

“Leroy!” Mom shouted, she sounded frightened and worried. It was nighttime in Tacoma, Washington the moon was out it was just a really creepy night. Leroy sat up in his bed and walked to his bedroom door and opened it his mom was standing there she was shaking.
“What’s wrong mom?” He asked kindly, It was just him and his mom since his father and older sister moved to Canada because of his job. Leroy mom decided she wanted to stay in Washington so his parents are not separated they just live different places because of good jobs. It kind of irritated Leroy and his sister Anne , Ann with and ‘e’.
“You know how in seattle there are dead people walking around?” She asked, he nodded,” I just saw some outside our house just now,”
“Mom really, did you really see them or is this one of your hallucinations again?”
“I’m Not-”
A crash came from down stairs and then a moaning came.
Leroy jumped, he walked over to his window and looked outside his window and saw them they were Zombies. He and his friends have always joked about how there may be a Zombie apocalypse, sadly though this was real and he was scared at what might come in the near future.
“What should we do?” Leroy asked quickly as he heard a Zombie start climbing the staircase. Where they lived was in the ghetto area so he wasn’t sure many people would be willing to help them out, they might as well be shot or bitten and killed by a Zombie.
“I don’t know ,” His mom squeaked, his mom walked inside his room pushing him back into the room and shut the door quietly so that it wouldn’t attracted attention to them. Leroy sighed and then started thinking what should they do they were surrounded by Zombies, were they as good as dead or could they escape? He didn’t really know and this irritated him; he could usually find a way out of any situation that’s why his mom came to him. Leroy didn’t like failing his mom or anyone, but he was only one twelve year old.
“I don’t know either mom,” He said weakly, he looked outside again. Wait... He smiled there was a way out the roof of the house was near the ground they could jump, but wait his mom she was pregnant with his little brothers she was already big could she fit through the window sill? They would have to try , He was just glad his mom was in good shape. “Ok, here’s my idea, we came climb out the window sill and jump down and then run, are you able to do that?”
His mom rubbed her stomach and then nodded,” Let’s hope this works,”
Leroy quickly put his tennis on and then his basketball shorts and a black t-shirt, He looked over his mom she had a similar outfit she obviously was thinking ahead she always seemed to do that he wasn’t sure how, but she did.
Leroy smiled and then slid the window up, his mom went out first his instructions. He grabbed his cell phone and charger and shoved that into his pocket and put his apple laptop in a backpack along with some other items. It was still light enough for him to easily run.
He went out the window himself and closed it just as his door was broken into by two Zombies, puke foamed out of their mouths which made him almost want to puke himself. The Zombies looked like they had been zombies for along time like when this actually started That was three months ago.
Leroy jumped down and helped his mom down, they both sprinted down the street.


Gordon was half asleep when someone knocked on the door, he sat up and got out of bed then walked over to his bedroom door. He opened it and what stood there woke immediately, it was a zombie. Its eyes were red were looking down at him. Gordon was too slow to react so the Zombie grabbed at him, he flinched and then kicked the Zombie in stomach slammed his door collected some precious items opened his window and climbed out. He knew his mom was already dead because he heard her scream and then it died when he climbed out the window. He jumped from the roof and landed in a crotch, he stood and sprinted. As he ran he pulled out his Iphone and called Leroy one of his closest friends.
‘H’ hello,” Leroy huffed trying to catch his breath.
“I take it you had a run in with a zombie,”
‘Heh, more like five, but who's counting,’ Leroy laughed,’do you have anyone with you?’
“No, mom was already taken so was my dog and dad,”Gordon said, and right now he was glad Leroy made him do track with him every day.
‘Where are you?’
“A mile away from my house, no Zombies chasing me what about you?”
‘No, but my mom is tired,’
“meet you at the park?”
‘Sure I’m there?’Leroy said and ended then call.
Gordon was glad his friend, was still alive and was smart enough to bring his cell phone. He was also surprised that his mom was still alive, but he was also super glad about that too. He had always like Leroy’s mom she had always been kind to him.
As Gordon ran on he started to think of an idea of what they should do once they got together, they had to stay together somehow. Though they had electronics it wasn’t going to fight Zombies even if they didn have them, they needed food and money right now , and weapons or head out of the states, but how good would that be for them? There was a Zombie attack in Japan three weeks ago and then another one in Russia. The Zombies were taking over the world, only adults were really being taken.
Gordon was glad he was twelve so that he wouldn’t easily get the disease unless bitten or scratched though it took a week for you to actually get turned. completely. Gordon and Leroy had been friends since they were born because their parents knew each other for a really long time. Leroy was a week older than Gordon.


