

Notes Of A Dead Man Sequel

Notes Of A Dead Man Sequel (Notes - #3), that's the 3 volume the story will go as it follows.


 Dear Special thanks to my dear friend = smartphone for being with me for so long time, watching together porn... watching films... playing games,going around the crime news, science news... exploring together new apps or old ones...


So                                                         Page/s



Cover ---------------------------------------------------  1

Info   ---------------------------------------------------- 2

Dedication ---------------------------------------------- 3

Beginning ---------------------------------------------- 4

Chapter 1 ---------------------------------------------- 8

Chapter 2 = Image ---------------------------------------------- 9

Chapter 3 - Cheater ---------------------------------------------- 10-11

Chapter 4 = Runner ---------------------------------------------- 12-13

Chapter 5 - Knowledge ------------------------------------------ 12 - 64

Chapter 6 - Break -------------------------------------------------- 65

Chapter 7 - Runner -----------------------------------------------  66

Chapter 8 - Fail ----------------------------------------------------  67

Chapter 9 - Polemery Vision -----------------------------------  68-69

Chapter 10 - Fair -------------------------------------------------   70

Chapter 11 - Know ----------------------------------------------   71

Chapter 12 - Afraid ----------------------------------------------   72-73

Chapter 13 - Eggs -----------------------------------------------   74-75

Chapter 14 - Stargy --------------------------------------------    76-77

Chapter 15.1 -  Horse Love -----------------------------------   79

Chapter 15.2 -  CET ---------------------------------------------  80-81

Chapter 15.3 - Coca-Cola -------------------------------------   82

Chapter 16 - What I do ---------------------------------------    84

Chapter 16.1 - Orgasm ---------------------------------------     85-86

Chapter 16.2 - Dieing For Knowledge (Part 1) -------------------     89-90

Chapter 16.3 - Dieing For Knowledge (Part 2) -------------------     91

Chapter 17.1 - Don't Know  ------------------------------------------      92

Chapter 17.2 - Crazy ---------------------------------------------------       93







Chapter 17.3 - Strange --------------------------------------------- 94-95   

Chapter 17.4 - Speak -----------------------------------------------  96













It's cold outside... heavy snow... 


And I am outside...

(Note: Just making a first image... first shot.)

Chapter 1


At least we should start from somewhere, not very far... neither and near. But from here I am saying.




I hate my mother.


Mother Hatred



When she comes hell is comming... she screams in loud pitches of her voice... over and over and over. This problem can't stop ( I am not an idiot or example of stupid person)... the truth is that she doesn't stop shouting... screaming. The Problem here is that there isn't reason for that... she does that without any type of purpose, oh... oh... yeah there IS ONE PURPOSE... AT WORK SHE IS Harassed and home is the place where revenge strikes... pay back also.


 I don't get idea how cool is the idea the house to be full of noises... not full of silence. But this is my POV, not hers.

Probably there are and days in which there is reason this to come on the way. But still, this is not and shouldn't be the way a problem should be solved. There are milion of ways to be solved... but this shouting over and over it's not way by which is suppose to happen.

The problem here is that it's daily routine the shouting part... agression.. . Rage... that's like a ritual.











Chapter 2 = Image


You wanted an image, I think that I just made that move.

This image is an equation of repeation.

Images sometimes are very dangerous!

Chapter 3 - Cheater

It has never been the way to win, but at least you could try. Trying doesn't hurt, to lie does hurt but this is other type of story which I am not sure will I type about this or not... Will I be as evil as possible to cover it here or not!?

(I am going to continue to write questions... ask them and sometimes depends of the rather mood... I will probably answer them, but untok then I am not going to stop confusing you... making you to give up reading.... and even to break your saw - That's what Jay said when she was protecting Cutelime or to be clear Snuggles)

When we talk about cheating in my head comes "Fair" and "Not Fair". It's not fair that in the same time I gave 3-4 stars for Chris Mooney work - 3 hours and I gave to Anthony E. Zuiker work 2 stars or 3 compare to Chris Mooney work 76 % Better, but it doesn't end up in category the best.

( P.S. I hate from 1 up to 5 rate... it should be from 1 up to 10 rating)

Anthony E. Zuiker (For the people don't know... for the people which know please don't spoil the whole fun.) - He is the creator of CSI, CSI: Miami...

Which in other words Chris Mooney work is a good one and Anthony work is compared to his work = shit.. . Which is a lie.

Here is the time when all cheaters get the proper justice!

We all are cheaters in one moment or in another moment, in that game or in that game it doesn't matter. The Problem it starts slowly growing and few days..., weeks or months it becomes like addiction.

Some people do it for better quality life others just to remove the money which they don't need... others just losing time as we speak out there, there are people cheating.... right now at this moment.

Chapter 4 = Runner


(P.S. - It's awesome that in other work series I am going to return back to the old days of The Life Of One Kid series. I closed it very soon now is 12/03/2017.)

I am runner that's a fact, I have stayed a lot of time around the cyber place and I know a lot of stuff. Almost 2 years I have spend in reading and reading books, watching films, listening to audiobooks... creepypasta, no sleep, let's not meet stories around YouTube. So far from these places the stories are full of powerfull aspects and possibilities.

I like to be around this place but my eyes became red which means that I should change the path... I should do something else which is useful in specific aspect... like walking.

First Day

19 Km

  • Not the best, neither the worst in 3 hours and something I made this record. Not a record for World Guiness Records, but still it's a beginning and a good one.

(P.S. - I like to proof that people are wrong in everything...)

It's a good one here in this km there is one-two times have took me 20 minutes to make 1 km, but in the same time there are a lot of 13 minutes have taken me for make 1 km... few below 13 minutes for a kilometer.

My walking goes like little run... walk... little run... walk. Now I am planning so far different destinations to go, first to try something new to explore while I go for kilometers. So far in this 19 km' s I have went around near places in which before I have been a lot of times or not... places around my school, around parks... around where I live and that's all.

That's day 1 (Reminds for the book Day One (I forgot the author name), but the book was for the cyber place and kinda about a chaos.


 Time for Science!


Chapter - 5

Animal Sex: How Bed Bugs Do It

 By Joseph Castro, Live Science Contributor



Animal Sex: How Bed Bugs Do It
Common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) have some painful mating behaviors, including traumatic insemination.Credit: photowind/Shutterstock




For some people, the mere idea of a bed bug infestation can be shudder-inducing. But if bed begs' penchant for feeding on your blood while you sleep isn't enough to get your skin crawling, know that the sexual behaviors of these tiny, parasitic insects are even more cringe-worthy.

Though bed bugs have been making headlines since the early 2000s, they've been pestering people for thousands of years. "They were originally pests of bats in caves and when humans moved in, we kicked the bats out," said entomologist Dini Miller, a professor of urban pest management at Virginia Tech. Bed bugs started to feed on people, who transported the parasites out into other environments.

Today, bed bugs jump from home to home the same way they've done in the distant past: by hitching a ride on people's things, such as clothes and bags. Just one breeding pair — or even a single female that's already mated — can create a whole new infestation. [Bed Bugs: The Life of a Mini-Monster (Infographic)]


Bed bugs breed year-round, but there seems to be some seasonal variation. "We do know that populations seem to double and triple in summer months," Miller told Live Science, adding that high moisture levels due to humidity may be involved in these population spikes. "Or maybe they just feel sexier."

While in a house or apartment, the insects tend to hide together in shelters called harborages, such as in the cracks and crevices of furniture, wallpaper and box springs. They'll become active at night if they sense people or animals breathing. "When [carbon dioxide] increases in the atmosphere, that lets bed bugs know that food has arrived," Miller said. "It's like smelling bacon at a distance." The bugs will wander around in search of a blood meal, and if they come within 3 feet of such a meal, they can zero in on body heat.

Bed bugs will gorge on blood for up to 10 minutes, filling themselves up with enough blood to last for 3 to 7 days. Feeding puts the insects — especially mature males — in the mood to mate. Once back at the harborage, males will try to mate with mature females, other males, and even immature bed bugs (nymphs), Miller said.

Mating among bed bugs is an unromantic — if not horrific — affair.

Bed bugs have no courtship rituals. What they have, instead, is a type of mating behavior called traumatic insemination. That is, a male will simply climb onto a female, stab her in the side of her body with his hypodermic penis, and release his sperm into her body cavity. Over the next several hours, the sperm will migrate to the female's ovaries.

Interestingly, females have evolved a counter-adaptation to better handle traumatic insemination: a kind of secondary genital structured called a spermalege, which contains elastic proteins and is located in an area of the abdomen that males most often penetrate. These proteins, called resilins, make it so that the spermalege is easier for males to puncture, resulting in less body damage and fluid loss for the female. Males don't have a spermalege; rather, they release an alarm pheromone (acting as a mating stop sign) when another male tries to mate with them.  

Still, traumatic insemination wounds the female, leaving scars. Because of this painful and dangerous mating behavior, a female will leave the harborage and seek shelter elsewhere after being stabbed by several males, Miller said.

Mating with more than one male is not beneficial to the female anyway, as a single male can provide her with enough sperm to lay several fertilized eggs daily for up to 10 days. What's more, females that mate only once — and are not subjected to repeated stabbings — produce up to 25 percent more eggs than those that mate repeatedly, Miller said.

After laying all of her eggs, the female will need to feed and mate before being able to reproduce again. Depending on who's around, the female may even mate with her own offspring. Though, in contrast with most other animals, inbreeding in bed bugs does not appear to be genetically detrimental. 




Were Humans to Go Extinct, Should the Species Be Revived?

 By Laura Geggel, Senior Writer



Were Humans to Go Extinct, Should the Species Be Revived?
Mammoths tusks and jaws sit in front of the panels (from left to right) — Henry (Hank) Greely, Beth Shapiro, Gregory Kaebnick, George Church, Ross MacPhee and Neil deGrasse Tyson.Credit: Copyright R. Mickens/AMNH



NEW YORK — If humans were to go extinct, would it be ethical to revive the species, to allow us to live once more on this blue planet?

It's a tough call, but maybe not, according to a panel of five experts who debated "de-extinction" during the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City on Wednesday (March 29). Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the AMNH Hayden Planetarium, moderated the debate, which honors Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), a biochemist and science-fiction writer who famously wrote the "three laws of robotics."

Were another intelligent life to de-extinctify humans, would they put us in a zoo-like environment? For a sentient being, that would be "extremely frightening and scary," said panelist Greg Kaebnick, a research scholar at the Hastings Center, an independent bioethics research institute in Garrison, New York. "The animal welfare concerns just get overwhelming." [6 Extinct Animals That Could Be Brought Back to Life]


Then, to further muddy the waters, Kaebnick asked, "Do we deserve to be brought back?"

Yes, we do, said panelist George Church, a professor at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is working on reviving bits and pieces of the woolly mammoth. But then again, Church, a geneticist, molecular engineer and chemist, has often opined that the science of de-extinction is already here or within reach, and should be pursued.

The panelists (from left to right) — George Church, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Beth Shapiro, Henry (Hank) Greely, Ross MacPhee and Gregory Kaebnick — stand in front of a thylacine, an extinct marsupial from Tasmania also known as the Tasmanian tiger.
The panelists (from left to right) — George Church, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Beth Shapiro, Henry (Hank) Greely, Ross MacPhee and Gregory Kaebnick — stand in front of a thylacine, an extinct marsupial from Tasmania also known as the Tasmanian tiger.Credit: Copyright R. Mickens/AMNH

The panel grappled with the issues of de-extinction for more than 2 hours, discussing not only logistics but also ethical quandaries. Logistically, scientists need an animal's entire genetic code to bring it back. But this can be a challenging task: The oldest authenticated DNA is from the bone of a 700,000-year-old horse found in Yukon, Canada, said panelist Beth Shapiro, who co-wrote a 2013 study about the horse in the journal Nature.

It's difficult to get authenticated DNA from extinct animals, even those younger than that horse, including the mammoth, thylacine (a marsupial from Tasmania that's also called the Tasmanian tiger), dodo and passenger pigeon, Shapiro said. But Church disagreed, saying that there are ways to move forward.

Researchers could either find DNA in these animals' frozen nuclei, or re-create "a successful approximation" of the genome through DNA modification, Church said at a roundtable discussion later that evening.

"These are exponential technologies that improve very, very quickly and have many biomedical uses, like transplants," Church said. "I have no particular reason to doubt that we could make all of the genetic and epigenetic changes we will want to if we wanted to bring back an entire genome."

However, Church's comments were met with disbelief from some of the other panelists. Epigenetic changes are external influences on the genome that can change how much or little a gene is turned on or off, and could be difficult to modulate in a de-extinctified animal.

Lawful look

Even if the science will one day be possible, the legal framework addressing de-extinction is murky at best. If the "resurrected" animal is not a perfect copy, would it be considered the same species? Would it immediately be classified as an endangered species?

Moreover, what if its environment, microbiota (bodily bacteria) and food sources no longer exist? How many animals of a species should be brought back, so that they can have genetic diversity and mate on their own? When does human responsibility toward these revived animals end? [WipeOut: History'sMostMysteriousExtinctions]

"I think one of the toughest moral issues about de-extinction is animal welfare. How many maimed, deformed, stillborn, quasi-mammoths, quasi-elephants is it worth to bring back a sort of mammoth?" asked panelist Henry (Hank) Greely, a professor of law at Stanford University. "There are actually laws in this country, the Animal Welfare Act, that deal with some of those issues."

In addition, why not spend that money for de-extinction efforts instead on saving still-living animals, the panel asked.

The panal talked about de-extinction before a sold-out audience at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.The panal talked about de-extinction before a sold-out audience at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.Credit: Copyright R. Mickens/AMNH

De-extinction is a dangerous road, said panelist Ross MacPhee, the curator of mammalogy and vertebrate zoology at the AMNH. For instance, it's hard to know what ramifications an extinct animal will have on modern ecosystems, he said.

Rather than use science to bring back extinct animals, perhaps researchers could use these technologies to design bacteria that would help humans, for instance, by producing fuel or meat alternatives, MacPhee said. Or maybe this science could be used to insert or activate genes in plants and animals that could help them survive in an era of climate change, he added.  

Some of this work is already a reality, said Church, who pointed out that scientists have made some plants more resistant to drought and pests.

Also, there have been other successful de-extinction efforts, albeit for local, not worldwide extinctions. For instance, horses used to live in North America, but went extinct at the end of the last ice age. When European explorers arrived in the New World, they inadvertently re-introduced horses to the continent, where they have since flourished.

Likewise, a fungus has rendered the American chestnut functionally extinct, meaning the species is still around (at least in lab-monitored spaces), but not in its natural environment; but scientists have tweaked the chestnut's genome to make it fungus-resistant, Greely said.

The experts agreed that this technology could also be used for evil — for instance, to bring back an extinct virus or to alter an existing virus to make it more contagious.

As this science moves forward, it's crucial to educate and involve the public, the panel said.

"We actually have to have that [discussion] to some degree, case by case, because each effort at de-extinction raises its own unique considerations," Kaebnick said.


 Ain't gonna tell anyone... that's in what we all are capable... that's the truth, like it or not. That's a fact, take it!

'Sharknado' Down Under? Cyclone Debbie Deposits Shark on a Street

 By Kacey Deamer, Staff Writer


'Sharknado' Down Under? Cyclone Debbie Deposits Shark on a Street
A dead five-foot-long bull shark was found in a floodwater puddle in the town of Ayr after Australia was hit by a tropical cyclone.Credit: QldFES/Twitter


Forget about the "Sharknado" film series. A town in Australia experienced a real-life shark-cyclone of sorts when a shark washed up on the street after Cyclone Debbie hit the area, according to news reports.

The tropical cyclone hit the Australian state of Queensland this week, with heavy rainfall causing flash flooding in some areas along the coast, according to NASA. The rotating storm reached maximum sustained wind speeds estimated at over 115 mph (185 km/h), NASA reports, and drenched the ground with more than 20 inches (50 centimeters) of rain along much of its route. (Such storms are called hurricanes when they form in the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific oceans.)

Cyclone Debbie also deposited a shark on a road in the town of Ayr, in the north Queensland region of Burdekin, Queensland Fire & Emergency Services tweeted on Thursday (March 30). [On the Brink: A Gallery of Wild Sharks]




The 5-foot-long (1.5 meters) bull shark was found dead in a floodwater puddle, reported Bull sharks are common in the area, according to local journalist Philip Calder, who told the news agency that bull sharks live in the small waterways like the nearby Burdekin River close to communities.

With the heavy rainfall from the cyclone, the Burdekin River rapidly reached a peak of 31 feet (9.5 m), rising more than 16 feet (5 m) in just 5 hours late Wednesday (March 29), Ash Ryder, senior firefighter at the Ayr Fire and Rescue station, told The Courier Mail.

"He must've gotten caught in a torrent and [gotten] confused, beached himself on the side of the road," Calder told "We were pretty amazed, we were turning up to shoot a flooding road, we weren't expecting to see wildlife as well."


View image on TwitterView image on Twitter FollowQld Fire & Emergency @QldFES

Think it's safe to go back in the water? Think again! A bull shark washed up in Ayr. Stay out of floodwater. #TCDebbie#ifitsfloodedforgetit

8:00 AM - 30 Mar 2017


Bull sharks will live in both freshwater and saltwater, John Carlson, a research biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service, previously told Live Science. They survive in freshwater by regulating the salt in their bodies, according to Carlson. Bull sharks have a special salt gland that keeps the salt concentration inside their bodies in balance with the concentration in the water — a process known as osmoregulation.

Manatees: Facts About Sea Cows

 By Alina Bradford, Live Science Contributor



A manatee munching down on some sargassum.Credit: USGS - Sirenia Project


The manatee is a large marine mammal with an egg-shaped head, flippers and a flat tail. Manatees are also known as sea cows. This name is apt, due to their large stature; slow, lolling nature; and propensity to be eaten by other animals. However, despite the name, they are more closely related to elephants. Though they may seem like cumbersome creatures, manatees can swim quickly and gracefully.

Manatees range in size from 8 to 13 feet (2.4 to 4 meters) and can weigh 440 to 1,300 lbs. (200 to 590 kilograms). They have large, strong tails that power their swimming. Manatees usually swim about 5 mph (8 km/h), but they can swim up to 15 mph (24 km/h) in short bursts when they feel a need for speed, according to National Geographic.


There are three species of manatee: the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis); the West Indian manatee, or the American manatee (Trichechus manatus); and the African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). Their names indicate the regions in which they live. Typically, manatees stay in rivers, seas and oceans along the coast of several countries. The African manatee lives along the coast and in the rivers of western Africa. The Amazon manatee lives in the Amazon River's drainage, from the headwaters in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador to the mouth of the Amazon in Brazil. Their range is estimated to be around 2.7 million square miles (7 million square kilometers), according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).  The West Indian manatee lives in the southern and eastern United States, although a few "vagrants" have been known to reach the Bahamas, according to the IUCN.




Manatees often swim alone or in pairs. They are not territorial, so they have no need for a leader or followers. When manatees are seen in a group, it is either a mating herd or an informal meeting of the species simply sharing a warm area that has a large food supply. A group of manatees is called an aggregation. An aggregation usually never grows larger than about six individuals, according to the Save the Manatee Club.


Manatees are herbivores. At sea, they tend to prefer sea grasses. When they live in rivers, they consume freshwater vegetation. Manatees also eat algae. According to National Geographic, a manatee can eat a tenth of its own weight in 24 hours. That can equal up to 130 lbs. (59 kg).


During mating, a female manatee, which is called a cow, will be followed around by a dozen or more males, which are called bulls. The group of bulls is called a mating herd. Once the male has mated, though, he takes no part in the raising of the young.

A female manatee is pregnant for about 12 months, according to Save the Manatee Club. The calf, or baby manatee, is born underwater. The mother helps the calf get to the water's surface for air, and within the first hour of life, the calf will be able to swim on its own. In five years, the young manatee will be sexually mature and ready to have its own young. Manatees usually live about 40 years.


According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), the manatee's full classification is:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Subkingdom: Bilateria              
  • Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia              
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: Vertebrata
  • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata              
  • Superclass: Tetrapoda              
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Subclass: Theria
  • Infraclass: Eutheria
  • Order: Sirenia
  • Family: Trichechidae
  • Genus:Trichechus
  • Species: Trichechus inunguis (Amazonian manatee, South American manatee), Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee, American manatee, Caribbean manatee), Trichechus senegalensis (African manatee, West African manatee)
  • Subspecies: Trichechus manatus latirostris (Florida manatee), Trichechus manatus manatus (Antillean manatee)

Conservation status

The IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species lists all manatees as vulnerable or endangered and facing a high risk of extinction. Populations are expected to decline by as much as 30 percent over the next 20 years. Numbers are hard to come by, especially for the secretive Amazonian manatee; the IUCN says the estimate of 10,000 manatees should be regarded with caution because the numbers are supported by little empirical data. Similarly, the exact number of African manatees is unknown, but the IUCN estimates there are fewer than 10,000 manatees in West Africa.

The Florida manatee and the Antillean manatee were listed as endangered in 1967 and 1970, respectively, under the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966; the number of mature individuals was estimated to be fewer than 2,500 for each subspecies, and the populations were expected to decline by more than 20 percent over the next two generations, or about 40 years.


On March 31, 2017, however, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) downgraded the West Indian manatees' status from endangered to threatened. Both significant increases in the manatee population numbers and habitat improvements led to the downlisting, according to the FWS.


As many as 6,620 Florida manatees and 6,300 Antillean manatees are estimated to live in the wild currently, according to the FWS.

"Today, we both recognize the significant progress we have made in conserving manatee populations while reaffirming our commitment to continuing this species' recovery and success throughout its range," Jim Kurth, acting director of the FWS, said in a statement by the FWS.

But manatees aren't out of the woods yet, and are still considered a "threatened species." One reason for the status is that manatees reproduce very slowly — the time between generations is about 20 years. In addition, fishermen trawling with nets in the Amazon and West Africa pose a grave threat to these slow-moving mammals. Also, in West Africa, manatees are hunted for their meat.

Habitat loss from waterfront development also impacts their survival. Manatees are also vulnerable to collisions with speedboats.

Other facts

Manatees are thought to have evolved from four-legged land mammals more than 60 million years ago. Except for the Amazonian manatee, their paddlelike flippers have vestigial toenails — a remnant of the claws they had when they lived on land. The Amazon species name "inunguis" is Latin for "without nails."

The name manatee comes from the Taíno (a pre-Columbian people of the Caribbean) word manatí, meaning "breast."

Manatees' eyes are small, but their eyesight is good. They have a special membrane that can be drawn across the eyeball for protection. Their hearing is good too, despite not having outer ear structures, because manatees have large inner ear bones.

Manatees' only teeth are called marching molars. Throughout a manatee's life, the molars are constantly replaced — an adaption to their diet of abrasive vegetation.

Manatees have only six neck vertebrae. Most other mammals, including giraffes, have seven. As a result, manatees cannot turn their heads sideways, and must turn their whole body around to look behind them.

Algae, photosynthetic organisms, often grow on manatees' skin.

Manatees never go on land.

Manatees don't always need to breathe. As they swim, they poke their nose up above the water's surface to catch a few breaths every few minutes. If they are simply resting, they can stay under the water for 15 minutes without taking a breath, according to National Geographic.

An animal that is similar to the manatee is the dugong (Dugong dugon). Dugongs are also in the order Sirenia, but they are in a different family, Dugongidae. These manatee cousins are found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. They have a notch in their tails, as well as tusks.

Manatees and dugongs may have inspired mermaid legends. In ancient mythology, sirens were monsters or sea nymphs who sang mesmerizing songs that lured sailors to steer their ships onto treacherous rocks. After a long sea voyage, sailors may have thought they were seeing sirens, or mermaids, when they were probably seeing manatees or dugongs.

Additional resources

  • The USGS Sirenia Project conducts long-term, detailed studies of the West Indian manatee.
  • The Florida Manatee Program can tell you where to see manatees and provides a boater's guide to avoid collisions.
  • At Save the Manatee Club, you can "adopt" a real manatee. Donations help fund manatee conservation."

Cigarettes may raise risk of drug relapse

 by Lisa Chedekel-Boston U.





Continuing or initiating cigarette use after stopping the use of illicit drugs is linked to an increased likelihood of substance use relapse, research shows.

Past studies have shown that as many as three-quarters of adults with substance use disorders also have a history of cigarette smoking.

For the study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, researchers, including Sandro Galea, dean of the School of Public Health of Boston University, examined the association between cigarette smoking and relapse rates among adults who had stopped illicit substance use.

They studied data from 34,653 adults enrolled in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) who were assessed at two time points, three years apart, on substance use, substance use disorders, and related physical and mental disorders.

Daily smokers and non-daily smokers had about twice the odds of relapsing to drug use at the end of the three-year period compared to nonsmokers. Those odds held even after controlling for demographics and other factors, including mood, anxiety, alcohol use disorders, and nicotine dependence.

Specifically, among those with remitted substance use disorders who were smokers at the beginning of the study, more than 1 in 10 (11 percent) who continued smoking three years later relapsed to illicit substance use three years later, while only 8 percent of those who had quit smoking and 6.5 percent of never-smokers relapsed to substance use.

Among those who were nonsmokers, smoking three years later was associated with significantly greater odds of substance-use disorder relapse compared to those who remained nonsmokers.

“To our knowledge, no prior study has shown that cigarette smoking—both continued smoking and new-onset smoking—is associated with an increase in the likelihood of relapse to SUD among adults with past SUDs,” the authors say.


Exercise may help meth addicts avoid relapse


If further research confirms a relationship between smoking and relapse, then substance-use treatment programs should consider incorporating smoking prevention efforts into their services, the authors say. Only a minority of treatment centers report that they have formal smoking-cessation programs.

There are several possible reasons why smoking may increase the likelihood of relapse, the authors write, including that cigarettes may become a “cue” for use of illicit drugs, and that nicotine may cause increased cravings for stimulants and opiates.

While there have been some concerns that quitting smoking makes it more difficult to quit or stay off illicit drugs, cigarette abstinence “does not appear to lead to a compensatory increase in other drug use, and may even improve drug abstinence.”

Cigarette smoking is just one of many potential factors associated with SUD relapse, and more data are needed to determine the clinical significance of the association.


Psych patients want to quit smoking but don’t get help


But, they say, “The treatment of SUDs is extremely challenging, and even if not smoking is just modestly associated with improvements in sustained abstinence, this association may be useful in treatment programs.”

Additional coauthors are from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and the City University of New York.


Source: Boston University

Male glassfrogs could win ‘dad of the year’

 by Boston University








Glassfrogs lay their eggs on leaves hanging over streams in tropical rainforests, which makes them tasty snacks for snakes, insects, and other predators. When the survivors hatch, they drop into the streams to begin life as tadpoles.

Until recently, biologists thought the eggs of most species were on their own during this vulnerable stage, without any help from mom or dad. In just a few species, fathers were known to care for their developing embryos, and biologists thought this paternal devotion had evolved from ancestors entirely lacking parental care.

Walking along a stream in Panama very late one night, however, Jesse Delia, a PhD student in the lab of Boston University biology professor Karen Warkentin, spotted a glassfrog mother sitting on her clutch of eggs.

Working with research partner Laura Bravo Valencia, a graduate student at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, Delia went on to observe night-time parental behavior among no fewer than 40 species.

The two scientists discovered that in many species, glassfrog mothers brood their eggs during the night the eggs are fertilized, and that this care improves the survival of the eggs, while in almost a third of species, glassfrog fathers stay on guard for much longer periods.

Some frogs mate on land to avoid a ‘breeding frenzy’

Further, in an analysis of glassfrog evolutionary history that takes advantage of the new field data, the investigators discovered that male parental care probably evolved from female care. “Parental care gets elaborate when males take over,” Warkentin says.

These discoveries are based on “a tour de force of extreme fieldwork,” says Warkentin, senior author of the paper in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Delia and Bravo Valencia pursued their project over six rainy seasons at 22 sites along streams in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. The project also included field monitoring of parental behavior throughout the duration of embryonic development for 13 species—a total of 18 months walking up and down streams every night.

Some of these streams were in warm lowland forests and others up in the Andes mountains. “In Colombia, we would take buses…into the mountains and try to find somebody who would put us up, somewhere close to a forest, a couple hours’ hike into the stream,” says Delia, corresponding author of the study. “Streams in the Andes are really steep, with impassable waterfalls every so often, and in many sites they are cascades of freezing cold water.”

In addition to observing the 40 species of frogs through the night, Delia and Bravo Valencia performed experiments on two species of frogs in Panama. The biologists began by removing glassfrog mothers immediately after the eggs were fertilized, before the mothers could sit on the eggs. Plucking out the frogs in this brief time period often required the researchers to jog up and down the stream, “so we were soaking wet all night,” Delia says.

Protective jelly

Monitoring the eggs daily until they hatched, which could take almost 20 days, showed that the eggs that received maternal care survived significantly better than those that did not.

Salty winter roads may mean fewer female frogs

The key to this survival was that the frogs were soaking up water from damp spots on leaves and delivering it to the eggs. The jelly surrounding the eggs then would swell up with water and grow about four times thicker. Offering these swollen egg packages to katydids, crickets that prey on frog eggs, frustrated the predators, Warkentin says.

“Each embryo is surrounded by this protective layer of jelly, so when the katydid bites, it’s getting mouthfuls of jelly, and it generally gives up.”

Basic fieldwork pays off

Bravo Valencia and Delia also tested what it would take to get glassfrog mothers to abandon their posts in the first few crucial hours. “They would gently poke and pinch and then physically push her off the eggs, and it would take all that to get most moms to leave,” Warkentin says. “The moms are extremely dedicated to their task in that time period.”

“…fathers not only took over the job…but they also greatly elaborated the amount of care.”

“These are relatively well-studied, charismatic frogs, yet we were fundamentally wrong about the reproductive behavior of most glassfrog species,” Warkentin notes. “There is still a lot to be learned from basic fieldwork. And that primary information has the potential to change how we think about larger processes, like sex-role evolution.

“In glassfrogs, maternal care helps embryos survive, but they seem to do the bare minimum,” she says. “It seems that fathers not only took over the job, when mothers were already doing it, but they also greatly elaborated the amount of care. Even after eggs have started hatching, fathers keep caring.”

“In many animals, mothers are on duty when offspring need intensive care, whereas fathers care when it’s easy or help out when more is needed. This common pattern has influenced how we think about parental sex-roles,” Delia says.

“Glassfrogs do the complete opposite—moms do the minimum (at least time-wise) while fathers go to extremes. Of course, glassfrogs are but one small branch on the tree of life. But the way we had underestimated the diversity of parental behavior stresses the importance of getting out to the field and watching animals behave.”

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Fulbright Scholar Program, and the National Science Foundation funded the work.

Source: Eric Bender for Boston University

Like like

 She likes me or she doesn't likes me!?

Fuzzy fibers for rocket engines can take the heat

 by Mike Williams-Rice








To stand up to the heat and pressure of next-generation rocket engines, the composite fibers used to make them should be fuzzy, say researchers.

Their “fuzzy fibers” of silicon carbide act like Velcro and stand up to the punishment that materials experience in aerospace applications.

