
Chapter I

As she walked down the hall Clara Paige held about five note books in her hand. She had a big test this morning and she was running late for the first period. She adjusted her glasses and straightened her hair. She looked at the clock on her watch. Nine seventeen. "Shit." she said. She was supposed to be in class by nine thirteen. She approached the classroom full of eager teenagers. Her eyes searched the room for her mödainien teacher Mrs. Latermiere. She wasnt in plain site. So, she walked into the classroom only to be greeted by her two friends Eli and Jane. "Hey there's the birthday girl!" Eli said hugging her bottom waist. "A little low there E," Jane said. Eli let her go but Jane hugged her next. "Thank you guys, I even forgot it was my birthday." she said. "Well we both gotcha a little something just for you."  Eli said. "What'd mean you little boy I bought this with my own expenses." Jane said handing clara a black box. She opened it to what to her surprise was a pink and black charm bracket from body central. "Oh my gosh, jane, how did you get this, these aren't out for another week or two." Clara asked. Jane shrugged and smiled "my mom has the new edition so this is a replica." Jane said. "Well, I still love it." she said sitting at there circled table. "So Eli where's your gift?" Jane asked smartly. "Uh I'm working on it." he said. "Sure you are, anyway Clara, can I see your homework?" Jane asked. "What, no its my birthday, you should've did it." she said. "Come on, just tell me the answers I know you have them." she said. Clara handed her her paper. "You owe me." she said. "What? Oh no, do you know how much that bracket was even for only a replica?" If anything, you owe me." Jane said. "And what the hell does yerpæ de mänoino mean?" She asked. Clara laughed and so did Eli. "What, what's so funny?" Jane asked. "Nothing Jane nothing." Eli said. There teacher came in, good morning class," she said. "Good morning mrs. Latermiere." the class moaned. She wrote some notes on the board and told the class to copy it. 
"Hey, Clara, unheard there's a party at black out tonight, you wanna go?" Eli said. He was trying to make up for not getting her a gift. Clara smiled. "I gotta thing about it." she said. He nodded. Jane looked up at Eli and then Clara she rolled her eyes and went back to her homework. 

At lunch, Clara and Jane sat together eating there lunch, well Clara did anyway, Jane just played with hers, poking her mash potato's around. "So Eli told me there's this party called the blackout tonight right, he said that it's supposed to be the most outrageous party of the century and..." she looked at Jane who was staring off in the far not even paying attention to her. Clara took off her glasses. " Jane?" she asked. Jane's eyes slowly blinked to her. "What's up with you?" she asked. Jane shook her head but had her second thoughts. She took a deep exhale. "Clara," she said. Clara lifted an eyebrow in code saying "yes." 
"mind me asking, you might think this is funny, but um, by any chance do you like Eli?" she asked. Clara lifted an eyebrow again. "No... Why do you?" she asked. Jane's face flushed pink. "What? no I just wanted to know." she said. It was almost time to leave. "Want me to drive you home?" Clara asked. "No, I'll walk." Jane said getting up from her seat.  Clara watched her leave. "Hey birthday girl," a deep voice said from behind Clara she reconzized the voice as Eli's. He sat next to her. "Hey." she said. "Whatcha up to?" he asked. She shrugged. "I think there's something wrong with Jane." she said. He looked in the direction of Jane walking in the distance. "Eh, she'll be ok." he said turning back to Clara. "So, you figure out what you gonna do tonight?" he asked. She turned her head to him. "Eh, I don't know, do I have to?" she asked rubbing her neck. "No,  it's your birthday I'm not gonna plan it for you." he said. She puckered her lips and stroked her chin. "Alright fine, but on one condition." she said. She stood up and so did he. He was about 6,3 she was mostly 5,5 so she was short. "You have to promise me that you won't leave me this time." she said. She remembered the time last year he left her at the the nightingale. "Hey that wasn't my fault smart one." he said. She shook her head. "Walk me to my car goof ball." she said.


"Please mom pretty please?!" Clara asked her mom as she followed her mom around the house. Her mother, Monica turned around. "No Clara you may not go to that party, your only seventeen!" her mother said. "Ok but what if I beg you really really hard?" she asked.  Her mother exhaled. "Clara I said no. And how old is Eli anyway, he looks to old for you Clara." she said.  Clara stood in the kitchen with her hands on her hips. She stared out the window, there was a full moon out. Suddenly the door bell rang. She strutted to the door and opened it. "Well hello girly." Eli said as he handed Clara  a dozen roses. She took them in her arms. He looked at her from head to toe. "What the hell are wearing?" he asked. She closed the door behind her so her mother wouldn't hear. "The HBIC said I couldn't go." she sighed. "Well, that sucks for you then."  he said. She punched him in the arm. "Ow, well what do you want me to do?" he asked softly. She shrugged. "It's not that late, we can go to the shore." she said stepping down the steps of her house. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah I guess, if you want to." he said. "Alright then, let's start walking before my mom starts to spaz." she said. He chuckled.
They started walking down the dirt road.