When Leroy saw Gordon run toward them he smiled, they were always really good friends and looked out for eachother.
“Gordon,” He said as his friend came up to him, they embraced into a hug.
“Leroy, I am so glad you’re not dead,” His friends exclaimed, they smiled. Leroy looked over at his mom, she was holding her stomach.
“I am too, mom what’s wrong,” Leroy asked
“They’re coming!” his mom whispered, as two Zombies appeared two miles away. Leroy had always really good vision for some reason that also let him see in darkness as light as day. He also had crazy hearing and sense of smell.
“Oh, no!” He said, He looked at his mom who was beginning labor. What a great timing , he glanced around. “ I have string, mom you’re a doctor, give me some tips,”
She weakly smiled and shook her head, “ Leave now!”
“No!” He shouted, He pulled his mom up and they all started running again he hoped his mom could last for just a bit longer.

They found a house and knocked on it.
“Yes,” A girl opened the door.
“I’m Leroy, may we please come in,” he asked quickly, the girl looked at the three of them then nodded. “ Do you have a parent here?”
“Yes, My mom,”
“Please ,tell here that we need her help,” He said and he shut the door and locked it. Gordon helped his mom to the couch. The girl could tell it was ergent so she ran up stairs and quickly came down with her mom.
“Annie?” The girls mom said as she saw Leroy’s mom.
“Lucy,” His mom said.
“Mrs., My mom is ready to have the twins can you please help?” Leroy asked kindly. Lucy looked to Annie and acted fast she helped her into the kitchen and then the process started, Gordon and the girl were kicked out of the kitchen, but Leroy was able to stay.
It was an hour later when his mom gave birth to the twins, one of them though was dead the other was alive.
There was a crash like shattering glass.
“ No,” Leroy whispered, he heard the girl and his friend scream then a dying cry from each one.
“Leroy take him and leave please, leave!” his mom shouted giving her baby to him.
“Leave!” mom shouted.
With tears in his eyes he took his unnamed baby brother and stood then ran out the back door into the woods not really thinking about what was going to happen.

