
Chapter 1

He just laid there. Still. No movements at all. It was silent. Too silent. Everyone just ignored him. I made my way towards him. I wanted to see who it was. If he was alright. Big mistake? I walked up to him, to see if he was was alright. His body laid there. I knelt down next to him lightly brushing his hair off his face. An Angel?!! I gasped, clasping my opened mouth. His face was perfectly sculpted, he had godlike features which perfectly went well together. He had full tempting peach pink lips which was partly opened which went well with his pale peach skin. On the side of his neck he had this scar, i jagged line, like someone attempted to cut him. His hair looked black from being damp from the snow, but looking closely i could make out traces of brown. His eyes remained a mystery as they was shut. I pulled his head up so it just rested on my knees. I wasn't sure if he was breathing or not. I placed my hand just the tips of his nose. Nothing. Was he dead? I immediately started checking for a pulse. Why was i doing this?

Usually everyone would walk past the person they see laying on the ground, but no one was to be seen now. Normally they are the drunks or the homeless. But i could tell, I could feel that there was something different about him. Something that i couldn't explain. I grabbed his wrist, pushed up his sleave and immediately found his pulse. His heart was beating but he wasn't breathing. Strange. I thought to myself CPR would that work. Luckily i had first aid training. I took off my school bag and rested it under his head. I stood up, brushed the snow off my knees and stood over him. I knelt back down but this time straddling him, i lent over getting closer and closer to his face to start CPR. As i got closer and closer thoughts run through my head. What am i doing, why am i doing this, gah what if he wakes up... i started to part my lips to start CPR just a hair away from his perfect lips.

A shot of emerald green gazed into my eyes sending me falling back. He was now straddling, hovering over me. He stared into my eyes. My heart rate speed up dramatically. "What are you doing!!!!" He growled at me, his wide emerald eyes staring into mine. I didn't know what to say. i just stared back at him in shock and confusion. "I said what the hell do you think you are doing?!!" He growled even louder, squeezing my wrists. I shook beneath him, "I.. I.." i started to stutter. He was getting impatient, squeezing my wrist even tighter. I could feel him nails beginning to dig into my skin. "Urhh" i moaned in pain. His eyes widen even more when i did. I closed my eyes and blurted out " I thought you was dead or something, you wasn't breathing shop i thought i should do CPR please don't hurt me..." "hmp typical" he started to chuckle. I could feel the heat from his breath fall on to me. So warm. My body shivered under him.

I kept my eyes closed. I'm going to be raped. Oh God! Why did i go and help this guy. Biggest mistake in my life! I felt him get closer and closer, on my body. Our torsos almost touching. His lips brushed against my cheek, and moved slowly towards my ear. Felt like traces of little kisses. I quivered underneath him as he did so. I could hear him breathing heavily. "Wha-wha do you want.." my voice broke the silence of breathing and heart thumping. " I want something from you..." his voice echoed in my ear. "... something that only you possess." This shocked me. I opened my eyes slightly, just being able to see traces of his wet hair, stuck on his neck. I stared at his neck, listening to him breath heavily over my body. A glint of silver caught my eye. There was a silvery blue mark across his neck, where the scar was. I widen my eyes to get a better look. It was a starburst mark. Strange. I've always come across them at school, I have completely no idea what they are for, or what they represent. But never have I seen it tattooed on someone. I wanted to touch it but he had my hands held down. "Wha-Whats that on your neck?" my voice croaked as it broke the silence. His head shot up and he stared at me with his wide emerald green eyes. They glisten.

He just stared at me blankly. Starting to let go of the grip on my wrist. He placed one of his hands on his neck covering the mark. He started to get off me. I just laid there on the floor. I stared at him standing up. He turned his back to me, as if he didn't want to see me. Well why would he. Who am i to him. I started to sit up. " Its.. its nothing..." he said while rubbing his neck. "oh.. but its just that.." "its nothing! I said. You'll just have to find out later" he snapped at me. "oh.. I'm sorry." I mumbled. i didn't mean to upset him or get him angry. I was just curious. He turn back to me. At this point i was staring at the ground, not wanting to catch his gaze. why did i try and help him. Uff. Being such a nice person at times has its difficulties. "Why are you still sitting there. Get up." he said annoyed. He stretch out his hand to me. I looked up and stared at his hand. "well are you just gonna sit there or you going to get up. your bum is going to be all wet from sitting on the snow" i reached out my hand and grabbed his, he started to pull me up. "you're lighter then i thought..." he smiled. i got to my feet, stumbling forward.

I fell right into his chest. he caught me. i looked up at him. He just smiled. My cheeks started to burn and my eye widen, i knew i was blushing. I pushed off him and turn away. he smiled at me, he actually smiled. he looked so peaceful. no, stop it no. He's just being nice. He bent over and pick up my bag. "This is yours i take it." he questioned as he held out my bag towards me. "oh, t-thank you" i said i turned back to him, looking down trying not to smile. I took my bag from him and held it by my side. he turned around and started to walk off. "I guess i'll see you around..." he broke in. "Savannah." "Huh?!" my head shot up. But, it was too late. he was gone. How did he know my name. loads of people was surrounding me walking past rushing home or to schools to pick up their kids. I looked around to see if there was any sign of him. but there wasn't. i sighed. i wonder who he was. i started to make my way down the now busy road, off home.

Chapter 2

I burst through the doors of my house. "MUMMMMM!! I'm home" i screamed as i walked inside. Kicking off my shoes, and shutting the door behind me. I could hear the t.v, I walked into the living room. There she was asleep, with Kayleigh on her lap. I pulled out a blanket from the cupboard and wrapped it around them. I kissed mum's and Kayleigh's forehead, and whispered "sweet dreams" before setting off upstairs. I immediately dropped my bag in the hallway, as always. Wondering into my room i collapsed on my bed. Thinking of what happened 10 minutes ago. What was his name? That one thought wondered aimlessly around my head. Names ran thought my head Jason, Manson, Jack, Jamie, Louis, Jose, Alex, Beck, Riley?!!

But they all didn't suit him. My mind raced as i thought back to when he was straddling over me. I felt my cheeks burn. I turned grabbed my pillow and squeezed-hugged it so tight bringing my knees to my tummy. Rolling about on my back for a few minutes. "Okay okay" i said as i began to sit up. Throwing my pillow to one side. Brrrr i shivered at i began to stand up. I went into my bathroom turned on the shower and began to strip off, before getting in. I stood there with my head leaning back, just about letting the water hit my face. I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and began washing my hair.

I never really had the greatest hair or hairstyles. My hair was brown, but it never really suited me until it got dyed red by accident. Me and my Best Friend. Well. Only friend (apart from my mum and Kayleigh) Me and Kirai bought the wrong hair dye we was super excited to dye my hair that we never noticed it was the wrong colour. But oh well now.

I finished washing my hair and washing off i grabbed my towel and got out the shower. I walked out of the bathroom and towards my closet. I pulled on matching blue undies and bra. Walking over to my bed a picked up my yellow pyjama shorts and my white tank top and out them on. I made my way into . The hallway grabbing my homework books from out my bag and walking downstairs. I got into the kitchen and sat round the small dining table and started to do my work.

Estoy de acuerdo con el 33% de los encuestados que respondieron que la satisfacción laboral es más importante que ganar mucho dinero porque dinero comprar todo cosas.