"I don't know, I mean I love my mom but sometimes she can really erk somebodies nerves." Clara said as she laid in the cool sand next to Eli. "Well at least you have a mom," Eli said. She opened her eyes to see him facing the sky. "Well thanks for killing the mood." she said. He smiled. "You should be grateful you have a mother Clara, I didn't have a father either." he said. She sat up on her elbows and rocked her head back and forth. "Omg Eli, I'm sorry but it's my birthday, do you really wanna talk about your problems or mine?" she said. He chuckled. "Neither." he mumbled. "Huh?" she asked
He shook his head. "Well to ease the tension." he reached into his pocket only to pull out a black box with her name on it. Metaphorically speaking. He handed her the box." I know I know, I didn't have to get you anything." he joked
She sat up and crossed her legs. "Actually you did."  she said. As she opened the box, she found a really beautiful necklace. With a tiny wolf figure on it. She picked it up. "Oh my god, Eli you didn't." she said. He smiled and looked back up to the night sky. She put the box in the sand. "Here let me." Eli said. He connected the two pieces of the necklace. She smiled. "You are the most best friend a girl could asked for." she said kissing his cheek. He was shocked for a moment but the smiled. As he looked at the sky for one last time. His smile went away. "Uh, it's getting late, we better get going." he said standing up. "Not uh, your are not leaving me on my birthday again." she said in an annoying tone. He exhaled. "I'm sorry but it's really getting late." he said again. And by this she stood up with her hands on her hips. "Eli, it's exactly 10:20, you can't stay for twenty more minutes, please?" she asked taking his hand into hers. He looked at her for a minute and then detached his hand from hers and began walking. "I can not believe you, you do this shit every fucking year Eli!" she yelled after him. He stopped walking and turned around. "Do you want a ride home or not?" he asked. She shook her head. "No, I'll walk." she said. He grabbed her arm and they were chest to chest as her turned her to him. "Clara, I am really sorry, but I really have to go." he said. She exhaled. "Can you at least tell me why?" she asked. He bowed his head. ."Right forget I asked." she said disconnecting her self from him. He grabbed her again but this time with out warning they're lips met in an instant. Kissing Eli was like throwing up a rainbow and then eating it again, it was like freedom rained, her heart opened into a new light.

Chapter II

As Clara lay on her back on the smoth blanket on the sand, Eli massaged her neck with his tongue giving her passion marks and all. As he worked to take her shirt off, she moaned intensely because of the tongue massage. She took his shirt off revealing a bare chest. She caressed until they were at there climax. She quickly stopped after his sucking started to hurt and become painful. "Ow, Eli." she whispered in his ear. He didn't respond instead became more agressive, he gripped her waist hard enough to make her whimper even more. He was now snapped out of his world and reunited with reality. "Sorry, am I hurting you?" he asked. She rolled her eyes. "No I love pain." she said sarcastically. He pulled himself off of her and tugged his shirt back on. "Come on its getting really late, I better get you home before your mom calls the cops." he said. He began walking for the Chevy build truck.
Now shirtless, Clara felt like one of those girls who pledged to be pure but always ended up having sex. She stood up and pulled her T- shirt over her head and walked to the car.
As they drove down the road with only the radio providing sound, no body said a word until they reached her house.
"see you tomorrow?" Eli asked. Clara turned to him, his soft eyes pleading for a "yes." she just shrugged and stepped out of the car. "Maybe," she said. She walked up the concrete steps of her house, the lights were off so she figured her mother went to bed already.
Once she got inside, Eli beeped the horn of his truck letting her know he was leaving. She cut the lights on. She suddenly heard her stomach growl. She placed her hand on it. "Man I'm hungry." she spoke as she searched the fridge for something to eat. She grunted when she found nothing. "Well I guess I'm going to bed on an empty stomach," she said. Suddenly a striking pain hit her neck causing her to flinch. It was in the same spot in which Eli kissed her neck. She hurried upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, only to see a redish Passion mark, only it didn't look like a passion mark it looks more like a bite mark. She grimaced at the site, "come on Eli, what the hell." she whispered. She grabbed a cotton swab from the file cabinet and tended to her wound only making it look even more bruised. "Fuck it." she said as she tossed the sawb in the trash.
She went to her room which was never clean, she threw herself on the bed and tried to go to sleep but couldn't, she kept hearing voices and whispers. So she did the most educated thing possible, she pulled her pillow over her ears and soundlessly went to sleep.