Chapter 1

Twelve years later

Drew was sitting on his favourite spot at the bunker his older brother and him shared, along with some other kids. His brother was named Leroy, he saved him when he was born his brother never kept anything from him. So he knew that he was a twin, but that twin was dead, and his mom was killed in a zombie attack. He looked about the streets, the spot he liked most was the top of the building that they stayed in. His brother was the leader of the group and he himself was to Co leader, They both looked very similar, They both had short cut white hair, strange green eyes that pierced the darkness and tan skin. Leroy was 6.5 and Drew was 5.4. They were both tall, but they looked young for their age although they were tall.
“Drew anything?” Leroy called as he climbed the steps to the roof, and looked around. Drew smiled and shook his head.
“Nothing,I think it may be safe to go hunting,” Drew said, his brother nodded and walked to the edge he looked down.
“You’re right, we’re running out of food for the others and ourselves,” He sighed closing his eyes, he turned his head up to the blinding sun.
“Yeah thats what I thought, anyway I thought I could go hunting this time with my group,” Drew suggested, Leroy turned his eyes on his brother and shook his head.
“No Drew, that is not a good idea,”
“Why? my group of friends are really good and fighting they’re fast,” Drew argued,” I’m also their leader, I know its not a child’s game, and you’re the one who taught me,”
Drew had five very close friends, they were all black belts including himself because they were all put into training when they were very young, because Leroy had found a karate teacher for them plus his own five close friends. the ten of them were all like brothers. Leroy’s group of friends were his age and the older brother’s of Drew’s friends.
This kind of thing rarely happened, one or two other gangs have the same thing going on. A lot of kids were still rouge, and others were in other gangs that weren’t as good as fighters as Drew’s and Leroy’s gang. They had 30 kids to feed and watch over and of all ages, although all of the grown ups 28 and up were zombies. So Drew just hoped that his brother wouldn’t get infected.
“Oh, fine,” Leroy said after thinking about it for awhile,” You haven’t been let out by yourselves, but you know how to look after yourselves, you have been doing that for five years and I haven’t really noticed,”
“Yes thank you,” Drew jumped up from the spot he was sitting at and gave his brother a bear hug.
“You might want to take back that thank you ,”
“Whatever,” Drew laughed, He walked over to the edge of the roof that was seven stories high. He jumped down and landed in an easy crouch not hurt at all.
“Drew are you okay,” Leroy asked, Drew nodded and smiled, he forgot his brother has never seen him do that.
Since Drew and Leroy worked together in thinking of ideas and getting out of things, they both had very little stress plus their friends knew how to look after each other and themselves so they also helped so no stress at all really. They all liked how that was.
Drew jogged to his usual spot where he was most likely to find his friends sitting around doing nothing like usual unless they were working out to keep their bodies strong which was a required thing for their gang. If they were weak they were an easy target for other gangs and Zombies.
“Hey guys,” Drew said opening the door to their usual spot, they all looked up and smiled . An asian boy smiled and got up.
“Hey Drew, you have news don’t you,” He said
“I sure do Haku,”
Haku smiled.
“Come on then what is it,” a mexican boy urged.
“ We get to go hunting today ,”
“No way!”
“Yes way Adrian,”
“Sweet!” Adrians jumped about, this was their first real hunt they’ve all been out with their brothers, but not by themselves.
Drew looked around at his other three friends, blue eyed Daniel, topaz eyed Skylar, and the comedy boy Jason. All six of them were great together and worked well together. They all used Katanas because they were easier to use and they weren’t scared to get close and personal with the undead Zombies.
“When do we leave?” Jason asked quickly as he stood swinging his katana behind his back like they were all taught to do.
“In an hour,” Drew reported.
“Yes, boss,” they all said then laughed, they have never really thought of Drew as their leader, but they all knew he was. This was not because his brother was already the leader, but they chose who it should be and they all picked Drew.
Drew grimaced at the name and shook his head,” No one call me that please, it just Drew and Drew is all I’ll answer to got it?”
The five nodded.
“Great!” Drew sat down on one of their couches, then told them of his idea. They have never really been up west most are too scared to go up there so there may be something interesting up there.
“What Drew no, you know that place is forbidden,” Sky complained, Drew sighed he knew it was, but really didn’t care.
“So it’ll be an adventure and most of the other gangs have already searched through our streets plus we have too,” Drew explained quickly.
“Oh, fine, but if one of us gets hurt were all blaming you,” Haki said
“Just as you should,” he said calmly, he glanced and the clock it was time.” Get ready quickly it’s time to go,”
They all got together their weapons, Drew locked up their usual spot and they went off.


Leroy was worried about his little brother, and he hoped he would know what to do when it was time to do something. He stood on the roof of their building, their gang was named Naveed, that was anyway his and his brothers last name so anyone that who comes into their gang they are family and gets their last name and also keeps their own.
“Leroy, are you okay?” Stefan asked, Leroy looked at his friends and smiled all five of them were there. They always knew if something was wrong.
“Yes, I’ll be fine I’m just worried about the boys,”
“I’m surprised you let them out,” Derrick said,” You’re too protective, man,”
“Maybe,” Leroy sighed and sat down letting his legs hang off the corner of the roof.
“It’ll be fine, they’ll be fine,” Saku said,” Anyway your brother is strong and a good leader like you are,”
“I know,” Leroy said as the events of when the Zombies first appeared at his house with his mom, he was so scared, but he got through with that. He lost his best friend to them though he was only thirteen too. “I’m just worried,”
“Why we’ve trained them well enough, and they’ve gone on hunts with us they’ll be fine,” Ian told him, Leroy nodded.
Something bad was going to happen and he didn’t know what, he knew that it was Drew that something bad was going to happen to the other five will be fine.
“I feel like something really bad is going to happen to Drew,” Leroy whispered, but he knew that all his friends heard him. They all had really good hearing like himself and good eyesight, Their brothers did too they weren’t sure why they had it , it was just there. They all kept quiet.


