

January 10th 2:30am : me and my dad were getting ready for the arrival of his new fiance, Rachel and her daughter Rebecca. we've been up since this morning cleaning everuthing inch by inch. "Kel' make sure you do the basement, its real messed up down there, but get hunter out of there before you do." my dad said. i nodded. Hunter is my German shepard rescue dog. i walked into the basement, making sure i didn't walk into any spider webs. Hunter, hear boy!" i said trying to attracked my dog. he suddenly came from out of the darkness, whining. i can't blame him, the onmly window down there is a small window in the back. i grabbed him by his collar and put him up stairs. well lets get to work." i said to my self. Bitch just better be cute, got me cleaning the basement.


Texte: june 25, 2012
Bildmaterialien: june 25, 2012
Lektorat: Amora P.
Übersetzung: Amora P.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2012

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