
Chapter 1 (Fault) Kyliss

CHAPTER 1 (fault) Kyliss
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mr. Kelps shouted at me, I jumped almost spilling what I was holding; I spun around to look at him.
“I’m doing nothing…” I squeaked looking wide eyed at him.
“Then why are you in the lab after bedtime?”
“I-I couldn’t sleep, and I wanted to check out something that’s going to help me with my project that I’m working on with James,” I said trying to put down the chemical tub that I was holding.
“What‘s in that?” Mr. Kelps asked.
“Mmm, nothing…” I lied; it was really a tub of Kildraine blood that James and I were doing an experiment on.
“You’re lying, Boy,” He said walking over to me, and snatched the test tube, he put in up to his nose then sniffed it. (BTW you should never do that). I saw his eyes widen. “Kyliss Mike Carter!” He shouted in anger.
“Yeah,” I whimpered knowing I would probably get in trouble over this, and man I really don’t want that to happen.
“What in God’s name are you doing with… with THIS!” He shouted, he probably couldn’t think of anything better to call it, “This Stuff?”
“Umm,” Said I trying to think of some excuse,” Well, uh um J-James Malve and I were just curious how different their blood is from ours,”
“And so what’d you find?” he asked a little interested.
“ Well they have this blue Stars like some kind of blue bacteria or what ever that swims through their bloodstream like blood cells, James and I aren’t so certain what it is though,” I explained then glanced up at him, “please don’t tell my parents,”
“I wasn’t even thinking of that Kyliss,” Mr. Kelps said ,” now why don’t you finish up , and then go to bed okay,”
I nodded, Mr. Kelps turned around, and walked away he shut the door behind himself. I waited a minute or two then grabbed the syringe, I pulled the blood out of the tub with it. Then I stuck it in my arm like how doctors do when they take your blood anyway I slowly pushed the Kildraine blood into my bloodstream.
When I was done I packed up and cleaned the things that I was using then left. Okay right now you’re probably thinking why the heck did that kid do that? Now I’ve got an answer that is probably pathetic, but here it is I just wanted to know what would happen.
When I got to my room I saw that James was still playing his video game, so I didn’t bother telling him about what I had done. Anyway I was going to tell him tomorrow during class so that he won’t really freak out; it was both of our idea anyway. I walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed; I brushed my teeth, and washed my face then got into pajamas.
I walked out to James and mine room. I walked over to the T.V James was playing, and shut it down.
“Kyliss!” he shouted,” I was in the middle of that,”
“You can finish it tomorrow after school,” I retorted,” lets go to bed,”
“Oh fine, you could have at least let me save it,”
“James, you were playing on line,” I said, James groaned as he stood up, and got in bed. I walked to the light switch and turned it off.
“Night,” I said, then got in my bed, and fell quickly asleep.

When I awoke the next morning I felt way more tired than usual, my body also felt strange like a strange that I can’t really explain. I rolled over to my bedside table that separated James and my bed from each other , I looked at the clock it said [7:30] Ah man and my classes start at Eight. I going to be so late, I threw my covers off and ran to the bathroom. I vigorously brushed my teeth then as quickly as I could I shaved my beard that wasn’t exactly a full one yet but I kind of would like it to be that way, but I have a few more years till that happens. I rummaged through my closet trying to find some clothing to wear. Grr my blond bangs fell in my blue eyes which annoyed me so I quickly swept them out of my face. I found some clothing that was kind of clean, and put them on then I slipped my vans on, grabbing my school bag and my room key I ran out slightly checking the time which said [7:58] Oh- man I’m so going to be late.
Just as the bell rang, I opened the biology door and walked in out of breath, Mrs. Daunt looked up.” Mr. Carter you may go sit down now,”
“Sorry,” I said, and then looked across the room for my seat near James. FOUND IT! Yes. I walked to the desk and sat down.
“You’re late,” James commented, I made a face at him.
“No thanks to you,” I whispered as the teacher started lecturing us about vampire blood and how it works. A while ago people had found out that all things that we thought didn’t exist; exist like werewolves, vampires, dragons and fairies such. So now in biology we have much more to talk about than just animals, reproductive system and the body structure. Oh and my favorite Genetics. “Anyway I did it,”
“Did what?” James asked stupidly, I raised an eyebrow,” Oh you did I thought I told you I would do it,”
“You also said that I should do it instead,”
“Yeah, well…” James trailed off then his eyes brightened,” hey can you show me?”
So I showed him the mark which was like violet little spider webs slowly climbing up my arm, James gasped.
“It wasn’t like this last night,” I told him as I looked at the mark.
“Class take out your biology put, and flip to pages 98-99,” Mrs. Daunt called to us, I grabbed my text book then flipped it to those exact pages. I turned my attention back to James who was staring out into space; I tapped him to get his attention. James looked at me.
“We’ll check that out tonight or after our classes,” James said then went back to staring out into outer space zoning out.
I really hope this experiment won’t back -fire on us, well mostly me. I could be just fine or become sick or worse just die.
“Kyliss, James?” Mrs. Daunt streaked, everyone cringed, and our heads shot up to look at her.
“Yes?” We asked, looking up at her with innocence.
She looked at us with a scrutinizing glare, she finally said,” What does vampire poison does to us humans?”
“It freezes out blood and eventually it kills us,” I said, I knew I was right because I had studied last night just before I went to the lab.
“You’re correct,” she sounded surprised I even got that correct. She sighed;” very well,” she continued her lecture about the subject.
“How’d you know that?” James whispered I leaned toward him.
“There’s a reason for having textbooks,” I told him.
“I knew I should have been studying,” James groaned.
“Yet you were playing your video game,” I smirked.
I looked up to continue to listen to Mrs. Daunts annoying lecture that I already read about.

After class I ran to the guy’s bathrooms, and threw up in a toilet after I collapsed at it.
“Kyliss,” I heard James call my name, but I just didn’t have enough energy at the moment to answer him, I was sprawled on the bathroom floor. (Which bye the way is very smelly)
I took a piece of toilet paper and wiped my mouth with it then I threw it into the toilet with in doing so I flushed it. I got to my knees then climbed up to where I was standing again, then said “ yeah?” walking out of the bathroom stall, I looked at James who seemed to be very concerned.
“Are you okay?” James asked he looked into my eyes, knowing I couldn’t lie to him when he did so.
“No,” I said,” I’m starting to feel sick.”
James shook his head like he was trying to think but all he ended up saying was.
“This isn’t good,” James said,” Do you think you can make it through the next two classes?”
“Maybe,” I said wearily.
I still was feeling sick, but I decided that it was for the best that I got to my next two classes.
“Okay good then at break we’ll see what’s going on with you, Kay?” James asked I nodded.

