
Protecting Jessye (Reeds P.O.V)

As I sit here and wait for my brother Jerrod to get home my thoughts went to Jessye. How are we supposed to protect her from Zane Lukas? I use my heightened senses and listing to the cars zoom pass. Finally the sound I’ve been waiting for. I hear Jerrod’s F-150 speeding towards the house as we live on the outskirts of town. A few moments later he stomped his way into the house. Uh oh he had a bad day. “Jerrod?” I asked hesitantly.
“What?”He responded
“Jerrod, Alec called.” I paused because he growled “Easy, he just wanted to tell you there’s a meeting tonight.”
“What time?” he asked evenly as he could
“Around 7ish he wants to make a border run around Jessyes block.”
“Well, its 6:30 now and I need to shower you go ahead and I will meet you there”
“Ok” was all I said. I walked outside and I started walking toward the forest line so I could shift into my other self. After my clothes were in the tree cubby. I shifted, and as the heat shivered down my back I landed on four paws and I took off. As I got close to the ‘club house’ as we call it. It was just a clearing made by the forest rangers and it was the off season so nobody was there. And as I got there I saw the others it looked like they are all here except Jerrod who I can now here running towards us and the others heard him to.
‘Hello every one’ I thought and then as Alec and Aminta emerged form the building in their human form. They quickly shrugged out of their clothes and shifted and EVERYONE kneeled and they thought ‘rise’ in unison and so we did. ‘Ladies’ Aminta thought ’follow me please’ and she lead us under a bridge and to another part of the clearing. Aminta is the leader of the female pack and Alec is the leader of the males. And they can block what they are saying from the others in the pack, but not each other. Suddenly Aminta stopped dead in her tracks and whipped her head back and forth. Then we got the sent vampire- it smells like death- Darya winced at the smell. She’s the newest to our pack, and Aminta thought ‘we need to fall back and wait for the guys because even though its hours old we cant tell where he’s at’ the guys got there really fast Alec Aries and Jerrod took off because they knew it was Zane. ‘Reed, I want you to go over to Jessyes and make sure she okay. And she already knows about us being shape-shifters’ Jerrod told me.’ On it’ I was almost there when I heard a blood curdling scream. I stopped I shifted not really caring who saw me naked. I ran inside and saw Jessye and an unknown man staring at one another. The male had his back to me and Jessye looked at me with relief. I put my finger to my lips and she got quiet. As I prepared to shift the unknown male moved with lighting speed and had Jessye buy her throat and he smiled at me and prepared to speak.
“So, “he began “you’re her protector hun?”
“Yes I am” I answered in a small voice “what do you want with her?” I asked getting angry
“Oh, I just want to have a little fun “
”Fun?” I asked as it finally sunk in and then all of a sudden Jerrod came smashing through the window with the soldiers at his sides. I took the opportunity to get Jessye outside. “After I shift climb on my back” I ordered I shifted and then looked at her. She seemed kind of dazed so I nudged her with my nose. Slowly she climbed up. As soon as she was situated on my back I took off towards my house. When I reached my tree I stopped.
“Do you want me to get down?” she asked slightly nervous. I nodded my head and folded to the ground so she didn’t have to jump. As soon as I shifted to my human self she relaxed. “Let’s get you inside.” I stroked her cheek and she held my hand in place. She instantly relaxed under my palm. “ I love you Reed” I smiled when she said that. Then we stopped I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and she said “We need to tell Jerrod im tired of being together in secret.” I was abrubtly still she held on to me like there was some kind of danger. “ Lets get you inside”I murrmmered to her.
As we walked in to the house our stomaches growled at the same time we laughed so hard we fell over well I fell over and she landed on top of me. Then out of no where she kissed me.
Finally I thought to myself. I have hade feelings for her since Jerrod broght her home to meet me. I just cant tell him I like her that would be weird wouldn’t it? Anyway I looked at her and she had hunger in her eyes and not the bad kind either. So I quickly scooped her up in my arms and carried her to my room. We had the biggest makeout session that I have ever had. After that we went to the kitchen because we were both starving. “how are we going to tell Jerrod.. about us I mean?”she asked as she took a bite of her sandwitch I made for her.
“Well…I..I” I didn’t know how to awnser her because I wasn’t sure how to tell my only brother and living blood relitive that im bisexual. “Shh don’t worry we can leave if you want to or I can tell him..” she whispered to me. “I..I…I cant leave what about the pack? Your family? Jerrod? What do we do about that kind of stuff?” I ask don’t get me wrong I love her and I want to be with her but I cant turn my back on the pack and Jerrod. I definatly don’t want her telling him he would be so hurt. So I came to a decision. “jessye, I love you heres what we are going to do im going to pack a bag and then we will go to your house. After you say goodbye I will take you somewhere, and we will tell Jerrod that Zane followed us to the house and im taking you somewhere safe.. ok?” she thought about that for a minute and she light up with excitement. “ok but where are we going?” she asked.
“I don’t know yet…” I trailed off because I saw something pass the window. “jessye we need to get out of here NOW!”as I said that Zane burst through the window and I shift and I threw Jessye on my back and take off as fast as possible. I get to the clearing and I see everyone else there ‘Zane is at my house that’s where we were but hes there now I am going to take her somewhere safe and Jerrod im sorry but I cant tell you I don’t want Zane to find out where we are going’ I could see the pain of my words in his eyes but he didn’t fight my logic. It was watertight. ‘Reed I know you can take care of her and im counting on that please don’t let anything happen to her Please!!!’ he shouted the last part at me I told him to shift back so they could say goodbye. The pack gave us enough money so I could get out of the country not that I was going that far. I really don’t know where we are going yet, somewhere far away though.

