
Chapter 1

I’m sitting in my bed listening to music. To be honest I am beyond bored right know. It’s a Saturday afternoon and I’m spending it with Kate.
I know we can have fun, we can watch a movie or do prank calls.
But no.
Thing is, all she’s talking about is her date.
And it’s getting B-O-R-I-N-G.
I hear “waiter” and “sweaty hands” in one of her sentences. But I let it slide by. To be honest I don’t really care about her first date.
I mean it sucks that I cant contribute in the stories. Due to the fact that I haven’t been in my first date yet. No boy has asked me. Sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me.
Is there a type of sign that says “this girl is no good”?
Why is it that guys just look past me?
Why is it that Vic just looks past me?
I mean, what does a girl have to do to attract male attention?
To be more precise in what I want.
What do I have to do to attract Vic’s attention?
Gah! This is tormenting! I’m getting tired of just thinking about Vic.
I feel like my head is going to explode. Not to mention hearing Kate talk on and on about her date is getting annoying.
Fuuuck I need to end this now.
“Okay I get it.” I snap, with much more force than I mean to. Instantly I feel bad, and I open my mouth to apologize.
But the reaction I get from Kate is not what I expect. Instead of her being sad, she gets mad. Her eyes turn into slits and her lips thin into a small line.
As I’m about to say “sorry” she stands up abruptly. Making me look at her in confusion.
Uhhh okay. I just said I get it, no need to get pissed.
“Dude what the fuck?” she asks me. Her hands on her hips.
I roll my eyes, and let out an annoyed sigh.
“I’m sorry, I’m just not in the mood to hear about your first date, I guess I’m just grumpy today” I say laying down in my bed and propping my elbows up so I can look at Kate.
“Yeah you sure sound sorry” she replies sarcastically.
I pull myself up and get into a sitting position.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask her.
“Typical you Dawn” she says with disgust in her voice.
“What the fuck Kate?” I ask, shocked at what is unfolding around me.
Kate just glares at.
“Okay, don’t answer my damn question” I snap getting up and standing up so I can face her.
“Like I said, Typical you Dawn” she sneers.
“Kate what the fuck!?” I yell. “Why are you so damn pissed at me!?”
She glares at me, “Ohh, so I started it?” she questions.
I give her a duh face.
“Uh last time I checked YOU were all bragging on and on about your date” I say. “How the “waiter” had a “sweaty” hand”
Kate gives me an astonished look. As if I did something wrong.
“God, what now!” I exclaim.
“Wow” she says. “Simply wow”
I shoot her a confused look.
“I wonder what more important thing was going on in that head of yours Dawn” she taunts.
My eyebrows knit in confusion, “Excuse me” I gasp.
She smiles evilly at me, “Let me guess, you were probably thinking about Vic” she begins.
I cross my arms over my chest, “So what if I was” I say.
Kate lets out a laugh.
“Like I said before Typical You Dawn” she hisses.
“Oh so Typical Me? How is it MY fault that I was getting annoyed about YOUR story shit?” I begin, “So what if thinking about Vic was WAY more important to me? So what? In the end it was all TYPICAL ME”
“And you think I care about your fairytale’s about Vic? About how he doesn’t even look at you in school. About how much you “Love Him” and he doesn’t love you back?” she snaps.
What she says hits me. I feel like a ton of bricks fell on top of me and I was able to do nothing about it. Just stay still and let the impact happen.
I told her that in times of weakness. When I was feeling fragile and I thought getting the feelings out of my chest would help. But no. Here she is, using what I told her against me.
True Friend.
I bite my lip to keep it from trembling, “Get out” I say.
Kate shoots me a surprised look, “Wow!” she says “Just do what you always do. Run away from your problems Dawn”
“Get the fuck out!” I scream.
“You know something Dawn I’m getting tired of this” Kate snaps, “All you do is complain and complain about your life. How your mom “hates you”, how you have “no life”, how you never get to do anything you want, and Oh don’t get me started on how no boys ask you out! Well no wonder no guys ask you out! You’re a drama starter, and a self-centered bitch that only cares about herself. Because when it comes to you-”
I gasp at what she said. Anger fills up my blood, and I take a step toward Kate.
“Oh shut up!” I yell getting mad once again “It’s not like YOU are any better? Do you know how fucken annoying it is to hear you talk about your boyfriend Chris?”
Her face goes red, and she shoots me a stare that can kill a lion.
“Don’t you dare” she growls.
“Ohmygod! Like OMG! You guys are soooo not gonna believe what Chris said to me last night.” I say in a high pitched voice trying to imitate Kate.
I see her hands clench into fists and for a second I think I took it too far.
Oh shit.
“Oh and shall we try you?” she asks me, her voice filled with poison.
“Fuuuuck my life sucks! I asked my fucken mom if I could go take a walk outside and she fucken said no. Why does the world hate me so much!?” she says trying to imitate me.
And my I say she failed horribly.
This time its my turn to clench my fists, and shot her a look.
“Fuck you Kate! I don’t care about how the hell you think I am. You’re a fucken cunt, and I never want to see your face again!! So get the FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!” I scream.
By now my breathing is all ragged, and the room feels like its beyond 100 degrees.
I see pain flash across her eyes, and in that moment I wish I was able to go back in time. Back to the old days, back when there was no drama in our lives. Back to when we were best friends.
Back to when we were Dawn and Kate. Best friends forever.
“Gladly” she says, her lip quivering. She picks up her bag of my bed, and turns her back to me.
And I watch her walk away. She walks out my room and slams the door with a loud thump.
“Whatever Kate” I say as the tears begin. Sliding down my face. More and more each second.


“Dawn!! Wake up already!” someone screams.
I open my eyes and yawn. That someone was my mom. I roll around in bed, looking for another position. Once I find it I close my eyes again.
Ahh, it feels so good to sleep in.
I soon find myself imagining Vic kissing me. The way his lips would feel oh so soft against mine. The way his straight long hair would be so silky smooth when I ran my fingers through it.
The way he would whisper I Love You Dawn.
The knocking forces me to open my eyes. But what really stinks is that it ends my fantasy about Vic.
“What now mooooooom?” I groan. I switch positions on my bed so I’m looking at the door.
