
(2 months ago)

ANDIE BARRY @ Anzac Park
The glares and double-takes met with Andromeda’s eyes as she briskly walked through Anzac Park, on her way home. She knew what the people were thinking. As if their eyes didn’t give away the disapproval of the way she appeared, their faces surely did. It wasn’t every day that they had seen a seventeen year old girl walking around by herself, and pregnant.
However, it was one of those times where the most obvious action is to give a whole-hearted smile. It was one of those smiles that cannot be stopped, such as getting a grandiose mark on a test. Andie embraced the tinge of warmness from the springtime sun as pink blossoms swept out of her way so the crisp cool wind could kiss her cheeks. Suddenly her view on life seemed more optimistic.
As a park bench came into view, Andromeda took up the chance and rested her feet for awhile. It was still odd how a couple of blocks could make her short of breath. After sitting awhile, Andie couldn’t help it, and took out the pictures from a big yellow envelope.
“It’s a boy!” Andie excitably whispered to herself. She had been silently whispering this to herself ever since she left from the doctor’s office. Andie traced her finger over where the picture depicted her baby’s feet, hands, and face. She’d have to tell Jackson when she got home.
The past few months hadn’t been as scary as Andie might have guessed. Sure, the night both she and Jackson revealed to her parents about the situation, all was a tad chaotic. Although not even two weeks later did Mrs. Barry start drooling over baby topics, and what the nursery was going to look like. Jackson started to work more hours, and surprisingly Mr. Barry still let Andie and Jackson stay in the guesthouse. Nothing could have been better.
Andie was about to place the photographs back in the envelope when a sharp, quick burst of wind snatched one of the photos from her hand and carried it along the sidewalk. Andie cautiously lifted herself off the bench and half-ran after the photo, begging the wind to give a rest. Suddenly a pair of familiar-looking hands kindly picked up the photo.
“Noah!” Andie gasped as she strained her head up to see whom the person was. Her eyes drilled at the photo her old high school friend held in his hand.
“They say that pregnant women should reduce the amount of stress in their lives, and here you are practically sprinting after a well-replaceable photo. Haha, well you did always need someone to watch over you, Andromeda. Guess nothing has changed,” Noah smiled as he handed the photo back to Andie. His eyes sparkled a little as they scanned the figure in the picture. Andie wiped the hair from her face.
“Noah! How’ve you been?” Andie asked as she struggled to catch her breath that always seemed to disappear. She shifted her weight to the side.
“Charming. Getting stuff ready for my brother actually. He’s supposed to go to some prom next Friday. And how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages,” Noah walked a slow pace past Andie, indicating that he couldn’t talk for long.
“Good,” replied Andie as she held up her returned picture and smiled, “heh.. a boy.”
“He’s going to be a handsome lad,” winked Noah, “who’s your husband?”
Andie freaked. Husband? But the odds were that she wouldn’t see Noah Earnhart in quite some time, so to save the confusion, Andie replied, “Jackson Camden,” and with a smile took off, back to the guest house where her supposed “husband” would be waiting.
ANDIE BARRY and JACK CAMDEN @ the guest house of the Barry residence
Jackson had been staring at the TV screen for quite some time. He probably hadn’t noticed the fly that had landed on his shoulder, or that his fingers were tapping a fast-paced four-count rhythm on his right knee. For although the television displayed a plethora of images and sounds, Jack’s head was that of a television itself. So many thoughts ran through his head nowadays that he felt like a timed bomb about ready to blow. However, he remained in a calm posture… at least until Andromeda came home.
Jack could hear the light steps of Andromeda before he could see her. As she walked past his little white Toyota pickup, Jackson tensed up. He hoped she wouldn’t see what was inside the truck. A suitcase could mean a number of things, and he wanted the absolute chance to explain before that suitcase took him to where he needed to be. A slight spring breeze blew outside the house. A key turned the lock to the front door.
All Andromeda had to say was “Jack” and Jackson could hear her smile as she said his name. A deep pang of guilt stabbed into his chest as he realized he couldn’t say her name with the same fulfilled joy.
“Andie, come here hun.”
In an instant Andromeda was by his side, tightly clutching onto a yellow envelope which he knew would display the gender of his child. More guilt flooded in. He stood up suddenly, looking at Andromeda.
“Look, Jack. Look at-,”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“What?” Confusion spread all over Andromeda’s face. However, the slight twitch of a smile hung at a corner of her mouth, as if she expected the last part of a joke and an explanation to follow. However, an uncomfortable silence grew. Andie looked at the floor and then back at Jack.