Travels (Jessyes P.O.V)

I woke up on a plane in Reeds arms. I felt very content in the circle of her arms. I felt safe well about as safe as I could be,being hunted by a deranged vampire. I shook her awake ad the piolet came on the intercom and announced that we would be landing soon. She was groggy she hasn’t had much sleep she was stressed I could feel the knots in her shoulders. “we are getting ready to land” I mumbled to her and she was insantly awake. “Now will you tell me where we are going? Please? Im losing my mind over here.”I pleaded her. shes kept it a secret since we got to the airport. “ just wait and see” she smiled at me the was her response everytime I asked her that question. As we finally left the airport and walked up to the car rental booth I saw the signs we were in North Dakota. “Why are we in North Dakota?” I asked
“We have a cabin in the mountains here. I really think we threw him off our tail when we went to London and Britan. I think we have some time before he figures out we arnt there. Not that he will think about coming to North Dakota.” I gaped at the thought I went to London and Britan. Then a thought occurred to me ‘cabin in the mountains’ “So… I began “dose Jerrod know where we are?” she looked at me and smiled a heart breaking smile and shook her head no. I smiled at the thought of her and me alone in the mountains for a long time. As we drove out of the city we drove to fast for the small roads.”How much farther?” I whined she just smiled. “Not to much farther do you see the end of road sign?” I nodded. “we have to run from there.” I smiled I like riding on her back its fun like riding a horse, only shes taller more muscled, oh and the fur is really warm and soft.
As she put the car in park she started taking her clothes off and handing them to me. I really love her body shes not like barbie doll skinny but shes not fat either. Anyway, after that she shifted and then a black and white wolf took her place. She layed down on the gorund so I wouldn’t have to jump to get on her back. As she ran the wind in my hair felt amazing to me. Its not like the last time I rode her when Zane came into her house. That was a moment of terror this was a moment of pure bliss and happiness. I could feel it in her run she was happy and so was I. When we reached the driveway for the cabin it was long and so she didn’t change back just yet. She finally layed down to the ground right outside in the front yard. After she changed back we walked hand and hand into the house. She didn’t bother putting her clothes back on yet and I loved that. It ment that we were about to do something.
She pushed me up against the wall gently whilst kissing me. Then she started to undress me and before I could think I was in her arms and we were up going the staris. Then, without breaking the kiss she layed me down on the bed…..
I woke up naked and I smelled bacon, eggs, and french toast and coffee. As I made my way down the stairs I noticed the house for the first time it was beautiful. The floors were a lovely dark cherry hardwood and the walls are a light blue.
“wow” I breathed “its beautiful.”
“you like it?” she quetioned
“I love it.” I awnsered honestly and I really did.
“Are you hungry?” she laughed
“ a little… do you think you can take me on a tour of the property?” I suggested
“Well…. Theres this little lake I was thinking that maybe we could pack a picknic and go down there and swim.”
“oh that sounds fun”
“do you not want to go?” she asked a little hurt in her voice.I walked round the counter to give her a good morning kiss.
