
Chapter 1: Kidnapped

I was up , at night to go to the bathroom . well we were camping and the bathroom is like far away from where we camp so I was walking there. My friend Peter Sparks was in our tent and sleeping , I didn't want to wake him up because I wouldn't want to .
So , as I was walking I started to think of bears or wolves that might jump out and kill me , but man something worse is going to happen then that. I'm fifteen , so my parents don't care what I do most of the time; plus I've earned there respect and trustworthyness, Mmm this maybe is so not a word but it works.
When I was almost there I started to feel like something or someone was watching me, maybe I was being to creped out and its just part of my imagination. I stopped and looked behind me. no one there. I sighed and walked into the men’s bathroom , then I heard someone walk in behind me ; I saw a man with leather boots and normal camping gear so just to be nice I said " Hello, sir," he smiled and me and then I noticed his yellow incisors teeth , they were sharp like a wolfs' incisors .
"Hello, Son what are you doing out this late?" he stupidly asked.
"Um, going to the bathroom,"
"yes and now your in here and why didn't you bring a friend?"
"Uh," was all I said as I felt something hard hit my head behind and everything went black..

When I woke up feeling sick, I was in the back of a seat of a truck and it was moving . I sat up and looked at who was driving, it was the dude from when I was in the bathroom.
"awake ?" A boys voice said , I looked to the passengers’ side and there sat a boy that looked my age maybe a little older ;with blue eyes and blonde hair. I was a red head with emerald green eyes.
"who are you people and why'd you kidnap me ?" I asked. The boy looked at me and said
" I'm Aiden , and your my new brother ," He said
"I'm no ones brother, whose your dad and why'd you kidnap me,"
"My dad's Uric , and how do you feel ?"
"Sick, why do you care?" I said leaning against the back seat. I probably wont get outta here, so I calmed my self and looked out the truck window still pondering why they stole me and what there going to do with me, I mean I'm nothing special . I'm just a boy with normal teenage issues . I closed my eyes and fell asleep .

I was shaken awake , by Aiden and pulled out of the truck and thrown on the ground still feeling sick.
" Get up ," Uric said then to Aiden "why'd you throw the human on the ground, help him up ... NOW"
Aiden helped me of the damp grass and then I was being pushed into a log cabin that was rather large.
We walked in and I smelled something that was good. A woman walked in from I think the kitchen I was sure me vision was dancing so much I couldn't see straight .
"Uric who's the human boy," she asked
"She my dear will be our daughters husband when they come to age," Uric said , Husband ? Daughter ?
"but dear he's a human,"
"Olivia , you forgot we can change humans'"
"Oh right," Olivia said and then walked into the kitchen .
"what are you going to do with me," I asked in a pitiful voice as Uric walked over to me and I tried to take a step back but fell on my butt. " what are you?"
Uric grabbed my hand and lifted me up off the floor, I looked in his eyes they were icy blue , they looked like they started to spin around and around , as they did this I started to hurt all over then I finally blacked out.

Chapter 2:Asleep

" you know he's kinda cite," someone said far away.
"yes he does, mom but why does dad want him to marry me ?"
" I not sure hunny,"
"I'll tell you why," I heard a boys voice now ," its because Charley has a very interesting history,"
"Like what Aiden?" the girl said again
"like, his ancestors , they come down from the Nephiliem children , that on his dads side although his dad is a Nephiliem and on his moms ; they were children of magic and witch craft,"
"Does he know?"
"I don't think so but then that gives us a benefit 'cause he doesn’t know what he'll be able to do,"
"Aiden you sound like cousin Arenas,"
"Liz, it doesn't matter how I sound ." Aiden said then sighed " its the truth , the terrible truth,"
"poor boy," Olivia said " but there is nothing we can do for him,"
"nope," Aiden said and then walked out of the door....