Any second now. Any second, my mom will barge inside my room.
Five seconds later as I predicted my mom open the door. And barges in.
“Goddammit Dawn I told you to wake up” she fumes.
I roll my eyes and stare at her. My mom, my dear mom. 5 foot 7. Light brown hair, with blond high lights. Wearing pink polka dots pajama bottoms and the red turtle neck sweater I gave her last year on her birthday. No one ever believes she’s my mom.
Heck, I don’t even believe she’s my mom. We’re two VERY different people.
Anyway aside from that, why is she wearing the turtle neck I gave her? Oh no, this usually means she has news I wont like.
God shoot me now.
I prop myself up on my elbows and raise my eyebrow at my mom.
“What now?” I question.
She stays frozen where she is, halfway between my door and my bed. She crosses her arms, and sighs.
“Get ready Dawn, and come down to the living room in half an hour” she explains and then turns around to leave.
This confuses me even more, why does she want me in the living room in 30 minutes? Is that were she’s planning on breaking “the news”.
“Uhhhhh, whhhhy?” I question her.
She turns around to face me, “Just do as I say” and then just like that she leaves closing the door behind her.
What the fuck just happened?
I lay back down in bed, and sigh. Gahh why is my mom so confusing! God I swear she drives me nuts sometimes.
I turn to face my alarm clock. Its 9:30 am. Way too early for me to be awake. Maybe I should take a nice short nap. 10 minutes of kissing Vic sounds nice.
I smile at that thought.
Vic, ahh how I love that boy.
Wait a second! You don’t even know who Vic is. Or who I am.
Shit I better make introductions and explanations fast.
Okay so where to start, maybe with my name. I’m Dawn Radke and I’m 14 years old. I live with my mom in Fort Bragg, California a two story house that has 4 rooms. Don’t ask me why there’s 4, I guess you can say my mom and dad were planning on having more children, but sadly that never happened.
You see my mom and dad got divorced two years ago. And now my mom has a boyfriend. Yay, not really. Anyway as I was saying, my parents got divorced because things weren’t working out. That simple. There was too much fights. Fights for no reason. I guess both of them were getting tired of it so they decided to put an end to it.
And so they did. They filed for a divorce, and my dad moved out. Leaving me alone with my mom.
To be honest, I don’t even know from my dad anymore. Since that last day, the day he moved out. I haven’t spoken to him, its sad, but truth is I don’t mind. Well not that much. I mean I miss him. Of course I do, he’s my father.
My daddy.
I let out a sigh, and run my hand through my dark brown hair.
I need a kiss from Vic. Yep that would wake me up.
I grin at that thought.
Vic Fling. Hottest boy in 9th grade. With his dark brown hair, and deep blue eyes. And his killer smile. He’s every girls dream.
I love him.
Even though he obviously doesn’t love me. Yeah. That’s the way life is. You love someone (Vic) but they won’t love you back. And all that leaves you is a love sick girl (me).
Yeah, I still remember the first time I saw Vic. First day of high school, which was back in August last year. It’s March now.
So that means, that…..uh…..I’ve liked him for…..
8 months!
Damn, that’s almost a year. Am I really that sad?
Gahh, I’m tired of sulking. I better just wake up and shower. Yep that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
I smile at that thought.
I drag myself out of bed and stretch backwards. I groan as I hear my back crack. Then I walk over to my bathroom. I flick the light switch on and yawn. I stop in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection.
My dark brown shoulder length hair, my side bangs. My uneven eyebrows, and my dark brown eyes.
I smile at myself and start to get undressed. Once I’m naked I walk over to the shower and turn the faucet on. Once I get the water all warmed up and ready I step in. I grab my razor and shave my legs, all the way up my thighs. Then I shave my underarms.
After I finish all the shower routine, I turn the faucet off and get out. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself. I get out of the bathroom and go over to my drawers. I take the towel off and let throw it on my bed. Then I garb a pair of underwear and slip then on.
In that same second the door open and a boy emerges.
I feel a scream bubble up my throat, but before I’m able to let it lose he beats me.
“Fuck” he mutters, looking me up and down.
A boy with brown curly hair, and the most amazing green hazel eyes. Wearing a black hoodie, and some blue surfer shorts.
I feel my eyes pop out of my sockets. Damn this boy is H-O-T!
And then it hits me. I’m naked. Well er, half naked.
I look up to meet his eyes and I notice they’re nailed to my boobs.
I do the first thing that comes to mind. That’s right I cover them. I cross my arms over my chest and clear my throat.
He snaps out of his trance and meets my eyes. “Uhh my um, I thought that uh-” he stops, his face all flushed.
To be honest that makes him look even sexier.
Wait, uh, off-topic. The point is he’s in my room and I’m half naked.
“Quick question” I start, hugging my chest harder, “Who the fuck are you?”
He looks out the door and then back at me, “You must be Dawn, huh?” he questions.
I take a step away from him. Oh shit he knows my name!
“Oh and I’m Skylar” he responds quickly.
I feel my throat construct around itself, and I cough. “Skylar?” I repeat, “As in Rick’s son?”
He nods his head, and I notice his eyes travel to my boobs again.
I have a sudden urge to remove my arms from my chest and show Skylar what he wants to see.
Wait a second! Am I saying I want to flash him?!
What the hell is wrong with me?! I’m going crazy!
His eyes travel down the rest of my body and up again stopping at my crotch area. I see him lick his lips, and I feel and uncomfortable sensation in my private area.
“Daaaawn!!” I hear my mom yell from downstairs.
That shakes me up and in an impulsive moment I remove my hands from my chest.
And ONCE again Skylar has a full view of my breast. I notice his eyes pop out and get darker.
He looks up and takes a step closer to me, “Can I fuck you?” he asks me in a lust filled voice. I notice he has a bulge in his shorts.
Uhh, awkwaaard.
I shoot him a ‘what’s wrong with you’ look before I walk over to him and push him out of my room. I close the door and lock it.
“What mooooom?!” I yell. Leaning against the door, feeling like I just came out of the oven. All hot and stuff, from the inside I mean.
I hear footsteps going down the stairs followed by Skylar’s voice.