“I do want to go but, I don’t have a swim suit” I replied shyly and she laughed she LAUGHED.
“whats so funny?” I asked confused
“I don’t have one either” I laughed and she joined in.
“I am going to shower and then I will be ready.” I trailed off suggestivly. She grinned ad then we were off to the bathroom. After our shower we got dressed well I did anyway. After I packed a bag for Reed and a towel for myself I went down stairs. In my absense she had packed a picknik for us. “Ready to go?” she asked. I smiled and nodded as my eyes raked over her naked body.
Reed walked outside and shifted I was pleased to have this beautiful woman as my protector. I walked out with a backpack on my back and the picknick basket and a blanket. She folded down to the ground so I didn’t have to jump with all this stuff in my hands. She ran effortless as if she didn’t have a hundred plus pounds on her back. When we finally reached the lake and she was dressed we ate the sandwiches she made. While we ate she would point out places her and Jerrod used to play.
“Do you see that cave over there?” she asked I nodded “ Our parents took us there and that’s where we found out about the werewolf thing” she got choked up at the mention of her parents.
“Whats wrong? Jerrod dose the samething when he talks about them.” I wondered she looked like she was about to start crying. I cant watch her cry it would tear me up I had to do something. I crawled over to her and grabbed her face and looked into those beautiful blue green eyes that I always get lost in. “please don’t cry I wont bring that subject up again I promise.”
“no its ok I have been thinking about them a lot lately anyway so its not your fault” she laghed weakly.
“what happened to them?” I bearly wishpered
“it was about four years ago, just a few months after we found out about what we are,-“ she trailed off and her eyes cut to the west. Before I could react there was a loud and vicious growl and she had already shifted. I was terrified not because she was growling but what she was growling at. There was only one face came to mind. Zane. He found us and worse then that, we have no back up. I gasped at how close he was to us. Out of nowhere Reed was between us hackles standing on edge. She was growling a long stream of profanitys at him. Then she looked at me I knew the look and immediately, well as fast as I could I jumped on her back and she was running.
“Can we out run him?” I asked panicked. Reed shook her vast head but stepped up her speed. I looked up then and saw where we were heading. The cave. As soon as we were in the there she stopped and looked at me. “Do you want me to get down now?” I asked breathless she nodded her head. When she was human again i asked her “how the hell did he find us so quick?”
“I don’t know but there is a safe room and you are going there while I try and defend the cave until Jerrod and the rest of the pack gets here.” I looked at her with horrified eyes and she knew exactly what was going through my mind. She knew I was going to protest her words so she spoke first.
“I have to it’s the only way to protect you.” Reed spoke so calmly that I relaxed a little bit.
“How long till the others get here?” I questioned her.
“luckly Alec was in his wolf form so it wont be long” she awnsered I felt a sob breaking through my chest. Reed held me tightly as we walked. I could feel the fear rising in me. She felt it to and wispered “don’t worry I will protect you till my last breath” that did it I broke down.

