
My name is Rachel Katie Marie Im 5’7 have long dark brown hair, eyes that are like sahppires I also have a tatoo on my back.I live with my brother Kyle and sister Skylar or Sky for short. Our parents died a few years ago and left all their money to us. We live on a small island in Hawaii. The three of us live in a huge four story house with evey thing three teenagers could want. We have a pool and hot tub outside with a gigantic waterslide. We have a bar/grill for outdoor parties. Inside Kyle converted the basement into a nightclub with a dj booth and bar dance floor with black light and lazer lights. He also inserted a kickass surround system, he was kind of a nerd when it came to that stuff. I work as a tattoo and periceing artist. I work out of our house I made one of the rooms a studio I have all the stuff I need to be a profestional. Since I work out of our home I make my own hours. It is Saturday and so Kyle and Sky don’t have school today. As I rolled out of bed I heard Sky sream at the top of her lungs at Kyle “Kyle Anthony Kadnece Im going to Kill you!” I ran down stairs to see what was going. Kyle groand “Look what you did Sky you woke Rachel up!” I ignored him. “what the fuck is going on down here?!? Put her down Kyle ” I yelled he looked ashamed but he did what I told him to.”Now would one of you please tell me what is going on?” Kyle was the one who awnsered me “Well we were trying to make you breakfast because its your birthday and dummy here burnt the toast.” I was shocked they never made me breakfast. “ she burnt the toast, so you slamed her against the wall?” Kyle was 6’0 but he was still looked down a little scared of me. “yelling at 7 am on a Saturday is not cool Sky and Kyle.” They both looked down and said sorry at the same time. Sky looks like me except she and Kyle got our dads green eyes my mom had blue eyes. “hey Rach, we so going to have a party tonight?” both Sky and Ky looked at me I sighed and smiled “only if you both clean this kitchen and let me sleep till noon I had a big tat last night.” They nodded “No fighting either” I added. As I headed upstairs the door bell rang. I grumbeled and headed to get the door. There is only one person I wanted to see and that was my girlfriend Andie. I smiled when I saw her car. I opened the door and sighed “Andie, you know you don’t have to knock.” Andie was about the same height as me, her hair was like honey gold she had cremy ivery skin like me and her eyes were a lovely hazel.She smiled and huged and kissed me. “happy birthday baby” she sang. I smiled in response. “ I don’t want to stand out here in my boxers lets go inside” i led the way inside. Sky came over to see who was here. “Andie!” she sang. Andie was like another sister to Sky she loved her. “hey Sky.” Andie smiled happily. “hey Andie” Kyle hollard from the kitchen in his saddest tone he loved using Andie to get out of trouble I rolled my eyes and said “not going to work Kyle. Sky go help your brother we will be upstairs if you need us.” “EWWW!!” sky muttered in mock disgust Andie and I laughed as she stomped off to the kitchen. “what did they do this time?” Andie asked as she setteled in on my bed. “ they tried to to make me breakfast and used every dish in the house to do it.” She laughed “I have a birthday gift for you” she told me. “oh really?” I asked really sexy while I climbed on to the bed slowly and climbed on top of her. “really” she wishpered but I cut her off with a kiss. All of a sudden the bedroom door flew open and Kyle barged in. “Rachel- oh my god im so sorry I will come back ” he muttered I was peeved at the suddeness of entry “What is it Kyle?” I asked pissed “Heath is here”he growled. My head was spinning “what the hell dose he want?” Heath was my exboyfirend I dated him for two years and that whole two years was hell. I wasn’t allowed to have friends that were guys I couldn’t even talk to guys without paying for it. I felt broken when I was with him even now my body froze with fear. Andie felt it too and she asked Kyle “what the fuck dose he want?” she hated seeing the way he treated me at the time I was with Heath she was my best firend and the only person I could talk to with out getting in trouble for it. “he said he wants to talk to Rachel that’s all he would tell me.” “Andie I don’t know if I can talk to him without you there with me” I wispered “ don’t worry love I will be there with you” then with her eye still locked on mine “Kyle take my phone get Sky up here go into your room and lock the door do not I repeat do not open that door untill you hear me or Rachel tell you to understand?” kyle nodded and took her phone and called Skylar up stairs. “Its going to be ok Rach” Andie promised me I nodded and got up. I pulled Andies jacket over my head and walked out the door with her hand in mine.
