
chapter one

For most people, Valentines day is the day of love. All exept for one person, Riley Carsons. Valentines day was her run and hide day. why you may ask. well it all started A year ago when Riley started dating highschool crush, Camron Gray football star.

October 12th 2011: Today is the day. Riley thought to her self, its been exactlly four months since her and Camron started dating. She had her so called four month aniversary day all planned out. A dinner date and a walk in the park later on. to night was for her and Camron only so she wanted it to be worth while. But how was she gonna get all that done with her photo shoot being today? she was a teen model for the magazine Elle, and she was good at what she did.
At the photo shoot, the theme for October, (since Hallween was in a couple of weeks) fun sexy and flirty with a side of Halloween. Today, she was dressed in a all black short tight witch costume. The gigantic fan a few paces from her blew her hair wildly.
"Ok Riley, just a few more, tilt your head back thats good, and finished." her director guided her through her stands and face expressions. "Wow, Riley this may be your best portfolio yet. Riley got off the platform and stood next to her director, Kim Jones. She flipped through the pictures. "Kim, you say that everytime I have a photo shoot." Riley laughed. "Well thats because it gets better everytime, you might be in the role of a professional, you know someday." she replied. she found three pictures, "I just can't pick, damn it Riley, why do you have to look so good?" Kim whined. Riley lifted her eyebrow. "Uh, Kim, im straight just so you know." she joked. Kim laughed. suddenly, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was her friend Darien. "hey, here I come Just wait a sec ok?" she hung up the phone. "Boyfriend?" Kim asked. "No, not this time." Riley said. alright, how about you get changed and I'll email the pictures and you can get a free B'." Kim always let Riley get a picture free B' if she couldn't decide. Ok, but if Darien comes in let him in my room please." She said as she ran off into her dressing room, it was all pink with pictures of her and Camrom on her mirror. she stripped out of her tease out fit and put her jeans and sweater on. She looked at the photo of Camron on the mirror. and took it off and held it in her hand. "Only for you." she said as she kissed the picture, leaving stains of lip gloss.
When she got outside, it was cold, she saw Dariens car, a black Mercades Bens. As she walked toward the car he rolled the window down. "that was fast." He spoke. she got in the car. "What do you mean that was fast?" she asked. she rolled up the window so the heat wouldn't get out of the car. Most of the time when I pick you up you take like an hour to get ready." he said. She smiled. "well how long was it this time?" she asked. five, maybe four minutes." he said. She smiled this time he noticed. "you know, you have a really pretty smile." He said as he pulled off. she turned her head. "I know right." she said flashing her demples. he shook his head laughing.
They were now two hours into the drive. and Riley was now noticing how hungry she was. "You hungry?" Darien asked. she turned her head. "Why." she asked slowly. "Well, I just heard you stomach growl and there's a wendy's down the street." he said. she sucked her teeth. "don't play, you know I can't eat that stuff, Kim will kick my boney ass if she knew I was eat'n wendy's." she scoffed. "well, you do know they have salads now right?" he asked. She exhaled. ok fine but make it fast, I gotta date in like an hour so." he rolled his eyes, but luckily she didn't see him. "Camron?" he asked. she nodded.

