericou, Anan's heart felt lighter. To gain his masters approval proved to him he was taking the right course of action. Anan attacked his work with gusto and by the time Hann arrived back with lunch Anan had already braced and coated the small raft.
“ hahaha you that ready to leave are you Anan” looking amazed at how much work Anan had produced in such a short time. “ I just spoke with Ericou who says we need to be leaving by the morning at the latest” all the colour seemed to drain from Hann's face “er...the morning....but I”
“I know you thought we had more time, I thought so too, but apparently the sun will break tomorrow and we cant be here when it does”
“were not ready”
“don't be rash Hann, we are ready. We need to finish the sail this afternoon and get the craft into the water tonight like we planned. Mags has got our provisions together and here...catch” with that Anan lofted one of his new axes towards Hann, who caught it easily
“what's this for”
“if your not sure what its for then should you really be coming along”
“I know what's its for Anan I am just curious as to why your giving it to me?” Anan was not sure what to say, he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. The truth was Anan owed him. Hann had bullied him for most of his life but he had his reasons and Anan understood that. Hann had given up his childhood and his family for Anan to be safe and this gift was not worth a fraction of it, but it was all Anan had to give
“well if your supposed to be protecting me I don't want you getting killed and leaving me on my own cos you had a dull blade.........Mags would have my head” with that the tension that had started to creep in instantly disappeared and they both started laughing.

“I will find Smyt and Cain and see if they can give us a hand getting this thing to the water” jabbing at the raft with his foot.
“are you sure you dont want me to find them”
“I'll be fine Hann”
Anan set off to the waterhole first, knowing that's exactly where the two of them would be on a day like this. He reached as far as the church when something heavy struck him in the back of the head and he hit the floor on all fours. His vision blurred and sharp pain began to throb through his skull. Reaching up to his head he felt the warm sticky ooze of blood and began to panic. Rolling onto his back he saw Broc and Fran stood there, huge grins on there daft faces. Broc was holding a huge club in his hands but Fran was tossing a large stone in his left hand
“that hurt didn’t it?” Anan wasn't scared as he knew he would face a lot worse than this when he left. He slowly got to his feet and his legs felt weak and shook and he nearly fell “hahaha, Hann's not here to save you now is he?” and another rock hurtled towards him, Anan's instincts kicked in and he managed to dodge it. Trying to focus on the two boys he wondered what was coming next. He didn't have to wait for long when Fran ran at him, quickly Anan took a step to the side and left out his leg which Fran tripped on and flew head first into the church gate. A roar met his ears and he turned to catch a glimpse of the well rounded club smash into his mouth. He wanted to scream, this was more pain then he had ever experienced and again he fell to the floor, then a sharp kick to the ribs sent his breath shooting out and left him gasping and clutching at his side. Tears streamed Anan's face his vision was blurred and he could feel the blood running down his throat and chin. He looked past the pairs of legs above him and saw Hann struggling against Ericou's hold. Hann was shouting something but he couldn't hear anything, another blow to the ribs and again he screamed in pain. He knew if he lay there these two were going to kill him without remorse. Clenching his fists he slammed them into the floor and he screamed “LEAVE ME ALONE” his head began to buzz he could feel the last ten years of hatred raising like a volcano and he wanted to show them what it was like to feel pain. He stood quickly and both the boys took a step back confused by what they were watching. At that moment there was no weakness in his legs and he felt no pain, he had one aim he was going to kill both of them. Striding forward he launched into an attack on Fran, swinging his left fist he connected with Fran's nose, he felt it break under the blow but he didn't stand and admire the strike, his other hand was already on its way to find its target. His right hand connected as well and Fran was howling in pain, the second blow had caught him just below his right eye and he hit the floor. Crack............more pain blinded Anan's sight as the club ricocheted off the back of his head,
“get off him” Broc was swinging wildly, but Anan was more precise with his movements and he struck Broc on the wrist which sent the club spiralling to the floor Broc turned his body to shield his now broken wrist away from Anan but it was bad timing as Anan picked up the club and in one movement struck true against the back of his knee. Broc collapsed to the floor clutching at his leg and Anan was on him in a flash club held high about to strike and end the years of torment when once again he was struck from the side. Only this time he was pinned to the floor and Hann was on top of him
“leave them, they don't deserve to die Anan” Anan could hear the words but they were not making any sense, he tried to turn but his movements were restricted, between Hann and the loss of blood he didn't have any strength to move. He was exhausted. “just calm down” again the words just seemed to wash over him, he felt tired and he could feel pain in his head and ribs “your hurting me Hann, now get off me” and Anan made to stand up
“I will let you up if you are finished” Anan didn't reply
“I ain't getting off until you tell me your finished”
“I am finished, now can you get off me” with that Hann let him up and Anan staggered to his feet but didn’t fall, he stood over his attackers and spat