The fibers strengthen composites used in advanced rocket engines that have to withstand temperatures up to 1,600 degrees Celsius (2,912 degrees Fahrenheit). Ceramic composites in rockets now being developed use silicon carbide fibers to strengthen the material, but they can crack or become brittle when exposed to oxygen.

nanotubes and carbide fibersSilicon carbide nanotubes attached to separate silicon carbide fibers, used by NASA, entangle each other in this electron microscope image. (Credit: Ajayan Research Group/Rice)nanotubes burned awayResearchers burned away carbon nanotubes grown on the silicon carbide fiber at left with a lighter. At right, the same fiber shows the nanotubes have been burned away. (Credit: Ajayan Research Group/Rice)

The laboratory of Rice University materials scientist Pulickel Ajayan embedded silicon carbide nanotubes and nanowires into the surface of NASA’s fibers. The exposed parts of the fibers are curly and act like the hooks and loops that make Velcro so valuable—but on the nanoscale.

The result, according to lead researchers Amelia Hart, a graduate student, and Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, a postdoctoral associate, creates very strong interlocking connections where the fibers tangle; this not only makes the composite less prone to cracking but also seals it to prevent oxygen from changing the fiber’s chemical composition.

Hart and her colleagues grew their hooks and loops by first bathing silicon carbide fiber in an iron catalyst and then using water-assisted chemical vapor deposition, a process developed in part at Rice, to embed a carpet of carbon nanotubes directly into the surface. These become the template for the final product. The fibers were then heated in silicon nanopowder at high temperature, which converts the carbon nanotubes to silicon carbide “fuzz.”

The researchers hope their fuzzy fibers will upgrade the strong, light, and heat-resistant silicon carbide fibers that, when put in ceramic composites, are being tested for robust nozzles and other parts in rocket engines. “The silicon carbide fiber they already use is stable to 1,600 C,” Tiwary says. “So we’re confident that attaching silicon carbide nanotubes and wires to add strength will make it even more cutting-edge.”

How to turn astronaut poop into rocket fuel

The new materials should also make entire turbo engines significantly lighter, Hart says. “Before they used silicon carbide composites, many engine parts were made of nickel superalloys that had to incorporate a cooling system, which added weight to the whole thing,” she says. “By switching to ceramic matrix composites, they could take out the cooling system and go to higher temperatures. Our material will allow the creation of larger, longer-lasting turbo jet engines that go to higher temperatures than ever before.”

Friction and compression testing showed the lateral force needed to move silicon carbide nanotubes and wires over each other was much greater than that needed to slide past either plain nanotubes or unenhanced fibers, the researchers report. They were also able to easily bounce back from high compression applied with a nano-indenter, which showed their ability to resist breaking down for longer amounts of time.

Tests to see how well the fibers handled heat showed plain carbon nanotubes burning away from the fibers, but the silicon carbide nanotubes easily resisted temperatures of up to 1,000 C (1832 F).

Hart says the next step will be to apply her conversion techniques to other carbon nanomaterials to create unique three-dimensional materials for additional applications.

The work appears in Applied Materials and Interfaces. Additional coauthors are from Rice; Hysitron Inc. in Minneapolis, part of Bruker Corp.; and NASA Glenn Research Center.

The NASA Jenkins Fellowship and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research through its 3D Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative grant supported the research.

Source: Rice University

Mice have invaded our homes since before farming

 by Gerry Everding-WUSTL


Hunter-gatherers began putting down roots in the Middle East long before the advent of agriculture. Their creation of more permanent homes altered the ecological balance in ways that allowed the common house mouse to flourish, research shows.

“The research provides the first evidence that, as early as 15,000 years ago, humans were living in one place long enough to impact local animal communities—resulting in the dominant presence of house mice,” says Fiona Marshall, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s clear that the permanent occupation of these settlements had far-reaching consequences for local ecologies, animal domestication, and human societies.”

The research is exciting because it shows that settled hunter-gatherers—not farmers—were the first people to transform environmental relations with small mammals, says Marshall.

By providing stable access to human shelter and food, hunter-gatherers led house mice down the path to commensalism—an early phase of domestication in which a species learns how to benefit from human interaction.

The findings have broad implications for the processes that led to animal domestication.



mouse in Maasai home


A mouse from a Maasai village in southern Kenya. (Credit: Lior Weissbrod)House mouse and country mouse

The study set out to explain large swings in the ratio of house mice to wild mice populations found during excavations of different prehistoric periods at an ancient Natufian hunter-gatherer site in the Jordan Valley of Israel.

Examining tiny species-related variations in the molar shapes of fossilized mice teeth dating back as far as 200,000 years, the team built a timeline showing how the populations of different mice fluctuated at the Natufian site during periods of varying human mobility.

The analysis revealed that human mobility influenced competitive relationships between two species of mice—the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) and a short-tailed field mouse (M. macedonicus)—that continue to live in and around modern settlements in Israel.

These relationships are analogous to those of another pair of species called spiny mice which researchers discovered among semi-nomadic Maasai herders in southern Kenya.

Scientists ‘replay’ evolution with mouse teeth

The findings indicate that house mice began embedding themselves in the Jordan Valley homes of Natufian hunter-gatherers about 15,000 years ago, and that their populations rose and fell based on how often these communities picked up and moved to new locations.

When humans stayed in the same places for long runs of time, house mice out-competed their country cousins to the point of pushing most of them outside the settlement. In periods when drought, food shortages, or other conditions forced hunter-gatherers to relocate more often, the populations of house mice and field mice reached a balance similar to that found among modern Maasai herders with similar mobility patterns.

Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study confirms that house mice were already a fixture in the domiciles of eastern Mediterranean hunter-gatherer villages more than 3,000 years before the earliest known evidence for sedentary agriculture.

It suggests that the early hunter-gatherer settlements transformed ecological interactions and food webs, allowing house mice that benefited from human settlements to out-compete wild mice and establish themselves as the dominant population.

“The competition between commensal house mice and other wild mice continued to fluctuate as humans became more mobile in arid periods and more sedentary at other times—indicating the sensitivity of local environments to degrees of human mobility and the complexity of human environmental relationships going back in the Pleistocene,” says Lior Weissbrod, a research fellow at the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa in Israel.



mouse map


Mice teeth used in the study were recovered during excavations at the prehistoric Natufian settlement site of Eyna (also known as Ain Mallaha) in the Jordan Valley north of Jerusalem. (Credit: Base map generated by Lior Weissbrod from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) data using ArcGIS v.9.1.)Mice teeth

Thomas Cucchi of National Center for Scientific Research in Paris used a new technique called geometric morphometrics to identify the mouse fossils and reliably distinguish telltale differences in the miniscule remains of house mice and wild species. The method relies on high resolution imaging and digital analysis to categorize species-related variations in molar outlines nearly as thin as a single millimeter.

The findings, and the techniques used to document them, are important to archaeological research in a broader sense because they lend further support to the idea that fluctuations in ancient mouse populations can be used as a proxy for tracking ancient shifts in human mobility, lifestyle and food domestication.

“These findings suggest that hunter-gatherers of the Natufian culture, rather than later Neolithic farmers, were the first to adopt a sedentary way of life and unintentionally initiated a new type of ecological interaction—close coexistence with commensal species such as the house mouse,” Weissbrod says.

“The human dynamic of shifts between mobile and sedentary existence was unraveled in unprecedented detail in the record of fluctuations in proportions of the two species through time.”

Source: Washington University in St. Louis

BPA may nudge breast cancer cells to grow

 by Amara Omeokwe-Duke






The chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, appears to aid the survival of inflammatory breast cancer cells, according to research that reveals a potential mechanism for how the disease grows.

Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most lethal and fastest-growing form of breast cancer and quickly develops resistance to treatments.

A new study shows that bisphenol A increases the cell signaling pathway known as mitogen-activated protein kinases, or MAPK, in inflammatory breast cancer cells.

“This suggests that chemical exposure could help generate a type of breast cancer that might be resistant to the very drugs we use to treat it.”

“The study is the first to show that BPA increased signaling through receptors that communicate with the MAPK pathway and that the presence of BPA may lead to resistance to cancer drugs targeting this pathway,” says Gayathri Devi, associate professor of surgery at Duke University. “In our cell models, more signaling led to increased growth of the cancer cells.”

Previous studies have theorized that BPA and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals—ones that mimic hormones like estrogen in the body—may promote the development of breast tissue tumors. However, this study explored a potential mechanism for how the proliferation happens in an estrogen-independent manner and which specific chemicals might be involved.

How some breast cancer cells return after chemo

For the study, published in the journal Carcinogenesis, researchers started by treating IBC cells with six endocrine-disrupting chemicals commonly found in the everyday environment, including in food, medications, and agricultural products. BPA, along with the chemicals trichloroethane (HPTE) and methoxychlor, caused an increase in signaling to epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR), which lie on the cell surface.

When the cells were treated with low doses of BPA, for example, EGFR activation nearly doubled. In turn, signaling to the MAPK pathway also increased. This increase was accompanied by a rise in indicators of cancer cell growth.

The researchers also found that exposing the cancer cells to BPA limited the effectiveness of drugs that work to kill cancer cells by inhibiting EGFR signaling.

These canned foods are the worst for BPA

“When EGFR-targeted, anti-cancer drugs are unable to decrease the amount of EGFR signaling, it leads to less cell death,” says Steven Patierno, PhD, professor of medicine at Duke and study coauthor. “This suggests that chemical exposure could help generate a type of breast cancer that might be resistant to the very drugs we use to treat it.”

The research is an addition to a growing body of work that offers greater insight into IBC’s aggressive nature. For example, in another study published recently in the journal Oncotarget, researchers identified specific anti-cell death proteins that are overexpressed in IBC patient tumors.

“Ultimately, we hope that this kind of work will help us develop more effective treatments for IBC, so that survival rates improve,” Devi says.

The study took place in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency and the BRITE Institute at North Carolina Central University. The Duke Cancer Institute Cancer and Environment Development Funds, a Bolognesi award to Devi from the Duke Department of Surgery, the Duke IBC Consortium funds, the American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute funded the work.

Source: Duke University

Take a colorful trip through hyperbolic geometry

 by Ben Brumfield-Georgia Tech



Math meets “warp drive” in a virtual reality headset that transports anyone who wears the visor into a reality twisted by hyperbolic geometry.

The program is a visual aid for researchers exploring geometries that deviate from the everyday norm.

The virtual space’s colorful graphics can entice even the most math-phobic mind to roam, crawl, or slither around. When physicist and applied mathematician Sabetta Matsumoto of Georgia Institute of Technology or her collaborator, mathematician Henry Segerman from Oklahoma State University, do that, they’re actually exploring particular geometric nooks.

If you’d like a peek at the warped rainbow weirdness yourself, go to You can navigate it with your VR headset or smart phone via a webVR interface. Or you can peruse it on a computer in 2D using the arrow keys.

But be a little careful walking around the 3D version, as the hyperbolic space doesn’t have a floor to provide visual balance orientation, and turning corners is very different from in everyday life.

“If you walk around in this space, things that started out horizontal and vertical become twisted and weird,” Segerman says, as he dons a VR headset. He slides around a diamond-like shape in VR hyperbolic space, describing it. “It never stops, just keeps going, and you never get to the back side of it.”


That weirdness can give the non-mathematician an idea of how picturing non-Euclidean geometries mentally can strain even the minds of mathematicians and physicists. Segerman and Matsumoto collaborated on the hyperbolic virtual reality experience with a collective of mathematician-artists called eleVR to make the work of the geometry experts easier and more productive.

“Visualizations can help to prove theorems that are purely abstract, and physicists want to get an intuition for what’s going on,” says Matsumoto, an assistant professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Physics. “The virtual reality takes something that would normally live in a set of equations, and makes something you can interact with.”

The researchers have posted papers (first, second) on the math and perceptual considerations behind their work on arXiv.

Two types of geometry

Most people have never consciously seen hyperbolic geometry, as opposed to Euclidean geometry, which is how we usually experience the world.

Sci-fi fans may remember hyperspace, created when “warp drive” engines curve spacetime so that the Starship Enterprise can travel at multiples of the speed of light. Meanwhile, inside the ship, everything is shaped and moves “normally.”

That’s fiction, but it makes for a nice bridge to hyperbolic geometry and how this new VR program takes viewers hyperbolic from the much more customary Euclidean geometry experience of everyday life.

Some 2,300 years ago, mathematician Euclid of Alexandria developed the geometry commonly taught today in high school. The basics are: Points, straight lines, angles, and planes that are flat and extend infinitely. There are triangles, rectangles, circles, spheres, cubes, etc.

We recognize this geometry when we look at buildings, desks, or coffee cups.

Why close-up photos make us seem ‘warped’

If you warp a Euclidean plane like a Pringle’s potato chip, giving it hyperbolic curves, you get an idea of hyperbolic geometry. Since we usually live in a Euclidean reality, the warped plane would now look to us like a three-dimensional object, but it’s still a plane, so it’s really two-dimensional.

That warp changes principles: Parallel lines curve away from each other; triangles have warped lines, and there’s no such thing as a rectangle as we know it. And when you’ve warped the plane, it warps all of space at the same time.

Matsumoto and Segerman’s new virtual reality program detects head motions in 3D Euclidean space and warps them into virtual movement in 3D hyperbolic space. And it gives the VR wearer a visual output that is Euclidean, i.e. “normal.”

Real-life examples

Hyperbolic geometry isn’t just hypothetical. It describes some actual physics, and is yet another example that there’s more to reality than meets the eye.

“We don’t know what topology the universe has, whether it’s an expanding sphere, if it’s hyperbolic, if it’s got holes in it.”

For example, gravity from massive celestial bodies bends rays of light. Accordingly, hyperbolic geometry was helpful in arriving at the Theory of Relativity, which describes realities of spacetime outside the habits of human perception, though not completely out of perceptual reach.

If you consciously encountered hyperbolic geometry, you’d be capable of experiencing it. “If we were in it, we could see it, feel it or walk through it,” Matsumoto says.

Humans already commonly experience a geometry called spherical geometry thanks to air travel. When we stand on the ground, we experience its surface overall as level, like our ancestors, who for ages believed that the Earth was flat.

When you look out the window of the airplane, it may feel you’re moving over a Euclidean plane, when you’re really over a spherical plane. That has geometric consequences.

“If you start at the North Pole and take any path south, then turn left 90 degrees and go a quarter of the way around the world, and you turn left again 90 degrees and go the same distance, then you’ll arrive back at your starting point. This wouldn’t happen on a Euclidean plane with the same two turns,” Matsumoto says.

Virtual nose could keep you from feeling sick

Mathematicians can break up the three dimensions we perceive into eight different geometries, which could help unlock more physical realities even more mind-bending than Relativity or as simple as the Earth being round.

“We don’t know what topology the universe has,” Matsumoto says, “whether it’s an expanding sphere, if it’s hyperbolic, if it’s got holes in it.”

Like MC Escher and Poincaré

A few decades after the math of hyperbolic geometry was firmed up in the late 1800s, pioneering artist M. C. Escher illustrated how warped geometry can reveal twisted reality. His drawings are famous for contradictory perspectives seamlessly married in a single motif, like odd stairways or aqueducts.

His circles with animals that interlace perfectly were a take on a Poincaré disk, a depiction of a hyperbolic plane (2D), in which repeating shapes, all the same size, appear large in the middle and increasingly smaller toward the circle’s edges to represent the hyperbolic warp stretching to infinity.

Such shapes are called “tiling.” Repetitive tiling of an area to convey its characteristics is called “tessellation,” which has become a common tool in geometric illustration. Animated 3D tessellation conveys hyperbolic space in Matsumoto and Segerman’s virtual reality.

Other notable mathematical artists employing animated or 3D tessellation today are Jos Leys, who uses attractive computer graphics, and Jeff Weeks, who developed a three-dimensional hyperbolic space visualization software, which inspired Matsumoto and Segerman.

Matsumoto’s own passion for art inherent in geometry goes back to childhood, when she first developed tangible instincts like those she wants to convey with the VR program.

“I’ve always loved math, and my mom always knitted and sewed. So, from a very early age, I knew how to piece together parts of a dress. It turns out these things are really, actually complex geometry.”

In the future, Matsumoto, like Alice in Wonderland, a metaphor Matsumoto employs herself, wants to make the leap into a weird “actual reality” experience of hyperbolic geometry.

“The end game of this is going to be to make a museum installation where people can walk through, like a house where everything is hyperbolic, and you can do things like play basketball or play pool.”

The research team has also created a virtual reality experience combining hyperbolic and Euclidean geometry (H2 X E), which is available at

Source: Georgia Tech

Chapter 6 - Break

 19 Kilometers is a lot of so after all I need a break I can't without a break to go for another record to make. It's awesome that I beat one of my friends records, which was 13 Kilometers in the boards of 2-3 hours.

The truth everything hurts ... legs... feet... foot...and I am FUCKING hungry... ...

Soon another record is on the way while ... I spend time around TV watching movies... crimes investigations.... While my feet... foot... legs are getting ready for another record.



Chapter 7 - Runner

 No need for adding more and more and more shit.

Shit is going to saved for later, that's what for sure I can say. I am going to be nice with you and go over the essential stuff.

Day 2

I could say I just made another as for me record in about 64 Squats in one day.... After that I go for ride for beating my record... by going from my bus stop down... walking = of course. Going around in circles fast... slowly... at first it doesn't hurts but then after going around searching one shop for getting my 500 Ml Coca-Cola bottle... in about 5 kilometers I have so far I have passed.

(P.S. - The order doesn't matter, does it?)

Chapter 8 - Fail

 Always in each story or place there is some kinda fail. So yeah I have fails. I ain't perfect, peaches and biatches ain't perfect that's for sure.

Day 1 Fail

It's failure If you don't have somebody at home as example... You want to don't drink alchohol... non-smoker and even something more.

At home, who Do I have?

A smoker... - What type of FUCKING example is he or she?

A alchohol drinker? - Again the same question... What type of FUCKING example is he?

Day 2

School suck full open biatches... full peaches... ditches...

And another example of Hell

All fucked up... social screw up people go there for what?

Just to get more into this role....

Chapter 9 - Polemery Vision


How do you put something which ends up in category... If you are hungry you starve to dead... if you ain't hungry you ha've so much food that you can't eat all of it... And sometimes the food ends up in the trash.

That's what happems these days some people eat soil as meat - The poor countries the other countries which are in category Rich... have so much food that 50% of the food is in the trash. As they say... if you can't eat all of it... throw it in the bin. The average class is the image which you already know little from there and little from there.

Or to put it as people which behave as both classes little from the poor and little from the rich. I could put it as the class which is the edge... Between Poor and Rich, that's the line which safes you from becoming rich or poor.

(P.S. The time is now... today is the right time... and the brain is going to go backward or forward it depends from your moves. - DeYtH Banger)

As Poor... Class

  • I want that.. .. Oh I can't have it!
  • Please...please... Nooooo

As Average ... Class

  • I want that... Oh.... Okay (Oh... just a little... debt... )

  • One more thing (OH... just few dollars... Or kinda sent and kinda few few dollars...)

As Rich... Class

  • I want that and that and that.... Can you eat it?... All of it? (Yes I can....)

Few minutes later...

(I can't eat any longer... Phssssss ... it just went in the trash)

(P.S. The extra information sometimes it's like the coin... it has two sides. - DeYtH Banger)

Chapter 10 - Fair

 It's damn fair... like it or not... I play fair...

(P.S. Ain't stranger)

I killed you fair in this game.. . I won fair in this game. It's a fact, you can't judge facts can ya? 《============= (P.S. Awesome... Awesome. .... - That's what he said)

Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahahah, that's a joke... come on... didn't you get it?

(Note: That's Joanne = Biatchy... As much you read it, as more sharp idiot you become.)


If we talk about fair we should focus and on stuff which are ain't fair as first...

To forget is ain't fair To try to be funny... and to see that it can't happen and you to continue again and again and again... with fail = ain't fair.

Love by itself is an equation of fair + N not fair. - DeYtH Banger

Chapter 11 - Know

 Notes: Before I Say something... I want to say that... we won't stop... we will go and go and go... it doesn't matter what's going to happen.



You know already my story, you FUCKING know it. Probably from first point of view which means from your side, like you had and you are having such problems.


It could be from somebody which you know very well. But as I will put it we are bound into repeation and over and over and over.

That "now", have this problem doesn't mean that you gonna have it or you won't have it. Sometimes ball comes back to its owner, others it doesn't come back to him. Take the ball as = bad luck.

Chapter 12 - Afraid


It’s FUCKING fun to say that I with few books we have reached very far. Some of them reached an end… which means I couldn’t continue reading these books, …I was forced by the books to stop there and to don’t continue.

(P.S. - It’s fun when I say Loooooòooooòoo for = loser!.. Because you can’t SPEAK English and American too.) - Everything around you sucks… You… The way you speak your NATIVE and the second language… I mean everything… from accent to head… then to feet and toes.

(Note: The Judge has been made… !)

But this doesn’t mean that’s the end… and we gonna stop there… From January up to March I have read 76

(P.S. - The result could be better, but hell was in my pocket)… Under result I mean books I have read.

Now I am reading XO by Jeffery Dealer, and it’s unbelieveable for one day I read almost 11 chapters and somewhere in about 77 pages of this book. So far, I hope this to continue the same direction and this work to don’t dissapoint me and the same goes and for the author too.


(P.S. Come on… come and try… add some comments… add some new updates and let’s talk about it. But if the best author dissapoints me, then what to expect from the other authors, categort best sellers… best authors?)

(Note: I should FUCKING laugh… Fuck you and your Ego. You thing that you are strong as gorilla?, You think that nobody can make damage on you?.. But hahaha hahaha… . … because these conclusions from the whole beginning up to here are FUCKING wrong… You are one FUCKING selfish peach!)

Let’s come back from where we ended and began the whole sTory “Afraid”.

To be honest here before few weeks or one month, I had the time and the thoughts and the mood to make something, to create something!

And I created “Afraid”, another short story to give you chills at night, doubt in security and in your own protection.

Playing with your mind at deeper levels.

(Note: What next?..
Who won?.. It depends from my mood)

And yeah we again went little far from the truth. So the question is are you afraid when the lights are off?

And one more think everything remains possible if you don’t make your choice!

Chapter 13 - Eggs


Money are made from eggs.... Watching girl in the eyes makes her to sleep with you.

- Fuck that and that and that and all my logic from "a" to "z".

(Note: Oh you wanted to play and now everything is over?.... So much time for so little interest!?)

(Note: Jerk Off... Jerk Off... If you don't have what to do... do this! Jerk Off from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm... You have plenty of time to do that, mainly because you are bored and Looney.. .. give a try!?

It feels good!


Normal people when they get bored they do that.

- You are they?
Your actions as always are compared to theirs... But the question here is who are they?

...And one more thing, will I be late for School?

You do that... because you are afraid from the wolf, who is the most smartest in the group and tells to everyone what every single person one by one ... Each by each what to do?

- That's theoREM of singularity.


Nothing is as fucked up than this logic... In the end (Sorry for spoiling the whole fun...)... We see that money don't need eggs as first...

As second this with the watching the eyes.... Is so empty so useless.

Why do we watch people in the eyes?.... What's the whole point?... What's the idea?...

Different colours and eyes like eyes... why people give a fuck about eyes?...

To watch people in the eyes and inside in their mind to curse them?

AAH,.... That's damn the most fucked up thing.


How about the signs?


The signs which say in random way flirting... Touching lips ... Specific moves and so on and so on. ... So after all this doesn't mean anything.

(Note: Posting about danger and chaos by itself is a reason to get a ban... and a clean one.)


Chapter 14 - Stargy


Time doesn't stop... Removed or Jerk-Off... It has happen it's as twisty as you read it. It's amazing that consumes you... me and all people.

Time .... Economy can create time - Haha haha.. ... I can't stop laughing from what I have heard today.


In economy there are even and fetishes as more you go deeper as more screw up it gets....


If you ask me I ain't in the mood brain washing people.... making them to buy all types of shit.

Like changing their mind that useless... stuff are useful. That's the philosophy of shopping economy. You get the idea... fucked up stuff... analysing... making customers to buy what you want.

Anime - Has little to do with that, it control young children the adult are controlled from ads and films...

(Note: I like the moment when the film ends but in the same time you have feeling that this has been very long time... the image wlhas been created ... like two hours are more like 12... or 20 years... the story starts again and it ends ... - I mean THE movie here we conclude ain't bound into repeation - THE END)

But as you know from me in real life (The End) .... is more complex and difficult..... in other words this doesn't apply to the real world.


Notes: And it happen... and it fucking happen!?

Chapter 15.1 - Horse Love


Yeah I have something to say... Look the women not in the eyes not how they look you. But the way they look... move?

Look their body and their legs!

Do you see the horse inside?

Secret 1

This here is a secret gate (Ain't hate) Women started using horse semen on their body, internet is example of selling this shit. Internet provides this!

It's the truth even humans participate on animal porn. But here we will focus on women get fucked by horses and even they suck horse dick.... until the semen comes out.


Case closed - No comment!

Chapter 15.2 - CET




Now is the time in which you and I... = we were waiting for. As Chapter 14 is a good place to be around. I MEAn around this topic

(P.S. - Good news before few hours Notes Of Dead Sequel #2 came out.... Now I am working here on #3 + #4 and to be honest and few more deeper levels.)

Eyes - Look them .. probably you have saw people to do strange stuff on purpose or it just happens!?

Which of these has happen to you?

- Both or neither one of these!?

It's kinda stranhe seeing people

playing with their hair... or lips or something else.

- I like "now" this moment to say " So on and so on..." but this going to fuck you and fuck all of us. - That's the naked truth sorry for being so rude.

(Note: Riddles... ripples... nipples and dippless)

Even touching somebody else private spot like pussy or dick is another strange thing. Probably I gonna sound like some kinda a pervert from what next from my mouth is going to come out. But sorry beloved mother as first your screen lock doesn't work well. If it's so easy pass and thing nobody can guessed you are one FUCKING biatch.

(P.S. - Oops next time I gonna look my mouth... - as you say but still this here is all about philosophy and in the name of science.)

As second not bad images, but this doesn't change my mind that you ain't biatch. This which I saw... which I FUCKING saw with applying biatch law... it says in 100% that you are one FUCKING biatch, it's awesome to announce that at least I didn't had from this naked... nasty and nudy photos Nighmares. - It's good news right?

But here the question is not what do they play, but the eyes.

Look their eyes as first different colours... which doesn't sound like bif deal... It's still food without or with meat, it ends up in category food.

(Note: Now Looks like I am on auto-pilot)


Chapter 15.3 - Coca-Cola

 Do you remember the day in which you said that you have lost interest in drinking Coca-Cola?

As for me I remember it clear as day. In connection with that I want to say that I have coca-cola addiction which means that I am addicted to it in 2 hours 2 Liters bottle of Coca-Cola I can drink, if I have and pop corn with coca cola. Which means drinking coca-cola + eating pop-corn it will be an example of a great day.

I always wanted or to be more accurate when you said that you are bored from Coca-Cola, I gave a thought and in my mind came an image which was bread to be replaced by three cups of Coca-Cola (Original) + One cup while I eat soup... o...

Soup made from Coca-Cola...

Coca-Cola - Way of living!


 Notes: Of whatever.... I am going to go... with notes... that's what keeps me alive here.

Chapter 16 - What I do

 It's a good question, probably all of you think that I spend all day into writting writing and writting.

You know that not everyday is Christmas. Some days I put them into zero-days.

Days in which I really don't feel like anything to do... bored... not fully focused... not interested.

Others end up in day 1 - which means. I have the guts, I have my own focus... I have the time... and I just do what I do.


  • We are here and at least I should tell little about my productivity. I writ's about stuff in which I am intereated and for stuff for which I have gathered a lot of information.

And I just playing with that information, if it happen that what will happen next?

I like to write and about stuff which I have tried by myself.

Chapter 16.1 - Orgasm


I don't really mean orgasm in the real meaning or when I say fetish, I don't mean really the pornography term. I mean the shpiping economy term.


The story has started and we are here staring into the black light and thinking that one day it will be a different colour.


My orgasm is that I like recording people's experience. I like to listen to it and try to analyzed it.

  • Low pitch voice
  • High pitch voice

    • Why now shouting?
    • Why now silence?
    • Why now that or that?
    • Okay, I talk about that and that but she talks for that!?

Every question gets answered here.

... Second orgasm

  • If my first orgasm is to listen to what people talk about then my second is analysing their writting skills.
  • For what do they talk in messages?

    • What type of emotions do they go throw?
    • Do they get angry (= CAPITAL LETTERS)
    • How do they feel?
    • What they share? And etc.

    There are a lot of stuff which could go here, some of them now don't come in my mind. But still so far for this journey a book containing my two orgasm is pretty amazing.

Chapter 16.2 - Dieing For Knowledge (Part 1)


Yes, you heard me right, doing for knowledge.

Don't you die from the reason in "how"... "How is suppose to one 15 years old guy within 3 years to have 43 works?"

Karin Slaughter - Is an old author and had in her pockets 44 works within more than 3 years.

Stephen King - To don't talk about this guy in one year from 3-4 works within 3 years... 9 or 12 works he is going to have.

Dean Koontz - Umfortunatelly the same goes and here, but more less from 1 up to 3 max books in one year. - Not too much within 3 years.

James Patterson- It's my favourite author... lots of... lots of works within one year. A man who is very very productive as author, plenty of short stories and novels.


If you gonna judge, at least remove the jacket. - We should be equal so judge to be made properly!


As First if you start writting, start with short stories. Write bunch of short stories, topic, characters, place. You decide - Everything is in your hands.

As Second to improve your way of writting try by transcription. Take a book and re-write it in your notebook... take as much time as you need.

  • This write it the old school style.. . PEN OR pencil AND NOTEBOOK. Don't worry if you re-write something few more times or if you make a mistake... just cross it and continue.

(English style)

(Note: I am not the best here, but at least still trying something to improve my way of writting)

As Third try with specific applications to do this. Don't lose your time writting on paper your own stories try by using free applications which are made to be used for such stuff.

As Fourth Dig deeper!

As Fifth, read and read books... watch TV movies and series.

Chapter 16.3 - Dieing For Knowledge (Part 2)

If you become an author, but everything depends from "if". YOU as always start from 0 ground, but to have something for this level you need as first to fill the gaps.

- I already gave ideas in the previous part, now everything is your hands.

But before that you should know what's "0" ground, it's a place where there isn't time, everything has stopped. Nothing has ever happen, nobody has ever existed. Nobody has died... Take it as a Black hole.

Chapter 17. 1 - Don't know

The problem is that I really don't know where is our other stop. Neither how far we have reached or we will go.

Generations - That's what I am talking they keep rapid growing. Nobody can judge them, if somebody tries... this person is simply ignored.


The New generation is example of ignorance.

Chapter 17.2 - Crazy

 Probably "Yes", I am defenitely crazy, as first I see my smartphone as something from which I can give from my POV information and in the same time as something from which I can gain information.

As second, I hate losing bets. You play serious or you don't... you become a good liar or you just don't do it.

As Third... I see my smartphone as a girlfriend... so far that's my girlfriend and you can't take it.

As Fourth, I see my phone as something which could communicate with human race but not as sophisticated as we the human race do.

As Fifth, Hey George R. Martin in the interview with Stephem King you said, "do you have sometimes thoughts to change your career?"

- It's damn good question... You do what you do.. . NO EXTRA... NO LESS!