“Oh she was, I mean she had just taken a shower” comes his faint response.
I let out a sigh and look down at my boobs. I cover them, go over to my drawer and take out my purple bra. I snap it on and walk over to my closet. I take out a pair of short shorts and put them on. I stand in front of my mirror, and uh no. These shorts weren’t made for me.
I roll my eyes and take them off. I look around my room looking for my Pj’s, but then I remember I left them in the bathroom.
Stupid! Haha I forget things easily.
I go back to the bathroom and pick up my neon green fuzzy Pj’s. I slip the on and when I look at my reflection in the mirror I smile.
That’s better.
Then I go over to my drawer, take out a dark blue tank top and put it on. Next I apply cover up, and put on a pair of black socks.
I blush as I remember Skylar, and the whole issue that he saw my boobs. Talk about embarrassing. How in the hell will I be able to go downstairs and be in the same room as he? What sucks is that I’ll most likely be seeing A LOT of him. Considering the fact that my mom is dating his dad.
Yeah, awkward.
Isn’t there a saying that says something like ‘First Impressions are all that matter?’. Well, let me tell you something, if that’s the way life is. I guess Skylar got a pretty awkward first impression. Well, considering the fact that he looks like he was enjoying what he was seeing I’ll say that I made a good impression on him.
At that thought I blush even harder.
Ahhh, I got to cool down before I go downstairs and face Skylar again. Face him, his dad and my mom.
But more importantly Skylar.
Ahh, Skylar with his curly hair and green-hazel eyes. He’s so beautiful.
Wait what?! I can’t be thinking about him like that! He can be my step-brother. His dad is dating my mom! It’s just impossible. Not to mention he’s most likely not interested in me at all.
Wait a second….he is. He probably thinks I’m hot! Yes! A boy finally likes me!
I start dancing around in my room, shooting my arms up in the air.
“Daaaaaaaaaawn, get down here already!” my mom screams again, distracting me from my dancing and causing me to trip on my backpack and fall on the ground. I yelp and land with a ‘thump’. I quickly scramble up.
I smooth my tank top, and walk to the door. I unlock it and open it. I scratch my neck nervously and make my way downstairs.

Chapter 2

As I walk into the living room I see my mom and Rick sitting together on the two person couch, and Skylar sitting on the one person couch. And may I say he looks really uncomfortable as if he just saw someone naked.
Haha, ahh the irony. Of course he looks uncomfortable, he saw his dad’s girlfriend’s daughter naked. He appears to be looking down, and he has his arms over his crotch area.
Oh my dear lord, Eww. He has an erection right? That’s disgusting. And in MY house. Well my mom’s. But you get what I’m saying right?
Aww, who cares.
“’Sup Rick,” I say passing him and my mom, and walking over to the kitchen. I go over to the fridge and take out the leftover peach Jell-O from yesterday. I grab a spoon form the cabinet and go back to the living room.
When I walk in, I become aware that everyone is staring at me, including Skylar.
Come on Dawn, remain calm. You can do it. Just act as if the whole naked-Skylar thing didn’t happen.
I shoot them a weird stare. “Uhh whats wrong peoples?” I ask. I go over to the couch where Skylar is, and lean on the back. I shove a spoonful of Jell-O in my mouth, and moan as the flavor kicks in.
“Daaaaaamn have I ever said how much I LOVE Jell-O?” I ask no one in particular.
“Dawn” my mom warns. Rick on the other hand just laughs. He raises an eyebrow at me, then points over at Skylar.
“Met my son yet Dwan?” he asks me.
I grin at the nickname he has for me. I look down at Skylar, and grin causing him to blush. I look up and see Rick’s eyebrow is raised. Probably wondering why his son blushed.
“Skylar right?” I respond.
He winks at me, startling me for a second, but luckily shake it off.
“He’s 14 too, you know, fifteen in a month” he says, “Thinking about throwing him a quinceañera” he says with a chuckle.
I snort at that thought, “Fuck yeah Rick! I’d love to see him in a dress” I look down and wink at Skylar, but he just glares at me. My smile grows.
“Dawn,” my mom glares at me, “I thought I told you to get ready”
I raise my eyebrow, “Uhh I took a shower already” I say. Remembering that and what happened after the shower makes me blush. When I see Skylar’s face I see he’s looking down at the floor.
I clear my throat and rub my belly, “I’m huuuuuungry mooooooom! Feed me” I say going over to where she and Rick are sitting. I then lay down on the ground and pretend to sleep.
Yep. These are my ways of annoying my mom. Smart huh? Haha, yep I’m creepy I know.
I’m also Emo. Cut. Cut.
Haha just kidding! Emo’s are retarded and not real. I mean those are just posers wanting attention. Pathetic right. I hate those people. “Fine.” My mom grunts, “We’re going to McDonalds.” My mom finishes.
I smile and slowly stand up, stretching to complete the act. I notice my tank top rides up, exposing my tummy. So I rub it, smiling at my mom.
Yes! This is the power of annoyance! I rule at this mon. I’m the King of annoyance.
I catch Rick’s eye, and grin at him. Then I turn to face Skylar, and notice his eyes are glued to my chest. I feel a blush come to my cheeks, so I turn around.
Finally Skylar talk again, “Uh Lora, where is the bathroom?” I hear him ask my mom.
My mom turns to look at him, and smiles, “Upstairs” she replies. Then she turns to me and says “Show him the bathroom baby”
I let out an annoyed sigh, “Fiiiiiine.” I reply. Then I look over at Skylar and point at him. “Follow me boy” I say. Then I go over to the staircase and start climbing not even bothering to see if he’s following.
But soon I hear the sound of another pair of steps, and I realize he is following me. I smile to myself and pick up my pace. When we reach the door to my room, I see Skylar get in front of me and open the door. He then shoves me inside. Once we’re both in he closes it and locks it.
To be honest I’m not scared, more like amused at what he did. I stand there behind him with my arms crossed over my chest. He turns around and takes a step toward me. I notice there’s confusion written all over his face. Like he doesn’t understand what he’s doing.
I close the distance between us and put a finger over his lips, “I know what you want” I whisper, hoping my voice sounds seductive.
