
Chapter 1

"C'mon, Dad!" I yelled to my father. I was so excited! For most of my life, I wasn't allowed to leave the cabin, but now that I'm 13, I convinced my dad I can.
"Scarlet, you have to be careful!" He yelled, trying to catch up with me. He finally did and walked in step with me.
"I know, Dad. I got this!" I smiled at him.
"Just because you know how to use your powers, doesn't mean nothing is stronger than you." He warned me.
Let's back it up here. My name is Scarlet... I don't really have a last name, but I do have a middle name. Scarlet Lynn. My mother's name was Maylin, so my middle name is from her. Dad doesn't talk about my mother very often. He misses her a lot, I can tell. But my dad gave me a book called a "photo album" with some pictures from an instant camera. There's one of my mom holding me seconds after I was born, then there's one of her and dad smiling. That's it, really.
"Hey, Daddy?" I put my hands behind my back and walked along the river.
"Hmm?" He said behind me.
"Did I kill mommy?" I asked, not stopping, but I could tell he stopped in his tracks at that question. The question I've wanted to ask for so many years now...
"S-Scarlet..." He sighed out. I faked a smile and turned around and faced him.
"Never mind." I faked a cheery attitude a lot. He never seemed to notice.
"No, Scarlet, you didn't kill your mother." He said with soft eyes. "She wasn't strong enough for a kid. Your grandmother was the same way." I nodded, understanding.
"Will I be like that, too?" His eyes widened and he swallowed hard.
"I don't know, hun. But you can't think like that. You have to think strong to be strong." He said. I just nodded, knowing this conversation had to end. It's not like I felt awkward around my father. It's just... I'm a negative thinker.
The way to define it is I think about everything bad, even knowing there can be some good or hope in the situation. I don't know why I do it. I just do. Like for example, I thought I was a devil. I should've never been born. I killed Seth's love. The one he loved most. He's done so much for me; teaching me everything I know. Then, all I think is... I killed her.
"So, what's Earth like?" I asked him.
"Busy. Crowded. A lot of humans and animals." He described.
"What about the landscape?" I asked.
"Same as here. They have grass, forest, snow, deserts, etc." He explained to me.
"Can I go there one day?" He gave me a look. We've had a talk about Earth before. Well, yes, it's a planet. But we document it as a dimension.
"I don't know, Scarlet." He sighed out.
"Dad, I want to go to school. I want to live a normal life. I want-"
"To live the life your mother did." He finished for me. I closed my mouth and nodded innocently. He looked away and combed his fingers through his jet black hair, like mine. I had my dad's hair and my mother's blue-green eyes. I didn't spend my life in front of a mirror, so I couldn't tell you if I was pretty or ugly, but I'm curvy-skinny, just like my mom was.
"Look," my dad said, "The reason your mother and I moved to his cabin is to get away from all of that." He said. I knew where he was going with that, but I wasn't going to give up.
"Dad, it'll be okay. I just want to learn like a normal girl. I want to at least be a little like my mom, you know?" I said, meeting his eyes from the ground. He sighed, and looked into my eyes, obviously thinking hardly about it.
"Fine, fine. I guess you can go. But no magic. And you have to stay with your grandmother."
"You mean, Mom's adoptive mom?" I asked, since he just said my grandmother was dead. He nodded.
"Yeah. I'll take you there and explain the situation tomorrow, but I haven't seen her in years. I don't know if she'd even let you stay." He said, truthfully.
"I could always go to a boarding school if she doesn't want me." I said, thought fully. He shrugged, but nodded. "Did I ever meet her?" I asked him.
"You were very young. I thought it'd be thoughtful to tell her the news."
"Which 'news'?"
"Both." He said, knowing exactly what I meant. My father would never lie to my face. In fact, he was very honest with me. Maybe a little too honest, but I liked it that way. I rather be told things truthfully than with lame excuses or maybes.
"Mm, so, when tomorrow?" I asked, getting a little more excited.
"After lunch." I smiled and ran up to him, hugging him.
"Thank you so much!" I squeezed him. He chuckled and hugged back.

When we got to the cabin, my father told me funny stories of him and mom while we ate diner. Starting from where they first met, 'til she had me.
"It wasn't my plan, falling in love with your mother. In fact, I was just like you. I wanted to know more about one of my parent's life. My dad was human, my mother is a dragon." I nodded. "That's why I went easy on you, letting you go to Earth."
"Liar. You're a softie." I smirked, reaching over and pinching his cheek. "My daddy's a softie." He just laughed and I released his cheek.
"You're such a freak. I swear, your mother cheated on me with a crack head and you're his kid." I almost spit out my water I stupidly took a sip of.
"That's not funny!" I laughed out.
"I was just kidding." He said, but I heard him mumble, "A theory."
"I HEARD THAT!" I pointed at him, childishly. Somehow, we got off track, so he nicely took off where he left off.
"I flew through the window of the room she was in. She was treating me like a house pet. She was telling me commands." He chuckled at the memory. "Then we ended up going to Earth and argued most of the time. At the time, my own mother didn't know I was sneaking out here and there, so I had to be back by the next morning... And she didn't know how to make a portal without having to panic."
"Let me guess, you made her panic."
"Good guess."
"You're mean!"
"If you don't remember correctly, my mother is a DRAGON. She'd eat me alive! I wanted to stay alive even if I made someone panic. Besides, I didn't 'care' for her, exactly."
"Yet." He added. I just nodded, gesturing to go on. "Anyway, I found her upset one day by the lake that wasn't far from the castle. She was a negative thinker, just like you." I frowned at that.
"She was crying, because she blamed herself for killing her mother. I comforted her. We eventually fell asleep.." He trailed off.
"That's romantic." I said, sarcastically.
"Eat." He demanded, playfully. I guess it was a nicer way of telling me to shut up so he can continue.
"I showed her my human form that night. I also learned that, I liked pizza." He said, looking up.
"What's pizza?" I asked, curiously.
"Oh my- it's this amazing cheesy.. bread.. tomato.. I will get it for you when we go there tomorrow." He said, excitedly, making me laugh. Men never grow up, do they?
"That night, I watched her sleep. I wasn't used to a human sleeping so close.. or at all. I was so curious. My curiosity lead me to feeling protective of her. At first, I didn't understand he overprotective feeling, but then I realized I fell for her." I smiled.
"Our love was forbidden. We almost were torn apart. But my faith in her never left. Now here you are. A beautiful living creature. I would never change anything."
"Even if it meant keeping Mom alive?" I asked, looking down.
"Are you kidding? She wanted you more than I did." He said, then, "Not that I didn't want you. I did. But she always wanted a baby girl. When she was pregnant, she was at her happiest. Except, her hormones were raging and I was put through hell-"
"'Kay! You should've stopped at 'happiest'!" I said. He laughed and ruffled my hair. I smiled. I kept every thing he just told me locked up in my head.
I helped him clean the dishes, and soon we were off to bed. Tomorrow will be amazing. I will actually get to meet my grandmother. The women who raise my mother. I was so excited, I didn't know if I could sleep. But, I ended up passing out as soon as my end landed on the pillow...

