

In a dimension different from ours, Kole walks into the dinning room of the castle. It was decorated formally. The Dark Father and his beloved wife, the Dark Mother waited at the end of the table for him. He sits on the other end of the table.
"You needed me?" He asked them, making no eye contact.
"Kole," The Dark Father started, looking to his wife, then back to Kole. "about Maylin."
Kole winced to the name. He listened to him carefully.
"We need her here. She does not belong in the human world." Dark Father said. "She is very powerful and we need her to help us fight."
"I will not allow her to be in such a cruel place!" He yelled.
"Listen, Kole," The Dark Mother said softly, "now that Sapphire is dead, there is no longer a secret weapon. Violet is not strong enough. We need a mage."
"Why Maylin?" Kole asked through his teeth.
"She's the daughter of my princess, Kole. You can't protect her from the shadows. She needs to know who she really is."
"Also, she could find out about her powers and hurt her human family." Dark Mother added. "What if she finally grew her wings? Thoughs brainless humans don't know what a Raven Mocker is."
Like always, she had a point.
Kole sighed in defeat. He was nervous that Maylin would hate him. In fact, she will. Why wouldn't she hate him? He abandoned her. He watched her with her new family in secret. What kind of father did that?
"Sapphire would've wanted her to see where her real mother grew up."
Kole winced once again.
"Fine, but I stay with her at all times. My daughter will not be participating in any wars. You hear me?" He got up and stomped out of the room.

Chapter One

I woke up to the sound of a plate braking, shattering pieces all over the floor. I jumped out of bed. I ran to my bedroom door, quietly, meeting eyes with my sister, Lexie. Her room was right across from mine.
"What was that?" I whispered.
"Let's go check it out."
We snuck down the stairs.
"Gordan! Please! Stop!" I heard my mother cry. Her cry was fallowed by a SMACK!
We trembled as we ran into the kitchen. My father was drunk again. He always hurt my mother when he was like this. My mom lay on the floor, holding her right cheek.
"Daddy! Stop!" I said, running to my mother, protecting her from another slap.
"Maylin! Get out of the way!" Leslie yelled. "He'll hurt you!"
I frowned at my sister. She always thought I was a weakling. One day, I'll show her I'm not.
My father fixed his eyes on mine. I stuck my chin up in confidence as I stood in front of my mother with my arms out.
"Go to your room!" He yelled.
"No! You go to your room!" I pushed him back, making him take a step backwards.
He scowled at me and stomped out of the house.
I dropped to my knees tears started flowing out. This was my life.

I went to school that morning like usual. Since I was adopted, Leslie and I were the same age. We never left each others side.
Our best friend, Trey, ran to us. Lexie always said that Trey liked me more than a friend, but I just couldn't see it.
Lexie had emerald green eyes and curly dirty-blond hair that came up to her lower shoulders. She was a little over curvy and wasn't very popular with the boys. Trey, on the other hand, could get any girl he wanted. He had a nice, muscular body. He had sky blue eyes with a hint of violet and shaggy, blond hair that was flipped to the side.
Then there was me. I have big blue-green eyes that people say make me look cute. My golden brown hair came up to the small of my back. I had a thin, curvy body and very nice legs. If I really wanted a boyfriend, I would have one. Many guys have asked me out. Trey says it's not because of my looks, but the curve of my mouth. He loves the way my mouth looks for some strange reason.
"Hey, girls. What's shakin'?" He asked.
"Nothin' much. Had another incident last night." Leslie said.
One thing about Trey, he's very trust worthy and very reliable.
"Oh, I'm sorry, guys." He said in a soft tone.
"I'm used to it now." I told him.
"Maylin!" Lexie exclaimed. "How can you act like it's no big deal?!"
"I never said it wasn't a big deal. He needs help. Mama needs to wake up and smell the coffee to get him that help. We're too young. We're only in seventh grade, Lex."
"But still," She sighed.
Oh no. I almost forgot!
"I gotta get goin' guys!" I said, running into the school.
"Where are you goin', May?!" I heard Trey yell.
"Music room!" I yelled back.
I ran into the school and down the halls until I got to room 42. Ms. Kayne's room. She was our music teacher. She allowed me to play her piano in the morning since I was like a professional, as she would say.
I walked in to her smiling face.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up." She said.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up."
"With what?"
"My bed." I joked, setting down my stuff. I walked over to the piano where she sat. I sat next to her. "Any request today?" I asked her.
"How about you pick today," she said, "Do a song you love."
I rested my fingers on the keys, then started playing "If I die young," by The Band Perry. It was my favorite song. I think its the best song I played on the piano, too.


I walked home with Lexie and Trey after school.
"It's Friday night. What do you guys want to do?" Trey asked us.
"Sleep," Lexie replied.
"We didn't get a good night sleep last night. Maybe tomorrow we can all hang out." I said, smiling at him.
"There's that wicked curvy mouth again," Trey grinned. I ended up blushing and covering my hand over my mouth.
"Shut up!" I said under my hand.

When we got to my house and said our good-byes, I saw my mother on the couch.
"Hi, Mama." I said, setting down my stuff.
"Hello, girls." She said as if nothing went wrong last night.
"Mama, I think we need to get Papa some help." Lexie said softly.
"Yes. I can't stand it anymore. It's tearing up our family, Mama" I said in confidence.
"I have it under control, girls." She said without eye contact. That just showed that she was lying.
I growled in frustration and ran up the stairs. I ran into my room and slammed my door, Locking it as well.
I hate me life!
I turned away from my door and to my bed where a man dressed in all black sat. I jumped and held my heart.
"You take forever to get home." The man said, calmly. He had a smile slapped onto his face.
"I'm sorry," I said sarcastically, "I didn't realized I was making the creepy man on my bed wait for me."
"Apology accepted."
"Uhm. Who are you again?"
"I'm Kole."
"Are you lost?"
"No. I came here to pick you up."
"Mm, funny story. Sit."
"No. I rather just slowly take out my cell and call 911." I wasn't going to call Lexie or Mama for help. I wanted to show them that I'm not a weakling.
"I'm your birth father, Maylin." He said. His eyes softened.
"M-my birth father?" He nodded. "You can't just take me after 13 years with a new family!"
"I didn't want to. I'm being forced."
"By who?!"
"Your grandparents."
This guy was totally bananas. No way was he my birth father.
"Well. I'll let you meet them." He said, getting up of my bed. I took a step back when I saw black, feathery wings coming from his back like an angel.
"Ah. You didn't grow yours yet." He said, calmly.
"K-Kole I think you should leave," I said, freaking out, "Like, now."
He used his right hand to open a portal.
"Ladies first." he gestured me to walk into the portal.
My eyes widened to the sight of a black whole in my bedroom floor. I looked inside of it.
"W-What is it?"
"A portal, silly. Come on."
He pushed me in. I screamed on the top of my lungs. As I fell, I closed my eyes tightly.
Was I going to die today? Is this all a dream?

Chapter 2

When I realized I wasn't falling anymore, I opened my eyes. I was on a bed. In a bedroom. It was formally decorate with blank colors like black, white, and gray. A very boring room indeed.
I got up and opened the bedroom door. Where did Kole go? I walked into a dark hallway light up with torches on the walls. This was an eerie place.
"Kole?" I whispered, tip toeing down the hall.
"What are you doing?" I heard a female voice behind me. I turned to a boy and a girl who stared at me like I was a loony bin.
The girl had dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. The boy have light brown hair and violet eyes.
"Are you going to answer me, girl?" The girl asked.
"I-I'm looking for someone." I told her in a whisper.
"Who?" The boy asked, looking me up and down.
"U-uh," I looked away, "Kole."
"Damn that Raven Mocker," The girl said.
"Now now, Violet. He was important to Sapphire. She had to pick him for a reason."
"Who's Sapphire?"
"More like who was," The girl said, "She was my best friend. Then she met that damn Raven Mocker and had a child. Sadly, her body wasn't strong enough for a child. She died giving birth to her."
"So, Kole's lover?" I asked her.
"Yes. His daughter roams freely on Earth with humans so she is safe."
"Y-You mean me?" I asked them.
"You're his daughter?"
"That's what he said. He just popped up out of no where and opened a portal in my room. Then he pushed me in it." I explained.
"You're Maylin?" Violet asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"Wow. How couldn't I see it?" The boy said, smiling.
"Mitchel, you're blind. That's why."
"You should talk, bloodsucker."
"So where's Kole?" I asked before they fought any more.
"Try the dining room. I'll walk you in there." Mitchel said, taking my hand and pulling me past Violet.
"Wait for me!" Violet yelled. In a flash, she was on my other side.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"This is the Dimension of the Dark Kingdom," Violet explained, "Mages, wizards, vampires, and anything you can think of live here. Including dragons."
"This the the castle of The Dark Father and The Dark Mother." Mitchel said, still holding onto my hand.
"They're also your grandparents." Violet added as we walked into a room with a long table.
A man and a women dressed in dark clothing sat at one end of the long table. Though, they were fairly young looking, Violet said they were my grandparents.
"Dark Father. Dark Mother. Have you seen Kole?" Violet asked.
"No," Dark Mother asked, looking to Maylin, "Is she new?"
"This is Maylin." Mitchel said, letting go of my hand. The Dark Mother and Dark Father were wide eyed.
"M-Maylin?" The Dark Father asked me.
"Y-Yes?" I answered, twiddling my fingers. I was kind of nervous. I didn't know why.
"How could I have missed it?" Dark mother smiled. "You're a splitting image of your mother."
"M-My mother?" I asked shuddering.
"There you are." I heard Kole's voice behind me. I turned to him and put my hands on my hips to scold him.
"Where did you go?!" I asked him.
"I haven't used a portal in a long time. I usually take flight," He frowned, "My bad, princess."
"Don't call me that." I told him.
"Not good." Violet said, sniffing the air.
"What is it, girl?" Mitchel asked. Violet gave him a death look, obviously not amused.
"Dragons." She told him.
"Damn it." Dark Father growled. "Get Maylin into safety." He told Mitchel.
"Wait. What's going on?" I asked Kole.
"Dragons are attacking the castle again. We're in war at the moment." He explained to her.
There was a big BOOM and the whole castle shook.
"Sorry, kids. No time for chit-chat." Mitchel grabbed my wrist and ran, pulling me out of the room. We ran through the hallways. It was so dark after that, I couldn't see. I was even stumbling over my own two feet.
Mitchel seemed to notice and stopped.
"Are you okay?" He whispered.
"I can't see very well." I told him.
I felt his arms go around my waist and under my knees. He carried me like a princess.
"H-Hey Mitchel. You don't have to-"
"I know. It's my job to get you somewhere safe, though." He told me. Without another protest, I gripped his shirt and cuddle against his chest. He was diffidently someone I felt comfortable with.
"Where are we going?" I asked him, barley above a whisper.
"Somewhere safe." He assured me.
I felt him put me down, but he never let go of my hand. I heard him turn and knob and open a door. He pulled me into a room and shut the door behind us.
He let go of my hand and I heard him walk away.
"M-Mitchel?" I breathed out.
"I'm here." A lamp turned on and he was right in front of me. I stumbled back a little.
"T-Thank you."
"Listen," He came closer, " I have to go help fight. If you need me, just whistle. Can you whistle?"
I nodded slightly. He smiled.
"Let me hear." I put my lips together and whistled like he told me to. "Good. Just like that and I promise I'll be here."
I nodded and watch him walked out the door.
I heard roars of dragons and the castle shook a few times. I felt kinda claustrophobic.
I walked around the room. There wasn't much in it. I walked up to a dark green blanket hanging on the wall. I looked behind it and saw a window.
I slowly went to open it, but something came in instead.