The next day, Clara woke up with a mind slitting headache, "Mom, mom, mother!" she yelled for her mom like a four year old. Her mom came in the room almost falling over Clara's things. "What, what is it?" she asked, she put her pack hand to Clara's forehead. "Clar' your burning up," she said. Suddenly Clara thought, I hope this has nothing to do with what happened yesterday. She remembered the bruise on her neck from Eli, she quickly pulled her covers to her neck so her mother wouldn't see. "Maybe you should stay home from school you don't look so good." her mother said. See the thing with Clara's mom was that she let Clara get away with almost anything. Clara nodded and watched her mother walk or at least try to walk out of the room.
-I can't be sick, I feel fine my head just hurts.- she thought. She got out of bed and wobbled to the dresser to pull out a pair of clothes. She pulled on some jeans and a mini T. She let her hair hang down so her mark wouldn't show. "I look fine I feel fine." she said as she looked her self up and down in her mirror. "And I'm loving the top honey." she heard a voice say. She looked around the room, then shook her head." I must be going crazy." she laughed. "Uh hello, sweetie keep the top loose the jeans." she heard another voice say. She looked up and around her room. "Hello?" she asked. Hello!" about a million voices now said. The word hello was bouncing off her walls. She jumped onto her bed with her brush in her hand ready to swing. "Ouch, exude me miss, but your standing on my FACE!" a now angry voice said. She hopped off the beg with a scream. "Who ever is there, I have a brush and I'm not afraid to use it!" Clara said, fear in her voice." Yeah!" her brush said in a tiny voice she screamed, dropped the brush and ran in the hallway only to be bumped into by her mom. "Oh, look at you," she said walking down the stairs. Clara followed.

As she sat in the kitchen while her mother made her breakfast, Clara stared at her reflection in the toaster. Her mother caught her stare. "Um, clar,' what are you doing?" she asked. "I'm waiting for the toaster to talk to me." she replied. Her mother lifted her eyebrow. "And has the toaster ever talked to you before?" she asked. Clara rolled her eyes. "No, but I know it can talk." Clara said. Her mother was now concerned. "Clara sweetie, this is the real world, toasters don't talk." her mother said sarcastically. "Not in this reality." she whispered.
Ok, well I'm off to work," her mom said missing her forehead and leaving out the door. "Alone at last." the toaster finally said. Clara jumped out of her chair. "Aha, I knew you could talk!" Clara screamed. "Ok so?" the toaster said. Clara sat back down. "Can you even see me?" she asked poking the toaster." Yes and you just poked me in the eye." it said. Sorry toaster." she said. "And my names not toaster," the toaster said. Clara shrugged. "Ok so what is it?" she asked. "It's Tm Max Seven, but you can call me seven." toaster now seven said. "Ok seven, so how come I can hear you?" Clara asked. "To tell you the truth, I have no idea, I've been talking a or at least trying to talk to you and your mother for about twelve years Eversince you bought me from Ikea." seven said. Clara nodded showing her bruising on her neck. "Whoa is that a passion mark?" seven asked. Clara looked at the bruise in her reflection. "Oh, man I don't know, I think so I don't know." Clara said. "Did you tell your mother?" seven asked. "What, do you know what she'd do to me if she found I had sex at seventeen?" Clara said. "Well, I'm going In toaster mode, see ya late kid."
Seven said. Clara nodded and went to the living room to take a brief nap.


The next day, things seemed alright, clara didn't hear any objects trying to talk to her on her way to school. so she thought it was all a dream. as she drove into the school parking lot, she noticed jane walking up the steps. she called to her twice but jane did not turn around. "Jane!" she yelled again. jane turned around and went slowly down the steps. ''whats wrong with you?'' she asked. jane shrugged and pulled back her hair. ''tired i guess.'' she said. Clara shut her car door and they started walking. ''so how was it?'' jane asked. Clara turned her head. ''How was what?'' she asked. Jane sucked her teeth. '' The party...'' she said. ''Oh, well I didn't go.'' she said. ''You're mom?'' she asked. yup, said i couldn't go because i was too young." she said finger quoting '' too young''
''your moms a witch'' jane said. clara pushed her causing her to laugh
its true, remember when i came over your house last summer when we all got wet, and she said if i came into the house wet she'd throw me out the window. they laughed. clara needed a good laugh with all that drama last night she believed her mother was a true witch.

as the girls sat on the concrete steps in front of the school eating there lunch, something funny was going on with Clara's nose. she sniffed the air. '' Jane, do you smell that?" she asked. ''smell what?'' Jane asked with a mouth full of hoagie. '' I don't know, but it smells sweet.'' she stood up. suddenly they could hear the sound of an ice cream truck from two blocks away. Jane looked up at Clara for something wasn't right here. ''how in the world did you smell that?' Jane asked. Clara looked at the truck as it slowly drove down the street.