As Sixth, I at least tried... just by re-writting over and over different books. That's how I am planning to improve my way of writting and spelling and speaking English/American.

Chapter 17.3 - Strange


Everything is strange... the way we met!?
I really don't remember that day... I have problems in recalling that day, is it just because "now"... mood??? OR something else, I really don't know.

It's still strange how did we deal the old days... how did we deal the problems? HOW we were communicating and now strangers?

That's a fact!

If I don't tell to you "Hello"... you ain't gonna say too.

I take communicating like the ball which is hitting the wall. The ball says "1"... then the wall says "2"... Then

Ball says "3"
Wall says "4"

Ball says "Hi"
Wall says "Hello"

Don't think that I am crazy, please don't FUCKING dare do that. I am normal... you are normal!

(P.S. - I know that you have doubts about "am I crazy?" Or "not"... But I ain't gonna stay here only because of you.)

It's still strange how should I get a girlfriend? How do people do that? Getting a girlfriend?


Profile: I am a nice guy, I hate smoking... ciggarates and alchohol... not huge fan of soccer but I like American Football and BaseBall, ...never Had a girlfriend...

- So how Am I supposed to use this information as advantage?

(Note: Looks like I ain't gonna get free good- But whatever!)

(Note: Are you stupid or Yes?)

(P.S. - Yeah, yeah I get that fuck that I hate that logic. But this logic was created by a friend (But is he the real creator?) but ain't me in that's for sure, but still it bothers me the question... Who did created that logic?... If ain't me... then ain't you... then who?)

I mean how could I take this as something positive and just to get what I want?

(Note: I am so bad... I am one dann FUCKING bad boy... I just keep and keep asking questions... until I get what I want.)

Chapter 17.4 - Speak

 Yeah, there isn't any type of problem, feel free to speak... laugh and share, but know as we speak somebody could be recoring this. Somebody could analysis our discussion.


As for me, I don't have anything to hide, what you read that's my pure soul.


But sadly if I was a good hacker, it doesn't mean all hackers are good. Sometimes such people could be the checkpoint which moves the world into something much... much greater or they simply could be a chaos.


If you asking me about topic messing with them, I really don't suggest to do that.You Never know who is behind that computer and what in real is he capable.

Chapter 18 - Fake

If you don't know, let me give you little light. To do that I will just need few candles!

Before vs After days to be honest I had the chance to meet people which just say stuff... like

TURNING OFF - Internet...

Stopping my computer from working and many other threats.

Probably some of them are funny as hell and one moment you freeze and other you just can't stop laughing.

If these group we name it = fakers then you really don't want to meet the real hackers. They could be everywhere, working behind proxies and even VPN' S.. . All kinds of locations different IP Adresses.

IP Adresses - If you start hacking you at least should know what's an Ip Adress. Take it as like your Adress - Wall Street 5th Building, Floor 4, Room 453...

The same gOes and here, Ip adress is the internet generated numbers whigh are used to surf in the internet... they could be changed by Using VPN. However if these numbers are tracked properly they could tell, where you live?... Where are you from?

So far these numbers could answer all kinds of questions which could create an area = area in which you probably are living in. Or to be more correct, you are now living.

You don't know who is really hacker, sometimes hackers want to become famous and do stuff which are damn insane, others they stay as much in the shadows as possible. Others comes people like hacker@email.prot or hacker4@df.bhkl

(Note: These emails are just an examples and they aren't real)

Some people don't know how a computer works... For example it saves data like -


Other people don't know how viruses work and how dangerous in real are, and even to know... - still it doesn't make you a hacker. A hacker is somebody who in the same time knows how to make applications and programs, also knowing how to make viruses... good in coding... - And many other types of benefits.

(P.S. - If you are asking me... "Can I put muse of = as hacker", the answer is "No"... mainly because I have done half from everything... but still it doesn't mean that I can't be a hacker... right?)

And still they aren't who they think they are... - DeYtH Banger

Chapter 18.2 - END

Note: We started and we can't stop... it's for sure it  won't stop the ride here!



Today is the day in which everything is going to reach and end.

Today it should be the day in which the words which are used for secret stuff sharing.. . These day is going to be put into the end.

But before all and after all... I want the voices from my head to be silenced.. .

Chapter 18.3 - Connection


What you have read... you already know it ... what you see, you have already saw it in Women, Men and Children - This is the movie which is showing what's now happening in the world.

- But not just world and then to put it as in the fiction world, the truth is that this here is ain't fiction, if it was it will be the best good news ever told.


If I was saying before around the 15 century... people will put it as fiction... but today is nothing more than the day in which magic has taken places... in such levels....

(Note: Neither them... neither you were interested in deeper thinking...)

It's the truth.. we have lost connection with people... eyes in eyes?...

That's the old school, nowadays we talk by using social media... we post on this social media all types of shit. But this is the beginning... we just don't post it... we even talk with our friends about it.

We have feelings inside our bodies which can't be explained. We feel love... but what's love?... Care and respect?

Or even define... the problem is the brain...

The way to solve such type of problem...!? i Is just to remove the brain and to become a non-brainer.

We feel love... but what's love?... Care and respect?


Come on, these are three different words... probably somewhere meet around the railroad, but still meeting by itself is not an explanation, is it?

We Nowadays use words to explain words, it sounds as fucked up as you hear it.

Repeat It - At Least once
Repeat It - At least twice, after all you started it and you gonna end it like these?

Repeat It - At Least tripple, this is a nipple... nipples are ripples which means you gonna do this because in the name of luck.






Human actions and reactions, we have lost so much. Before hoping for the better and rejecting ... what now we miss.

In the other words we do and choose without even thinking what We have done... this biatch has made a deep throat... she has sucked a cock... but a cock owner is black race...


Few hints... Few thoughts!


After all did in her FUCKING mind came... ever the thoughts?

Like diseases?

(But still there are strangers... in one level or in other... stranger is a danger)






It's the talking skill, we just can't talk or speak... we can't write. But still because of few people... whole nation is going to be judged?

There is any type of FUCKING sense and logic inside this. We just can't judge and do such critical judgements. Facts, as always have never been the way or the road connection. Fact is something simple, it could be a fun fact, scart one, creepy, possibility or everything.

Facts, have all kinds of faces, but still moving backward isn't the same as forward.

What has been forggotten are the proper actions... the judge was the beginning, it has never been planted to be the end.


- DeYtH Banger

Chapter 19 - Done

 Note: For What is he talking about?



Done as reaction... everyday is supposed to be different, to make some kinda difference. How much different today home vs yesterday?

The problem isn't only that we are out of food and trying to get better life.

My Life has never been better it always gets horrible more and more... and yeah ... laugh and laugh. I don't have a girlfriend.


Never I did understand humans race logic... !




Chapter 19.2 - Afraid (Part 2)

 The story once was told and once was forgotten... remember the days!


Note: As first I have never thought that I am going to get so far... with 44 books have published officially even what bothers me... they with each day ...more and more get created and published, I can do that forever.

In the First Deeper Level Collection, I had the chance and the time to put only few stories in the new Deeper Level Collection, I have put almost all stories which I have ever wrtten under the category Deeper Level.

P.S.: Please God Forgive me... I just feel like I should tell this story... true or not I just want to free my mind from it, once and for all!








Pretty bit coughing and coughing and coughing... I am guessing that it's from the smoking. People just don't stop saying that this smoking and even so much alcohol drinking soona or later it is going to take my life...

Sometimes strangers... other times are friends who try to judge me!

First I am not a biatch to cry for forgiveness, I just accept it like this... you forgive or not... I am ain't going to ask... if you don't forgive me... after all it's your problem... nothing as it follows it's going to make your life better or the story in some kinda way to improve my life.

You could say "FUCK It" and just to go and do something else... but if you are here it means that you have made your choi've and nobody can change your opinion.

Just to know as for now... I am not a fortunate teller.. I just do stuff... I change stories in the name of better... I change you in the name of better ending.

I could continue one way or another way... The Way which is filled with crap or the way which is the story which is the main point here. I am not here to fill your time with shit...!



BUT BUT BUT ..... this is the only THING.... WHICH iin my life HAS LEFT, as on the record I don't have children, neither and wife or fiancee.

I am glad to say and to announce and to keep spreading this story, because as it follows probably at least few drops are from my life... Before we start I should at least give you few details.

(Note: I know that I suck in details, but I should give you something after all, right?)

What I have as for now is one room or probably let's put it as a house... A Wooden one in the middle of nowhere the house is...

What you just have read is what's inside... or how do I see the world from my POV...

As for outside is fucking cold, it's heavy snowing... few inches snow from the ground. In both places out or inside is fucking freezing, I still can survive with smoking and alcohol.

(Purely statically... science says that)

Which means... it could raises body temperature in our case... my body temparature!

  • If you look it from this here point, it's very damn useful, but if we look it from the dead point, soon we will be in the dead zone.

(Note: That's a story ... You know that here I can be everything and everyone... time has stopped here... But what's for sure, I am not an example of prosperous person... I am one real example of failure - You name It.)

What I have done

  • I really can't excuse myself and even to be so selfish and impudent to ask for forgiveness. What I have done nobody can forgive me... I am full of sins, you know me already... watching people... then illegaly entering in their homes.

It's still each day of mines a lucky one I haven't been caught from the police neither and from somebody else... I just have principles of survival, I won't tell you my name... I won't give you any kinda of adress or something more which could help you in easy way identifying me.

The truth is that I want to stay as much in the shadows as possible. Enough troubles, already I have been done! ...

There are three kinds of killers...



The FIrst one are the people which just go and tell to all people what they have done and they get the proper consequences.



The Second just start sending to police messages like taking them as a joke... I mean everything which they do they make it as a joke... they just mask it as a joke, the last type of people they do stuff and they keep them for themselves. From what I have now told to you, I really don't know which category I could go... probably in the second one!?!?!?!?!








Sometimes I feel guilty and I want to go in jail in others... I just say in my mind that jail isn't the place for me and the police or the let's put it like the fucking cops are going to stop me from doing what I like...


Okay, anything about honesty ain't bad... the fucking  TRUTH IS THAT...I am not prepared to meet so much evil people in one place, this place is a place where you get in and never get out... days go slowly and slowly and slowly and a lot of people fuck with you.


(Note: When you end up in jail... nothing comes and goes well... always there will be someone or somebody or something which is going to screw you up... Piss you off... one way or another way... that now you are calm it can't stay forever.)




Keep in Mind


Once in jail... you become somebody's biatch... once somebody biatch then you get fucked and fucked and fucked... just pray to god everything to be good or let's say stop doing this... you just doing nothing in a zone of nothing.

But this doesn't mean someday it won't come in which I am going to be in jail... In jail to pay for my actions... there are consequences for everything. Until then I will do in what I am damn good.



Who and How

Who am I?... Probably I have already done.... 3-4 killings, not too much, but this won't be the end. ...I have a car and I should at least use it... At least few times in the week... you know that routine!?

Last time I just kill somebody... until now I should be on deathrow...Taking somebody's life... the proper judge is in jail... but I am still here and typing here this story and spreading it to a lot of people... killers and not killers..., unfortunately... I am more fortunate and I am not planning to go there... - I don't know about you... but I know about myself... jail is for somebody else... who is ready to lose his time there... my time is here... killing people!

Whatzoever you think, I have ways to safe myself from there and some stuff stay in mind others go out... you know the drill.




You know... I know... we all know this profile... most people kill just for sex, others for revenge in my case I could use and both reasons. As for revenge I could make a lot of people lifes miserable like my own one...

"I never got the chance to be a happy child, all my life was just a hell, problems and problems not only in school, but in home also I just was watching fights and fights swearing, cursing... all types of horrible stuff were happening around me. Some people would say that it's because of me... I watch that and that... I search for negative so after all I should get in my life negative actions and re-actions. But I don't see what's in common... diseases and fights? Swearing and Facts?... Syndromes and desires!?"

As for sex, much better than this I can't tell you..




"I have been rejected in my life a lot of times, from different kinds of people I hate the whole idea of being rejected. Why?... Why? You even didn't try to go with me... you even don't know me!? And now rejecting me? Even if you know me... School and RL are two different worlds, people behave in such places different, you can't be the same guy from RL and in school too. Some people even rejected me by lies... others just throwed the rock... and said "No" and that's all... no explanations or something like that. You should at least give me a chance... give me time... let's try and we are going to see... STILL WHAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM TO DON'T GO WITH ME?... tell me PLEASE!"


But still I am better than them and better than all... I know a lot of people and I am very familiar with their mistakes, as you ready know I analyze people. Why? Let's put it the reason because I want to get better, I want to try something new something which hasn't been already tried....






(Notes: Always have in your hands few rough people around you... if you don't have you ain't ready for a combat. - DeYtH Banger)


(P.S. - And what to tell you... that I am writer and you are going to become my girlfriend?)



You think you can be fooled?... Yeah you can if you want to be fooled... you can be everyone and everything, just think about this little... play with the 60's, 80's and 90's century dices. YOu have dices in your hands at least use them properly.

If you get fooled, it's maybe from too much data ... too much of it could kill ya.

But before all and as overall let me tell you one lesson



"None is as smart as the dick... think about it... You are now want to fuck because the dick is up... when is out... Which means that you can't fuck anymore.... mhm.... mhm the answer is that you stop there and you just try something else. There isn't anything bad about sex... and fucking... sucking dick nothing is better than this, but the whole truth of the wholly spirit of god is that.

You fuck so far up to one level... after you pass that level.. you just can't do that... you should try something else. You ain't biatch... if you were... if you weren't fuckeable... you could be at least make few deep throats... get few times choked by a dick... then as you put it footjob... blowjob and you know that. We ain't here for first time, everyone has been here... you or me... or they."


"But the problem of dick is that it controls your mood it makes you think that everything is good fucking a dead body is good... great state level of pussy... everything around that body is okay... still fuckeable. That you throw your food, doesn't mean that there isn't somebody around there... who is going to eat... Just what you throwed. We are the reason that so many people these days are alive... they are alive because of you and me... We throwed food and they were eating it.

We were making mess around the streets buy throwing our useless trash... but somebody tries to trade it for money. That's the cycle... you are already have buckle up in this car and you can't get out in the mdidle of nowhere, just trust me... sucking cock in the night is like fucking a biatch and don't giving fuck that she have aids or other kinds of diseases. YOu can suck a cock... but still at least look it, few times... smell it... try it... see if it's fresh... lick it... few times... don't go so fast in the blowjob... Slow or nothing... fast is an equation of the worst levels of the human race which could get."


No Time

There isn't time to stay here or there, I should go and drive with my car somewhere around my next victims. To be honest here I like randomness, I like to choose victims = random. Not somebody who is knows me or somebody around my family friends... but somebody who is too... too far from this both checkpoints.

That's the way we are going to put this thing!

(Note: You know that I have things... specific kind of things)

.... I think that this is very smart as first as second I have a principles which are saying that the killing point should be at night and I Shouldn't stay too much in the victims rooms one hour max should be spend with each victim.


A book without rules is like a book without a story... empty pages... white blank pages... or let's put it having in one room two girls and wanting them to have a sex... You can't do that... at least the one girl is shemale and the other is female or both are shemales... then it gets interesting... "FUck me... Fuck her" - State!

Rules are the guide throw this here story... you like it or don't it's your problem... that you like dicks and I just like fucking girls are two different roads, one road choosen by me and one road choosen by you.

  1. Don't get selfish
  2. 1 Hour or you end up in prison
  3. Wrong road... your problem
  4. Don't try with more girls... more than one is insane... one or nothing
  5. Speed should be normal... too much slow cots time... fast... is a bad move... after all you get nothing from all. - Neither and little piece of experience!



No need to go after the bullshit as more authors do... telling shit or going over the same thing over and over and over... using the same words... names... places... over and over and over... Even by itself by the way I repeat this In a specific way I am repeating myself.

But I can't do anything on that problem, that's how is going to go and it's planned to go. The truth is that I already have choosen my victim and precisely lurking my victim.

(Note: And Yeah you caught me... Now I am on my second victim.. and I haven't ever killed more than one... one has been killed and the killing spree is going to continue. I won't stop, I have visions and dreams all about this.)

I am a man with visions a man who keeps promises, and I am going to do that... What I have said, I won't stop here or there, what's going to happen, nobody can stop it... Patterns as always aren't predicatable... how could you predict that the next victim is going to be 50 miles away from the other one?... The same Country of course - It's Mhm, let me THink, Oh yeah... California.


(Note: I know some kinda routine is comming... like eating... talking with fiends... chatting and so on and so on... It's kinda useless shit... the idea is you go with the whole details or you just leave it... Do it or you don't do it... It's not important the theories, but the actions, what we want from you is to watch the way people die... I want to make inside in you... A Paranoia... I want to create it... inside in your mind... when you see something to keep it recalling it over and over and over...)

(Note: I have paranoia... If I have paranoia then you also should have paranoia these are the rules, rules are made to be followed... if you don't follow you get punishment.)

To be honest here, I anlyse people like you from a veryyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYY A long time. I want to get inside in your skin as deeper as possible, it's like the fucking, if you did know what I did know you ain't gonna do what you now do. For Example, what If I can predict with the proper math who can win in this game? ...

What If I told you that... football is all about the money, you pay and they lose... you pay and the other team loses or both (=).... It's matter of money, that's the whole idea of sports... All are like these, you think that you can't never win in Casino?... or let's put it like the system has allowed you to win few times or to put it like...

You win few times, but now ... now you lose and lose and lose, let me tell you something as for the sports a lot of money play there, such type of numbers that you can't see them in your pockets as for the casinos that's the story in which I tell you that such gaming rooms have ways to make you addicted.

The first idea is to show the sweetness of something... if it's a gaming room = Casino, then we are talking about money, if it's a alcohol the idea somebody to buy it, it's to make him to buy it by making this product very very special but in real it's not true. Everywhere there are some kind of principles which they follow, people say that in Shopping Malls, Markets and so on and so on they put cameras.

Do you know why?

Here is the trick first to study you like what you are watching first, what do you eat... like... buy and such type of data as second as evidence if you have tried to stole something.


(Note: You chould try to repeat that, you don't have anything to lose.. .AIDS = Ain't here)

The truth is that I spen d time analysing all kinds of people from prostitutes - by talking to them and studying it's expression and impression the way they work. The way they go in under your skin up to biatches and women and sex and all other kinds of stuff. The truth is that in sex you never ever touch and unfortunately you even don't know what in real this word does it mean, touch is just an illusion like everything in this world. Nothing has been real and nothing will be real!


You are now saying... that you know what's touching... but still what's touching?... Replace it with another word... try without showing to tell it... describe it...

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

"Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."

.... "Touching Skin"

What's "Touching" and what's "Skin"?... You just putted another ain't familiar word here, don't try to play dumb and go to search in the dictionary here on the internet or in your home dictionary, don't try to ask somebody else. This puzzle was created by one = by me and it's going to be solved by one, don't try to insult me or try after all I don't give a shit what you are going to say after the ugly words...

The insult is just some ugly words which even them you can't describe you... you say

"Fuck You"...

Okay if you are woman... how are you suppose to fuck me? Okay if you are man... what type of person are you to come and fuck me?


Oh words... irony and just to don't take them serious... You never take stuff serious, do ya? ...

Everything around you is full of not serious people and you are one of them, you are an example of them. YOu have never taken stuff serious, saying stuff then you don't mean it... jokes which are even not funny... talking with people in which you are in real aren't interested. Talking about stuff which has never happen, saying lies over and over and over... ruining people's life. That's what you are doing and you are continuing doing, somebody has ruin your life and you are now trying to ruin somebody else life... without even knowing him or her.

Trying to play with people's feeling and taking them as joke and being so fucking bad that you even make holy god knows what...

(Note: I am just not in the mood to think what you even thinking about doing with all that information.)


"Fucking as always have been eashy... you put inside the dick... then you just go out... in... the biatch sucks the dick.. .whole... fresh... then in... out... semen comes out... and she sucks it or she just spit it out somewhere... or eating it... Pornography nowadays has reached such level that fucking is a job... you pay and you fuck... they pay you and then they fuck you... Deal for deal... trade for trade... I jus told you the law of biatch."


Has and Action

I even don't know what to say, nothing has ever been finished as first... people work on a lot of and read a lot of stuff but in the end they never... never finishes them.

(P.S. - And still this looking in the eyes and the other stufff kinda... useless... but still throw the ball and let's see how far it will go... that few cars are going to go on this way where the ball is heading to it doesn't mean that the ball, simply is going to stop there, does it?)

What I have said, it has lost some little time and so far this new victim, which I should name Ella, she is now preparing to sleep... I am just looking down with my own binoculars... The lights are still on and I am looking her body... it's great that I have parked my car few miles... direction backward... on the street... It's great that she is on the 3 floor + I have found good spot in the bushes and I am now with the best camouflage, which can be found in the store and I am staring and gazin at her body...

(Note: Hahahaah... you should just hear this setence... how it sounds... how does it fucking sounds... it sounds like I am some kinda seller... I sell stuff... COME AND BUY... GOOD STUFF... TRADE IT FOR GOOD STUFF... I DO IT FOR GOOD STUFF... )


First she was naked... starts some kinda of routine of streching, strangely enough her whole body is naked from feet up to head, pussy can be saw... her ass... and it's great to say that she doesn't have any type of hair in around her pussy. She is one damn good girl!

From here I can tell, clear as day that I am going to have a lot of fun with her...

Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are!

(- He was saying in his mind.... over and over... and I he was staring with open mouth...)


  • Time goes by
  • After 25 Minutes

Hey, hey... finnaly... she finished and she turn of the lights and went to sleep... it's good that i can't hear any type of voices or talking or something specific hearing around her room which means that she is sleeping... and now is damn good time 21:45... until 23:00 - I have plenty of time.


So now let the fun start!

I am going to try something very interesting... I am going to try to enter from her windows... by climbing from the first up the 3 floor, it ain't too much floors, right? ...

Told... done!

I am now watching her, how she is very sweety sleeping... under the sheets! ...

Carefully openning the window which has been half open, I take of my clothes and start watching her how she is sleeping... slowly and very silently going around her bed,...

With the tme my dick starts to get bigger and bigger and bigger... it starts making me more interested in fucking her... but so far I decide to shut her mouth my putting tape... but very very carefuly while I put my hand on her mouth to shut it... when I tape her... she after all open's her eyes, I go and tie her hands, now after well tied hands... I put my dick between her hands and start moving her hands... she starts... making noises... start moving with her feet and with hands... try to escape, but in the same time I start slapping and saying to her that... if she makes one more noise... she is going to die...

I move on her legs... i start licking her legs... from toes up to her pussy... I start licking her pussy by putting my tongue inside in her pussy... and going around her walls... slowly... in... out... in... out... the taste is strange but still I go... I just don't stop...


Then I take a knife and make a wound around her breasts and i start sucking her blood by using my tongue... she starts some kinda noises make, so make sure to ejaculate inside her mouth as much times as possible... I put out the tape and tell her... if she tries something smart soon she ain't gonna live anymore... I hold my mouth with my hands and my dick hold with my other hand and I start ejaculating inside her mouth... she dies after all from the semen, because she just mhm... how to say it... He can't swallow too much of it... and she just choke from it...!



 As first Ain't so religious... so it's time for quotes







“What's the point of quoting the Bible to people who don't believe it's true" Dad would say.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back


“People are not as one-dimensional as the stories about them.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back

“Maybe we need a new category other than theism, atheism or agnosticism that takes paradox and unknowing into account.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“we must renounce reading the Bible to find arguments to justify our behavior or that of our group.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“You don't choose anything important. It just happens. The only choice you have is if you'll make life's accidents work.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Sex, Mom, and God: How the Bible’s Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics--and How I Learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway

“As an ultimate fuck you to rule-keeping scripture zealots everywhere, Jesus hung out with whores.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“Somewhere between the sterile, absolute, and empty formulae of reductionist, totalitarian science and the earnest, hostile, excessively certain make-believe of religious fundamentalism, there is a beautiful place. There is room in this place for honesty. For tenderness. For fury. For wonder. For hope. For mistakes. For paradox. For grace.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

(Note: The truth is that it was once said... and it's going to be said again.)

“Mean People Suck!” And that goes especially for people who are mean in the name of love.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“Our tradition says that Jesus is God. Maybe we should act as if we think he is instead of worshipping a book.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“If we wait for correct ideas to save us—theological or otherwise—we’ll never be saved, even from ourselves.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“Scientists and theologians can’t offer better than circular arguments, because there are no other kinds of arguments. Bible believers quote the Bible, and scientists quote other scientists. How do either scientists or theologians answer this question about the accuracy of their conclusions: “In reference to what?”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace


“Faith is certainly not theology to me. Church is just one of the places I look for answers to the only real question I have: Why do we long for meaning? For”
― Frank Schaeffer, Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back

“We now send our books, our music and even our memories into a cloud. We may or may not believe in God but we do once again believe in meaningful consciousness residing outside of ourselves.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace




(Note: We are now here to proof something!)



“God’s only in your head!” my answer is, “Yeah, whatever. What isn’t?”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“I shouted, “Jesus liked hanging out with women and kids too! So fuck you!”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

(Note: One question before everything... did he really said that?)

“We’re living in an acquisitive capitalist society that is fundamentally anti-family and fundamentally uncomfortable with just enjoying being human. We’d rather shop than live, acquire than love and stare into a screen than hold each other.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“church may be a son-of-a-bitch, but it’s my son-of-a-bitch!”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

“In the prologue, I said that the only answer to “Who are you?” is “When?” What was true for prologue is doubly true of epilogue. We never arrive. There are no final answers, only a series of snapshots taken along the path of “frenetic desperation.” Movies”
― Frank Schaeffer, Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back

“Perhaps Mom and Dad were right. In an infinite universe, everything must have happened at least once, someplace, sometime. So maybe there is a God who forgives, who loves, who knows. I hope so. Anything is possible in a world where a daughter forgives her father, for ignorance, for anger, for failure, and places her daughter in his arms.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back

“their official religious absolutes, the higher call was to ignore what the Bible said in favor of what they hoped it meant.”
― Frank Schaeffer, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

(P.S. - I think that I have proved something... I don't know what... but at least something I have done.)






 CHAPTER 20.2.

These predators might be the earliest animal

 by David Salisbury-VU


For the last decade, zoologists have battled over the question “What is the oldest branch of the animal family tree?” Is it the sponges, as they had long thought, or a distinctly different set of creatures, the delicate marine predators called comb jellies?


The answer could have a major impact on how we understand the nervous system, digestive tract, and other basic organs in modern animals to have evolved.


Now, scientists have come up with a new approach designed specifically to settle contentious phylogenetic tree-of-life issues like this. And it comes down squarely on the side of comb jellies.


For nearly a century, scientists organized the animal family tree based in large part on their judgement of the relative complexity of various organisms. Because of their comparative simplicity, sponges were considered to be the earliest members of the animal lineage.

But, the paradigm began to shift when the revolution in genomics began providing vast quantities of information about the DNA of an increasing number of species. Evolutionary biologists started to apply this wealth of information to refine and redefine evolutionary relationships, creating a new field called phylogenomics. In most cases, the DNA data helped clarify these relationships. In a number of instances, however, it gave rise to controversies that intensified as more and more data accumulated.


In 2008 one of the early phylogenomic studies fingered the comb jellies (ctenophores) as the earliest members of the animal kingdom, rather than sponges, triggering an ongoing controversy with the latest round being a massive study published last month that marshaled an unprecedented array of genetic data to support the sponges’ position as the first animal offshoot.


Comb jellies have evolved totally different brains


“The current method that scientists use in phylogenomic studies is to collect large amounts of genetic data, analyze the data, build a set of relationships, and then argue that their conclusions are correct because of various improvements they have made in their analysis,” says Antonis Rokas, professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University, who devised the new approach with postdoctoral scholar Xing-Xing Shen and Chris Todd Hittinger, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


“This has worked extremely well in 95 percent of the cases, but it has led to apparently irreconcilable differences in the remaining 5 percent.”


First to diverge


For the current study, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, researchers decided to focus on 18 of these controversial relationships (seven from animals, five from plants, and six from fungi) in an attempt to figure out why studies have produced such strongly contradictory results. To do so, they got down into the weeds, genetically speaking, and began comparing individual genes of the leading contenders in each relationship.


“In these analyses, we only use genes that are shared across all organisms,” Rokas says. “The trick is to examine the gene sequences from different organisms to figure out who they identify as their closest relatives. When you look at a particular gene in an organism—let’s call it A—we ask if it is most closely related to its counterpart in organism B? Or to its counterpart in organism C? And by how much?”


These analyses typically involve hundreds to thousands of genes. The researchers determined how much support each gene provides to one hypothesis (comb jellies first) over another (sponges first). They labeled the resulting difference a “phylogenetic signal.” The correct hypothesis is the one that the phylogenetic signals from the most genes consistently favor.


In this fashion they determined that comb jellies have considerably more genes which support their “first to diverge” status in the animal lineage than do sponges.


Crocodile cousins


Another contentious relationship the researchers addressed was whether crocodiles are more closely related to birds or turtles.  They found that 74 percent of the shared genes favor the hypothesis that crocodiles and birds are sister lineages while turtles are close cousins.


Ancient skull links turtles to birds


In the course of their study, they also discovered that in a number of contentious cases, one or two “strongly opinionated genes” among all the genes being analyzed appear to be causing the problem because the statistical methods that evolutionary biologists have been using are highly susceptible to their influence.


In some cases, such as controversies regarding the origins of flowering plants and modern birds, they determined that the removal of even a single opinionated gene can flip the results of an analysis from one candidate to another. In cases like this, the researchers were forced to conclude that the available data is either inadequate to support a definitive conclusion or it indicates that the diversification occurred too rapidly to resolve.


“We believe that our approach can help resolve many of these long-standing controversies and raise the game of phylogenetic reconstruction to a new level,” Rokas says.


The National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy Office of Science, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and the National Institutes of Health funded the work.


Source: Vanderbilt University

Closer look casts doubt on big serotonin study

  by Jim Dryden-WUSTL



Note: The truth is that not too much knowledge this time in this journey has come on the way... but still piece by piece... something are going to create.


P.S. - He has became a monster that's the truth!



New research shows that an influential 2003 study about the interaction of genes, environment, and depression may have missed the mark.


The 2003 study indicated that people with a particular variant of the serotonin transporter gene were not as well-equipped to deal with stressful life events and, when encountering significant stress, were more likely to develop depression.


Since its publication in Science, researchers have cited that original paper more than 4,000 times, and some 100 other studies have been published about links among a serotonin-related gene, stressful life events, and depression risk.


Hear more about the new study:Audio Player00:4703:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

Such conclusions were widely accepted, mainly because antidepressant drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) help relieve depression for a significant percentage of clinically depressed individuals, so many researchers thought it logical that differences in a gene affecting serotonin might be linked to depression risk.


But in this new study, researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis looked again at data from the many studies that delved into the issue since the original publication in 2003, analyzing information from more than 40,000 people, and found that the previously reported connection among the serotonin gene, depression, and stress wasn’t evident. The new results appear in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.


“Our goal was to get everyone who had gathered data about this relationship to come together and take another look, with each research team using the same tools to analyze data the same way,” says first author Robert C. Culverhouse, an assistant professor of medicine and of biostatistics. “We all ran exactly the same statistical analyses, and after combining all the results, we found no evidence that this gene alters the impact stress has on depression.”


