
Chapter 1(Dave)

There was only thing that was running through my mind when it happened. ‘This can’t be happening, I love him.’ As I stared down at my dead boyfriends body. I couldn’t believe this happened. We were so close to figuring out the case too, and then this had to happen. One shot, one kill. We should’ve see this. Should’ve known.

I covered my mouth, chocking on a sob. This isn’t happening, I closed my eyes as sapphire blue tears ran down my cheeks. I heard the police start gathering around my boyfriends body blocking off the area for investigation.

My name is David. S Power,

I’m an eighteen year old Crescent agent, and this is just the beginning of my long story. My boyfriend, who I loved and watched being murdered was Elijah Grace. He had been my best friend for years until we got together as lovers a year ago. He too was an Crescent agent and was in my group. Our overseers had problems with separating us, we were better than the rest of the other agents and even better when we worked together.

Crescent was a spy unit, it was for only those that had what Crescent needed, and was hard to get into. Years of training and exercise went with this job, but it was completely worth the whole thing.

“Mr. ?” One of the policeman walked up to me, “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yeah....” I whispered, looking at him holding his stern gaze.

“My name is Rick, and we have to bring you in for questioning tomorrow about this okay?” He asked. I nodded then looked away to the wrapped up body of Eli .

“I’ll miss you buddy.” I whispered, then spun on my heel and walked out on a mission to find, who had killed Eli. I brushed my fingers through my vibrant dark sapphire blue hair that matched my royal blue eyes. I was born with the blue hair and the blue eyes. I was what you would call a dark water elemental. I had every control over water. As for Eli he had control over light fire. His eyes were an orange topaz color and his hair was a very light pink.

We live on a planet that is close to Terra which is billions of lightyears away from where we live, but unlike humans we know about them mostly because our planet is a lot older that the human race and the world is a lot bigger.

I flipped out my phone and looked down at it then typed in the numbers and called my boss. It rang for a while then I heard him pick up.

“Hello?” Dawnik questioned, when he picked up.

“Hi, I have bad news.” I said, my voice cold.

“What is it?”

“Agent Eli was killed, and I don’t who did is, but I’m not coming home until I find out sir.”

“Oh my, I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t know what to feel is Gracie was killed.” He sympathized. I didn’t need that right now, I needed to get over it, although the pain in my chest was keeping itself known to me.

“Yeah. So I’m only coming back for a day then I’m leaving tomorrow.” I told him, I heard him sigh.

“Alright, do as you wish Dave. Just don’t do anything stupid. “ Dawnik sighed, “If I find out you have died then I don’t know what I’m going to do because you two were my best.”

“Yes sir.” I said then hung-up , ending our conversation before he could say anything else to me. I slipped the phone in my pocket and closed my eyes against the suns rays that were coming through the clouds.

Why is it that everytime something bad happens then sun comes out when it ends? I sighed, maybe it’s because the sun gods are telling us that something better will happen for this to make up for the horrible thing that had happened. Because life must go on, even if you don’t want to join it and go on with your life.  

I looked down at Eli’s flame necklace he had given me before he died, he had told me that’ life will go on with out me, but Davie. I love you. Don’t forget that someone loved you and someone will always will. Someone will take over my job and love you as much as I loved you....Just...Just don’t be sad.... I you....’ That was what he said to me just before he died. Eli had so much strength just before that. Why couldn’t his heart hold up enough for me to bring him to a hospital? Why did this have to happen to someone I love. My last part of my family?

The rest of my family had already died before I was old enough to remember them, that is why I was taken into Crescent along with Eli, who was my only roommate.

I stared at the necklace, I had one similar, but it was a dark sapphire blue elemental stone shaped like a teardrop. His was a ruby in the shape of a small flame, I finally put it over my head and felt it warm me, reminding me that Eli was always going to be watching me through the clouds. It made me feel at peace. Although I needed to find his killer so that I can be completely at peace.

“Eli.” I stared up at the sun, which pained my sensitive eyes, “ I’ll avenge you.”

I turned and jumped on my black hover board. Then left the scene.

Chapter 2(Dave)

When I got back to the crescent mansion, I headed up to my room trying not to be noticed by any of my old friends that knew of Eli and I. Sadly my luck sucked today because I found our friend Matt.

“I heard about Eli.” Matt started. I stopped him from continuing.

“Stop.” I bit my lip and looked down. “Please just leave me alone.”

Matt stood up from the bed and stepped over to me putting his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t push me away David.” He looked into my Sapphire eyes with his emerald green ones. “I know how close he was to you.”

“I...” I was lost for words, I pursed my lips trying to reign in my emotions.

“I also heard that you’re going to try to find the killer.” He said, “ By yourself? David really?”

“Yes really.” I stared at him now bored, I shrugged off his arm, “ Go to Charles. I’m sure he’s upset about his brother eh?”

“No. David I don’t want you to go alone, take someone with you.” Matt said, I shook my head and started to pack my items.

“No, I don’t need help. I work alone unless...” I trailed off closing my eyes against the pain.