(I agree with 33% of respondents who answered that job satisfaction is more important than winning a lot of money because money buy all things)

"Finally" I sighed as i lean back on the kitchen chair. Pushing all my weight on the hind legs. suddenly I felt myself tipping. falling backwards. Luckiy I went to grabbed straight for the table and managed to catch myself. Phew!! I pretended to wipe the sweat of my forehead acting like i just done a 10k run. A strange but familiar voice then appeared in my head.

"Careful Savh."

"Huh!" I looked around in shock. But no one was there but me. I shook the feeling off, pushed out the chair and went to make myself some dinner. I rummaged through the cupboards looking for something quick and easy to make. "Ramen!" I cheered as i began to pull the packet out of the cupboard. I placed it on the side and wondered into the living room to check on mum and Kayleigh. Kayleigh was now awake and watching cartoons. I leaned against the door frame and made a little cough, catching her attention. Her head swung back and she stared at me. "SAVHIIEEEE!" She screamed, causing mum to wake up.

"Kayy!" I laughed as she ran and jumped towards me. I held her up and gave her a hug.
"Long day huh mum?" I asked as she looked at me yawning.
"Yeah. I've got to work late tomorrow. Could you possibly leave early and look after Kayleigh for me please Hun?"
"Sure mum" I smiled as i looked at Kayleigh who was now yawning in my arms.
"I'll put her to bed shall i?" I asked mum, who was now sleeping again.
I put Kayleigh down, and took her hand.
"Say night night to mum Kayy."
"Night Mummy." Kayleigh yawned.

We began to make our way upstairs and to her room. Light purple and white. Perfect for her. She was a spring born baby, she loved light colours, and everything spring time, she was only nine but she still gets treated like shes four. It's because mum and dad love her so much. She's their little angel. Unlike me. She climbed into her bed and waited for me to tuck her in. I lent over and began to pull her cover over her.

"Will mum be home tomorrow?" she asked me as she rubbed her sleepy little eyes.
"No, she wont be. BUT! You'll be getting to spend all day with your big sister! We'll have something special for dinner too" I smiled at her as i began to stand up properly.
"Wahhh" She squealed with excitement.
"If you go to sleep now we might have a extra special desert too" I giggled.
She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.
"Night Night Kayy." I said as I tucked her hair behind her ear, and gently kissed her forehead. "Nightie Savhie." She replied in her sleepy voice.

I began to walk out her room, and back downstairs to wake up mum so she could go to her bed too. "Mum... Mum..."
"Huhhh?!" she yawned
"I think you should go up to your bed" I slowly spoke to her.
She began to yawnn again and started to stand up from the chair. aimlessly wondering her sleepy self upstairs to bed.
"Night Savh, love you" she shouted down to me.

I was now back in the kitchen, i filled the kettle up with water and let it boil, pulled off the lid for my Ramen too. Oh my cheeseballs. Kirai! I forgot to message her. I began to look for my phone. I searched my Pyjama shorts pockets. Not there. I looked under all my homework. Still not there. I ran up the stairs to my room, throwing about my stuff. "no no no! where is my phone. I couldn't have lsot it" i thought aloud. "Gahh" i grabbed my school bad and emptied it all over the floor. I began to move everything. Its not there. I ran my fingers backwards through my hair. There's no way it could have dropped and still be back there.

I ran to my closet and grabbed my grey sweats, and pulled them on. I grabbed my blue converse and pulled them on too. Picking up my keys I ran downstairs. Gah. Still haven't made my Ramen. I stared at the pot on the kitchen counter. Hmmm.. Now.. Later.. What to do. I needed my phone, but I needed to eat too. I saw mum's purse on the side. I grabbed it and quickly pulled out 10 bucks. I'll give her the money back when I'm home. I threw it back and headed to the door. I opened and closed it as quietly as i possibly could. I made my way down the drive, and started walking. I pulled out my iPod and started to listen to music. Skip.
Tears Don't Fall. Nope. Skip. Just The Way You Are. Nope. Skip. Mindset. Nope. Skip. If You Can't Hang. Perfect.

"Met a girl at seventeen, Thought she meant the world to me, So I gave her everything, She turned out to be a cheat, Said she'd been thinking for a long time, And she found somebody new, I've been thinking that this whole time.."

I turned in to a shop and quickly picked up a Hershey's bar and a big can of Monster, paid for it and left. Just what I needed. I took a bite into the dark chocolate Hershey's bar. As the bitter taste past my lips. My tummy growled for more. So i gave it more. I kept walking down, the road to where it all began. Flash backs hits me. The Silver and blue, sunburst mark that traced his neck. His eyes. Those gorgeous emerald green jewels. My tummy began to build up with butterflies. My face heated up. My cheeks turning red. I smiled as i walked looking down at the ground. I was there.

I frooze. Looking around. No one was to be seen. Well who would. It's 11pm. I walked around in circle where we laid. Images of him strandling me flashed though my head. I felt like i was gaining more and more feelings for him. my cheeks was burning. I couldnt take this anymore. I wanted to see him again. I really did. But who was he. Where was he. Was he even real or just a figure of my imagination.

I stood there. Staring at the ground. Kicking around the snow and ice. Wondering where in the world was my phone. A slight cough came from a near by bench. It scared me, i turned my head to the person sitting there. It was him.

"Hello Stranger" He called out, waving at me with one hand and fumbling with my phone in the other.

Chapter 3

I began to walk over to the bench. He patted the seat next to him. I didn't sit, I didn't really have time for that.


"Told you I'll see you around." He smiled at me. He looked me up and down.  "Aint it a bit chilly to be wearing just sweats right now." He asked, without hesitating.  "Erm, I don't get cold easily. Can i just have my phone back?" I pointed out to him. He was still fumbling my phone in his hand.  "Finders keepers" He smirked at me.  "Fine. Keep it. I'll just get it blocked off anyway." I proclaimed as i turned around and started to make my way back home.  "Well your one for words now. Before you was stuttering all over the place." He called out as i walked. "Well if you was the one to lose something and wanted it back you wouldn't stutter now would you." I stopped in my tracks and called back to him. He got up out of the seat and jogged lightly towards me.


"I was just joking with you Savh." He chuckled.  "Well it's not funny, plus how in the world do you know my name?!" I wondered.  "Well, you do go to my school right? Fieldwaters. Your always with that Karai girl." He pointed out.  "Yeah, i go there, and there is nothing wrong with Karai. Stalking much?" I laughed.  "Nope, just that i know almost everyone in the school." He chuckled.  I had seen him around school but never paid him any attention. I just really wanted to study get a good job and keep up with my bestie Karai. Most awesomest girl in the world. She was like a sister to me. "Okay dude. Popular person walking through here." I said sarcastically  "It's Beau actually. Not dude." He decalred. His face had disaprovement written all over it.  "Okay Beau Actually. Are you going to give my phone back or can i just leave and go home?" I reminded him.  "Oh funny one Savh." He smiled.  "Stop calling me Savh. It's Savannah to you. You don't know me as well as those who call me Savh."  "Hah, I know you more then you think. Savh.." he paused. I began to look at him with annoyance. "annah. Well here your phone." He stretched out his hand with my phone in to me. I went to grab it, but he pulled it back.  "Tut tut, not soo fast. I want a reward first." Beau smirked at me and began to bite his lower lip and looked at mine.


