
Chapter 1

“Zoin…Wake Up, Zoin.” Someone says in the background.
I groan, and go back to my dream.
He leans over me, and takes ahold of my face. He smiles, and his eyes twinkle, those dark brown eyes.
“I love You” I whisper, to him.
He brings his lips to mine and kisses me softly. I kiss him back, moaning when I feel his tongue lick my lips.
He pulls away and grins at me, “I Love Y-”
The dream slips out of my mind, and I become aware of the shaking in my shoulder.
“Ah, come on Zoin, just wake up…wake up.” A voice whispers, the shaking of my shoulder still not stopping.
I lift my head up groggily, and take in my surroundings.
Realization hits me.
Oh yeah, I fell asleep in Math.
“Oh god, it’s about time Zoin, I have been trying to wake you up for the past 5 minutes”
I turn to where I hear the voice coming from.
Suddenly I’m face to face with Dylan, one of my best buds.
He smiles at me, and I smile back. Then he starts to laugh.
“What?” I ask confused.
“Z wipe the drool of your face” he responds.
My eyes go wide and I lightly feel the area near my mouth. I touch watery material, and I instantly look down at my desk. I find a mini pool of saliva.
My saliva.
“Ugh, you have got to be kidding me.” I mutter, as I pull at my sweater sleeve and wipe the drool of my desk.
I look at Dylan, and glare at him, when I see him smiling.
“It’s not funny” I growl.
He shakes his head, but the smile is still there. “Sure it isn’t” he retorts.
“Yes, it’s not” I reply.
He raises his eyebrows, “Then what is it?” he asks.
I scoff at him, “A Medical Condition, isn’t it obvious”
He grins at me, “Yeah whatever floats your boat” he replies.
I smile and punch him in the arm.
“Shut Up” I hiss, “It IS a Medical Condition”
He gives me a hurt expression and rubs his injured arm, “Ow” he mutters, but I know he’s faking it. That’s just the way he rolls.
I shake my head, and turn to look at the teacher, who is also sleeping in his desk. His feet propped up on his desk, and a loud raspy sound coming out of his mouth.
Ew. That doesn’t sound like a snore, more like a cow dying.
Why…Why am I so mean?
I just insulted a poor cow, how dare I compare that majestic beauty with Mr.Homens, the teacher that never pays attention. The teacher that never teaches, that never does anything.
I bet a bloodbath could happen right in this very classroom, and he still wouldn’t notice, well maybe he will. But he won’t care. That’s just how amazing he is.
He stirs slightly, and reaches down to his pants. And next thing I know, I see him scratching his balls. I feel my mind freeze for a second, and then I shudder.
Oh God, I’m going to have nightmares until I die.
I turn around to look at Dylan. His short dirty blond hair, glistening lightly by the light. His face turned facing Mr.Homens direction. But even from my angle I’m able to see his shocked expression.
He saw it all.
He saw our teacher scratch his privates, well on the Brightside I wont be the only one having nightmares.
Wait talking about nightmares, didn’t I have a dream earlier today.
What did I dream?
It all comes back to me in a rush.
I was dreaming of Michael.
I feel a rush of excitement, and my body shivers in response.
I was kissing him.
I was kissing Michael, the boy I feel a major attraction to.
I shift uncomfortably in my desk, knowing that if I keep on thinking about him, things would go bad for me.
But hey, what can I say? I ‘m a 15 year old, I’m at that stage. All I do is think about boys. Cute boys. Boys I like.
As if on cue, I turn to look at Dylan. I feel my stomach shift uncomfortably, and my mind goes blank. As if sensing someone staring, Dylan turns to look at me. A shocked expression on his face.
“Did you see that?” he asks me in a whisper. Not taking his eyes of me.
It takes me a moment to realize he’s talking about Mr.Homens. I shake my head, as if to clear out the spell he put on me, and crack my knuckles.
I grin at him, “Yeah, did you enjoy the show?” I ask him raising my eyebrows.
He shudders “Hell no, Z, I would rather die than see that again” he pauses for a second and then a grin takes over his face. “But I bet YOU did, since you’re a perverted little girl” he wiggles his eyebrows at me, “How much did you enjoy it, Did it turn you on?” he says looking at Mr.Homens for a second, then back at me.
I lick my lips, and lean against my chair, “If only you knew Dylan, I feel so…so…excited” I wink at him. “I think I need to go masturbate, from the show, I heard it’s not good to stay horny for so long”
I take that as my cue to stand up, tugging at the bottom of my hoodie. I bend down to grab my backpack and sling it over one shoulder. I turn to face Dylan, and wink at him one last time, right before walking away.
I don’t even glance at Mr.Homens, just pass him, and go to the door. I open it, and get out.
It’s not like I’m ditching or anything. Math is my sixth period, and what’s going to happen if I leave 10 minutes early. It’s not like I was learning anything…well except for the fact that Mr.Homens is a ball scratcher. But that was scary.
I go to an outside table and sit down. I take out my IPod and turn it on. I plug in the earphones and put them in my ears.
The Bigger Light’s song “That Kind of Girl” starts playing, and I let out a sigh. Did I ever mention I love music. It has a way of calming me, and making me forget things, well sometimes.
I look down at my jeans, my green skinny jeans. I lay my hands on my legs, and start trying to drum the rhythm of the song. After about half a minute of trying I realize I can’t, so I give up. Deciding to just listen to my music in peace.
And right when the song “Miserably Loving You” by Artist Vs Poet comes on Michael walks out and stands within 15 feet of me. He makes his way to a vending machine a couple of feet of where I am. I hold my breath, and just stare at him.
I feel my pulse quicken, and a blush comes to my cheeks.
Don’t ask me how, but I just blush a lot, especially when near guys I like.
He’s wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a big black sweater. I mean it, it reaches all the way down to his thighs. Put I’m still able to notice his lean body, even with him wearing a big baggy sweater.
I see him pull out a handful of change, and feed it into the vending machine. Then he punches some numbers, and bends down to grab whatever he bought. And when he bends down I see a bright green fabric.
His boxers.
My pulse starts dancing rapidly, and I feel my hands start to tremble. My breathing comes out ragged.
Yep, this is the kind of reaction Michael causes inside and outside of me. Just his sight makes my insides turn.
He straightens up, and a sinking feeling enters my gut. I start feeling as if the show ended way to early.
Without even glancing my way he walks away, and makes the distance greater. I let out a shaky breath, and close my eyes for a second.
I imagine Michael’s lips upon mine, moving in synchronization with mine. I touch my lips gingerly, and a shiver passes down my spine.
My mind goes back to my dream, the dream I wish would be reality.
I told him I loved him, and he was saying it back, he was about to say “I love you to”.
But that also ended way to quickly, it ended leaving me wanting more.
More of Michael.
I open my eyes and look at my IPod, the time shows its 3:55. Wow, the 10 minutes ended fast.
5 seconds pass, and then the shrill, sound of the bell rings all around me.
I stand up just as kids starting pouring out of doors all around me. All eager to get home. To their friends, and families.
I stand on my tiptoes and look for one kid in particular. A kid with dirty blond hair and warm hazel eyes.
A kid called Dylan Schmitt.
I find him walking toward me, and a big smile takes over my face. I take inventory of whats he’s wearing for the 6 time that day.
Dark grey lose-skinny jeans, and a black shirt with the logo Vans in the front.
“Hey Dylan” I say, as I pull out my earphones, and turn off my IPod.
“Hey Z” he begins, “So how did your masturbation go, did it please you?” he asks me.
I laugh, “Oh, it was amazing Dylan, it took my breath away.” I tell him.
Dylan smiles at me, and leads me to his car.
Yep he can drive but I can’t. Were both Sophomores in High School, but he turned 16 a month ago. And now he has a license.
While I’m still 15…lucky me. I still have to wait 5 months until I turn 16, which seems like a long time if you ask me.
We walk to the parking lot, and stop once we reach his jeep, his deep blood red jeep. I personally love the color, it’s so intimate, the perfect shade.
The color of blood.
Not that I’m a vampire, but sometimes I wish I was. They seem like pretty cool creatures, but hey what can I say, they don’t exist.
I open the passenger door, hop in and I set my backpack between my feet. I buckle my seatbelt, and wait for Dylan to get in.
A second later he opens his door, gets in, and throws his backpack on the backseats. He starts the car, and buckles his seatbelt.
I look over at him, and one thought pops into my head.
Dylan is so beautiful.
My stomach gives an uneasy roll, at that thought.
And a blush comes to my cheeks.
I look away fast, and pretend to be interested with the tree in front of us.
When I feel the blush has gone away, I turn to face forward.
Dylan clears his throat, “So…did you ask your parents if you can go to my house?” he asks me.
I turn to face him, and I’m about to say yes when a thought comes to mind.
I never called them.
I had forgotten to.
“Shoot! I forgot” I say smacking my hand against my forehead.
I was supposed to call them during those 10 minutes when I left early. That was basically the reason why, I left early. To call them.
Dylan raises his eyebrows, “You forgot?” he asks.
I bite my lip and groan, “Yes! I forgot” I respond.
His eyebrows arch higher, “You forgot, or did you get distracted by something?”
I bite my lip, and look down.
Dylan suddenly sucks in a breath, causing me to look up slightly. “Don’t tell me you actually did it, did you Z, did you actually masturbate?” he asks me with an edge of worry in his voice.
My head snaps to face him, “What?!” I practically yell.
I make a disgusted face at him, “Eww, come on Dylan I wasn’t even horny” I begin, “Did you actually think Mr.Homens will turn me on?”
His face relaxes a little bit, and he lets out a sigh.
“Good, cause that would have been nasty” he says.
Now it’s my turn to let out a sigh, “Yep, it would have been” I agree.
An awkward silence fills the jeep.
Then he suddenly turns to face me again, “Then…what happened?” he asks quietly, breaking the silence.
I open my mouth slightly, and feel lost for words, “I…I um-” I begin then stop.
Should I tell him about Michael, and how HE was the one to distract me. That I got lost in my thoughts when I saw him.
I decide not to.
“I fell asleep again” I explain finding no other way than to lie.
A smile breaks into his face, and he pat’s me in the head, “I swear Z, you spend about 75 percent of the day sleeping” he jokes.
I feel myself smile in return of his mocking, “What can I say, I need my beauty sleep” I reply, signaling to my face.
He grins at me and gives me a wink, “At least its working” is all he says. He then pulls out of the parking lot and gives his full attention to the road.
My heart flutters at those words he just said.
He called me beautiful.
Unless he was kidding.
My smile falls at that thought.
I shake my head, and decide to forget about it. I lean back against the seat and take out my IPod once again. I turn it on, and stick the earphones in my ears.
I search up a Green Day song, and soon enough “Minority” comes on. I listen to it in silence for a while, but then decide to sing it under my breath.
“I pledge allegiance to the underworld.
One nation under dark There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt Singled out The only way I know
'Cause I want to be the minority I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
Stepped out of the line Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now The only way I know
One light, one mind Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud", she screamed unto me
A free for all Fuck 'em all You are your own sight
'Cause I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
One light, one mind Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud", she screamed unto me
A free for all Fuck 'em all You are your own sight
'Cause I want to be the minority I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority, I want to be the minority, I want to be the minority, I want to be the minority, I want to be the minority.”
I sigh taking out one earphone, “Man, I love that song” I announce when the song ends.
Dylan turns to look at me, “Green Day, isn’t it?” he asks.
I nod my head and grin at him.
“Now there’s an old man, that turns me on” I say facing forward and biting my lower lip.
The Jeep suddenly gives an abrupt stop, and I turn to look at Dylan.
“What was that?” I ask fearing he might have run over something.
“THAT guy turns you on?” he asks me ignoring my question, and staring straight ahead.
“Wait what?” I ask him, not quite understanding what he means.
He turns to look at me, his mouth set in a thin line, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Are you saying the singer of Green Day turns you on?” he asks, his eyes boring into me. I notice a strange glint in them.
Is that jealousy?
Is he jealous.
Wait a second go back, Why is he jealous?
Is it because of what I said. About the singer of Green Day being hot.
I mean it’s not a big deal, I just said someone was hot.
I notice his hands have a death grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles white from the pressure.
Did I cause that effect on him?
I open my mouth to ask him if everything is okay, but I decide to close it at the last second.
As if sensing he’s put me in an awkward situation, his hands relax and he lets out a deep breath. He runs his hand through his short dirty blond hair, and his eyes soften.
“I- I just think you should go for someone younger, you know, Z, s-someone your own age” he speaks up, ending our awkward silence.
I swallow, and open my mouth, “Like who” I reply, in barley a whisper, not thinking he would hear me.
Dylan suddenly blushes, a rosy red filling his cheeks. He looks away fast, and faces out the window.
“Um…see you tomorrow Zoin” he answers, unlocking the doors.
I turn to see out the window and realize I’m at my house. The two story house, suddenly looks sad, with its bark blue paint, and black outline.
I turn back to face Dylan, but he’s still looking away from me.
I look at him for a while, unsure about what to say. Hoping he will turn and smile at me one last time.
But he never does.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat, and open the Jeep’s passenger door.
“Yeah, sure see you tomorrow Dylan…um…thanks for the ride, I guess” I say. I hope off, and grab my backpack. I slam the door shut and look at Dylan one more time.
He still doesn’t even glance in my direction. He just starts his car again, and drives away.
I stand there, feeling like an Idiot.
One thought clear on my mind.
What was that all about?
I bite my lower lip, turn around and walk towards my front door.
Once inside, I climb up to my room, and lay in my bed, massaging my temples.
Ahh, I swear I don’t understand Dylan. One minute he’s happy, and the next he’s all pissed.
I close my eyes and let my body relax.
I then feel myself slipping into a dream.
***** I stretch my neck backward, and a moan escapes my lips.
I become aware of the fact that I’m against a wall, and my legs are wrapped around someone’s torso.
That someone kisses my neck again, another moan escapes my lips.
I squeeze my legs tighter around the person, my arms go around his neck, and lose themselves in his hair.
Long-soft hair.
He licks my neck, and closes his mouth on one spot in particular. He then starts sucking on that spot.
I feel something stir between my legs, and I find myself humping him.
“Michael…Ohh…Michael…Ohhh…fuck…feels…good” I moan, still humping his stomach.
He suddenly stops sucking my neck, and trails kisses up to my mouth. He kisses me fiercely, and I kiss him back, with just as much passion.
“Ohhh, Michael” I moan.
He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
His dark brown eyes boring into my own dark brown eyes.
I notice his eyes are filled with passion and lust.
He licks his lips seductively, and presses me harder against the wall.
“Say my name again” he grunts out of breath.
I bite my lower lip, and close my eyes, enjoying the sensation he gives me.
The stirring in my legs still there, almost feeling in bearable.
I grab ahold of Michael’s hair and pull him toward me.
I crash my lips against his, and force my tongue inside.
Not that he stops me.
“Mmmmmm” he moans.
I smile and slip my hands inside his shirt. I run them over his flat stomach, and back.
His hands roam my body at the same time.
He stops at my left breast, and suddenly he squeezes it.
I open my eyes and gasp.
Suddenly I’m no longer kissing Michael, but Dylan.
I pull away, and blink, thinking I’m imagining things.
But no, Dylan is still here.
“Dylan” I gasp.
I become aware of the fact that now my legs are wrapped around HIS torso, and HE has me against a wall.
“Kiss me Zoin” he whispers, out of breath.
“I-I um…don’t know-” I start to say, but Dylan crashes his lips against mine again.
“Dylan” I moan.
He takes the opportunity of my lips being open and sticks his tongue inside.
“Ohhh” I moan inside his mouth, tightening my legs around his hips.
He moves his mouth, and trails kisses down my jaw to my neck. He stops in the same spot that Michael had stopped at.
And he starts to suck also.
“Ohhh...Dylan…Ohh…God…like it…right…there” I moan.
I pull him closer to me, and find myself humping him too.
I grab his head with both of my hands, and bring his lips to mine.
“I want you Zoin” he groans, out of breath.