Brain scan may predict best depression treatment


Over the years, dozens of research groups had studied DNA and life experiences involving stress and depression in the more than 40,000 people revisited in this study. Some previous research indicated that those with the gene variant were more likely to develop depression when stressed, while others didn’t see a connection.


For almost two decades, scientists have debated the issue, and thousands of hours of research have been conducted. By getting all these groups to work together to reanalyze the data, this study should put the questions to rest, according to the researchers.

“…ultimately the question has to be not what the experts think but what the evidence tells us.”


“The idea that differences in the serotonin gene could make people more prone to depression when stressed was a very reasonable hypothesis,” says senior investigator Laura Jean Bierut, a professor of psychiatry. “But when all of the groups came together and looked at the data the same way, we came to a consensus. We still know that stress is related to depression, and we know that genetics is related to depression, but we now know that this particular gene is not.”


Newborn brain may hold predictors of anxiety, depression


Culverhouse notes that finally, when it comes to this gene and its connection to stress and depression, the scientific method has done its job.


“Experts have been arguing about this for years,” he says. “But ultimately the question has to be not what the experts think but what the evidence tells us. We’re convinced the evidence finally has given us an answer: This serotonin gene does not have a substantial impact on depression, either directly or by modifying the relationship between stress and depression.”

With this serotonin gene variant removed from the field of potential risk factors for depression, Culverhouse and Bierut say researchers now can focus on other gene-environment interactions that could influence the onset of depression.

Support for this work came from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health, as well as the Wellcome Trust and other funding agencies from countries around the world. For a complete list of funding agencies and grants, please refer to the paper. Potential conflicts of interest involving researchers who are authors of the study also appear at the end of the paper.


Source: Washington University in St. Louis

Scientists can’t defeat water-repellent coating

 - Doubt is something normal!




- Science was changed once and again.



by Gabe Cherry-Michigan




A self-healing, water-repellent, spray-on coating is hundreds of times more durable than its counterparts.

The coating could waterproof vehicles, clothing, rooftops, and countless other surfaces for which current waterproofing treatments are too fragile. It could also lower the resistance of ship hulls, a step that would reduce the fuel consumption of the massive vessels that transport 90 percent of the world’s cargo.

Scientists say the new concoction is a breakthrough in a field where decades of research have failed to produce a durable coating. While water-repellent finishes are available at present, they’re typically not strong enough for applications like clothing or ship hulls. This discovery changes that.


“Thousands of super-hydrophobic surfaces have been looked at over the past 20 or 30 years, but nobody has been able to figure out how to systematically design one that’s durable,” says Anish Tuteja, associate professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Michigan.


“I think that’s what we’ve really accomplished here, and it’s going to open the door for other researchers to create cheaper, perhaps even better super-hydrophobic coatings.”


Thickness of new coating changes its color


The coating is made of a mix of a material called “fluorinated polyurethane elastomer” and a specialized water-repellent molecule known as “F-POSS.” It can be easily sprayed onto virtually any surface and has a slightly rubbery texture that makes it more resilient than its predecessors.


If it is damaged, the coating can heal itself hundreds of times. It can bounce back “even after being abraded, scratched, burned, plasma-cleaned, flattened, sonicated, and chemically attacked,” the researchers write in a paper published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


It can bounce back “even after being abraded, scratched, burned, plasma-cleaned, flattened, sonicated, and chemically attacked.”

In addition to recovering physically, the coating can heal itself chemically. If water-repellent F-POSS molecules are scraped from the surface, new molecules will naturally migrate there to replace them. That’s how the coating can renew itself hundreds of times. Its healing ability is limited only by its thickness.


Beyond the coatings detailed in the paper, the project produced what amounts to a recipe that researchers can use to optimize future coatings to a specific application’s requirements for cost, durability and other factors.

The team used a process that was radically different from previous research in the field, says doctoral student Kevin Golovin, the study’s lead author.


“Most materials science researchers have focused on identifying one specific chemical system that’s as durable and water-repellent as possible. We approached the problem differently, by measuring and mapping out the basic chemical properties that make a water-repellent coating durable. And some of the results surprised us.”


This crystal heals itself after cracking in two


For example, most hydrophobic coatings are made of two main ingredients: an active molecule that provides the water-repellency and a binder. Generally, researchers have assumed that using more durable ingredients would make a more durable coating. But Tuteja’s team found that that’s not necessarily the case.


Even more important than durability, they found, is a property called “partial miscibility,” or the ability of two substances to partially mix together. The other key variable the team discovered is the stability of the water-repellent surface.


Most water-repellent coatings work because their surface has a very specific geometry, often microscopic pillars. Water droplets perch on the tips of these pillars, creating air pockets underneath that deny the water a solid place to rest and cause it to roll off easily. But such surfaces tend to be fragile—slight abrasion or even the pressure of the water itself can damage them.


The team’s research found that a surface that’s slightly pliable can escape this pitfall—even though it seems less durable, its pliable properties enable it to bounce back from damage.


Tuteja estimates that the coatings will be available for use before the end of 2017 for applications including water-repellent fabrics and spray-on coatings that can be purchased directly by consumers.


The Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the National Science Foundation funded the work. HygraTek, a company Tuteja founded, is commercializing the discovery. HygraTek and the University of Michigan have applied for patent protection for the technology.


Source: University of Michigan

Nervous about college debt? You’re not the only one

  by Joan Brasher-Vanderbilt


Prospective college students are less willing to take out loans to pay for school than previously thought, research shows. In addition, gender, age, and race may affect the amount of “loan aversion” these prospective students feel.


Loan aversion, as it applies to postsecondary education, is generally defined as a person’s unwillingness to acquire debt to pay for college, even when a loan would likely offer a positive return by increasing college enrollment and success. Until now, there has been little empirical evidence showing the extent to which the phenomenon exists or how it affects different populations of students.

The research, published in AERA Open, provides the first large-scale quantitative evidence on levels of loan aversion in the United States.


“We find that loan aversion is widespread among potential and current college students and varies in different populations,” says Angela Boatman, who coauthored the study with Brent Evans and Adela Soliz, all assistant professors of public policy and higher education at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development.


“Understanding current and prospective students’ attitudes toward borrowing money for college has important implications for policy, including student loan borrowing and repayment options at the federal level,” Boatman adds.


Boatman and her collaborators surveyed a diverse sample of 6,000 people across multiple states to measure loan aversion in three different ways: general attitudes about borrowing; specific beliefs about the acceptability of borrowing for education; and choices between hypothetical financial aid packages. The sample was composed of high school seniors, community college students and adults in their 20s and 30s without a college degree.


More than half of the adults—59 percent—agreed with the statement that owing money in general is “basically wrong.” Thirty-two percent of the high school seniors and 22 percent of the community college students agreed.


Do student loans prevent new small businesses?


When asked about borrowing money specifically to pay for higher education, all groups were more open to borrowing, but substantial numbers still do not support borrowing money for higher education. Twenty percent of the adults said they were opposed to going into debt to pay for college tuition, compared to 22 percent of high school seniors and 9 percent of community college students.

The question of accepting financial aid packages with loans seemed to trigger fear in many of the respondents, especially high school seniors. Thirty-nine percent said they were opposed to accepting a financial aid package that included student loans, followed by 33 percent of community college students and 23 percent of adults.


Important differences exist across student demographic characteristics. Hispanic respondents were more likely to exhibit loan aversion than white respondents, and men were more loan-averse than women, the study finds. Ultimately, the results provide mixed messages about the complicated relationship people have with debt.


“We found that the three different measures of loan aversion were not highly correlated with one other,” Boatman says. “This suggests that loan aversion is a complex construct with multiple dimensions and that it varies by context.

“We need to understand this impact and look at ways to make borrowing less risky,” Boatman adds. “Increasing enrollment in forms of income-based repayment may reduce that risk. Another potential policy solution may be to rely on income share agreements instead of traditional loans to finance higher education.”


The Lumina Foundation provided funding for the study.

Source: Vanderbilt University

Quotes - Chapter 20.3.

“It takes a certain ingenuous faith - but I have it - to believe that people who read and reflect more likely than not come to judge things with liberality and truth.”
― A.C. Grayling, The Heart of Things: Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century

“To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.”
― A.C. Grayling

“Middle age has been defined as what happens when a person's broad mind and narrow waist change places.”
― A.C. Grayling, The Heart of Things: Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century

“Just as modern motorways have no room for ox-carts or wandering pedestrians, so modern society has little place for lives and ways that are too eccentric.”
― A.C. Grayling, The Meaning of Things: applying philosophy to life

“Misuse of reason might yet return the world to pre-technological night; plenty of religious zealots hunger for just such a result, and are happy to use the latest technology to effect it.”
― A.C. Grayling, The Heart of Things: Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century

“The wise say that our failure is to form habits: for habit is the mark of a stereotyped world,”
― A.C. Grayling, The Good Book: A Humanist Bible

Quotes - Chapter 20.4.

“True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure - the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation, the truer the choice to the character's essential nature.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“In a world of lies and liars, an honest work of art is always an act of social responsibility.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“If the story you're telling, is the story you're telling, you're in deep shit.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“In life two negatives don't make a positive. Double negatives turn positive only in math and formal logic. In life things just get worse and worse and worse.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“When we want mood experiences, we go to concerts or museums. When we want meaningful emotional experience, we go to the storyteller.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“No matter our talent, we all know in the midnight of our souls that 90 percent of what we do is less than our best.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Most of life's actions are within our reach, but decisions take willpower.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.”
― Robert McKee

“(...)while it's true that the unexamined life is not worth living, it's also true that the unlived life isn't worth examining.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Story is metaphor for life and life is lived in time.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“No civilization, including Plato's, has ever been destroyed because its citizens learned too much.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Anxious, inexperienced writers obey rules. Rebellious, unschooled writers break rules. Artists master the form.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“All writing is discipline, but screenwriting is a drill sergeant.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“We rarely know where we are going; writing is a discovery.”
― Robert McKee

“Boredom is the inner conflict we suffer when we lose desire, when we lack a lacking.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“What happens is fact, not truth. Truth is what we think about what happens.”
― Robert McKee

“Stories are the currency of human relationships.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Politics is the name we give to the orchestration of power in any society.”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“Story isn’t a flight from reality but a vehicle that carries us on our search for reality,”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting

“You do not keep the audience's interest by giving it information, but by withholding information ....”
― Robert McKee, Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting







Quotes - Chapter 20.5.

“There's something ugly about the flawless.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“Grief, he said, is carnivorous.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“Angie was where most of me began and all of me ended.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“The ornament of beauty, Shakespeare wrote, is suspect. And he was right. But beauty itself, unadorned and unaffected, is sacred, I think, worthy of our awe and our loyalty.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“We all have our crosses to bear.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“People surprise you sometimes.”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“the other side of his desk. “Yeah, well, like I always say, miss, you could”
― Dennis Lehane, Sacred

“Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?”
― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island

“There are so many more important things to worry about than how you're perceived by strangers.”
― Dennis Lehane

“Maybe there are some things we were put on this earth not to know.”
― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island


“How many psychiatrists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” “I don’t know. How many?” “Eight.” “Why?” “Oh, stop overanalyzing it.”
― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island

“In Greek tragedy, they fall from great heights. In noir, they fall from the curb.”
― Dennis Lehane


“Men. If you give them half a chance, they'll fuck you over just to prove they can.”
― Dennis Lehane, Mystic River


“The world didn't give a shit. It didn't bestow. It took”
― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island



Quotes - Chapter 21


“So okay― there you are in your room with the shade down and the door shut and the plug pulled out of the base of the telephone. You've blown up your TV and committed yourself to a thousand words a day, come hell or high water. Now comes the big question: What are you going to write about? And the equally big answer: Anything you damn well want.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“Sometimes there is absolutely no difference at all between salvation and damnation.”
― Stephen King, The Green Mile

“The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window.”
― Stephen King, The Stand

“You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“People don't get better, they just get smarter. When you get smarter you don't stop pulling the wings off flies, you just think of better reasons for doing it.”
― Stephen King, Carrie

“When you're twenty-one, life is a roadmap. It's only when you get to be twenty-five or so that you begin to suspect that you've been looking at the map upside down, and not until you're forty are you entirely sure. By the time you're sixty, take it from me, you're fucking lost.”
― Stephen King, Joyland

“If I kept saying it; if I kept reaching out. My accident really taught me just one thing: the only way to go on is to go on. To say 'I can do this' even when you know you can't.”
― Stephen King, Duma Key

“Reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair”
― Stephen King

“If there is love, smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples. I'll love your face no matter what it looks like. Because it's yours.”
― Stephen King, 11/22/63

“If I have to spend time in purgatory before going to one place or the other, I guess I'll be all right as long as there's a lending library.”
― Stephen King

“I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When you find something at which you have talent, you do that thing (what ever it is) until your fingers bleed or your eyes pop out of your head.”
― Stephen King

“Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just going to bash your brains in.”
― Stephen King, The Shining


“He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.”
― Stephen King, It



Quotes - Chapter 21.2.

 Note: The Random quote day...!


“We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets - and oh how we squander those moments.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Bone Collector

“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“The freedom of all is essential to my freedom.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“I needed somebody without any preconceived ideas. But I also needed somebody with a mind of her own.” The contradictory qualities we seek in that elusive perfect lover. Strength and vulnerability, in equal measures.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Bone Collector

“The human creature is so astonishing, but count on it before anything else to be just that-a creature. A laughing animal, a dangerous one, a clever one, a scared one, but always acting for a reason-a motive that will move the beast towards its desires.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Bone Collector

― Jeffery Deaver, The Bone Collector

“He believed there was nothing essentially unAmerican about greed or lust—hey, those qualities were encouraged everywhere from Wall Street to Capitol Hill.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Bone Collector

“As a matter of fact, yeah, they were foolproof. The problem is that you don't have to protect yourself against fools. You have to protect yourself against people like me.”
― Jeffery Deaver

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

“Life's single lesson: that there is more accident to it than a man can ever admit to in a lifetime and stay sane.”
― Thomas Pynchon, V.

“Paranoids are not paranoid because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, fucking idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations.”
― Thomas Pynchon

“The general public has long been divided into two parts; those who think that science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon

“Through the machineries of greed, pettiness, and the abuse of power, love occurs.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

“You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

“Love with your mouth shut, help without breaking your ass or publicizing it: keep cool, but care.”
― Thomas Pynchon, V.

“Though it is not often that death is so clearly told to fuck off.”
― Thomas Pynchon

“When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the People's Stick.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“We are convinced that liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; and that socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“From each according to his faculties; to each according to his needs”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“The passion for destruction is also a creative passion”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“Every command slaps liberty in the face.”
― Mikhail Bakunin

“Always thinking. This was one of the reasons he loved her.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Skin Collector

“The creatures I had seen were not men, had never been men. They were animals—humanised animals—triumphs of vivisection.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Skin Collector

“Time transcends morality”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Cold Moon

“I’m really not the cold fish everyone thinks I am.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Skin Collector

“The history of domestic terrorism is long. The Haymarket bombing occurred in Chicago in 1886.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Skin Collector

“The greatest single threat to an investigator is unfamiliarity with his environment.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Empty Chair

“Family is about love and affection but about friction and separation, too. Yet, with work and luck, the distances—geographic and emotional—can be shrunk, even made to vanish.”
― Jeffery Deaver, XO: A Kathryn Dance Novel

“Boys groped, boys dissed, boys put you down. But it was the girls who made you bleed”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Twelfth Card

“The pain, you know. It’s one hell of a way to die.”
― Jeffery Deaver, The Skin Collector


Stories Chapter 22

Noting is as changing as to read a story which is going to change ya forever and ever.

Story - 1 All As None (Part 1)

by DeYtH Banger




The Narrator


Nothing is going to be changed, that I am a bad narrator?


Big Deal!



I never did said I am going to tell the best thing


or I am the best... in which you are going to listen to...




Who did said that and who thought it?


If I say that, I am just going into a second problem,


a problem as you call it.



Mhm, a problem so famous as a "promise".


Which means, once I say it


I should execute my promise.




Promises are meant to be executed!






Counting is for real nuts, narrating is for people which

know what they are doing and why!?




And how good do you think, killing is?

Killing somebody?



That's the questions which you should ask yourself, do you know what's going?


to Happen after that?

DO you see the image?






If you ask me... don't create black pictures inside in this white frame

... you ain't gonna like it.

(But still you do what you do and you put black pictures no matter from my warnings....)

(P.S... - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so fucking OPEEEEEEEEEN AS A BIATCHY HOLE)



Once in jail, nothing can be changed....

It has happen and now you have a problem which you should 

deal with somehow. 

YOu made your choice....

Nobody did pushed you around this edge to be

and to do this...


How is going to go







Until, the night it's going to torture you the thought, that you have killed somebody

in the end... you gonna CRY... BE ANGRY... AND FULL OF AGONY.

And still he/she is dead and what have you done?


2 Years have passed and nothing has changed.

The same goes for 3,4 and 5...



Tell me, what are you planning to do after somebody dies?

How are you going to deal with this?

He is dead...

She is dead...

They all are dead...

So what?

That a baybe died... you done what you can.... that now it's not alive. It just happen

YOu can't do anything!

That your father died... probably from age... heart attack or as you can say it suicide

or to be more interesting .... ANOTHER HOMICIDE.... 

Again the same... you can't do anything YEAR 1.. 2 years... you can torture yourself

with these thoughts. Forever, still nothing is going to be changed.

That your mother is dead or some kinda other type of relative is dead... 

Stop thinking about it!

Stop going with people which think only about this!

Stop focusing on the dead people!

Stop going to watch dead people if it's affecting you too much!

Stop crying... nothing has been changed and it won't  be changed!

I always were crying for sweets when I was together with my parents... fewer times 

I got what I wanted... the other times... I wasn't getting it.

But it could be something else... it's not mandatory to be sweets... 

it could be a toy... a film... a cinema... pop-corns.




It's as poisonous as you see it,

It's as pathetic as you feel it.

It's as polemistic as you touch it.



But still you don't know that solving one problem,

won't change anything for good or bad... for evil and good.


It has happen... you have done it. 

Noone did said that

doing that making that move will change something. That you fucked your wife?

Doesn't mean that she won't want one more time to be fucked, right?

That you had an affair, it won't be your last one or your first one, you have

started and you gonna  continue that path.

That you killed somebody... mother... father... son... or daughter... 

Great... great 

I will be glad to hear about this, but still this won't change the idea, that you have taken somebody's

life, just for god knows for what type of reasons.

It's treasonous... if you ain't as reasonable as you think you can be.



Fuck your god,

Fuck your faith,

Fuck your believes,

Fuck your religion,

Fuck your  past,

FUck your present,

Fuck your friends.



I can continue here over and over and over... so many fucks that in the end... I will be famous 

with the 

"The guy who was giving too much Fucks."


I don't know who is god... and what does the bible says, but still what you do... and what you don't do

should show that you ain't that guy who you think you are.... and saying you are!



Yeah, the day has passed I don't see anything positive here... 

I only see the negative,

the problem is that I don't focus on the negative but somehow I go there...



The day soona gonna end... my mother is going to come home... few more hours have left just  before my mother finishes work... few more minutes to reach  here and to be rest  a little or not really a little on a bench in our neighborhood  park.


To be there or few steps further ain't gonna move the "Hell", soona.... she gonna come home... and ain't gonna be one of the news which are the good ones....

 until that time comes on the way or the questions is... should I go outside?

And even...

Can I go outside?

Story 2 All As None (Part 2)

Created by DeYtH Banger



The Sit

Please sit, don't worry  as for where you should sit!

There are plenty of places and  even if you sit on the wrong

place.... have in mind nobody has said 

where you should sit.




That's a Treason with one fucking reason...

But we aren't here for that. We are here to tell

you a story, nothing more... nothing less!





A story of many lifes... with many faces,

people just don't know what a writer does by

typing each word and making each character.

At first it's difficult to be caught....the change... but as you know

time will tell... 

you will see it ... YOU WILLLLLLLLL fucking see it...

Words and sentences... texts and paragraphs slowly changeS ONE WRITER






Each word kills them slowly without even they seeing it...

by creating another life they lower their life span.

(P.S. - That's a Fact)


Yeah,  yeah... yeah kill yourself... I can tell you few reasons.


1. Your life sucks!

2. Family Problems!

3. If you have relationship you don't do anything than... try to act as somebody else!

4. Fake!

5. Not Serious!

6. Your jokes sucks!


(Note: It's Fair enough?)



I know that these reasons aren't enough!... but still as first I Don't care about you and













If you have fears...

share them!

If you hate somebody...

Just tell me!


If you have enemies...

Don't think just tell...




Kill Yourself



You want me to stop ya,

don't ya?


I won't stop ya... 

I know that scenario...


Do it or don't do it...

The question is do you have the guts to do it?



"You are pushing me... "



"You are supposed to stop me..."



First, I ain't pushing you...




Second, I wasn't supposed to stop ya... 


can't stop ya...


I just can help ya... in the suicide thing.... so yeah firs the mind

then the brain... then the eyes... then the blood... and now we have a bucket full of flesh.

Story 3 All As None (Part 3)

I hate

Two words have the potential to ruin your

personality... think about it.

(I really Mean that!)



(But still you can stop... what you have is just an loaded gun and you haven't

pushed the trigger.)


Put in the end "YOu" and you just hurted somebody

... but why you hurt human beings in  such case as you are such

type of being?





Keep Trying!

Keep Trying!

Keep Trying!

(P.S. - But one experiment make... before you keep trying... try to block or to mute somehow the people with which you talk and start ignoring there messages... 

I mean the people in social media... try to ingore them and in Real life too.... you havei n about 150 friends on social media or more or less... right?... 

BUt still you have contact with in about from 0 up to 15 people, am I on the right path?... Please try this experiment and see is there going to be a new guy who is going to start writting to you?

Or even will somebody = as a strange going to talk with you?... After all one day we all were strangers.)



What could be said from here is that... it doesn't sound as good news!



But why people want to live in a fake world?

Positive world = Illusion, it has never

existed. Think about it...

there are bad news as gruesome murders

mad killers and crazy killers...


(What we do here... or what I do here... is just saying the same over and over with the thought that one day you all going to change... as humans.)


But to don't forget!

And many other type of crazy news... you have the chance to hear or you are going to hear


starting from slaughtering people up to cutting

legs... toes... fingers... heads.... but this is just the beginning.

You should check out in the name of "GOd"... what the stupid religious people do... stop and think about it.


It's not the deep web, it's the truth behind our minds.

That's what we are capable of doing, that you are nice

and kind... and good.... and so on and so on... doesn't mean somewhere around the night you ain't gonna do some

mad stuff... People as always are going to continue to say "That isn't the guy... it's not possible and so on and so on and so on..."... but the truth is that you are the guy and people stay behind your back without even knowing that you are with the knife playing in the dark...

(Note: It's impressive we already know the scenrio... we already know this movie.... and it's happening... why it hasn't been changed?)


Social Media

Once upon a time it wasn't even created... people lived

happily... - THE END OF THE STORY!


One upon a time... a guy got a idea to create

a place where people can communicate freely... through

Wires and Cables. First it was a thought

nothing else... 



Something which has came in his mind

and It was bothering him for very very long time...




If something is happy as first... it isn't supposed to END happily... it could

end as chaos...

So Social Media was created and in the world first it came as great news then it became 

an example of chaos... 

Just to remind you!

(Counter-Strike 1.6 - (Was Created  2000))


You already know the way...



Sorry for the mistakes which I made...

Sorry for being so honest

Sorry for being a bad example


The random way has it's on way... I won't use "Google Translate"... because of

Corruption it's 2031 Year and Corruption is a valiabadility.


The story is as confusing as you go deeper in your mind


It was a joke




At least laugh with me... if you don't laugh... what's the reason to be here

with me?

Sorry for typing in a such way... but now what I am listening to... has it's own way to influence me here


Darkness. Prevails


God Complex


It's a God Complex

to think that you are Special, right?


It's a God Complex

to think about ways to kill your whole family?!


It's a God Complex
to think about slaughtering some family members?!


It's a God Complex

to get ignored... mainly because you study people?!


It's a God Complex

to get removed as a human being from this world!?


It's a God Complex

to see the future!?!


It's a God Complex

to  be as foolish as to think that you can change something and make

somebody to do somethin!?


It's a God Complex

TO think that you have a chance!?

It's a God Complex

to have a empty mind... and to can't think inside in your mind... full of brutality and madness...

but this is the beginning!?

It's a God Complex

to listen to brutal and mad music and to feel normal!?

It's a God Complex

to become a killer!?

It's a God Complex

to be selfish and to be fullfilled with hatred?

It's a God Complex

to hate books and to want to be a truck driver!?

It's a God Complex

to have dreams!?


And text goes and goes... but I will stop here just to make the final conclusion, which is










Story 4 All As None (Part 4)

by DeYtH Banger





Don't know From Where

I mean I don't know from where to begin,

is it from awful movie which I am now watching


Sounds like a good start... I am watching it and at least I should give

some kinda notes... for you and for all people on this planet - Earth


People should know what I am watching now... when... why... and what's my personal opinion about it...

This won't change the image that I don't have the words to describe it  ...

It's in the same time confusing...

bad... also some good CGI effects can be found



ANd sometimes you just get from the movie...

The feeling that you live in cave and ....that's when they

use torch and fire



(Note: You fuck a girl that's the truth and now you just killed the girl!? - THat's twisty as hell... you just can't change my mind from this opinion.)



(P.S. - Facts are facts and the today fact which I want to reveal is how to deal with person who doesn't reply on my messages in social media?... (To be more exactly it's "She"), but she  has read my message and so far from what I heard from my friends... she has been talking about me and her - about the friendship thing, how fucking good is that?... It's damn confusing.)



What in Fucking Hell


I want to point out that the movie

is based on what people do in the name of 

religion, it's not just killing but and suicide

also can be detected.






Insane jumps and many other things!

[ Have been detected... Access has been Denied...]

[If you Try any type of going down... without a PERMISSION YOU ARE GOING TO DIE


(P.S. - You can't say that this doesn't sound like SCP message... can ya?)





Pictures, images, movies and series... ebooks... books... clothes and many other

stuff can be found ONLINE... am I right here?




Sounds like I just point out something common between all these words



If we are going to talk about images...

how is possible to have great fantasy about so not real stuff


Like for example seeing Marriage... or relationship between you and someone...

between someone and someone you know...










THe fun thing here is... I ask you what we should do next... and your answer is simple like






"I don't know"



Some kinda joky... or some type of strange humor strikes in your mind


"She said that I should leave her alone.."

Here is the mistake and the thing which I couldn't detect...


That's one hell of lie... she never did said that... with that lie you made hell of al ot of problems...

and even  you make the picture worst, you create a conflict and analysis the situation.


"Thanks, proffesor for doing that... or what type of scientist you are but still 

this is not the way you should make such type of jokes... they ain't funny and you make

problems and the purpose was not fix the conflict which was already created... not to create a new one..."

"You said that I am acting like a boss... but now I gave you the chance

you take that rank and you to be the boss and what are you doing?... Creating problems and conflicts

we are trying to fix them, but what it happens is nothing more than exra (-)."

Let's talk about something else... because I don't know now how I feel... I can't explain it

... Emotions aren't created to be explained... they are still deep mysteries.

(Note: WE don't know a lot of about them... - That's a Fact!)



It sucks



Not just the music but everything



Quality and so on and so on...




You watch free




You get free shit!



That Girl


I don't know from where to start, but still the look of  her space ... I am talking about that

girl at school it was as confusing as hell.


The look....!


What type of meaning did it had?


Did it meant that it's over..



Something like


"Okay, it's fine we can try!?"




"No, nothing good is coming to come out from this."

She didn't said anything, or she did said something?
or I haven't heard it?... Or somebody knows the truth and wants

me to don't know... did she told them... her opinion about me?"



FOllow Logic


Or that somebody screw up with her .... 


I mean from my class, she ain't gonna try a second time


but still why?


(Note: WE all are the same and the same isn't for all. - THis should be applied!


If you don't like me, point a reason.

If you don't want to, at least again just tell me the truth...

Friendship is nothing bad with time it gets something more...


First the friendship... then the relationship and look and marriage just came out.

I just don't get anything


Not just only the look but and the silence... it could mean everything


But still that face the way she looked me... it was cold... or kinda... or probably when people



(Note: AS we More dig deeper, nothing more is comming than... confusion... fusion... fuelision...)







Dry Eyes

"You just don't want to be different... when you are different means you enter other type of group... a group which is rare and difficult to be found."


- To be honest I wanted to cry... (First, because of people were sad... some of them were crying and so on and what should that mean... if I can't express emotions... is that a good sign  or bad one?) 

When my father died... as the scenario follows... I should cry... all people... did so should I...

... BUt now was the time when all became diffirent... which means..

I didn't cried

People cried

I should cry

But I didn't

I should be like the others

BUt I wasn't

That's the truth... sorry for being so honest + rude



But still If i have lost them... when I feel angry sometimes?

But still If I have lost them... how is possible to feel the cold emotions?



How is possible that and the other is impossible?

(P.S. - ANd it happen Point BReak  2015 - The Chaos just happen.. .wow... wow... wow... that's fucking hell...)

(Note: None As All is going to end with a question this time...)

Are you sure about this time that it's a good idea to talk with you so personal stuff?






 Note: The truth is that you can't find all stories in one place...








A place where peace walks

Nature and heaven are here to talk

with you...

A place where you can stay as much as you want...

No Limits


If there are limits... they are because of you

You put them..., there!

Chapter 0 Ground - Nonsense At All 1

Aha, I love it. A place in which you don't need law degree or even doesn't want by itself this work any type of sense... So this here place nothing more than a playground in which one writer have a chance to be free from all and everything.

"That's a biatch, you know already about the glitch. Unfortunate she is talking on the phone.... Is it her new phone!? OR an Old school phone?... Is it a smartphone or I am even less near to the whole truth..."

"Nothing is as spicy and suspicious than the whole fact... in which there is lack of love and compassion, we are just starting zero ground. If we gonna talk about something, let at least build few walls.


- Oh sorry for shouting... I am just not in the right mood, that's all. ..

Don't worry AIN 't your fault!


- I will FUCKING love it... If I say something like "Or it could be and your fault..." - It's a cliche, but still humans use it, don't they?



"To be honest as for here... I started to feel the love of 0 Ground. First so far I am now travelling with the speed of light...."

- PFFFFF.... Thanks for ruining the whole fun part of this joke... I was messing with ya... I didn't wanted to go like this... SORRY PLEASE TAME MY PURE APOLOGISE.



Chapter 0 Ground - Nonsense At All 2


I like sometimes to throw few jokes... then to peak and to see the human reactions... rejections... but at least to don't forget about the infections...

Okay... I will kinda stop!

Few hours later


I spent few hours on this which you said and I really don't want to stop... I FUCKING like it... I am who am I!

And you can't change me... this here is nothing more than my message in available as something which is online + FREE available.

"She is cute, isn't she... her expressions and impressions... I sound like a psychopath... but yeah...











Chapter 0 Ground - Nonsense At All 3













(Note: The Problem is that in my head this message comes over and over and over ... countless times. Sometimes I just can't stop it... It has happen, it's a fact and we can't change that.)

But still what's great mistakes and grAmma has never existed here... this here is 50% piece from my smartphone - auto-correct + 50% mein. If my smartphone has decided to change it... it's nothing more than a choice of tech which should be respect.