For the whole day, clara sat in the house eating what ever she could find. She even climbed the.counter top for a bag of oatmeal
Cookies." What are you doing?" Her mother asked as shr walked in the door. "Sorry," she said jumping off the counter and making everything shake. "Im just really hungry." She said rubbing her belly. "Did you eat your vegi burger already?" Her mom asked opening th frigde. Clara dropped herself face down on the couch face first." I had 3 already." she mumbled into the pillow. her mother closed
refrigerator and faced her. ''maybe you got cramps?''she said. ''no, i'm just really hungry.'' she admitted. well look, i don't know whats up with you so..'' her mom wasn't a very supportive person when it came to Clara's needs. clara got off the couch and went upstairs to her room. To lay down and get her headache over with.

That night, Clara couldn't sleep she tossed and turned in her bed. She never did this before but but she sleep sweated through her tossing, suddenly she woke up, but she wasn't really awake she was sorta sleet walking. She opened her door. Went down stairs and out the door. She walked for miiles bare foot. It was drizzling so her night gown was wet. Howling from the woods attracted her. She followed the sound. As she got closer to the sound. She was stopped by a wolf looking creature with black fur, the look in its eyes were raving mad and green. But when it saw Clara its eyes tended up and it quietly whined. It ran off. Seeming as if it knew who Clara was, (hint, hint)

Chapter III

It was early in the morning, Clara could tell because of the sound of birds chirping. She also noticed that her clothes we all muddy and wet. She sat up and looked around. It was cold so she cuffed herself in her arms. As she found herself having trouble getting up. She leaned against the tree and began to cry. She whipped her eyes only to notice she whipped a handful of blood on her face. Her jaw dropped. She figure she'd hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings because about twenty inches away from where she awake, there was a full grown deer. She looked at the deer, then at her hands, back at the deer, and then her hands, the deer, her hands. "Oh my, oh my gosh." she gasped. Hello, is any body out there, please, I need help!" she screamed. She began to cry. And then she began to think. (How did I end up in rose mount woods) she found the place to be familiar.( the road isn't that far from here, maybe I can find a gas station.) she stood on her feet and began to walk.
She had to be walking for about three miles until she got to an old gas station. she went into the bathroom and looked at her self in the mirror. her face was dirty, and she had leaves in her hair. It was no use in trying to clean herself up, because either way she still looked like she was born in a dumpster. she quickly gave up and went outside to a payphone. surprisingly, she had seventy five cent left, she only had to make on call anyway.
She punched in the numbers to jane's cell phone, It rang four times but she didn't answer. She didn't want to call her mom, because then she would ask her what happened which was pointless because she didn't even know.she didn't wanaa call Eli, she had her suspisions on him still. but she had to get out of the woods so she called him anyway. the phone rang twice before he picked it up. He sounded tired. "Hello?" he said.
"Hey, Eli, it's me."
"Clara?" He asked.
"Yeah, um..." she sounded as if she was gonna cry.
Hey, whats wrong, you sound like your crying."
"No, hey I um I need your help." she said wiping her eyes.
"sure anything."
"I need you to come get me, please?" she asked.
"sure, sure, I'll swing by your house in a minute-"
"No, im not there,"
he chuckled. "then where are you?"
"Rosemount woods."
"Rosemount? kid what'r you doing out there?" he asked.
"Look would you just come get me please?" she was begining to sound annoyed.
"Ok, ok Im coming just hold on."

It took Eli about 60 minutes to get there. But when he got there and she got in the car, he was shocked by her appearence. "What?" she asked. He scratched his head. "Um, is that a new look?" She looked at him with an im not playing face. "Just take me home Eli, i'm not in the mood with you." she said. she folded her arms and looked out the window. "Oh, your still pissed about you're birthday aren't you?" He asked. She didn't wanna respond, she could already sense the trouble. "Ok,so if your not in the mood for me, then why'd you ask me to come get you?" he asked.she exhaled and rolled her eyes. "Because, I didn't wanna call my mom and Jane didn't answer." she blankly said."