During classes I started getting chills; I also developed a horrendous headache. I during school I got my homework done so I didn’t have to do any of it later.
If you haven’t noticed I haven’t exactly mentioned my parents have I? Nope I have not. So I shall tell you, my parents are dead they were killed by vampires, they were killed in front of me I remember when they came when I was five just like it was yesterday..

My mom and dad were getting ready to go to a meeting.
Mom was in the kitchen trying to get everything ready for the babysitter before she came, I was in there with her. My mom was making my favorite dinner pizza of course, she looked over at me and smiled her gray eyes sparkling with happiness. I heard that my parents thought I was going to be a girl so they were going to name me Kayla, but when they found out I was a boy. My parents named me after my grandfather Kyliss Mike Carter if I was born when he was alive I would be called Junior, but he was already gone so I just got his name.
‘ Dear,’ Mom said to me, I looked up at her and grinned,’ could you please get me the cheese from the refrigerator?’
I nodded and followed my mom’s directions and got it for her, she smiled in thanks and opened the package. She spread the cheese on top of the pizza then put it in the oven to let it cook.
Dad came in dressed in his black suit Mom always liked him in, My Dad was fit some would say he was even handsome I suppose. I’ve overheard that I looked like him because of my Blond hair and bright blue eyes, I wasn’t like him though he always would lose his temper easily. I had ADHD, but I never acted out in it plus my parents were homeschooling me so that I didn’t have to be with other kids and get bullied.
Dad smiled at my mom, ‘ Are you ready to go?’
‘I am, now we just have to wait for Emily to get here so that we can go,’ Mom sighed and leaned against the counter. Dad walked over to her and pecked her on the cheek, they smiled. My parents seem to always be in a good mood unless something really irritated me.
‘Hey Dad,’ I said in my five year old voice, He looked at me, ‘Watch,’
I did a handstand and started walking on my hands, then I went back into a bridge and stood.
‘Thats good son,’ he smiled,’ Maybe you’ll be as good as me some day,’
Dad could do several gymnasium things, he was always good at throwing himself in mid air and doing flips or whatever.
We then heard a crash from the back window doors in the living room, our heads turned to see who it was or what. Three humanoid things darted in the kitchen and before my parents could think, Mom was grabbed by the neck and was thrown against the wall. I heard her back crack, she slumped against the wall when she came down.
‘Mommy?’ I called,’ Mommy !’
I ran over to her, but one of the creatures stepped in front of me and flashed its fangs at me. [A vampire] I thought .
‘Kyliss run!’ dad shouted as a vampire grabbed him by the neck and crushed it, I heard his neck crack and watched his eyes roll back into his head.
‘Daddy,’ I cried, tears were pouring down my cheeks. I could barely make out anything, I could see the vampires tear apart my parents limb by limb. Why didn’t my parents fight back ?
I bit my lip and turned and ran.
Later James’s parents found me on the road cold and tired, they took me in. They seemed to know what had happened, my parents were really good friends with them and worked with them.

Thats my story of how everything turned upside down for me.
Anyway When school is over or when there’s breaks, James and I live at Valor Dane Academy oh, and I’m sixteen. Like before when you read what Mr. Kelps had said my full name is, Kyliss Mike Carter.
Okay, I must have fallen asleep in class because someone was shaking me awake, I sat up then glanced to my right and saw James.
“Come on, Kyliss,” He said pulling me off my chair,” Come on, it’s time to check on what’s going on with your body system,”
I stood slightly leaning against James for support, a wave of nausea hit me, and I closed my eyes trying not to throw up.
I blinked.
It took all my strength just to stand; I knew there was something terribly wrong with me. My vision as I walked kept going out then coming back it just ended up being fussy the whole time that we walked to the lab. James was leading me because I couldn’t see that well.
When we got there James turned the lights on, and shut and locked the door behind us. I Kept blinking trying to clear my vision but it didn’t work, it started getting very irritating that I couldn’t make out anything like James face or my hand unless I held it up to my nose then I could make it out.
“Lean back,” James told me, I did closing my eyes,” That’s it, now just chill for a bit,”
I trusted James with my life for the matter. Here’s the reason; James and I have known eachother since we were babies, and our parents have known eachother since they were kids.
So James knows about what happened, and how it happened with my parents when they were killed in front of my own eyes, I was five or seven at the time. Another reason is because James is studying to become a doctor.
“Okay, Breath in then breath out very slowly,” James told me, I obeyed, but when he put the cold thing to my warm skin, I hissed,”Chill,”
I grimaced in distaste, but tried to calm myself down yet I was never good at doing that what made it worse is that it was starting to get hard to breath, like when you have a cold, and you nose it stuffed up? Yeah that’s how I felt.
James was hearing my breathing; he scowled at the thingamajig that he was using. I was getting a little agitated when he was saying nothing, and I was lying down on a not so comfy table plus it was cold. I was also laying with my face on it; it was really –really cold. James pulled the thing away from my back and told me to sit up.
“Your breath is a little ragged,” James said, he wrote something on a tablet of yellow lined paper. I then realized that my vision had restored itself but it was way more vivid and sharper.” Do you feel any different?”
“Besides still feeling ill…” I said,” No, but my eyesight has come back, and is amazingly sharper than it had been before,”
James looked at his pad of paper and scribbled that down.
“Let me see the mark,” James demanded and I obeyed. Pulling my Jacket off James gasped as he saw it, I looked down at it. The mark had crawled up my arm wrapping around like rose thorns, they were darker than the violet that had appeared before now they were a stark purple. “Whoa!” James exclaimed. All I could say was.
“This is… Whoa!” James was looking at it with his eyes looking like they were about to pop right out of his skull. But I felt different about this, no it wasn’t amazing (which is an overused word) but sadness, and worry. This is my fault, or was it both of ours? I didn’t really know.
I then felt a sharp burning pain hit my heart; I sharply took in air like it would help.
It didn’t.
I took my hand pressing it firmly on my chest where my heart was. Tears stung my eyes.
“K-Kyliss,” James begged,” What’s going on?”
I said nothing, my heart felt as though someone took a butcher knife, and stabbed me.
I started coughing up blood, I heard James step back as I bent over coughing up more blood entwined with tears that were streaking down my face.
“Kyliss,” James asked, as the burning, and stabbing pain subsided. I looked down at my hand where a strange symbol took place.
James stepped over the splattered blood on the floor, and gave me a black towel to wipe my face, I took it gratefully. I wiped my mouth; I felt something different in my mouth so ran my tongue along my teeth. What I found scared and fascinated me.
My canines had gotten longer you know like a vampire, but a Kildraine wasn’t that. A Kildraine is between an elf and a Dragon so they have an appearance of both. Meaning they have fangs like a dragon, but not as long.
I lifted up my hand, and ran my index finger along my now ingrown fangs.
I felt like I had just cut my finger on a knife instead of a tooth, I mean really a tooth?
“How do you fell?” James asked me, I didn’t feel that much better but at least the burning was gone which left my sick, and tired.
Though my body also felt like I had ran about one thousand miles non stop, but I had never done that I’m pretty sure if I did at the end I probably feel like falling on the floor and guzzle down fifteen bottles of water.
“ I’m better,” I told him my word were slightly slurred ,” Well at least better than before,”
You know its pretty hard to talk with fangs that don’t go away , yeah they stayed there unlike a vampire my fangs didn’t go’ into hiding’. I looked up at the clock.[2:40]
“James you should probably get to your other classes,” I said slurring my words I stuck out my tongue before I spoke again,” Erm, Do you think you can cover for me?”
“Like that wouldn’t be easy,” He said sarcastically,” of course I can’t,”
“Thanks, you should go before Mr. Kelps kills you,” I said, James nodded and smiled in spite of himself, we both knew Mr.Kelps would try to kill him. He hates both of us.
“Sure you’ll be fine?” James asked. I nodded,” okay get some sleep,”
“I will after I clean this mess,” I said, James nodded then left.