Chapter 3

A big black figure crashed in. I squatted down and closed my eyes tightly. I covered my ears until I didn't hear anything. I opened my eyes and looked to the window. It was broken and not even a window anymore. More like a whole in the wall.
I looked to the other side of the room where the figure fought with the green blanket. I heard little growls. Its foot got tangled in the blanket and it tripped. When I heard it whimper a bit, my heart dropped.
I walked to the creature and helped it. I gently pulled the blanket off it. The reveal was a small dragon. Maybe four feet taller than me. He had scaly black skin and two large wings coming from his back, and had beautiful yellow-green eyes with a black, cat-like slit going down the middle.
He growled at me and came closer. I kept backing up until my back hit the wall. It sniffed me all over. He sniffed my sides and tickled me. I giggled and clenched my side. He backed away, unaware that I'd be ticklish.
I slid down to the floor and stared at him.
"A dragon, huh? So this is what it feels like to see one up close." His eyes never left mine. He didn't seem like he was going to hurt me, but I couldn't be so sure. I got up and pointed to the window for him to leave, but he didn't.
His cat-sliced pupils got bigger and his expression was playful. He wagged his tail like a dog and licked my face.
"I think you should leave now." I whispered, but he didn't seem to understand English. I clapped my hands to get his attention and pointed to the window. No luck. So I whistled and pointed to the window.
Oh no. I covered my mouth and started to panic.
"You need to go! He'll be here!" I said, now pushing the dragon towards the window. The dragon's ears perked up. He must've heard Mitchel running.
Quickly, he flipped me on his back and flew back out the window, carrying me with him. I held around his neck tightly.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled. I looked around. Bigger and stronger dragons were destroying the building. "Why are they doing that?"
"Who are you?" I heard the voice of a young teenager say.
"Can you talk?" I asked the dragon like I was crazy.
"I can put thoughts in your mind allowing you to hear me." He explained.
"Oh boy. This place is crazy," I said, sighing, "or maybe I'm crazy. Yeah. This is all a dream. Dragons don't exist. Right?"
"Wrong. Can you open a portal?"
"A portal? I- I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you a mage?"
"I don't know! I was dragged from my bedroom to this strange place."
"By who and what?"
"Raven Mocker?"
"Mm. What's your name, girl?"
"Well, Maylin. Try to, in about 3,"
"N-No wait-"
With a snap of my fingers, a black hole popped up again. The dragon flew right into it.

I opened my eyes. I was in my bed? I sat up and saw the dragon sleeping on the floor. I guess that took a lot out of both of us.
I slowly and quietly got out of bed, but I ended up waking the dragon anyway. He looked at me. He was watching my every move.
"So, is there some kind of reason you took me away from there?" I asked him, brushing my hair.
"Yes." He said into my mind, stretching.
"Well, in my dimension, dragons don't exist, so if someone sees you, you're dead," I told him, "And so am I."
"Are you a human?"
"I'm not really sure anymore." He got up and sniffed around the room. "Do you have a name?"
"Seth, huh? I like that name." I said, opening my bedroom door. I was starving. "Stay here."
"No." He said, fallowing me. "I won't get caught."
He fallowed me down the stairs, quietly. It was only then that I fell down the stairs, making a loud CRASH!
Seth ran to me and pulled me away from the stairs and into the kitchen by my shirt.
"You're a klutz." He said, chuckling. I frowned.
"Jeez, even a stupid dragon thinks I'm a klutz." He glared at me.
"For your information, I am not stupid." He got closer to me.
"Well, you're pretty stupid to be in my dimension right now." I backed away a little.
"I wanted to be here. Being where you want isn't stupidity, girl."
"I'm not 'girl', I'm Maylin." I corrected him.
"Whatever." He growled and shook his head.
"Don't give me an attitude! You're under my roof and you're going to fallow my rules." I narrowed my eyes into his. I wasn't going to let him know that I was scared.
"Maylin?! Is that you?!" I heard my sister yell.
"Y-Yes!" I yelled, running to the stairs before she came down to discover Seth.
"What are you doing?" She asked, coming further down the stairs.
"N-Nothing. Just getting a midnight snack." I told her. It wasn't exactly a lie. That was my plan when I came down here.
"What are you hiding?" She asked.
"H-Hiding? What do you mean?" I asked her in an uneasy voice. I wasn't the best liar around.
"Well, for one, you're not letting me go down the stairs." She frowned.
"Well, that's because I'm going up the stairs and you're in my way." I told her.
"I thought you were getting a snack."
"I am."
"Where is it?"
"In the kitchen."
"Then why are you going upstairs, Maylin?!"
"I don't know!"
"You're hiding something." She said, walking past me and into the kitchen.
"W-Wait-" A hand covered my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

Chapter 4

My breathing became uneasy.
"Shh..." I heard in my ear.
"Huh. I guess you weren't hiding anything." I heard Lexie say. The person who held me quiet let me go. I spun around to nothing but the staircase.
"I-I told you." I said. I was confused. Extremely confused.

After I got my snack, I went back up stairs. Walking into my room, I found Seth sleeping on my bed.
"Pst. Seth?" I whispered.
He snored. I studied his sleeping face. He was exhausted. I smiled. Maybe me and Seth could be friends after all.
I crawled in with him. Strangely, my king sized mattress was big enough for us, though I didn't have as much room as he did. I didn't know if this was the greatest idea, but I felt safe with this worthless reptile.

"Maylin," I heard a smooth voice say. "Maylin?"
I replied in a groan that meant, 'I'm sleeping,' but I heard, "Maylin," again.
My eyes fluttered opened to Seth's big eyes. It was the first time he's called me by my name and not 'girl'.
"What?" I whispered, hugging the covers.
"It's time to go back." He told me.
"I don't want to go back." I whispered, softly.
"I do." He said with hope in his voice that I'll help him. I wanted to. I sat up and stretched.
"How did I do it last time?" I asked him.
"You snapped your fingers." He said with enthusiasm. He was glad that I was helping him. I guess he didn't have much hope that I would, but I have a heart for animals. Especially this pain in my butt here.
I snapped my fingers once again, but nothing happened.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"I guess you have to be thinking or panicking." He said, jumping off my bed and onto the floor with a soft 'thud'.
"3," He said, getting closer to me. I backed up.
"N-No. Not this-"
"2," His voice now a little angered that I showed fear made me back up more.
"C'mon Seth, s-"
"1," I close my eyes and snapped my fingers.
There was a long silence so I opened my eyes. A black portal stood in front of me to walk in.
"You did it, Maylin," Seth said, smoothly like usual.
"I did," I said, confused as usual, "You better go, then."
"Will you be back?" He asked me.
"I hope not."
"Then I will find my way back to you." He promised.
"W-Wait, Seth. It's okay. You don't need to stay with me." I said with a hand on my heart.
"I know." He licked my cheek and flew into the portal faster than ever. It closed behind him.
"Now I can re-live my normal life!" I cheered, wiping my cheek off from kiss.


I walked to school with Lexie like always. School was a bore, yes, but it took my mind off things.
Who am I kidding? I couldn't get that place out of my head. Would Kole come back for me? Was Mitchel worried about me? Am I really a mage? Who covered my mouth last night? Was this all a dream?
So many questions and I didn't want to know the answers to any of them.
"Maylin," I looked up to Trey, "You okay there?" He asked me.
"Y-Yes, why?" I asked him.
"You kind of fainted." I realized I was in his arms and being carried into the nurse's office.
"No. I'm okay." I told him, though I felt like crap.
He lay me on a cot in the nurse's room. He sat in the chair next to me.
"Where did I faint? I don't even remember." I told him, sitting up.
"Well, you walking into school, then you fainted."
"Oh great. Did anyone see?"
"Want the truth or a lie?"
"I guess that answers my question," I sighed to myself, "I just have a lot on my mind lately."
"I know. Believe me."
"No, you really don't." I said, shaking my head.
"Oh, but I do. Did you think your real father would allow you here without protection?"
"E-Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I saw you at the castle. They say you disappeared, but I guess you figured out how to create a portal." He grinned.
"I-I- who are you?"
"Oh no. You lost your memory, too."
"What are you, I mean?" I asked, swallowing.
He smiled, showing fangs. He pointed to one and said, "Vampire." I let out a sigh.
"At least I have someone to trust," I looked to him, "I hope."
"Yeah, May, you can trust me."
"So. What am I?"
"A mage/Raven Mocker. You're a mutt."
"Why, thanks. You're a charm." I frowned.
"It's true, though. You're like a crossbreed."
"I get it!" I stopped him from comparing me to a dog.
"Sorry." He laughed, kissing my forehead.
"D-Did I kill my mother?" I asked, shyly. His smile faded to that question.
"No, Maylin, who said that?"
"Violet and Mitchel said that she died because he body wasn't strong enough for a baby."
"They're right, but you're mother was in battle with the dragons before you were born, making her weaker," He explained, "It wasn't your fault."
"About the dragons. Why are you fighting them?" I asked him.
"Who knows." He shrugged.
"Do I have to go back?"
"Yes," He said without a beat, "In fact, I was going to take you back right now." He grinned.
"No. Please. Don't make me go back there."
"I'll stay with you."
"You promise?"
"Yes." He whispered.