He didn't say anything."Alright,I guess." he said. they drove down the road in complete silence, no one daring to make the first move. They were just three miles away from her house, when Eli took a right instead of going just left. "Eli," she said. he turned his head. "yes?" he asked. she exhaled again. "You missed the turn you were suposed to take a left not a right." she said. "Oh, yeah I know." He said. "Where are we going?" she asked. All she wanted to do was go home and climb into bed without her mom knowing she was gone. "Ok, me and you both know you need a shower." He said. she lift her eyebrows. "Im taking you to Manson manner." he said. "What?" she asked.My house,not taking you home smelling like a dead animal." she rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat.
When they got into the house, it was extremly huge. the chandeler was all diamond, she could tell. So, you live here by yourself?" she asked."Come on ,you know that I live here with my sisters." he said. He told that he lived with his two sisters Chloe and Ocilla."Ok, so your gonna direct me to the shower?" she asked. He nodded."My room is upstairs down the hall on the left." He said. "I'll have one of my sisters loan you some clothes." he said. Weird, why is he being so nice all of a sudden? she thought. She followed Eli's Instructions and went into his room surprisingly, he had a bathroom in his room, that smelled like mens calone.

After her shower, Clara stepped outside the bathroom to see a pair of folded clothes on Eli's bed. She looked at the medium long sleeved shirt and the denim pants. she shrugged her shoulders and started to put the clothes on.
After she was done. she fixed her hair in the bathroom. But she noticed a scar on her face. It must've been from all those twigs she was lying on. she winced at its sight. Once Clara figured out the ways of the house she went down stairs, well kinda, she just stood on the fourth to the last step behind a wall, listening to Eli, talking to whom ever, Must be his sisters.

she thought. "How did she get in the woods last night?" one of his sisters asked. "I don't know, she must've been sleep walking." He replied. Coll sleep walking werewolf." his sister Chloe said. Ocilla sucked her teeth. "sleep walking, come on Eli, who sleep walks all the way to the woods?" she asked. Confused, Clara came out from behind the wall. Um exuse me, but can some body please tell me whats going on." she asked. the siblings all eyed each other. Ocilla gestured Eli toward Clara. Eli took Clara by the hand and led her out side. "Eli, whats going on, did Chleo just say werewolf?" she asked. he let go of her hand. "Listen, Clara, I haven't been totally honest with you in the past three years." He admitted. she lifted her eyebrow. "Eli," she said slowly. he exhaled and sat next to her on the concrete steps. "Look, you know all those stoies about werewolves and vampires and stuff like that, right?" he asked. "Duh, I watch Twilight you know." she laughed. he smiled but his smile suddenly went away. "So listen, what if I told you that most of that stuff was real?" he asked. she looked at him. "I would laugh in your face and call you crazy i guess." she said. he smiled again. "Clara, you know your one of my bestfriends right?" he asked. "Yeah why, its not like your secrets that big right?" she asked. she bit the inside of his mouth. "Clara, don't freak out when I tell you this, but i'm a werewolf." He felt the need to just come out with it. Clara just looked at him like he was crazy.


chapter IV

Eli, stop playing and take me home, i'm cold." Clara said as she hugged herself to keep warm. You don't belive me do you?" he asked. she shook her head. "Now can you please take me home?" she asked again. He exhaled This is pointless.

He thought. Ok, Clara you were in the woods yesterday, you saw a wolf," he tried to explain. she suddenly paused. She did remember seeing a wolf, truth be told thats all she could remember. "So, that doesn't prove that your a werewolf, which your not." she said. "Ok," he said. he stood back. you want me to prove it right." He said. she rolled her eyes. "your crazy, I'll be waiting in the car." she said getting up. Before she could even began to walk. she heard what sounded like bones breaking. she turned around and there was a horse sized wolf sanding behind her. And with out warning, she suddenly fainted, falling to the concrete ground.