Chapter 2.

Waking up, I remember today was going to awesome! I got up and dressed and all that good stuff. I walked down stairs to see my dad cooking.
"Mornin'!" I said, excitedly.
"Mornin', love." He kissed the top of my head and continued cooking.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?" I asked.
"Omelet. Want one?"
"Omelet?" I asked. What the hell?
"Oh. Yes." I smiled, nodding. I sat at the kitchen table and waited patiently.
"By the way, last night, I took the time to call your grandmother. I explained everything to her. She's siked and can't wait to meet you." He said. My smile widened.
"Will you visit me?" I asked him.
"Of course." He said. "I mise as well see what the dragons have been up to since it seems we're doing some kind of... reunion."
"Reunion?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe that's not the word, but still."
"'Kay. Whatever makes you sleep at night." He frowned at me, handing me a plate with eggs on them. I dug in.
"Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded.
"Is this an omelet?"
"A cheese omelet. Humans invented it." He said. I nodded, chewing happily. I couldn't sit still. I kicked my feet under the table.
"Hey," He said, "Are you excited?"
"YES!" I screamed, making his eyes widened, but a smile danced across his lips. He laughed.
"Good. I couldn't tell." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Like me not being able to sit still wasn't enough for you."
"Sarcasm, hun." He reminded me. He sat in the chair across from me and we ate our 'cheese omelets'.

After breakfast, I asked Dad to take me to the lake. He is such a frikkin' softie, it's not even funny.
I stuck my feet in the clear water. It was cold, but I didn't really care. I giggled and felt like a little kid again. He sat on the grass and watched me stomp and jump up and down so the water would hit me. I was so immature for a 13 year old, wasn't I?
"You're going to get yourself soaked." My dad said. Is he blind or something?
"Thanks for reminding me of what I was planning to do, Daddy. Love ya!" I smiled innocently and continued jumping up and down.
Then something was wrong. I froze. Something was coming. But from where? I looked high, low, and side to side. My dad's eyes flicked to my right, where the forest stood. I gathered up some of my energy to throw a fire ball at the creature who was coming, but it disappeared into thin air. What the..
"Oh, Seth, she is just darling." A male voice said. A man appeared out of the darkness of the forest. He wore a red sweatshirt with faded blue jeans. He has blond hair and dark brown eyes.
"Jackson," My dad said, smiling, "Fancy meeting you here."
"Guess so. Why did your daughter try to burn me?" He asked.
"That, my friend, is a good question." My dad said.
"I DIDN'T KNOW WHO IT WAS! I still don't. But Hi." I waved and continued jumping. Jackson waved back.
"Scarlet, this is Jackson. He's my friend who is also a mage. He helped me through portals when your mother wasn't around." I nodded.
"Nice to meet you, Scarlet." Jackson said, then turned his attention back to Seth. "Jeez, man, you just disappeared."
"Had to. Maylin was still wanted at the castle. And my mother didn't like me hanging around anything but dragons." While my dad explained his disappearance to Jackson, the water bored me.
"Hey, Dad!" I yelled to get his attention. He looked to me. "I'm gonna explore, that," I pointed to the forest, "'Kay?" At first, he didn't seem to like the idea, but he just nodded. I wanted to know a little about the place I lived around before exploring a totally different world.
I made my way through the trees. I was an quiet as a wolf. I didn't know how far I was into the forest now, but it was pretty far. The sun crept through the trees. When the wind blew, it was like a weird kind of disco ball.
I heard a growl at this point, and it didn't sound good. I turned fully to a beautiful gray wolf. Our wolves are bigger than the ones you'd find on Earth because, well, they're werewolves.
"Am I on bad territory?" I asked innocently. I didn't even know if that question made sense. It curled it's lips back and showed teeth as it growled this time. "Is that a yes?" I asked, wincing.
I took a side steps until I passed the wolf. It watched me the whole time like it was going to eat me. It still showed it's teeth. What the heck?!
"Ok, can you please stop that!" I got a good look of the wolf. "Stubborn males." I mumbled. I just shrugged since it didn't stop growling and started to walk away. Whatever. If it's not going to talk, I'm not going to deal with it.
I heard something fallowing me, so I turned to see it fallowing me. I frowned and stopped in my tracks. I folded my arms across my chest and looked into it's beautiful crystal blue eyes.
"Now what?" I asked. I got a growl, but it pushed me with it's head. "You want me out of the forest?" It nodded. "Why?" It growled again and gave me another push. "Fine." I frowned and ran out of the forest. I could hear him running behind me until I reached the opening.
I ran out, out of breath, and landed in the lake. Now I was soaked.
"Are you running from something?" My father asked. I looked up to him and shook my head.
"I was kicked out!" I threw my hands up as if saying, "Here we go again," or, "Unbelievable!"
"By who or what?" Jackson asked, laughing.
"A wolf! I guess I was on his territory or something." Then I remembered, wolves pee to mark their territories. I winced and washed my feet good in the water. Mean wolf.
"Ready to go?" My dad asked. I nodded. FINALLY.

When we left, we stopped back home first so I could change. Jackson kindly opened the portal for us, just 'cause I didn't know how.
We ended up in front of a beige house with white window panes. Dad knocked on the door.
Seconds later, an older woman opened the door. I looked at her.
"Seth, very nice to see you again." She smiled at him. He nodded. Then her eyes turned to me. "Oh my, she looks just like her.."
"I know. It's scary." My dad agreed. I blinked.
"Come in, come in." She said, excitedly.
"I'm sorry, but I have something I need to do." My dad said.
"Oh. Ok."
I turned to my dad and smiled. "Bye, Daddy." He took me into a hug.
"Be careful." He whispered into my hair.
"I will." I promised. He pulled away and kissed my cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you, too." I smiled. We parted ways and I shut the door behind me. I looked to my grandmother and smiled.
"Hello, Scarlet." She smiled.
"Hello... What do I call you?"
"Whatever you want to."
"How about... Gran?"
"Hello, Gran." She laughed and hugged me. I hugged back.
"Welcome to Earth, honey. You start school tomorrow."
"What grade will I be in?" I asked her.
"Mhm. Your aunt Lexie will be here to meet you shortly."
"My aunt?" I asked. I have an insect?
"Yes. Your mother's sister. Well, adoptive sister."
"Oh. Why is she an aunt?" I asked. Gran laughed.
"It's just what we call them... And you're going to school tomorrow.. Oh god."
"My dad taught me everything. I know math, science, L.A.L, and social studies on Earth. I did a spell to get myself cached up. I guess family the first thing you'd learn in school." I frowned.
"Let me show you your room. It was your mother's old room. We never got rid of her clothing either, so if you need clothes.."
"Really!? Cool! I'm living more like my mom than I wanted. Woo!" I cheered as I fallowed her up the creaky stairs. She opened a door. I fallowed her into a beautiful baby blue room with matching bed sheets and what not. The room smelled fantastic.
I flopped on the bed and tried to get as much as my mother's scent as I could. Gran smiled.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, very much." I stretched. The bed was comfortable, too.
"I'll let you get comfortable. What would you like for diner?"
"Pizza." I instinctively said. I guess my Dad forgot to take me out. Even I forgot.
"Ok." She walked out, shutting the door behind her. I decided to look around.
I didn't find much, but I did like my Mom's sense of style. All of her clothes fit me, too.
"Scarlet, Lexie is here!" I heard Gran yell.
"Coming!" I yelled back, opening my door. I walked down the stairs. I saw a girl, well, a women. She had curly dirty-blond hair and green eyes. She was pretty.
"Hi." I smiled at her. She looked amazed and surprised at the same time.
"Oh my god, Mom, she's like... her twin." Aunt Lexie said. I guess I really looked like my mom, huh?
"Right?" Gran agreed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Hi Scarlet. It's nice to finally meet you!" She hugged me, then pulled away." I heard something ding in the kitchen.
"Oh. Pizza's done!"
"YES!" I said, and ran into the kitchen.