Chapter 5

Trey ended up taking me to that place again. I really wish I said no, but I couldn't say no to Trey. He held my hand, keeping to his promise.
"I must take you to your father, but he doesn't seem to be here." He frowned.
"Would you mind waiting outside while I look for him? I don't know if you're allowed in all parts of the castle yet. Some things are secured." He told me.
"N-No, I don't mind," I replied, kind of disappointed. I didn't want to be alone again.
"There's a piano," He started with a smile, "in the music room." My eyes lit up.
"There's a music room in here?!" I screeched. He laughed at me and nodded.
"Yes, come on." He grabbed my hand and started walking me to a staircase. We walked up the stairs to the tall part of the castle. The dark stairs seemed to go forever.
Finally, we got to a door. There was a formal design carved into it. Trey opened the door to a small room. Only a black piano was in the room and a large window to let in some light.
"Here we are." Trey smiled and let go of my hand.
I walked to the piano and examined the keys. I pressed a key and noticed the piano was out of tune. Luckily, Ms. Kayne taught me how to tune a piano.
"I'll tune it." I told him.
"Alright. I'll be right back." He promised and ran out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I was alone once again.
I started to tune the piano. Making sure everything was just perfect before I actually started to play it.
Finally, I was done and it was ready to be played. I sat on the bench and started to play "Born This Way," by Lady Ga-Ga. I made my own slow version of the song, singing along with it.
"I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way." I sang it perfectly in key. I took singing lessons when I was young, but my mother couldn't really pay for them anymore. I didn't really mind it either. I'm not a fan of singing.
When the song was over, I got up and look around the room.
I almost screamed when I saw Seth sitting innocently on the other side of the room. He looked at me happily and wagged his tail. He reminded me of a dog.
"I knew you'd come back." He thought to me like always.
"I really didn't have a choice," I breathed out, holding my heart, which was beating faster then it ever had before, "I think you gave me a heart attack." I joked.
"Sorry. I thought you saw me fly in. I guess you were a little distracted." I blushed a little.
"H-How long have you been sitting there?" I asked, knowing I didn't want to know the answer.
"Well, since you were done tuning it." He said.
"I wish you said something." I turned away, blushing that someone, or something, heard me.
"Then I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show." I heard a smirk in his voice. I didn't know how he could do it, but it was like he was really talking and not just thinking it to me. "When is the next one?"
"For you? Never." I frowned, crossing my arms.
"That's not very nice," He got up and started to skirt around me. I kept an eye on him the whole time, "Do I have to teach you a lesson?" The way he said that made me want to just melt.
"No thanks. I'm good."
"I don't know. I think I may have to." He stopped right in front of me. His eyes sliced into mine.
"Do you want something from me? Is there a reason you're here?"
"That's classified information, sweetheart."
"Don't call me that."
"Then what should I call you?"
"I don't know," I said, sarcastically, "try Maylin. Ready? May-lin." I sounded out my name for him like I was teaching a baby to say 'Mama'. He didn't like it. Not one bit.
"Don't treat me like an idiot," He scowled, "I don't like your name. So try again. What should I call you?"
"Just go away and you won't have to call me anything." I challenged him. His eyes flicked to the door, ending our gaze.
"This isn't over." He said deeply and flew out the window just as fast as he flew in.
The door slammed open and Trey was panting like crazy.
"You okay?!" He asked me.
"Yes, why?"
"We're being attacked."
"By dragons?" I asked, thinking that was why Seth was here.
"No. Worse. I have to get you home."

Chapter 6

Trey brought me home. He wouldn't tell me why I had to leave. In fact, I didn't want to.
I looked to the bathroom mirror. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail. I decided to tie my thoughts together as well. The first thing that came to mind was Seth.
What is that stupid reptile thinking? Aren't we in war? His people and mine? Is he trying to get information from me? Why did he fly into that window anyway? I feel that he is keeping a very dark secret. I am going to find out more about that damn dragon. If he's going to keep popping up, he better expect the worst.
Satisfied with my decision, I walk down stairs. I stop in the same place I felt the hand of another human being on my mouth and an arm around my waist. Judging by the muscles, it was a guy. Kole maybe? I sighed and walked into the living room.
My sister watched TV. She looked up to me with a smile.
"She's alive!"
"I don't recall being dead," I smiled back, "Where's Mama and Papa?"
"Mama isn't going to be coming home tonight. Papa hasn't returned since that night." She winced of the memories.
"Ah. I see. What would you like for diner then?" I asked her, still the responsible sister that I was.
"Whatever floats your boat." She smiled, looking back to the TV.
"If you only knew what would float my boat," I mumbled, walking into the kitchen.
I skimmed the cabinets and the fridge. We didn't have anything. I decided to order a pizza, then.
"Whatcha doin'?" I heard behind me. That was never a good sign.
I turned to Kole who was looking over my shoulder to the menu.
"Ordering a pizza?" I told him.
"Who's the girl?" He asked, pointing towards the way to the living room.
"My lesbian lover," I said sarcastically.
"What?" He said, kind of shocked.
"She's my sister, Kole." I laughed to myself.
"Well, tell her good-bye for now. We have to go."
"Not tonight," I begged, "I have to take care of her while my parents are gone." It was the truth. What if my father came home? What if he was drunk again? What would she do?
"Maylin?" With wide eyes, Kole and I looked to see Lexie looking Kole up and down. "Who's this?"
"I'm her birth father." Kole blurted out.
"KOLE!" I screeched. "Listen, Lexie-"
"Is that true?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"W-Why does he have wings?"
"Lexie, right? Well, Lexie, take a seat."

After a whole two hours of explaining my other life to my adoptive sister, Kole decided to take Lexie and me.
He showed us around the castle. I didn't really get a tour before, so instead of yelling at him, I decided to go along with it and examine this place to see if it was safe for Leslie, let alone me.
"This is the music room, where I'm sure you've been, May." Kole grinned.
"Yeah. Hey, Lexie. Did you know that Trey was from here all along?" I asked her, knowing she'd flip.
"Yeah," I said, "He's a vampire."
"I should've seen it." She frowned. She was the one who read the Twilight series and any vampire book humans made.
I know that I'm not a human, thanks to Trey. I kind of feel relieved to be able to tell Lexie all of this, though. Now, if Seth pops up again, I don't have to hide him from her.
Stop it, Maylin. Seth is a stupid dragon. I didn't know why he kept popping up in my thoughts.
"So, Kole, why do you need me here?" I dared myself to ask him.
"Well, you need to learn how to 'work your magic'." He told me, laughing quietly at himself.
"Is your father a perv?" Lexie whispered to me, making me burst out into laughter.
"The training starts tomorrow. Lexie, would you like to stay the night?"
"Sure," She smiled. I was surprised she took all this in so smoothly. I would've flipped out. In fact, I did.
"Oh no. I don't think she's human either," I teased her, sticking out my tongue.
"Ha. I knew you were weird. This explains so much!" She teased back.
"Girls!" Kole interrupted us. "God, I am so happy we only had one kid." He teased.
"Its not like you had a choice..." I said, suddenly feeling sorry for him. I killed the love of his life.
"Maylin..." He sighed.
"I killed her." I told him.
"It's not-"
"I killed her..." I breathed out. Tears started to run down my cheeks. Why was I feeling like this? Well, the feeling of being the cause of your mother's death wasn't the best feeling.
I started to feel claustrophobic. I needed air. I darted back down the stairs.
"Maylin!" I heard Lexie yell after me.
I ignored her and ran out of the castle. It was a gloomy day here. I didn't know where I was running. I just took off, trying to find somewhere out of sight of the castle.
I found a lake and I stopped. I took it all in. The view of the beautiful water still. Odd looking fish skirted around the lake, looking for food. There was a river stream, connecting the lake to an ocean far from here.
I sat by the lake and sobbed quietly. I enjoyed the time alone. I haven't really been alone in a long time.
I wanted to go home. I wish Lexie was with me so I could try to make a portal again and take her home with me. Kole would probably take her home for me though.
I sat up and snapped my fingers. Nothing. What? It always worked when I snapped my fingers. After a few times of trying, I failed again and again. I got frustrated and kicked the dirt. I threw a rock into the pond, trying to get out my anger. I ended up sitting back down and crying again. I am a very emotional person.
I heard a thud behind me as if something were landing. I figured it was Kole, so I ignored it and hugged my knees.
"Maylin?" It wasn't Kole. It was diffidently not Kole. I knew that voice. That smooth talking voice that seems to pop up in my head, even when he's not around. Seth.
"What do you want, Seth?" I asked, not really caring what he wanted. He trotted over to me.
"You're crying." His voice cracked.
"Thanks for noticing. Go on, now. Shoo."
"Why are you crying?"
"Just go away, already." I frowned, trying to avoid the question. No luck.
"Please tell me?" He asked me.
"Do you really want to know, or do you just want me to think that you actually care." I scowled. It was like venom to his ears. He winced.
"Is it a secret?" He asked innocently. "Secrets are not fun, unless you share with everyone."
"Not really." I laughed at his little rhyme.
"Then tell me." He whined.
"I killed my mother." I faked a smile and looked to him. There was an awkward silence.
"I-I'm sorry." He sighed, looking down.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked him. "I killed her."
"I know how. It was big news. Everyone heard it. I just didn't..." He shook his head and looked away, "I have to go."
"You can't leave after saying something like that," He turned back to me and started to walk over to me, " H-Hey-"
We were face to face. I could feel his breath. My breathing became uneasy. My heart was beating faster. Was I scared.
"W-What do you want from me, Seth?" I whispered, looking into his fierce eyes.
"Nothing from you." He said, connecting our foreheads. I put my hands on his jaw and hugged him like you would hug a horse. He wanted to comfort me in the best way he possibly could.
"Thank you," I breathed out, blinking slowly. My eyes started to water from looking into his so long. He lay down, making me lay down with him. I used his arm as a pillow.
"Sleep now." He said in a calming tone. I cuddled up against him. His dark, black wing covered me from the outside world. For a dragon, he didn't smell bad. Not like I knew what a dragon smelled like or anything.
I giggled softly to my thought. This would be the second time I slept with him. The light beating of his heart was like a lullaby. I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 7

I woke up to Seth's rapid heart beats. It seemed to beat faster every time I moved.
"S-Seth?" I whispered. I was freezing. Knowing about reptiles and how they're cold-blooded, I knew Seth was cold, too.
"Yes?" I thought to me softly, unwrapping me from his protective shield. He stayed with me until I woke up, even though he was freezing.
"If-If I can make another portal, will you come with me?" I mumbled, still half awake.
"If you want," he said, sniffing me, getting as much of my scent as he could. I could feel how cold he was. Without a snap of my fingers, a portal appeared out of no where. I made it with my mind.
I felt him pick me up and fly into the portal.