When Clara woke up out of her thirty minute coma, she was in Eli's room surrounded by Eli and his sisters. She sat up with a mind splitting headache. Can some one please tell me what happened?" she asked. Up to the part when Eli came and got her off the road, she couldn't remember any thing. Eli rubbed her head. She hit it pretty hard on the ground. Suddenly, it came to her. "you asshole!" she screamed as she tackled him to the ground. Eli's sister, tugged her off of him. he got up off the floor. "Ok, I deserved that." he said. Oh, you deserve everything thats coming to you." she said struggleing to get out of Ocilla's and Chleo's grasp. "I can't believe you kept that secret from me and jane for who knows how many years." she said breaking out of His sisters arms and storming out of the room.
when she got out side, Eli followed her and grabbed her hand. "Clara, please I can explain." he said. she snatched her hand. Explain what? that your a six foot long wolf, becusae I think I got that went you went all transformer and turned into it!" she said. "Yeah but theres more." he said scratching his neck. She walked towards him, slowly. What?" she asked. He exhaled. "Theres more, Jane already knows, and I turned you into a werewolf by an accident." He said. with those words, Clara, now about to blow a fuse, slapped him across the face. and with her new strength, it kinda hurt him. "I never wanna see you again." she said. She Began to walk down the road with tears in her eyes.
As she walked. she noticed that her feet bgan to hurt. And to make matters worst, she was hungry. Her stomach growled about several times. By the way the sky looked, it was about ten o'clock or later. Her mother had already went to work, probably. By the time she'd get home, it would be about four some thing. and to make matters even more worst, It was starting to rain. suddenly. A truck, that looked like Eli's came up beside her. "I said I never wanted to see you again Eli." she said. Well thats ok, becusae i'm not Eli." a some what girlish voice came from the truck. she turned around. It was his little sister, Chleo. "Oh, hey." she said. "look, it's starting to rain and you probably don't wanna walk in the rain, so I would advise you to get in." she said. It was raining alittle. "I'm alright." Clara lied. Out of nowhere, it started pouring down rain. "Really?" she asked her self. Chleo stopped the car so she could get in. When she got in the truck, Chleo, smiled out the window. "wow, mother nature is a bitch." she said smiling at Clara, who wasn't really in the mood for jokes.
Once the truck drove down Clara block It suddenly stopped raining. "Well, here we are, nice house." Chleo said scanning the house. Too bad she was a werewolf, she could've passed for a human. Clara got out of the car. "Um. I'll give the clothes back, i promise." Clara said. "Don't sweat it, keep it as a gift of some sort." Chleo said. Clara smiled. "Oh, and before you leave, just know, even though my idiot brother turned you and made you apart of our pack." Clara tried to block out the word pack, the movie twilight suddenly came to mind. At lease she was right about one thing, Eli was an Idiot. Eli really cares about you, and your saftey, even though you hate him now, soon it will be more than that." she said. well thank you for the words of wisdom, but, im not a werewolf, and im not apart of you, pack." she finger qouted the word 'pack'. OK, just thing about it though." Chleo said as she drove off. Clara watched her. Did I just get told by a sixteen year old?

she asked herself.

After Clara got into the house, her mother luckily wasn't there. She stripped herself of Chleo's wet clothes. she soon took a hot shower after that. when she got out, she put on her own clothes, A short sleaved blue shirt with denim shorts, it was hot inside her house. she put her fuzzy slippers on and went downstairs, whatching TV. So many questions ran through her mind, like how did jane know that Eli was a werewolf and she didn'y, or how did neither one of the told her about it. She knew one thing, she was gonna confront her about it later tomorrow, since she knew.

chapter V

Today was the day, Clara had finally made the decision to confront her friend. She had it all planed out. She drove to school that morning with out breakfast. But, that wasn't the only reason why she wanted to confront Jane. If it was anything Jane was good for, it was closure. And with the whole Eli fiasco, she needed it, badly. She made it to the parking lot of her school went she saw Jane walking up the steps. she got out the car and called her. "Jane! Jane!" Jane turned around, but kept walking. Clara looked confused. Quikly, she got her bag and tried to catch up with Jane. And when she did, Jane looked as if she didn't wanna be bothered. "Jane, didn't you hear me calling you?" she asked. Jane turned around. "your my bestfriend right?" jane asked. "well yeah." Clara asked. "And you would never lie to me right?" Jane asked. Clara put her hands on her hips. "well, I should be asking you the same thing." Clara said. she could tell things were heading for the worst. "what do you mean?" Jane asked. "Nevermind what are you talking about." Clara said. "Clara, what really happened on your so called date with Eli?" She asked. "Nothing, we were just by the lake watching the stars and talking, and it wasn't a date." she said. "Wow, you just lied to me right to my face." she said walking away. Clara followed her. "what do you mean, I didn't lie." Clara played stupid. She knew what really happened on the date with Eli. "Eli told me you two kissed." Jane said, now crying. "Jane, ok we kissed, but why do you care?" Clara asked. "Because, I liked Eli and you knew it, but I guess you go around kissing every bodies crush huh?" Jane was now angry, Clara knew that if she was gonna confront her it would only make her angrier. "Jane, I am so sorry, I am such an idiot." she admitted. "yeah, but thats not all you are." Jane said. "Your a bitch." Jane said walking away.
Clara, now in her car at luch crying her eyes out. She just lost both of her friends. You should've told her you idiot.