“Then take me Dylan” I whisper, licking my lips.
I grab his head and press my forehead to his.
“Take me Dylan” I repeat.
He nods his head, and kisses me passionately again.
I feel my back leave the wall, and suddenly we’re moving.
Well more like Dylan moving, and carrying me.
Suddenly he stops walking, and I’m thrown on a soft thing.
A bed.
Dylan takes his shirt off, and unbuttons his pants. He slides them down, and soon he’s standing half naked in front of me.
Just his boxers and nothing more.
“Oh, my fucking god” I mutter, feeling my face go red.
He grins at me, and gets on the bed.
He positions himself on top of me, and runs his finger over my face.
“I love you Zoin” he says.
I lick my lips, wanting more of him, soon.
“I love you too, Dylan” I reply back.
He smiles and I smile back.
He leans down, and kisses me.
I snake my arms over his back, and press him to me.
I feel one of his hands, go under my shirt, and start exploring.
He runs them over my flat stomach, and starts playing with my bra strap.
Suddenly I hear a click, and I feel his warm hand take a hold of my right breast.
I gasp.
He breaks the kiss, and pulls himself up. Each leg on either side of my legs.
Both his hands go to the hem of my shirt, and he slowly starts to pull it up.
I sit up, my heart beating like crazy.
He starts by exposing my stomach, and slowly lifts it higher.
He stops right below my breasts, and looks up at me. As if asking for permission.
I nod my head, and feel my body start to tremble with excitement.
He lifts it all the way up, and over my head. I’m forced to lift my arms up, to make things easier for him.
And then I have nothing more than an unclipped bra, revealing my right breast.
I see him lick his lips, and my breathing starts coming faster.
His hands carefully, slide up my flat stomach, up to my breasts.
He unclips the second strap with trembling fingers, and the bra falls to the bed.
He stares at me, his hazel eyes holding love and nothing else.
“I Love You Zoin” he whispers. *****
I open my eyes, and see darkness.
But it doesn’t matter.
Something happened.
I had a dream of Dylan.
I run a shaky hand through my hair.
“Dylan” I moan remembering how he had kissed me.
I had a freaking dream of my best friends.
He was kissing me!
…And I was kissing him back.
What makes it worse was that…I had been dreaming of Michael, before Dylan.
Well I was kissing Michael, and then BOOM I’m now suddenly kissing Dylan.
Talk about creepy.
I now feel like a slut.
I mean I was kissing two boys.
Even if it was in a dream.
What makes it worse was that I was enjoying it.
I was enjoying being a slut.
God, what is wrong with me.
I don’t think I can even look at Dylan straight in the face anymore.
I’m so embarrassed.
“Ahh,” I groan.
I sit up, and look to the side where my alarm clock is.
“Aww, come on” I groan, closing my eyes. I lay down again.
I sit up again, and slap my hand against the alarm clock.
Hoping I hit the Dismiss button.
When it seems as if it won’t snooze anymore I throw the covers off my body, and drag myself out of bed.
I go out my room, and into the bathroom.
I pee, wash my hands and I’m about to leave, when something catches my attention in the mirror.
I’m wearing the same close I had yesterday.
Green Skinny jeans, an unzipped black hoodie, and a blue tank top.
I fell asleep in the clothes I went to school with.
And, that can only mean one thing…
Please tell me I’m dreaming.
I hurry out of the bathroom, and into my room.
I look around wildly for my backpack. I find it near my bed.
I look over at my desk.
Nothing lays on it.
Ahh, Fuck. Make that Double Shit.
I bite my lip, and kneel in front of my backpack. I unzip it, hold my breath, and take out my binder.
I open it, and there it is.
My assignment.
The Essay I had to do. The one that counted for half of your grade.
The one that was due today.
“Fucken Son of a Bitch” I mutter, slamming my hand against my forehead.
I shove my folder back into my backpack, and stand up.
I feel a sudden urge to punch the wall.
But instead I go with kicking my backpack.
“Fucken A!” I yell.
I realize a moment to late my stupid mistake.
I hear a knock coming from my door, and I turn to face the sound.
“Shut The Hell Up Zoin!” My little brother begins in a loud voice, “You’re going to fucken wake up Mom and Dad, you dick hole!” He yells the last words.
I clench my teeth, and curl up my hands.
Once again I fight the urge to punch something.
Only this time my little brothers “perfect” face.
I mean sure he’s a cute boy, but to go all the way to call him perfect.
Who the hell cares if he has black curly hair, and pretty dark blue eyes. If he has a beautifully unblemished face, AND was voted best looking boy in eight grade.
That doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a fucking douche.
I mean he’s dated way more people than I have in my whole life.
And I’m two years older.
But no, that never stopped him from breaking half the schools girl’s hearts.
Most of his “relationships” only lasted about 4 days.
A week at the most.
I let out a deep breath, and let my body relax.
Man, having a little brother is A-N -N-O-Y-I-N-G.
It really stresses someone out.
“You shut the hell up Mark!” I scream back.
I hear him grunt outside my door, and footsteps meaning he left.
Ha! Point for Zoin.
I feel a smile come to my lips, but then it fades away.
I’m going to fail History.
I suck.
I bite my lip, and swallow feeling my throat construct around itself. I feel tears burn in my eyes, and my nose starts to sting.
In no time I’m crying and sniffling, sitting on the ground by my bed.
I don’t understand how, but I’m just a really sentimental person.
I cry over everything.
I wipe my nose and tears away one last time before standing up.
I look over at my clock.
I open my eyes in surprise.
I spent 15 minutes crying.
I quickly stand up, and walk to my mirror.
My nose is all red, and my eyes, well my eyes look fine.
No red puffiness all over them.
I give a sigh of relief.
I start by peeling my clothes off. I take off my hoodie, and throw it at the wall, near my other dirty clothes.
I’m messy, I admit it.
Next I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off my legs. I threw those at the wall also. I then take my tank top off, and threw that also.
I dig around my drawer for a pair of undies, and my favorite bra. I then put my bathrobe on, and walk into the bathroom.
I turn on the faucet, and put my bathrobe on the hanger. I grab a towel, and set it on the toilet seat.
I fix the water, mixing hot and cold, to make it perfect.
Then I slide my undies off, and unclip my bra.
I get into the shower and let the water caress my skin.
And once again I start thinking about my dream.
The name brings heat through my body, it makes me want more of him.
My attraction for him, started at the beginning of summer, which was months ago by now.
We are now in January.
Anyway I was at the park one afternoon with Dylan, we were having a picnic.
I saw this boy pass in a skateboard, and do a bunch of cool tricks on the realigns.
That whole afternoon at the park I spent looking at the boy who was Michael, as I found out in my Sophomore year.
And ever since that one day, I haven’t stopped thinking and dreaming about him.
Yep, but here comes the bad thing…
He’s a Bad Boy.
A Rule Breaker.
Yet those are the things that make him more attractive to me.
Makes me think off all the “fun” we could have.
But, from what I hear he never, and I mean NEVER talks to anyone.
He’s a loner in school.
And outside of school.
Still most girls think he’s Sexy, you know, in the bad boy way.
And that is one of the things that I agree with.
Michael is Sexy. I let those words burn in my mind.
I wash my hair, and body, skipping shaving today.
Since I’m going to be late.
I get out of the shower and dry my body with the towel.
I put my undies and bra on. Then I put my bathrobe on and go to my room.
Inside my room, I go over to my closet, and dig around looking for something I like, or want to wear.
I decide on a mid-thigh black skirt, bright green tank-top, and a ripped black shirt, with holes all over it. So that way people can see my green under shirt.
I pick out a pair of midnight blue tights from my drawer, and put them on.
Next I put the skirt on. I grab pair of knee high bright green socks, and put those on also. I grab my worn-out black Converse from under my bed, and put them on.
I finish getting dressed, and put my deodorant on.
“I Love you 1, a 2, a 3 shobee-doo, I love you 4, that’s more than I can afford, and I can tell someday, that I’m gunna say the truth”
It takes me a second to realize, my phone is ringing.
The ringtone “I Love You 5” starts again, and I look around for my phone.
“Ahh, Where the Hell is it?” I say out loud.
I find it on my bed.
I dive on my bed for it, and answer just in time, forgetting to check who it was.
“Hello” I say put of breath.
“Oh, hey Zoin-” he starts, but I cut him off.
“Dylan!, hey how’s it going?” I ask him.
My dream suddenly comes rushing back to me.
…Dylan’s mouth, against mine…the way he moaned my name…the way I moaned HIS name.
An intense blush comes upon I’m cheeks, and I look down on instinct. Even though I’m alone.
“Uh, Fine…I was just wondering why you weren’t at school, yet” he replies.
“Oh, yeah…about that-” I start to say but he cuts me off.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being rude, yesterday, and stuff…I was just feeling kinda awkward” he says in a rush.
I swallow, taking a minute to think about what to say.
“Are you still there Zoin?” he asks.
“Um, oh yeah, still here” I reply.
“Are you okay?” he asks me, with a hint of worry.
“Um, yeah, it’s just that I um…woke up late” I respond.
I hear him exhale on the other side, and he takes a moment to reply back. “Oh, I see…well, I’ll see you later…I guess” he says, and then hangs up on me.
I didn’t even say goodbye.
I set my phone on my bed, and walk over to my mirror.
I grab my cover up, and apply it all over my face. I grab my black eyeliner, and put some on right below my eye. Not that much, because I don’t want to look like a raccoon.
I pick up my brush, and brush my dark brown hair. I have long dark brown hair that reaches my breasts.
Well I think it’s long.
And boring. I don’t like my hair, its fat. I mean I have too much hair, it looks fat.
I’m a boring looking girl.
I have dark brown eyes that seem to have no glint in them. Just boring dark brown.
I mean, why can’t I have blue eyes like my little brother. Or have black curly hair.
Why did he get the good looks from my parents.
Why do I look crappy? Why me?
Well I’m not that ugly, but I’m not that amazing looking girl that always seems to stand out.
I’m just a normal girl.
Okay, maybe not normal, I might dress a little weird.
And some bastards might call me a freak.
But I’m just me.
And I’m not satisfied with ‘just me’.
I’ve never had a boyfriend, or gone on a date.
My mom says it’s because I’m too young. But my little bro has had handful of girlfriends, and dates.
I let out a sigh, and grab my phone. I pick up my backpack from the ground, and make my way downstairs.
I stop at the kitchen, and see my mom at the stove, cooking breakfast.
My mom has light brown shoulder length hair, and bright blue eyes. She’s beautiful, not a gray hair in sight. She’s young, barley 32, she had me, when she was 16.
She had a sad life.
When her parents found out she was pregnant, they kicked her out. But the good thing was that my dad, and her were in love, so they got married, the moment they got out of high school. And have lived together ever since.
“Hey mom” I say as I take a seat in the table.
She turns around and smiles at me, “Hey honey, aren’t you gonna be late today?” she asks me.
I lean back against the chair, as she sets a plate of food in front of me.
Bacon and eggs. Yum, my favorite.
I love bacon.
“Yeah, I kinda overslept” I explain to her, as I stand up and go make myself some coffee.
I can’t live without coffee. And it seems impossible to me to hate coffee.
Cause coffee is amazing.
I sit back down, and set my coffee on the table. I look up at my mom, “Thanks mom” I say before digging in.
It takes my 15 minutes to finish my breakfast, but once I’m finished I hurry back upstairs to brush my teeth.
I come back down, satisfied with my minty breath, and a packet of gum in my hand.
“I’m ready!” I yell at my mom, as I retrieve my backpack, and make my way outside.
I climb into my mom’s Beetle, and take my IPod out of my backpack, and check the time.
School started 20 minutes ago.
I sure am late.
30 minute later, my mom drops me off, at the school parking lot.
I kiss her goodbye, and make my way to the office.
I scratch my head nervously, suddenly afraid.
I mean it’s the first time I’m like an hour late.
I missed English, my first period already.
But I’m not lucky enough to have missed History, which happens to be my second period class. The class that had an Essay due today.
I lick my lips and reach for the door to the office.
“Let me get that for you” I hear someone say. And I see an arm appear out of my left, and open the door.
I turn around to face the person and suddenly I’m face to face with Michael.
My mind freezes, and all I’m able to do is stare at him with wide eyes.
Oh My Fucking God…Michael Is Standing Right In Front Of Me.
What should I do??
I snap out of my trance and blink once, thinking I’m imagining him.
But no.
Michael is still standing right in front of me.
A smirk starts to from on his lips.
“Cat got your tongue babe?” he asks me, his eyes twinkling.
I ignore his question, my mind only processing ONE word he said.
He called me Babe.
I feel my heart accelerate at that one word.
I’ve never seen him talking to anyone at school. And yet here he is talking to ME.
Plain boring me.
And he called me Babe.
I start screaming frantically…in my mind.
Michael. Michael.
I swallow, and search my mind for something cool to say.
“I’m late” I hear myself say.
I mentally kick myself.
‘I’m late’
Was that the best I could do?
His smile grows bigger, and I feel my insides start jumping up and down inside of me.
“And so I see” he says, his eyes running over my body.
Is he liking what he sees?
I sure hope so.
I decide to do the same, I take inventory of what he’s wearing.
Black Skinny jeans, and a baby blue short sleeve shirt saying “Fuck You”
Is that even legal?
In school, I mean. Wouldn’t he get in trouble for showing up with that kind of shirt at school.
I’m pretty sure the Principle wouldn’t be happy about it.
But on one hand it kind of makes sense for him to wear that kind of shirt. It’s as if he’s trying to say don’t mess with me.
I shift uncomfortably from feet to feet. Not sure about what to say.
His gaze meets mine for a second and he opens his mouth to speak.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asks me, not taking his gaze from me.
I hear a slam, and I realize he let go of the door.
I nod, not sure if I can trust my voice.
“Aren’t you scared of me?” he asks me in a small voice.
It takes me a moment to realize what he just asked me.
Did I hear him right?
Did he just ask me if I’m afraid of him?
I take a deep breath, and step closer to him, “No” I say in a firm voice. Surprising myself.
But Hey, why would I be scared of him?
It’s not like he threatened to kill me.
He takes a step closer to me, his dark brown eyes burning into mine. His dark brown hair almost reaching his eyes, definitively covering his eyebrows.
He reaches out and takes a hold of my shoulder.
I feel my breathing accelerate, his touch making my shoulder burn with wanting.
My soul.
“Zoin” he whispers, leaning down towards me.
My heart painfully thumps in my chest.
He knows my name.
He knows my freaking name.
OMFG this is amazing!!
He parts his lips, and licks them slowly with his tongue. He continues to come my way, and suddenly this all makes sense.
He’s going to kiss me.
Is he?
I hope so.
I lift my head upwards, and look at him, with wide eyes, and parted lips.
“Excuse me, but what are you two doing outside right now, aren’t you supposed to be in class” I hear someone say, behind me.
Michael suddenly pulls away, and his posture goes back to the way it used to be.
Cool, and Detached.
I turn around and come face to face with a supervisor attendant.
A woman, that looks in her 50’s, with wrinkled and saggy skin all over her face. A fat, old woman, with blond hair, that is obviously dyed. She’s wearing one of the school sweaters, saying Gilen High, a blue one, and a pair of dark brown dress pants that are way too small for her.
I feel my cheeks flame up, and my posture on the other side, becomes all tight and rigid.
I don’t like getting in trouble.
I turn back to look at Michael, and I see a smile start to form on his lips.
He sees me looking at him, and he winks at me. I turn back to face the supervisor.
“Well? What are you both doing here?” she asks, starting to show annoyance in her tone of voice.
I swallow, and stare at my feet, my worn out black Converse.
We were about to kiss, and then the stupid lady has to come along and ruin it for me.
And him.
I think. Well HE was the one that made the first move.
Or was it me?
No, no, I don’t think it was me, I’m not that outgoing.
The lady makes a sound that resembles clearing a throat, and I’m forced to look up.
“Do you kids want Detention?” she asks, glaring at me, and Michael.
My eyes grow big in fear.
I’ve never had detention.
I feel my palms start to sweat, and all I want to do is run away.
She continues starting at us.
And we continue being quite.
I feel my underarms start to go moist. This is too much silence for me.
I open my mouth to say something, but Michael interrupts me.
“We will take detention Sir” he says, and I swear I can hear him smile, at his comment.
I feel a smile itch at my lips, and I bite my lower lip, to keep it from surfacing.
“Is that what you want then?” she asks, her voice filled with disgust for us.