The pizza was AMAZING! It was like, the best. But then, Gran gave me sushi. THAT WAS EVEN BETTER. I guess my dragon instincts kicked in at the taste of fish.
I fell asleep rather easily that night. I couldn't wait for school!

Chapter 3.

Gran woke me up at 7:00am. I showered and picked out an outfit. Gran straightened my hair and gave me the 'scene' style, she said. I wore a purple T-shirt with 'Panic at the Disco" written across it in splattered black paint. I wore black skinny jeans with purple and black b-boy converse. I liked the way I looked.
On the way to school, we stopped at a store named "Staples". We got a black and rainbow checkered knapsack, and some pens, pencils, and note books.
"Remember," She said, as we drove to the school, "Your name is Scarlet Holmes. You're from Japan and you just moved to New Jersey."
"But I don't know Japanese."
"'Cause you're not Japanese."
We pulled up to the school. I memorized the moment. This school was beautiful and clean. It was made up of light redish-brown bricks.
Gran walked me to the office. Kids looked at me, though I was too shy and ignored them.
We walked into the principal's office.
"Ah, you must be Miss Holmes." He said, perfering to me. I nodded shyly. "Well, since we went over most of the paper work and such yesterday, here is your schedule." He handed me a piece of paper.
"So I can go?" Gran asked.
"Yes." The principal said. I hugged my Gran good-bye and watched her walk out. As she walked out, a boy walked in."Detention again, Dakota?"
"Yes, Principal Marian." The boy said, carelessly. He looked to me and his eyes widened. He had dark brown hair, almost black, and beautiful crystal blue eyes like that wolf I saw yesterday.
"As your punishment, Dakota, you will show this girl around." Mr. Marian said.
"Fine, whatever. C'mon, girl." He said, walking out. I ran to catch up to him.
"So, your name is Dakota?" I asked him. We walked side-by-side.
"Yeah. You?" He asked.
"My name is Scarlet."
"Nice to meet you." He rolled his eyes.
"Wh- hey! I saw that eye roll. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning..." I walked with my hands behind my back.
"Look, I'm gonna give you this little tour, then you're never going to talk to me again. 'Kay?" Glared at me from the corner of his eye. I looked innocent as I nodded.
"Library," He said as we passed a door.
"What's a library?" I asked him. He stopped in his tracks and rose an eye brow.
"You're serious?"
"Serious as... whatever is really serious." I said, smiling.
"A room full or books. You rent them."
"Can... you show me?" I asked, shyly. He frowned and shrugged, walking into the library. He help the door open for me. I would've thanked him, but I was too distracted. This room was filled with books!
"You take a book," He said, picking out a random book. He took my hand want walked over to the librarian. She cocked an eyebrow at Dakota.
"You're renting a book?" She asked him.
"You ignore the librarian, she stamps it, puts it on your record, and there. You rented a book." He frowned. I watched the librarian do as he said. She handed him the book, still wide eyed. He took my hand again and brought me to the other side of her desk. He put the book in a basket that read "return" on it.
"Then you return it, when you're done. Now let's get the hell out of here." He took my hand again and pulled me out of there.
"Jeez, are you not a fan of libraries?" I asked him.
"No, I just want to get this over with." He scowled.
"The tour?"
"No." He said, sarcastically. I frowned.
"Whatever. Go to wherever you want to go, then. I'll figure it out on my own." I said, putting my hands on my hips.
"Says the girl who didn't know what a library was."
"What was that?"
"I'll give you a damn tour, but like I said, just don't talk to me again."
"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." I said, mimicking him. He didn't like it. Not at all.
"Why are you even at this school?" He asked me.
"I want to be? Duh." We walked by another door.
"This is Mrs. Kayne's music room."
"Can we... look inside?" I asked. He sighed and opened the door. We walked in to see a women playing the piano. She stopped when she saw us.
"Mrs. Kayne, this is Scarlet Holmes. She's new and curious." Dakota said. I frowned at him.
"Hi." I said.
"Hello. You look a lot like an old student of mine."
"Really? Was her name Maylin?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yes! Is there a relation?"
"I'm her daughter." I smiled.
"Oh. Your mother was very musically talented. Where is she these days?" That question surprised me.
"I-I uhm... killed her at birth." My voice cracked. Her eyes widened. I swear I saw Dakota flinch.
"O-oh, honey..." She gasped.
"N-No, it's ok. I'm over it." I said with my fake attitude. Like I said, great actress.
"I'm so sorry." She said. I had to actually pinch myself to stop tears from coming out.
"Thank you... I think. It's ok, though." I smiled. "I'd love to hear stories about my mother."
"Anytime, hon." I smiled.
Dakota and I walked out the door.
"Now where-"
"Are you okay?" He cut me off. My eyes widened, but I smiled.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed out.
"Well, you said you 'killed' your mother. That's not okay."
"Well, what would you call it?"
"I'd say, 'She died giving birth to me'. Not, 'I killed her.'"
"Well, that's how I think of it. Want to file a complaint about it?!"
"Yes, I think it's harsh. It's not like it's your fault."
"Mhm." I tried to shoo him off. "What next?" He looked into my eyes.
"Today," He said, "You're spending the whole day with me. So don't get involved with anyone else, got it?" I just nodded mutely.
"We wasted the morning away, so I'm going to show you the lunch room." He said.
"Are... you going to sit with me?" I asked since he pretty much just told me not to be with anyone else.
"Sure." He smirked. I blushed. The way he looked at me... I had to admit, he was good looking. He was built. His eyes were hypnotizing...
"W-What? Why are you smirking?" He came closer. Closer and closer, then, he wrapped his arms around me. I blushed and tensed up.
"Relax," He whispered softly.
"What are you doing?" I was as red as a tomato. This stupid human!
"Hugging you?"
"You were about to cry." he whispered, his grip on me tightened.
"D-Dakota..." I breathed out, then hugged him back. "Why so suddenly?" I asked. He pulled away.
"Geez, why do you have to ask questions? I was trying to be nice, but you just had to ruin it, didn't you?" I was confused, it wasn't even funny.
"Wh- JUST SHOW ME TO LUNCH!" He chuckled and did so. I fallowed him to the cafeteria.
"The lunch here isn't that good." He admitted.
"I'm hungry. I can care less." I said. Waiting in line behind Dakota, something poked my side. I looked to a girl who had blood-red hair and deep brown eyes. She looked at me, innocently.
"Are you new?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm Scarlet. Nice you meet you!" I smiled. She smiled back.
"I'm Bryce." She looked behind her. "Hey, Ronny, there is a new girl." He blond boy with a matching tan looked at me with dark brown eyes. He looked me up and down, making me feel self-conscious.
"Name?" He asked.
"Where have you been all my life?" He asked.
"Japan." I answered quickly. An arm wrapped around my waist. Dakota pulled me close to him.
"He's a huge flirt," He whispered in my ear.
"Aw, Dakota, is she yours already?" Bryce asked.
"No." He said, coldly. Ronny smirked and pulled me to him.
"Then you wouldn't mind... If I stole her, would you?" He asked. I felt like an object. Dakota didn't really look like he minded.
"Not really," He said, coldly, "I'm just her tour guide."
"Hey, Scarlet, you want to sit with us at the lunch table?" Bryce asked.
"I'm sorry, but I already planned sitting next to Dakota. Maye another time." I smiled, scooting back to Dakota and away from Ronny.
"'Kay!" Bryce said.
We got our lunched. Mine was mac&cheese with chicken nuggets. It was really good, too. Dakota and I sat together alone at one table.
"So, Dakota, what's your last name?" I asked.
"F-Fanning?" I asked. "Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Seriously, what is it?"
"Patterson." He said. I bit into a chicken nugget.
"These are really good. I don't know what you're talking about, man." I said.
"Why didn't you sit with them?" I swallowed and shrugged.
"I said I'd sit with you, for one. Two, I don't know what a flirt is, so I didn't know if he was safe. I don't have flirts where I'm from." I said.
"Japanese people don't flirt?"
"Please explain to me, what it is."
"I can't. It's hard to. But it's when a boy or girl tries to get you to like them." He looked up. "I guess Ronny is more of a... seductive... person."
"Seductive?" I asked, eating some mac&cheese. "What's that?"
"I can't exactly.. tell you. I'd have to show you."
"Then show me." I blinked.
"Later. When no one's around." He ate some of his mac&cheese.
"Promise?" His eyes gazed into mine. He nodded. I smiled. "Kay!"