What am I doing?! Why am I flirting with him? I need to stop this now. I love Vic. I love Vic.
Skylar takes ahold of my hand, the one that I’m using to cover his lips with, and kisses my index finger lightly.
And then he kisses me.
My first kiss!
Full lip kiss. He crashes his mouth into mine. And then he freezes. He stare’s wide-eye at me, as if not knowing what to do next.
Oh god, oh god. What should I do? Should I make the next move? What is the next move?
I decide to grab ahold of his neck, thank god he’s only a head taller than me, and start moving my lips slowly.
Am I doing it right?
I see him shiver. Oh shit! I messed it up, fuck my life.
He closes his eyes, and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He does the same thing I do. He starts to move his lips with mine.
I’m doing it. I’m kissing a boy, a boy. A real boy, not a poster, or picture. An actual boy.
I close my eyes, and enjoy the moment.
A few seconds later he pulls away, breathing heavy, he rests his forehead against mine. I open my eyes, and notice his eyes are open too. He smiles at me, causing me to blush, but I still smile back.
A real smile, the first one that feels all right this day.
Usually Kate would make me smile like this, but I probably wont see her until tomorrow. Our fights last about two days. Those two days of separation help us, to be honest, it makes me miss her even more. It makes me remember the good days.
“That was amazing.” He whispers, looking at me adoringly, and giving me a light kiss on the lips.
“It was my first kiss.” I say without thinking.
Shit. Why did I say THAT? God, I’m so stupid.
He gives me another quick kiss on the lips, “Same here,” he murmurs. And then as if realizing what he just said, he blushes. A light pink filling his cheeks.
I smile and pull him to me again. I crash my lips against his and tangle my hands in his wonderful hair. We both close our eyes.
Should I try to French kiss him? I mean what if he thinks its gross. How do I get my tongue in there?
What had Kate said…something around licked my bottom lip, I think. Should I try to do that?
Ahh, what the hell! I’ll do it and let’s see how it goes.
I lick his bottom lip, and to my surprise that causes him to part his lips lightly. I take my chance and stick my tongue inside his mouth.
I expect him to push me away and scream ‘that was gross!’. But it doesn’t happen, instead he…
Sticks his own tongue inside my mouth. No Joke.
And when our tongues touch I feel a thousand sparks of electricity spark inside of me. I open my eyes in surprise and find Skylar has his green hazel eyes open. Staring intently at me. We both pull away at the same time.
Dear god, what have I done? Kissed the guy that can be my step-brother. What will my mom say? What will Skylar’s dad say about this? What will everyone say about this?
More importantly what will Vic say? Just Kidding, that isn’t the most important.
Wide eyed we stare at each other, to shocked to speak.
“I’m sorry” I finally blurt out.
He looks at me confused, “What for?”, he takes a hold of my hand, “Dawn, that was amazing. Best Kiss I’ve had. We’ll considering it was my first….but you know what I mean.”
Okay, so now I’m the one confused. He liked the kiss? How? Why?
“You did?” I ask him.
He intertwines our finger, and nods his head, causing me to smile.
Oh my god, this this mean he likes me?
“Dawn…would you uh be my girlfriend?” he asks me, a light rosy pink filling his cheeks.
What?! Did he just ask me what I think he did.
I pull my hand away, take a step back, and stare at him wide-eyed, not sure of what to say to his question.
I can’t believe he just asked me that. What should I say? Yes? No? Oh, god I’m so confused.
He takes a step backward and open his mouth, but then closes it again, “I-I’m sorry for even asking” he says, then he turns around and walks away.
A dizziness enters my mind, making me feel lightweight.
I don’t love Vic Fling. I can’t love him. I can’t because I like Skylar.
“Wait!” I yell, making him turn.
“What?” he snaps, making me flinch. An annoyed expression on his face.
“I, um, I just wanted to say that, um-”
“Say what?” he asks cutting me off.
I walk to him, and stop when I’m about 1 foot away. I tilt my head a little higher and look into his beautiful eyes.
“Yes.” I murmur.
His eyes go wide open, and a giant smiles comes to his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and lift me up.
“Really?” he asks me, twirling me around once, then setting me down, but still not letting me go.
“Yes!” I scream, grabbing his face with my hands and bringing his lips to mine.
As we kiss, I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip. Ahh, he’s learning from me then. I feel myself smile, and when I do he sticks his tongue inside, causing me to shiver.
Ah, dear god I’m in heaven. Nothing can be better then this. I officially have a boyfriend and I’ve had my first kiss! Nothing can be better than this. Nothing.
Knock Knock!
Except this. Goddam it!
“Daaaaaaawn! We’re leaving!” my mom yells from the other side of the door.
We instantly pull away breaking the kiss. I stare wide-eyed at Skylar, not knowing what to do now. I mean my mom is outside my room waiting for me. Does she even know where Skylar is?
“Do you know where Skylar is?” she asks, as if by cue.
“Fuck my life.” I curse
“Gladly.” Skylar’s murmurs grinning at me.
I snort at that, “Yeah right!”
He leans down to give me a kiss, “Ahh…come…on…babe” he whispers in between kisses.
I pull away from the kiss and murmur in his ear, “In your dreams.”
“No mom!” I yell, “And coming!” then I give Skylar one last kiss, before pulling completely away. I walk toward the door, but at the last moment Skylar grabs my wrist, stopping me from advancing.
“Wait babe,” he says, turning me around so I’m looking at him.
“You’re right,” I say as if reading what I hope he’s thinking about, “What will your mom and dad think?”
His shoulders sag at that, “I know…what if they’re against it, I mean my dad’s dating your mom and things are getting pretty serious or so I’ve heard”
“Yeah, and we might end up being family” I finish sadly.
“Should w-we keep it a secret?” he asks me grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers again.
I squeeze his hand “I think this is the best for right now, I mean until we figure out what to do”
He lays his right hand on my cheek, leans down and crashes his lips against mine. He gives me a quick kiss, then pulls away smiling down at me. I smile back, let go of his hand, take a deep breath and open the door.
I make my way down the stairs silently, thinking about what just happened. Gah, apparently I have a secret relationship now…cool. Yeah, not really.