The Fight (Reeds P.O.V)

I couldn’t look at her as I walked away. I felt wrong not having her walk beside me, but I WILL NOT have her that close to Zane ever again. As I made my way to the edge of the cave I shifted. After that I finally hear Jerrod. ‘Reed, are you guys alright?’ He was worried I could tell from the tone he used. ’yeah we are fine I locked jessye in the safe room in the cave’ he was speechless. He knew I hated going into the cave. ‘You went in there?’
‘I had to it was the only place I could think where she would be safe from him.’ As I thought that he came into view. I have to admit it felt good to see his mossy green eyes again. I felt we had a better chance at surving. After I saw him I was looking for the others then I saw the the first wolf I saw was Alec and a sense of security came over me as I bowed before him. Finally the rest of the pack followed. ‘Reed where did you see the leech?’ Alec asked as I rose.’We were by the lake ‘caues Jessye wanted to swim then out of nowhere I saw Zane by the house so I switched forms and got her to the family safe room’ I left out the whole I love you thing betewen us that would be a topic for another day.

‘Reed im so thankful that you protcted her for me would you please go back and sit with her so that she dosnt lose her mind?’ I nodded my head and wheeled around back towards the safe room. When I got close I shifted back to human form and opened the door.
I saw Jessye cowarding in the corner. “Whats wor- I was cut short as I was smacked in the chest. As I flew about ten feet in the air I heard Jessye scream in terror. When I landed I felt my head bash into the concrete wall and felt my breath slip from my lungs. I heard Jessye crying from the corner after I landed I felt Jessye’s hand on my face. “I’m so sorry Reed this is all my fault” she cried. I shook my head no. “its not your fault I promise” I felt her warm tears fall on my check.
I tried to sit up but I couldn’t because I felt my right leg and left arm were broken. “jessye, I need your help my leg and arm are broken. I need to shift to let Jerrod and the pack know where he his alright?” I needed her help to get to a position so I could shift. “I need your help to stand up my leg is already starting to heal. Help me up please.” As Jessye helped me up I saw Zane circling us I tried to step away from her so I could shift. every step I took she shadowed them.

“Jessye I need you to step away so I can shift with out hurting you.” With a heartbreaking look on her face she stepped back. For the first time since I started shifitng it was painful. After I shifted I sreamed in my head.’JERROD!!!! HES IN THE SAFEROOM WITH US WE NEED HELP!! NOW!!!!!!’ I turned to face Zane in wolf form he looked at me with pity.
“ahh its such a shame that im going to have to kill your girlfriend” he looked at Jessye when he said this, so I put myself between her and him. “ one of you has to die. It dosent matter to me who dies id rather you both die”I looked to Jessye and I had the resolve in my eyes. I made the shift from animal to human. I turned to face her “Jessye, im sorry but it’s the only way to protect you get as far away from here as you can please send the pack. I LOVE YOU never ever froget that ok?”
I gave her the necklace that I had gotten when I joined the pack. “give this to Jerrod tell him I love him and im sorry” tears welled up in her eyes. My eyes were doing the same. “go now!” she hesitated I kissed her slow but passitiontly. “go now please do it for me” I pleaded with her to listen to me, finally she nodded and ran away. I turned back to find Zane looking at me with confused eyes. “why did you let her go?” he questioned me. “id rather die then have her die that’s the defintion of true love not that you would know anything about that.” I hissed.
Then the atmosphe shifted and he slid into a crouch. I shifted back into an animal so I could fight him better. He came at me with such speed and force that when he hit me the air rushed out of my lungs. I felt him step on my chest and I felt like four ribs break. I screamed in agony and then i saw him lunge for my throat. I raised my paw to protcect my head and neck then I faded into blackness.

Recovery (JESSYES P.O.V.)