Chapter 4

"Next," He said when lunch was over, "is your classes." He looked at my schedule. "Wow. We have almost all of the same classes. Except math."
"Really? I'll just have to stalk you tomorrow to know where I'm going."
"I wouldn't mind showing you tomorrow, Scarlet."
"Oh, you've made it pretty clear you did." I said, walking away from him. We were outside now. It was study hall and we were planning what we were going to do when we go back inside.
His arms were around my waist in seconds. "I lied?" He whispered in my ear.
"You're one hell of a liar." I said, sarcastically. He chuckled and let go of me.
"What the hell?" I finally said. "What's with this!? You seemed to hate me, now you don't seem to care. You're so confusing!"
"I didn't think you'd be entertaining to be around." A blond girl with wicked curves came up to Dakota.
"Hey, you never called me last night." She said.
"Why would I want to call you?"
"You said you would."
"Yesterday. I gave you a napkin with my number on it and said 'call me'. You said 'mhm'." She explained. "Technically, that's a yes."
"I don't like you like that, Fiona." Dakota sighed out. She looked hurt. She hugged him, rubbing her breast against his chest.
"But I like you." She said in a husky voice. I scratched the back of my head. This was awkward...
"I-I'll meet you inside, Dakota." I said, and dashed to the doors... Where Ronny found me.
"Oh, Scarlet." He sang. My eyes widened.
"Oh, hey, Ronny."
"Did that little punk ditch you?" He asked. Little? I thought him and Dakota were the same height...
"N-No. Some chick Fiona who likes him came up to his and it got a little awkward. I didn't want to watch her do what she was doing." I explained.
"What was she doing? Better yet, show me." He smirked. I frowned.
"No way, perv." My father may have not taught me the word "flirt", but he did teach his daughter damn well about perverts.
"I guess that answers my question." He laughed out.
"Sorry 'bout that. She's obsessive." Dakota said, walking to us.
"Weird." I scrunched up my face.
"Bye, love." Ronny said, leaning down and kissing my cheek before walking away. I blushed and my eyes widened.
I held my cheek and looked at Dakota. We were wondering the same thing; What the hell did he do that for?
I whipped my cheek of with my arm and giggled.
"Want me to show you now?" Dakota grinned.
"Sure." I smiled. He came closer... One arm wrapped around my waist, the other on my back. I chickened out and pulled away.
"W-What?"I asked. He laughed.
"I was showing you."
I leaned against the wall. We were alone in a hallway. Everyone was outside. He came closer again. His face close to mine. He'd look to my eyes, then to my lips a few times. His hands found my wrist as he slowly picked them up and pinned them over my head. My eyes never left his. He kept my wrist above my head and with his free hand, he wrapped it around my waist. I blushed. His lips were so close to mine.
"What do you want?" He whispered. His breath hot on my lips.
"I-I don't know..." I looked away.
"Look at me." He breathed out. I did as he said. I wanted him to kiss me. Right now.
His bottom lip touched mine. My eyes closed. Then I heard laughing. I opened my eyes to see it was Dakota laughing.
"What?" I asked.
"I just showed you. Being seductive, I mean." He said.
"So, you made me want you to kiss me?" I asked.
"You want to kiss me?" He said in a husky voice.
"Did." I said. "I changed my mind when you started laughing." I licked my lips. He watched me do it closely.
"Maybe you should try." He grinned.
"I should?"
"It means 'yes' in Russian." He said.
"You're Russian?"
"Then slow down." I smiled. "Just say 'yes'. Slowly." He chuckled.
"It's a country. And a language. Like we're talking English right now."
"Really?! Can you teach me some?" I asked.
"Sure. What do you want to know?"
"How about... 'hi'?" I asked.
"Privet." I repeated. He grinned.
"What else?"
"No? Since I know 'yes' now?"
"Nyet." I repeated again. He laughed.
"Now say, 'Potseluĭ menya'."
"Potseluĭ menya? What does that mean?"
"It means 'kiss me'."
I mouthed, "Oh," while nodding.
He was still dangerously close. His lips temptingly close to mine. Is it bad I want a hot boy to kiss me? It seems he's a player, so it'd be nothing serious. But it'd be my first kiss.
"Potseluĭ menya." I breathed out. He grinned before leaning in a litte.
"Are you sure?" He asked, hot breath on my lips.
"Da." He smirked and pulled away a bit to look into my eyes.
"I hope you know, how hot it is, when you speak Russian." He frowned.
"Why are you frowning? Is that bad? Should I stop."
"Please." I giggled. The bell rang. That meant people would crowd.
"What next, tour guide?" Disappointment showed all over his face. Why? I don't know.
"Nothing I can't show you tomorrow. Let's go back outside. Since all the teachers know we won't be in our classes today, they won't mind."
"'Kay!" I said. He took my hands and we mazed through the crowd of people.
We sat side-by-side on the school wall. I looked at the clouds and showed him what shapes I saw in them.
"Look, that one looks like a dragon!" I said. I missed my dad.
"That one looks like a naked lady." He said. I glared at him.
"It does not!"
"It does in my eyes."
"That one looks like a wolf." I said, pointing to it.
"Wolves, huh? Interesting creatures."
"Tell me about them." I said, looking into his eyes.
"You don't know about wolves?"
"Only werewolves." I said. "Are they the same?"
"I guess, 'sept one turns into a human."
"True." I smiled. "Hey, can you teach me more Russian?" He laughed.
"I never want to be slow again."
"Well, what do you want to know?"
"Scarlet." I said.
"Alyĭ." He said.
"What about 'Dakota'?"
"It's the same." He chuckled.
"Oh, right, you're Russian." I remembered.
"Teach me some Japanese." He smirked.
"W-Well, what do you want to know?" I did a spell in my head that made me know what I want to in Japanese at that point.
"Kon'nichiwa." I said.
"Kon'nichiwa." He repeated.
"Say, 'Watashi wa, baipora bakadesu'."
"Watashi wa, baipora bakadesu?"
"I agree. You are a bipolar dummy." I said, giggling. He frowned.
"I am not bipolar."
"'Kay." I nodded. "Say, 'Watashi ni kisu'."
"Watashi ni kisu?" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. I pulled away. "What did I say?"
"Kiss me. And I did." I smiled.
"You don't look Japanese." He said.
"I'm not. I just lived there with my Dad for a while. I picked up on the language." I said.
"I see."
"So, tell me about yourself." I said.
"There's nothing really to tell." He sighed out. I pouted. He reached over and picked me up, placing me in this lap. I blushed.
"There must be..."
"U menya yestʹsekret." He whispered in my ear.
"What about a secret?" I asked.
"I have one."
"Secrets, secrets are not fun. Unless you share them with everyone." I did a little rhyme. "And by everyone, I mean me."
"I don't know," He said in a husky voice, "Can I trust you?"
"You can use me as a cover up." I said, thinking he was gay.
"I'm not gay!" He laughed. Oh. Damn.
"Then just tell me. I have a few secrets of my own."
"I know your secrets."
"You're not really from Japan, are you? You're not even from this dimension." I tensed up. His grip around my waist tightened. I leaned my hands and head on his broad chest. I could feel a 6 pack...
"How would you know?"
"You're not even human..."
"Right. I'm a sex god." I said, sarcastically. He laughed, but not for very long.
"You know, we've met before." His lips were on my neck. I couldn't process what was going on.
"We have?" I asked. "Once upon a dream?" I quoted the movie 'Sleeping Beauty'.
"I'm glad you think this is funny."
"I'm sad you don't." He nipped at my bottom lip.
"You're a mage, aren't you..." He nipped my ear.
"How'd you..."
"We've met before..." He said, looking into my eyes.
"W-we have?"
"Yesterday, to be exact."
"I don't remember meeting you yesterday."
"Tell me, what happened yesterday. Strict detail."
"I woke up, peed-"
"Go on."
"Ate a cheese omlet for the first time. Went to a lake. Met my dad's friend Jackson. Almost killed my dad's friend Jackson. Was kicked out of the forest by a meanie butt wolf-"
"Y-You're that wolf?"
"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner."