“Unless it’s with Eli right?” Matt questioned, “Fine work alone, just be safe and text me when you have time kay ?”

I looked up from what I was doing and gave him a nod, then turned back to what I was doing before I was interrupted. “I promise Matt. I’m the best in our agency, so if anyone can hunt down the son-of -a -bitch then it’s me. I’m the one they took a friend, brother and lover from Matt. They can’t hide, if they try. I’ll find them and kill them dammit.” I growled thinking about it, and started coming up with ideas of how slowly and painful I’m going make that experience for them is going to be.

It’s like that saying. ‘ you can hide, but you can’t run.’

“Da- Starr!” I heard Charles, Eli’s little brother walk in mine and Eli’s room that we shared for seven years.  I looked at him and nodded. “Starr... Don’t let hate cloud your actions, but avenge Eli, and come back safe. Okay ?”

“Yes.” I said simply, and gave him a reassuring smile, “I’m leaving  after dinner Charlie.”

“Okay, but take this.” Charlie pulled a fire sword from behind him, “It was Eli’s, he’d want you to have it for safety.”

I nodded and took it, I examined it then pulled it from its blood red sheath. It reminded me of that one sword from Eragon. You know the dragon book?Yeah that’s it. The red dragon sword that Murtagh took from his little brother Eragon. Sorry for the spoiler. I smiled down at it, Eli loved those books and he admired Murtagh who, as Eli said was a lot hotter and more badass than Eragon the whiny boy, who didn’t get the fucking elf girl at the end of Inhairitance.

“Eli of course would have a sword fashioned as his idols.” I laughed and looked at Charlie who laughed as well, I stepped up to him and pulled him into a hug. “Love you, Charlie. Keep safe, and thankyou for being a little brother I never had.”

“No problem,” Charlie mumbled against my chest as he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. “I love you too, why don’t I make you. Your favorite dinner before you leave.”

“I’d love that.” I kissed his cheek then pulled away. I looked at Matt, who was smiling with sadness in his eyes. I would be leaving for I don’t know how long, and they would have to take up me and Eli’s positions to cover up for us. I am very certain that Charlie and Matt could do that. They were a perfect team as was me and Eli.

Charlie was a redhead with emerald green eyes. He was a mix of a wind elemental and a fire. Matt was a wind elemental, you could tell because of his light green hair and dark emerald eyes that held much thought and strength.

I looked at Matt and sighed. “I’ll miss you Matt.” I said and stepped over a random piece of clothing that Eli and I had discarded this morning. No we weren’t doing THAT, we were just getting dressed into day clothes. The morning had started out so normal and now... Now it was anything, but normal.

I stumbled and Matt pulled me into a hug, “ I will miss you too, just don’t lose your sense of thought and keep up your strength.”

“Will do.” I pulled away and collected my electronics and slid my car keys into my pocket, then zipped up the three bags. I picked them up and walked past Matt heading down the stairs to put the things in the trunk of my car.

I got to the garage and walked toward my black car that still had wheels unlike the rest of my mates, who had hover cars. I liked antiques so that’s why I still had a car with wheels. It wasn’t illegal, it only was if those old cars couldn’t drive straight. I put my things in the back of my trunk and shut it.

“David!” I turned to the voice, and looked at Ava, who had her brown hair into a bun with chopsticks keeping it up. I always though she was adorable like that, she had soft brown eyes to match. She was an earth elemental.

“Yes Ava?” I asked, and watched her boyfriend and partner Yoon walk up beside her. Yoon was a light water elemental, so his eyes were a very light blue and his hair was white, he was hot and I would date him if it weren’t for the fact he was straight and because of Eli.

“Good luck, We all love you, don’t forget you do have a family here.” Ava told me, I smiled slightly. Really I had never though of Crescent as just another huge family. I just thought of it as that I lived with my co-workers.

“Thank you Ava.” I said and walked back up the stairs then walked into the kitchen where Charlie was setting out the plates as I heard the oven beep. I took a seat and smiled at Charlie.

“So you’re leaving after this?” Charlie asked me, and I nodded simply, “May the gods and goddesses be at your side, my friend and adopted brother.” He gave me a sad smiled then went to go take out the meal.

I sat back in my seat waiting for the meal to be set out on the table. Funny thing is, is that my favorite dinner was pizza and spaghetti served together, but not together, together. Just on the sides of each other. I loved both of them, so why not just have them together?

I smiled at the food when Matt and Charlie sat opposite of me. We prayed then dug in. Charlie was a fabulous cook and fighter. I’ll miss everyone.

But I needed to avenge Elijah Grace.  

Chapter 3 (Malachi)

I watch as the boy in black exited the building of the Crescent Agency, I frowned wondering why this boy was leaving at this hour. It made me curious, but my curiousness always got the better of me. So I jumped down from the branch that I originally was crouching on. In the moonlight I noticed the boy had dark blue hair and Royal blue eyes, luckily he didn’t see me because I was still in the bushes so that he couldn’t.