I go over to the couch where my mom and Rick had been earlier and sit down, on the left cushion. Skylar goes over and sits down beside me on the other cushion.
He looks over at me and gives me a heartwarming smile. I smile back at him.
Just then my mom comes down the stairs, “We’re taking Ricks truck” she says then grabs her purse from the kitchen counter and goes out the door.
I stand up, and for the first time I notice I have no shoes on, “Shit!” I curse. Then I run up the stairs and into my room. Inside I look around wildly. Damn, where did I leave my shoes?! I spot my black slip on Vans by my closet, and I go to them. I grab them and put them on. Then I make a run for the stairs, and descend them as fast as possible.
As I reach the last stair I bump into Skylar. I let out a yelp, as I feel him grope my left breast.
“What the fuck man!” I scream pulling away.
“They’re such nice boobs” I hear him say, as if in a trance. His eyes glued to them. I blush as he says that.
Thankfully my mom breaks the awkwardness by barging in through the front door. We both turn our attention to her.
“Guys, we’re leaving now” she says in a hurry. Then she leaves as fast as she came.
Skylar and I share a glance, then we both make our way to the car outside. When we get there, we both get on the back of the car. Ricks starts the car, and we make our way to McDonald's.

Chapter 3

As my head is leaning against the window, I feel something nudge my foot. I look down and notice its actually Skylar’s foot. He takes off his shoe revealing his gray sock. Then he starts feeling the inside of my PJ’s with his foot, traveling up and down my leg.
I shiver, causing him to smile, which makes me smile. And in the end we both end up smiling, which is great.
“So are you from here?” I ask Skylar, because to be honest I can’t stand the silence any longer.
“Uh, no, actually I just moved here last week. I used to live in Arizona…with my uh, mom.” he responds.
“Ahh, I see, so where are you going to go to school?” I ask casually. Okay, I hope it sounds casual.
“What’s it’s called again dad?” he asks turning to face forward.
Rick looks up at the review mirror and looks back at us. “Fort Bragg High.” He replies.
I twiddle my thumbs to try to hide my surprise, “Hmmmm I see.”
Skylar turns to look at me and raises his eyebrow, “Do you go there?” he asks me. I smile inwardly as I hear a trace of hope on his voice. Dear god, this boy really does like me. Fuck Vic. I have Skylar now.
“Yep,” I say, “Going to be a Sophomore, can’t wait to go back to school and see everyone.” I finish excitedly. I mean, I can finally brag to my friends I have a boyfriend. How great is that? I can finally join in on their guy conversations.
My body tingles at that thought. Yes, I can finally fit in with them. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the engine stop. I look out the window and realize we’re here. The Big yellow ‘M’ marking its territory in the busy street called Apple. Yay, I’m actually starving. I touch my tummy gingerly and smile as I hear it rumble.
Skylar shots me a weird look, “Was that your stomach?” he asks me.
I open my mouth to speak “Ye-”
“God, you should hear her in the middle of the night!” exclaims Rick, cutting me off. I glare at him, but he just grins back at me.
“Gross! Dad, I did not have to know that.” Skylar says, then surprises me by reaching under the seat -where my left hand is- and taking ahold of my hand. He runs his fingers lightly over my knuckles, making me close my eyes in pleasure.
I open my eyes, and shoot Rick a glare. “Excuuuuuse me for being hungry,”
He barks out a laugh then looks over at my mom who is looking out the window, not even paying attention to what is happening. Wow, that’s my mom for you. Great isn’t she?
“Well…lets go!” he announces, opening his door and getting out. After that, my mom follows his lead, and after her me and Skylar. Once we’re all outside the truck, I walk ahead, leaving my mom, Rick and Skylar behind.
“Soooooo,” I hear Skylar, murmur, suddenly walking by my side. I look over at him and raise an eyebrow.
“Sooo what,” I respond, as we reach the doors. Skylar reaches over for the handle and opens the door, making a gesture for me to go in first. I smile and get in, expecting him to be behind me, but when I look over my shoulder I see he’s still holding the door, for my mom and his dad.
Ahh, whatever. I should just walk ahead. I go over to the line, stand there looking side to side and rolling back and forth on my heels. I stop abruptly, and almost fall sideways when I see the most unexpected person come out of the bathroom. Vic. Vic, wearing a pair of black Skinny jeans, and a red Nike shirt, accompanied by a gray beanie covering the back of his brown long hair. My appetite instantly flees, and I stare after him dumbstruck as he makes his way to the table near the window. He sits down and instantly joins in on the conversation the other 3 kids seem to be in. I only recognize him and this other one boy called Daniel, his best friend, well what seems to be the closest he has to a best friend.
“What are you looking at?” I turn to my side and see Skylar shooting the evil eye to the table where Vic is. Is he jealous?
“Uh, I uh, was um, you know, uh, nothing” I finish off in a hurry, I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and look away. Away from Vic, and Skylar.
“Yeah, whatever.” The way he says it, makes my heart beat in fear, and I turn to face him abruptly. But he’s not looking at me, he’s still looking at the table.
I suddenly have the urge to reach out to him and take ahold of his arm, but that would be weird. So instead I punch him lightly on the shoulder. He turns to look at me, trying to hide what looks like jealousy in his eyes.
“Skylar,” I say gently, looking into his green-hazel eyes. He open his mouth to say something, but at the same time the cash register person asks for our order.
“What may I get you guys today?” I turn to face the male voice, and see a guy of about 18 looking at us bored. He has gages, and bleached blond hair. God, he’s hot. His blue eyes move between Skylar and I, and he smiles, as if he’s in on the secret. He grins at me, then at Skylar. “Ahh, young love” he murmurs, in a low voice.
“I’ll uh, have a frappe mocha, small” I say, still not hungry for food. Even though I’m not looking at my mom I can feel she’s shooting me a confused look. I drop my gaze to the floor, and walk away to the farthest table from Vic I can find. A two person table, but considering my luck I’ll be alone. I cross my arms on the table and lay my head on them.
A few second later I feel someone start to poke my arm, I lift my head up and see Skylar looking at me intently. “Hey,” he says, tracing a finger on the table in random lines.