Chapter 5

"Werewolf... I should've known. You're eyes reminded me of the wolf's."
"Am I still a stubborn male?"
"Da." I smirked.
"Chert vozʹmi." He groaned.
"What?" I asked.
"You don't know how much that turns me on." He grinned. I blushed.
"A lot, I suppose."
"School's almost over..." I sighed.
"Wait, why were you kicking me out of that forest?" I asked.
"My pack was around. They'd kill you for being in their territory. I saved you. You're welcome."
"Thanks..." I was confused. Very confused.
The last school bell rang. I went to get up, but Dakota pulled me back down. I looked into his eyes curiously.
"Sorry. Nevermind." He let me go. I smiled and got up. I helped him up.
"I'm not just a mage, you know. I have a little dragon and human in me." I said. "Well, I have some human, some mage, some raven mocker, and some dragon." I explained.
"I'm just a werewolf." He said, blankly. I giggled. "When are you coming back to our dimension?"
"On the weekend maybe." I said.
"We could hang out then."
"If you're not to cool for me." We walked side by side down the side walk to where the cars are. He chuckled.
"You need to tell me your story." He said. "Why you're here and such."
"You, too."
"Will do. It's a promise." We shook on it.
"See you tomorrow."
I got into my Gran's car.
"How was your first day?" She asked.
"Awesome! I didn't get a locker yet, though. I just kept my bag in the office for now."
"Cool. Who was the boy you were walking with?"
"Dakota. He was my tour guide."
"If only I were about... 20 years younger." I giggled.
"You'd still be too old for him." I said, seriously.
"Well, ouch. Jeez." I laughed.
"I'm sorry!"
We drove home. I told Gran about my mac&cheese with chicken nuggets discovery. They're yummy! Gran promised to buy some when she could.
There was a knock on the door while I watched an anime, a Japanese cartoon, called Kodocha. It was funny as hell. Gran said it was my mom's favorite.
"Oh, Scarlet, you have a visitor." I paused it and walked to the door. My dad stepped inside and shut the door behind him. I ran and hugged him.
"Hey, how was your first day?" He asked me.
"Awesome! And by the way, pizza is amazing, but I like sushi better!"
"Sushi?" He asked. I got some left over from the fridge and popped a roll in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. "THAT'S AMAZING!"
"You two are so immature." Gran laughed.
"Thanks, Nora." Dad said, sarcastically.
"I take it as a complement. I rather be immature and entertaining then an old stick in the mud." I said, talking like Sana.
"She's watching Kodocha, isn't she?" Dad asked Gran.
"Mhm." Gran smiled.
"I love it!" I exclaimed. "Anyway, Dad, how was your reunion?" I asked, making fun of the word he used to describe it as.
"Turns out my mother's dead, but my other friends and family missed me and I plan on seeing them again. They really wanted to meet you, Scarlet."
"This weekend!" I said.

When Dad left, I ended up falling asleep next to Gran on the couch while watching Kodocha. I loved Earth. I loved how Dakota and I are originally from the same place. And he can teach me another language, even knowing I can just do a spell. But it just wouldn't be the same.