“Jack… what are you talking about?” Jack’s eyes darted everywhere, whether it was the ceiling or the floor, or even the walls. Anywhere but back at Andromeda’s eyes. But somehow he forced himself to look there.
“I mean that I can’t do this anymore, Andie. I’m so stressed out. I work double shifts, I cook dinner sometimes, I do the yard work. I want my life back, Andromeda. I’m too young to be a father. I want out of this.”
“No… no you have to be kidding!” sighed Andie. She needed someone, or something to lean on. Usually that was Jackson, but he was – no he wasn’t – leaving? How could this be possible?
“You HAVE to be kidding, Jack!” Andromeda paced the room, “I mean, it was YOUR idea to keep this baby! And here I am; I have to carry our baby for a whole nine months. And then I have to feed it, and take care of it, Jack.”
“I know, I know…”
“No, Jack! Because I don’t have the option of getting out of this. You can’t just tell me to keep him and then expect to walk out of his life while I’m still standing here, Jack! I still have to be here for him, Jack, and what about me? What about me, Jack?” Heat flooded into Jack’s cheeks. He just wanted out. No more Andromeda, no more stress, and no more…
“We’re having a son?” asked Jack as he looked exhaustingly into Andromeda’s water-filled eyes. Only five minutes ago she would have done anything to be close to him. Now she cringed away from him like a frightened child.
“What does it matter to you, Jack?” Andie looked sharply into Jack’s eyes, which gave a hint of sadness before he quickly composed himself into the serious posture he was in before.
“I’m sorry, Andromeda.” And with that, Jack turned his back on Andie and abruptly walked out of the house. Warm tears flowed out of Andromeda’s numb eyes as her view remained focused on the front door.
“Don’t worry,” Andromeda said as her fingers glided along her stomach, “I’ll never leave you.”
DENVER BARRY @ Nelson Boys’ College – Detention
Denver could have drawn this room perfectly with his eyes closed, that was how many times he had been there. There were always the three posters on the right: one about math, one about the reptiles in New Zealand, and one that displayed the periodic table. On the left were two posters: one displaying the rules of detention, and the other hinting at ideas of what to do in detention. Up front was the whiteboard, which was always blank minus the instructor’s name. And in the back were boarded up windows so that no one could look outside. And Denver was sitting at a desk.
Denver was almost done carving an “R” for yet another “Denver” to be engraved in the desk as someone out of the ordinary entered the room.
Alec Harrison nervously peeked through the doorway, with an ice pack in hand. It wasn’t until he turned his face that Denver noticed a huge bruise forming on Alec’s left cheekbone. That must have hurt.
From Alec’s big bright eyes it was obvious that it had been his first time in a detention hall, but for some reason as he recognized Denver sitting in the corner, a blanket of relief settled his expression as he made his way over towards the back of the room.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Alec repeatedly whispered as he grabbed the contents from his backpack and placed them orderly on his desk. In the left corner was Alec’s neatly displayed lunch, and next to it were two perfectly laid pencils, and under those a couple pieces of binder paper. Meanwhile he kept the ice pack on his face, which was slowly continuing to swell.
“What are you doing here?” asked Denver, with an expression that would result if someone’s world had turned upside down.
“Huh? Oh…,” Alec squinted as he sat down, “um, I got beat up by some guys at the front of the school so um, they just decided to put us all in here.” Denver cringed. The guys that Alec mentioned were probably some of the people he used to hang out with. That was before he went solo.
Ten uncomfortable minutes passed as the instructor for the hour explained the reasons and rules of the detention hall and passed out the class work that belonged to each of the students. Alec received a small folder and his few textbooks before gladly starting on his work. However, he was distracted when the instructor had to walk back to grab a humungous stack of folders and books before hauling them over to a desk. Denver’s desk. Alec’s eyes widened.
Like usual, Denver shoved his pile of assignments and books to the left corner of his desk, indicating that again, he would not attempt to complete any work. An intricately folded piece of paper flew on his desk. He opened the note, not even bothering to look for the instructor’s matching gaze.
“Why aren’t you starting on your work?” read the note with perfect penmanship. Denver glanced to Alec’s blue-eyed stare. It was obvious where the note came from. Everything about Alec read “perfect” except for the bruise on his cheek. Denver looked back at the note.
Denver wrote, “Because I don’t want to,” and then thought a bit. Perhaps more truthful? It would have been boring to cut off his only source of conversation by a guarded, untruthful reply. He and Alec would be stuck here all day. Denver quickly erased his previous answer and wrote, “Because I don’t know how to.”