Or maybe just Michael, for trying to act like a smartass.
That really annoys adults.
“Yes, Sir, I thought I made that clear earlier” Michael says in a tone that holds defiance.
I swallow, and rub my sweaty palms together.
"Okay! That’s it young man, you have Detention for the rest of the day” the lady says to Michael, then she turns and faces me. She points a crooked finger at me, “and you…you also have Detention” she finishes glaring at me.
I open my mouth in surprise, my eyes grow moist, and my nose stings.
Oh no, that only means one thing…
I’m about to cry.
I dig my nails into the insides of my hands, and bite down hard on my bottom lip.
Will Not Cry.
The lady continues to glare at me, pure malice burning in her eyes.
More tears pool at my eyes, and I press harder on my lip, and hands.
Will Not Cry. Will Not Cry.
“Is that clear?” she asks us.
“Yes” says Michael.
I just nod.
“Good” she says, and then turns around and heads back to where ever she came from.
I see her pull out a walkie-talkie, and start spitting reports in it.
Probably letting the all-day ice room know, two kids are visiting. For an all-day visit.
I let out a sad sigh and follow the lady, not even bothering to look back if Michael is following me.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
By the time I make it to the Ice Room (a.k.a. Detention Room), the feeling to cry has gone away.
This past 2 minutes have gotten me used to the fact that I broke the rules, and now I have to pay the consequences.
Even though I did nothing wrong, I just came late, and I mean come on I was standing right in front of the Office.
Didn’t that give her enough of a clue that I was maybe coming in late, and I just happened to get attacked my Michael, and his charms.
I mean it could happen.
It did actually.
Michael attacked me with his good looks, and charms.
I was just a victim.
A victim that enjoyed everything that was happening to her.
Or was about to happen to her.
The lady supervisor opens the door, and lets Michael, and I walk through.
Inside I see, a room filled with those long desks, that fit two chairs.
But only 1 boy.
He appears to be older than me, or so I guess due to the fact that I haven’t seen him before. Actually he seems like a freshmen.
I think I’ve seen him walking around during passing time.
He has short black hair, and bright blue eyes, he’s really cute, now that I think about it. He seems about a head taller than me, and he looks like a good guy.
So why is he here?
That I shall never know.
He’s sitting back on his chair and texting on his phone.
But when the supervisor clears her throat, he looks up, straightens his posture and puts his phone away fast.
I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud.
Let me tell you one thing the expression he had on his face was hilarious. It was as if the supervisor had just caught him, jacking off.
His gaze meets mine and I see a smile start to form on his lips.
He continues staring at me.
I move uncomfortably from feet to feet.
“Where’s the teacher Luke?” the lady asks, glaring at him.
So his name’s Luke.
I like it.
Luke looks away from me, and turns to look at the teacher.
“What?” he asks her, his face one of confusion.
The lady growls, “I asked where is the teacher?” she repeats.
Luke scratches the back of his head, and shrugs “She said she was going to the bathroom”
The lady opens her mouth to say something, but at the same time her walkie-talkie makes a buzzing noise.
She grabs it and puts it to her ear, after listening to the message she puts it to her mouth, “I’m on my way” she says, then turns around to leave.
She opens the door, and looks back at the three of us, “Behave” she orders. Then she gets out and shuts the door.
Luke, lets out a sigh, and relaxes against his chair, “God I hate her” he mutters.
Michael passes by me, and makes his way to the back of the classroom. There he sits down, and makes himself at home by putting his feet on the desk in front of him.
I stay standing by the door, for a second then make my way to the middle of the room, and stop two desks from where Luke is.
I drop my backpack, and sit down in the chair.
I hear a buzz buzz come from somewhere in my backpack, and I pick it up. I lay my backpack in my desk, and open the small bag in the front.
I take out my cell phone, and pack of gum.
I take a piece of gum out of the pack and stick it in my mouth.
As I chew, the sweet minty taste of Winterfresh gum explodes in my mouth.
I set my backpack back on the ground, and grab my phone.
I check the screen, and it says I have 1 new message from Dylan.
I open it.
-Hey Z where are you?- (Dylan)
I continue chewing my gum, and write him a reply.
-Guess what?- (Me)
He reply’s instantly.
-What??- (Dylan)
I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
-I got detention…..- (Me)
I wait for his reply but it doesn’t come.
About a minute later, my phone starts ringing.
“I Love you 1, a 2, a 3 shobee-doo,-” I answer my phone fast. I look around and realize both Luke, and Michael are staring at me.
I look away from them.
“Um He-” I start to say.
“You What!?” Dylan screams into the phone. I pull it away from my ear, and wince.
Damn, that was loud.
“I can’t believe you would get detention!” he continues to yell.
I look behind me, and notice Michael has his full attention on me. I look to my side, and realize Luke is also paying his full attention to me.
I look away from them, and try to ignore their stares.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat, feeling something blossom from deep within me.
Mmmm. Something about Dylan yelling at me is starting to turn me on.
Wait, What?
Did I just say Dylan screaming is turning me on?
Am I crazy, or something?
How can THAT be turning me on.
I bite my lip, and resist the urge to moan softly.
“Dylan be quiet” I say into the phone.
Trying to hide that fact that part of me wants him to keep scolding me.
“No Z!! I will not be qui-” he yells, but never finishes because Michael appears right in front of me, and takes the phone out of my hand.
He ends the call and smiles down at me, “There babe, he finally shut up” he hands me my phone back and leans down on my desk, his elbows propping him up.
I feel my pulse quicken, at the closeness between us.
But my mind can only process the fact that Dylan will be pissed about the fact that I ended the call with him. And that I STILL want Dylan to be yelling at me.
Well technically Michael ended the call.
But Dylan doesn’t know that, and I’m pretty sure he will still blame me.
Mmmm, maybe he’ll get mad again, and continue yelling at me.
Yeah, that would be amazing.
I miss his deep, sexy voice now.
OMG. What the Hell am I thinking?!
Dylan’s my best friend.
And here I am fantasizing about him.
Michael grins at me, and I feel my normal heart beat start accelerating.
I instantly forget about Dylan.
Michael, goes over and sits in the chair next to me. He scoots it closer to me, until there’s basically no space between our chairs.
I lick my lips, and find myself looking into his eyes.
His deep brown eyes.
I start getting lost in his eyes, and his name starts bouncing around in my mind.
But then something snaps me out of my trance.
I feel something rest on my thigh, and a handful of shivers travel up and down my spine.
I want to move, but I somehow feel scared to do so.
So I decide to ignore it.
After about 5 seconds the “something” starts moving up. Carefully crawling up my leg, and making my heart thump like crazy in my chest.
It’s a hand.
Whose hand?
I feel it go up inside my skirt, and I close my eyes, wanting more.
My breathing starts becoming more ragged.
A feeling starts in between my legs just like it had done in my dreams.
I bite my lip, arousal starting to come into my mind, and body.
The hand then travels all the way to my crotch, and suddenly it stops.
I feel my body tense.
The hand parts my legs slightly, giving itself enough space to move.
Then the hand starts rubbing the place in between my legs.
My eyes shoot open, and I jump slightly in surprise.
I look to my side, where Michael is, and I notice he’s looking at me intently.
No smirk or smile on his lips.
The rubbing continues.
Is it Michael?
The question burns in my mind.
So I decide to figure it out. My eyes travel down his body, and I notice his left arm is in my direction.
My heart thumps at 60 miles per hour in my chest.
It is Michael.
I follow his arm, and to no surprise his arm disappears into my skirt.
His left hand inside my skirt.
He continues to rub in a circular motion.
I feel a moan escape my mouth.
And without thinking my eyes travel to the space between his pants.
To his penis.
I see him shift uncomfortably as if sensing me looking at him.
But the rubbing doesn’t stop.
I notice his pants start to lift up in his crotch space.
Is he getting an erection?
Am I giving it to him?
What the Hell is going on?
Someone clears their throat “What The Fuck are you two doing?” someone says.
I turn to my side and find Luke looking at us.
Michael takes his hand out of my skirt, and I blush.
Michael turns to look at Luke, and glares at him, “Leave us alone butt-face”
Luke’s pretty face twist’s up in anger, “You’re the butt-face”
Michael grits his teeth, and stands up. I notice his hands are in fists now.
OMG, is he going to fight.
I hope not.
“What did you say” he growls.
I look from Michael, and Luke.
They both look angry and ready to fight.
I need to stop this.
I stand up, and get in between them.
“Both of you, stop” I say.
They both turn their attentions to me, and I suddenly regret speaking up.
Silent seconds pass by.
Oh, how I wish a miracle would happen.
And one does.
“What is going on in here?” someone says.
The three of us turn to look at where the sound came from.
I spot a grandma looking lady with all white hair, in khaki dress pants, and a black long sleeved shirt. Her expression isn’t one of anger, but she is looking at us weirdly.
She must be the detention lady teacher thing.
She looks nice.
Or is she a witch in disguise?
“Luke,” the lady begins.
Both Michael and me turn our attention to Luke.
A look of triumph shines in Luke’s eyes, but it quickly fades away, and gets replaced by fear.
I turn around to look at Michael, and realize why Luke is suddenly scared.
Michael must be silently threating him.
Luke swallows his fear, and opens his mouth to speak.
“I-He- I mean I was just-” he stops, and shrugs “you know introducing myself”.
The lady narrows her eyes as if debating whether he’s lying or telling the truth.
“Oookaayy” she says, and then goes back out the door from where I’m guessing she came from.
She just leaves like that. Leaving me alone with these two boys once again.
I turn to looks at Michael, and to my great comfort he’s not angry still.
No fight then.
I sit down on the seat, and let out a breath.
I take out my IPhone, and check if I have any new messages.
I don’t.
I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach.
I had been hoping that Dylan would have texted me, or something.
But apparently he didn’t.
I look to my sides, to see if the boys are still standing next to me, but they’re not.
The detention teacher, comes back, and goes over to a long desk, covered with magazines.
Well, at least I know what she does here all day.
Well, er, more like look at magazines.
She sits down in her desk, looks at us, grabs a magazine, looks at us one last time, and then shifts her full attention to her magazine.
I lean back against my chair, and check my phone again.
Still, no new messages.
I grab my backpack, take out a notebook, and a pencil, and then set it back against my chair. I open the notebook to a fresh blank page, and start my history report.
I make my way up to my room, and once I reach it, I get in. I dump my backpack on the floor, and flop down on my bed.
God, I am exhausted.
But I have work to do.
I check my phone again, hoping that by some miracle, Dylan ha decided to call me, or text me.
To my great disappointment he hasn’t.
Is he mad at me?
I feel tears burn in my eyes.
He is mad at me, isn’t he?
What did I do wrong?
We’ve been friends since Freshmen year.
We get along just fine.
Is it because of the whole hang up in detention?
Oh, no.
How will I explain to him, that I didn’t hang up on him.
That it was someone else.
I blink the tears away, and get up from my bed.
Forget Dylan.
It’s not my fault if he suddenly wants to act Bi-Polar on me.
I drop my phone on my bed, and turn my back on to it.
I’m not going to check anymore.
I’m just wasting my time.
If he doesn’t want to call me, then fine.
So be it.
Like I said earlier I have homework to finish.
I go over to my desk, and grab my laptop. I open it, and wait for it to load.
I turn back to face my bed, laptop in hand, and look at my phone.
I have the strong urge to go check it again, and se-
I Will Not Check It.
I Will Not.
“Fuck you Dylan” I mutter.
I go over to my bed, and lay down on it, I set my laptop in front of me.
I log in, and go to Microsoft Word Starter.
I look over at my phone, and clench my teeth.
There I go again.
I slap my phone away, causing it to fall on the ground.
“That’s more like it” I say, satisfied.
I take a deep breath, grab my notebook from my backpack, and start typing my essay.
Just as I’m about to finish, my phone starts to ring.
“I Love you 1, a 2, a 3 shobee-doo, I love you 4, that’s more than I can afford, and I can tell someday, that I’m gunna say the truth”
It takes me a second to realize what’s happening.
My phone is ringing.
Omg, My phone is ringing!!
I scramble out of bed, fast, one question burning in my mind.
Is it Dylan?
I hope.
My heart races at 60 miles per hour, when I pick up my phone.
I don’t even bother to check if it really is him.
“Hello” I say out of breath.
“Oh, hey honey” my mom says on the other end of the line.
I feel my heart break.
It wasn’t Dylan.
Tears burn in my eyes once again.
He didn’t call.
I stay silent afraid that if I speak, my voice will break.
“Honey, are you till there?” my mom asks.
I don’t speak.
“Baby is everything alright?” she asks me, her voice starting to hit a worried tone.
“Zoin, talk to me” she pressures.
I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out.
I try again.
“I’m fine mom?” I say.
Glad that my voice didn’t break, like I thought it would have.
A couple of seconds pass, and then my mom speaks.
“Oh, okay honey, I just wanted to tell you that your dad and me, while arrive a little late” she says.
“Okay mom, see ya later” I say.
“Bye Zoin” she says.
I hang up, and let my phone fall to the ground.
Not caring if I break it.
“It wasn’t Dylan” I mutter.
He really IS mad at me, then.
Oh, God.
I go back to my be, and finish typing my paper. I then print it, and put it in my binder.
I close my computer, and go take a shower.
Still thinking about Dylan.
I come out of the bathroom, and into my room, after a long hot shower.
I change into some black pajama bottoms, and a black tank top.
I climb into bed, and snuggle in into the blankets, I stare up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to consume me.
After about an hour of waiting, I feel myself finally slipping into darkness.
***** I open my eyes, and take a deep breath.
An over-welling sweet smell attacks me.
It smells like Dylan.
Like Axe, and freshly cut grass.
My stomach does summer flips, clearly pleased with the smell.
And then I realize where I am.
I spot a bed in front of me, and a body laying on it.
I’m in Dylan’s room.
Dylan’s room.
My heart jumps at that thought.
I’ve never been in Dylan’s room.
I’ve never been to his house.
Just like he’s never been inside of mine.
The figure stirs, and I hold my breath.
It slowly sits up, and suddenly it’s staring straight at me.
“Dylan” I whisper.
I hear the intake of a breath, and then a click.
A faint light fill the room.
I can see Dylan clearly.
He stares at me for a second, his mouth open as if surprised.
He rubs his eyes, with both hands, and looks at me once again.
“Zoin” he whispers, faintly.
My pulse accelerates, at the way he said my name.
It sounded so intimate.
So wonderful.
I take a step closer, to him.
I see him tense.
I walk all the way to the edge of his bed, and I sit.
I look at him, and he looks back.
Silence revolves around us.
“Zoin” he whispers again, causing a series of shivers to run down my spine.
I lick my lips, “Dylan” I whisper again.
He licks his lips also, and crawls over to me.
I take in what he’s wearing.
A black shirt, and boxers.
OMG, he’s almost naked.
I lick my lips again.
He grabs my hips and pulls me to him.
He pushes me against the bed, and I land with a flop.
He positions himself on top of.
He looks down at me, and closes his eyes for a second.
“Zoin” he groans.
I feel my heart race pick up, and I only want one thing.
A kiss.
From Dylan.
A Dylan Kiss.
He opens his eyes, and grabs ahold of my face with both of his hands.
He leans in, and presses his soft lips against mine.
A thousand sparks explode inside of me.
I want Dylan.
He moves his lips softly, and I do the same.
We move slowly for a full second, until we can take it no more.
He pulls away, and gasps for air.
I take deep breaths also.
I want more.
I grab Dylan’s face with my hands, and bring his head down toward me.
I crash my lips against his, and my hands move to the back of his head.
I press his head to me.
I continue moving my lips in synchronization with his.
“Dylan” I moan.
He pulls away from me, and gazes down at me.
“I love you Zoin” he whispers out of breath.
I feel my breathing catch, and I stare at Dylan.
He loves me.
I switch positions with him, and gaze down at him.
“I love You Dylan” I whisper.
I then trail kisses from his lips to his neck.
I hear him groan and moan in response.
I bite his collar bone softly.
He takes a tight grip of my hips and groans.
He then starts grinding against me.
I let out a moan.
“Oh, Dylan, Oh Dylan” I moan, grinding against him too
“Ohh, Zoin” he groans