My eyes widen and my cheeks began to burn. Blushing again?! Gahh. I quickly covered my cheeks, rolled my eyes at him and began to walk away.


"Aww Savhie Poo. Not even a tiny little one on my cheek." Beau whined like a little puppy waiting for food. What harm could that do? Give him a little kiss on his cheek. Get my phone and go home. My cheeks still burned. Not just from him biting his lips but from him calling me Savhie Poo. No one has ever called me that. I turned back to him. Beau had his head down. "Its Savannah! and Fine I'm only doing this to get my phone back." I sighed. His head shot up. A smile whipped across his face. His eyes glistened, the green shining brighter then before. I walked back over to him. "Trade for trade at the same time" Beau said. Placing the tip of my phone in the palm of my hand, while he leaned over turning his cheek to my lips. I tighten my grip on my phone as did he. Somehow he must of known that I would try and pull it away, leaving him kiss-less. I guess I had no choice but to give him a kiss on the cheek. I started to lean forward, moving my lips closer to his rosey peach cheek. I closed my eyes as I did so. My lips hit his cheek. It was warm. Warmer then what I expected. As outside was chilly, I though his cheeks would be cold.


I began to pull my face back. By this time he had let go of my phone. Where was his hands?! I felt a grip on both sides of my cheeks. His soft but yet so cold palms, placed on either side. I tried to talk "Beau..." I murmured but I was silenced with a kiss. H-H-He kissed m-me. My eyes widen, while his was shut. He wanted more, but I denied even though I wanted more too. Some reason I knew I shouldn't. I started to pull away from him. He let go of me. I stumbled backwards covered my mouth, his eyes filled with regret. "Y-Yo-You kissed me." I started to stutter. I stared at him. He stared back. I was in shock I didn't know what to do. I wanted to kiss him from before, and i still do now. He held his head down. "I'm sorry Savannah." he whispered.  "It's okay.. I kinda erm wanted ahh to kiss you erm before too.." I stuttered again. 

He held his head up, his eyes began to glisten again. He was happy. He began to smirk at me. Oh cheese balls. Why did i say that. My cheeks still burned. I tried to loose eye contact with him but he just held his stare. I looked down at my phone. 12:45am.


"Gahh" I cried out.  "What? What is it?!" Beau asked.  "I really need to be getting home. I shouldn't even be out at this time." I started to rush. Panicking.  "Savh. Savh. Savh!" He stood there holding my shoulders trying to calm me down.  "Do you want me to drop you home?! I got a car, it'll be much warmer and quicker." He insisted, pointing to his now visible car at the corner of the road. It was a Fiskar Karma. I've always wanted one. I began to grow strangely jealous of him. We both walked over to the car in complete silence. He unlocked the car and opened the door and closed it for me. "Thanks." I broke in. "Anytime." he implied.


He then walked over to his side and climbed in. He started to rev the engine and flashed me a cheeky grin before pulling out and driving down the road. It was a full fifteen minute journey by car. Still none of us said a word. No music either. It was just a simple but yet awkward silence, i was really tired, i started to fall asleep in his car. He stopped the car for a while and pulled out a blanket from the back and covered me with it. Then started driving again. Soon we approached my house. I never noticed that he had pulled up right onto my drive. At this point i was fast asleep. He gently shook me. 

"Savhie.." he whispered. "Savhiiiiieee, your home" "urrr..." I moaned. "Promise not to leave me Beau.." i mumbled in my sleep. He began to chuckle, trying not to wake me up. "..I won't" he whispered, as he pushed my hair behind my ear.   

He took my keys out my pocket, got out his side of his of the car. He began to open my side and taking off my seat belt, i shifted to the side almost dropping out the car. The shock of it woke me up.   

"Huhh?! What!!?? Where am i??!" I looked around in shock, while jumping up out of the car managing to hit my head on the roof. Thump "Ow ow owww" I sat back down rubbing my head.  "Are you alright?" Beau asked kneeling next to me, while trying not to laugh at my pain.  "Yeah, im alright..." i lied as i began to stand up.  ".. just want to get to my bed. Thanks for dropping me home ." I tutned and smiled at him, while holding me head. I started to walk to my door. Standing at the door i looked for my keys. "Ermm where are my keys, i took them with me. no them too!!" i thought out loud.

All of a sudden i heard a jingle of keys. I turned around, and looked at Beau. He was standing there with my keys in his hands. Why did he have them?!! "You fell asleep so i took your keys to get you inside, but then you woke up and i thought you'll be arlight to get in yourself." "But You still got my keys.." I turned to him and pointed them out.  "Well you didnt give me a chance to give them to you" he annoced placing them in my hands. "Well I'll be off, see you at school tomorrow Savhanna." He turned and waved and began walking to his car. I didnt want him to go. I wanted him to stay. What was this feeling that was coming over me. I wanted him. But was i able to have him. Gahh! Why did he kiss me, why did i happen to meet him. I took a step forward as he moved. I reached out and grabbed the back of his jacket. "W-Wait.." I mumbled, holding my head down as i blushed. What am i doing. Why was i acting like this. These feelings. This heart beating. This Love?!  "Huhh?" He turned and looked at me. "I-I dont want you to go" I mumbled again. "Well, dont worry Savh. You'll see me at school." He smiled, as he placed his hand under my chin lifting up my head. "O-Okay." I half smiled at him. "Stuttering again." He chuckled. "Love that about you. I'll be going now Savh." He turned again and began to walk off. I pulled him by his jacket again, causing him to stop and turn around once more. "What is it Sa.." Before he could even finish, i had thrown my arms around his neck and faceplanted my lips on his. I went to pull off but he began to kiss me back. This caused me to fall back to my feet and stumble backwards, his arms was already around my waist, supporting me. This kiss was more pasionate, more loving then the one he had given me when we was out by the bench. I began to pull off, but i wanted more. He denied my request. He flashed me a cheeky grin, then looked at the door. "Dont you think its time for bed?" He asked, smiling at me. He was still holding me by my waist. "I-I dont want you to go" I stared back at him, into his glistening loving green eyes. "Well you'll see me tomorrow. I promise."  He leant forward and kissed my forehead letting me go. "Okay." I sulked. I turned around and walked to my door, opening it and walking off inside. I stayed at the door, watching him through the window, as he walked to his car, pulling out the driveway and drove off down the road, into the early morning sky. I brushed my lips with the tips of my fingers. SAVH! a voice in my head scream. You kissed him didnt you. You liked it didnt you. You want him dont you. I shook my head, blushing in the face that i really did want him, i really did like the kiss we shared. I ran upstairs to my room, pulling off my sweats, and climbing into bed. I yawned as my head hit the pillow. I closed my eyes, playing that same scene in my head over and over. Did he really mean it. When he said, by "you'll see me tomorrow. I promise." I let out another huge yawn and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4

Bzzzt. Bzzzt. My phone alarm went off. I yawned helplessly, and turn the alarm off.  

I rolled over on to my side and stared blankly at the wall.  

What happen last night? I ran the scene where I threw my arms around him and kissed him. I shook my head, nope that did not happen it was all a dream. Bang bang. A loud knock hit my door


"Savhhh!!" Kayleigh screamed "Savhiee are you up yet?!"   “ Yeahh! I'm up." I yawned as I began to climb out of bed, just sitting on the edge. "Okays. Mums taking me to school now see you later," she shouted while running down the stairs. "SAVH! DON'T BE LATE! Love you." mum shouted before slamming the door shut.