“ Drew come on,” Jason whined, as he watched Drew taunt a dog playing around with it. It was dangerous, but of course he didn’t care.
“Okay,” Drew stopped, the dog them jumped at him. He jumped back and ran into Haku who was standing behind him.
“Ah, Drew!” Haku whined, as he pushed Drew off of him.
“S-sorry,” Drew stuttered,” okay lets go,”
As they walked down the street, Drew felt like he knew this area like it was a very old memory.
“Are you okay?” Daniel asked quietly like he always is.
“I’ll be fine like I am always am,” Drew said, but that wasn’t the truth he was troubled he didn’t know why. He never knew his father, he always wanted to know why his brother never tried to find their sister and father, Drew was also mad that Leroy didn’t even try.
As they walked along the road Drew started hearing a voice a girl’s voice calling for help, No it could just be one of those evolved Zombies that can talk. His friends looked around and then to him for reassurance.
“Guys, chill okay nothing's going to happen got that?” Drew said.
He spoke too late because behind him something was breathing, he slowly turned around and looked. It was a Zombie, it actually looked like it held some intelligence. It looked to be a sixteen year old boy and a new one too.
‘D-don’t run please,’ He moaned, he rubbed his eyes they were glowing bright red.
“Who are you?” Sky asked
“And what the heck are you?”Jason inquired
“Guys stop being rude,” Drew growled, the zombie boy looked at him.
“You must be their leader,” The zombie stated
“I am, what’s your name,”
“Pendant Ruse,”
“Drew... Drew Naveed,” Drew replied,” why aren't you a dead brained Zombie?”
Pendant started to laugh.
“I’m not a Zombie, silly,”
“ Then what are you,” Jason asked rudely, Drew gave him a sharp look quickly Jason looked away.
“Well to answer you-” Pendant stopped and glanced around like he heard something, Drew heard something too, but it was far away. “ Anyway I’m a -”
“A Darkling,” Drew whispered, Pendant looked at him incredulously. He looked up at the boy.” You are aren’t you,”
“But - yeah, yeah I am , but how?”
“Sorry I read it from a book my brother gave me,” Drew explained.


Leroy stood,” darn it !” He shouted then jumped from the roof and started running. ‘A freaking Darkling really Drew could you be that stupid?’ ‘


Drew them looked in Pendants eyes, he backed away and slid his sword out of it’s sheath. He went swiftly into a fighting stance, Pendant smiled evilly, his eyes turned black and his teeth grew.
Drew stood his ground as the Darkling ran at him, he struck the creature in the chest, it yanked itself back making a horrible screech nothing was normal about this boy anymore it didn’t even look like a human anymore. Its black eyes glowered at Drew, who held up his sword. The Darkling launched itself onto Drew not caring if it was being pierced by the sword, it yanked its arm back and scratched Drew’s cheek.
“Get off of my brother!” Drew heard Leroy shout, then punched the creature right in its face, it looked at Leroy then scampered away. Leroy bent down and ran a finger across the scratch, it was worse than he even imagined. Leroy grunted and pulled Drew to his feet
“ Are you okay?”Leroy asked, Drew looked shaken and about to cry, but he didn’t.
“I guess,” Drew unemotionally said,
“Lets go, and get that cleaned up,” Leroy said,” Boys C’mon,”
The five followed Leroy and Drew as they went down the street it was getting dark.