My hands fumble with the hem of his shirt, and I try to pull it over his head.
I fail.
But then he helps me, and together we take his shirt off.
I gaze at his flat stomach.
I put my hand attentively to his warm stomach.
I let my hand crawl to his chest.

I lightly touch his left nipple.
He moans.
He reaches to the bottom of my tank top, and pulls it over my head.
Leaving me in my blue, and black dots bra.
His fingers grace over my flat stomach, and I notice his eyes, get all cloudy.
“Zoin” he groans.
I feel a stirring in between my legs, and I shift uncomfortably.
He crashes his mouth on mine.
He snakes his tongue into my willing mouth, and starts exploring.
His sweet minty taste infecting me.
His hands snake to my bra straps, and he starts playing with them.
He drags one down my shoulder, and I press myself harder to him.
I run my hands up, and down his smooth back, enjoying the feel of him.
His lips start moving, as he trails kisses down the left side of my mouth, and down my neck.
He then bites my uncovered left shoulder, and I feel my body tremble in response.
“Mmmmm” I moan.
He pulls up into a sitting position, and runs his hands up and down my sides.
His lips find their way back to my lips, and he kisses my softly.
I snake my hands up to his neck, and I pull him to me.
His hands wrap themselves around my waist, and he holds me tightly.
I pull away, and rest my head, on his shoulder.
I gasp for breath.
He flops down on his bed, and takes me down with him.
I roll from on top of him, and lay next to him.
I feel my eyelids start to droop.
And the last thing I remember is having Dylan by my side. *****
I move around in my bed, feeling the soft sheets graze my back and stomach.
Wait What.
I sit up and my eyes fly wide open.
Did I just say grazing my stomach?
I look down at my chest and yelp.
I’m wearing a bra.
JUST a bra.
Where’s my shirt then?
I feel a memory stir in my mind.
Last Night. Dylan. His Room. His Bed. No Shirt. A Kiss.
I hear myself take an intake of breath.
“Oh, no” I mutter to myself, panic taking a hold of me.
I scramble out of bed, and throw my covers on the ground.
No sight of my shirt.
I take a hold of my head, and close my eyes tightly.
“Oh, no Oh, no” I mutter.
A Bite.
It hits me just like that. Dylan bit me last night. Or in my dream, whatever it was.
Then that means that if it wasn’t a dream….
I will have a bite mark.
My heart beat accelerates in my chest. A painful terrified beating.
I run over to my mirror, and arch my neck high up.
Please let it not be, I pray silently, Please.
To no surprise I find a purple-blue bruise in my collarbone.
“Son Of A Bitch!” I mutter, as I take my right hand and hide the bruise on my left shoulder.
“Honey, are you awake?” I hear my mom ask, as she knocks on my door.
I feel my eyes bulge out of my sockets, as the thought hits me.
My mom is going to think I got a hicky. Oh God.
“Zoin, open the door sweetie” my mom says.
A thousands thoughts whirl through my mind. Oh, God what’s going to happen? Will my mom ground me? Kill me?
I bite my lip and run over to my closet, I look and find the pink turtle neck shirt I hate and I slip it on fast. I randomly pick up a pair of dirty shorts and slip them on.
“Uh yeah mom!” I say “I’m here just changing”. I take a deep breath and go over to the door. As I move my hand to the handle I see it tremble and shake.
You can do this Zoin, I tell myself.
I grab a hold of the nob and turn it, revealing my room and myself to my mom. She takes in what I’m wearing and a smile breaks into her face.
“Oh Zoin!” she exclaims, “You’re finally wearing that sweater I bought you”
I bite my lip and look down, “Uhhh, yeah” I say “thought it was about time I wore it to school”
I look up as I feel my mom put a hand on my shoulder. I notice that she’s still smiling, “Well I think you look lovely” she says.
I smile at my mom, “Thanks mom” I say.
She nods her head, “You Welcome baby”.
“So what did you want to tell me mom?” I ask.
Her hand falls of my shoulder and she looks lost for a moment.
Wow. Are you serious? Now she doesn’t even know why she came? Great mind mom!
I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her. Instead I tap my foot on the floor.
“Oh yeah!” she exclaims suddenly, startling me “I wanted to tell you to pick up your brothers medicine form the store” she says smiling at me one last time. Then just like that she turns away and leaves me standing there speechless and looking like an idiot.
Medication? What is she talking about? Mark needs medicine?
What The Fuck Is Going On??
I shake my head and blink a couple of times.
“Okaaayyy” I mutter, as I turn around and get back inside my room. I close the door, and slip my shorts off.
I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of blue skinny jeans. I slide into them, and button them. Next I take the stupid pink turtle neck off, and hang it back up.
“Sorry mom, but it’s going to have to wait” I mutter. I walk over to my drawers and take out a white tank top, then I grab my paint splattered hoodie and put it in. I zip it up halfway. I look around my room for my rocker chick boots, I find them in my dirty clothes pile. I walk over to them and grab them, I grab some socks from my drawer, and put them on. Next I slide my feet into my boots.
I stand up ready to go. Then I remember I forgot to put some deodorant on, I rush to my night stand and grab my deodorant. I apply some, and spray some body spray also. It hits me like a ton of bricks.
I forgot to apply make-up.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck This” I mutter.
Then I go and sit down on my make-up table, and look into the mirror. My eyes look tired, no glint in them. I exhale sadly.
Why can’t I be hot?
Or at least cute. I mean my brother is all Hot, well that’s just what people tell me. And to be truthful it pisses me off.
I shake my head disgusted at myself. Why the fuck am I thinking these things?
I reach over for my black eyeliner, and grab it. I look into the mirror, and lock my brown eyes, with my mirrors eyes. I instantly think of Michael, and his own brown eyes.
Michael so sexy. Michael so undesirably hot.
I snap out of my trance and blink twice. Forget Michael.
I take the cap off my eyeliner and check it to see if it’s sharp. I make a face at the dull tip. I look around the table for my sharpener, once I find it and grab it, I sharpen my eyeliner. Then I face the mirror again, and apply eyeliner to my left eye. When I finish my left eye, I do my right. And once the thickness of both my eyes seems the same to me I apply some blue eye shadow.
“There, all ready” I tell myself. I pick up my brush and brush my hair. My boring hair. I pout as I look at my hair. I need to dye my hair. Soon. I’m getting tired of brown hair, I want color hair. Maybe purple. Maybe.
I hear a knocking on my door followed by screaming, “Fucken Zoin it’s time to go!”.
I take a deep breath. Mike. I roll my eyes before getting up and walking over to my backpack. I check to see if my report is in there, when I see it, I zip up my backpack and pick it up. I grab my phone and Ipod and shove them in my pocket. I make my way to the door and open it, I step into the hallway and close the door. As I descend down the stairs I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and a pain takes ahold of my chest.
Is it Dylan?
I decide to ignore it. Once I reach the front door, I feel another buzz. I close my eyes and ignore it once again. I open the door and step outside. The light breeze hits me causing me to shiver, I reach inside my pocket and grab my Ipod. I take it out and turn it on.
I start my walk to school, with the song Bulletproof Love by Peirce The Veil blasts inside my ears. I stare ahead into nothing for the whole way there.
Once the school comes into view I start to notice a bunch of kids walking and talking. And for a second I feel envious. I never really had much friends. Dylan was the closest thing I had.
Maybe Michael and me had more in common than I thought. I reach the front door and make my way inside the busy halls. I walk carefully trying my best to avoid students.
And then I feel someone grab my arm. Next thing I know I’m getting pulled into a janitors closet.