We landed on my bed.
"Thanks," I smiled, getting up to turn up the thermostat.
"I guess you knew that I was cold," He chuckled.
"What gave it away?" I giggled. "Are you hungry? What do you eat?"
"Anything." He said, truthfully.
"Even human food?"
"Even human food."
"Pizza sound good?"
"What's pizza?"
"Well, do you like bread, cheese, and tomatoes?"
"I-I don't know. I've only been in this dimension because of you."
"Well, we're just gonna have to find out, then," I smiled, "My sister, Lexie, knows about the Dark Kingdom. You won't have to hide from her."
"That's a relief."
"Speaking of which, how did you escape last time?" I asked him.
"It was easy, actually." He jumped off my bed.
"That doesn't answer my question." I frowned.
"I'll tell you later." He groaned.
"Can you go invisible or something?" I asked, knowing anything could be possible at this point.
"No," He chuckle, "That would be fun though. You know what I'd do If I could go invisible?"
"Watch you in the shower." He said it so seriously, that it made me blush.
"You're one sick, perverted, reptile, dragon."
"I'm not, 'dragon', I'm Seth."
"Not anymore. Now you're dragon."
He was actually laughing at me.
We walked down the stairs. Lexie was in her room. I was going to make sure that she was home safe and sound before I got comfortable. Seth fallowed me into the kitchen.
He watched me take a two frozen pizzas out of the freezer and heat them in the microwave.
"Can we fly around town later?" He asked me.
"I don't know if that is such a good idea. People may see us."
"In my world, reptiles like you do not exist."
"But I'm in your world. Oh screw that, I am the light in the dark in your world," He chuckled.
"Shush your face. If you want to fly around, knock yourself out. I'm never doing that again."
"Please?" He tried his best puppy dog eyes. He was cute when he wanted something.
"Why?" I frowned, knowing I was easing into it.
"I want you with me so I know you're safe?"
"Nice try," I said, getting the pizza, "Plate or... Newspaper?" He frowned.
"So I look like some kind of animal to you?"
"Is that a serious question?"
"Sorry," I smiled, "I'm not used to it. I've never even had a pet before."
"Would it be easier for you if I were human?" He asked me.
"Of course not, Seth," I told him, "I like you just the way you are. I just don't know a lot. Am I not allowed to ask questions?" I frowned.
"Where's your bathroom?" He asked, completely changing the subject. I opened the front door for him.
"Our bathroom is too small." I sighed. With a chuckle, he flew out. Crap. Worst mistake ever. Well, he'll be back. I hope.
I closed the door behind him. I fixed the pizzas on plates. I let them cool off.
Finally, I heard a knock on the door. Seth must be done with his business. I walked to the door and opened it.
"You take for-" I saw a boy. He was shirtless and only had long, black, baggy jeans on. He was really good looking. "Uhm, can I help you?"
"I think it'd be easier to be human." He said, innocently.
"S-Seth?" I asked.
"Mm?" He responded.
"Wha- who- I think I'm gonna pass out." I held my head. He smiled showing a perfect set of straight white teeth. He had short, black, shaggy hair and his skin was a smooth peachy color. He looked like a model.
"Let's not do that." He took my hand and pulled me inside. He shut the door behind him.
"So, how can you do that?!" I asked, trying not to freak out.
"Well, like you, I'm a mutt," He sat on the floor like he would if her were a dragon, "Half dragon, half human."
I sat across from him. "Is that even possible? How do they-"
"Let's keep this conversation G-rated." He chuckled. His beautiful eyes were the same.
"I'm sorry," I giggled, "I almost forgot the pizzas!"
"You're a disappointment to nature!" He joked. I smiled and got up.
His eyes fallowed me as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed both plates. I walked back into the living room where he sat and handed him one. Right away, he started eating it.
"It's really good!" He said, kind of shocked.
"What did you think you were in for?"
"I don't dislike you that much." I grinned.
"By the way, this is how I escaped last night." He smirked.
"You covered my mouth?" I asked him.
"Yes," I sighed in relief, "why?"
"It was fricken' creepy. I thought I was going delusional." I frowned. He laughed a little.
"Sorry. I wanted to keep this on the down-low." I put a finger to my lips.
"I won't tell," I winked, "If you piss me off, it's blackmail, though." I giggled.
"Remind me to not piss you off."
"It won't work," I frowned, "trust me."

We finished out pizza and went back up stairs.
"Are you staying the night?" I asked him, suddenly feeling tired again.
"If you want," He shrugged, innocently.
"I don't mind," I smiled at him, who sat on my bed. He laid down and stretched. Was it bad that I slept with him twice? No. He's usually a dragon after all.
I crawled in with him. I shut my lamp off on my night stand, then nuzzled into the covers. I felt one of his strong arms wrap around me.
"Night, Maylin," He whispered softly. I turned around to face his direction. I burred my face into his chest. He was so comfortable.
"Good night, human," I could feel him chuckling. He kissed my head instead of a lick on my cheek.
I was cuddling with an incredibly hot guy who just happens to be a dragon as well. And I loved every minute of it.

Chapter 8

My eyes fluttered open to Seth. He was smiling at me. He watched me sleep. His eyes were soft and caring.
"G'morning." I smiled.
"Your dad came home. I heard him." He told me. My eyes widened.
"Then you better go back to being a dragon," I chuckled, "he'd kill me if I had a boy in the house."
"We should go back," He said innocently. He probably does have family there.
"I can't. Not today, but I'll make a portal for you." I said, uneasily. He growled and frowned.
"I'm not going without you. What if you don't come back?"
"Then you find another girl to fallow home." I giggled and poked his nose. I sat up and stretched. I went to get out of bed, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back into the bed with him. He hung over me and looked down to me.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, smoothly. Again, I wanted to melt.
"To the bathroom? A girls got to go when a girls got to go." He smiled.
"Can I come?"
"PERVERT!" He seemed amused for some reason.
"Do you even know what that means?"
"Of course I do!" I frowned.
"Then do you want to find out what a real pervert does?"
"H-Huh?" One of his strong hands lifted up my chin so I could look into his eyes.
"Do you?"
"Not really." I said, blushing like crazy.
"Good choice." He chuckled and let go of my chin.
"Do you want to back?" I asked him.
"Only with you."
"Seth," I said sternly, making him jump a little, "If you have family there and you want to go back. You don't need me to go back with you."
"I want you to."
"Why?" I dared myself to ask.
"So I know you're safe."
"From what?"
"Anything." There was a long pause.
"I'm safe here. You don't need to protect me."
"I want to."
"I don't know." I glared at him.
"You're confusing!" I frowned. "Get off me," I said, looking up to him who still hung over top of me.
"Do you want me to leave?" He showed no emotion, but I could tell he was scared of the answer.
"Only if you have someone waiting for you on the other side."
"I don't." He smirked.
"What's with the smirk? Why are you smirking?"
"'Cause I can. I can tell you anything right now, and it doesn't have to be true."
"Yes it does." I frowned.
"You're friends with that vampire. Trey, right?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"N-no. We've been best friends for a long time, though."
"Mm." He let me up.
"Just asking." He shrugged.
"I'll be back if you really want to go, Seth. I'm not going to ditch you or anything." I frowned, wondering if that was what he was afraid of.
"No." He said, deeply and got off the bed. He stretched, showing me his muscles. There weren't huge, but they were normal and he had a six pack. I couldn't believe I was attracted to a dragon, so I looked away.
"How old are you?" I asked him.
"Fif-teen. You?"
"You're kind of young." He made a weird face while he tried to control his messy black hair. I frowned and got off the bed and threw my brush at him.
"I am two years younger than you! Besides, I'll be four-teen next month!"
"Thanks," He said, holding the brush the way he caught it by reflex. It amazed me.
"Do you have family?"
"Of course I do."
"Human or dragon?" He laughed at my question.
"Ah, I see. That's probably why you don't know how to use a brush." I giggled. He was using the back of it to try to make his hair stay down.
"You know what, I've had just about enough of this human stuff." He frowned at me laughing at him.
"Like this," I walked up to him and took the brush from him. The hairs on my arm stood up when our hands touched. I shook it off and started to brush his hair. I brushed his bangs in his face and giggled when he sneezed. "Bless you."
"Thanks." He chuckled.
"Do you want to take a shower or anything?" I asked him as he handed me back the brush.
"Sure," He grinned, "Is it big enough for two?" My face turned completely red.
"No, you pervert!" I yelled, "We have to be quick though." I grabbed some of my clothes and a towel. Then he fallowed me into the hall and into the bathroom. I shut the door, wishing we had a lock.
"What do you prefer? Cold, hot, or warm water?" I asked him, putting the towels on the rack and my clothes on the sink.
"Warm is fine. More on the hot side."
"That's how I like it, too," I smiled, turning on the shower, "Get undressed. I won't look."
"I don't really care if you do or don't." I heard a smirk in his voice and turned my head to glare at him, but he was already naked. I quickly turned back to the shower. " I thought you wouldn't look."
"Shut up!" I yelled. I covered my eyes. "Get in."
A minute or so later, he said, "I'm in." I opened my eyes.
"Shampoo and stuff is in there." I told him.
"That's what you usually find in a shower, dear."
"Shush," I giggled, "I'm getting dressed, so don't look."
"I won't. I promise."
I started to undress. I was down to bra and underwear when I heard, "Maylin?!" Outside the door. It was my mother.
"Yes, Mama?!"
"Mind if I come in for a sec? I have to go to the bathroom."
"Please?" She whined. "I really have to go!"
"Bu-" Two strong arms pulled me into the shower.
"Just say yes," He whispered in my ear. I was blushing so hard. I closed the curtain over.
"Sure!" I cracked. I was getting soaked.
I heard the door open. Seth held me so close to him. His naked body. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart was beating so fast.
"So how is school, May?" I heard her say.
"G-great. Though, It's a bore." I said, trying to keep my mind off of Seth.
"You have a boyfriend yet?"
"N-No. I don't really want one yet." I said truthfully.
"Did you even have your first kiss yet, Maylin?"
"On the cheek. Not the lips." I giggled.
"Was it Trey?"
"N-No." I was now drenched.
"Then who?"
"This boy. H-he's from out of town." I said. It wasn't entirely a lie.
"Ah. Well, I'm done. I'll see you when you're out." She said and walked out of the room.
I peaked behind the curtain and saw she was gone.
"That was a close one," I whispered to Seth.
"You got that right."
I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel. I was still blushing very hard.
"Hey, Maylin?" I heard him ask.
"Yes?" I replied, trying not to show him how embarrassed I was.
"Do you accept me?"
"Do you accept me for what I am?"
"O-Of course I do," I told him, "If you can accept me as a mage/raven mocker."
"Yeah, I do."
"Good," I smiled, "Now hurry up."