As they sat in the car, Riley eating her Berry Almond chicken salad. she let Darien have the little pieces of chicken. "So, about this date," Darien said feeling as though he needed to know. she looked up from he salad. "what?" she asked. "your date with the wannabe qauterback." he said. she puched him in the arm. "don't be mad cuz' your not one." she said. Camron and Darien were on the same football team. he rolled his eyes. "anyway," he said trying to change the suject. "Ok, so I got resevations for us at La Gorge, you know the fancy resturant on the avenue, yeah we're gonna go there, and after that we're gonna go for a walk in the park and-" she was cut off by his laughing. she looked at him. "what?" she asked. she stopped laughing and took a deep breath. "Ok, first of all, it sounds like your doing all the work, and second of all thats the most girliest date I've ever heard of." he said. she stared at him with a dead face. "And now your not eating any more of my chicken, dumbass" she said as she stared out the window. Ok, im sorry, i'm just saying if it were me I would make the Reservations and take you for a walk like the man I am." He said. "Really?" she asked. He nodded. "Now, can I have the chicken please?" he asked. She handed him the tray.
later that night when Darien dropped Riley off at home. she stood in her room looking at the dress that she was wearing. it was a black cashmere dress by Lori. And the way it caught the shape of her body, she looked really sliming. as she put her hooped ear rings in, Her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up off the bed and looked at the caller ID. I t was her friend from school, Justina. She really didn't have time to talk, she was waiting for Camerons call. But she answered any way,she didn't wanna be rude. "Hello?" she answered in a stern voice.
"Ok, first of all watch the tone." she said. Riley sucked her teeth.
And second of all, how is it that YOU have a date and I don't." she asked.
I don't know justina, look I would love to talk right now, but Im waiting for Cameron to call ok." she tried not to sound like a bitch.
"Oh I see, Misters before Sisters ok you got it." to late.
Wait, Justina I never said that, whats up with the tude'?" Riley asked.
Justine sucked her teeth.
"Nothin' just be careful ok." Justine said.
"Careful? what do you mean?" Riley asked Lifting her brow.
Just, words have been tossed here and there ever since you and camera been goin' out." she said.
"What things?" Riley asked.
"Nevermind, look I see you tomorrow bye."
and with that, Justine hung up the phone.

As Riley waited whole 20 minutes for Cameron, the twenty minutes turned into A hour. Sweet heat maybe's he's forgotten about it." her mother said. she was in the kitchen making dinner with her two little sisters. "Mom, he didn't forget, i've been reminding him for weeks." she protested. unlike her mother, she had faith. Suddenly, the door bell rang. and if thats him, how salty will you feel." She said under her breath. She stopped at the door to fix her dress and her hair. as she opened the door, the only person who felt salty was her, because it wasn't Cameron, it was Darien. He was holding a box that said fragile taped across it. And as soon as he saw what she was wearing, he dropped the box. she rolled her eyes. "oh its you" she felt a little disappointed. "now who's salty." her Mother said placing the food on the table. She didn't know why she was trying to use young people words, like 'salty'.Riley rolled her eyes. Hello Darien, hows your mother?" My mom asked. She's alright she asked about you you know." he said. "Oh really, well tell her I said hi." she smiled. I will. He sat on the couch across from Riley who was busy channel surfing. she looked at him. "Darien what are you doing here?" she asked. He chuckled. "I do work for your dad you know, he wanted me to drop some boxes off from the wear house." He said trying noy to look at her cleavage. He was now remembering that this was his used to be flat chested, glasses wearing friend who he used to wrestle with when they were kids, and now, she was a goddess.
"So whats up with the get up?" he asked. He knew he liked it some how. She exhaled. "Well, as you should know, I was suposed to go on a date about an hour in a half ago." he said. "Oh I see." he leaned back in the sofa. "you got stood up." he smiled. She threw the pillow at him. "No I did not get stood up alright, he's just late." she said denying what was the truth. He nodded. "what ever you say, just seems you wasted a good outfit." He said. She rolled her eyes. "Riley, go get Stephen, it's time for dinner." her mother spoke. she nodded. On her way upstairs she walked into her brothers room that was blasting with loud videogame violence. "Steph, time for dinner." she said. He turned his head and paused the game on his flat screen. When she came back down, Stephen followed her passing by Darien who gave him a brotherly pound on the hand. at the dinner table,Riley said on the side and so did her brother. "Oh, Darien, you don't have to go, we got enough food here for you to." her mother said as she noticed Darien heading for the door. Darien sat next to Riley. Darien noticed how different riley's food was to everybody else's. She had fat free pasta while everbody else had stake and brocoli. He shook his head in amazement.
A whole three hours past, It was 8:01 and Riley was the most lonley, she had changed her clothes, she wore a white T-shirt and denim shorts. "Told you he wasn't coming dumb,dumb" Zoey said. Riley threw the remote at her. she didn't wanna face the truth. Aw, its alright sweet heart, maybe he had other plans." her mother said as she was clearing the table Stephen was helping her. "Yeah or he's wiath Lani Verg." he said. His mother plucked him in the back of the head. Lani Verge was the schools whore, she had had so many guys, she might as well be a sports store. Darien chuckled a little when he heard Stephens joke. Riley rolled her eyes again. Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Riley was the first on to answer it, hoping it was Cameron. When she saw her dad, her smile quickly went away. "Oh, it's just dad." she said. Well hello to to you to." he said as he came threw the door with two boxes in his arms. Darien and Stephen went to help with the rest of the boxes while Zoey and Melanie ran to hug him. Riley just plopped herself on the couch again, only to be sat on by her sisters. "whats wrong with miss depressed?" her dad asked. "Oh, she just mad because she got stood up by cameron." Zoey said. Riley grumbled something in the couch pillow. "What was that?" Melanie asked. "I said get off of me!" out of frustration, Riley stormed upstairs, she couldn't handle being called out. she slammed the door shut and locked it.
He had better have a good explaination for this, ooh, Im gonna get him so good.