Chapter 2

Leroy watched his brother sleep, in his bed. He hoped this wouldn’t happen, but yet it seemed that fate wanted it to happen. It was like Fate had something for his little brother that he didn’t know.
A knock came at the door of the room that the Naveen brothers shared.
“Who is it?” Leroy called.
“Massie,” the girl said.
Leroy got up and walked over to the door.
“What do you need?”
“Can-Can I see Drew,” Massie asked.
“He was Scratched by a Darkling, he may be changing into one,” Massie explained,” I can tell by the signs,”
Leroy yawned and nodded, he was really tired and it didn’t help that he was worried about his brother. He let Massie in.
The girl who looked to be twenty-one walked over to his brother and laid her hand on his forehead. She gasped, tears were in her eyes when she turned to him.
“What is it?” He urged
“Drew will either change into a Darkling or die,” She whispered then went silent for a moment.” Though there is something different about him, its probably in you too. He will most likely live through the change but he will be more powerful and better than the other Darkings. He will have control over his instincts and urges, Drew will be the prince over all of them,”
“Is that good?”
“Very, with Drew it’ll be easier to get the Darklings to stay away from your group,” Massie smiled,”Leroy your brother will need your love and patience, when he starts changing make sure you are good to him or else he’ll become evil,”
“Thank-you,” Leroy whispered then the girl vanished into thin air.


The next morning all five of Drew’s friends wanted to see him, but Leroy said they couldn’t see him yet. Drew was still sleeping and he started developing a fever, but that would yield to exist soon enough so Leroy didn’t bother with it.
Leroy stepped outside of the building and glanced around he shut and locked the big metal door. He ran to the right he wanted to get to the usual spot where his friends usually met up to make plans or just to hang out with each other. As he did so he saw some of his brother’s best friends playing sword like they usually did, he still didn’t know how they could stay out in the heat like that.
Drew would have been out there too, but he wasn’t it made Leroy’s heartache and he hoped more than anything that his little brother would feel better soon very soon.
When Leroy got to the door he tapped the code and his friend Axil let him in, as he walked in all of his friends looked up at him. Stefan and Ian were playing Tic , tac , toe . the others looked like they were just talking.
“How is Drew?” Ian asked.
Leroy took his usual chair that was designated just for him no one else was allowed to sit in it. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes.
“It looks like, the worse we expected has happened,” Leroy informed them,” Drew is changing into a Darkling though I was told that he will not be just a normal run of the mill Darkling, he will be better than all of them, I am hoping that is true,”
“We are hoping to,” Axil said as he took a spot next to Darrick.
“Should we tell our brothers?” Sake asked.
Leroy thought for a moment and nodded, Drew’s friends deserved to know what was happening to their friend.
“Tell them, but they need to keep quiet about this until Drew is awake,” Leroy told them, they all nodded in agreement, and the conversation was over.


It was a week before Drew was able to get up, and Leroy told him what was happening to him. He took it well, but he felt it inside him the coldness the change brought. Drew hoped the cold would go away and it would probably do just that.


Drew sat up in his bed he heard noises creaks from the old building, but also more he heard the moaning of the Zombies from outside and screaming from other kids. He got out of bed and walked quickly to the door he opened it . He ran down the four flights of stairs and walked over to the big window that was unbreakable.
Drew was now completely changed and he had no idea the extent of his power or what he could do, he looked down at his naked feet. He smiled and then opened the door and then shut and locked it from the outside, he and his brother were the only ones who had the keys to unlock and lock the doors for all of the door of the building. The three keys hung on his neck they were hidden in his shirt so that no one could take them from him.
He looked right then left, he lets his hearing wonder until he heard the screams again. They came and he followed, he realized once he got close enough to the zombies and the two nine year old boys, and a girl ; he forgot his sword. He shrugged something told him that he didn’t need that weapon his fingernails would be enough. Drew suddenly felt a growing in his fingers, he glanced down his nails were growing into claws.
As he stepped out of the darkness a zombie blindly lunged at one of the kids who tripped and fell. Drew whistled at them, the boys looked at him. The girl spun on her heel to look at him she looked his age.
“Run!” Drew shouted, as he knocked the Zombie off of the boy,” Run!” he hissed at them, his eyes glowing bright green. The three looked at him, he growled under his breath as he sliced the head off of the two zombies, more were coming.
“Follow me,” Drew told them then started running toward the building, his nails shrunk back to normal he felt one of the boys staring at him. He stopped running and looked around they were fine for the moment. “ Who are you three?”
“I’m Jill, These are my brothers Nick and Vail, they’re twins,” Jill told him, he nodded.
“I’m Drew, come with me,” Drew said,” I have a safe place where you can live,”
“Nowhere is safe,” Nick chirped
“Yes, there is, ever heard of the gang Naveed?” Drew asked, they all nodded.
“Their gang is suppose to be safe,”
“ I’m one of the leaders, now C’mon the stupid zombies are soon going to be upon us,” Drew warned, they nodded.
As they started running they could hear them getting close, Drew made them sprint for awhile. They slowed down at times, but they always kept a steady pace.