Anan would have preferred to traverse these new lands with the aid of his battle master, but Ericou had insisted he must stay behind to bolster the defences and give Anan a fighting chance of survival. Throwing his hand mitts into his ruck sack Anan caught sight of himself in the mirror in his room. An unrecognisable face stared back at him. His face was puffy with streaks and blotches of various blues and greens from the bruises which were now healing. The swelling on his lips and the dried blood in the corner of his mouth made the rest of him look even paler than usual and ill. He looked like a castaway. But looks are definitely deceiving as he felt stronger and stronger every day and these small imperfections just proved that even in times of hurt he was never beaten. The fightback was of no real importance but it made him feel confident and told him a lot about himself, and also made the villagers take note that he was ready to face this journey head on and come out the other side.....alive. He grinned to himself in the mirror baring his newly acquired hole in the front of his teeth where the club had impacted and his heart sank a little. This was something he was going to have to live with.
“you look very pretty” said a gruff voice from behind him, Anan turned on his heel whipping the small axe from his belt all in one motion to face the source only to be confronted by Ericou. The weary battle master took a step back and chuckled “so you have learned something from me then boy” Anan sheathed his weapon and turned to continue packing his bag. “why do I have to leave?” he knew the answer but that did not make him feel any better about it. He just couldn’t help himself, Bockley was his home he knew nothing of the outside world and how to survive. The last few days had been a whirlwind of change and hardship and things were not about to get any easier.
“Anan, I know you are scared and unsure, but I make this promise to you now. When I have defeated all who come for you here I will also leave and find you.” Ericou was on the verge of tears and the words seemed to be half choked “you are the son I never had and no father would let his son leave without being equipped for the job at hand” tears began to run down Anan's cheeks as he stood there. “you will not be alone Hann will keep you safe and teach you things I never have, you are our saviour Anan, fate dictated that and we have to play to fates tune. If you stay Jangaar will send all he has to capture or kill you and our world would be lost forever.” Anan continued to throw items into his bag with earnest. “if you can make it to the Evergreen Mountains there is a chance the spirits can help you and you would be lost to Jangaar”. Anan gulped as he felt the bile rising in the back of his throat. His stomach was performing acrobatics and he was not feeling to good. Ericou strode forward and pulled Anan into a fierce embrace. “ I will find you and together we will fix this world” Anan did not want to let go, he felt safe in the large man’s embrace, like nothing in the world could hurt him.
“are you sure you have packed everything you need” Ericou looked questioningly at the rucksack that was bursting at the seams. Without noting the hint of sarcasm Anan replied that he hadn’t and with that Ericou picked up the bag and flung it over his shoulder. Anan followed him out of the door. All his memories were here in this place, and he was leaving it all behind. One day he thought one day he would return to this place and this could be his home once more. As they started to make there way over to the meeting point Anan noticed how quiet the place was. The Folips were unattended. There was no smoke coming from the small forge he had worked in all his life. The place was empty. As he continued his long walk to the meeting place a chorus of song could be heard which began to get louder with every step, there was also the clanging of metal on metal beating out a sombre tune. Anan and Ericou rounded the corner to be confronted by the entire village all dressed in their battle garments. Beating swords and spears against there shields. The villagers began to fan out to let him pass nodding their heads and patting him on the back, the odd word of encouragement. This felt more like a celebration or party than it did a long anticipated goodbye. Then something caught the corner of his eye and a slender pair of arms were thrown around his neck. As Anan turned he was kissed full on the mouth. It was Sofi she was kissing him and he couldn’t believe it. She stopped the kiss and rocked back down on her heels and pulled him close to her and she whispered in his ear “I love you Anan” just as Anan had processed what Sofi had said she was gone, melted into the crowd.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.03.2013

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