It's like a human being but with differences that it's ain't walking steak but an example of A.I. - Somewhere in the beginning.


Memories are lost
Information as always gets gathered and collected.

Stories get written on paper; but - The the good ones... the bad ones they only find place near the bin and inside it. People want logic not confusion... or mistakes... ThEY FUCKING WANT PERFECTION AND WE ARE HERE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT...



Chapter 0 Ground - Nonsense At All 4


Mind is a gate to confusion... there are two paths one to trust your mind either doesn't make sense or either makes sense... Which means logic which..


























Books are nothing more than example of logic.









ONCE Three times... because I am a believer....)




Chapter 0 Ground - Nonsense At All 5


SCP - Foundation

 Time for Files which are going to kill ya!


Don't say I didn't warn ya!



                        Say No Evil
                              Do No Evil

Dr Clef's Proposal

 SCP-001 » Dr Clef's Proposal




SCP-001 photographed from the vantage point at Site 0. Note the four flaming "wing" appendages located above and to either side of the figure.




Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Euclid/Keter


Special Containment Procedures: Because of the nature of SCP-001, no containment procedures are necessary. 24/7 monitoring of SCP-001 is to take place from a safe (10 km+) distance from a pre-determined location (Site 0). The location of Site 0 is known only to the current SCP Administrator and the single Overseer-level Agent of Abrahamic faith (O5-14) assigned to monitor SCP-001 from Site 0. Said Agent is authorized to take any action necessary should SCP-001 become active, and is required to immediately alert the Administrator and all other Overseer-level agents should SCP-001 show any change in behavior, as this may constitute the beginning of a PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.

Should SCP-001 become active in any way, personnel are required to immediately consult the Patmos series of Emergency Orders. Decoding algorithms for Emergency Order Patmos are to be maintained on-site at Site 0 in the possession of the designated observer, and are to be transmitted to SCP Foundation offices only in the event of SCP-001 becoming active. Foundation Personnel with vital roles in one or more variants of Emergency Procedure PATMOS are to be advised to take the following precautions:

  • To maintain good relations with one or more organized Abrahamic faiths.
  • To maintain, on hand, a supply of the following: holy water, a rosary, crucifix, cross, prayer rug, or other symbol blessed by an Abrahamic cleric of bishop or equivalent higher rank, a copy of Abrahamic scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran), and standard emergency supplies in mobile form (bug-out bag).
  • In case of a premillenial rapture scenario, all vital personnel are to designate a secondary operative of non-Abrahamic faith. Said secondary operative is to be informed of the location of the primary designate's copy of Emergency Procedure PATMOS and memetic kill agent innoculant, and is to be kept on ready status to take over the primary's duties as necessary.
  • To maintain familiarity with all other SCPs involved in possible PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios.

Description: SCP-001 is a humanoid entity, approximately seven hundred (700) cubits in height, located in an undisclosed location near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The following features are known about the entity:


  • A number of luminous, wing-like appendages emerging from the shoulders, back, temples, ankles, and wrists of the entity. Although an accurate count has never been established, most observers place the number of wings at anywhere from two (2) through one hundred and eight (108), with the mean number being four (4).
  • A weapon, possibly a sword or knife (SCP-001-2). The weapon appears to emit flames at a temperature rivaling that of the sun, based on spectrographic analysis, although there appear to be no destructive effects from the intense heat on the surrounding area. Any entity that approaches within 1 km of SCP-001 is immediately struck by the weapon and obliterated from existence. Any and all hostile actions taken towards SCP-001 have resulted in the annihilation of the attacker, regardless of range (see incident report re: Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004)
  • SCP-001 appears to be standing with its head bowed in a gesture of supplication with SCP-001-2 held in both hands point-down in front of it. Since originally recorded by the Founder over [DATA REDACTED] years ago, SCP-001 has not deviated from this stance.
  • Human beings exposed to SCP-001 report hearing a voice in their heads, giving them a directive which the subject reports cannot be disobeyed. The most common directive is "FORGET", which results in the subject walking away from SCP-001 with no memory of having encountered it. On rare occasions, however, other directives have been given: the most famous of these is the one given to the Founder ("PREPARE"), which he has claimed formed the impetus for founding [DATA REDACTED] to catalog and contain any and all supernatural and/or paranormal artifacts that represent a serious threat to the current existence of humanity. This is the organization now known as the SCP Foundation.
  • Observers have reported that SCP-001 appears to be standing in front of a gate of immense proportions. Long-range photographs have occasionally detected what appears to be a pastoral grove within, containing numerous other entities of the same composition as SCP-001, as well as several fruit trees of unknown composition. Of particular note are two fruit trees of immense proportion near what appears to be the center of the grove: one, it is noted, appears to be an ordinary apple tree, although the other bears a fruit unknown on earth, described as [DATA EXPUNGED].

It is the avowed belief of the Founder that the gate which SCP-001 guards may be the gate to [EXPUNGED] based on correlations with ancient Babylonian texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In which case, one can deduce that the entity known as SCP-001 may be [EXPUNGED].


Addendum 001-a: Experimentation re: SCP-001-2's effective kill range


1. EXPERIMENT A: 1 Class-D personnel instructed to approach SCP-001 as closely as possible on foot.
Result: Upon making visual contact with SCP-001, subject is ordered to "LEAVE." Subject immediately turns away from entity and walks away. Despite repeated orders to continue the experiment, Class D Personnel refuses to obey and is terminated. Upon termination of Class-D personnel, all research staff involved are immediately obliterated by an unknown force, presumably SCP-001-2.


2. EXPERIMENT B: 1 remote-operated research robot guided to approach SCP-001 from the ground.
Result: Upon approaching within 1 km of SCP-001, research robot is obliterated, presumably by SCP-001-2. All further attempts at remote reconnaissance have the same result.


3. EXPERIMENT C: 100 pre-programmed research drones instructed to approach SCP-001 from multiple angles simultaneously.

Result: Coordination is successful, and all 100 drones cross the 1 km mark simultaneously; however, all 100 are simultaneously obliterated by SCP-001-2. Designated observer at Site 0 reports that SCP-001-2 appeared to "strike in all directions at once." SCP-001 did not deviate from its stance while this took place.

4. EXPERIMENT D: Wire-guided missile fired from a distance of 3 km.

Result: SCP-001-2 obliterates weapon upon crossing the 1km mark, simultaneously obliterating the launch site and killing all personnel.


5. EXPERIMENT E: Multi-Warhead Intercontinental Ballistic Missile fired from SCP nuclear submarine "Nautilus."


Result: See Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004


6. EXPERIMENT F: SCP-076 and Task Force Omega 7 instructed to approach SCP-001 on foot.
Result: SCP-076 refuses to carry out mission, despite not being informed of the mission's nature. Upon being asked why, SCP-076 replies, "No. Just no."


7. EXPERIMENT G: SCP-073. Due to the results of experiment F, SCP-073 was not informed of his destination until arriving at Site 0.

Result: SCP-073 approached the site on foot. Upon seeing SCP-001, SCP-073 became distressed and asked to abort. SCP-073 was ordered to continue. At that point, the symbol on SCP-073's forehead became [DATA EXPUNGED]. Experiment was terminated due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. See Addendum 001-aa.


Addendum 001-aa: By executive order of the Administrator, no further experiments are to be carried out re: SCP-001. No further SCPs are to be exposed to SCP-001. SCP-001 is not to be used to dispose of dangerous SCPs. Please see revised containment procedures for details.


ADDENDUM: On ██-██-████, the following errant transmission was received by Foundation personnel:



ATTN: All Foundation Personnel.


The following message was received at approximately ████:██:██ this morning from Site 0.

SCP-001 has left its location. The Gate is Open. They are riding forth.
Oh G_d, it's so beautiful…





Because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately. All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately. All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the aktivation of SCP-098, the Foundation is rekwired to immediatelebegin preprrations ffr an XK-class end-of-theworldsenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 @re to be secured immediately Cain and Abel my two sons, I amcoming all personnel are to unlock and decode behold, I stand at the gate and knock and if anyanayansdfysffollow
aall alla khaf3242!$$@andisawanewheavenandanewearthandthefruitofofof




Upon contacting Site 0, O5-14 responded that no such message had been sent from his location and that SCP-001 remained inert. The transmission was initially determined to be a hoax. However, close examination of the transmission reveals a timestamp dated [DATA REDACTED] years in the future. It is theorized that [DATA EXPUNGED].




SCP-193-01 filled with multiple instances of SCP-193-02




Item #: SCP-193


Object Class: Safe


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-193-01 is to be contained in Bio Site 42 bio-hazard locker 532-F at all times except during approved experiments. Every 24 hours, all instances of SCP-193-02 are to be removed from SCP-193-01 and incinerated except on feeding days. Once each week, one instance of SCP-193-02 shall be provided with 30 cc of human mucus and left in containment with SCP-193-01. Physical contact with any element of SCP-193 without full level 2 bio-hazard gear is strongly discouraged. Personnel believed to be suffering from exposure to SCP-193-03 shall report to a supervisor for immediate medical examination and assistance.


Description: SCP-193-01 is consistent in external appearance with a box of ███████ brand facial tissue. The bottom folds of the box are abnormally complex, and house a previously unknown soft-bodied invertebrate. The creature's genetics suggest that it is a member of phylum Mollusca, but do not match any more specific known taxonomic classification. The "cardboard" of the box has proven to be a highly specialized shell generated and maintained by the organism, which will gradually repair damage to the box if able. As compared with cardboard the shell is many times less flammable and more durable, but is by no means indestructible.


SCP-193-01 continuously sheds thin segments of its body (instances of SCP-193-02) at a rate of roughly 1 up to 5 segments per 24 hours depending on available nutrients and remaining space inside the shell. Instances of SCP-193-02 are gradually forced into the main cavity of the shell, where they dry almost instantly. Much as the shell of SCP-193-01 resembles a cardboard box, instances of SCP-193-02 resemble common facial tissue in appearance and texture; however, both the shell and the segments are composed of chitin, fibroin, and other proteins common in mollusks as opposed to the expected paper products. How SCP-193-01 produces sufficient matter to maintain the shell and continuously generate SCP-193-02 is presently unknown. (See Addendum 193-1.)


When SCP-193-02 is brought into contact with the mucous membranes of any mammalian subject, the segment releases 3-5 grams of an as of yet unidentified odorless, colorless gas (SCP-193-03). If inhaled, SCP-193-03 will permeate the sinus tissue and increase mucus production by 500 - 800%. In humans, the increased mucus production unsurprisingly results in the need for additional facial tissue, typically leading to further exposure to SCP-193-02 and -03 and further mucus production. Repeated exposure to SCP-193-03 can, in roughly 70% of cases, lead to permanent dysfunction of a subject's mucus production. The resulting symptoms vary, but include a variety of respiratory issues, prolonged pneumonia, and (in extreme cases) suffocation. In roughly 10% of cases of repeated exposure, the opposite effect is observed: damage to the mucus glands is so severe that the subject is left incapable of mucus production. Such subjects are especially vulnerable to inflammatory respiratory diseases, infection, and damage to the lungs due to inhalation of particulate matter.

No explanation has yet been discovered for the unusual adaptations exhibited in SCP-193; research is ongoing.


Addendum 193-1:  As of ██/██/████, Dr. ████████ has confirmed additional properties of SCP-193-02. When exposed to at least 10 cc of mucus and left unattended, instances of SCP-193-02 will attempt to return to SCP-193-01 using a combination of bodily oscillation and gas propulsion (via controlled emission of SCP-193-03). The segments appear to detect possible observers via body heat to determine when they can safely return to SCP-193-01 unobserved. This behavior continues in the presence of thoroughly insulated observers, but not in the presence of large artificial heat sources, supporting the theory that SCP-193-02 detects heat. On reaching SCP-193-01, instances of SCP-193-02 will enter through folds in the bottom of the shell, reintegrating with the main body. These behaviors, combined with the previously cataloged adaptations, are believed to be the hunting and feeding method of SCP-193. More detailed research into the digestion and dietary needs of the organism are ongoing.


The locomotion of SCP-193-02 was discovered following an irregularity in experiment 193-██, in which several of the used "tissues" were left unattended for several minutes. When Dr. ████████ returned, he discovered that these instances of SCP-193-02 had surrounded the locker holding SCP-193-01, but were unable to penetrate containment. Further experimentation lead to the discovery of these previously unknown aspects of the organism. Dr. ████████ has been reprimanded for leaving a known organic SCP unsupervised in a testing chamber.

Security Clearance Levels



Foundation security clearances granted to personnel represent the highest level or type of information to which they can be granted access. However, having any given clearance level does not automatically grant access to all information at that level: personnel are only granted access to information on a "need-to-know" basis and at the discretion of the designated disclosure officer overseeing their respective departments.


Level 0 (For Official Use Only)


Level 0 security clearances are given to non-essential personnel with no need to access information regarding anomalous objects or entities in Foundation containment. Level 0 access is typically held by personnel in non-secured clerical, logistics, or janitorial positions at facilities with no access to operational data.


Level 1 (Confidential)


Level 1 security clearances are given to personnel working in proximity to but with no direct, indirect, or informational access to anomalous objects or entities in containment. Level 1 security clearances are typically granted to personnel working in clerical, logistics, or janitorial positions at facilities with containment capability or otherwise must handle sensitive information.


Level 2 (Restricted)


Level 2 security clearances are given to security and research personnel that require direct access to information regarding anomalous objects and entities in containment. Most research staff, field agents, and containment specialists hold a Level 2 security clearance.


Level 3 (Secret)


Level 3 security clearances are given to senior security and research personnel that require in-depth data regarding the source, recovery circumstances, and long-term planning for anomalous objects and entities in containment. Most senior research staff, project managers, security officers, response team members, and Mobile Task Force operatives hold a Level 3 security clearance.


Level 4 (Top Secret)


Level 4 security clearances are given to senior administration that require access to site-wide and/or regional intelligence as well as long-term strategic data regarding Foundation operations and research projects. Level 4 security clearances are typically only held by Site Directors, Security Directors, or Mobile Task Force Commanders.


Level 5 (Thaumiel)


Level 5 security clearances are given to the highest-ranking administrative personnel within the Foundation and grant effectively unlimited access to all strategic and otherwise sensitive data. Level 5 security clearances are typically only granted to O5 Council members and selected staff.


Personnel Classifications


Classifications are assigned to personnel based on their proximity to potentially dangerous anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena.


Class A


Class A personnel are those deemed essential to Foundation strategic operations, and are not allowed direct access to anomalies under any circumstances. When circumstances require Class A personnel to be in direct proximity to such anomalies (such as in the case of facilities housing containment units), Class A personnel are not allowed access to the areas of the facility containing such anomalies and are to be kept in secured areas at all times. In the case of an emergency, Class A personnel are to be immediately evacuated to a designated and secure off-site location. O5 Council members are always Class A personnel.


Class B


Class B personnel are those deemed essential to local Foundation operations, and may only be granted access to objects, entities, and anomalies that have passed quarantine and have been cleared of any potential mind-affecting effects or memetic agents. In the event of a containment breach or hostile action against a Foundation facility, Class B personnel are to be evacuated to a designated, secure off-site location as soon as possible.


Class C


Class C personnel are personnel with direct access to most anomalies not deemed strictly hostile or dangerous. Class C personnel that have had direct contact with potentially mind-affecting or memetic properties may be subject to mandatory quarantine and psychiatric evaluation as deemed necessary by security personnel. In the event of a containment breach or hostile action against a Foundation facility, non-combatant Class C personnel are to either report to secure lock-down areas or evacuated at the discretion of on-site security personnel in the case of a site-wide breach or other catastrophic event.


Class D


Class D personnel are expendable personnel used to handle extremely hazardous anomalies and are not allowed to come into contact with Class A or Class B personnel. Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row. In times of duress, Protocol 12 may be enacted, which allows recruitment from other sources — such as political prisoners, refugee populations, and other civilian sources — that can be transferred into Foundation custody under plausibly deniable circumstances. Class D personnel are to be given regular mandatory psychiatric evaluations and are to be administered an amnestic of at least Class B strength or terminated at the end of the month at the discretion of on-site security or medical staff. In the event of a catastrophic site event, Class D personnel are to be terminated immediately except as deemed necessary by on-site security personnel.


Class E


Class E is a provisional classification applied to field agents and containment personnel that have been exposed to potentially dangerous effects during the course of securing and establishing initial containment over a newly-designated anomalous object, entity, or phenomenon. Class E personnel are to be quarantined as soon as possible, monitored, and screened for potentially harmful changes in behavior, personality, or physiology, and may only return to duty after being fully debriefed and cleared by psychiatric and medical staff.


Staff Titles


These are general occupational titles that are typically used in the Foundation.


Site StaffContainment Specialist


Containment specialists have two main roles at Foundation facilities. Firstly, containment teams are called upon to respond to confirmed cases of anomalous activity to secure and establish initial containment over anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena and transport them to the nearest Foundation containment site.

In addition, Foundation containment engineers and technicians are called upon to devise, refine, and maintain containment units and schemes for objects, entities, and phenomena in Foundation facilities.




Researchers are the scientific branch of the Foundation, drawn from the ranks of the smartest and best-trained research scientists from around the world. With specialists in every field imaginable, from chemistry and botany to more esoteric or specialized fields such as theoretical physics and xenobiology, the goal of the Foundation's research projects is to gain a better understanding of unexplained anomalies and how they operate.


Security Officer


On-site security officers — often referred to simply as guards — at Foundation facilities are tasked with maintaining physical and information security for Foundation projects, operations, and personnel. Primarily drawn and recruited from military, law enforcement, and correctional facility personnel, security officers are trained in the use of all types of weapons as well as a variety of contingency plans covering both containment breach incidents as well as hostile action. These personnel are also responsible for information security, such as making sure that sensitive documents are not misplaced and that a facility's computer systems are safe from outside intrusion. They are also often the first line of defense against hostile outside forces for Foundation facilities.


Tactical Response Officer


Response teams — or tactical teams — are highly trained and heavily armed combat teams tasked with escorting containment teams when dangerous anomalous entities or hostile Groups of Interest are involved and defending Foundation facilities against hostile action. Response teams are effectively military units stationed at major Foundation facilities that are ready to deploy at a moment's notice.


Field PersonnelField Agent


Field agents are the eyes and ears of the Foundation, personnel trained to look for and investigate signs of anomalous activity, often undercover with local or regional law enforcement or embedded in local services such as emergency medical services and regulatory organizations. As undercover units, field agents are typically not equipped to deal with confirmed cases of anomalous activity; once such an incident has been confirmed and isolated, field agents will typically call for assistance from the nearest field containment team with the means to safely secure and contain such anomalies.


Mobile Task Force Operative


Mobile Task Forces are specialist units comprised of veteran field personnel drawn from all over the Foundation. These task forces are mobilized to deal with threats of a specific nature and can include anything from field researchers specializing in a particular type of anomaly to heavily armed combat units tasked to secure certain types of hostile anomalous entity. See the Task Forces document for more detailed information.


AdministrationSite Director


Site directors for major Foundation facilities are the highest-ranking personnel at that location and are responsible for the continued, safe operation of the site and all of its contained anomalies and projects. All major departmental directors report directly to the Site Director, who in turn reports to the O5 Council.


O5 Council Member


The O5 Council refers to the committee consisting of the highest-ranking directors of the Foundation. With complete access to all information regarding anomalies in containment, the O5 Council oversees all Foundation operations worldwide and directs its long-term strategic plans. Due to the sensitivity of their positions, O5 Council members must not come into direct contact with any anomalous object, entity, or phenomenon. Furthermore, the identities of all O5 Council members is classified; all council members are referred to only by their numeric designation (O5-1 through O5-13).


 Just to add Note...

P.S. - I really can't deal with girls or women but I can deal with Creepypastas and SCP files!


Your stupidity ain't gonna end here... that's the fucking truth... sorry for being so rude!

Dr Gears' Proposal

 SCP-001 » Dr Gears' Proposal


Item designation number: #86243AR-001


Warning: Item displays aggressive and dangerous behavior


Description of item:


6’5” tall, 97 lbs (average, varies by 5-10 lbs higher or lower), unknown age, grey-brown skin (may be bruising), eye (?) color milky blue, no hair. Emaciated appearance, bone and muscle structure unlike any recorded species. Legs are long and thin, ending in sharp black points. Three fingers on each hand, also ending in black points. Legs and arms are twice as long as torso. No reproductive organs, anal orifice, ears, nose, or pores anywhere on body. Head is spherical, very large in proportion to body, neck appears too thin to support head. Mouth extends halfway around head, no lips. Twenty-one (21) teeth, spaced randomly around mouth; many appear broken, rotten, or chipped. “Eye” is a large, ball-shaped, milky-blue sphere presumably kept in the head or throat. Appears to “roll” into the mouth when mouth is open. Has no pupil or iris.


Detail of current containment:


Room is lead-lined and kept lit with floodlights. Temperature is kept at 98 degrees, with 100% humidity. Room is sealed with a reinforced steel blast door. Outer area patrolled by guards with high-powered strobes. Anybody entering the containment room should carry a strobe and wear welding goggles. Any person attempting to remove the item or enter without authorization is to be shot on sight.




Recovered in Guatemala early this week. First reported as a “demon” seen by several boys on a rural road. Appeared to be sick or injured. Boys reported seeing the creature panting and jerking its legs. Creature then raised its head and exposed its “eye”. Boys ran home, reporting to local law enforcement. Several reports of “horrible roaring” or “shrieks” from locals over several days. Twelve people admitted to local hospital with severe radiation poisoning, and seven reported missing. Recovery team assembled, headed by General Machoi and dispatched from base ADRX-19. Reports to Overseers from recovery team after standard containment failure led to additional containment protocols, developed by Dr. Hermann Keter. Dr. Keter was unfortunately killed in initial testing, after which creature was moved to ADRX-19.


Creature appears to be able to create microsingularities, using them both as a form of teleportation and defense. These singularities disappear several seconds after creation, but emit massive amounts of radiation and cause severe damage to the surrounding area. The “eye” appears to control these manifestations, as it has always had the eye exposed when creating a singularity. Omnivorous, it views humans as a food supply. Creature shows signs of extreme fear and sickness in the presence of high heat, humidity, or bright/flashing light. Creature appears unable to teleport through lead, and cannot form singularities when in its “sick” state. When “well”, it is an extremely fast and cunning being, and has killed several recovery agents with both its singularities and claws. Emits occasional shrieking sounds; all attempts to communicate have failed.


Addendum: Additional objects reported, Overseers considering conversion of ADRX-19 to a dedicated recovery and containment facility. Reports may need censorship for reasons of security.

Jonathan Ball's Proposal


Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Keter


Special Containment Procedures: To date, no adequate containment procedure has been developed to deal with the possible threat posed by SCP-001. This is due, in part, to the controversial nature of the item and debates concerning the necessity of its containment. This controversy is reflected in the item’s changing object class and the procedures utilized in its containment. The current administration, despite charges of paranoia, has classed the object Keter, while requesting permission for a higher object class to be created and applied uniquely to this item, considering it to be the most dangerous of all known or possible items. The reason for this classification and changing attitudes towards SCP-001 are dealt with in the description and notes.


At present, SCP-001 is located in a code-locked briefcase made of a high-tensile reinforced polymer. The room and briefcase are monitored at all times by security cameras. The briefcase cannot be opened without unanimous special clearance from all current O5 officers. The briefcase itself is stored in a small, fully lit, single-room off-site building erected in ███ ██████ ██████. Class D personnel are posted to guard the building but may not enter without the aforementioned agreement from the O5 officers, under threat of immediate termination. This off-site building exists for the sole purpose of housing SCP-001 and is wired for detonation in an emergency situation.


It is the opinion of the current administration that SCP-001 represents the greatest threat to national and global security known to exist. Nevertheless, due to special circumstances regarding its mode of function, further research on the item is disallowed, despite its promotion in the past, when SCP-001 was contained in minimum security conditions.


Description: SCP-001 is a simple sheaf of papers, stapled together in the top left corner. The top sheet is a covering sheet reading simply, “Confidential Report on Special Items—Classified.” The number of subsequent papers stapled to this covering sheet is indeterminate, and have ranged from three to thirty. The report is unsigned and its origin is unknown.


The first appearance of this report was on ███████ █, ████, when it appeared on the desk of ████████ █████ (deceased). The report at that time described “The ‘Living’ Room” (SCP-002). Shortly after reading the report with incredulity, ████████ █████ was contacted by phone regarding said item. The next time ████████ █████ perused SCP-001, it described not “The ‘Living’ Room” but “Biological Motherboard” (SCP-003). ████████ █████ immediately closed SCP-001, thinking it was a different report, and searched for the original report on SCP-002. Not finding it, he again opened SCP-001, and this time it described not SCP-003 but “The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door” (SCP-004). ████████ █████ closed the report once more and opened it immediately, to read of “Skeleton Key” (SCP-005). It is not known what the next actions of ████████ █████ might have been. At varying times following this incident, the aforementioned items were discovered.


Insufficient research exists concerning the correlation between SCP-001 and all other known items. However, it has been established that every event regarding the discovery of a new SCP item has followed a report on that same item appearing beneath the cover sheet of SCP-001. The current administration regards this coincidence as proof of causal connection.


Additional Notes: Whether SCP-001 is to be regarded as an advance-warning system or whether SCP-001 itself is to be regarded as the creator of the items requiring special containment remains to be seen. However, the distinction is unimportant in the eyes of the current administration. The fact remains: no new SCP items appear unless SCP-001 is opened and read. It is for this reason that the current administration refuses to repeat the mistakes of the past, mistakes that have resulted in over one thousand SCP items coming to the knowledge of the SCP unit.


Arguments concerning the non-lethality of SCP-001 itself, its theoretically beneficial use as an SCP warning system, or its use as a progenitor of advanced biological and non-biological weapons have not swayed the current administration. Nor have arguments criticizing the extreme containment procedures employed in respect to an item that displays no nefarious qualities and is not animate as such. Critics are reminded that these procedures are intended not to contain the item itself, but to isolate it from human interaction, which is to be regarded as the true threat.


Although the current administration refuses to remove the object from isolation barring special authorization as noted above, past administrations have counseled daily with the item, and future administrations will no doubt counsel similar behavior. Nevertheless, it is the opinion of the current administration that, barring the destruction of SCP-001, it is to be contained until such a time when responsibility for its containment falls upon future administrations.

Qntm's Proposal

 Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Safe


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-001 is to be kept locked along with all data pertaining to it inside the Primary Archival Vault on Sub-Level 1 of Site 10. The Vault is a custom-manufactured, reinforced concrete and steel, vertical octagonal prism (see Appendix U for full schematics) with a 2000-kg, 0.9-m-thick, time-locked access portal in the ceiling. The time-locking schedule should be classified and available only to Dr. Y. Mirski. Access is conditional on three-factor authorization (e.g. keycard+fingerprint+passphrase). SCP-001 is among the safest artifacts in the Foundation's possession and these measures are primarily intended to prevent theft.


Description: SCP-001 is a smooth, black, perfectly ellipsoidal (~15.1 cm x 15.4 cm x 16.5 cm) onyx gemstone with a mottled white pattern. Wrapped around its exterior, encompassing its equator and both poles, is a complex and layered fractal filigree of gold metal. The gold is sculpted into broad strokes at what is now usually agreed to be the lower or "south" pole of the object, but with increasing "latitude" the pattern becomes progressively more intricate. Near the "north" pole, also called the "lock" or "singularity" (see acquisition report, below), the pattern complexity progresses beyond the capability of optical or electron-beam microscopes to resolve. Further investigation is pending advances in microscopy technology.


The gemstone continuously emits a small quantity (~34.5007 to 34.5010 mW) of thermal radiation in the microwave range. As a result, the gold filigree is warm to the touch. The white mottled areas emit fractionally more radiation than the black onyx areas.


Other than this, SCP-001 is totally inert. It is opaque to all forms of electromagnetic and hard radiation, and, so far, indestructible (see log for Project Pluto, below). Its onyx/gold composition is guessed from visual inspection, since the taking of samples for chemical analysis has proven impossible.

Project Pluto Master Log


The following experiments have failed to open SCP-001:

  • conventional lockpicking
  • brute force assault with hammer, chisel, sledgehammer, bolt-cutters, welding torch, bandsaw, etc.
  • sustained heating to 5000 degrees Centigrade in industrial furnace (artifact reflected all thermal energy, did not increase in temperature)
  • direct application of industrial cutting laser (~160 kW/cm2 concentrated on the "lock") (artifact reflected all energy)
  • compression in vice, car crusher, hydraulic diamond-face press (all destroyed)
  • application of corrosive acids and other highly-oxidizing compounds (no reaction)
  • detonation of plastic and solid explosives up to 0.5 kt TNT-equivalent at point blank range (no effect)
  • detonation of a 15 kt TNT-equivalent atomic warhead at point blank range [authorization granted retroactively by Dr. Mirski] (no effect)

Project Pluto is to be immediately terminated. - Dr Hack


Project Pluto is ongoing with the full support of Foundation resources. - Dr Mirski


SCP-001 Acquisition Report

The earliest record of SCP-001 is in the handwritten journal of the minor Scottish aristocrat Sir Edwin Young, 3rd Baronet (1611-1677). As was customary at the time, Young kept a "Cabinet of Curiosities", a small room of artifacts of undetermined providence such as sculptures, preserved creatures, and trinkets. Young's journal includes references to his acquisition in 1654 of "ane bouned jew'l of onycs and filigree gold, of fineneſs beyond rational ſtatement" while travelling across the Mesopotamian desert. The journal indicates that SCP-001 was found buried in the ruin of "a bitter, blaſted place, older than days", or what Young took to be a temple to "a fearſome death god". SCP-001 was found encased in stone at the centre of four enormous runic stones. Young's journal includes a sketch of the most readable side of the most well-preserved stone, but he was unable to read the runes or find a scholar who could translate them.

Young's account of his journey to the location of the ruin is incomplete. It has not yet been located.

Young's "ſelections of curious providence" lay in storage for several centuries after he died. In 1805, his descendants donated SCP-001 to the Scottish National Museum in Edinburgh. The curators of the museum regarded SCP-001 as an ancient, fragile, and priceless example of ancient Sumerian metalworking. They therefore failed to discover its anomalous warmth, its indestructibility, or its impossible microscopic-scale construction. They were, however, able to identify the runes in Young's sketch as Tertiary Sumerian Cuneiform, circa 3400 BCE. Only a partial translation is possible:


with loss and ????? we/I ?????? [a noun] Apakht [probably a proper noun] on this ending/finality ?????????? joy + permanence [possibly 'protection']


Mr. McCandlish, who performed the translation, noted:


This appears to be some sort of incantation or "spell of containment". "Apakht" is the name of whatever is imprisoned within the gemstone.


SCP-001 was finally placed on semi-permanent display in 1949.


In 2003, Foundation staff observed that the mottled white patterns on the surface of SCP-001 resembled the cosmic microwave background, a pattern of microwaves encompassing the entire observable universe, as mapped by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe earlier that year. Closer inspection showed the two patterns to be identical. SCP-001 (along with Baronet Young's journal) was immediately purchased by a Foundation front organization and transferred to Site 10 where Dr. Q. Hack and Dr. Y. Mirski performed initial routine analysis.