I turn and picked up my phone, checking the time. 8:01am.  

"Oh crapp!” I shouted I immediately threw my phone back on to my bed and ran to my bathroom. I quickly turned on the shower, stripped down and jumped in. I didn't care if it was too hot or too cold I just needed to get ready in time. I quickly washed myself with my lemon & lime shower gel and washed it off. Turning off my shower I grabbed my towel wrapped it around me and ran out the bathroom and to my closet. I pick out matching lilac bra and panties and pulled them on. I heard my phone vibrating on my bed; I turned my head to it. Ahh it’s only gonna be Karai asking where am I. I quickly pulled on my dark red skinnys and black tank top, before running to my phone and picking it up.

Two New Messages.

2 Messages?! Karai must really be worried. I unlocked my phone while walking back to my closet to grab my black “DORK” jumper threw it over my shoulder and headed to door. I picked up my school bag and ran downstairs, throwing it against the door. Sitting on the steps, I started to check my texts.



Message 1

8:17am - Le Karai ^^~


It’s Okays. I forgive you ^^. But didn't see you at the bus stop. Running late?! D:   Hurry and get your butt to school. Talk to you later!!

*                  *                  *


End of Message.



Message 2

8:37am - BeauBear. Good morning, sleepy head  Don’t be late for school. See you there (;

*                  *                  *

End of Message.



BEAU! How in the world did he get my number!! The it hit me. I remember when I went out to get my phone. I placed my palm to my face. How did I forget about that? Darnnn 8:44am just missed my bus. I quickly dragged on my black vans and I ran straight into the kitchen and grabbed my books, stuffed them in my bag and ran for the door. Its gonna be a 45 minute journey by walking. 



“Gahhh” I screamed. I ran straight to my garden and picked up my skateboard. I was only using it for a quicker travel instead of me having to walk. I ran through the kitchen pulling on my jumper, threw my bag over my shoulder, and ran out the front door locking it behind me. I threw my skateboard down on the driveway, hopped on, and skated off towards school. I plugged in my headphones and started to sing and play A Match Into Water - Sleeping With Sirens.

“Let's go! I kissed the scars on her skin; I still think you're beautiful. And I don't ever want to lose my best friend. I screamed out, "God, you vulture, Bring her back or take me with her" Tear it down, break the barricade I want to see what sound it makes I hate this flavour with a passion and I fucking hate the aftertaste. How does it feel? How does it feel? Well it feels like I'm on fire!...”


After a few minutes, I realised that a blue car was following me. I kept seeing it in the corner of my eye, I started to speed up I felt creeped out. Coming to a standstill where I had to stop and wait for the traffic light to change, I waited impatiently, I wanted it to hurry and change. The car slowly pulled up in front of me. I looked up at the sky, not trying to take any notice of the car. The window began to slowly wind down, and a head popped out. “Need a lift to school Savhanna?!” asked Beau, smiling at me. I shot him a look, showing that I wasn’t impressed with him. “What is wrong with you?! I thought you were a freaking stalker!” I yelled at him. “Well be grateful I’m not.” He smirked. “Hmp. Jhez, people these days.” I sighed, getting my skateboard ready to ride off again. “So, you didn’t answer me. Lift? Or not?” He asked again. I checked my phone; it was 8:52am. Gah, really needed to get to school, but didn’t want to take a lift from Beau. But what choice did I have if I wanted to get there by 9:10. “Sure, why not.” I sent him a fake smile, like I really wanted him to drop me to school, even though we go to the same one. “Cool” he smiled back, pulling his head back in the car and leaning over opening the door for me. I bent down, picked up my skateboard, and climbed in the car, shutting the door behind me.

“Thanks” I mumbled. I placed my headphones back in not wanting to start a conversation, it was a 10 minute journey to school from where we was, the journey flew by, surprisingly we got there in 5, loads of people was still walking into school. Beau, pulled into the car park, and parked up his car. He tapped me on the shoulder, “We’re here now Savh.” He smiled, opening up the door and climbing out the car. “BEAU BOYYY!” A voice cheered as he got out the car, it was Zach. One of the football players. He wasn’t one of the hottest guys at our school but he was good looking. He had short blond hair, with went perfectly with his bright blue eyes. He was just about taller then Beau, he always wore baseball jackets, along with jeans and Converses, which everyone could identify that he was part of the sporting teams. I began to open up the door, while Beau, and Zach was having a brotherly love conversation. “Where was you last night Beau? You missed the party. It was Epic!!” Zach rambled on to Beau. “I just had to take care of something. Next time” He looked back at me in the car, then back at Zach and laughed. “Yeah something! I guess I know what” Zach joined in laughing. “*Coughs* Vicky *Coughs*” Zach coughed and then continued to laugh. “Ha, no. Nothing to do with her” Beau, stopped laughing, and began to be serious.

I took a deep breath and picked up my skateboard, and climbed out the car, shutting the door behind me, catching their attention.

“Erh, thanks Beau.” I said, and began to walk towards the school. Zach turned and stared at me, watching me walk. I could hear them talking still. Kind of shouting but not loud enough for everyone to hear. I sighed and continued to walk to my form room. ~ Beau & Zach's Conversation by the car ~

"Beau! Seriously her?! Why was she in your car? What’s with the 'Erh Thanks Beau' Dude, your choosing her over Vicky?" Zach slightly yelled at Beau. He was annoyed with him.  "What do you mean seriously her? She's a friend, I just gave her a lift to school. She was only saying thanks and she has a name actually she Savhanna. And Vicky..." 

Beau growled at Zach.  Zach cut in "...Well what would Vicky say if she saw her getting out your car. You have to choose Beau. Vicky or her. Or you can have both" Zach revealed a surprisingly evil grin. 

"Theres nothing between me and Savhanna, plus Vicky. Well she’s just, Vicky. There was something but now. Dude I just don't even know" Beau began to answer slamming the car door shut and locking it behind him. 

"But does she know that?" Zach questioned Beau, as they began to walk to walk towards school.


"Beauiieeee" A cry came out, a bouncy brunette girl ran towards Beau throwing her arms around his neck and planting a big glossy kiss against his lips, then pulled away. 

She then linked her arm around his and began walking with him and Zach. 

"Hai Zaczac." She squealed looking at him while she waved her free hand.  

"Hey Vicky" He answered back smiling at her then looking at Beau. Beau looked back confused and signed, "We'll continue this later.”


That was Vicky. She had large brunette curls, which bounced with every step she took, which made her large hazel eye glow. She wore jet black leggings  along with a short dark grey crop top with a blue plaid blazer with dark grey boots. 

Beau looked down at Vicky, then back a Zach.