I watched him lunge at her and knock her across the room. I heard the answering scream and I shivered and I tried to run but I couldn’t get my legs to move fast enough. Somehow I made it to the mouth of the cave. Jerrod and the others looked at me I didn’t have enough strength to be surprised at how big they were. Jerrod saw Reed’s necklace he huffed. “ you have to hurry I think hes getting ready to kill her HURRY PLEASE!!!!” I screamed at them.
I couldn’t muster up enough energy to follow them back to the safe room. I slumped against the wall and clutched the necklace close to my heart. I had to believe that she would be alright. I didn’t want to lose her. Reed was the love of my life I didn’t have anyone else to live for.
I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was in the bed room on the second floor of the lake house. I walked down the stairs expecting to see Reed in the kitchen but instead I saw one of the pack members. She was about the same size as me “hi” I whispered to her “sorry I really don’t remember your name”I smiled shyly and she laughed a light hearted laugh “ I'm Darya and last time we met you were on the verge of breaking down.”
I looked down embarrassed she walked over and whispered in my ear “don’t worry she will be just fine she just has a few broken ribs and a crack in her skull.” I flinched and the next thing she said left me breathless “ I know about you two” and then she walked away. I stood
there dumbfounded and looked where she walked off. I ran off towards her and I grabbed her arm “who else knows? Dose Jerrod?” she smiled and shook her head no I sighed and felt relived
“I-is she okay?” I stuttered. It took her a minute to answer me and then nodded. I felt relived “where-“ she cut me off “third floor second room from the bathroom” she smiled and pointed I took off with all my strength to push me up the stairs. When I got to her room I hesitated by the door I took a deep breath and opened the door. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw her she was all bandaged up and the tears started streaming.
Reed heard me walk into the room. She woke up and sighed “don’t cry please I'm fine I swear I'm fine” but when she sighed she winced then she tried to sit up “please, don’t I will come to you” as I said that I walked toward her bed and placed a hand on her cheek and she held my hand there.
”I think its time to tell everybody about us im tired of hiding it Darya already knows about us.” She looked at me shocked.”she what? Knows how?” I shrugged “don’t know but if she knows then how long till everyone else knows?” she just shook her head she moved over and motioned for me to lay with her. when my head hit the pillow she snuggled close to me. I love feeling her warm breath on my neck. I rolled over to look into her eyes she look free and happy. We smiled and looked into each others eyes like that for an immeasurable amount of time.

The truth (REEDS P.O.V)

“Jerrod, we need to talk” I said in a small voice Jessye sat at my side holding my hand where Jerrod couldn’t see. Jerrod walked in eyeing us suspiciacly. “jerrod, please sit.” Jessye asked in a clear untrobuled voice. “whats going on Reed?” Jerrod asked his voice layered with tenson. Jessye took a deep breath and sighed “OK, Jerrod I need you not to freak out alright please promise me that.”
“I Love your sister” Jessye said in a rushed breath and the words kind of blended together. He had a really dumb look on his face. His eyes were wide mouth hanging open like a moron. I was the first to break the akward silence “Well, Jerrod I have to tell you I love her too. Its not just a one way road here. I really didn’t mean for this to happen really I never wanted to hurt you.
“When I finished talking Jerrod looked between us and his eyes rested on Jessye “if you EVER break her heart you will awnswer to me” was all he said. He turned and left. We looked at eachother we both had the ‘that was easy’ look. It has been a bout four months to the day and although im sad to say that Zane Lukas got away I’m with the one person who makes me happy and that’s my Jessye. We have recently gone public and I am thinking about proposing to her in the next couple months.
The morning I wanted to propse I went to talk to Jerrod. “jerrod, I have been with Jessye for almost three years now and I want her to be mine so Im going to ask her to marry me.” “ well, I say go for it kid I will be happy for you. Take her to the lake house in hawaii. That would the perfect place to propse to her.” he said that with a huge grin on his face. I got nervous now “ jerrod I wanted to give her mom’s ring.” His breathing stopped and he slowly turned to face me. “I totally understand if you want me to buy her a new one-”he put his hand over my mouth. “I want her to have moms ring I was thinking the same thing I guess she loves you. You had better take care of her If you don’t I will kick your ass” I laughed at him and said “you don’t have to worry big brother I will love and protcect her with my life. ” Jerrod sighed he knew I was right. Nothing can hurt Jessye while im around. “so its settled I will take her to the lake house in Hawaii in two weeks and I will propose to her there. I called her after I talked to Jerrod “hey do you want to go to Hawaii with me for two weeks?” she thought for a minute. “yeah I will go I just need to get a bathing suit though before we go” she laughed and sighed at the memory