Chapter 3: realization

I woke up feeling better than I have in awhile , I opened my eyes and I could see clearer that before but something was blocking it . Then I remembered , my contacts . I took them out and I could see fantastic.
Then I noticed it was night out side and the light was turned off in my room , but yet I could see as if it was as clear as day.
I looked around and remembered where I was , I looked at the window it was bolted shut and chained and then I looked at the red door it was part of the way open.
I go out of bed not even looking on what I had or looked; I walked over to the door and opened it all the way and then saw Aiden walking down the hall way and heading toward me. " You should be in bed," Aiden said. I looked up at him ,"but I'm not tired anymore," I said hearing the whine in my voice. Aiden rolled his eyes and then pushed me back in the room and walked over to a T.V and turned it on and gave me the remote .
"Here have this," Aiden said and then walked over to the red door and then turned around and said " My rooms the one with the blue door if you need me the just walk across the hall way," he said then walked out of the room and went in his and shut the door behind himself.
I sighed and looked at the small TV, and then switched the television on ; sitting on the bed. The things in this room I guess are mine now seeing how I can't get out of here anymore. I started to get hungry , I looked at the clock and it was 5AM. I sighed getting up from the bed I went to the door and then opened it and walked across the hall way, and then knocked on Aiden's door. he opened it and he looked annoyed "Yes?"
"I'm hungry," I said , he sighed and then pushed me out of his way and then told me to follow him. So I did , we walked into the kitchen and Aiden gave me a bag of carrots . I looked up at him and asked "what did your dad do to me?"
"he changed you."
"Into what?"
"Demon, but your not fully changed quite yet,"
"how long?"
"a week,"
"Change me back !" I shouted looking at him.
"No can do, your in it for good," Aiden said and then walked out of the kitchen. I stared at the ground in the dark and started crying , I've never wanted to be a demon , I just wonted to be human . My life is ruined ... I looked over at the front door which was unlocked and the window in the house was unlocked, I could easily escape if I wanted to , but I desited not to .If I was changing to a demon then fine I'll stay here. I walked back up stairs and went in I suppose you can call it my room now and went in bed and fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Having fun while I can

I woke up to the sun light and got out of bed and then walked over to the wardrobe and I found a pair of jeans and a orange shirt and put that on though orange looks terrible with me red hair.
I opened my door and walked out, and then I saw a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair ; she was smiling at me and then I noticed her fangs. "hi, Charley," She said
"Hi, what’s your name,"
"Lucy," Lucy said " lets go down stairs moms making pancakes,"
"Ok," I said and then walked down the wooden stairs with her, I then remembered what Uric said I was to be his daughters husband... but I didn't want to be , and I certainly didn't want to be a demon but guess what I have no choice.

we ate the pancakes and then Lucy dragged me outside to the green field , I stopped in me tracks and noticed we were right by the ocean . "Charley don't you love it?" Lucy asked with her blue eyes wide, I sighed and smiled."Very much so," I said
"so you wont miss your family," Lucy asked which hit me like broken glass.
"I'll always miss my family , but I suppose I’m not really part of the family anymore am I?"
"No and I'm sorry,"
"Its...Fine," I said and then I heard Aiden shout.
"Hey guys wanna go to the beach with me," I turned toward him and shouted
"sure !" I said and then we all ran back to the house and got on swimming things on and then headed out to the beach.

I think it was five hours later and Aiden called us in for dinner.
We got started walking out of the ocean and then I tripped and fell in to the water and Lucy started laughing, I got out and then pushed her in . she sat up and started laughing; and then stood and then slashed water onto me , I smiled and then I started running for shore and she followed.We got to the house and all of us Aiden ,Lucy and I sat down outside waiting for dinner . I was amazing myself , how could I have so much fun when I knew what was going to happen. Oh well it doesn't matter anymore, my human life was screwed and I'm practically starting a new life .
" how was your day," Olivia asked I looked up at her and said
" well,"
"Good, after dinner I'm taking you shopping for new things for ya okay,"
"okay," I said and then dinner was ready so we had that and then I walked up stairs and got dressed.

I got in the care with Olivia and then we went shopping I think we got back at about 7;30 and then we started unloading my new things .
It was three hours later until we were finished painting and putting together things, Aiden and Lucy helped me and their mom.

When we were done Alivia went to bed and Aiden, Lucy and I sat on the floor and sighed.
"So you like your new room," Aiden asked
"you really want me to like it hear don't you?" I asked
"I suppose I'm liking it better than before,"
"Goodie!" Aidan said and then we laughed , "well we better get to bed shouldn't we?"
"yeah," I said and then we stood and then Lucy and Aiden.
"Hope you like it here," Lucy said smiling, then threw me a kiss over her shoulder. I smiled and blushed then they both walked away and shut my door and let me in my room, I had a new TV and other new thing like a bed and closet and so on and so forth.