When they got to the building, Drew opened the door and rushed the kids through the door.Drew shut and locked the door. He looked behind him and saw Leroy standing in front of him, his arm were crossed and he looked angry.
“Drew what the hell!” he snapped,” You scared me, where were you,”
“ He saved us, Mr.,”Vail declared.
“That may be, but we have a strict policy,” Leroy informed,” Drew you know you are not a loud out of the building until morning,”
“So, Leroy I had to save them, I heard them,” Drew explained as quickly as possible.
Leroy closed his eyes and rubbed them. He nodded, “Okay Drew just next time leave a note or something kay,”
“Will, do,” Drew said, Leroy smiled and nodded then looked at the three kids Drew had saved.
“So who are these three kids,”
“Vail and Nick. They’re twins then their sister Jill,” Drew introduced them,” and guys this is my brother Leroy,”
“Wait,” Jill said,” So you’re the leaders of this gang, how many kids do you have?”
“Thirty, but that includes us and our friends who we don’t take care of, without that we have twenty,”Leroy told her
“You don’t have many do you?” Nick stated.
“Now if you stay we have twenty-three,”Drew said,” and yes we do have very little people, but that’s only because its hard to find our place,”
“Aw, okay,” The twins chorused.
“ Now how about we get some shut eye before its daylight,” Leroy yawned.
“Where do we sleep?” Jill asked.
“Drew what room is open?”
“room nine, but the windows broken, thought there’s another one its next to ours you know room 78,” Drew said,
“Okay let’s give them that, and then in the morning we need to patch up room 9’s window,” Leroy said, he turned to the kids and said,” we’ll make sure nothing has crawled its way into that room, since its been locked,”
“When was the last time you guys looked in there?” Vail wondered.
“Uh, maybe three years ago, we’ve been here for twelve years,” Leroy said,” Now, C’mon I’m tired,”

When they got the three into their new room for that night, Leroy and Drew stumbled into their room.
As they sat on thier beds they started talking.
“Drew, have you talked to your friends yet since you’ve been feeling better?” Leroy asked, Drew shook his head, “You should, I’ve heard from their brothers that they’re worried that you don’t care about them anymore,”
“I do care,”Drew said,”I-,”
Drew rubbed his eyes, tears were running down his cheeks, but it wasn’t normal tears they looked blue bright blue, it also glowed in the dark like his green eyes.
“I have bad news too,”
“Jason has been attacked by a zombie, and killed,” Leroy reported,
“Why haven’t you told me?” Drew sniffed and started crying freely. Leroy walked over to Drew and hugged him close. “Wha-what kind was it?”
“A bitter,” Leroy told him, Drew nodded.
“I told them to stay away from those,”
“I know you did,” Leroy said,” Lets go to sleep,kay”
Drew nodded and layed in his bed numb, how dare they take away one of his best friends. They’ll die.