After I was done cleaning up the mess, I threw away the towels then walked to the rooms. I stumbled as I walked down the hallway to our room. When I got there I dug out my key and fumbled with it until I stuck it into the lock and turned it.
I took the key out when I opened the door and walked in, I shut the door behind me. Once I got to my comfy bed I fell on top of all the covers and not bothering to climb in bed I fell asleep just like that.


When I had gotten to my class after I had lest Kyliss, Mr. Kelps came up to me when I walked in.
“Where have you been?” he asked, I scratched my head staring at him trying to think of something to say.
“Well, I was just helping Kyliss,” I told him,” my brother is sick,”
“That’s too bad,” Mr. Kelps said,” next time tell me when you are going to be late,”
I saluted him saying,” Yes, sir, very sorry sir,”
He gave me a strange look , he sighed then went on with his lecture about what kind of magic elves and wizards can use. I sighed as I slumped into my chair trying to concentrate on what he was saying, after school and after basketball practice I was going to check on Kyliss.
And perhaps get my homework done, well I did want to go back playing my game, but I knew if my grades dropped my parents would come down on me. Now that is never a happy sight.
Kyliss wasn’t in basketball he thought it was a waste of time, like he knew he was in track now that’s a waste of time. I stared out into the distance as Mr. Kelps lectured, like I’m sure Kyliss has told you I love daydreaming or maybe he hasn’t anyhow you know now, one of my best day dreams where I could touch the rim of the basketball hoop.
When class was over I grabbed my gym bag from my locker, and started running to the basket ball court.
I ended up knocking into someone, but I was the one who fell, not the other person. I climbed to my feet and stared at the guy who had purple eyes, black hair and a blue tint to his already pale skin.
“Who are you?” I asked, the guy stood there just staring at me like he was trying to think first of what to say; he was staring at me like I was some kind of royalty.
He finally looked me in my eyes.
“James Seth Malve you have been chosen,” He announced.
He pointing at my forehead between my eyebrows. Then he said,” Alule movul dov ope,” it was Kildraine language.
“What yo-,” I was cut off when I felt a burning sensation between my eyebrows. When it ended I felt there, I felt a shape that was formed with my index finger it when down then up. It was an indentation of a crescent moon.” Wha- what’d you say?”
“Alule movul dov ope,” He repeated,” the child has been chosen of good,” He translated.
“That’s Kildraine right?” I asked, he nodded,” then what kind are you?”
“Water,” he said.
“So I was chosen for what?” I asked.
“There’s a war brewing against the vampires,” he told me,” We need more people,”
“Okay,” I said,” Can I ask you a question an important one… at least to me it is,”
“Sure kid what is it?”
“First who are you?”
“Ronan Gray, “he said.
“And also what happens when you,” I said,” Inject Kildraine blood into your blood veins if you human?”
“Well you turn into a dark Kildraine,” Ronan said,” The darks are usually what we call accidents from Waters,”
“The water is usually the darks older brother or sister adopted or not it works,”
“So is that how waters are born?”
“Yes,” Ronan said,” they have to pay a price or some are just chosen,”
“Okay,” I said,” I really have to get to practice,”
“But I have to bring you back,”
“J-just wait,” I called as I ran to my practice.
When I got to practice I was late and my coach had me run suicides.

After practice I ran to my room, dropping my things I walked over to Kyliss as he was sleeping.
“Kyliss,” I called, he rolled over and looked at me, and his blue eyes looked like they were being clouded over with black his hair was also getting darker. “What’s the matter?”
“Who’s that?” he asked pointing behind me, I looked behind me and saw who he was talking about, Ronan stood there with a sly smile on his face.
“You think I wouldn’t know that you’d do that?” Ronan asked,” I also was in your position before kid,”
“James who is he?” Kyliss asked in a small voice that I rarely ever hear from him.
“I’ll tell you in a sec,” I told him then looked back at the Kildraine. Ronan looked at Kyliss in interest; he walked over to him pushing me away from my brother. He grabbed Kyliss’s left arm where the mark was, and lifted up his sleeve.
“Now,” Ronan started,” There’s a reason why you were changed James,” He pointed to Kyliss.
“You told him to do it right?”
“I suppose in a way I did,”
“Then there’s your answer,” Ronan said, smiling down at Kyliss who was sitting there confused,” Water and Darks are connected, in a way that no one really knows, but sadly us waters killed our self from any royalty like the Darks have,”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“That I’ll tell you later ,” Ronan said,” A dark is coming to collect your brother, we’d better get going or else the council will be very annoyed,”
“Okay,” I said, walking over to him.
“What’s going on,” Kyliss cried, I knew he was trying to calm down but was having a hard time doing so.
“I’m leaving,” I said,” Kyliss everything is going to be alright,”
It was the last thing I said to him before we vanished, and came to a forest that was blue, like everything there was blue.
Later I got registered as water Kildraine, and then was sent off to Dawn Academy where all Kildraine kids go.