“I can show you how.” For some reason shocked, Denver quickly looked back at Alec. Alec mirrored Denver’s shocked expression, but smiled when Denver had nodded his head in agreement.
MILOS BARRY @ Nelson Boys’ College
“Here’s your homework. I did it all, just how you wanted,” said Milos in half whisper as he looked around suspiciously before handing Garrett his 10-page report on Spanish history. Garrett looked around with the same suspicious gaze, although not as carefully as Milos. He wasn’t afraid of getting caught.
Whipping out a wad of dollar bills, Garrett added, “Good, because you know what would happen to you if you didn’t.”
Milos gave Garrett a single glance before counting the money that was given to him. Doing Garrett’s homework had been an on-going chore ever since he was fourteen. It was the only way that Milos secured himself against Garrett and the gang that Denver used to hang out with, though he didn’t mind the extra cash flow either.
Knowing that the cash paid was enough, Garrett gave Milos a little smirk before turning around to head to class.
“You mean you don’t even want to know what it’s about?” asked Milos.
“When am I ever going to use Spanish?” replied Garrett as he gave off a light laugh. Milos gave one more glance around the hallway, hoping that nobody had been watching the exchange. He then headed to Physiology, nervousness filling his mind.
WASE CHABLASE @ Nelson Girls’ College
Hearing the teacher drone on and on about the importance of using the right size sauce pan was getting exhausting. Wase was regretting ever have taken this class, which was Home Economics. She only took it because she had already completed her tough courses, and she heard that this class was an easy A. The only thing that she was finding impossibly hard was to keep her eyes open. That is until the door opened.
Some 20-something year old guy with a delivery uniform came in, setting down a huge vase of sunflowers. All of the girls in Wase’s class were sighing, probably because the delivery guy really wasn’t all that bad looking. But Wase had her eyes glued to the flowers. They were HER favorite flowers. Milos.
“Uhh, I have a delivery for Miss Wase Chablase. Is she here by any chance?” asked the guy with the flowers. Wase went white.
“Me, um… that’s me,” piped Wase, her hands getting clammy as she saw that the delivery guy not only had flowers, but a note he had to read.
“This is from a guy named… Mmm-eye-lohs? M-eee-lohs? Anyways, but he says ‘Wase, these past four months have been the highlight of my life. If you agree, I would like to know what color of tux I’m getting, and whether you enjoy limos or not. Reply as soon as you can.’”
Wase was so nervous all she could do was let out a quiet laugh. She nodded her head “yes” about three or four times before the delivery guy said “have a good day, Wase,” and headed back out the classroom door. All of the girls’ eyes were glued on her.
ALEC HARRISON @ Nelson Boys’ College – one week later
It had only been yesterday morning – the day before prom – that Alec started thinking about who he would invite to prom. The posters had littered the school walls for weeks, splashed with neon and glitter and containing huge posters of peoples’ faces. As the usual, these posters would slowly get edited by the students walking by who would have the occasional Sharpie pen and doodle mustaches and thick eyebrows in place of perfect lips and sparkling eyes.
Alec, being new to Nelson, had already received invites from girls on the Nelson College messaging site. A lot of the girls were really quite pretty, but Alec was stuck. He didn’t exactly want to say something along the lines of “oh, no I’d rather go to prom with Byron Welch than with you,” in a case of hurting the girls’ feelings. And he didn’t want to be that obvious. But he thought that maybe because of all the turn-downs he had been giving, that they would eventually get the hint.
Kai O’Vander was a cute guitarist from Alec’s music class, but Alec hardly knew Kai and didn’t want prom to feel like some awkward first date.
So as it was Alec’s last day of detention, he opened the door to find Denver in his usual spot. And as always lately, Alec’s adrenaline would kick up, allowing him to tense up and stutter pathetically whenever he tried talking to Denver. It was so simple.
But Alec knew that Denver never really left detention. Though he had finished half of his homework thanks to Alec’s help, Denver would never be able to go to prom due to his school record.
So although today was Saturday, Alec was joyfully walking towards the detention hall, about to miss prom that he might have gone as a date for some girl, or even Kai the guitarist. Instead he had - unknowingly to Denver – refused to do any classwork or homework at all on Friday, securing his spot in detention with the certain Barry. The thought about it still brought chills. Alec was never the type to be so rebellious. Alec opened the door.