Chapter 5: A week later

I woke up; and remembered what day it was . I've noticed several changes in me, I've started having blood lust. Aiden said that'll be taken care of , and is normal for a new demon to feel even though I'm not completely changed yet. Anyway it was Thursday , Friday I get changed... do I want to be changed not really but I've got no choice, it was against my will; but I've forgiven Uric . I knew why they had to change me , they needed new blood in their family; or they’d start going crazy or something.
I heard a knock on my door and looked over at it and then saw through the door and saw Aiden. (Yes I can see through things now, its a new power I have)
I sat up and walked to my door and opened it. "yeah?"
"Wanna go spar with me?” Aiden asked
"sure, let me get dressed,"
"Kay I'll be outside," Aiden then walked away, he and I have been playing sword or at least he's teaching me ,I can finally get him. when playing that. So I got dressed quickly and then ran out side in my black moccasins ,grabbing my sword that was balanced .

We practiced until it was five then we were hungry enough to stop and eat , we sat down smiling. Uric was making hamburgers , which were really good; Here they cook really well. ha-ha . "Your getting better," Aiden commented
"Thanks," I said looking at the ocean 53 miles away.
"Are you paying attention,"
"Oh yeah, I am " I then smiled " I'm just amazed how far I can see now," Aiden laughed.
"Well you know humans are blind,"
"Yeah, I know ; I had glasses before , but never wore them 'cause I hated them,"
"Understandable ," Aiden said and the Uric came over with two hamburgers for Aiden and I , I licked my lips and said thanks and then I dogged in.
When we were done eating Aiden asked" So you ready for the final transformation?" I thought for a moment , and then I remembered my parents there probably sick with worry; there wasn't anything I could do for that. All I said was" I suppose so..." Aiden sighed and then walked away . I still didn't want to be changed completely , I like still being a little human; Oh well my life’s already seaweed up. I should just forget about my human life 'cause I'll never get it back even though I want it back so much.

Chapter 6: The Change

"Mom, Charley still doesn't like his life here," Lucy said and her mom nodded.
"I've noticed," She sighed" he'll have to get use to it,"
" I know but I'm still sad for him,"
"Just remember he has to make his transformation so that he can be like us,"
"Mom why does dad want me to marry him?"
"Your dad knows best, plus were the last of our race,"
"yes, I know," Lucy said and then left...

I woke up with a headache , I couldn't sit up which scared me. I finally felt pain flooding in my body so fast all I could do is gasp; I felt something growing out of my back and my ears started going pointed like an elves. I closed my eyes and moaned in pain, and clenched my teeth so I wouldn't scream out.
When the pain subsided I opened my eyes and threw my covers off , I was way to warm and could barely breath . I opened my window and then noticed something in my mirror , I slid off my bed and walked over to it. My hair was changed to blond and my eyes were a demonic color of blue, I had black leathery wings like a bats ; I also looked taller than before . I opened my mouth and I had very pointed fangs, they weren't dull like Urik's or Alivia's but they were painfully sharp.
I heard a knock on my door, I turned around and shouted " come in!"
Aiden walked in and turned to look at me and his eyes went bug eyed wide ; then he blinked and smiled " Guess you completed you transformation,"
"Yeah," I said shifting my feet , I felt unbalanced because of my wings. "Why do I have wings and you don't ?"
"Because your a newbreed , you would have gotten other wings if you stayed the way you had before we changed you."

"and why is that?"
"Your dad is a dark angel , not that you knew that, and your mom had magic,"
"I'm not kidding ," Aiden said
"So I have wings, at least I can fly..."I said and smiled .
"put some cloths on and were going out side kay?"
"Alright," I said and then Aiden walked out side. I put normal cloths on which was an agonizing process , my wings kept getting in the way ; when I was trying to put on my shirt I heard Lucy giggle behind me. I then took off the shirt and threw it on the ground , then looked over at her she was smiling .
"Need help," she asked walking over to me, I rolled my eyes and nodded. " okay ,"
She came over to me and examined my wings , in a mesmerized way. "they're wonderful, you look like a dark prince,"
"what?" I asked , she shook her head and smiled up at me then lifting her hand up to my face and brushed it , her hand was cold up against my cheek. I cocked my head when she dropped her hand.
"Sorry..." she said blushing, I smiled and shook my head.
"Its okay," I said ,wait was I starting to like her, I mean really like her? I didn't know about these feelings. she smiled at me exposing her fangs that were as sharp as my new ones; I guess they dull as you get older , but i thought demons were really old...
We than heard the door bell ring , and we heard Urik answer it . we lisened at the step to know who it was, a man with a deep voice came out and said " whos the new demon child?"
"Charley Lyriss,"
"What?!" the man shouted
"what do you mean what , you already said you wanted a Lyriss child so I got one,"
"He's changed?"
"he is at least thats what I heard from my son Aiden," Urik said and sighed .
"Good, he should have wings , if he doesn't then he's no use to us, and we can't use his power," the man said , power? what power I have none; or do I...
"may I see him?"
"Yes he's actually on the steps listening," Urik said and then looked up at me, and waved me to come down , so I did.