Chapter 2 (New Life) Kyliss

When I had stopped crying I got up, and got in the shower. Okay now here’s the thing, I usually never cry like that. It was kind of weird, and it bothered me.
I looked in the mirror when I got out of the shower, wiping off the steam I peered into my reflection, it scared me. My blue eyes were clouding over with blackness and my hair was slowly darkening to black right now it looked brown, I opened my mouth to reveal my fangs that I already knew about. It was still creepy to see that.
I sighed then came out of the bathroom, no James no more trying to be in private besides outside my room, meaning I could change out here. When I got changed in some clothing I turned on some television, and started working on some Sudoku puzzle that I really didn’t know how to play, but did it anyway. I looked down at my mark again it sent chills up my spine. No one came to my room that night.

I got into bed, and fell asleep.
I thought I heard a noise so I sat up and looked around, nothing I sighed then lied back down not worrying about it, and it possibly was my imagination. When I finally got to sleep I dreamt about dark and violent things.
I stood there looking around in the dark; I heard growling behind me so I spun around to see what it was. There stood a monster with dangerously sharp teeth that looked menacing; I looked at its eyes which were blazing red. I took step back, it growled like it was going to pounce on me, but it stayed where it was. I was freaked out, I could do nothing at all I was open to be killed or eaten alive either way whatever was there could do anything like that to me. I suddenly bent forward in pain, I could hardly breathe instead I panted trying to get air into my body but couldn’t. It was like my airways were completely blocked off, and someone was trying to suffocate me.

I sat up, sweat was dripping down my shirt and my heart was pumping fast. I gasped for air trying to get my heart beat to normal. When my heart stopped pumping so fast I heard a rapping at my door, I peered at it then climbed out of my bed. I walked over to it and opened it a boy with red eyes and black hair stood there,I jumped back in surprise. The boy chuckled at me.
“Who-who are you?” I asked, as he let himself in my room, he glanced around then turned his attention back to me. I flipped the switch on, the boy was wearing all black it made me feel weary to be around him.
“Orin Bay,” He answered in an Irish accent, was he irish? where was the red hair and the blue eyes?,” I have come to bring you to my kingdom,”
“Why? and what the heck are you?” I growled , Orin sighed. he looked like he was annoyed with me, but tried not to show it. That. He failed.
Orin rolled his eyes,” I am a dark Kildriane..” I opened my mouth ,” Wait! before you speak I’ll tell you why I have come, well more as why I was sent.”
Orin walked over to my bed at sat on it,” You are changing into a dark kildriane-”
“I know that!” I snapped, he blinked at me in surprise,” Ronan, a Water Kildriane told me,”
“Oh, Okay,” Orin said,” Lets go,”
He held out a hand, I didn’t take it right away. I glared at him then walked over to me dresser and grabbed some normal clothing. I went to the bathroom and got changed, when I came out Orin was looking at a photo album James and I had made over the past years we started it when we started junior high.
“Excuse me, but that’s special,” I told him, he looked up at me and nodded.
“Who's the girl with the red hair?”
I looked down at the picture, I sighed I have forgotten all about this picture and the girl. I think her name was Adeline although I could be wrong, I’m not sure.
“I don’t remember, she was one of my brother’s friends,” I told him, Orin nodded and then grabbed my hand.
We vanished.