When we reached the bottom of the stairs we saw him. He hadnt changed in the two years I have been with Andie. He still had black hair and black eyes he was about 6’1 about 240lbs.heath had an evil grin on his lips “Rachel” he greeted cooly. “Andie” “what the fuck do you want from me Heath?” I growled “wow touchy touchy I just came by to talk” “what do you want to talk to me about?” I muttered. He steadied himself a bit and then replied “I want you back Ray Ray” I flinched at the sound of my old nickname “are you fucking blind? Can you not fucking see im with ANDIE!!! Now” as I said that Andie wound her arms around my waist and placed her head on my shoulder to back up my satement as a result I relaxed. “I figured. But you should dump her for me.” He trailed off. The akward silence lasted about a minute before Andie broke it “I DON’T FUCKING THINK SO” she roared moving so she was in front of me and right in his face. “GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE WE CALL THE POLICE” heath backed away and turned his head to me “you will come back to me they all ways do.” After that chilling statement he finally left. Andie closed the door and locked it just in case he came back. Then she pulled me to the couch where I broke down through sobs “I….i….im… sorry….” I blubbered “Shh”she crooned “don’t worry hes not a threat we don’t have to worry about him anymore.”andie said matter-of-facly. “I think its time we live together “ she wispered I looked at her and nodded I will feel safer with her here and I was going to ask her anyway. Then I remembered Kyle and Sky upstairs and looked at Andie “im going to wash my face will you please go and tell them they can come out now” she looked at me “please don’t worry alright I will not let anything happen to you. ok?” she stroked my cheek and I pressed my face into her palm. While I was in the bathroom washing my tear streaked face I hear Andie talking to Kyle “don’t let sky out of your sight please as a favor to me?” I heard him sigh and mumble something incohearant and then stomp off. I sighed and wiped my face and plastered on a fake smile for my brother and sister. “hey guys why don’t you order a pizza and get things set up for the party? Andie and I will go upstairs and get ready.” They both nodded and had wavering smiles “and please do not open the door for anyone other then the pizza guy.” Kyle nodded and came up ad hugged me. “im fine” I wispered in his ear. Sky was already ordering the pizza. Once in the safty of my -our- room I broke down again and Andie held me through it all. I cried until I couldn’t cry any more. I looked at her and smiled weakly “what a start to my 21st birthday huh?” she then kissed me and said “it will have a better end” we both laughed at that. “Im going to go take a shower do you want to pick out my clothes?” she grinned I picked her because she would pick something sexy but not too reveling cause she was the jealous type so was I for that matter. After I got out of the shower Andie had placed my clothes on the counter. She pick out my short black dress -that didn’t touch my knees- and black leggings. When I was dressed I walked into our bedroom where Andie was siting on the bed waiting for me. When I walked into the room her eyes raked over my body and told me “man oh man do I love seeing you in that outfit”I blushed a deep red. Andie got up and walked toward me. “I absolutly love that color on you.” She said simply. I smiled it was only ten am “Andie,will you move in today?” I asked not meeting her eyes. She pulled my face up so she could look into my eyes and said “I already did” she smiled at me, but I was confused “what do you mean ‘already did’?” “while you were in the shower i called my mom and told her I was moving out” I was releived “when are we getting your stuff?” “oh they will drop it off tomorrow”Andie laughed.”lets go down stairs”I agreed and we made our way downstairs.
When we got down stairs Kyle was waiting for us “what time is the party?” he questioned us “8 o’clock” Andie and I said in unision. “we need to watch out for Heath I really dont like what he said to you.” Andie mummured to me with pursed lips I agreed. “Andie why don’t you take Kyle and Sky to the store with you? I want to stay home and set up for the party.” All three of them looked at me like I was crazy. “I really don’t want to go out right now I just want to clean and set up please I will be fine I promise you guys.” Sky and Kyle went out and got into Andies car. Andie stayed to talk to me. “Rachel are you sure you want to be by yourself right now?” “yes I will be fine I will lock all the doors and windows I will stay inside.” I tried to smile but Andie looked worried. “go so you can get back sooner” she finally nodded “lock the doors”she commanded and then kissed me and walked out the door. After they left I started cleaning the kitchen when the door bell rang. ‘andie needs a key’ I thought to myself as I walked towards the door. I opened