Chapter 9

After the shower, I took Seth back home. He couldn't stay in my dimension anymore without one of thoughs kind of situations. I decide to stay a while.
If anyone in the castle found out about me and Seth, him or I would be punished horribly. He flew to his family and I went to the castle. Luckily, or unluckily, Mitchel discovered me.
"Maylin! Where did you go? You like, disappeared!" He exclaimed.
"I figured out how to make a portal and went through it." It wasn't exactly a lie.
"Thank goodness! I heard you whistle and I was coming for you, but you were gone."
"I'm sorry I made you worry." I looked down.
"It's okay," He smiled, "Now let's hurry. Diner is ready."
"Yeah." He took my hand and pulled me to the big dinning room with the long table.
"Maylin!" The Dark Mother cheered. "It's so nice for you to be joining us today!"
I scurried over to the seat next to Kole.
"What's going on, kiddo?" He asked me.
"N-Nothing." I was nervous. I didn't know half the people here.
"Listen, after diner, we have to have a little talk."
"About what?" I asked him.
"You'll see."
"K-Kole, I'm not really hungry." I said, truthfully. Back in my dimension, I just had breakfast.
"You sure?"
"Y-Yeah. I'll just-"
"Maylin. Back so soon?" I turned to Trey and smiled.
"Oh, yeah," I got up, "I'm not very hungry. Please excuse me," I said politely to everyone and ran out of the dining room.
I walked through the hall ways and examined the pictures on the walls. There was one with a beautiful girl about my age. She had my color hair, but golden brown eyes. Actually, we looked a lot alike. I looked closer. The girl wore a formal, violet dress.
"She was beautiful, right?" I heard a soft voice. I turned quickly to Violet.
"Y-who is she?"
"That, Maylin, is your mother," She smiled, "Well, was."
"S-She's beautiful." I said, softly, looking at the picture once again.
"You have that trait of hers," She smiled, "Personality, too."
"Yes," She giggled, "I hope we can be friends as well."
"S-sure." I smiled.
"Great. I must be going now. I'll see you." With that, she ran down the hall.
"She seems nice," I said quietly to myself.
I decided to go to the music room and play the piano. I was bored. I didn't really feel like playing either.
I sighed and started to walk to the music room. It was dark and really hard to see. I tripped, but fell in the arms of someone. That person pushed me against the wall, pinning me to it. I winced. I tried to make out the person, but no luck.
"W-Who are you?" I whispered. It was then that the person came closer to the point that our bodies were pressed together. "W-What are you-"
Two warm lips were pressed against mine. My eyes widened. My first kiss was being stolen by a total stranger. The bad thing, though, was that there were sparks. My whole body was tingling.
The person pulled away, leaving me breathless. Then they kissed me again, getting a good taste of my mouth. My eyes slowly closed and I melted into the kiss.
The person pulled away. My eyes slowly opened. I still couldn't see who it was.
"W-Who are you?" I asked once more.
"Your secret admirer." He whispered, connecting our foreheads. I couldn't recognize the voice. Did I know this person? "Later," He whispered and disappeared as fast as he came.
I slid down to the floor. Who was he...? Why is my heart pounding so much? More importantly, why didn't I pull away...?

Chapter 10

I went back home that day in a daze. The taste of the boy's lips lingered on mine. Who was that boy?
After my shower, I plopped on my bed, looking at the ceiling.
"Maylin?" I heard Lexie said out my door.
"May I come in?" I sat up.
"Sure." She opened my door, walked in, and closed the door behind her. "What's up?" I asked her.
"Where did you go?" She asked me. "Where did you go when you ran from us?"
"I walked to a lake and took a nap to cool off," I explained, trying to leave the whole Seth part out, "Then I made a portal and went home."
"You gave us a little scare." She said, walking over to me. She sat on my bed next to me.
"I'm sorry. Its really hard knowing you killed your birth mother."
"Listen, Maylin. It wasn't your fault." I sighed, knowing she was right. I flopped back down on my bed and hugged my pillow.
"Sometimes," I whispered, "I wish I wasn't born."
"But you were. So live like you're dying." She smiled. Again, she was right. I smiled at her.
"Will do, sis."


Next day, I walked to school with Lexie and Trey like usual.
"Maylin," Trey said, "When you get back, you're going to start your training."
"T-Training?" I asked him.
"Magic training." He smiled, putting his arms behind his head.
"When are you dragging me back?" I growled.
"After school."
"I feel so... not special." Lexie said, frowning.
"You're lucky," I told her truthfully, "I hate this. A lot."
"Really? I would love it." She pouted.
"It's not all it's cracked up to be," I frowned.
"Why is that, Maylin?" Trey asked me, kind of disappointed.
"I just want to be a normal girl." I frowned.
"Well, you're not. Sorry." Trey shrugged. That was kind of cold. Even for Trey.

After school, Trey took me, as promised.
He took me to a room with weird obstacles.
"What is this?" I asked him. My voice echoed.
"Where the training starts." Trey smiled.
"What do I learn first?"
"To summon your powers on short notice." He explained.
"U-Uh, ok." I agreed.
"Okay. Think of an element. Fire, air, water, or Earth." I thought of water. Crystal clear water with tiny little fish swimming around. "Got it?"
"Now concentrate." He told me.
"On what?"
"Water." He frowned.
"Oh." I sighed and closed my eyes and cleared my mind and only thought of water. The salty oceans. The steady rhythm of the waves.
My eyes flew open.
"Damn. I got to get you out of here." Trey said, mad that we were interrupted.
"W-What's happening."
"Seems like the dragon are attacking again."
Seth... Was he one of thoughs dragons.
"I-I-" Trey opened a portal.
"Go. I'll see you at school. We'll try this again tomorrow." He told me.
"Alright. Be careful" I said with a weak smile and jumped into the portal.

For some reason, I popped up in my bathroom. I looked to the shower and blushed. Maybe it'd be best if I stayed away from Seth.
Nah. I like having Seth around. He's like the overly large iguana I've never had. I giggled.
I walked out of my bathroom and my father stood before my eyes. Weirdly, he was sober.
"Where did you come from?"
"The bathroom?"
"I was just in there. You were not in there."
"I just walked in here."
"Mmm." He walked down the hall and into his room, shutting the door behind him. I sighed.
I walked into my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it.
I needed a long nap. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow either. In fact, I'm not going to.
I got into a black tank top and violet shorts. I crawled in my bed, under the covers. I closed my eyes.
"Pst." I heard. I opened my eyes to Seth in this human form, kneeling next to my bed. My eyes widened.
"Wh- Wh- How-"
"My friend's a mage." He told me.
"O-Oh," I sighed, "How long have you been here?"
"In this room? Well, since you walked in."
"S-So you saw me get changed?!" I screeched.
"I looked away?"
"Per-vert!" I frowned. He smiled and came in my bed, under the covers with me. "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
"Getting comfortable." He smiled and reached over and shut the lamp on my night table.
He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead, softly. That kind of made me feel guilty. I didn't know why, but the kiss with the stranger popped into my head.
"I'll protect you while you sleep." He said, softly.
"From what?" I whispered.
"Everything." He whispered back.
"Why...?" I breathed out.
"I don't know." I smiled a little and cuddled against him.
"Good night, Seth."
"Good night, Maylin."

Chapter 11

I woke up to Seth's sleeping face. He was surely dreaming. I took a closer look. He looked sad. Maybe a nightmare? No. His true emotions show in his sleep.
He was sad. Homesick maybe? It made me sick to my stomach. I want to ask him what's wrong. I want-
His eyes opened slowly to my pitiful look. He seemed to notice and his eyes narrowed into mine, making my heart beat faster.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"I should be asked you that question." I breathed out.
"What do you mean?" He sat up and held his head in his hand that was held up by his elbow, leaning on the pillow.
"When you were sleeping," my eyes softened, "You looked so... sad." I cracked.
"I'm not sad." He said without a beat.
"Don't lie to me," I whispered. Again, his eyes narrowed into mine as he crawled over top of me. He looked down on me. He caressed my cheek.
"Maybe a little." He whispered.
"Because," He smiled a sad smile. His eyes stayed steady with me.
"Tell me, Seth." I demanded, deeply.
"You were taken to that castle to kill me," He breathed out.
"K-kill you? I would never do such a thing to you!"
"I know that, now." He ended the daze between our eyes when he looked away.
"I crashed into that window," He said deeply, while looking back to meet my eyes, "to kill you."
My eyes widened.
"I tried to get close to you," he said, "so I could kill you before you could kill me."
"S-so you want to kill me?" I asked him.
"I did," He said with no emotion, "but then I got to know you."
"Maylin..." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened, then slowly closed. He pulled away. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his.
"W-What was that for?" I breathed out.
"I like you." He confessed.
"W-Why so suddenly?" I asked him, blushing more than ever.
"I've kissed you before," He said, innocently, "Yesterday."
"T-That was you?!"
"Yeah," He grinned.
"You're a first-kiss snatcher!" I frowned.
"You so liked it." His grin turned into a smirk.
"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." I smiled.
"Well, maybe I should try it again. Maybe you'll know then." He lifted my chin and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Our lips moved in a perfect union. I was enjoying it very much, until he pulled away.
"Nope," I grinned, "still not feeling it. You should try again." A smile danced across his lips.
"I think not, dear Maylin."
"I thought you didn't like my name."
"I don't like your name. I love your name."
"Don't be such a kiss up." I frowned. He smiled and kissed me again.
"What do you say, Maylin?" He kissed up and down my neck, sending bolts of electricity through out my body. "Will you be mine?" he said it so smoothly. I just wanted to melt.
"Do you accept me?" I whispered, repeating my words.
"Of course I do."
"Then yes." I breathed out. He smiled warmly.
"I'll never," He caressed my cheek, softly, "hurt you."
"Promise," He kissed my forehead, "I must go now, Maylin." He frowned.
"They're waiting for you, right?" I smiled.
"You're dragon family. Hey, can they turn human, too?"
"No. Only me. My mother forbids me to become a human. If she found out about us, she'd kill me."
"Let's not let that happen."
"Wouldn't even think of it." He kissed me once more before I opened a portal for him. He transformed back into his dragon form and flew into it. It closed behind him.
I didn't really realized I liked him in that way until he kissed me. I'm really happy, though. He seemed happy, too. I smiled, blushing a little. To protect Seth, I don't think I'll tell anyone about him. Not even Lexie.


Today was Saturday. I was dragged back to the Dark Kingdom by Trey. We went into the same gym as before.
"Why do I have to learn to use my magic?" I frowned.
"You're very strong," He said, "We need you to help us."
"Do what?"
"Kill the dragons that are attacking us."
"W-What? I'm not killing any dragons!"
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not! You can't force me to!" I yelled at him.
"It's not my fault. The Dark Father's orders." He shrugged.
"Who does he think he is?"
"He's my father."
"Wouldn't that make you my uncle or something?" I said, laughing a little.
"Probably," He frowned, "but I don't want to be your uncle."
"I don't want you to be my uncle," I said, truthfully, "It makes you sound old."
"It's time for training." He grinned and snapped his fingers. A door opened behind me. I turned around to a red dragon just a little bigger then Seth. I gulped. The dragon didn't look friendly.
"Now," Trey said to me, "Concentrate."
"No. I'm not going to hurt it."
The dragon's ears perked up as it skirted around me. Only me. Trey was gone. What a nice friend.
I decided to leave. I wasn't going to hurt it.
I turned around and started to walk to the door, but the dragon quickly flew to the door and blocked me. I jumped backwards.
"Where do you think you're going, little miss?" Just like Seth, her voice rang in my head.
"I don't want to fight."
"Oh, but I do."
"Then fight me. See if I care, but I'm not going to fight back."
"What's wrong with this girl? Don't you hate dragons like every other in this place?"
"No," I said, quickly, "In fact, I'm in love with one. I don't approve of these... people hurting dragons. They must have a reason, if they're attacking the castle, right?" I said, putting a finger on my cheek.
"They do," The female dragon said, "Your people have killed us for a food source for hundreds of years. We've lost so much family and friends." She looked down.
"I-I'm so sorry." I whispered softly.
"Who are you? What is your name?" She asked me.
"My name is Maylin. I was born and raised as a human, but I was dragged back here."
"Well, Maylin," She said, "Can you please let me free?"
"How?" I asked her. She raised her front right foot. A metal ring was placed on her foot.
"Please take it off." She said.
I ran to her and tried to get if off, but I couldn't figure out how. I looked puzzled.
"How do I take it off?" I asked her.
"It was for training. You have to concentrate and do the water spell on me." She frowned.
"Oh great." I frowned and sat down next to her.
"Can you try?" She asked.