She thought to herself. She wasn't even in the mood for food. She had a sudden craving for meat. Suddenly there was a knock at her window. She couldn't really see through all the rain drops on her window but she knew who it was. She wiped her eyes. "I don't wanna talk to you Eli." she said. "Look, jane told me what happened with you guys earlier, I'm really sorry." He said. "Look, I don't care I don't wanna talk would you just go!" Her voice was raspy. He exhaled and leaned against the car. There was a awkward silence between them. "I'm sorry." He said. She rolled her eyes. "For everything, It's my fault for the whole Jane thing, and the other stuff, I don't blame you If you never talk to be again." He had a point. "I was getting there." she said. He chuckled. "But that doesnt mean I won't stop keeping an eye on you, I did create you." He said. She rolled down the window. "You know I don't need a babysitter right now, ok I can take care of myself." She said. He walked up to the window. "Oh really, than explain why you walked about three miles into the woods?" He asked sarcastically smiling. She turned to him. "Because I did, anymore stupid questions." He stood silent. "Becusae Of you Jane called me out of my name, I'm starving, I haven't eatin in two days, and suddenly I have a craving for meat, and I'm a vegetarian!" Eli couldn't help but chuckle. she turned her head and looked up at him. "This is amusing to you?" she asked. he looked down at her and shook his head. She sat back in her seat. "She likes you you know." Clara couldn't hold that in anymore. Eli looked up at the sky and exhaled. "Yeah, she told me today, she just came out with it." He said. Clara sat In confusion. "What did you tell her." she had a desire to know. "I told her I was in love with somebody else." Clara folded her legs in her seat. "Really?" she said. He nodded. "you know its you right?" he asked now knealing at her window side. She didn't look at him. she was distracted by jane coming down the steps of the school. she and Clara eyed each other but Jane rolled her eyes and continued walking. Did you hear me?" Eli was hoping she would respond. "Look Eli, I would really like to finish this convertsation, but I have some where to be." She lied. He looked at the ground and stood up to let her get out of the car.
As they sat in History class, Jane and Clara didn't speak a word to each other, they just shared side glares. Eli sat in the back Paying Clara more attention than the history teacher. Clara could tell that he was watching her, He said he was anyway. She took a glimpse at the clock. two fifty five, five more minutes and she'd be one. She tapped her foot to get her mind off of Eli and Jane. But since Clara Didn't eat lunch today, her stomach was extra angry with her. She stopped tapping her foot and exhaled. She looked at the clock once more. Two fifty seven. "Dammit." she said under her breathe.

Chapter VI


ane woke up in her room at exactly four thirty. But she wasn't exactly awake, one again she was walking in three miles from her house. She didn't know but she was on a meat spree, since she didn't eat in two days, her werewolf instincts got the best of her. As soon as she was about to shift, a striking pain hit her back, she had been knocked out of her sleep and she noticed, she had been hit by a car. "Oh my god, are you ok, oh please don't die, I don't have insurance." a womans voice said, Before Clara could figure out who hit her with a chevy truck, she idmediatly blacked out.

Now in the hospital, Clara could feel needles and bandages against her skin. Two needles were in each of her arms and a bandage on a wound on her head. she was in pretty bad shape. Her mom suddenly came running in. "Oh, my baby, are you ok!?" she idmediatly hugged Clara making her side hurt. "Mom, i'm ok." The doctor came in. her tag said D. Sanchez. Miss Paige, your far from ok, you have a broken arm a fracured rib cage and a minor head wound. Her mother eyed her with a stern face. Clara didn't know why she gave her a red eye, she didn't do anything, or so she thought. "Does that ok to you, Clara you could've died, what were you doing in rosemount any way?" Clara's face lit up.Not again.

some how, she knew Eli wasn't far behind her mother, and coincidence, Eli came in and his sisters waited for him in the waiting area. "Hey, you alright, I just heard." he said. Like you don't know what happened.

She thought to herself. as she watched the doctor leave the room she made up a plan for her mom to also. "Uh, mom, im feeling kinda dry can you get me a soda?" She asked fake coughing. "you can get a cold water." her mom fell for the play Clara put on and left the room. "What'r you doing here?" She asked. "Do you wanna know or do you wanna find out?" stupid question. She rolled her eyes and nodded. He sat in the chair next to her and exhaled. "Ocilla thinks it's a bad idea for you to be around your mother." he said. Clara's eyebrows lifted. "what do you mean?" she asked. He scratched his neck. "She thinks your getting out of control with your shifting, and tomorrows a full moon, and newly made werewolves don't know how to control all that energy." He looked her in her eyes. "wait so are you saying that I have to leave my mom right out of the blue?" She asked now painfully sitting up. "Only for a day, or until the full moon passes." he said. she shook her head. but then thought about his offer. she did kill a deer two days ago, and she just got hit by a car. "Fine, but until the moon passes, then I'm out."she laid back in her pillow and closed her eyes. He stood over her watching her as the antihistamine medicine kicked in. "Clara, I know you think after tomorrow that this will all be over, but its just begun." she nodded. "Can you go be a spirtal speaker some where else." She was begining to fall asleep. He chuckled and kissed her forehead. and watched her fall asleep.