“Beauie. I didn’t see you on your usual route today” She sighed. “I wonder why” Zach mumbled and rolled his eyes. Beau began to growl at Zach, wanting to hit him so he could shut up. “Huh?!” Vicky questioned. “Nothing” Beau answered for Zach. “Just had to go pick something up.” He smiled down at her. Zach placed his hand behind his head, and yawned. “Well im going ahead. See you two in from room.” He hurried forward, sending a wave in their direction. “Bye bye Zaczac” Vicky cried, giggling, tagging along with Beau. They both slowly walked into the school, and began to make their way to form room. ~End~ I walk in to school, everyone was walking toward their form rooms, I knew the bell hasn’t rung yet so I hurried my way to my locker. Reaching my locker, I looked around and done my combination. I soon opened it up and threw my bag in there for the time being, as I wouldn’t need it in form room. I began to figure out how I was going to fit my board in too. “Uff” I grunted, forcing my board in the locker, causing my bag to be squashed in the back. Suddenly the bell began to ring. The hallways began to empty. I started to run to my form room even though it wasn’t that far from my locker. A moment later, I reached the door, of my form room, and opened it. “Just on time Savhanna.” Mr Phalt, spat as I entered the room, everyone began to laugh, even Karai.

“Yeah, luckily.” I mumbled, walking to my seat right next to Karai. “well that’s everyone” He spat again. Thank God I don’t sit in the front of the class room. Feel soo sorry for those who get his spit all over them. Mr Phalt, was old. Around about in his mid 50s I guess. He always wore a bright coloured tie along with dark grey shirts and black pants and scruffy brown shoes. He had a very weird way of hairstyle since he’s losing his hair he’s always got a comb over. He started to talk about the days announcements, but everyone usually ignores them. I turned my attention to Karai. “SAVH!!” She cried. “Karai!” I smiled back at her, as she went to tackle hug me, causing me to fall off my chair. We both ended up in a fit of laughs. Helping me up I told her "Sooo sorry about not texting you when I got in. Kinda fell asleep" I kinda lied to her. I couldn't possibly tell her about Beau right now in form room. 

"Im so over it" she laughed. 

"Good! But we gotta talk about something" i announced, causing her to gasp. 

"Ooooo! Tell me now!" She answered excitedly. 

"Later" i grinned, "Oh and i got to leave straight away. Have to pick up Kayleigh." 

"Awww, wish i could come with, but got to go help out my grandma." She sighed. 

"Aww next time" I replied. 

"Yes definitely" She squealed. The bell suddenly rang, lesson time. I stood up and pushed my chair in, as did Karai. I went to walk round to leave the class then someone barged passed me. “Oosp.” A voice came. “Didn’t see you there,” she giggled, it was Vicky. She looked back at me, and smirked. Jessica and Bailey walked passed too, following in Vicky’s footsteps. Vicky and me. We’re not friends. Well not friends anymore, since we got into High school. We used to be soo close. Sleepovers all the time, sharing secrets, playing out, going shopping. However, it all changed. We just grew apart. I knew she was just acting this way, because she became really popular when we came here. But I don’t really care, that’s her choice. “What a bitch.” Karai called out. “why thank you” She turned back and fluttered her eyelashes. I just stood there rolled my eyes and ignored her. I looked around the form room. Beau wasn’t in site. Most probably didn’t come in form today. Soon everyone left the room, me and Karai going last. We began to make our way down to our lesson. First, we had Algebra. Karai’s favourite. We went to our lockers and took out our book, and hurried straight to class. Mr Castor stood at the door greeting everyone. He was OH MY SWEET MOTHER OF LANTA, gorgeous. Everyone loves him. Well all the girls in the class.


“Morning girls” Mr Castor smiled at us as we walked in. “Morning Sir” We blushed, smiling back at him. Oh My Gosh I mouthed to Karai, she started laughing, as we made our way to our seats. Thanks to us having Mr Castor as a teacher, our lessons was fun, unlike the others. Soon the lesson began, everyone had fun, we all laughed and got along. Mr Castor was sweet, not like anyone else in this school. He’s different, and we all liked that. Soon, the lesson had to end, he began to hand out our homework. “Alright, class. We had fun today!” He laughed smiling at us all. “But as you know, I got to give you all homework” “Ahhhh” half of the class moaned. “WOO” Karai whispered to me, causing another giggle fit. Soon, he finished giving out the sheets, the bell began to go. “Alright everyone. Have a great day. I’ll be expecting those in two days.” He smiled at everyone as they began to leave. As always me and Karai left last. “Great work today Karai” He winked at her. She started to blush, I just stood there laughing. “T-Thank you” She rushed, and ran out the room, pulling me with her. “Bye Mr Castor” I called out giggling as she pulled me along. He waved at us as we left. We began making our way to our lockers. “Savh” She finally began to talk, while we was going through our lockers. “Mhm” I hummed. “Do you believe in Vampires?” She suddenly asked. My eyes widen, my heart started to beat out of control. This shocked me, I never thought she would ask this question. She’s my best friend and I’ve kept a secret from her for ages. I was a vampire, and having her ask me this. It was the ultimate shock. I didn’t know how to answer her, yet alone tell her I am one. “Erhh.. Well...” I stuttered. “It’s okay if you don’t. I was just wondering. I’ve been soo fascinated by vampires for soo long. I never told you, cause I thought you would think I was weird” she sighed, shutting her locker. “Oh My Gosh!” I cried, causing her to jump. “You tell me this now! I love Vampires!” causing her to look up and smile. Well it was true, I was a vampire who was fascinated by vampires. I began to laugh. I shut my locker too. We began to walk to our next lessons, thankfully they was in the same direction. We kept talking about our love for Vampires, and laughing about who we thought was one, and if we was. “Savh, I actually think Mr Castor is one” She blurted out. “HUH! Seriously!” I was surprised to hear. “Mr Castor a Vampire?” I thought aloud. “Yeah, he seems like one, but a sweet, kind, really good looking one.” She giggled. “Oh yeah!” I giggled too. We soon got to a part where we had to go our separate ways, and waved off to each other.   For the rest of the day and our lessons, we was in different classes. So we wouldn’t see each other until break and lunch. We didn’t really see each other at break and lunch thanks to our club meetings. The day soon flew, by and it was time to leave. I ran back to my locker, and grabbed my bag and skateboard; a note was placed inside too. I had a feeling that would be from Karai. ~ The Note ~ SAVHH! Had To Run. Would Of Stayed By The Locker. Sorry D: Make sure you text me today! Haha :3 See You Tomorrow.

~End of Note ~


I placed the note back in my locker and pulled out my phone, plugged the headphones in, turned on my music and began to make my way out of school. Most people was just hanging out by their cars or sitting on the steps talking. I made my way to the sidewalk, threw down my skateboard, and skated off towards Kayleigh’s school. Kayleigh’s school wasn’t  that far from mine. Five minute walk maximum, felt quicker when I skateboard there. Soon I reached her school, I picked up my board and walking in. I pulled out my phone, turned my music down and text Karai as I promised. “Just got to Kay’s school, how’s your grandparents?”

“Ahh, they are fine. Someone was looking for you. He was by your locker. Didn’t catch his name though.” “Ah. I think I know who…” By this time Kayleigh had walked out of school and ran towards me. “SAVHIE” She screamed. “Bye Mrs. Stonebridge” she called out while grabbing hold of my free hand. She waved off to her teacher and we turned and walked out of school and started heading home. Kayleigh skipped down the road while I slowly pushed along my skateboard. “Savh! What’s for dinner?!” She span around giggling. “Whatever you want Kay” I smiled down at her. Letting her think I went back to texting Karai. “Oooo! So who is he then!!!” “Eh. He’s a friend. Just someone I met.” “A Friend Hmmm! I’m soo gonna call you later. >:3    But right now. I’ve got the dogs out so in about a hour! Ttyl!” “Aha, he is though! >w< and Alright. Ttyl!” After thinking for a while “TACOS!” She yelled jumping towards me. “Tacos? So not pizza anymore?” I questioned. “Mhm” She hummed going back to skipping again. “Alright tacos it is” I stopped my skateboard and grabbed her throwing her up in the air. She may be 9 but she’s small. “Alright, let’s go get the stuff to make tacos.” I laughed, putting her back down, then letting her climb on to my back. I walked back to my board and skated off down the road to the supermarket. We quickly ran through and grabbed all the stuff we needed to make Tacos, paid and left. As we began walking out of the supermarket, Beau was there. He was standing by his car with Zach and Vicky. “Oh Crap” I mouthed. I quickly grabbed Kayleigh’s hand and began walking through the car park, in hopes of not being seen.