Chapter 3

The morning light woke Drew, he sat up in his bed and looked around he heard hammers hitting the wood downstairs.
So he’s been turned into a Darkling, Jason is dead, and now they have new kids to look after.
Drew got dressed and opened the window and jumped, his hands caught the other building that was beside this one and clambered on top it, he sighed he’d have to work on that. He walked across it and then jumped off when he got to their usual spot.
When he walked in the hideout , everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to Drew who looked mad.
“Anyone want to tell me why we’ve lost someone?” He growled, his friends shifted in their seat uncomfortably, they have never seen him so angry.”Answer me!”
“J-jason went on a walk by himself,” Skylar said
“ Why not in a group?” He asked, his eyes burning a light green.
“I don’t know,”
“Well this mistake lost us Jason, are you happy?”He asked rudely. His friends looked down and said nothing. Drew sighed and looked away from his friends.
“Drew you were out by yourself last night,”Adrian accused
“Thats because I’m a Darkling and know my way around when its dark, hence the term Darkling,” Drew hissed, he was annoyed with himself and the others. Why had he gotten sick, and why did his friends be stupid like that? he wondered.
Adrian stood, and started walking out the door.
“Where do you think you’re going,” Drew asked
“Home,” He said
“Then take someone,”
“Skylar?” Adrian turned around to look at him, he stood up and followed. Haku and Daniel got up too and left.
Drew closed his eyes, they didn’t realize how hurt he was and was struggling to be good.They obviously didn’t care anymore about him, he wanted to leave forever and he could.


Leroy watched as Drew’s friends came home, no Drew, and by that he knew that it didn’t go well for him it was like his friends have disowned him as a friend. That was bad very bad the worse thing that could possibly happen, as a Darkling Drew needed friends, or he would turn evil. Hopefully he wouldn’t turn evil.
“Boys,” Leroy called,” Where’s Drew?”
“In the hide out,”Daniel replied
“He’s not like himself,”Haku said
“Yeah, he’s scary,”Adrian said
“No guys he’s just mad,”Skylay told them.
“When you left, what color were his eyes?” Leroy asked
“They looked like they were glowing green,” Hake said
“How did you leave?”
“We just got up and left,”
“All of you at the same time?” Ian asked, behind Leroy. He was sitting in one of the couched that were on the bottom floor.
“That wasn’t nice,” Derrick chided
“What would you think of him if he just left you completely ?” Saku asked.
“Yeah, he may think you’ve abandoned him completely, since what has happened to him,” Stefan said,” If Leroy, Axil, Sake, Derrick, and Ian all left me when my brother died, I think I might just run away,”
“But he yelled at us,” Skylar declared.
“Maybe, but he was hurt and stressed and sad,” Stefan said ,” He needs friends especially now,”
All four boys were quite.
“Want to know why?”Ian asked
“Why?” Adrian asked
“Because if not he’ll turn evil, this will only happen if he thinks you have abandoned him and hate him for what he has become, which wasn’t his fault all of you could have helped him when that Darkling attacked him,” Axil explained.
“Thats a little extreme isn’t it?”Haku said.