The next day, Clara had to make a up a good exuse to leave her house today, she knew her mother wouldn't just let her leave without a reason. So she made up a good enough lie just to get her past the door.
when Clara got downstairs, she noticed her mother sitting on the couch watching the news. She was about four inches from the door but her mom turned her head. Clara, what'r you doing out of bed?" she asked a little shocked of how her daughter was now walking out and about. "Uh, mom, I was just headed to Jane's house, she invited me to her family dinner today." she lied. Her mother lift her eyebrow. "Alright, but be back by eleven alright?" Clara nodded and went out the door. She couldn't believe she fell for that.
Clara put her keys in the ignition and drove down the road. Thoughts ran through her mind, thoughs that envolved her mother and her safety, what is she had actually hurt her during the full moon. She shook of the mind though and kept her eyes on the road.
As she drove into the drive way, she could already see Chleo in the door way running up to the car. As Clara opened the car door, Chleo was already ther giving her a hug. "Ooh, i'm so happy your here!" she said. Clara couldn't help but hug her back. "Eli's been asking for you too" she said. A small part of Clara actually cared that he's been asking for her. "Ok, well can we go inside, it is kinda cold." Clara wanted to distract herself from her thought of Eli. "Hey, Clara, when are you and Eli gonna get back together?" Chleo's bubbly attitude was hard to ignore. "What do you mean, get back together?" Clara was now curious. "well, haven't you guys mated yet?" Clara's eyes narrowed. "Uh, Chleo, me and Eli are just friends, kinda." She wasn't really sure what to call their undefined relationship. "Yeah for now maybe, but he obviously has feelings for you." Chleo nudged Clara in the rib.

It was almost midnight, Chloe and Ocilla had already went out for their hunt. So Eli was kept to babysit Clara for the night. She gave herself a grand tour of the mansion. She walked down silent halls and emty bedrooms. Ocilla's bedroom was dark and the only providing lightwas the full moon outside the window. And Chleo's bedroom, was just like a thirteen year olds room, it was surrounded by pictures and posters. Clara had to admit, It was Chleo. The last step was the kitchen The kitchen was like something a normal person would like to have in there house. She began to step in when she saw Eli, He was siting in a chair next to the counter. "Hey." He said. "Hi" Neither one made the first move until Eli began to talk. "Enjoying the tour so far?" he asked. "What?" she was surprised. I heard your foot steps in the hall, your feet aren't that small." he joked. She slightly smiled. There was a cloud of awkward silence among them. "Im, sorry I slapped you the other day." Clara said, now feeling guilty. Eli swallowed hard. "It's alright, I deserved it I should've told you the truth from the start." he admitted. "Yeah, we could've avoided this whole concept." Clara said sitting across the Island counter and chucking. "So how do you do it?" She asked. He lift his eyebrow. "Do what?" he asked. "You know, control it, how do you control the werewolf side of you?" she asked. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
"Hold it in as much as you can, think of something in your past that really meant something to you." he said. she looked to the side and nodded. "Well, it's about time to get you locked up." Eli said as he looked at his wrist watch. "Locked up?" she asked. He nodded, his face was serious.
Eli lead Clara to a metal inbased basement were she saw chains, rusty ones. "Wait, wait wait your not gonna put me in those are you?" she asked. "No." he said. she exhaled in relief. "your going in those." he pointed to some sort of holding chains, they were bigger and stonger. "Eli, no, no." she whined "Look, one thing we werewolfs can rely on is our ability to heal." She shook her head. He cupped her face in his hands. "Do you trust me?" He asked. she nodded but she was lying. he kissed her forehead. "Close your eyes." She did as she was told and a peircing pain ran through her waist. Eli had put a chain around her waist. It had spikes around the inside. she screamed and cried, the pain was unbarable. As much as it hurt Eli to see the girl he loved in pain he had to tighten the chains. she looked him in the eyes as he stood up. He kissed her forehead again. "Close your eyes." he said again. She hesitated to a moment but obeyed. Another pain hit her, but this one was in her crainium. Another chain was to her head. it had spikes to . Blood dripped down her face. Screams exaped her mouth as Eli tightend the chain around her head. He was done. "I'm so sorry Clara, but it's for your own good." She nodded.


Texte: May 28 2012
Bildmaterialien: Amora posley
Lektorat: Amora P.
Übersetzung: Amora P.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.05.2012

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To my inspirer Kylie who inspired me to finally write my first supernatural novel.

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