Chapter 3

I feel a scream build up inside my chest but as I’m about to let it surface, a hand clamps down on my mouth.
A familiar hand.
I do what I can think of in time of panic. I bite.
“Fuck!” I hear someone yelp in surprise.
Gotcha! I feel a smile reach my lips. But it soon evaporates, when the next scene plays out.
“You have got to be kidding me Zoin!”
That voice. I know that Voice.
“Dylan?” I question. A wave of surprise takes over me, and I feel myself choke on my own air. Realization sinks in. I’m stuck in a dark closet with Dylan. Me and Dylan. Dylan and me.
Oh god, what will happen?
“Dylan?” I ask again. Even though I know its him, I feel as if I need to hear him say it’s him. Is that weird? Oh god, I’m turning into a freaking stalker. Fuck this. I don’t want to be known as a pedophile.
“Uh yeah,” Dylan mutters, “it’s me.” My heart beat instantly picks up on a faster rhythm.
“What-what do you want?” I ask him, hating the fact that my voice stutters. I can’t see Dylan but I somehow manage to know he’s coming towards me. So I do the most reasonable thing.
I move away.
That is until I feel the wall behind me hit my back. Ah, shit. I’m cornered.
I feel him close around me. And his smell overwhelms me. I close my eyes, and bite my lip. Suddenly his warm hand is on my left cheek. I feel as if it’s catching on fire, and when he starts caressing my cheek, it takes all I have not to let my moan resurface.
“You Zoin,” he mutters seductively, “I want you” and then his lips crash against mine. I become aware of everything surrounding me. It’s as if Dylan is opening my senses.
I become aware of the way he pushes against me, the way his thigh meets with my crotch. The way his right hand, rests on my ass. But instead of that being perverted, I like it. My arms react on their own, and soon I find them around his neck. Dylan presses harder against me, and I hear myself moan against his mouth.
That must be the breaking point for him, because next thing I know, his hand is up my shirt. Grazing my torso. Causing shivers to run up and down my body. His lips leave mine, and start moving down my jaw to my neck. My breathing now is too shallow, it seems like I can’t get enough air in my lungs.
I bite my lip as he buries his head on my chest, and kisses me like crazy. My thoughts feel like a train wreck, but I’m only aware of the sensation he’s causing inside of me. My crotch feels all tingly. And I gasp as I realize I’m getting horny.
What The Fuck?!?!
I cant be getting horny! Not in school!
I need to stop this. Now.
But just as I’m about to push Dylan away, his lips lock with mine. And once again I feel myself slip into oblivion. His tongue licks my bottom lip, and I respond by grabbing fistfuls of his hair. He moans inside my mouth, giving me entrance to his mouth. I take the opportunity and slip my tongue inside of him.
“Zoin” he moans inside my mouth.
“Dylan” I moan back.
His lips travel down my neck, and I shiver as he runs his tongue over my skin. I hear the sound of something unzipping, and at first I think he’s unzipping his pants. And at that thought a fear courses through me.
I don’t want sex in a janitor’s closet. Not in school.
I don’t want my first time to be like this.
But then I realize he was just unzipping my hoodie. I let out a sigh of relieve with-out meaning to. To my luck he doesn’t hear it. Or maybe he doesn’t care. Well whatever is the correct answer I don’t care. I’m just glad he didn’t stop because of it.
I become aware of the fact that he’s taking my hoodie off, and suddenly a thought crosses through my mind.
Does he wasn’t me to flash him?
Oh, Fuck No. I’m no slut.
I mean sure, maybe I’m making out with him at school, in a janitors closet, but-.
What am I kidding I sound like a slut. But I’m not! I’m a virgin to be more exact. Not like people would care. They would still classify me as a slut.
And just like that, I know what I need to do.
“Dylan stop” I say as I push him away from me. As if I’m a magnet, his lips keep coming back to my skin. Kissing me. Making it impossible to pull away.
“Zoin – I – had – a – dream – about – you – last – night” he says in between kisses.
Even though I knew about this, I can’t help but gasp in surprise. I just didn’t expect him to tell me this. To confess about it.
Not that it’s a sin or anything. I mean it was just a dream.
Dream. Mhm. That explains why I woke up half naked.
“You did?” I ask. I hear him murmur a yes into my neck. And the feeling of his lips on my neck makes me moan out loud. He pulls away from me, and looks me straight in the eyes.
I notice his eyes are cloudy, just like they had been in the “dream” I had. His blond hair, looks all tousled, but in a sexy attractive way. I find myself biting my lip. And a new feeling takes ahold of me.
I reach over to him, and pull him to me. I crash my lips against his, moving them rapidly in synchronization with his. A rush of lust takes ahold of me. I find my hands at the hem of his shirt, pulling it higher and higher.
Soon I have Dylan half naked in front of me. I run my hands over his chest and abdomen, enjoying the feel of him. I hear him moan in response and I can’t help but smile to myself.
It feels good you know, knowing you can please a guy. It makes you feel, Hmmm, how can I explain this. Like….like…uh………okay I give this up, I’m not trying. All I can say is it makes you feel like your worth something.
Maybe living?
Nah, not THAT important. But close.
I pull him to me and start kissing his neck, running my tongue over his skin lightly. I hear him moan, and that turns me on even more.
“Oh SHIT!” I exclaim as I pull away from Dylan as fast as I can, as if his skin burns me. I push him away and stand up.
“Huh?” Dylan responds as he looks up at me, his eyes half-closed. His face flushed. As if he was in a stage of ecstasy.
Oh shit! Did I do that to him?
“We need to leave” I stammer, pretty sure my face is slowly turning red, that is if it wasn’t already.
Dylan looks at me with a confused expression. His sexy hair almost, and I mean ALMOST make me say ‘what the hell’ and continue kissing him. Yeah. He’s THAT attractive.
“The bell just rung! We’re going to get in trouble” I say out of breath, and that seems to be the point where he finally understands what is going on.
“Wait WHAT?!” he chokes out. He snaps out of his ecstasy trance, and I have the old Dylan back. His shoulders slump, and he lets out a ragged breath. He bites his lip and looks up at me with those hazel eyes of his.
I feel myself losing my concentration, my brains starts to malfunction. And I find myself losing my footing, and suddenly I’m falling.
It all happens in a blur. Too fast for my brain to take ahold of what is happening. It all passes by my eye sight in a second.
Dylan stands up. Well tries to. But ends up failing.
I, on the other hand am still falling.
At the last second as a way of protection I’m guessing, Dylan puts up his arms. Maybe to stop my falling. But it seems that his action only worsens things.
I end up falling on top of him, while my feet decided to knock aside a rack of cleaning supplies. Causing a big ruckus.
I don’t even have time to scream, because in that second the door opens, and the outside light spills in. Blinding me.
I hear a squeak, and I find myself squinting at the light. Wondering what made the noise. When it all comes into focus I see a girl, staring at us like we’re a fire breathing dragon in the middle of an ice storm.
Her eyes wide, and her mouth open in an “o”. And then it hits me. I’m on top of Dylan. Dylan has no shirt on. We’re hiding in a DAMN janitors closet.
A janitors closet for crying out loud!
Of course she’ll be looking at us weirdly.
I’m one hundred percent sure of what she’s thinking right now. And that is “OMG! They had SEX?!?! In the janitors closet?!”
Fuck. To make things worse I think I know her. Triple Fuck.
I scramble off Dylan, and hastily try zip up my hoodie. I stand up, and hold my hands out to the girl.
“It’s-it’s not what it looks like” I exclaim, feeling heat curse into my cheeks.
I see Dylan stand up, and the girls eyes wonder off me. Suddenly on Dylan. And then Dylan turns around to face her.
I see her expression change.
“Amy?” he asks.
Her face flushes bright red, and for the first time I actually notice who she is.
Her light brown hair, those hazel eyes.
Ahh Shit.
Dylan’s little sister.
“Dylan?” she stammers. Then she turns to look at me again. “Zoin?”.
I feel frozen, unable to move. I become aware of the fact that its WAY to hot in here.
“Uh……hi Amy” I say, and instantly I regret saying that.
“ZOIN?” she asks again.
“Uhhhhhh-” I find myself at loss for words, but thankfully Dylan saves me from making an even bigger fool of myself.
“Listens Amy” he says, “This is not what it looks like. I swear we were ju-”
She steps back in horror, “You two were having sex!” she exclaims.
“NO!” Dylan and I yell at the same time.
I take a step away from Dylan, and Dylan picks up his shirt from the ground. He puts it on hastily. On the meantime Amy continues staring at us weirdly.
“Amy listen to me we were NOT having sex” I explain.
Amy just shakes her head and turns to look at Dylan. She points a finger at him, “YOU promised mom!” she yells.
Dylan holds his arms up in an exasperated motion. “And I kept my damn promise!” he replies.
Amy takes a step toward us, “Dude! You just banged Zoin in a janitor’s closet!”
I open my mouth and take a step toward Amy, “I’m standing right here!” I say.
Dylan grabs fistfuls of his hair, “I DID NOT BANG ZOIN!” he yells.
“Riiiiiiiiiiight” she says.
“I’m not lying!” he exclaims.
Amy turns to face me and raises her eyebrows, “Is that true?” she asks me.
“YES! Its true!” I reply
She scrunches up her eyebrows “Then what were you doing here?” she questions.
I feel my face go beat red, and I instantly turn to look at Dylan. I notice his face is bright red to.
Amy turns to look at Dylan. I notice Dylan starts to get really uncomfortable. After a couple of seconds Dylan finally opens his mouth.
“Uhh we were, uh you know uh doing uh stuff” he says.
“Doing what?” she questions again.
“Uh you know, um kissing” he finishes.
I don’t know if it’s possible but as he said those last words I notice he got even redder. Yes more red. Like a bright red brick wall.
To be honest it was funny. If it wouldn’t have been this awkward I would have laughed.
“Gross” she says in disgust.
Dylan glares at her, and I roll my eyes.
“Aww come on Amy, like YOU haven’t kissed anyone” I retort, crossing my arms over my chest.
This time its Amy’s turn to blush. I feel a smile come to my lips, and when I turn to look at Dylan notice he’s smiling too. It seems to me both of us are enjoying seeing Amy in a uncomfortable situation.
“O-Okay” she stutters, “I think I’m leaving now. Bye.” She finishes and walks away.
I turn to face Dylan, and smile awkwardly at him.
“I guess I’m gonna go now, see you later man” I say.
I start walking away, but at the last second Dylan grabs my arm and holds me in place. I turn to look at him and hold my breath.
“Wait Zoin” he says.
“Yeah?” I ask.
He takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry for my sister” he finishes.
I feel myself blush, “Oh yeah about that. It’s okay, I mean it wasn’t your fault.”
He lets out a little laugh, “Yeah, but still. It was awkward you have to admit that.”
I smile “Haha yep, it was awkward”
We stay there for a full minute in that position. Until Dylan breaks the silence by letting go of me.
“Ah okay, see you later” he says, then he gets out, and walks away to his first period class.
“Yeah, bye” I murmur, but it’s a little too late considering the fact that Dylan was no where in hearing distant.
I let out a sigh, then walk away to my first period class. English.
Okay so that was not weird. I get pulled into a janitors closet by my best friend and then we have a full make-out session. Then to make maters worst his SISTER walks in on us, while I’m on top of him. And she accuses us of having sex!
What the hell.
I would NOT have sex in school.
How stupid does she think I am?
Gahh, this is making my head hurt. And now I feel tired.
Make-out session wears me out. Haha I’m tired because of that.
I stop in front of my English class, and take a deep breath. I also use that time to check my phone.
I’m 20 minutes late. WTF?
I shake my head and put my phone back in my jeans. I grab ahold of the handle and open the door.
My worst nightmare comes to life in that moment. EVERY head in the room turns to look at me. Including Michaels.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I have this class with him?
Oops my bad.
The teacher, Mrs. Lee turns to look at me, and raises an eyebrow.
“Second time this week” she says turning her back to me.
And then as if the spell is broken, all heads turn away. All except Michaels. He continues staring at me. I make my way to the back of the class, because that’s where my seat is. Unfortunately Michaels seat is in the middle, and to make matters better. We sit on the same row.
Yep, so I have to pass by him. Lucky me.
I let out a sigh, and make my way to my seat. I try my best to ignore Michaels stare, but when I pass by him I cant help but meet his eyes.
He smiles at me. And my heart does a little dance. I feel heat curse up to my cheeks and I speed up to my seat.
When I get there I sit down and instantly I feel a buzz in my jeans front pocket.
Probably from Dylan.
I take out my phone and what I find surprises me.
-Why were you kissing Dylan?- (Amy)
I stare at the message for a full minute. Not sure what to think about it.
I mean Amy texted me. Asking why I kissed her brother. Gahh, this is just great. I take out my English notebook, and open it to yesterday’s note’s. I decide to text Amy back.
-Uh, to be honest I don’t know- (Me)
I put my phone back in my pocket, and a second later a note appears in my desk. I look around, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. No one is looking my way.
Uh that’s weird.
I pick up the note and unfold it.
Meet me at the study hall after this class