She thought to herself, it might as well had been out loud. She took her heels off and stripped herself of her exspensive dress. She put on more casual clothing. A dark green T- shirt with matching satin green shorts. Even though she was about to go to bed, she was looking good while doing it. As she lay on the bed, she tried to text Justina:
Hey, whatcha up to?
But she didn't respond. she put her phone on the charger and stuck it under her pillow. Suddenly, there was a hard knock at her door. She lazily dragged herself out of bed and opened it only to see Darien's face. She exhaled. Well go ahead, say you told me so." she said. He chuckled. "Nah nah, I'm not really in the mood." He said. there was a awkward silence. "So.. what do you want?" she asked. He cleared his throat. "I, um just wanted to see if your ok, with the whole cameron business." he lied. he knew the real reason he was really there. She sniffed. Yeah i'm fine I am alright." she lied. inside she was hurt that Cameron didn't show up, only making her money go to waste. "Anyway, why do you care?" she asked. He shrugged. "Well, just wanted you to know you looked nice in your little whore dress that went to waste." he joked, about the whore part. She looked at her toes, they were nicely polished. "Really?" she asked. He nodded. She shook her head. "Ok, ok this is getting weird you should leave." she insisted. He lift his eyebrow. "Really Riles,' you gone do me like that, you right." he joked. she laughed and shut the door, leaning against it. She knw tomorrow she was giving Cameron the complete silent treament.

Chapter Two

The next day, Riley walked to school, usually she'd wait for Cameron to pick her up, but she wasn't gonna wait for him, at least not this time. Her school was only a block away.
As She jobbed to her locker, she noticed Cameron walking down the hallway, thinking he had swag. She rolled her eyes and opened her locker door, He was already leaning against the locker at her side. "I know you saw me walking down the hall." He said. She didn't say anything. "Oh, I see, you mad cause I didn't come last night." She was shcked that he even remembered. "You thought I forgot Didn't you." She rolled her eyes. "Ok, keep on doin' ya silent thing, it don't bother me, trust me." He sounded smug. "You owe me sixty dollars." she coldly said closing her locker."what? he asked. Riley had origanally spent about sixty dollers on there restaurant date, that was waisted."Sixty dollars, thats how much I spent on the date that we never had." she said walking away or at least trying to. Cameron grabbed her arm rather tighty."Ow Cameron, let go." she said her arm started to burn."Look, if you haven't caught the memo, I tried to say sorry, and aint you the one with the job?" Her eyes lit up. She couldn't believe he would say some and do something like that. He let go of her arm."Now, If you want,I got two tickets to the Mets, there front row." His mood was now soft and calm. (Is this dude forreal,) he exhaled and turned her head to the school field were she saw Darien carrying a football in his head. "uh yeah sure pick me up at Eight." she wasn't really sure what she had said. she jogged over to Darien."Hey negro, whatcha up to?" she asked. He looked at her for a second, she had an innocent smile on her face. He licked his lips."Nothin' just walkin'." he said."Oh, well then i'm walking with you." She said latching on to his arm. He smiled and shook his head. "id you get that scolarship yet?" she asked. Heturned his head to her. "nah,not yet, I got other things on my mind right now." He said."Ooh, It's a girl isn't it?" riley blurted out."What? no it ain't a girl." He lied."Yes there is, I can tell." she said."Riley, I promise you, theres no girl." He lied again. "honest" shes said. He didn't say any thing back. See I knew it was a girl ,I knew it, whats her name?" he asked. Eh, it doesn't matter she gotta boyfriend." He said sadly. "aw,don't go messin' round wit' some body else girl Darien thats not like you." Riley couldn't realize that Darien was obvioulsy trying to hit on her. It's not hard Riley, trust me." He licked his lips again."OK, well I guess I'll see you at lunch alright." he let go of his arm and started walking. right then , Darien Wanted to tell her how he really felt.