When we reappeared in the dark woods, we were never allowed to go in here it was called cursed so everyone stayed away from it.
Orin pulled me along as we walked in the creepy dark forest, I stumbled and tripped over the invisible branches and crap on the ground. I amazingly tripped over my own feet, I started feeling hungry and I really had to go pee.
“We’ll stop here for a moment,” Orin said as he sat on something, he looked at my eyes,” You should be able to see in the dark by now,”
“I see as well as, I can,” I grunted, my eyes flickered around trying to find an okay spot to go pee. When I found it I walked over there and went.
When I walked back to Orin I realized my vision started to become clearer, and more focused. As I walked up to Orin I was able to see as clearly as when it was sunny outside.
“Alright,” Orin said,” We’re going to go much faster now,”
“OKay,” I said, we were going fast before I wonder how fast he meant this time.Orin grabbed ahold of my arm and started sprinting about 50,000 miles per hour if that’s believable.
When Orin skidded to a stop and let go of me, I tripped and fell in a pile of mud or at least I hoped it was just mud. I got on my fours and craned my head back to see an old castle like the ones you see in movies or whatever. It was creepy and it had vampire bats flying around it or maybe they were huge hawks or something, but they were huge.
“Orin what the heck are those thing?” I asked as I stood. I pointed with my index finger.
“Those are called, Rinnions,” Orin replied,” Rinnions are a lot like bats,but they are smarter and faster they are also way more lethal . Do not make one mad or you’ll pay the price,”
We started climbing the steps to this old castle, when we got to the top Orin said something in Kildriane that sounded like this ‘Onnon jy fey mu,’ or something on that standard well it sounded like gibberish.
I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, will I ever learn that language ? I doubt that I really suck at languages, even spelling my own I have to use spell check and ask James how to spell things.
The huge metal door creaked open and a huge dog came out, it started smelling us. When it was done smelling us it let out a yelp and we walked in, a girl walked up to Orin and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey, dear,” She smiled at him,” Who’s the kid?”
“A new Dark,”
“ Hmm,” She bent down to look at my face, she smiled at me,” well isn’t he cute,”
Did I mention they were all taller than me, I wondered if I was going to get that tall, they were like hecka tall. the tallest was about 10 feet tall and thats tall. I thought my height 6 feet was tall, the lady who was probably Orin girl friends was like 6.9 and then Orin was 6.10.
“You can’t have him,” Orin growled,” you’re already mine,”
“Yes, yes,” She sighed,” Anyway I’m Kira Who’re you?”
“Kyliss Carter,” I said, Kira smiled and nodded .
“Kyliss we better go,” Orin sighed, he walked away, I followed him. I realized how much older all of the dark kildrianes acted. Would I act like that?
“Kira,” I started as we walked through dark halls,” Is she your girlfriend or something,”
“She actually my Wife,” He smiled showing me his teeth,”We’ve been married for three years, and were waiting for our son thats on the way,”
“So the sterile part about Kildrianes are wrong?” I asked
“yeah it is,” He said , then opened a door that had lots of light in it, it nearly blinded me. “ here we are ,”
Lots of Dark Kildiranes were in the room, a boy with dark blonde hair and gray/purple eyes stood in the middle of the room. It looked like they were having some kind of council, the boy was tall very tall he was about 8 or 9 feet tall I wasn’t sure.
“Who are you?” the boy growled, his unnatural colored eyes narrowed themselves at me.
“Kyliss Carter,” I hissed back, I looked up at him,” who are you?”
Several people gasped in surprise, of my attitude toward the guy. The boy held a finger and silenced them , he looked down at me.
“I’m Kazin Drake,” He said
“And you’re what the overruler?” I guessed, I’ve always have been good at guessing, Kazin cocked his head at me then nodded.
“That is what I am,”
“Do I annoy you with my questions?”
“Not at all,”
“Good,” I sighed,” So you needed to see me?”
“Yes, I wanted to ask you some questions,”
“Alright, hand it to me,”
“what’s your age?”
“April 4th,”
“Who’s your brother?” He asked.
I fell silent for a moment thinking of James, my half brother and my best friends that had recently disappeared with a stupid water kildriane.
“Hello?” He hollored at me.
“S-sorry,”I said,”His names is James Malve,”
“He was registered as a water, a day ago,” Kazin relayed to me, looking at a piece of paper.
“Ronan Gray took him, they vanished,” I said,” and, and never came back,”
“So my brother is a scouter,” Kazin almost said to himself.
“What a scouter?”
“Some one who looks for another who shall be changed into what the scouter is,” Kazin told me .
“How old is he?” I asked
“246 I’m 245,”Kazin said, just then I wondered why he was so open with those ages usually people will never tell me their names.
“What is it that you are going to do with me?” I asked
Kazin yawned, “I’ll tell you tomorrow, but now its time for bed, I am tired and so is everyone else,” I smiled he truly was really the overruler of everyone wasn’t he. I then wondered if I’ll ever get to be in that kind of position that would be cool.
Orin started walking out and after him everyone else started filing out, I kind of just stayed where I was. I wasn’t sure why I stayed I just felt like I needed to stay for something, I was also not tired and wanted to look around this room that looked like a library of old books that looked really interesting.
A hand fell on my shoulder, I flinched and looked behind myself, Kazin was there frowning,” I thought I said to go to bed,”
“You can’t get rid of me that fast ,” I pouted, I looked at him in the eyes. His gray/purple eyes were cold, but had some playfulness in them. That was strange I just read his eyes, I never before could do that.
He sighed , and smiled at me,” I should have known I couldn’t get rid of you,” he said in a soft voice, his eyes warmed up a bit. “ You have something different about you,”
I raised an eyebrow and peered up at him,” Do I?” I challenged.
“Yes, you could possibly be the next ruler ,” Kazin said then started walking around my in a circle, the way he looked at me made me feel small and open. I didn’t like that feeling so I folded my arms to be chest and glared at the Ruler.
“Is that so?” I asked feeling awkward.
“Yes, it is.” He stopped walking and stared at me,” I have the slightest idea to make you into the prince,”
“Why?” I asked,” I mean I just got here and shouldn’t you be electing someone older and who’s actually been changed?”
“Maybe,” Kazin looked up at the tall golden ceiling, he put his index finger to his mouth and sighed like he was thinking.
I turned around and started walking across the floor to the door when Kazin said “Aki Mono Kia,” I stopped walking and spun around on my heel I glared at him. He was pointing at me.
“What , what was that?” I stuttered.
“I make you prince,” he repeated in English, “ Its Kildriane, you’ll have to learn it,”
“Why ?” I asked ,” why make me prince,”
“I potential in you, that I haven’t seen in anyone else,” Kazin said then took a violet amulet out of his pocket,” Here put this on,”
I took it and put the silver white chain around my neck, I started glowing. I started feeling strange, a bright light enveloped me, I closed my eyes and felt the warmness burn into me. The warm started , turning cold, freezing then ice cold. I could feel it changing my a little, but not much.
When it went away I stumbled and fell into Kazin’s arms like he was my dad or something around that idea.
“Alright, lets go to bed,” Kazin said, I nodded. He started walking out and I trailed behind him like a little kid would do with his dad. I knew then that wasn’t really a good sign.


I glanced over at my room mate who was snoring and was sound asleep, his name was Kyle Richey. I had met the council, several of them looked like they still were in their teens or in their twenties,but no older than that. I had also learned that Waters age extremely slow and most of them had brothers or sisters that were Darks or they were killed in a nasty sort a way.
it seems that once humans play with Kildriane blood they change even if they didn’t put it in their blood stream, and the change would always be water, but the ones who did inject the blood into them would turn into a Dark Kildriane. It was always the little siblings that would be changed into Darks never the older. So that’s why Kyliss is changing into a Dark, I never should have told him to put that stuff into him. I did so there is no turning back, but thats fine because we both were sick and tired of our old lives to hopefully we’ll like our new ones . I hope when he figures out that it was my fault he’s a kildriane he’ll forgive me, if not then well screw it.
I was starting school at dawn academy tomorrow and I hope it’ll be okay.
I yawned and rolled over to my right and closed my eyes and fell asleep.


When I awoke the next morning, rolled out of bed and drowsily walked over to the bathroom. I pulled off my clothing and got into the shower.
I got out , I dressed , and ate breakfast.
I slowly walked to my first class , I was tired and felt sick.
I wonder. Was this how Kyliss felt? If it was then well I knew how it feels.

I nearly fell asleep in that class, it was history I hated that class even when I was human. My next class was Gym, I hope that’ll wake me.

As I was tying my shoes a boy walked up to me. They boy had white hair and red eyes he looked my age,but now I wasn’t very sure of that anymore he could be over 50 or 100 for all I know.
“Who are you,” The boy asked , I looked up at him a little annoyed. Hold up. Why was I annoyed ? I have never felt this way toward someone before.
“James Malve,” I replied,” And you?”
“Calvin Drake,” Calvin told me.
“Wait thats a Dark Kildriane name,” I said
“Yeah, my little brother who is the overruler of the Kildrianes along with Ronan Gray, he’s my older brother,”
“ Interesting, what rank are you?”
“Lower ranked?”
“You are too,”
“Your brother, Kyliss was made price last night,” Calvin said ,” he’ll, be coming in a week, the annoying this for them is that Darks have a harder change then us Water elementals,”
“Oh, okay,” I said, I finally stood. Calvin was taller than me and looked more athletic.
“Alright, lets go,” he said then started walking out, I sighed and followed the kid out of the locker room.

“Who’s the new Kid?!” a boy shouted to Calvin , as we walked in the court.
Calvin looked over at the boy and smiled.
“Matt this is James Malve,” Calvin said,” He’s a new water,”
“Oh,” Matt smiled,” a newborn ,”
He then turned and ran like the others . I still haven’t thought of how I actually got out of my older school.
I watched Calvin as he started to run his laps around the court, I missed Kyliss nothing else besides that. I wish he was here, but he was sick in a way that I wouldn’t like to feel.