“I used to like that boy over there, huge crush.” I begin, fighting the urge to look away from Skylar. I notice a look of surprise pass over his face.
“How long?” he asks, his voice sounding neutral.
“It was just a petty crush, you know unrequited.” I say taping my fingers awkwardly on the table.
“Soo, who was it? Does the guy have a name?”
I look over my shoulder at Vic, and his group of friends. He laughs at something one of them says, and it hits me that I used to love that laugh. Adore the way he would tilt his head back if it was a real laugh. Images of how I would stare at him at school, always looking at him, while he was chatting away with the other girls pass through my mind. How I used to envy that.
“You see the one with the brown long hair, wearing the red Nike shirt, and the black skinny jeans” I reply, “His name is Vic, Vic Fling.”
“The one with the beanie?” he questions, jealousy clear on his voice. Ah, why is he jealous? He’s way better looking than Vic, and well he actually likes me. Unlike Vic, who I’m no one too.
“Uh, yeah, that one” I reply, just as my mom sets my frappe mocha on the table, and Skylar's drink. Which happens to be a frappe mocha too. I smile. Then she goes over to the table where she and Rick are. Thank god, she’s out of earshot, this way she cant hear what we’re talking about. I turn my attention back to Skylar.
“That’s nice.” He says coldly while he looks away, and takes a sip of his drink.
A feel a sharp prick in my chest, and tears burn in my eyes. Is this our first fight? A day into our relationship, does this mean its not meant to be? Oh no, please don’t let it be that.
“I’m over him, you know.” I murmur softly.
That catches his attention, “You are?” he asks incredulous, his eyes wide and looking at me expectantly. My lord, he’s insecure.
“Yes, besides the fact that he never liked me, never spoke a word to me.” I reply sadly, remembering all the time I spent love-struck over him. He was everything to me, everything I thought I needed.
“Then he’s a bastard,” he says, making me smile. “It was his loss.”
“More like gain, I’m a freak, no one likes me.” I respond, taking a sip of my frappe mocha. I moan loudly. Daaamn, so gooooood.
Skylar snorts, spitting some of his drink on the table. I instantly burst out laughing.
“Dawn” my mom hisses loudly. I look around and realize Vic, and his table are looking at us. Oh, shit. I look away hastily, and turn my attention to Skylar.
“God, you’re stupid dude,” I say giggling.
“Yes, yes I am” he replies winking at me, then he gets a napkin and cleans up his mess. I flash him the middle finger.
He gasps, and puts a hand on his chest, and for the first time I notice he has a ring on his index finger. Its pure metal with no design whatsoever on it.
I bite my bottom lip, “Soo I never knew you had a ring,” I comment, taking a long sip of my mocha. He shifts his gaze away uncomfortably, looking anywhere but me.
Ahh, I see. That type of ring. Probably a girl gave it to him, an old girlfriend- But wait, he said he had never kissed a girl before. But he could have been lying. Still, he did seem pretty confused on the whole kissing thing. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have had a girlfriend before. They we’re probably in love, I think acidly. My stomach churns uncomfortably at that thought.
“Who gave it to you?” Was it a girl? Was she pretty? How old was she? Was she blond? Did she have big boobs? I ask trying not to let any jealousy creep into my voice. Because I am NOT jealous of any and I mean any girl he may have dated in the past.
He looks at me slightly, then shifts his gaze to his hands which are laying on the table. “It was my best friend’s,” he says softly.
Soo the chick was even closer to you than I thought, I think acidly. God, I think I hate her already. Goddamn her.
“So why did she give it to you, was it a leaving gift?” I ask trying to sound normal.
He looks up at me, and knits his eyebrows together in confusion. “It was a boy,” he says, “And he gave it to me because he died, he had cancer.” His voice cracking when he says ‘he died’.
I gulp shamefully. Oh shit, and here I was thinking it was from a girl. God, I’m pathetic, I only made the day worse.
“Is-Is that why you moved here?” I ask softly, wanting to reach over and squeeze his hand.
He looks up at me, his eyes glazed. “His name was Nick, he was barley 15, his birthday was two months ago. He died, uh, 3 weeks ago.” He finishes, his voice cracking again at the last sentence.
“I-I-I don’t know what to say Skylar, I’m-I’m so sorry.” I respond awkwardly. Oh, Kate I’m so sorry for what I did yesterday. I cant let these fights ruin our beautiful friendship. I miss her so much.
“It’s okay babe” he murmurs, making my stomach flutter, just as someone from Vic’s table walks by. The one that Vic was sitting across from, a guy with blond curly hair, and piercing green eyes. I feel my face heat up at his stare. Is he going to go tell Vic about this? What will Vic think? Will he- Oh that’s right, Vic doesn’t know who I am. Or cares.
“I made a huge mistake yesterday,” I begin, “I messed things up with the only person I can call a real friend.”
“Then fix it.” He responds.
“I-I-I’ll try, I’ll try to make things better for me and-”
“Don’t look behind you, but the guys at the table where the guy you liked is sitting are whispering and pointing at you,” he says interrupting me, “and it seems like blondie cant take his eyes of you” he says coldly.
Blondie? Does he mean the one that walked by us? “Ahh, I see.” Not really, because I’m not looking, but you know what I mean.
“What the fuck is wrong with that boy.” Skylar growls under his breath and glares at the blond boy.
I look behind me, and catch Vic and the blond boy looking straight at me, then the most unexpected happens, the blond boy winks at me. He winks at me! Is he mad? Why in the world would he wink at me?
I turn away fast from them fast, and hide my face with my hands. Dear god, why did Vic have to be here today. The weekend is supposed to be the days when I don’t have to worry about seeing him.
“Dawn, Dawn, Daaaaawn!” I’m snapped out of my thinking by Skylar’s voice.
“Huh?” I ask looking up at him confused.
“We’re leaving.” He replies standing up, and grabbing his drink. He takes a sip and raises his eyebrow questionably at me.
“Oh,” I murmur, standing up and grabbing my mocha frappe. I turn to look at Vic’s table once again, and see that Vic is no longer looking at me, truth is none of them are. Not even blondie. Wow, I was probably just a joke to them.