The pack. Again. (Jessyes P.O.V)

I sat there trying to remember the pack and what they looked like in wolf form. The only time I saw them in wolf form was when I had to say goodbye to Jerrod and I was so terrified I couldn’t concentrate on them. I only remember they were huge and pretty. I know that since Reed and Jerrod are alphas second they are the second biggest wolves. Reed says that the alphas are the biggest so they can show domince over other wolves. She laughed at that she said she wasn’t scared of Alec and Aminta then she got serious and said that she did respect them. I wanted to ask her about them and if they would be okay with the alphas if I knew their secret. I decided not to ask because Reed sighed and wraped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder, “I love you babe.” I smiled and responded with “love you more” she shook her head and said “ love its time to go im going to go shift do you want to wait here or walk with me?” I weighed the options and said “I will walk with you.” She knew what I was going to say before I said it. “Alright well lets get going then.” We walked out the door and towards the woods. Reed started taking her shirt off. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Reeds body was perfect. When we got to the protective forest. She started taking the rest of her clothes off. My breathing stopped. Reed turned and smiled in my direction. “Step back.” She ordered. As the words left her mouth her eyes went from blue-green to a scary flat black and her beautiful body was trembling. Then fur exploded from her skin and instead of the wonderful woman standing in front of me it was a beautiful black and white wolf. I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach and I realized that it was pride. Reed was mine all mine and I don’t ever have to leave her side. She looked at me and I knew it was time to go. I walked towards her and my heart was pounding. No matter how many times I see Reed in this form I get nervous. I know she would never hurt me, but still, she is fudgen HUGE. I climbed on her back and settled into the dip between her shoulders grabbed two fist fulls of fur and she took off towards the pack. The nervousness never left I would never tell her but the pack scares me. I know she would come to my rescue if they even thought about hurting me but, still it was scary they are so much bigger then me. We arrived about ten minutes later. Every one was there some were wolves and others human. The only ones who approached us were Alec and Aminta they were in wolf form. Reed sighed and bowed to show respect. Then there was a few moments of silent communication between them. Reed sighed again and folded down to the ground, she then looked at me. “ Do you want me to get down now?” I guessed. She nodded and I complied. I watched her walk away I felt nervous because it looks like Alec and Aminta were glaring at me. I shrank back under there gaze. I turned to the forest just in time to see Reed jogging towards me with a huge grin plastered on her face. “Hey babe.” She kissed me. it was a slow intense kiss and it left me breathless. “Hi” I said still breathless. She turned to Alec and Aminta and used her pack voice. “thank you for accommodating my request. I will be gone for two weeks.” When she said this a strange look came into eyes. I didn’t understand what was going on.

The Proposl (Reeds P.O.V)

I saw Jessye look at me when I spoke of leaving. She doesn't know I am going to ask her to marry me. I cant wait to hear her answer I thought about it while I was packing for Hawaii. The house is right on the beach and its got a fenced in hot tub. So if anyone is on the beach they cant see the hot tub. After I finished packing I walked downstairs to find Jarrod watching TV. He looked up at me and smiled. “All packed and ready?” “Yeah just missing one thing.” I looked at him expectantly until he understood what I was talking about. “The ring.” We said in unison. “I will go grab it.” Jerrod told me. He walked up the stairs as I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Just then Jessye walked in. I smiled to her “ Are you ready to go?” she looked to her bags and nodded yes. “OK, we leave tomorrow morning at five.”


Texte: Amanda C. Amundson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2012

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to all my friends who stood behind me and encouraged me to continue and gave me ideas thank you all i love you guys!!!

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