That next morning I woke with a headache and stars in my eyes making it hard for me to walk or concentrate on anything for a really long time. I rolled over on one side and then the other, nope couldn’t get comfortable. I stayed in bed seeing how as I couldn’t get up anyway, I reached up and felt the violet amulet Kazin had given me and sighed it made me feel a little better touching it.
Next week I was going to Dawn Academy, Kazin told me it was a good school and I would learn much there. I have learned some with Kazin coming in today, he’s taught me some things, but not much.
I just hope when I go to the school I will not be treated badly, Since I’m the new Prince.


After school was out I wanted to call Kyliss to see how he was doing, I was always worried about him and I never knew why.
I grabbed my cell phone and sat on my bed, Kyle was out with his friends so I didn’t need to worry about him. I tapped in his number and pressed send.
“Kyliss,” I said happily.
“So how are you?”
‘Okay I guess, I feel sick, but I’ll get over that at least I hope,” Kyliss sighed in the phone,” Kazin the king , told me I’ll get better,”
“I hope thats true and I bet you do too,” I said,” My change was a bit painful, but I heard Dark’s change is a lot worse,”
‘Hows dawn academy?”
“Its fine,” I sighed
‘Just, Fine?’ He asked.
“Yeah,” I told him, I heard him groan on the other side of the line.
‘Is it that bad?’
“Hey, Jamsie,”
“Try please try to have a nice time without me, please,”
“I’ll try,”
“Good, hey I gotta go okay?”
“Sure, bye,”
“By,”Kyliss hung up.

I Put down my phone and curled up in a ball, I closed my eyes. I wasn’t as strong as Kyliss I know I’m not. I finally got up and looked at the clock I must have fallen asleep or something, it was 5 o’clock. I sighed and went to go take a shower then I walked over to the windowsill and jumped up there and sat there until school started.

Chapter 3(Powers) Kyliss

It;s been a week, of pain and misery. Fun huh? yeah I know.
I was getting ready to go to school when I heard a hard knock on my door I flinched, I knew it was Kazin so I shouted “ Come in!”
Kazin opened the door and walked in, he was holding something that looked like a metal circle . When I had finished with my shoes I stood and walked over to him. It was a crown with a Sapphire jewel embedded in it,it was cool looking.
I peered at the top of his head, he had a crown on. It was gold and had several pretty jewels on it that I have never seen before or probably ever heard of.
I cocked my head to one side then the other trying to figure out why he had a smaller crown in his hand and then I remembered I was prince. Making me prince made me change differently than other Darks, I now had snow white hair and darkish violet eyes that somehow changed from black to violet depending on my mood. If I wasn’t changed into a Prince then my features would have been really dark, as Kazin said or what he said was that I would have had black eyes and black hair if I wasn’t Prince.
I glanced down at the sign that marked me as prince it was a strange mark. It had two lines on each side that at the bottom were curling up at bit then a line like a T through them then a half T.
“Hey, price Kyliss,” Kazin smiled.
“Hey,” I replied with respect.
“ I have something for you that I’d like you to wear in school,” He said lifted the crown up to me,” You may not take this off, you are to wear it through school until people start trusting you and you are not being harmed,”
Oh, man he sounded just like a dad, but the weird part is that he looked only eighteen.
But knew he was alot older than that puny 18. I was like a baby compared to all of the Darks .
“Why?” I wondered
“Because it is required,” he told me, I nodded then took the crown and looked in my mirror to put it on, I looked like a prince which was surprising because I really thought I couldn’t pull it off. I turned around and looked at Kazin, he smiled and patted me on the head.” You look great,”
I smirked and then grabbed my bags.
“Thanks Kazin,” I said,” Alright I am ready to go,”
Kazin looked me over at nodded, I have grown a couple of inches in the week that I was changing and was very glad of that.
“Alright then,” he huffed, then made a hand motion for me to walk out the door,” Lets get going Kyliss,”
I smiled and then walked out.