and despair and fear ran through my veins. As I looked at the visitor I gasped. Heath was standing before me. “what the fuck are you doing here again?”I regreted not going with Andie and they were too far away to hear my scream. I tried to slam the door in his face,but he stopped it and said “now now don’t be like that.” I tried to run but he grabbed my arm. His hold nearly cut the curculation off in my arm. He pulled me into the house and upstairs to my room. When we reached my room Heath threw me onto the bed. I kicked him in his dick and ran down the stairs I tripped and fell. He finally caught up to me and he beat me I felt my ribs crack and I felt my lip split I also tasted the blood flow in to my mouth. Heath threw my head into the marble floor. I felt the blood rushing from my head at an alarming rate.I was sobbing “P..p….p..please d…d..dont do this” he just slapped me. he dragged me up the stairs.Then he ripped my clothing off and proceded to rape me. It was excrutiating every time he trusted it hurt more and more. He was getting pleasure everytime I let a sob throgh my lips. By the time he was finished I was cried out. He finally rolled off me and kissed the cheek where he slapped and wispered “now that wasn’t so bad was it?” I couldn’t awsnser him so I just looked toward the door. He then said as he was getting up “Im not going to insult you by saying ‘don’t call the police’ I just ask wait for me to leave.” When he said that he kissed my forhead and left. i couldn’t move I was to terrified. About an hour after he left I heard the front door open. I jumped and stifled back a scream I thought he was back for round two. Then I heard Andies voice calling my name. “Rachel? Rachel where are you?” I couldn’t move so I screamed. I heard all three of them running towards me Sky reached me first but skidded to a hault when she saw how beat up I was. she started crying then Kyle saw and his face went white with fury he took Sky and lead her to his room. Andie came in next and ran to the bed and gasped when she saw the blood and my split lip and black eye. She held me while I cried and sobed ruining her pink shirt the first words she said was “Heath right?” I just nodded my head she called Kyle after she covered me with a blanket “Kyle I want you to call the police and an ambulance please” he went down stairs and I could hear his voice telling the operator the address. His voice cracked when he said my name. We heard him dash up the stairs and he said “They will be here shortly we need to get her down stairs.” Andie nodded and looked at me “are you alright to walk or dose Kyle need to carry you?” I tried to stand up but I tripped and stumbled into Andies arms. “Kyle will you carry her?” Andie questioned him he resopnded by gently picking me up and gently cradleing me against his chest it hurt so bad I let out a little cry. Andie let out a single tear. We made it down stairs and I heard Kyle gasp at the blood from my head. Andie growled and said “he will fucking pay for this.” She saw the fear in my eyes and it only made her more pissed off but she reaigned it in to reasure me. ten minutes later a there was a knock on the door and I screamed and jumped. Kyle got the door while Andie stayed with me. a tall and skinny officer entered and he walked toward me while I was shaking in Andies arms. She wispered “baby its ok hes here to help.” She looked to the cop and started explaining what happened. “her brother, sister and I went to the store and Heath Ruben showed up after we left. we found her beaten and bloody in our room.” The officer looked at her with a perplexed look on his face wich caused me to say something. “ yes we are together.” I snapped at him. I felt Andies laughter shake me when the cop looked away. “I need to see the room where this occurred” Kyle nodded and led the him upstairs to the bed room. Then the medics came inside. I looked at the woman and the guy that came in then I looked for reasuance from Andie and she smiled “Im not going anywhere I will be with you from start to finish.” I sighed and I hurt a little bit. The female looked at me and asked “do you need the strecher?” Andie spoke up and said “yes” I glared at her and she pointed at my side where I saw a buldge I swollowed as I realized what it was. My rib. Andie rubbed reasuring circles using her thumb on my hand. “are you riding in the ambulance with me?” I asked her getting nurvous again I don’t want to be with out her. “yes I will I will have Kyle and Sky follow us in my car.” She said that when the medics came back in. “Um only family is aloud to ride along.”Andiegot pissed and said “ I am family this is my girlfriend.” The male medic sighed and replied “ ok you can ride along. We need to get her on the strecher now.” I nodded and felt dizzy and almost tackled the medics. Andie caught me and the male medic came over and picked me up. The last thing I remember is seeing Andie smile at me and saying she loves me. then I blacked out.