Research continues under the auspices of Dr. Mirski, Dr. Hack having recently left the Foundation.


Young's journal also includes several detailed sketches of SCP-001. In one of the sketches a small ornate object resembling a key is shown fitted into its "north pole". The key has not been recovered.



SCP-001 is an O5's tale

Good evening, Doctor.

No, no, don't stand up. And, yes, I am who you think I am. Let's not make any more of this than it is. You know my number, and I know enough about you to make a duplicate that even your mother wouldn't be able to tell apart from the real you. No, that's not a threat, just a fact.


Now, as to my business here, it seems you have stumbled upon something above your clearance. Well, no, stumbled is not the right word. Dug up? Perhaps. And you are getting to the point where further digging would end in some fairly lethal gunshot wounds. This would be a sad state of affairs, as you are otherwise quite a good researcher. Therefore, you are getting something very few people in the Foundation ever get… an explanation.

Yes, we were alerted when you first started digging into SCP-001. Every researcher who's been around for a while looks into it. Most are satisfied when they uncover the angel with the flaming sword, it's buried under enough levels. But then you started looking into The Factory, and that is when I knew you wouldn't stop. So, here it is, plain and simple.


The Factory is SCP-001.


But it will never be written up. It was a choice I made early on in the creation of the Foundation, and a choice I still stand by. You researchers are far too curious. I'm not sure which scares me worse. That we'll never understand the Factory… or that we one day will. Ah well, I'm sure you're eager to learn more.

The Factory was built in 1835. Back then it was known as The Anderson Factory, named after James Anderson, a rather well-to-do industrialist. It was built in, well, we'll just say America, and was the largest factory yet designed, a good mile across at its widest, three stories tall throughout, with a special seven story tower by the front gate that Anderson lived in. It was designed to be the ultimate factory, capable of taking care of everything, including the housing of workers. People could be born, work, live, and die, without ever leaving the confines of the Factory. And work they did, on everything from cattle raising and slaughtering, to textiles, to everything else under the sun.


Now, no one knows whether James Anderson was actually a Satan worshiper. It's just as likely that he followed some kind of Pagan gods. What is known is that he was VERY exact in the building of his factory, and in the placement of his machinery within it. Survivors claim the floor was engraved with arcane symbols, that were only visible when blood flowed across them… But then the survivors claimed a lot of things. What is known is that Anderson made his money on the blood and sweat, and sometimes body parts of the lower class. His journals indicate he thought of them as less than human, being put on this Earth only to serve his will.


Of course, at that time, no one knew about his predilections, and so people flocked to the Factory. A place to both work and live at the same time? Well, of course people wanted in! Never mind the harsh hours, working conditions, sadistic security force, and all the rest. Factory workers were forced to work 16 hour days, work only shutting down on Sundays, between sunrise and sunset. Workers were not given individual rooms, instead sharing rooms with eight other people, sleeping in shifts of three. Medical attention was unheard of. If you were injured in the course of your duties, which most people were, you were expected to just keep working. Anyone too injured to work was dragged off by the security, never to be heard from again.


For forty years, the Anderson Factory cranked out all sorts of things for people. Meat, clothes, weapons. Never mind that the beef might be mixed with human. Don't care that the weapons were forged in blood. No attention need be paid that the clothes were dyed with…well, you get the idea. Rumors leaked out, but the products were so good, why bother? Until someone got out.


I never met the brave soul who managed to escape, but she managed to meet with President Grant, and, in 1875, he enlisted my aid. At the time I was… well, it doesn't matter. We'll say I was military, kind of, and that my people were the same. A hundred and fifty good men and some few women, who were often given jobs that weren't supposed to be common knowledge. We'd been cleaning out some Confederate hold outs, and some of the worse things we found down South. So, we did some research, didn't like what we saw, and went in, loaded for bear.

I don't actually remember much about the night it all went down. Most of it blends together in my head. I get flashes, sometimes, of the people chained to the line, living next to dead, and damned hard to tell which was which. Children working underneath machines, the majority of the flesh scoured from their bones by the great wheels and cogs. And the other things…


No, I'm all right. I haven't thought about that night for a very long time. The security force wasn't much of a problem. But then Anderson's creations showed up. He'd been taking the injured workers and, well, experimenting on them. Men, if you could call them men, with multiple arms, sewn together, some of them combined with animals, horrible monstrosities out of mankind's worst nightmares. They kept coming, wave after wave of not quite living creatures. I lost a lot of good people that night. And then we found Anderson's breeding pits, girls as young as eight, chained to the walls, forced to be nothing more than-


I'm sorry. Even today, more than a century later, the memory makes me see red. When we finally found Anderson cowering in his office, we hung him from his tower window, with his own entrails. As he died, he laughed, saying it didn't matter, we could kill him, but his factory, The Factory, would go on. He was still laughing 24 hours later when we finally cut him down, had him drawn and quartered, and then burned the remains. The entire time he uttered blasphemies that I don't like to think about.


We spent a week cleaning that place out, freeing the workers, putting down the things we found in the basements and many lightless rooms. We pulled out things that were useful, stocked them in a house near the gate, tried to make sense of everything. A hundred and fifty of us went into that hell pit that night, and only ninety-three came out. By the end of that week, we were down to seventy-one.


But the things we found in there, my god. Well, you've been with the Foundation a while, they wouldn't seem as amazing to you, but we found toy guns that shot real bullets. A yo-yo that would flay the skin from anyone it touched, hammers that only worked on human flesh. A breed of skeletal horse that ran faster than anything we'd ever seen. Cloaks that seemed woven from the night itself, and let men access a shadowy dimension that… I get away from myself. We found tools, both wondrous and horrible. And we were faced with a choice.


I gathered my highest ranking, well, we'll call them officers, to me, and we tried to figure out what we would do. They all had opinions. The Chaplain, he had gone a little crazed. Thought all these objects must be miracles sent from god, holy relics to be worshipped. Marshall and his little toady Dawkins thought there was a fortune to be made here, making and selling these things to the highest bidder. The Injun we all called Bass, due to his deep speaking voice, he called these things an abomination, and declared that we should hunt down and destroy everything we could find. And Smith thought we should take this stuff back to the president. The only one without an opinion was the old man, but he never said much of anything anyways. We argued for hours, days, trying to work it out. Me, I thought we were sitting on a gold mine, all right. But that we could use these things, these objects, to hunt down some of the scary things we'd run into down South, the other monsters this world had to offer, and use this factory for good, as a place to contain these things, find a way to make them work for our fellow man, or at least protect our fellow man from having to deal with them.


I'm sure you can figure out what happened. The Chaplain snuck away in the night with his devotees, taking a couple of small items with him. Marshall we kicked out when we found him… abusing his authority. He promised he'd get revenge, and that little Dawkins shit led the rest of their group off with some of the juicier items. Bass and his people tried to light the whole damn thing on fire, then just left when it didn't work. And Smith left, to report back to the president. I did manage to get him to promise me he'd tell Grant the Factory had been destroyed. I had big plans for that place.


A'course, it was kinda hard to follow through on big plans when you only have 12 other people to work with. But it was a start.


And it worked, for a while. We had these amazing toys, and finding people to work with us was easy. Back then, going off the grid was as simple as leaving town. We knew what we wanted, we knew what we could be.

Leventhal set out getting us backing. A simple invention here, some well invested money there, it all worked out. White and Jones set out getting us… other backing. In our previous work we'd found out some interesting things about people. Some secrets that powerful men didn't want getting out. And, with our new position helping keep secrets, we got more people asking us to deal with their secrets. Blackmail is a dirty word, but it works. Bright, Argent and Lumineux got to work cataloging the items. Light and Brights' wife, the nurse, they made sure we kept ourselves healthy. Heh. No, it's just, remembering Light. She had such unusual ideas about hygiene, for the time. Brilliant woman. Czov, Fleischer and Carnoff dealt with training the troops. Tesla and Tamlin were in charge of figuring out how to take advantage of the items, without making it obvious.

We were amazing. The city we built around the Factory, which we took to calling Site Alpha, was self supporting. Agents, researchers, operatives of all sorts… not by those names, of course, but those positions. We expanded.

I'm sorry, I am an old man. I know I do not look it, but the body lies. The mind… doesn't always remember right. And sometimes I get lost in my memories. Things get confused. But, the long and simple of it is this: We used the Factory. It always seemed to have more empty rooms to store things in. Back then, that was the word for them, things. No Skips then, no. We thought we had the Factory tamed. That's one of the reasons I refuse to quit this job. If there's anything I can do here, it's remind people that we will NEVER tame these things. Contain them, yes, but as we saw with Able, tame them? Never.


After a decade or so, we were pretty organized. The 13 original of us were being called by numbers, not names. We knew how to make things work. And, if a thing or two vanished inside of the Factory, still? And the occasional D-class? What? Yes, we had D-class back then. Disposables. That's where the D comes from. Had to have someone to test things on, Tesla and Tamlin were both very firm about that. But, yes, sometimes we lost people who didn't matter. Adam… sorry, Dr. Bright, was fond of saying it was the Factory taking its toll. You can't get something for nothing.


1911 was when it all went wrong. Things… we called them faeries. An entire race of things, living beside us. They could look the same as you or I. The only obvious difference was an allergy to Iron. Yes, that's why we called them faeries. No, you haven't heard of them. Why? Because it's the one time the Foundation wiped out an entire race of things. Root and branch. And I'm the one who did it.


We'd been hunting them for some time. We'd run into them a time or two before, come out on top. So, when a certain royal asked us for help, of course we were eager to get them in our debt. We've always loved having people in our debt. We sent a team to help out, take care of what we thought was a hunting party. The next time we saw them, their heads were on poles, attached to the saddles of the creatures the Faeries rode, when they attacked the Factory.

It was horrible.


Three words, but they convey so much. I have never… I'm sorry, please, give me a moment. I've never told this part to anyone. You should consider yourself lucky. And, if you ever tell anyone any of what I am about to impart on you, I will not just kill you, but everyone who shares your DNA, in the worst ways possible. You'll think Procedure 110-Montauk is a walk in the park compared to what I do to you.


We lost. The things came, and they destroyed us. Rode over our emplacements, slaughtered our people, shrugged off our weapons like they were nothing. I watched my thirteen go down, left and right, just trying to hold the Factory. And I? I, their leader, their friend, their father figure? Godfather to the Bright's four young children. Confidant, sometimes lover, always the confessor? I ran. I ran like a scared little school boy, deep into the dark guts of the Factory. I was chased by the things, always just one step ahead. I could hear them behind me, feel their breath upon my neck, and …


I came to a door I'd never seen before. A bronze door, covered in Arabic script of some sort. I've never been one for languages, especially not the curvy bullshit the musselmen use. But I didn't care. They were coming for me, and I threw the door open and dived through it. Everything inside… was different. There was a feeling of peace, that nothing could hurt me here. The light was this dark red, but still felt right. My ears were filled with the steady thrumming of a gigantic heartbeat. And, in front of me, were the remains of Anderson. It spoke to me then, but I'll be damned if I could tell you exactly what it said. What it told me was more meaning, than exact. It offered me hope. It told me… it told me that each of the things we had used from the Factory, no matter what we did with them, fed it. Helped it grow. But, if the Faeries took the Factory, they would destroy it, and we couldn't have that. It offered me… a deal. It could remove this event. Make it have never happened. All I needed to give it was… us.


I didn't want to. I knew it was a bad idea. But then, I saw them again, my family, my friends, dead. Dead by the hands of those bastards… I agreed. It smiled. And I found myself once more upon the ramparts, watching the horde of Faeries crest the hill. My Foundation alive once more. In my hands was a weapon. I won't bore you with the details, but we slaughtered them. And, with these new weapons, continued to slaughter them, everywhere they lived, everywhere they bred. My fellow O5s questioned my decision, thinking we should save some, in case we might ever need them… I overruled them.


We moved away from the Factory. Shut it down. Moved our things out of there. We changed the name from things to Special Containment Protocols, focusing on containing them, not… anything else. The others were curious, but understood I had my reasons. I boarded up the Factory. Locked it shut. Buried it under a ton of rubble, saying it was too dangerous. I thought… thought I'd gotten away with it. Until I found a thing on my desk. One of the old toy guns that shot real bullets. And it had the Factory label on it.


… I've sent people in, from time to time, to see what it might be doing. Last time I sent people in to look, there was nothing there. We keep finding Factory items out there. I can't help but think of how many more we don't find. The people who use them, and keep it hidden. I think back to the body telling me how each item used gave energy to the Factory. I never asked it 'energy for what?' I don't think I want to know.


What do we give it? D-class, mostly. Where DID you think all those bodies went? There's a place. Bodies are left, and they vanish. Everyone thinks I'm a genius for figuring it out. Sometimes… sometimes I have to feed it other things. Researchers. Agents. They never know it's coming. It just reaches out and takes them.


But, in the end, we're doing more good by being here. Whatever the Factory wants, whatever it IS… We're doing good here. I have to believe that.


And now you know. Are you happy? I didn't think so. Why tell you? I'm getting old, Everett. Should I die, someone will have to keep feeding it. Maybe you'll be different. Maybe you'll figure out how to stand up to it.

… But I doubt it.


 One Tip, don't try to feed all people with one bread... feed few... at least if we do something let's be in a good quality.

Talking With Girls and Women

 I am not going to talk about them here... sorry for ruining the whole fun and your interest... but at least hear my message.


Isn't it awful that in one day you gonna find out that... you are going to be a subject of study?

I won't lie... but I like to study people, going outside late nights, when everything is calm... still there

are 50-50 chance something to happen to me... If I am going outside at time like

9 or 10 Pm... I am talking about the night...




The problem is that I don't feel very comfy when outside there is light... when outside is so shiny... I like darkness... I like more the nights than the mornings. Does this mean that I am a serial killer!?


I hope not!


But still it doesn't mean anything... and it doesn't explain and little a bit about...


"How should I deal with girls?"

"What's the first move?"

"Do I need a screenplay?"


- If I need a screen play... who is going to give it to me and to read it at least tweny or 100 times or 250 times... and

to start acting as the line follow... why in talking with girls and women there isn't some kinda  screenplay?



(P.S. - Laughing is a good thing... but keep laughing that i have problems... for you it's hell of a lot of fun, right?)


The truth is that I am not going to be here forever and ever... I should do few moves but the question is from where do I start?



I should start studying facial movent... I don't know as for now the word for this type of stuff...

but still I have learn few there tricks and few there...

To be honest... the truth is that they don't help... there are just theories nothing else... that 



For example






Dr. Mann's Proposal


One portion of SCP-001.



Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Embla


Containment Procedures: SCP-001 is contained on the grounds of Site 0, in upstate [REDACTED]. A fence has been constructed around the perimeter of SCP-001's observed effects. In addition to Site 0's security, no fewer than five armed guards are to be present at all times to prevent unauthorized entry. The adjoining physics laboratory will be manned at all hours, studying any anomalies.

A small metal plaque bearing an inscription will be maintained in good condition. Any damage is to be immediately reported to maintenance.


Description: SCP-001 is a circular gravel path in a wooded area. When traveled in a counter-clockwise direction, the trail is continuously uphill, even after reaching the original point. When traveled in a clockwise direction, the trail shows the same amount of uphill and downhill travel, as expected.

Level 5 clearance is required to access SCP-001’s experiment log.

Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal

Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: All elements of SCP-001 are to be contained in separate, environment-controlled lockers at Site Zero. The location of Site Zero is classified Level 5, and is only known by members of O5 Command.


Access to SCP-001, its transcriptions and data is restricted to O5-level personnel except during Protocol Zero. Protocol Zero may only be enacted by a direct, unanimous act by the entirety of O5 Command, and Protocol Zero procedures are to be disseminated only to those specifically permitted by O5 Command.


Description: SCP-001 is a set of two (2) objects and thirty-three (33) documents belonging to [DATA EXPUNGED], alias "The Administrator".


SCP-001-01 and SCP-001-02 are, respectively, [DATA EXPUNGED]

SCP-001-03 through SCP-001-35 are a mixed set of handwritten and printed documents. They are normal in all respects except that they do not show signs of aging or fading in any way, and dating of the paper on which they are comprised of has shown inconsistent results. The contents of these documents, as detailed below, consist of










as these objects formed the impetus for the creation of the SCP Foundation, and all of its constituent activities and processes. As such, this information is only to be disseminated by direct order of O5 Command as per Protocol Zero.



Unauthorized access of these documents is punishable by immediate termination.


Addendum 001-01: Analysis of SCP-001-01 and SCP-001-02


SCP-001-01 is a smooth device composed of an unidentified gray metallic substance, approximately 22 cm wide, 30 cm tall, and 1.5 cm thick. It is unusually heavy, weighing approximately 8.2 kg. It is equipped with a small digital display, and has a single opening that appears to be a type of keyed activation switch. Attempts to disassemble the device or analyze its technology have been unsuccessful so far, as there appear to be no seams or fasteners visible on the device. Attempts to image the interior of SCP-001-01 utilizing x-ray or magnetic resonance have resulted in inconsistent results, suggesting that the device is either too dense to properly image or has inconsistent internal topography.


SCP-001-01 appears to only be capable of displaying two indicators. One appears to be a status or progress bar with an accompanying number, currently at approximately 23%. The other indicator is a single digital counter displaying the number ██,███.


SCP-001-02 is a small key composed of the same unidentified metallic substance as the main casing of SCP-001-01. It is currently assumed that this is the activation key for SCP-001-01.


Addendum 001-02: Transcript of SCP-001 Documents


SCP-001-03 is a personal diary belonging to The Administrator. SCP-001-04 through SCP-001-35 were inserted between various pages of SCP-001-03 at time of discovery.

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 1:


I always hated the idea of writing in a diary. Documentation is one thing, but I guess I never saw the point in putting down my personal thoughts. The scientist in me is telling me that someday, someone might want to know how this all started.


Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 3:


They say that the first time is always the hardest. I have managed to secure funding and personnel from the federal government, and I have established an organization that will allow me to continue the research. President [REDACTED] insists that I turn the Device over for safekeeping, but I have made it clear that I can't let it out of my possession.


Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 7:


Progress, unfortunately, has been slow these past decades. I am adamant that we cannot reproduce the technology until we have found a solution, as I am sure that unless we kill both birds with one stone, we will simply hasten the process.


Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 9:


I had to kill them. They had been reproducing the technology all along, and hiding it from me. I will be moving on in the next 24 hours. This place is doomed at this point.

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 15:


Again. I will not make the same mistake again. The mere thought of lying to the very people I need to reach my goal is bitter, but I can no longer afford to let them know the truth.


SCP-001-05 is a page printed from what appears to be an inkjet printer, found inserted between pages 15 and 16 of SCP-001-03. This page has been preserved in the same unidentified method as the rest of the documents in SCP-001.

Memo from the Office of The Administrator

Humanity has existed in its current state for hundreds of millennia, yet only the last few have held any meaning for us. What did we do for the countless years before recorded history? We huddled in caves, warding off the night with small fires, fearful of the things that we could not understand. It was not just that we did not understand why the sun rose every morning, it was the mystery of enormous fish with the heads of men, and rocks that came to life, and monsters that drove those who saw them mad. So we called them 'angels' and 'devils', begged them to spare us from their wrath, and prayed for salvation.

As time passed, their numbers died out and mankind flourished. The world began to make more sense. Yet, the unexplained can never truly go away, as if the universe requires for there to be things we can never truly understand.

We will not go back into the dark, fearful night. We will not be ruled by the unknown. We will stand up for ourselves.

Even as the rest of humanity remains uninformed, we will fight the darkness, containing it and shielding it from the eyes of the common man, so that they can continue to live in the blissful illusion of a normal world.

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 22:

Their faces haunt me in my dreams. Hundreds, thousands of them. Ones who blindly went to their deaths. For me.

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 28:

Made a mistake. Told someone the truth, the night before I left. Had to use the last of my original medical supplies. In a way, I wish he'd aimed for the head.

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 41:

This one solved an equation that could set a framework for the rest of the solution. I killed them by my own hand. Could they have ever imagined that it was an act of mercy?

Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 64:

I suddenly remembered today what they told me before I left. They said that I probably wouldn't see anything, that I would probably simply fall asleep and wake up again. They lied. I can see them as they are consumed by madness, as the walls of reality crack and shatter, only to be replaced as if nothing happened. I can see everything.

Final Excerpt from SCP-001-03, page 68:

It is finally done. The equations are complete, the math is sound, but it comes too late once again. This team will not have the time to construct the Solution, and I will have to abandon the Foundation again. But, I do so with the knowledge that no more will have to suffer the same fate.


SCP-001-34 is a worn, handwritten page discovered between the front cover and first page of SCP-001-03.

To whom it may concern:


First, I want to say that I am sorry for everything. I have most likely doomed you and everyone you have ever known to death and destruction by my mere presence in your world. If you are in possession of — and reading — this document then I am probably dead. If that is the case and I did not bother to destroy this evidence, then that means I have also probably failed in my mission. This means that my responsibilities have now passed onto you and that your fate and the fate of your world are now in your hands.


I was not born into your world. I am a traveler from a parallel plane of existence, an alternate reality separate from your universe. The year from which I originate is of little consequence; if I've learned anything from my travels, the passing of time from universe to universe is meaningless. What is important is that in my plane of origin, mankind was highly advanced. We harnessed the power of entire stars, molded planets and moons alike to suit our needs, and even learned to manipulate the fabric of reality itself. We had conquered death through advances in medicine and technology, and we thought ourselves masters of our own fates.

We realized too late that all such things have a cost, and that our greed and hubris would not only result in the loss of everything we held dear, but doom countless others as well. Our meddling in the structure of existence had opened up cracks and twists in the fabric of reality, a Corruption of the multiverse that we had failed to notice earlier because we could not see the pieces of our reality leaking into others. By the time feedback began to manifest, it was already too late to stop it.

Before this Corruption consumed us completely, we came up with one final fail-safe. We would gather up what knowledge we could save and sacrifice our world to send a single individual through to the next. This could not repair the damage that had already been done, but could buy us the time to start over, to find a way to stop the Corruption of reality. That individual was me.


If you have not already found them, then the evidence to support my claims will begin to bleed into your world soon enough. Like a rain of glass, the shattered remains of other universes will begin to fall and slip into yours. Things that defy your understanding, fixed loops and structures without meaning or rhyme, that cannot be destroyed by any means you possess. Things that drive men mad and challenge all the assumptions that you hold dear.


That which I carry with me is the final legacy of countless worlds. The equations and technology described in its pages carry with them the hope of stopping the Corruption, a hope that has come with a heavy price. They are the last will and testament of a bloody trail of universes that have sacrificed and been sacrificed that those who remain may avoid their fate. At the time of this writing they are nearly complete, but time is ever against me. If I am no longer able to see this mission through to its bitter end, then it falls to you to finish what I began.

Good luck,


The Administrator


SCP-001-35 is a single handwritten page found between the last page and back cover of SCP-001-03. The handwriting in SCP-001-35 is inconsistent with that of the other handwritten documents in SCP-001.



This is it, the last evidence that our civilization will have ever existed. No one is entirely sure what will happen when you activate the fail-safe. Some of them are saying that the backlash from using it will instantly shatter what remains of our existence. Others are saying that using something of this power will merely accelerate the Corruption by a hundredfold. Either way, it will be quick. By the time you wake up at your destination, there will be nothing left of our home.


You already know that it will only carry a single passenger, and the second team should have your gear ready by the time you're ready to go. I can only hope that with the time we've bought you, you can find a way to stop this disaster. If not, the device will keep track of the relative corruption level of local reality as well as how many times it's been activated. A bit sadistic of us, perhaps?


By the time you read this, I will already be dead. I'm sorry, but you have always been the stronger one. I don't have the strength to face the end with my head held high. Not without you.

I love you.


Addendum 001-03: SCP-001-36

References found within the documents comprising SCP-001 suggest the existence of SCP-001-36, an electronic device or large document containing comprehensive technological and mathematical data related to SCP-001. The current whereabouts of SCP-001-36 are unknown.


 It was a long one... when I saw it in my smartphone...

but here it's short.





 I have a problem with memorizing stuff... that's just the beginning of this work = Hell


 I am going to die... so do you!

S Andrew Swann's Proposal


Item #: SCP-001


Object Class: Keter


Special Containment Procedures: There is no means to contain SCP-001 yet found that does not risk a potential ZK Reality Failure event and subsequent destruction of the observable universe. (See: Containment Protocol ZK-001-Alpha) Current procedures are limited to the absolute containment of information regarding SCP-001. No data regarding the nature or description of SCP-001 shall be provided to any personnel with the sole exception of the senior member of O5 Command. (Currently O5-█) All data collected in regard to SCP-001 shall be stored in encrypted form via [REDACTED], with the decryption key split into thirds. Each member of O5 Command shall memorize one third, and only one third, of the decryption key. Data shall only be decrypted on a network-isolated eyes-only terminal to be read only by the senior member of O5 Command, and then only after unanimous consent of O5 Command.


Leaking of data about SCP-001, through espionage, telepathic leakage, original research or [REDACTED] must be contained by any and all means available to the Foundation. The senior member of O5 Command, as the one person with authorized knowledge about SCP-001, is the final arbiter on containment.


Foundation personnel of Level two or higher who discover data about SCP-001 in the course of their normal duties may be given a Class A Amnesiac after debriefing rather than being terminated. This is subject to O5 approval on a case-by-case basis.


Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]


Addendum: Containment Log 001-Alpha


Date: 01/12/19██


Incident: Documents appear on Internet site [REDACTED] servers seized and authors traced to [REDACTED]. Resulting explosion explained as gas leak. Monitoring has not shown any further propagation of documents.


Date: 03/31/19██


Incident: Script with possibly compromising information optioned for production by ██████ ████. Pictures. Original scriptwriter [REDACTED] agents successfully replace script with one re-written without [REDACTED]. Film is produced with title ███ ██████ and grosses $27 million its opening weekend.


Date: 06/19/19██


Incident: Novel outline describing [REDACTED] submitted to [REDACTED] by best-selling author █████ ████. Attempt to neutralize author unsuccessful, leading to high profile hospitalization. O5 authorizes the use of Class A Amnestic to prevent more attention to case. Outline recovered and destroyed.


D█te: o5/2█/20█z


IncIdeN█: FounDAtIon R█searcHe█%20discov%5BDAtttA ExPu██geD%5D


Addendum: Emergency Containment Protocol ZK-001-Alpha O5 Eyes Only


Decryption Key Accepted


Note: Containment Protocol ZK-001-Alpha carries a non-zero risk of creating a ZK Reality Failure event. Use should only be authorized in an attempt to mitigate an end-of-the-world scenario or the imminent destruction of the Foundation.

Research at Site-001-Gamma has conducted narrative analysis on SCP-001's changes to the observable universe. Conclusions are that SCP-001 consists of multiple entities showing cognitive patterns that are indistinguishable from human, and that these entities are therefore susceptible to memetic effects. Since prior experiments have shown information feedback via the SCP data warehouse, a possible method of attack and or control has been developed. Protocol ZK-001-Alpha, when initiated, will cause a software viral insertion of a variety of memetic agents into the SCP database which, through the observed information feedback, should expose SCP-001 to the memetic effects of these agents. Protocol ZK-001-Alpha consists of three stages:

  1. Memetic agents inserted to promote calm and/or well-being
  2. Memetic agents inserted to promote sleep, unconsciousness or catatonia.
  3. Memetic agents inserted to cause death.

Given the nature of SCP-001 and our limited interaction with it, it is not possible at this time to safely test Protocol ZK-001-Alpha, and it is unknown if the universe can continue to exist without interaction with SCP-001.


 Okay, okay... I AM GOING TO FUCKING DO IT!?


 You should know what's shit... and so NOW GO AND check out The next story which is comming!

"It Might Have Been".


[Trigger warning - non-explicit description of rape.]


“Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

~ John Greenleaf Whittier

It was overcast, that day.

For many people, the middling grey British sky would be heralding something to be wary of – at the least, rain to dampen spirits and ruin picnics of those optimistic enough to believe Summer meant sun. For others, it would be integrally connected to their mental health; a heavy sky pregnant with an equally heavy burden, making promises of something awful and unpredictable.

For Laurel, it was a blessing in disguise.


She tugged her pajamas off and stood in the dim sunlight that came through her bedroom window, arms wrapped around herself in protection and in defense against the chill that was definitely not born of Summer. Eyes narrowed, she took in the outside world with a sense of defiance.


No shadows. The grey smothered the sun and left people to walk alone. Laurel thought of Peter Pan, thought of shadows sown to soles of the feet, wondered where the shadows went when the sun hid, or slept.

As she tugged on a t-shirt that didn't smell so godawful that it should have been quarantined, and a pair of jeans that only had suspect stains near her ankles, Laurel tried not to second guess her urge to go out. Her fingers twitched anxiously and she reached for the lighter in her back pocket. Right. Fuck it, she could do this. It, the thing, it didn't own her, goddammit!

She slipped on a pair of trainers, grabbed her keys and a handful of suitable money from the change dish near her front door, and left the flat. A sign near the letterbox proclaimed in understated, but red, text -

'Night worker sleeping. Please do not knock!'


Blinking at the slight light the daytime provided, Laurel hesitated in the doorway to the outside world. Her mind registered that the cloudy day was rather depressing, but it was better than the sun.

Taking a deep breath, Laurel began her walk to the local off license. It would take five minutes, tops. Walk, walk, walk don't look down, pause at the road, watch for the cars, walk, walk, walk fuck, is it getting sunnier?, pause again, cross again you used to do this every day, don't worry, walk, walk, walk, hit the shop like a nosebleed.


The owner of the shop peered at her licence like he always did and she again contemplated getting her date of birth tattooed on her arm. This was taking time. Time was something she didn't have. Windows were something the shop didn't have. It was all making her incredibly anxious, her mouth dry when she finally asked for her cigarettes, her hand shaking as she snatched back her ID.

The transaction felt like it took forever, but she was soon back outside and flipping her lighter open. She absently wondered when it became automatic to leave her phone at home; when it became automatic that she didn't want to check messages and phone calls from friends. Her back pocket felt strangely empty without the cumbersome object, but she increasingly found that a social life was too dangerous, these days. Too troublesome, when…

She absently shook her head as she also shook her lighter and flipped the lid down on it. Fuck it, forget it. She slipped a hand into her pocket, her other hand smoking the cigarette with slow purpose. She wanted to smoke until her throat was sore, as if curing a problem. She bowed her head and absently pulled her hood up over her dirty hair, suddenly self-conscious now the desperate drive to get fags had left her.


This self-consciousness is why she was staring at the pavement when the sun suddenly decided to reappear.

It happened instantly. One moment, darkness on the pavement, the threat of rain; the next moment, the shadow appeared next to her, as it had done half a dozen times in the last few months. Laurel's breath caught, but she couldn't bare to lift her head and look away from the figure.


It was simple enough to tell what the shadow was. What it had been. What it might have been. A head that came up to Laurel's hip, a head with hair in pigtails on each side of the head, and a motion that indicated skipping – two skips to Laurel's one step, keeping pace with her. Laurel swallowed dryly, shook her head.

'It isn't there,' she told herself, firmly. 'You're going mad. You are mad. It's the night shifts, it's the isolation, this is nothing, no-one.' As she threw affirming, if degrading, thoughts at herself regarding her own mental health, a voice from nowhere piped up. A voice she didn't know, but it was definitely female and definitely young. And…pink?