We got in a black chevy and drove away, well really Kazin drove away. I asked him why he doesn’t have a chauffeur, and he said that he enjoys driving himself. I Just nodded and ended it at that, I looked out the window as the forest rushed past us as we drove along the dirt road. I closed my eyes and fell asleep as I leaned against the door.
After awhile I woke to Kazin’s touch .
“Come on we’re here,” He told me, I blinked my eyes open and looked outside the window. There was a huge building in front of us, it was nearly 30 floors high. What a huge school.
I sat up and opened the door, I whipped my mouth with my coat sleeve. Ew there was drool on my face,I whipped the rest off.
I got out, Kazin was smiling.
“Oh man, I miss this place,” he turned to me,” I hope you’ll like this place as much as I did when I was put here,”
“Were you prince?” I asked, he nodded.
“I was, That was until Harvey was killed by a white Kildriane,” Kazin shook his head,” Beware or Light or white Kildrianes Kyliss they’re evil,”
I nodded,” Okay,”
“Well lets get you checked in and get you organized,” Kazin said as he started walking to the door of the building. It was sunny out, when I had woken up that morning is was grey out, but now it was sunny. Hmm how Quere, very strange.
I took a breath and followed Kazin with my bags in hand.
When we got to the building he opened the door for me then we turned into a smaller room that was the office, a woman was working in there. She must be a really old Kildriane, because as far as I know Kildrianes stay young for a extremely long time.
“Hello,” Kazin said as he walked up to the desk she was sitting at, the woman looked up and smiled at him.
“Well, isn’t it Kazin Drake,” she smiled,” The best troublemaker in history of this school, how many fights did you get in again?”
Kazin bit his lip and looked away like he was trying to think of how many, and if he had to think then man did he get in a lot.
“To many to count, Julie,” Kazin said,”You are still here how amazing I leave this school for a century and my favorite teacher is still here,”
Julie blushed and giggles,I gagged this was torture to me. Although I did like girls, but she wasn’t my type and Kazin was flirting with her gah, it was embarrassing and just wacked out.
“ Well, I just wanted to get Kyliss checked in,” He finally said, I was glad.
“ Okay then, What’s his last name?”
“Carter, Hmm Frederick Carter, remember him?” Julie asked as she typed in my name,” Not his middle,”
“Mike, my middle name is Mike,” I told them, Julie nodded.
“And yes I remember him, I hated his guts,” Kazin grimaced.
“Why?” I asked
“He was a jerk and hated his life,” He grunted,” now lets go,”
We walked up the stairs to a room that before you walked in had two doors to open it meaning that it was a really nice room.
Kazin opened the door with a key and then gave it to me with in saying don’t lose this or you’ll pay, I understood. I stepped in the room and was amazed at how nice the room looked, there wasn’t anyone else in the room and before Kazin said that I didn’t have to. I was a little glad, but a little disappointed.
“Alright now that we got you together,” Kazin said sitting on a loveseat,” I might as well get going,”
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“Back home, I have some jobs that are in need to be completed,” He sighed,” sadly they can’t do it without me, Oh Kyliss here’s your schedule,”
“Thanks,” I grabbed it from him and smiled, I looked at it eight classes.
- Mystics ( what ever that is)
-Class one Kildriane
“What is Class one Kildriane?” I asked him looking up from the piece of paper.
“Its our language that ever Kildriane should learn,”
“What happens if they don’t,”
“It means that they’re a rogue Kildriane, they’re usually dangerous because they can possess any of our powers,” He looked in my eyes,” You do not want to meet one, they are powerful and very dangerous,”
“Okay,” I said, Kazin finally stood and walked over to my doors.
“See you later,” Kazin said.
“Bye,” I looked at him, I had started to really like him as a friend and as my teacher. I just kind of hope he’ll turn out to be kind of like a dad to me, he was way older than me. An older brother would be fine too.
“Wait, before I leave,” Kazin said turning to me, I looked up at him.”Who was your dad?”
“Carson Ray Carter,” I told him, he smiled and nodded.
“I think I might have met him,” Kazin said then left before I could say anything else, I sighed and looked at my clock above my queen sized bed. [2:00] It said I looked back at my classes, I could make it to PE.
I dug through my clothing and found a pair of shorts and a nike sports shirt. I found my shoes and grabbed a plastic bag, and threw them in it then ran to my class. One thing I have always hated is not doing anything, I always have to keep my mind occupied or else I start staring out a window or get tired easily.
I finally got to the boys locker room, and walked in. It was empty, I felt the top of my head. Well that was amazing the crown was still sitting on top my head, I sighed and started dressing into my gym clothing. I was probably late, but that was okay because I only really started school tomorrow.
When I finally was dressed I walked out into the court ,and walked to a circle of Kids that were circling a man. He had a scar running down the right side of his face, he also had blue eyes and blond hair, they obviously didn’t see me come it because they were talking about a game that I didn’t like. Basketball, geh what a terrible game. Least I think it is I was never any good at it, James always bet me at the game.
“Excuse me!” I called, everyone's heads turned to me, The teacher looked at me and smiled as he looked at the crown on top my head.
“Who are you?”The teacher asked.
“Kyliss, Kyliss Carter, sir,” I said respectfully,” I uh, just got here an hour ago so I decided to come to PE, To check it out,”
“And You are the Dark Prince are you not?” He asked,” We haven’t had one for almost a century and a half,”
“If thats what you call me then yes I am the Dark Prince,” I smiled.
“Well, I’m glad we have another, your kind can be very interesting, we’ve been through several and they’ve all been different and usually always troublemakers,” He laughed,” Anyway, I’m Mr. Vail,”
“So what were you doing when I interrupted?” I asked.
Mr. Vail sighed, and put a finger up to his mouth thinking then his eyes brightened,” Oh, yes we were putting together teams or rather I was putting together teams ,” He looked around at the rest of them,” Alright get in a line, now I’ll repeat the rules; no fighting, no powers ‘cause most of the newbies don’t know how to use them,”
They all nodded, I frowned he’s right I didn’t even know how my own powers worked besides creating a small flame. Kazin showed me how to do that, and was starting to teach me some other elements.
Mr. Vail started going down the line counting off numbers,”1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,” When he ended he shouted,” alright, 1’s go to the right and 2’s go the the left,”
I was a ‘2’, even at my human school I was always a two and i had no idea why,I just hope we don’t get jerseys. Those thing usually stink.
I walked over to the left side of the court, a boy with red hair walked up to me with a cocky smile,” So we’ve got the Prince,”
The others just looked at me with a guarded look, what did they have against me? I wondered.
I narrowed my eyes at the cocky red head, why is it always the red heads that are annoying little twits? “Yeah, I’m on your team. so what?”
“Don’t talk to me like that Princie,” The red head hissed, two others came up beside him.
“Yeah don’t talk to him like that,” They shouted at the same time.
“Why not?” I countered. I felt my eyes burn fluorescent violet,” You know what don’t call me that and you know what you’re acting like dillweeds,” I spat.
The redheads smile turned into an evil smirk, “ I’m Roy Bay, “
“Amazing,” I growled,” I truly don’t care,”
“Alright, let’s stop arguing and work together,” Ray suggested as Mr. Vail shouted that 2’s were shirt and 1’s were jerseys.
I smiled,” alright, let’s work together, just letting you know I hate this game so I hope I won’t suck,”
“I doubt it,” He smiled,” Bye the way I’m a fire Kildriane,”
“explains the hair and attitude,” I mumbled, but he heard me anyway.

As we started the game I looked over at the 1’s a lot of them were earths and winds a few were waters and fires. I then noticed a tall boy about 6’2 with Dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, he had darker tan skin. I looked in his eyes he looked like James, wait was that him? I wondered.
I shook my head and turned back to the game.
“Kyliss run and I’ll pass it to you!” Roy shouted, I started running. When I got close to the hoop Roy threw it at me, I caught it which amazed me. I then threw it in, it swirled around then dropped through the basket, my jaw dropped in surprise. When did I get good I throwing and more than that when did I get good at throwing it in when other kids were blocking me?
“Hey !” A girl shouted on the other team,” That is so not fair,” she protested.
“Yeah,” Another girl shouted,” He’s a prince,”
I narrowed my eyes at them,” That doesn’t mean that I’m good at thing like this, beginner's luck,” I said,”It was just beginners luck,”
The two glared at me, it was kind of unnerving. I swear I could see they were thinking of tearing me limb from limb, its just a game right ? Just a silly game, why were they getting so angry about a silly game?
“Uh-huh,” a girl with blonde hair said,” okay,”
“Hold up!” I shouted,” If its a problem, I can sit out today,”
She shook her head and smiled,” Sorry, we just get into the game, don’t quit. I’m Sara, the other two are Jenny and Sam,”
“Okay,” I smiled.
So we kept on playing, despite myself I actually enjoyed the exercise. I never have liked exercise before, well I guess thats another thing that has changed about me besides me appearance.