Drew sat on the chair near the open door that he had forgotten to shut, someone walked in. He didn’t bother to look up from his lap, he just felt drained and annoyed. Maybe his friends, were scared of him he hasn’t gotten mad at them before that was probably the reason. When they come, back he’ll tell them that he was sorry and hopefully they’ll forgive him.
He finally glanced up and saw a Darkling standing in front of him, the Darkling was a boy his age with bright green eyes, and white hair like himself his skin was the same color too.
“Who are you?” Drew asked,looking up at the boy.
“Roy Naveen,” Roy said
“Drew Naveen, why do you have that same last name as me?” Drew asked
“I’m you’re twin,”
“My twin is dead,”
“They thought I was dead, I wasn’t just half alive, Gordon knew that,” Roy explained. Drew looked in his eyes, he knew that was the truth just by looking at him and then just his eyes.
“Who’s Gordon?” Drew asked.
“Our brothers best friend, he wasn’t dead, just hurt now he isn’t” just as Roy said that a man walked in the room, Drew looked at him. The man must be Gordon.
“My brother thinks you’re dead you know that right?” Drew said then heard a moaning,” Crap, you brought Zombies with you, how well are you at sprinting?”
“Well enough,” Gordon replied.
“You better be great,” Drew insisted, he stood and pushed the two out of the room he shut and locked it.” Follow quickly now,”
They sprinted down the road, Drew peered behind them. The Zombies were advancing upon them.
When they arrived at the building Drew unlocked the door and proceeded into the building. Drew shut and locked the door, behind him he noticed that his friends and brother were staring at him.
“What?” He questioned them, Leroy stood and looked at Gordon and then Roy.
“Drew who are these to,” Leroy asked
“I am pleased to introduce, Gordon and Roy,” Drew said smiling.
Leroy peered into Gordon’s eyes and then he could tell that was true, “ Gordon...” He smiled,” I thought you were dead,”
“I am not, who are you?”
“Leroy, I’m Leroy Naveed,” Leroy exclaimed
“Really?” He asked, Leroy nodded vigorously. Gordon smiled and the two embraced,” Man, I havn’t seen you in such a long time,”
“It’s been twelve years,” Leroy said as they parted,” Whose Roy?”
“Your little brother, Drew’s twin, he wasn’t dead you know,”
“ Why does he look like a Darkling?”
“Because he is, our last gang wasn’t careful, we had a run in with them and Roy got the worse of it,” Gordon explained
“How many gangs have you been in?” Leroy asked.
“Fifteen,we hope this’ll be our last,but we're not sure considering there has been more and more zombie attacks,” he said ,” How long has it been since you have been out of this comforting place?”
“twelve years,”
“You’ve been lucky,” He said as they all heard a crash of glass in the back room, several kids screamed,” like I said we should start moving now, I saw one of your kids get attacked by a bitter four days ago,”
The Twenty-three kids ran up to them, looking for answers.
Leroy and Drew met eyes, they needed to leave they all knew that now, They’ve been here too long and now they needed to leave.

As Leroy and Gordon filled the kids out of the building Roy and Drew went to the back to defend just incase.
They all ran as fast as they could not really knowing where they’re going.

Chapter 4



Five week later.

During the run lots of the group got separated, Drew and his twin were together in one group and Drew’s friends have all vanished even his brother and Gordon the other kids got separated too. They all were on their own lost and scared.
Drew and Roy were still on the run, they only stopped to eat or drink, they kind of didn’t care about themselves and eachother now. They have been doing this for five weeks, they were now down near Long Beach Washington. The two have become quite good friends during the five weeks, Roy has been helping Drew to develop his powers.
“Just a little longer,” Roy said, as he watched Drew hold up a stone with his mind, well telekinesis really. There were less zombies down in long view, they slept on the beach most night well really on a ginormous rock. “ Okay let it down-gently,” Roy shook his head and smiled,” You’re getting better Drew,”
“Thats good I guess,” Drew sighed, and looked about the beach it was nice and calming, he wondered how long they could stay here until they had to move again. He enjoyed it. “So you were still alive when you were born?”
“Yeah, I was just wasn’t breathing very well,”
“I guess thats the reason why they thought you were dead,”
“Maybe,” Roy sighed and stretched out his legs, he lifted up a rock with his mind and skipped in across the lake they were near.
“I wish I could do that,” Drew whined, Roy smirked.
“Practice then, do expect your powers just to come to you?” Roy asked,” you have to work for them like everything else at life,”
“I know, but you make it look so easy,”
“Thats because I’ve had five months to practice, and you’ve only had five weeks,” Roy smiled,” you’ll get it bro’ you are a Naveed we can always do things right,”
“is that so?” Drew asked, Roy nodded,” okay,”
Drew started practicing again without Roy watching him, and soon he got the hang of it. He wondered how his brother was doing and then his friends too, he never did get to say sorry it didn’t really matter anymore because it was more likely he wouldn’t see them again for a really long time or they’ve already perished. He hoped for the best, but it was hard now to do that. Drew and his twin always have to look behind their backs.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.07.2012

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