It was weird coming into the almost empty room. Usually it was filled, and noise from other students would suffocate the room, making it nearly impossible to concentrate. However, right now, the room was dead quiet. The proctor was sitting at her desk with a pile of romance novels and an extra-large cup of coffee. Besides her, the only other person in the room was Denver.
Denver had his usual pile of folders on his desk, but he obviously wasn’t paying attention to them. It seemed like he tried though, as if he were imagining that Alec was there with him, helping him complete the work.
Right now he was poised looking out the window. And it was odd, he almost looked sad. Alec had never seen Denver so vulnerable, and it was almost as if someone had broken a barrier. After the first note of admitting that he didn’t know how to do his homework, Denver never really expressed any more emotion other than that he didn’t really give a care in the world.
Alec shut the door, and as soon as he did, Denver’s head snapped in his direction, his eyes widening as if he was trying to remember a reason why Alec would be here.
A simple “hey” was all that Alec gave before sitting in his seat next to Denver. A smile grew on Alec’s face as he waited in anticipation for Denver to ask why he had come to detention on prom night.
“Alec… why are you here? I thought your detention ended yesterday. Why aren’t you at prom?” Denver looked clueless.
“I um… didn’t do any of my class work yesterday. So, I’m here.”
Denver kept shaking his head. Alec heard him repeat “no” about ten to twenty times. Why was Denver looking so regretful? Alec thought Denver would at least be a little happy to have company during prom night. What was the big deal?
“Why would you do that?” asked Denver half yelling. The proctor looked up from her novel. Alec was horrified, and started to forget his great idea, his great reasoning as to why he did ever come here.
“I-I don’t know,” Alec looked around nervously. How horrible. Something had to be up. Denver looked so distressed.
Not really caring about how much Denver knew about his frustrating prom date decisions, Alec rambled on anyways.
“I didn’t want to go with any of the girls. I mean, I don’t really even know anybody here anyways.” No comment from Denver.
Alec looked directly at him.
“I wanted to see you.” Still no reply. Alec was slowly getting frustrated. Had he really refused to do class work just to sit all night in detention with a guy who was now completely ignoring him?
“Well you have to admit you wanted to see me, too!” yelled Alec. No longer waiting for Milos to reply, Alec picked up his backpack and sat at another desk closer to the front of the room.
ANDIE BARRY and WASE CHABLASE @ the Barry residence – Saturday afternoon
“You picked the perfect dress, Wase. No doubt my brother’s going to treat you like queen tonight,” Andie smiled as Wase gazed in the mirror, trying on her dress yet another time. Andie was sitting up on her bed, careful to rest her feet before she had to do Wase’s hair for the prom.
Wase looked back at Andie. What Jack had done to her wasn’t fair. The entire family except for Denver was enraged, though their concern didn’t make Andromeda feel any better.
“Look, I know it’s only been a week since you-know-what, but I’d hate for you to be here by yourself doing nothing while I’m going to prom.”
“It’s okay, really,” replied Andie as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. The break up between her and Jack was still definitely a touchy subject, as well as the fact that she was obviously pregnant, which meant that her dreams of ever going to prom were also diminished.
“No, seriously, Andie. Milos and I already have our separate bids. I can just add you to mine. It will be fun, I promise. I’ll do everything. I’ll help you pick out your dress, do your hair and makeup. Please?”
Andie looked back up at Wase. It was obvious that the invite was something Wase really wanted to do. She wasn’t one of those girls who felt pity but never wanted to do anything about it. Andie half laughed.
DENVER BARRY @ Nelson Boys’ College – Detention
Alec was so far away. It was frustrating. All Denver wanted to do was run up to him and see the hope and approval Alec held in his eyes. He was the only one who had seemed to overlook Denver’s imperfections. However, due to Alec’s outburst earlier, Denver knew that the last thing that Alec wanted to do was to look up at him.
How funny, Denver thought, that he would end up falling for someone so opposite. Alec Harrison, the new golden boy of Nelson, with his disheveled blonde hair and blue pools for eyes. Alec was so practically perfect that it was annoying and alluring at the same time. Everybody wanted to be with him – Denver had overheard numerous girls betting on who would be Alec’s first girlfriend.
He should have told him. He should have told Alec that he didn’t want him to become imperfect, just to sit with him in detention. He was fine the way he was, and when Alec told Denver about how he fell in detention tonight, Denver worried that he might have caused Alec to want to change. He could never wish for that.
He should have told Alec that he felt the same way too, when Alec shouted at him, trying to get him to admit that he was happy to at least see him. He was, for with all of the homework left unfinished, Denver had already decided that he really wouldn’t have seen Alec anymore. Someone’s book closed.