During lunch, Justine, Darien and Riley all ate lunch together Riley was trying to erase the conversation her and Cameron had today. Darien and Juastine noticed her facade becusae she wasn't eating her salad. "Uh,Riley, you a'ight?" Darien asked. She didn't answer, she just stared at the tray of salad in front of her. "Riley..." Justine tried to get her attention by waving a sandwich in her face. "Come on what is your problem?" Riley was snapped out of her day dream state and waved justine's sandwich out of her face. "And she's back!" Justine said proudly. Darien shook his head. "Ay, what up with the awkward silence?" he asked. she shook her head. "I'm just board, you know the usual." she lied. "really, thats not the Riley I know." Justin said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Come on Riley, any other day you would be blabbering about your modeling job, or the fact that Cameron is such a great boyfriend." Justine waved her arms in a mocking motion the way Riley does when she talks. Darien laughed."Ok, first of all, I don't wave my hands like that." Riley waved her hands like Justine did and when she did, Darien saw the bruise on her arm.
"And second of all I-"
"Riley what happened to your arm?" he asked. Riley looked at her wrist. "uh, I slammed it in my locker, but by an accident, I wouldn't do it on purpose, why would I." she tried to laugh off her lie. "Riley whats up with you,really?" he asked. He could tell when she was lying. Justine went silent. Suddenly she saw Cameron With a couple of his football peirs."Um, look I gotta go." even though she was avoiding him, he seemed like her only way out of her deep conversation with Darien. Hey baby." Camerons hand krept behind Riley's back, pulling her closer. "Look, Im, sorry for the way I acted today, but I'm taking you to the Mets, so will you forgive me?" Riley looked at him for a second. (Well, he is my boyfriend) she smiled and bowed her head. "Fine, but dont be late." she said. he gave her a kiss on th cheek, still Riley was unsatified.