I look up from the note and I notice Michael looking back at me. He smiles at me, not a cocky boy smile, but a nice smile.
The type of smile that turns your insides to Jell-O.
To be honest I cant help but smile back at him. After that I look away, and act as if I’m writing something on my notebook.
The rest of the class passes by in a blur, and next thing I know its almost time to go. Only two more minutes. I grab my notebook and shove it inside my backpack. Along with the note.
The bell rings and everyone stands up. They all march to the door including me. Once I’m out in the hall, I make my way to my locker. I take out my French homework, and put it inside my backpack.
You see, French is my next class. But it doesn’t seem that I’ll be going straight there. I have to make a stop somewhere else first.
The Study Hall.
I make my way there silently.
What would Michael want to talk about? Is it about yesterday?
Oh shit. I just remembered. I gave him an erection.
Fuuuuck. What can I say to that.
When I get to the Study Hall, I bite my lip and look in through the window thingy in the door. I notice its empty.
Gahh just my luck. I let out a breath and step inside. I close the door behind me, and take a seat in one of the benches attached to the walls.
I take out my IPod and turn it on. In a second Bulletproof Love by Peirce The Veil is making its way into my ears and to my brain.
I feel a smile touch my lips, I close my eyes and lean back.
And wait for Michael to come.
Less than a minute later, I hear a door open and close. Followed by footsteps.
I debate in my mind opening my eyes, or leaving them closed. In the end I leave them shut.
I hear the exhale of breath followed by “Hey.”
I open my eyes, and find myself face to face with Michael. His deep brown eyes boring into my own.
I feel my throat close up and my heart speed up. Suddenly there isn’t enough breathing air here.
I open my mouth slightly, then close it and open it again, “Uh hey Michael,” I say. I pinch my hip and mentally scold myself for what just happened.
Michael nods, and tilts his head to the side. He moves away and sits next to me. His thigh touching mine.
I feel a blush come to my cheeks, and I look down pretending to be interested with my rainbow-colored shoelace.
Well to be honest my shoelace IS pretty intoxicating. I mean just the fact that its multicolored. That makes it beyond cool if you ask me.
“Sooooooooo,” Michael says, bumping his thigh lightly against mine.
I smile and look up at him, “Hey, again”. Ah, shit why did I say ‘hey’ again? So stupid sometimes.
He laughs and leans against the wall “Is that all you can say?” he asks me.
I blush and fight the urge to look away. Not now, I can do this.
I laugh nervously.
Michael leans in closer to me, “What’s wrong babe, am I making you uncomfortable” he pressures.
I’m about to pull away when he crashes his lips into mine.
I’m sorry about my sister.
I gasp and pull away. Dylan.
Michael shoots me a confused and hurtful look, it pains my heart to see his reaction. I open my mouth, to try to explain what happened, but nothing comes out.
I look down at the ground ashamed, ashamed that I was thinking off Dylan, while Michael was kissing me. Dear god, I feel like a slut. Kissing two boys in the same day. I just can’t believe I like them both! Why is that? Why am I so confused about who I like?
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, looking up at Michael, his face no longer vulnerable. A stony, impassive look has replaced it.
“Whatever.” he replies, passing by me and walking out the door. I stare after him feeling as if part of me has left with him, while confused tears burn in my eyes. I let out an uneven breath, and wipe my eyes with my fists. Traces of blue, from my eye shadow, and smudges from the eyeliner come of in my hands. Turning them into what I would call a pathetic painting.
I leave the room and make my way to the bathroom, I go inside a stall and lock myself in. I drop my backpack on the floor, and take a seat on the toilet seat. I prop my elbows on my knees, and take ahold of my head.
“Why is life so confusing?” I mutter.
Is it alright to like two boys equally? Do I like them equally? Yes, well…..I think I do. It seems like the most logical answer, considering the fact that when I’m near them I feel lightheaded. I feel complete.
I bang my head against the bathroom stall wall, “Why?” I moan, closing my eyes.
***** I open my eyes, and find myself staring into pure darkness. I blink a couple of times, but the scene laid out in front of me remains the same. Then my senses kick in, my hands clench around rough little rocks, Sand I realize with a sudden jolt. I’m laying in sand.
Wind rushes by my ears, while waves crash to my right. The Ocean, I’m in a beach. And then the stars come in, they appear one by one, until the whole darkness above me is filled with glinting points. I watch open-mouthed, to dumb-struck to say anything.
“Beautiful isn’t it,” I sit up, and look around wildly, left then right. And then I see Mark, laying on the sand beside me, his black curls spread around his head like a halo, Halo? uh, not trying to be mean but he’s nowhere near an angle, and his arms crossed under his head.
“Mark?” I choke out, probably looking as confused as I feel.
Mark grins at me, showing his white straight teeth. “No durh you imbecile,” he replies, with a laugh.
God, how do I want to smack him. Slap the shit out of his grinning idiotic face. Wait, but why is he here? We never go anywhere together. Honestly we try our best never to be seen around each other. We rarely speak at home, only during summer, when we’re stuck at home alone together. But those are fights, not actual conversations.
“You’re such a dick-head Mark, how can any girl stand you.” I say with a roll of my eyes.
That instantly pisses him off, he sits up abruptly, face red. “Well at least I can get a girl” he boasts.
“No offence jerk-face but I don’t want a girl,” I shoot back, “In case you haven’t noticed I’m a girl myself, and I’m into guys.”
“Well excuuuuuuuuse me!” he yells, “But I wouldn’t know, due to the fact that you’ve never had a boyfriend before.” He finishes with a triumphant smirk, looking as if he just won the most important competition.
And that’s when I punch him. A full knock-out punch, I knock him to the ground, with a satisfying thump. I do it without thinking, my arm reacts on its own, surprising me. I never knew I had that much strength inside of me. I grin happily.
“Zooooooin, you duuuuumb ass!” comes Mark’s muffled moan, snapping me out of my happiness, and raining shame down on me.
Dear god, what have I done? Punch my own little brother. I bite my lip, what will mom say? She’ll kill me for sure. I still remember last year when I tripped him as a joke, she grounded me for a whole month. Just school, then straight home, to my room, where I sulked all alone. Well not alone to be exact, Dylan was there for me, he has always been there.
I smile, at that thought, yep Dylan has always been there, that’s why he’s my best friend. I sneaked out through my window, and met him in that little park two houses from my house. We never got caught. We spent endless hours together, laughing at the little kids whenever they fell. Mean, I know.
Wait, a second. I just got distracted, Mark needs me. I shift my attention back to Mark. To my surprise he’s sitting up, smirking at me. He looks as if nothing happened. Weird. Didn’t I just punch him? I could have sworn I did. But he has not bruise, or anything. He looks perfect as ever, that bastard. I see a strange glint in his blue eyes.
“What now,” I say, honestly his presence annoys me. Yeah, just his presence. I know, I know I’m mean.
“Whoa Dawn, don’t get your panties in a twist,” he says earning a glare from me, “I’m only here because you need me here.” I scoff at what he said. I need him here. What the hell, I don’t need him. I don’t need ANYONE! Okay, that’s a lie, I need Dylan in my life. And my mom and dad. And um, Michael.
“No offense bro, but I don’t need you here,” I reply shooting him a weird stare. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? I mean shouldn’t he need me? I’m older so in my brain that makes more sense, than me needing him. But what can I say, that’s just my opinion.
“Aww Dawn you’re so cute,” he exclaims, reaching over and ruffling my hair, I instantly slap his hand away. “But really, I’m here because you need some of my advice.” He finishes grinning at me crookedly.
I make a disgusted face, “Are you kidding me?” I ask him, “Me needing Your advice?”
He nods his head, his eyes shinning as bright as the stars. Oh no, how could I have been so stupid? This is about Dylan and Michael. My love life to be more exact. Oh shit, I cant believe I’m about to have this conversation with my little brother. How pathetic am I?
“You know you’re playing with them,” he starts, looking off into the distance. I follow his gaze, and find myself staring into the ocean.
“Playing?” I ask.
He turns to look at me, and I see a grin laid out on his face. “Hell yeah!” he exclaims and raises his arm to high five me. Wait a second, is he proud of that? What the hell is wrong with him? Everything obviously.
“NO!” I cry out, “It’s wrong, Mark, I cant be playing with boys like they’re not real. They have feelings too you know” I draw my knees up to my chest and hug them to me. Gah, when did it get so cold.
“Guys have feelings?” Mark says, feigning surprise. God, how stupid can he get.
I smack his leg, “Quit acting stupid.”
He shoots me a hurtful look, which makes me laugh. Oh my dear god, I’m laughing at something Mark. What is going on? Has the world gone mad? I think it has. How can it be that Mark and I are talking in perfect symphony. Well, er, as perfect as it can get.
“Dylan loves you.” He says, breaking the silence. I suck in a breath, and look at him like he’s gone mad. Did he just say Dylan loves me? But Mark has an honest look on his face.
Dear god, I know what’s going on! This isn’t Mark. Mark has probably been kidnapped by aliens and this is what they left in replace. An alien. A Mark-looking-Alien. A Marklien. Like a Martian. Well honest truth I did always suspect there was something wrong with him. I guess my predicaments came through.
“Zooooin? Zoooin you still here?” he asks me, snapping me out of my alien thought. Whoa, when did he get here.
“Huh?” I respond. Damn, real smart Zoin, he’ll be laughing about this, just wait and see. But to my surprise, he never laughs. It’s settled he’s an alien. A Marklien.
“He’s been into you ever since Freshman year, did you notice why he never had any girlfriends? Damn, I used to think he was gay-” he says looking up at the sky.
“Gay?!” I interrupt. He shoots me an irritated look that screams shut up. I close my mouth and let him continue.
“Anyway, like I was saying, I used to think he was, but then I started to see the way he looked at you, when you weren’t noticing.” He continues, “That’s when I was all like ‘Oh shit! Dylan likes Zoin! Gross!’-”
“Gross?! Okay Mark I’ve heard enough. Where is your goddamn advice?” I snap.
Mark glares at me, which to be honest makes me want to burp.
“I know you like them both, you feel confused. I also know that Michael likes you to, he thinks you’re different than the other girls at school.” He finishes. But wait a second, he’s never met Michael, and he’s never been around Dylan and I. And how does he know I like them? How does he know I like anyone? My god, what the fuck is going on around here.
I open my mouth, to say something, but I stop when I see Mark has an ‘I’ve been caught’ look. Oh my god, has he been reading my dairy?! Wait a damn second! I don’t even have a dairy. How does he know these things?
“I’m sorry Zoin” he says, and before I have time to register whats goin on, I feel something collide with my nose. I hear a crack from the impact, and a thump as I land hard on the ground. Then the sky fades to black.*****
“Fucken Mark!” I exclaim, as I lift my head with so much speed that I feel dizzy. My eyes take the bathroom stall walls, as my sight comes back to me. Bathroom? I’m still in the bathroom? Then that must mean…
It was a dream! Thank god, it was. I was worried that Mark actually knew about my love life for a second. But wait, why would I have that kind of dream? Why would I dream of Mark? Dream of him giving me advice, well, er more like trying to give me advice. Because no offense to him, he sucks at it.
I stand up, grab my backpack and get out of the stall room. I stop in front of the mirror, and make a disgusted face at what I see. My face, my face looks like shit. Eyeliner smudged around my eyes. I frown and get to work on my make-up. When I fix it, I take out my phone 2:45.
2:45! Oh shit, it’s passing time. I practically run out of the bathroom, and when I make it to the hall, I stand baffled at the sight in front of me. A horde of kids, walking in every direction, not caring if the shoulder anyone. I make my way through the crowd, and find my way to my math class. My last period, thank the gods, this is my last class. I enter the class, and sit down in my seat, thankfully I’m not the last student, so I watch as everyone else makes they’re way inside and to their seats.
I see Dylan enter the class looking as hot as always, and I cant help but smile. When he sees me smile, his eyes glint, and his smile wins trophies. God, I love him.
“Hey Zoin” he says when he reaches me, he leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I feel my face heat up. He takes a seat on his desk, takes a book out of his backpack, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, I smile as I see it’s the book I let him borrow. He opens it three quarters of the way, and starts to read, losing himself in the story. More and more with each passing second.
The teacher walks in, and assigns us all page 231 which happens to be Chapter 6 section 4. Ooo, Parabolas. Sweet. I rip out a blank piece of paper from a notebook, and get to work, smiling at how easy the problems are.