“Ahh, forget it,” the proctor sighed, “it’s prom night. Get out of here.” The proctor then picked up her numerous romance novels, shoveling them into her bag. Alec gave one look to Denver before reluctantly walking out the door. Denver followed in pursuit.
Outside the school were the gang of guys that Denver used to hang out with, the same ones who had beat up Alec a week prior.
“Hey girly-boy, gonna rat us out again?” asked Garrett, the new leader. Denver used to be the leader, before voluntarily backing out of the group. He now kept an eye on Alec.
“Considering that a bruise is only temporary, and that detention wasn’t all so bad, I say why not? You guys don’t scare me,” Alec casually replied. He started to walk down towards his house. Denver’s blood pulsed madly through his veins. This wasn’t going to end well.
“Boy, you don’t know HOW bad we are,” Garrett replied before turning to the gang.
“Get him.” Denver’s eyes widened.
Alec took off for a mad sprint through the trees. Denver saw that he was a good runner, but because Alec didn’t know Nelson very well, it would only take a short amount of time before he would be found by the gang. Denver had to help him.
Running wasn’t as easy as Denver had remembered. His recent smoking had clouded his lungs, and he was gasping for any available air. But he had to find Alec, and he kept listening for the gang as a way to wedge himself between Alec and them.
Finally he had found Alec. He was standing on the top of a hill, obviously thinking that he had outrun the gang. Denver knew that though the gang didn’t know where Alec was, that they also wouldn’t stop looking. And standing on top of a hill was not exactly the best place to hide.
ALEC HARRISON @ the backwoods
They were gone. He was so dumb. Of course a simple punch was not really going to “do it” for the gang. They were obviously going to come back for more. But for now he was safe, and he was trying to spot his house before they found him again. He knew he wouldn’t be alone for long.
Suddenly he heard someone running towards him. His adrenaline kicked in again. But before he had time to think or dodge out of the way, the runner had knocked him from his feet, sending them both tumbling down the hill he was just standing on.
Trees rushed past them, barely grazing against Alec’s hair. Thorns and brush clinged to Alec’s clothes, ripping them in the process as dry dust filled his nostrils.
Even when they reached the bottom of the hill, the person still had a grasp on him and was reaching for his face. Thinking the person was going to strangle him, Alec kicked and pulled on the attacker’s arms, trying to pry him free. His eyes opened.
“Denver.” His arms fell at his sides.
“Uh, hey,” gasped Denver as he was trying to subdue his wheezy breathing.
And suddenly Denver was kissing him before stopping, hovering his face just inches over Alec’s as if to hear a reply.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Alec, a smile forming on his lips.
As if rambling would be the only suitable answer, Denver replied, “don’t go to detention. I’ll get better. I like you the way you are. Please don’t change.”
“Sure,” Alec laughed before pulling in Denver for another kiss.
ANDIE BARRY @ the Nelson College prom
Andie had never felt more awkward. It looked like Wase and Milos were having a good time, but Andie could feel everyone’s gaze on her as they saw her balloon of a stomach. She reassured herself that she would tell anyone who asked that it was a costume, but so far no one was asking. In fact, no one had come and talked to her at all. She started to make her way to the lobby when a cool hand touched her elbow. It was Wase.
“Andie, there’s a guy I want you to meet. He says he knows you, so… maybe you guys can talk? He’s chaperoning for his younger brother, Harper, over there. Go have fun.” Wase smiled before heading back to the dance floor with Milos.
“Andie! I didn’t think you’d be here,” beamed Noah as he walked across the dance floor. Andie couldn’t believe it. She immediately felt self-conscious.
“Yea, well… I didn’t think I’d be here either. It’s rather embarrassing.”
Noah saw Andie’s expression and his smile faded. She looked as though the entire world had shut her out. Something evidently hadn’t gone right between last week and now.
“Come here,” Noah reassured, giving Andie his hand, “come with me.”
Andie looked from Noah to the crowd of younger teens whose eyes widened at the site of her coming towards them. She leaned over so she could whisper to Noah.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You’re about to dance with a whale.”
Noah’s eyes softened.
“You look beautiful tonight, Andromeda. Now come dance with me.”
Andromeda allowed herself to rest her chin on Noah’s shoulder and dance slowly for a moment. It worked almost like a lullaby. The music entranced her into thinking that moments like these should last a bit longer. So this was what proms were like.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.01.2012

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