I sighed running my hand through my midnight black hair, staring at the boy, who seemed on edge and stressed like he had lost someone very special to him. I narrowed my eyes zooming into what was around his neck that he was playing with nervously. It was two stones, a red sun and a blue teardrop. Fire and water. How odd, I had thought those two elements were in silent war with each other, I guess the rumors were wrong then.  

Unlike someone who was supposedly smart, I stood up and walked up behind him.

“What are you doing out so late kid?” I asked, the boy spun on his heel to look at me. His eyes widened and he backed up.

“I- I uh...” He stuttered looking at the ground, “I uh. uh....”

“Listen it’s late and not safe in this town, so why are you out of your unit boy?” I asked looking at him with my light silver eyes crossing my arms.

“I’m in search of someone, and I was heading to my vehicle.” He told me, then turned and started to walk away again.

“Weren’t you taught not to turn your back on someone?”

“Anyone who kills from behind is a coward, who can’t face someone for real.” The blue eyed boy snapped and kept his walking pace.

“Where exactly are you going kid?” I started walking with him, now more curious as to why he’s really leaving his nice comfortable home that he has been dearly gifted.

“That’s none of your business sir.” He grumbled and kept walking, until we got to an old black rig that was well taken care of, it looked brand new still unlike the others in the junkyard or those that were owned by the low lifes.

“Nice car.” I commented.

“Are you leaving yet?” He glared at me taking out a pair of keys from his pocket. I shrugged.

“Well that’s only if you’re going to tell me who you and what you’re going that it has to be now.” I said flipping my black hair out of my eyes, I was a head taller than the kid, but he was kind of adorable in his own way.

“I’m going to find the person, who killed my boyfriend in cold blood, and I’m David.” He said and shrugged. “There now can you leave?”

“Nope, you’re taking me with you water element.” I smiled and twisted my finger around a piece of his hair.

“No you’re not, if I’m not taking any of my friends with me what makes you think you can come with me?” He demanded to know. I smiled slyly.

“Because dear David, I can help you.” I winked at him, while he just gave me the unmerciful glare, “I’m not leaving until you say yes.”

“Fine.” He growled at me, “But who might I be working with?”

“Malachi Sapphire. I’m a dark elemental.” I told him simply.

“But dark elementals aren’t real they’re just a myth that people tell to scare people,” He said not believing me.

“Dark elementals exist, but we hide.” I shrugged.


“Because we’re rare and people want us for our power.” I told him, and he looked at me for a while and nodded.

“Okay, you are telling the truth. Whatever, get in the car Malachi.”He told me then got in the drivers side and started up the car. It had been  awhile since, I’ve been on a mission. Plus I was very much curious about this boy. He was obviously a dark water elemental. Those are mostly the most powerful out of all the normal elementals, but he didn’t seem to flaunt his power around which I was happy about and it was new.  I liked it too.

I got into the care and noticed that everything in this car was brand new, and was well kept.

“Okay, Malachi. Since you’re coming with me there’s a few rules.” David looked at me with his cold blue eyes.

“Alright what are they?” I smiled.

“One no eating in my car, Two you follow my orders, Three... Just don’t do anything stupid. If you’re going to be my partner in this mission than I want to make sure you don’t die as my other partner did.” He told me, and I nodded in understanding. He was interesting, the way he said it.

“When did this partner of yours die?” I asked him.

“This afternoon, I saw a glimpse of the person just before Eli was killed.” He sighed, and glared out the window.

“Eli that’s his name? By any chance is that Elijah Grace?” I asked him, David snapped his head toward me, and carefully nodded.

“Yes, but how to you know him?” He asked, I paused for a moment. He must not know what Eli was into.

Eli was part of a gang, but not many people knew, who he really was because he kept a mask to cover his identity. He was a great fighter and one of the best. I’ve only come across him once or twice when I was watching the rival gangs fight. What I don’t understand is why he kept that part of his life secret from others.

Then I came across a thought, one of the gangs must’ve murdered him by killing him from the back while David and him were out and about doing something today. Although it wasn’t exactly surprising his head was on the top to be killed by the others.

“I knew him, but it isn’t my place to say how.” I told him, David narrowed his eyes in annoyance then turned away pressing on the gas so that we could get to where we wanted to go.

“Are you telling me that Eli had some sort of secret life?” David asked calmly, which surprised me because most people when someone really close to them dies they normally freak out.

“That’s a possibility, but like I said it’s not my spot to tell you otherwise.” I said simply, looking out the window out of boredom.  I had never liked to ride in cars or anything, maybe that’s why I normally would just go outside and walk for hours on end.

“Why can’t you just tell me?” David asked, clearly annoyed.

“Because, of all things. I don’t think Eli is really dead.” I shrugged.

“And why not?” He huffed, “ Watched him die in front of my own eyes.”

“Of course you did.” I smirked just to annoy him, “ But there is a possibility he might be alive.”

“I’m not going to keep my hopes up because I watched him die.” David said stubbornly, I looked at him. No wonder Eli liked this kid, he was stubborn and slightly irritating like the bastard himself.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.06.2014

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