After 3 hours of my 'concentrating', still, nothing happened. I growled in frustration.
"Why can't I do this?!" I asked.
"Maybe you still don't believe in it." And there was the answer. I didn't believe that I had powers. I think it's all bull.
"Ding, ding, ding," I cheered, "You're right! I don't believe it."
"And you're happy about that?"
"Yes! I need to learn to believe it, silly!" I smiled. I heard her laugh.
I started to think. I know that wasn't a good idea, but I had to. Sorry. I giggled and the words, "I'm a mage," repeated in my head. Again and again and again and-
"You did it!" I opened my eyes quickly and saw that the ring was off. She was also soaked, but that's ok. I hope.
"I did?" I asked, confused and surprised.
"Yes! Now lets get out of here!" With a sly smile, I opened a portal. I was really getting good at this. We both ran in.
I appeared in my bedroom alone. When you're in a portal, you go to the place you want to go to. So I guess she went home. I wonder why she was even in the castle anyway. I shrugged.

I sat on my bed and practiced. I did a lot of water. My bedroom was soaked. I loved the feeling that I could summon water out of no where and be able to do anything with it if I put my mind to it.
I wondered what Seth was doing right now. Did he want to come back? Was he fighting against the Dark Kingdom?
With a sigh, I laid on my bed. I put my hand on my forehead. How was I going to continue school if I'm going to be back and forth like this. My grades will go down for sure.
I certainly wasn't going to kill any dragons. That's for sure. I didn't know where Seth lived so I wouldn't be able to know if he wanted to come here or not. Oh well, he did say he had a friend who was a mage. If he really wanted to come, he would.
I got up and walked to my dresser. I picked out some pj's. Since I wouldn't be sleeping with Seth tonight, I didn't have to worry about if it was too fleshy. I picked out a sports bra and undies that matched.
I took off my shirt, then my jeans. Soon I was only down to bra and underwear when I heard, "Sorry I'm late. I- Woah."
I quickly turned to Seth, who was wide eyed in his dragon form. I blushed and crossed my arms, covering my breast.
"H-Hey! I was unprepared for this!" I screeched.
He transformed into his human form. He was naked.
I covered my eyes.
"Well, I don't have clothes on when I transform," He said, "I put my jeans under your bed."
I heard clothing ruffling and moving.
"Ok. I'm covered," I opened my eyes and his jeans were on, "What's so wrong about being naked?"
"If a girl and a boy see each other naked, it usually leads to some sexual intercourse." I giggled.
"Sexual intercourse?" He smirked.
"Don't get any ideas." I frowned, putting on a night gown.
"Oh, come on. I wouldn't do anything." He grinned, walking over to me.
"I find that hard to believe." He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I couldn't help but kiss back.
He backed me into the wall, pinning me closer to him. His kisses me rough at first, then he started really kissing me, making clicking noises. His tongue roamed my mouth, getting a good taste. We locked tongues. We were kissing like professionals.
He scooped me and carried me like a baby, still kissing me. He laid me down on my bed and hung over me, kissing me. He finally pulled away.
"Woah, baby." He chuckled. I giggled softly.
"Had enough?" I grinned, pecking his lips softly, letting mine linger on his.
"Don't be a tease," He frowned, "I hate it."
"Maybe that makes me want to do it more." I smirked. He smiled and rolled his eyes while flopping next to me.
I pulled the blanket over us and went to shut the lamp off, but a sudden knock on my door stopped me.
"Y-Yes?!" I yelled. The door started to open. Seth quickly transformed into a dragon and hid under the covers.
The door opened all the way and my father stood at the door.
"Maylin, we need to talk."
"I was kind of going to bed. Can it wait until tomorrow?"
"No," The door was now all the way opened and he stood in my doorway, looking at the big lump Seth made under the covers, "What's that?"
My eyes widened when I said, "Nothing! L-let's talk in the living room." I told him, getting out of bed and covering Seth better.
He walked to my bed and ripped the covered off Seth who laid innocently on my bed, just like a cat would. My dad's eyes widened.
"A dragon?!"
"D-Dad, I can explain." Seth's eyes never left mine, making me feel a little better about this horrible situation.

Chapter 12

"So they finally found you," He sighed out.
"W-What are you talking about?"
"I know, Maylin. I just didn't think it was true."
"I'm confused, Dad! What are you talking about?" I yelled.
"You're a mage." My eyes widened.
"H-how do you know?!"
"So am I. I'm from there. Then I fell in love with a girl that I couldn't have. So I came here."
"Y-You're a... a mage, too?!" I looked to Seth who looked as confused as I did.
"Yeah," He scratched the back of his head, "Alcohol helps my powers stay hidden."
"Oh," I sighed, "So that's why..."
"C'mon, Maylin. Your mother, you, and I need to have a talk."
"C-Can I bring Seth?"
"T-The dragon."
"Mm. Sure."
"So, Mama knows about it?"
"Of course she did. Why do you think she hasn't left me yet?" I shrugged, feeling bad about yelling at my mother about doing something about dad, when all he's been doing was trying to protect us from something worse.
"I-I'm sorry," I looked down, but couldn't help yawning.
"Listen, Maylin. This can wait. I guess you've been training. You look tired."
"I am," I giggled a little.
"Ok, then. Good night, hun," He looked to Seth, "I'll ask questions tomorrow." I chuckled when Seth just made one of thoughs horse-blowing-out-of-their-nose noises.
My father went out the door, shutting it behind him.
I let out a long sigh.
"That was a close one," Seth said, transforming into his human form once again. I turned to him and nodded.
He put his jeans on quickly, then got comfortable, pulling me down with him, making me let out a squeak.
"H-hey!" I scolded him.
"Sorry," He whispered, covering me with the covers. I reached over and shut off my lamp. Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.


I woke up to Seth's smiling face, surly watching me sleep. Seth was very protective of me. I knew it, too.
"Mornin', beautiful." He said, softly, making it really hard for me not to blush.
"G-Good morning." I frowned when I looked to my clock. It was only 7:00 am.
"Hey," I said, a little louder, "you're the one who woke up on your own. I was just watching your beautiful sleeping face."
"Oh yeah, 'cause that wouldn't wake me up at all." I giggled.
"Well, maybe you, but not normal people."
"You say that like you're one of thoughs normal people." I teased.
"I want to hear you play the piano again." He blurted out of no where.
"Maybe," I teased him again, knowing he hated it.
"Stop that." He frowned and leaned over me. I looked up into his eyes that amazed me since we first met.
"W-What?" I asked, finally realizing the way he was looking at me.
"I love your eyes." His eyes sliced into mine.
"They're nothing special."
"Not true. Everything about you is special." He planted a light kiss on my lips. I kissed back, pushing mine against his.
"I'm going back to bed." I frowned.
"Please don't," His smile died, "I don't have that much time left."
"W-What do you mean?"
"I have to leave for a little while. That means we won't see each other for a while."
"Wha- for how long?!" I asked, hating the fact I'm not going to see him for a while.
"A week or two." He frowned.
"N-No... Why?"
"Family business." He said, calmly.
"Oh," I looked to the corner of my eye, "when must you leave?"
"An hour or less." He said, sadly.
"Ok," I looked down.
"Are you mad?"
"Of course not. Just," I looked for the right words, "I don't know,"
"I'll come back," I looked to his promising eyes, "I'll always, come back." He said, with force.
"Promise?" I asked, in a trembling whisper. My reaction seemed to send a few tears to his eyes, but he didn't shed one.
"Promise." I smiled, trying to cheer him up.
"Then seal it with a kiss," I grinned. He hesitated, then a smirkish grin danced across his lips.
"As you wish," He kissed my lips roughly, savoring the taste of my mouth. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"Still not feeling it." I teased. He frowned and kissed me roughly again, taking more than I wanted him to.
"That enough?" He smiled. Our flirting was entertaining. It was then I decided that... YEAH!
"Can I take a picture?"
"Yeah!" I cheered, as he let me up. I ran to my dresser and got my instant camera that printed the picture after you took it. I held it up for him to see. He just stared at it, lost.
"Is that some kind of dangerous weapon?" He asked, wide eyed. I giggled.
"No, silly. It's called a camera. I guess you wouldn't have these in the other dimension." I shrugged, handing him the camera so he could examine it.
I brushed my hair, then brushed his.
He handed me the camera and I sat next to him. I held the camera to face us.
"Just look here," I pointed to the lens, "and smile."
"Ok?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, drawing me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled.
"Smile," I said and pressed the button twice. Two pictures. One for him, one for me.
We waited for the pictures to print out. I took the first one and shook it dry. Then I showed it to him.
"That's so cool!" He laughed, taking the picture.
"Keep that one. I got another one." I smiled, holding the other one up.
"I'll never let go of this." He smiled.
"Damn right, you wont."

Chapter 13

After Seth left, I looked at the picture of us. Were we a good couple? I pursed my lips. Of course we are. I've never felt like this before with a boy. Not even with the boys I've had a crush on.
A portal opened before my eyes. I jumped and hid the picture under my pillow before Kole came through. The portal closed behind him and his wings unfurled.
"Hey," He said in a soft tone, "you ok?" I almost forgot that I ran out on him, crying.
"Ye-yeah," I smiled a little, hoping he didn't catch me hiding the picture.
"Ready to get goin'?" He asked me.
"Yes!" I said, springing up from my bed. This will save me from having to talk to my father about everything. I hope.
"Wow. Are you ok?" He asked, raising an eye brow.
"Yeah, let's get the hell out of here!" I said, opening a portal. He smiled.
"Ladies first."


We arrived in t castle once again. I was immediately greeted by Mitchel and Violet.
"Hey, guys!" I smiled.
"How are you?!" Violet asked.
"Great, yourself?"
"Just dandy."
"So, Kole, what are you making her do today?" Mitchel asked him.
"Hard labor." He replied, sarcastically.
"I don't think so," I pitched in, "Now that I know how to bend water, don't doubt me. I will surely drown you." I frowned. Kole laughed.
"Alright then, little miss, let's see," He looked up, thinking. That's when I saw Violet flinch in the corner of my eye. I turned to her.
"You ok?" I asked her. She just nodded, wide eyed.
"I-I have to- c'mon Mitchel!" She took his hand and pulled him into the darkness of the, seemed to be never ending, hallway.
"What the..." I looked up to Kole who just shrugged.
"You'll learn magic by our best mages today." He told me.