“HEY SAVHANNA!!” Beau called out. I tried to ignoring him, but he kept calling. “SAVHANNA!” he called again, this time running towards me. I turned to him. “Oh Hi Beau.” I half smiled. Kayleigh, kind of hid behind me, squeezing my hand tight. “So what you doing down here?” he asked smiling at me. “Eh. We’re just getting some stuff to make Tacos for dinner.” I stroked Kayleigh’s hair. He then noticed her half standing behind me. “So this must be your sister?” He bent down and smiled at her, stretching out his hand so she could shake it. “I’m Beau nice to meet you.” “Savh…” She looked up at me. “It’s alright Kay. He wont bite” I stared at him, raising one eyebrow. “O-Okay. I Kayleigh” She shook his hand and smiled. He then stood back up, and smiled at me. “Such a nice big sister aren’t you?” He laughed. “Aha, yeah I guess…” I began to talk. “She’s the greatest” Kayleigh cut in shouting while giggling, causing both me and Beau to laugh. She then ran behind me again, embarrassed. We all started to walk back towards his car. Just chatting away.

“If you want I can drop you home again.” He asked winking at me. I gently pushed him, in annoyance. “Sure, thanks.” I laughed in embarrassment. “Is that okay with you Kayleigh?” He asked her. “Sure! I love cars” She giggled. “Alright! You’ll love mine too.” He laughed, as she went to grab his hand.

  As soon as we got there, Vicky just stared at me. Like why am I here. Zach just leant on the car, ignoring the world.

“Savhanna.” Vicky spat. “Vicky” I replied, sighing. “oh so you two already met” Beau laughed. “Oh Zach, this is Savhanna. Savh, this is Zach.” He also mentioned. “Nice to meet you” Zach, began to stand up properly. Standing next to Vicky, she grabbed hold of Beau arm and kind of snarled at me. I think she wanted me to know, that he was hers, and no one elses. Like I care! Kayleigh stared at Beau’s car. She let go of our hands and ran to the car, running her finger tips over it.


“Savhie” Its your colour.” She giggled. I smiled at her. “Ready?” Beau asked, walking round to the car door and opening it for Kayleigh. Vicky stared at us both as we both got in the car. “What you doing?” Vicky growled at him “Dropping her home” he announced. “I’m coming too” she growled again, getting into the car with me and Kayleigh. Beau shut the door behind and let Zach get in the front. He then got in too, and began to make his way to my house. It was somewhat awkward, thanks to the silence that surrounded the car. I was with someone I just met two days ago, someone I met to day and a girl who hates my guts and most probably thinks I’m out to steal Beau from her. Soon he pulled up at my house, Zach got out the car and opened the door so Vicky could get out to let me and Kayleigh get out too. Kayleigh ran up to the front door and waited. Vicky swapped seats with Zach. Zach didn’t really seem like he cared where he sat. He got in the back of the car and laid down. Vicky sat in the front and pushed herself up more against Beau. He didn’t really seem that interested. I walked around the car to where the driver’s seat was. “Thanks again, Beau.” I smiled at him “No problem Savh.” He smiled back. “Bye Zach” I waved at the window at him. He saluted back at me, smiling. First time I’ve seen him smiled. He’s actually kind of cute. “Ah. Bye Vicky.” I fake smiled at her. “Whatever” She growled. Soon Beau drove off down the road, and left my house. I walked up to Kayleigh who was playing with her shoes by the door. I opened the door up and walked in throwing my school bag and skateboard down. Kayleigh dropped her Hello Kitty bag next to mine and ran in the kitchen excitedly. “Alright Taco Time!” I cheered. She began to scream with excitement. We both washed our hand put on matching aprons and began to make dinner. It took a while but we managed to make some pretty awesome tacos. We went into the living room and watched ‘Spirited away’ while munching on our awesomely made tacos and drinking Pepsi and Kool-Aid. As soon as we finished Kayleigh helped me clean up, even though she wasn’t able to do much. She placed all the dirty dishes in the dish washer. She ran back into the living room and watch more of the movie. I took out two bowls and Oreo ice cream. I put loads of chocolate sauce on hers and topped with crunchy M&Ms while on mine I had whipped cream, chocolate sauce and crushed Oreos. I walked into the living room and gave hers to her and placed mine on the coffee table. I walked out the room and phoned Karai. ~Phone Call~ Savhanna - “RAWRRRRR” Karai - “MOOOOOOO!” Savhanna - “KARAIIIII”

Karai - “SAVHHH! I was just about to phone you. Haha” Savhanna - “Woooo! I was first!” Karai - “Yes, yes you was, Soooo…” Savhanna – “ Soo what?” Karai – “that boy. At your locker. Who was he! Tell mee” Savhanna – “Oh that’s Beau.” Karai – “Beau, you mean Vicky’s like boyfriend Beau. I though he looked familiar” Savhanna – “Ah. Yeah. Well I saw him today. When I was with Kayleigh” Karai – “Ooooo! What happened?” Savhanna – “Nothing really. Just went shopping for some stuff to make Tacos…” Karai – “ YOU MADE TACOS WITHOUT ME! SAVH!!” Savhanna – “Aww I’m sorry. I got some leftover. I’ll bring them tomorrow for lunch.” Karai – “Woooo!” Savhanna – “Your coming over tomorrow!” Karai – “DEFINATLY” Savhanna – “WOOOO!, theres something I still want to tell you. But when your round here” Karai – “Ohhh! Can’t wait!” Savhanna – “Alright! I’ll talk to you tomorrow at school” Karai – “Okays. Talk to you later.”

~End of Phone Call~ Kayleigh finished her ice cream and ran in the kitchen and put her bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. I quickly ate mine as it was melting really quick. I had my maths homework to do, but it can be done tomorrow. Luckily we got two days to do it. The movie soon ended and I put my bowl in the kitchen and walked with Kayleigh upstairs to her room. It was now 9:16pm I helped her get ready for bed and tucked her in. “Night night Kay” I whispered as I kissed her forehead. “Nightie Savhie.” She mumbled closing her eyes. I pulled her door slightly shut and ran downstairs, turning the TV to Family Guy. I quickly grabbed my bag and pulled out my maths work. I thought it’d be soo much better if I done it now. The work was kind of easy as it was things that we was studying on today. Was happy I was able to do it soo quick. I put it back in my bad and carried on watching TV. My phone suddenly went off. A name was flashing on the screen. It was Beau. Why was he calling me. It was now 10pm I didn’t realise how time had flown past quite quickly. I answered the phone. ~Phone Call 2 ~ Savhanna – “Hello Beau?” Beau - “Hello. Oh hey Savhanna” Savhanna - “Hey, you called?” Beau - “oh yeah, I was just wondering what your doing? If you wanted to come out and hang.” Savhanna - “What right now?” Beau - “Yeah, if you free. I’m with Zach and Vicky..” Savhanna – “Sorry I cant right now. My mum isn’t home and there would be no one to look after Kayleigh.” I was kind of expecting Vicky not to be there, but since they are what ‘Going Out’ She would be there. I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Zach, he seems pretty awesome.