“You know something,” Skylar says, looking down at me, his green hazel eyes shining. His mouth transforms into a devilish grin, making him look so irresistible, and let me tell you, oh, its so hard not to jump into his arms and start kissing him like there’s no tomorrow. With Vic here or not.
I raise my eyebrow at him. “Actually I know more than something.” I reply winking at him. He scoffs at me. I smile, take a sip of my drink, and start to walk away. I don’t even reach two steps before I feel him right by my side. I smile inwardly. We make our way to the door, and like last time he opens it for me, he then shots me a brain melting smile, which makes me stumble. I feel my face heat up, dear god, please don’t make me blush.
“God, you’re so clumsy Dawn,” he chuckles.
I look up at him and grin mischievously, “And I’m also very hot” I add, sticking out my butt, and wiggling it.
He takes a cautious step toward me, “Hell yeah baby,” he confesses.
I take a sip of my mocha and as I’m taking a step toward him my mom and Rick come out laughing. I get away from Skylar hastily. And silently the four of us make our way to the truck. As I get in, I see Vic and the blond boy get out. Rick drives away, and I lose sight of Vic.
“Do you know those guys?” Skylar asks me, suddenly, trying his best to keep his voice neutral.
“No, just Vic and the blond guy, from school that is.” I reply, straining my ears to hear the song playing on the radio. I think it’s Pierce The Veil, yeah. “Is that Pierce The Veil?” I ask suddenly excited.
“Is what what?” Ricks asks.
“The radio!” I exclaim, “Turn it up.” And he does, he turns it up, and I let out an excited yelp as I realize it is Pierce The Veil. “Ohmygod! Its King For A Day!” I yell.
“Oh shit! I’m gonna die, that’s Kellin!!!” I wail, shutting my eyes tightly, and moaning.
“Dawn!” my mom growls, I open my eyes and see her shooting me a dirty look.
“Whaaaat,” I whine. The song ends, and I glare at my mom.
“Goddamn you’re so weird sometimes Dawn,” she replies. I feel a sharp pain enter my heart, and I feel tears burn behind my eyes.
I’m not letting it get to me, I swear I wont. “Thanks.” I reply, trying my best to make my voice sound cheerful, and normal.
“I Fucking love Pierce The Veil!” Skylar exclaims, surprising me.
I stare at him wide eyed, “You do?” I ask, incredulous.
He grins at me widely, “Dude they’re one of the coolest bends EVER!” he says jumping up and down on his seat.
“And so is Sleeping With Sirens!” I add, “I fricken love Kellins voice! He’s my hero!!” I start bouncing happily in my seat. Ohmygod! Skylar likes Pierce The Veil too!! He’s the greatest boyfriend ever!
“I know right! My favorite song by them is Four Corners And Two Sides, one of the best song to ever exist!” he confesses, his eyes shining as if he just met his hero.
“God, that song is amazing! But I love the song If I’m James Dean Then You’re Audrey Hepburn, and The Bomb Dot Com! I love singing them, those songs make my day.” I finish out of breath.
“Fuck yeah! I want to start a band and sing their songs.” He says.
I stare at him for a full 5 seconds, mouth hanging wide open. “Where have you been all my life?!” I ask, “I swear you’re my twin! I want to be in a band too!”
“Where have you been all my life?!” he asks repeating my question.
As I’m about to answer, I notice that we got home already. Dear god, I need to show Skylar all my songs by Pierce The Veil, and Sleeping With Sirens. What if he likes some of the other bands I like too? What if I get him into bands I like? What if he gets me into bands he likes? God, this is too good to be true.
I grab his hand and open the car door, “Dude, lets go to my room, so I can show you my Pierce The Veil shirt. It’s amazing!” I exclaim, getting out, and dragging him out with me.
“No way! I have one too! And a Sleeping With Sirens shirt!” he yelps excitedly.
I stop halfway to the door, and turn around to face him, “You have a Sleeping With Sirens shirt?” I ask, “No fucking way! Where did you buy it?”
“Online,” he answers simply.
I smile, ear to ear, before turning around and dragging him to the door with me. My hand goes to my front pants pocket to get my key, but the I remember I have Pj’s! Shit. I let go of Skylar’s hand, and crouch down to get the spare key under the Starfish on the ground. Once I have the key in my hand, I stand up and open the door. I grab his hand again, and drag him up the stairs with me, making sure to put the key on the counter.
I basically run up the stairs, Skylar right at my heels. I get to my room, open the door, push Skylar inside, get in myself, shut the door. And out of breath I turn to face him. With one of the biggest smiles I’ve had in my whole short life.

Chapter 4

I open my mouth to say ‘You have to see my shirt man!’.
“Marry me Dawn,” he says cutting me off, and leaving me speechless.
“What?” I ask confused. I smile at him, shake my head, and head over for my closet. I slide open the right door, and start shifting through my shirts, looking for my Pierce The Veil shirt.
“Here it is!” I squeal, as I come upon my blue Pierce The Veil shirt. I turn to look at him, and find him still sitting on my bed. A smile still on his lips. I basically jump to him, I stand in front of him, and lay the shirt against my chest, and look down at it adoringly. I’m sorry that I love Pierce The Veil so much, but what can I say, they’re amazing!
“Dawn, you’re so fucking amazing.” He moans, falling down against my bed, and dragging me down with him.
I fall on top of him, and before I can react, he crashes his lips on mine. One of his hands wraps around my waist, while the other one straddles my head. His lips move slowly, causing my heart beat to increase. Oh, my lord, he’s such an amazing kisser! He stares at me the whole time, his eyes on mine.
But then I pull away. “You own me something,” I say out of breath.
Confusion dawns on his face, “What?” he asks me.
“Well,” I start as I pull myself up and sit on the bed. “You saw me naked, well half naked.” I say as I run my hand up and down his leg.
He blushes, and smiles crookedly at me, “You’re point babe?” he asks me.
I stand up abruptly, “An eye for an eye.”
“Huh?” he sits up.
“Since you saw me naked, I think its only fair that I see you naked too” I finish fast, as I start feeling hot in the face.
He looks taken aback, surprise writing all over his face, “You want to see me naked?” he chokes out.