I woke up in an unfamilar room and an uncomfortable bed. with a lumpy pillow I sighed –which hurt so bad- as I remembered where I was and why I was there. I looked over and saw Andie sleeping in the most uncomfortable looking chair. The door opened slowly and I saw Sky walk in with a cup of coffee she was trying to be quiet. She smiled hugely when she saw I was awake. “Rach, oh its so good to see you awake. Andie hasn’t left your side once this cup is actually for her.” she sat on the edge of the bed as she spoke. I tried to sit up but the tubes I was hooked up to held me down. “how long have we been here?” I asked in a shaky voice. “almost a week” Sky said sadly. Wow I was out for almost a week? “where is Kyle?” almost as if on que he walked in. worry was the dominant emotion on his face until he saw I was awake. “OH MY GOD your finally awake.” He shouted “SHHHH” Sky and I shushed him together “Don’t wake Andie up she needs to sleep.” I scolded. He came to my side and huged me I felt a warm tear fall on my face. “you guys havnt been staying here have you?” I asked. Kyle sighed and said “Sky and I have been trading on and off the only one hasn’t left is her.” he pointed to Andies sleeping form. Then I asked the question I was dreading “how bad was it?” Sky looked to Kyle who awnswered me. “well the doctor said you have two broken ribs, a crack in your skull, a broken ankle, and you had internal bleeding.” Kyle gritted his teeth when he said this. From the corner of my eye I saw Andie sit up. She looked at Sky who was still siting on the bed, and was about to scold her when Sky looked at me and smiled. Then Andies whole face shifted into pure happiness. “oh my Rachel oh I was so worried.” She cried and rushed to my side. Now I was completely surrounded by people who I loved and who loved me. I made room so Andie could sit my me I wanted to be held in her arms. After all I had been through I needed to be in my girlfriends arms. That’s the place I feel safest. “I have a question.” Andie looked at me telling me to go on. “can I get some water please.” She smiled and nodded she got off the bed got a cup and filled it for me. she held it to my lips so I could get a drink from it. When she took the cup away from my lips the doctor came in. “well I see you’re awake. How do you feel?” he asked. “well uh.. im kind of groggy and im really sore and thirsty.” The doctor was looking at my chart when he spoke again “well, I want to monitor you for a couple more days then you can go home.” I was so happy when he said I could go home in a couple of days. “Andie have you left at all? To do anything?” I looked at her clothes and got my awnser and it was no her shirt had dried blood. She shook her head no and I sighed “you could have gone home to at least change your clothes.I would have never known or minded.” At this she looked into me eyes and said in a quiet voice “I couldn’t even stand be in the waiting room while you were in surgery Kyle had to hold me in my seat because I wouldn’t stop pacing. I nearly hit the doctor when he said you flat lined in surgery. Kyle stood between the doctor and I while Sky grabbed me from behind and held my arms.”I gasped when I heard I flat lined. Andie heard me and thought I was in pain. “What hurts baby? Your ankle? Ribs? Head?” “No im fine I guess I was a little taken by surprise about flat lining.” “the doctor said it was only for a minute” Sky spoke up in her little voice. “Rach, your girlfriend kicks really hard.” Sky laughed Andie grimaced “I said I was sorry like a hundred times Sky.” “I know but I told you I was going to tell her.” Andie nodded I could tell she was too happy to be mad at any one right now. “Kyle and Sky I want you guys to go get Andie some clothes and food for all three of you” I commanded, they looked to Andie she looked at me and I nodded then she threw her keys to them. “they still have your car?” I was confused as to why Kyle wasn’t driving his truck. After they left I turned to look at Andie she was worried she had a her eyebrows scrunched up. “whats wrong sweetheart?” I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her down to the bed so she was right next to me. She sighed and spoke gently “ I was so worried Rach I didn’t know if you would pull through this I was terrified of losing you” she started crying into my chest. “shh baby please don’t cry im fine baby I promise you that I am fine.”she nodded and looked up at me. I smiled in response. “I love you” I wispered in her ear she sniffled and sat up. “when they get back you will go in the bathroom and take a shower alright? Sky will be here to keep an eye on me and will tell you if something happens.” “but-“ I cut her of f “no buts you havnt taken a shower for a week you need to shower please for me” she pursed her lips but nodded “alright then I want to know what happened while I was..out of commition?” Andie waited a second then awnsered my question “well Kyle has a date that hes thinking about calling off so he can stay with you.” Now I was ruining my little brothers love life. “he will go on that date even if I have to drive him myself.”Andie sighed “you wont be driving for a while Rachel.” She said that with a tone I didn’t argue with. “then you or Sky will drive him.” I almost said Andie would but she would say no and she wouldn’t leave by myself again or at least a while. I really do understand why though the last time I was left alone I was nearly killed. I cant bear to die now I would not only leave Andie but also Skylar and Kyle. Im sure that they could stay with Andie but I also think that would be hard for her because Sky looks,acts,and talks like me and Kyle has the same eyes as me. Andie would never get over it. So I made myself a