'Was I an accident?'


It may have been the tenth or so time she had seen this shadow, but Laurel had never had the figure talk to her – if, indeed, that was what was happening. She didn't feel confident she wasn't only providing her own narrative. Her chest hurt, and she looked around to ensure she was alone, so it didn't feel so weird when she said out loud -

"No. You were very much wanted. I just… lost you."

'Well, I'm not lost right now!' The voice was quick to reply, cheerful, definitely pink. 'You found me!'

Laurel felt like her own grey-speckled thoughts were disturbed, thrown about, struggling to find a foothold in her own brain, struggling to make sense of what was going on. It was this unnerved disruption that allowed her to speak freely.

"…I guess I did."


It hurt her chest more to try and ignore the shadow than to actually give it attention. She couldn't pinpoint why, and she could hear her own breathing, heavy, as she tried to stumble for some moment of reality. She tapped the ash off her cigarette – it had consumed so much of itself that over half of it blossomed and blew away in the wind. Shit.

She kept trying to ignore the shadow. The doorway wasn't that far away.


'Who was my daddy?'


The voice was sweet. Almost lyrical, humming to a tune forgotten in childhood, going up and down in all innocence. The simpleness of the question was another heart-stopping moment.


"Your daddy…uh, his name was David. He was a lawyer."


The child shadow nodded, still skipping, keeping up with Laurel, on an even plane.

"It was probably him. But it may have been a man…who's name I didn't know."


Dark shadows - why always shadows, a cold punishment - an alley by a club. Drinking, after the end of a relationship. Drinking way too much, get pushed out of the bar for being an obvious drunk. "No more for you." Some guy comes up. Handsome enough, looked sober, tall and muscular – an overwhelming strength she was oblivious to, at the start. He offers to help. Blinded by drink and tripping over her feet, she takes it. Next thing she knows, her back is scraping brick under her shirt and he is inside her, and she tries to scream but can only whimper. She hates her body in the darkness, she hates it in the shower later, and she hates it when she pees on a stick and it tells her she's pregnant. But she never hated the… thing, growing within her.


"Who your daddy was…or wasn't, doesn't matter. I wanted you."


The reply was instant, and cheerful as ever, waking Laurel from the dark memory of that night where everything changed.

'I want you too, mummy. Always.'


The shadow, which until now, had been like any other shadow, produced a hand that twisted awkwardly but stayed flat as it was lifted from the ground. It shakily turned the palm towards Laurel's empty hand, the hand without the cigarette.


Laurel paused, then took the hand. It felt like holding nothing, but when the shadow squeezed her hand, she could feel it, and her fingers tingled. It was like when her insides had tingled before the blood started trickling between her legs, before she lost the baby from the cozy nest it had made itself in her womb. She never even got to hold her, but now…


"This is as close to you as I've ever been." Laurel muttered, mainly talking to herself. She could see her front door now. The sky above was changing its mind on this moment of freedom for the shadow-child, and the sun was threatening to go in once more. Laurel swallowed anxiously, squeezed the alien hand that somehow gripped back, despite its consistency and the impossible nature of the situation. All that didn't matter right now. Only one thing mattered.

"You know you'll…go away, once I get inside."


She waited with baited breath. She wasn't sure what for. A denial? A tantrum? A sudden revelation that the shadow could do more than hold hands, that it could come to life and be the child lost so many years ago?


All she got was childish innocence in response.


'I know.' The child answered. 'But I won't be lost, and you'll find me again.'


Find her again. That meant going outside in the sun. That meant confronting this. That meant being seen as potentially insane as she spoke to shadows she was pretty sure no-one else could see. But… she had lost her child, once. Did she really want to lose her again?

Hand in hand, both continued walking towards the building. With a heavy heart, Laurel knew that her child would disappear the second they reached the threshold. The child kept skipping, seemed happy, held her hand, and continued towards their destiny, for now, motivating Laurel to keep moving too. She suddenly felt all too aware of where shadows go when the sun goes in, and she suddenly felt all too aware of the people she met in her life who hated going out in the sun, and she suddenly thought that maybe she wasn't so alone after all.


Linked hand in hand, mother and child both knew as soon as they hit the threshold, Katie would disappear. She would be gone until Laurel could face seeing her unborn child once more, on a sunny day, filled with a desperate need.



(P.S. - [Trigger warning - non-explicit example of a shit.] )



 Something is missing... I know that... and I feel that.



SCP-009 prior to recovery




Item #: SCP-009

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Subject is to be contained within a sealed storage tank of heat-resistant alloy with dimensions not less than 14 m3.


Under no circumstances should SCP-009 be exposed to temperatures in excess of 0°C when not undergoing testing, and no mundane liquids in a solid state (especially frozen water) shall be allowed within 30 meters of the subject's containment area. Subject's chamber is to be fitted with temperature sensors which shall be monitored at all times, and is to be kept refrigerated by no fewer than three (3) redundant cooling units. Any malfunction of sensors, or of coolant systems, is to be reported and repaired immediately.

If at any time the temperature in the containment area climbs above -5°C, the chamber is to be locked down immediately, and flooded with coolant until the temperature has been brought back down to between -30°C and -25°C. Atmosphere must be evacuated from the containment area when personnel are present within, and any water vapor present must be filtered and kept in the same conditions as detailed herein for no fewer than 24 hours. Any vapor displaying properties of SCP-009 is to be quarantined and added to the containment area as soon as possible.


All personnel interacting with or observing the subject must wear full environmental protection suits. All personnel leaving the containment chamber must undergo dehydration of all gear, research materials, and other objects contacting SCP-009's chamber. If contamination is discovered, no material or personnel shall be permitted to exit, and a Level 2 lock-down of the containment area shall commence. Lethal force is authorized in cases of dire need, but all security forces are strongly advised to remain as far away from their targets as possible, to minimize the chance of contact with fluids contaminated by SCP-009.


Description: SCP-009 is approximately 3,700 liters of a substance which exhibits a number of unique properties. While small amounts of the substance, in all phases, are as colorless as mundane water, en masse it takes on a distinct deep red hue.

Its most notable property, however, is the fact that SCP-009's reaction to temperature extremes is exactly opposite that of standard H2O: the subject assumes a liquid phase at temperatures between -100°C and 0°C, and converts into a solid state above those temperatures. At temperatures below -100°C, SCP-009 vaporizes into a gaseous phase similar to steam, though it still retains its red coloration when put under high pressure.


Examinations of the atomic structure of SCP-009 have proved inconclusive. Tests indicate that the subject is composed of the same combination of hydrogen and oxygen as normal water, leaving researchers to speculate that the source of the subject's abnormalities may be the atoms themselves. Dr. ██████ has suggested that the subject may have originated in or been altered by another reality in which the laws of physics are inverted.


This theory may have some merit in light of SCP-009's marked ability to "assimilate" natural water into its mass. If placed in physical contact with any aqueous solution (be it ice, salt water, or water vapor in air), SCP-009 will "spread" and contaminate any H2O in said solution, causing it to exhibit the subject's properties. Though this capacity is present in all phases, it has been observed to progress most slowly (and thus be most containable) in the liquid phase.


If the subject comes in contact with any biological source of heat, it begins a runaway reaction in which the living organism's bodily fluids are rapidly converted to SCP-009 and promptly frozen by their own body heat (because of their generally high core temperatures, mammals are particularly susceptible). Because SCP-009 produces heat while freezing (at the same rate mundane ice consumes heat while melting), the process is self-perpetuating until all available moisture is converted, or until it is halted by external interference.

Experiments on D-Class personnel have illustrated the process of conversion by the subject, which has been condensed down to a series of steps:


1. Initial Exposure: Subject is exposed to SCP-009, and it begins converting any water present on the exposed surface (usually skin) to exhibit its properties. Presence of mist, fog, snow, or other solid or vaporous water greatly accelerates this process.


2. Surface Conversion: A thin layer of frost forms on the exposed area as body heat and heat produced by SCP-009 raise its temperature above freezing. Progression to this step can take anywhere from five (5) minutes to one (1) hour, depending on victim's body temperature. At this stage, freezing has begun progressing through the initial layers of the epidermis and soon reaches live cells.


3. Deep Tissue Conversion: Exponential increase in temperature of SCP-009 causes expansion of ice crystals throughout the victim's body, resulting in widespread perforation of internal cell structure. Actual blood loss is minimal at this stage due to the crystals filling the puncture wounds, allowing subjects to remain alive and conscious for up to ██ hours.




5. Death: Multiple organ failure and exsanguination via systemic crystallization.


Testing on D-Class personnel was discontinued as of 4/23/20██.


Addendum: Circumstances of Retrieval: Subject was found in ████, Alaska, on 11/05/19██. The Foundation became involved after reports were obtained from the native ████ Tribe, who came across the mangled bodies of a team of seal hunters which had apparently been ship-wrecked ██ kilometers from the village.

All victims were found encased in red ice. Cause of death recorded as internal bleeding. On victims whose features were sufficiently intact, expressions of panic and intense pain were observed. It is surmised that the low ambient temperatures in the area retarded the freezing process. This prolonged the time to total conversion by ██ hours, and allowed the victims to remain conscious until [DATA EXPUNGED].


Addendum: 12/16/20██


Super-cooling of SCP-009 for the purposes of experimentation is disallowed until further notice. Personnel are advised that liquid nitrogen is only to be used on the subject in controlled amounts, and only until temperatures have reached acceptable levels.

Related note: Possible application of SCP-009 in cold fusion research pending evaluation.

About the Serpent

Back at the end of the Qin Dynasty, when the first emperor of Han, Liu Bang, was but a local officer, it was rumored that a great serpent lurked in the lake of Fengxi. Arriving to investigate, he encountered a strange being with the body of a man and the head of a snake. Seeing that it was a monster, he pulled out his sword to slay it. Panicked, the being explained that he was no monster or demon, but a descendant of Fuxi and Nüwa, a remnant of the Xia Dynasty.

Upon closer examination, Liu found that the being wore the clothing of scholars and officials, adorned with a white jade belt, indeed a well-learned person. He hence asked the being about gods, kingdoms, kings, beasts and men. With stories, the serpent-man answered accordingly.



About the Gods

At the beginning, the world was like an egg. When Pangu cracked it, the Great Abyss was formed. The Great Abyss was called Guixu. The gods were drawn to it like insects flying into a fire. There, they fought and consumed each other; hence Guixu was also the tomb of gods. Two Great Dragons, of Yin and Yang, also lurked beneath and fed on the gods, one called Fuxi, the other Nüwa. The two Dragons mated and spawned nine offspring, and from the Nine Children, men were born. Hence men were the most distinguished among all beings.

Tens of thousands of years later, the two Dragons fought. Fuxi was shattered, and Nüwa was imprisoned in Taisui. The rule of men was broken, and the gods all cheered.

One Qilin among the gods had the shape of a deer and the face of a man, carrying large antlers with black and white patterns. Upon hearing the event, Qilin abandoned its form and fled to Saturn.

A faceless god witnessed this, and laughed at it: “How come you fear the two Dragons this much?”

Qilin answered: “Gods are the greediest and the most foolish of all beings, and men are descendants of the Dragons. Now that the two Dragons are both gone, the gods will surely feed upon the Nine Children and men. And when the Dragons return, they will surely consume all gods in turn. I only wish to avoid such disaster.”

The Faceless God said: “The two Dragons will fight and consume each other, just like the gods do. No need to be concerned with this.”

Qilin answered: “But one will surely remain between the two Dragons. And by then, we will all end up in its stomach.” And so it no longer responded to the Faceless God, and hid deep within the planet of Saturn.



About the Kingdoms

In ancient times, a war between the Xia Dynasty and a kingdom of apes was fought. The Lord of Apes summoned the king beast and the mother tree, with animals and plants of a thousand kinds under its control; the King of Xia commanded soldiers and chariots of iron and bronze, and harnessed great weapons that could wipe out cities.

Over fifty great wars were fought, with countless smaller battles. Wherever the fires of war reached, waters were vaporized and rocks were turned into sand. The savages who witnessed this all fled in terror as they thought of it as the wrath of gods.

The war continued like this for over a hundred years, until King Mang of Xia rode a wyrm to the great salty lake, and met with the Lord of Apes.

The King of Xia said: “The taming of beasts is the Way of the Dragon; the construction of machines is the Way of the Serpent. The Dragon and the Serpent are partners; hence the beasts and the machines originate from the same source. It is futile to continue the fight, so the war must end.”

The Lord of Apes asked: “If the war is to end, what should we do?”

The King of Xia said: “We can each rule one part of the land.”

The Lord of Apes asked: “But the land is limited, what if we conquered it all?”

The King of Xia pointed skyward and said: “The Milky Way is endless, and we can rule the stars.”

So the Lord of Apes agreed. It is then decided that the Kingdom of Apes shall have the West, as well as Mercury, Venus, and Mars; Xia shall rule the East, along with the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter. The war hence ended.

Another few hundred years passed, Golden Crows, the sun spirits, caused ten suns to appear in the sky. The apes rested during the day and worked at night; the Xia people lived near waters and practiced agriculture. Hence both the Kingdom of Apes and Xia were greatly troubled. In addition, the Sun People, lead by Xihe and Dijun, revolted in the two kingdoms. They said: “We are the children of the suns.”

The Kingdom of Apes sought to suppress them, but was unsuccessful with the interference of the ten suns. The Sun People then stole their great treasure, and made the king beast, the mother tree, as well as the thousands of animals and plants wreck great havoc. The kingdom thus collapsed, leaving few survivors amongst the apes.

King Jie of Xia heard of the event. Terrified, he sent Scholar Yi to kill the ten suns with the Sword of Xuanyuan. Nine suns fell to the ground with only one crow escaped. But the fallen crows turned the land into a sea of fires, and Xia was doomed as well.

Therefore it was exclaimed that: “Alas! Back then, weren’t the Kingdom of Apes and Xia prosperous? Ordinary people would regard them as saints and gods, and they also regarded themselves as heavenly people. Their domains were not only this land, but the stars as well. Yet they are but ashes now.” And among the stars people now saw, sometimes strange blinking lights could be found. They were what was left of the two kingdoms.





About the Kings

The King of Ajia once called upon the Great Abyss, summoning the Three Lords of Death, and said: “I wish that I will not die.” The Lords of Death answered: “You may gamble with us.” Thus the king played cards with Yulü, competed in throwing with Yama, and engaged in a chess match with Kshitigarbha, with the royal blood, the citizens, and the animals under his rule as stakes.

The king lost. The Lords of Death hence took the souls of royalty, common people, and livestock. Disasters arose, plagues prevailed, and wars broke out. Less than one tenth of the people survived. The survivors revolted, killing the royalties and officials, and trapped the king in his court.

Terrified, the king called upon the Great Abyss once more. A faceless god answered him, and said: “You must first die, and will then return in three days. By consuming all blood, you shall live.” The king hanged himself in the court, and the whole kingdom cheered. They exposed his body in the wild, where it was fed upon by the crows.

Three days later, the whole city was lifeless. All were corpses, drained of blood. The god had sent its emissary. With a jade cup, the emissary held the blood of the city’s people, and presented it to the king. Attempting to drink it, the king grabbed the cup. But as his body was torn and broken from the crows, he dropped it by accident. The blood ran down and formed a river. The god sighed and said: “You cannot live and may not die.”

The King panicked, and asked for the blood once more. But his chance was lost. The Three Lords of Death laughed, then turned into crows and flew off.




About the Beasts

A man named Yang lived in the West, the land the Apes once walked, now ruled by Daevas. The Daevas practiced witchcraft and worshipped hideous gods. They might wear fancy clothes, but being beasts inside, they used humans as food, slaves and toys. People under their rule suffered.

One day, Yang could not stand this any longer, and fled into the night. He met a monk named Bumo, who served Fuxi.

Bumo said: “Fuxi is the Father Serpent, the god of metal, one who bears great wisdom. Your pain can be eased if you replace your flesh with copper, your bone with iron, your organs with clockwork, and your blood with mercury.”

Yang was reluctant, turning him down: “If I abandon my body, how can I remain a man? Such is foolish.”

Bumo sighed and said: “You may call upon the gods for help, but do not call upon the Mother Dragon.”

Yang then bade farewell to Bumo. Soon after, the Daevas came and caught him. Locking him up with livestock, they decided to eat him on a fine day. It was then that Yang called upon the gods, but none answered.

Weeping into the night, Yang heard the call of the Beast. It was the Dragon, who spoke to him: “I am Nüwa, the mother of you all.” Yang regarded it as a god, and knelt. He offered goats and pigs in the cage as sacrifices to feed the Six Beasts under the throne of the Dragon. The Dragon then said: "Good. So you shall receive my aid."

Yang thus became the Sorcerer, and herded dragons, snakes, and beasts. The Daevas could not match his power. They fled, leaving the city behind. Yang then said: "I shall be the Sorcerer King." As he finished, the Six Beasts all descended and congratulated him, and was fed with the city’s people.

Bumo heard of the event, and led his monks to fight against Yang. When Bumo saw Yang again, he found that the being no longer resembled a human, but a serpent-like creature with four eyes and a huge mouth. Bumo exclaimed: “Once struggled against the beasts, he now became a beast himself, such a shame!”

He defeated Yang at Yaluo, and drove him into Taisui. As a beast in the cage, Yang never again bathed in sunlight.




About Men

During Shi Huang Ti’s reign, all lands were united, all savages were under the emperor’s rule, and people with rare talents came from all over the world to seek audience with the emperor. The emperor of Qin hence announced to the world that: “I seek eternal life.”

Panjia came from overseas. He was of the ageless ancient people, and spoke the words of birds and animals. He talked about the reign of the Dragon and the Serpent, where the Great Tower of Jianmu led to the sky, the Paradise Garden housed all beasts, and the Kunlun Palace resided by men. With beasts locked up in the base, he built Epang Palace, where towers could reach the stars. He then wrote languages of all life into a tome and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor asked: “Can I achieve eternal life through this?”

Panjia answered: “If you can accomplish such great things, you will surely be remembered by all of your people, and live forever in their hearts.”

The emperor was enraged, and burnt the tome. Panjia sighed, and disappeared into the flames, never seen again.

Yufu came from the Shu state. He was the descendant of Cancong, a remnant of the Xia Dynasty. He talked about the Yellow Emperor, the kings Yao, Shun, and Yu, and how they managed to govern the land to prosperity through the Way of Fuxi. He first forged tens of thousands of mechanical soldiers, and then a flying ship, which sailed in the Milky Way and settled on the moon.

The emperor asked: “Can I achieve eternal life through this?”

Yufu answered: “If you replace your mortal body with machines, you may live forever.”

The emperor was not pleased. Regarding the method as heretical, he abandoned Yufu’s plans.

Xu Fu came from the West. He was a messenger of Adytum, servant of Mother Dragon. He spoke of the Sorcerer Yang, who worshipped Nüwa and the Six Beasts under her throne, and was able to defeat demons, harness beasts, and wield great power.

The emperor asked: “Can I achieve eternal life through this?”

Xu Fu answered: “Yes.”

The emperor was greatly pleased. He permitted Xu Fu’s request, who asked for five hundred children as sacrifice. Xu Fu then sacrificed to the Great Dragon. Soon after, a Beast under the Dragon’s throne came. It indeed granted the emperor eternal life and great power, saying: “You must sacrifice a person daily to show gratitude towards Mother Dragon.” The emperor answered: “I shall sacrifice a hundred daily.” The Great Beast replied: “Such is good.” The emperor then collected people from all over the land. Xu Fu saw this, and fled to the eastern seas.

Terrified of the emperor’s actions, Yufu said: “Panjia is the perfection of man; the Xia people are but descendants of the Dragons; Xu Fu, howerever, is indeed of the beasts’ kind. Seeking help not from Panjia, but from Xu Fu, a grave mistake. An eternal life but at the cost of the lives of all who walk the land, such is intolerable.”

Yufu thus led the mechanical soldiers he built and trapped the emperor in Epang Palace. He then sank the palace into the ground, and left the emperor with no escape despite his eternal life.


As the stories were finished, Liu said: “People all say that a monster dwells in this lake. Thus, I cannot return empty handed.” The being said: “You can slay this serpent.” He tossed his jade belt onto the ground, which then turned into a white serpent. Liu slew it, and saw that the serpent-man was nowhere to be found. Seeing the serpent Liu brought back, the people were all amazed, and said that it was a sign of future royalty.






SPC-1981 is currently active. At all times, an agent is to watch SPC-1981 for insights on future Selachian Aggression Events. Information collected on these events is to be input into the GLACON unit present in the viewing room. All personnel assigned to watch SPC-1981 must possess a SRI1 of at least 14.0, in order to prevent excessive expenditure of Centre resources. Agents who have previously been assigned to watch SPC-1981 and reacted violently are not to be reassigned to SPC-1981 duty unless possessing an SRI of at least 25.0. Agents who have reacted violently upon repeated assignments are to be permanently reassigned from SPC-1981. The GLACON unit will notify attending personnel immediately if agents display physiological signs of agitation and relieve them of their shift.

In the event of the reappearance of entity ONYX POET, a priority BETA-RED report is to be made to the CICAPOCO immediately; If entity ONYX POET is confirmed to possess Selachian attributes, a priority OMEGA-BROWN report is to be made instead. Engagement with entity ONYX POET should be avoided in either case; if no Selachian attributes are present, personnel are to attempt to contact ONYX POET as it may provide useful intelligence.




Still frames from SPC-1981. Note the presence of ONYX POET



Project #: SPC-1981


Selachian Pugnātorial Capabilities: SPC-1981 possesses no direct capacity for direct combat with Selachian entities. Instead, it is used to predict the future appearance of Selachian Entities. Centre forces are to be mobilized to future Selachian Incursion Sites when applicable. In addition, the entity or entities contained in SPC-1981 have on occasion provided unorthodox yet effective SPC methods.


Project Components: SPC-1981 consists of a standard Telcan tape. "RONALD REGAN SHARKED UP WHILE TALKING" (sic) has been written on the adhesive sticker in felt tip pen. SPC-1981 also includes one unit of a prototype GLACON-class supercomputer equipped with an experimental historical and predictive AI package designed to coordinate proper responses to future events without breaking causality.


SPC-1981 appears to be a home video recording of deceased Academy Award actor Ronald Reagan delivering his acceptance speech for his 1964 film The Fishers to the Academy of Filmographic Arts and Sciences (AFAS), at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA, on 4/5/1965. However, at 1 minute and 10 seconds, the speech begins to deviate heavily, eventually resembling no known speech ever made by Reagan. Upon rewinding SPC-1981 and initiating playback, Reagan will deliver an entirely new speech, often radically different from the ones previously observed. Topics have included praise of Selachian entities, the consumption of raw fish, and communism.


The speeches delivered by Reagan are mostly incoherent, lacking any sort of underlying thematic structure and largely being composed of nonsensical anecdotes and parables. However, every speech includes at least one reference to a future event that Reagan could not possibly have known about, such as the 1975 New England Selachian Attacks, the result of the 2016 American election, or █████ ██████████. Roughly 90% of these references involve Selachian entities. For this reason, a prototype GLACON-class supercomputer has been allocated for analyzing the speeches produced by SPC-1981. At least one (1) human personnel must supervise playback of SPC-1981 and input data into the GLACON system.


Beginning at approximately 5 minutes, Selachian attributes begin to appear haphazardly upon Reagan. Attributes appear to vary between different playbacks of the tape. No known order has been established for the appearance of Selachian attributes. Fins, gills, teeth, and [REDACTED] have all been observed. Reagan also appears to suffer from bites out of his skin and bruises that appear to be the size of a human fist. Despite suffering from transformations that would render an ordinary person unable to speak, Reagan will continue to deliver his speech until the end of the the Telcan tape at 20:00. Personnel are to note that to date SPC-1981 has provided actionable intelligence on over ██████ incidents, and must resist the urge to engage in combat with Reagan despite his increasingly Selachian attributes.


Entity ONYX POET appears in roughly 1 out of 6 playbacks of SPC-1981, replacing a member of Academy Staff. ONYX POET appears to mime punching motions. Entity ONYX POET has not reappeared since the events of █/█/12.


Acquisition Summary: SPC-1981 was found in 1981 by a member of Great American Watchmen, an association of individuals dedicated to the preservation of fine arts and cultural purity, and immediately turned over to the Centre on basis of "moral turpitude". Further investigation of the GAW library revealed an additional Telcan tape containing the remainder of Reagan's speech; however, this tape displayed no anomalous effects. The membership of the Great American Watchmen, when questioned, refused to admit any involvement in the creation of SPC-1981 and could not describe how they came to be in possession of it. They were administered a Class-A amnestics and released.


Ronald Reagan, then directing his 1981 blockbuster Evil Empire, was questioned about his involvement in SPC-1981, but showed neither prescience of Selachian attacks nor any Selachian features. As such, there was no need to subject him to any amnestic regimen2.

Unfortunately, no reliable methods of duplicating SPC-1981 have been found, and as such only 72 playbacks of SPC-1981 can be done in one day.


Deployment Record:


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0:16:25: -Reagan: My mother always told me that it was perfectly alright to be a shark. One recent study by the International Institute of Cipangu concluded that the world is much more alright to eat raw fishies than in the past hundred years. Shark! Shark! America is an abomination that will not eat fish properly! Twelve. If I had been born a shark, this world would be fair. Two. Three. Sharknado. Now there you go again.


0:17:17: -Reagan: I like having lots and lots of teeth. Lots of teeth is the best foreign policy. If you want to punch a shark, the snout is the most sensitive place, but the tail works too. Sharks are the next stage of evolution. My secondary mutation is scaly skin. Hit me when I'm down, in the snout; if you do that, I won't hurt you as badly. That's not a threat.

0:17:50: I am a shark!

0:18:20: [Audience Laughs]

0:18:30: [Reagan is now almost completely Selachian]

0:18:45: -Reagan: The Papal City, April 2013. Seizing the means of production is a crime perpetrated by the basest of fish. A storm of sharks from the heavens! It will be glorious!

0:18:50: [Reagan starts making pinging noises. Later theorized to be a form of Selachian echolocation. Observers report a sense of unease; however, no cognitohazardous effects detected. Pinging continues until end of tape at 20:00]

Centre agents in and around Vatican City were put in high alert for two years, to account for temporal drift, starting in the March of 2012. However, on 4/█/2013, an unexpected supercell tornado appeared in the San Francisco Bay, picking up an undetected school of Baseline-Type Selachian Entities and scattering it throughout the city of San Francisco. Deployment to the area was limited and underestimated the threat at first, resulting in a minor UK-Class (Unpunched Selachian) Beach Event. Centre forces were quickly mobilized, but the distribution of Selachian Entities made comprehensive pugilism impossible. A Centre-sponsored disinformation campaign promoted the Beach Event as viral marketing for the recent film Sharknado.

The geographical confusion in the event was later determined to be related to the recent election of Pope Francis. The GLACON system had predicted an approximately 25% chance of the Beach Event taking place in San Francisco; however, decreasingly cryptic communications by the SPC-1981 entity or entities had led to increasingly literal interpretations of information.


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0:17:33: -Reagan [singing]: Under the sea… under the sea! Life is a lark, when you're a shark, a shark like meeeeee! Up on the fields they labor away, we'll seize the means of production someday! While we be sharks, down where it's dark, under the sea!


0:15:12 [Members of the Academy appear to have engaged in an elaborate dance number that involves punching.]

0:19:01: -Reagan: Under the sea…. under the sea! When this film comes out, the world will shout, they'll be like meeee! That is the way, we'll make people see, this is the the way, the world ought to be, we'll all be sharks, it'll be a lark, we'll all have fins, we'll all go swim, under the sea!

0:19:55: -Reagan: Now there we go again! Ba-da-bum!

Following this playback, Centre agents were dispatched to ██████ Studios in Hollywood, where they confiscated the film reels of ███ ██████ ███████, a film that depicted several Selachian entities behaving in a non-aggressive manner. No cognitohazardous effects were discovered in the incomplete reels. However, following the return and release of the reels, Centre personnel a number of police reports describing disruptions outside of several Hollywood movie studios suggested that the final reels, specifically the musical number █████ ███ ███, was indeed infected by an infohazard that caused audiences to believe that they were Deviant-Type Selachian Entities capable of terrestrial ambulation and melodic vocalization. Notably, this infohazard is not present in the playback of SPC-1981. The affected film reels were confiscated and purged of infohazard for widespread release, and the city of Hollywood showed no anomalous symptoms after being dosed with airborne Class A amnestics3. This event led to the acquisition and augmentation of SPC-████.


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0:15:36: -Reagan: When I was a boy I went down to Omaha Beach. My grandmother took me fishing in the meadows. And there I saw the Megalodon. It told me that Kitty Hawk is a great place at this time of year.

0:15:49: [Video surveillance logs note that Agent ███████, on duty at the time, has started pacing the room]

0:16:01: -Reagan: Megalodon. A harvest of seals there will be, at Kitty Hawk! Seals with blubber, so ready and fat, so ripe for the taking. A wonderful harvest of fatty fatty fatty seals. Now there you go again.

0:16:17: [Agent ███████ has stopped pacing and is now staring at the screen. Reagan is mostly Selachian.]

0:16:20: -Reagan: But the body of human fat doesn't taste as good as seals. Smells good, but tastes putrid, like poison. Sticks in the teeth, makes meals unappealing. Makes it harder to dodge the blows. Fat humans? Taste horrible! Fatty fish? Yum, yum! Now there you go again.

[At this point, Agent ███████ approaches the GLACON input console to take note of a possible Pugnatorial technique; however, before he can finish, Reagan speaks again]

0:16:39: -Reagan: And that's why I, personally, will not be going to Kitty Hawk next weekend.

[Video logs indicate Agent ███████ immediately punches the television repeatedly until it shatters, preventing the remainder of the playback from being recorded. Attending personnel enter the room and restrain Agent ███████]

When questioned, Agent ███████ claimed that SPC-1981 had "insulted his mother." Upon being pressed further, Agent ███████ admitted that his mother had recently complained that her doctor had classified her as slightly overweight, and that her Women's Association was going on a day trip to the Kitty Hawk Beach over the next weekend. Centre agents were summarily dispatched to Kitty Hawk where they encountered an abnormally high level of Selachian Entities, and they engaged in pugilism. No civilian casualties were noted from the incident, and Agent ███████'s mother's trip occurred without incident.

Since this incident, a statistically significant number of playbacks have predicted Selachian Incursion Events at locations where the close friends or family of observing agents, henceforth referred to as subjects, have future plans for recreation. Agents are advised that SPC-1981 has insulted the weights, heights, good tastes, and [REDACTED] of its subjects; however, foreknowledge of these events has allowed the Centre to increase its rate of direct Selachian pugilism. Furthermore, a statistically low rate of Selachian-Induced Injuries have affected subjects of SPC-1981 compared to the general population. While distressing to collect data from, agents are reminded that SPC-1981 has never resulted in lethal injury for its subjects.


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0:00:00: [Long shot of podium as well as empty chairs normally occupied by Reagan and Academy Members.]

0:00:30 - [Camera zooms in on podium.]

0:02:55 - [Entity known as ONYX POET enters shot from left and stands at podium. Entity begins slowly moving hands, later determined to be using American Sign Language.]