Chapter 7: The King

The man stared at me , and looked at my wings and then said "couldn't get a shirt on, right?" I shook my head 'no' I didn't want to talk to him even though he looks like a good person ; but ever sense I was abducted by Urik and Aiden I didn't trust much anymore.
"Charley this is the demon king say hi,"Urik commanded.
"Hi," I sheepishly said , looking into the demons gray eyes . he looked me over and then said " he's built well and looks strong..." he trailed off then said " I wish we had more like his," then looked greedily at me and Lucy who was standing on the sixth step.
"No, their to young,"
"To young psh , and don't you dare say no to me again Urik E'zon Treysius ! "
"alright, alright just please don't make them," Urik bagged .
"how old are they,"
"fifteen, to young for that,"
"nonsense, they can,"
"Percy , please ."
"fine I give then three years to grow up more then-"
"we'll see, in three years they'll be 18," Urik sighed looking at me , and his eyes almost said I'm sorry I should have never picked you.
"very well," Percy looked at me " be good and don't hurt your self,"
I nodded.
"now I shall take my leave . I’ll be back in three years,"
"Bye," Urik said and then walked him out, I stood there in the kitchen now really knowing what to do. I didn't want this ,to get married to Lucy and have children ; I had no choice anymore I had to leave, I had to its the only way that I wont be pushed into anything like this.
Urik walked up to me and said" Sorry..." then walked away.

Chapter 8: Running away

Its been a week and I've gotten use to my new body , I've learned how to fly well enough I could land without hurting my self .
I'm still thinking about leaving.
I've desited to leave tonight .

I was in my room packing to leave when Aidan came in and saw what I was doing.
"your . leaving?" he asked he seemed to be...sad. "your my friend," I bit my lip and sighed then turned around.
"I'm sorry Aidan, I don't want to marry you sister; not to think having sex with her!" I said " I didn't want this in the first place and the demon king is pressuring me I don't like it, have you ever been pressured like me?"
"No I'm sorry , can I at least come with you?" Aidan asked solemnly, looking away from me. I sighed and then thought for a moment ; did I want him to come with me? yes I did...
"Okay, is you things ready?" I asked looking up from my back pack once I was done closing it.
"Kay, get your keys ; and lets go,"
"alright," Aiden said and then we walked out of my room and left no note what so ever , I don't want then to find me at all.

We got into the car and then we started driving, one thing I was glad if is that it was Halloween weekend so people wont asked about my wings; I think Aiden was glad to for he had fangs , but then so did I." Where are we going Charley?"
"To my best friends," Charley said and then added.” I’ve been keeping in touch with him sense you guys took me; you for got to take my cell phone away,"
"What!" Aiden said swerving the car.
"Demons never cheek those things do they; maybe 'cause you've been living out of the city for so long that you think its okay not to have a cell,"
"Where's your cell phone?"
"did you tell your friend that your a fucking demon?"
"yeah, why is that against the rules ?"
"everyone already knows they exist that’s why I didn't say ' there's no such thing as demons 'cause there is'"
"Ugh, what ever ; whose this friend of yours?"
"Jesse Chase,"
"Chase... that’s a demon family,"
" I know ,"
"Then why are we going there?"
"I wont to see him plus he could help me in a way,"
"but how'd you know he was a demon?"
"his fangs... plus he tried to drink my blood when we were four,"
" Aw , okay," Aiden said " you know where he lives?"
"yup," I said and then I gave him the directions and we headed off to a new start.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2012

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