Next morning, Gran drove me to school and etc. We went through the same routine for getting ready as yesterday. Except I have a new outfit and we didn't need to go shopping.
I went to the office to receive me locker and lock. I was given an hour to unpack my things. While everyone was in homeroom, I emptied my knapsack and put the stuff in my locker. Note books, book I received from the office for my classes, and extra supplies such as writing utensils and calculators.
"Hey, Scarlet." I turned my head to Ronny.
"Yo." I did a quick wave. At this point, I was done putting my things in my locker and was leaning against it, trying the lock code over and over. I felt accomplished.
"There's a party Friday night. Wanna be my date?" He asked me.
"A party? For who?"
"Everyone. We go to have fun."
"I'm sorry, but I'll be away this weekend." I frowned. I'd like to go, too. Just... Maybe not as his date.
"That's ok. There's always next time, right?"
"Mhm." I smiled. I saw Dakota behind him. He turned a different hallway, though. I wanted to say hi to him, so I locked my lock and said, "See you later," to Ronny.
I turned corner to the hall way he did. I found him and a girl in daisy dukes and a tank top having a make-out session. I quickly hid behind the wall. I didn't think Dakota had a girlfriend...

I arrived to L.A.L in the second period. Mrs. Gratt, my L.A.L teacher, introduced me and sat me next to Bryce. I was happy about that since I did know her.
"Hey. Lucky seat, huh?" She smiled.
"Yes. I'm glad she let me sit here."
"What's up?" She asked.
"Tuesday." I frowned.
"The almighty, boring Tuesday. Hey, it's taco day."
"Mexican lunch." She smiled. I got excited. I was wanted to try it soooo bad. "Can you sit with us today?" She asked.
"Sure. I don't see why not." I smiled back. I glanced to Dakota. He was looking at me. I stared at him and did a quick smile, then looked back to Mrs. Gratt.

Next period was math. No Dakota. And I liked it that way. I don't know why, but he made me say, "Kiss me," and was going to do so. Then it seems he has a girlfriend. Maybe he's just... a player.
During math, a girl named Gracie caught me up, but of course, I knew all of this stuff already.
"Then you divide this into-"
"The 40 cubic measures and etc." I said.
"You're caught up, huh?"
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I hear they had good education in Japan."
"Yes, they do. That's how I know perfect English."
"They teach English?"
"Yeah, you know how we have a Spanish class? Well, they have an English class."
"Right?" I totally don't know if my information is correct. Oh well.

Next period was Lunch. I sat wit Bryce and Ronny and a few other people. Dakota sat with a group of people. Every time I looked over, they were laughing. Maybe he still wants me to stay away from him. I mean, he hasn't talked to me all day...
Was I jealous? No. I knew him for a day. Maybe I started to have a crush on him, but I don't think it'll stay.
"Maylin?" I heard behind me. I turned to see a boy with blue eyes and blond hair.
"Uhm. Who are you?" I asked him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You look like someone I know."
"Get out of here, Trey. She's mine." Ronny said, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"You wish." I joked.
"I didn't... Nevermind." Trey started to walked away. I got up and fallowed him.
"Why did you call me by my mother's name?" I asked him when we got outside.
"Your mother? Maylin was your mother?"
"Yeah, but I killed her at birth." I explained.
"Oh, man..." He looked away. "Is Seth your father?"
"Why are you here?"
"I wanted to live a little like my mom..." I admitted. "Who are you?"
"I'm an old friend of your mothers and your aunt Lexie."
"Really? Are you a vampire?"
"Are you in secret from the Dark Castle?" He asked.
"Yes," I gasped, "Please don't tell. I want don't want to be sucked into that. My dad's been protecting me from that for years. Now I finally got some freedom-"
"Relax, kiddo, I won't tell a single soul." I let out a breath.
"Thank goodness."
"I'm gonna jet, but you better stay. I think someone wants to talk to you." He cocked his head behind me. I turned and saw Dakota staring... glaring at Trey. Trey kissed my cheek and walked passed me and Dakota. Once he was inside, Dakota walked up to me.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"He was an old friend of my mothers." I said.
"Mm. What's with you?"
"Nothing's with me? Why do you ask?"
"Well, you've practically been ignoring me. You won't even look at me." I looked to him. I didn't realize I had my eyes on the ground.
"I am looking at you." I said, looking into thoughs beautiful blue eyes of his. He came closer. He pinned me against the wall once again. I squirmed under him.
"Nyet. You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going through your head. What happened?"
"Nothing!" I shot back, defensively.
"Please, tell me."
"Nothing. I was just shocked to hear Trey call me by my mother's name."
"Yeah, but you were ignoring me before that."
"Well, I went to say hi to you, but you were busy, so I walked away. After that, I didn't have the time." I said, casually. He smirked.
"Closer... Busy doing what?"
"Kissing your girlfriend."
"I don't know her name." I laughed out. "Can you... let me go?"
"Nyet. Not my girlfriend."
"Ok, player, let-me-go."
"I'm not a player." He chuckled.
"Then what the hell?!"
"It was a dare. Ever hear of the game truth or dare?"
"Y-Yeah." No.
"Well, in homeroom we were playing it, and I picked dare, and he dared me to make out with Roxy Morgan."
"Ok? Why are you telling me this?" I asked. He smirked.
"'Cause you were jealous."
"I wasn't." I told him, causally.
"You were, too."
"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He grinned.
"What will I do with you?" He said in a husky tone.
"Let me go finish my taco? They're so good."
"Nyet. I have a better idea..." He kissed up and down my neck. Goosebumps rose on my skin. "Say it," He said.
"Say what?" He kissed my chin, then right next to my lips; almost touching.
"You know..."
"Potseluĭ menya." I whispered.
"Hmm? I could hear you."
"Potseluĭ menya." I said a little louder. He crushed his lips to mine. God, he tasted wonderful. I had no idea what I was doing, but he seemed to be my tour guide in other ways, too. Our lips moved in union. His arm around my waist pulled me closer to him.
He pulled away and look into my eyes. I blushed hard. He finally let me go. I touched my swollen lips with my index finger. He smiled.
"Uhm... Now what?" I asked.
"I uh.. Don't know."
"W-We should get back to lunch." I insisted.
"Good idea."
That was how I got my first kiss. On my second day of school... Gosh do I feel like a whore. I giggled at the thought.

When school ended, Dakota caught up with me. I wanted to walk home today, and he lived my way.
"How far?" I asked.
"A Maybe 20 houses from here." He said, telling me where his house was.
"Why don't we hang out today and like, catch up?"
"Sure." He got something out of this pocket. He flipped it open and pressed buttons, then put it to his ear. "Dad?... Yeah, it's me... Can I hang out with one of my friends today?...What's tomorrow?...Ok... Thanks, bye." He closed the device and put it back in his pocket.
"What is that?"
"A cell phone. You can talk to other people who have them by having their numbers."
"Cool." I said.
"You're clueless of the human world, huh?"
"They're so intelligent. I never lived with such technology."
"A lot of them are stupid and careless, too, so be careful." I nodded. We walked up to my house.
"Let me go ask Gran if I can hang out, too. Be right back." I ran into the house, opening the door, and shutting it behind me.
"Gran?!" I yelled, no answer. Maybe she wasn't home. I opened the front door and faced Dakota. "Come in." He did. I closed the door behind him.
"Let's go to my room." I said. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up the stairs and into my room.
"Smells good in here." He sniffed around the room.
"Sit." I pointed to the bed.
"Funny." He smiled and sat as told.
"Ah. You obeyed."
"I'm trained." I giggled and sat next to him. I suddenly felt gloomy. Fear coursed through me.
"What's happening?" I asked. He held onto me.
"I don't know. I sense something's off.
"I-I'm scared..." I breathed out, gripping his shirt. A black hole appeared in front of us. First legs appears, then the person, or creature, itself. A guy. Black, with grays, hair, black eyes, black outfit, black wings. I was NOT letting go of Dakota, who held me tightly.