0:05:55 - SCREW YOU

0:06:13 - I'M OUT


0:06:23 - [Entity remains still for the remainder of the recording]

0:19:05 - [Telcan flashes to single frame intertitle with words "STOP PUNCHING SHARKS" colored in red. Holds for remainder of tape. Personnel watching recordings of this playback are advised to remain calm and remember that the entity has provided ██████ pieces of useful intelligence in previous recordings.]

Following this incident, Entity ONYX POET has not reappeared. Personnel are to immediately engage in diplomatic appeasement should it do so.

Footnotes1. Selachian Resistance Index, used to measure an agent's self-control under stressful situations2. This may have been in error, since following his exposure to knowledge of SPC-1981, Reagan has increasingly set his movies in tropical locations with ocean access, and has purportedly become a connoisseur of sushi.3. Debated; there was an unprecedented renaissance in musical productions in Hollywood following the event; see Young, J (2010, April) ███ ██████ ███████ and the rebirth of animation, █████████████ ██████, Retrieved from [REDACTED]

SCP-2917: Twice-Stable Wormhole

This was my first SCP.

I'd been reading the site for about three years, more or less, before I finally decided to create an account and try my hand at writing my own skip. Went through the incredibly valuable guides, registered, made a sandbox page, and started writing.

The idea started out as a kind of a horror thing - exploring the concept of being left, stranded and alone, on an alien world with zero chance of rescue.

This is not what got published.

That's mostly because I'm not a good enough author to deal with putting much emotion into my work. I can totally nail the specifics, which is important - I can make a skip look like a plausible piece of technical writing - but actual emotion and personality is something I can't easily do. It's one of my limitations.

Then I started exploring some more stuff. The focus was now on meticulous study - on the Foundation working out exactly how this thing works, what it does, and what makes it suddenly shift its target planet. I published that.

And it got some wonderful criticism. I'm not being sarcastic, it was really good critique. I published a rewrite about a week or two later, but at that point nobody saw it because it had moved off of the "new pages" list. If you read it back then, I'd advise you go take another look. Maybe I turned a downvote into an upvote somewhere!


SCP-2597: Minus Two Kilograms

My second and most popular SCP.

This one has a bit of a story with it. It had, at this point, been about a month since I published 2597. I wanted to write another skip, but I just couldn't come up with a viable concept. I played around with a pen that makes anything you write with it true within a certain radius, but then I was alerted to something very similar - and it was an 001 proposal.

Anyway, I got bored in physics class. I started thinking back to some really basic stuff - namely Newton's Second Law. I started contemplating what I knew about forces and what would happen if you messed around with some weird numbers.

An object with infinite mass would just sit there. Also it would turn into a black hole, but what fun is that?

An object with zero mass would, interestingly enough, resist motion as well, as long as it was in atmosphere. If there was any force at all on all sides, it's a balanced force. You can't get it to move relative to earth, because there's always some teensy atmospheric pressure opposing you. If you had it in space though, it would accelerate to C instantly and then keep going - at least until it touched a neutrino.

An object with negative mass though… that could be fun. That could be an SCP. I could write that.

And I did. I was meticulous. I put a lot of thought and energy into making sure I had the physics as right as I could make them, and then wrote it up, had it reviewed, and posted it. Then this happened. I kinda lost it. The amazing science aside, I'd written an SCP and had something resembling it exist in real life within two days. Seriously?

Then it got featured. This was basically the best possible scenario. I had more publicity than I could've imagined as a second-time SCP author. Frankly I had no idea that this was that original of a concept - I just thought it'd be fun. Apparently loads of other people did too.

Seriously, thank you all so much. That said, there's pretty much zero chance I can top this.

SCP-2649: Multidimensional Ceramic Omnivore

This one's a bit different. The page about the spidery teapot monster you see here started with just this image. An SCP fuel post on Reddit.

I initially wanted to give it a compulsion effect, but those are lame, so I didn't. I also initially had a test log where somebody drank the portal fluid, and anything they ate or drank went into the pocket dimension and fed the skip instead of the Class D. I liked that log, but I couldn't work out why the hell the Foundation would have someone drink it, so I scrapped it.

The concept of it cleverly trying to escape and making a pain in the rear of itself developed towards the end, and I could probably stand to add something there. Maybe eventually it'll get a rewrite. I dunno.

There's really not all that much else to say, really. I had a concept for what this thing would do, and I rolled with it. It's not my best - but if you ask me it ain't bad. Pretty hard to follow up my last one, although if you check my sandbox page I've got something in the works that might pull it off.



SCP-2649, coated in SCP-2649-A to defend against a perceived threat


Each story as fucked up as you think it is...


If you don't like it... stop it... 


That's a Fat Catalog for fat people... I just saw myself on this catalog and I am laughen...!

Dreams of the Dead Sea

It is said that in ancient epochs, when the world was closer to the stars, that in dreams one could glimpse foretellings of things yet to come. Such beliefs are not encouraged in these days, as the Temple considers any claim of prophecy to be a form of blasphemy. I now know that on this, the priests are incorrect, that the dreaming world can reveal things yet to come. Had I known it when I was younger, I might have been better prepared for the revelations that I have unearthed; but perhaps it is better now, that what was foretold has come to pass, that I can relate to you that which it has now come time for the world to know. It is likely that merely holding this text in your hands has marked you a heretic in the eyes of the Temple, but I implore you to hear my tale; and you will learn how the promise of St. Azarius has been fulfilled, and how it was foretold in my dreams of the Dead Sea.


The Dead Sea lies in the far east, amidst the barren expanses of the Plateau of Leng, far from the coruscant spires of Panopolis and the verdant fields of Arcadia. Its shores rest a thousand feet or so below the rim of a great pit the likes of which can be found nowhere else in the world, which extends at least three hundred miles in diameter. The depths of the pit are lost to history, as are its origin. Some speculate that it was once some primaeval ocean, or the crater left by a meteor of unprecedented size. The great Dr. Elutherius, of the Imperial Collegium, attempted to excavate the southwestern bank in my grandfather's day; he made it half-a-mile deep before his crew abandoned him, driven seemingly to madness when they discovered a rock face smooth as glass and beyond the artifice of nature. All know of the Dead Sea, and all will find their way to it in due time, but few who do so are in any state to tell tales of the place. No man sails the Dead Sea, nor does any fish plumb its depths, for it is not water that laps upon the shores of that sea, but flesh and bone. All who live must die, and it is the law of the church and the state that all who die are laid to rest in the charnel-house of the world, the Dead Sea.


The beginnings of the Dead Sea are lost to history. It was already in use in the first century after the Triumph of the Church and the proclamation of the Blessed Empire. Archaeologists have found remnants of lesser such accumulations around the world, which must have at some point been abandoned when the Temple ordered all the dead to be discarded in one place. It is said that ten thousand years ago or more, before St. Azarius promised eternal life in the hereafter to all who believed in Him, that the bodies of the dead were revered; they were cleaned and dressed, displayed for public viewing, and buried in the earth in the lands in which they lived. Such practices are now considered blasphemy, as the Great Scriptures proclaim;

"Do not lavish honours upon the bodies of the dead, for the body is but a carriage for the soul. The body rots and turns to dust, but the soul, which Our Lord knows and treasures, takes its leave for life eternal. Therefore, do not let the dead lie among the living as the heathens do, for they have had their reward in full; but take them away from your lands instead and cast them into the deepest hole, and let them be forgotten."


And so it has always been done; in every corner of the world, the dead are loaded onto trucks and trains and air-coaches, by the hundreds of thousands each day, and hauled hundreds or thousands of miles to the Dead Sea, to be dumped onto its surface. New bodies are unceremoniously piled atop the old, to be submerged in turn by the next crop of decedents, to sink and sink until they crumble away and rejoin the earth. A terrible miasma engulfs the land, and it is said that at night, the sea glows with corpse-lanterns fueled by the gaseous emissions of the decomposing millions. Few of the living set foot on its shores, save the high priests of the Temple, the carrion-haulers, and, it is said, those who illicitly dig to the lower layers of the sea and harvest the rich corpse-soil, to be sold as fertilizer. (This libel is a favorite of farmers to levy against their rivals; for who would buy their crops, knowing they were grown from the dead?) The last class of the living who glimpse the Dead Sea's shores are not spoken of in polite company. On the northern shore of the sea, where the drop from the edge of the pit to the sea's surface is much sharper than the gentle descent of the southwest, there stands the Long Walk; a causeway extending several miles from the edge, along which those convicted of the most abominable crimes against the church and the state are condemned to walk before casting themselves into the depths.


I have dreamt of the Dead Sea since I was a child. The dream does not come often, but it is always the same; I awake to find myself lying atop the surface of the sea, and as I surveil the horizon I can espy no hint of the shore; there is nothing on any side but the dead, baking and rotting below the blood-orange sun. I can find no steady footing, for with every step I sink knee-deep into flesh. I call for help, but there are no living ears to hear me. Thousands of feet above, the air-coaches glide silently overhead, barely slowing to discharge their rain of carrion unto the gory mass. I find myself sinking into the ichorous loam, fearing that soon I shall no longer be an unwelcome guest among the dead, when I awake.


Oft have I shared my dreams with the Temple priests during the Rites of Expurgation. I dared never speak my silent fear that I was being given visions of what was yet to come, for to be known to even be harbouring the thought might label me suspect. The priests nonetheless assured me that I need not fear any such fate befalling me; no man is marked for disposal until the hospitallers have declared that he is truly and irreversibly dead and his soul has left his body. They often suggested that the dreams evinced a defect in my faith; that perhaps I doubted the truth that my soul will depart when my body expires, and that I will be left to pass away into nothing along with my body. It was also suggested that, though St. Azarius would never deem to speak His Word to a living soul if the prophetic signs were not present, that perhaps He was testing my faith in a way; by showing me a vision of what my eternal self might suffer if my temporal self failed in its devotions, He might encourage me to more fervently follow the right path.


These words provided me little comfort during my adolescence, but as I came of age, I began to find more comfort in the admonitions of the priesthood. I committed myself to the study of the Great Scriptures and sought to live in word and deed as St. Azarius had commanded. In time the dreams grew less frequent, and had stopped altogether by the time I came of my thirtieth year. I had been successful to a fault in my career, and took full advantage of the rare opportunity to enjoy a night of leisure, making my way through the finest public houses and dance-halls of my native Austhaven. I danced and ate and drank and sang and caroused into the small hours of the morning, and then…


I awoke with a pain in my head, my body sore, my mouth dry, my stomach in tumult, an ache in my bladder, and a strong desire to return to a slumber I could not remember laying down for. I was no stranger to the ploughman's curse that is the hang-over, but seldom has it occurred in my life that I drank to such excess that I could not remember the end of the night. No sound perturbed my ears that morning, so I judged that I had either found my lodgings, or had taken unconscious in a poorly-trafficked alley. In either event, it seemed, there was no urgent need to me to arise, so I rolled over on my side and sought to settle in - when I felt a sharp object jab me in my side, and a stench like nothing I have ever known assailed my nostrils.


My eyes darted open and the flash of the naked sun, blazing brilliant in the clear orange noonday sky, blinded me. I reached to my left for a hold to raise myself up, and my fingers sank into something warm and soft. Squinting, I turned my gaze from the sun to my hand, and an unholy horror consumed me when I espied what I had laid my hand upon - a human skull, sun-bleached, bits of discoloured flesh clinging limply to its surface. I drew my gloved hand back in horror and took with it a dram of brownish ichor that had once been its owner's eyes.


I wretched, ejecting nothing but my own stomach juices, as a dread realization overcame me. Below me was a pile of discarded rags that had once been loosely wrapped around the dead. To my left, to my right, in every direction, was nothing but gore - broken limbs bending in every direction, bone shards jutting from distended flesh, thick and opaque puddles of congealing blood, undulating pools of worms and maggots feeding on the bounty before them, and surrounding everything, the undeniable miasma of death. This was far more vivid than the dreams had ever been, and in that instant I was forced to recognize that my dreams had been prophetic after all - for here I was, a living breathing man, lying discarded upon the surface of the Dead Sea.


How was this possible, I wondered? Austhaven is many thousands of miles from Leng; could I have drank so heavily, so excessively, that I was mistaken for dead and loaded upon one of the trans-continental air-coaches? I still wore the heavy coat, gloves, and boots I had decorated myself with the prior evening, though definitely less fashionable now coated with gore as they were. Perhaps, in my cups, I committed some intolerable act and had been convicted by the state - or worse yet, found soulless by the church - and compelled to walk the Long Walk?


Somehow, I found the wherewithal to rise to my hands and knees, finding some footing upon the bones of the dead, and it seemed that Providence, in the most meagre of ways, had shone upon me. Though noon had passed and the sun was already bearing towards its rest in the southern sky, I was able to glimpse, in the west, a shallow cliff face. I had not taken the Long Walk, nor had I been disposed of in the heart of the sea where I would have had no hope for survival. It would be a struggle - but it would not be impossible for me to reach the shore of the Dead Sea, climb to the edge of the pit, and survive this ghastly ordeal.

The journey was slow in the going. Every step I took, every foothold I spotted amidst the rough uneven mass of carrion, could potentially give way and leave me to sink and drown amidst the dead. I tested each step with the utmost of care, often falling to all fours to better spread my weight among the clusters of bone and lumps of skin that could hold it. The heat was unbearable; though Leng is known for being a frigid climate, the chemical processes occurring within the depths of the sea kept it considerably warmer than its environs. My thirst overpowered me; and though all my senses rebelled against the notion, I forced myself to lower my lips into a pool of blood and drink a few sips. It tasted of death and sin, and I evacuated most of it sheer minutes later; it was evident that the sea would provide me no nourishment, and I was doomed to die if I could not reach the shore. Though I could easily have walked three miles in an hour on open land, I found myself making less than half a mile each hour, as the sun drew closer to the southern horizon and the bright orange of day grew a darker blue and purple. It was apparent that I would not make the shore by dusk, and I had no confidence in the moon, that mother of liars, to not guide me around in a circle until I dropped from exhaustion, so there was nothing to be done but to spend the night at sea. I pulled several of the larger, more intact cadavers together and atop one another to form a raft of sorts, and I lay flat on my back upon it, gazing up at a starless sky, as purple gave way to black.


I slept little that night, fearing that, should I let my eyes close fast again, that they might never re-open. As the moon rose contemptuously over the horizon, the fabled corpse-fires of the sea began to alight, bathing the feculent stew in an eerie gleam. I remembered hearing a rumor supposedly passed down from the soil-harvesters who plied the sea under cover of darkness, that the lights were the souls of the dead, trying to escape and burning up instead. I remembered the doubts of my youth - that my soul would perish in the Dead Sea with my body - as I stared at the gyring blazes that seemed to confirm my fears. I did the only thing I could think of to do in such a dark and seemingly hopeless hour - I prayed.


And in that dark hour, my prayer was answered. I heard a voice, both quiet and bold, humble and resplendent, seeming to whisper and shout at once from some cavernous void in the back of my mind. Fear not, it said to me in a language I could not recognize. I have promised you life eternal; endure now, and it shall be granted. It was in that instant that any trace of agnosticism I had ever experienced was put paid to; for here, at the edge of the world, in the land of the dead, in the darkest hour of my existence, I knew, without any doubt, that St. Azarius Himself had heard my prayers and had spoken to me.


In time, the first rays of the morning sun began to shine from the north. As soon as I could fix my eyes on the shore, a scant five or so miles ahead, I resolved that I would reach it by sunset. It was unlikely that I could survive another night on the sea without food or water, and St. Azarius Himself had commanded me to carry on - what choice did I have? Hours passed as I picked my way across the wastes. As I drew nearer the shore, the going became easier - here were the ripest of bodies, those delivered by train from the lands closest to Leng, and there lay less distance between them and the bottom of the pit than did those further asea. I was nearly a mile from the shore when I spied an unusually old body amidst the mass of the newly dead - its skin was dry and practically mummified, leather wrapped over bone. It jutted skyward between two corpses that had lain there a week or so, its eyeless sockets fixed on the heavens, one sinewy claw seeming to grip for dear life to the bosom of one of the newer bodies. A shudder befell me as I considered this remnant that had once been a man - his posture, his stance, the look on his dried face, told me that he had died after arriving in the Dead Sea. Logic dictates that I could not have been the only person in the history of the Empire to have befallen such a fate, but here, it seemed, was the proof.


I reached the shore an hour or so before sunset, and began to crawl and climb my way up the slope to the edge of the pit. I was halfway up when one of the carrion-haulers slouched up to the edge and discharged several hundred cadavers over the edge in my direction. I clung fast to the rocks and prayed, and again I heard St. Azarius urge me to persevere. Though they rolled over me, falling apart on the rocks, wooden caskets and linen wraps disintegrating on the way downward, limbs tearing asunder and buffeting me as they made their way downhill, I managed to avoid losing my grip and rejoining them below. Dusk had fallen by now, but I no longer had need of the light to guide me, for I knew which way up was. It must have been midnight before the slope gave way to level sand, the green glow of the Dead Sea lay behind me, and I knew that I had escaped with my life.


What now, then, I wondered? Though I was free of the pit, there was no succour to be had at its edge; it was a good hundred miles to the nearest town, and even the carrion-haulers dared not overnight here. I glanced around in the darkness, hoping that the corpse-lights would illuminate some sign of salvation, and as I looked westward where the lying moon rose above the plateau, I glimpsed the unlikely silhouette of my rescue; a relief station, from which no light now shone, but which the carrion-haulers surely had need of before making their return trip back to the depots where their next load of unfortunates was to be received.


I recall not whether I admitted myself to the men's chamber or to the women's; it hardly seemed like the most significant of details at the time. All I cared for was that there was a sink within, connected to a reservoir no doubt resupplied with waters from far outside this accused land. Water! Few sing hymns in its praise but those who have been made to do without. I suckled greedily at the tap like a baby hungry for its mother's milk. Having had my fill, I splashed my face, washing away the gore and sludge that had accumulated during my trek across the Dead Sea. I breathed a sigh of relief that my ordeal had come to an end. In the morning, more carrion-haulers would come. I could flag one down and tell him my story, and by day's end I would be back in my flat in Austhaven, and all of this would be nothing more than a thrilling tale of adventure with which to regale my grandchildren. Clearly I had begun to go mad in that grim viridian night among the corpse-fires and imagined the voice of St. Azarius; now that I was safe, I would need to seek Expurgation for those thoughts, but having done that I would never have to speak or think of that blasphemy again. Sighing, I rose from the sink and met my own gaze in the mirror - and as instantly as the earlier relief had swept me, a new revelation came.


It is said that in ancient epochs, when the world was closer to the stars, St. Azarius struck a bargain with the gods, that man might not die, but live eternal if they followed His teachings. The Temple has always taught that this life is to come in the hereafter; when we die, our souls depart our bodies, and if we are worthy, then St. Azarius will welcome us into the new world of His making.


I know not what negotiations He brokered with the Outer Things, nor what black magicks he authored in those distant ages, but I know now that the immortality He acquired for mankind was not the same immortality that the priests of the Temple had expected Him to deliver. Their vengeance when they realized the truth must have been immense. Perhaps He was the first one doomed to take the Long Walk into the heart of the pit. Perhaps the Dead Sea was built upon Him, that the Temple could hide His disgrace from the world without abolishing the reputation of his Holy Name upon which their power was wrought. I knew now that when I had heard St. Azarius speak to me that night in the Dead Sea, He spoke to me not from some metaphysical world-to-come, but that He was below me in the depths.


When I first beheld myself in the mirror, I vomited. What I expelled was not the fresh water I had just consumed, but something far more foul; black and brown, malodorous and syrupy, speckled with bits of graying flesh. In an instant, I recalled the details of my birthday celebration that had previously been denied to me; how I was unceremoniously tossed into the street after last call at the Eel & Castle. How I staggered drunkenly along the cobbles en route to my flat, hollering impolite suggestions at the ladies on the kerb. How I lost my footing on the mist-slicked staircase that lead downward to Earl's Street. How I tumbled twice and bashed my head against an old stone on my way down. How the maidens had screamed for help. How the hospitallers struggled to carry me onto a horse-drawn carriage as my life-blood ran down onto the stone.


Be not afraid, the voice spoke again in my head as I peeled the glove off my left hand, taking half of the soggy purple skin with it as I peeled it loose. I promised life eternal to all those who believe. In you the world shall see the fulfillment of my vow. The prophecy has been fulfilled, Dear Reader. The new age is upon us. The time has come to cast aside the false declarations of the Temple, which has denied us the truth of St. Azarius' promise and condemned us all to refuse our true immortality in favor of a false utopia.

All of this I realized as the glove slipped free from my hand and I raised it to the face I saw in the mirror, felt with my own hand the point where my skull had caved in on the cobblestone, where shards of rock and bone had forced their way into my exposed brain, and traced my bony, skeletal finger along the contours of my pure, bare, white and skinless face.


Item #: SCP-3997


Class: Euclid/Keter1


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3997 must be kept in a 6m x 6m x 6m lead cell with a strong bio-electromagnetic current flowing through it. The cell must be checked every ten hours for any holes in the lead where the current could leak out. The current must be coming from a living being, otherwise SCP-3997 will revert back to its unpredictable behavior. Plants seem to work best due to the creation of chlorophyll from the chloroplasts in plant cells. The containment cell must constantly have something living in it. Otherwise, there would be an increased risk of a containment breach happening. Foundation members must also be aware of how close they put the living being to it.


Due to Incident 1-4-A, SCP-3997 has been designated its own containment site2 to prevent any further incidents. It is now to be contained in a 6m x 6m x 6m lead cube, along with an abundance of various species of flora and fauna. In the event that a given specimen expires, SCP-3997 is to be supplied with an individual of the same genus A.S.A.P by two D-Class personnel.


Description: SCP-3997's physical form is impossible to describe, as its shape is constantly changing. SCP-3997 appears to vibrate rapidly, but no air displacement has ever been detected by air pressure readings from inside it's cell. SCP-3997 has a wide range of anomalous properties at its disposal, most depending heavily on the subject and the circumstances.3 Inscriptions on the walls of the cave where it was found suggest that SCP-3997 is part of something bigger, but this has not been proven by Foundation research as of yet4. More tests will be conducted in the near future to better understand the capabilities of SCP-3997, and how those capabilities can be used to the Foundation’s advantage. SCP-3997 is believed to have other instances. These instances must be located and contained in separate containment cells immediately by the Foundation.


Recovery Log: SCP-3997 was found in a cave under a small and isolated village in [REDACTED], after reports from some of the locals being “unable to find a sufficient sacrifice to please Them”. They were supposedly [DATA EXPUNGED] by unknown means as a result. When the remaining locals were asked about “Them”, they took the on-site Foundation agents down into the cave where SCP-3997 was found. Ancient hieroglyphics that were presumably █000 years old were found on the cave walls. They appeared to be Egyptian, despite their location not being anywhere near Egypt. Foundation translators were called in to decipher them. Once deciphered, it said, “The undying protectors that are our Deities. They have granted us protection and safety, in exchange for a soul annually. Once together, They will rain judgement upon reality. Fate is in Their hands, then.”

T-057-OC425/3997 -█/██/20██


Subject: 1 (One) potted opuntia polyacantha.
Procedure: Subject was placed 0.5 meters away from SCP-3997.

Results: The movement of SCP-3997 gradually slowed until it ceased abruptly one minute after exposure.
Note: This was the first test conducted on SCP-3997. It is how we found out how to contain it.

Subjects: 2 (Two) D-Class personnel.

Procedure: Subjects were introduced into SCP-3997's containment cell.
Results: Subjects began hallucinating featureless silhouettes shortly after SCP-3997 started vibrating rapidly. Hallucinations persisted for the next 24 hours until the subjects ceased movement entirely.

Note: Those two Class Ds haven't moved since… -Dr. Smith

Subjects: 3 (Three) canines and 2 (Two) felines.

Procedure: Subjects were introduced into SCP-3997's containment cell.
Results: Upon entering the containment chamber of SCP-3997, the subjects vanished instantly without a trace. Several minutes later, a pool of blood, innards and the subject’s cadavers materialized in the shape of a pentagram around SCP-3997. SCP-3997 was colored a crimson red during this period.



These tests show just a few of the many anomalous properties of SCP-3997. -Dr. Smith

Incident Report 3997-4-A: SCP-3997 caused a containment breach in Site 19 on ██████, by releasing an E.M.P (Electromagnetic Pulse) composed of all the electromagnetism that SCP-3997 was exposed to prior to the breach. The E.M.P fried the technology that was containing all other SCP objects in SCP-3997's vicinity. Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") was called in to re-contain the lost SCPs, along with SCP-3997. Oddly, SCP-3997 remained motionless throughout the breach. Tests have proven dangerous due to the unpredictability of SCP-3997, and thus have been restricted. Further testing of SCP-3997 has been prohibited by O5-Command until more is known about it. The above was stated before we knew how to properly contain SCP-3997. Tests are now allowed to be conducted under the supervision of level 5 personnel. Detailed explanations of the conducted tests are found in Test Log T-057-OC425/3997.

Footnotes1. Only in the event that all instances of SCP-3997 assemble.2. Site 27.3. See Test Log T-057-OC425/3997.4. See Recovery Log.


Item #: SCP-3012

Object Class: Safe


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3012 is not a hostile organism and he will not attack unless you aggravate him. SCP-3018 is secured in a 1.6 metres by a 1.8 metres ordinary dog cage. The cage contains a large dog bed, two average tennis balls and a goat's rib. The containment cell where the dog cage is placed is 5 metres by 3 metres and SCP-3012 is welcome to leave its dog cage as it wishes. The room however must always be locked but any SCP agents or SCP officials may enter if they have been told to do so by the SCP foundation.


Description: SCP-3012 is a canine-like organism who was located in ██████, Puerto Rico. SCP officials theorise it to be the organism associated with the urban legend "Chupacabra". The urban legend is about a canine-like organism who slaughters and consumes livestock, particularly goats. Sightings of SCP-3012 otherwise known as "Chupacabra" have been in such places as New Mexico, Puerto Rico and The Southern States of America.


SCP-3012 has the head of what is similar to a male Whippets but the skull has different bone structure to that of a regular male whippet. The head and snout of SCP-3012 appear to be wider than the average male Whippets though. The torso of SCP-3012 is that of a male Whippets apart from the fact there is no tail and 10 bones in the torso are structured differently to that of a male Whippets for example, SCP-3012 has an elongated, more robust ulna. The iris of SCP-3012 is a dark aqua-like blue and this eye-colour is naturally very rare in canines. There is incredibly short fur on SCP-3012, there's very little of this hair as well and the only hair that in growing on the skin of SCP-3012 is an ashy grey. The ears of SCP-3012 are very different to a normal canines. The ears have a double helix-like motion around the pinna and the remaining parts of the ear are rather normal compared to another canine's ears. SCP-3012 has around nine teeth. In these nine teeth, SCP-3012 has four canines at the front of it's mouth used to tear apart chunks of flesh ripped from the livestock's corpse. You can see SCP-3012's spinal cord and rib-cage, this is due to malnourishment as SCP-3012 was 23 miles from the nearest livestock farm when we located him. He has confirmed to be a male according to our SCP agents, SCP-3012 is around 49 in human years but the SCP foundation don't know whether to classify as a canine and use dog years as a measurement of age. SCP-3012's last meal was a lamb and he hadn't eaten anything for 3 days since he ate it. Thanks to exploration of his stomach, the SCP foundation gather that SCP-3012 rarely eats and it takes him around 24 hours to digest an average lamb.


SCP-3012 is not hostile towards humans but is hostile to anything that aggravates it or any animal considered livestock. He can run up to speeds of 40 MPH and oddly it drinks blood instead of water. Blood to SCP-3012 is considered to be equally as important as water is to any other living organism. Blood is the only liquid that re-hydrates SCP-3012. Only blood drained from livestock though is the only blood SCP-3012 will consume.


Addendum: When entering a lamb into the containment cell of SCP-3012, he attacked the lamb using the same method crocodilians use which is a death roll. A death roll is when the aggravated organism attack it's prey bites down on a rather hefty piece of the prey then rolls while its jaws are clamped on tight to the preys flesh obviously resulting in the flesh getting torn off the prey.


Welcome to SCPSYSTEM

C:\> load file_ SCP-3463

Awaiting Input…

Enter Password:°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

ACCESS DENIED (2 attempts left)

Enter Password:°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

ACCESS DENIED (1 attempt left)

Enter Password:°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°


Please remain at your current location. A security team will arrive in approximately 45 minutes. Failure to obey will result in termination.

44 minutes and 59 seconds left.

44 minutes and 58 seconds left.



You have been cleared.

Loading iteration #███ of the file…

Item #: SCP-3463

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures (Section In Progress): SCP-3463 is to be contained in a standard secure locker. Personnel not responsible for its containment are not allowed to know of SCP-3463. Documentation concerning SCP-3463 must be guarded with a complex password. Personnel assigned to SCP-3463 must have scored less than ten points on the Test of Manipulative Personality Traits. Personnel with speech impairment, dyslexia or improper handwriting are prohibited from accessing SCP-3463.

Description: SCP-3463 is a 60cm tall "National" brand blue fan primarily composed of plastic and iron. Its physical form does not possess any anomalous traits.

The primary anomalous effects of SCP-3463 are triggered as follows: If an individual says or writes a statement about SCP-3463, the person reading or hearing the information automatically believes that it is correct, even if the new information presented is impossible. The creator of the statement is immune to the cognitohazard. Even if an individual is conscious of SCP-3463's effects, they are incapable of doubting any information regarding it.

Information about SCP-3463 cannot be forgotten without the use of amnestics, but its effects on an individual can be replaced by other infomation which contradicts it. After approximately five years, the effect triggered by SCP-3463 disappears.

+ Show Interview/Test Logs+ Show Update Log



C:\>Show history of file_SCP-3463




Access granted to previous versions of the file concerning the anomaly.




Loading history of File_SCP-3463…





+ Open Version #256+ Open Version #255



+ Open Version #1Footnotes1. The object did not murder D-8956's family, or is red, it is in fact, blue.



A close up of SCP-005




Item #: SCP-005

Object Class: Safe


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-005 poses no immediate risk in any direct sense. Even so, its unique functions require special measures be taken to restrict access and manipulation of the object. Approval of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel is required for the removal of the object from its containment area.


Description: In appearance, SCP-005 resembles an ornate key, displaying the characteristics of a typical mass produced key used in the 1920s. The key was discovered when a civilian used it to infiltrate a high security facility. SCP-005 seems to have the unique ability to open any and all forms of lock (See Appendix A), be they mechanical or digital, with relative ease. The origin of this ability has yet to be determined.


Additional Notes: SCP-005 may be used as a replacement for lost security passes, but only under the supervision of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel. SCP-005 may not be used for vending machine repairs, opening lockers, or for any personnel's spare home key. Removal of the object from the compound will result in immediate termination.


Appendix A: While SCP-005 has been shown to be effective in removing almost any form of locking device, further experiments have shown that efforts to disguise the purpose or identity of a lock have proven at least somewhat successful in defeating SCP-005's ability. In approximately 50% of cases where a volunteer was not able to identify a locking device as such, SCP-005 was not successful in deactivating the device. Due to these results, SCP-005 has been tentatively classified as 'sentient' and further tests are being run to determine its cognitive abilities. However, there are no results that show any traits that prevent it from being able to identify any particular locking device, only that the aforementioned device has been heavily concealed and disguised.

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