Beau - “Oh okay. Another time? Promise. Ha.”

Savhanna - “sure, another time” Beau - “Don’t worry, they won’t be there.” Savhanna – “Aha, okay.” Beau - “I’ll text you later.”

Savhanna – “Alright. Talk to you later.” Beau - “Bye Savh” Savhanna – “Bye Beau” ~ End of Phone Call 2~ I threw my phone down and squealed. Oh my gosh. I was kind of excited to get a phone call from him of all people. I happily smiled and turned the TV off, I wondered into the kitchen and started to clean up some more. I was in a happy mood. I couldn’t believe this. I soon heard the sound of a car pulled up outside the house. “Hmm. I wonder who it could be” I mumbled, finishing off wiping the surface and dropping the cloth on the side. I walked into the living room and peeked through the curtains. I couldn’t make out the colour of the car but someone got out. I felt scared. I ran to the front door and bolted the door shut. I quickly ran upstairs to Kayleigh, she was still asleep. Phew. I went back downstairs, I heard vibrations. My phone?! I quickly ran straight to my phone. It was a message this time. Who from! My heart began to thump, while I unlocked my phone and opened the message. Message

10:19pm - BeauBear. Hey Savh, I’m outside your house. Vicky and Zach went home. So I thought I could come round for a bit. See you soon?

*                  *                  *

End of Message.


I leant again the wall and slid down to the floor. It was only Beau. He freaking scared the crap out of me. I crawled towards the window and looked out again. He was sitting on the bonnet of his car, and waved. I quickly replied to his text. “you really did just scare the crap out of me.

    Come to the door I’ll let you in.”


Since he did travel all this way to my house, it would be nice to let him in. I went to the door, and unbolted it. Opening it, he was standing there, leaning on the frame of the door, smiling. He was wearing a black beanie, a blue superman t-shirt, grey ripped skinnys and dark blue high-tops with the superman symbol on. He was holding a black leather jacket. “So you going to let me in” He smirked winking at me. “Why not” I laughed, letting him walk into my house.


I shut the door behind him, all of a sudden, I felt his arms wrap around my waist, he head leaning on the top of mine. He pulled me in and hugged me. Shivers ran up my back, my body stiffened. What was happening. This feeling again. We just stood there, soon his head moved down to my ear. He took a deep breath. “I’ve missed you Savh” he whispered.

Chapter 5

I was in a state of shock, me he missed me what in the word did he mean. My mouth ran dry; I didn't know what to say to him. "Eh..." I mumbled. That was all. The only sound that came out. He chuckled; I could feel his chest on my back. He let go of me and wondered into the living room.

"So this is Savh's house." He looked around. I slowly walked in after him with my arms crossed. I began to lean against the doorframe. He turned and smiled at me, sitting himself down on the couch. He patted the empty space next to him. "Let's watch a movie, or something," He suggested. I stared at him confused, wanting to know why he is choosing to spend time with. Me of all people, but at the very same time, I wanted to spend time with him.

"Eh. Erm, all right. You have to go as soon as my mum comes home though." I spoke, as I walked over to the other couch, not sitting next to him. I picked up the remote control and turned the TV on; I started to flick through the movie channels. "See anything you want to watch, just say." I told him, keeping my concentration at what I was doing.  

"Alright." He smirked as he got up and sat down next to me. I pulled my legs up into the chair and tried to relax. I started to read out the movies that appeared on screen


"Dear John, Final Destination, House of Flying Daggers, Karate Kid, Matrix, The Notebook, Finding Nemo..." Cutting me off just before, I was about to say the next movie


"Finding Nemo!" He excitedly laughed and looked at me.  

"You want to watch Finding Nemo?" I looked back at him.  

"Yeah, I love that movie" He continued to laugh.  

"Okay, sure why not" I laughed a bit and selected the movie. 

We sat there, watching the movie, laughing, saying most of the same lines in sync with the movie.



We both, yelled and laughed at the same time. I wasn't really concentrating until I heard


"JINX SAVH!" Beau, laughed.  

"Eh?!" I looked at him, while laughing in confusion.  

"You owe me a kiss." He winked at me, leaning towards me. 

I put my hand on his forehead and pushed him, back.  

" tut tut, no I don't" I laughed.

I knew exactly what he was talking about, I used to place jinx like this with my old friends from primary school. We would say Jinx you owe me a drink or jinx your buying me sweets after school. Since, I grew up I hardly jinxed anyone.


"Aww but..." he sulked, starting to do a puppy dog face.  

" Hope you know they don't work on me..." I smiled at him, "... and what would Vicky think if she knew me kisse..." 

He growled and started at me, cutting me off.  

"Wait what? What do you mean by what would Vicky say. We're not together." I ignored him, and rolled my eyes mumbling.  

"That's what they all say..." 

"Why are you being like this Savhanna, you wasn't like this when you kissed me the other day." 

" Well that was different, I didn't know you, and Vicky was an item." I continued not to look at him, and focus back on the movie.  

"Well I'm telling you the truth," He growled as he turned my face to him. "Me and Vicky are no more. There was something, but now there isn't I don't want to be with her. Do you think I'd be here if I did" he sighed and stared into my eyes, moving my side fringe from in front of my right eye, just tucking it behind my ear. I looked down at the couch; I didn't want to look at him still. I felt so bad for kind of reacting the way I did.

I'm Sorry. I thought.

"It's okay." He looked into my eyes. "It's not your fault" 

"I didn't mean to be like that," I mumbled looking back at him. Honestly, I felt like crying.  

"You know, I never really realised your eyes are two different colours." He laughed. Annoyance filled me; I turned my head back to the TV.  

"Aww, Savh" he continued to laugh. "I like them, they're different."

My eyes are weird. I was born with two different eye colours. Heterochromia Iridium. It's kind of a rare condition, which I had inherited. Loads of people found it strange and creepy while others found it somewhat fascinating. One was grey and the other was light blue, you wouldn't really notice the difference at times. I used to get asked if I was a wolf or something due to this but I just told them no, but then I said who knows and pretend to growl.

"Savh, Savh, Savh..." he repeated trying to gain my attention.  

" What Beau?" I growled, keeping my eyes locked on the TV screen.  

"You still owe me that kiss." He smirked; I could just about see him from the corner of my eye.

"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?" I asked, thinking he will go back to watching it.  

"I do, but..." he began to talk while moving his face closer to mine, "... I jinxed you, and I would like my kiss." He continued to smirking. 

I sighed, and ignored him, but he just kept staring at me, while biting his lower lip. Urges filled me, wanting to kiss him, but I held back.  

"Saaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he kept whispering, trying to gain my attention.  

"If I kiss you, would you stop and just watch the movie." I implied, turning to look at him, dead straight. His face was just inches away from mine, he stopped smirking and began to smile.  

"Of course" he smiled; I laughed and rolled my eyes. 