Chapter 4

“Hey Zoin you want to go over to my house today” Dylan whispers just as the bell is about to ring.
“Huh?” I ask, looking up from my book. I’m reading Clockwork Angle by Cassandra Clare. Its an amazing book!
“I mean, I just thought it was about time you know…to bring you to my house.” He says uncomfortably, standing up.
I follow his lead, and stand up. “Oh, I mean sure. I’d love to go.” I reply shoving my stuff in my backpack. Then I sling it over my shoulder and follow Dylan, to the door.
“That’s great!” he says. Then out of nowhere he reaches for my hand. I feel warmth spread through me, when our hands connect.
Dylan loves you.
When we make it outside, Dylan leads me straight to his car. But that is, not before I catch Michael looking at me sadly, on the other side of the parking lot. He has his skateboard on his hand, and just the sight of him like that makes my heart ache. He drops it to the ground, and gets on in one swift motion. I stare after him as he rides away expertly.
Oh, Michael. I’m sorry.
“Whats wrong?” Dylan speaks up, bringing my mind back to him. I hadn’t even noticed he had let go of my hand.
“No, nothing. Just distracted.” I respond, my voice cracking.
“Zoin. Is everything okay?” he asks me again. Worry clear on his voice.
I reach for his hand, “I love you Dylan.” I whisper, grabbing for his neck with my free hand, and bringing his lips down to mine. His free hand wraps itself around my waist, and he kisses me softly.
When he ends the kiss, he squeezes my hand tightly. “I’ve always loved you Zoin.”
I paste a smile on my face, “Hey, so what about you know, Amy?” I begin.
He lets go of my waist, and open the passenger door for me. Aww, how sweet. “What about her?” he asks.
I get in, and wait for him to get in on the other side, “Well you know, she saw us, you know kissing earlier.”
Dylan looks over at me, “She’ll tell mom,” he starts.
I practically jump out of the seat, “What?!” I yell, “Is that a bad thing?”
“Well not really, my mom has been wondering if I’m gay.” He admits starting the car. Okay what’s wrong with people here? Dylan is NOT gay!
“Then we shouldn’t worry…right?” I buckle up my seatbelt, and drop my backpack on the car floor.
“I would say no.” he responds as he starts driving.
“Ahh, okay.” I take out my phone out of my pocket. “I’m calling my mom,” I tell Dylan, and he nods his okay. I dial the number, and pray that my mom will answer, not Mike.
“Hello” comes my mom’s sweet voice, from the other end of the phone. Thank god.
“Hey mom, its me Zoin. I’m going over to Dylan’s house today.” I explain, hoping she wont question me.
“Dylan’s?” she questions.
“Yep mom, I’ll call you when I want you to pick me up.”
“Tell your mom I can drop you off.” Dylan interrupts.
“Guess what mom? He said he can drop me off, so see you later. Love you.” I say.
“Oh, okay. Bye Zoin, love you baby.” She responds, then hangs up on me.
I let out a sigh, as I shove my phone back in my pocket, and lean back against the seat.
“You know, my mom’s been wanting to meet you for a while now.” He confesses.
I raise my eyebrow at him, “Really?” I ask him.
He glances sideways at me, and smiles “Yep,”.
“Can I connect my IPod?” I ask him, already taking it out.
“Oh sure” he replies.
I connect my IPod, turn it on, and search for a The All-American Rejects song. I want Fallin Apart. When I come into the song I want I press play.
“Hell yeah!” I exclaim, as the song starts.
I nod my head through out the whole song, and lip synch the parts I know.
“We’re here,” he begins, killing the engine, when we come to a light green two story house.
“So this is your home?” I say, unbuckling my seatbelt.
He opens his door, “Uh-huh.” He then gets out, and walks to my side. He opens the door, and grabs for my backpack. I get out, he hands me my backpack and I adjust it on my right shoulder. He leads the way, and I follow him to his front door.
There, he takes out his key and inserts it on the lock. He opens the front door, and holds it open for me. I step past him and find myself inside his living room for the very first time. It, uh looks normal, I guess. I mean its filled with plants…they’re everywhere. No joke.
“My uh, mom likes plants,” he says awkwardly, “A LOT.” He adds. And before I have time to explore more of his living room, he grabs my hand, and basically drags me up the stairs.
We stop at a door painted a dark blue. He opens it, pushes me inside, gets in himself and then closes. I stop dumbstruck by the door. His room is exactly as I’ve dreamed it. The bed in the same exact place, the middle of the room. His walls are covered with band posters, bands like Memphis May Fire, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Hollywood Undead, Panic At The Disco, and a ceiling covered with glow in the dark stars. But what throws me off guard is the space in the wall covered with pictures of him and me. Then also pictures of me alone.
He drops his backpack on the ground and go over to his bed. He sits down and pats the spot besides him. I walk over to him, and drop my backpack when I reach his bed. As I sit down, he leans down toward me and crashes his lips to mine.
He leans on me causing me to fall backwards into his bed and him falling on top of me. But the thing is the kiss never breaks. We stay connected. Which I totally love!
“Zoin,” he breathes out pulling away, “That Michael boy-”
“What about him?” I interrupt, trying to keep my voice neutral. But inside I feel as if my whole body is being turned inside out with just hearing his name. Why cant I just hang out with Dylan and not talk about him?
Dylan puts his hands on either side of me to support himself, before opening his mouth. “He-he talked to me today.”
“What?!” I exclaim moving up so abruptly that I make Dylan lose support of himself and fall on me. “Ooof!” I yell as his weight falls on me.
“Ohmygod Zoin! I’m sorry,” he apologizes, lifting himself up off me. He goes back to the position he was on. Supporting himself with his arms.
“I-its okay Dylan” I groan, closing my eyes. But then I remember what he was saying about Michael. My eyes snap open, and I find Dylan looking down at me worriedly.
“What did he say to you?” I ask.
“He asked me if you we’re seeing anyone.”
“What?! He said that? When did that happen? What did you say?” I stammer.
“Uh, yeah, during lunch when you we’re in the library, and I said that you um, that we uh, we were you know.” He rambles, going beet red.
“You told him we were going out?” I demand pushing him off of me. I stand up and stare at him, expressionless.
“But I thought!” he began, “we kissed…” he finishes sadly. “I though you felt the same way” he lets himself frown sadly, and sit on the edge of the bed. His shoulders slumped.
I go over to him and grab his hand, “Its not that, I do feel the same way, but its just that-”
“Just what?” he asks sadly.
“You haven’t asked me out, I mean we haven’t made it official.” I reply lamely.
“So its just that?” he asks with a new surge of happiness.
I shrug my shoulders and pull him up. I press my body against him and hug him tightly. “Yes, just ask me out.” I say softly. He wraps his arms around me and leans his chin on my head. I breath in his scent, as my face is smashed into his chest.
“Would you be my girlfriend?” he whispers in my ear.
I let go of him and pull away, “Are you kidding me? Yes!” I exclaim, grabbing his beautiful face and pulling him to me. His hazel eyes shining like stars. And then I kiss him, softly yet passionate.
He starts to walk, pushing me at the same time, until we hit a wall. There he breaks away and grabs my hand. He starts kissing my hand, every inch he can find. And to be honest it kind of tickles. It takes all I have not to giggle. His left hand then grazes my front, causing me to shiver with longing, searching for my hoodies zipper. When he finds it, he pulls it down, and then he slides the hoodie of my shoulders. And in a matter of seconds my hoodie is on the floor by my feet.
“Not fair,” I moan as Dylan kisses my shoulder. “If some of my clothes comes off, yours should too”
“If you say so,” he responds in between kisses, and then I hear the sound of a zipper, and clothes sliding down. His pants? No, no it cant be.
I look down and see him struggling with his feet to dispose of his pants which are now at his ankles. My god, his boxers are soo hot. Pure black.
“You- know- I- meant- like- your- shirt,” I say in between breaths.
He laughs, then pulls his shirt off. “Your turn.” He announces.
“You’re kidding me right?” I ask, smiling.
“Nope, I’m not.” He answers pulling the bottom of my white tank top up.
“Wait,” I begin, putting my right hand on his warm chest. His heart beat racing. Aww. “Is your door locked?” I ask.
“Shit!” he exclaims. He practically jumps away from me, and runs over to the door. He turns the lock the other way, and then comes back to me.
God, he has such great legs. And arms. A great body to be more exact.
“Okay then,” I reply, reaching for the button on my blue skinny jeans. I undo it, then I pull the zipper down. The whole time looking at Dylan. My face heating up. I slide them down fast, hoping he doesn’t look at me too much. Oh, thank god I shaved yesterday!
And then I’m standing by the wall in only a tank top and my underwear. Why did I get myself into this?
“Sooo...” I say uncomfortably. “Where were we,”
Dylan walks over to me, and lays his hand on my cheek. “Maybe here,” he murmurs leaning down and kissing me. His free hand, taking ahold of my butt.
I wrap my arms around him, and deepen the kiss. He lifts me up, and I feel him move, in a matter of seconds I’m dropped on his bed, back first.
I look up at him, my mouth open, my face on fire. Is this love? I think it is. Or maybe it’s a burning fierce passion. Oh, I like the second one better.
“Is this what you want?” Dylan asks me, looking down at me hungrily.
“I don’t know.” I answer, sitting up. I grab his arm, and pull him to me, “I just know I want you.” I pull him into the bed, he lands with a ‘plop’ and his body turned toward me. I turn to face him, and run my fingers over his face.
“I want you to Zoin.” He murmurs, taking a strand of my hair.
I close my eyes and lean my head against his chest. He repositions me so I’m on my back. I open my eyes, and find him hovering above me. I shoot him a confused look, but he just smiles at me.
“Just trust me Zoin.” He whispers, leaning down and bringing his lips to my neck.
I feel my skin catch fire when his lips come in contact with it. He then starts trailing kisses down to my chest. Leaving me breathless, and like the room is on fire.
Meanwhile his hands slide up my stomach, sending shivers through my whole body. My legs go up and lock themselves on his hips on their own. No joke, because I did not intend to do that.
Okay he’s basically leaving spit all over my chest, why am I not disgusted? I mean-
He stops me short, when his right hand goes inside my bra and his hand gropes my boob. I feel the stirring in my privates go up a notch, as his thumb starts rubbing my nipple.
“Dylan,” I moan, “What are you-”
He crashes his lips against mine, cutting me short from speaking. His hands still inside my shirt.
Okay, this is weird. But I like it. Scratch that, I love it!
He pulls away out of breath, “Can I take your shirt off?” he asks, stopping what he was doing with his thumb, and taking his hands out of under my shirt. I unwrap my legs from him.
“Please,” I reply, then I take it off.
“Or you can do it.” He says, grabbing the shirt of off my hands and throwing it on the ground.
Then he brings his head down to my chest and starts kissing me again. His hands travel to my back where I feel them search for my bra strap. Once he finds it, he unhooks it, and I see it as it slips of my chest on to my belly.
He stares open mouthed at my breasts, probably thinking about how small they are. My, um nipples standing erect. Dear, god this is awkward.
His hand reaches out for my breast, and he fingers my nipple slightly.
“Ohh” I groan out, puffing my chest up.
Then he probably takes that as his permission, because next thing I know his mouth is basically eating my boob.
Oh my god, is he a carnival? I mean carnivore.
I moan, as I feel his tongue dance around my nipple. And then it turns to sucking. Kinda like what babies do. I know gross, but it feels amazing. I grab his head with both my hands and push it to my chest. I grab fistfuls of his hair, as he continues to suck.
“My god….Dylan…Oh,” I moan, opening my legs as much as the stretch and humping his abdomen. God, I am out of control!
I start feeling moist, in you know, down there. Am I having an orgasm? What the heck?!
But, oh, it feels so good. So, so, so, good.
Until he pulls away, a crazy smirk spread over his face. He grabs my bra, and throws it to the side. He looks at me lustily, “Lay down all the way up on the bed,” he orders me.
“Huh?” I ask him, pretty sure that I look like an idiot, due to the fact that I was in ecstasy a moment ago.
“Lay down on the pillows,” he murmurs kissing my stomach.
Wait! What were we about to do? What does he want me to do?
“No!” I exclaim, sitting up fast.
“What?” he asks, looking at me confused.
I reach for my bra on the bed, when I grab it I put it on. “I cant do this Dylan, I just cant.” I push him off me, and stand up.
Dylan remains frozen, looking at me with confusion.
In the meantime my heart thumps heavily in my chest. I walk over to wall where my clothes are. I bend down and pick them up hastily. I slide into my jeans, refusing to look at him.
“Do what?” he asks, forcing me to look up.
“I’m gonna go now.” I reply, as I finish putting my hoodie on. I go over to his bed, and grab my tank top and backpack.
“Wait Zoin!” he grabs my arm, and stops me. I freeze, and close my eyes.
I am so stupid! I am so stupid. How did I let myself get dragged into this? How can I be so stupid?!
“Please Zoin,” he begs me, “Look at me.”
I open my eyes, and find him standing right in front of me. God, how can he be so hot! His beauty is unnamable its like- Wait! I’m getting distracted. He’s distracting me. I need to leave before he convinces me to continue doing what we were doing.
“I-I’m not feeling good.” I begin, “I need to go home.”
He lets go of me. “Oh, sure. I guess I mean, if you’re feeling bad you should leave.” A sadness enters his eyes.
“I-I” I stop myself, not sure about what to say. “See you tomorrow.” I say instead, walking away from him. I reach his door and open it without turning back. I get out, and close the door behind me.
I feel tears burn in my eyes. Oh my god, what did I just do.
I hear a door open, and close, “Zoin?”
Dylan! I turn around, and feel my heart drop when I see that it was Amy who had called my name. Not Dylan.
My lower lip trembles and my eye sight becomes blurry.
“Zoin?” she asks again, “Is everything alright?” she runs to my side.
Before I can answer she’s pulling me by the arm. “Here, let’s go to my room.” She says, stopping at a door covered with scenes of the Twilight movies. She opens the door, and pushes me inside.
With my eyesight not functioning properly I trip on something, and end up landing face first on her bed. And then the tear fest starts. Along with sobs.
I hear a door close, and her footsteps as she runs to my side, “Oh Zoin, what happened?”
“Does he know you’re here? Were you supposed to leave?”
“I-I I was leaving,” I answer, getting my face of her bed, and sitting on it instead.
“Ah, okay.” She responds, “Wait a second.” And then she runs over to her desk, grabs her IPod and puts on a song. A loud full blast song. She runs over to my side and sits on the ground below me.
I wipe my eyes, and look down at her. “Who-who are they?” I ask.
She smacks the air beside her, “Oh those are just We Came As Romans, Intentions.”
“Ah,” I whisper. I never thought she was THAT kind of girl.
“Anyway, what happened?” Why we’re you crying?” she asks.
“No it was nothing.” I reply, wiping the tears of my cheeks.
“Was he trying something on you?” she blurts out.
I take it like a slap on the cheek, “What?!” I stammer, my face heating up.
“You guys were gonna have sex weren’t you?” she practically shrieks.
“What! NO!”
She glares at me, “Then what was going on?”
“Uh, I- Uh,”
“My god, I knew it!”
“Knew what?” I ask, wiping my tears.
“That the moment you stepped foot into Dylan’s room he would try to fuck you.” She moans making a fist.
“Wait what? You already had a suspicion on what would happen?” I ask startled.
“Oh come on.” She grins at me, “You guys were almost doing it in the janitors closet at school.”
I blink back. What in the name of the fuck is wrong with this chick? Is she like a sidekick or something? God I’m freaked out. Does she know about Michael?
“Aw Zoin, don’t act surprised.”
“But how?” Is all I manage to choke out.
“How what? How people have sex? Really I thought you knew that already-”
"Amy stop! I know that, but what im trying to ask is how do you know what we were doing?" I blush as I finish my sentence.
Her eyes widen, "Ohh, Okay."
"Yeah," I begin, "Anyway, I gotta go Amy, Thanks for, for being here for me, but its getting late, and I um, I um gotta go do chores...and homework." I finish in a hurry.
I get up and get my things, I start to walk away, but stop and turn around to face Amy once again. "Thanks, I really am thankful for what you did." I turn around, open the door, and get out in a hurry. I race down the stairs, and out his front door.
Once outside I feel my tears start to fall again. I speed walk away, my eyes blurry with my tears, and my sobs getting louder with everystep.
Dylan, Dylan im so sorry for not being ready. Im sorry for not giving you what you want. Im sorry, Im sorry. Im so sorry. I love you.
I wipe my tears away, but I still feel my body tremble with every sob.
I walk around for minutes, until I find my street. I run to my house, and as I'm reaching for the door, a thought comes to my mind.
It's friday. I dont have to face Dylan, or Michael tomorrow. I have two days, just to myself. A smile comes to my lips at that thought.
Me, just me.
I reach for my key in my pocket, take it out, and stick it in the handle. I open the door, and im greated with the smell of Spaghetti.
Omg, I love you mom.