Chapter 6.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. Oh, miss Scarlet, where have you been hiding?" The man said. The black whole disappeared into thin air.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your blood-related grandfather, dear."
"Kole." Dakota said.
"Oh. Dakota. Nice to see you taking interest in my granddaughter." Dakota's nostrils flared as he growled.
"What do you want, Kole?" I asked him.
"No. I am having a great life. I am not coming with you." I yelled.
"Oh, but you are."
Then everything went black.

I woke up in Dakota's arms in a mysterious bed. In a mysterious room. It seemed Dakota was just waking up, also.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Yeah. Where are we?"
"The Dark Castle." I gulped.
"Oh no..." I breathed out. There was a knock on the door.
"Act like your asleep." Dakota whispered in my ear. I cuddled into him and did so. We heard the door open.
"Hello?" A male voice said. The light came on and we heard a gasp. We stayed perfectly still, though.
"What the- Scarlet and Dakota?" I opened my eyes and saw Trey, shocked. I sat up along with Dakota.
"Trey?" I asked.
"What are you guys doing here?" Trey asked.
"Kole brought us here." Dakota said.
"Oh god." A girl walked in and look straight to me.
"Who's the chick?" She asked Trey. I frowned.
"Violet, that's Scarlet, Maylin's daughter."
"Jeez, where has the time gone?" Violet frowned.
"Why are we?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. Dakota stayed rather quiet, probably already knowing the situation we're in.
"The Dark Castle." Trey explained. "I guess Kole found you."
"How?" Dakota asked. Trey shrugged.
"Kole has his ways." Violet said.
"Especially as the army's new leader. He leads all the battles." Trey said.
"Does he even age?" I asked
"Yeah, but he just keeps his strength." Violet said. I ohed and nodded.
"I was brought to bring you two to Kole." Trey said. I nodded and took Dakota's hand. I didn't care if he didn't want to hold my hand, I was not letting go. Dakota didn't seem to mind. We walked hand and hand down creepy hallways.
We entered a room full of books. It reminded me of the library. Dakota and I walked in. The doors shut behind us. I turned and saw that Violet and Trey didn't come in.
"Tsk, tsk, Scarlet." We heard. I looked at Dakota. We were still holding hands. "All these years of hiding..."
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.
"You belong here, Scarlet. We're he same blood." Kole appeared at a table, drinking red wine. His wings and expression made him seem exceptionally dark and scary.
"I don't want to be here." I said, shyly.
"Why is that?" He looked a little hurt.
"Well, I have so much I'm looking forward to on Earth. Since I killed my mother, She couldn't really tell me how it was to live on Earth. So now I'm doing it. In her old home, and old bedroom. It's like a dream! I'm lucky I get that much."
"But you're not human. Earth was made for humans and other animals." Kole said, carelessly.
"Earth is free for everyone." I sort of yelled. I was getting mad.
"Heh, is that something your stupid reptile father told you?" That's when I snapped.
"How dare you bring me here without my permission and insult my father!"
"It's not insulting if it's true." I summoned all of my energy to get 'fired' up. Literally. With flames in my eyes, I threw multiple fire balls at Kole, but he seemed to be behind a magic-proof shield. That didn't stop me, though.
"C'mon, you wimp, fight me! I want to see you die!" I screamed.
"You want to kill me? Just like you did your mother?"
"TAKE-IT-BACK!!" I screamed, braking the shield. Kole was burnt, and I knew it. But my energy was drained from my anger and multiple use of magic.
I fainted.

I woke up in comfortable arms. My eyes opened to Dakota who carried me like a child. I blushed and looked away from his face. He was looking ahead, while walking. We were in a forest.
"You injured him badly, you know." He said. I pursed my lips.
"So... That's why you're on Earth? 'Cause of your mother?" I nodded. I guess we really didn't get to hang out and get to know each other.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered.
"For what?"
"Well, you were dragged into that 'cause of me, correct?" I mumbled, looking away. He stopped. "Can you put me down?" I asked. He did so, but wrapped and arm around my waist.
"Listen, I wanted to go. I wouldn't want you to go through it alone." He said, looking into my eyes. I giggled.
"Oh, don't worry, hun. I do a lot when I'm alone. It's better that way." He frowned.
"Stop that." He growled. I blinked.
"Stop what?"
"That fake peppy attitude shit. I can see it in your eyes... You're not going through anything alone anymore. I promise." He took me in a hug. He hugged me close to his chest.I blushed suddenly.
“Dakota…” I sighed out and hugged him back. “You’re so confusing.”
“How?” He chuckled.
“You’re being… strangely nice to me.”
“So?” He pulled away from the hug to look into my eyes.
“So? I want to know why you were suddenly mean, then suddenly nice to me. It’s strange behavior.” I said, thoughtfully.
“I have a reason for everything I do.” He smiled, a beautiful smile. “So, tell me your story now.” I nodded. We walked hand-in-hand in the forest we were in.
“Well, my mother and father’s love was forbidden, which means I shouldn’t be born. That’s why Kole wants me. I wanted to come to human school because of my mother. And you know the rest. That’s really it. Now your turn.” I said.
“Well, I’m the alpha male in my wolf pack starting tomorrow. I was forced to come here by my father to find my alpha female.” He explained. “It was horrible, because human girls through themselves at me. And werewolf hormones are stronger than humans. So, I figured until I find my mate, I have a little fun.”
“Well, you took my first kiss, so am I off the list?” I asked.
“It was your first?” He asked, sounding fairly victorious.
“Yes.” I said, nodding.
“Then I hope I can steal your second.” He smirked. I smiled, but stupidly blushed.
“You should really try to stay a little more pure for your mate. I mean, no girl wants a man-whore.” I told him, teasing him, but he took it seriously.
“I guess you’re right…” He breathed out, looking away.
“Well, I hope you find her, soon.”
“I already found her.” I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.
“Really?!” I asked. “And you kissed me! You are such a man-whore!”
“Is it bad I kissed my mate?” He asked, innocently.
“No, but is it bad that you kissed me! Does she know?”
“Does she know what?”
“That she’s your mate?”
“I don’t think so. She’s pretty slow.”
“Then go and tell her!” I demanded. “Hey, how do you know when it’s your mate?”
“Everything about her will make my senses go wild. Human and wolf senses.”
"That must be agonizing." I said, feeling sorry for him. I'm glad I'm not the one who'll make him suffer.
"Oh, trust me. It is." He said, rolling his eyes back.
"Wait, so you've kissed your mate before?" I asked as we started walking again.
"Yeah. Apparently it was her first."
"Was it Roxy?" I asked, since it was the only other girl that I know he's kissed.
"Ew, no." He shook his head, making a disgusted face that made me giggle.
"Then... I can't think of anyone else... Frikkin' man-whore..." I mummbled, scoffing.
"Think about it."
"Nah," I said, bluntly, "I don't care."
"Would you care if it was someone... you're close to?" He asked. I looked to him. He was smirking, his eyes found there way to meet my gaze.
"Then, yes, I would. Tell me."
"Nah. You don't care, remember?" He looked back ahead.
"Wh- but I just said I did care if it was someone close to me."
"Who said it was?" He asked, carelessly.
"Wh- UGH!" I walked faster, clearly agravated. I heard that bastard laughing at me.
"Where you goin'?" He asked, still laughing at me.
"AWAY FROM YOU. GO MAKE OUT WITH YOUR FREAKIN' MATE OR SOMETHING!" I yelled, not turnning my head or stopping. I was confused and agravated and not in the mood to be laughed at.
"You want me to go find my mate, and make out with her?" He asked, dumbfounded. I growled and stopped in my tracks. I turnned to him, who was right behind me. We were litterally toe-to-toe. I gasped.
"Good heavens, you're quick." I sighed, holding my heart.
"I know. Now back to my question?" He said, obviously wanting to know my answer.
"Yeah," I said, carelessly, "Sure. It's none of my business so if you'd kindly allow this topic to be changed..."
"I want to know the answer."
"I said, 'yeah' already." I frowned. A smirked danced across his lips. My eyes widened when he grabbed me and pinned me against a tree. "H-hey-" His mouth was on mine. His lips moved so intensly, so desperate for me to just give in and kiss back just as hungerly.
Which is exactly what I did. Our lips moved in union. Still amature, I'm sure I messed up, but Dakota didn't mind. His tongue was in my mouth in seconds, dancing with mine. His body pressed me more again the tree, making sure I was as close to him as I could get.
Finally, he pulled away so we could breathe. I was still trying to process what just happened and why it happened.
"What," I asked, "was that?!"
"I was just listening to you. You told me to make out with my mate, and I did. Gladly." He smirked.
This doesn't make sense... I told him to make out with his mate, not me... Wait..
"Yes, Scarlet." He purred. "You're my mate."
Chapter 7