promise, I would never let myself be taken from them. Ever. Shortly after our conversation Kyle and Sky came back with Andies clothes and food. “Kyle will you and Sky step outside please I want Andie to do something for me” All three of them looked at me with confsion. “Please” I begged Klye got it and pulled on Skys arm and they left “Andie I want you to take a shower with the door open i don’t want to feel like you left.” she looked at me with a knowing look in her eyes. She started to take her shirt off and when I saw she was wearing the pink and purple lacy bra I got her for her birthday last year I smiled. Just when she started to unbutton her pants the doctor walked in. he looked at her and his eyes huge and through his pants you could see the buldge starting to form. “Quit looking at my girlfriend you freak!” I shreked at him and he just ignored me and walked towards Andie. “You take one more step I will get Kyle in here” I growled he looked at me and smiled “KYLE!! HELP!!” Kyle stormed in the door and the doctor stopped dead in his tracks “You touch her I will KILL you!” Kyle said through his teeth. The doctor turned slowly and faced Kyle. “Im sorry but I couldn’t stop myself shes to desiarable for her own good” he turned back to Andie as he said that. she had put her shirt back on before he looked again. “andie we are leaving ” I wispared to her after the doctor left. she looked at me worried. “I don’t ever want to see that again” Andie looked at me and smiled as she walked toward me. “baby you don’t need to worry I wont ever let a man touch me or a woman that is not you.”I warmed up inside when she said that. “And, Rachel I don’t think you should leave the hospital yet.” She said in my ear. “I think I should for one I hate hospitals and two im not up for fighting and if that doctor comes in again im going to have to lay him flat on his ass.” Kyle came in with his eyes blazing “Rachel, im not leaving anymore because of stupid shit like that.if you want Andie to strip for you anymore I will turn to face the wall but im not leaving anymore. Got it?” I nodded my head and summerized for him what I just told Andie. “Ky, you don’t have to worry because we are leaving.” He looked at me stunned. “Rachel, I don’t think that’s a good idea” he spoke slowly. Andie spoke up “I agree with Kyle Rachel your not stong enough for that yet.” I looked to her and then Kyle. I was going to lose this one damn. “FINE! But Kyle I want you to watch the door and put your headphones in.” he looked at me with a disgusted look but complied. “Andie please finish I need some excitement ”I smiled warmly at her. “Sorry Rachel your just going to have to wait until we get home.” “KYLE go get a nurse we are leaving I hate it here!” I growled at him but he shook his head no. “SKY!!” I hollared and she came in “will you get a nurse and tell her I want to leave please.” Sky would be on my side for sure, or so I thought “Nope your not ready to go home yet. Wait till the doctor says yes.” I growled pretty patheticaly all three of them laughed at me. "After watching that doctor act like that i want a new one Sky, will you please have a nurse come here so i can talk about that doctor." Sky looked from Kyle to Andie for help. Andie sighed and nodded "Please go get the nurse for her.I want that creep reported too." With that said Sky walked out of the room to find a nurse.When she came back about half an hour later not only did she have a nurse, but the head nurse. The nurse was older maybe like early to mid 50's.Her hair was greyed and through her thick glasses her eyes were a beautiful green. "Whats your complaint miss?" she inquired. "Well my girlfriend her(i pointed to Andie)was getting ready to take a shower and had her shirt off and Dr.Carsin walked towards her trying to make advances on her the only reason he stopped was because I called my brother Kyle in here." i stopped and watched the nurses pen scrach across her pad of paper."And you said Dr.Carsin? Right?" i nodded my head yes.When she looked up from her paper and said "Would you like a new doctor?" "Plese, that might be best my brother almost ripped him to shreds and I would rather not have him in jail right now." the nurse looked at me sympatheticly and said "Well, this is not the first time Dr. Carsin has done this to a young lady, Im going to report this to the medical board and request a new doc for you."

New Beginings

                                                         *2 weeks later*

Today is the day i finally get to go home. Everybody is here to take me home Andie sent Sky and Kyle home to get me a change of clothes and to tidy up a bit because noone has been home since the incident. Last night Andie told me that she didnt want me to go into the house and see the mess. she also had them move our stuff into the guest bedroom so i wouldnt have to sleep in that room again.

"Andie... we dont have to change rooms baby... we just need to change beds and maybe burn it along with the sheets and bed spread" i joked trying to get her to at least smile a little bit.

"baby i dont want you to enter that room agian unless you have to.. i wont ever step foot in there and i didnt even happen to me.. i think thats a good idea babe.." she responded emotionless. i sighed i hate that shes like this. i mean i know that i almost died but i didnt well i did for a few moments but i pulled through it. i pulled through it for her and my brother and sister... i cant leave them, they need me all three of them. i need to make her smile again. i need her eyes to light up again.


Texte: Amanda C. Amundson
Lektorat: Samantha K. Knight
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2012

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