I began to lean forward to kiss him, as so did he to kiss me back, just a few inches away when... 

"Savhiee" yawned Kayleigh, rubbing her eyes from the door of the living room. My head shot back, and I turned to her, Beau sat back in the chair and began to watch the movie like nothing had happened. I got up from off the chair and walked over to her.  

"What's the matter Kayy?" I asked her, bending down to her height.  

"I can't sleep anymore. Can I stay with you?" she asked, but looking behind me at the TV screen. Beau turned to look at us talking, and gave Kayleigh a little wave. Her eyes widen, and she looked like she was going to squeal with excitement. She took my hand and walked over to the couch, and plopped herself right next to Beau and smiled at him. I just laughed, and sat next to her.  

"Hello Kayleigh" He smiled at her, she then squealed.  

"NEEMOOOO" she giggled, the movie was about the end, and I knew she loved it so I decide to change the channel to the plus 1 where it's on a hour later. The movie was a few minutes in but she seemed not to care. She suddenly pulled herself up on to Beau's lap and snuggled on to him. He looked down at her, and then to me and laughed. I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. He began to mouth, "You owe me" and smirked.  

"Huh, what's that Beau?" I laughed, pretending not to understand what he was saying. He just smiled and shook his head, and went back to watching Finding Nemo again, as did I. I felt exhausted from the day even though I hardly done anything really, and started to drift off to sleep, forgetting that Beau was sitting in the chair, in my house.

I woke up to find, Kayleigh laying down on the couch, with her head in my lap. We both had blankets wrapped around us and the TV was off. I slowly and gently moved her head off my lap so I could get up. I took my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 2:57 Am. I stretched and yawned and looked down at Kayleigh, and picked her up to bring her to her room. Luckily, she was already in her pyjamas so I didn't need to change her. I laid her down in her bed, and pulled her blanket around her, kissed her forehead and left. I walked out of her room, and began to walk back downstairs. I needed to clean the kitchen still. Didn't want mum to come home to a mess. I began to clean the kitchen. It wasn't that messy as I did try and clean up before. I went to throw something in the bin, until I saw a dark shadow outside in my garden. I froze. I slowly began to back out of the kitchen so I could run upstairs to Kayleigh's room and keep her safe. God knows what I'll do if I was to ever lose her. As I kept walking backwards out the kitchen, the handle started to flicker.

My eyes widen, I looked around for something to grab and hit them with, I saw the broom leaning against the counter and grabbed it, I was armed and ready to attack. The handle started to flicker some more, I watched it as it turned down and the door slowly creaked. A gush of wind blew the door open, and I began to squint my eyes not being able to see who came in. I immediately swung the broom, and hit whatever came in on the head.  

"OW" A voice yelled.


Yes! I thought in my head. I dropped the broom and tackled them to the ground managing to pin down their hand and feet. 

"Savh what are you doing" Beau asked. 

I looked down at him in surprise. It was him outside. I quickly got up and looked at him.  

"Eh, my question first!" I quickly answered. He began to stand up and brushed himself off. I noticed a cigarette bud in his hand, he smokes. I thought. 

" Yes, I smoke. I went into your garden to have a cigarette. You and Kayleigh fell asleep. I was just about to leave, until you attacked me." He answered my question without me asking it out loud. He carried on dusting himself off, then walked towards me. He had the biggest smirk on his face, something was up. He looked me dead in the eyes. I stared back at him, like I was caught in a trance. His eyes didn't have that sparkle anymore, they seems darker then before. I took a step back, he was just inches away from me now. 

"You still owe me Savh" He chuckled, as he stretched and placed his hands behind his head. I rolled my eyes, and turned to walk out the room towards my front door to let him out. 

"Don't you think it's time to go Beau?" I mentioned. He just stood there, and huffed. 

I looked down at my phone to check the time. 3:22am I should be sleeping I thought.

I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me in. A head rested upon my shoulder. I wanted to hit him, but I couldn't. I could feel him breathing, the air just brushing my neck. I just looked down at the ground and clenched my hand into a fist. Inside I could feel myself beginning to growl. I felt annoyed with him, annoyance stirred inside me, I wanted to flip out. I was never taught properly how to use the strength that I had inside me.

I always chose not to, after what happened when I was younger. But that’s another story for later.


  “You owe me” He whispered. I sighed, and tried to get out of his grasp. He began to place little kisses down my neck leading to my collar bone then back up. I started to gasp, starting to bite my lower lip to stop them from escaping. He soon stopped, and I caught him looking at me in the corner of my eye. “Hmm” He smirked. “I know what you are Savh” He whispered again, causing a shiver up my spine. He began to chuckle. There was a moment of silence where nothing was happening, you was able to hear if a fly flew in. “How..” I mumbled.  “I just know” He replied, slowly. Something wet, soon touched my neck. I knew it wasn’t his lips. Couldn’t be teeth, it would of hurt. My eyes soon shot wide open, realising that he’s licking my neck. He didn’t just lick me once, but twice. I started to struggle to break free. “He’s licking me, ew!” Ran through my head, honestly doesn’t this kid have anything better to do then lick and kiss people, who does he think he is! “shhh, shh” He began to hum, trying to calm me down. “Don’t shhh me!” I began to yell, soon realising that Kayleigh is asleep upstairs. I began to growl at him. He started to hug me tighter, forcing me to come to a stop. “Why!!” I growled, I had calmed down, but I still wanted to tear his head off. “Fun” He chuckled, he brushed his lips over the wet patch on my neck, I felt his mouth open. “if you lick me one more time, I swear I will rip off your freaking head.” I mumbled to myself. Soon a set of teeth pierced into my neck, in shock I wanted to scream, but couldn’t instead I grabbed the side of his leg and squeezed, but the pain I gave him seem to edge him on more. I felt the tip of his touch brushing again my skin, while his teeth did all the work. He soon stopped, and licked my neck again. “You taste nice Savh” he smirked, letting go of me. He walked around to face me, I just stared at him, placing my hand over my neck where he had just bitten me. He waved his hand infront of my face. I was in shock, I felt zombiefied. Is he one too. Why in the world did he bite me. He smiled at me, showing his fangs then began  lick them. He then stretch his arms out, wanting a hug from me.  Emotions ran through me, all at once. Anger, embarrassment, love, pain, confusion, lust, jealousy, I felt like crying. I soon felt dizzy, all this happening at once.  I looked at him, wide eyes and all, and fell. Fell straight into his arms. I didn’t faint, I just collapsed. I was awake and aware of what was happening. He hugged my lifeless like body, and picked me up carrying me upstairs to my room. He laid me down on my bed, trying to let me go, but I grasped on to him. “Stay” I mumbled at him. My eyes felt all teary, I wanted to cry. I felt like crying. No, I needed to. He sighed, smiled at me while brushing my hair behind my ears. If I stay, promise me you won’t cry. He could see it in my eyes.  “I promise” sniffling, and wiped my eyes. He then placed my blanket over me, and laid down too. I smiled at him, closing my eyes. All I could feel was his warm palm placed upon my cheek. All the emotions ran through me still, but I had to keep them in, like always. Slowly, I started to fall asleep. Beau, noticed I was sleeping, and got up. He picked up a piece of paper, from the side of my desk and wrote on it. He then folded it up and placed it in my hand and clenched my fist. He kissed my forehead, and wondered off out of my room. Out the house and into the early morning.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2013

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