After 3 days of nothing but work, I went back home, a little stronger than the last time I returned home.
I missed Seth. I looked at the picture and smiled. Thank god I have this...
I wonder what was wrong with Violet... She acted weird around me the whole time I was there. Memories of my mother maybe? I looked down to that thought.
She probably hates me now. Maybe always has...
Then my eyes widened and I collapsed to the ground. A sharp pain coursed through my head. I screamed and held my head.
Then everything just went black.

I saw Violet and another girl, who was diffidently a mage.
"So can you do it?" Violet asked the girl.
"Of course I can." She smiled and then looked forward, closing her eyes.
She mumbled some words either Greek or Latin. A globe of light appeared before their eyes.
When the light dimmed down, I was standing there. Huh? A clone? Why?
"Perfect. Now to get rid of that dragon boy once and for all." Violet grinned evilly.
"Now go, clone. Go find him and break his little heart." The mage sneered.
The clone look exactly like me. Like an identical twin. It even wore clothes I had.
"As you wish," The clone said. She opened a portal like I would and disappeared.

Oh no! I snapped out of it and gasped for air. I opened my eyes and saw Lexie, Mama, and even Papa surrounding me.
"Maylin!" Lexie yelled.
"Baby are you ok?" My mother asked.
No. I'm not ok. Violet is evil and she knows about Seth and I! That is not ok! I wanted to cry, but I didn't.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm exhausted..."
"Maybe a little nap then?" Mama asked me.
"N-No, I'm fi- Ah!" I held my head. Here comes the pain again.

I saw me... well, the clone me. She walked through a Forrest until she saw Seth in his dragon form, alone.
His eyes flicked to his.
"Maylin, what are you doing here?"
"I came here to set you straight."
"What do you-"
"You stupid, dragon!" She scowled.
"Maylin, what's gotten into you?" He growled himself.
"You think that I'd actually fall for a stupid dragon like you?" She asked, crossing her arms, "Get real."
"What are you trying to say?" He asked. I could almost hear his heart breaking into two pieces just from his tone.
"I never liked you. I used you. I hate dragons," She scowled, "and I came here to tell you that, there was never a 'us'. It was all in your head."
"I-Why so suddenly?!" He growled.
"I used you."
"So I know how to kill you." His eyes widened. That was it. His eyes darkened. He was hurt. I was hurt, just watching this. I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying.
"Then kill me!" He yelled.
"Not yet," she grinned, "I want to see you suffer." With that, she disappeared as fast as she came.
Seth stood, speechless. He shook his head. He looked like he was about to just break down and cry.
Seth... I'm so sorry...

My eyes flicked open once again. These visions were useful, but hurtful. He would've let her kill him, right then and there... He would let me kill him...
My heart ached. I couldn't help in. I broke down and started crying.
"Maylin!" Lexie yelled, sitting me up and hugged me. I hugged her back, tightly and sobbed quietly.
I needed to find Seth... I need to tell him that it wasn't me...
I was angry... I hated Violet and that mage that I didn't even know. I felt a power I've never felt before, rise before me.
Lexie pulled away and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" My Mama asked me, softly.
"I need to leave. I need to go." I said, scooting away from them. I opened a portal, got up and ran right into it.

Two days passed. I learned a little more, but I couldn't get my thoughts off Seth...
I wound up in the music room. I didn't know where Seth was... I guess I had to wait until he attacked the castle again.
First, I was going to kill Violet. Kill... I sound like some psycho murderer...
I hated this. I looked to the piano. I sat on the bench and began to play, trying to calm myself down and think.
" I know I can't take one more step, towards you..." I sang. It was a sad song, but it fit the mood.
"And who do you think you are? Runnin' around, leaving scars. Collecting your jar of hearts, and tearing love apart. You're gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul. So don't come back for me. Who do you think you are?"
As I played Jar of Hearts, by Christina Perri, The whole castle shook.
We were diffidently being attacked again.
I just continued to play.
"And who do you think you are, runnin' around, leaving scars. Collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart. You're gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul. So don't come back for me, don't come back at aaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!" I gasped for breath when I finished the long note.
I looked to the window and saw dragons attacking the castle. What else is new? I wondered if Seth was part of the army.
I got up from the bench and walking into the middle of the room. I laid on the floor.
I wanted to die...
I curled up into a ball.
I wanted to die...

Chapter 14

I big thump made my heart pound. I turned to the red female dragon I helped before.
"Maylin, what are you doing?" She asked me like I was crazy.
"Laying on the floor." I groaned.
"The castle is going to burn down. C'mon, I'll get you out of here-"
"No." I snapped.
"N-No?" She asked, confused.
"I... I want to die..." I said, softly. Tears found my way out of my eyes.
"W- Don't say that, Maylin!" I rubbed my eyes.
"I really... just want to die," I hid my face, "I don't know what to do..." I whispered, quietly, sobbing to myself.
I felt her pick me up by my shirt and take off.
"H-Hey!" I screeched.
She flew me to the ground.
"Get out of here, Maylin!" She commanded. With wide eyes, I listened.
I ran and ran the opposite way. Running seemed to keep my mind off things. That was until I ran to the lake. The same lake I ran to when I was upset the first time. But something was off.
Seth was there... Alone...
He stood there, taking a drink from the lake.
I was scared to approach him... I held my heart and slowly started to back up, but I stepped on a twig and it snapped, making his eyes flick to me.
I held my breath. He was glaring at me... Stop looking at me like that...
I started to back up more.
"Don't even tell me that you're scared of me, now." He growled.
"N-not scared," I swallowed, "terrified." He flicked his ears.
"Are you ready to kill me now or something? Because I'm not going to put up a fight. So get it over with."
"N-No. I'm not going to kill you, Seth..." I whispered softly, just loud enough for him to hear.
"You really need to make up your fucking mind, Maylin." He scowled.
"Do you hate me?" I whispered.
"What do you think? And you call me the stupid one." That made my stomach tied in a knot.
"T-Then kill me." I demanded, looking into his widened eyes.
"You think I'd actually be able to do that? Is this some kind of joke?"
"I don't know! It was her! I didn't even do it!" I started talking fast. I was nervous and panicking, "I had a vision and y-you were there. And I was there. But it wasn't me! It was Violet's clone thing! And she is one evil chick! Let me tell you-"
"Maylin! Slow down! What are you saying!? I didn't understand one word of that." He started walking closer, making me back up. "Stop." He commanded. And I did. I stopped and let him come closer to me. "Now talk."
"It wasn't me! I was-"
"Slower." His voice was like music to my ears. It made my want to melt.
"I don't think I can," I said, still talking fast, "I'm panicking and I'm nervous. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid you won't believe me and you already hate me, so even if I-"
"Maylin. Calm. The. Heck. Down." He said each word slowly and calmly so maybe I'd catch on.
I inhaled and exhaled deeply.
"I-I should go."
"No," He growled, "Until you tell me what you are trying to tell me, you're stuck with me. Sorry."
I didn't really mind that, but I started to walk away. I heard him growled and a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw he had turned into his human form, making me just want to die there. Thankfully, he had his jeans on. I guess he took them from under my bed.
"No." He scolded me.
"Yes." I frowned. His eyes were dark, black globes. He wasn't very happy. He roughly pushed me against a tree and pinned my to it. Legs tangled with legs, making me not able to kick him away. He held my arms above my head by my wrist and looked into my eyes.
"Tell me," he said, yelled, "now!"
"It wasn't me, Seth..." I whispered, tears coming out of my eyes.
"What wasn't you?"
"That... thing..."
"What thing? What do you mean."
"I had a vision... of you... and me..."
"When you just came out of no where and broke 'us' off?"
"A vision?"
"Maylin, that happened like, 4 days ago."
"Really? I only got the vision this morning..."
You're confusing me."
"That wasn't me!" I yelled. "It was a clone made by Violet. I never... ever would say thoughs things to you."
"Why should I believe you?"
"I knew you'd say something like that. That's why I wanted you to let me leave... or kill me."
"That's stupid."
"Can you just stop lying for two seconds?"
"I'm not lying! I promise! That was a clone! Somehow Violet, a vampire, found out about us! She hired a mage to make a duplicate of me to break your heart... And just watching it from the vision this morning broke mine as well..." I looked up into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Seth..." I whispered. More tears ran down my expressionless face.
He just looked at me. Studying my expressions. Trying to figure out if she should believe me or not.
"Just kill me like you wanted to..." I told him. His eyes softened as he sighed.
"You cause me to do so much thinking, you know that?"
"Why do you need to think about it?" I asked, narrowing my eyes into his. "Just get it over with."
"No," He smiled. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. I only just realized I stopped breathing, when my lungs hurt. I gasped for air.
"Why?" I breathed out.
"I love you," He said, connecting our foreheads. He looked deeply into my eyes.
"Now you're the one confusing me."
"I'm sorry." His eyes went back to their normal, yellow-green color.
"Seth?" I asked in a whispered. He lifted my chin up with his index finger and planted a kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes tightly, allowing all my tears to squeeze out, and kissed him back. He pulled away.
"Don't ever leave me," He whispered, trembling as well.
"Never..." I whispered, smiling, but still crying. "So does this mean you believe me?" I asked, ruining the moment.
"No." He said sarcastically.
"Good." I giggled.
"Well well well. What do we have here?" We turned to a large, female dragon. She was black and had the same features as Seth. Only, she had bright blue eyes and was much much bigger.
"H-Hi mom..." Seth said, uneasily. My eyes widened. This was not good.