Chapter 5


"I'm home!" I yell, slamming the door shut.
"Hey baby!" comes my mom's scream from somewhere in the kitchen.
I walk into the living room, and find my dad sitting on the recliner watching TV.
"Hey daddy,"
"Hows it going sweetheart?" he asks me.
"Alright, dad." I say, not adding the fact that I was upset earlier. "How about you?" I ask.
"Its been okay."
"Well I'm gonna go finish my homework dad." I say, walking to the stairs.
"Okay, honey. Dinner in 15."
"Kay, dad." I jog up the stairs, and into my room. I drop my backpack near my closet, and shut the door.
And a second later my phone starts ringing.
My heart beat picks up a rapid pace, and my mind starts to only process one thought.
Dylan, Dylan. It must be Dylan.
I swallow the knot forming in my throat, and check my phone. And boy was I right. Its Dylan.
Dylan. Oh Dylan. I'm so sorry, but but I cant answer you right now.
I make the call go to voicemail, and fall face first on the bed.
"Ohmygod! Why is love so hard?!" I scream into my pillow.
My phone starts ringing again, so I turn it off. I bite my lip and pull my hair. "Grrr!"
I pick myself up my bed. Grab my I pod, connect it to my boom box and start to play All Time Low.
God do I love that band. So haaawt. But most importantly Alex's voice helped me forget about Dylan.
I just thought about him again. God, I suck. Why is this soo hard?!
Oooo, Sick Little Games. I love this song!
"Oh my god, I'm such a terrible mess I'm turned on by the tabloids You would never have guessed
But I'm sucker for their gossip, man I take it too far, I bottle up my Hollywood And watch 'em name their kids after cars
I'm finding me out, I'm having my doubts I'm losing the best of me
We're all part of the same sick little games And I need to get away, get away I'm wasting my days, I throw them away Losing it all on these sick little games
I fell in love, she was the friend of a sister Of somebody famous at least for a day Expensive habits and a taste for the town Had me chasing down red carpets And watching all my friends slip away
They're finding me out, I'm having my doubts I'm losing the best of me Dressed up as myself to live in the shadow Of who I'm supposed to be
We're all part of the same sick little games And I need to get away, get away I'm wasting my days, I throw them away Losing it all on these sick little games
If I play my cards right I could make the big time I could be a reason to stare
Caught up in the spotlight Shaking from the stage fright How did I end up here?
We're all part of the same sick little games And I need to get away
We're all part of the same sick little games And I need to get away, get away I'm wasting my days, I throw them away Losing it all on these sick little games
We're all part of the same sick little games And I need to get away"
Man, this song is to amazing. Can I just like fucking marry Alex? Wait never mind, I like Dylan.
Or do I? Haha jk of course I like him. I love him. Love him more than the world. And apparently he likes me too.
Will you look at that? Me having a high school romance? Crazy right? Har, Har, Har.
And I mean whats up with people thinking Dylan's gay? Hes no where near the point of being gay. He acts perfectly straight. As straight as the straightest stick to ever exist!
Well true he might have only dated one girl for like what a day? But he said he broke up with her because he didnt like her. That he liked another girl already. Was I that girl? Nah, wait. Maybe I was.
Uh, who knows.
Omg, That Girl is playing! Someone kill me now! Fast! Please, this song is to haawt! And smexy! Alex fuck meeeeee.
"Aleeeeeex!" I moan.
"Zoin! Mom says to help her set the table!" Comes Mark's scream from outside my door.
"Wait, what?" I yell.
"Turn your music down faggot!" He replies.
"My fucking god!" I yell as I stand up and go over to my music. I turn the volume down. "What did you say again?"
"Mom. Said. To. Go. Help. Her. Set. The. Table." He repeats in a 'I'm-talking-to-a-fucking-5-year-old-dumb-ass-voice'.
I open the door, look at him cross-eyed. "Whaaaat?" I repeat in a dumb blonde voice. I grab a strand of my hair, and twirl it on my finger.
"Zoin!" My mom yells from downstairs.
"There's my que." I tell Mark, and trot down the stairs.
"If I play my cards right. I can make the big time. I could be a reason to stare." I sing as I go down the stairs.
"Hey mom," I say as I walk into the kitchen.
"Would you set out the plates?" She asks me.
"Uh, sure mom."
"Thanks baby."
"No problemo." I respond.
I take the plates out of the cabinets, and set 4 plates on the table. One for me, Mark, Mom and Dad.
In no less than 5 minutes, were all sitting down and enjoying our diner. We finish and as I'm walking up the stairs, my doorbell rings.
As I'm about to say something Mark screams, "I'll get it!"
He opens the door, and I see Dylan.
He opens the door, and I see Dylan.
My heart beat stops for a second. Oh my jesus. He's right outside my door. My fucking lord. What should I do?
"Uh, Dylan. Hey." I say awkwardly.
He waves at me awkwardly, "Hey Zoin, can I um come in?" He asks.
I snap out of my trance, "Uh, sure" I stammer.
"Kay." He steps inside and I come down the stairs. I stand awkwardly, my hands shoved in my jeans pockets.
My dad just so happens to walk by, so I have no choice but to introduce him to Dylan.
"Um, Dylan, this is my Dad." I motion to my Dad with my hand. "And this is Dylan, Dad." I motion to Dylan awkwardly.
My dad makes a face. A face I cant tell whether good or bad. Fuck.
He erupts in a smile, "Why hello there Dylan," He extends his hand toward Dylan. "I'm Eric."
Dylan, and my dad shake hands, "Its nice to meet you sir." He replies.
"Nice to meet you too,"
"Well this is lame." Mark says suddenly, reminding me that he's been standing there the whole time. He walks away, toward the stairs and climbs up them. My eyes follow him until he disappears completely.
Well that wasn't rude. Whatsoever. Well that's my little brother for you. A rude bastard. And no I'm not trying to be mean.
I turn back to face Dylan, and my dad. And to my surprise they're both staring at me.
"Well......" I begin.
"I need to talk to you Zoin." Dylan blurts out, then he turns red realizing his outburst maybe wasn't that great.
Aw, he's so cute when he's blushing.
"Um, I guess we can talk." I say, "Where?"
"Well I was wondering if we could take a walk, before it gets dark." He says, "I mean if that's okay with you dad." He adds in a hurry.
"Uh...." I begin turning toward my dad.
"Sure why not." My dad answers.
"Kay, thanks dad." I murmur, and walk out the door.
"Thank you sir, I wont have her long." I hear Dylan tell my dad, before he shuts the door.
In a matter of seconds, Dylan is with me, walking along side me. I walk in the direction of the little park near my house. We walk in silence until we reach the park. Once there I go to the green bench and sit down, Dylan follows my lead.
"Soooo, What did you want to talk about?" I ask, looking away to the trees.
He grabs my hand, causing me to turn and face him on pure impulse. "I wanted to say I was sorry." He replies, giving my hand a squeeze.
I'm about to ask for what, but he continues talking.
"I was being a dick hole earlier. I didn't know, I mean I didn't want to take it that far. I'm so sorry. Zoin please, you know I'm not like that. I'm sorry."
My throat starts to construct around its self, my nose starts to sting, and my eyes go blurry.
"What are you saying?" I ask.
"That I'm sorry, and that you didn't deserve to be treated like that."
I open my mouth, but cant seem to find the right words to say. And as a sensible thought comes to mind, Dylan lets go of my hand and wraps his arms around me. He squeezes me tight, and starts to whisper 'Im sorry Zoin' over and over in my ear.
And in no time I find myself sobbing.
"My god Zoin, I'm sorry, please don't cry. Please." he say's as he runs his hands down my back, causing me to shiver slightly.
We stay like that for a couple of moments, until I can't take it no more. I push myself away from Dylan, and stare straight at his eyes.
"Dylan..." I run my hand down his cheek, "Dylan I just love you so much" I hear myself saying.
He clasps my hand in his, and lets out a sigh of relief, "I love you soo much too Z, you're the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Right from our friendship."
And this is the moment when the crowd goes 'Awww', and I swear I actually hear that in my mind.
I smile from side to side. My god, this is perfect. This moment is perfect. Everything is perfect. Dylan is perfect.
That is until someone shows up around the corner. A certain someone with a girl.
I feel a instant pang of jealousy as I see Michael appear, his beautiful face looking as happy as he was when he saw me in study hall this morning. But what makes my world turn upside down and hurl into the ground is the fact that he's holding that girls hand. They're fingers inter-wined, as they gaze lustfully into one another.
What makes it worst is that she's beautiful, as FUCK. With long black hair and neon blue tips. A short black tutu, black fishnets and a small as fuck tube top, with 3 inch heels. And to ruin my life even more, a pair of snake bites. God she's perfect! But looks like a total slut. No joke.
I hear Dylan snort followed by what seems to be "Sluut Alert."
And suddenly I'm giggling like mad. All traces of jealousy gone in a blink of an eye. My god Michael has such GREAT taste. Watch him go after them emo/scene wannabe girls. Pathetic.
I turn back to Dylan, and kiss him. Right in front of Michael, and his slutty girlfriend to see. "My god, you're amazing!" I exclaim as I pull away, and catch Dylan's dreamy expression.
"No you are." he replies crashing is lips into mine in such a manor that causes me to forget about Michael, and all I'm able to process is Dylan thoughts. His hands travel down to my side, and I'm pretty sure that without meaning too he starts to feel me up and down. But it's not like I don't do anything either, caught in the moment I find myself caressing his lap with one hand and my other tangled in his hair. And by caressing his lap, I mean rubbing his crotch, hoping to feel him get an erection.
God, I know I'm nasty.
By the time we're finished and pull away out of breath, I can't help but want Dylan inside of me. Want to do everything imaginable with him. But, wait no. Not right here, not in public. We'll have to set it up someday in the future. Soon hopefully.
"I should be getting you home." Dylan murmurs snapping me out of my train of thoughts.
I laugh, "Yeah, guess we were too busy talking to take notice of time" I reply, and smile at him in what I hope comes of as flirtatious.
One can only hope.
The trick seems to work because Dylan pulls me to him again and kisses me. I breathe him in hungrily, desperately wanting more of him.
"Fuck," he says, "I really got to get you home."
I smile, and punch his arm softly. "Just make sure my dad doesn't see THAT" I point to his semi-erection.
"Don't worry he'll probably wont answer the door anyway. I bet it'll be Mark." I add, trying not to make him worry.
"You sure?" he asks me.
I nod, "Positive. Mark loves answering the door."
I bend down and kiss his crotch area, feeling turned on.
God, it's times like this when I wished I had a dildo. Omg, haha jk.
He lets out a low moan, and as I straighten up, he kisses me again, trailing fiery kisses down my throat to my chest, where he rubs my breast hoping to find my nipples.
I start breathing heavily, "No...stop.....Dylan.....please stop-please..."
He stops and says lustfully, "An eye for an eye."
Before I have time to answer he stand up and pulls me up, "Come on Z, it's time to take you home."
It feels so early but I promised I would get you to your door, Now our lips are numb as we walk. Sharing warm alcohol, that kiss taste like summer.
Don't ask me why, but I just get like that sometimes. I sing parts of the songs in my head. And how is it my fault that Pierce The Veil is so damn sexy, that I can't help but sing their songs.
He starts to walk back the way we came from, our fingers inter-wined.
"Sooo..." he starts.
"Sooo" I echo.
"Are you busy tomorrow?" he begins, "I mean I kinda wanted to take you out to see a movie."
"Uh, yeah I'm free. I just need to you know ask my parents." I reply, smiling.
Omg my first date!
"Well, would you want to go see a movie with me?" he asks me, blushing slightly, looking at the ground.
"Ohmygod yes!" I wrap my arms around him, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to go."
He looks up at me and smiles, "Then it's a date."
I smile and we walk in silence to my door, holding hands.
We stop, and hug, "Text me?" I ask.
"Of course." He replies kissing my cheek.
I turn the knob and open my door, "Night Dylan." I murmur.
"Goodnight Zoin," he murmurs back.
I smile at him, and close my door as he turns around.
I turn around and find myself face to face with Mark, "Wait so Dylan isn't gay?" He asks me.
I throw my arms up in the air, "What the hell?! No!"
Mark looks at me weirdly, "Sheeesh Zoin, it was just a question."
"I'm tired, I'm gonna go to my room. Night." I walk up the stairs to my room, and close the door.

Inside, I go over to my bed and lay down. I hear a buzz, and reach for my phone.

-Hey.- (Dylan)

-Hi :3- (Me)

-What's up?- (Dylan)

-Nm, Just laying in bed. You?- (Me)

-Talking to the prettiest girl ever- (Dylan)

-Lol. Shut up, don't lie to me- (Me)

-I'm not. You really are beautiful.- (Dylan)

-Aw *blushes*- (Me)

-Now you believe me?- (Dylan)

-Maybe :3- (Me) -I'm glad you do c: - (Dylan)

- :3 Hey I need to go shower talk to you tomorrow, love ya gurl!- (Me)

-Okay c: Love ya too gurl! Night!- (Dylan)

I smile to myself as I re-read the message Dylan just sent me. He's too adorable.

I walk over to the bathroom and strip. I turn the water on and talk a shower.

15 minutes later I get out and change into my pj's. I turn on my tv and change it to Family Guy and soon the whole day hits me and I feel myself getting more and more weary by the second. Until I can't take it no more, I turn my tv off and let sleep consume me.

***** I wake up with a sudden jolt as cold water splashes all over me. I gasp for breath, while clutching at my chest.

Laying less than two feet away from me is Dylans lifeless limp body. Blood staining his neck and shirt. "No" I choke out. Tears straining my eyes.


I jump up at the sound of a voice near me, I turn around searching for it's offender. And then I see him. Standing there, like and angel, like someone too perfect for this world.

"Micheal?" I croak out of my dry throat. My voice sounding scratchy and painful.

"Zoin, I know you don't love him." He says walking over to me, wasting no time cutting to the chase. "What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Forget him, come with me." He holds out his hand to me.

I shrink away from him, "No. Fuck you. I'm staying here with Dylan."

He takes a pleading step towards me, "Zoin, please" He begs me.

"I said No." I reply forcefully.*****

I wake up with my heart pounding painfully in my chest.


I have to make sure he's okay.

I grab my phone and send him a text. He doesn't reply back.


I rub my hands on my eyes, and drift back to sleep.



Texte: This book belongs to me, Ana Corona. So please dont steal.
Bildmaterialien: Google.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2012

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