At the game, Riley found herself being board as ever. The Mets wasn't exactly her favorite sports team. Kinda think of it, she didn't really have a favorite sports team. The only one actually having a good time was Cameron. Riley just put her sunglasses on and was on the verge of sleep. "Ay, look, Imma bout' to get some food, you want anything?" he asked. She shook her head. Rileys verge to her sleep was a soon cancel when Lani verge and her two friends entered the aisle above her. "Hey look what the cat dragged in." her friend stephanie said with a snicker. She pointed to Riley in the front aisle. "Oh, you here by your self Riley?" she asked. "Probably not, Know her spoiled ass she probably got Cameron around here some where." Alison said, another one of her friends. "Haters." she mumbled under her breathe. Riley rolled her eyes and got out of the aisle. "See you later." the three girls snickered. Riley went to the snack ber to find Cameron snacking on a bag of gummy bears. She walked up to him. so you were just gonna leave me in there. alone?" she asked sitting next to him on the bench. He shrugged. "sorry, I was busy." Riley could smell the stench of smoke and ash. She knew he'd been smoking. Riley snatched the bag of gummie bears from him and ate the rest. "Ok, I'm ready to go home now." she said standing up. "what do you mean go home the game just started." he said. "yeah, like an hour ago, come on baby, its late and I wanna go." she whined. He exhaled. Try to do something nice for sombody and they make me waste forty dollars." he mumbled under his breathe, but Riley seemed to hear it. "Wait, so now your whining because you wasted forty fucking dollars, but when I did you didn't say shit." Cameron jerked back his head. "Girl, you better watch it." She rolled her eyes. "look, if your not gonna take me home i'll call Darien, at least he's actually gonna show up." she mumbled te last part. Ard, ard, the only reason I wanted you to come with me is becusae..." He reached down in his jacket pocket and held ared velvet box in his hand. She folded her arms and tried to fight a smile forming across her face. He handed her the box. she hels it it her hand but didn't open it. "Open it." he said. She obeyed. And in the box was a diamond incrested promise ring. The smile on her face now shown. "You like it?" He asked. The expression on her face told it all. "Yes I love it, it's beautiful." she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "your welcome, only the best for my girl." She smiled.

The ride home was silent, Riley was paying to much attention to her new ring. "You know My football game is in three weeks right?' He asked. She refocused herself on Camerons face. "Uh, yeah, why?" she asked "Because..." they stopped at a red light and he pulled out his football jacket, his last name was on the back, "Harris"
"Are you serious." she was shocked he had never asked her to wear his jacket. "yup, I want you to be there and wear this." He handed her the jacket. But don't mess it up, cost alot of doe." He looked her deep in the eyes as she nodded but her mind said other wise.Nigga please, If i wanted to I could set this shit a flame.

she laughed at her thought.
the Lights in Riley's house were still on, so she figured her family was still awake. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." Riley said as she gave Cameron a kiss on the lips. Ooh, sorry baby, tomorrow's not gonna work." He said. But Tomorrows Saturday, you never have anything to do on saturday." She whined. "I know, I'll make it up to you a'ight." He gave Riley another kiss on the forehead.
As riley stepped into the house, Her mother father and little sister were all sitting around the TV watching Family Fued. "Hey, how was your date?" her mother asked. "It was perfect." Riley couldn't help but sugarcoat because the only part that was perfect was when he gave her the promise ring. "Alright, you dinners on the table." She added. "Alright, Im just gonna go upstairs and check my email and I'll be right down."
Riley looged into her email account, she had six new messages, but the one she really care about was the one from Kim. she opened the file.

Ok, so I ruled out the ones you already don't like, just pick out the one for the magazine and forward it.

There were three photo's on the screen, But she just couldn't pick one and the magazine opening was on monday. The only one she really liked was the one in the middle when she was tilting her witch hat.


Kim you make it so hard to choose but I chose the middle on.

after Riley had logged out of her email ,she had found herself lying face down on her bed, Board. She went to her last resort. She pulled out her phone and dialed Darien's number. It had rang three times before he picked up. "Hey Riley, whats up?" he asked. "Ah nothin' just wanted to know if you and Justine wanted to hang out tomorrow, Cameron has a mid life crisis to deal with so I'll be alone."
"Hold up, I'll ask her." (And just so you dont get confused, justine and Darien are cousins not boyfriend and girlfriend)

It took a while for darien to come back with an answer. "Yeah, what time do you want us to be there?" He asked. "Uh, anytime is alright." She really didn't care she just didn't wanna be alone on a saturday. "Alright, hows about eight?" He asked. Eh, sure, just don't be late." she said. "I- I mean we wont." He sounded sincere. As she hung up the phone, she lay back in her oringal spot and fell asleep awaiting tomorrows fait.


Texte: July, 4, 2012
Bildmaterialien: July, 4, 2012
Lektorat: Amani Boyd
Übersetzung: Amani Boyd
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2012

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