Chapter 15

Her bright blue eyes narrowed into mine. I started to feel self conscious.
"Seth, who is this... human?" She asked him, growling under her breath.
"U-Uh, Mom, this is Maylin. She's my girlfriend..."
"A human girlfriend? No. Sorry. I don't allow it."
I held my breath.
"I don't care. I'm in love with her, Mom. There is nothing you can do about it."
"Oh really?" She came closer to us until she was face to face to me. She sniffed me. I gulped. "Smells good. Why don't I just kill her?"
"Then I'll kill myself." Seth sneered, pulling me away from her. His mother smirked and laughed, chillingly.
"We'll see." She glared at me once more, then flew off.
"I hate her," He said, turning to me, "Always have, always will." I stared at him.
"Then don't go back to her."
"Will you run away with me?"
"R-Run away with you?"
"Yeah," He smiled, "Be mine forever." He came closer and connected our foreheads. How can I deny this?
"Yes..." I whispered faintly, "Forever..."
I felt like I was in some romantic fairytale. I wanted to be with Seth and only Seth. But, of course, that meant leaving Mama, Papa, Lexie, and even Trey.
"But what about my family?" I asked him.
"That's where we'll run too. Your dimension. Then you can still see your family."
"They'd never allow me to run away."
"Who said you were asking?" He smirked. An evil smirk. I didn't know Seth could possibly look this evil.
"I-I don't know." I giggled a bit, making his evil smirk into a loving smile.
"I meant it." He said out of the blue.
"Meant what?" This boy is the most random one I know.
"That I love you." He breathed out.
"I-I know." I blushed and looked to the side. He chuckled softly and kissed my nose.
"Do you love me back?" He asked. I looked to him. This damn dragon boy. He's so innocent.
"Y-yes." I confessed. It was true. 100%.
"Good." He grinned and kissed me tenderly.
"Very." I said.
So now I was going to run away with a dragon. Who is the love of my life. But then one question came in mind. I know it would be kind of late to ask it, but why did Seth want to get close to me before killing me? Well, only one way to find out.
"Seth?" I asked.
"Remember that time when you told me the real reason you broke into the window?"
"Where are you getting here?" He asked, looking into my eyes.
"Well, I was wondering," I started, "why did you want to get close to me before killing me?"
"That's a very good question, Maylin, and I'm glad you asked it. I wanted to learn to be human. I figured you could be my teacher."
"How'd that work out for you?"
"I learned what pizza was." He smiled.
"And what else?"
"That a naked boy and a naked girl in front of each other will lead to sexual intercourse." I laughed.
"That's educational." I said, sarcastically.
"Right?" He chuckled. "I also learned that I'm attracted to human girls. One in particular."
"Oh really?" I asked. "Who?"
"Oh, remember, I'm not human."
"You're more human than anything. And I like that about you. You're you. And not some bitchy ass clone." I laughed a little more.
"Dude, are you on your period?"
"My what?" He asked, innocently.
"Nothing. Never mind."
"Why are you talking about punctuation?" I bursted into laughter. Before he could ask me why, I kissed him sweetly.
"I love you," I giggled, "Sooooo much."
"I'm glad to hear that." He grinned.
"So the two love birds made up." Our heads spun to Violet, Mitchel, and even Trey.
"Who are you?" Seth asked.
"We're the people who are going to kill you, along with your little girlfriend, here."
"N-No, Violet. It's not his fault. Don't hurt him. Just me." I said, walking in front of Seth.
"Maylin, don't-" Seth said, but I put a finger to his lips. I caressed his cheek, then my hands found the top of his head. I did a spell. A sleeping spell. He passed out cold right there. I felt horrible doing that to him.
I looked to the three of them. Trey was the only one who looked me into my eyes.
"You sure you want to sacrifice yourself for him?" Violet asked.
"He's just a dragon, May." Mitchel said.
"No! He's not just a dragon! I love him! And I'm willing to do anything for him!" I yelled, tears coming out of my eyes.
"Guys, just let them be. It's no harm to us." Trey said, sticking up for me.
"Says the one who was in love with her mother! Trey, you're looking at the thing who killed the love of your life!" Violet said.
"W-What?" I whispered.
"It was a long time ago, May." Trey said, slowly. I just nodded to keep any bad memories from coming to him.
"So that's it? You'll just die? Just for him?" Violet asked in disbelief.
"Yes." I said, in confidence.
"Well, if you say so-"
"Wait, Violet, we can't kill her." Trey said.
"Dark father wont approve."
"If he knew she was sneaking around with the enemy, he would." Violet said.
"That's not true. Violet, open your eyes. She's the daughter of your best friend. You're practically the godmother." Mitchel said.
"So you guys are teaming with her?" She asked them. I gulped.
"Yes. We're not going to let you kill her. She's innocent. You don't choose who you fall for." Trey said, looking down. I looked to the corner of my eye. Guilty. I was guilty. Violet was right. I don't deserve to live. But Seth does. Seth needs to find a better girl for him. Not one who is from a whole different dimension.
"Fine. The girl lives. But if she screws up at least once, she's dead." And as quick as they came, they were gone.
I sighed in relief and I knelt to Seth. I laid next to him and cuddled again him. I put his arm over me and stared at him sleeping face. His breaths were easy. I wish my life was as easy as his breaths.
I closed my eyes and soon dozed off into a deep sleep in the arms of my dragon.

"Maylin?" I heard. It was Seth's voice. My eyes opened to see him frowning at me. He wasn't happy. Not one bit.
"Hmm?" I asked, still half asleep.
"You're so lucky you're still here right now. Or we'd have some problems." I almost forgot I made him pass out. I smiled innocently and played with his ear lobe.
"But I am still here, so no problems."
"Stop acting like this is a joke, Maylin! You could have gotten yourself killed-"
"For you!" I yelled back, sitting up as well. Tears rolled down my cheeks. His eyes widened. The next thing I knew, he was hugging me ever so tightly.
"Please," he breathed out, "Never die for my sake. I'd never forgive myself. I'd commit suicide."
"Don't say that." I growled.
"What's so good about life if you're not in it?" He asked.
"A lot." His grip on me tightened.
"Wrong answer. It'd be hell." I sniffled.
"I love you, Seth." I hugged him back, snuggling my face into his shoulder.
"I love you, too."
"When are we running away?" I asked, still half-crying.
"If my mother doesn't accept my decision, as soon as possible."
"This is where we part, isn't it?"
"Yes. I may or may not be able to protect you tonight." I blinked, confused. Then I realized that he meant sleeping with me.
"It's fine if you don't." I smiled. He finally let me go from the hug and kissed me so intensely.

Chapter 16

Once again, I was separated from Seth. I didn't like it one bit. I had school once again tomorrow. It feels like I haven't been to school in years.
After my shower, I got ready for bed. It looked so lonely without Seth. I even felt lonely.
"Maylin?" I heard Papa roar outside my door.
"Yes, Papa?"
"How are you doing? Do you feel better?"
No, Seth isn't here. Why would I feel better?
"Yes, Papa." I said, instead.
"Are you ready to talk, now?" He asked. Oh man. I forgot about the talk. Get ready for awkwardness.
"Yeah." I said. I opened my door and fallowed my father down the stairs. Mama and Lexie were watching TV. Mama saw us.
"Lexie, go up stairs, please." She said. Lexie looked to me then nodded and did as she was told.
I sat next to Mama on the couch and Papa sat next to me.
"When did they find you?" Mama asked.
"About two weeks ago. Maybe even longer." I said.
"What do you know?" Papa asked.
"I'm the daughter of a very powerful mage, but I killed her during birth. My real father is a Raven Mocker."
"What's your mother's name, do you know?"
"Y-Yeah. Sapphire."
"Oh, god. She's dead?" My father said.
"I..." I looked down. "I didn't mean to."
"You... You killed her." My Papa said.
"She wasn't strong enough to have a child-"
"YOU KILLED HER! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A DEVIL!" My eyes widened and flicked to his angry and upset ones.
"Greg!" Mama yelled. "What the hell?!"
"She's a devil! That Raven Mocker was nothing but an enemy! Then that little slut-"
"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT THEM THAT WAY!" I yelled, standing up.
"Malyin, hun-" Mama started.
"I WANT OUT! I'M LEAVING! AND I'M NEVER COMING BACK!" I yelled, tears running down my cheeks.
I ran up to my room and slammed my door behind me... and right into Seth's arms. He hugged me so tightly. I sobbed quietly into his chest.
"Shhh...." He tried to soothe me. He pet my head softly.
"What just happened?" I whispered.
"You just stopped me from killing your father." I smiled at his protective words.
"Maylin-" My mom said, opening the door. She found me and Seth hugging. I pulled away from him and looked at her.
"Please, hunny, don't leave. Your father should be the one leaving. I'm not loosing you, baby girl." Seth let go of me, but I knew he didn't want to.
"I don't belong here, Mama." I said, running and hugging her.
"Yes you do, babe. Don't say that."
"I really don't," I said, "I'm not human."
"You're more human than anything I know." I smiled. "Who's your friend?" She finally asked.
"This is Seth...My boyfriend."
Seth looked to my mother and smiled. He held out his hand. That was very human of him.
"Hi." He said, shaking her hand. And he ruined it.
Then my mom squished his cheeks and examined him.
"Oh, Maylin, he's a keeper. If only I were about... 15 years younger-"
"Yeah, more like thirty years younger." I giggled. Seth laughed himself.
"Oh, jeez, Maylin." She smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'll be going now, you two stay clothed."
"W-Mom!" She laughed and shut the door behind her on the way out.
"She's nice." Seth said.
"When did you get here?" I smiled and looked to his eyes.
"About five minutes ago." He said.
"I'm glad you're here."
"Me too."
"But... I don't think I'll be staying."
` "I don't belong here."
"After all thoughs things your mother just said to you? She loves you, Maylin!"
"And I love her, too. That's why I should go." I whispered, smiling at him.
"Please," I breathed out, "take me away from here." Before I almost started to cry, he hugged me again.
"As you wish."
"Can we go to your dimension, though? Find a place far far away from the palace?"
"Can we go now?"
"If you want."
"I do."
"Then let's go." He said, letting me go. I made a portal for us the enter. Holding hands, we walked into the portal.
You might of thought my story was going to end differently. Like me stopping the dragons and the people of the Dark Kingdom from fighting. No. I never really had any intention on doing that.
Seth and I found a small little cottage in Devilwoods. It was far from the castle and the dragon's nest. I was going to spend the rest of my life with the one I loved. Just like I dreamed I would...


A few years later, after Seth and I got settled into the cottage, we married each other. It wasn't the dream wedding a girl from Earth would want. I didn't wear a beautiful white gown and he didn't wear a tux. We weren't in a church or on the beach when we were wed. We were by the lake we had so many experiences at. There was no priest to marry us, so we married ourselves.
I was 18 now. Seth was 21. He would go hunt for food while I made clothes and attempted to cook. Seth continued to protect me every night. Only me. That was until Scarlet was born. She had my hair and Seth's eyes... She was beautiful... She was more of a mage than a dragon. Since she almost burned the cottage down a few times...
Sometimes I wonder what my parents are doing. How's Lexie doing? Trey? Kole? I tried so hard to forget them... but I didn't have to... I could visit them whenever I want. It turns out I'm more like my birth mother than I thought I was.
I watched over Seth and Scarlet like Seth did for me as I slept when we were younger. Seth was a great father. After a year, Seth seemed to get over my death a little more each every day.
I wished I got the feeling of what being a mother would feel like. To hold, feed, and play with Scarlet...
Then I tell myself, this is what my real mother had to go through... The only upside about this... is that I got to finally meet her...

The End

Should I make a second one? ;o


Texte: The story belongs to me, but the photos I found on the internet.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.04.2011

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To Becca who kept forcing me to write more. <3 :3

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