My face grow even hotter, “Well, I mean just your boobs- I mean you just need to be-to be shirtless…that’s all”
“Ohh,” he replies, “I guess that’s fair.”
“Okay.” I choke out of my what seems to be swollen throat.
“Do I have too?” he asks nervously.
Does he? No-Yes, He does. “Yes.” I reply walking over to him, “Here I’ll help you” I say as I reach for his hoodie.
Once my hand is where his zipper is, he covers my hand with his. “No Dawn, please don’t.” he begs.
“Why not?” I ask, starting to pull his hoodies zipper down.
“Because I- I,” he stops, looking deflated.
“Because why?” I push, he doesn’t answer me, “Skylar tell me please.”
“Because I don’t have a six pack,” he responds softly.
“I don’t like muscle” I reply, kissing him lightly on the chin.
“I don’t have any muscle at all” he insists, trying to move my hand away.
“I told you, I don’t like muscle, I like my boys weak” I say, causing Skylar to frown even more, “Plus, I barley have any boobs.” I add.
Skylar jumps up, “Are you kidding me! They’re perfect.” He replies, cupping one with his hand.
I slap his hand away, “No, they’re small” I retort, turning away.
“Well I love them,” he replies, making me smile,
I turn back around, the smile still on my face. “Take your goddamn shirt off,”
“What, no!” he protests.
I walk over to him, and unzip his hoodie. “Now Skylar.” I growl.
“Fine,” he grunts, taking his hoodie off, and dropping it on the floor.
I reach for the hem of his white Zoo York shirt, and I pull upward. My heart beat accelerates when I start seeing skin. Oh, dang he’s hot! I pull it off, and drop it on the ground with his hoodie. He was right, he’s weak. But I like it.
“I think you look fine,” I murmur, running a hand down his chest.
“How about you take your shirt off.” he moans, laying back down on my bad again.
“How about no,” I reply, circling around his right nipple with my finger.
“Dawn please,” he grunts.
“Wait.” I say suddenly, getting an idea. I walk over to my stereo and turn it on. I then put one of my all time favorite disks, Selfish Machines, by Pierce The Veil. I close my eyes as the song ‘besitos’ blasts through the stereo.
“That song is so hot!” Skylar exclaims making me open my eyes.
“I know!” I say, walking over to Skylar, “And that is why I love Vic.” I add dreamily.
“Because they share the same name? I thought you were over him?” he grumbles, sitting up.
“I mean Vic Fuentes. Victor…Mike’s brother.” I hint.
“Ohh,” he replies smiling.
“Yeah, his voice is just sooo damn hot.” I explain.
“Well I think you’re hot.” He growls, pushing me down, and propping himself on top of me.
I run my hands up his back and pull him down to me, I crash my lips against his, and snake my tongue inside his mouth.
“Take your shirt off” he groans, pulling away, and reaching for the hem of my tank top. Before I have time to react, he has it halfway up, and in no time its off. On the floor with his clothes. Leaving me with my purple bra.
He cups my left boob on his hand, “Perfect, they’re perfect. You’re perfect.” He says, then he leans down and kisses me. He switches positions, so now its him on the bottom and me on the top.
Skylar shoves his tongue inside my mouth, and runs his hands up and down my back lightly, making me shiver.
I pull away, “God, you’re an amazing kisser.” I breath out.
He looks at me with his green-hazel eyes, “No, YOU’RE an amazing kisser” he says as he runs his hands through my hair.
I laugh, “Are you kidding me? Me an amazing kisser? Fuck that shit.”
He takes a hold of my hand and intertwines our fingers together, “You’re amazing in my eyes.”
I smile, “Aww, you are too adorable Skylar.”
“So then what are we gonna do about this?” he asks me.
“The relationship?” I ask.
“Good, I’d thought you’d never ask.” I start, “Well for once, I like my sandwiches in white bread only, no mayo, also I like my bacon cri-”
He laughs, and gives me a quick kiss, “Ohmygod, I wasn’t asking that!”
I tilt my head and look at him innocently, “You weren’t?”
He switches positions again, and looks down at me, “No.”
“Hmm,” I tap my chin with my free hand, “Then what were you talking about?”
“I was asking about our sex schedule.” He replies with a straight face.
I shoot him a weird face. “The fuck you’re talking about boy? We have sex when I’m in the mood. Simple as that.”
Skylar snorts at that, “And what if I’m not in the mood to have sex?” he questions me.
“Then I have sex with Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes.” I retort, grinning.
“Noooo,” he moans, “You’re mine.”
“Am I know?”
“So I’m a fat cow now?” I ask
“Yes- wait what?” he exclaims.
“Well its simple logic, fat cows can’t fly. Birds that fly are free, and since I’m yours I can’t fly. Therefore I’m a fat cow.” I finish smiling at him.
“What the fuck Dawn? I never said you couldn’t fly.”
I wrap my arms around his neck. And I start to lean in to kiss him but a thought stops me cold. “Why did you ask me out?” I ask him, “What do you even see in me?”
He pulls away, and looks down at me incredulous, “Are you kidding me? You’re breath-taking beautiful!” he exclaims.
I cover my face with my hands, “No I’m not.” I complain. And don’t think I just want him to call me beautiful, it’s just that I’ve never believed I was beautiful.
He sits down beside me and looks down at me, “Do you want to know what my dad told me about you?” he asks me.
“What” I say in a muffled voice.
Skylar tears my hands off my face, so I’m looking at him. “He told me ‘Dawn is a beautiful, smart, and funny girl. Don’t you ever think you can play her heart.’”
I look up at him incredulous, “He did?”
He just smiles down at me, “Yeah, he did, and he also said ‘And if it turns out that you like like her, actually scratch that. I KNOW you’re going to fall in love with her the moment you see her. But if you ever hurt her I swear, I’ll gang up with her mom and kill you.’”
I let out a laugh, “Honestly? What did you say?”
He takes a strand of my dark hair and twirls it in his finger, “I was all like ‘Wowow I don’t even know her yet!’”
I open my mouth to speak, but he continues.
“But I guess he was right. He knew all along we would get along.”


Texte: Uhh this book or story what ever the hell it is belongs to mehh and only mehh
Bildmaterialien: Uh google.......
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2012

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