
Chapter one

OK, so heres my story, I've gotten in so much trouble in the past years so much that i cant even remember, I've been caught smoking ecstasty, did some time for that, i did two months on parol, I've been in a couple of gang fights, and i did time for that to, my mother grounded me for two months. and this time, this time i was doing graffiti on the side of an abandoned building. i was spray painting the words "down south hood." but suddenly, i heard the sirens of about two police cars. i quickly got my black duffle bag and ran, but i accidentally sprayed my hair of brunette with light green paint. shit" i said as i tripped over a rock and fell i tried to get up and run but it was to late i was caught by the 5,0.

As we stood in the court room for what, the eleventh time. me and my mom stood as i accepted my sentence. Miss peirce, this is your tenth time back in my court room, what do you have to say for your self?" judge briggs asked me. I looked around the room. well im flattered that you reconized my attendance." i said. my mom looked at me with a stern face. "ok, ok, im a little embarressed that i've been here so many times." i said. she nodded. i know your mother is to." she said. my mom and judge briggs went way back, to like B.C or A.D. "Three months comunitee service." the judge said as she gaveled. everybody started leaving and security guards started to leave.
I am so dissapointed in you lexi, i thought i saw greatness in you but it doesnt show anymore." my mother said, we got in the car and drove off. wha- what happened to the daughter i knew, who loved school and loved to dance and sing around the house in her pajama's?" she asked. (she died and went to heaven.)i thought. i exhaled. "ok so can we just get to my punishment now." i said. we stopped at a red light. "oh, no sweetheart, you heard the judge, a summer long communitee service program, and i got the best job for you." she said smiling evily as we road down the street. i wondered what evil plan she was gonna do next.
i was on the phone with one of my friend Ashely, she was into the stuff i was into to. so how long a sentence did you get this time?" she asked me. i was biting my nails. three months comunitee service." i said. wow, "damn lexi, we just got out of school for summer break, and you went and ruined yours." she said. I rolled my eyes, which was useless since she couldn't see me. "Looke Ash, i'll call you later." i said ending the call before she could respond.
As i sat at the table with my mom, i looked dead at her as she ate, which was really creepy. she finally looked up. "what?" she asked. I sat back in my chair. im waiting for you to let me know if you got my comunitee service thing." i said. she took my plate. "yes, i did." she said. "ok, well what is it?" i asked. call your father, he knows." she said. i lift my eyebrow. "you talked to dad?" i asked. i haven't talked to my dad ever since i started doing ecstasty."Yes i did, told him about your little situation." she said. i exhaled. "what'd he say?" i asked. why dont you call and ask." i she said. i rolled my eyes. as i picked up my phone, i scrolled down to the D names "dad" the phone rang about four times but went straight to voicemail. "He's not answering." i said annoyed. well, you do have a brother, call him." she said. i rolled my eyes again. my brother ryan and i dont even talk like that anymore. i dialed his number and waited for him to answer.
"Ryan it's me." i said
"Me who?, i know alot of me's."
"Ryan, i know you saw the caller ID."
"Oh shit lexi, i haven't seen you in a while."
"yeah,yeah, wheres dad?" i asked.
"Oh, he isn't here, he's working the night shift." he said
"ok, um can you tell him i called."
"alright, and mom told me what happened," he said.
"whatever ryan i gotta go."
i hung up, just like i did ashley. i really didn't feel like getting a lecture from my twenty one year old brother so i was just gonna leave it at that.

chapter two

Today, my mother woke me up early, told me it was time to go to my communitee service program. The only bummer in this was, I didn't even know what it was. Nobody had told me yet. And they wonder why I do the stuff I do now. I waited in the car like my mother told me. it took her about twentie minutes to finally come out of the house. Never in my life would i had thought of myself as doing communitee service. EVER. Well, whats done is done. when my mom got in the car, she hadn't said a word. she just put the key in ignition and we were off. I wanted to talk to her, most of the time you know, when she wasn't being a total bitch. i just shook my head and stared out the window while i bit my nails to their core.
It took me a while to finally realize where we were going. the houses all looked familiar to. Yup, where in southern florida, the other part of town. Where. My. Dad. Lives. it finally came to me. she's taking me to my dads house, but how is that communitee service? we passed a street named: Veterians, that was my dads street. i laid back in my seat. where is this physco taking me? she stopped and i noticed she brought me to the only place on earth where i haven't been in a long time. Native Village, home to aligators. i turned my head to her slowly only to see her smiling face. i rolled my eyes. why did you bring me here?" i asked. why, for your communitee service of course." she got out the car and walked around to my side and opened the door. i folded my arms. im not getting out." i said. she rolled her eyes. alright. you leave me no choice." she pulled out her phone. "were here. Yeah we're outside." she said. i wondered who she was talking to, but I also didn't care. she went back to her side of the car and got back in. i shut the door. suddenly a broad figure came out a door that said employees only. guess who it HAD to be. my dad, Paul Bedard. i put my hand to my forehead. that sleezy bitch. He came up to my window and tapped me on the shoulder. i looked up. hey, dad long time no see." i said. "uh huh, get out of the car." he said. i rolled my eyes. I noticed i had a habbit of doing that. i did as I was told. When i got out of the car my dad looked at me with a stern face. "what?" i asked. he shook his head. "I just haven't seen you in a while, i forgotten i tall you were." he said. i nodded, only becusae i didn't care, my height is 5,6 so people comment all the time.But your still my little girl." he said. ha, well your little girl has five face peircings if you hadn't noticed." my mom said. not-uh, i have a nose peircing, a tounge peircing and two ear pericings, but counting the other ear peircings i origanally had.... thats six." i sounded so cliche. my mother shook her head. lex, do me a favor and go find Ryan." my dad said. i nodded. secretly, i got a belly button peircing two days ago, me and Ashely said we were gonna get on together, but i ended up going alone.


Texte: June 24, 2012
Bildmaterialien: June 24, 2012
Lektorat: Amora P.
Übersetzung: Amora P.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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this book has alot to do with my fellow tomboys

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