“I-I’m your…” I swallowed. I couldn’t process this. Did he know this all along? Why didn’t he tell me sooner? I don’t see how I could be his mate…
“That’s why you were jealous when you saw me kissing Roxy.” Dakota smirked as her skirted around me. I tried so hard to breathe easily, but I ended up breathing heavily and looking straight ahead, confused.
“It’s also why after being with you longer, I grew softer. Then more needy.” He stopped in front of me. I couldn’t meet his eyes… I… I don’t know why.
“Scarlet.” He lifted my chin and my eyes instantly met his. I blushed and he smiled.
“So, you didn’t know at first?” I asked. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
“Not at first, no. But I didn’t find out right away. It was a theory at first. Then I saw you were avoiding me and I grew hurt. Then you were alone with the Trey guy. I wanted to just kill him… And Ronnie, for that matter.” I giggled, but my I grew serious once again.
“What does it mean?”
“It means, I love you, and I will always love you ‘cause you were made for me.” He grinned and kissed me. It wasn’t even a kiss. A touch. A tease.
“And I will,” he whispered against my lips, “make you fall in love with me as well. So prepare yourself. Scarlet, you’re mine.” I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. As blue as the day-lit sky.
“I-” Oh no. Dakota as to be home early. I smiled and exhaled out of my nose.
“I’m very well prepared. But for now, you must go home.” I said in the sweetest tone I possibly could.
“No, I’m not leaving you. Not when I know that damned raven mocker is after you.”
“Dakota,” I caressed his cheek softly with my finger tips. “I’m fine. I’ll go home, too. To my Dad.”
“I don’t…” He sighed.
“You have to. It’s important to you to become Alpha. I know it is. You have to trust me. I’ll be fine.”
With that, he kissed me roughly, letting me know he didn’t trust me. One thing I learned about Dakota is that he isn’t a fan of using words half the time. It depends on the situation and how comfortable he is around you.
I know I’m young. I don’t know anything about love. Dakota is experienced, while I, on the other hand, didn’t know about love-love until I was at least 10 years old.
He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He really looked at me. I could hear his voice echo in my head.
“You’re mine.”
“Please?” My voice cracked. He nodded.
“I’m going to take you to your grandmother’s first, though. But I’m warning you. If you’re taken by him, he’s going to die.”
“Die, as in, brutally murdered?”
“You so get me.” he smiled and kissed my forehead.
“I guess so.” I laughed out.

When we got back to Gran’s house, Dakota was stalling to leave me.
To be honest, it hurt having to see him walk away, knowing it might not be very soon that I’ll see him again.
After several long kisses, hugs, and lovey-protective words, we parted.

“Sushi tonight?” Gran asked as I walked into the house.
“I’m sorry Gran, I’m not hungry. But I must go home.”
“Go home?”
“It’s Kole. He’s after me.”
“Mom’s birth father. He’s after me.”
“Oh dear. Do you… Can you open a portal?”
“Yes, I think so. I’ll be back as soon as I can, Gran.”
She hugged me and whispered a few prayers for me. I let my tears fall. The truth was, I was scared. I’ve never witnessed what I did in the Dark Castle before.
I wasn’t going to show any fear to Dakota, or he’d go out of his way to make it possible for him to stay with me. I may be his mate and I may be young, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make him miss something like becoming Alpha and it doesn’t mean I’m weak.

I walked out of the portal, right in front of Dad and I’s little cabin.
I opened the door and walked through, locking it behind me.
“Dad?” I yelled in.
“Scarlet?” My dad exited his bedroom.
“Daddy.” I started crying and ran to him, hugging him. His arms were around me tightly.
“Scarlet, baby, what happened?”
“Kole…” I choked on the words. He pulled away to look into my eyes.
“K-Kole. Scarlet, how do you know that name?” Anger clearly showed in my Dad’s eyes.
“He tried to take me…” My voice cracked as more tears came out.
“I knew this would happen. That’s why I didn’t want you going to that world. I can’t loose you, too.” He growled and let go of me. I watched him pace back and forth.
“What are you thinking…?” I asked, wiping tears away with the back of my hand.
“You’re not going back to Earth.”
“W-Dad, that’s not fair.”
“Life’s not fair, Scarlet.”
“But I want to go back… I have to go back.”
“No, Scarlet! ‘No’ means ‘no’.”
“But Dad!”
“No!” He was practically yelling at me. Did he think it was my fault? Did he think that I exposed myself and was being careless?
I sniffed and gave him the death look. I ran into my room without another word.


Texte: This book belongs to me, the pictures found on Internet. c:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2011

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