When class was over I walked into the locker room with the other boys, I smelled myself ugh I needed a shower badly. So I quickly took one, I got dressed and then started heading out when I started hearing shouting I stopped and walked toward the noise.
The boy with deep blue eyes, was being bullied by two other boys his size.
“Come on twerp fight back!” one of them shouted, and started laughing.
“Yeah,” The other snipped.
I stayed back for a moment trying to think of what I should say to stop them, I use to be pretty good at that when we were in sixth grade when James got bullied a lot. I let out a breath and then walked into view, the three turned their heads. One looked to be a wind and the other two were Waters.
“What are you doing?” I asked as if I didn’t already know.
“Go away, this isn’t your business,” The water said
“What’s your name?” I plundered on.
“Calvin Drake,”
“Drake... Your brother is kind,” I said, then narrowed my eyes,” Why aren’t you?”
Calvin just crossed his arms and said nothing.
“Thats what I thought,” I hissed,” Now leave,”
“Why should I?”
I kept my mouth shut, he was irritating me usually when that happens I snap and attack the kid. I felt wind pick up in the locker room, Calvin backed up his eyes were wide. He has obviously seen the outcome of this before, I still wondered why he was still in school. He should be out by now, but then I remembered what Kazin had told me Waters usually stay in school for a long time until they learn enough to become knights of the kingdom. They could get out quicker if they wanted to become a healer or have some other profession.
I kept an eye on Calvin as he ran I turned to where the Wind was standing, I smirked he wasn’t there anymore. I smiled.
I looked at the remaining boy who was standing in the corner still terrified, I noticed bruises on his arm and legs that weren’t there before. But as I spotted them they healed quickly, the boy opened his eyes and looked at me.
“Who are you?” He asked, I cocked my head to one side. Wasn’t he listening?
“Kyliss Carter,” I told him.
A smile spread across his face like I just said there was free ice cream in the cafeteria
“Mikie!” He said, I shot a strange look at him, how did this kid know my middle name. Unless this kid was James.
“James?” I asked, He grinned and nodded. His eyes were sparkling in gladness it was kind of funny. Did he really miss me that much?
“It’s me,” James smiled,” I never thought we would end up in the same class together,”
“Neither did I,” I said,” Esh, no wonder Kazin never liked talking about his older brother... He’s a jerk,”
“Yeah, and I thought he was my friend,” he groaned then scratched the back.
“Wait till I really get my hand on that Pinhead,” I growled,” I’ll crush him,”
“Kyliss please dont ,” James pleaded, He started putting his dirty gym clothes into his bag.
“Why shouldn’t I?” I retorted, he looked at me. James was an inch taller than me and he looked strong well looked.
“Because I don’t need a protector !” he spat.
I put my hands up,” Okay, okay but I still want to crush him,”
James laughed at me and went over to me and patted me on the shoulder,” Don’t you always,”
“Whatever,” I said then the bell rang,” Mmm, hey James any idea how to get to the Art classroom?”
James eyes widened in surprise.
“Art?” He asked,”You’re kidding me right?”
I shook my head, he knew I wasn’t ever good at art. He was always the artist not me.
“Yeah I know where it is, thats my next class,” he said, he threw his gym bag in a locker and locked it. “Come on,”
As we walked I noticed the difference between use, who knew a week could magically change you? We were quite on the way to the Art class.


I was glad Kyliss was back, it gave me a sense of peace. When I heard his name in the court I turned to see him, it looked nothing like the brother I use to know. So I just didn’t believe that he was him, not until he scared away Calvin and his posse. I was taller than Kyliss by an inch, he had gotten much taller. Though I heard Darks get really tall, it was strange knowing that my brother was royalty. His eyes were violet ,VIOLET! thats strange and his hair was white not as strange, but still as strange.
When Kyliss and I were five and after his parents were killed we had made a pact that we would always help each other and never turn on each other. I hope we can keep that promise, it seems like all I do is hope and hope and hope.
So the elements of the Kildriane realm are Lights, Darks, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. There are also those who are called Rogues, they are the ones that were never claimed by anyone and were attacked and bitten by a Kildriane. So what a Kildriane really is, is a hybrid of a dragon and an elf strangely. No one really knows how that came about, it just did. Like vampires how they’re half ghost and half human, and then werewolves that have a spirit of a wolf that they are connected to. Although there is another Hybrid called the Fraric it is a fairy and Merfolk no one again knows how they came about they just did. The Fraric stay in silence and never come out of hiding, but some have been spotted over the years.
Humans rarely ever play with Kildriane DNA now because some have figured out when it does to them, I guess I should have gone into more research than do what we did.
“Hey, James you awake?” Kyliss said as he waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and frowned at him.
“I am I was just thinking,” I told him, Kyliss frowned then started giggling like a little kid.
“You know,” He started,” If you think too hard your brain just might explode,”
That was something we joked about when we were kids, what was up with Kyliss? He’s acting like a child.
“No it isn’t,” I huffed.
He made a face then said ”Sure it is Jamsie,” I rolled my eyes then we hung a left, at the end of the hallway was the art room. I was glad,I loved drawing it was my favorite hobby well that also included video games that my mom had always told me would rot my brain someday. I of course ignored her.
When we walked in the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. I glared at them until they went back to what they were doing, but two girls were still staring at us, they were cute one was a Fire the other was and Earth.
I walked over to Mr. Dray’s desk he was sitting at it , when I came up he looked at us and smiled. I looked at his drawing, it was of a blackcore dragon. It looked really cool.
“Hey, This is Kyliss Carter,” I told him, Mr. Dray turned his head to Kyliss how was standing behind me. “He’s the new kid,”
“Oh, yes I heard of him by Julie,” Mr. Dray smiled,” Kyliss the Dark Kildriane prince,”
“Thats me,” Kyliss said looking around the room, his eyes not stopping very long on one thing. Dang his ADHD has gotten worse.
“Nice to met you kid,” The teacher said, Kyliss just nodded.” why don’t you two go sit down and draw something,”
“Alright, so its free drawing today?” I asked, He nodded and went back to his drawing.
I sighed and went over to the cabnet that had my pencils and my notepad in it , I opened it and grabbed the two items.
I ripped out a piece for Kyliss and gave him one of my pencils, he accepted them with a smile and we sat down . After a while I looked over to see what Kyliss was sketching it looked like this.
I knew it had a meaning, but I just didn’t know what it meant it was really cool,I liked it.
“Thats cool what is it?”I asked, looking over at the picture, Kyliss has somehow gotten better at drawing.
“Not really it’s just a sign,” Kyliss said, peering out the window. It was sunny today, it was hot in the art room because of the burning of the kiln.
Kyliss finally turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes,” I need to talk to you after school, when classes are over follow me to me dorm okay?”
I nodded, I had a feeling that it was about how I was the reason why we were in this position.
“Oh yeah, James,” He said,” My sign gave me the idea of drawing this, it means prince which is my sign,”
“Cool,” I said.
My sign was different it meant moonchild.Every Kildriane usually had their own sign unless they were rogue then they didn’t possess a mark.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2012

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